Serenity (Draft Two)

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Serenity (Draft 2)

By Sammi Chung

Prologue: Alannah knew it was wrong to follow a guy home especially a guy she doesnt even know, but he was tempting andhot. For all her life she was a plain high school girl that didnt have one true relationship. She wanted to feel special and for some reason this guy that walked beside made her feel that way. Alannah looped her arm around his arm and happily strolled down the street. He stopped in front of an apartment and the door magically opened by itself. Whatdid you lock it, she stuttered. It just opened by itself. He smiled and lifted her head up so she was staring into his unusual blue eyes. Your eyes, she whispered and as if she lost control over herself her hands reached up and stroke his strong jaw. Butterflies filled her stomach when he smiled again his straight white teeth flashing at her. Its quite mesmerizing. Isnt it, he said and took out a bottle beer. You pretty little thing, I dont even know your name. Suddenly, it struck her that she didnt ask. Alannah, she said fidgeting in her seat. Maybe I should give him my last name too, she thought. Alannah, what a delicate, yet unique name, he said taking a wine cup from the cabinet. Not really, its German, she said. Alannah hated her name. Practically everyone mispronounced her name wrong the first time she met them. It means precious. Oh, that name doesnt even sound precious. The first thing shes going to do when she turn eighteen is changed her ugly disgusting name. I think your name fits perfectly with you, he said gave a peck on her cheek. She snickered. Yeah right. So whats your name?

He froze and stood there thinking hard. My name is Alistair, he said and scratched his chin. Alannah immediately knew that wasnt his real name, but she didnt care. Shell play along. Alistair was at least five to six years older than her. He probably got sick of all the older women and decided to hit on seventeen year old girl. Why would a handsome man like him even look at Alannah? She looked down at her hands that were folded on the counter. Alannah wasnt considered petite at her age, in fact was the opposite. She was five foot ten and hated that she was taller than most of the boys when she was freshman. Her wavy auburn hair hung loosely over her shoulder. She hadnt had a trim for long time and there were split ends already. Are you old enough to drink, Alistair joked pouring a cup of wine for her. Does it matter if Im not, she said and grabbed the cup from him. She drank the whole thing at one time. After she swallowed, she regretted drinking it in one shot. The wine seemed to pierce a hole in her throat, but she forced herself not to cough. It will be embarrassing. Tonight, Alannah didnt want to be the little girl anymore. She wanted to be more. She looked up and caught Alistair gazing at her. What, she asked. Youre prettyno, youre beautiful, he said and came around the counter. He took her in his arms and leaned forward breathing her in. Alannah tilted her head to the side a little uncomfortable with what he was doing. Your hair, it smells so delicious. You have no idea how beautiful and different from all the other girls out there. Her head jerked. No one has ever told her that before. Really, she asked and her heart missed a beat when he captured her lips into his. His lips wereamazing. All Alannah could think about is how it will feels being in his arms. Alistair pulled back and brushed her hair away from her eyes.

Lets dance, he said and pulled her into the living room. The music turned on and Alannah was fascinated with how Alistair didnt even touch it for it to go on. She giggled at the Miley Cyrus song. Alannah definitely think that a man like him would like the music of a teen. She was falling in love with this house and withhim. Alistair came up behind her and grabbed her waist. You look so sad, Alannah. Im not, she whispered and he turned her so she was facing him. She tried to look away, but he wouldnt let her. You cant lie to me. Your stunning hazel look so painful, he said kissing the lid of each of her eyes. He was the first one that ever said that to her. She thought she was a good actress lying to her parents, her family, her brother, and her friends. She cant believe a stranger like Alistair can see through her when her family sees her every day and doesnt notice a thing. Alannah wasnt sure if she should be glad or mad, but you can never be mad at a hot guy like Alistair. Tell me. I want to know everything thats bothering you. He spun her in circles. She hugged him as they swayed together to the now ballroom music. I dont know, she whispered. You can trust me, he whispered into her ear. The moist of him made her shiver and she closed her eyes. She wanted to tell him. Alannah I want to know you. God, he was so persistent, but she liked it. No one has given that much attention. Not even her so called boyfriend. She hugged him tighter. Im screwed up, Alannah started. Every morning I look in the mirror and I find myself staring at a totally screwed up girl. I dont know whats happening to me. He patted her back and she felt the need to go on. My parents are doctors and my brother is in medical school now. Hes going to be a doctor and soon enough hell be like my parents. But when I think about myself, I cant imagine myself as a doctor. My

grades are messed up. Everything isnt right for me. Do you understand? She pulled away and looked up into his eyes. He nodded and pulled her head back to his chest. My brother is going to get marry in two months, she whispered and started crying. He has this perfect life ahead of him. All he has to do is follow that path. But for me, there isnt a path. Im stuck in the middle of a grassy forest with no road ahead of me. I have this feeling that Im going to have a short life and even if I did have a long life, it wont be great like my parents or my brother. Alistair kissed her ear as she cried into his chest. My parents are never at home. Im always in the house staring at the walls. It sucks. Ifor one time in my lifewant to get the attention of them. I even did drugs because of that, she said. Im addicted to pain killers just for their attention. When they found out, I really did get attention, but it was short lived. Theyve given up on me. I could see it in their eyes. Alannah McCullough is a disgrace to the family. Shes the drug addict and the screw up girl. Am I asking for too much, Alistair? He shook his head. Is it that hard to give your attention to your daughter? I mean dammit how hard can it be? Try talking to them, he suggested. Alannah laughed. Like they want to talk to me, she said feeling the rise and fall of his chest. My name may be precious, but in their eyes Im no better than garbage. No youre not, he said as his lips met hers. In my eyes, youre more than precious. Thank you, she said and gave him small kiss. Hey, can I ask you a question, he asked. Alannah nodded against his chest. Youre with me because you want to get the attention of your parents?

She shrugged and gave him another playful kiss on his lips. Maybe, maybe not. Im screwed up remember? Suddenly, his smile slipped off his face. Im sorry, Alannah, Im so sorry that you have a life like this, he whispered as she placed her cheek against his. Talking to you meant a lot, she said and spun around him. They danced in silence. I know theres a way that going to get the attention of your parents, he said and Alannah stopped her hands stiffened mid-way in the air. By you dying. Alannah froze as she stared into his blue turning red eyes. You shouldnt have come home with me, he whispered kissing her one last time. Youve made the wrong decision the minute you met me. Now you can get your attention you want. She pleaded with her eyes hoping hell change his mind. Im sorry, he said and sucked the energy out of her through her eyes. Alannah fell down onto the floor, her eyes turned whitegray and her mouth gasped open.

Chapter One: I walked down the narrow path of Washington Cemetery until I reached the grave of my sister. Taking a tissue out, I carefully push the leaves off her grave and sat down. My fingers traced the graving that read: Leah Somerton April 21, 1992- May 13, 2011 The past is history. The future, a mystery.But we will hold dear our memories of her,her smile, the sound of her laughter...forever.

I leaned back and placed my head on her headstone. Leah was my only sister and losing her was losing part of me. I took out a piece of paper and started writing. Dear Leah, Its been two months since you died. Life has been the same: Mom going to work, me going to school, and younot being here. Everything seems to be fine, but deep down inside I know it isnt. Every night at dinner, Mom will ask how Im doing in school and Ill say its fine and thatll be the whole conversation of the night. Each time I step in the house, I feel like something is missing. It was driving me crazy for the first three weeks, but it wasnt until it was the fourth week did I realized what was missing? You, I was missing you, we are missing you. Theres this urge that tells me I no longer have a family. Theres something I have to tell you. Mom accepted the job as the forensic pathologist at White Creek. Were going to be moving there next week. So I guess I wont be coming here lately. I wanted so badly to tell Mom not to move, but I know that ever since you died its been hard on her and that I shouldnt be the so selfish. I know she hasnt been herself and perhaps

moving to a different town will make things better. Goodbye, Leah. I promise you Ill visit you when I come back. Love, Skye I reached for the lighter in my bag and lit the paper on fire. Dropping it onto the grave, I watched as it burned to ashes.

Chapter Two: Hurry up and pack up your things, Mom said as she carried an empty box down the hall. I nodded and started dumping CDs into the bag when I came across a CD that was in exquisite pink case. I lay down in bed when Leah knocked on my door. Hey, I said sitting up and offering her a seat on my bed. She jumped onto it and made the entire bed shake. Happy 15th Birthday, she said and gave me a hug. So Im kind of broke, but I still got you a gift. Well actually its free in a way. She took out a CD in a pink case. I hope you like it. Youre the first one thatll hear these songs. I scanned through the list of songs and recognized them as the songs she was writing. You wrote these, I asked. She nodded. All original songs. I jumped up and hugged her so tightly that both of us fell down onto the pillows that laid beneath us. Thanks. I love this gift.

I slid the CD into my backpack and grabbed my luggage. Before I reached the staircase, I heard a soft muffling sound and I stepped back and peaked between the gap of the door and the wall. Mom was sitting on Leahs chair and her head was down as she hugged the photo to her chest. It wasnt when I saw her back rising and falling did I realize she was crying. I turned around too heartbroken to see anymore and leaned against the wall as I closed my eyes. I have never saw Mom cried before even when her godmother died. Gram, as I call her, lived with us for the last few years of her life. We shared a link that couldnt be broken. 

I unpacked my bags and reached for the box in my backpack. The pictures were stacked neatly together and I clipped them on the bulletin board next to the mirror. The house was bigger than I thought and there was a sunroom on the side of the house. My room was painted plum and there was a balcony. I couldnt imagine what Leah would have said if she saw this. I sat down on the bed opposite of the pictures and started studying it. In one picture, Leah was smiling at the camera with her arm around me and the other on Mom. I stared at the picture so intensely that I wondered if I can bring Leah out from the picture. I stepped out onto the balcony and took in a deep breath of fresh air when I caught someone staring at me on the street. He was about my age or maybe a year older and his blond hair glistened in the sun. A girl walked out from next door and grabbed him by the arm. She looked up straight at me when she realized he was staring at me. She flipped her strawberry blond hair over her shoulder as they walked inside. Skye, Mom called. I went back into the room and pulled the curtains over the door. Do you like your room? Yeah, its perfect, I said leaning against the desk. It felt so awkward talking to Mom because I have gotten used to just saying: its fine, yes, good morning, and good night and that will be the conversation of the day. I could hardly remember when was the last time we really had a talk besides the fight we used to have before Leah died. Mom and Leah hardly ever have fight beside the one time about college.

Brooklyn, New York June 15, 2009

The minute I walked in the house, I knew something was wrong. My good old instinct that works all the time except when I need to choose an answer on Math test. Hey, I said throwing myself onto the couch causing it to jostle. The bag of popcorn in her hand spilled and some landed on the floor. Thanks a bunch, Leah said sarcastically when she bent down to pick it up. You welcome, I said and took a handful of popcorn in my hand. Oh, its buttery. She laughed and thats when Mom dashed in the living room, her face red with rage. You could probably bake a cookie on her skin. She threw an envelope down onto the coffee table with such force that I could feel the wind. Were you ever going to tell me this, Mom screamed and I slipped off the couch walking backwards. I didnt need another fight with Mom, but when I looked up at her eyes, she was directly looking at Leah. Leah clenched her teeth together and her hand closed into a fist. I dont I need to, she answered snatching the letter from the table. Julliard, Mom said and my eyes jerked to the acceptance letter. When in the world did you go and audition for Julliard? You didnt even tell me. Dont you think I at least deserve to know which college you applied to? I know youre not going to let me go to Julliard, Leah whispered. And thats why you decided to hide this from me, Mom shouted and when Leah didnt say anything, she continued. Fine, if I let you go to Julliard, what are you going to do in the future? There arent a lot of opportunities in the music industry. Are you really going to be some perky superstar? You dont even have the ability to be one. Leahs eyes widened when she heard Moms last sentence. I can sing, she shouted back.

Mom laughed. You really think you can sing. A bunch of friends telling you that you can sing, doesnt mean you can? Leahs fist tightened. I got accepted to Julliard, she said and stood up with anger. Im eighteen already and if I want to go to Julliard, no one can stop me, not even you. She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door. Mom, I started wanting to defend Leah. She shot me a dont-you-dare-talk look and rushed into her office, also slamming her door. I sighed and dropped onto the couch. At the end, Leah listened to Mom and went to New York University to study economics. She gave up her seat in Julliard and every day Ill see her staring at the piano in the living room, but she never gave it another glance when Mom was there. She took a couple of side courses, but none those were music. Ever since that fight, she hasnt written or play music and I knew the words Mom said that day affected more than what she expected.

Everything ceased when she was gone. No more fighting. No more talking. It was as if my vocal have gone with Leah. Mom walked over and took my hands into hers. I want to start all over again, Skye, she whispered. Her green eyes filled with pain as she told me this. Youre the only daughter I have left and I dont want to lose you. I smiled hopefully and hugged her. Youre not going to lose me, I assured her as I hugged her tighter.

I felt a tear dropped onto my shoulder and she whispered, Ill do all I can to protect you.

I grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator when I came across the newspaper on the table. I flipped through the pages and the article after the first page caught my attention. The picture of Alannah McCullough was on the right hand corner. She was smiling in the picture, but she looked rather good in real life than in the picture. Alannah was a grade ahead of me and she disappeared a week before Leahs death. She was known as the druggie. Her parents are doctors and they both went to the same medical school with Mom. Alannah was different from the rest of her family. She wasrebellious. I bet she was in detention more than in school. When she was sophomore, she was suspended and went to juvenile. Leah tutored her once for Geometry and English. Mom, at first, didnt let her, but Leah stood hard. I closed my eyes as I felt the tears again. Leah, she was amusing, but she didnt deserve to die so young, so sweet. I gripped on the edge of the table and opened my teary eyes. My eyes roamed around on the article as I read the death of Alannah. What are you looking at, Mom asked walking into the kitchen. Alannah McCullough is dead, I said pointing at the newspaper. She looked over my shoulder. I know, she said taking a carton of milk out from the refrigerator. They found her body Friday night in the alley of a nightclub. I went to school with her parents and I watched her grow up. She died so young. Like Leah, I added in my mind. Is there a cause of death, I asked searching through the article again, but there was nothing on there that identified it.

They say it might have been an overdose, Mom said pouring the milk into the bowl and into a cup of glass. Alannah has a record of drug abuse. I bit my lower lip. Maybe death is better choice for her, I said and Mom glared at me. I was in Social Emotion Class with her, Mom. If you were there and listened to things she said, you wouldnt have disagree. She hated her life. I think she even abused herself. If this was really what she wanted, she got it, Mom whispered and I knew she was thinking about Leah. She didnt want to die, Leah had a perfect life. I was always her shadow, but I didnt care because I loved her and being around her made me feel alive. How about her brother, I asked. He was going to get marry and nowwhat is he supposed to do? His own sister died. Ill give her parents a call, she said and took the newspaper. I stared at Mom and remembered what I promised her that she wont lose me, but what if she has already. The day of the day of the car accident perhaps I had died with Leah. I casted Mom one last glance and a tear slipped out hitting my bowl of cereal.

Chapter Three: Do you want to tour around White Creek, Mom asked as she fished her car keys out. I was thinking we could drive by Keswick Academy. I frowned. Keswick Academy, I asked. Your new high school, she reminded me. Its a great school so dont screw up. I followed her into the car. I have to report to the hospital this afternoon. Take the car with you when I go to the hospital. I dont want you to roam around the streets especially when you dont know where youre going. I threw my head back. Sure, mother, I said. She turned down to Cromwell Avenue and pulled into the parking lot of a supermarket. When did Keswick become a supermarket? Im getting something, she said and smiled at my question. I havent seen Mom smiled for a long time and for a second there I had an urge to cry. I pinched my arm lightly stopping the tears as we walked in. What do you want for dinner? We were roaming around the meat section. I think were better off being vegetarian tonight, I said as I looked at the bloody meat that was sitting on the table of the butcher. Lets go with salad. I quickly walked to the vegetable section and dumped a box of lettuce in. Michelle, a woman called out. Mom stiffened and pressed her lips into a thin line. Michelle, is that you? Mom turned around. Sarah, how are you, she asked and they gave each other a welcoming hug. You look the same as you did since last time I saw you. I glimpsed at from the corner of my eye and nearly burst out laughing. Sarah was like Barbie except in an uglier version. Okay, Ill admit that was mean, but she did. The red lipstick was the only color that

stood out from her face and made me grimace when I looked at it. She apparently needed some cosmetic lessons. The lady laughed. You too, she said. I cant believe youre back. Imagining me telling them, they will think Im crazy and hallucinating. Back, I thought. I didnt know that Mom was in White Creek before. I looked up at Mom and she only gave me a quick glance. And this is, the lady asked pointing at me. Skye, this is Sarah and Sarah, this is my daughter Skye, Mom said. Skye, Sarah repeated. I thought you daughter was called Leah. Instantly, the smile on Moms face was wiped away. Leah is my older daughter, Mom whispered. She died few months ago. My hand froze in mid-air holding a bottle of spice in my hand. Leah, her name is contagious. My heart thumped against my chest with an aching feeling. If Leah was here, she would have been laughing along with me. Sarahs mouth hung open. She didnt mean it at all; she looked nowhere near sorry. Im so sorry, Michelle. Mom shook her head. I saw the expression on Moms face and knew she was desperate to leave from this woman called Sarah. You know what? We have to go, she said clearly upset. It was nice seeing again, Sarah said. It was nice meeting you, Skye. It was definitely not nice meeting you. I smiled and walked behind Mom as she continued wandering around the supermarket like nothing happened, but I knew what Sarah asked broke Moms shield that protected her ever since Leah died.

After we paid and we were back at the parking lot, I crossed my arm in front of my chest. Mom, I asked. She closed the trunk and looked at me. You were in White Creek before? I asked her with a casual tone, but her not telling me that she was from White Creek was surprising. After a few seconds of silence, she said, I was born and raised in White Creek. I moved away sixteen years ago. Sixteen years ago? Dammit, Leah is eighteenwell, was eighteen. So Leah was born in White Creek, I asked stuffing the bag in the trunk of the car. She nodded. I wanted to be away from this small town, she explained. Sometimes when youre born and raised in a town, you feel like everything is dissembled. Nothing seems real, so I decided to move to a city. Dont you miss it here, I asked. Mom looked up as if she was thinking of what to say. She sighed. I was a single mother that had a little girl and my whole family died. What was there to miss? My grandparents died in fire when Mom was in college, but she never told me anything about them dying in White Creek. She never even mentioned White Creek to me. We stood there in silence. Im going to the hospital, she said grabbing her bag. Dont roam around too long. I nodded and climbed into the driver seat. I waved at Mom and watched as she turned the corner before I placed my hand on the steering wheel. My hand shook slightly when I touched it. I pressed my lips into a thin line and drove out of the parking and into the road.

Brooklyn, New York

Five Months Ago

Turn right, Leah said gripping onto the door of the car. I swallowed anxiously as I got ready for the turn. Please let this be okay. I turned the corner, but I nearly slammed into a car that was parking against the curb. Oh God, I said backing up the car. Relax, calm down, breathe in, and drive, she said. Leah has been saying this phrase for the hundredth time and it was starting to annoy me. A car behind us honked. Skye, drive. I groaned and turned again finally making a perfect turn. I hear Mom telling me that save-your-life speech, I said as my hands became sweaty. The traffic light changed yellow and instead of stepping on the brake, I accidentally stepped on accelerator. Jesus, Skye, Leah shouted as I abruptly stepped on the brake causing the whole car to come to a halt. A strong force pulled us forward and I hit my head hard on the steering wheel. Did you breaking your head yet? I frowned rubbing my forehead. Leah was laughing and slapped her arm. Shut up, I said as I feel a bump growing on my forehead. I think Im going to get a black and blue bruise. She leaned forward still laughing and kissed my forehead. I kissed your boo-boo. Youre good and perfect, she said poking my bruise. The light turned green and the car zoomed down the road. Im never going to get my driver license, I said sighing. I tried to park the car in the ginormous space, but I didnt get much luck. Want to help me? No, Leah said giving me a stern look. Youre going to do this all by yourself. I know you can do this.

I hate when you say that, I said looking at the side mirror. If I get us both kill, its not my fault. How can you get us both, Leah said when I accidentally bumped into the car behind us. Okay, so maybe you got us both killby Mom. I beamed shyly and bit my lower lip knowing what she said was true. Were both going to get kill by Mom.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened. Shaking my thoughts, I stepped on the accelerator hoping to get the memory out of my mind when suddenly a guy stood in front of the car. The car came to an abrupt halt and my forehead hit against the back of my hand. Shoot, I whispered as I picked my head up and rubbed the back of my neck. I got out of the car and found the guy standing on the curb of the sidewalk. His dark green eyes hiding behind his long lashes. Im sorry. I didnt see you there or else I wouldnt have stepped on the accelerator, I said turning to look at my red mini cooper. Thank god, I stopped. My mouth hung opened not able to finish my sentence. I didnt step on the brake. Thats not possible. I looked up and he mumbled the words, Im fine. I turned my head to the car and by the time I looked back he was gone.

Chapter Four I slammed the car door shut and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. Reaching for my keys from my back pocket, it fell down on to the sidewalk. I reached down for it, but a girl picked it for me. Here, the girl said holding up my keys. She was wearing a white denim jacket and designer jeans. A rich white girl, I thought. I have to concede that I didnt expect someone like her to be in White Town. Thanks, I whispered. Youre new to White Creek, she asked. Yeah, I just moved here yesterday, I said playing with the keys. My chest tightened as I brushed my hair behind my ear and hide my tears at the same time. So I guess were stuck as neighbors, she said looking at the house next door to mine. I live right next door. Im Serena. Skye, I said. I got to go. It was nice meeting you, Serena. She flashed me a smile. It was nice meeting you too, Skye, she said. Ill see you. I watched as Serena went in a Mercedes and drove off. I shut the door and slid down to the floor and buried my head in my arms.

Brooklyn, New York Five Months Ago

Shoot me, I said as I sat in the chair waiting for my number to be called. Im going to fail this test. No, you wont, Mom said squeezing my shoulders. Youll get you license.

I rubbed my face in my hands. Where is Leah, I asked searching around the waiting area. She said shes going to come here later, she said. I looked down at my beat-up Converse when someone held a box of mints out. Leah, I said contently and she smiled. When Im a nervous, I eat mints, she said flipping the lid open. With my shaking hand, I popped a mint into my mouth. Thanks, I said. The announcer called out a few numbers and I stiffened when she said my number. Good luck, Mom said kissing my cheek. I got up heading out the door when Leah tapped me on the shoulder. Hey pretend that guy is me, she said unclenching my fist. Just dont kill him though. I laughed and climbed in the car. Leah was always there for me. I passed the test and I got my first license.

I lifted my head up and ran upstairs to my room. Taking a pen and paper, I started writing. Dear Leah, Ive got through one day, but I have thousands of more. Today Mom had to report to the hospital and she told me to drive the car. I was scare; I was so scared that I could hardly even touch the steering wheel. My hands shook and all I can think about was the memories we shared. I nearly ran over a guy because of this.

Leah, I never expected my life to be like this. Everyday Im in denial. Denying that you are dead; denying that you are completely out of my life. I dont what to do, Leah. I had a dream last night that you were still there with me talking and laughing with. But the minute the dream fade away I was afraid, afraid that if I opened my eyes and tell myself to wake up that youll be gone again, all over again. Im in so much pain that sometimes in the middle of the night I would wake up. Maybe one day, Ill completely be able to accept the fact that you have died, but I am not ready now. It wasnt supposed to go this way. Skye

I reached for the ashtray in the bottom drawer and lit the letter on fire.

Chapter Five: Okay, so you have everything, Mom asked. I think so, I said when she narrowed her eyes. Mom cant the jokes and sarcasm that I say. Yes, I have everything I need. No need to be worry. Hey, youre going to be late for work if you dont go. Mom looked at the clock as I got off the car. Call me when you get out of school, she said putting her glasses back on. Good luck, darling. She leaned out the window and gave me a kiss in my cheek. I waved to her as she drove out of the parking lot of Keswick. The front of the building was filled with students. Everyone was hugging and talking as if they havent seen each other for decades. The guys did their little handshake and girls gave each others hugs and kisses. Keswick was different from what I imagine. You think Ill make it, I asked to the duplicate of Leah that was tapping her foot impatient, a typical move of Leah when shes extraordinary impatient. I stood at the bottom of the marble steps and looked up at the building. My hand clenched into fist as I made my way up the stairs. In the inside of the building, it was a little more empty, but still a lot of students. I went straight to the Main Office except that the I on the Main Office faded and it read Ma n Office. Once I opened the door and wondered if I went into the wrong room. I stepped back taking one last look at the Main Office sign before walking in. Itll be embarrassing if I walked in the wrong day on my first day of school. I smiled remembering one time Leah walked in into the room asking the Spanish teacher if it was French Class when it clearly says Spanish class on the board. I couldnt stop laughing after she told me. Papers were flying and the sound of phones ringing pierced my ears. There was only one woman working here and she was searching through cabinets and folders.

God, they cant afford another person in here, the woman said dropping the phone onto her shoulder. I stood in front of her. Hold on one second, darling. She ransacked through another pile of papers. Where is that pen? I smiled and pointed to her ear, where the pen was hanging from. What, she said and reached for her ear. Oh right. Thanks honey. She picked up the phone again and scribbled something onto the yellow paper. I located her name tag that was on the collar of her shirt: Patty Kendrick. Her auburn color hair was hanging loosely and a few curls escaped the bun and made her the shape of her face stood out more. She slammed the phone down and collapsed onto a nearby chair. See I hate first day of school. Parents are calling, kids are running in and out, and the school doesnt hire another person to work at the Main Office. The old lady isnt asking for much, just another person to help her, Mrs. Kendrick said and looked up at me. Im sorry. How may I help you, dear? Ill new at Keswick, I said and gave her my ID card. She put on her glasses. Skye Somerton, she read and typed in my name into the computer. From Virginia, right? I shook my head. Im pretty sure Im from New York City, I corrected. She frowned and squinted her eyes as she looked at the screen again. Oh right. Sorry sweetie, Patty said. Im usually not like this. First day of school usually drives me crazy, thats all. She printed my schedule out and handed it to me. Okay, this is your schedule and your locker is W321, which means that its on the west side of the third floor, she explained and pointed to her right. She grabbed a handbook off the shelf and cursorily

showed me a map of Keswick. If you have any problem, you can always come back to me. Im sure our students here are willing to help you too. Good luck, Skye. I thanked her and found my way to my locker. My locker was at the top and was at the end of the row and I snatched my blue combination lock out of bag slipping it in the hook. I leaned against the locker as the bell rung and students burst out of the classroom. The sound of the students laughing and talking was so familiar, but at the same time it was different. Liking the view, an Asian girl said as she opened the locker next to mine. Im Ingrid, Ingrid Cheung. Skye Somerton, I said. She threw her textbooks into her locker and slammed it shut before leaning against it too. Youre new at Keswick, right, Ingrid asked. She tucked a strip of blue hair behind her ear. I titled my head to the side surprised that she knew. Okay, dont give me that what the hell face. White Creek is a small town, we basically know each other. I havent seen you around so that means youre the new girl. Believe me Im no stalker. I let out a relief laugh. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a girl tripped over and her books scattered all over the place. One of them landed at the tip of my feet and I picked up. On the front it wrote Athenas Sketch Pad. The girl I saw from my balcony yesterday burst into laughter. Here, I said helping Athena up. Your books. She smiled and glanced at the girl that was laughing before, but now she was no longer laughing. Thanks, Athena whispered and walked down the hall. The girls eyes flickered to a black color.

I like you, Ingrid said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Youre not one those stuck up bitches. I knew those words were meant for the girl. She snarled, but a guy held her back tugging on her arm. She spun around walking the opposite direction of Athena. Uh, it was nice meeting you, Ingrid. May be Ill see you in class later. Bye, I said.

I handed my Health teacher my schedule and she assigned me the back seat in the corner of the room. My favorite seat of all times. The desks formed a U-shaped and the space in the middle was empty. It reminded me of theater class, a class I never liked and wouldnt have taken it if Leah hadnt cajoled me too. I ducked my head down as someone sat down next to me. Hi, he said and I looked up surprised that he was talking to me. Im Glenn. There was a small hint of British accent. Skye, I said as the teacher handed out textbooks. I heard that youre from New York City, he said filling out the index card that Ms. Brown, our Health teacher, just handed out. Ive never been there. Is it as creepy as people say it is? I winced when he said he heard about me. So people are talking about me. Its not creepy, its different, I said flatly. The lights dimmed and Ms. Brown instructed us to copy the notes. At the end of the period, I couldnt get out any faster, but when I reached to my locker someone tapped me on my shoulder. Skye, Glenn said. The sound of his voice made me turned around. It was nice meeting you, but I wanted to warn you that White Creek is far more dangerous than New York City. I had no idea why he said that, but I shrugged. Thanks for your warning, I said and locked my locker.

I was exhausted by lunch time. My first four classes were boring, but I had great teachers. Ingrid was in two of my four classes and I was glad that I actually knew someone in some of my classes. Its not fun being the new girl and attracting so much attention. I was never the girl that got or wanted attention. Leah was always the perfect sister that had all attention. I was the backup and loved the fact I could stand behind Leah and watched as she talked to her friend. It felt so protective when Im around. I sat by the window and started unpacking my lunch. Hey, mind if I sit here, Ingrid asked standing in front of me. Before I can say anything, she slipped into the seat. Didnt think you were going to say no. I smiled. Yeah, I wasnt going to say no either. I could possibly imagine how different it is for you, she said. I mean you moved from a ginormous city like New York City to a small town in New York. It even sounds weird. Hello, a guy with nerdy glasses said and took the seat besides Ingrid. Whos this pretty new girl here? Im Skye, I said. His mouth hung opened. Skye, I love your name. Its very natural, he said. BTW that means by the way, Im Wes. I laughed. Hi Wes. Whats with the glasses, Ingrid asked. He smirked and pushed his glasses up. Nerd 101, he exclaimed and crossed his arms proudly. She rolled her eyes sipping her juice. Do you mind stop acting gay, Ingrid said throwing her sandwich that she hadnt started eating into the garbage can.

I cant in a way, he said and pressed his lips into a thin line. And you girl are wasting food. Do you know how many children in Africa are begging to get that sandwich? Oh right, you are gay and Im very sorry for the children in Africa which is why I donate to them every year, she said. Hows your boyfriend? Wes ignored her and turned to me. So how do you like it at Keswick, he asked. Better than I thought it would have been, I said matter of fact. I thought it would have been way worst without Leah here. The sound of laughter interrupted my thoughts and I looked over Wess shoulder. Like they cant be any louder.You know I sometimes wished that I could move somewhere where there are not bitches. See the girl with strawberry blond hair thats Gen Thompson, the snobby bitch and popular girl, Ingrid said throwing her aluminum foil that wrapped a few cookies into the garbage can. The guy next to her is Tate Delaney. They used to go out, but heard they broke up. Who knows? Maybe theyre still dating. The guy next to Tate is Glenn. Hes some English guy that transferred to Keswick last year. How do you know all these stuff. Youre like the Keswick gossip encyclopedia, Wes asked, but I didnt hear the rest because Tate and Gen were the ones I saw yesterday from the balcony. Skye, Ingrid called waving her hand in front of my face. Skye. Huh, I said breaking away from my thoughts. I was asking you if you would like to go to the welcoming party at Keswick, she asked. Whats that? Every year at the beginning of the year, theres like a welcome back party, Wes explained. You should come. Its going to be Saturday night starting at eight.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Im not sure, but Ill see, I said. Ingrid shrugged. It is way better than staying at home on a Friday night, she said. What do you have next? I searched through my bag for my schedule. Gym. I have that too, but I think youll need a good luck, she said and threw away the rest of her lunch just as the bell rung.

It turned out that I really needed Ingrids good luck because we had to run twenty laps. I could hardly even run one lap and when I looked around the ginormous yard, I nearly fainted. I cupped my hands over my eyes as I looked up at the beating sun. Hi, a girl said. I squinted my eyes and saw Serena. Youre not used to this are you? Twenty laps, I said giving her a thumb up. I hope I survive. Serena laughed and ran ahead of me. Hey Somerton, Coach Wilson called. Start running. Dont be a wimp. A couple of girls beside started laughing. I sighed and started running along with the others. Coach Wilson blew the whistle. Ten more laps, he announced and everyone groaned. More running less groaning. You know her, Ingrid asked appearing next to me. She lives next door, I said. I just met her yesterday. Why? Whats wrong? Thats Serena Thompson, Gens sister, she informed. Shes nothing like Gen. But still be careful. Why, I asked, but Ingrid already ran past me. After five laps, my thighs were throbbing and sweat was soaking my tank top. Screaming mentally at myself, I continued

running when a clinking noise pierced my ears as I stopped and looked around. The sound came from the glass windows that were behind the benches. Gently, I rubbed my ears and focus on running the rest of the lap. Suddenly the sound grew louder and I looked back at the glass windows, but there was nothing. Out of curiosity, I broke away from the rest of the runners and walked towards it. My teeth clenched together as strong vibrations hit my ears again. Before I knew what was going on, someone from behind grabbed me and pushed me away before the glass exploded. Skye, I heard Ingrid shouted. I opened my eyes and found the guy I nearly ran over next to me his arms wrapped around my waist. Skye. Ingrid helped me up as Serena helped him up. He lifted his sleeves up and blood seeped from his wound where the glass cut him. What the hell, whats with the chaos, Coach Wilson shouted walking toward us. He winced when he saw us on the ground, glass shattered everywhere around us. Kraftig, go to the nurse office. We dont need a bloody hell. Everyone get back to work. He clapped his hands as everyone returned to the field. You okay, Somerton? I nodded rubbing my knee where it was bleeding slightly. You should to go to the nurse too. I dont need any more problems. Cheung, bring her, will ya? I followed Ingrid when I looked up and saw Gen staring at us from the bleachers. Her blond hair blowing to the side as her blue eyes dug into mine. For a second, I swear her eyes turned jet black and glowed.

Chapter Six: I settled in the seat at the nurse office. Ingrid returned to class and I was sitting there starring out the open window. A strong gush of wind blew past me and lifted the white curtains up. I spotted the guy that saved sitting on the bench with his shirt off. Quickly, I looked away and focus at the window. Youre all good, the male nurse said. Am I going to be seeing you every day, Sage? Sage laughed. I hope not. You can leave if you want, he said and I heard the curtain slid open and close. I got off the chair and lifted the curtain up slightly. Hey, I said and he looked at me. This time he was wearing a shirt. I just want to say thank you. He didnt smile. You welcome. Im Skye, I said Sage, he said and grabbed his bag. Bye. Before he opened the curtain, I said, Sorry. He turned around obviously confused. I mean for yesterday. I almost ran you over. He looked at me one last time and left the room not saying anything. I sat back down on the chair wondering what I did to earn his attitude. Miss Somerton, Mrs. Greene, the school nurse, said coming in. Are you feeling better now? Yes, its just my knee, I said and helped her rolled up my jeans. My eyes widened when I saw that there was no scar or bruise on my knee. I swear I saw blood covering it, but now

there was no trace of blood. Uh, maybe it wasnt my blood. I quickly unrolled the jeans and jumped out of the chair. Alright, she said. Do you feel funky anywhere? No, I whispered said as my hand lingered on my knee. Do you want me to call your mother, Mrs. Greene asked. Suddenly, I felt so weak and all I can do is nod.

I brought my legs to my chest and my hand trailed down to my knee. I examined my knee again, but there was no scar. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Skye, Mom said opening the door. You have a friend. Ingrid appeared besides her and waved at me. If you need anything, Im going to be in the kitchen. Mom closed the door behind Ingrid. Your mom is so much better than mine, she said plopping onto my bed. So how are you dealing with the traumatic event? I threw a pillow at her. How did you know where I live? I told you its a small town. We basically know where each other live, no stalker move needed, she said. I was just talking with Serena, so I thought Ill come along and see how youre doing. Serena? Well, Im not a big fan of her, but I was handing her notebook back to her, she explained. So hows your knee? You saw it, I asked with confusion.

Yes, you were bleeding, she said and looked down at my knee. She frowned scratching her head. Okay so maybe it wasnt your blood. Probably its Sage. Ingrid shifted her eyes from my knee and stuffed her hands in her jean pockets in an uncomfortably way. Are you not telling me something, I asked. No, she said quietly. I dont have anything to tell you. Ingrid. I have to go, she said grabbing her bag quickly. My mom is totally going to have a spaz attack if Im late. See you tomorrow. Before I can say bye, she was already out the door. Wow, what did you do the poor girl? She ran out the door pretty fast there, Mom said as she leaned against the doorframe wiping her hand on a towel.

Chapter Seven:

I slouched down in my seat in Pre-Calculus when someone tapped me on the shoulder. Ingrid, who was sitting behind me, leaned forward. Im sorry about yesterday for leaving suddenly, she said spinning her pencil. Its alright, I said copying the math problems Mr. Evans was writing. She fumbled with her pen and bit her lower lip. Skye, I, um, want to tell you something, she stuttered as she tapped her pen more vividly. I turned around ready to ask her why. Miss Somerton, Im glad youre making friends, but please do not talk, Mr. Evans said. Miss Cheung would mind doing problem four for us. Hesitantly, Ingrid got up to the front of the room and a piece of paper dropped onto my lap as she passed by. Wait for me at the locker Ingrid. I looked up while she started doing the problem.

I dumped my textbook into my locker and slammed shut as I waited for Ingrid. The hallway was empty and even the security was nowhere in sight. I fumbled with my necklace when I heard Ingrids voice down the hall. She should know whats going on, Ingrid shouted. Its the right time, yet, a familiar girls voice said. She needs to know, but we have to find the perfect timing. Shes lost so much already. It was Serenas voice. Fine whens the perfect timing, Ingrid asked emphasizing the perfect. I walked closer to where they were and caught a glimpse of Serena with her arm crossed. If youre not going to control you pernicious sister then Ill do it and you wont like that. Gen, what did it have to do with her? Ingrid, dont you dare, Serena warned and for a second her eyes changed into a darker shade. ISkye?

I sighed and walked out from my hiding place. Hey, I said. I was waiting at the locker for Ingrid and I heard you guys. Is everything okay? Ingrid glared at Serena while Serena only glanced at her. We were just talking about something thats unnecessary, she said grabbing her bag on the floor. I should go now. I think Im late for my shift at the library. Ill see you tonight, Skye. Ingrid rolled her eyes as she walked away. So everythings fine, I asked again. She shrugged. Come on, lets go to lunch, she said throwing her duffle bag over one shoulder. How was your second day of school? Its great, I said sitting down on the same table as yesterday. At least there isnt a half day, yet. She laughed. You shouldnt sit near glass. I threw a tissue at her and silently ate my sandwich. So with Serena, what was that all about, I asked casually as if it didnt matter though I wanted to know. Ingrid looked away from the window and set her cup of fruit salad down. Like she said unnecessary things, she answered. Very unnecessary. Lets not talk about this. Wes and I are hitting the arcade at White Creek Square, do you want to come? Yeah sure, I said picking the French Fries that arent covered with ketchup. Meet you there at eight, Ingrid said enthusiastically. So are you going to Saturday nights party? Maybe, I said. Its held on campus, she said. I could come and pick you up at 7:30, if you want? If you want, I said and finished my sandwich.

Really, she said raising an eyebrow. A small smile escaped my lips. Yes, I said.

The arcade at the square was at the corner of the street and was a whole block long. I stepped in and the only lights that were on are the pool section and lights that are given off by the video games. There was a diner at the back of the arcade. It was crowded and I had to squeezed my way through to look for Ingrid and Wes. I spotted Gen at the pool table, her arms around Tates waist. Ingrid waved her hand and I made my way to the bar. She was holding a beer while Wes sat next to her with a glass of orange juice. Beer, I said nodding at her. As long as I dont get caught, she said and held up a fake ID. I rolled my eyes as we walked up the stairs to the diner. Does everything around here revolve around White Creek? I mean White Creek Square, White Creek Diner, and White Creek Arcade cant they think of a more distinctive name, I asked reaching for the menu. Ask Wes, she said. I was confused with what she said. This arcade and diner is owned by his Dad. I have no idea why he named everything after White Creek, he said searching through the menu. Stop acting, Ingrid said snatching the menu from him. You practically know this whole crap by heart. I dont think you need this. Bro, seriously, Wes said ripping the menu out of her hand. He was irritated and Ingrid noticed too.

Hey sorry, she said. I know youre not a big of you Dad, but hey at least we have free food. Wess head shot up and glared at her viciously. Okay, I was joking. I think Ill go with something light, I said disrupting their glaring contest. Ill have a salad. Same here, Ingrid said. Make it three, Wes said to the waitress. Downstairs a loud cheer interrupted and all three of us looked down. Tate was giving each of the guys a high-five as Sage walked over to the pool table. He was wearing a leather jacket that made him quite enigmatic. They said something to each other and Gen moved her hands away from Tate. Lizzie kissed Sages cheek and handed him a pool stick. Tates face darkened and his jaw clenched tightly. They were both about the same height. Tate was probably an inch taller than Sage making him six foot. Thats Sage, Ingrid whispered to me. Hes the one that saved you. Sage Kraftig saved you, Wes exclaimed. How did it feel to be in his arms? I swear Ill kill you, I said under my breath and he chuckled. Sage is hot, Ingrid said pretending as if she was drooling. But Tate isnt bad either. Hes a typical jock and the captain of the soccer team. He and Sage never got along even though Sage is the co-captain. Theres two group at Keswick, Wes informed. You know the popular group dramas. One is Serena, Gen, Glenn, Tate, Patricia, and Jared and the other is Lizzie, Sage, Michaela, Phoebe, Johnson, and Lora. They always stick with their group, so never come between them. It wont be good. Our salad came and we started eating. I love this song, Ingrid said and grabbed my hand. Lets dance.

Before I can say no, she dragged me to the dance floor. We were dancing to the music when a girl bumped into Ingrid. Sorry, the girl said and walked across the dance floor and looped her arm around Sage. Hi Babe, she said to Sage. Hes such a jerk, Ingrid muttered beside me. He probably dated half the girls at Keswick. Everything revolves around Sage Kraftig and Tate Delaney. Its surprising that theyre not brothers because if you ask me they act alike. So I guess I should feel lucky that he saved me, I questioned. She snickered. Youre probably is next target. Be careful darling, she said shaking her head to the beat of the music. Im going to get another drink. You want? I shook my head and Ingrid slipped off the dance floor and I watched as she went over to the bar flirting with the bartender. Need a drink, someone behind me asked. No, I said turning around. So youre the new girl, Sage asked twisting and turning his beer. Its Skye, I said. He was probably drunk because the fact that he didnt want to talk to me today in the nurse office, didnt make me think he wanted to me today. Right, he said and he looked dazed. I saved you. Suddenly, he frowned. Im not supposed to talk to you. Bye. He walked away just like that. He was obviously not making any sense. I went over to the bar and pulled Ingrid upstairs to the diner with me. Are you drunk, yet, Wes asked as Ingrid slouched down in her seat. The bartender downstairs poured alcohol around the bar and fire surrounded it. Everyone cheered clapping their hands. The fire blazed and grew higher suddenly and the bartender back down surprising like he wasnt expecting that to happen. I flashbacked to the day of the car

accident and the visions of Leah frightened. I shuddered and looked away and caught Gen playing with the lighter. Her blue eyes turned solid black like it did yesterday. Serena placed a hand on her cousins arm and instantly Gens eyes turned back to blue. She looked up catching me looking at her. I quickly looked away and finished my salad.

I had nothing to do on a Saturday morning, so I surfed the net and read my books. It wasnt until seven oclock did I remembered about the party. I threw on jeans and t-shirt along with a leather jacket. I ran down the stairs just as the front door opened. Hi Mom, I said. She looked exhausted as she collapsed onto the couch. Its a lot of work, she said and rested her head on the pillow. So where are you going? Looking all pretty and casual. I leaned against the couch and crossed my arms over my chest. Im going to the Welcoming party at Keswick, remember? Right the party, she said and closed her fatigued eyes. Have fun, sweetie. I smiled at her and opened the door to find Sage standing there with one hand stuffed in his pocket and the other ready to press the doorbell. Hey, I said closing the door behind me. Ingrid told me to pick you up, he said dryly. She said shes going get to the party later. I followed him into his car. How do you like White Creek? Its different, I said. But its a good difference. You moved here with your family, he asked as he stopped at the red light. Yeah, I whispered. I moved here with my mother. Shes the only family member I have left. How about you? Were you born here?

Ive been in White Creek for my entire life, he said. When I graduate from Keswick, Im going to go to university in the city. Dont you like living in a small town, I asked. Sometimes you just need to escape from a small town like White Creek, he whispered. Things in a small town can be iniquitous. Then all you want to be is anything, but singular. His words sounded so familiar with what Mom said to me about White Creek. I glanced at him and wondered what his past was. I watched as Leah write in a small piece of paper. What are you writing, I said appearing behind her. She quickly folded the piece of paper up and put in a glass jar. I wasnt going to look at it. Even though, I wanted to know. Do you want to know what I wrote, she asked turning around to face me. I shrugged and sat on the bed. I wrote about everything. Every day, Ill write my day down on a small piece of paper and then fold and place it in the jar. She touched the lid of the jar and looked at me. So its your diary in a way, I said starring at it and wonder how a small jar like that can hold so much. She shook her head as she smiled at me. Its not my diary, its my past, Leah whispered picking up the jar. This jar is my entire past. Skye, Sage called. He parked the car in the parking lot and he was already standing outside with his keys on the other hand. Oh, I whispered getting out the car. Thanks. The minute I was out the car I was stunned. Nearly the whole school was here. The water fountain at the front of the building was on and there was a faint light that made it glow. The

sound of the loud music beat against my ear. Most of the girls were either wearing short dresses or tube top and I felt like I was underdress. It gets pretty crowded, Sage shouted into my ear. Im pretty sure Ingrid is going to come soon. If you need help call her. Like that he walked away and I watched him disappeared into the crowd. One minute he acted like he care, but the next he didnt. Definitely a strange guy. I went over to the drinks and poured myself fruit punch. You shouldnt drink that, Tate said standing behind. They usually spike the fruit punch. His dirty blond hair was left naturally unlike this morning which was gel up. You should probably drink soda in the can unless you want to get drunk. I picked up a can of ice tea. Thanks for your tip, I said as he grabbed a can of Coke. You know Sage, he asked nodding at him, who was with a group of students. Not exactly besides the fact that I almost ran him over and him saving me, I said fumbling with the can before opening it. Sounds like an epic story to me, Tate said and I laughed along with him. Excuse my manners, I should introduce myself. Im Tate. I had to bit my lip from laughing. So that didnt work well. I nodded in agreement. You sounded like a guy that is at least sixty. Okay lets just go with hi my name is Tate, he said again. Hi Im Skye, I said. Was that better? Way better. Your mother is Shay Somerton, right, he asked. I remember seeing her in one of Keswick yearbook.

Uh, that was interesting, I said. My mom never really talked to me about White Creek. I didnt even know she was from here until we met this lady call Sarah. Sarah, he repeated. I see that you guys have met, Serena said wrapping her arms around my shoulder. Let me introduce you to the others, Skye. She brought us over to the group that was sitting on the table. Guys, this is Skye. Skye, this is my sister, Gen, and this is Patricia and Glenn. Patricia waved at me and Glenn nodded at me while Gen just glared at me. Im going to walk around, I said breaking from Serenas embrace. I walked off before Serena could stop me. Gripping onto my can of ice tea, I sat on the bench near the small lake. I studied the reflection of the moon in the lake and wished Leah was sitting beside me watching the stars. It was in the late summer and Leah and I were laying down on the ground in the backyard of Gigis, my friend, house. I bet Mom is going to have a heart attack when she found out that we snuck out, I said starring at the dark sky. Hey, Ill blame you, Leah said. You were the one that was begging me to come for the sleepover. I wouldnt have come if you werent nearly on your knees. I punched her shoulder playfully. I was not, I argued. I wouldnt have asked you if Mom didnt confiscate my driver license. You could still drive here, she said. There arent that much police around. I groaned and threw my legs on top of her. We didnt say anything as we watched the stars and the crescent moon. Leah, I whispered. What? If you were to choose what to be after you died, what will it be, I asked turning my head to look at her.

She took in a deep breath as if she was inhaling the grass scent that surrounded us. Stars, Leah whispered. Ill choose to be a star. A star, I asked. Why? So I can always see you and Mom, she said. I can protect you guys. I wrapped my arms around her and lay my head on her shoulder. I love you, Leah, I said. I dont know what to do after youve gone off to college. She laughed and kissed the top of my head. Ill always be there for you, Skye, she said. Because youll always be my little sky. A rock sliced through the water making small waves caught my attention. I looked up and found Sage sitting by the opposite side of the lake. Our eyes met and for a second I thought he had actually smiled. Deep thoughts, he asked as he picked up another rock. I took a seat next to him and brought my knees to my chest. Seems like you are too, I said. We sat there in silence; our thought in different directions, but one similarity was that our thought was not about the party. Shouldnt you be into the party, I asked. I could ask you the same, he said. But youre here for your whole entire life and Im only here for three days. Its normal for me to feel like the outsider and lonely, I said. You have weird conclusions, he said throwing another rock into the lake. For god sake, youre going to kill all living organisms in the lake, I said and he stopped picking up rocks. Im a good listener. He narrowed his eyes. Well, its better talking to me than to kill all those poor fishes in the lake. I promise you I wont die after hearing it.

He sat there in silence for a few minutes and said, You know, how you think you know whats going on in your life and then one day someone comes up and tell you that youre not who you think you are or tells you this huge secret that youve never known. I continued starring at the lake because I felt the same way when Leah died. It shatters your world. I have a brother, he suddenly said. I never ever knew that until the day when my dying mother told me. I dont even know why Im telling you this. I smiled. I told you Im a good listener. Whats your story, he asked. I picked a piece of grass off the soil and ripped it to pieces. Now youre going to kill grasses. Once upon a time there was a girl, who was afraid of the truth. All she ever wanted was to hide away from it. She loved her sister and mother, but one day she and her sister got into a car accident. Her sister died, but she survived. Every day shell ask god why did he let her sister died, but not her or let them both died. She never got the answer, I whispered wrapping my arms around my legs. Then her mother decided to move to a small town and here she is stuck in the black hole of her life. Shes petrified of telling people about her dead sister not because shes in denial. She doesnt want people to feel sympathy for her just because her sister is dead. All she ever wanted was a life she can go through without trouble. The end. Did you like the story? He dropped his head and looked down at his shoe. I should get going, I said brushing the grass and dirt off my jean. Bye. Hey, Sage said. Thanks for being a good listener. I brush my side bangs from my face. Anytime, I said and made my way out of the party.

Chapter Eight:

I brushed my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom was sitting already at the table reading her newspaper. Good morning, sweetie, she said setting her newspaper and pointed at the glass of orange juice on the table. Good morning, Mom, I said and gave her a peck on her cheek. How was last night, she asked. I sighed and opened the television. Doesnt seem to be going well. Kind of, I said as black TV screen turned to the news. I feel like Im an outsider that I dont even belong here. It feels so foreign and Im forlorn. Oh honey, she said. Youre not an outsider. You belong here. Your mother, me, was born here and Ill admit there are a lot of mysteries and secrets in this small town, but other than that its great. I poured a cup of milk into my bowl of cereal. Would you have diarrhea if you mix orange juice and milk? Its worth a try, she said smiling at me. Uh, youre the doctor here, I pointed out. Forensic pathologist, she corrected. Same thing, I said. You went to medical school before. I consider my exquisite mother to be a doctor and if something goes wrong, Ill give myself to you believing that you can handle and cure me. I only help dead people, she said getting up and grabbed the bottle of sugar on the island. I looked up at the television as news caught my attention. The police has found a corpse near the woods of White Creek, the reporter. A girls picture showed up and I recognized her

that she went to Keswick. According Sheriff Delaney, the girl corpse is Lora Corson, a sophomore at Keswick Academy. The cause of death has not been identified yet. This is White Creek News reporter, Helen Mackenzie. You know her, Mom asked returning to the table. She goes to Keswick, I said. I think I saw once or twice before. What are you doing today, she asked. Its Saturday. You should do something fun. I looked at her hopefully. Dont look at me like that. I have a shift today, but Ill be nice and cook you dinner. I frowned and rubbed my neck. Why dont you hang out with your friends? Oh, I heard that theres a new coffee shop in the square. You should try it. I heard they have awesome milk shakes, you r favorite. Its fattening, I said poking my spoon in the bowl. Youre nowhere near fat, she said and hit my flat stomach with the back of her hand. Have fun, darling. She pressed a kiss on my forehead and left the house. I sighed and looked around the empty house. There were still boxes around the living room. Grabbing the leather jacket on the back of the chair, I decided to take Moms idea and go to the caf and grab a milk shake. I stuffed my keys in my jean pockets after locking the door when someone called my name. Hi, Serena said. She was wearing jogging pants and a tank top. She pulled out one of her earbuds and smiled at me. So youre a morning jogger, I asked. Yeah, she said. You can come along if you want. I, uh, havent jog since, I said and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Since my sister, Leah, died.

Im so sorry, she said and twisted her waist around a few times. How about we stop by for a drink? I was going to go to the new coffee shop, I said. Im clueless here and have nothing better to do than to go to a coffee shop on a Saturday morning. Youre lucky today, she said. Ill show you around.

What do you want to drink, she asked as we walked in Legend Caf. Ill pay for it. Its a welcoming gift from me. A medium milk chocolate, I said. A chocolaty person, arent you, she said as she stood on line. I took a seat by the window and watched as each car pass by the coffee shop. It didnt have to be us, but we were the lucky ones. Of all the cars that went through the tunnel that morning, we were the ones that got into the accident, we were the ones that saw the dog, and we were the ones that were too nice to just ignore the homeless dog. Here, Serena said handing me a milk chocolate. I love the watching the morning here. Its beautiful. It is, I agreed taking a sip of my drink. So, she said playing with her straw. Your mom looks familiar. Yeah, she was born and raised here, I said. You guys look different, Serena whispered biting her straw. I never looked much like Mom. Leah was always the spitting image of Mom and everyone will think that Im just a niece or a cousin, I said. Maybe I look more like Dad, who knows? I havent met him or seen him. You never met your Dad?

I nodded and brought the straw to my mouth, but I dont drink. Mom never told me much of Dad and I never saw a picture of him. The only think I know about him is what Leah told me which wasnt much because Mom hardly mentioned Dad in front of Leah. I guess he was too insignificant for me to know, I said. Its like he never existed. I used to think that I popped out from a rock because that was what Leah told me all the time. Apparently, I was young and stupid to believe her. It was hilarious. Ever since I told her I believed her, she always makes fun of me. Every time we have a fight, shell always bring it up. Serena smiled as she took another drink from her coffee. Im sorry am I boring you, I said. I should shut up. No, no, she said. You and your sister seem to have a great relationship. We did, I whispered. Do you mind if I ask you how she died, she asked. It was car accident, I said softly. We were going home and a dog appeared out of nowhere and there goes a car accident. I somehow got out and when I realized what was happening it was too late, the car got on fire. I shouldnt have asked, should I, she said handing me a tissue. Its not a big deal, I said. I never told anyone much of about it. Whos making this pretty girl here upset, a lady in her late twenties asked. She slid into the seat besides Serena. We were talking about how the morning view here is beautiful, Serena said and winked at me. Ive got to agree, she said folding her hands. Are you ever going to introduce me to this girl here?

Skye, this is Jessica Bennett and Jessica, this is Skye Somerton, Serena introduced. Somerton, Jessica repeated. Are perhaps related to Michelle Somerton? Shes my mom, I said. She wrapped an arm around Serenas shoulder and leaned toward Serena. You see that boy over there. We turned and saw the boy sitting in the corner staring at Serena. Hes been watching you since you first step foot at Legend caf. Looks like you have a secret admirer. Serena punched Jessicas arm playfully. I know him, she said and got up walking to the corner table. So you knew my mother, I asked casually. Your mom was a senior at Keswick when I was a freshman, she said. I met her in the cheerleading team. She was the team captain and every guy in the school was practically in love with her. I mean you cant blame them. Michelle was pretty, smart, popular, the team captain of cheerleading team, a member of ARISTA and Key Club, and a participant in the council. She was perfect. The council, I asked. What is that? She doesnt tell you much, does she, Jessica said. The council seats are only for those that are born in White Creek or if their family originated from White Creek. They have to take this test in order to get. Its complicated and I was never much into it. They usually come up and set up parties and carnivals. You should ask Serena. She and Gen are part of the council. Maybe you can in too. Im not a big fan of those things, I said gripping onto the melted milk chocolate. She studied me for a few seconds. I believe theres a stack of books about family histories in the councils library. You can look around if you have time.

Thanks, I said as Serena came back. I should get back to work, Jessica said. It was nice meeting you, Skye. Bye guys.

Do you know where the Councils library is, I asked Serena. Yes, she said. Why? I was going to go there, I said. Jessica something about the family history books, so I thought I should stop by and learn about my family. Ill bring you there, she said and led me up a flight of marble steps. She pushed the ginormous door and clapped her hands and the lights went on. If youre looking for family history books theyre all the way down there. Not a lot of people go in here anymore. I placed my hand on the dusty tables and glided across it as I walked to the back. Somerton is probably here. Serena kneeled down and pulled out a brown rusty looking book. The book fell onto the table with loud thump. Wow, its huge, I said flipping to the first page. 1693, its pretty long. If youre looking for more recent years, you can flip to the end, she said. Ill look for more Somerton books. You can stay here and read it. I watched as she vanished into another isle in the library. I flipped the last few pages and searched for Moms name. Her name is on the top of the page and under her there was Leahs name, but other than that there was nothing. Dads name or my name wasnt there. I only found grandmas name and their birth dates. The other pages were blank. I wandered around and came to the section of the yearbooks of Keswick. I remembered from the Somerton Family History Book that Mom graduated in 1993. Climbing up the ladder, I

took the yearbook from 1993. I ransacked thought the pages with my eyes and came across a picture of Mom. Her blond hair was tied into a side braid and the loose pieces that fell from her bun clung to her face. I turn the page and found a picture of the entire cheerleading team. Mom was at the top and two other girls were carrying her on their shoulder. I smiled at their cheerleader outfits. It was a turtleneck and the skirt reached to their knees. I wondered how cheerleaders now in Keswick would think of it. My eyes trailed down to the picture beneath the whole team and found Mom hand in hand with another cheerleader. I read caption: Michelle Somerton and Elizabeth Jodie Tamerlane. Elizabeth had the biggest smile on her face and her arm was looped around Moms. They smiling at each other and carried a pom-pom in each hand. Thats Gens mother, Serena said standing next to me. I jumped in the seat at the sound of her voice. Im sorry that I scared you. No, Im easily scared thats all, I said and closed the yearbook. Shes exquisite. She is, Serena said. She was homecoming queen back in 1993. Aunt Elizabeth was best friends with your Mom. Mom didnt tell me anything about being White Creek, I said clutching the book. I feel like shes not telling me a lot of things. Its like about twenty years ago, she said placing a few books back. My mom doesnt tell me much about her teenage years either. Probably its rated R. Yeah, I said laughed. Did you find anything, she asked as I climbed up the ladder to put the yearbook back. Suddenly, it slipped out of my hand and I swear I saw it hit Serena. Are you okay, I asked climbing down. Im sorry.

Sorry about what, she said with a confused face. I dropped the book, I said grabbing her arm. What are you talking about, Serena asked and pointed at the bookshelf. Its up there. You put it back in place. I looked up and there it was. The 1993 yearbook was at the top of the shelf between 1992 and 1994. Oh, I said swallowing hard. I thoughtI saw the book fell and it hit you. You look pale, Skye, Serena said gripping onto my shoulder. Im fine, I whispered. Maybe Im still getting used to everything and didnt have enough sleep. Get some rest, she said and headed out the library. I gave one last look at the yearbook and closed the heavy door.

By the time I got home, it was five thirty and I listened to voicemails on my phone. The first voicemail was from Mom. Skye, I wont be home for dinner. I know I promised you, but Im following this case, Mom said. If you need anything call me. I love you, sweetie. I groaned and pressed on seven to delete it. The second message was from Ingrid. Hi, Im Ingrid. I dont know if you know my phone number, so Im just saying my name just in case. Anyways I was going to ask are doing anything tonight, she asked. Well, Im hanging out at the arcade in the square and if you dont have anything to do tonight. You can tag along. Be there at about six. I glanced at the clock again and decided to join Ingrid since I have nothing better to do.

The arcade was less crowded than last time. I could actually see everything by standing in front of the door. Hi, a voice said startling me. Tate placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me to the pool section. What are you doing here? Ingrid invited me over, I said and looked around for her, but she was nowhere in sight. And shes gone, he said. But youre lucky, you have me. I stifled out a laugh. That was pathetic. Yo, Tate, a guy called waving for him to come over. Ill be fine by myself, I assured him. You should go with your friends. He opened his mouth ready to argue with me, but I stopped him. Just go. Ill find Ingrid. I gave him an assuring smile. Ill talk to you later, he said and went over to the pool table where his friends were. I wandered around and walked into an empty room. Suddenly, I felt a chill behind me and I turned around. There was no one behind me. A box fell next to me and I stumbled back hitting something. I shrieked and fell into Sages arms. You scared the hell out of me, I said placing my hand on my chest. That was an interesting scream, he said crossing his arms. He leaned against the wall and I found myself starring into his dark green eyes. That was shriek technically, I corrected him. I was just paranoid. I mean I sawor at least I thought I saw someone, but when I turned around there was no one. We should get out of here, he said and held for the door for me. You always where black, dont you, I said examining his outfit. He was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans. Only his shoes were not black, but white. Are you supposed to be inscrutable and dark?

What do you think, he said and stepped closer to me. I was trapped between him and the wall. Skye, there you are, Ingrid said and her smile wiped off her face when she saw Sage. Hi. She barely looked at him and pulled me away. A girl stepped out and we nearly collided with her. Oh, Im sorry, the girl said. Ingrid, hello. Ingrid doesnt say anything. You must be Skye. Im Lizzie. Hi, I said. I was going to grab Sage. Were going to the food court. Do you guys want to come, Lizzie offered. I looked over at Ingrid, but she didnt say anything. Sure, why not, I said and Ingrid glared at me. Youre the one that didnt say yes or no, I whispered in her ear as we followed Lizzie and Sage. You suck, she muttered back. There were already a few other people sitting at the table. Oh great. Skye, this is Phoebe, Michaela, and Johnson. This is Skye, Lizzie said sitting across from me. And as you know this is Ingrid. I heard Phoebe snickered and Johnson jabbed her in the stomach. Why dont we order a pizza? Itll be easier. Im going to the restroom, I said getting up. Ill come with you, Ingrid said. No its fine, I said and walked back into the corridor. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me as I noticed the swinging door to the girls bathroom. I looked behind me, but there was no one or the presence of wind. I stopped the swinging door and peaked in the bathroom.

Hello, I said and when no one answered me I went over to the sink and washed my hand. A clicking noise came from the middle stall. Miss, are you okay? I took a step closer as a marble rolled out of the stall and landed in front of my foot. You dropped something. I pressed my palm flat on the door and pushed it opened. A man was lying on the floor, his head rested on the toilet seat. His eyes were a shade of light grade and starred up at the ceiling as his mouth gasped open. I took a step back and screamed.

Chapter Nine: The sirens filled the air and the police cars surrounded the arcade. How did you find the body, the policeman asked. I was washing my hands when I heard some noise, so I asked if that person in there was okay, but no one answered me, I explained as the policeman took notes. I opened the door and found the man lying there. Thank you, Miss Somerton, he said closed his pad. If we have more questions for you, well call you.

I nodded and saw Moms car pulled up. Mom, I said as she walked past me. She clipped her tag on her collar and looked up at me surprised. Skye, what are you doing here, she asked. Your daughter was the one that found the corpse, the policeman said. We might need to talk to her again for more information. Dr. Somerton, Sheriff Delaney called. The body is over here. Ill talk to you when I get home, she said and handed me car keys. Dont get into any more trouble. I dangled the keys in my hand as I walked over to Corolla. I climbed into the car and put the key in the ignition. My hands shook as I placed my hands on the steering wheel. I pressed my lips into a thin line and put my head down. Someone knocked on the window and I looked up to see Sage standing there. I rolled down the window. Are you okay, he asked. Do you mind doing me a favor, I asked and he smirked.

Thanks, I said as he pulled up in front of my house. Do you want to come in? If it doesnt bother you, Sage said handing me back the keys after he locked the car. Youre afraid of driving? I poured him a cup of water. Im more of a dystychiphobic. It means fear of accidents, but Im only afraid of car accidents. He set the glass on the table. Because of your sister? I nodded. I try not to drive because Ill probably have a panic attack, I said jokingly, but Sage doesnt laugh. Do you want to eat something?

I think your mom wont be happy when she founds me here after she comes back from work, he said. Shell probably get back pretty late with the new case, I said remembering the way how the man looked like. I shivered. I should get going, he said. Ill see you on Monday. I opened the door for him, but he stopped abruptly. He tilted my head up towards him and kissed me and left the house leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

I sat down on the window seat in the sunroom and started writing. Dear Leah, I dont know whats happening to me. I was paranoid yesterday at the arcade. I seriously felt someone was watching me. Afterwards Sage had to drive me home. I was frightened when I touched the steering wheel. The minute Sage kissed me, I felt guilty because you should have been alive. You should have the chance to date, to get marry, to have kids, and grow old with me. Im so confused with whats going on. Everyone seems so distant. Its like theyre all hiding their own little secrets and theyre afraid to tell me. Mom is right. A small town like White Creek is dissembling. None of this is true. Skye I lit the letter on fire and it turned to ashes in the ashtray. Skye, Mom called. Hi Mom, I said as she threw her bag on the island and patted the stool next to her indicating for me to sit. Whats wrong? She folded her hands in her lap. As you know there have been a few deaths in White Creek lately.

Its only two, I said. Yes, its only two, but considering the population of White Creek. Its quite a lot, she said. What are you trying to say? I want to say that there will be curfew, she said. Starting tomorrow, you have to be home by nine the latest. Including Friday and Saturday night, I asked. She nodded. Whatever. Uh, girl, dont whatever me, she warned. Fine, mom, Ill be home at nine every day, so no worries, I said and stomped upstairs.

Chapter Ten: I fumbled with the zipper on my sweater as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and dark circle appeared under it and my eyelids felted as if it weighed a ton. My hair was no better and I tried to comb my kinky hair without ripping it out. I lay down on the bed finally giving up on my appearance after trying for at least an hour. How are we doing, Mom asked opening the door without knocking. I narrowed my eyes and pointed at the door. Oh right, Im sorry I forgot to knock. She closed the door and

knocked on it before walking back in. You happy? I shrugged and looked out the window. Oh youre a mess. You think, I asked rubbing my eyes. Here, she said digging a box from under the bed. The eyeliner is downstairs. I grimaced. Im not big a fan of putting on makeup. Well, its definitely better than looking like a dying panda, she joked and threw the box at me. Go downstairs and fix yourself up. Dying panda, seriously, I said following her. I dont look like one. Whatever you say, she said going back into the kitchen, while I stood in front of the mirror beside the front door. What do you want for dinner tonight? I dont have overtime. Isnt that your job to think about, I said applying on eyeliner. So do you want to be vegetarian, meat eater, or noddle eater, she asked. The doorbell rang scaring me and I accidentally poked my eyes with the eyeliner. Dammit, I said closing my red wet eye. Get the door, Skye, Mom shouted. Holding my eyelid closed with one hand, I opened the door. Serena, I said surprised. Mom came up behind me and welcomed her in. Is your eye okay, Serena asked as I wiped away the tears from it. I think so, I said. How do girls put on eyeliner without poking their eyes out? Mom sighed and ignored me. Is there something I can help you Serena, she asked. My mom wants to invite over for dinner tonight, Serena answered. Its a thing she do because she the head of the council and likes to invite anyone new to town for dinner. We were

going to invite you over earlier, but with the deaths around White Creek, Mom didnt think it was idealistic. Mom froze and pressed her lips into a thin line. Tell your Mom thank you for the offer, but Skye and I already have plans for tonight, she said. Sunday is family night for us. Its alright, Serena said. We could have dinner another time. Ill tell Mom what you said. I watched as Serena left and Mom returned to the kitchen. We have plans tonight, I questioned. She sliced the pork and placed it in a container. I just thought of some. When did Sunday become family night, I asked. Just not, she said putting the container in the refrigerator. You should start doing your homework. You have school tomorrow. Are that all you going to tell me, I said, but Mom smiled and went into her office.

I finished my report and was about to print it when the electricity went out. Great, I said and quickly saved the file. I tried, but its not my fault. You shouldnt have done your homework last minute, she said as the doorbell rang. Youre getting that, I said searching for candles in the drawers and boxes that were scattered on the floor. Michelle, I heard a lady said. Mom hesitated and said, Kate.

I havent seen you ever since you left White Creek, the lady called Kate said. I saw the lights in your house before the whole electricity thing, so Im asking again if you like to have dinner at my house tonight. I dont believe youve cooked yet, have you? I found the candles, I said holding up it up. Hello Skye, Kate said. She was a shorter than Mom and her long brown hair reached all the way to her waist. You were so little when I last say you and now look at you youre a beautiful girl. We wont be needing candles, Mom said and grabbed a jacket. Were going next door for dinner. Kate smiled inviting us into her house. Their house was at least twice as big as ours. The size of their dining room was probably our living room. Candles nearly covered spot in the room. Serena and Gen were already sitting at the table. Skye, this is my husband, David, this is Gens father, Travis, and this is my mother, Yvonne, Kate introduced as Mom and I took a seat. Im glad you came over for dinner. I was looking forward to this. Kate has been talking about inviting you guys over for quite a long time, David said handing me the basket of bread. Im surprised that you came back, Michelle. I thought that you wouldnt come back after all those things, Kate said. Well I didnt expect coming back either, but here I am sitting here, Mom said. She was obviously upset and only took small bite of the food. So Skye how do you like being here at White Creek, Yvonne asked. I like it. Its less crowded here, I said.

I hate crowded areas, Kate said taking a bite out of her bread. I remembered when I was young; I wanted so badly to be living in the city and then I got the chance, I found out that living in small town is way better than living in the city. It varies from person to person, Mom said and Kate looked up at Mom with an aggravated face. It does, Kate said. The man that died at the arcade is actually part of the council. He was a great guy. I cant believe he died like that. Skye, werent you the one that discovered his body? I nodded. Poor you, I think I could take seeing a dead body. Now we have an empty seat at the council. Skye, maybe you should think about taking the seat. With your family histories here at White Creek, you can join the council. I think Skye is better off concentrating at school, Mom said interrupting Kate. Shes a junior; she should focus and try to get into a good university instead. I dont think shes going to have time for the council. Serena and Gen are both in the council and they are doing a magnificent job at their education, Kate argued. They still have leisure time to do what they want to do. Plus joining the council looks good on their transcript and they have a better chance at going to the college they want to go to. I still, Mom said straightening up. I think I shouldnt join the council, I said placing a hand on Moms. Im not much of a community person and Im bad at organizing things. Maybe next time, Yvonne said giving Kate a look.

For the rest of the dinner, we didnt talk about the council or about White Creek. Sometimes I will catch Mom glaring at Kate and I knew Mom wasnt telling me something. Ill help you, I offered. No, she said. Serena and Gen should show you around. Serena brought me down the hall while Gen snickered and followed us when her dad forced her. I smiled at the family pictures. This side of the wall is all family pictures, Serena said. I stopped in front of a picture of a woman. Shes beautiful, I said. The woman was probably in her late twenties and her brown hair was tied back into a ponytail. Small pieces of hair escaped her bun and fell over the crown of her heart-shaped face made her look more stunning. Her brown eyes shone as she held onto a baby. Shes my wife, Beth, Travis said walking to us. But she disappeared fourteen years ago. Im sorry, I said. Gen crossed her arms. Im going out for a walk, she said. Its late, you shouldnt go out, Travis said. Gen ignored her father and slammed the door behind her. Shes always like that, Serena said and brought me further down the hall. I feel like Im in a museum, I said looking at a sheet of paper that was hung on the wall. Its the paper where the original thirteen families that created White Creek signed, she explained. Thirteen families, I asked.

White Creek was founded in 1693. The families were originally from Romania, but came to the New Colonies to escape the chaos in Europe, Serena explained. At the time, there were witch trials in Europe and much of Romania was in chaos, so the families left. But after they established White Creek, one member of each family died mystically and it was known as the 13 Deaths. Do you believe in witches and warlocks, Yvonne asked. I shook my head. One explanation was that these thirteen people were witches and when they died their powers escaped into a necklace called the Emerald Talisman, which at the time a witch was wearing. The Emerald Talisman is also called the Witches Talisman. It was legend, but no one ever found the talisman necklace. I believe about vampires and werewolves, but witches, I said. Yvonne laughed. Yes with all those young adults about vampires and werewolves, she said. The sounds of scattered glass dragged us to the kitchen where Kate was talking with Mom. Is everything okay, Yvonne asked. Mom looked from Yvonne to Kate. Skye has school tomorrow. I think we should get going, she said and stormed out of the house. It was nice meeting you, I said and chased after Mom. Mom, Mom. Whats wrong? Mom threw her jacket onto the couch. Stay away from them, she said. What are you talking about, I said. You cant just have a panic attack when they invited us for dinner. Skye, she said calming down. Theyre not what you think they are. Ive known them for years and years. Just dont get too close to them. I looked at the doorway where she disappeared into.

Chapter Eleven: Look whose exhausted already, Ingrid said as we took our Pre-Calculus textbook. You still have a whole week to go. How are you going to survive?

Im having nightmares lately, I said shutting my locker. I keep seeing Leah and the car accident over and over again. Then Ill seesomething. Something, she said. Can that be a hot guy? I snickered. Im serious, Ingrid. I went over to Serenas house for dinner. And something bad happened, she said observing me. Mom and I had a fight. She had this speech with me that theyre not what I think they are, I said. Maybe your Mom is right, she said. I mean she was born here and knew them for at least three decades. Youre making everyone here sound so ancient, I said. Okay, fine, she said and started ransacking her bag. Wheres my pen? The second pocket inside, I said. She unzipped the pocket and took out her blue ink pen. I froze stopping in place and causing the girl behind me to bump into me. Im sorry. The girl rolled her eyes and walked away. How did you do that, she asked sticking her pen in her binder. Do you have like a sixth sense? I smiled wryly. We should get to class before we get a late pass on the second week of school, I said hitting her with a workbook. Fine, be like that, she said as we walked in the classroom. A man stood in the front of the class with the attendance sheet in his hand. We have a substitute, she whispered. I shrugged and slid into my seat just when the late bell rang. Good morning class, Im Mr. Peterson, your new Pre-Calculus teacher, he said. Mr. Evans went into a car accident over the weekend and will not be coming back soon. As for now, you guys are stuck with me.

Wes threw a paper ball at me. Tell Ingrid, she sucks. She should have warned me that Mr. Evans wasnt going to be here. I wouldnt have spent the whole weekend doing that stupid homework, he wrote. I showed it to Ingrid as Mr. Peterson wrote a few problems on the board. Ingrid stuck her tongue out at Wes, who stuck his tongue back out at her. Mr. Wes, Miss Skye, and Miss Ingrid, Mr. Peterson said. Since you guys are talking and laughing, I supposed youre finish with your work. Why dont you three solve the first three problems?

That was totally awkward in Pre-Calc, Wes said. We got on the bad side of Mr. Peter Pan. Ingrid choked on her water. Peter Pan, she said. I like that nickname, West Side Story. What does Wesley have anything to do with West Side Story, he asked narrowing his eyes. I have no idea, but kind of matches, she said dipping her French Fries into the ketchup. Oh yeah, I was going to ask you if you want to join the cheerleading team. Tryouts are after school. I dont think, I started, but remembered what Jessica told me about Mom being a cheerleader. You know what? Im going to try out. This time it was Wes choked. You trying out, he said. You dont seem like a cheerleading type. Is it going to be pretty to watch you try out? I tilted my head to the side. I went to gymnastics before, I said biting my sandwich. So Ill see you after school, she said. I seriously need to get credits if I want to graduate on time.

I ran downstairs to the C-gym and rushed in on time. My eyes widened I saw almost three quarters of the girls at Keswick in the gym. You were almost late, Ingrid said dragging me onto the line. I had to finish my essay, I whispered as a cheerleader approached Ingrid and another to me. Serena stepped onto the table catching everyones attention. Girls and boys, Im Serena, the captain of the cheerleading team, and this Brittany, our co-captain, she said pointing at the short girl, who was no taller than five feet, probably about four ten. Patricia and Ash would be taking your height and weights, so please separate into two lines. Boys on the left; girls on the right. Name and height, Ash asked to the girl in front of me. Cindy Carter, five seven, the girl answered. Weight, Ash asked. The girl flushed. 152. I looked at her. She didnt look fat, just chubby, I guess. Ash turned to me. Name, she asked writing something down. Height and weight? Skye Somerton. Five feet six in a half and 115 pounds. Lets round that up to five feet seven, she said. I dont feel like writing. Grade? A junior, I said. She looked up at me. Brown hair, brown eyes, she said writing something on the paper and left.

What does hair and eye colors have anything to do with cheerleading, I asked Ingrid. I wouldnt have try out if I didnt need those credits, she said. If you join cheerleading team you earn double extracurricular activity credits. Theyre such bitches. She stared at me and asked, Are you seriously 115? Thats mad skinny. Im like 126. Yeah and youre like five nine, I pointed out. Ingrid looked average and with her black hair in a bun, she looked even better. Serena blew the whistle. Those that already been asked please go to Brittany. So youre Skye Somerton, Beth asked. Your Mom is Michelle Somerton? I love her. Shes like my idol and the only reason why I wanted to be a cheerleader was to be like her. Thanks, I said feeling a little uncomfortable talking about Mom. I felt that even a cheerleader knew Mom more than me. You went to gymnastics before. Can you do a cartwheel, she asked. Yeah, I said and showed her. Good, she said. Can you do a back flip? I nodded and did a back flip. Can you do a split, she asked. I nodded again and dropped to the floor with a split. Excellent, she said. Youre in. I stared at her wondering if the only reason I got in was because of Mom. Thats all? Yep, welcome to the team, Skye, Brittany said shaking my hand. Oh and tell your Mom, I said hi. Sure, I said and walked back to the locker room.

Skye, Serena called coming up from behind me. I didnt know you wanted to try out for cheerleading team. I wasnt going to, I said and realized what I said. I dont mean it that way, but then I knew that Mom was in the captain of the cheerleading team, so I decided to join and try to make her happy. She nodded. Welcome to the team, she said and reached for something in her pocket. Heres bracelet. Every member of the team gets one. Its a spirit thing. Thanks, I said as took the blue friendship bracelet. I turned it over and saw my name stitched on the front. It has my name on it. You knew I was going to get in. She smiled and patted my shoulder. It was a lucky guess, she said. Oh and the first practice is on Friday after school. Remember to be there.

I put on a flannel plaid shirt and swung my duffel bag over my shoulders, heading out to the soccer field. I sat down on the bleachers and watched the soccer game as I wait for Ingrid. Keith, get the ball, Sage shouted as he ran over to the opposite side of the field. Tate stood beside the goalie box ready to the kick when the Coach Wilson blew the whistle. Sage and Tate glanced at each other and headed into opposite direction. Wes came over to the bleachers and sat next to me. How was cheerleading tryouts, he asked wrapping a towel around his neck. I got in, I said and he hugged me. Okay that was not cool, he said. Im all sweaty. Hey, Im not any better, I said twirl my ponytail with my finger. I didnt know you were in the soccer team.

My grandfather was in the soccer team and he was desperate for me to get in, so when he died I decided to go for the team and fulfill his dream, he said. Im sorry, I said. Im good, he said grabbing his things. Im going for shower. See you tomorrow. I waved at him. Ingrid came jogging to me. Whats with West Side Story? He looks upset? We talking about his grandpa, I explained. Oh, she said making a face. Thats not fun. Wait here I have to get the car. Its all the way down the avenue. I shrugged and stood against the fence when a soccer ball came out of nowhere and happened to aim straight at my head. I ducked just in time, but the ball still hit me on the left shoulder. What the heck, I screamed as I grab the ball off the ground. Tate came strolling over to the fence. Sorry, didnt mean to, he said. Why does everyone aim at my head, I said. Because your head is an easy aim, he said shooting me a big smile that showed off his shiny white teeth. Jerk. I threw the ball on his chest. Ouch, he said placing his hand over his chest. I said I was sorry. And Im going to say Im sorry, I said and turned away spotting Seth walk into a cabin on the South Wing of the campus. He came back out again and caught me looking at him. I smiled and waved, but he ignored me and disappeared back into the cabin. What are you looking at, Ingrid said looking over my shoulder. I flinch a little That was fast.

I said it was down the avenue not down in Alaska, she said and pointed at the cabin. Thats where Sage lives. He lives there with his Grams and uncle. He lives in the cabin on Keswick Academy, I said going in the car. He must love Keswick to live on it. His Grams love it more. She was the principal of Keswick before Lizzie Hargroves mother took over, said Ingrid driving out of the campus. Principle Hargrove allowed them to live there. Seems like I have a lot more to learn, I said. Much more, she said. Here you are. Thank you, I said getting out the car. Skye, Ingrid called and the sound of her voice made me turned around. Not everyone is who they seem to be. Be careful. For some reason, I felt that what Ingrid said about others included herself.

Chapter Twelve: Girls follow me, Serena said showing us the routines. One, two, three, and four.Left and right, pivot and a cartwheel. I sighed as I landed on my knee for the fifth time of the day. Girls, lets have a break. Skye, can you come over here?

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and jogged over to Serena. Whats wrong, she asked. Youre not yourself today. I know you can do a cartwheel and land on your feet, but they dont. She nodded at the Brittany and the rest of the team. Im sorry. Im exhausted thats all, I said. Why dont you take a break, she offered. Get home and have a good night sleep, so youre charge up for Mondays practice. I dont want to see you like this again anymore. Thanks, I said. I promise you I wont. I went over to the benches and took my towel and water bottle. Where are you going, Ingrid asked wiping her face with her towel. Serena gave me a free pass, I said. Im going home. I swung the towel over my shoulder and walked back to the locker room. The field was crowded with soccer players and sweat was pouring from each of their head. I entered the girls locker room and threw the wet towel into the bag and stuffed it in my bag. Reaching for my water bottle, I noticed that it was empty. I headed out to the closest water fountain and found that it was closed. Stepping back, I bumped into someone. Im sorry, I said turning around. It was Sage. Now Im not sorry. Is there something wrong, he asked. I stifled a laugh. Youre asking me if somethings wrong, I said. I should be asking you that. One day you kissed me and the next you give me the cold shoulder and act as if I dont exist. Sorry, he said. What are you sorry for, I asked. For acting like a douchebag or for kissing me? I dont know, he whispered.

Then dont, I said and walked away from him. I went down the hall to the swimming pool. The next closest water fountain was in the room where the pools are. The smell of chlorine filled my nostrils and I remembered the time when Mom and Leah taught how to swim. I smiled at the thoughts of it. Once I filled my water bottle up, I stood by the edge of the pool and thought of Leah. She was in many swimming competition and won most of them. She was always theperfect daughter, sister, and friend: smart, athletic, and funny. I was about to leave when I slipped into the pool. I swam back up, but suddenly a strong force pulled me down again. It gripped onto my foot and I tried to pull free from it. I gasped for air kicking fiercely in the water. Skye, a familiar voice said. Leah, it was Leah. I looked to my side and watched as Leah sink into the water. Leah, I screamed. I was holding onto the side of the pool and Leah was all the way at the deep side of the pool. Leah. Gathering my courage, I let go and tried to swim, but my arms and legs were not cooperating. I opened my mouth and breathed, but all I got was water and my nose was now burning. I was lightheaded by the time someone pulled me up. Skye, I heard Leah cried. Im so sorry. I was joking around with you. Skye, please wake up. I coughed up water and opened my eyes. Skye. Skye, Skye. I opened my eyes, but instead of Leah, it was Sage. I coughed up water as Sage held on to me. Are you alright, he asked. Do I need to call an ambulance? Did you do CPR, I joked. Its not funny, he said, but he was smiling. Youre smiling.

Im smiling because you almost died and youre making a joke now, he said brushing my wet hair from my face. Youre soaked. Great, my mom is going to kill me, I said leaning closer to his chest. Ill help you, he said into my hair.

I sat down on the couch at Sages cabin. Are you sure your grandma isnt going to come home any time soon, I asked looking down at outfit. Itll look wrong if she sees me in your tshirt. She has meeting tonight at a different town, so were safe, he said handing me hot tea. She wont be back until midnight. Is this chrysanthemum tea, I asked. He nodded. You look good in the t-shirt, he said studying me. I like those perky short shorts. Youre such an ass, I said. Our eyes met and he leaned closer, his lips inches away from mine. A loud beep scared us and we pulled away laughing. Your clothes are dried, he said walking into the laundry room. I leaned against the doorframe as he gave me the clothes. The bathroom is the last room. I closed the door behind me and changed. My eyes trailed down to my lips as I stood in front of the mirror. Thank you, I said and handed him back his t-shirt. He looked over my shoulder and glanced at the clock. Its getting late you should leave, he said. Its not safe for you to walk home in the dark that late at night. Youre right, I said and he stared hard at me waiting for me to leave. Bye.

Bye, he said. He lift himself us instantly and went to open the door when the door swung opened and nearly hit Sage in the face. A drunken man walked in with a bottle of beer in one hand as he stumbled into the room. He bumped against bookshelf before founding his balance. Uncle Zach, Sage said reaching for his arm. Uncle, no wonder Sage wanted me to leave. He didnt want me to know that he had an alcoholic uncle. He quickly glanced at me trying to tell his uncle that there was a guest here. What, Sage, he said leaning against the shelf. He looked past Sage and squinted his eyes as he found me standing there in the middle of the living room. His eyes widened with shock and he walked toward me. Beth. Beth, is that you? He fell onto me and grabbed my arm. Beth, it is you? His grip tightened on my arm. Im Skye, I said looking at Sage for help. Im not Beth. Beth, he said again. I know youre Beth. Why are you hiding away from me? I loved you. I really did. His head dropped to my shoulder. Zach, Sage said reaching for him, but he shook him off. Shes not Beth. I know she is, he shouted. Im Skye Somerton, I said and he looked at me with confusion when the front door opened and a woman in her mid-fifties came in. Da drumul, the woman said. Sages uncle turned around and looked at his mother as he hesitantly let go of my arm. Sage, help your uncle to his room. Without a word, Sage wrapped his arm around his uncles waist as he helped in a room. Im so sorry with what happened, the woman said. My son, he didnt mean to do that. Hes been like this ever since his wife died.

Its alright, I said. Im Jane, she said. Sages grandmother. Im Skye. Nice to meet you, I said. I should go now. Do you want Sage to take you home, she said. Its getting dark out there. Its not safe for a girl like you to go out alone especially with all those deaths. No, Im perfectly fine. Plus I think his uncle needs him more, I said heading out the door. Bye. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I strolled down the street. Why did Sages uncle called me Beth? Who is she anyways? Questions roamed around in my head. Living in a small town was even more complicated than living in the city. I searched for my phone and remembered putting it on the table at Sages cabin. Looking for this, Sage said holding up my cell phone. I totally forgot about it, I said reaching for it, but he held it higher making it not within my reaching distance. Im aware that youre tall. He smirked closing the space between us. Im sorry about my uncle, he said his lips centimeters away from me. I smiled and kissed him. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. I inhaled the scent of apple and mint and memorized the minty taste in his mouth. I really should go, I said pulling away slightly. Mom made a curfew that I have to be home by nine. Bye. I turned the corner leaving him behind as I exploded with happiness. I closed the door behind and leaned against it as I recalled the kiss. What are you all ecstatic about, Mom asked walking by me with a cup of coffee in one hand.

Youre home early, Mom, I said giving her a hug. You dont want me to be home, she said putting her cup down. Im writing my report at home tonight. How was cheerleading practice? Great besides me landing on my knee every time I do a cartwheel, I said. Oh poor sweetie, she said squeezing my cheeks. I slapped her hands away. Its okay. Why did you even want to be a cheerleader? Because I want to be like Mom, I said wrapping an arm around her neck. She typed in her password on her laptop. I know that you were the captain of the cheerleading team, so I decided to try out. How did you know, she asked. There are no secrets in a small town, I said. She took in a deep breath turning away from me. I wish, she whispered and started typing her report. Oh tomorrow I have a meeting. Dont call me unless you have to. Im going to take a shower. I started to read a book when Moms cellphone rang and I look at the bathroom, she was still in a shower. Hello, I said picking it up. Hi, is this Michelle Somerton, a woman said. Uh, she is busy right now, I said. Can I help you? You are? Im Skye Somerton, her daughter, I said. Oh, Im Professor Cromwell from New York University, she said. I have something that belongs to Leah Somerton and would like for you or your mother to come pick it up at my universitys office.

My mom has a meeting tomorrow, I said and bit my fingernail. Ill come pick it up. Are you free tomorrow? Ill be free in the morning, Professor Cromwell. Why dont you come around at nine? Is that okay for you? Sure, I said. Ill see you tomorrow, Professor Cromwell. Who was that, Mom asked coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair. Oh, it was Professor Cromwell from NYU, I said. She said she has something that belongs to Leah and wants you to pick it up. I told her Ill pick it up tomorrow at nine in the morning. You going to New York City by yourself, Mom said giving me a no-no look. Ill drag Ingrid with me, I said. Its only an hour and a half drive if theres no traffic. Two sixteen year old girls going to the city all by themselves is not a good sigh, she said wiping her hair with a towel.Its too dangerious. Mom, Ill be fine. Im not five year old, I said and bit my lip as I said the last part. Leah would agree to let me go. She wouldnt treat me like a five year old. Moms face darkened and she set the towel down. Skye, dont bring her into the story, she said drumming her fingers against the desk. You could say her name, I said shifting uncomfortably when she mentioned Leah as her. This is aboutLeah, Mom said patting my hand and her face softened. If you want to go then go, but make sure Ingrid is coming with you. I dont want you going to the city all by yourself.

Thanks Mom, I said gave her a peck on her cheek.

I climbed out of the Beetle convertible and studied NYU. Leah was a sophomore at NYU when she died. She has always dreamt of graduating and said that the minute shes out she will never come back. Leah never got a chance to get what she wanted. Shell be the student that went to NYU, but will never be the graduate of NYU. Last night when you called me and asked three thousand questions, I thought you were going to make a plan and kill me, Ingrid said putting on her sunglasses. And why are you going to NYU anyways? Leah went to NYU, I said. One of her professors called last night and told us to pick up her belongings. So Ill wait for you here, she said leaning back, so the sun hit her face. Its too much of a nice day for me to go in a university. Plus Im trying to savor my time as a high school-er. Now go. I crossed the campus and reached the reception. Hi, I have an appointment with Professor Cromwell. Can you please fill out this form, the receptionist said. I quickly filled it out and gave it back to her. Professor Cromwell, Miss Skye Somerton is here, she said to the speaker. Tell her to come upstairs, Professor Cromwell said. Her office is in Room 213, the receptionist said handing me a visitors pass. The place was the same as it was the last time I went here with Leah and Mom. I reached room 213 and knocked on the door. Come in, she said.

Professor Cromwell was marking papers. Her glasses hanging from her neck and her white hair were tied into a ponytail. Nice to meet you, Miss Somerton, she said and we shook hands. Im very sorry about what happened to Leah Somerton. She was a bright student here at NYU and I am glad that I had her as a student. She opened her drawer and pulled out a brown clasp envelope. Last semester, I assigned a freestyle research paper to my students and this was your sisters. I opened it and found books and papers in it. You could have mailed it, I said. I was going to, but the information that Leah found me was valuable and it will be melancholy if it gets lost in the mail, she explained. Leah did a paper on paranormal researching and I stunned that she did such a thorough paper for me. I, myself, was a paranormal researcher, but when I married and had children, I just couldnt spend time on it. I appreciate that Leah gave me so much information and to honor it I think it is best for me to give it back person to person. I was going to give it back to her, but she died before I could. She did spend a lot time on this paper, I said looking through the stacks of paper and the books piled against each other. I think this is also Leahs, she said and gave me a purple journal. What is this, I asked. I have to apologize for opening it since there was no name I read a few pages and found out that it was Leah. I believe its a journal, Professor Cromwell said. A journal, I said. Leah doesnt have a habit of keeping a journal. Why dont you read through it, she said. Im sorry, but I have a class now. Oh no, I should be the one thats sorry. Thank you for giving this back to us, I said. It was my pleasure to meet you, Professor Cromwell.

We went separate ways when reached the elevator. I clenched onto the brown clasp envelope and walked to the car. Ingrid was still in the same position as I reached the car. There you are, she said unlocked the door. So what did professor give you? Youve been up there for decades. You could have sex five times with that amount of time. Its a woman, I said getting in the car. Oh, that sucks, she said. Dont worry if you did, I wont criticize you; Ill just throw a penny at you. I laughed and slapped her arm playfully.

Chapter Thirteen: You can drop me off here, I said as Ingrid parked in front of the square. Ill walk home by myself. I dont want to ruin the rest of your plans. Youre so sweet, Ingrid said and got out the car. Be careful alright? We dont want Miss Red Riding Hood to get eaten by Mr. Wolf. Youre impossible, I said and walked away from her. Ill see you on Monday. I heard her scream bye, but I continued walking. It was only six, but it was starting to get dark already. Now I regret not letting Ingrid drive me home because I was getting paranoid. I quickened my pace as I pass by the woods. I ran in the house and shut the door behind me.

Maybe the deaths in White Creek have been freaking me out. I put my shoes in a slot when I bumped my arm on the doorknob. The journal slipped out of my hands and opened on the floor. I reached down to collect it when the words inside caught my attention. My eyes scanned through the paper and I pressed my lips together as I saw the words: witch, deaths, mysterious disappearing. I dumped the books and the papers from the brown clasp envelope and read the title of all of them. Witches. They were all about witches. I flipped to the first page of the journal and read it. Dear Diary, I guess this is the beginning of us. I dont know who to tell, but you diary. My professor for English told us to do a research paper and I chose to do paranormal research. The reason I did it was to make Professor Cromwell happy, so Ill get a better grade for her. She told us a few times that she was paranormal researcher before getting married and having children. I searched everywhere and decided to do it on supernatural beings. This diary will keep record of everything that will happen from now on. Leah I dropped the book onto my lap as the door opened. Hi, Mom, I said slipping the book into my bag. She gave me a peck on my cheek. Did you get it, she asked. Uh, yeah, I whispered and showed her the papers and the book, but not the journal. You can look at it. Mom yawned throwing her hands in the air. Im tired to do that, she said. Im going to bed. Good night, sweetie.

Good night, Mom, I said and ran upstairs to my room. Taking the book out, I read the next entry. Dear Diary, I dont know how to put it. It sounds weird even as I am writing this. Through my research I met him. He was a gentleman. He was different of all the men Ive met. His name is Alistair. I dont even know his last name as a matter of fact. I want to keep it as secret. A secret between you and me. I went out to dinner with him. He was so sweet. God, I cant even take it. Alistair is a history teacher at a local high school in New York City. He, himself, is a paranormal researcher. Well go to the library and hell tell me everything about what he knows about witches. Hes an expert. Alistair gave me a lot of information and helping out on my researcher immensely. He told me that his family was also paranormal researchers. His grandfather even witnessed the Salem Witch Trials. I love spending time with him. He is a walking book about witches and is a definite hottie. I had a great day until I got home. Skye and Mom got into a fight again. Im starting to think that this will be a routine. Every time I walk in the house I will hear both Mom and Skye screaming at each other. It breaks my heart when I see them like that. Living in a house without men is no trouble with me, but dealing with fights is something that I cannot take. Why are they hurting their feelings for such little thing as who lost the keys.

How could I not know that Leah was dating someone? I remembered her coming home with a big smile on her face, but I never suspected that she was seeing someone. I wasnt interested in her love life, but I should have known. I tuck my hair behind my ear and flipped to the next page of the journal.

Dear Diary, He got into a fight because of me today. I cant believe it. No guy has ever done that to me and all I can do now is think about him as I am writing this entry. We were walking down the street when a drunken man scratched my arm and made a bruise on it. He demanded the drunken man to say sorry, but the man refused. He started swearing under his breath and said some pretty nasty thing about me; Alistair punched him in the jaw. I couldnt have ever dreamed he would do that for me. But then the man took the broken alcohol bottle and hit Alistair with it. I swear I saw the jawed end of the bottle scratched across his hand, but when he showed me his hand there was nothing. Then there were his eyes. I saw it flashed red as the man charged at him and when I blinked looking back into his eyes, it wasnt there anymore. Perhaps Im not getting enough sleep lately because of the research paper. I think I have sleep earlier now. So after all the chaos was over, I told him to go to the hospital and all he said was Lets get you home, Baby. I nearly died right there on the street when he said that. Im exploded with happiness.

I wondered if this was how it felt to be in love. I would love that. Maybe Mom has felt that before to when she was with Dad, but I know that I will never get the answer. Mom has been hurt when Dad left her and I dont her to feel that pain again. She deserved more than what she got. Goodnight. Leah I turned the page and found the last entry of the journal.

Dear Diary, I dont remember how many days I havent write in this journal. I wanted to, but every time I pick the pen up, I cant write about it. For gods sake, I know Alistair is nice and sweet guy, but today I saw something I wasnt supposed to see. It was never supposed to go this way. Never ever. I found out the truth about him. I saw him with my very own eyes. Hehurt the boy. It cant be possible. Im too frightened to stand up to him and ask him what is going on. Or the most important question of all that I am afraid to ask him: What are you? Im scared the answer Ill get isnt what I want. I love him. I do. I dont know what will happen if I find out about the truth. The way his eyes turn red when hes angry. The way he can manipulate with peoples mind; the way he hurt the boy. Everything is true. But it cant be. Its not possible. There is only one answer. I have fallen in love with a warlock. A warlock that will never age, that could possibly not love me ever.

My eyes lingered on the last two lines. There arent any warlocks in this world. Its nonsense. The journal fell from my hands and dropped onto the carpet with a soft thump. I placed my head on the top of my knees as I looked up at the picture of Leah. The picture I took two days before she died; her long blond hair hanging over her shoulder and the brightest smile on her face. I grabbed the old looking newspaper from the brown envelope and read each article on it: the disappearance of girls and boys in the city, in small towns. I read the headline of another newspaper from North Carolina: Another Girl Goes Missing. There was another headline that said the police has found another body. I covered my mouth with my hands as I sank back onto the bed tears swimming in my eyes. It cant be happening. The death, the people that has gone missing. None of this is true. I rolled over in bed and threw the covers over my head. Leah would have told me. She wouldnt have lied to me. I practically have to stuff my fist in my mouth to stop myself from breaking down. What if there arewitches and warlocks? I hit my face on my pillows and let my exhaustion capture me.

Chapter Fourteen: Skye Somerton, Moms voice banged in my ear. I moaned when she opened the curtains wide and the sun hit my face. I had to squint from the sunlight. Would you like to explain what you did to your room? You didnt tell me there was war last night here. Papers were lying right where I left it last night and the books were still half open on the chair. Im sorry, I groaned rubbing my eyes. You, girl, are going to be late if you dont get up right this minute, Mom said slamming the door shut. I ripped the covers off of me and got ready for school.

School like always was a disaster for me again. I was nearly late to school this morning. Cheerleading practice was better than usual. Ingrid and I were sitting on the bench resting as we watched the other girls practice their routines. So you were born here, I asked her. Unfortunately, but yes, she said folding her towel neatly into her black duffel bag. Youve heard about the news with the deaths and missing people, I said. Ingrid gave me a quick glance. Whats up with the questions, she said drinking from her water bottle. I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat. Yep, something is definitely bothering Miss Skye Somerton here. I smiled. Do you believeyou knowin supernatural beings? Like perhapswitches, I said casually. Ingrid stopped drinking and she froze. Im not sure where youre getting at, she said quietly. Serena blew the whistle telling us to replace the girls. You know what? It was stupid question, I said walking over to the field. I was reading about a witch book last night and the question just spit out of my mouth before I can stop it. Ingrid nodded, but my instinct told me she holding back something.

Cheerleading practice lasted until six oclock. I had to nearly beg on my knees to tell Ingrid not to drive me home. I wanted some time alone and needed it. I was only a few blocks away from home when I heard a scream. My eyes dashed to the woods where I heard the scream. Something in me told myself that I had to know and save the girl. Gripping onto my cellphone, I went in the woods. A dark shadow vanished ahead of me and I could hear my heart beating. I

wrapped my arm around a tree and ducked under the branch. A girl was lying on the ground, her mouth hung opened and her eyes turned gray just like the man I found in the arcade. I cant believe it, I heard a girl said. We should get rid of it, a familiar voice said. My mouth hang opened slightly as I recognized the voice. It was Sage. Who is it, the girl I recognized as Michaela shouted. I stepped back and started running. I didnt know where I was running, but suddenly someone grabbed my arms and pushed against a tree. My back ached in pain and found Sage pressing against me. We were both breathing hard. What were you doing, I asked pronouncing each work separately as I watched each word hit him hard. Its not what you think, he said losing his grip on me. Skye, listen to me. I cant explain this to you right now, but I will. All you can do now is trust me. Tears started forming and he let me go when he saw it. Come back here at eleven. Im not stopping you from calling the police, but Im doing this for a reason whether you believe it or not. I want to protect, but you have to trust me. I wont come, I said and he searched my eyes. Youre acting stubborn, he said. I am stubborn, I said taking a step back. My back hit against another tree. Dont you want to know how you can feel where Ingrids pen was, he said and my eyes widened with confusion. You didnt just guess, you knew where it was. The time I saved you, there was a cut on your knee and when you showed it to the nurse, it was gone. I froze. How did

he know all this? If you want the answers, come here at eleven. Ill tell you everything and answer every question you have. I turned away and walked halfway before the tears fell out and I started running the rest of the way home.

Mom was downstairs watching television. I sat down on my bed and brought my knees to my chest. I glanced at the clock that read 10:45. I cant, I said to myself, but I wanted to know the answer. I got up and turn on my iPod speaker. Placing the volume up high like I usually do, I went out to the balcony. Carefully, I brought my legs over to the tree and climbed down. I pulled my hood of sweater up and made my way to the woods. It was darker and I could hardly walk without tripping over a rock or my own feet. Shoot, I said I fell onto the tree. Suddenly, the woods lit up. Candles were placed besides the tree. Oh my god. Its amazing, right? I knew you were going to come. Follow me, Sage said appearing in front of me. I hesitated before actually following him. We were walking deeper into the forest and thats when I see it. A bonfire was at the heart of the woods. A group of people surrounded it and I gasped as I saw Serena, Gen, Tate, Glenn, Patricia, Lizzie, Michaela, Johnson, and Phoebe. Whats going on, I asked. I wasnt sure if I should start panicking, but I think I was shaking. I know I should have told you early, Serena said. But with everything going on, I thought it wasnt the right timing. What are you talking about, I asked.

We dont have all day, Serena, Gen said crossing her arms across her chest. Shes not going to get a thing with you talking like that. Lizzie stepped forward. Everyone thats standing here are witches and warlocks, she said. And that includes you. What, I asked too stun to say anything else. Remember when I told you about the thirteen families that founded White Creek, Serena said. Youre the descendant of one of the thirteen families. She took my hand in one hand and her other hand covered my wrist as she chanted something. She slowly moved her hand away revealing a mark of a star. Its a pentacle, the sign of a witch from the thirteen families. Skye, youre one of us. I lifted my eyes from the mark and looked up at her. Witches have the ability to heal fast and that was why the cut on knee disappeared. We also are clairvoyant. Its known as the sixth sense often, Serena said answering my questions. During the Salem Witch Trials, many witches or so they call witchcraft were killed and some of the families lost contact. However, they reunited at White Creek. The only reason the witch trials occur was because of the disagreement of the White Magic and Black Magic. We, witches, were originally practicing White Magic, but during the 1400s a group of witches started practicing Black magic and the disagreement started since then. We were split into two groups practicing different magic: the White Magic and Black Magic, Lizzie explained. Black Magic is more powerful than us individually, but if we unite as a group we are more powerful because were chaste and sophisticate. For hundreds of years, they are aiming for us. They destroy the coven so we cant be united. The deaths and the people are missing, I whispered.

The man you discovered, hes part of the coven. His name is Jared, Tate said. Lora, the other girl that died, is also part of the coven. They are killing our people. They want to destroy our coven. Youre saying the witches are killed with Black Magic, I asked finally finding the courage to speak. Yes, but theres another way to gain power without a full coven, Serena said. If we have the Witches Talisman, we can be as strong as those that are practicing Black Magic. The legend Yvonne told you about the Emerald Talisman is true, but for years after years no one found it because only the Tainted know where it is. It was said that the Emerald Talisman contain the powers of the Black Magic and White Magic which is why only the Tainted can expose the magic, Sage said. But we dont know where it is thats why we need to have a full coven. Youre the one that help us. Me, I said. This is nuts. Skye, youre special. The blood running in you are the blood of the White Magic, Lizzie said stepping closer to me. I took a step back knocking into a tree. You cant be afraid of us. Were trying to protect you because we believe that whoever is killing our people may be after you. Youre vulnerable, Skye. You havent been trained before. Youre not even making sense. If Im a witch then that means that Mom is a witch or my Dad is a warlock, I said. Im pretty sure Mom is not a witch. If my Dad was a warlock, he wouldnt have fled White Creek because he would have known that they need a full coven. Serenas eyes softened and looked at Lizzie for helped. Lets crack the mystery up, Gen said uncrossing her arm. You, Skye Somerton, are not a Somerton. You were adopted. I leaned against the tree for support.

Ithats not possible, I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear nervously. I know who my Mom is. Well apparently you dont, darling, Gen said. Serena shot her a look. Havent you thought of why you dont look like your Mom or Leah, Serena said. Thats because youre not Michelles daughter. According to Somerton Family Book, your name wasnt recorded. Maybe Mom didnt have time. She left all of a sudden, I said. You might want to stop rationalizing, Gen said. When a child is born the records of the family books are written down by a doctor. So if your Mom really didnt have time, the doctor would have written it. I dont believe you, I said turning away. Tate stopped me standing in front of me. I know that taking everything in at one time is hard, but I hope that you can keep us and the meeting tonight a secret while you digest everything. I bit my lower lip. I promise you I wont tell anyone, but I cant accept the half the fact you guys told me tonight. I snuck back home and wiped my tears away. There was no way Mom adopted me. I know her; I know that Im her daughter. I cant be a witch. Theres no such thing as a witch. I hid myself under the blanket wishing everything that happened tonight was dream.

Chapter Fourteen: I looked at mirror and took in my features. Mom and I were always different. I had straight brown hair, while Mom had blond hair; my eyes were brown and Moms eyes were blue just like Leahs. We didnt even share one similar trait. Youve been looking in the mirror since this morning, Mom said pouring flour into the bowl. Do you want to help me bake cookies? I feel like we havent had this girly thing for a long time. I dragged myself into the kitchen and mixed the egg. What kind of cookie are we making, I asked. She pointed at the piece of paper clipped on the wall. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip chocolate, she said. Okay, I think I have everything: vanilla extract, chocolate chip, peanut butter chip, flour, egg, and

I want to know about Dad, I suddenly said. I couldnt stop myself from asking the question. Mom accidentally dropped the whole bag of flour into the bowl. Oh god, she said scooping out. Are you going to answer me, I asked. She pushed her hair over her shoulder. Why are you asking about him? Because I have never heard of him, Ive never seen him, you never mentioned him. I feel like hes some stranger, I said. I want to know at least his name and what he was like. She sighed. Why are we having this conversation? You never asked about him your whole entire life and now you want to know. I just never asked you, I said. My heart missed a beat and I knew I was hurting her with my questions, but I needed to know. I want to know after living in the dark for years. She closed her eyes and mixed in the egg and the flour. From what I gather, hes not someone important to know about. He was never in your life, he will never be in your life, Mom said and took in a deep breath. His name was Jeff. I dont even remember his last name. We had an one. One what, I asked. All you have to know that he left us, she said. I knew I wouldnt get more from I got, so I stopped asking the questions that roamed around my head. Can you hand me the vanilla extract? Im going to the bathroom, I said breaking the silence between us. I screwed up. I just ruined the relationship with Mom. I washed stair and was about to head down the stairs when I saw the opened door to Moms room. Listening at the clinking noise of the egg beater, I snuck into Moms room and carefully closed the door. I opened the drawers searching for paper, but

none of those were what I was looking for. I ransacked the nightstand drawer, but there nothing there either. I sank down to the floor and brushed my hair back. What was happening to me? I could think that I wasnt Mom daughter. They were all lying. I shouldnt even believe them for a second. I looked down my foot and a pink box under the bed caught my attention. On the front my name was sprawled across it. There was a paper where my baby footprints were and other it were a bunch of papers from the hospital. On the very bottom, a yellow paper stuck out. I slipped the paper out as the door opened. What are you doing in my room, Mom shouted and I stood up with the paper in my hand. How dare you? She rushed in the room with a distraught face. Whats this, I said holding the paper up for her to see. You shouldnt, she said. Adoption paper, I read the big title that was written on the top. Shouldnt what? Shouldnt have known that I was adopted or shouldnt have read this paper. You were going to cache this paper from me for the rest of my life? How long were you going to hide this from me? Skye, she said. You told me to stay away from Serenas family because they knew that I was adopted, I said. She doesnt say anything as tears dropped. Those tears once fell for Leah and now they were for me. Youre so selfish. I threw the paper onto the bed and stormed out the house. I heard Mom screaming after me, but I couldnt take it that my mom lied to me sixteen years making me think that she was my mother. Leah wasnt my sister. We were not blood

related at all. I ran down the streets as cried harder. My legs ached, but ignored the feeling because none this was real. My life is dissembled, its not even true. I ceased in front of the small lake by Keswick and collapsed onto the floor. I hid my face in my arms and cried. Someone sat down next to me on the grass and for some reason I knew that it was Sage. He sat there quietly starring at the lake. I dont know how long weve sat there before I lifted my head up. You didnt have sat here with me, I said and he handed me a tissue. Youre a good listener. Im a good sitter, he said starring ahead. You know what happened, I said. He doesnt say anything, but the silence already answered my question. So was it some psychic thing? I dont have to have a psychic thing to know what happened, Sage said crossing his leg. Its clearly you found out. I dont suppose a girl comes out to the lake and starts crying out of nowhere. The sun was setting and different shades of color filled the sky. Its twilight, I whispered. You know what she said about it. She said its the twilight zone of humanity. I only seven years old when she told me about and I had no idea what in the world she was talking about, but now I understand. Twilight zone of humanity, he said. Is it even possible? Feel it, I said. Thats what she told me. We sat watching as the sunset and the darkness took over. For a second, I wished Leah was here besides me. Maybe it would have been better if Leah hadnt die, she could be here giving millions of reasons that Mom loved me and didnt want to lie to me. I missed her stupid jokes especially the ones about me. Every time, I go out with Leah and Mom, people wouldnt

have guessed that Leah was my sister or that Mom was my mother. We looked so different. The only thing that attached us was our last name, but did it mean anything? Do you who my biological mother is, I asked. I dont know. The reason we realized that you were adopted was because we are sure that Michelle Somerton isnt a witch. There is no hint of witch blood running in the family. There was no way she could have given birth to a witch, he said. Plus thats for your job. Im pretty sure your mother is beautiful. How do you know, I asked lying down on the grass. Youre her daughter, he said smiling down at me. I should talk you when Im upset, I said putting my hands behind my head. You know how to cheer a girl up. I only tell the truth, he whispered. I watched the small waves moving across the lake and felt as if I was in the lake myself and was floating. Remembered when I told you that I found out I had a brother. Yeah, I said kicking the grass off my sneakers. My brother is Tate, he said. He said it so softly that I almost missed it. My eyes shot up and looked at him. My mother married Sheriff Delaney when she was twenty. She said she was young and stupid at the time and gave birth to Tate. She like everyone decided to escape from reality and worked in the city. It was there that she met my father at the library in the city. They later had an affair. My father didnt know that she was married and accidentally become the person that destroyed the marriage. When he learned of the truth, he broke up with my mother and decided to move back to the town he was born in and where his mother and brother lived. That town was White Creek, I said.

He nodded and stuffed his hands into his pocket. A few years later she came back, but she didnt come back alone. She brought back a baby boy with her. They met again and my father found out that the baby boy was his son. His head hanged down. You and Tate dont seem to be, I said. We dont seem like brothers, but we are, Sage said. Ive lost both of my parents already. You should value your mother. I brushed my hair away from my face as a strong wing blew against my face. She lied to me, I said. She could have told me the truth, but she didnt. I mean how can hide something like that from me. Why dont you look at the point of view from your Mom, he said sitting closer to me. Maybe theres more to the story. You shouldnt relent that easily. Give your Mom another chance. I rubbed my arms and sighed. I dont know, I whispered. Ill drive you home, he said getting up. He reached his hand out and I looked up at him for few seconds before taking it.

Sage pulled up in front of the house and I pressed my hands together. Thanks, I said opening the door. Sage reached over and closed the door. I spun around wanting to ask him why, but his face was so close to mine that the question immediately evaporated into the air. He placed a small kiss on my lips. His hand tuck my hair back behind my ear and he pulled back acting as if nothing happened. Hey, what has one eye, but cant see? Answer me the next time I see you. I stepped out of the car and felt the chill as I slipped the key into the lock. Sages car was still there parked against the curb. I sucked in a breath and opened the door. Mom was sitting on

the couch, a phone in one hand. She was looking at fervently and finally looked up when I went in the house. Skye, she said and ran to wrapping me a hug. Im so sorry. I didnt requite her hug, instead I ripped her hands off my me. I want to forgive you, I said. But I cant. Im telling myself that I should give you another chance, but Im so forlorn right now. I have no idea whats happening. I understand. Its not your fault, she said taking my hands and I shook it away. Im not asking you to forgive me, but I want you to know that it was wrong of me for to hide the truth from you, but I never thought you would have found out. Im selfish, I know that, but I wanted to keep you safe. After losing Leah, I knew that I needed you. You were my only daughter and I dont want to lose you ever. I closed my eyes and nodded. Just give me time, I said and started to head up the stairs, but I turned around and faced Mom. You own the truth. Who was she? I was afraid of calling that woman my woman. She was a foreign stranger even though I have her blood running in me. She opened the 1993 yearbook of Keswick. She was my best friend, Mom whispered showing me the picture I saw in the library. It was the picture of Mom and another cheerleader hand in hand. Elizabeth Tamerlane, I said horrified by the name. We were best friends since first grade. Everywhere we went, we would go together and everyone would think that we were twins, Mom started and her fingers traced Elizabeths picture. After graduating from Keswick, we went to different college. I went to Colombia and studied meds, while Beth went to a college in Rhode Island. We werent in contact for a long time. One day, she showed up in front of my house in New York and shoved a baby at my face. That baby was me, I said.

Mom nodded. She told me that this was the best way for the baby and that she knew I could protect the baby. At that time I already had Leah and it was from a one night stand with some guy I dont even remember, she said and buried her face in her hands. I didnt know how to react. I mean my best friend just handed me her baby. I was going to give you up since I was trying to make ends meet, but you were so cute and irresistible, so I kept you. Leah loved you too and watching you girls playing with each other made things feel more perfect for me. Do you know where she is, I asked. She disappeared fourteen years ago, she said. Last time when Kate invited us over for dinner, she asked for herand wanted me to tell you the truth. Wait, Elizabeth Tamerlane is Travis wife then Gen is, I said my voice trailing off. Shes your half-sister, Mom said. She met Travis in college and they got married after she gave birth to you. I held up my hand indicating for her to stop. Gen is my half-sister, I repeated. I cant take this. I bit my lip. Skye, she said and took my hand. She slipped a piece of paper into my hand and closed my hand. This is her phone number. She gave it to me before she disappeared. I dont know if shes going to pick up, but its worth a try. She walked upstairs and I heard the door slammed shut. I opened the piece paper and took out my cell. I dialed the number and with hesitation I pressed send. When the voicemail operator finished her speech and the beep rang, I scratched m head not knowing what to do say. Hi, I stuttered. IIm Skye, Skye Somerton. I hung up and hid my face in the pillow.

Chapter Fifteen: I pulled the covers over my head as the doorbell rang. I lied to Mom and said that I had a bad headache, well I didnt really tell her I just said I have a headache, Im not going to school and went back up to my rooms. I dont know what Im doing is right, but I can no longer act normal around Mom. I threw the covers across the room as the doorbell kept ringing. Shut up, I shouted stomping down the stairs. Im coming. I didnt bother looking thought the peep-hole and just opened the door. I jumped onto the couch and hugged a pillow to my chest. Darling, what the hell happened, Ingrid said. Wes closed the door and walked in behind Ingrid. Youre a mess. She piled the magazines onto one side of the table. You werent in school today, so we came along to see whats wrong, Wes said kneeling on the floor. Im sorry, but you do look terrible. I like your ponytail though. He ran his fingers through my ponytail. Ingrid slapped his hand and Wes yelped back in pain. Whats wrong, Skye, she said patting my shoulder. I rubbed my face against the pillow. Im miserable, I muttered.

Let me guess people are usually miserable about two things: money and boys, Wes said. I dont think you have a money problem, so its about boys. Tell Wesley, whats the problem? Im good with boys. Youre gay, she reminded him. I know, but I make boys fall for me, he said brushing his hair back. Dont you think I have more experience then you, who probably never dated in your entire life. If you dont listen to my advice, it will be a waste. Ingrid stuck her tongue out at Wes. Is it about Sage, she asked. I flipped over and looked at the ceiling. Kind of, I said. Hes dating someone behind your back, Ingrid said jumping on top of me. No, I said pushing her away and laughing at her sudden excitement. Of course not. I found about a smallwell, technically, a bigsecret about him. Oh my god, Wes said pointing his finger at me. I pushed it away. Hes gay, isnt he? I chuckled not answering him. He is gay. I knew it. I think the closest girl he ever got close to was Lizzie. Lizzie, I asked. Wes covered his mouth. I wasnt supposed to say that was I? Ingrid shot him look telling him to shut up. Lizzie graduated from Keswick two years ago. She goes to NYU, maybe Leah even know her. But anyways Sage was always around her. They probably dated and everything. Shes older though, I said founding it sound weird from my mouth.

So Im gay, Wes said pointing at himself. If you think dating an older woman is weird, imagine dating a person with the same sex has you. Its horrific. Ingrid slapped his chest. Can you stop slapping me? So is he gay, Ingrid asked raising one of her eyebrow. No, I laughed throwing the pillow I was holding at her. Thatll be disgusting. Fine then what are you miserable about, Wes asked. I settle back into my position: my leg dangling from the couch and my head lay back on the pillow. I wasnt ready to talk about it and I definitely didnt know how to talk about it. There was no way I was going to tell them about witches or the fact that I was adopted. It felt too eerie for me to say it. You ever had this person you trusted and believed in, but then one day you realized that you were being beguiled all along, I said playing with the tassel on the pillow. And now when you open your eyes the very next morning, you feel like you woke up thinking everything is a dream. I turned to Ingrid and Wes for help. Wow, youre worse than Shakespeare, Wes said and sank down to the floor. Ingrid dropped her hand from mine and looked down painfully. Do you mind if I go for a scavenger hunt in the kitchen? I shooed him away. Ingrid, I called. Her head shot up; her eyes widened when I called her name. Are you okay? She quietly nodded. You look worse than me now. Her eyes wandered around the house. I have something to tell you, she said and the way she looked at me, I knew she was going to tell me something important. You have those onion ring chip from Burger King, Wes shouted bringing a bag out.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about them, I said and turn back to Ingrid. What did you want to tell me? Ingrid eyes trailed from Wes to me. Oh, its a girls talk, he said and crept back into the kitchen. She opened her mouth to tell me, but I stopped her. If its a bad thing, dont bother, I said putting my hand behind my head for support. Ive heard more truths I ever had in the past weekend. I dont need more. Ingrid pressed her lip into a thin line. You were going to say something bad? She shook her head fervently. II was going to say you do have a cute ponytail, she said smiling briefly. Ha I told you, Wes yelled jumping up from behind the island. You were listening to our conversation, I said and threw a pillow at him. Oh baby, its war, he said when the pillow hit the bag of onion rings. He raced onto the couch and attacked Ingrid and me with pillows. Pillows were flying everywhere and Wes standing next to door when the door opened. The pillow that was meant for Wes whacked Mom in the face. Crap, Ingrid said and backed away slowly. Hi, Ms. Somerton, he said and went over to Ingrid. Mom starred hard at me and took the keys out. Im going to the garage and clean it up. Continue with what you guys were doing. She left the house and the garage door screeched opened. Your Mom is cool, Wes said and jumped onto the couch shaking it. I collapsed besides him.

If only you, I said pricking the loose feather from the pillow. I think we should be wild, Ingrid said and suddenly shot up. We totally forgot to tell you. I told you to remind me. Hey, we were having fun here and you know that when theres fun, theres no Wes, he joked. What are you going to tell me, I asked sitting up. The winter carnival, she said digging for a paper. She handed me a ripped and torn paper. What did you do to it, Wes asked touching the paper lightly as if it was going to break apart. My dog chewed on it, she joked. I read the paper. It stated that there will be a Winter Carnival committee and if anyone is interested in joining the committee they should sign up at Keswick. Uh, can I ask what this is all about, I said giving the crinkle paper back to Ingrid, who shoved it in her bag. Theres a Winter Carnival every year, Wes explained. The Council prepares and funds the carnival. Its usually on build on the campus of Keswick and they have this sign sheet for joining the committee. And you, Ingrid said pointing at me. Are going to be in the committee because the entire cheerleading team helps out at building the carnival. You dont have a choice. Building, I said. I cant even make Toothpick Bridge without stabbing myself five thousand times and making the bridge collapse a million times.

Well, youre really just setting it up, Wes said. The building part goes to the soccer team and the other sports teams. The most youre doing is painting signs and handing out flyers. Its not complicated. I groaned throwing myself onto the couch. Oh and it starts tomorrow, Ingrid said. What?! Yeah, what, it starts tomorrow, she said. So get ready, darling. Why, I shouted to the ceiling. Ingrid pinched my cheeks and said, You wont be miserable forever. But I feel miserable now, I said pinching her cheeks back. And probably tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after tomorrow, and maybe for another year. Yeah, okay, she said. Ill give you three words: Suck it up, woman. Thats four words, Wes pointed out. Screw you, she said and kissed my cheek. See you tomorrow, little girl. Wes pressed a kiss onto my other cheek and said a goodbye. The committee. God, can this be worse? Im so doom. Im going to see Serena, Gen, and the rest of the coven. The reason I didnt go to school was to hide from then and not see them, but tomorrow Im going to be working with them. I screamed into the empty and buried my head under the pillow once again.

Chapter Sixteen: I closed my locker and spun around with my combination debating if I should just make a run or make an excuse that I dont feel well. For the whole day, I have dodging Serena, Sage, Tate, and the rest of them. I was usually with Ingrid or Wes, but never by myself. I could keep the secret about them, but I couldnt accept or join them. I leaned against the locker and looked at the empty. It was hardly ever empty and I was starting to like it. I fidgeted in my tank top and jeans. I stepped out into the campus and saw about a hundred people walking and roaming around it. On the further end of the campus, the boys were building a tent. On the opposite side, I spotted Ingrid, who was helping the girls with sign. Serena was by the fence painting a board in

pink with Gen and Patricia. I made sure that I wouldnt come in contact with anyone in the coven before walking to Ingrid. Hey, do you need help, I asked. You can paint this purple, she said shoving me a board. After you finish, bring it back to me and well decorate it. I sighed and carried the board and the can of paint to the empty space. Pouring paint into a tray, I dipped the paintbrush in it and started painting. Hi Skye, Lizzie said blocking my access to the paint. Ill help you. I continued painting. Im sorry that you have to take in everything at one time, Lizzie said. I heard about what happened between your mother and you. I gave Sage a quick glance. He was staring at us while he placed the tent together. You need to accept the truth. This is what you are, Skye. Im confused, I whispered dumping the paintbrush in the tray of paint. I have no clue what got me into this, but you cant just come up and tell me that Im a witch. It doesnt work like that. Im going through a lot. I lost a sister; I learn that Im a witch, and that Im adopted. I still havent gotten over the fact that my Mom lied to me for sixteen years. I dont think I have time to deal with the fact that Im a witch. Youre important to us, she said. You can make us more powerful and you can help stop the Black Magic. Look I dont care if Im important or special or any crap, I said. Im a normal teen thats going through a hard time in her life. Its a tragic that I cant, dont, or want to help you. Im sorry. This is who I am. Youre in denial, she said.

Serena appeared next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. I just cant do this, I said as my phone rang. Hello, I said picking it up, but no one answered. I looked at the caller ID and I didnt recognize the number. Hello? Hello Skye Somerton, a woman said. Who is this, I asked covering my other ear, so I could hear more clearly. Turn around, she said and I did as she told me to. I felt Serena and Lizzies eyes on me. Do you see that red car in the parking lot? I scanned the parking lot and found it near the sidewalk. There are a group of kids walking down the sidewalk and when they are near that car, the car will burst in flame. What the hell are you talking about, I said looking around the sidewalk. There werent any kids. I. Thats when I see it. A group of kids hand in hand as they walk down the sidewalk. They were carrying an ice cream cone in the other hand. Only you can save them, the woman said and she hanged up. No, I screamed as the car went on fire. The kids shouted and a group of jocks ran across the parking lot saving the kids. My hand covered my mouth and watched as the car burned down. My instinct told me that the woman was here watching everything. I looked around as I felt someone looking at me from behind. I spun around and spotted a woman standing under the tree. She was wearing sunglasses, but I could still recognize because she had the same straight brown hair from the picture and the same hair as me. It was Elizabeth Tamerlane.

The firefighters put out the fire and the kids were sent to the hospital even though none of them were hurt. I sat down the bench and hunched over my knees. I knew it was her. She

disappeared though. Why was this happening to me? I buried my face in my hands as a few people approached me. You knew it was going to happen, Serena asked. I couldnt tell her about Elizabeth. Did she even know that Elizabeth Tamerlane is my mother? I looked up and my eyes met Sage. He was standing next to Lizzie and his green eyes looked at mine with a pleadingly way. Skye, you are the next victim. Youre so young and innocent. They want to kill you. Dont you understand? Maybe I dont, I said grabbing my bag and walked out of the campus. You are dangerous yourself. Your powers are overwhelming and if you dont learn how to control them youll hurt someone. And when you do understand, she said. You can come to me. I pretended as if I didnt hear and walked all the way home from Keswick.

Chapter Seventeen: Two words summed up everything: School sucksoh, heres another oneLife sucks. I could barely walk through the halls without being anxious that Ill bump into anyone I dont want to see. I wrapped my earphones around my neck as I head outside to the campus. The Winter Carnival was only two weeks away and theres been after school for the last few days. Mrs. DuPont, an old lady thats been working at Keswick for thirty years, was carrying a heavy load of wood supplies. I ran over to her. Ill help you, I said grabbing one end of the supplies and helped her carried it into the building. Thank you, Skye, she said wiping her hand against her pants. Youre just as nice as your mother. My head jerked up finding it a surprise that she actually said that. Um, do you know Elizabeth Tamerlane, I asked. She graduated from Keswick in 1993. Oh, of course I knew Beth, Mrs. DuPont said sitting down on the swivel chair. Why do you ask? Im just curious, I said. Ive seen her pictures a few times around the house.

She nodded slowly. Ive been working here thirty six years. She was best friends with your mother. You should have seen them back then. They were like twins. Wherever Michelle goes, Beth will always be there and vice versa. At first I thought they were sister, but there was the appearance, she explained. They dont look alike as a matter of fact you look quite like Beth. I gave her a mock laugh. I believe they went to colleges, Mrs. DuPont said. Beth came back a few times after she graduated, but she seemed different. Why is that, I asked suddenly eager to know more about her. I have no clue, she said zipping her coat up. She did tell me that she met a man and he was very nice to her. There was this expression on face and it looked pleased, but at the same time it was painful. The way she told me I knew she was unhappy. You said she met a man, I asked. Do you know who that man is? Shes Beth. If she doesnt want to tell you, you cant do anything to get it out of her, she said as we heard a car honk. Oh that must be my daughter. It was nice talking to you Skye. I helped Mrs. DuPont and watch her climbed in the car and drove off. I sank down to the nearest bench. Whoever that man was, he could have been my father. Hey, Sage standing in front of me. You okay? Yeah, I said walking away. Skye, he called. I spun around interrupting him. I thank you for being there when I needed you and Im sorry about your family, but I cant accept the fact that Im a, I said and leaned toward him, so no one else can hear it. The smell of apple mint made my nose twitch. a witch.

Youre going to have to accept it one day, he said grabbing my arm and stopped me from walking any further. You have no idea what youre facing. Dammit, Skye, why are being so stubborn about yourself. Youre right I have no idea what Im facing and Im definitely stubborn, I admitted. Ill get around one day, but until then I want you to respect my decision. Please. The word please made his eyes softened and his eyes glowed black. He closed his eyes and walked away. Thank you, I said.

I picked it up, I said to Mom over the phone and walked out of the pharmacy. Ill call you when I get home. An argument across the parking lot caught my attention and recognized Mrs. DuPont. A taller lady stood opposite of her and was screaming at her. I crossed the parking lot reaching for Mrs. DuPont. Mrs. DuPont, I said touching her arm lightly. The lady shut up brushing her curls behind her shoulder. Uh, Skye, Mrs. DuPont said nervously. Skye, this is my daughter, Melody. Melody, this is Skye, she goes to Keswick. Melody rolled her eyes. Like I give a shit, she said. Now, Mom, why dont you let Skye take you home? Snatching the money from her mothers hand, she hopped in the car closing the door in front of Mrs. DuPont face. Melody, she called, but her daughter ignored and started the engine. Melody, listen to me. Mrs. DuPont, I said pulling her back. Her daughter obviously didnt care for her. She drove away and stopped by the stop sign. Dont chase after her.

Shes my daughter, Mrs. DuPont cried. Anger rushed through me. How could a daughter treat her mother like that? My hand clenched into a fist as I felt a surge of power flow in my veins. I concentrated on the car as a fire started at the back of the car. I watched as Mrs. DuPonts mouth hung opened and raced to the car. She banged on the window, but her daughter didnt answer her. Steam escaped from the crack between the windows. The fire now covered half the car. Melody, she shouted trying to the door, but was locked. Melody, who was inside, was coughing and tried to pry the door open. It was no use. A few other people surrounded the car. I focused on the car and my eyes burned from the concentration. The fire stopped when a man pushed past making me stumble to the side. He slammed the windows opened with a hammer and helped Melody. She was coughing and black ashes were scattered on her faces in patches. Tears filled my eyes and my knees felt weak. I leaned against the pole for support. I bit my lower lip to stop my cries. I did that. I could have killed Melody. There was no way I could forgive myself if I killed her. I covered my mouth with my hand and ran back home. You are dangerous yourself. Your powers are overwhelming.Serenas word kept echoing in my ears. I covered my ears and fell onto the concrete floor. This isnt me. I know it. My eyes roamed to my right and I knew had to do it My hands shook as I raised my hand to the doorbell. Gathering all my courage, I pressed it. She opened the door with a big smile spread across her face. I need your help, I said to Serena. Its about time, she said and invited me in.

Chapter Eighteen: Take a seat, Serena said pointing at the couch. Ill go get grandma. Before Serena could step foot on the steps, Yvonne came downstairs and held her hand up when Serena was about to talk. Serena, can you please water the plants in the garden, Yvonne said and Serena glanced at her grandmother. She stood not moving a step. Please darling, do what I tell you? Ill take care of Skye. Yvonne waited for her to leave the house before sitting across from me pouring a cup of tea for me. I thanked her as she studied me. Is there something wrong, I asked wiping my face. Yvonne smiled. No, Skye. You look a lot like her, she said as I lift the cup to my lips. Looking at you is like seeing her again. I set the cup down. You mean Elizabeth? She nodded. Not a lot of people know about you; just Kate, your Mom, and me, she said. Not even Travis or anybody from the coven, I asked.

Yvonne shook her head. Beth was scared. She didnt want her daughter to live the life she had and she did everything she can to protect you, she said. She thought that all you need is a normal life without the knowing of the supernatural world or the powers that lay within you. That was why she gave you up to Michelle. She believed Michelle will take care of you. But Im a witch, I said. Didnt she think that one day Im going to cause a fire or use magic? Yvonne lightly placed her hand on mine. She did, she whispered and a weary expression spread across her face. But what she intended to do was not let you join the coven. She was keeping you from the coven. My mouth opened, but nothing came. I was too confused. That doesnt make sense though. She was in the coven herself. Beth didnt want to drag you into the drama. In a way she was trying to protect you, but she expressed it in a wrong way, Yvonne said. She doesnt want you to join the coven and doesnt want you to practice magic. Its your choice, darling. Ignore what Beth intended to do for you, choose something you want. Im not saying what Beth did was right, but she wasnt exactly wrong. Skye, you're special and if you do you have to be ready to face the consequences when you join the coven. II dont know what to do, I whimpered. Youre a smart girl, Yvonne said. Youll know what to do. But what about my powers, I said recalling what happened today. I nearly killed that woman. You can control it, she said. Serena can teach you simple self-control techniques. But if you really need help, I will always be here and you can come to me if there is a need.

Thank you, I said and she wrapped me in a hug. Do you know what happened to Elizabeth? Yvonne sighed and pulled back. She disappeared one day and never come back and I dont know where she is. My daughter is very stubborn like you, she said drinking her tea. Beth was a clever girl, but unfortunately she made a veryvery egregious decision. She met my Dad, I asked and Yvonne folded her hands together. Who is he anyways? Skye, there are some things you shouldnt know about, she said. I respect my daughter and I think we should regard the decision that she doesnt want to tell you about your father. Do I look like him, I whispered. Yvonne smiled and patted my head. You look more like Beth than to him, she whispered and gave me a hug.

I held my phone in my hands and grip onto my pillow. I went to recent calls and found her number. The telephone number was different from the one Mom gave me. I closed my eyes and pressed send. It rang a few times and the voicemail operator came up. You call has been forwarded, the lady said. I hanged up throwing my phone under the covers and pillow. I went into the bathroom and splashed water in my face. I knew Elizabeth wouldnt answer the phone, but a small place in my heart told me there was still hope that she will. Skye Somerton meant nothing to her probably. I lay back onto the bed when I felt a soft vibrate under my head. I reached for my phone and saw a text message from a restricted phone. I opened it and swallowed hard.

Im sorry. Be careful. Elizabeth did answer me and I hugged the phone to my chest.

Chapter Twenty: Concentrate, Serena said beside me. Focus on the fire. Close your eyes and think about how to put on the fire in the fireplace. I gave her a nervous laugh. This is probably not going to work out, I said. The last time I tried to put something on fire; it nearly killed an innocent woman. Youre just going to lit up the fireplace, not kill me, she joked and turned my head so I was looking at the fireplace once again. Now think about the fire. Clear everything else in your head. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I concentrated on the fireplace and started to feel tingly sparks traveling in my arms to my hand. My eyes shot opened and a fire appeared before me in the fireplace. Oh my god, I said turning to Serena, who was smiling. This is cool. We should have a rest, she said sitting on the couch. Thanks for the fire. I walked over to her and crossed my legs. You have something to ask me? So youre a psychic too, I said narrowing my eyes. She shook her head. I can read body language quite well, she said. So what is it? I propped myself on my elbow. Do youumknow where Sages uncle work, I asked uncomfortably.

And why are you asking, she asked mocking my actions. I need to ask him something, I said matter of fact. Its a secret, she said and I nodded. Zach owns a deli down in the square. Hes usually there by afternoon. You can check it out after you leave. Thanks, I said getting up, but Serena grabbed my arm. One more time, she said and nodded at the fireplace. She put it out the fire and motion for me to start. I sighed and concentrated hard when a loud thump made me flinch. The fire, which was intentionally for the fireplace, crept over to the table. My mouth hung opened as the table started burning. Oh Jesus, Tate said taking out his phone. I must dial 911. He faked dial it on his phone. Mr. Firefighter, my witch buddy totally made a mistake and got the table on fire. Yes, send over a dozen of fire trucks. You know, you never know if shes going to get something us on fire. I shot him a look that shut him up. Im sorry, I said as Serenas eyes flashed to a black color. The fire was put out and the table was back to its original state: shiny and polished. Im going to go. Youre leaving already, Tate said stepping in front of me. I thought you can catch something else on fire. The sound of his voice gave me chills, but I tilted my head, so our lips were even closer. Im sorry to disappoint you, I said and headed out the door.

The deli wasnt hard to find especially with the ginormous sign: Zachs Deli. At least, it wasnt named after White Creek. I stepped in the deli and the small bell on top of me rang. The

fresh smell of bagel and pine made my stomach grumbled softly. Nearly all the tables in the deli were taken. Zach was sitting at the table near the end of deli and he was reading a newspaper. He looked different from the last time I saw him maybe because he wasnt drunk this time yet. I saw him lifted a glass of beer to his mouth. I walked over to the table and took the seat opposite from him. This seat is, Zach started pulling his newspaper down and ceased when he saw it was me. Can I talk to you, I said. He pulled the newspaper back up blocking my view of him. Obviously, he doesnt want to talk. You knew her, I said tugging on the newspaper slightly. You knew Elizabeth Tamerlane. This time Im sure I caught his attention. He set his paper down and our eyes met. Im sorry with what happened last time, Zach said taking a sip of his beer again. What do you want from me? I dont want anything from you, I said leaning forward. He moved backanxiously. I need information from you. He studied me a few seconds. About Beth, he said. I nodded in response. Why should I tell you? He was acting like Sage was when I first met him. Elizabeth is mybiological mother, I whispered. I watched as the color from his face drained away. Ask Yvonne, he said dryly taking another long drag on his beer. I did, I said. But she didnt answer or give me a lot of information about Elizabeth. I want to know more about her. And why will think Ill tell you anything about her, he asked putting his beer.

Because you love her, I said. Zach stiffened and I knew I hit his weak spot. We sat there in silence until he finally spoke. We went to Keswick. I was a grade ahead of her, but we got along pretty well. I used to be on the soccer team and she was a cheerleader, so we saw each other pretty much in every practice and game, he started pressing his hand against the beer bottle. She was gentle and was what every guy wished for. Beth wasirresistible, I guess you can say. She was beautiful, intelligent, a cheerleader, I mean Jesus how can anyone give birth to such a perfect baby. He took another drink and his eyes roamed around the deli. We dated, but only for a short period time. I guess she never loved me as I much as I did to her, he said. When I came back to White Creek on winter break, she broke up with me. I knew she was involved with someone. She said no, but the look in her eyes told me she was lying. I mean she looked like her happiness was going to spill out from her eyes. I knew that I cant make her feel like that. You just gave up like that, I asked crossing my arms. He snickered. I wish I did. I loved her and I was desperate to find out who that man was. I followed her one night and I saw the man the very first time. I could see why Beth fell for him. He was handsome, he said staring hard at the beer. Every word hurt him as he is telling me. But he wasnt just any man. What do you mean? Hes a warlock, he said tapping his hand. And he isnt just any warlock. He practices Black Magic. How, I asked, but Zach interrupted me.

His eyes turned red when he does magic, he said with angered. I confronted Beth. I told her everything and she told me she knew it from the beginning. She knows what shes risking, but she still wants to be with him. I couldnt say anything after that. Youre saying that my Dad is a warlock that practices Black Magic, I whispered. I could barely hear my own voice. Zach reached over and placed his hand on mine. If Beth thinks it was worth it, then it is, he said. You really did love her, I said. Its the past now, he whispered. Thank you for telling me, I said leaving the table. I turned around. Can you not tell Sage or anyone about our conversation? He smiled lightly. Your secret is safe with me.

Looking around the campus, I was satisfied with way things were for the Winter Carnival. The banners were placed all over the outer walls of the buildings and lights were hanged on the poles. Kate walked over and handed each of us a paper. She flashed me a smile when she gave me mines. This will be your schedule for the day of the carnival, she announced. Everyone surrounded one another as they discussed their schedule. I, instead, went over to the bleachers. I was about to put the paper in my bag when Sage snatched the paper from me. Well going to be at the booth of the pop bottle ring toss together, he said and gave me back my paper. I stuffed it in without a second glance. I heard that youve finally accept the fact. Im not part of the coven, I said swinging my bag over one shoulder.

At least youre not hiding from the truth, he pointed out. Thanks for your compliment, I said sarcastically and brushed past him. He caught my arm and spun me around so I was facing him once again. Leaning forward, he kissed me softly on the lips and pulled back. You welcome, he said with a cocky smile. I strolled along the fence and saw Brittany and a few other girls looking at the papers. Hey, I said peering over Britts shoulder. I read the headline: Madeline Roland Goes Missing Sunday Night. Theres another person missing again. Roland is damn nerd. I cant believe anyone would want to kidnap her. I mean come on get some taste, Kelly, a cheerleader, said flipping her blond hair. I think Im better off staying at home. I mean dude I dont even know how many more people are going to be missing. My Dad said the sheriff might start a curfew, Britt said. Apparently, they think its too dangerous for us to go out late at night. I was going to go on date, Jess, a red-head cheerleader, exclaimed. God, I dont want to be home that early. I can hardly stand my parents. Theyre always telling me to do this and do that. Its totally annoying. Itll be safer, I said and all three of them glared at me. We should be careful. Seriously, Skye, Britt said shoving her hand on her hip. Safe means nothing to us cheerleaders. My Dad is a close friend with the sheriff and Im Tates girlfriend, so I doubt anything is going to happen me. Wait, youre Tates girlfriend, both girls shrieked. I cant believe it.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from them. Tate smirked at me and deliberately bumped into me. Really, I asked. He looked from his right to lift trying to act innocent. What, he asked. Whatever, I said and looked in the direction of Britt and the girls. Your girlfriend there is a handful. Jealous, Tate asked twirling a piece of my hair. I slapped his hand away and scowled at him. He raised his hands high in the air to show surrender. No harm done. More and more people are disappearing and dying in White Creek, I said stepping closer to him and he seemed to like it. Innocent people are dying now not just witches from the coven. We know, he said capturing my eyes into his. Someone out there is practicing Black Magic and evidently they need human energy. Stop doing that, I said peeling my eyes away from him. Doing what, he asked playfully. I groaned. Guess I made a pretty bad decision talking to you, I said. Whoa, so youre oxymoron, he said. Britt came over and wrapped her arm around his waist. Hello Sweetheart. She gave him a long passionate kiss right there in front of my face. I cleared my throat breaking their kiss. I didnt mean to do that, I said indicating their kiss. Britt shoved me a look that made my stomach feel uneasy. I was going to say bye. Ill see you later, Tate said and Britts eyes widened. I hope not, I said trailing away. I keep my promise, he said and gave a flirty smile.

I turned on the music and on the highest volume. Nothing seemed to be right for me. I dont know what Elizabeth has to do with anything. My eyes fell down to my cellphone on the table. I stood up to get it when a hand grabbed my neck and pushed me back. My head was still spinning from the fast motions and by the time I realized what was going on I saw Tate on top of me pinning me onto the bed. What the hell, I shouted and lowered my voice in case Mom was home. I dont want Mom barging in and find Tate like this on top me. You couldnt even scream, he asked moving his hand away from my neck. Screaming didnt occur to me. Maybe because I knew it was you, I said. Liar, he said and a strand of his blond hair hanged loosely over his eyes. His legs were straddling my thigh and I was starting get uncomfortably. Do you mind, I asked pointing at his position. Nope, he said leaning down and inhaled my hair. You smell so good. Please, I whispered as I felt his breath on my neck. Sure, he said and kissed my cheek before getting off of me. I straightened up and he rolled back onto my bed. He tucked my pillow into his arms and smelled it. Smells just like you. Perhaps because its my pillow, I said snatching it from his arms. What do you want? Do I have to want something in order to visit me, he asked curling up like a fetus on my bed. I couldnt help, but laugh. Right visit me. So you live in Antarctica now, I said with sarcasm.

Hey I can talk with the penguins, he said and winked. He patted on the spot next to him and went over sitting next to him. I was just here to attack you andseduce you. I snickered. You did do the attack part pretty good, but the seducing part, I said and placed my lips on his ear. Not so good. He smiled and suddenly widened it. If your Mom finds me here, would she have like a panic attack, he asked. I shrugged. Well, here she comes. Skye, Mom said walking into my room. Oh sorry, I forgot to knock. Her voice trailed away as she saw Tate and me on my bed. I shut my eyes tight and opened them back. Uh, Mom this is Tate, and Tate this is my Mom, I said. We were just discussing on how to do the project for English. We dont, Tate started, but I shot him a look. Yeah, were thinking if we should do Edgar Allan Poe or Emily Dickenson. Poes poems are mysterious and dark, but Dickensons poems are melancholy, but are filled with depth. What do you think, Mrs. Somerton? Moms face softened and a slight smile appeared on her face. So youre a fan of poems, she asked. Moms a poem freak, I whispered to Tate. Yes, as a matter of fact my Mom has a whole library on poems, he said and I knew Mom was fascinated. If you have time, Mrs. Somerton, conceivably you can stop by and Ill show you. Thank you, Mom said. I was just going to cook dinner. Tate, why dont you stay over for dinner tonight? Uh, he, I said wanting to tell her that he cant.

Sure, my parents arent going to be in town tonight. I would love to join you guys for dinner, he interrupted. My mouth must have hanged opened because Tate was chuckling as he followed Mom downstairs. I stood there dumbfounded not knowing what just happened. Skye, would you like to give me a hand in the kitchen, Mom shouted. I raced down the stairs and Tate sat there on the couch with the biggest smirk on his face. I lifted my fist in the air and he laughed harder. What do you need help with, I asked walking in the kitchen. Can you hand me the pepper, she asked mixing the dressings. So Tate goes to Keswick? I handed her the pepper. Yes, I said and I knew where this was going to lead to. Hes a senior, so next year hes going to college. Oh, she said dumping breadcrumbs into the salad. A senior. I dated a senior once, but it didnt end up good for both us. I saw him at one of the high school reunion thing and he really messed up his love life. I heard that he married four times, but ended up getting a divorce every single time. He went to Stanford and guess whats his job is now? A damn real estate agent. I ate a baby carrot from the salad. What are you trying to say? She shrugged and then sighed. I like your boyfriend. Mom, I warned. Look your Mom here went to high school too, she said putting the salad in the refrigerator. I was a girl and I experienced what youre experiencing right now. And what could that possibly be, I said rolling my eyes.

Girl and boy thing, she said. Im making it clear that I dont care if you date, but as long as you dont screw up in school or on drugs orget pregnant and STDs. Tates a great guy and I like him too, so youre good to go. I groaned. Let me make this clear to you. Tate is not my boyfriend. He is I paused. I cant tell her that he is someone that is protecting me. Tate is just a friend, nothing more than that. She nodded. A friend who goes to your bedroom. Mom, I whined. Okay, I get, she said. Hes a friend; a very intimidating good-looking friend. I elbowed her and she laughed. Look Skye, I want you to be happy. Ever since Leah passed away, you havent been the same. Those cute adorable brown eyes of yours hasnt lightened up, she said and swallowed hard as she got the words out. I looked out outside and Tate still sitting on the couch watching the sports channel. I wondered if Mom would say the same thing about Sage if I ever brought him home.

Chapter Twenty-One: I opened the front door when the first bell rang. I groaned in vexation as the hall started crowd with people. It took the amount of time for the late bell to ring for me to get to my locker. I spun my combination on the lock and froze as my eyes fell on the picture of Leah and me. For sixteen years I thought she was sister, but she wasnt. Those words burned a hole in my heart. I grabbed the books I needed for the rest of the four periods. Being late of English is not pretty especially that I have Miss Lane. I quicken my pace when I suddenly bumped into someone. My books scattered across the floor. Shit, I said bending down to pick up. I wasnt calling you that. Im sorry. That person picked up the rest of the books for me. I looked up and found myself looking at a guy with blazing blue eyes. Here, he said with a thick Ukrainian accent. He was definitely going to be a jock with his appearance at Keswick.

Thank you, I said taking the textbooks and my hand accidentally touched. I flinched at the vibe when we touched. He wasnt good news. Is everything okay, he asked. I snapped back into reality and nodded. Im Oleksiy, new to Keswick. Um, Im Skye, I said and he stuck his hand out. I looked down at the books and we laughed. Yeah, Im sorry. My hands are kind of busy. Its okay, he said and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. Do you know where this room? Room 245, Miss Lane, I read. I have her right now. Have you been here a long time, Oleksiy asked gripping onto his backpack. I actually transfer here to Keswick at the beginning of the semester, I said as we turned to the bigger numbers. So Im not much better than you are. His laugh was deep and made me shiver. Are you cold, he observed obviously saw my shiver. No, I said. I get shivers sometimes. Were here. I opened the door for him and everyone in the room turned their attention to us including Sage. His eyes narrowed when he saw Oleksiy walking beside me. I slipped into my seat in the back room not wanting to attract any more attention. Mr. Mos, Miss Lane said struggling with pronunciation of his last name. Its Mos-ka-lick, Oleksiy said helping her out. Well, Mr. Moskalyk, why dont sit next to Skye, Miss Lane. The cheerleaders eyes all moved along with Oleksiy as he took the seat next to me. He smiled at me and turned his attention to the front of the room. My eyes moved past Oleksiy to the seat behind him. Sage

frowned and started scribbling something onto his notes. I quickly looked away when he caught me watching him. Miss Lane dimmed the light and as soon as she started teaching on the smart board, I put my head down and pretended that I was copying the notes while I was only daydreaming. I couldnt get out any faster when the bell rang. I tagged along a group of students and made my way through the hallway. Suddenly, someone pulled me into the storage room. I was about to scream and a hand covered my mouth. Dont scream. Its me, Sage said. I shook his hand away and faced him. What are you doing, I asked and saw his silhouette moved closer to me. Im going to be late to classagain. He pushed me to the wall and I was trapped between his arms. His lips only inches away from me. Why were you late, he asked. Thanks to Tate, I said and immediately regretted for telling him. Tate, he said moving away from him. I grabbed his shoulder pulling him back to me. Its not what you think, I said. He attacked me. I paused when I saw he was disgusted. It was just some self-defense thing. So my Mom came in and saw us. He acted all cute and stuff, so Mom invited him for dinner. Thats all. Sage didnt show any expression on his face. Who is he, he asked changing the subject. The smell of mint hit my nostrils. How am I supposed to know, I said. Hes the new kid. I thought you might know, psychic.

Im a warlock, but we dont know everything, he said. And by the way youre a witch too. He stepped closer which made my heart beat faster. Something about him bothers me. Dont get too close to him. I snickered and he moved closer. What do you want, I asked trying to sound strong, but with him this close to me, it made my knees want to buckle. What do you want, he whispered in my ear. A chill crept through me and I forgot to breathe when he kissed me. He pressed my head against the wall as he kissed me hard. I dropped my bag and looped my arm around his neck requiting his kiss. He was all I want right now and I needed him to keep me sane. I pulled him closer and kissed him possessively. The late bell ran scaring me and brought me back to reality. He chuckled noticing that the bell scared me. Shut up, I said picking up my bag. Im late thanks to you. You wanted it too, he said with a smirk on his face. I wanted so badly to smile, but I didnt not with that smirk on his face. Im going, I said. Hey, you still didnt tell me the answer to your riddle, he said reminding me. Ill tell you next time, I said and left him behind in the storage room. I slipped into my seat and thanked God that my teacher wasnt here yet. I didnt need lateness especially with me cutting a few of my classes for the last few days. Good afternoon, Students, Mr. Houston said walking into the room. History was one of my favorite classes probably because he was teaching. The class isnt as boring as the rest of the classes. Oops, I should say: Welcome to Hell. Everyone in the room burst into laughter. Today will be one boring lesson not, he said and picked up the piece of chalk. The Salem Witch Trials. My pen slipped out of my

hand the minute I saw the aim. Looks like someone is already panicking. Now, Miss Somerton, can you tell us something about the Witch Trials since you seem to know-it-all already? I, uh, I said. What the hell was I supposed to say? People were accused of witchcraft. He clapped his hand. Bravo, Miss Somerton. You just stated the obvious. I sank back into my seat embarrassed. The Salem Witch Trials began in February 1692 and lasted all the way to May 1693. Even more coincidentally, White Creek was established in March 14, 1693. Are you trying to say were all witches here, Johnson said and everyone chuckled. How can he make a joke out of it when hes a warlock himself? I tapped my pen against my notebook wishing I had cut this class. I am not saying that, Mr. Houston said writing something else on the board. It wasnt just in the US that had accusation of witchcraft. During that time Europe did too. He showed us a chart of the number of trials and execution of people in various regions in Europe. These people who were accused of witchcraft were often killed and burned alive. I shivered at the thought of being burn alive. All the people that were accused of witchcraft were burned or hanged. Some of these didnt have trials at all, he explained. Oleksiy raised his hand. Yes, Mr. Moskalyk? Actually a few people survived, he said. There were exactly thirteen families that moved away from Salem during the witch trials. The rumors say that these thirteen families escaped and ended somewhere near White Creek. My grip on my pen tightened. How did he know about all these things? Why, thank you, Mr. Moskalyk. Can I ask you where did you get this information? My Dad iswell, technically, was a historian, Oleksiy explained. He studied the witch trials.

How interesting, Mr. Houston said. He was obviously annoyed that a student was correcting him. Lets get back to the lesson.

Did you see the new guy, Ingrid asked chewing on her sandwich. He is one hottie, son. Wes snorted. Yeah only if you like vampires, he said. I mean seriously, Bro, he looks like he just came from the Artic where theres hardly a sun what so ever. Oh so youre allwhats that wordjealous, she said sticking her face to his. Wes rolled his eyes. Hes a gay version of Brad Pitt, so suck it up, he said gnawing on his sandwich. You girls look at him as if youre on cloud nine. Youre the gay version of the Loch Ness Monster, Ingrid joked and Wes spanked her bottom. Dude, watch where your hands are going. She paused looking past my shoulder. Oh God, hes coming toward us. I think Im going to faint. Wished you did, Wes mumbled. I smiled and finished my water bottle when I heard footsteps behind me. Hi, do you mind if I sit here, Oleksiy asked and Ingrids eyes fluttered. Yeah, I said removing my bag. Hi, Im Oleksiy, he introduced himself. Wes dug his eyes into his while Ingrid was still dazed by his looks. When no one bothered to introduce themselves, I said, This is Ingrid and Wes. He nodded. So where did you lived before you came to White Creek, Ingrid asked.

I lived in Salem, Massachusetts and my Dad and I moved here a week ago, he explained. His family traces back to White Creek and after the death of my grandmother he wanted to come back and kind of revive those memories. Oh Im so sorry, Ingrid said her eyes softened. That was such a loss. I was adopted, but I treated her like my own grandmother, he said lowering his head. That is the saddest thing Ive heard, she said and Wes snickered. Someone help, I heard a girl screamed. We all turned around to see what was happening. A group of boys rushed in the cafeteria carrying a body in their arms. They set him down on the table. I recognized him; Kyle is in my English class. We watched as the nurse came. Everyone move away. He needs to get some air here. Please. Move, the nurse shouted as everyone moved away. Between the gaps of the people, I saw Kyles face. His blue eyes wide opened as if he was taken by surprise and his lips were dark purple. I heard Ingrid gasped and saw that tears were forming as her lips were parted. Ingrid, I said tapping her lightly. She flinched at the edge of touch. Are okay? She nodded and quickly grabbed her bag. Im going to bathroom, she announced and walked away. Im going with her, I said and followed her to the girls bathroom. I closed the door and went to the last stall. I rapped on the door. Ingrid. Ingrid, its me Skye. Is everything okay? I heard her sniff and the sound of her ripping the tissue. Open the door, Ingrid. I continued knocking when the door slid opened. Ingrid was seating on the toilet seat her knees brought up to her chest and her arms cradled her legs. I know him, Skye, she said looking up at me with teary eyes. Her eyes were swollen and red.

I kneeled down on the floor and opened my arms wide for her to hug me. Im sorry, I whispered patting her head. Hes dead, she said crying onto my shoulder. I could feel the wet blotches on my skin. The nurse is checking him out, I said and she hugged me tighter. She shook her head hiding her head into my neck. Hes dead. I know it, she said confidently. I didnt know what to say, but remain hugging her.

I heard about the boy that died at Keswick, Mom said as I helped her set the table. Ingrid knew him and had a break down when she saw what happened to him, I said putting more tissue in the slot. Oh poor girl, she said setting a bowl of salad on the table. Salad again, I said eying her. What, she said throwing her hands in the air. Ive worked all day and forgot to go to the supermarket. Well, I can save some time in the bathroom, I said and she laughed. So did they know what happened to Kyle? Kyle? Oh that kid. We didnt find the cause of death, but it was probably a sudden heart attack, Mom said pouring the dressing onto the salad. Its rare for teens to have a heart attack, but he has hypertension. His family has a record of genetic hypertension. It couldnt have been something else, I asked. Maybe like being killed by warlocks, I added in my mind. Im just saying that a sudden heart failure maybe the problem, but there could be other causes of death, she said. Lets not talk about this. Were eating here after all.

Chapter Twenty Two: With the mid-terms and the deaths, days were passing and I didnt realized that the Winter Carnival was today. I know, I know, I said fishing through my closet. Give me thirty minutes. Ill be back at the campus in thirty minutes okay. You better, Ingrid said. You cant be late okay? I know, I know, I said again. Youve been telling me that for the last ten minutes of my life. If you want me to get there on time, you better hang up. I cant get dress with one hand and talking with you. Im not good at multitasking. Get here on time, she warned again and hanged.

I groaned and threw on midnight blue dress and a black leather jacket. I opened the door and slammed into someone the minute I tried to rush out the house. Crap, I said and Sage smiled down at me. Im sorry. Did I hurt you? What do you think, he asked. Maybe you should have walked out the door like a formal girl. He pressed me against the door. Im not playing this game with you, I said pushing him away. Im going to be late to the carnival and. I paused turning back to Sage, who was smirking at me. and why are you here? I came here to pick you up, he said opening his car door for me. I kind of knew you were going to be late. I stepped realizing what he was wearing. He was wearing a blue collar shirt. Look at us; we match tonight, I said climbing in the car. Its not one those. No, he said taking his seat. No magic, no stalker move, you can settle with the answer that we think similarly. I like that, I said giggling.

Sage pulled up in the parking lot. Thank you, I said opening the door, but quickly closed and leaned toward Sage. I kissed him and smiled at him before leaving the car. I rushed over to Ingrid. Miss Somerton finally arrives, Ingrid said clapping her hands. Youre so lucky youre not late. Its starting now. Ryder Martin stepped onto stage and clapped his hands on the microphone capturing everyones attention. The whole campus became silent and I spotted Sage standing by Lizzie and

Johnson. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Winter Carnival. Lets welcome the head of the Council, Miss Kate Thompson, Ryder said and everyone burst into applause. Kate took the spotlight. I welcome everyone to the twenty fifth Winter Carnival at White Creek, she said. First, I have thanked Mrs. Hargrove, the principal of Keswick Academy for lending us a space to hold the Winter Carnival and the students that helped preparing and building the carnival. Everyone clapped again. Second, I want to welcome the new teacher, Mr. Peterson, and two new fellow students, Skye Somerton and Oleksiy Moskalyk. Here comes the free History lesson, Ingrid whispered as Kate started telling us the day White Creek was established. We stood there for another five minutes listening to Kate babbling on. I hope everyone have a fun night, she finally said. We took our spot in the carnival. Sage was already at the booth by the time I got there. A few people were already surrounding the booth and most of them were girls. They were probably there because of Sage. I joined him and helped him pass the plastic rings. You have quite a lot of fans, I said and watched the girls chattering and once in a while would look up at Sage and smile. A little tossed the plastic ring and it landed on one of the bottle. Congratulations, I said reaching for the teddy and handed to her. The girl showed her to her sister, who was happy for her sister. I want the teddy bear, I said pointing at the bear sitting on the counter of the booth. Do you want it, she asked holding on to my hand. Im not good at tossing bean bags, I said and before I can say anything else Leah dragged me to the booth. Using her tickets, she played for at least a few times and finally on her last chance she got it.

Here, she said giving me the teddy bear. Me, I said with my eyes widened. Yeah I got it for you, she said. I love you Leah, I said. I love you too, Skye. Those four words: I love you, Skye, made my heart ache. Skye, Sage called pulling me back to reality. Hmm, I said and exchanged the tickets for rings. I glanced at the clock. We have a break. Michaela and Britt replaced us while we walked side by side on the campus. You were thinking about Leah, Sage asked. You noticed, I said stuffing my hands into my pockets. When the little girl showed her sister the teddy bear, it reminded me of Leah. She wasted all her tickets for a teddy bear I saw. I miss her. Guys, Ryder called out into the microphone. Grab a lady and pull her onto the dance floor. The music started and Sage tucked my hand out and pulled toward the dance floor. I cant dance, I said, but he had his hands on my waist already. I really cant dance. Youll be fine, he said and I locked my arms around his neck. I love this song. I dont know how you do what you do. Im so in love with you. Amazed by Lonestar, I said and he nodded. He pulled me closer and the smell of him made me tingly again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. This was my parents song, he whispered his green eyes glistening under the moonlight. This was the song my Dad sang to my Mom when he asked her to marry her.

Thats so romantic, I said and saw the sorrow in his eyes. His eyes trailed to the kissing booth where Tate stood. Tate was sitting on the chair looking up at the moon and possibly listening to this song. The song ended and all three of us snapped back to the carnival away from our own thoughts. I stood on my tippy-toes and gave Sage a slow and meaningful kiss. Out of my corner of my eyes, I saw Serena and Tate walked away from the campus and towards the woods. My cellphone rang. Hello, I said watching where they were going. SSkye, Ingrid said her voice trembling. Ingrid, I said giving Sage a worried look. II swearI didnt meanto, she stuttered and sobbed. Where are you, I asked. Wowoods, she said and hanged up. Its Ingrid. She is in trouble, I said. Sage and I ran to woods and found Serena and Tate standing over a dead body. Serena gave me a sorry look. Ingrid was sitting on the floor her coat wrapped around her tightly. She was shaking. Ingrid. She looked up slowly, her black eyes stunned with fear. Serena moved away and saw Ryder on the ground: his eyes opened and his lips turned purple just like how Kyle looked when he died. Ingrid, I said and walked toward her. Im so sorry, she said as tears fell down her cheeks. The way she said sorry, I knew she had something to do with the death of Ryder. What are you, I asked as the wind blew my hair back. Skye, she said her lips trembling.

What are you, I repeated. Sage reached for my arm, but I moved it away. IIm a succubus, she said carefully.

I stared down at the floor aimlessly as I heard the phone ring. How is she, I asked picking the phone up. Shes fine, Serena answered. The man, we gave him in to the police. You guys knew all along, I said. It came out more like a statement rather than a question. We knew there were succubi in White Creek, she said. But we didnt know who it was. It was kind of surprising for us to find Ingrid to be one. She doesnt seem like those types. Thats why she doesnt date, I said ignoring Serenas statement. One kiss: the kiss of death. Thats kind of cool, I heard Tate said in the background Skye, Serena called. Ill be fine, I said knowing what she will ask. Im exhausted. Good night.I got up without giving the phone another glance. When I reached to my room, I shut the door behind me and slid down onto the floor.

I opened my locker and a piece of paper flew out of it and landed on the tip of my shoe. Im sorry. Please talk to me. Ingrid. I crumbled the paper in my hand and shoved it back into my locker. I glanced at her locker that was next to me and slammed mine shut before heading to class.

Avoiding Ingrid was hard especially when she sit next to me or behind me. All day long I doodled in my notebook and didnt dare look at her. I wasnt mad, but I didnt know how to take the fact that my best friend could be succubus and the fact that she killed someone. My hair became a curtain between us in lab and once in a while I would take a glimpse. It looked as if she hasnt slept at all and the huge black circles that were under her eyes. I pressed my lips together and continued copying my notes and drawing. At lunch, Ingrid was nowhere in sight. Wes slid into the seat opposite of me. What the hell happening between you and Ingrid, he asked poking his mash potatoes. You guys are usually loquacious and looked as if youre glue together. Youre both so quiet today. Nothing, I whispered. Nothing, he repeated. Nothing usually means something. Come on, spill it out. Wes, I started. Its alright, he said. Its like I wanted to know. I know that Ingrid sucks sometimes, but shes a great friend. If she hurted you Im pretty sure, she didnt mean to. Ive been her friend since elementary school and believe me you dont know how many times I wanted to strangle her. She cares about you, so promise me you wont be mad at her too long. I promise, I said and finished the last bite of my salad.

I rang the doorbell and a woman in her mid-thirties greeted me. Hi, Im Skye, I said twisting the strap of my messenger bag. Im here looking for Ingrid. Ingrid is upstairs. Her room is the first one when you walked upstairs, the woman said. I was just about to head out. Bye. I stepped in waiting for her to close the door before walking up the stairs

Carefully, I pressed the door opened and Ingrid was lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. When she heard me, she sat up and whispered, Skye. Are you going to kill me, I said half jokingly. Ingrid cracked a smile and moved slighty, so I can sit beside her. I promise you I wont, she said tuck a strip of blue hair behind her ear. I didnt mean to kill him. It was an accident. I swear I never meant to hurt him, butsomething got into me. I lost control. Is it really like one kiss and youre dead, I asked. She stifled a laugh. No, she answered and I felt I let out the breath I held in. But if the kiss getstoo intense, we, succubi, can kill that person. Succubus takes the energy of the people when we kiss them and if we take too much we can kill them. That was the reason why you dont date, I said pressing a pillow to me. Yeah, I didnt want to hurt anyone, she said gripping onto the cover. What happened tonight was an accident. He was soI dont know. I was hungry and I made the wrong choice. God, Ryder was such a good guy. He shouldntI shouldnt have done that. How about Kyle, I asked. When he died he looked the same exact way as Ryder did. Ingrids head shot up. I didnt kill Kyle. I know that a succubus killed him, but I swear to God that it wasnt me. I wont ever hurt my friends like that. You sure you wont hurt me, I asked trying to ease the awkward situation. Of course not. My mother and my sister are both succubus, but I havent seen them for a long time. They left when I was eleven and I was raised by my Aunt Trudie. She is a succubus herself, she said and frowned. I knew I should have told me earlier, but I every time I wanted to tell you, something happens.

Thats why you were acting so strange sometimes, I said remembering all the times when she wanted to tell me, but never got the change because soemthing will always interrupt her. Theres no more secrets, Ingrid said smiling at me. I pressed my lips together. I have something to confess, I said looking at Ingrid, but she didnt seem nervous. Im a. witch, she finished and my mouth hanged opened slightly. I know. Im a succubus and I could sense if someone is a witch or a warlock. I knew from the very first day that you were a witch. And all along I thought this was one huge secret, I said and we fell into a silence. You took this rather quicker and easier than I thought you will, she said breaking the silence. Well it was kind of hard, but hey, Im a witch, I said fumbling with the tassel. If you told me there were vampires in this world, I might even believe it right now. When she didnt say anything, I said, There arent, are there? She shrugged. There are a lot more supernatural creature out there. But I believe there arent vampires, she said. Thank god, it wouldve been weird to see an Edward Cullen, I joked punching her playfully on her arm. I bit my lip and pulled the pillow closer to me. Theres another thing Im adopted. What, Ingrid asked straightening up. Michelle Somerton isnt my biological mother, I said placing my head on her shoulder. Her best friend just gave birth to me and dumped me to her. Im not sure if moving here to

White Creek is a nightmare or some truth game thing. Its so weird now to know that my Mom isnt my real mom and Leah isnt my sister. Everything is misplace, nothing in my life makes sense. Well youre taking sure good, she said laying her head on top of mine. I didnt even realized that something was bothering you. Im pretty deft at hidding myself from reality, I said folded my sweaty hands together. I havent told anyone about this. I found my biological mother. I felt Ingrid stiffened. Her name is Elizabeth Tamerlane. Elizabeth Tamerlane, she repeated. That sounds so familiar. I heard. She paused and spun around so she was facing me. I remember that name. Shes Gens mother, so Gen is your sister. I nodded. Half-sister, I corrected. Travis isnt my biological father. No one even know him. Im sorry, Skye, she said and wrapped her arms around me. You know whats one bad thing about you. You hide yourself so good. You dont tell anyone anything and then you face everything by yourself. Im messed up, I said folded my arms across my chest. Hey, Im still here, she said opening her amrs in a victory move. Thanks, I said half-sarcastically. Thanks a lot for making me staying home by myself tonight. With the guy, you hurt, Mom isnt coming home tonight. Thats good, she exclaimed. We can have girls night. You stay over and were have a sleepover.

I sighed and fell onto the bed, but it felt good to tell someone everything that has been hiding deep inside of me.

Chapter Twenty-Three: I stretched my legs and turned my head watching the soccer team practice. Tate passed the ball to Sage and he kicked in to the goalie box. They cheered, but Tate and Sage didnt even glanced at each other. I turned my attention back to cheerleading practice. Girls, the same routine, Serena shouted and counted from one to three. I dumped my things into my duffel bag after cheerleading practice. I stood by the bleachers watching Sage. Hi, I said greeting him as he walked towards me. Look at you looking all sexy. I want to bring you somewhere, he said taking my arm. Where, I asked narrowing my eyes.

Somewhere special, Sage said whispering in my ear. He gave me a peck on the side of my cheek and headed off to the boys locker room.

Sage driving toward the woods and I still had no idea where he was bringing me too. He made one last turn and stopped in front of a house. I laughed looking up at the old victorian house in the middle of the woods. Even though it was dusty and tedious, it felt special and I knew it meant something to Sage. He opened the door walking in front of me. A eerie force didnt allow me to go in. Sage smiled. I invite you in, Skye Somerton, he said and indictaed for me to walk inside. I lifted my leg up slowly and stepped in carefully. My mouth gasped open surprised this time I was allowed in. This house in binded with a strong spell. People has to be invited in by the owner of the house. Wow, this is impressive, I said wandering the living room. The couches were covered with a white cloth and the tables were just as dusty as the outside of the house was. On the side of the living room there was a small library. A leather armchair was placed beside it. I walked over to the library and pulled a book out of the bookshelf. Gone with the wind, I said waving it at Sages face. Seems like whoever made this library likes classics. Thatll be my Dad, he said put the book back in place. He pulled me away from the library and took me upstairs. Sage led me to an office at the end of the long corridor. My family lived here before we moved to the cabin. My Grams is one of the five Elders. This is why the house is protected by a vigorous spell. Its a spell put up by the five Elders. Ive heard about the Elders, I said. Yvonne told me about them once.

She is part of the Elders herself, he said patiently. He pulled the curtains apart and sunlight beated into the room. This office was my Mom. She was a witch herself and this was where she kept her books and grimoires from centuries ago. I examined the pentacle that were hanged on the white-turning-yellow walls. Whats this, I asked pointing at the pentagram that was inscribed within two circles. It represents iniquitiousSatanism, he explained and reached in the drawer. Sage held out a small wooden box and took my hand into his. I know this is kind of weird, but I want you to have this. He flipped the lid opened and grabbed the serpent ring from the box. This is an amulet ring. It was actually my Moms, but I think it needs an owner now. Itll protect you. Sage, I said as he slid the ring onto my pointer finger. You should keep it to yourself. I mean like its your mothers possession. I dont think I need this, he said kissing me lightly on the mouth. Itll be bizarre for a warlock like me to wear a serpent ring. I opened my mouth wanting to argue, but he silenced me with a kiss. I love it, I said and held it up for him to see. Something glistened on the side of the ring and it read: Vade Retro Satana. Bother to tell me what it means? It means go back, Satan, Sage said grabbing a book off the desk. He flipped to the page that had Vade Retro Satana sprawled on top. It was often engraved into crosses and crucifixes. There was a formula also for the verse: VRSNSMV SMQLIVB or VRS:NSMV:SMQL:IVB. Isnt that one handful to remember, I said as he turned the page to the picture of the serpent ring. It was created in 1734. Dammit Sage, that is like three centuries ago. Yes it is, he said intertwining our hands together. Which is why you should take good care of it.

I smiled and tugged his arm playfully. Why dont you show me your room, I asked. We walked out of the office and went into a room on the opposite end of the hall. Sage opened the door letting it hit the wall with a thump. I wouldnt have expected to see his room like this. Cartoon posters were hanged up and the small desk that lay at the corner of the room. A box was set on top of it and I took a sneak peak at it. There were drawings and I could hardly hide my smile when I saw them. These are great, I said looking at a sketch of an owl. The eyes and the body of the owl seemed so real. I ran my hand through it as if I could feel the owl. I didnt know you were an artist. Now you know, he said wrapping his arms around my waist. I put the drawing down and turned myself, so I was facing him. Why did you moved away, I asked. His head lowered and I knew I shouldnt have asked this question. Grams always used to live here with us, but later she and Zach moved in to the cabin since it was closer to Keswick. As you can tell, this house is in the middle of the woods, he said and pulled away from me looking out the window. The leaves on the tree were turning brown and orange and a whole pile of them has already fallen onto the ground forming a collection of it. It was exquisite to see such a scene like this. The reason why Mom and Dad wanted to live here was to be away from reality even if it meant only for hours, but it was enough for them. They continued living here with me. Then my Dad disappeared leaving only Mom and me. When Mom was murdered, I moved in to the cabin with Grams, he said.

I didnt say anything because I knew sorry didnt mean anything and I was better off not saying it. I stood there next to him and watched as the sun set.

Thank you for showing me, I said as he reached my house. I had a great day. I slipped the seatbelt off and leaned over kissing Sage. Good night, I muttered on his lips. I climbed out and waved to him as he drove away. When I turned around I found Mom leaning against the doorframe tapping her foot impatiently. I blushed embarrassed that Mom saw me making out with Sage. So its not Tate, she said nodding her head as if she finally understands. Is he your boyfriend? NoyesI dont know, I said sinking deeper into the couch. In the middle, she said and nodded her head again. The same speech as before: I want you to be happy. If this boy here makes you happy then Im good, but I still need you to be careful, okay? Okay, I said and kissed her cheeks before heading upstairs to my room. The minute I closed the door, my hand traced my mouth and I smiled. Still savoring, a voice behind me said. I spun around and saw a silhouette walking toward me. The smile immediately faded away and I whispered, Elizabeth.

Chapter Twenty-Four: What are you doing here, I said harshly. Surprisingly, I was more enraged than astonish. It never appeared to me that my own biological mother would be here standing in my room. Elizabeth Tamerlane was beautiful. Seeing her face to face was different. She didnt look much different from the picture of her in the hallway of Serenas house. The only difference was that now her brown hair was wavy. The light flickered on without anyone touching it and Elizabeth sat down on my swivel chair and touched my desk lightly as if it willdissolve. Im here to see you, she said her brown eyes digging into mine. You look a lot more me than I thought you would have been. I ignored her assertion. I didnt occur to me that you wanted to see me especially the fact that you didnt answer your phone when I called you, I said crossing my arms over my chest hoping it can protect with what was going to happen.

She stood up and within a second she was in front me, her finger twirling my hair. Ive change my mind, she said letting my hair drop as she let go. I want to know you, Skye. Know me, I said and snickered. Youve lost that right the minute you dropped into your best friends arms. If you wanted to know me, you could have at least visited me ordone something other than not being here for me. She stuffed her hand into her peacoat jackets pocket. If I havent given you up, we wont be standing here having this argument and you wont be called Skye Somerton, but Skye Tamerlane. Im very sorry, Skye. I havent done what a mother should have done and I regretted immensely whether you believe it or not. But the reason, I left you was because. I cut her off, was because you wanted to protect me. No, she said and my head shot up. Its more than that. It was more than just protecting you. It was protecting everyone involved in this situation. What situation, I asked. Yvonne never told you, she asked. I shook my head. Well, she is very good in keeping promises. Oh God, this is going to be harder than I thought it would have been. There are a lot of things you dont know about and I prefer you not to know. Fine, I said. I think you should leave. Footsteps filled the hall and Mom knocked on my door. Skye, Mom called. Is everything okay? I glanced at Elizabeth, who leaned on the desk a smile planted on her face. Yeah everything is fine, I said. Alright, dinner is going to ready in half an hour, she said and I listened as she walked down the stairs.

Were better off not talking that loud, she said playing with the pen on my desk. What is the real reason youre here, I asked as she went through my drawer. She pulled out a shirt and I snatched it away from her. There is no real reason, she said taking my hand and when her hand fell down to mine, she yelped back in pain. I raised my hand and saw the serpent ring glowed. That ring, she said in frustration. Youre practicing Black Magic, I asked suddenly and saw the revelation in her eyes. The ring only reacts to witches that practices Black Magic. Her teeth clenched and her jaw tightened. Does it matter, she said a hint of red appeared on her brown eyes. I died fourteen years ago. Im only here to say that if you think the coven is here to help you, youre wrong. Ive done everything I can to keep you from them, but at the end youre still here. They will only use you, Skye. Youre special. Youre different from the rest of them and if you believe them youre going to end just like your so-called sister. I twitched when she said so-called sister. She has a name. Its Leah, I said anger blazing within me. It doesnt matter, Elizabeth warned. The coven is dangerous. Being part of it will only ruin your life. Here I am an example. I closed my eyes remembering the same words from Yvonne and by the time I opened my eyes, Elizabeth was already gone. The balcony door was wide opened and I stepped out onto the balcony. The streets were empty and the only lights there were the light post. I held my head up and looked up at the stars. I searched for the brightest star and whispered, Tell me what to do, Leah.

I had to urge to vomit when I started running under the beating sun. Coach Wilson blew the whistle. Another lap, he announced. What the hell is wrong with him, Ingrid said running beside me. God, Im already dying from cheerleading practice. My legs are breaking apart from all the stretching. We ran a full lap around the campus and we collapse onto the bleachers breathing hard. Serena strolled along the fence but she wasnt breathing hard or was either sweating. What does this girl do to not break a sweat, Ingrid asked her eyes following Serena. Good afternoon, Tate said next to my ear. I flinched at the sight of how close his face was. Ingrid smiled and quickly hid it when I glared at her. How are you girls? Wilson is killing us, Ingrid blurted out. What do you want, I asked pretending as if I wasnt paying attention to him. My eyes were kept on the field as he moved closer to me. Theres a party at the arcade. Im here to invite you, he said. Wes and I are going, Ingrid added. I could drive you there, Tate offered. I could there by myself, I said closing the lid of my water bottle. Thanks for the offer anyways. See you tonight, he said and walked back into the building. Skye, Ingrid said as she watched him disappeared. Its not cool to hit on brothers. Im not, I started and looked at Ingrid horrified. How do you know theyre brothers? She smiled absently and ran back to the field. Ingrid, you still didnt answer my question.

Ingrid wasnt paying attention to me in fact she was looking at the front gate where a lady stood. Do you know her, she asked nodding at the lady. She looked familiar, but I cant remember where or when I saw her. Her auburn hair reached up to her waist and was blowing to the side looking as a flag. She crossed her arms as she stared at us. I dont know her, I said. Somerton and Cheung, do you mind if you focus on maybe like running, Coach Wilson shouted and we groaned jogging back to our place. When I looked up again, the lady was gone already.

I traveled down to the square and met Ingrid and Wes at the arcade. Hey, I said slipping into the seat at the diner. So whats with the party? Its the tenth anniversary for the arcade, Wes explained. You should have seen Dad. He was all the over the place. I mean God help me if he gets a heart attack from this crap. Youre supposed to support him, Ingrid said placing a hand on his shoulder. Believe me even if he did, he can never take the fact that Im gay, he said looking down at this glass of soda. Ive told him a thousand times that I don t even like girls and every time hell act as if I didnt tell him anything and hell introduce me to girls. Its annoying. Ingrid choked on her water and looked at Wes with widened eyes. You cant be serious? Dang, I thought that was only in movies, she said and held back a laugh when I kicked her leg. He poked his fork in his soda fiercely. Not to mess with you, but I think a fork is use for eating not for drinking, she said and Wes scowled at her. I looked down and spotted Sage walking in with Phoebe and Lizzie. Lizzie looked up and gave me a genuine smile.

Hi, someone said. I turned back to the table and saw Oleksiy standing in front of our table. Do you mind if I sit? I moved my bag and he sat down next to me. I didnt know you were going to come, Ingrid said putting up her best cheerful smile. I wasnt going to, but my Dad wanted to, so I came with him, he explained ordering a can of iced tea. Really, We said eying him. What does your Dad work as? Hes a teacher, he answered. Cool, Ingrid started when my bag slipped off my lap and both Oleksiy and I bent down to pick it up. My hand touched his and a sharp pain shot through my pointer pain. I bit back the pain when I saw the serpent ring glowed softly. My eyes widened and he smiled at me when our eyes met. Here, he said handing me my bag. Thank you, I said and swallow hard. Ingrid, can you go to the bathroom with me. I didnt give Ingrid a chance to say anything as I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the corridor. Whats wrong, she asked rubbing her arm where I gripped on. You nearly amputated my arm. You said you can tell if a person is a witch and warlock, right, I asked. She nodded. Yes, Im a succubus. Why? Is Oleksiy a warlock, I asked. Ingrid frowned. He cant be a warlock. I would have known, she said. Whats wrong?

I held up my hand and showed her the ring. Sage gave me this ring, I said and she looked at me with a confuse expression. This ring protects me from witches and warlock from Black Magic. If a witch comes in contact with it, itll glow and just now when I accidentally touched Oleksiys hand, it lit up. Wait, hold on, she said holding up her hand. First of all Oleksiy is not a warlock, I would have known. Second of all maybe that ring went crazy or something. Third of all, the most important one, when in the world did you and Sage become that close, she shouted. Im serious here, I said. Me too, she said throwing her hands in the air. Dont worry about it. Im positive that Oleksiy is not a warlock. Nobody escapes my eyes. I hesitated and she pulled me back to the table. Wes looked weary when we came back. Im going to go talk to my Dad, he said and looked at Ingrid. If I screw up, Ill come back and kill you. I promise you. Great, she joked and Wes ran down the stairs and headed into a private only room. So what do you want to eat? Im not hungry, Oleksiy said pushing the menu away. I think I should look for my Dad. He will be worry. Alright bye, Ingrid said enthusiastically while I just smiled weakly. Whats with you, she asked after Oleksiy left. You could have been nicer. I shrugged as my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I dug it out and saw a text message from a number I dont recognize. Leave the arcade NOW. E. My hands tightened on my phone as I looked around the arcade trying to find Elizabeth, but she wasnt anywhere.

Skye is everything okay, she asked and I gave her my phone to see the text message. Whos E? Elizabeth, I answered. My eyes roamed around the arcade finding Sage, Serena, or someone from the coven. Elizabeth, Elizabeth Tamerlane, Ingrid said her mouth hanged open. I spun around. Ingrid, go find Serena. What is going on, she asked. You dont even know if Elizabeth is telling the truth. She could just be pranking you. I have a feeling shes saying the truth, I argued. Now go before its too late. Go; trust me on this one, please. She took a step back and went to the lower level. I walked down the corridor and out of the corner of my eyes I saw someone standing by the window. I turned around and saw the lady from gym class. Her hands were on her side and her gray eyes shone and turned red. Suddenly, the glass windows exploded and everyone was screaming and running all over the place. A fire started and the screams were more frantic. My mouth gasped open as the fire spread out to a symbol: a pentagram. Elizabeth knew this was going to happen. I looked back at the lady, but she was no longer there. The lights flickered before going completely dead. I was in the middle of the pentagram. My hand clutched to my chest as I felt a severe pain. I fell to the floor as the pain increased. My sight was starting to get blurry and I was breathing hard. I lifted my hand up wanting to reach for my phone when I saw dirt on it. I looked up and I was no longer in the arcade, no more fire, and no more tables and chair. I was in the woods.

She is a witch, a voice behind me said. It was the lady from the arcade. I narrowed my eyes as I saw Oleksiy. Youre a warlock, I said. It came out calmer than I thought it would have. Dont you think thats too late, another male voice said. I tilted my head up and fear shot through my body. Standing beside Oleksiy and the lady was Mr. Peterson, my Pre-Calculus teacher. Father, Oleksiy said and Mr. Peterson gave him acknowledging nod. Hes your Dad, I said dumbfounded. They ignored my statement. Skye Somerton, Mr. Peterson said walking in circles around me. You are so inexperience and untrained. You should have listened to Yvonne or Serena. What do you want, I asked as I sat up. Are you really that oblivious, he said finally stop walking. For decades we have been trying to destroy the coven and with you its fairly easy especially since youre not part of the coven. There is no promise mark on you. I wouldnt have wanted to kill you, but youre one of the thirteen families and it leaves me no choice. You can only blame yourself for being unlucky. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. A thin ring of fire surrounded me and when he opened his eyes, it was bright red, the fire grew. I wanted so badly to scream, but as I looked at the fire, it reminded me of the day of the car accident. Now I am going to experience what Leah did. You might want to consider that again, I heard someone said. Yvonne appeared pushing the bushes away. What are you doing here, the lady growled.

Liza, Mr. Peterson said pushing her away. Yvonne, shes not part of the coven. You dont have the responsibility to save her. I dont, she whispered and looked at me. But you do. Mr. Peterson narrowed his eyes. I hope that perhaps you still remember my daughter, Beth, Yvonne said quietly. His black eyes quickly turned red with anger. You should hold responsible for what happened to Beth. You were the one that dragged her into everything. She didnt deserve the life she got. She gave up everything for you, Aidan. He flinched at the sound of his first name. She loved you, but you only broke her heart. You should stop telling stories, Liza jumped in, but Aidan gave her a stern look. Shortly after you left, Beth found out that she is pregnant, Yvonne said quietly. His head jerked up and his eyes widened. You ruined her whole entire life. She was kicked out of the coven due to this. Beth gave birth to a baby girl, but she wanted to keep her safe because she knew the baby was different. It was witch. She didnt have much choice, so she gave her up to her best friend, Michelle Somerton. I choked back a sob. There was no way this is happening to me. I gripped onto my shirt. Shes sixteen now. All her life she doesnt know who is and a few months ago she moved to White Creek after the death of her sister, Leah, Yvonne continued and looked at me through her teary eyes. Im sorry, Skye. Aidans eyes and mine met and for a second there I saw the regret. Shes your daughter, Aidan, she said and the second she said it, everything within me collapse. His teeth clenched and his hand closed into a fist. The coven, he whispered between his teeth. Oleksiy, Liza, and he disappeared just as Serena appeared.

She ran over to me and helped me up. What happened, Skye, she asked and when I didnt answer her, she looked at Yvonne. I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. Skye, Yvonne whispered, but I stopped her. Dont, I said not turning around. I stood there for another second and walked away.

I picked up a piece of paper and pen and wrote. Leah, I havent written to for quite a long time. Maybe for once in my life Ive finally think that I have found happiness. But I am wrong, very wrong. I feel like everything is a dream. Wake me up, Leah. I want this to be a dream: your death, me being adopted, finding my biological mother, my biological father, and that Im a witch. I feel Im going to die from all the truths stomping over me. Im desperate, Leah. Desperate to find myself. I know I say this in every letter, but this time I meant it more than anything in the world. I wish you hadnt died. I wish you were still here; helping me and supporting me. Ingrid is right I hide my feelings from everyone and each day those secrets and truths are eating me away. Im numb. My last words for you are: Please Stay.

I lit the letter on fire and looked out the window. I held the pillow tightly to my chest and wished the pain could have stopped. A tear slipped out of my eye and landed on the pillow.

Skye, do you, Mom asked and when she saw the tear she rushed to me wrapping her arms around me. Skye, what happened? Mom, I said as she pulled me to her. I miss her. Like that, I sobbed onto her shirt while she held me to her chest. I miss her so badly. I do to, sweetheart, she whispered and kissed the top of my head. Im so sorry. I clutched to her shirt tighter and shut my eyes tightly crying the pains away.

Chapter Twenty Four: My hands shook as I reached for the CD that Leah gave me for my birthday. It was on the top shelf perhaps I have thought that I would never listen to it again. But right now, I needed it, I wanted it. I grabbed the CD and suddenly something fall down onto my table and my heart cringed. Leahs iPod, her red iPod. I forgot about it. The day after she died, I snuck into her room and grabbed whatever I can.  I walked up the stairs and stopped when I came across the room with a picture of Leah and I that hung on the door. My hand came up to the door ready to open to it, but it ceased. I

closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Tightening my grip on the doorknob, I opened it. Everything was left in the same place as it was when Leah left. It was almost as if nothing has changed, just almost. I stepped into the room slowly like the room was going to devour me if I walked in too fast. The clothes she left that morning was still on the floor and her papers were still scattered all over the desk. I sat down on the bed and looked at the picture on the nightstand. I felt that any second a hole will appear on the photo because I was staring at it with such melancholy and pain that the photo itself cant stand it. Her red iPod was sitting at the far corner of her bed and above it were her music sheets that hung loosely off her cork board. Grabbing her iPod, I listened to the last song she was listening to before she leftand never came back. I lay down on the bed and inhaled the strong scent of vanilla and lavender. Well, this is Leah Somerton, recording, singing, and playing her newest song, If This is Your Last Chance, Leah said. Her voice so familiar and sweet it felt as if she was right there besides me saying these words to me. Leah was eight years older than me and Ive never supported her idea of becoming a musician. I regretted, but there was no second chance. The sounds of the guitar rung my ears and I stared up at the ceiling as she started singing. You told me you loved me and I believe you truly. But the nest day you said it was a mistake. I was heartbroken and wondered why I ever believed you. The song Ive heard so many times, but never ever enjoyed it like I did right now. I regretted for not understanding and feeling it the first time I heard it, but now it was too late. But then you came back to me and you told you love me once again. I stood there looking up at your eyes.

Like I did before, I believed you. I was hoping and hoping that this time you were telling the truth. A tear escaped and rolled down the side of my head and hit the pillow, so lightly that you couldnt hear a thing like the day when Leah died. You wake up everything morning thinking life is so harsh and you never thank god for letting you wake up, but the thing is you never really know that the day you wake up it may be your last morning. If this was your last chance would you have lied to me? If this was your chance would you tell me the truth? This is the only thing Im asking for. The only thing Im asking for right now is for you, Leah, to come back and walk through life with me.  The song is running in my mind as I am listening to it again. Skye, Mom said opening the door. Oops, sorry, I forgot to knock. Well, I wanted to tell you that you have a friend here. Do you want him to come in? I nodded and pulled the earphones out of my ear as Sage stepped in. Mom closed the door. Hi, I said weakly dabbing my eyes. You were crying, he said taking a step closer to me. I didnt say anything and he took a step towards me. I heard about last night. Are you hurt? I shook my head. Im fine, I said not ready to tell him what really happened last night. I bet Wess dad has a lot of work to do. It sucks for him the fact that it was an anniversary. Sage nodded and walked up to the desk looking at the CD and Leahs iPod. He touched it imperceptibly and closed his eyes like he was absorbing all the information and the story behind

these things. Its Leah, he whispered and his eyes trailed up to the row of pictures of Leah, Mom, and I. What are you thinking, Skye? I looked up at him confused with what he was asking. You dont trust people easily and you keep everything to yourself, he said. So he had notice. He took my hands and kissed each of my fingers. I want you to trust me and be willing to say anything to me. I kissed him on the lips delicately as if it will evaporate once I kiss it any harder. I laced my hands around his neck and hid my face into his neck. After minutes of silence have passed, I said, My dad is Aidan Peterson. I felt him stiffen. Mr. Peterson, our Pre-Calculus teacher, is my dad, I said clearly. Theres another thing. He isnt any dad; hes a warlock. I paused and snuggled closer to him as I spit out the rest. He practices Black Magic. Sage doesnt pull me away, but continued holding me and pressing me to his chest. I wanted to cry, but there were no more tears left for me. All my pain has been washed away with the tears that left my eyes. I felt a hint of happiness at the tip of my heart. I told him everything with Elizabeth, Aidan Peterson, and what Yvonne told me. He sat there patiently listening to every word I had to say. When I finished, he took me in his arms again. You should have told me earlier, he whispered in my ear. I shivered when his warm breath hit my neck. I turned around so I was facing him. My hands framed his face as I kissed him. His hand was tangled in my hair when I kissed him harder. Slowly, my hand slipped up his shirt when the door opened. Sage and I pulled away so fast that he hit his back on the wall. Oh, Mom said looking from Sage to me. I, uh, it seems like I forgot to knock again. Im going to go, Sage said.

You sure, Mom asked. Why dont stay for dinner? Im sorry. I cant. I promise Grams that Ill be back for dinner, he said putting his hands in his pocket. Alright, Mom said. There arent a lot of boys these days that still listens to their grandma. Sage blushed and my heart thumped against my chest. I have never saw him blush. Bye, I said when went down the stairs and I opened the front door for him. Glancing at Mom, who was in the kitchen, I stood on my toes and kissed him goodbye. I closed the door and leaned my back against the door. I have something to tell you, she said giving me a serious look. She patted the stool on the island. I know where this is going to lead to. Like I said before, I have no problem with you having a boyfriend, but only under what circumstance. Dont ever bring a boy in your bedroom without me home. I know, Mom, I said giving her a reassuring hug. Theres no need to worry. If you say so, she said throwing the towel away. Just remember what I say.

I tapped my pen on the desk as we waited in our seats in Pre-Calculus class. Apparently, Oleksiy wasnt in school today and Mr. Peterson wasnt either. The substituted walked in smacking her books down. She wrote Miss Richardson on the board. As you know Mr. Peterson isnt in school today and I will your substitute for the day, Miss Richardson announced. She handed us worksheets and we were to do it independently. You never told we what happened that night, Ingrid muttered as she leaned forward poking her pen on my shoulder blade. I tapped my pen more fervently. Later, I said and Miss. Richardson left the room.

What are guys talking about, Wes asked. Hows your Dad, Ingrid asked grinning. Did he have a heart attack with the arcade? You bet; my Dad flipped when he saw the arcade. You know it was weird. Everything was shattered: the windows, the cups, and the dishes, he said frowning. You should have seen the arcade afterwards. It was a total mess. I dont even what happened there. Its like an earthquake with no shake. Weird, Ingrid said in agreement and gave me a side look. Maybe it was magic. I narrowed my eyes and she smiled. Magic, Wes said. If there was magic, I just wish it could fix up the arcade because my Dad is making me help cleaning the mess and Im quite busy. Suddenly an idea popped into my mind. We could help, I offered. What happened the other night, I was held responsible too. If it wasnt for me, the arcade would have never been like that. No, Ingrid said and at the same time Wes said, Sure. Too late, Wes said flashing her a smirk. Ingrid groaned and scratched her head angrily as Miss Richardson walked back into the classroom. I figured the problems out and looked out the window wondering where Aidan and they were.

I have no idea why you volunteer to help, Ingrid asked as mopped the wooden floor. This is going to take forever. She was right glasses were everywhere and the tables were flipped. A few people were cleaning up along with us. Wes rushed into the arcade and threw his bag on the broken chair. Sorry, he said putting on gloves.

Wow, it took you an hour to get here, Ingrid said mocking a smile. Skye and I must have taken a spaceship here. There was a last minute for the Math club, he said and brushed the glasses off the floor and into a garbage bag. Dang youre one gay nerd, she said. Wes beamed. Im taking it as a compliment, he said and looked up. This is so eerie. All the glasses broke, but nothing else. I mean look at the pool table nothing happened to it and the rest of the video games. Ingrid gave him a nervous laugh and glanced at me. You know what, she said. Skye and I should go upstairs and clean up the diner. She pulled me up the stairs. So you want to tell me? I helped her fixed the table and started wiping it. Theres not really a lot to say, I said scrubbing the chairs. Skye Somerton, she warned. Theres not really a lot to say is a lie. If it was not really a lot to say your mother that disappeared fourteen years ago texted you, you started panicking and telling me to find Serena, and you not talking to me now. Okay, you could stop with your reasoning talk, I said relenting. Remember the lady from the field? She nodded. Yes, the creepy one. I saw her last night at the arcade after I got Elizabeths text. So I followed her, but then there was the chaos and I lost her. Do you know the lady though, she asked switching places with me. She rubbed her hands on the towel and cleaned the chairs.

No, but she practices Black Magic, I said recalling last night. I shuddered at the thought that Aidan Peterson wanted to kill me. We worked for two hours and by the time it was five oclock the arcade looked better except it needed to replace the broken glass windows. Everything was back into its place. You want a ride, Ingrid asked as her cellphone rang. She picked it up. Hello Trudie. Im coming home. Im going to be home in a second. I promise you. Ill walk home by myself, I said when she pocketed her phone. You should go home before your aunt kills you. Are you sure, she said sounding guilty. Hey, its not even dark yet, I said and waved goodbye at her. I decided to take the long way deliberately not walking by the woods. When I reached home, the sun has already set and the house was dark. I grinned as I closed my eyes and the lights turned on by itself. Having fun, a voice said. I rolled my eyes. This was the last voice I wanted to hear now. I turned around and there she was sitting on the couch, her legs dangling over the edge of it. Elizabeth, I said. She grinned. Skye, she said and suddenly the grin vanished. You should have listened to me. You shouldve left. And I didnt, I said peeling my jacket off. Youre just like him, she said shaking her head. God, the way you act is exactly like him. Aidan Peterson, I asked.

She smiled looking up at me. So you finally know, she said examining her nails. I knew that Yvonne was going to save you with that secret. You know, I intentionally wanted to bring the secret to my grave, but now everything is ruined. Mom might be home in a few minutes, I said glimpsing at the clock. She crossed her leg and leaned against the arm of the couch. Dont worry. Your mother wont be home tonight. She has a long report to write. I narrowed my eyes as my phone rang. Oh here it comes. Hello, I said picking up Moms call. Hi, Sweetie, she said with a yawn. I wont be home tonight. I have a report to write tonight. Are you going to be okay with being home by yourself? My eyes went to Elizabeth and she winked. Yeah, Ill be fine, I said. Good night, Mom. Goodnight, Sweetie, Mom said and the call went dead. Wow, Im such a psychic, Elizabeth said sighing. We shouldnt circumlocution here, I said taking a seat across from her. We both know youre here for something. And now youre even more like him using big vocabulary words. The US education is good, she said flipping her hair. Well, Ill stop being blunt. Using her Strength, she had me pinned to the wall within a second. I need your help, Skye. You are unique and only you can get me what I want. Her eyes dug into mine. You will help me get the talisman. What? You, Skye, will help me get the Emerald Talisman or Witch Talisman and whatever other names it have, she said and her grip on my tightened.

I bit my lips to keep myself from gasping for hair. I dont know what youre talking about, I said spitting out the words. Only the. My words trailed away as Elizabeth sneered. My eyes widened as I say it. Im the Tainted. She let me go and I slid onto the floor coughing. Bingo, my baby girl finally got it, she said clapping her hands. Thats not possible, I said when I caught my breath. Oh darling, it is very possible, she said and stood in front of me. Youre my daughter and Im the only one that knows the truth. Nobody knows you as much as I do, Sweetie. Dont call me that, I said scowling at her. Call you what? Daughter or Sweetie, she said crossing her arms. Oh right, only Michelle calls you sweetie. My bad. She kneeled down so we were at face-to-face level. Now you are going to help me get what I want and I will keep your mother safe. I stifled a laugh. All along you never cared for me, you only wanted what you need, I said straightening up. If it wasnt for the Talisman, you would have never come back. She pretended as if she was hurt and placed her hands on her chest. You make me sound so heartless and bitchy, she said. If I didnt care for you, your dear fake mother would have been dead a long time ago. You wont be here talking to me; youll be writing to your both your dead mother and your sister. She is your best friend, I saidardently. Correction: was best friend. That was almost twenty years ago, she said coldly. She grabbed my face and lifted it up. Skye, you are a smart girl and I know youre going through this painful stagenot that I carebut you are going to get me the Talisman Necklace. She headed for the door, but stopped and turned back to me. Lets get this straight, you get me

what I want, everybody will be good and new, but if you dont they are going to pay the price. Remember that, Skye. The door slammed behind her and the lights turned off. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I pulled my hair away from my neck revealing a small thin red line and I watched as it disappeared. Everything wasnt going right for me. I wished everyone could just spit out the truth and not tell me one thing at time. It hurts me more like that. I crept back to the living room when I heard the window from the side slid open. Elizabeth? No, it cant be. I reached for the cat statue that was sitting on the shelf. The window closed and I was about to hit the person when I saw the eyes glowed. Damn it, Sage, I said as he snatched the statue from my hands. Trying to kill me, he said and set the lights back on. I was breathing heavily. I pretty sure the door exist, I said turning away from him. He wrapped his arms around my face and kissed my collarbone. I shivered at the touch of his lips. I love it when you shiver, he said giving me a trail of hot kisses on my neck. I reluctantly tore myself away from him. What are you doing here? He frowned. You were the one that texted me saying that your Mom isnt home and wanted company, he said. Just then my phone rang and I opened the text message. I think texting your boyfriend to stay with you tonight will be a better idea than leaving you all alone. E I pulled my hair back and smiled at Sage. I remember, I said tugging him close to me. He tucked me into bed as he sat there on top of the covers waiting for me to fall asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Five: I sucked in a breath as I rang the doorbell. I knocked on it when the door opened. The door swung back knocking into the wall. The lights in the corridor werent on and as I passed by each candle, it lit up. Good morning, Yvonne said as I stepped into the living room. She was sitting on the couch reading a book. Good morning, I whispered staring at the candles. She snapped her fingers and the light went on. Serena isnt here, she said flipping to the next page of her book. She went out this morning with Gen. I believe. I want to talk to you, I interrupted. She looked up from her newspaper. How can I help you, she said putting the paper down on the table beside the couch. My eyes wandered around the room and I took in a deep breath. Elizabeth is back, I whispered. Yvonne smiled weakly and lowered her eyes. She didnt seem surprise at all. You knew about it.

Fourteen years ago when she disappeared, I knew the truth behind it, she said folding her hands on her lap. Fourteen years later, I knew she came back. I also know she paid you a visit. She placed a hand on my lap. Beth is no longer herself and you cant trust her, Skye. Last night, she came to me, I said and her head jerked up. She told me she needed my help. Help, Yvonne questioned and it was as if she suddenly realized and her face darkened. She wants you to help her get the Talisman. You know that too, I said rubbing my hand together anxiously. She sighed, her shoulders slumping down. I wanted to keep you from this drama. You dont deserve to be in this, she said and pulled me toward her. Im sorry. I wanted you to be a normal teenager and the old Beth wanted that for you too. I lay my head on her shoulder. The legend is it true, I asked peaking at her with the corner of my eyes. She nodded. The legend dates back to the 13th century in Romania. It surrounds the Danova family, a family of witches. According to the Wiccans, a coven must consist of thirteen witches and warlock and the five Elders that holds the power of air, spirit, earth, fire and water. However, during the mid-13th century, there was an outbreak of witches practicing Black Magic. Many members of the coven are practicing Black Magic, but the worst was that one of the Elders was practicing it. She reached over to the bookshelf and showed me a book. Jonathan Petrescu, she said the book flipped to the middle of the book. There was a black and white sketch of him. He held the power of spirit. At the time he was one of the most powerful warlocks in Romania.When the

Elders found out about Jonathan, they were afraid and made the plan to place the power of the coven witches into the necklace, which is known as the Emerald Talisman. The Elders sacrificed the coven, I said horrified. The power of us, witches, is our life, she said shoving the book back in place. When we lose our power, we lose our life. How could they do that, I said pressing my lips together. We, witches, arent saints, Skye, Yvonne said placing a hand over mine. If the Elders havent created the Talisman, then there will be nothing to hold back the witches that practices Black Magic. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sighed. Where is the Talisman necklace now, I asked. Cordelia Danova the first was one of the Elders and the Talisman was passed down by the Danova family, she explained crossing her legs. But at the end of the 13th century, the Danova family mystically disappeared. No one knows where the family went and till this day it remains a mystery. So the Talisman disappeared along with the family, I asked. Yvonne nodded. What does that have to do with the Tainted? No one knows the full story, but it is said that the Tainted is the key holder to exposing the magic in the Talisman, she said and kissed the top of my head. When the Tainted channels its power, their pupil turns to a black color and there is a hint of red in the middle of the pupil. I saw the color of your eyes and I knew you were the one. We sat there listening to the birds chirp. I wished I knew Elizabeth before she disappeared, I said snuggling closer to Yvonne.

Im sure you would love her, she said and patted my head. Does Gen know about this, I asked. She closed her eyes and shook her head. In her eyes, Beth is a perfect mother. I dont want to ruin that for her. Theres no need for to know the truth. Sometimes living in a lie is better than knowing the truth. I didnt say anything knowing that I wanted the same thing.

Sage was standing next to his Mercedes when I got out of my house. He had the smile on his face that I knew he was going to do something I didnt want to. I have a feeling that youre going to do something Ill hate, I said walking toward him. He pulled me to his chest, roughly and lifted my head up. Your feelings are quite accurate, he said and kissed me. When we broke apart, I sighed. With that kiss, I know Im going to regret it, I said locking my arms with his. He smirked and dangled his car keys in front of my face. I bit my lower lip afraid of what he was thinking. What youre thinking is what Im thinking, he said and opened the driver seat for me. I gave him an apprehensive laugh. You know that I cantdrive, I said backing away from the car, but he caught me around the waist. Which is why I want to help you overcome your fear, he said and pushed me in the car before I can resist. He climbed into car and slipped on the seat belt. Are you really going to risk your life and the life of your Mercedes just to overcome my fear, I said as he put on the seat belt for me. I have faith in you, he said and kissed me lightly on the lips.

I stared out the windshield. What got into your mind that you decided to help me, I asked touching the steering wheel. He leaned forward; his hot breath on my ear. Because youre my girlfriend, he said and I stiffened. This was the first time he has ever called me his girlfriend. I blushed at the thought of it. Taking advantage of my hesitation, he placed my full hand on the steering wheel and gave me a long, passionate kiss. I hate you, I whispered and he only smiled. I pulled the Mercedes out of the parking space and slowly drove down the road. Skye, Sage said hiding his smile. I think my turtle can drive faster than you. I dont think I can do this, I said and he gave me an encouraging smile. Why do I always relent against you and your smile? He flashed me another smile and motioned for me to start driving again. I took in a deep breath and watched as the speedometer arrow moved up. Focus on the road, he said and it was driving lesson all over again except that now it was Sage, not Leah. Leah, the name stung my heart as memories flashed through my mind. The memories of the day of the car accident started running vividly in my head. I pushed the thoughts out of my head. I ceased at the stopped sign and started to go when the car behind us zoomed past us and collided with another car. The car spun in a 360 circle and crashed into the side of the wall. I stiffened as Sage swore under his breath. Those images reminded me of the car accident and I felt the tears once again.

Brooklyn, New York May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

I blasted the music up and shook my head with the beat of the music. Do you have to seriously have to turn it on that loud, Leah asked as we entered the tunnel. Im not deaf. Consider I am, I said and started dancing to the beat of the music. Do you mind, she asked glaring at me. She hated when I blast the music up and dance along with music. I remembered I did that once at a sleepover for Leahs fifteen and she flipped when I started doing that. I raised my hands in the air to show that I surrender and leaned back in the seat. I cant believe school is starting next week. I wish it can last longer. Dont you? She shrugged. School isnt that bad, she said. I rolled my eyes and snickered. Im starting to wonder if were really sisters. I hate school while you are nearly in love with school. Does this even make sense? Maybe you inherit the traits of Mom and I inherited the traits of Dad. I bit my bottom lip the minute I said. No one in the family ever mentioned Dad. Well, unless Im having an argument with Mom. Ill throw the word Dad at her face and shell immediately shut up and walk away leaving me standing there like an idiot. I opened my mouth ready to apologize when she stopped me. Dont bother saying sorry. Ive heard enough, she said. Plus the word Dad is not a bad word, so youre allow saying it and hesyour dad too. I winced. The way she said, I knew it hurt her just saying it. She like has never seen or met Dad.

I looked out the window debating if I should ask her the question that has been lingering in my mind ever since I knew that my Dad was gone. Do you know anything about him? I was afraid of saying Dad and decided that I was better off calling it him. Who knows, she said without hesitation. All I know is that he left when he found out Mom was carrying me and he came back two years later and when he found out that Mom was pregnant again he left. Then after that he never came back and just disappeared into thin air. I didnt say anything as I looked out the window again. Leah turned out from the tunnel and thats when she saw it. A dog ran out into the middle of the road. She spun the steering wheel and the whole car is whirling. I screamed grabbing onto the handle at the top of the car, but it didnt seem to hold me up. I slammed my head against the window as the air bag popped and it hit against my chest; my face dripping from blood where I hit my head. I was suffocating and every time I tried to breathe my lungs burned. I moaned. Leah, I called, but she didnt answer. The car moved again and I hit my head again on the window, but only this time darkness caught me. The next thing I know is that Im outside of the car and blood is pouring from my head. I moaned and placed my hand on my head hoping the pain will subside, until I realized that Lyn was still in the car. Leah, I called and looked at the flipped car that was at least a few feet ahead of me. She was patting against the window slowly and blood dripping from her arm to her hand. My eyes widen remembering what happened. I tried standing up, but my legs didnt hold me and I sank right back onto the cement road. Leah, I screamed. Her hand was pressed against window. A cackling sound caught my attention and a ring of fire surrounded the back of the car. No, Leah.

I was dying to scream and warn her, but my vocals chords didnt allow me. I gasped for air as the fire crept toward Leah. Leah lifted her hand up and closed her eyes. I shook my head fervently. Leah, open your eyes, I said, but my voice was too quiet compare to the roaring fire. The fire blazed and started growing larger. Before the fire reached to the front of the car, Leah opened her eyes and mouthed her last words to me, Forgive me.

Skye, Sage called. I opened my eyes and found myself to be in his arms. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. The middle of shirt where I had leaned on was wet and I realized that I was crying. I looked out the windshield and both the driver of the two cars were out and they were shouting at each other. Its alright. I tucked away from him. Do you believe Friday the 13th, I asked and he looked confused. I leaned back on the driver seat. I believe it because Leah died on Friday the 13th. That day I had theater practice. The only reason I joined was because Leah wanted to and she was the ex-leader of the theater group which was probably why they even let me join in the first place. Leah was the one that dragged me to the theater practice that morning. But I lied, I lied that day and it cost the life of Leah. I told the teacher that I didnt feel well and Leah came and picked me up. If I hadnt lie, then she would have never drove down the road, she would have never seen the dog, she would have never try to avoid killing the dog, she would have never died. None of this would have happened. A tear dripped down and landed on my hand. You didnt know, he said wrapped me a protective hug. It was all an accident. I shook my head. No, I killed Leah in a way, I said burying my head in my hands. I feel guilty. Guilty that I survived and Leah hadnt.

Its all in the past, he whispered in my ear. Its time for you to let it go. I bit my lip as more tears escaped my eyes. Ill always be here when you need me. Sage drove me home that afternoon and the ride home was quiet. I looked out the window and let the cold wind hit me hoping it can wake me up. It felt better talking to someone, but I still had the aching feeling and couldnt stop myself from thinking about it. I slipped out of the car when he parked in front of my house. Skye, I heard Sage called after me. I turned around, but didnt look at him instead I looked down at the floor. Thank you, I said wryly and opened the door without taking my eyes off the floor, but it quickly slammed shut. Sage walked up beside me and took my hands. Im sorry, he said and my heart cringed. I shouldnt have forced you to drive. I didnt know that what happened to Leah hurt you that badly. Its not your fault, I said finally gathering my courage to look up at him with my red, swollen eyes. You helpeda lot. You really did. And with that, I opened the door again and this time Sage didnt stop me. I ran up to my room and leaned my back on the door as I slid down to the floor, crying.

Brooklyn, New York May 17, 2011

My finger moved slightly as I opened my eyes. I stared up at the white ceiling and I was lying on the bed. The lights shone on my eyes and I winced in pain as the door opened and Mom stepped in. She was holding a bottle of water and when she saw me she ran to my side and took my hands into hers.

Youre fine, she said and tears filled her eyes. You finally woke up. I studied her face wondering why she was crying. Youre at the hospital. You were in a car accident. I tried to shift my head, but realized that there was a cast on my neck and on my wrist there was a cast. I closed my eyes and tried to recall what happened. The sight of fire surrounding the car was so vivid that my eyes shot opened and stared hard at Mom. My mind snapped to the pictures of Leah banging on the glass of the car. Leah, I whimpered. Moms small smile disappeared and a single tear fell onto my hand. Leah, whereis she? Mom placed a finger to her lip. Be quiet, she said softly. You just woke up. Youre not supposed to talk, yet. My brown eyes pleaded for her to tell me, but she ignored it. She wiped her tears away. I think youre thirsty, she said and lifted up the bottle of water. Her hands were shaking and some water landed on the table. Frantically, she looked for a towel. I just saw the towel. Where is it? Where did I put it, she shouted. I grasped her hand and she looked at me with pain in her eyes. Mom brushed her hair away from her face as she collapsed onto the chair. Mom, I whispered. Tears flooded her eyes as she closed them. The minute she didnt answer me; I knew the answer. Im sorry, she said and pressed my hand to her chest as more and more tears slipped from her eyes. Im so sorry.

I was sobbing now and my vision blurred as the tears invaded my eyes. My arms dropped limply onto my sides as someone cradled me in their arms. I looked up and saw Sage and I cried harder. He kissed my tears away as he carried me to my bed and lay me down.

You would have fallen for her if you have met her, I said pressing my lips into a thin line. You probably wouldnt have noticed me. He kissed my forehead. I wouldnt have because I would fall for you all over again, he whispered. No one can replace you. Pulling the covers away, he lay down next to me and tucked me neatly next to him. He kissed my neck as he pulled the blanket over me and whispered, Sleep. Chapter Twenty-six: The next morning I woke up and found a piece of paper that has replaced Sage. Your Mom came home, so I had to go home. Dont worry she didnt see me. Sage. I ripped the paper up and threw it in the garbage can. After washing my hair, I went downstairs and kissed Moms cheek. Good morning, Mom, I said. Good morning, she said and strong scent of coffee hit my nostrils. Your breakfast is in the refrigerator. I didnt know what time you were going to wake. Reheat when youre going to eat it. She poured the rest of her coffee in the sink and rinsed the cup. Im going to work. Ill be back for dinner. Oh and good luck in school. I nodded and gave her a hug. Is something wrong, she asked when she hugged me back. You never gave me a hug for work. I gave her another kiss on her cheek. I just wanted to hug you, nothing more, I said. She gave me a curious. Youre going to be late if you dont get out the house now. Oh shoot, she said and rushed out the house. I heard the garage door opened and her car roaring to life as it left. I reheated my breakfast and poured myself a cup of orange juice. The hair on the back of me stood up as I felt a chill pass by me. Good morning, I said drinking my orange juice as I turned around.

Elizabeth threw her legs over the couch and winked at me. Youre getting better arent you, she said brushing her hair over her shoulder. How did you like the car accident yesterday? She went over to my breakfast and leaned down sniffing it. Michelle is a nice cooker. She only cooked for me once. I think I regret for not eating what she cooked. How could you do that, I said my mouth hanging open slightly. You could have killed someone. And, she said facing me. I really careless if they survived or not. Its not my problem. She sat down on the stool and examined the salt and pepper case. You had a great time with your boyfriend. The way he hugged you was so sweet. It kind of reminded me of my teenage years. You should technically thank me for contriving that accident. I cant believe you, I said walking away from her, but suddenly she stood in front of me pinning me to the island. So are you going to help me get the Talisman, she asked wrapping a strand of my hair around her finger. I dont know where it is, I said looking into her brown eyes. Her hand ran down the side of my face. Skye, you know where it is. Listen to heart and youll know where it is, she said and with a blink of my eyes, she disappeared. I groaned collapsing onto the stool that Elizabeth sat on seconds ago. Listening to your heart doesnt mean much and I still didnt know how to find the Talisman. The beeping of my phone interrupted my thoughts and I picked it up. Hello, I said not bothering to look at the caller ID. Sleeping Beauty has finally wakened up, Sage said in a grouchy voice. Do you mind looking out the window?

I frowned and walked over to the window and saw his car parked there. What are you doing here, I asked grabbing my bag and leaving the house. He hanged up and waited for me to walk to him. I was going to drive you to school, he said giving me a kiss. He spun me a circle and I burst into giggles. May I drive you to school? I went in the car as he took his seat. My instinct tells me that youre making up for something, I said and he locked the doors. He kissed me again and tucked my hair behind my ear. Im sorry about yesterday, he said giving me a trail of kisses on my neck. I should have done that. Look its fine, I said. Our faces were inches apart and I was having a hard time concentrating with his face this close to mine. I felt better talking to someone, so I should be thanking you. Wow, you make me sound like a hero, he said kissed me one last time before he started the car. Within ten minutes, Sage pulled into the parking lot. I stepped out of the car and closed the door when someone wrapped their arms around me. Really, I said. I knew it was Sage without turning around. The smell of apple and mint made me snuggled closer to him. He kissed the spot behind my ear and I shivered. Do you mind, I heard Ingrid said. Sage and I pulled away, but he kept his arms around my waist. Okay, I know you guys are in love, but really please dont make out in front of me. I blushed. Come on, I said pushing Ingrid toward the front door. I turned my head and mouthed goodbye to Sage. You didnt tell me that you and Sage were a thing, she said opening her locker. Ingrid reached for her English textbook and slammed her locker shut. Well now you know, I said playing with my combination lock.

She fumbled with her bag strap and leaned her head against the locker. I dont want you to get hurt, Skye, she said. Sage is popular and he is known as a player. You should be careful. I closed my locker. Ill be fine, I said placing my arm on her shoulder. Hey, you dont want to be late for English class. Her eyes flew up to the clock in the hallway and gasped. Crap, she said. Bye. She raced down the hall and went up the staircase. I carried my books in one hand and walked into Health Class and took the seat next to Glenn. He smiled and nodded at me and I did the same. Today, Ms. Brown said and wrote something on the chalkboard. We will learn about the female reproductive system. For your do now write down five female reproductive organs. Everyone groaned except Glenn and me. Get started. I wrote five female reproductive organs when a piece of paper slipped underneath my arm and landed on my binder. I looked up at Ms. Brown, who was marking her papers. I opened the piece of paper. Ive heard about you and Sage. And? I wrote back. I gave him a curious look and he scribbled something back onto the paper. He may be practicing White Magic, but hes not that simple. I frowned. What do you mean? He never told you about his family background. Did he? I lifted my eyes off the piece of paper and knew Glenn was right. Sage never told me much about his family beside Tate and his mother. I wrote back: It has nothing to do with me. Just be careful.

I gave him a nod and ripped the paper in half before stuffing it in an empty pocket of my bag. Tapping my pen on my finger, I looked out the window and realized that I didnt know a lot about him considering the fact that I didnt ask why he was being so cold to me when I first came to Keswick. The bell rang in half an hour and I couldnt get out of Health faster. The images of the female reproductive system made the bile bubbled up in my throat. The sight of seeing a woman giving birth was worse than what I thought it would have been. I glimpsed a few times at Glenn, but the movie didnt seem to bother instead he just looked down at his notebook and started drawing pictures. I closed my locker door and jumped back when I saw Sage behind it. Oh my god, you scared me, I said clutching to my chest. Im sorry, he said giving me a kiss on my cheek, but he didnt sound like he meant it. I pulled back staring at him. So what are you doing here, Mr. Kraftig? Looking all sexy, I said raising my head up to show pride. Trying to seduce me. He leaned forward ready to give me a kiss, but I placed a hand on his chest. Were in the hallway, I said and we both watched as students walked up and down the hall. He gave me a devilish grin and pulled me into an empty classroom. What are you doing, I asked as he trapped me between his arms and pressed me against the wall. If a teacher comes in here, Ill say you kidnapped. Before I can finish my sentence, Sage crushed his lips to mine and I moaned in pleasure kissing him back. His tongue slipped into my mouth and met mine. I pulled back abruptly and he groaned in annoyance. Youre a very very naughty boy, I said running my hand down his arm. I think we need to talk.

He froze and narrowed his eyes. When a girl says they need to talk, its usually not good, he said putting his arms on my shoulder. Youre telling me you want to break up with, are you? I laughed when I saw the fear in his eyes. No, I said and pushed him down so he was sitting. So Ive told you a lotwell, everythingabout me and my family. I settled on his lap as he raised his eyebrow. The only thing I know about you iswhat you told me so far. Ive brought you to my old home, he said fumbling with the serpent ring. He planted another kiss on my lips before leaning in for another. I stopped him. I feel like you know so much more about me than I do to you, I said as he pressed me back to the side of the wall. He smiled against my lips. I believe I know more about you than you do to yourself, he said his fingers intertwining with my hair. I groaned knowing he was probably right. He took both of my hands and looked into my eyes. Skye Somerton, would you please come to my house for dinner tonight at eight? I blinked wondering if what I heard was true. Is something wrong, he added once he saw my reaction. No, I said shaking my head. Ill love to, but But, what, he asked tightening his grip on my hand. But I think Mom is going to have fit, I said and he laughed kissing me hard. Well make it up, he whispered in my ear and kissed me again.

Shoot me, I said as we entered the cabin. I think Im going to faint, I whispered in his ear and he chuckled deep and short.

Grams and Zach are going to like you, he whispered and brought me to the living room. Grams? Zach? No need to scream, I heard Zach said as he walked out from the corridor. Hello Skye. He shook my hand and winked. Hi Zach, I greeted back. Skye, Jane said as she wiped her hand on her apron. Im glad I get to see you again. Sage doesnt always bring girls home. I see youre different. I blushed and lowered my head. Grams, Sage warned. Skye and I are going to my room. Jane nodded and went back to the kitchen. Be careful, Zach muttered to me and Sage shot him a look that only made him laugh harder. Im sorry, he said once we were in his room. Theyre playing around with me. He held up a photo from his nightstand that I was staring at. This is my Dad. Sage and his Dad look similar except for the color of their eyes. Sage had dark green eyes while his Dad had sharp piercing blue eyes. My eyes skimmed to the next picture and found myself staring at group of girls surrounding him. How many girls have you bring home, I asked before I can stop myself. I immediately shut my mouth the minute I realized I said it. His head shot up and smiled wryly. You dont have to tell me. I was just curious with what Jane said. Thats all. He sat down in his bed and patted to the space next to me. I walked over and sat down next to him. Ive brought two girls home, he whispered never taking his eyes off mine as he said it. The first girl I brought home was Elle. We were best friends and we started dating in sixth grade. She was everything to me: my best friend, my girlfriend, my listener, and etc. But on a vacation to California, she died, well she didnt die, but they presumed that she was.

Presume she died, I repeated and he nodded. She disappeared and her family gave up on trying to find her after two years, he said. The police declared her death. Her grave is down in the cemetery. I wanted to say how sorry I was for him to lose her, but I knew that sorry doesnt mean a thing. If sorry could have healed your wound in your heart, then I wouldnt have felt guilty all these months. So the second girl I brought home is you, he continued and caressed my face. I smiled weakly not sure if I should be happy after hearing the death of his ex-girlfriend. I kissed him hungrily wanting this moment to last forever and most of all wanting him to remember who I was. Maybe I was losing confident. After all, I have always been known as Leahs little sister. What was that for, he asked when we ended the kiss. I smiled. I have sympathy for sad guys, I said. I should tell you more sad stories, he said brushing my hair off my shoulder. You dont do that for any guy? I shrugged. Maybe, I said and he grinned. Do you want me to? No, he growled into my neck before attacking it. A knock on the door interrupted us and Zach called out, Love birds, dinner is ready. Stop making out. Sage groaned as I pulled him out of his room for dinner. Dinner was perfect. Janes cooking was even better than Mom and we talked and laughed. Even if Sage will forget about tonight, I wouldnt. After dinner, I offered to help Jane as I carried the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Did you like the food, Jane asked and scrubbed the washed dishes. Yes, I said as I got the dishes out. I had a great time.

Im glad, she said and hesitated. Did Sage tell you about Elle? I nodded weakly. At a young age, Sage lost his parents and Elle was his only friend. She grew up in White Creek and they had a strong bond, but I was afraid. Afraid, that if anything happened to Elle, Sage will lose it, and unfortunately my fear came alive. He didnt physically lose it, but deep inside he shut down already. She dropped the towel into the sink. I know everything about him: the rumors, him as a player, switching girlfriends every week or practically every day. But I never stopped him, not even bothering to talk to him, perhaps because I didnt want him to shut down. I dried the dishes silently with Jane. When we finished drying all the dishes, she said, Im thankful that Sage found you. He drove me home after I helped Jane out in the kitchen. His eyes were on the road, but sometimes I would catch him glimpsing at me and it was romantic. When he pulled up in front of my house, he placed his hand on my knee. Elle is the past, he whispered as if he knew the thought of his ex-girlfriend was bothering me. Youre my present and future. I didnt know what to say, so I kissed him. Good night, I said getting out the car. Good night, he whispered back and I walked up the steps to the porch. I waved at him before going in the house. I threw the keys on the counter and slipped off my shoes. How was your dinner, Mom asked putting the laptop back onto her lap. It was great, I said jumping onto the couch. How was yours? She sighed. Unfortunately my daughter ditched me for her boyfriend, Mom said slumping down in the couch. I hugged her wrapping my arms around her. But your daughter didnt mean to, I said kissing her cheek. She loves her mother. She shrugged and focused on her laptop. Ill cook dinner tomorrow. She smiled at me.

Deal, she said and turned back to her laptop. I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. Mom kissed the top of my head as I heard the keyboard clicking again. Youre acting weird lately. I love you, Mom, I said and huddled closer to her. She frowned, but it soon turned to a smile. I love you too, Skye. I fell asleep on the couch feeling the warmth of Mom. Leah turned out from the tunnel and thats when she saw it. A dog ran out into the middle of the road. She spun the steering wheel and the whole car is whirling. I screamed grabbing onto the handle at the top of the car, but it didnt seem to hold me up. I slammed my head against the window as the air bag popped and it hit against my chest; my face dripping from blood where I hit my head. I moaned. Leah, I called, but she didnt answer. The car moved again and I hit my head again on the window, but only this time darkness caught me. The next thing I know is that Im outside of the car and blood is pouring from my head. I moaned and placed my hand on my head hoping the pain will subside, until I realized that Lyn was still in the car. Leah, I called and looked at the flipped car that was at least a few feet ahead of me. She was patting against the window slowly and blood dripping from her arm to her hand. My eyes widen remembering what happened. I tried standing up, but my legs didnt hold me and I sank right back onto the cement road. Leah, I screamed. Her hand was pressed against window. A cackling sound caught my attention and a ring of fire surrounded the back of the car. No, Leah.

The fire blazed and started growing larger. Before the fire reached to the front of the car, Leah mouthed the word, Forgive me. No, she didnt say forgive me this time, I made out the words and realized that she said, Im sorry. The fire reached to where Leah was. I screamed and tried to run to the burning car, but a force held me back. Its too late, a lady said standing behind me. Her eyes turned jet black and her pupils dilated as the fire grew now covering the entire car.

I woke up, but I was no longer in the living sleeping on the couch instead I was in my own bed. I sat up in bed soaked with my own sweat. The door flew open and Mom came rushing in by my side. Skye, are you okay, she said hugging me. I heard you screaming. I sobbed and clung to her chest. Its alright sweetie. Im here.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Everyone was talking about parent teacher conference day this entire week. I did pretty well for most of the subject except forof coursegym class. I grabbed my towel as I headed out for cheerleading practice. Ingrid was already on the field stretching. Hey, I said stretching beside her. Whats up, she said jogging in place. Then she narrowed her eyes as she looked over my shoulder. Brittany White is coming over, she warned and turned her back to me. Skye, Britt said in an enthusiastic voice. Ive heard about you and Sage. You guys are so sweet together, no doubt. I was thinking we should go on a double date: you, Sage, Tate, and me. She beamed. Tomorrow night at the diner. See you tomorrow. I opened my mouth, but she was already gone. She wasnt going to let me say no, I said to Ingrid. You know, she sounded like you. Remember the first day of school, you didnt let me say no when you sat down in the cafeteria. But Im no bitch, she said and punched me playfully on the shoulder. After cheerleading practice, I waited for Sage since he has soccer practice. I leaned against the fence as I watched made the goal. Tate glared at him, but looked away when he caught me looking at them. Coach Wilson blew the whistle and announced that practice was over. With a smile on my face, I walked over to Sage. Perky shorts, he said eying my shorts. I couldnt help, but rolled my eyes. The first thing you said, I said crossing my arms. I bit my lower lip. Britt said she wants to go on a double date.

He raised an eyebrow. Double date, he repeated. Double date as in you, me, Britt and Tate. Yeah, I whispered. He sighed. I dont think Tate is going go, he said putting his bottle of water down on the bleachers. Hes not a big fan of me and Im not a big fan of him either. Well, if they dont go. Itll be a date for us, I said grabbing his arm. If they do go, itll be some reconciling relationship. You make it sound so tempting, he said throwing his duffle over his shoulder. Im going to take a shower. So thats a yes, I shouted after him. He nodded.

Parent-Teacher Conference Night, my favorite night at all time. Mom pulled into an empty space in the school parking lot. Am I going to hear good things about you, she asked taking the car keys out of the ignition. I guess so, I said as she tossed me the keys. I dont take that as a good sign, Mom said getting out the car. I shrugged. The car looks tilted. Do you mind parking again for me? I forced out a weak smile. Ill try, I whispered glancing at the steering wheel. Stay here in the car until Im back, she ordered and walked in into the building through the side doors. I groaned as I slipped the key back into the ignition. This wont be good. I stepped on the accelerator and the car lurched forward. My hands were shaking and sweaty as I gripped onto the steering wheel tighter.

Its easy, a girl said. I froze recognizing the voice. Calm down and dont hesitate. Do that now. I shook my head pushing my thoughts I had earlier away and listened to her. I backed up a little and perfectly parked the car into the space. Thanks, I said turning to her. She was sitting in the passenger looking exactly the same day she died. Leah, what are you here? She beamed. Im your sister. Of course Im here, she said taking a box of mint out like she usually does when shes nervous. Youre nervous, I observed. Like usual, she said popping one into her mouth. We sat there in silence. Youre supposed to be here, I said breaking the silence and our concentration. Why silly, she asked. Youre dead, I said wryly. Her eyes lit up as if she suddenly remembered that she was dead. She faced me and grinned. I love you, Skye, Leah whispered and all of a sudden she was in the driver seat and I was in the passenger seatno I was in the back passenger. The tunnel. We were going through the tunnel again. I watched as Leah and the replica of me laughed and talked. The music was loud and I rubbed my ear. It was happening all over again. The dogcoming out of nowhere and Leah twisting the steering wheel; the car spinning everywhere. The air bags popping out and blood covering the window. I watched as a woman broke the door of the convertible and pulled me out. I knew her. It was Liza. I fell limply into her arms and she carried me out laying me on the road. She never left; she stood behind me all along.

I saw me waking up and lifting my head confused with where I was. Then suddenly, I saw myself screaming Leahs name. Liza held me back as I started thrashing and kicking, screaming for Leah, screaming for her to let me go. The sound of the sirens filled the air as Lizas eyes turned red. I collapsed onto the cement road when she disappeared. The car caught on fire and my mouth hanged open as I watched my sister burned to death. Stop with the mind games, I shouted glaring at the rear-view mirror. Elizabeth was sitting in the back, her lips twitched when she saw me glaring at her. Okay, its a little bit of mind game, she admitted. But everything is true. You wanted to know and I told you. I didnt say anything. Now that I solved the puzzle for you, you should do something I want. Then she sighed and looked at Keswick. I would have been the one that was going to parent teacher conference, not Michelle. I ignored her and dug into her eyes through the rear-view mirror. Whos Alistair, I asked. She hesitated. Someone you shouldnt know about, she said simply. You work for him, I said pushing her boundary line. Why are you asking me, she said quietly. Who is he? She sighed throwing herself onto the seat. Everybody that knows of him will die, Elizabeth said tucking her bangs behind her ear. You will be no exception either. I opened my mouth to argue with her, but she stopped me. Michelle is back. Like that, she evaporated into thin air. I wiped my tears away as Mom went back into the car. Your gym teacher isunbelievable, she said starting the car. Is he always like that? I mean I could someone be that obnoxious.

I forced a smile and shrugged. I was going to punish you for getting a 75 in his class, but now Im taking it back, she said drove home. During the ride home, I glanced at her and wondered what will happen if I told the truth about Leahs death. Yvonnes words popped into my head. Sometimes living in a lie is better than knowing the truth. I pressed my lips into a thin line and let the wind brush my tears away.

Tate and Britt were already sitting at the table when Sage and I came. They were looking in the menu as we sat down. I need something with low calories, Britt said as she flipped through the menu. So are you guys going to the dance? With Elizabeth and everything else, I had forgotten about the dance that was going to come up in a week or so. I didnt even go shopping for a dress yet. Sure, Sage said never taking his eyes off the menu. Great, now I really need a dress. Its a fundraiser, right? Yep, Britt said proudly. Im the one in charge, so remember to come. I could anyone forget with the posters and flyers everywhere around the school. The fundraising dance was in the announcement a few times already. Im going with a burger and fries, Tate said interrupting Britts conversation about the dance. The waitress came over and took our orders. I glanced at Sage and then Tate, but both of them acted as if they didnt know each other. Their relationship was even worse than what I thought it would have been. So what college are you going to next year, I asked and Sage shifted uncomfortably next to me. I havent decided yet, he said and folded his hands on the table. Probably NYU, its the closest.

I nodded as my phone vibrated and I reached for it in my bag. I swallowed as I saw that the text message was sent from Elizabeth. Meet me in the alley of the arcade/diner. E.I quickly shoved my phone back into my bag. You look pale, Britt observed and every eye turned to me. Uh, its nothing, I stammered as I saw Sages eyes trailed down to my bag. The waitress came over and handed us our dinner. Britt kept blabbering on while we were dinner and Tate sat there silently as he finished his meal. Sometimes I catch Tate looking at Sage, but Sage didnt seem to notice. Suddenly, my phone vibrated again. I tried to ignore it, but Britt frowned darting her eyes at my phone. I think you phone is ringing, she said pointing at it. Oh, I said taking the phone. I know you want to know who Alistair is. Its up to you if you want to see me. E. My grip on my phone tightened when another text came. Ill help you choose. If you want to save your little friend, come now E. I took in a deep breath as I stood up. Im going to bathroom, I said coldly and walked away before anyone can stop me. I pushed the back door opened and stepped out into the alley. Elizabeth, I shouted and my echo answered me. Elizabeth, I know youre here. Hello, she said and I turned around. She dropped Ingrid onto the floor like she was a bug. A succubus. Its interesting that theyre still here in White Creek thought they all took off. What do you want, I asked as she walked toward me. The sound of her high heels made me winced. You said wanted to know Alistair, she said crossing her arm. Hes here. Releasing my eyes on her, I looked around, but I didnt see anyone else. She smirked and walked closer to me. Im here, she said, but it wasnt her voice. This voice was deeper like a

mans voice. Elizabeth spread her arms out and raised her head to the sky. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the calm sky. The sky rumbled with thundered as a lightening flashed across it. The wind picked up its speed and strength as the leaves on the floor started twirling. My eyes widened as Elizabeth opened her eyes and the storm ended. The sky was clear again and the leaves fell back onto the floor. Hello Skye, she said her voice still deep. Im Alistair. I took a step back and my hands reached for the wall to steady me. It is nice to finally meet you, he said. How did? Im linked to your mother, he explained drumming Elizabeths fingers on her arm. My eyes were burning and I knew it was turning to black and red color. If you hurt me, youll hurt your mother. Ingrid moaned and pressed her hand on her head. Your friend, shes waking up. Just remember what I say, Skye. I really dont know where the Talisman is, I said as Ingrid sat up slowly her other hand on her neck as she moaned in pain. What the hell, she said as she rubbed the back of her head. Youll find your answer in the council library, he said and vanished. Skye, Ingrid mumbled sitting up. Whats going on? Something I dont want to be going on, I said and helped her up. I was going to pay the council library another visit.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Good morning, Mom, I said sitting down at the table. Good morning, sweetie, she said throwing a coat on. She grabbed the car keys off the counter. Im late to work, great. Bye. Mom, I said and she turned around. Can I burrow the mini cooper? She frowned. I thought you didnt like driving, she said and when I didnt say anything she said, The car keys are in the drawer. Bye. I watched as the door closed before walking to the drawer and took out the keys. I gripped onto the set of keys and debated whether I really want to find the Talisman. Youre messed up, Skye Somerton, I groaned and my phone rang. Hello? Skye, its me, Sage said. Hi, I whispered knowing what he was calling for. Is everything okay, he asked and I heard Zach in the background laughing. You left all of a sudden last night. Yeah, Ingrid, she was hurt, I said twirling the piece string from the pillow around my finger until the tip of my finger turned white. Im sorry. Its okay, he said and he wanted to say something, but stopped himself. I have to go, I said as I looked down at the car keys. Ill call you later. I hanged up and threw my phone into my back pocket. I went to the garage and slipped in the car. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel before pulling out of the driveway and drove to the council library. The drive to the library wasnt long. The white marble steps sparkled under the sunlight and I hesitated as I stood in front of the heavy, sturdy door.

I took in a deep breath and pressed my hand flat on the door as it swung open. The smell of rusty old book made me wrinkle my nose. I stepped in closing the door. The bookshelves were set up in a pattern and a pentagramthat I didnt see last timewas hanged on both sides of the wall. I walked over to the table and closed my eyes. Emerald Talisman, I thought. I said it again more strong and vividly. I opened my eyes and a blue leather book landed in on the table. Lightly, I touched the book and it flipped to the page I was looking for. My eyes scanned the page until it landed on Emerald Talisman. Emerald Talisman: It was created by the Coven in the 13th century. The Talisman was originally made to control the power of the Black Magic. However, in the late 13th century, the witches of Black Magic claims that the power in the Talisman can increased the power of Black Magic. For centuries the White Magic and the Black Magic has been racing to find the Tainted, the only witch that unleashed the power of the Talisman. I skimmed through the rest since it was the exactly the same thing Yvonne told me. My finger trailed down to the end of the page. It is said the blood of the Tainted is the key to release the power. My eyes widened as I saw who wrote this passage. Written by: Elizabeth Kathryn Tamerlane You didnt expect her to write it, a voice behind me said. I spun around and found Aidan Peterson standing behind me. His hand was stuffed in his black drench coat as he walked closer to me. Beth is a talented writer. In college, she major in English and writing. Why are you here, I asked coldly. He ignored my remark and continued. I met her in college. I was a sophomore when she was a freshman, but we were in the same English course. Beth was soinnocent back then. I

knew she was a witch the minute I saw her and decided to use her, he said running his hand along the books on the shelf. I guess I made a wrong choice considering the fact with what is happening today. She fell for me, hard. You look a lot like her, he said as he looked at me. He sighed and stood there in silence. I told her what I was. She was stupid enough to say she didnt care because she loved me. I never believed in love. You left her, I said. No, he said sternly. She left me. I narrowed my eyes. She knows that I didnt want this relationship to go on, so she left me. A month later, she married Travis Thompson, a man she only knew for less than a month. Did you love her, I asked and he raised his head, thinking. I dont believe in love, he said simply. Why are you here, I asked my question again. His eyes flashed to me. You cant find the Talisman all by yourself, he said. Its more than just your effort. Skye, Alistair is linked to Beth. There is no way to break the link unless Alistair wants to. He is using this to threaten you. I pressed my lips together. I dont have another choice, I said and raised my hand, so the front door opened. I dont want anyone to get hurt. Enough people have died and I dont want this to go on. I left the council library and saw the Mercedes. Sage stood next to it, disappointment spread across his face. I got in the mini cooper and drove home. The minute I got of the car, Sage stood there blocking my passageway. What do you think youre doing, he questioned.

Something I should be doing a long time ago, I said as anger spread along my veins. How did you know I was going to the library? Really? Seeing Aidan Peterson, he said crossing his arms. I didnt expect him to be there, I said as a couple walking down the street was staring at us. Sage dragged me out the car and pushed me in the house. I stumbled onto the couch. What was that for? He placed his hand on his forehead. Youre putting yourself in danger, he said walking in circles. You should be careful. Be careful, I repeated. How about all those that died? How about Leah? He frowned in confusion. Alistair killed her. I dont want anyone else to get hurt. If he wants me, he can have me. He just wants the Talisman. His face softened as he sat next to me. If you give him the Talisman, theres going to be more death, he said finally facing me. Well think of something, I said leaning on the couch. Youre going to have to tell the coven, he said and I nodded. How did you I was going to the council library, I asked. He smiled and gave me a kiss. I felt it, he whispered.

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