Zoom Compiled

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Should Zoom continue to allow third party to access to user information and data or

should they prioritize user security and privacy?

Step 1: Facts

What do we know?

 Zoom conferencing services allows up to 100 participants by default. However, it can

also choose to set up large meeting add-on, and can connect up to 1000 participants in
one call.
 After January 2020, Zoom experienced a 200 percent growth due to Covid-19. By April
2020, more than 300 million users have been using Zoom daily.
 The Federal Trade Commission complaint that Zoom had the cryptographic keys that
could allow the company to access customers’ meeting, thus gave users a false sense of
security, especially for those who used the company’s platform to discuss sensitive topics
such as health and financial information
 Zoom calls were able to be set up without password protection which left the calls open
to hackers, which allowed them to enter calls and play inappropriate material.
 User personal information regarding the app was being sent to Facebook through the
connect via Facebook feature without the proper disclosure to the user. This was
changed by removing connect via Facebook feature, but a lawsuit was still filed.

What do we need to know?

 Does zoom have a yearly internal and external security reviews? And do they have an
implemented vulnerability- management program?
 Why does zoom offer end-to-end encryption to users with premium subscription only?

Step 2: Stakeholders

Stakeholders Stakes
General Public - Social Privacy
- Security of personal information
Zoom - Public Image/Reputation
- Possible lawsuits
- Compliance with international laws
Government - Laws imposed for security and privacy of
- Confidentiality Information
Step 3: Dillemas

 Zoom giving third party application an access to the confidential information of user’s vs
Zoom prioritizing the welfare of their users by implementing secure and safe privacy
 Zoom abiding by the government privacy laws vs easy to access and use the Zoom
application for users
 Allocating product development cost to improving video meeting features and
specifications vs. prioritizing fixing bugs and improving privacy setting
 Zoom conforming to the laws of the major countries around the world VS. users in
smaller third world countries are still vulnerable to different attacks specific to the
country or the application could be banned in those countries
Step 4: Alternatives

Step 5: Compare alternatives with values

Step 6: Consequences

Step 4: Alternatives Step 5: Compare Step 6: Consequences

alternatives with values
1. Continue to allow third  Profitability Zoom:
parties to access user  Reputation (+) No additional cost will be
information and data.  Customer Loyalty added for the removal of bugs
and improvement of security
(-) Lawsuits may be filed by
many users

(-) Zoom is convenient for them
to use but their personal
information is not safe and
2. To prioritize their growth as  Privacy and Zoom
a company, rather than to Security (+) Many users will be enticed
improve their privacy and  Reputation to use Zoom because of features
security. (e.g. adding other  Profitability not offered by another video
features not related to  Practicality communication app.
security) (-) Lawsuits may be filed by
many users

(+) More convenient for them
(-) Personal information is not
safe and secure
3. Reform the software’s  Assurance for users Zoom:
privacy policies.  Assurance to (+)The reputation of Zoom as a
privacy safe software will increase
 Customer loyalty
 Reputation Users:
(+) Users are assured of the
privacy of their personal
information in the service that
they choose
(+) Privacy of what happens in
the meetings is maintained and
anyone can’t just access the
meetings and the details of the
users in the meeting are not
(+) Users are more satisfied with
their assurance of privacy
4. Create a strict standards in  Respect to privacy Zoom
creating meeting key and  Safety (+) Zoom will remain
passwords that is less penetrable  Reputation trustworthy among customers as
by hackers long as they continue to improve
security features
(+) Customers continue to use
the easy-to-use application
(+) Users private information
will be kept safe.

Step 7: Make a Decision

The possible solution is to improve zoom’s security standards especially in creating

their meeting key which was mentioned that it is easily accessible to zoom bombings. In
relation to justice, users are the ones considered as the least well-off so they are the ones that
should be favored. This means that zoom should also provide end-to-end encryption even to non-
premium users.

Hackers can easily get an access by randomly guessing the number and they can easily
enter the meeting. Moreover, it is essential to have each meeting key a password that is also less
likely impenetrable. Zoom’s passwords are commonly some four to five digits, so any
experienced hacker can guess it. As a result, the Zoom company should make it a priority to
strengthen and upgrade its security features and privacy standards on a regular basis, especially
since their platform is utilized by a big number of individuals.
Zoom has to take this issue seriously since the users include Government officials and big
private corporations. There were users affected by their privacy and security issue. And as to
compensatory justice, the focus is on making amends, rather than on making the wrongdoer
suffer (Zoom Company). Since the company has plans to pay $85 million to people for privacy
issues, they could make it as their amends to user that were affected by it. It is important to take
measures as it could backfire and cause cyber terrorism. In the world where technology is widely
used, the questions to security and privacy must be taken seriously. After all, the hope is that the
right approach to wrongdoing will lead to healing and growth, both for the wrongdoer and for the
wronged. Compensatory justice is about restoration and forgiveness.

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