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Property Civil Law

b. Intangible. irrespective of its ownership;

PROPERTY Properties NOT susceptible of appropriation 6. As to susceptibility to substitution 3. Destination Things placed in buildings or
a. Fungible; and on lands by the owner of the immovable or
CHARACTERISTICS 1. Common things (res communes) b. Non-fungible. his agent in such a manner that it reveals the
XPN: Those that may be appropriated intention to attach them permanently
GR: Those properties belonging to everyone. under certain conditions in a limited way. 7. As to accession dependence or importance thereto; and
While in particular no one owns common e.g. electricity, oxygen, distilled water a. Principal; and
property, still in another sense, res communes are b. Accessory 4. Analogy Classified by express provision of
really owned by everybody in that their use and 2. Not susceptible due to physical impossibility law or those which are not actually tangible
enjoyment are given to all of mankind. (Paras, e.g. sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies 8. As to existence properties but are rights and interests over
2008) e.g. air, wind, sunlight. a. Existing or present property (res existing immovable properties.
3. Not susceptible due to legal impossibility existentes); and
All things which are or may be the object of e.g. human body while the person is alive b. Future property (res futurae) IMMOVABLE BY NATURE AND
appropriation considered as either real or INCORPORATION
personal property. (NCC, Art. 414) The human body is NOT a property 9. As to consumability Par. 1, Art. 415. Land, buildings, roads and
It is neither real nor personal property, whether a. Consumable; and constructions of all kinds adhered to the soil.
It is an object or a right which is appropriated or alive or dead. It is not even property at all, in that b. Non-consumable
susceptible of appropriation by man, with it generally cannot be appropriated.
capacity to satisfy human wants and needs. 10. As to divisibility
(Pineda, 1999) While a human being is alive, he cannot, as such, a. Divisible; and
By its very nature is immovable property. In
be the object of a contract, for he is considered b. Indivisible
whatever transaction land is involved, it is
NOTE: Property does not only cover material outside the commerce of man. He may donate
always immovable.
things because it mentions of rights which could part of his blood, may even sell part of his hair, CLASSIFICATIONS OF THINGS
either be classified as real or personal right. but he cannot sell his body. (Paras, 2008)
A truck full of soil taken from the land (like
1. Res nullius belonging to no one garden soil) becomes a personal property
Distinction between things and property Under the R.A. 7170 or the Organ Donation Act Those objects which have not yet been because it is no longer adhered to the land.
of 1991, donation of all or a part of a human body appropriated, or have been abandoned by However, the moment it is used to cover a land
1. The term thing is broader in scope than i.e., the the owner with the intention of no longer for ornamentation or gardening, it becomes
property. All kinds of property are things irreversible cessation of circulatory and owning them. immovable again. (Pineda, 2009)
but not all things are property; respiratory functions or the irreversible
2. Things refer to all objects that exist cessation of all functions of the entire brain, 2. Res communes belonging to everyone Building
including those which could not be including the brain system) [Sec. 2(j), RA 7170, as Things which are used and enjoyed by all of
appropriated by man. Property refers to amended] mankind. (e.g. sunlight, starlight, and wind) GR: A building is always immovable whether
objects already possessed by man or are in
built i
their possession; CLASSIFICATIONS OF PROPERTY 3. Res alicujus belonging to someone
3. Things involve only corporeal objects. Objects, whether tangible or intangible, XPN: When a building is merely superimposed
Property may refer to intangible matters. 1. As to nature/mobility which are privately owned, either in a on the soil or is sold for immediate demolition,
(Pineda, 2009) a. Immovable or real property; and collective or individual capacity in which case it may be considered as movable
b. Movable or personal property. or personal property. (e.g. Barong-barongs are
Q: Are the rights under the Bill of Rights CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY BY MOBILITY not permanent structures but mere
considered as property? 2. As to ownership superimpositions on land.)
a. Public dominion; and
A: NO. They are not susceptible of REAL OR IMMOVABLE PROPERTY
b. Private ownership. Effect of demolition of a house
appropriation. (1995, 1997, 2007 BBAR)
3. As to alienability Once a house is demolished, its character as an
Requisites for a thing to be considered as a. Alienable or within the commerce of Categories of immovable property:
immovable ceases because a house is classified
property (USA) men; and as an immovable property by reason of its
b. Inalienable or outside the commerce Real properties are categorized by: (NIDA) adherence to the soil on which it is built.
1. Utility It can serve as a means to satisfy of men. (Bicerra v. Teneza, G.R. No. L-16218, November
human needs; 1. Nature Those which by their essence and
29, 1962)
2. Substantivity/Individuality It has a 4. As to individuality nature are immovable or cannot be moved
separate and autonomous existence and not a. Specific property; and from one place to another;
Mortgage of a building erected on a land
simply a part of a whole. b. Generic property. belonging to another
3. Appropriability - Susceptibility to 2. Incorporation Those which are attached to
ownership/possession, even if not yet 5. As to susceptibility to touch an immovable in a fixed manner and
A building, by itself, may be mortgaged apart
actually appropriated. a. Tangible; and considered as an integral part thereof,
from the land on which it was built even if a


Property Civil Law
mortgage of land necessarily includes, in the Assessment Appeals v. Meralco, G.R. No. L- 15334,
absence of stipulation of the improvements 2. A personal property. January 31, 1964) 1. The industry or work must be Carried on in
thereon, buildings. Such a mortgage would still a building or on a piece of land;
be a real estate mortgage (REM) for the building The moment trees are detached or uprooted IMMOVABLE BY INCORPORATION & BY
would still be considered immovable property from the land it is considered as personal DESTINATION 2. The machinery must:
even if dealt with separately and apart from the property. Par. 4, Art. 415. Statues, reliefs, paintings a. Be placed by the Owner of the
land. (Yee v. Strong Machinery Company, G.R. No. or other objects for use or ornamentation, tenement or his agent;
11658, February 15, 1918) NOTE: In case of uprooted timber, they are still placed in buildings or on lands by the b. Tend directly to meet the needs of
not considered as personal property because owner of the immovable in such a manner the said industry or work; and
A building can be the subject of a chattel timber is an integral part of the timber land. that it reveals the intention to attach them
mortgage permanently to the tenements. 3. Be Essential and principal to the industry or
Growing fruits work, and not merely incidental thereto.
When the parties have so expressly designated,
especially when it is considered that the GR: Growing fruits are considered as real Machinery placed by a tenant or by a
property given as a security is a house of mixed property so long as they are still attached to the usufructuary is NOT real property.
This means that the objects must be placed by
materials which by its very nature is considered soil. Once removed from the soil, they become
the owner of the immovable and not necessarily
as personal property. (Luna v. Encarnacion, G.R. personal properties. Since it is placed by a person having only a
the owner of the object.
No. L-4637, June 30, 1952) temporary right, it does not become
XPN: Growing fruits may be exceptionally immobilized. (Valdez v. Central Altagracia, 225
Requisites for a building to be the subject of a treated as personal property pursuant to the U.S. 58, 1912)
chattel mortgage provisions of Art. 416(2) of the New Civil Code.
1. Placed in buildings or on lands by the owner
(Rabuya, 2008) Where a tenant places the machinery under the
of the immovable or by his agent; and
1. Parties mutually agreed to consider the express provision of lease that it shall become a
2. Placed there in a manner that it reveals the
house a personal property; and E.g. part of the land belonging to the owner upon the
intention to attach them permanently to the
2. That no innocent third party is prejudiced. 1. For the purposes of sale of the whole or part termination of the lease without compensation
of the crops; to the lessee, the tenant acts as an agent of the
NOTE: Under the doctrine of estoppel, parties to 2. For purposes of attachment and execution; owner and the immobilization of the
Par. 3 distinguished from Par. 4
a contract who agreed to treat as personal and machineries arises from the act of the owner in
PAR. 3 PAR. 4
property that which by nature would be real 3. For applying the provisions of the Chattel giving by contract a permanent destination to
Cannot be Can be separated
property are prohibited from assuming Mortgage Law. the machinery. (Ibid.)
separated from the from the
inconsistent positions and repudiating an
immovable immovable without
obligation voluntarily assumed. IMMOVABLE BY INCORPORATION Equipment and living quarters of the crew
without breaking breaking or
Par. 3, Art. 415. Everything attached to an permanently attached are immovable
or deterioration. deterioration.
Insofar as execution proceedings are considered, immovable in a fixed manner, in such a properties
the house or building is considered real way that it cannot be separated therefrom
property. Need not be placed Must be placed by It is intended to meet the needs of the industry
without breaking the material or by the owner. the owner of the
deterioration of the object. being undertaken by MPC. The equipment
A building subjected to a chattel mortgage immovable, or by partakes of the nature of the immovable upon
cannot be sold extrajudicially. For purposes of his agent whether which it has been placed.
An incorporated thing is considered as real express or implied.
sale at public auction on execution sales, the The living quarters, if attached to the immovable
property when in cases of separation, the injury,
building or house shall be treated as real platform with permanence, becomes an
breakage, or deterioration is substantial. Real property by Real property by
property. The requirements of the Rules of Court immovable as well. Permanence means they
on foreclosure of real estate mortgages must incorporation. incorporation and cannot be separated without destroying the
Res vinta destination.
therefore be followed. (Pineda, 2009) platform or the quarters. If the attachment is not
permanent, or not merely superimposed on the
These are immovables by incorporation, which
Par. 2, Art. 415. Trees, plants and growing platform, then the living quarters are movable
when separated from the immovable, regain Par. 5, Art. 415. Machinery, receptacles,
fruits, while they are attached to the land or properties. (2007 BAR)
their condition as movable. instruments or implements intended by the
form an integral part of an immovable.
owner of the tenement for an industry or Equipment of a transportation business
Steel towers are personal properties works which may be carried on in a
Trees and Plants classified as personal property
building or on a piece of land & which tend
They are not buildings adhered to the soil [(NCC, directly to meet the needs of the said
1. A real property; or A transportation business is not carried on in a
Art. 415(1)]; they are not attached to an industry or works.
a. By nature - If they are spontaneous building or on a specified land. Hence,
immovable in a fixed manner; they can be
products of the soil; or equipment destined only to repair or service a
separated without substantial damage or
b. By incorporation - If they have been Requisites for machinery to be considered transportation business may not be deemed real
deterioration, and they are not machineries
planted through cultivation or labor. real property (COTE) property, but personal property.
intended for works on the land. (Board of


Property Civil Law
third persons acting in good faith are not it is already placed in the land and can never be the civil law and common law and occasionally
Machines must be essential and principal affected by its stipulation characterizing the separated from it. referred to as peculiar kind of personal property.
elements in the industry and must directly meet subject machinery as personal. It is essential that a record of documents affecting
the needs of said industry. It does not include Inc. v. PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc., G.R. No. Par. 8, Art. 415. Mines, quarries and slag the title to a vessel be entered in the record of
movables which are merely incidentals, without 137705, August 22, 2000) dumps, while the matter thereof forms part the Collector of Customs at the port of entry.
which the business can still continue or carry on of the bed, and waters either running or (Code of Commerce, Art.585)
their functions. Par. 6, Art. 415. Animal houses, pigeon- stagnant.
houses, beehives, fish ponds or breeding Par. 10, Art. 415. Contracts for public works
Cash registers, typewriters, etc. usually found places of similar nature, in case their By their nature, mines quarries and slag dumps and servitudes and other real rights over
and used in hotels and restaurants are merely owner has placed them or preserves them are immovable property. immovable property.
incidentals not considered immobilized by with the intention to have them
destination because these businesses can carry permanently attached to the land, and Mines - These are mineral lands where Immovable by Analogy
on their functions without this equipment. forming a permanent part of it; the excavations are done to extract minerals such as
(Mindanao Bus Co. v. City Assessor and Treasurer, animals in these places are included. gold, ores etc. These properties refer to contracts for public
G.R. No. L-17870, September 29, 1962) works, servitudes and real rights over
Animal Houses, Pigeon Houses, Etc. Quarries - These are lands where stones are immovable property (like usufruct). They are
Machineries bolted or cemented on real chipped of or where sand is being extracted. inseparable from their sources which are
property mortgaged These are immovables by destination or by immovable, Hence, for convenience, they are
incorporation. The Code requires that they be Slag dumps - They consist of waste and dirt considered immovable not by their nature,
It is NOT considered an immovable property. placed by the owner of the land in order to taken from a mine and mounted on the surface destination or incorporation but by analogy.
The fact that machineries were bolted or acquire the nature of real property. However, of the ground under excavation While no tangible, they have the characteristics
cemented on real property mortgaged does not they are still considered as real property even if of real property. (Pineda, 2009)
make them ipso facto immovable under Art. 415 not placed by the owner if such structures are Running or Stagnant Waters These waters
adhered to the soil in a permanent manner. refer to waters still running through the soil or e.g. Contract over a construction of a bridge
into. ground in mines and quarries. (Pineda, 2009)
Beehives, Fishponds or Breeding Places of Art. 416. The following things are deemed
When immovable property by nature may be Similar Nature Are Real Property; Animals Par. 9, Art. 415. Docks and structure which, to be personal property:
treated as a chattel Contained Therein, Included though floating, are intended by their (1) Those movables susceptible of
nature and object to remain at a fixed place appropriation which are not included in
Even if the properties appear to be immovable When purposely constructed or attached to the on a river, lake or coast. the preceding article;
by nature, nothing detracts the parties from ground or on another immovable (like a tree- (2) Real property which by any special
treating them as chattels to secure an obligation wall), fishponds and other similar breeding provision of law is considered as
When power barges are classified as real
under the principle of estoppel. (Tsai v. CA, G.R. places, like cemented container where breeding personality;
No. 120098, October 2, 2001) of fishes or crustaceans is done, are considered (3) Forces of nature which are bought
immovable property if the owner of the land or Power barges are categorized as immovable under control by science; and
Effect of temporary separation of movables tenement intended them to be permanent (4) In general, all things which can be
property by destination, being in the nature of
from the immovables to which they are transported from place to place without
machinery and other implements intended by
attached The animals in the animal houses, the pigeons in impairment of the real property to which
the owner for an industry or work which may be
the pigeon houses, the bees in the beehives, the carried on in a building or on a piece of land and they are fixed.
There are two views: fish in the fishponds are included and Art. 417 The following are also considered
which tend directly to meet the needs of said
1. They continue to be regarded as considered part of the immovable property. as personal property:
industry or work. (Fels Energy, Inc. v. Province of
immovables; and (Pineda, 2009) (1) Obligations and actions which have
Batangas, G.R. No. 168557, February 19, 2007)
2. Fact of separation determines the condition for their object movables or demandable
of the objects thus recovering their Cages are not included sums; and
Floating platform is an immovable property
condition as movables. It will be considered as personal property since
they can be moved from one place to another. The platform is an immovable property by (2) Shares of stock of agricultural,
Machines though essential and principal commercial and industrial entities,
destination. It was intended by the owner to
elements of the industry are personal Par. 7, Art. 415. Fertilizer actually used on a although they may have real estate
remain at a fixed place on a river or coast. Art.
properties when provided in the lease piece of land. 415 (9) of the NCC considers as real property
Fertilizers in sacks are not included intended by their nature and object to remain at a (1995 BAR)
fixed (Fels
deemed personal property pursuant to the Lease
Fertilizers which are still in the sacks, although Energy, Inc. v. The Province of Batangas, G.R. No.
Agreement is good only insofar as the Movable properties (SOFTSS)
there is intention to place them or use them on 168557, February 16, 2007)
contracting parties are concerned. Hence, while
land, are movable. Only fertilizers actually used
the parties are bound by the Lease Agreement, 1. Movables Susceptible of appropriation
on a piece of land are deemed immovable since Vessels are considered personal property under


Property Civil Law
which are not included in Art. 415; enhances, decodes and transmits said calls using the parties and not on the consumability of the character;
2. Real property which by any Special its complex communications infrastructure and thing. (2) Those which belong to the State,
provision of law considers as personality; facilities. (Laurel v. Abrogar, G.R. No. G.R. No. without being for public use, and are
e.g. Growing crops under the Chattel 155076, January 13, 2009) Art. 419. Property is either of public intended for some public service or for the
Mortgage Law dominion or of private ownership development of the national wealth.
Tests to determine whether a property is a
3. Forces of nature which are brought under movable property (MES) Kinds of property of public dominion (USD)
the control of science;
e.g. Electricity generated by electric 1. Test of Exclusion Everything not included 1. For public Use may be used by anybody;
powers, solar light for batteries power. in Art. 415 of NCC; e.g. ships or vessels or 2. Intended for public Service and not for
1. In relation to the State
interest in a business public use may be used only by duly
a. Public Dominion; and
4. In general, all things which can be 2. By reason of a Special law Immovable by authorized persons; and
b. Patrimonial.
Transported from place to place without nature but movable for the purpose of the 3. For the Development of the national wealth
impairment of the real property to which special law; e.g. Growing crops for purposes like our natural resources. (NCC, Art. 420)
2. In relation to political subdivisions/local
they are fixed (NCC, Art. 416); of the Chattel Mortgage Law
government unit
3. Test of Mobility If the property is capable of Characteristics of properties of public
a. Public use; and
5. Obligations and actions which have for their being carried from place to place without dominion (ULEP-ROB)
b. Patrimonial.
object movables or demandable sums; and injuring the real property to which it may in
the meantime be attached. 1. In general, they can be Used by everybody;
3. In relation to private persons
6. Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial 2. Cannot be Levied upon by execution or
a. Owned individually; and
and industrial entities, although they have Art. 418. Movable property is either attachment;
b. Owned collectively.
real estate. (NCC, Art. 417) consumable or non-consumable. To the first 3. May Either be real or personal property;
class belong those movables which cannot NOTE: Sacred and religious objects are 4. Cannot be acquired by Prescription;
Special Kind of Personal Property be used in a manner appropriate to their 5. Cannot be Registered under Land
considered outside the commerce of man. They
nature without their being consumed; to the are neither public nor private party. (Barlin v. Registration Law and be the subject of
The author, composer, painter, sculptor, second class belong all others. Torrens Title;
inventor have rights over their works. These Ramirez, G.R. No. L-2832, November 24, 1906)
6. Outside the commerce of man cannot be
rights are personal property. (Pineda, 2009) alienated or leased or be subject of any
Interest in business is a personal property 7. Cannot be Burdened by voluntary
Properties classified according to It means ownership by the public in general, in
consumability easement.
With regard to the nature of the property that not even the State or subdivisions thereof
mortgaged which is one-half interest in the may make them the object of commerce as long
1. Consumable property That which cannot be as they remain properties for public use. (Paras, Art. 421. All other property of the State,
business, such interest is a personal property
used according to its nature without being 2008) which is not of the character stated in the
capable of appropriation and not included in the
consumed or being eaten or used up; preceding article, is a patrimonial property.
enumeration of real properties in articles 335 of
the Civil Code, and may be the subject of Properties classified as public dominion cannot
e.g. cigarette, glass of wine be alienated but are not totally outside the Patrimonial Property
mortgage. (Strochecker v. Ramirez, G.R. No.
18700, September 26, 1922) commerce of man as the Constitution allows the
2. Non-consumable property That which can State to enter into co-production, joint ventures This is a property pertaining to the State which
be used according to its nature without or production-sharing agreements with private is not intended for public use, public service, or
The business of providing
being consumed or being eaten or used up. individuals or corporations for their exploration, for the development of the national wealth. It is
telecommunication is a personal property
development and utilization. intended rather for the attainment of the
e.g. eyeglasses, book economic ends of the State, that is, for its
The business of providing telecommunication or
telephone service is likewise personal property NOTE: In order to be classified as property of subsistence.
Properties classified according to public dominion, an intention to devote it to
which can be the object of theft under Art. 308 of
susceptibility to substitution public use or to public service is sufficient and it NOTE: The patrimonial property of the State or
the RPC.
is not necessary that it must actually be used as any of its subdivisions may be acquired by
1. Fungible property That property which such. private individuals or juridical persons through
Indeed, while it may be conceded that
belongs to a common genus permitting its prescription. It can be the object of an ordinary
international long-distance calls, the matter
substitution; and Art. 420. The following things are property contract. (Cebu Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Inc. v.
alleged to be stolen in the instant case, take the
2. Non- fungible property That property of public dominion: Bercilles, 66 SCRA 481 [1975])
form of electrical energy, it cannot be said that
which is specified and not subject to
such international long-distance calls were (1) Those intended for public use, such
substitution. Art. 422. Property of public dominion, when
personal properties belonging to PLDT since the as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports and
latter could not have acquired ownership over no longer intended for public use or for
NOTE: As to whether a property is fungible or bridges constructed by the State, banks,
such calls. PLDT merely encodes, augments, public service, shall form part of the
non-fungible is determined by the agreement of shores, roadsteads, and others of similar


Property Civil Law
patrimonial property of the State. them are patrimonial. to make it patrimonial property must be definite. been in open, continuous, exclusive, and
Conversion From Property of Public Charging of fees does not remove property as Abandonment cannot be inferred from the non- notorious possession and, occupation of
Dominion To Patrimonial Property, How public dominion use alone. (Laurel vs Garcia, G.R. No. 92013, July agricultural lands of the public domain, under a
Effected. 25, 1990) bona fide claim of acquisition or ownership,
The charging of fees to the public does not
When no longer intended or operated for public determine the character of the property whether Any such conversion happens only if the
use or public service, a property of public it is of public dominion or not. The airport lands property is withdrawn from public use. Section 48(b) of the Public Land Act therefore
and buildings are devoted to public use because Accordingly, the withdrawal of the property in requires that two (2) requisites be satisfied
patrimonial property as of the date the they are used by the public for international and question from public use by the City of Cebu and before claims of title to public domain lands may
Government, through the Executive or domestic travel and transportation. The its subsequent sale to the petitioner is valid. be confirmed: first, that the land subject of the
Legislative Departments, has formally declared terminal fees MIAA charges to passengers, as (Cebu Oxygen and Acetylene Co. v. Bercilles, 66 claim is agricultural land; and second, open,
that it is no longer needed for said purposes. well as the landing fees MIAA charges to airlines, SCRA 481, August 29, 1975) continuous, notorious, and exclusive possession
(Ignacio vs. Director of Land [S.C], 58 Off. Gaz. constitute the bulk of the income that maintains of the land since June 12, 1945. That the Iligan
2403 [1960]; Cebu Oxygen Acetylynne Co. vs. the operations of MIAA. (Manila International Sewage system of a city is a patrimonial property was alienable and disposable,
Bercilles, 66 SCRA 481) Airport Authority v. CA, G.R. No. 155650, July 20, property agricultural land, has been admitted. What is
2006) claimed instead is that petitioners' possession is
Art. 423. The property of provinces, cities, It is property of the city, purchased with private debunked by how the Iligan Property was
and municipalities is divided into property PRIVATE OWNERSHIP funds and not devoted to public use (it is for supposedly part of a military reservation area57
for public use and patrimonial property. profit). It is therefore patrimonial under the Civil which was subsequently reserved for Iligan
Code. City's slum improvement and resettlement
Art. 425. Property of private ownership,
program, and the relocation of families who
Art. 424. Property for public use, in the besides the patrimonial property of the
such classification is qualified by ejusdem were dislocated by the National Steel
provinces, cities, and municipalities, consist State, provinces, cities, and municipalities,
generis; it must be of the same character as the Corporation's five-year expansion program.
of the provincial roads, city streets, consists of all property belonging to private
preceding items. (City of Cebu v. NAWASA, G.R. (Heirs Of Leopoldo Delfin And Soledad Delfin,
municipal streets, the squares, fountains, persons, either individually or collectively.
No. 12892, April 20, 1960) Namely Emelita D. Fabrigar And Leonilo C. Delfin
public waters, promenades, and public
v. National Housing Authority, G.R. No. 193618,
works for public service paid by said Properties in private ownership of private Q: The Delfin Spouses claimed that they were November 28, 2016, as penned by J. Leonen)
provinces, cities, or municipalities persons or entities
the owners of a 28,800 square meter parcel
All other property possessed by any of them
of land in Iligan City. They had been Private ownership of land prohibited to
is patrimonial and shall be governed by this All properties not belonging to the State or its
declaring the Iligan Property in their names Aliens (KRIVENKO DOCTRINE)
Code, without prejudice to the provisions of political subdivision are properties of private
for tax purposes since 1952, and had been
special laws. ownership pertaining to private persons, either
planting it with mangoes, coconuts, corn, GR: Aliens have no right to acquire any public or
individually or collectively.
seasonal crops, and vegetables. They alleged private agricultural, commercial or residential
Properties for public service and properties that NHA took possession of a 10,798 square lands in the Philippines.
for the development of national wealth Patrimonial property of the State
meter portion of the property. Despite their
repeated demands for compensation, the The same rule is applicable to a foreign
1. Public service It depends on who pays for It is the property intended for the attainment of
National Housing Authority failed to pay the corporation even if it is a religious and non-stock
the service. If paid for by the political the economic ends of the State, that is, for
value of the property. corporation. A foreign-owned corporation
subdivision, public; if for profit, patrimonial; subsistence. It is owned by the State in its private
cannot be the transferee of a land in the
and or proprietary capacity. It is the property not The NHA alleged that the Delfin Spouses' Philippines even temporarily. (Pineda, 2009)
2. National wealth It is still property for devoted to public use, public service, or the
property was part of a military reservation
public use under the regalian doctrine. development of the national wealth.
area. It reserved the area in which property XPN: Aliens may only acquire such lands by
is situated for Iligan City's slum improvement hereditary succession. (Krivenko v. Registry of
Property of municipal corporations An executive or legislative act is necessary to
and resettlement program as cited in deeds, G.R. No. L-630, November 15, 1947)
reclassify property into patrimonial. The
Proclamation No. 2143, and the relocation of
1. Provincial roads; conversion cannot be inferred from non-use.
families who were dislocated by the National Effect of a subsequent sale by the disqualified
2. City streets; Steel Corporation's five-year expansion alien vendee to a qualified Filipino citizen
3. Municipal streets; NOTE: It may be disposed of by the State in the
program. Does the Spouses have the right to
4. Squares; same manner that private individuals dispose of
claim the just compensation? If land is invalidly transferred to an alien who
5. Fountains; their own property subject, however, to
subsequently becomes a citizen or transfers it to
6. Public waters; administrative laws and regulations.
A: YES. Section 48 of Commonwealth Act a citizen, the flaw in the original transaction is
7. Promenades; and 141(Public Land Act) enabled the confirmation considered cured and the title of the transferee
8. Public works for public service paid for by The fact that the Roppongi site has not been
of claims and issuance of titles in favor of is rendered valid.
said provinces, cities, or municipalities. used for a long time for actual Embassy service
citizens occupying or claiming to own lands of
(NCC, Art. 424) does not automatically convert it to patrimonial
the public domain or an interest therein. Section Thus, the subsequent transfer of the property to
property. An abandonment of the intention to
48 (b) specifically pertained to those who "have qualified Filipinos may no longer be impugned
NOTE: All other property possessed by any of use the Roppongi property for public service and


Property Civil Law
on the basis of invalidity of the initial transfer. XPN: When the law or the individual declaration existed prior to the decree of registration. (Heirs Jose emerged as the highest bidder. A
The objective of the constitutional provision to clearly provides that the aforesaid things are of Delfin v. Rabadon, G.R. No. 165014, July 31, Certificate of Sale was thus issued in his
keep our lands in Filipino hands has been included. 2013) favor. The period of redemption expired
achieved. (Lee v. Republic of the Philippines, G.R. without the subject property being
No. 12819, October 3, 2001) OWNERSHIP Art. 428. The owner has the right to enjoy redeemed; hence, a Final Bill of Sale was
and dispose of a thing, without other issued and registered in Jose's name.
NOTE: The constitutional proscription on alien limitations than those established by law. Thereafter, the latter executed an Affidavit of
Art. 427. Ownership may be exercised over
ownership of lands of the public or private The owner has also a right of action against Consolidation of Ownership. This
things or rights.
domain was intended to protect lands from the holder and possessor of the thing in notwithstanding, Nicolasa persisted in her
falling in the hands of non-Filipinos. (Lee v. order to recover it. occupancy of the subject property and
Ownership is the juridical relation of a person
Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. 12819, refused to deliver possession to Jose. Is the
over a thing by virtue of which said person has
October 3, 2001) Writ of Possession and Notice to Vacate
the exclusive power or authority to receive all
Art. 429. The owner or lawful possessor of a issued by the RTC is valid?
the benefits and advantages arising from said
Regalian Doctrine: All lands not otherwise thing has the right to exclude any person
thing, save those restricted by law or the
appearing to be clearly within private ownership from the enjoyment and disposal thereof. A: YES. "It is well-settled that the purchaser in
recognized rights of others.
are presumed to be owned by the state. (Pineda, For this purpose, he may use such force as an extrajudicial foreclosure of real property
2009) may be reasonably necessary to repel or becomes the absolute owner of the property if
Kinds of ownership
prevent an actual or threatened unlawful no redemption is made within one 1 year from
Reversion - An action where the ultimate relief physical invasion or usurpation of his the registration of the certificate of sale by those
1. Full ownership Includes all the rights of an
sought is to revert the land back to the property entitled to redeem. As absolute owner, he is
government under the Regalian Doctrine. entitled to all the rights of ownership over a
(Pineda, 2009) property recognized in Article 428 of the New
NOTE: Naked ownership + Usufruct JUS UTENDI, FRUENDI, ABUTENDI,
Civil Code, not least of which is possession, or jus
Art. 426. Whenever by provision of the law, possidendi."
2. Naked ownership Ownership where the ACCESIONES
or an individual declacration, the rights to the use and to the fruits have been
It should be clarified that the purpose of a
denied; Attributes of ownership petition for the issuance of a writ of possession
shall be deemed to include, respectively, the under Act No. 3135, as amended by Act No.
NOTE: Full ownership Usufruct 1. Right to enjoy (jus utendi) (NCC, Art. 428);
things enumerated in Chapter 1 and in 4118, is to expeditiously accord the mortgagee
2. Right to the fruits (jus fruendi);
Chapter 2. who has already shown a prima facie right of
3. Sole ownership Ownership is vested in only 3. Right to abuse (jus abutendi);
ownership over the subject property (based on
one person; and 4. Right to dispose (jus dispodendi) (NCC Art.
his consolidated title over the same) his
incidental right to possess the foreclosed
4. Co-ownership Ownership is vested in two 5. Right to recover (jus vindicandi) (NCC. Art.
deemed to include money, credits, property. To reiterate, "possession being an
or more persons. There is Unity of the 428);
commercial securities, stocks and bonds, essential right of the owner with which he is able
property, and plurality of the subjects. 6. Right to accessories (jus accessiones);
jewelry, scientific or artistic collection, to exercise the other attendant rights of
7. Right to possess (jus possidendi).;
books medals, arms, clothing, horses or ownership, after consolidation of title, the
Q: Respondents inherited the subject 8. Right to exclude (NCC, Art. 429); and
carriages and their accessories, grains, purchaser in a foreclosure sale may demand
property from Emiliana Bacalso, by virtue of 9. Right to enclose (NCC, Art. 430).
liquids and merchandise, or other things possession as a matter of right."
Decree No. 98992. Sometime later, they
which do not have as their principal object found the heirs of Alejandra Delfin to be Lease merely follows the property as a lien
the furnishing or ornamenting of a building Thus, it is only upon a credible showing by a
occupying the said property, to which they or encumbrance
except where from the context of the law, or third- party claimant of his independent right
even constructed houses there. The heirs
the individual declaration, the contrary over the foreclosed property that the law's
argued they have better right for it was Q: On April 15, 1991, Nicolasa authorized her
clearly appears. prima facie deference to the mortgagee's
inherited to them after it was bought by the daughter, Carmelita, Artemio's sister, to
consolidated title should not prevail. Verily, a
predecessor from Emiliana Bacalso; also, mortgage the subject property to Jose, the
mere claim of ownership would not suffice.
they are the ones paying the subject predecessor-in-interest of Jose, Jose Jr. and
Effects. Virginia in order to secure a loan in the
As jurisprudence prescribes, the demonstration
have the better right to the ownership and amount of P112,000.00. As Nicolasa failed to
If used alone in a contract or agreement, it will by the third party- claimant should be made
possession of the subject property? settle her loan obligation when it fell due,
not include things found therein like money, within the context of an adversarial hearing,
Jose, led an application for extra-judicial
jewelry, collections, books, medals, arms, where the basic principles of Evidence and Civil
A: YES, respondents have the better right to the foreclosure of mortgage before the Regional
clothing, etc., which do not have as their Procedure ought to be followed, such as: (1) it is
ownership and possession of the subject Trial Court of Olongapo City, Branch 72
principal purpose the furnishing or the the claimant who has the burden of proving his
property. The basis is the LRA certification, (RTC), docketed as Case No. 07-0-91. After
ornamenting of the building where the claim; (2) the claim must be established through
daybook entry, and Decree No. 98992 that was the requirements of posting, notices, and
a preponderance of evidence; and (3) evidence
issued to Emiliana Bacalso. The Decree bars all publication were complied with, the subject
not presented or formally offered cannot be
claims and rights which arose as may have property was sold at a public auction, where


Property Civil Law
admitted against the opposing party. In this case, of a writ of possession before the trial court, March 2011. NOTE: A property validly deposited in custodia
none of these principles were followed for the CA claiming entitlement to the said writ by Petitioner averred that the amount was legis cannot be subject of a replevin suit. (Calub
considered evidence that were not only virtue of the Final Deed of Sale covering the insufficient to cover the unpaid rentals plus v. CA, G.R. No. 115634, April 27, 2000)
submitted in a totally different case against an subject lots. Gerry opposed the petition, interests from February 2007 to May 2011.
entirely different party, but are also innately arguing that he purchased and has, in fact, Petitioner clarified that his earlier demand to RECOVERY OF POSSESSION
inadequate to at least prima facie show the been in actual, open and exclusive possession pay was for the period of February 2007 to OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY
source of the third party claimant's independent of the same properties for at least 15 years. May 2011. Thus, petitioner posited that
title, all to the detriment of the mortgagee who Is the Rural Bank of Sta. Barbara, Inc. is respondent had continuously failed and Accion interdictal
had already consolidated his title to the entitled to a writ of possession over the refused to comply with the terms and
contested property. (Heirs of Peñaflor v. Dela subject lots? conditions of the lease contract concerning It is a summary action to recover physical or
Cruz, G.R. No. 197797, August 8, 2017) the payment of monthly rental. May material possession only and it must be brought
A: YES. It is well-established that after petitioner eject respondent from the subject within one year from the time the cause of
REMEDIES TO RECOVER POSSESSION land? action arises. It may be:
failure of the mortgagor to redeem the property,
Legal remedies to recover possession of the purchasers right to possession ripens into A: YES. For an unlawful detainer suit to prosper, 1. Forcible Entry; or
property the absolute right of a confirmed owner. At that the plaintiff-lessor must show that: first, 2. Unlawful detainer.
point, the issuance of a writ of possession, upon initially, the defendant-lessee legally possessed
1. Personal property Replevin proper application and proof of title, to a the leased premises by virtue of a subsisting Accion publiciana
purchaser in an extrajudicial foreclosure sale lease contract; second, such possession
2. Real property becomes merely a ministerial function, unless it eventually became illegal, either due to the It refers to an ejectment suit filed within 10
a. Accion Interdictal; appears that the property is in possession of a latter's violation of the provisions of the said years after the expiration of one year from
i. Forcible entry; or third party claiming a right adverse to that of the lease contract or the termination thereof; third, accrual of cause of action or from the unlawful
ii. Unlawful detainer. mortgagor. the defendant-lessee remained in possession of witholding of possession of the realty. (Gabriel Jr.
b. Accion Publiciana; or the leased premises, thus, effectively depriving v. Crisologo, G.R. No. 204626, June 9, 2014)
c. Accion Reinvindicatoria. Gerry Centeno acquired the subject lots from his the plaintiff-lessor enjoyment thereof; and
parents, Sps. Centeno, on March 14, 1988 after fourth, there must be a demand both to pay or It is an ordinary civil proceeding to recover the
3. Ancillary remedies common to both they were purchased by Rural Bank of Sta. to comply and vacate and that the suit is brought better right of possession, except in cases of
a. Writ of preliminary mandatory Barbara, Inc. and its Certificate of Sale at Public within one (1) year from the last demand. forcible entry and unlawful detainer. What is
injunction; or Auction was registered with the Register of involved here is not possession de facto but
b. Writ of possession. Deeds of Iloilo City in 1971. It cannot therefore In this case, all requisites have been indubitably possession de jure.
be disputed that Gerry is a mere successor-in- complied with, considering that at the time the
Q: Spouses Gregorio and Rosario Centeno interest of Sps. Centeno. Consequently, he cannot suit was instituted on June 21, 2011: (a) there Accion reinvindicatoria
previously owned the subject lots, which they be deemed as a third party who is actually was a subsisting lease contract between
mortgaged in favor of Rural Bank of Sta. holding the property adversely to the judgment petitioner and respondent; (b) , respondent was It is an action to recover real property based on
Barbara, Inc. as security for a P1,753.65 loan. obligor under legal contemplation. (Rural Bank not updated in its monthly rental payments, as ownership. Here, the object is the recovery of
Sps. Centeno, however, defaulted on the loan, of Sta. Barbara, Inc. v. Gerry Centeno, G.R. 200667, there is no evidence of such payment for the the dominion over the property as owner.
prompting the bank to cause the March 11, 2013) months of April, May, and even June 2011-- said
extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage. omission constitutes a violation of the lease NOTE: Where the facts averred in the complaint
Consequently, the subject lots were sold to Q: On June 26, 2003, petitioner Teodorico A. contract on the part of respondent; (c) reveals that the action is neither one of forcible
the bank, being the highest bidder at the Zaragoza (petitioner) bought a 3,058-square respondent was still in possession of the subject entry nor unlawful detainer but essentially
auction sale. Sps. Centeno failed to redeem meter (sq. m.) parcel of land. His father leased land; and (d) the case was filed within one (1) involves a boundary dispute, the same must be
the subject lots within the one- year a 1,000-sq. m. portion of Lot 937-A (subject year from petitioner's letter dated May 24, 2011 resolved in an accion reinvindicatoria.
redemption period pursuant to Section 6 of land) to respondent Iloilo Santos Truckers, demanding that respondent pay monthly rentals (Sarmiento v. CA, G.R. No. 116192, November 16,
Act No. 3135. Yet, they still continued with Inc. (respondent). This notwithstanding, and at the same time, vacate the subject land. 1995)
the possession and cultivation of the petitioner allowed the lease to subsist and (Teodorico Zaragoza v. Iloilo Santos Truckers,
aforesaid properties. respondent had been diligent in paying its Inc., G.R. No. 224022, June 28, 2017) Requisites of accion reivindicatoria
monthly rent amounting to P10,000.00 per
Gerry Centeno, son of Sps. Centeno, later on month. Petitioner claimed that when his RECOVERY OF POSSESSION OF 1. Identity of property; and
purchased the said lots from his parents. father died, respondent stopped paying rent. MOVABLE PROPERTY 2. property.
Accordingly, Rosario paid the capital gains
taxes on the sale transaction and tax On the other hand, respondent maintained Replevin Q: A contract of lease executed by Alava
declarations were eventually issued in the that it was willing to pay rent, but was (lessor) and Anita Lao (lessee) was not
name of Gerry. uncertain as to whom payment should be It is the remedy when the complaint prays for registered with the Register of Deeds. Aside
made. Respondent made a consignation on the recovery of the possession of personal from Anita, Rudy Lao also leased a portion of
On March 19, 1998, Rural Bank of Sta. the RTC br. 24 for the amount of P521,396.89 property. the same property where he put up his
Barbara, Inc. filed a petition for the issuance equivalent for the rent of February 2007 to business. At that time, Rudy knew that Anita


Property Civil Law
and her husband were the owners of the said liability until they vacate the premises. around it. No previous demand Demand is
building. He also knew that she had leased Whether or Not they can suspend their Was the act of Francisco and his men lawful? for the defendant to jurisdictional if the
that portion of the property, and that Jaime payment? Why? (2014 BAR) vacate is necessary. ground is non-
Lao, their son, managed and maintained the payment of rentals
building, as well as the business thereon. A: NO. In this case, the disconnection of A: NO or failure to comply
Rudy eventually purchased the entire electrical service over the leased premises on right to occupy the premises has expired, the with the lease
property from Alava. Rudy then filed a May 14, 2004 was not just an act of physical lessor cannot physically oust the lessee from the contract.
complaint for unlawful detainer against disturbance but one that is meant to remove leased premises if the latter refuses to vacate. As to necessity of proof of prior physical
Jaime alleging that the latter had occupied a respondents from the leased premises and The lessor must go through the proper channels possession
portion of his property without any lease disturb their legal possession as lessees. by filing an appropriate case for unlawful Plaintiff must prove Plaintiff need not
agreement and without paying any rentals, Ordinarily, this would have entitled respondents detainer or recovery of possession. Every that he was in prior have been in prior
and prayed that an order be rendered to invoke the right accorded by Article 1658 of possessor has a right to be respected in his physical possession physical possession.
directing Jaime to vacate the premises. the Civil Code. However, this rule will not apply possession (NCC, Art. 539) and in no case can of the premises until NOTE: The fact that
Should the complaint be dismissed? in the present case because the lease had already possession be acquired through force or he was deprived petitioners are in
expired when petitioner requested for the intimidation as long as there is a possessor who thereof by the possession of the lot
A: YES. The records in this case show that the temporary disconnection of electrical service. objects thereto (NCC, Art. 536). The act of defendant. does not
respondent has been in possession of the Petitioner demanded respondents to vacate the Francisco is an abuse of rights because even if he automatically
property in question, not by mere tolerance or premises by May 30, 2004. Instead of has the right to recover possession of his entitle them to
generosity of Rudy, but as the manager of his surrendering the premises to petitioner, property, he must act with justice and give the remain in
mother, who conducted her business in the respondents unlawfully withheld possession of lessees their day in court and observe honesty possession. (Ganilla
building which stood on a portion of the the property. Respondents continued to stay in and good faith. v. CA, G.R. No.
possession the premises until they moved to their new 150755, June 28,
was in behalf of his mother, and not in his own residence on September 26, 2004. At that point, DISTINCTION BETWEEN FORCIBLE ENTRY 2005)
right. (Lao v. Lao, G.R. No. 149599, May 16, 2005) petitioner was no longer obligated to maintain AND UNLAWFUL DETAINER As to when one-year period is counted from
respondents in the "peaceful and adequate
One-year period is One-year period is
Q: In August 2001, the Spouses Javier offered enjoyment of the lease for the entire duration of Forcible Entry Unlawful Detainer generally counted counted from the
to purchase the Marikina property. However, the contract." (Victoria Racelis v. Sps. Javier, G.R.
from the date of date of last demand
they could not afford to pay the price of No. 189609, January 29, 2018, as penned by J. As to when possession became unlawful actual entry of the or last letter of
They offered instead to lease Leonen)
Possession of the Possession is land. demand.
the property while they raise enough money.
defendant is unlawful inceptively lawful
Racelis hesitated at first but she eventually Effect of non-registration of the contract of
from the beginning as but becomes illegal REQUISITES FOR RECOVERY OF PROPERTY
agreed. The parties agreed on a month-to- lease
he acquired from the time
possession by defendant 1. Clearly identify the land he is claiming in
month. This was later increased to Although the lease contract was not filed with
(FISTS) unlawfully accordance with the title/s on which he
the Register of Deeds, nevertheless, the buyer of
1. Force; withholds bases his right of ownership; and
property as their residence and as the site of the property was bound by the terms and
2. Intimidation; possessions after
their tutorial school. conditions of said contract. The lease, in effect
3. Strategy; the expiration or NOTE: Burden of proof lies on the party
became a part of the contract of sale. He had no
4. Threat; or termination of his who asserts the affirmative of an issue. The
Sometime in 2002, Racelis inquired whether cause of action for unlawful detainer against the
5. Stealth. right thereto. description should be so definite that an
they are still interested to purchase the lessee because of the subsisting contract of lease;
property then Sps. Javier agreed and even hence, he could not file the complaint against officer of the court might go to the locality
NOTE: The question where the land is situated and definitely
said that they would pay Php 100,000.00 to her. (Lao v. Lao, G.R. No. 149599, May 16, 2005)
of possession is locate it.
buy them more time within which to pay the
primordial, while
purchase price. But they only delivered Php Q: Spouses Magtanggol managed and
the issue of 2. Prove that he has a better title than the
78,000.00 but they consistently paid rent operated a gasoline station on a 1,000 sq.m.
ownership is defendant.
until February 2004. Then Racelis wrote to lot which they leased from Francisco Bigla-
generally a. Best proof is a Torrens certificate; and
inform them that her family had decided to awa. The contract was for a period of three
unessential in b. Tax receipts, tax declarations are only
terminate the lease agreement and to offer years. When the contract expired, Francisco
unlawful detainer. prima facie evidence of ownership; it is
the property to other interested buyers. In asked the spouses to peacefully vacate the
(Rosa Rica Sales rebuttable.
the same letter, Racelis demanded that they premises. The spouses ignored the demand
Center v. Sps. Ong,
vacate the property by May 30, 2004. The and continued with the operation of the
G.R. 132197, August NOTE:
Spouses Javier refused to vacate due to the gasoline station.
16, 2005) positive right or title and not merely on the lack
ongoing operation of their tutorial business.
As to necessity of demand
One month after, Francisco, with the aid of a
advanced rent and proposed that this group of armed men, caused the closure of words, he shall not be permitted to rely upon the
amount be applied to their outstanding the gasoline station by constructing fences (NCC, Art. 434)


Property Civil Law
deforciant illegally occupying the land or Subjects d. Lease;
Q: In 1998, Intramuros leased certain real property the moment he is required to a. One definite a. An active 4. Grantor of the property on the grantee, either
properties of the national government which leave. More than once has this Court adjudged active subject subject (creditor); by:
it administered to Offshore Construction. that a person who occupies the land of another (e.g. owner) and a. Contract
Three properties were subjects of the at the latter's tolerance or permission without b. One indefinite b. A definite b. Donation or
Contracts of Lease: Baluarte De San Andres, any contract between them is necessarily bound passive subject passive subject c. Will;
Baluarte De San Francisco De Dilao and by an implied promise that he will vacate upon which is the (debtor).
Revellin De Recoletos. All three properties demand, failing which a summary action for whole world 5. Those arising from Conflicts of private rights -
were leased for five years from September ejectment is the proper remedy against him. Right of pursuit is Those which take place in accession
1,1998 to August 31,2003. (Intramuros Administration v. Offshore therefore available. continua;
Construction Development Company, G.R. No. Real right follows
Offshore Construction occupied and 196795, March 7, 2018, as penned by J. Leonen) its object in the 6. Constitution - On the prohibition against the
introduced improvements in the leased hands of any acquisition of private lands by aliens;
premises. However, Intramuros and the DOT Reasons why the plaintiff is NOT allowed to possessor.
halted the projects due to Offshore Enforceability 7. Acts in state of necessity The law permits
-conformity with PD 1616, Enforceable against Enforceable only injury or destruction of things owned by
which required 16th to 19th centuries 1. Possibility that neither the plaintiff nor the the whole world. against the original another provided this is necessary to avert a
Philippine-Spanish Architecture in the area. defendant is the true owner of the property. debtor or his greater danger (with right to indemnity v.
During the lease period, Offshore In which case, the defendant who is in transferee charged principle of unjust enrichment); and
Construction failed to pay its utility bills and possession will be preferred; with notice of the
rental fees, despite several demand letters. 2. One in possession is presumed to be the personal rights 8. True owner must resort to judicial process
Intramuros tolerated the continuing owner and he cannot be obliged to show or Limit When thing is in possession of another; law
occupation, hoping that Offshore prove a better title; Limited by No such limitation. creates a disputable presumption of
Construction would pay its arrears. To settle 3. Possessor in the concept of an owner is usefulness, value or ownership to those in actual possession.
its arrears, Offshore Construction proposed presumed to be in good faith and he cannot productivity of the (2008 BAR)
be expected to be carrying every now and thing.
expenses and the parties executed a then his proofs of ownership over the Extinguishment Art. 429. The owner of lawful possessor of a
Memorandum of Agreement covering the property; and thing has the right to exclude any person
period of August 15,2004 to August 25,2005. 4. He who relies on the existence of a fact, Extinguished by Not so
from the enjoyment and disposal thereof.
But Offshore Construction failed to pay its should prove that fact. If he cannot prove, loss or destruction extinguished.
For this purpose, he may use such force as
arrears amounting to Php 13,448,867.45. Is the defendant does not have to prove. of the thing Claim for damages
may be reasonably necessary to repel or
Intramuros entitled to possession to the said may still be
prevent an actual or threatened unlawful
leased properties to Offshore Construction? pursued-in case of
REAL v. PERSONAL RIGHTS physical invasion of usurpation of his
loss or destruction
of the thing. property
A: YES, Intramuros tolerance of respondent's Real Right Personal Right
occupation and use of the leased premises after (Right of (Right to possess;
the end of the lease contracts does not give the possession; possidendi)
latter a permanent and indefeasible right of possessionis) This principle authorizes an owner or lawful
possession in its favor. When a demand to vacate Creation Those imposed by the: (SLOG-C2-SO) possessor of a property to use reasonable force
has been made, as what petitioner had done,
Created by both Created by title to prevent or repel an actual or threatened
title and mode alone. 1. State in the exercise of: unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of
should have left the leased premises. More than a. Power of taxation;
directly over a It is not directly property. (NCC, Art. 429) There must be no delay
once has this Court adjudged that a person who b. Police power; and
thing. created over a in the pursuit, otherwise, his recourse will be to
occupies the land of another at the latter's c. Power of eminent domain
thing but is go to the court for the recovery of property.
tolerance or permission without any contract
exercised through
between them is necessarily bound by an 2. Law;
another against Requisites of the Principle of Self-Help
implied promise that he will vacate upon a. Legal easements (i.e.,
whom the action is (RODA)
demand, failing which a summary action for easements of waters and of
to be brought.
ejectment is the proper remedy against him. The right of way) and
Object 1. Reasonable force used
situation is not much different from that of a b. The requirement of legitime in
Generally corporeal Incorporeal or 2. Such force is used by the owner or lawful
tenant whose lease expires but who continues in succession;
or tangible. intangible. possessor
occupancy by tolerance of the owner, in which
Object is specific Object covers all 3. There is no delay
case there is deemed to be an unlawful 3. Owner himself;
property or thing. the present and 4. Actual or threatened physical invasion or
deprivation or withholding of possession as of a. Voluntary easement
future property of usurpation of the property.
the date of the demand to vacate. In other words, b. Mortgage
one whose stay is merely tolerated becomes a the debtor. (NCC,
c. Pledge Counterpart of Self-Help in Criminal Law
Art. 2236).


Property Civil Law
The loose counterpart of the principle of self- Property owner can use his property in any 2009) or otherwise informally appropriated or
help under the criminal law is self-defense manner he desires provided he does not injure injuriously affected; and
provided for in Article 11, par. 1 of the Revised the rights of others (sic utere tuo ut alienum non Resort of the owner rebutting the 5. The utilization of the property for public use
Penal Code Art. 11. laedas). (Pineda, 2009) presumption must be in such a way as to oust the owner
and deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment
Justifying circumstances. The following do not Art. 430. Every owner may enclose or fence Under Art. 433 the remedy is judicial process to of the property. (National Power Corporation
incur any criminal liability: his land or tenements by means of walls, recover the property of the person. vs. Court of Appeals, 254 SCRA 577)
ditches, live or dead hedges, or by any other
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or means without detriment to servitudes Requisites to prove claim of ownership Q: Alfredo Hababag, Sr. (Alfredo) was the
rights, provided that the following constituted thereon. owner of several parcels of agricultural land
circumstances concur: 1. Proper identification of the property; and situated in the Municipality of Gubat,
Limitation on the right of the owner to 2. Title must be clear, strong and credible. Sorsogon. The aforesaid landholdings were
First. Unlawful aggression. (Pineda, 2009) voluntarily offered for sale (VOS) to the
Second. Reasonable necessity of the government under Republic Act No. (RA)
means employed to prevent or repel it. Every owner may enclose or fence his land or Art. 434. In an action to recover, the 6657, otherwise known as the
Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on tenement by means of walls, ditches, live or dead property must be identified, and the "Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of
the part of the person defending hedges or by any other means provided that in plaintiff must rely on the strength of his title 1988,". The Land Bank of the Philippines
himself. so fencing the property, no servitude or (LBP) initially valued the subject lands at
easement constituted thereon should be claim. P1,237,850.00, but Alfredo rejected the
Right of self-help exercised by third person impaired. (Pineda, 2009) valuation. After summary administrative
Requisites For Action To Recover Property proceedings for the determination of the
A third person who is not a possessor may repel DOCTRINE OF STATE OF NECESSITY amount of just compensation, the Office of
unlawful possession on the property owned by 1. To clearly identify the land he is claiming in the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator
another. In such an event, he is acting as a accordance with the title or titles on which (PARAD) of the Department of Agrarian
The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit the
negotorium gestor. The owner must indemnify he bases his right of ownership; and, Reform (DAR) Adjudication Board (DARAB)
interference of another with the same, if the
him for injuries sustained. (Pineda, 2009) 2. To prove that he has a better title than the fixed the value of the subject lands at
interference is necessary to avert an imminent
defendant. (Pineda, 2009) P1,292,553.20.
danger and the threatened damage, compared to
Test of reasonableness
the damage arising to the owner from the
Art. 435. No person shall be deprived of his Dissatisfied, Alfredo filed a Complaint for the
interference, is much greater. The owner may
The reasonableness of the defensive acts property except by competent authority determination of the amount of just
demand from the person benefited indemnity
resorted to by a possessor is determined not by and for public use and always upon payment compensation before the RTC. RTC rendered
for the damage to him. (NCC, Art. 432)
what he imagined to exist but by the objective of just compensation a Decision fixing the amount of just
situation. (Pineda, 2009) He will be liable for Should this requirement be not first compensation of the subject lands at
This principle authorized the destruction of
damages, if he uses force more than what is complied with, the courts shall protect and, P5,653,940.00. The RTC applied the Income
property which is lesser in value to avert the
necessary in repelling the aggression. in a proper case, restore the owner in his Productivity Approach. CA set aside the RTC's
danger poised to another property of greater
possession. valuation for failure to give due
German Management's drastic action of consideration to the factors enumerated in
bulldozing and destroying the crops of private Section 17 of RA 6657 and the formula under
Requisites of Doctrine of State of Necessity Eminent Domain
respondents on the basis of the doctrine of self- DAR AO 6-92, as amended by DAR AO 11-94.
help was unavailing because the doctrine of self- Moreover, contrary to the limitation imposed
1. Interference necessary to avert an imminent This is the superior right of the State to acquire
help can only be exercised at the time of actual by DAR AO 6-92 - i.e., that the computed
danger and the threatened damage to the private property whether registered or not for
or threatened dispossession which is absent in value using the applicable formula shall not
actor or a third person; public use upon payment of just compensation.
the case at bar. (German Mgmt. Services Inc. v. CA, exceed the landowner's offer to sell - the CA
2. Damage to another is much greater than the It is one of the limitations on the right of
G.R. No. 76216, September 14, 1989) found that the amount as recomputed by the
damage to the property. ownership in the pursuit of public interest.
RTC was way beyond the landowner's offer of
(Pineda, 2009)
NOTE: The intruder must not have succeeded in P1,750,000.00 as stated in the Claims
its entry, for otherwise, he must resort to court Art. 433. Actual possession under claim of Valuation and Processing Form. Is the CA
action; self-help cannot apply. One cannot put ownership raises a disputable presumption correct in setting aside the computation of
of ownership. The true owner must resort to Purposes of Eminent Domain
the law into his own hands. Art. 429 must be RTC?
read in relation to Art. 536. judicial process for the recovery of the
property. 1. The expropriator must enter a private
A: YES. Just compensation is defined as the full
and fair equivalent of the property taken from
Disputable presumption of ownership 2. The entrance into private property must be
its owner by the expropriator. It has been
for more than a momentary period;
The owner of a thing cannot make use thereof in repeatedly-stressed by this Court that the
There is disputable presumption of ownership 3. The entry into the property should be under
such manner as to injure the rights of a third measure is not the taker's gain but the owner's
when a person is in actual possession of the warrant or color of legal authority
person. (NCC, Art. 431) loss. The word "just" is used to intensify the
property under the claim of ownership. (Pineda, 4. The property must be devoted to a public use


Property Civil Law
meaning of the word "compensation" to convey data gathered therefrom adequately consider same barangay. The Court of Appeals A: YES. No expropriation proceeding can
the idea that the equivalent to be rendered for the factors set forth in Section 17 of RA 6657, as affirmed this decision and imposed interest continue if the property to be expropriated will
the property to be taken shall be real, well as the DAR formula. As such, the CA's the rate of 12% per annum from the time of not be for public use. In Metropolitan Water
substantial, full [and] ample. computation, which was derived from the same, the filing of the complaint until June 30, District v. De Los Angeles, the Court held that the
must be sustained. Lest it be misunderstood, the 2013, and thereafter, at 6% per annum until fundamental basis then of all actions brought for
In this relation, the RTC, sitting as a Special ascertainment of just compensation on the basis full payment. Is the 12% per annum interest the expropriation of lands, under the power of
Agrarian Court, has been conferred with the of the landholdings' nature, location, and market on the unpaid balance be computed from the eminent domain, is public use. That being true,
original and exclusive power to determine just value, as well as the volume and value of the time of the taking of the subject until full the very moment that it appears at any stage of
compensation for parcels of land acquired by the produce is valid and accords with Section 17 of payment valid? the proceedings that the expropriation is not for
State pursuant to the agrarian reform program. RA 6657 and the DAR formula, as in this case a public use, the action must necessarily fail and
To guide the RTC in this function, Section 17 of A: NO. The value of the landholdings should be should be dismissed, for the reason that the
RA 6657 enumerates the factors which must be On the contrary, the Court finds the RTC's equivalent to the principal sum of the just action cannot be maintained at all except when
taken into consideration to accurately determine valuation to be improper, as it contradicts the compensation due, and interest is due and the expropriation is for some public use.
the amount of just compensation to be awarded definition of "market value" as crafted by should be paid to compensate for the unpaid Considering that the National Power
in a particular case. They are: (a) the acquisition established jurisprudence on expropriation. balance of this principal sum after taking has Corporation is no longer using respondents'
cost of the land; (b) the current value of like (Land Bank of the Philippines v. Alfredo Hababag, been completed. From the date of the taking of properties for the purpose of building the
properties; (c) the nature and actual use of the Sr., Substituted by his wife, Consolacion, and the subject lot on May 5, 2008 when the RTC Substation Project, it may be allowed to
property, and the income therefrom; (d) the children, namely: Manuel, Salvador, Wilson, issued a writ of possession in favor of petitioner, discontinue with the expropriation proceedings,
owner's sworn valuation; (e) the tax Jimmy, Alfredo, Jr., and Judith, all surnamed until the just compensation therefor was finally subject to the approval of the court. (National
declarations; (f) the assessment made by Hababag, G.R. No. 171352, September 16, 2015) fixed at P9,000.00/sq. m., petitioner had only Power Corporation v. Socorro T. Posada, Renato
government assessors; (g) the social and paid a provisional deposit in the amount of Bueno, Alice Balin, Adrian Tablizo, Teofilo
economic benefits contributed by the farmers Q: The Republic of the Philippines filed P550,000.00 (i.e., at P2,750.00/sq. m.). Thus, this Tablizo, and Lydia T. Olivo, Substituted By Her
and the farmworkers, and by the government to before the RTC a complaint against an left an unpaid balance of the "principal sum of Heirs, Alfredo M. Olivo, Alicia O. Salazar, Anita O.
the property; and (h) the nonpayment of taxes unknown owner for the expropriation of a lot the just compensation," warranting the Ordono, Angelita O. Lim, And Adelfa O. Espinas,
or loans secured from any government financing located in Barangay Ugong, Valenzuela City imposition of interest. It is settled that the delay G.R. No. 191945, March 11, 2015, as penned by J.
institution on the said land, if any. Corollarily, for the construction of the C-5 Northern Link in the payment of just compensation amounts to Leonen)
pursuant to its rule-making power under Section Road Project, otherwise known as North an effective forbearance of money, entitling the
49 of the same law, the DAR translated these Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Segment 8.1, landowner to interest on the difference in the Art. 436. When any property is condemned
factors into a basic formula, which courts have traversing from Mindanao Avenue in Quezon amount between the final amount as adjudged or seized by competent authority in the
often referred to and applied, as the CA did in City to the NLEX in Valenzuela City. Petitioner by the court and the initial payment made by the interest of health, safety or security, the
this case. It, however, bears stressing that courts applied for a writ of possession over the government. It bears to clarify that legal interest owner thereof shall not be entitled to
are not constrained to adopt the said formula in subject lot on May 5, 2008, which was shall run not from the date of the filing of the compensation, unless he can show that such
every case since the determination of the granted, and was required to deposit with complaint but from the date of the issuance of condemnation or seizure is unjustified.
amount of just compensation essentially the court the amount of P550,000.00 (i.e., at the Writ of Possession on May 5, 2008, since it is
partakes the nature of a judicial function. In this P2,750.00/sq. m.) as provisional deposit. from this date that the fact of the deprivation of Extent of ownership of parcel of land
accord, courts may either adopt the DAR formula However, respondent Macabagdal was property can be established. As such, it is only
or proceed with its own application for as long substituted as party- defendant upon proper that accrual of legal interest should begin The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its
as the factors listed in Section 17 of RA 6657 sufficient showing that the subject lot is from this date. (Republic v. Leonor Macabagdal, surface and of everything under it, and he can
have been duly considered. registered in her name under the Transfer G.R. No. 227215, January 10, 2018) construct thereon any works or make any
Certificate Title of the lot. Respondent did not plantations and excavations which he may deem
In keeping with these considerations, the Court oppose the expropriation, and received the Q: National Power Corporation instituted proper, without detriment to servitudes and
finds the CA's valuation - which made use of the provisional deposit. expropriation proceedings for the subject to special laws and ordinances. He
DAR formula - as reflective of the factors set acquisition of a right-of-way easement and cannot complain of the reasonable requirements
forth in Section 17 of RA 6657. Records disclose The RTC appointed a board of commissioners for the construction of the Substation Island of aerial navigation. (NCC, Art. 437)
that the CA's computation, as adopted from the to determine the just compensation for the Grid Project over the parcels of land owned
LBP's own computation, is based on: (a) actual subject lot, which thereafter submitted by respondents. During the pendency of the AD COLEUM
production data; (b) the appropriate industry report dated May 23, 2014, recommending a proceedings, NPC filed a motion to
selling prices of the products from the Philippine fair market value of P9,000.00/sq. m. as the discontinue the proceedings since the delay The owner of a land has rights not only to its
Coconut Authority and the Bureau of just compensation for the subject lot, taking in the possession of the properties would surface but also to everything underneath and
Agricultural Statistics of Sorsogon; and (c) the into consideration its location, neighborhood adversely affect the project. NPC also claims the airspace above it up to a reasonable height.
actual uses of the property. Likewise, the (a) and land classification, utilities, amenities, that the properties were no longer needed as
income from the coconut fruit- bearing trees, as physical characteristics, occupancy and it was set to acquire an alternative site. such height or depth where it is possible for
well as the unirrigated riceland, (b) cumulative usage, highest and best usage, current them to obtain some benefit or enjoyment, and it
cost of the non-fruit-bearing trees; and (c) market value offerings, as well as previously May NPC be allowed to discontinue the is extinguished beyond such limit as there would
market value of the cogonal land have been duly decided expropriation cases of the same RTC expropriation proceedings? be no more interest protected by law. (Napocor
considered. The Court observes that the holistic involving properties similarly situated in the v. Ibrahim, G.R. No. 168732, June 29, 2007)


Property Civil Law
If the finder is married between them. (NCC, Art. 438, par. 3) The vault implicitly included in ownership, without which
Art. 438. Hidden treasure belongs to the If the finder is married, he or she gets one half of has been buried for about a century and the it will have no basis or existence. (Paras, 2008)
owner of the land, building, or other the treasure or its value. His or her spouse is successor of the bank which previously owned it
property on which it is found. entitled to share one-half of that share, it being a cannot succeed by inheritance to the property. NOTE: In general, the right to accession is
Nevertheless, when the discovery is made conjugal property. (NCC, Art. 117, par. 4, FC) (2008 BAR) automatic (ipso jure), requiring no prior act on
on the property of another, or of the State or the part of the owner or principal.
any of its subdivisions, and by chance, one- Requisites in order that the finder be entitled NOTE: Bills and notes found are not hidden
half thereof shall be allowed to the finder. If to any share in the hidden treasure (ACTA) treasures. The owner can be traced through the Q: Filipinas Palm Oil Plantation Inc. is a
the finder is a trespasser, he shall not be serial numbers. private organization engaged in palm oil
entitled to any share of the treasure. 1. Discovery was made on the property of plantation with a total land area of more than
Another, or of the State or any of its political Q: O, owner of Lot A, learning that Japanese 7,000 hectares of National Development
If the things found be of interest to science subdivisions; soldiers may have buried gold and other Company (NDC) lands in Agusan del Sur.
or the arts, the State may acquire them at 2. Made by Chance; and treasures at the adjoining vacant Lot B, Harvested fruits from oil palm trees are
their just price, which shall be divided in 3. He is not a Trespasser or Agent of the belonging to Spouses X and Y, excavated in converted into oil through Filipinas' milling
conformity with the rule stated. landowner. (NCC, Art. 438, par. 2) Lot B where she succeeded in unearthing plant in the middle of the plantation area.
gold and precious stones. How will the Within the plantation, there are also three
NOTE: If the things found be of interest to treasures found by O to be divided (1) (3) plantation roads and a number of
Art. 439. By treasure is understood, for legal
purposes, any hidden and unknown deposit science or the arts, the State may acquire them 100% to O as finder, (2) 50% to O and 50% residential homes constructed by Filipinas
of money, jewelry or other precious objects, at their just price, which shall be divided in to X and Y, (3) 50% to O and 50% to the State for its employees.
conformity with the rule stated. (NCC, Art. 438) (4) none of the above? (2010 BAR)
the lawful ownership of which does not
The LBAA found that the P207.00 market
A: NONE OF THE ABOVE. The finding of the value declared in the assessment by the
treasure was not by chance because O knew that Provincial Assessor was unreasonable. It
HIDDEN TREASURE The finder had no intention to search for the the treasure was in Lot B. While a trespasser is found that the market value should not have
treasure. There is no agreement between the also not entitled to any share and there is no been more than P85.00 per oil palm tree. The
Treasure is understood, for legal purposes, as owner of the property and the finder for the indication in the problem whether or not O was sudden increase of realty tax assessment
any hidden and unknown deposit of money, search of the treasure. a trespasser, O is not entitled to share because level from P42.00 for each oil palm tree in
jewelry, or other precious objects, the lawful the finding was not by chance. 1993 to P207.00 was confiscatory. The LBAA
ownership of which does not appear. (NCC, Art. Yamashita treasure adopted Filipinas' claim that the basis for
439) (1997, 2008, 2014 BAR) ACCESSION assessment should only be 98 trees. Although
The State is entitled to 75% share and the finder one (1) hectare of land can accommodate
to 25%. (PD 7056-A) The right pertaining to the owner of a thing over 124 oil palm trees, the mountainous terrain
everything which is produced thereby, or which of the plantation should be considered.
The finder is not entitled to the hidden is incorporated or attached thereto, either Because of the terrain, not every meter of
Under the ejusdem generis rule, the phrase treasure if it was deliberately searched. naturally or artificially. (NCC, Art. 440) land can be fully planted with trees. The
should be understood as being similar to money (1976 BAR) LBAA found that roads of any kind, as well as
or jewelry. Right of accession all their improvements, should not be taxed
It was not found by chance (NCC, Art. 438). since these roads were intermittently used
Oil or gold NOT considered as hidden Moreover, treasure is defined as hidden and It is that right of ownership of which an owner of by the public.
treasure unknown deposit of precious objects, the lawful a thing has over the products of said thing
ownership of which does not appear. There (accession discreta), as well as to all things Should the roads the respondent constructed
These are natural resources. The Regalian being a tip, the deposit is known. (NCC, Art. 439) inseparably attached or incorporated thereto within the leased area be assessed with real
Doctrine applies and not the provisions on whether naturally or artificially (accession property taxes?
hidden treasure. Nature and ownership of the old notes and continua). (Pineda, 2009)
coins A: NO, the roads that respondent constructed
Rule regarding discovery of hidden treasure Accession is NOT a mode of acquiring within the leased area should not be assessed
(NCC, Art. 438 in relation to Art. 718) The ownership of the vault, together with the ownership with real property taxes.
notes and coins can now legally be considered as
GR: If the finder is the owner of the land, hidden treasure because its ownership is no It is not one of the modes enumerated under Art. The roads that respondent constructed became
building, or other property where it is found, the longer apparent. The contractor is not a 712 (different modes of acquiring ownership). It permanent improvements on the land owned by
entire hidden treasure belongs to him. trespasser and therefore entitled to one-half of is, therefore, safe to conclude that accession is the NGPI-NGEI by right of accession under the
the hidden treasure and the owner of the not a mode of acquiring ownership. Civil Code, thus:
XPN: If the finder is not the owner or is a property is entitled the other half. (NCC, Art.
stranger (includes the lessee or usufructuary), he 438) Since the notes and coins have historical Reason: Accession presupposes a previously Article 440. The ownership of property gives the
is entitled to ½ thereof. (NCC, Art. 566) value, the government may acquire them at their existing ownership by the owner over the right by accession to everything which is
just price which in turn will be divided equally principal. Fundamentally, accession is a right produced thereby, or which is incorporated or


Property Civil Law
attached thereto, either naturally or artificially. are considered as natural or industrial
Article 445. Whatever is built, planted or sown on fruits. Art. 446. All works, sowing, and planting are 1. He who is in Bad faith is liable for damages.
the land of another and the improvements or presumed made by the owner and at his 2. Accessory follows the principal;
repairs made thereon, belong to the owner of the Which respect to animals, it is sufficient that expense, unless the contrary is proved. 3. Union or incorporation must generally be
land[.] they are in the womb of the mother, effected in such a manner that to separate
although unborn. Ownership of fruits the principal from the accessory would
Despite the land being leased by respondent result in substantial Damage to either or
when the roads were constructed, the Existence of the fruit GR: Fruits belong to the owner. (NCC, Art. 441) diminish its value;
ownership of the improvement still belongs to 4. To the Owner of the thing belongs the
NGPI-NGEI. As provided under Article 440 and It depends on the type of fruit: XPNS: If the thing is: (PULPA) extension or increases to such thing;
445 of the Civil Code, the land is owned by the 1. Annual (must be planted every year/must 1. In possession of a Possessor in good faith 5. Bad faith of one party Neutralizes the bad
cooperatives at the time respondent built the re-plant after harvest; rice, wheat, corn) (NCC, Art 546) (1992, 1996, 2000 BAR); faith of the other so that they shall be
roads. Hence, whatever is incorporated in the deemed manifest the moment their before the possession is legally interrupted; considered in good faith;
land, either naturally or artificially, belongs to seedlings appear; and 2. Subject to a Usufruct (NCC, Art. 566); 6. He who is in Good faith may be held
the NGPI-NGEI as the landowner. (Provincial 2. Perennial (only planted once and bear fruit 3. Lease of rural land; responsible but not penalized; and
Assessor Of Agusan Del Sur v. Filipinas Palm Oil for several seasons; mango and coconut 4. Pledged [NCC, Art. 1680 and Art. 2102(7)]; 7. No one shall unjustly Enrich himself at the
Plantation, Inc., G.R. No.183416, October 5, 2016, trees) deemed to exist only when they pledge is entitled to the fruits but has the expense of another.
as penned by J. Leonen) actually appear. obligation to compensate or set-off what he
receives with those which are owing to him; FOR IMMOVABLES
Art. 441. To the owner belongs: Animal young or
(1) The natural fruits; 5. In possession of an Antichretic creditor. ACCESSION INDUSTRIAL
(2) The industrial fruits; They are considered existing even if still in the (NCC, Art. 2132)
(3) The civil fruits. maternal womb. They should be considered
Three kinds of industrial endeavors (BPS)
existing only at the commencement of the GENERAL RULLES OF ACCESSION
ACCESSION DISCRETA maximum ordinary period for gestation.
1. Building Erecting a structure or
Accession exists only if separation is not feasible. construction of any kind, with roof for
The right of accession with respect to what is Pratus sequitor ventrem offspring follows Otherwise, separation may be demanded. residential, office, social, commercial or
produced by the property. the mother
other purposes;
ACCESSION CONTINUA 2. Planting Setting into the soil or land seeds
To the owner belongs the: This legal maxim means that the offspring
or seedlings of trees such as mangoes,
follows the dam (mother). The legal
It is the right pertaining to the owner of a thing coconuts, etc;
1. Natural fruits - The spontaneous products of presumption, in the absence of proof to the
over everything incorporated or attached 3. Sowing The act of scattering or spreading of
the soil, and the young and other products of contrary, is that the calf, as well as its mother
thereto either naturally or artificially; by germinated seeds indiscriminately or evenly
animals; belongs to the owner of the latter, by the right of
external forces. through hand or mechanical device.
2. Industrial fruits - Are those produced by accretion. (US v. Caballero, G.R. No. 8608,
lands of any kind through cultivation or September 26, 1913) Thus, when the ownership
1. Immovable Property Maxims in connection with accession
labor; over the offspring of the animal when the male
a. Accession industrial (Art. 445-455) industria
3. Civil fruits - The rents of buildings, the price and female belongs to different owners, the
owner of the female was considered also the i. Building;
of leases of lands and other property and the ii. Planting; and 1. The accessory follows the principal;
amount of perpetual or life annuities or owner of the young, unless there is a contrary
iii. Sowing. 2. The accessory follows the nature of that to
other similar income. (NCC, Art. 441-442) custom or speculation.
which it relates; and
b. Accession natural 3. What is built upon the land goes with it; or
Obligation of the owner who receives the Art. 445. Whatever is built, planted or sown the land is the principal, and whatever is
i. Alluvium (Art. 457);
fruit from a third person on the land of another and the built on it becomes the accessory.
ii. Avulsion (Art. 459);
improvements or repairs made thereon,
iii. Change of course of rivers (Art. 461-
He who receives the fruits has the obligation to belong to the owner of the land, subject to Rule on ownership regarding accession
462); and
pay the expenses made by a third person in their the provisions of the following articles. industrial
iv. Formation of islands. (Art. 464- 465)
production, gathering and preservation. (NCC,
Art. 443) (2009 BAR) When fruits are deemed to exist 2. Movable property GR: The owner of the land is the owner of
a. Adjunction or Conjunction; whatever is built, planted or sown on that land,
Meaning of third person 1. Civil fruits accrue daily and are considered b. Mixture; and including the improvements or repairs made
personal property and may be pro-rated; c. Specification. thereon.
One who is NOT the owner, builder, planter or and
sower. 2. Natural and industrial fruits, while still Basic principles in accession continua XPNs:
growing, are considered as real property; (BADONG-E) 1. When the doer is in good faith the rule is
Art. 444. Only such as are manifest or born ordinarily, they cannot be pro-rated. modified; or


Property Property
2. Improvements on the land of one of the
spouses at the expense of the conjugal RULE IF THE PLANTER AND OWNER OF THE LAND ARE DIFFERENT
partnership will belong to the partnership or
to the spouse who owns the land depending Gathered Fruits
on which of the two properties has a higher
Planter in GF Planter in BF
value. (FC, Art. 120)
Keeps fruits before possession is Reimbursed for expenses for
NOTE: If the doer is in bad faith, he is entitled Planter legally interrupted. (NCC, Art. 544, production, gathering and
only to necessary expenses for the preservation par. 1) (2008 Bar) preservation. (NCC, Art. 443)
of the land. No necessity to reimburse the Owns fruits provided he pays
planter of expenses since the planter expenses for production,
Art. 447. The owner of the land who makes Landowner
planter retains the fruits. (NCC, gathering and preservation.
thereon, personally or through another, Art. 544, par. 1) (NCC, Art. 443)
plantings, constructions or works with the Standing Crops
materials of another, shall pay their value; Planter in GF Planter in BF
and, if he acted in bad faith, he shall also be
obliged to the reparation of damages. The Loses what is built, planted or
owner of the materials shall have the right sown without right to
to remove them only in case he can do so Reimbursed for expenses, for indemnity. (NCC, Art 449)
without injury to the work constructed, or Planter production, gathering and Entitled to reimbursement for
without the plantings, constructions or preservation. (NCC, Art.443) the necessary expenses of
works being destroyed. However, if the preservation of the land. (NCC,
landowner acted in bad faith, the owner of Art. 452)
the materials may remove them in any event,
with a right to be indemnified for damages. Owns fruits provided he pays
planter expenses for production,
Good faith and bad faith distinguished. Landowner Owns fruits. (NCC, Art. 449)
gathering and preservation. (NCC,
Art. 443)
Good Faith - A person who is not aware that
there exists in his title or mode of acquisition
any flaw which invalidates it. RULE WHEN THE LAND OWNER IS THE BUILDER, PLANTER OR SOWER (1999 BAR)
Bad Faith - A person who is aware that there
Land Owner and Builder, Planter or Sower Owner of Materials
exists in his title or mode of acquisition any flaw
Good faith Good faith
which invalidates it.
1. Receive indemnity for value of materials; or
Acquire building etc. after paying indemnity for
When Both Parties Are in Bad Faith
value of materials. (NCC, Art. 447) (1999 Bar) 2. Remove materials if without injury to works,
If both parties are in bad faith, the bad faith of
plantings or constructions. (NCC, Art. 447)
one cancels the bad faith of the other. Hence,
both are considered in good faith. Bad faith Good faith
1. Acquire building etc. after paying value of
1. Be indemnified for value of materials and
NOTE: Good faith is always presumed; and upon materials; and
damages; or
him who alleges bad faith on the part of the 2. indemnity for damages, subject to the right of
2. Remove materials, with or without injury and
possessor rests the burden of proof. the owner of materials to remove. (NCC, Art.
be indemnified for damages. (NCC, Art. 447)
Good faith Bad faith
1. Lose materials w/o being indemnified and
1. Acquire w/o paying indemnity and right to pay damages (NCC, Articles 445 and 449, by
damages (NCC, Art 445 and 449, by analogy); analogy); and
2. Recover necessary expenses for preservation
2. Pay necessary expenses for preservation. of land without the right to retain the thing
(NCC, Articles 452 and 546) until the indemnity is paid. (NCC, Articles 452
and 546)
Bad faith Bad faith
As though both acted in good faith (in pari delicto). ( NCC, Art. 453) (1999 BAR)


Civil Law Property
may be explained as follows:
That if the land owner knew that something was
Land Owner Builder, Planter, Sower and Owner of Materials being built, planted or sown on his land by another
Good faith Good faith and he did not interpose any objection thereto, it is
He can either: (NCC, Art. 448) (1992, 1996, 2000 If the Land Owner: as if he was the one building, planting or sowing in
Bar) 1. Acquires the improvements after paying bad faith on his own land with materials belonging
1. Acquire improvements after paying indemnity indemnity, Builder, Planter, or Sower has the to another, using the owner of the materials as his
for: right to retain the thing (and cannot be worker. (Rabuya, 2008)
a. Necessary expenses; and required to pay rent) until indemnity is paid. Bad Faith Bad Faith
b. Useful expenses which could either be: (NCC, Art. 546) As though both acted in good faith (in pari delicto). (Art. 453)
1. Original costs of improvements; or
2. Increase in the value of the whole. 2. If the useful improvements can be removed
(NCC, Articles 443 and 546) without damage to the principal thing, the RULE WHEN THE LAND OWNER, BUILDER, PLANTER,
Builder, Planter or Sower may remove them, SOWER AND OWNER OF MATERIALS ARE DIFFERENT PERSONS
2. Sell the land to builder or planter or collect unless the person who recovers the
rent from sower unless the value of the land is possession exercises the other. (NCC, Articles Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials
considerably greater than the building etc., in 547 and 447) Good faith Good faith Good faith
which case, the builder and planter shall pay
rent. 3. Sells the land, Builder or Planter cannot be He shall answer subsidiarily for Pay value of materials to its
obliged to buy the land if its value is their value and only in the owner without paying damages
The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease considerably more than that of the building or event that the one who made (NCC, Art. 455) and if the Land
and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the trees. use of them has no property Owner:
terms thereof. with which to pay. (NCC, Art.
In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent. 455) 1. Acquires the improvement,
Builder, Planter, or Sower
The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease He can either (NCC, Art. 448): may demand from the
and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix the 1. Acquire improvements landowner the value of the
terms thereof. (NCC, Art. 448) (1992, 1996, 1999, after paying indemnity materials and labor. (NCC,
2000, 2001 BAR) 1. Collect value of materials
for: Art 455)
Good faith Bad faith primarily from builder,
a. Necessary expenses;
planter, sower, subsidiarily
1. The land owner can either: 1. Lose improvements without right to be and And he has the right to
indemnified unless the latter sells the land. from land owner (NCC, Art.
b. Useful expenses retain the thing (and cannot
a. Acquire improvements without paying (NCC, Art. 449) (1996, 2000 BAR) 455); or
which could either be required to pay rent)
indemnity and collect damages. (NCC, be: until indemnity is paid.
Articles 445, 449 and 451) 2. Recover necessary expenses for 2. Remove the materials only if
c. Original costs of (NCC, Art. 546)
without injury to the work
preservation of land without the right to improvements; or
b. Order the demolition of work or retain the thing until the indemnity is paid. constructed, or without the
d. Increase in the value If the useful improvements
restoration to former condition and collect (NCC, Articles 452 and 546) plantings, constructions or
of the whole. (NCC, can be removed without
damages in both cases (NCC, Art. 450); or works being destroyed. (NCC,
Art. 546 & 443) damage to the principal
3. Pay damages to land owner. (NCC, Art. 451) Art. 447)
thing, the possessor in good
c. Sell the land to builder and planter or rent 2. Sell the land to builder faith may remove them,
it to the sower, and collect damages in both NOTE: Landowner is subsidiarily
and planter or collect rent unless the person who
cases. (NCC, Art. 450) (2008 Bar) liable only if he
from sower unless the recovers the possession
appropriates/acquires the
value of the land is exercises the other (NCC,
2.Pay necessary expenses for preservation. improvements.
considerably greater than Articles 547 and 447); or
(NCC, Articles 452 and 546) the building etc., in which
Bad Faith Good Faith case, the builder and 2. Sells the land or rents it,
Acquires improvements after paying indemnity and planter shall pay rent. Builder or Planter cannot
damages to builder, planter, sower, unless the latter be obliged to buy the land if
1. Receive indemnity for improvements and
decides to remove. (NCC, Articles 454 and 447) The parties shall agree its value is considerably
receive damages; or
upon the terms of the more than that of the
He cannot compel the builder planter or sower to lease and in case of building or trees.
2. Remove them in any event and receive
buy the land. disagreement, the court
damages. (NCC, Articles 454 and 447)
shall fix the terms thereof. In such case, he shall pay
The reason why said article (NCC, Art. 447) applies reasonable rent.


Civil Law Property
4. Sell the land to builder and 2. Sells or rents it, Builder or
The parties shall agree upon the planter or collect rent from Planter cannot be obliged
terms of the lease and in case of sower unless the value of to buy the land if its value
disagreement, the court shall fix the land is considerably is considerably more than
the terms thereof. (NCC, Art. 448) greater than the building that of the building or
Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials etc., in which case, the trees.
Good faith Bad faith Good faith builder and planter shall In such case, he shall pay
Option to: pay rent. reasonable rent.

1. Acquire improvements The parties shall agree The parties shall agree
without paying indemnity upon the terms of the lease upon the terms of the lease
and collect damages (NCC, and in case of and in case of
Art. 445 & 449); 1. Lose improvements without disagreement, the court disagreement, the court
right to be indemnified shall fix the terms thereof. shall fix the terms thereof.
2. Order the demolition of unless the landowner sells (NCC, Art. 448)
work or restoration to the land (NCC, Art. 449); Without subsidiary liability for
former condition and cost of materials. Without indemnity to owner of
1. Collect value of materials materials and collects damages
collect damages in both 2. Recover necessary expenses
primarily from builder, planter, from him.
cases (NCC, Art. 450); or for preservation of land
sower, subsidiarily from land
without the right to retain
owner (NCC, Art. 455); or Land Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials
3. Sell the land to builder the thing until the indemnity
and planter or rent it to is paid (NCC, Art. 452 & 546); Good faith Bad faith Bad faith
2. Remove materials in any event
the sower and collect Option to:
if builder, planter, sower
damages in both cases. 3. Pay value of materials to its
acquired materials.
(NCC, Art. 450) (2008 owner plus damages (NCC, 1. Acquire improvements
BAR) Art. 455); and 1. Lose improvements
without paying indemnity
without right to be
and collect damages (NCC,
4. Pay necessary expenses 4. Pay damages to land owner. indemnified unless the
Articles 445 and 449);
for preservation (NCC, (NCC, Art. 451) landowner sells the land
Articles 452 and 546); and (NCC, Art. 449);
2. Order the demolition of
1. Recover value from Builder,
work or restoration to
5. Subsidiarily liable to 2. Recover necessary Planter, Sower (in pari delicto);
former condition and
owner of materials. expenses for preservation
collect damages in both
of land without the right to 2. If Builder, Planter, Sower
cases (NCC, Art. 450); or
Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials retain the thing until the acquired improvements,
Good faith Good faith Bad faith indemnity is paid (NCC, remove the materials only if
3. Sell the land to builder
Land Owner can either: (NCC, If the Land Owner: Articles 452 and 546); without injury to the work
and planter or rent it to
constructed, or without the
Art. 448) the sower, and collect
1. Acquires the improvement, 3. Pay the value of the plantings, constructions or
damages in both cases
1. Acquire improvements Builder, Planter, or Sower materials to the owner of works being destroyed (NCC,
(NCC, Art. 450);
1. Loses materials without right the materials.; and Art. 447);
after paying indemnity has the right to retain the
to indemnity (NCC, Art. 449);
for: thing (and cannot be 4. Has right to demand
and Since both the owner of the 3. No action against land owner;
a. Necessary expenses; required to pay rent) until damages from both (NCC,
and indemnity is paid. (NCC, materials and the builder, and
Art. 451);
2. Pays damages (NCC, Art. 451) etc. acted in bad faith, as
b. Useful expenses Art. 546)
The builder, planter or sower between them, they are 4. May be liable to the land owner
which could either 5. Pay necessary expenses
would be considered merely an treated as having both for damages. (NCC, Art. 451)
be: If the useful improvements for preservation (NCC, Art.
agent of the owner of materials. acted in good faith. (De
i. Original costs of can be removed without 452 & 546); and
Leon, 2006)
improvements; damage to the principal
Therefore, the provisions of Article
or thing, the possessor in 6. Not subsidiarily liable to
449 of the Civil Code will apply by 4. Pay damages to land
ii. Increase in the good faith may remove the owner of the materials
analogy. He is even liable for owner. (NCC, Art. 451)
value of the them, unless the person because as to him, the two
damages. (Rabuya, 2008)
whole. (NCC, who recovers the acted in bad faith. (De
Articles 546 and possession exercises the Leon, 2006)
443) other (NCC, Art. 547); or Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials


Civil Law Property
Bad faith Good faith Good faith If the useful improvements
i. Original costs of can be removed without
1. Acquires improvements If he pays the owner of the 1. Collect value of materials improvements damage to the principal
after paying indemnity materials, plants or seeds: primarily from builder, ii. Increase in the thing, the possessor in good
and damages, unless the planter, sower, subsidiarily value of the faith may remove them,
latter decides to remove 1. He may demand from the from land owner (NCC, Art. whole. (NCC, unless the person who
(NCC, Art. 454, 447 & 443); landowner the value of the 455); or Articles 546 and recovers the possession
and materials and labor (NCC, 443) exercises option 2 (NCC,
Art 455) and shall also be 2. Remove the materials in any Articles 547 and 447);
2. Cannot compel builder, obliged to the reparation of event, with a right to be
planter and sower to buy damages (NCC, Art. 447); or indemnified for damages. 2. Sells or rents it, Builder or
land. (NCC, Art. 447) 2. Sell the land to builder and Planter cannot be obliged to
2. Remove the materials in planter or collect rent from buy the land if its value is
any event, with a right to sower unless the value of considerably more than that
be indemnified for the land is considerably of the building or trees.
damages. (NCC, Articles 454 greater than the building
and 447) etc., in which case, the In such case, he shall pay
builder and planter shall reasonable rent.
Land Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials pay rent.
Bad faith Good faith Bad faith The parties shall agree upon
The parties shall agree the terms of the lease and in
1. Acquires improvements If he pays the owner of the 1. Loses materials without right upon the terms of the lease case of disagreement, the
after paying indemnity materials, plants or seeds: to indemnity (NCC, Art. 449); and in case of court shall fix the terms
and damages, unless the and disagreement, the court thereof. (NCC, Art. 448)
builder, planter or sower 1. He may demand from the shall fix the terms thereof.
decides to remove (NCC, landowner the value of the 2. Pays damages. (NCC, Art. 451)
Art. 454, 447 & 443); and materials and labor (NCC, Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials
Art. 455) and shall also be The builder, planter or sower Bad faith Bad faith Bad faith
2. Cannot compel builder, obliged to the reparation of would be considered merely an Same as though both acted in good faith (in pari delicto). (NCC, Art. 453)
planter and sower to buy damages (NCC, Art. 447); or agent of the owner of materials.
2. Remove the materials in Therefore, the provisions of Article
any event, with a right to 449 of the Civil Code will apply by
be indemnified for analogy. He is even liable for
damages. (NCC, Articles 454 damages. (Rabuya, 2008)
and 447)
Land-Owner Builder, Planter, Sower Owner of Materials
Bad faith Bad faith Good faith
The owner of the land shall Pay value of materials to its 1. Collect value of materials
answer subsidiarily for their owner (NCC, Art. 455) and primarily from builder,
value and only in the event that planter, sower, subsidiarily
the one who made use of them If the Land Owner: from land owner (NCC, Art.
has no property with which to 455); or
pay (NCC, Art. 455); and 1. Acquires the improvement,
Builder, Planter, or Sower 2. Remove the materials in any
Land Owner can either: (NCC, may demand from the event, with a right to be
Art. 448) landowner the value of the indemnified for damages.
materials and labor. (NCC, (NCC, Art. 447)
1. Acquire improvements Art 455)
after paying indemnity
for: And he has the right to
1. Necessary expenses, retain the thing (and cannot
and be required to pay rent)
2. Useful expenses until indemnity is paid (Art.
which could either 546).


Civil Law Property
When there is good faith on the part of both and assume the relation of lessor and lessee; indemnification for damages suffered by him, or the spouses Nuguid benefit from the
the owner of the land and the builder, 2. In Ignacio v. Hilario, G.R. L-175, April 30, (b) demand payment of the value of the house improvement?
planter or sower 1946, Pen Development Corporation v. plus reparation for damages (Art. 447, in relation
Martinez Leyba, Inc., G.R. No. 211845, August to Art. 454). Y continues as owner of the lot and A: NO. Since spouses Nuguid opted to
The owner of the land only has the options of 9, 2017 owner of the land may have the becomes, under the second option, owner of the appropriate the improvement for themselves
paying the value of the building or selling the improvement removed; or house as well, after he pays the sums demanded. when they applied for a writ of execution
land. 3. In Bernardo v. Bataclan, G.R. No. L-44606, despite knowledge that the auction sale did not
November 28, 1938, the land and the Q: Bartolome constructed a chapel on the include the apartment building, they could not
He cannot refuse either to pay or sell and compel improvement may be sold in a public land
the owner of the building to remove it from the auction, applying the proceeds first to the were: (1) possessor of the land in good faith, reimbursed the improver in full, based on the
land where it is erected. He is entitled to such payments of the value of the land, and the or (2) in bad faith? (1996 BAR) current market value of the property. (Pecson v.
removal only when, after having chosen to sell excess if any, to be delivered to the owner of CA, G.R. No. 115814, May 26, 1995)
the land, the other party fails to pay for the the house in payment thereof. A:
same. (Ignacio v. Hilario, G.R. No. L-175, April 30, (1) A chapel is a useful improvement, Bartolome The builder is entitled to a refund of the
1946; Sps. Espinoza vs. Mayandoc, G.R. No. As to the pending crops planted in good faith, may remove the chapel if it can be removed expenses he incurred and not on the market
211170, July 3, 2017) the landowner has the option of allowing the without damage to the land, unless Eric chooses value of the improvement (2000 BAR)
planter in good faith to continue the cultivation to acquire the chapel. In the latter case,
The landowner upon demand for payment and to harvest the crops, or to continue the Bartolome has the right of reimbursement of the Under Art. 448 in relation to Art. 546, the
CANNOT automatically become the owner of the cultivation and harvest the crops himself. In the value of the chapel with right of retention until builder in good faith is entitled to a refund of the
improvement for failure of the builder to pay for latter option, however, the landowner shall have he is reimbursed. (NCC, Arts. 448, 546 & 547) necessary and useful expenses incurred by him,
the value of the land. There is nothing in Articles the right to a part of the expenses of cultivation or the increase in value which the land may have
448 and 546 which would justify the conclusion and to a part of the net harvest, both in (2) Bartolome loses whatever he built, without acquired by reason of the improvement, at the
that upon failure of the builder to pay the value proportion to the time of possession. (NCC, Art. any right to indemnify. (NCC, Art. 449) option of the landowner. The builder is entitled
of the land, when such is demanded by the 545) to a refund of the expenses he incurred, and not
landowner, the land owner becomes Q: Pecson owned a commercial lot on which to the market value of the improvement.
automatically the owner of the improvement Q: Believing that a piece of land belonged to he built a building. For failure to pay realty
him, A erected thereon a building, using taxes, the lot was sold at public auction to NOTE: The case of Pecson v. CA, G.R. No. 115814,
under Art. 445. materials belonging to C. The owner of the Nepomuceno, who in turn sold it to the May 26, 1995 is not applicable.
land, B, was aware of the construction being spouses Nuguid. The sale, however, does not
made by A, but did not do anything to stop it. include the building. The spouses The landowner is entitled to the rentals of
the improvement, the landowner cannot compel What are the rights of A, B, and C, with subsequently moved for the delivery of the building if he opted to appropriate it,
the builder to buy the land. In such event, a respect to the building and as against each possession of the said lot and apartment. subject to the right of retention of the builder
is created and the court shall fix other? (1984 BAR) Pecson filed a motion to restore possession in good faith (2000 BAR)
the terms thereof in case the parties disagree pending determination of the value of the
thereon. (Depra v. Dumalo, G.R. No. L-57348, May A: B, regardless of his good or bad faith, becomes apartment. The landowner is entitled to the rentals of the
16, 1985; Communities Cagayan, Inc. v. Sps. the owner of the building. (NCC, Arts. 445 and building. As the owner of the land, he is also the
Arsenio, G.R. No. 176791, November 14, 2012) 448) However, A, a builder in good faith will be May Pecson claim payment of rentals? owner of the building being an accession
entitled to reimbursement of his necessary and thereto. However, the builder in good faith is
Rule when landowner sells the land to a third useful expenses, with right to retain the same A: YES, Pecson is entitled to rentals by virtue of entitled to retain the building until indemnity is
person who is in bad faith until paid. He may also remove the construction, his right of retention over the apartment. The paid. Consequently, he is also entitled to retain
since B acted in bad faith in not stopping the construction of the apartment was undertaken the rentals. He, however, shall apply the rentals
Builder must go against the third person but if construction. (NCC, Arts. 454 and 447) C shall at the time when Pecson was still the owner of to the indemnity payable to him after deducting
the latter has paid the land owner, a case against have the right to reimbursement and may also the lot. When the Nuguids became the reasonable cost of repair and maintenance.
such land owner may still be filed by the builder remove them but only if he can do so without uncontested owner of the lot, the apartment was
and the third person may file a third-party injury to the work. (NCC, Art. 447) already in existence and occupied by tenants. Q: The Church, despite knowledge that its
complaint against land owner. intended contract of sale with the National
Q: Suppose X was in good faith but Y knew NOTE: Art. 448 does not apply to cases where Housing Authority (NHA) had not been
Recourse left to the parties where the builder that X was constructing on his (Y's) land but the owner of the land is the builder but who perfected, proceeded to introduce
fails to pay the value of the land simply kept quiet about it, thinking perhaps later lost the land; not being applicable, the improvements on the disputed land. On the
that he could get X's house later. What are indemnity that should be paid to the buyer must other hand, NHA knowingly granted the
The Civil Code is silent on this point. Guidance the respective rights of the parties over X's be the fair market value of the building and not Church temporary use of the subject
may be had from these decisions: house in this case? (1999 BAR) just the cost of construction thereof. To do properties and did not prevent the Church
otherwise would unjustly enrich the new owner from making improvements thereon. Did the
1. In Miranda v. Fadullon, G.R. No. L-8220, A: Since the lot owner Y is deemed to be in bad of the land. Church and NHA act in bad faith?
October 29, 1955, the builder might be made faith (Art. 453), X as the party in good faith may
to pay rental only, leave things as they are, (a) remove the house and demand Q: Pending complete reimbursement, may A: YES. The Church and the NHA, both acted in


Civil Law Property
bad faith, hence, they shall be treated as if they improvements in case the owner decides to made or artificial accretions to lands that adjoin
were both in good faith. (National Housing appropriate them. They cannot be asked to Thus, person who is in good faith may be guilty canals or esteros or artificial drainage system.
Authority v. Grace Baptist Church, G.R. No. remove the improvements because that is not of negligence for which he may be made liable (Ronquillo v. CA, G.R. No 43346, March 20, 1991)
156437, March 1, 2004) one of the options given by law to the landowner under Art. 2176 involving quasi-delicts. (Pineda,
in case the builder is in good faith. 2009) NOTE: If the deposits accumulate, not through
Q: A squatter, X, is sought to be evicted by the the effects of the current of the water, but
landowner Y, seeks reimbursement from the When there is bad faith on the part of both ACCESSION NATURAL because of the constructions made by the owner
latter for the improvements he made on the the owner of the land and the builder, purely for defensive purposes against the
property, while Y demands the value of all planter or sower damaging action of the water, the deposits are
the fruits X gathered from the land during still deemed to be alluvion and will belong to the
the occupancy thereof. Is X entitled to the Q: The Municipality instituted an action for riparian owner.
Alluvium or alluvion (2001, 2003, 2008,
indemnity he prays for? Is he bound to pay the recovery of a tract of land in the pueblo of
2009 BAR)
for the fruits he received? Why? (1983 BAR) Oas claiming that it was a part of the public If the deposit is brought about by sea water
square. Roa alleged that he was the owner of
It is the gradual deposit of sediment by natural
A: As a possessor in bad faith, X may recover the property and admitted in writing that he When the sea moves towards the estate and the
action of a current of fresh water (not sea water),
only the necessary expenses he may have knew that the land is owned by the tide invades it, the same becomes a foreshore
the original identity of the deposit being lost.
incurred while in possession and Municipality and that Castillo, whom he land which consequently becomes part of the
Where it is by sea water, it belongs to the State.
reimbursement for useful improvements bought the property from did not own the public domain. Thus, it belongs to the state.
(Government of Philippine Islands v. Cabangis,
introduced by him if owner Y chooses to retain land. On the other hand, when Roa
G.R. No. L-28379, March 27, 1929)
them and X must pay Y the value of all the fruits constructed a substantial building on the Registration
he received. property in question the Municipality did not
oppose the construction. Is there bad faith on Alluvial deposits must be registered. Though,
the lands adjoining the banks of the rivers
Q: Mr. and Mrs. X migrated to the US with all both of the parties? automatically it is owned by the riparian owner
belongs the accretion which they gradually
their children. As they had no intention of (Heirs of Navarro v. IAC, G.R. No. 68166, February
receive from the effects of the current of the
coming back, they offered their house and lot A: YES. Roa was not a purchaser in good faith. 12, 1997), it is still subject to acquisitive
for sale to their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. A The Municipality, having permitted the erection prescription which may divest the riparian
(the buyers) who agreed to buy the property by the defendant of a building on the land owner the ownership over the accretion.
Riparian owner
for 128 Million. Because Mr. and Mrs. A without objection, acted in bad faith. The rights
needed to obtain a loan from a bank first, and of the parties must, therefore, be determined as Failure to register
He is the owner of the land adjoining rivers.
since the sellers were in a hurry to migrate, if they both had acted in good faith. When there
the latter told the buyers that they could has been bad faith, not only on the part of the If the riparian owner fails to register the
Accretion v. Alluvium
already occupy the house, renovate it as it person who built, sowed, or planted on deposits within the prescriptive period of
was already in a state of disrepair, and pay another's land, but also on the part of the owner acquiring real property (10 years if ordinary
Accretion is the process whereby the soil is
only when their loan is approved and of the latter, the rights of both shall be the same prescription or 30 years if extraordinary
deposited while alluvium is the soil deposited.
released. While waiting for the loan as if they had acted in good faith. Therefore, the prescription), it subjects said accretion to
approval, the buyers spent Pl Million in owner of the land on which the building, sowing, acquisition thru prescription by third persons.
Requisites of accretion
repairing the house. A month later, a person or planting is done in good faith shall have a (Reynante v. CA, G.R. No. 95907, April 8, 1992)
carrying an authenticated special power of right to appropriate as his own the work,
1. Deposit be gradual and imperceptible;
attorney from the sellers demanded that the sowing, or planting after the indemnity However, registration under the Torrens System
buyers either immediately pay for the mentioned in Articles 453 and 454, or, to oblige 2. Resulted from the effects of the current of does not protect the riparian owner against the
the water; and
property in full now or vacate it and pay the person who has built or planted, to pay him diminution of the area of his registered land
3. The land where the accretion takes place is
damages for having made improvements on the value of the land and to force the person who through gradual changes in the course of an
adjacent to the banks of a river.
the property without a sale having been sowed to pay the proper rent. (Art. 453) adjoining stream.
perfected. (Municipality of Oas vs Roa, G.R. No. L-2017,
If all the requisites are present, the riparian
November 24, 1906) Q: Benjamin is the owner of a titled lot which
owner is automatically entitled to the accretion.
What are the buyers' options or legal rights is bounded on the north by the Maragondon
with respect to the expenses incurred in Good faith can concur with negligence River. An alluvial deposit of two (2) hectares
NOTE: The alluvion starts to become the
improving the property under was added to the registered area. Daniel took
property of the riparian owner from the time
circumstances? (2015 BAR) Art. 456 applies to Arts. 447-455 where good possession of the portion formed by
that the deposit created by the current of water
faith was mentioned. accretion and claims that he has been in
becomes manifest. (Heirs of Navarro v. IAC, G.R.
A: The buyers here may be deemed possessors open, continuous and undisturbed
No. 68166, February 12, 1997)
or builders in good faith because they were Good faith does not necessarily preclude possession of said portion since 1923 as
made to believe that they were allowed to make negligence, for, in fact, in negligence there is no shown by a tax declaration. In 1958,
Man-made or artificial accretions to lands
repairs or renovation by the sellers themselves. intention to do wrong or cause damage unlike in Benjamin filed a Complaint for Quieting of
NOT included
As builders in good faith, they have the right to bad faith which presupposes such intention. (De Title and contends that the alluvium belongs
seek reimbursement for the value of the Leon, 2006) to him as the riparian owner and that since
The rule on alluvion does not apply to man-


Civil Law Property
the alluvium is, by law, part and parcel of the the riparian owners. Are the petitioners the NOTE: The rule does not apply to temporary ALLUVIUM AVULSION
registered property, the same may be exclusive owners of the First and Second overflowing of the river. Gradual and Sudden or abrupt
considered as registered property. Decide Accretion? imperceptible. process.
the case and explain. (2016 BAR) 4. There must be Abandonment by the owner Soil cannot be Identifiable and
A: NO. Petitioners are not the riparian owners of of the bed. identified. verifiable.
A: I will decide in favor of Daniel and dismiss the Motherland to which the First Accretion had Belongs to the Belongs to the
the action to quiet title filed by Benjamin. attached, hence, they cannot assert ownership NOTE: Abandonment pertains to the decision owner of the owner from whose
over the First Accretion. Consequently, as the not to bring back the river to the old bed. property to property
Under Article 457 of the Civil Code, the owner of Second Accretion had merely attached to the which it is attached. it was detached.
lands adjoining the banks of rivers belong the First Accretion, they also have no right over the Effect when the river bed is abandoned Merely an Detachment
accretion which they gradually receive from the Second Accretion. Neither were they able to attachment. followed by
effects of the current of the waters. The show that they acquired these properties River beds which are abandoned through the attachment.
accretion, however, does not automatically through prescription as it was ·not established natural change in the course of the waters ipso
become registered land. It must be brought that they were in possession of any of them. facto belong to the owners whose lands are Requisites of avulsion (CAI)
under the Torrens system of registration by Being the owner of the land adjoining the occupied by the new course in proportion to the
Benjamin, the riparian owner. Since he did not, foreshore area, respondent is the riparian or area lost. However, the owners of the lands 1. Transfer is caused by the Current of a river,
the then increment, not being registered land, littoral owner who has preferential right to lease adjoining the old bed shall have the right to creek, or torrent;
was open to acquisition through prescription by the foreshore area. Accordingly, therefore, acquire the same by paying the value thereof, 2. Transfer is sudden or Abrupt; and
third persons, like Daniel. (Ignacio Grande, et. al. alluvial deposits along the banks of a creek or a which value shall not exceed the value of the 3. The portion of the land transported is known
v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-17652, June 30, river do not form part of the public domain as area occupied by the new bed. (NCC, Art. 461) or Identifiable.
1962; Leonida Cureg v. Intermediate Appellate the alluvial property automatically belongs to
Court, G.R. No. 73465, September 7, 1989) the owner of the estate to which it may have NOTE: The rule on abandoned river bed does NOTE: By analogy, land transferred from one
been added. The only restriction provided for by not apply to cases where the river simply dries tenement to another by forces of nature other
Reasons for granting a riparian owner the law is that the owner of the adjoining property up because there are no persons whose lands than the river current can still be considered as
right to alluvion deposited by a river must register the same under the Torrens are occupied by the waters of the river. an avulsion.
system; otherwise, the alluvial property may be
1. To compensate him for: subject to acquisition through prescription by Under the Water Code, the government or the Rule on acquisition of titles over an avulsion
a. Danger of loss that he suffers due to the third persons. (Heirs of Francisco I. Narvasa, Sr. riparian owner may return the river back to the
location of his land; and v. Emiliana Imbornal, G.R. No. 182908, original bed. (P.D. 1067, Art. 58) GR: Original owner retains title.
b. The encumbrances and other easements August 6, 2014)
on his land Art. 460. Trees uprooted and carried away XPNs: The owner must remove (not merely
by the current of the waters belong to the claim) the transported portion within two years
2. To promote the interests of agriculture as he Art. 459. Whenever the current of a river, owner of the land upon which they may be to retain ownership, otherwise, the land not
is in the best position to utilize the accretion. creek or torrent segregates from an estate cast, if the owners do not claim them within removed shall belong to the owner of the land to
on its bank a known portion of land and six months. If such owners claim them, they which it has been adjudicated in case of:
The owners of estates adjoining ponds or transfers it to another estate, the owner of shall pay the expenses incurred in gathering
lagoons do not acquire the land left dry by the the land to which the segregated portion them or putting them in a safe place. 1. Abandonment; or
natural decrease of the waters, or lose that belonged retains the ownership of it, 2. Expiration of two years, whether the failure
inundated by them in extraordinary floods. provided that he removes the same within to remove be voluntary or involuntary, and
(NCC, Art. 458) two years. irrespective of the area of the portion known
It is the deposit of known (identifiable) portion to have been transferred.
NOTE: This rule does not apply to lakes.
CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF THE RIVER of land detached from the property of another
which is attached to the property of another as a Rule on avulsion of uprooted trees
Q: The First Accretion adjoined the southern
portion of the Motherland. Decades later, the Whenever a river, changing its course by natural result of the effect of the current of a river, creek
causes, opens a new bed through a private or torrent. (2001 BAR) GR: The owner of the tree retains ownership.
Second Accretion abutted the First Accretion
on its southern portion. OCT was issued in estate, this bed shall become of public dominion.
(NCC, Art. 462) Whenever the current of a river, creek, or XPN:
the names of all the respondents covering 1. The owner must claim them within a period
the Second Accretion. Petitioners alleged torrent segregates from an estate on its banks a
Requisites (NAPA) known portion of land and transfers it to of six months; and
that through deceit, fraud, falsehood, and
misrepresentation, respondent Victoriano, another estate, the owner of the land to which
1. There must be a Natural change in the the segregated portion belonged retains the NOTE: The claim does not require actual
with respect to the First Accretion, and the recovery. It can be recovered on the basis of
course of the waters of the river; otherwise, ownership of it, provided that he removes the
respondents collectively, with regard to the prescriptive period for acquiring movables
Second Accretion, had illegally registered the the bed may be the subject of a State grant; same within 2 years. (NCC, Art. 459) (2001 BAR)
2. The change must be Abrupt or sudden; which is four years.
said accretions in their names, 2. If uprooted trees have been transplanted by
notwithstanding the fact that they were not 3. The change must be Permanent; and Alluvium vs. Avulsion (2001 BAR)
the owner of the land which the trees may


Civil Law Property
have been cast and said trees have taken If formed on non-navigable/non-floatable Adjunction the two things incorporated is the principal
root in said land, the owner of the trees, rivers one, the thing of the greater value shall be
upon making the claim, is required to refund Nearer in margin to Owner of nearer It is the process by virtue of which two movable so considered, and as between two things of
the expenses incurred in gathering them or one bank margin is the sole things belonging to different owners are united equal value, that of the greater volume.
in putting them in safe place, including the owner in such a way that they form a single object and
expenses incurred by the owner of the land If equidistant Island divided each of the things united preserves its own Tests to determine the principal
for the preservation of the trees. (Rabuya, longitudinally in halves. nature. (NCC, Art. 466)
2008) 1. That of greater value;
Q: Eduave is the owner of land forming part Requisites of adjunction (2BUS) 2. If two things are of equal value That of
Art. 463. Whenever the current of a river of an island in a non-navigable river. Said greater volume;
divides itself into branches, leaving a piece land was eroded due to a typhoon, There is adjunction when there are: 3. If two things are of equal volume That to
of land or part thereof isolated, the owner of destroying the bigger portion thereof and which the other has been united as an
the land retains his ownership. He also improvements thereon. Due to the 1. Two (2) movables; ornament, or for its use or perfection; and
retains it if a portion of land is separated movements of the river deposits on the part 2. Belonging to different owners; 4. That which has greater merits, utility and
from the estate by the current. of the land that was not eroded, the area was 3. United forming a single object; and volume if things. (NCC, Art. 468)
increased. Later, Eduave allowed Dodong to 4. Separation would impair their nature or
Effects of Ramifications of A River introduce improvements thereon and live result in substantial injury to either thing. NOTE: In painting and sculpture, writings,
there as a caretaker. However, Dodong later printed matter, engraving and lithographs, the
1. Some parts of the original estate may be Classes of adjunction or conjunction board, metal, stone, canvas, paper or parchment
isolated but remaining steady and secure on latter filed action to quiet title over the shall be deemed the accessory thing. (NCC, Art.
their location; property. Who has a better right to the land? 1. Painting (pintura); 468)
2. Other parts may be separated and pushed 2. Engraftment or Inclusion - Like setting a
away from the original estate. A: EDUAVE has a better right to the land. The precious stone on a golden ring; Ownership when the adjunction involves
land in question is an island that appears in a 3. Writing (escritura); three or more things
Art. 464. Islands which may be formed on non- floatable and non-navigable river, and it is 4. Weaving; and
the seas within the jurisdiction of the not disputed that Eduave is the owner of the 5. Soldering- Joining a piece of metal to another If the adjunction involves three or more things,
Philippines, on lakes, and on navigable or parcel of land. The island belongs to the owner metal the court should first distinguish the principal
floatable rivers belong to the State. of the parcel of land nearer the margin. (NCC, and apply Art. 466 in an equitable manner such
Art. 465) Because the island is longer than the a. Ferruminacion -Principal and accessory that the principal acquires the accessory,
property of Eduave, he is deemed ipso jure the are of the same metal; or indemnifying the former owner thereof for its
Art. 465. Islands which through successive b. Plumbatura Different metals (NCC, Art. value.
owner of that portion which corresponds to the
accumulation of alluvial deposits are 468)
length of his property along the margin of the
formed in non-navigable and non-floatable
river. (Jagualing v. CA, G.R. No. 94283, March 4, Art. 469. Whenever the things united can be
rivers, belong to the owners of the margins Ownership of the resulting object
1991) separated without injury, their respective
or banks nearest to each of them, or to the
owners may demand their separation.
owners of both margins if the island is in the The owner of the principal by law becomes
NOTE: There is no accession when islands are
middle of the river, in which case it shall be owner of the resulting object and should
formed by the branching of a river; the owner Nevertheless, in case the thing united for
divided longitudinally in halves. If a single indemnify the owner of the accessories for the
retains ownership of the isolated piece of land. the use, embellishment or perfection of the
island thus formed be more distant from values thereof. other, is much more precious than the
one margin than from the other, the owner
MOVABLES principal thing, the owner of the former
of the nearer margin shall be the sole owner Good faith is necessary in Adjunction may demand its separation, even though the
Art. 466. Whenever two movable things thing to which it has been incorporated may
belonging to different owners are, without Art. 526 explains that good faith is that condition suffer some injury.
ISLANDS of the mind where the person concerned is not
bad faith, united in such a way that they
form a single object, the owner of the aware that there exists in his title or mode of Separation of things is allowed in the
Rules on ownership with regard to formation acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.
principal thing acquires the accessory, following cases:
of islands If the owner of the principal thing acted in bad
indemnifying the former owner thereof for
LOCATION OWNER faith, Art. 470 (par. 2) will apply NOT Art. 466.
its value 1. Separation without injury;
If formed on the sea (Pineda, 2009) 2. Separation with injury Accessory is much
Within territorial State more precious than the principal, the owner
Different kinds of accession continua as
waters Art. 467. The principal thing, as between of the former may demand its separation
regard movables
Outside territorial First country to occupy two things incorporated, is deemed to be even though the principal may suffer injury;
waters that to which the other has been united as 3. Owner of the principal acted in Bad faith.
1. Adjunction or conjunction;
If formed on lakes or navigable/floatable 2. Mixture; and an ornament, or for its use or perfection. (NCC, Art. 469)
rivers Art. 468. If it cannot be determined by the
3. Specification.
State rule given in the preceding article which of Art. 470. Whenever the owner of the


Civil Law Property
accessory thing has made the incorporation though there is or without new thing to himself, after first paying
in bad faith, he shall lose the thing injury to the injury to Kinds of mixtures (COM-CON) indemnity for the value of the work, or
incorporated and shall have the obligation principal and pay principal and 1. Commixtion mixture of solids; and demand indemnity for the material.
to indemnify the owner of the principal damages. receive 2. Confusion mixture of liquids
thing for the damages he may have suffered. damages. If in the making of the thing bad faith
If the one who has acted in bad faith is the Bad faith Proportionate Ownership In Commixtion Or intervened, the owner of the material shall
owner of the principal thing, the owner of Confusion have the right to appropriate the work to
the accessory thing shall have a right to Same as though both acted in good faith. himself without paying anything to the
choose between the former paying him its If the things mixed or confused are not separable maker, or to demand of the latter that he
value or that the thing belonging to him be Art. 471. Whenever the owner of the without injury, each owner shall have a right to indemnify him for the value of the material
separated, even though for this purpose it material employed without his consent has the resulting thing proportionate to the value of and the damages he may have suffered.
be necessary to destroy the principal thing; a right to an indemnity, he may demand that the thing he owns. (Pineda, 2009) However, the owner of the material cannot
and in both cases, furthermore, there shall this consist in the delivery of a thing equal appropriate the work in case the value of
be indemnity for damages. in kind and value, and in all other respects, Rules regarding mixtures the latter, for artistic or scientific reasons, is
to that employed, or else in the price considerably more than that of the material.
If either one of the owner has made the thereof, according to expert appraisal. By Will of Both Owners or by Accident
incorporation with the knowledge and Good faith Specification (NCC, Art. 474)
without the objection of the other, their 1. Right is subject to stipulations; or
respective rights shall be determined as 2. Right is in proportion to the part belonging It is the giving of new form to
though both acted in good faith. to. him (Co-ownership arises) (NCC, through application of labor. The material
It is made either by:
1. Delivery of a thing equal in kind and value; Art.422) undergoes a transformation or change of
Rights of owners over the thing in adjunction or By will of only one owner/ by chance identity. The labor is the principal and the
2. Payment of its price including the Good faith material used is the accessory.
PRINCIPAL OWNER OF THE sentimental value. (NCC, Art. 471) 1. Have the things separated provided the
ACCESSORY thing suffers no injury; or Respective rights of the maker and the owner
Good faith 2. If cannot be separated without injury, of the materials in specification
1. Acquire 1. Receive Art. 472. If by the will of their owners two acquire interest on mixture in proportion
accessory and payment for to his part (co-ownership). OWNER OF
things of the same or different kinds are MAKER
pay owner of the value of Bad faith (caused Good faith MATERIALS (OM)
mixed, or if the mixture occurs by chance,
accessory for its accessory; or and in the latter case the things are not the mixture) Good faith
value; or 2. GR: Demand separable without injury, each owner shall First owner will lose Second owner will GR: Appropriate the Receive payment for
2. Demand separation acquire a right proportional to the part his part on the acquire entire mixture thing transformed and value of materials.
separation provided the belonging to him, bearing in mind the value mixture and pay and entitled to pay the owner of the
provided the thing thing suffers no of the things mixed or confused. damages to the damages. materials for its value.
suffers no injury. injury. second owner.
XPN: If Bad faith Good faith (caused XPN: If the material is
accessory is Art. 473. If by the will of only one owner, but more precious than the
the mixture)
in good faith, two things of the same or thing transformed, the
more precious As if both acted in GF, As if both acted in GF,
different kinds are mixed or confused, the owner of the materials
than principal, because the 2nd since the first owner
rights of the owners shall be determined by has the option to:
he may demand owner in GF was the is in BF and the
the provisions of the preceding article. 1. Acquire the work
separation with one who caused the second owner who
or without ratification, because caused the mixture in and indemnify the
If the one who caused the mixture or maker for his
injury to the the first owner. GF in a way ratifies
confusion acted in bad faith, he shall lose labor; or
thing. the BF of first owner.
the thing belonging to him thus mixed or 2. Demand indemnity
Good faith Bad faith
confused, besides being obliged to pay for the material.
Acquire accessory Lose accessory and Art. 474. One who in good faith employs the
indemnity for the damages caused to the Good faith
without paying the pay damages. material of another in whole or in part in
owner of the other thing with which his own 1. Receive payment 1. Appropriate new
owner of accessory order to make a thing of a different kind,
was mixed. for value of his thing and pay the
and entitled to shall appropriate the thing thus
damages. transformed as his own, indemnifying the work; or maker for the
Bad faith Good faith Mixture 2. Appropriate the work; or
owner of the material for its value.
1. Pay value of 1. Receive new thing and 2. Receive payment
It is the combination of materials where the pay the owner of for value of
accessory and pay payment and
respective identities of the component elements materials for its materials.
damages; or damages; or If the material is more precious than the
are lost either voluntarily or by chance. (NCC, value.
2. Have the things 2. Have accessory transformed thing or is of more value, its
Articles. 472-473) Bad faith Good faith
separated, even separated with owner may, at his option, appropriate the


Civil Law Property
1. Lose the new thing 1. Appropriate the QUIETING OF TITLE Scope of the action to quiet title Oños' opposition, and upon order of the RTC,
and pay damages new thing Lim converted the petition for reconstitution
to owner of the without paying It is a proceeding in equity, the purpose of which Only real properties can be subject of an action into a complaint for quieting of title. The
materials; or and receive is the declaration of the invalidity of a claim on a for quieting of title. (Pineda, 2009) Oños now contend that this action for
2. Pay value of damages; or title or the invalidity of an interest in property quieting of title should be disallowed
materials and adverse to that of the plaintiff, and thereafter to Requisites for an action to quiet title (LCDR) because it constituted a collateral attack on
damages to owner NOTE: Not free the plaintiff and all those claiming under OCT No. RO-9969-(O-20449). Is their
of the materials. available if the him from any hostile claim thereon. (Pineda, 1. Plaintiff must have a Legal or equitable title contention correct?
new thing is 2009) to, or interest in the real property which is
more valuable the subject matter of the action; A: NO. The attack is direct when the objective is
than materials Quieting of title is a common law remedy for the to annul or set aside such judgment, or enjoin its
for scientific removal of any cloud upon, doubt, or uncertainty NOTE: He need not be in possession of said enforcement. On the other hand, the attack is
or artistic affecting title to real property. Whenever there property. (NCC, Art.477) indirect or collateral when, in an action to obtain
reasons. is a cloud on title to real property or any interest a different relief, an attack on the judgment is
in real property by reason of any instrument, 2. There must be Cloud in such title; nevertheless made as an incident thereof. The
2. Receive payment record, claim, encumbrance, or proceeding that averments readily show that the action was
for the value of is apparently valid or effective, but is, in truth 3. Such cloud must be Due to some (IRCEP) neither a direct nor a collateral attack for Lim
materials and and in fact, invalid, ineffective, voidable, or a. Instrument; was asserting only that the existing title
damages unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to said b. Record; registered in the name of the petitioners'
title, an action may be brought to remove such c. Claim; predecessors had become inoperative due to the
Adjunction, mixture, and specification cloud or to quiet the title. In such action, the d. Encumbrance; or conveyance in favor of Lim's mother, and
distinguished competent court is tasked to determine the e. Proceeding which is apparently valid resultantly should be cancelled. (Oño vs Lim, G.R.
respective rights of the complainant and the but is in truth invalid, ineffective, No. 154270, March 09, 2010)
ADJUNCTIO MIXTURE SPECIFICATIO other claimants, not only to place things in their voidable or unenforceable, and is
N N proper places, and make the claimant, who has and Art. 476. Whenever there is a cloud on title
Involves at Involves May involve no rights to said immovable, respect and not to real property or any interest therein, by
least two at least one thing (or disturb the one so entitled, but also for the 4. Plaintiff must reason of any instrument, record, claim,
things. two more) but form benefit of both, so that whoever has the right a. Return to the defendant all benefits he encumbrance or proceeding which is
things. is changed, will see every cloud of doubt over the property may have received from the latter; or apparently valid or effective but is in truth
Accessory Co- Accessory dissipated, and he can thereafter fearlessly b. Reimburse him for expenses that may and in fact invalid, ineffective, voidable, or
follows the ownershi follows the introduce any desired improvements, as well as have redounded to his benefit. unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to
principal. p results. principal. use, and even abuse the property. (Phil-Ville said title, an action may be brought to
Things joined Things The new object Development and Housing Corporation v. Maximo Reasons for quieting of title remove such cloud or to quiet the title.
retain their mixed or retains or Bonifacio, et al., G.R. No. 167391, June 8, 2011) An action may also be brought to prevent a
nature. confused preserves the 1. Prevent future litigation on the ownership of cloud from being cast upon title to real
may nature of the Nature of the action to quiet title the property; property or any interest therein.
either original object. 2. Protect true title & possession;
retain or Significantly, suits to quiet title are characterized 3. To protect the real interest of both parties; Rules in actions for quieting of title
lose their as proceedings quasi in rem. Technically, they and
respective are neither in rem nor in personam. In an action 4. To determine and make known the precise 1. These put an end to vexatious litigation in
natures. quasi in rem, an individual is named as state of title for the guidance of all. respect to property involved; plaintiff
defendant. However, unlike suits in rem, a quasi asserts his own estate & generally declares
in rem judgment is conclusive only between the Persons who may file an action to quiet title
Art. 475. In the preceding articles,
sentimental value shall be duly parties. A proceeding quasi in rem is one brought 2. Remedial in nature;
against persons seeking to subject the property 1. Registered owner; 3. Not suits in rem nor personam but suits
of such persons to the discharge of the claims 2. A person who has an equitable right or against a particular person or persons in
assailed. (Portic v. Cristobal, G.R. No. 156171, 22 interest in the property; or respect to the res (quasi in rem);
Sentimental Value 3. The State.
April 2005) 4. May not be brought for the purpose of
The value placed by the owner on the property settling a boundary disputes;
Classifications of actions Q: Lim filed in the RTC in Cebu City a petition 5. Applicable to real property or any interest
is more than the actual value by reason of some for the reconstitution of the owner's
sentiments like, love, affection, respect and therein;
1. Remedial action one to remove cloud on duplicate copy of OCT No. RO-9969-(O- 6. An action to quiet title brought by the
honor. 20449), alleging that said OCT had been lost
title; and person in possession of the property is
2. Preventive action one to prevent the during World War II by his mother, Luisa, IMPRESCRIPTIBLE; and
casting of a (threatened) cloud on the title. who acquired title to it by virtue of a deed of 7. If he is not in possession, he must invoke his
sale, albeit unregistered. On account of the remedy within the prescriptive period as


Civil Law Property
follows; Plaintiff asserts own Plaintiff declares his prescription. must demolish the same to forestall the
a. Ordinary prescription- 10 years claim and declares own claim and title possibility of causing death or harm to anyone,
b. Extraordinary prescription- 30 years. that the claim of the and at the same time PRESCRIPTION OR or injury to property. (Pineda, 2009)
defendant is indicates the source NON-PRESCRIPTION OF ACTION
Requisites for existence of a cloud (ATP) unfounded and calls and nature of Art. 483. Whenever a large tree threatens to
on the defendant to claim Prescriptive periods for bringing an action to fall in such a way as to cause damage to the
1. There is an Apparently valid or effective justify his claim on pointing its defect quiet title land or tenement of another or to travelers
instrument; the property that and prays for the over a public or private road, the owner of
same may be declaration of its 1. Plaintiff in possession Imprescriptible; or the tree shall be obliged to fell and remove
NOTE: They must appear valid or effective determined by the validity. 2. Plaintiff not in possession it; and should he not do so, it shall be done
and extraneous evidence is needed to prove court. a. 10 years (ordinary) or at his expense by order of the
their invalidity or ineffectivity. Filed against whom b. 30 years (extra-ordinary). administrative authorities.
Against people who Against defendant who
2. But such instrument is in Truth: have claims; claims asserts claims based on Imprescriptibility of action to quiet title CO - OWNERSHIP
a. Invalid; are more general in an invalid instrument
b. Ineffective; nature (but not apparent). It is imprescriptible if plaintiff is in possession. If
c. Voidable; Art. 484. There is co-ownership whenever
not, it prescribes within period for filing accion the ownership of an undivided thing or
d. Unenforceable; Action to quiet title cannot be availed until publiciana or accion reinvidicatoria.
e. Has been extinguished or terminated; or right belongs to different persons.
the donation has been first revoked
f. Has been barred by extinctive In default of contracts, or of special
Laches provisions, co-ownership shall be governed
prescription. The barangay traces its claim of ownership over
by the provisions of this Title.
the disputed property to a valid contract of It is the failure or neglect, for unreasonable and
3. Such instrument may be Prejudicial to the donation which is yet to be effectively revoked. unexplained length of time, to do that which by
title. Such rightful claim does not constitute a cloud There is co-ownership whenever the ownership
exercising due diligence, could or should have
on the supposed title of Edgardo over the same of an undivided thing or right belongs to
been done earlier.
Purpose of an action to remove cloud on title property removable by an action to quiet title. different persons. (NCC, Art. 484) It is the right of
(Dolar v. Brgy. Lublub, G.R. No. 152663, November common dominion which two or more persons
The negligence or omission to assert a right
It is intended to procure the cancellation, or 18, 2005) have in a spiritual (or ideal) part of the thing
within a reasonable time, warranting a which is not physically divided.
delivery of, release of an instrument, presumption that the party entitled to assert it
encumbrance, or claim constituting a claim on Art. 477. The plaintiff must have legal or either has abandoned it or declined to assert it.
equitable title to, or interest in the real CHARACTERISTICS OF
(Tijam v Sibonghanoy, G.R. No. L-21450, April 15,
or vex him in the enjoyment of his title. property which is the subject matter of the CO-OWNERSHIP IN GENERAL
action. He need not be in possession of said
Action to quiet title v. Action to remove cloud property. 1. Plurality of subjects or owners;
An action filed within the period of limitations
on title may still be barred by laches. (NCC, Articles 2. There is no mutual representation by the co-
1431, 1433 and 1437) owners;
Indispensable Requirement for Action To
ACTION TO QUIET ACTION TO REMOVE 3. It exists for the common enjoyment of the
Quiet Title
As to purpose For an action to quiet title or remove cloud on a 4. There is a single object which is not
To put an end to To procure the title to stand, the plaintiff must have legal or materially divided;
vexatious litigation in cancellation; delivery; 5. It has no distinct legal personality; and
equitable title to or interest in the subject real Art. 482. If a building, wall, column, or any
respect to the release of an 6. It is governed first of all by the contract of
property. This requirement is indispensable, the other construction is in danger of falling,
property involved. instrument, the parties; otherwise, by special legal
absence of which is fatal to the action. (Pineda, the owner shall be obliged to demolish it or
encumbrance or claim, provisions, and in default of such provisions,
2009) to execute the necessary work in order to
which constitutes a by the provisions of Title III of the New Civil
prevent it from falling. Code on co-ownership.
Legal title covers a situation when the owner is
and which may be used registered as the owner of the property.
to injure or to vex him Equitable title covers a situation when the Legal effect of co-ownership
in his enjoyment of his If the proprietor does not comply with this
person has the beneficial ownership of the obligation, the administrative authorities
title. Co-ownership creates rights in favor of each one
property. (Ibid.) may order the demolition of the structure at
As to nature of the action of the co-owners with respect to the property
Remedial in nature, Preventive in nature, the expense of the owner, or take measures owned in common.
Art. 478. There may also be an action to to insure public safety.
involving a present to remove a cloud quiet title or remove a cloud therefrom
adverse claim. which may be used The rights of a co-owner can be viewed in two
when the contract, instrument or other If a building, wall, column or any other senses:
for future actions. obligation has been extinguished or has
As to nature of claims construction is in danger of falling, the owner 1. His right over the thing owned in common is
terminated or has been barred by extinctive


Civil Law Property
limited by the other co- the others for the without the consent of the other co-owners is be void. (NCC, Art. 485, par. 1) Consequently, in
concomitant rights; or purpose of not null and void but affects only his undivided order to determine the share of the co-owners in
2. His right over his ideal share or his prescription. share and the transferee gets only what would the benefits and charges, we must first
undivided interest over the same property; Prescription correspond to his grantor in the partition of the determine their respective interests in the co-
the individual co-owner has absolute control thing owned in common. (Paulmitan v. CA, G.R. ownership.
Prescription will Prescription will not
and ownership over his ideal share. No. 51584, November 25, 1992)
continue to run run among them.
Interests are presumed equal, unless the
among co-owners.
Requisites of co-ownership (PUS) Q: Is there such a thing as perpetual co- contrary is proved. (NCC, Art. 485, par. 2)
Co-ownership vs. Partnership
1. Plurality of owners;
2. Unity of object, which is an undivided thing A: NO. Any of the co-owners may demand SOURCES OF CO-OWNERSHIP (LOST-C²)
or right; and CO-OWNERSHIP ORDINARY partition any time.
No legal personality Has legal 1. Law e.g. Easement of party walls (NCC, Art.
to his ideal Share of the physical whole. No co-owner ought to be compelled to stay in a
personality. 658); co-ownership between a man and a
co- ownership indefinitely. He may insist the
Can be created Can be created only woman capacitated to marry each other (Art.
NOTE: By the very nature of co-ownership, a co- partition of the property any time. Such action to
without the by contract, express or implied 147, FC); between a man and a woman not
owner cannot point to any specific portion of the demand for partition does not prescribe.
formalities of a capacitated to marry each other (Art. 148,
property owned in common as his own because (Patricio v. Dario, G.R. No. 170829, November 20,
contract FC);
his share remains intangible and ideal. (Spouses 2006)
By contract or by By contract only. 2. Occupancy e.g. When two persons gather
Avila et al v. Spouses Barabat, GR. No. 141993,
will. forest products or catch a wild animal;
May 17, 2006) A co-owner has a right to freely sell or dispose
Agreement to exist No term limit is set 3. Succession e.g. Heirs of undivided property
his undivided share of interest but has no right
for more than 10 by law. before partition;
Rules to govern in co-ownership to sell a divided or definite part of a real estate
years is void. 4. Testamentary (or mortis causa) / Donation
owned in common. (Lopez v. Illustre,G.R. No.
No mutual There is mutual inter vivos e.g. Where the donor prohibits
1. Contracts; 2426, January 24, 1906; Torres vs. Lapinid, G.R.
representation. representation. partition of the property for a certain period
2. Special provision of law; and No. 187987, November 26, 2014)
Not dissolved by the Dissolved by death of time;
3. Provisions of the civil code.
death/incapacity of or incapacity of a 5. Contract; or
In a property co-owned by the compulsory heirs,
a co- owner. partner. 6. By Chance or fortuitous event e.g. Hidden
Co-ownership vs. Joint tenancy any act tantamount to partition such as
A co-owner can A partner cannot be treasure
identifying their shares and constructing their
CO-OWNERSHIP JOINT OWNERSHIP dispose of his share substituted without respective houses automatically terminates co-
w/o the consent of the consent of the NOTE: One who is merely related by affinity to
Tenancy in Joint Tenancy ownership. (Avila v. Sps. Arabat, G.R. No.141993,
the others hence in a others. the decedent does not become a co-owner of the
common March 17, 2006)
As to the extent of ownership way a co- owner is
Each co-owner is the Each joint owner substituted. Duration of the co-ownership (2000, 2002,
Profits of a co-owner Profits may be Q: Hilaria Bagayas, an adoptive child, filed a
owner of his own owns the whole 2008 BAR)
depend on his stipulated upon; complaint against her siblings who excluded
ideal share. thing. her from inheriting from the estate of their
As to disposition proportionate share. (e.g., profit- An agreement to keep the thing undivided for a
sharing agreements). parents. She asked to include her as a
Each co-owner may Joint owner may not certain period of time, not exceeding ten years,
registered owner to the extent of one-third of
dispose of his dispose of his own For collective For profit. shall be valid. This term may be extended by a
the lands covered therein; citing Section 108
undivided share share without the enjoyment. new agreement.
without the other co- consent of all the No public May be made in any
r complaint, she asked
rest, because he instrument is form except when A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a
for the annulment of a Deed of Absolute Sale
really has no ideal needed even if the real property is period which shall not exceed twenty years (in
in favor of her brothers wherein the RTC
share. object of the co- contributed. relation to NCC, Art. 1083).
found otherwise. They found that the lands
As to transfer of shares in case of death ownership is an
where transferred to the brothers by the
immovable. Neither shall there be any partition when it is
Upon the death of a Upon the death of a prohibited by law. (NCC, Art. 494)
co- owner, his ideal joint owner, his he died. Is the dismissal of the earlier
Alienation of property co-owned
share goes to his share goes to the complaint on the ground that it is in the
Share of the co-owners in the benefits and
heirs. other joint owners nature of a collateral attack on the
When a co-owner sells the whole property as charges arising from the co-ownership
by accretion. certificates of title constitutes a bar to a
his, the sale will affect only his own share but
As to minority or legal disability subsequent petition under Section 108 of PD
not those of the other co- The share of the co-owners in the benefits and
In case of a minor The legal disability No 1529?
consent to the sale. charges arising from the co-ownership shall be
who is a co-owner, of one joint owner proportional to their respective interests and
this does not benefit benefits the others. A: It does not. Section 108 of PD No. 1529 is
A sale of the entire property by one co-owner any stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall
used only for contemplating corrections or


Civil Law Property
insertions of mistakes which are only clerical quieting of title, accion reivindicatoria, and Requisites for acquisition through
but certainly not controversial issues. Although replevin. prescription: A suit for ejectment CANNOT be brought by one
Hilaria Bagayas was able to prove that she is a a. He has repudiated through co-owner against another co-owner, since the
legally adoptive child, the action is not proper. 4. To Compel other co-owners to contribute to unequivocal acts; latter also has a right of possession; the only
As her petition was of an annulment of sale and expenses for preservation of the thing (NCC, b. Such act of repudiation is made effect of the action will be to obtain recognition
partition. She must first prove that she is a co- Art. 488) and to the taxes; known to other co-owners; of the co-ownership.
owner of the estate and conveyance of her lawful 5. To Oppose to any act of alteration (NCC, Art. c. Evidence must be clear and
shares. However, she failed to do so. As regards 491) even if beneficial to the co-owners; convincing RIGHT TO PROPERTY OWNED IN COMMON
to her citing of Section 108 of PD No. 1529, it 6. To Protect against acts of majority which are vs. FULL OWNERSHIP OVER
was improper as her intent for using it is as a prejudicial to the minority (NCC, Art. 492, 7. Co-owners cannot ask for physical division if HIS/HER IDEAL SHARE
mode of directly attacking the certificates of title par. 3); it would render thing unserviceable; but can
issued to the Bagayas brothers. It was ruled that 7. To Exercise legal redemption; terminate co-ownership;
1. Right to property owned in common
it was not a direct attack, therefore cannot be 8. To ask for Partition (NCC, Art. 494); 8. After partition, duty to render mutual
used. The complaint is not covered by the 9. Right to exempt himself from obligation of accounting of benefits and reimbursements
NOTE: Each co-owner is granted the right to
intention of the decree. (Bagayas v. Bagas, G.R. paying necessary expenses and taxes by for expenses.
use the property owned in common for the
Nos. 187308 & 187517, September 18, 2013) renouncing his share in the pro-indiviso
purpose for which it is intended.
interest; but cannot be made if prejudicial to Rights of a co-owner to third parties
Art. 486. Each co-owner may use the thing co-ownership (NCC, Art.488);
Two restrictions in the enjoyment of this
owned in common, provided he does so in 10. Right to make repairs for preservation of 1. Assignees or creditors of the co-owners may
accordance with the purpose for which it is things can be made at will of one co-owner; take part in the division of the thing owned
a. The co- ownership shall not be
intended and in such a way as not to injure receive reimbursement therefrom; notice of in common and object to it being effected
injured; and
the interest of the co-ownership or prevent necessity of such repairs must be given to without their concurrence, but they cannot
b. The exercise of such right shall not
the other co-owners from using it according co- owners, if practicable (NCC, Art.489); impugn any partition already executed; and
prevent the other co- owners from
to their rights. The purpose of the co- 11. Right to full ownership of his part and fruits.
using the property according to their
ownership may be changed by agreement, (NCC, Art. 493); XPN: If there has been fraud or it was made
own rights.
express or implied. 12. Right to alienate, assign or mortgage own notwithstanding their formal opposition
part; except personal rights like right to use presented to prevent it, without prejudice
2. Full ownership over his/her ideal share
and habitation (NCC, Art.493); to the right of the debtor or assignor to
13. Right of pre-emption; maintain its validity. (NCC, Art. 497)
NOTE: A co-owner has full ownership of his
14. Right to be adjudicated thing (subject to
General rights of each co-owner as to the share (undivided interest) and the fruits and
right of others to be indemnified); and 2. Non-intervenors Retain rights of mortgage
thing owned in common (USA-COPE-P) benefits arising therefrom. Being the full owner
15. Right to share in proceeds of sale of thing if and servitude and other real rights and
thereof, he may alienate, assign or mortgage it.
thing is indivisible and they cannot agree personal rights belonging to them before
1. To Use the thing according to the purpose He can also substitute another person in the
that it be allotted to one of them. (NCC, partition was made.
intended provided that: enjoyment of his share, except only when
a. It is without prejudice to the interest of personal rights are involved.
Any of the co-owners may bring an action in
the co-ownership; and
Duties/liabilities of co-owners ejectment
b. Without preventing the use of other co- Q: Melecio Heirs inherited a residential lot,
owners. (NCC, Art. 486) ancestral house and two other structures
1. Share in charges proportional to respective One of the co-
erected thereon, the administration and
interest; stipulation to contrary is void; against a defendant is deemed to be instituted
NOTE: The purpose of the co-ownership may management of which were left to the care of
2. Pay necessary expenses and taxes May be for the benefit of all co-owners of the property.
be changed by an agreement, express or Erna who was then residing in their ancestral
exercised by only one co-owner; (Resuena v. CA, G.R. No. 128338, March 28, 2005)
implied. home. The Melecio Heirs purportedly
3. Pay useful and luxurious expenses If
executed a notarized Special Power of
determined by majority; Consent of the co-owners is not required to
2. To Share in the benefits in proportion to his Attorney (SPA) authorizing Erna to apply for
4. Duty to obtain consent of all if thing is to be bring an action for ejectment
interest, provided the charges are borne in a loan with RBCI and mortgage the subject
altered even if beneficial; resort to court if
the same proportion (NCC, Art. 485); properties. Erna defaulted in the loan
non-consent is manifestly prejudicial; The law does not require that consent of all the
payment causing RBCI to extrajudicially
5. Duty to obtain consent of majority with co- owners must be first secured before one of
NOTE: A contrary stipulation is void. Hence, foreclose the mortgaged properties.
regards to administration and better them can bring an action for ejectment. If the
benefits cannot be stipulated upon by the co- demanded RBCI to release the subject
enjoyment of the thing; controlling interest; case does not prosper:
owners. properties from the coverage of Erna's loan
court intervention if prejudicial
obligation to the extent of their shares and
Appointment of administrator; GR: The other co-owners are NOT bound by the
3. Each co-owner may bring an Action for refused to vacate the premises. RBCI applied
ejectment (NCC, Art. 487); for and was issued a writ of possession. The
6. No prescription to run in favor of a co-owner
Melecio Heirs filed a complaint in court
as long as he recognizes co-ownership; XPN: If they were also served with summons,
NOTE: Action for ejectment covers; forcible alleging that the SPA submitted by Erna was
even as unwilling plaintiffs.
entry, unlawful detainer, accion publiciana, spurious and their signatures appearing


Civil Law Property
thereon were falsified. Is the mortgage of the et. al. sought to annul the Real Estate such a way as not to injure the interest of the co- Transitory in Permanent
entire property valid? Mortgage. They averred that Roque Magsano ownership or prevent the other co-owners from character.
passed away prior to the execution of the using it according to their rights. Does not affect the Affects or relates to
A: NO. Erna did not validly mortgage the entire Real Estate Mortgage; hence, the mortgage substance or form. the substance or
property. While Erna, as herself a co-owner, by was void, and could not have conferred any NOTE: If one co-owner alone occupies the entire essence of the
virtue of Article 493 of the Civil Code, had the right to PSLB which it could pass to Sps. house without opposition from the other co- thing.
right to mortgage or even sell her undivided Manuel. PSLB and the heirs of Sps. Manuel owners, and there is no lease agreement, the
In relation to the Require the
interest in the said properties, she, could not, denied knowledge of the death of Roque, and other co-owners cannot demand the payment of right of a co-owner, consent of all co-
however, dispose of or mortgage the subject averred that petitioners have no cause of rent.
they require the owners.
properties in their entirety without the consent action to seek the annulment of the Real
consent of the
of the other co-owners. The settled rule is that Estate Mortgage since they were not parties Rules on determination of the purpose of the majority who
persons constituting a mortgage must be legally thereto. property
represents the
authorized for the purpose. In the present case, 1. Is the Real Estate Mortgage void?
controlling interest.
while Erna appears to be a co-owner of the 2. Are Sps. Manuel purchasers in good faith? 1. Purpose stipulated in the agreement, express
Can be exercised by Must be exercised
mortgaged properties, she made it appear that or implied;
the co- by the co-owners
she was duly authorized to sell the entire A: 2. In default thereof, its purpose ordinarily
owners through themselves.
properties by virtue of the notarized SPA. (Rural 1. NO. The validity of the Mortgage in favor of adapted based on its nature; or
other persons.
Bank of Cabadbaran, Inc. v. Jorgita A. Melecio-Yap 3. In default thereof, the use for which it was
et. al, G.R. No. 178451, July 30, 2014) portion. At the time the Mortgage was formerly intended.
Effect of alteration without the express or
constituted, Roque was already deceased.
implied consent of co-owners
Q: Vda. Rosario is the registered owner of 4 ACTS OF ALTERATION
parcels of land, which she mortgaged to and partnership between him and Susana was
The co-owner who makes the alteration shall:
foreclosed. Upon the expiration of the dissolved. Thus, an implied co-ownership Alteration (2008 BAR)
redemption period, she asked the assistance arose among Susana and the other heirs of
1. Lose what he has spent;
of Bobby Tan. Thereafter, she sold the lands Roque with respect to his share in the It is a change which is more or less permanent, 2. Be obliged to demolish the improvements
to him. The children of Vda. Rosario said they assets of the conjugal partnership pending which changes the use of the thing and which done; and
are co-owners as they are inheritors of their liquidation. prejudices the condition of the thing or its 3. Pay for the loss and damages the
deceased father, whose approval was needed enjoyment by the others. (Paras, 2008) community property or other co-owners
to dispose the subject properties. Are the While she herself as co-owner had the right
may have suffered.
subject properties of conjugal in nature, thus to mortgage or even sell her undivided Alteration includes the act by virtue of which a
making the children of Vda. Rosario co- interest in the subject property, she could co- owner changes the thing from the state in NOTE: Estoppel will operate against the co-
owners? not mortgage or otherwise dispose of the which the others believe it should remain. It is owners who were aware of the execution of the
same in its entirety without the consent of not limited to material charges. acts of alteration, but did not object thereto.
A: NO. SC ruled that Vda. Rosario is the sole the other co-owners.
They are deemed to have given their implied
owner of the parcel of lands. Conjugal Acts of administration v. Acts of alteration consent.
partnership terminates upon the death of one 2. NO. While the rule is that every person
spouse. Vda. Rosario was already a widow when dealing with registered land may safely rely
ACTS OF ACTS OF Conversion
she sold the subjected lands to Bobby Tan. on the correctness of the certificate of title
Therefore, at the time of the sale, Vda. Rosario, a issued therefor and the law will in no way ADMINISTRATION ALTERATION
widow, can now dispose the properties on her oblige him to go beyond the certificate to
Refers to the Acts, by virtue of property without lawful authority to do so in a
own volition. (Bobby Tan v. Grace Andrade, G.R. determine the condition of the property,
enjoyment, which, a co-owner, manner different from that with which a
No. 171904, August 07, 2013) where the land sold is in the possession of a
exploitation, in opposition to the property is held by the trustees to whom the
person other than the vendor, as in this
alteration of the expressed or tacit owner had entrusted the same. It is not
Q: Spouses Roque Magsano and Susana case, the purchaser must go beyond the
thing which do not agreement of all necessary that the use for which the property is
Capelo (Sps. Magsano), the parents of Norma, certificate of title and make inquiries
affect its substance, the co- owners, and given be directly to the advantage of the person
et. al., executed in favor of PSLB a Real Estate concerning the actual possessor. (Norma C.
form, or purpose. in violation of their misappropriating or converting the property of
Mortgage over their parcel of land as security Magsano, et. al. v. Pangasinan Savings &
will, changes the another.
for their loan. Sps. Magsano defaulted in their Loan Bank, G.R. No. 215038, October 17,
thing from the state
obligation, causing the extra-judicial 2016)
in which the others RIGHT TO PARTITION
foreclose of the mortgaged property in which
believe it would
PSLB emerged as the highest bidder. It Co-
remain, or Rights of co-owners as to the ideal share of
subsequently sold the subject land to Sps. in common
withdraws it from each (FARTS)
Manuel. Thereafter, Sps. Magsano refused to
the use to which
Each co-owner may use the thing owned in
they believe it is 1. Each has Full ownership of his part and of
hence, the latter applied for and was granted common, provided he does so in accordance
intended. his share of the fruits and benefits;
a writ of possession and demolition. Norma with the purpose for which it is intended and in


Civil Law Property
2. Right to Alienate, dispose or encumber; Q: X, Y, Z are siblings who inherited a 1O- adverse to the cestui que trust or the other co- acquisitive prescription of ownership, laches
3. Right to Renounce part of his interest to storey building from their parents. They owners provided the following elements must and prescription of the action for partition will
reimburse necessary expenses incurred by agreed in writing to maintain it as a co- concur: not lie in favor of Pastor. (Salvador v. CA, G.R.
another co-owner; owned property for leasing out and to divide No. 109910, April 5, 1995)
4. Right to enter into Transaction affecting his the net profits among themselves equally for 1. That he has performed unequivocal acts of
ideal share; and a period of 20 years. On the 9th year, X repudiation amounting to an ouster of the Notice of the proposed partition to creditors
wanted to get out of the co-ownership so he cestui que trust or the other co- owners; and/or assignees
NOTE: The transaction affects only his could get his 1/3 share in the property. Y 2. That such positive acts of repudiation have
ideal share and not that of the other co- and Z refused, saying X is bound by their been made known to the cestui que trust or The law does not require that a notification be
owners. agreement to keep the co- ownership for 20 the other co-owners; and given but:
years. Are Y and Z correct? Explain. (2015 3. That the evidence thereon must be clear 1. If notice is given it is their duty to appear
5. Right to Substitute another person in its Bar) and convincing. (Salvador v. CA, G.R. No. to concur /oppose,
enjoyment, except when personal rights are 109910, April 5, 1995) claims are deemed waived; and
involved. A: Y and Z ARE PARTLY CORRECT. If the co- 2. If no notice is given creditors and/or
owners agree to keep the thing undivided, such NOTE: Prescription begins to run from the time assignees may still question the partition
NOTE: Personal rights or jus in personam agreement shall govern provided the period of repudiation. made on ground of fraud or for being
is the power belonging to one person to shall not exceed ten (10) years. In this case, the prejudicial to existing rights.
demand from another, as a definite passive agreement to keep the thing undivided shall be Example of acts of repudiation: filing of an
subject- debtor, the fulfillment of a valid at the most for 10 years. (NCC, Art. 494) action to: NOTE: Third persons who have rights attached
prestation to give, to do, or not to do. to the community property before its partition,
(Paras, 2008) When partition is not allowed 1. Quiet title; or shall retain such rights even after the partition
2. Recovery of ownership. of the property. The protection granted by law
Right to demand partition 1. When indivision within 10 years is applies to both real and personal rights.
stipulated by the co-owners; XPN to XPN: Constructive trusts can prescribe. (Pineda, 2009)
GR: Every co-owner has the right to demand 2. When co-ownership is imposed as a Express trust cannot prescribe as long as the
partition. (NCC, Art. 494) (2000, 2002, 2008 condition in a donation or in a last will and relationship between trustor and trustee is Impugning partition already implemented
BAR) testament; recognized. (Paras, 2008)
3. When from the nature of the property in GR: A partition already executed or
XPNs: (EASI-PAUL) common, it cannot just be divided (without Q: The two lots owned by Alipio were implemented CANNOT be impugned.
1. When partition would render the thing following the requisites of the law) such as inherited by his nine children, including
Unserviceable; conjugal property and party walls; XPNs:
2. When the thing is essentially Indivisible; 4. When partition will render the property husband, filed a complaint for quieting of 1. In case of fraud, regardless of notification
3. When partition is prohibited by Law by unserviceable for the use and purpose for title and annulment of documents against and opposition; or
reason of their origin or juridical nature - which it is intended; and the spouses Yabo, alleging that he owned a 2. In case partition was made over their
e.g. party walls and fences; 5. When the issue of ownership had not been total of 8 shares of the subject lots, having objection even in absence of fraud. (NCC,
4. When the co-owners Agree to keep the definitely resolved, it is premature to effect purchased the shares of seven of Alipio's Article 497)
property undivided for a period of time but a partition of the properties. (Pineda, 2009) children and inherited the share of his wife,
not more than 10 years; Maria, and that he occupied, cultivated, and Remedies available to co-owners where the
5. When partition is Prohibited by the Prescription possessed continuously, openly, peacefully, co- owned property cannot be physically
transferor (donor/testator) but not more Q: May prescription run against a co-owner? and exclusively the parcels of land. He divided without rendering it useless or
than 20 years (NCC, Art. 1083); (2000, 2002, 2008 BAR) prayed that he be declared the absolute unserviceable (NCC, Art. 498)
6. When a co-owner possessed the property owner of 8/9 of the lots. His co-heirs then
as an Exclusive owner for a period GR: As long as the co-owner expressly or instituted an action to partition the lots. Did 1. Agree on the allotment of the entire
sufficient to acquire it through prescription impliedly recognizes the co-ownership, Pastor acquire by prescription the shares of property to one of them who in turn will
(acquisitive prescription); prescription cannot run in favor of or against his other co-heirs or co-owners? indemnify the others for their respective
NOTE: 10 years ordinary prescription, 30 him. interests; or
years extra-ordinary partition. A: NO. The only act which may be deemed as 2. Sell the property and distribute the
7. When co-owners may agree that it be Reason: Possession of a co-owner is like that of repudiation by Pastor of the co-ownership over proceeds to the co-owners. (Pineda, 2009)
Allotted to one of them reimbursing the a trustee and shall not be regarded as adverse the lots is his filing of an action to quiet title.
others; and to the other co-owners but in fact is beneficial The period of prescription started to run only Rights of third persons that are not affected
8. If they cannot agree, they may Sell the thing to all of them. Acts considered adverse to from this repudiation. However, this was tolled by partition (MRS-P)
and distribute the proceeds. strangers may not be considered adverse when his co-heirs, instituted an action for
insofar as co-owners are concerned. (Salvador partition of the lots. Hence, the adverse 1. Rights of
NOTE: The right to ask for partition CANNOT be v. CA, G.R. No. 109910, April 5, 1995) possession by Pastor being for only about six a. Mortgage;
waived or renounced permanently. Such waiver months would not vest in him exclusive b. Servitude; and
or renunciation is void. XPN: Co-owner's possession may be deemed ownership of his wife's estate, and absent c. Any other Real rights existing before


Civil Law Property
partition. Acts of preservation (NCC, Art.489) obligation (i.e. from sum of money to interest in her rights to the other half was vested to her
2. Personal rights pertaining to third persons Acts of preservation may be made in the the co-ownership). Consequently, the consent heirs including Villaner and their 8 legitimate
against the co-ownership. (NCC, Art. 499) property of the co-owners at the will of one of of the other co-owner who made the advances children. (Acabal v. Acabal, G.R. No. 148376,
the co- owners, but he must, if practicable, first is necessary. (Tolentino, 2013) March 31, 2005)
Illustration: A, B and C where co-owners of notify the others of the necessity of such
parcel of land mortgaged to M. If A, B, and C repairs. Renunciation CANNOT be made without the Status of the sale by a co-owner
should physically partition the property, the consent of any unpaid creditor. This is because
Acts requiring the majority consent of the it is in effect a novation by substitution. It will A sale of the entire property by one co-owner
lots, which, together, formerly constituted one co- owners prejudice the rights of the unpaid creditor. without the consent of the other co-owners is
single parcel. If A alone had contracted an valid. However, it will only affect the interest or
unsecured obligation, he would of course be the 1. Management; RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF share in the undivided property of the co-
only one responsible. (Paras, 2008) 2. Enjoyment; and CO-OWNERS SHARE owner who sold the same. The remedy is an
3. Improvement or embellishment. action for partition under Rule 69 of the
Rights of third persons in case of partition The shares of all or any other co-owner if sold Revised Rules of Court, the division of the
(NCC, Art. 499) Remedy of the minority who opposes the to a third person may be redeemed by a co- common property. (Acabal v. Acabal, G.R. No.
decision of the majority in co-ownership owner. 148376, March 31, 2005)
1. The partition of a thing owned in common Minority may appeal to the court against the If two or more co-owners want to redeem, they
shall not prejudice third persons, who shall may do so in proportion to the shares they TERMINATION/EXTINGUISHMENT
retain the rights of mortgage, servitude or prejudicial. respectively have.
any other real rights belonging to them Extinguishment of Co-ownership (CALSTEP)
before the division was made; and There is no majority unless the resolution is Effect of redemption by a co-owner
2. Personal rights pertaining to them against approved by the co-owners who represent the 1. Confusion or merger of the rights in one co-
the co-ownership shall also remain in force, controlling interest in the object of the co- Redemption of the whole property by a co- owner;
notwithstanding the partition. ownership. [NCC, Art. 492(2)] owner does not vest in him sole ownership over 2. Acquisitive prescription in favor of a third
said property. Redemption within the period person or a co-owner who repudiates;
RIGHT TO CONTRIBUTION FOR EXPENSES WAIVER prescribed by law will inure to the benefit of all 3. Loss or destruction of thing co-owned;
co-owners. Hence, it will not put an end to 4. Sale of thing co-owned;
Expenses which the co-owners can be A co-owner may opt not to contribute to the existing co-ownership. (Mariano v. CA, GR. No. 5. Termination of period agreed upon;
compelled to contribute expenses for the preservation of the 101522, May 28, 1993) 6. Expropriation; or
property 7. Judicial or extra-judicial Partition.
Only necessary expenses. Useful expenses and Right of legal redemption cannot be
those for pure luxury are not included. GR: YES, by renouncing his undivided interest exercised when there is no co-ownership EFFECT OF PARTITION
equal to the amount of contribution.
Necessary expenses, useful expenses, and Once the property is subdivided and distributed 1. It confers upon the co-owner exclusive title
expenses of pure luxury defined XPN: If the waiver or renunciation is prejudicial among the co-owners, the community ceases to over the property adjudicated to him (NCC,
to the co-ownership, otherwise he cannot exist and there is no more reason to sustain any Art. 1091); and
Are those made for the exempt himself from the contribution. (NCC, right of legal redemption. The exercise of this 2. Possession of the co-owner over the
preservation of the thing, or Art. 488) right presupposes the existence of a co- property adjudicated to him shall be
those without which the thing ownership at the time the conveyance is made deemed exclusive for the period during
would deteriorate or be lost, or NOTE: The value of the property at the time of by a co-owner and when it is demanded by the which the co-possession lasted. (NCC, Art.
Necessary those that augment the income the renunciation will be the basis of the portion other co-owners. (Vda. de Ape v. CA, G.R. No. 543) In other words, it is deemed
Expenses of the things upon which are to be renounced. 133638, April 15, 2005) continuous.
expended, or those incurred for 3. By judicial proceedings. (NCC, Art. 496)
cultivation, production, upkeep, Failure or refusal of a co-owner to A co-owner cannot alienate the shares of his
etc. (Mendoza v. De Guzman, G.R. contribute pro rata to his share in expenses other co-owners Rule in case the co-owners cannot agree in
No. L-28721 October 5, 1928) NOT tantamount to renunciation the partition
Incurred for the preservation of While a co-owner has the right to freely sell and
the realty in order that it may There must be an express renunciation, dispose of his undivided interest, nevertheless, 1. If realty is involved, an action for partition
Useful otherwise he is required to reimburse the as a co-owner, he cannot alienate the shares of
produce the natural, industrial, (Rule 69, Rules of Court) against the co-
and civil fruits it ordinarily others for the expenses they incurred. his other co-owners. The disposition made by owners may be filed; and
produces. Villaner affects only his share pro indiviso, and 2. In case of personality and actual partition
Adds value to the thing only for Effect of renunciation the transferee gets only what corresponds to could not be made, it may be sold under the
certain persons in view of their his grantor's share in the partition of the discretion of the court and the proceeds be
Ornamental Since renunciation is intended as payment for property owned in common. The property
particular whims, neither divided among the owners after deducting
Expenses expenses already made, it is in nature of dacion being conjugal, Villaner's interest in it is the
essential for preservation nor the necessary expenses.
useful to everybody in general. en pago - there is a change in the object of the undivided one-half portion. When his wife died,


Civil Law Property
Rule in case the co-owners cannot agree as the necessary expenses. GR: All things and rights susceptible of being 2. According to the concept of possession
to the partition of a thing which is appropriated. (NCC, Art. 530) a. In the concept of an owner (en concepto
essentially indivisible Rule in case the co-owners cannot agree as de dueno) possessor, by his actions, is
to the partition of a thing which is XPNs: believed by others as the owner,
1. Firstly, the property may be allotted to one essentially indivisible 1. Res communes; whether he is in good or bad faith. (NCC,
of the co-owners, who shall indemnify the 2. Property of public dominion; Art. 525) Such possessor is presumed to
other; or 1. Firstly, the property may be allotted to one 3. Easement; and possess just title (NCC, Art. 540);
2. Otherwise, it shall be sold, and the proceeds of the co-owners, who shall indemnify the 4. Prohibited by law. b. In the concept of a holder possessor
distributed. (NCC, Art. 498) other; or holds it merely to keep or enjoy it, the
2. Otherwise, it shall be sold, and the proceeds Degrees of possession ownership pertaining to another; e.g.
Acts of co-ownership distributed. (NCC, Art. 498) usufructuary with respect to the thing
1. Possession with no right or title itself. (NCC, Art. 525)
1. Ejectment any of the co-owners may file Acts of co-ownership (Grammatical Degree) Possessor knows
such action. that his possession is wrongful. NOTE: None of these holders may assert a
2. Administration majority of the co- owners 1. Ejectment any of the co-owners may file claim of ownership for himself over the
shall decide. such action. e.g. possession by a thief. thing but they may be considered as
3. Improvements majority of the co-owners 2. Administration majority of the co- owners 2. With Juridical title (Juridicial Possession) possessors in the concept of an owner, or
shall take part. shall decide. Title is not one of ownership. Possession under a claim of ownership, with respect to
4. Alteration all of the co-owners must agree. 3. Improvements majority of the co-owners peaceably acquired and will not ripen into the right they respectively exercise over the
5. Preservation any of the co-owners can do shall take part. full ownership as long as there is no thing.
so. 4. Alteration all of the co-owners must agree. repudiation of the concept under which There can be possession in concept of both
5. Preservation any of the co-owners can do property is held. owner and holder or in either.
IN CASE OF PARTITION e.g. possession of a tenant, depositary. 3. According to the condition of the mind
Obligations of co-owners upon partition 3. With Just title sufficient to transfer a. Possession in good faith possessor is
(WARD) It refers to the holding of a thing or the ownership, but not from the true owner (Real not aware that there is in his title or
enjoyment of a right. (NCC, Art. 523) (2007 Possessory Right) ripens to full ownership mode of acquisition a defect that
1. Mutual Accounting for benefits received, BAR) by the lapse of time. invalidates it (NCC, Art. 526); and
fruits and other benefits (in relation to Art. b. Possession In bad faith possessor is
1087 of NCC); Requisites of possession (EPAV) e.g. Possession of a buyer of a car aware of the invalidating defect in his
2. Mutual Reimbursements for expenses; purchased from one who pretends to be the own title. (NCC, Art. 526)
3. Indemnity for Damages caused by reason of 1. Existence of the thing or right; owner.
negligence/fraud; and Reciprocal Warranty 2. Possession in fact or holding or control of a NOTE: Only personal knowledge of the flaw
for defects of title and quality of the portion thing or right; 4. With a title in fee Simple (Dominium
assigned to the co-owner. (NCC, Articles. 3. Animus possidendi or the deliberate Possession) Arises from ownership; make him possessor in bad faith. It is not
500-501) intention to possess; and highest degree of possession; perfect transmissible even to an heir. Possession in
4. Possession is by Virtue possession. good faith ceases from the moment defects
PARTITION IN CASE CO-OWNERS either as an owner or as a holder. in his title are made known to the
Right TO Possession v. Right OF Possession
1. According to the name used as to its 4. According to extent of possession
Partition is effected either by (1998 BAR):
Right TO Possession Right OF Possession existence a. Actual possession occupancy in fact of
Jus possidendi Jus possessionis a. possessor claims the whole or at least substantially the
1. By agreement between the parties; or
An incident or An independent right, the thing for himself. (NCC, Art. 524) whole property; and
2. By judicial proceedings. (NCC, Art. 496)
attribute of separate from b. In the name of another held by the b. Constructive possession occupancy of
ownership over a ownership. possessor for another; agent, subject part, in the name of the whole, under
Rule in case the co-owners cannot agree in
thing. to authority and ratification; if not such circumstances that the law extends
the partition
authorized, negotiorum gestio. (NCC, the occupancy to the possession of the
e.g. The owner of a e.g. The lessee of a
Art. 524) whole.
1. If realty is involved, an action for partition house is entitled to property, who is not
(Rule 69, Rules of Court) against the co- possess it. the owner thereof, is i. Voluntary by virtue of an
entitled to possess it agreement; e.g. possession of an Q: What is the doctrine of constructive
owners may be filed; and
for the period of the agent. possession?
2. In case of personality and actual partition
could not be made, it may be sold under the lease. ii. Legal by virtue of law; e.g.
possession in behalf of A: The possession of a part is a possession of
discretion of the court and the proceeds be
incapacitated. the whole. To be considered in possession, one
divided among the owners after deducting Object of possession


Civil Law Property
need not have actual or physical occupation of desire to obtain title to the property and possession of the subject property? foreclosure sale becomes merely a ministerial
every square inch of the property at all times. announces his adverse claim against the State function, unless it appears that the property is
(Habagat Grill v. DMC-Urban Property and all other interested parties, but also the A: YES, respondents have the better right to the in possession of a third party claiming a right
Developer, Inc., G.R. No. 155110, March 31, 2005) intention to contribute needed revenues to the ownership and possession of the subject adverse to that of the mortgagor.
s property. The basis is the LRA certification,
Requisites of constructive possession bona fide claim of acquisition of ownership. daybook entry, and Decree No. 98992 that was Gerry Centeno acquired the subject lots from
(Ganila v. CA, G.R. No. 150755, June 28, 2005) issued to Emiliana Bacalso. The Decree bars all his parents, Sps. Centeno, on March 14, 1988
1. Possessor was in actual possession of a claims and rights which arose as may have after they were purchased by Rural Bank of Sta.
portion or part of the property; ACQUISITION OF POSSESSION existed prior to the decree of registration. Barbara, Inc. and its Certificate of Sale at Public
2. Claim of ownership of the whole area; (Heirs of Alejandra Delfin v. Alevina Rabadon, Auction was registered with the Register of
3. Remainder of the area must not be in the Modes of acquiring possession G.R. No. 165014, July 31, 2013) Deeds of Iloilo City in 1971. It cannot therefore
adverse possession of another person; and be disputed that Gerry is a mere successor-in-
4. Area claimed must be reasonable. 1. By Material occupation (detention) of a Q: Spouses Gregorio and Rosario Centeno interest of Sps. Centeno. Consequently, he
thing or the exercise of a right (quasi- previously owned the subject lots, which cannot be deemed as a third party who is
Possession vs. Occupation (2007 BAR) possession); they mortgaged in favor of Rural Bank of Sta. holding the property adversely to the judgment
POSSESSION OCCUPATION This includes: Barbara, Inc. as security for a P1,753.65 obligor under legal contemplation. (Rural Bank
Apply to properties Applies only to a. Constitutum possessorium when the loan. Sps. Centeno, however, defaulted on of Sta. Barbara, Inc. v. Gerry Centeno, G.R. No.
whether with or property without an possessor who is the owner of the the loan, prompting the bank to cause the 200667, March 11, 2013)
without an owner. owner property continues his possession no extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage.
Possession does not Occupation confers longer under a title of ownership but Consequently, the subject lots were sold to Essential elements of acquiring possession
confer ownership. ownership. under a title less than ownership, i.e. the bank, being the highest bidder at the
There can be There can be no lessee, depositary, etc. auction sale. Sps. Centeno failed to redeem 1. Corpus Refers to the existence of the thing
possession without occupation without b. Traditio brevi manu when the the subject lots within the one-year and its holding; and
ownership ownership. possessor who is possessing the thing redemption period pursuant to Section 6 of 2. Animus Refers to the intent to possess the
by a title other than ownership, Act No. 3135. Yet, they still continued with thing.
Person declared as the owner of a certain continues to possess it under a new title, the possession and cultivation of the
property may still not be entitled to its now of ownership. aforesaid properties. Actual possession distinguished from
possession constructive possession
2. By Subjection of the thing/right to our will Gerry Centeno, son of Sps. Centeno, later on
Possession and ownership are distinct legal which does not require actual physical purchased the said lots from his parents. Actual possession consists in the manifestation
concepts. Ownership confers certain rights to detention or seizure; and Accordingly, Rosario paid the capital gains of acts of dominion over property of such a
the owner among which are the right to enjoy taxes on the sale transaction and tax nature as a party would naturally exercise over
the thing owned and the right to exclude other This includes: declarations were eventually issued in the his own; Constructive possession may be had
persons from possession thereof. On the other a. Traditio longa manu delivery by name of Gerry. through succession, donation, execution of
hand, possession is defined as the holding of a consent or mere pointing. public instruments, or the possession by a
thing or the enjoyment of a right. Literally, to b. Traditio symbolica delivery of a mere On March 19, 1998, Rural Bank of Sta. sheriff by virtue of a court order. (Remington
possess means to actually and physically symbol (e.g. key) placing the thing Barbara, Inc. filed a petition for the issuance Industrial Sales Corp v. CYMCAPI, G.R. No.
occupy a thing with or without a right. Thus, a under the control of the transferee. of a writ of possession before the trial court, 171858, January 22, 2007)
person may be declared an owner but not claiming entitlement to the said writ by
entitled to possession. (Heirs of Roman Soriano 3. By constructive possession or proper Acts virtue of the Final Deed of Sale covering the Acquisition of possession according to
v. CA, G.R. No. 128177, August 15, 2001) and legal Formalities established by law subject lots. Gerry opposed the petition, person of possessor (NCC, Art. 532)
such as succession, donation, execution of arguing that he purchased and has, in fact,
Tax declarations are not conclusive public instruments. (NCC, Art. 531) been in actual, open and exclusive 1. Personal The possession acquired by the
evidence of ownership possession of the same properties for at same person who is to enjoy it, either the
Q: Respondents inherited the subject least 15 years. Is the Rural Bank of Sta. owner or a mere holder.
Although tax declarations or realty tax payment property from Emiliana Bacalso, by virtue of Barbara, Inc. is entitled to a writ of
of property are not conclusive evidence of Decree No. 98992. Sometime later, they possession over the subject lots? Requisites:
ownership, nevertheless, they are good indicia found the heirs of Alejandra Delfin to be a. Capacity to possess;
of possession in the concept of owner for no occupying the said property, to which they A: YES. It is well-established that after b. Intent to possess; and
one in his right mind would be paying taxes for even constructed houses there. The heirs c. Object must be capable of being
a property that is not in his actual or at least argued they have better right for it was for failure of the mortgagor to redeem the possessed.
constructive possession. They constitute at inherited to them after it was bought by the property, the purchasers right to possession
least proof that the holder has a claim of title predecessor from Emiliana Bacalso; also, ripens into the absolute right of a confirmed 2. Through an authorized person Acquisition
over the property. The voluntary declaration of they are the ones paying the subject owner. At that point, the issuance of a writ of of possession through a legal
a piece of property for taxation purposes possession, upon proper application and proof representative as provided by law or by
manifests no have the better right to the ownership and of title, to a purchaser in an extrajudicial appointing an agent.


Civil Law Property
Requisites: the father in GOOD FAITH is added to the but later on such objection ceases, the Rule when two or more persons claim
a. Capacity to possess of the possession of the son in GOOD FAITH, and we possession begun by force or intimidation may possession over the same property
representative or agent; cannot say that the effects of possession in good be acquired. (Paras, 2008)
b. Authority to possess (for another) of GR: Possession as a fact cannot be recognized at
the representative or agent; death. (Paras, 2008) Through acts executed clandestinely and the same time in two different personalities.
c. Intent to possess for principal; and without the knowledge of the possessor
d. Principal has intent and capacity to Acquisition of minors or incapacitated XPN:
possess persons NOTE: Clandestine possession by itself is hidden 1. Co-possessors (since here, there is no
or disguised possession conflict of interest, both of them acting as
3. Through a person without authority (but Minors or incapacitated persons may acquire co-owners, as in the case of property owned
only if subsequently ratified) acquisition of the possession of things; but they need the Acts merely tolerated by the owner or the or possessed in common).
possession through a person who is not assistance of their legal representatives for lawful possessor. 2. Possession in different concepts or
clothed with authority by the supposed them to be able to exercise the rights arising different degrees (e.g. both owner and
from the possession. (NCC, Art. 535) tenant are possessors as a fact at the same
from abandonment. If an owner abandons, as time; the first, in the concept of owner; the
Requisites: NOTE: Minors and incapacitated persons may when within the proper period for prescription, second, in the concept of holder; other
a. Intent to possess for another the acquire property or rights by prescription, he brings no action, the possession of another examples: principal and agent; depositor
either personally or thru their parents, will ripen into ownership. As a matter of fact, and depositary; owner and administrator).
b. guardians, or legal representatives. (NCC, Art. silence or inaction is NEGLIGENCE, not (Paras, 2008)
and 1107) tolerance. But where a person occupies
c. Ratification by Rules to follow in case there is a dispute of
tolerance), the occupier, no matter how long he possession of two or more persons
NOTE: The ratification does not suppress the possession may remain, can never acquire ownership,
consequences of negotiorum gestio. (Art. 2144) because he never had possession. Whether 1. Present/actual possessor shall be
The principal is deemed to have acquired Possession is allowed only in those matters there was permission, or there has been an preferred;
possession from the time the gestor had where they have capacity to act (as in the case abandonment, is a question of fact. Of course, it 2. If there are two possessors, the one longer
voluntarily took the management of the affairs of physical seizure of res nullius or donation of is possible that although there was permission in possession; or
of the former. (Pineda, 2009) If the stranger personal property simultaneously delivered to at first, the permission was subsequently 3. If the dates of possession are the same, the
(gestor) had possessed it in his own name, it is them) and NOT possession where juridical acts withdrawn, and abandonment has resulted. But one with a title.
he who had possession, and not the so-called are imperative like the possession of land the this must be proved by clear and convincing 4. If both claimants have titles, the competent
(Paras, 2008) ownership of which he desires to test in court, evidence. (Paras, 2008) court will determine the rightful possessor,
for in such a case, and in similar ones, the and in the meantime, the thing shall be
Acquisition of possession thru succession intervention of the legal representatives or How to recover possession placed in judicial deposit. (NCC, Art. 538)
guardians is needed. (Paras, 2008)
One who succeeds by hereditary title shall not First, he should request the usurper to give up Only the possession acquired and enjoyed in the
suffer the consequences of the wrongful Acts which do not give rise to possession the thing and if the latter refuses, the former concept of owner can serve as a title for
possession of the decedent, if it is not shown (FATV) should invoke the aid of the proper and acquiring dominion. (NCC, Art. 540)
that he was aware of the flaws affecting it; but competent court (that which has jurisdiction
the effects of possession in good faith shall not 1. Through Force or intimidation as long as over the subject matter and the parties). NOTE: Art. 538 applies to preference of
benefit him except from the date of death of the there is a possessor who objects thereto (Repide v. Astuar, G.R. No. 505, April 8, 1902) POSSESSION (whether real or personal
decedent. (NCC Art. 534) (NCC, Art. 536); (2006 BAR) Otherwise, the owner can be made the property is involved). It also applies whether
2. Through Acts executed clandestinely and defendant in a forcible entry case with all its the possession was longer or shorter than one
Effects without the knowledge of the possessor repercussions. (Santiago v. Cruz, G.R. No. 6276. year. Art. 1544 applies to preference of
which means that: March 21, 1911) (Paras, 2008) OWNERSHIP in case of DOUBLE SALE (Art.
If the father or decedent was in bad faith, it a. Acts are not public; and 1544) or a DOUBLE DONATION. (NCC, Art. 744)
does not necessarily mean that the son was also b. Unknown to the owner or Possession by Force or Violence (Paras, 2008)
in bad faith. The son is presumed to be in GOOD possessor
FAITH. (Arriola v. De la Serna, G.R. No. L-5397, 3. Acts merely Tolerated by the owner or the The force may be: EFFECTS OF POSSESSION
December 17, 1909) However, since the father lawful possessor; and 1. Actual or merely threatened;
was in BAD FAITH, the consequences of the 4. Acts executed by Violence. (NCC, Art 537) 2. Done by possessor himself or by his agent;
GOOD FAITH of the son should be counted only 3. Done against the owner or against any
death. Through Force or intimidation as long as
One is a possessor is in good faith when he is
there is a possessor who objects thereto. representative, such as a capataz; or
NOTE: If the father had been in GOOD FAITH, (NCC, Art. 536) 4. Done to oust possessor; or if occupied not aware that there exists in his title or mode
the article is not applicable, for the son would of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.
NOTE: Impliedly, if at first there was objection his getting back the premises. (Paras, 2008) (NCC, Art. 526) (2008 BAR)
Requisites in order to be considered a


Civil Law Property
possessor in good faith the right of retention of useful improvements NOTE: An adverse possession of property by litigation of such possession. (Paras, 2008)
nor the right to demand refund for useful another is not an encumbrance in law and does
1. Ostensible title or mode of acquisition; expenses. (Art. 546 & 547; Carbonell v. CA G.R. not contradict the condition that the property Requisites for the issuance of the writ of
2. Vice or defect in the title; and No. L-29972, January 26, 1976) be free from encumbrance. Likewise, the preliminary injunction:
3. Possessor is ignorant of the vice or defect adverse possession is not a lien for a lien
and must have an honest belief that the Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question signifies a security for a claim. (Ozaeta v. 1. In forcible entry cases (in the original
thing belongs to him. of law Palanca, L-17455, August. 31, 1964) court) file within 10 days from the time
Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of the complaint for forcible entry is filed (not
Cessation of possession in good faith law may be the basis of good faith provided that Legal Means for Restoration of Possession from the time the dispossession took place)
such ignorance is not gross and therefore (NCC. Art. 538);
Possession in good faith ceases from the inexcusable. (NCC, Art. 526) Ignorance of the A. Reasons for requiring legal means: 2. In ejectment (unlawful detainer cases) in
moment defects in his title are made known to law may be based on an error of fact. (2008 1. To prevent spoliation or a disregard of the CFI (RTC) or appellate court (Court of
the possessor by extraneous evidence or by suit BAR) public order; Appeals) file within 10 days from the
for recovery by the true owner. 2. To prevent deprivation of property time the appeal is perfected (that is, from
This interruption of good faith may take place RIGHTS OF A POSSESSOR without due process of law; and the time the attorneys are notified by the
1. At the date of summons; or 3. To prevent a person from taking the Court of the perfection of the appeal), only
2. That of the answer if the date of summons Right to be respected in possession law into his own hand. if:
does not appear. a.
Every possessor has a right to be respected in B. Thus: dilatory; or
Effect of cessation of possession in good his possession; and should he be disturbed 1. The owner should go to court, and not b. prima facie
faith therein he shall be protected in or restored to eject the unlawful possessor by force. meritorious. (NCC, Art. 1674)
said possession by the means established by the 2. A tenant illegally forced out by the
Possessor is now considered as a possessor in laws and the Rules of Court. owner- landlord may institute an action Q: During his lifetime, Velasco acquired Lot
bad faith and he may be required to pay rent or for forcible entry even if he had not A from spouses Sacluti and Obial evidenced
vacate the property. In both cases he is required A possessor deprived of his possession through been paying rent regularly. by a deed of sale. In 1987, spouses Padilla
to pay damages to the lawful owner or forcible entry may within ten days from the 3. The proper actions are forcible entry or entered the said property as trustees by
possessor of the property. filing of the complaint present a motion to unlawful detainer (summary action or virtue of a deed of sale executed by the
secure from the competent court, in the action accion interdictal), accion publiciana, Rural Bank. The Padillas averred that the
Q: A Deed of Sale was executed between Jose for forcible entry, a writ of preliminary accion reivindicatoria; replevin; Solomon spouses owned the property which
(seller) and Rosario (buyer). However, later mandatory injunction to restore him in his injunction (to prevent further acts of was identified as Lot B. However, it was
on, Jose could not continue the sale because possession. The court shall decide the motion dispossession). However, injunction is proved during trial that the land occupied
he sold the lot to Emma with whom he within thirty (30) days from the fi ling thereof. GENERALLY not the proper remedy to by spouses Padilla was Lot A in the name of
executed a formal deed of sale. Informed (NCC, Art. 539) recover possession, particularly when Velasco, whereas the land sold by the bank
that the sale in favor of Emma was not there are conflicting claims of to the spouses Padilla was Lot B. The heirs of
registered, Rosario registered her adverse Rights of a possessor ownership. An accion reivin-dicatoria Velasco demanded that spouses Padilla
claim. Later, Emma registered her deed of would be better. A final judgment in an vacate the property, but they refused. Thus,
sale and a TCT was issued to her but with 1. To be respected in his possession; unlawful detainer case may be executed the heirs filed a complaint for accion
2. To be protected in said possession by legal even if there is still pending an accion publiciana.
possession of the lot. means; reivindicatoria, for the two actions can a. Who has the better right of possession?
3. To secure in an action for forcible entry the co- exist. A mere trespasser, even if b. Has the action already prescribed?
a. Who has a better right to the land? proper writ to restore him in his ejected, has no right to institute an
b. Is Emma entitled to the improvements she possession; and action of forcible entry. (Paras, 2008) A:
introduced in the lot? 4. To secure from a competent court in an 4. Writ of preliminary mandatory a. The HEIRS OF VELASCO have the better
action for forcible entry the Writ of injunction. right. Accion publiciana, recovery of the
A: preliminary mandatory injunction to right to possess, is an action filed in the RTC
a.. ROSARIO has a better right. restore him in his possession. (NCC, Art. Writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to determine the better right to possession
purchase of the land was made in good faith; 539) of realty independently of the title. The
she was the only buyer at that time. Her good As a rule, injunction cannot substitute for the objective of the plaintiffs in accion
faith did not cease after Jose told him of the Possession contemplated by law is legal other actions to recover possession. This is publiciana is to recover possession only, not
second sale to Emma. In order to protect her possession thief cannot exercise possession. because in the meantime, the possessor has in ownership. Lot A was the subject of a
right, Rosario registered her adverse claim. Said Such possession is exercised by every his favor, the presumption of rightful cadastral case. The OCT was issued to
recording is deemed to be in good faith and possessor in good faith or bad faith. possession, at least, until the case is finally Sacluti and Obial who sold the same to
Carbonell v. CA decided. The exception, of course, is a very clear Artemio. From the date of sale, until
G.R. No. L-29972, January 26, 1976) is protected under Art. 539, case of usurpation. Similarly, a receiver should continuous
whether in the concept of owner or in the not ordinarily be appointed to deprive a party possession of the land.
b. NO. The possessor in bad faith has neither concept of holder. who is in possession of the property in


Civil Law Property
b. NO. The remedy of accion publiciana Presumption that possessor has a just title e.g. B bought a Ford Expedition Limited shown or proved that they should be excluded.
prescribes after the lapse of ten years. The from S, the owner thereof. Then S (NCC, Art. 542) (2008 BAR)
action was filed with the RTC in 1991. A possessor in the concept of owner has in his delivered the car to B. B now has a true
Spouses Padilla dispossessed the heirs of favor the legal presumption that he possesses and valid title. Applicability of the Article:
Velasco of the property in 1987. At the time with a just title and he cannot be obliged to 1. Whether the possessor be in good faith or
of the filing of the complaint, only four show or prove it. (Art. 541) 2. Colorable Title bad faith;
years had elapsed from the time of 2. Whether the possession be in own
dispossession. (Spouses Padilla v. Velasco, Requirements under NCC, Art. 541 to raise That title where, although there was a name or in and
G.R. No. 169956, January 19, 2009) the disputable presumption of ownership (of mode of transferring ownership, still 3. Whether the possession be in concepto de
a thing or a right) something is wrong, because the grantor dueno or in the concept of holder. Thus, the
Acquisitive prescription is NOT the owner. lessee of a building is presumed to be the
1. One must be in possession (actual or possessor of the movables found therein,
Only the possession acquired and enjoyed in constructive) e.g. B bought a BMW car from S. S then for he who needs them is supposed to have
the concept of owner can serve as a title for 2. The possession must be in the concept of delivered the car to B. But it turns out that been the one who introduced the movables
acquiring dominion. (NCC, Art. 540) owner (not mere holder) S never owned the car, and that into the building.
somebody else was its owner. Whether B
Possession in the concept of an owner NOTE: A tenant cannot avail himself of the was in good faith or in bad faith is NOTE
presumption of just title because he is not a immaterial in deciding if he (B) is the law means only real or personal THINGS, not
1. If a person possesses en concepto de dueño possessor in the concept of owner). (Paras, owner; what is important is that he is not rights. (Paras, 2008)
he may eventually become the owner by 2008) the owner because he did not acquire or
prescription; and purchase the property from the owner, Exclusive possession by a previous co-owner
2. Thus, a possessor merely in the concept of The Article can apply to both real and personal
holder cannot acquire property by property. Thus, if a person possesses the key to colorable. Each one of the participants of a thing
acquisitive prescription. (This is because a car over which he claims ownership, he can be possessed in common shall be deemed to have
here the possession, far from being adverse, presumed to be the owner. But such NOTE: It must be remembered that: exclusively possessed the part which may be
recognizes right of ownership in others. presumption may be overcome by documentary allotted to him upon the division thereof, for the
One cannot recognize the right of another a. Ordinary prescription needs good faith entire period during which the co-possession
and at the same time claim adverse (Paras, 2008) and just title, hence in the example lasted. Interruption in the possession of the
possession which can ripen to ownership given, if B is in good faith, he may whole or a part of a thing possessed in common
through acquisitive prescription. For Presumptions in favor of a possessor become owner of the car by shall be to the prejudice of all the possessors.
prescription to set in, the possession must (GCENCE) prescription after four years (the car However, in case of civil interruption, the Rules
be adverse, public and to the exclusion of being personal property) of Court shall apply. (NCC, Art. 543)
all. (Paras, 2008) 1. Good faith; b. Extraordinary prescription does not
2. Continuity of initial good faith; need either good faith or just title, Example of interruption in possession of the
Possession in the concept of a holder 3. Enjoyment in the same character in which hence in the example given, if B is in WHOLE thing (NCC, Art. 543)
possession was acquired until the contrary bad faith, although there may be just
1. Lessees or those merely permitted to is proved; title (titulo colorado), B may get A, B, and C have been co-possessors of a piece of
occupy; 4. Non-interruption in favor of the present ownership by prescription only after land since 2002. If in 2006, A, B, and C lose
2. Trustees (including parents over the possessor; eight years. possession over the whole land, it can be said
properties of their unemancipated minor 5. Continuous possession by the one who In case of real properties, the that the three of them were in possession for
children or insane children (NCC, Art. recovers possession of which he was prescriptive periods are 10 years and only four years.
1109); and husband and wife over each wrongfully deprived; and 30 years respectively for ordinary and
6. Extension of possession of real property to extraordinary prescription. (Paras, Example of Interruption in possession of
lasts, and even if there be a separation of all movables contained therein. 2008) PART of the thing (NCC, Art. 543)
property which had been agreed upon in a
marriage settlement or by judicial decree KINDS OF TITLE 3. Putative Title A and B have been co-possessors of a piece of
(NCC, Art. 1109); That title where although a person land since 2002 thru a mutual agent X. In 2006,
3. Antichretic creditors; 1. True and Valid Title believes himself to be the owner, he X lost possession of one-fifth of the land. and
4. Agents; nonetheless is not, because there was no possession over the remaining four-fifth
5. Here, there was a mode of transferring mode of acquiring ownership. continues, the interruption being limited only to
properties) ownership and the grantor was the one-fifth.
6. Depositaries; and owner. It is defined as a title which by Presumption of Possession of Movables
7. Co-owners (unless the co-ownership is itself is sufficient to transfer ownership Found in an Immovable NOTE: If A and B had co-possessed the land in
clearly repudiated by unequivocal acts without the necessity of letting the equal shares, the co-possession of the
communicated to the other co-owners). prescriptive period elapse. The possession of real property presumes that remaining four-fifths will also be in equal
of the movables therein, as long as it is not shares. If A and B had co-possessed in the


Civil Law Property
proportion of 3 to 1, their shares in the having contributed to the INDUSTRIAL immaterial, for the law requires only a (For his crop needed a total of 6 months
remaining four-fifths would also be in the WEALTH, unlike the owner, who by his gathering or severance, so Art. 544 applies. from planting to harvesting). How should
proportion of 3 to 1. In other words, there is a presumed negligence, had virtually said crops be divided between A and B?
PROPORTIONATE losing in the area possessed. discarded his property. When civil fruits are deemed to accrue
(Paras, 2008) A: In the proportion of 2 to 4 (or 1 to 2), 2 for A
b. Fruits refer to natural, industrial, and civil Third Paragraph: deemed to and 4 for B. This is what the law means when it
Rules to apply for civil interruption fruits, not to other things. (If no actual fruits accrue daily and belong to the possessor in good says that the net harvest shall be divided in
are produced, reasonable rents civil faith in that proportion proportion to the time of possession. (Paras,
(NCC, Art. 543): fruits must be given) 2008)
a. If civil fruits (like rents) are accrued daily,
1. Civil interruption is produced by judicial c. Legal interruption happens when a Art. 545 does not apply; and Sharing of expenses and charges
summons to the possessor (NCC, Art. 1123); complaint is filed against him and he b. Actual receipt of the rents is immaterial;
and receives the proper judicial summons. (Art. hence, even if received only, for example, 1. The expenses for cultivation shall also be
2. Judicial summons shall be deemed not to 1123) All fruits accrued and received since on the 30th of a month, all rents accrued divided pro rata (2 to 4) The law says
have been issued, and shall not give rise to said date must be turned over to the before the 21st of the month (date for possessor shall have a RIGHT to a part of
interruption: winner, that is, either the owner or the example of legal interruption) should the expenses for cultivation in proportion to
lawful possessor adjudged as such by the belong to the possessor in good faith. the time of possession (This may in certain
a. If it should be void for lack of legal court. Before legal interruption, the fruits cases be UNFAIR because although he may
solemnities; received are his own. After the receipt of RIGHT TO PENDING FRUITS have spent MORE than the owner, still he
b. If the plaintiff should desist from the the judicial summons, the right to get the will be entitled to a reimbursement of LESS
complaint or should allow the fruits not yet gathered ceases. If at the time the good faith ceases, there should since his possession is shorter. The better
proceedings to lapse; or be any natural or industrial fruits, the possessor rule would be for the expenses to be borne
c. If the possessor should be absolved d. The reason why fruits should be returned shall have a right to a part of the expenses of in proportion to what each receives from
from the complaint. In all these cases, from the TIME of legal interruption is that it cultivation, and to a part of the net harvest, both the harvest) (NCC, Art. 443) Otherwise,
the period of the interruption shall be is ordinarily only from said date that the in proportion to the time of the possession. unjust enrichment would result.
counted FOR the prescription. (NCC, possessor should be considered in BAD 2. The charges (those incurred because of the
Art. 1124) FAITH. Therefore, should there be proof The charges shall be divided on the same basis land and the fruits, like TAXES, or
that BAD FAITH had not set in even BEFORE by the two possessors. INTEREST on MORTGAGES are what are
RIGHTS OF POSSESSOR TO FRUITS legal interruption, fruits should be returned referred to as CHARGES, and not those
from that date of CONVERSION are not The owner of the thing may, should he so incurred on or in them, such as
Possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits entitled to the fruits. As a matter of fact, the desires, give the possessor in good faith the improvements) are also to be divided in
received before the possession is legally law right to finish the cultivation and gathering of proportion to the time of possession. (NCC,
interrupted. faith shall reimburse the fruits received and the growing fruits, as an indemnity for his part Art. 545, 2nd par.) (Paras, 2008)
those which the legitimate possessor (or of the expenses of cultivation and the net
Natural and industrial fruits are considered owner) Art. 549) proceeds; the possessor in good faith who for Options of the owner in case there are
received from the time they are gathered or This is true whether the possession in BAD any reason whatever should refuse to accept pending fruits at the time good faith ceases
severed. faith was legally interrupted or not. It is this concession, shall lose the right to be
understood of course that he is entitled to indemnified in any other manner. (NCC, Art. 1. To pay the possessor in good faith
Civil fruits are deemed to accrue daily and the fruits received BEFORE the conversion 545) indemnity for his cultivation expenses and
belong to the possessor in good faith in that into BAD FAITH, for then, he would still be charges and his share in the net harvest; or
proportion. (NCC, Art. 544) in good faith. (Paras, 2008) NOTE: This article applies to PENDING fruits, 2. To allow the possessor in good faith to
natural or industrial. FINISH the cultivation and gathering of the
Right of a possessor in good faith to fruits When natural and industrial fruits are growing crops, as an INDEMNITY for his
already received considered received Q: What if there are natural or industrial part of the expenses of cultivation and the
fruits at the time good faith ceases? net proceeds. (Paras, 2008)
First Paragraph: good faith is Second Paragraph: industrial
entitled to the fruits received before the fruits are considered received from the time A: The possessor shall have the right to a part of NOTE: If the possessor refuses, for any reason,
the expenses of cultivation, and to a part in the to finish the cultivation and gathering, he
net harvest both in proportion to the time of forfeits the right to be indemnified in any other
a. Reason for the law: Justice demands that the a. If at the time of legal interruption, the crops possession. (NCC, Art 545) (2000, 2008 Bar) manner. [NCC, Art. 545(3)]
fruits be retained by the possessor who are still growing, the rule on pending crops,
thought that he was really the owner of the not that on gathered crops, should apply. Q: A possessed in good faith a parcel of land. Art. 545 applies only to a possessor in GOOD
property, and who, because of such thought (NCC, Art. 545) At the time he received judicial summons to faith for a possessor in bad faith has no right
had regulated his daily life, income, and b. If at the time of legal interruption, the crops answer a complaint filed by B, the crops still whatsoever to fruits already gathered nor to
expenses by virtue of such fruits. Moreover, have already been gathered, but are sold growing had been there for two months. fruits still pending, except that in the former
the possessor should be rewarded for only after such interruption, the sale is Harvest was made only after 4 more months case (gathered fruits), he gets back the


Civil Law Property
necessary expenses for production, gathering, Urgent repairs reparacion urgentisima There is NO right of removal of necessary NOTE: The possessor in good faith is
and preservation of fruits. (Art. 443) In the case are also necessary expenses. expenses whether in good faith or bad faith. entitled to both the fruits and expenses
of pending fruits, the principle of accession Necessary expenses affect the existence or (necessary or useful), hence they do not
applies, and the law clearly states that he who The following are NOT Necessary Expenses substance of the property itself. compensate each other.
plants or sows in BAD FAITH on the land of
another, loses whatever is planted or sown 1. Those incurred for the filling up with soil of NOTE: Improvements are so incorporated to B. If in BAD faith.
without right to indemnity. (Paras, 2008) a vacant or deep lot (This is not also a the principal thing that their separation must
necessarily reduce the value of the thing not The possessor in BAD faith is NOT
Crops not yet manifest putting back into the condition in which it curable by ordinary repairs. ENTITLED to any right regarding the useful
was originally, and not an improvement in expenses [BUT IN Angeles v. Guevara, L-
Art. 545 applies to pending crops. Suppose the the condition thereof by adding something Useful expenses 15697, October. 31, 1960, where the
crops have already been planted but are not yet new thereto. The expenses are indeed in Supreme Court thru Justice Gutierrez David
manifest at the time there is a transfer of the nature of USEFUL improvements; Those which increase the value or productivity made the statement that although a
possession, should the article also apply? It is of the property. possessor in bad faith is NOT entitled to
submitted that the answer is YES, by the 2. A house constructed on land possessed by a reimbursements for expenses incurred, he
application of the general rules stated in Art. stranger (not the owner), because the Examples of useful expenses may nevertheless REMOVE the objects
443. (Paras, 2008) house cannot be said to preserve the land (repairs on buildings) provided the things
(the house is USEFUL); 1. Those incurred for an irrigation system; suffer NO INJURY thereby, and that the
RIGHT TO BE REIMBURSED 2. Those incurred for the erection of a chapel, lawful possessor does not prefer to retain
3. Land taxes are, for the purposes of the because aside from its possibility of them by paying the value they may have at
Article, not necessary expenses, for they are conversion into such materialistic things as the time he enters into possession.
needed, not for preservation of the land a warehouse or a residence, the chapel Evidently, here, the Court was thinking NOT
itself; but for its continued possession. satisfied spiritual and religious aspirations of useful improvement, but of expenses for
Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every
Failure to pay said taxes results not in PURE LUXURY or MERE PLEASURE. (NCC,
possessor; but only the possessor in good faith destruction, but forfeiture, therefore they Art. 549)
may retain the thing until he has been
should be merely considered CHARGES. would be to reduce life to a mere
reimbursed therefor. Useful expenses shall be Consequently, Art. 545 regarding PRO conglomeration of desires and lust, when, Effect of voluntary surrender of property
refunded only to the possessor in good faith RATING of charges should apply; and as a matter of fact, life is also a beautiful
with the same right of retention, the person
aggregate of noble impulses and lofty The voluntary surrender of property is a waiver
who has defeated him in the possession having 4. Unnecessary improvements on a parcel of
the option of refunding the amount of the
3. Those incurred for the making of artificial right to be refunded may still be enforced.
expenses or of paying the increase in value made just to prevent redemption from fishponds;
which the thing may have acquired by reason taking place. (Paras, 2008) 4. Those incurred for the construction of XPN: He also waived the same.
thereof. (NCC, Art. 546)
additional rooms in a house, for use as
Rights of a possessor (in the concept of kitchen, bathroom, stable, etc; Removal of useful improvements introduced
Necessary expenses (1992, 1996, 2000 BAR) owner) as to the necessary expenses 5. Those incurred for clearing up land by the possessor
formerly thickly covered with trees and
Necessary expenses are expenses incurred to 1. If in good faith entitled to: shrubbery. (Paras, 2008) Only a possessor in good faith is allowed to
preserve the property, without which, said a. Refund; or remove the useful improvements he introduced
property will physically deteriorate or be lost. b. Retain premises until paid. Rights of a possessor (in the concept of provided that the useful improvements can be
These expenses are not improvements but are owner) as to the USEFUL expenses removed without damage to the principal thing.
incurred merely to protect the thing from
2. If in bad faith entitled ONLY to a refund (NCC, Art. 547)
becoming useless. (no right of RETENTION, as penalty) A. If in GOOD faith.
here means a substantial one that
Sample of necessary expenses NOTE: If the owner sues the possessor for the 1. Right to REIMBURSEMENT (of either reduces the value of the property, thus a slight
recovery of the property, the possessor in good the amount spent or the increase in injury curable by an ordinary repair does not
1. Those incurred for cultivation, production, faith (who is thus entitled to a refund) must file value defeat the right of removal, but the repairs
and upkeep; or a counterclaim for the refund of necessary and OPTION) (NCC, Art. 546) should be chargeable to the possessor, for it is
2. Those made for necessary repairs of a useful expenses, otherwise the judgment in the 2. Right of RETENTION (until paid) (NCC, he who benefits by the removal and the object
case for possession will be a BAR to a Art. 546) removed. (Paras, 2008)
subsequent suit brought solely for the recovery 3. Right of REMOVAL (provided no
Ordinary repairs are understood such as are
of such expenses. The purpose is clearly to substantial damage or injury is caused NOTE: This right of removal is subordinate to
required by the wear and tear due to the
avoid the multiplicity of suits. (Paras, 2008) to the principal, reducing its VALUE)
natural use of the thing and are indispensable UNLESS the winner (owner or himself by paying the expenses incurred or the
for its preservation. (NCC, Art. 592) They do not Right of removal of necessary expenses lawful possessor) exercises the option concomitant increase in the value of the
in (1) (NCC, Art. 547) property caused by the improvements.
prevent the things from becoming useless.


Civil Law Property
EXPENSES FOR PURE LUXURY to the possessor in bad faith; but he may shall be borne by every possessor. (NCC, Art. GOOD FAITH BAD FAITH
remove the objects for which such expenses refers to one in good As to fruits received
Expenses for pure luxury or mere pleasure shall have been incurred, provided that the thing faith or bad faith, in the concept of owner or in Entitled to the fruits Shall reimburse the
not be refunded to the possessor in good faith; suffers no injury thereby, and that the lawful own name or in received before the fruits received and
but he may remove the ornaments with which possessor does not prefer to retain them by that of another, and not to the owner or the possession is legally those which the
he has embellished the principal thing if it paying the value they may have at the time he person adjudged by the court to be lawfully interrupted. (NCC, Art. legitimate possessor
suffers no injury thereby, and if his successor in enters into possession. (NCC, Art. 549) entitled to possess. (Paras, 2008) 544) could have received
the possession does not prefer to refund the and shall have the a
amount expended. (NCC, Art. 548) Q: Who is a possessor in bad faith? Improvements caused by nature or time right only to necessary
expenses (Art. 546,
Luxurious expenses or expenses for pure luxury A: A possessor in bad faith is one who is aware Neither the possessor in good faith nor in bad par. 1) and expenses in
or mere pleasure (ornamental expenses) are that there exists in his title or mode of faith is entitled to: the production,
expenses incurred for improvements acquisition any flaw which invalidates it. Only gathering and
introduced for pure luxury or mere pleasure. personal knowledge or 1. Improvements caused by NATURE (like preservation of such
mode of acquisition can make him a possessor alluvium, etc.) Fruits. (NCC, Art. 443)
Examples of ornamental expenses in bad faith. 2. Improvements caused by TIME (like the As to pending fruits
a. Hand paintings on the wall of a house; improved flavor of wine) Liable with legitimate None
b. A garage made of platinum; and NOTE: No tacking of bad faith, unless the possessor for expenses
c. Water fountains in gardens. successors in interest had learned of the defect Liability for loss or deterioration of cultivation and shall
in the title and still purchased it. share in the net
Rights of a Possessor (in the Concept of A possessor in good faith shall not be liable for harvest in proportion
Owner) as to Luxurious or Ornamental Bad faith is not transmissible from a person to the deterioration or loss of the thing possessed, to the time of their
Expenses another, even an heir is not affected by bad faith except in cases in which it is proved that he has Possession. (NCC, Art.
of the deceased predecessor. acted with fraudulent intent or negligence, after 545)
1. If in GOOD faith: the judicial summons. As to expenses
Right of the Possessor (in the Concept of A possessor in bad faith shall be liable for (Necessary expenses)
In general, no right of refund or retention Owner) as to FRUITS deterioration or loss in every case, even if Right of Right of
but can remove if no substantial injury is caused by a fortuitous event. (NCC, Art. 552) reimbursement and reimbursement only.
caused. However, owner has OPTION to 1. If in GOOD faith: retention.
allow: Rules applicable: (Useful expenses)
a. Possessor to remove; or a. Gathered or severed or harvested fruits
Right of None
b. Retain for himself (the owner) the are his own (NCC, Art. 544); A. Possessor in GOOD FAITH
ornament by REFUNDING the AMOUNT b. Pending or ungathered fruits (pro-
retention and limited
SPENT. (NCC, Art. 548) rating between possessor and owner of 1. BEFORE receipt of judicial summons right of removal.
expenses, net harvest, and charges) (NCC, NOT LIABLE.
(Ornamental Expenses)
2. In BAD faith: Art. 545) 2. AFTER judicial summons
Shall not be refunded Shall not be refunded
i. Loss or deterioration thru
but he has a limited but he has a limited
In general, no right of refund or retention 2. If in BAD faith: fortuitous event not liable.
right of removal, i.e. he right of removal, i.e. he
but can remove if no substantial injury is ii. Thru fraudulent intent
may remove if the may remove if the
caused. However, owner has OPTION to a. Gathered fruits must return value of or negligence liable
principal thing suffers principal thing suffers
allow: fruits already received as well as value of
no injury thereby, and no injury thereby, and
a. Possessor to remove; or fruits which the owner or legitimate B. Possessor in BAD FAITH
if the lawful possessor if the lawful possessor
b. Retain for himself (the owner) the possessor (not the possessor in bad faith) Whether before or after judicial summons,
does not prefer to does not prefer to
ornament by REFUNDING the VALUE it could HAVE received with due care or and whether due to fortuitous event or not,
refund the amount retain them by paying
has at the TIME owner ENTERS INTO diligence, MINUS necessary expenses such possessor is LIABLE.
expended. its value at the time he
POSSESSION. (NCC, Art. 549) for cultivation, gathering, and
enters into possession.
harvesting, to prevent the owner from Requisites to constitute possession whether
As to liability in case of deterioration or loss
POSSESSOR IN BAD FAITH being unjustly enriched. (NCC, Arts. 549 in good faith or bad faith
and 443) No liability Always liable.
b. Pending or ungathered fruits no rights 1. Possessor has a title/mode of acquisition; XPN: If due to his
The possessor in bad faith shall reimburse the fraudulent act or
at all, not even to expenses for 2. There is a flaw or defect in said title/mode;
fruits received and those which the legitimate negligence, or after
cultivation because by accession, all and
possessor could have received, and shall have a service of summons.
should belong to the owner, without 3. The possessor is aware or unaware of the
right only to the expenses mentioned in
indemnity. (NCC, Art. 449) flaw or defect.
paragraph 1 of Art. 546 and in Art. 443. The Possessor in good faith has the right of
expenses incurred in improvements for pure retention until he has been fully reimbursed
NOTE: The costs of litigation over the property Summary of rights of a possessor
luxury or mere pleasure shall not be refunded


Civil Law Property
A possessor in good faith has the right of right of possession. (NCC, Art. 555) An accion dominion. Moreover, abandonment can without any possessor.
retention of the property until he has been fully publiciana or reivindicatoria is still possible hardly refer to land much less to registered
reimbursed for all the necessary and useful unless prescription, either ordinary or land. When possession of movables is lost or not
expenses made by him on the property. Its extraordinary, has set in. (Paras, 2008) 5. There is no abandonment if an owner lost
object is to guarantee the reimbursement for merely tolerated (permitted) another
the expenses, such as those for the preservation NOTE: Acts merely tolerated, and those possession, nor if the latter was done by If the possessor has no idea at all about the
of the property, or for the enhancement of its executed clandestinely and without the stealth or effected thru force and whereabouts of the movable, possession is lost,
utility or productivity. It permits the actual knowledge of the possessor of a thing, or by intimidation. (NCC, Articles 537 and 558) but not when he more or less knows its general
possessor to remain in possession while he has violence, do not affect possession. (NCC, Art. 6. There is no abandonment of movables location, though he may not know its precise or
not been reimbursed by the person who 537) (2001, 2009 Bar) even if there is temporary ignorance of definite location. In the former, he has lost
defeated him in the possession for those their whereabouts, so long as they remain juridical control; in the latter, the object
necessary expenses and useful improvements Abandonment under the control of the possessor (that is, remains within his patrimony (not in the
made by him on the thing possessed. (Ortiz v. so long as another has not obtained control patrimony of another). (Paras, 2008)
Kayanan, G.R. No. L-32974, July 30, 1979) Abandonment involves a voluntary of them). (NCC, Art. 556)
renunciation of all rights over a thing. There 7. In true abandonment, both possession de NOTE: An abandoned property is not
Presumption of Possession during the must be an intention to lose the thing. facto and de jure are lost. considered as a lost thing. (Pineda, 1999)
intervening period 8. Abandonment which converts the thing
Requisites: into res nullius (ownership of which may Loss of immovables with respect to third
A present possessor who shows his possession ordinarily be obtained by occupation), does person
at some previous time is presumed to have held 1. The abandoner must have been a possessor not apply to land (NCC, Art. 714, Civil Code)
possession also during the intermediate period, in the concept of owner (either an owner or much less does abandonment apply to The possession of immovables and of real rights
in the absence of proof to the contrary. (NCC, mere possessor may respectively abandon registered land. (Act, 496, Sec. 46) (Paras, is not deemed lost, or transferred for purposes
Art 554) either ownership or possession); 2008) of prescription to the prejudice of third
2. The abandoner must have the capacity to persons, except in accordance with the
LOSS/TERMINATION OF POSSESSION renounce or to alienate (for abandonment Assignment provisions of the Mortgage Law and the Land
is the repudiation of property right); Registration Laws. (NCC, Art. 557)
Possession is lost through (PRADA) 3. There must be physical relinquishment of Refers to a total transfer of ownership of
the thing or object; and property by the owner to another person either NOTE: Art. 557 refers to possession of real
1. Possession of another; 4. There must be no spes recuperandi gratuitously or onerously. property, and other real rights over real
2. Recovery of the thing by the legitimate (expectation to recover) and no more property (like easement or usufruct)
owner; animus revertendi (intention to return or While in assignment, at no time did the thing not
3. Abandonment; get back). (Paras, 2008) have a possessor (for possession merely Acts of mere holder
4. Destruction or total loss of the thing a changed hands or control); in abandonment,
thing is lost when it perishes or goes out of Additional Doctrines there was a time, no matter how short, when GR: Acts relating to possession, executed or
commerce, or disappears in such a way that the object did not have any possessor at all. agreed to by one who possesses a thing
its existence is unknown, or it cannot be 1. A property owner cannot be held to have Moreover, while assignment may in some cases belonging to another as a mere holder to enjoy
recovered (NCC, Art. 1189; Art. 555); or abandoned the same until at least he has be by onerous title, abandonment is always or keep it, in any character, do not bind or
5. Assignment complete transmission of the some knowledge of the loss of its gratuitous, otherwise it becomes a virtual prejudice the owner.
thing/right to another by any lawful possession or the thing. assignment. Moreover, in assignment, both
manner. (NCC, Art. 555) 2. There is no real intention to abandon possession de facto and de jure are lost, and no XPNS:
property when as in the case of a action will allow recovery. (Paras, 2008) 1. Unless he gave said holder express
Possession of another shipwreck or a fire, things are thrown into authority to do such acts; or
the sea or upon the highway. Q: Does Art. 555 refer to both real and 2. Ratifies them subsequently. (NCC, Art. 558)
Possession of another subject to the provisions 3. An owner may abandon possession merely, personal property?
of Art. 537, if a person is not in possession for leaving ownership in force, but a mere FINDER OF LOST MOVABLE
more than one year but less than 10 years he possessor cannot abandon ownership A: YES (for the law does not distinguish) except
losses possession de facto. He can no longer since he never had the same. in the case of paragraph 4, for it is evident that Rule regarding the right of a possessor who
bring an action of forcible entry or unlawful 4. If an owner has not lost possession the reference to possession of more than one acquires a movable claimed by another
detainer, since the prescriptive period is one because there has been no abandonment, it year concerns only real property, the rule as to
year for such actions. But he may still institute surely cannot be acquired by another thru movable property being explicitly stated in Art. If the possessor is in:
an accion publiciana to recover possession de acquisitive prescription. Thus, the mere 556. 1. Bad faith He has no right.
jure, possession as a legal right or the real right fact that land is covered by the sea LOSS OR UNLAWFUL DEPRAVATION OF A 2. Good faith He has presumed ownership. It
of possession. (NCC, Art. 555; Paras, 2008) completely during high tide for failure in MOVABLE is equivalent to title.
the meantime of the owner to dam the
If a person loses possession for more than 10 water off, does not indicate an A lost thing is one previously under the lawful Requisites:
years, he loses possession de jure, or the real abandonment of the land in favor of public possession and control of a person but is now a. Owner has voluntarily parted with the


Civil Law Property
possession of the thing; and incurred for the publication. (NCC, Art. 719) Q: Suppose a recently stolen property is United Car Sales, Inc. against Jerico for
b. Subsequent possessor is in the concept of found in possession of A, is A presumed to be recovery of the car, plaintiff alleges it had
an owner. Duty of the owner who appeared the thief? been unlawfully deprived of its property
c. Possession in good faith; through fraud and should, consequently, be
1. Give a reward to the finder equivalent to A: YES, allowed to recover it without having to
Possession of movable property acquired in one-tenth (1/10) of the sum or of the price person found in possession of a thing taken in reimburse the defendant for the price the
good faith of the thing found (NCC, Art. 720); the doing of a recent wrongful act is the taker latter had paid. Should the suit prosper?
2. (Rules of Court, Rule (1998 BAR)
GR: Doctrine of irrevindicability The expenses incurred for the preservation of 131, Sec. 3[j]) It is true that one who possesses a
possession of movable property acquired in the thing (NCC, Art. 546) and expenses movable, acquired in good faith, has what is A: The suit should prosper because the criminal
good faith is equivalent to title and the true spent for the location of the owner; and called an equivalent of title, but this is act of estafa should be deemed to come within
owner cannot recover such movable. 3. Reimburse the expenses for publication if destroyed when it is proved that said movable the meaning of unlawful deprivation under Art.
there was a public auction sale. (Pineda, belongs to somebody else who has lost it, or has 559 as without it, United Car Sales would not
NOTE: This is merely presumptive as it can be 1999) been unlawfully deprived of its possession. have parted with the possession of its car. Thus,
defeated by the true owner. (NCC, Art. 559) (NCC, Art. 559) (Paras, 2008) it was allowed to recover the property without
Summary of recovery or non-recovery Q: In order to contest the title of the having to reimburse the defendant.
XPNs: principle possessor in good faith, what should the
1. When the owner has lost a movable; or true owner do? Possession of wild animals
2. Has been unlawfully deprived of a movable. A. Owner MAY RECOVER WITHOUT
REIMBURSEMENT: A: The true owner should present sufficient Wild animals are possessed only while they are
In which case the possessor cannot retain the proof of the identity of the object AND that he
thing as against the owner, who may recover it 1. From possessor in bad faith; or had either lost it or has been illegally deprived animals are considered domestic or tame, if
without paying any indemnity 2. From possessor in good faith (if owner of it. This proof is an indispensable requisite a they retain the habit of returning to the
had LOST the property or been conditio sine qua non in order that the owner of premises of the possessor. (NCC, Art. 560)
XPN to the XPNs: Where the movable is unlawfully deprived of it) (the the chattel may contest the apparent title of its
acquired in good faith at a public sale, the acquisition being from a private possessor. Without adequate proof of such loss Lawful recovery of possession that had been
owner must reimburse to recover. [NCC, Art. person). (NCC, Art. 559) or illegal deprivation, the present holder cannot unjustly lost
559(2)] be put on his defense, even if as possessor he
B. Owner MAY RECOVER but should has no actual proprietary title to the movable One who recovers, according to law, possession
Duty of a finder of a lost movable (NCC, Art. REIMBURSE: property in question. (Paras, 2008) unjustly lost, shall be deemed for all purposes
719) which may redound to his benefit, to have
If possessor acquired the object in good faith Rule when possessor has already become enjoyed it without interruption. (NCC, Art. 561)
Whoever finds a lost movable, which is not a at a PUBLIC SALE or AUCTION. (NCC, Art. the owner
treasure, must return it to its previous 559) Because the publicity attendant to a Requisites:
possessor. If the latter is unknown, the finder public sale should have been sufficient Art. 559 in fact assumes that the possessor is as 1. Possession was lost unlawfully or unjustly;
shall immediately deposit it with the mayor of warning for the owner to come forward and yet not the owner, for it is obvious that where 2. Possessor lawfully recovers possession; and
the city or municipality where the finding has claim the property. the possessor has come to acquire indefeasible 3. Uninterrupted possession is beneficial to
taken place. The mayor in turn must publicly title, let us say adverse possession for the him.
announce the finding of the property for two C. Owner CANNOT RECOVER, even if he necessary period, no proof of loss, or illegal
consecutive weeks. offers to REIMBURSE (whether or not the deprivation could avail the former owner of the USUFRUCT
owner had lost or been unlawfully deprived): chattel. He would no longer be entitled to
Authorized public auction of lost movable recover it under any condition. (Paras, 2008) Usufruct is the right of a person called
1. If possessor had acquired it in good faith usufructuary, to enjoy the property of another
If the movable cannot be kept without by purchase from a or Estafa is considered as unlawful deprivation called the owner, with the obligation of
deterioration, or without expenses which in fairs, or markets in accordance with returning it at the designated time and
considerably diminish its value, it shall be sold the Code of Commerce and special laws Q: Using a falsified manager's check, Justine, preserving its form and substance, unless the
at public auction eight days after the (NCC, Art. 1505 and Code of Commerce, as the buyer, was able to take delivery of a title constituting it or the law provides
publication. Art. 85 and Art. 86); secondhand car which she had just bought otherwise. (Pineda, 2009)
2. precluded from United Car Sales Inc. The sale was
Awarding of the lost movable to the finder from registered with the Land Transportation NOTE: A usufruct can be constituted in favor of
s (NCC, Art. 1505); and Office. A week later, the seller learned that a town, corporation or association, but it cannot
If the owner or previous possessor did not 3. If possessor had obtained the goods the check had been dishonored, but by that be for more than 50 years. (NCC, Art. 605)
appear after 6 months from the publication, the because he was an innocent purchaser time, Justine was nowhere to be seen. It
thing found or its value or proceeds if there was for value and holder of a NEGOTIABLE turned out that Justine had sold the car to Characteristics of usufruct (ENA)
a sale, shall be awarded to the finder. The document of title to the goods. (NCC, Art. Jerico, the present possessor who knew
finder, however, shall pay for the expenses 1518) (Paras, 2008) nothing about the falsified check. In a suit by 1. Essential Those without which it cannot


Civil Law Property
be termed as usufruct: 3. As to the extent of object: giving the usufruct.
a. Total constituted on the whole 2. In case of deficiency, the provisions on Civil
a. Real right (whether registered in the property remains unimpaired despite such thing Code. (NCC, Art. 565)
registry of property or not); encumbrance. Only the jus utendi and jus b. Partial constituted only on a part.
b. Constituted on property fruendi over the property are transferred to the Usufruct vs. Lease
i. Real; usufructuary. The owner of the property 4. As to the subject matter:
ii. Personal; maintains the jus disponendi or the power to a. Over things
iii. Consumable; alienate, encumber, transform, and even i. Normal (or perfect or regular) BASIS USUFRUCT LEASE
iv. Non-consumable; destroy the same. (Hemedes v. CA, G.R. Nos. involves non-consumable things
v. Tangible; 107132 & 108472, October 8, 1999) where the form and substance Real right only
vi. Intangible. are preserved; or if, as in the
c. Temporary duration; KINDS OF USUFRUCT ii. Abnormal (or imperfect or case of a lease
d. Purpose: to enjoy the benefits and irregular) Involves consumable over real
derive all advantages from the object 1. As to origin: things that which involves property, the
as a consequence of normal use or a. Legal Created by law such as things which would be useless to Nature of Always a real lease is
exploitation. usufruct of the parents over the the usufructuary unless they are the right right. registered, or
property of their unemancipated consumed or expanded. is for more
2. Natural That which ordinarily is present, children; b. Over rights involves intangible than one year,
but a contrary stipulation can eliminate it NOTE: The right of the parents over property; rights must not be otherwise it is
because it is not essential; personal or intransmissible in a personal
property shall be limited primarily to character so present or future right.
a. The obligation of conserving or support cannot be an object of May not be the
preserving the form and substance the collective daily needs of the family. usufruct. owner, as in
(value) of the thing.; and (FC, Art. 226) Creator of Owner or his the case of a
b. It is transmissible. b. Voluntary Created by will of the 5. As to the effectivity or extinguishment: Right agent. sub- lessor or
parties either by act inter vivos (e.g. a. Pure no term or condition a
3. Accidental Those which may be present or donation) or by act mortis causa (e.g. b. With a term there is a period which usufructuary.
absent depending upon the stipulation of in a last will and testament); may be either suspensive or resolutory By contract, by
parties. c. Mixed Created by both law and act of i. Ex die from a certain day way of
the person (e.g. acquired by ii. In diem up to a certain day exception by
a. Whether it be pure or a conditional prescription: I possessed in good faith iii. Ex die in diem from a certain day law (as in the
usufruct; a parcel of land which really belonged up to a certain day. case of an
b. The number of years it will exist; to another. Still in good faith, I gave in c. Conditional subject to a condition implied new
c. Whether it is in favor of one person or my will to X, the naked ownership of which may be either suspensive or lease under
several, etc. land and to Y, the usufruct. In due resolutory. By law, Art. 1670), or
time, Y may acquire the ownership of contract, will when a builder
Obligation to preserve the form and the usufruct by acquisitive GR: No form is required in constituting a Origin of testator or has built in
substance of the thing in usufruct prescription) (Paras, 2008); usufruct. Even an oral usufruct may be by good faith on
d. Prescriptive acquired by third constituted. prescription. the land of
GR: The usufructuary is bound to preserve the persons through continuous use of the another a
form and substance of the thing in usufruct. usufruct for the period required by XPNs: building, when
This is to prevent extraordinary exploitation, law. 1. Usufruct over real property must be the land is
prevent abuse of property and prevent registered to bind third person considerably
impairment. 2. As to the number of beneficiaries 2. Statute of Frauds apply in case Real worth more in
a. Simple If only one usufructuary Property is involved. If Personal value than the
XPN: In case of an abnormal usufruct, whereby enjoys the usufruct; property, Statute of Frauds will apply building.
the law or the will of the parties may allow the b. Multiple If several usufructuaries where the value is P 500 or higher and Only those
modification of the substance of the thing. in case the agreement is not to be Extent of All fruits, uses
enjoy the usufruct; particular or
performed in one year; Enjoyment and benefits.
i. Simultaneous at the same time specific use.
Q: Chayong owned a parcel of land which she ii. Successive one after the other 3. A usufruct by donation or by will must A passive
mortgaged to Michael. Upon the OCT was an NOTE: In case usufructuary is created by comply with formalities of a donation owner who
annotation of usufructuary rights in favor of or will An active
donation, apply Art. 756. If the usufruct is allows the
Cheddy. Is Michael obliged to investigate owner who
testamentary, apply Rules on Fidei Cause usufructuary
Rules governing usufruct makes the
Commisary substitution under Art. 863 and to enjoy the
lessee enjoy
869. object of
A: NO. The annotation is not sufficient cause to 1. The agreement of the parties or the title usufruct


Civil Law Property
Usufructuary usufructuary may lease the thing to b. Not bound to refund to the Limitations to Usufructuary Rights
pays for another, even without the consent of the owner the expenses of
ordinary owner. cultivation and production The usufructuary cannot:
Lessee cannot
repairs and but without prejudice to 1. Sell, pledge or mortgage the property itself
constitute a
Repairs pays for 8. To Set-off the improvements he may have the right of third persons; because he is not the owner;
usufruct on
and Taxes annual made on the property against any damage 2. Sell future crops (growing crops at the
the property
charges and to the same. (NCC, Art. 580) BUT without prejudice to the termination of the usufruct belong to the
taxes on the right of third persons. Thus, if owner); and
fruits. Rule as to certain rights (rent, pension, the fruits had been planted by a 3. Lease the thing for a period longer than the
benefits, etc.) possessor in good faith, the term of the usufruct without the consent of
Usufructuary pending crop expenses and owner
may lease the The lessee Whenever a usufruct is constituted on the right charges shall be pro-rated
Limitation property to cannot to receive a rent or periodical pension, whether between said possessor and the XPN: In lease of rural lands, it may exceed the
on the use another but constitute a in money or in fruits, or in the interest on bonds usufructuary lifetime of the usufruct and shall subsist during
of cannot usufruct on or securities payable to bearer, each payment the agricultural year.
property alienate the the property due shall be considered as the proceeds of fruits Belong to the owner but he is Q: Can a usufruct be constituted on an
thin itself. leased. of such right. Whenever it consists in the bound to reimburse the encumbered or mortgaged land?
enjoyment of benefits accruing from a At the usufructuary of the ordinary
participation in any industrial or commercial termination cultivation expenses (NCC, Art. A: YES. The mortgage remains inactive until the
RIGHTS OF USUFRUCTUARY enterprise, the date of the distribution of which of the 545) out of the fruits received. debt is not paid, and the mortgage is not for the
is not fixed, such benefits shall have the same usufruct (NCC, Art. 443) The right of purpose of limiting the use of the fruits.
Rights of the usufructuary as to the thing and character. In either case they shall be innocent third parties should
its fruits (RIRICRES) distributed as civil fruits, and shall be applied in not be prejudiced. Right of usufructuary to make useful or
the manner prescribed in the preceding article. luxurious improvements
1. To Receive the fruits of the property in (Paras, 2008) NOTE: Civil fruits accrue daily; stock dividends
usufruct and half of the hidden treasure he and cash dividends are considered civil fruits. 1. The usufructuary may construct and make
accidentally finds on the property (NCC, The things referred to in Art. 570 are improvements on the property as he may
Articles 566 and 438); considered civil fruits and shall be deemed to deem proper;
accrue proportionately to the naked owner and such are not declared from profits of the XPN: If there is an express prohibition to
NOTE: The usufructuary is entitled to the usufructuary, for the time the usufruct lasts. corporation. that effect.
natural, industrial, and civil fruits that will 2. Limitation: the usufructuary cannot alter its
accrue during the existence of the usufruct. Rules if the finder of a hidden treasure is a Aside from the right to the fruits, the form and substance;
usufructuary usufructuary has the right to the enjoyment (use, 3. Removal: usufructuary may generally
2. To enjoy any Increase which the thing in not ownership) of: remove provided no injury is made on the
usufruct may acquire through accession If the finder is a usufructuary and he discovers a. Accessions (whether artificial or natural); principal even against the will of the naked
(NCC, Art. 571); it by chance, the usufructuary shall be entitled b. Servitudes and easements; and owner. If he has chosen not to remove he
3. To Retain the thing until he is reimbursed to one half of the value thereof. The other half c. All benefits inherent in the property (like cannot be compelled to remove them; and
for advances for extraordinary expenses belongs to the naked owner. the right to hunt and fish therein, the right 4. Indemnity: no right to be indemnified if the
and taxes on the capital (NCC, Art. 612); to construct rainwater receptacles, etc.) improvements cannot be removed. He may
4. To make such Improvements or expenses If the finder is a third person and he found however set-off the value of the
on the property he may deem proper and to hidden treasure by chance in the property Reason: improvements against the amount of
remove the improvements provided no under usufruct, the usufructuary shall be damage he had caused to the property.
damage is caused to the property (NCC, Art. considered a stranger. The finder gets half and The usufructuary, as a rule, is entitled to the: (Pineda, 2009)
the other half shall belong to the naked owner. a. ENTIRE jus fruendi (including fruits of
(Paras, 2008) accessions); and NOTE: If the right of the usufructuary to remove
5. To Collect reimbursements from the owner
b. ENTIRE jus utendi (so he can make use for improvements is not registered in the
for indispensable extra ordinary repairs,
Rights of a usufructuary on pending natural example of an easement) registration proceedings of the land in usufruct,
taxes on the capital he advanced, and
and industrial fruits (NCC, Art. 567) an innocent purchaser for value of the property
damages caused to him;
When the expenses of cultivation and is not bound to respect the right.
6. To Remove improvements made by him if
the same will not injure the property; production exceeds the proceeds of the
FRUITS RIGHTS OF THE growing fruits Offsetting of damages and improvements
7. To personally Enjoy the thing or lease it to
another (NCC, Articles. 572-577) generally GROWING USUFRUCTUARY introduced by the usufructuary
for the same or shorter period as the If the expenses exceed the proceeds of the
At the growing fruits, the owner has no obligation to Requisites before set-off can be made:
usufruct; and
beginning of a. Belong to the usufructuary; reimburse the difference. (NCC, Art. 567) 1. Damage must have been caused by the
the usufruct usufructuary;
NOTE: As to the thing itself, the


Civil Law Property
2. Improvements must have augmented the property, the usufructuary shall answer to usufructuary so long as the usufruct exists. MSBF 1. Pay the APPRAISED value (if appraised
value of the property; and the owner. (Art. 590) The relation between was given a usufruct over only a 7-hectare area. when first delivered); or
3. Notice of intention to set-off. the owner and the usufructuary, does not end NHA cannot evict BGC if the 4,590 square meter 2. If there was no appraisal, return same
just because a lease has been made. The portion MSBF leased to BGC is within the 7- kind, quality, and quantity OR pay the
If the damages exceed the value of the usufructuary, however, can demand hectare area held in usufruct by MSBF. However, price current at the termination of the
improvements, the usufructuary is liable for the reimbursement from the lessee, because of the NHA has the right to evict BGC if BGC usufruct (therefore not at the original
difference as indemnity. of lease. If occupied a portion outside of the 7- hectare area price or value)
the usufructuary cannot pay the damage to covered by MSBF's usufructuary rights. (NHA v.
If the improvements exceed the amount of the naked owner, his bond shall be liable. CA, G.R. No. 148830, April 13, 2005) Usufruct on fruit-bearing trees and shrubs
damages, the usufructuary may remove the This is precisely one reason for the
portion of the improvements representing the requirement of a bond. (NCC, Art. 583) Transfer of the usufruct The usufructuary of fruit-bearing trees and
excess in value if it can be done without injury; shrubs may make use of the dead trunks, and
otherwise, the excess in value accrues to the 2. Rights with Reference to the USUFRUCTUARY The transferee can enjoy the rights transferred even of those cut off or uprooted by accident,
owner. RIGHT ITSELF to him by the usufructuary until the expiration under the obligation to replace them with new
of the usufruct. Transfer of usufructuary rights, plants. (NCC, Art. 575)
Q: Why do improvements accrue to the The usufructuary may alienate (sell, donate, gratuitous or onerous, is co-terminus with the
owner? bequeath, or devise) the usufructuary right term of usufruct. NOTE: This is a SPECIAL usufruct.
A: Because there is no indemnity for (except a legal usufruct, i.e., the usufruct Exercise of acts of ownership by a
improvements. which parents have over the properties of usufructuary Rights
their unemancipated children, because said
Rights of the usufructuary as to the usufruct usufruct is to be used for certain obligations GR: A usufructuary cannot exercise acts of The usufructuary can use (even for firewood,
itself towards children); or a usufruct granted a ownership such as alienation or conveyance. though he is NOT the naked owner) the
usufructuary in consideration of his person; following:
1. To Alienate, pledge or mortgage the right of or a usufruct acquired thru a caucion XPNs: When what is to be alienated or a. Dead trunks; and
usufruct, even by gratuitous title (NCC, Art. juratoria, for here, the need of the conveyed is a: b. Those cut off or uprooted by accident.
572); usufructuary himself is the reason for the
2. In a usufruct to Recover property/real enjoyment. (NCC, Art. 587) 1. Consumable; BUT he must REPLACE them with new plants
right, to bring the action and to oblige the 2. Property intended for sale; or (for indeed, he was not the naked owner)
owner thereof to give him the proper The usufructuary may pledge or mortgage 3. Property which has been appraised when
authority and the necessary proof to bring the usufructuary right (because he OWNS delivered. (NCC, Art. 574) Other SPECIAL usufructs
the action (NCC, Art. 578); and said right) BUT he cannot pledge or mortgage
3. In a usufruct of part of a Common property, the thing itself because he does not own the NOTE: If it has not yet been appraised or if it is 1. Of periodical pension, income, dividends
to exercise all the rights pertaining to the thing [NCC, Art. 2085(2)]. Neither can he sell not a consumable, return the same quality (NCC, Art. 570);
co-owner with respect to the or in any way alienate the thing itself, or (mutuum) 2. Of woodland (NCC, Art. 577);
administration and collection of fruits or future crops, for crops pending at the 3. Of right of action to recover real property,
interests. termination of the usufruct belong to the Abnormal usufruct on consumable things real right, or movable property (NCC, Art.
naked owner. (NCC, ArtIcles 567 and 572 and 578);
Lease, alienation and encumbrance of the Mortgage Law, Art. 106) This is another instance of abnormal usufruct, 4. Of part of property owned in common
property subject to usufruct - (Art. 582);
Q: 120 hectares of land from the NHA 5. Of the entire patrimony of a person (NCC,
1. Rights with Reference to the THING ITSELF (in property were reserved for the site of the really preserved. Thus, this is really a SIMPLE Art. 598);
Addition to the Usufruct) National Government Center. 7 hectares from loan. It has been included however in the title 6. On a mortgaged immovable (NCC, Art. 600);
which were withdrawn from the operation. on usufructs because in what are called and
The usufructuary, not being the owner of the These revoked lands were reserved (MSBF) UNIVERSAL USUFRUCTS, both non-consumable 7. On a flock or herd of livestock. (NCC, Art.
thing subject to usufruct, cannot alienate, However, MSBF occupied approximately 16 and consumable properties are included. While 591)
pledge or mortgage the thing itself. hectares and leased a portion thereof to we seldom find usufructs on consumable
However, the usufructuary may lease the Bulacan Garden Corporation (BGC) BGC properties alone, it is a fact that they indeed Special usufruct over a WOODLAND
thing to another (This can be done even occupies 4,590 sqm. Implementing such exist. Thus, the Supreme Court has held that
revocation, NHA ordered BGC to vacate its even money may be the object of a usufruct. This is not a common or frequent usufruct
ordinarily the lease must not extend to a occupied area. BGC then filed a complaint for (Paras, 2008) because:
period longer than that of the usufruct, injunction. Has BGC any right over the leased - 1. Natural resources (including forest or
unless the owner consents. Thus, the lease premises? timber lands) belong to the State (Regalian
ends at the time the usufruct ends, except in 1. The usufructuary (debtor-borrower) can Doctrine under Art. XII, Sec. 3 of the 1987
the case of rural leases). A: A usufructuary may lease the object held use them (as if he is the owner, with Philippine Constitution);
in usufruct. The owner of the property must complete right of pledge or alienation) 2. A license is generally essential if one desires
NOTE: If the lessee should damage the respect the lease entered into by the 2. BUT at the end of the usufruct, he must: to gather forest products (Revised


Civil Law Property
Administrative Code, Sec. 47) The action may be instituted in the urgency of such repairs but the latter point out discrepancies and omissions in
name, for being the owner of the failed to make said repairs despite the the inventory.
Obligations of the usufructuary over a usufruct, he is properly deemed a real party in notification, and the repair is
woodland interest. (Rules of Court, Sec. 2, Rule 3) necessary for the preservation of the 2. Conditions of immovables must be
property. (NCC, Art. 594) described; and
In the enjoyment of the usufruct, the a. If the purpose is the recovery of the 3. Movables must be appraised.
usufructuary: property or right, he is still required under 2. To retain the thing until reimbursement is
Art. 578 to obtain the naked own made. (NCC, Art. 612) NOTE: As a rule, no form is required, except
1. Must bear in mind that he is not the owner, authority. when there are real properties. Expenses
and therefore, in the exercise of the diligence b. If the purpose is to object to or prevent OBLIGATIONS OF USUFRUCTUARY are to be borne by the usufructuary. (Paras,
in caring for the property (required under disturbance over the property (once the 2008)
Art. 589 he must see to it that the woodland property is given him), no special authority The usufructuary has obligations
is preserved, either by development or by from the naked owner is needed. When inventory is not required
replanting, thus he cannot consume all, 1. Before the usufruct (like the making of
otherwise nothing would be left for the Usufructuary of a part of common property inventory); 1. Waived;
owner. 2. During the usufruct (like taking due care of 2. No one will be injured by the lack of
2. In the cutting or felling of trees, he must The usufructuary of a part of a thing held in property); and inventory (NCC, Art. 585);
common shall exercise all the rights pertaining 3. After the usufruct (like the duty to return 3. When the donor has reserved to himself the
a. to the owner thereof with respect to the and indemnify in the proper cases) usufruct of the property donated; or
b. In default thereof, follow the customs of administration and the collection of fruits or 4. Agreement of both parties.
the place (as to MANNER, AMOUNT and interest. Should the co-ownership cease by 1. Before the usufruct (NCC, Art. 583)
SEASON) (NCC, Art. 577) reason of the division of the thing held in Effects of failure to post a bond or security
a. Make an inventory; and
All without prejudice to the owner, common, the usufruct of the part allotted to the
b. Give security
for while he can USE, he cannot co-owner shall belong to the usufructuary. 1. The owner shall have the following options
ABUSE. (NCC, Art. 582) (NCC, Art. 586):
This article speaks of two obligations (inventory
a. Receivership of realty;
and security) They are not necessary however
NOTE: The rule above is applicable if the A co-owner may give the usufruct of his share b. Sale of movables;
before the right to the usufruct begins; they are
woodland: to another, even without the consent of the c. Deposit of securities;
merely necessary before physical possession and
i. Is a COPSE (thicket of small trees); others, unless personal considerations are d. Investment of money; or
enjoyment of the property can be had, thus if the
or present. (NCC, Art. 493) e. Retention of the property as
usufructuary fails to give security (unless
ii. Consists of timber for BUILDING. administrator.
exempt) the usufruct still begins but the naked
The usufructuary in such a case takes the
owner will have the rights granted him under
c. If there be no customs, the only time 2. The net product shall be delivered to the
Art. 586. (Paras, 2008)
the usufructuary can CUT DOWN trees a. Administration (management); and usufructuary;
will be for REPAIR or IMPROVEMENT, b. Collection of fruits or interest (NCC, Art. 3. The usufructuary cannot collect credit due
NOTE: The purpose of giving security is to
but here the owner must first be 582) (BUT not as to alienation, disposition, or make investments of the capital without
insure fulfillment by the usufruct of the
informed (the owner, thus, does not or creation of any real right over the the consent of the owner or of the court
obligation imposed upon him.
need to consent) property, since these are strict acts of until the bond is given.
ownership, unless of course he is
After the security has been given by the
3. Cannot alienate the trees (for the trees are authorized by the naked owner) (Paras, Effects of failure to give security
usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the
not considered fruits) unless he is 2008)
proceeds and benefits from the day on which, in
permitted, expressly or impliedly by the 1. On the rights of the naked owner:
accordance with the title constituting the
owner (as when the purpose of the usufruct Rights of usufructuary at the expiration of a. May deliver the property to the
usufruct, he should have commenced to receive
was really to sell the timber) or unless he the usufruct usufructuary;
them (retroactive effect of security). (NCC, Art.
needs the money to do some repairs (but in b. May choose retention of the property
the last case, the owner must be informed) 1. To collect reimbursement from the owner: as administrator; and
a. For indispensable extraordinary c. May demand receivership or
Requirements for the inventory
Rights of usufructuary to recover the repairs made by the usufructuary administration of the real property,
property held in usufruct (NCC, Art. 593); sale of movable, conversion or deposit
1. The naked owner or representative must be
b. For taxes on the capital advanced by of credit instruments or investment of
previously notified;
To bring the action, the usufructuary can the usufructuary (NCC, Art. 597); cash or profits.
DEMAND from the owner: c. For damages caused by the naked
NOTE: The purpose is to enable him to
owner; 2. On the rights of the usufructuary:
correct errors in the inventory if he desires.
1. Authority to bring the action (usually a d. For payment of increase in value of the a. Cannot possess the property until he
His absence is a waiver for corrections. If
special power of attorney); and immovable by reason of repairs gives security;
there is non-notification, the inventory can
2. Proofs needed for a recovery. provided the owner is notified of the b. Cannot administer property;
go on but the naked owner may later on


Civil Law Property
c. Cannot collect credits that have 2. During the usufruct 2. Those caused by exceptional circumstances 3. After the usufruct/ at the termination
matured nor invest them; and and are indispensable for its preservation. a. Return the thing in usufruct to the
XPN: if the court or naked owner a. Take care of property; naked owner unless there is a right of
consents; b. Replace the young of animals that die or Liabilities: retention;
d. May alienate his right to usufruct. are lost or become prey when the a. The naked owner shall be held liable; b. Pay legal interest for the time that the
usufruct is constituted on a flock or herd and usufruct lasts; and
Exemption of usufructuary from the of livestock; b. The usufructuary is allowed to make c. Indemnify the naked owner for any
obligation to give security c. Make ordinary repairs; them with the right to get the increase losses due to his negligence or of his
d. Notify the owner of urgent in value and the right of retention at the transferees.
Usufructuary may be exempt from the obligation extraordinary repairs; termination of usufruct, provided there
to give security when: e. Permit works & improvements by the was notification by the usufructuary and NOTE: The usufructuary may be liable for the
naked owner not prejudicial to the failure to repair by the naked owner. damages suffered by the naked owner on
1. No one will be injured by the lack of the usufruct; (Paras, 2008) account of fraud committed by him or through
bond (NCC, Art. 585); f. Pay annual taxes and charges on the his negligence.
2. The donor (or parent) reserved the fruits; 3. Those caused by exceptional circumstances
usufruct of the property donated (NCC, Art. g. Pay interest on taxes on capital paid by but are not needed for its preservation. XPN: the usufructuary is not liable for
584); the naked owner; Liabilities: deterioration due to:
3. When there is waiver by the naked owner; h. Pay debts when usufruct is constituted a. The naked owner is liable; and
4. When there is parental usufruct (FC, Art. on the whole patrimony; b. The usufructuary cannot compel the 1. Wear and tear; or
225); i. naked owner to make such repairs and 2. Fortuitous event.
5. The usufruct is subject to caucion juratoria approval to collect credits in certain he is not allowed to make them even if
where: cases; the naked owner has failed to make RIGHTS OF THE OWNER
j. Notify the owner of any prejudicial act them. (Paras, 2008)
a. The usufructuary takes an oath to take committed by third persons; and Rights of a naked owner and the limitations
care of the things and restore them to k. Pay for court expenses and costs. NOTE: Extraordinary repairs shall be at the
imposed upon him
its previous state before the usufruct expense of the owner. The usufructuary is
is constituted; and repairs obliged to notify the owner when the need for
b. The property subject to such cannot be such repairs is urgent.
alienated or encumbered or leased. The usufructuary is obliged to make the
ordinary repairs needed by the thing given in Right of retention of the usufructuary
Caucion juratoria Can alienate the thing in
usufruct. It includes such as are required by the Alienation
The usufructuary has a right of retention even usufruct.
wear and tear due to the natural use of the Cannot alter the form and
thing and are indispensable for its preservation. after the termination of the usufruct until he is Alteration
The usufructuary, being unable to file the reimbursed for the increase in value of the substance.
(NCC, Art. 592)
required bond or security, may file a verified property caused by extraordinary repairs for Cannot do anything
petition in the proper court asking for the preservation. Enjoyment prejudicial to the
NOTE: If the naked owner demanded the repair
delivery of the house and furniture necessary for usufructuary
and the usufructuary still fails to do so, the
himself and his family so that he and his family Charges or taxes which the usufructuary Can construct any works
owner may make them personally or thru
be allowed to live in a house included in the must pay and make any
another, at the expense of the usufructuary.
usufruct and retain it until the termination of the improvement provided it
(NCC, Art. 592) Construction and
usufruct without any bond or security. 1. The annual charges (in the fruits); does not diminish the
2. The annual taxes on the fruits; and value or the usufruct or
Extraordinary repairs (NCC, Art. 593)
The same rule shall be observed with respect to prejudice the rights of the
implements, tools and other movable property Taxes imposed directly on the capital usufructuary.
It includes:
necessary for an industry or vocation in which 1. Those required by the wear and tear due to
he is engaged. (NCC, Art. 587) These shall be at the expense of the owner Alienation by naked owner
the natural use of the thing but not
indispensable for its preservation. provided they are not annual. (Paras, 2008)
Requisites before the caucion juratoria is Since the jus disponendi and the title (dominium
allowed Rules: directum) reside with the naked owner, he
1. If paid by the naked owner, he can demand retains the right to ALIENATE the property
a. The naked owner should be held liable,
1. Proper court petition; legal interest on the sum paid; or BUT:
whether or not he is notified by the
2. Necessity for delivery of furniture, usufructuary; and 2. If advanced by the usufructuary, he shall
implements or house included in the recover the amount thereof at the 1. He cannot alter its form or substance; or
b. The law does not require the naked
usufruct; termination of the usufruct. [NCC, Art. 2. Do anything prejudicial to the usufructuary
owner to make them; what is important
3. Approval of the court; and 597(2)] (as when he should illegally lease the
is that he will bear the expenses made
4. Sworn promise. property to another, since this right
by the usufructuary. (Paras, 2008)


Civil Law Property
ordinarily pertains to the usufructuary) OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNER NOTE: If the usufructuary is a juridical the land but the building is destroyed in
person, the term should not exceed 50 any manner whatsoever before the
Improper use of the thing by the 1. To make reimbursement for advances of years. expiration of the period of usufruct:
usufructuary the usufructuary (NCC, Art. 597);
2. To cancel the security, upon discharge of the 6. Renunciation by the usufructuary; and a. The usufruct on the building ends, but
The owner may demand the delivery of and (NCC, Art. 612); the usufruct on the land continues
administration of the thing with responsibility 3. To respect leases of rural lands by the NOTE: It partakes the nature of a (usufructuary is still entitled to the use
to deliver net fruits to usufructuary. usufructuary for the balance of the condonation or donation. It can be made of the land and remaining materials of
agricultural year. (NCC, Art. 572) expressly or impliedly as long as done the building);
Q: On 1 January 1980, Minerva, the owner of clearly. If done expressly, it must conform b. If the naked owner wants to rebuild
a building granted Petronila a usufruct over EXTINCTION/TERMINATION with forms of donation. Renunciation of but the usufructuary refuses, the latter
the property until 01 June 1998 when prevails but the use of the land is still
Manuel, a son of Petronila, would have of right. It is really abandonment by the his for the remainder of the period.
Usufruct is extinguished by: (PLDT-ERM)
reached his 30th birthday. Manuel, however, usufructuary of his right and does not (Paras, 2008)
died on 1 June 1990 when he was only 26 require the consent of the naked owner but
1. Acquisitive Prescription;
years old. it is subject to the rights of creditors. There 2. The usufruct is on the building alone (but
can be a partial waiver except if it is a the building is destroyed before the
NOTE: The use by a third person and not
Minerva notified Petronila that the usufruct universal usufruct. termination of the period):
the non-use by the usufructuary. Mere non-
had been extinguished by the death of 7. Merger of the usufruct and ownership in a. The usufruct on the building ends, but
use of the usufructuary does not terminate
Manuel and demanded that the latter vacate the same person who becomes the absolute the usufructuary can still make use of
the usufruct.
the premises and deliver the same to the owner thereof. (NCC, Art. 1275) whatever materials of the building
former. Petronila refused to vacate the place remain;
XPN: unless it is also a renunciation.
on the ground that the usufruct in her favor Other Causes of termination of usufruct b. The usufructuary is entitled to the use
would expire only on 1 June 1998 when a. Annulment of the act or title of the land but the naked owner enjoys
2. Total Loss of the thing;
Manuel would have reached his 30 th constituting the usufruct; preferential right to its use. (Paras,
birthday and that the death of Manuel b. Rescission; 2008)
NOTE: If the loss is only partial, the
c. Expropriation;
before his 30th birthday did not extinguish usufruct continues with the remaining part.
d. Mutual withdrawal; NOTE: While the usufruct on a building does not
the usufruct. Whose contention should be
accepted? (1997 BAR) e. Legal causes for terminating legal expressly include the land on which it is
3. Death of the usufructuary;
usufruct; or constructed, the land should be deemed
f. Abandonment or dissolution of included, because there can be no building
GR: Death of the usufructuary generally
juridical entity (e.g. corporation) without land. (De Leon, 2006)
accepted. A usufruct granted for the time that ends the usufruct since a usufruct is
granted with usufruct before the lapse
may elapse before a third person reaches a constituted essentially as a lifetime benefit
certain age shall subsist for the number of years of the period. Payment of insurance on a building held in
for the usufructuary or in consideration of
usufruct (NCC, Art. 608)
specified even if the third person should die his person.
Usufruct cannot be constituted in favor of a
unless there is an express stipulation in the
town, corporation or association for more 1. If the naked owner and usufructuary share in
contract that states otherwise. (NCC, Art. 606) XPNs:
There is no express stipulation that the than 50 years the premiums and the property is destroyed:
a. In the case of multiple usufructs, it
consideration for the usufruct is the existence ends on the death of the last survivor
Any usufruct constituted in favor of a a. If the owner constructs a new building,
(NCC, Art. 611);
corporation or association cannot be the usufruct continues on the new
not the exception should apply in this case. b. In case there is a period fixed based on
constituted for more than fifty years. (NCC, Art. building.
the number of years that would elapse
605) A usufruct is meant only as a lifetime i. If the cost of the new building is
When buyer must respect the usufruct before a person would reach a certain
grant. Unlike a natural person, a corporation or less than the insurance
age, unless the period was expressly
association's lifetime may be extended indemnity, the usufructuary
A purchaser of the property must respect the granted only in consideration of the
usufruct in case it is registered or known to him indefinitely. The usufruct would then be should get legal interests on the
existence of such person, in which
perpetual. This is especially invidious in cases difference.
(NCC, Art. 709), otherwise, he can oust the case it ends at the death of said person
usufructuary, who can then look to the naked where the usufruct given to a corporation or ii. If the cost is more than the
(NCC, Art. 606); or
association covers public land. (NHA v. CA, G.R. insurance indemnity, the
owner for damages. (NCC, Art. 581) c. In case the contrary intention clearly
No. 148830, April 13, 2005) usufructuary enjoys the new
Effect of the death of the naked owner on the building completely with no
usufruct Usufruct on a building and/or land obligation to give interest on the
4. Termination of right of the person
concerned additional cost of the naked
constituting the usufruct;
The usufruct does not terminate the usufruct. 5. Expiration of the period or fulfilment of the
his resolutory condition;
1. If the usufruct is both on the building and b. If the naked owner does not construct a


Civil Law Property
new building or rebuild, the naked owner alternative, he shall give security for the owner is obliged to abstain from doing Essential qualities of easements:
gets the insurance indemnity but he the payment of interest. (NCC, Art. or to permit a certain thing to be done on
should pay the interest thereon to the 609) his estate. (NCC, Articles 613 and 614) 1. Incorporeal;
usufructuary. (Paras, 2008) 2. Imposed upon corporeal property;
2. If both the naked owner and the Where the easement may be established on any 3. Confers no right to a participation in the
2. If the naked owner alone pays the insurance usufructuary were separately given of several tenements surrounding the dominant profits arising from it;
indemnity and the usufructuary refused to share: indemnity, each owns the indemnity given estate, the one where the way is shortest and 4. Imposed for the benefit of corporeal
to him, the usufruct being totally will cause the least damage should be chosen. property;
a. The naked owner gets the whole extinguished. However, if these two circumstances do not 5. Has two distinct tenements: dominant and
indemnity (with no obligation to give the concur in a single tenement, the way which will servient estate; and
interest thereon to the usufructuary) 3. If the usufructuary alone was given the cause the least damage should be used, even if it 6. Cause must be perpetual.
b. If the usufruct was on the building and the indemnity, he must give it to the naked will not be the shortest.
land, the usufruct continues on the land owner and compel the latter to return Easement vs. Usufruct
and the material. either the interest or to replace the There can be no easement over another
c. If the usufruct was on the building alone, property. He may deduct the interest easement for the reason that an easement may
the naked owner may rebuild, with or himself if the naked owner fails to object. be constituted only on a corporeal immovable BASIS EASEMENT USUFRUCT
without the approval of the usufructuary, (Paras, 2008) property. An easement, although it is real right
but he must pay interest on the value of over an immovable, is not a corporeal right. On real Real or
Constituted on
the land and the old materials that may Effect of bad use of the property held in (1995 BAR) property personal
have been used. (NCC, Art. 607) usufruct Limited to a
Easement vs. Servitude particular or
3. If the naked owner alone paid for the GR: Usufruct is not extinguished by bad use of Includes all
specific use
insurance but there is failure or omission on the the thing in usufruct. Use granted uses and
of the
part of the usufructuary to share: EASEMENT SERVITUDE fruits.
XPN: If the abuse should cause considerable estate.
The effect is the same as if there was a injury to the owner, the latter may demand An English law Involves a
sharing, but the usufructuary must delivery to and administration by him, but he Used in civil law countries
term No right of
will be obliged to pay net proceeds to the Real Real or personal As to right of possessory possession in
share in the insurance premium. usufructuary. (NCC, Art. 610) The right Burden imposed upon possession right over an an
enjoyed another immovable immovable
4. If the usufructuary alone pays the insurance Rules in case of multiple usufructs or movable.
premium: Characteristics of easement (NICE LIAR) Not
a. The insurance indemnity goes to the 1. If constituted simultaneously, all the extinguished Extinguished
usufructuary alone, with no obligation usufructuaries must be alive at the time of As to effect of
1. A right limited by the Needs of the by death of by death of
to share it with, nor to give legal interest the constitution. The death of the last death
dominant owner or estate, without dominant usufructuary.
thereon to, the naked owner. survivor extinguishes the usufruct (NCC, possession; owner.
b. The usufruct continues on the land for Art. 611); 2. Inseparable from the estate to which it is Real right Real right
the remaining period (unless usufruct 2. If constituted successively by virtue of a attached cannot be alienated whether or whether or
has been constituted on the building donation, all the donee-usufructuaries must Nature of right
independently of the estate (NCC, Art. 617) not not
alone) be living at the time of the constitution- (2001, 2010 BAR); registered. registered.
donation of the usufruct (NCC, Art. 756); and 3. Cannot consist in the doing of an act unless As to
Rule in case of expropriation of the property 3. If constituted successively by virtue of a last the act is accessory in relation to a real Transmissibl Transmissibl
(NCC, Art. 609) will, there should only be two successive easement; e e
usufructuaries, and both must have been 4. Involves two (2) neighboring Estates: the Cannot be
In case the property held in usufruct is death. dominant estate to which the right belongs May be constituted
expropriated for public use: and the servient estate upon which an constituted on an
EASEMENT OR SERVITUDE obligation rests; in favor, or, easement but
1. If the naked owner alone was given the 5. AL rights How it may be
burdening, a it may be
indemnity, he has the option to: It is an encumbrance imposed upon an of ownership; constituted
piece of land constituted
a. Replace it with another thing of the immovable for the benefit of: 6. Indivisible not affected by the division of held in on the land
same value and of similar condition; or the estate between two or more persons usufruct. burdened by
b. Pay legal interest to usufructuary on 1. Another immovable belonging to a different (NCC, Art. 618); an easement.
the amount of indemnity for the whole owner; or 7. It is enjoyed over Another immovable never
period of the usufruct, not just the 2. For the benefit of a community or one or Q: Can there be an easement over a
unexpired period. more persons to whom the encumbered 8. A Real right but will affect third persons usufruct?
NOTE: If the owner chooses the latter estate does not belong by virtue of which only when registered.


Civil Law Property
A: There can be no easement over a usufruct. For this purpose, he shall notify the owner of alter or make it more burdensome. [NCC, constituted need not to be the owner
Since an easement may be constituted only on a the servient estate, and shall choose the most Art.627(1)] of any estate and does not require a
corporeal immovable property, no easement convenient time and manner so as to cause the dominant estate because the person in
may be constituted on a usufruct which is not a least inconvenience to the owner of the servient Servient owner whose favor the easement is
corporeal right. estate. (NCC, Art. 627) constituted need not to be the
The owner of the immovable whose property is property owner.
Q: Can there be a usufruct over an NOTE: The necessity of the works for the use subject to easement for the benefit of the
easement? and preservation of the easement is the basis dominant owner. 2. As to the manner of exercise
and the determining factor for the extent of a. Continuous Their use may or may not
A: There can be no usufruct over an easement. such works. Rights of the servient owner (RMC) be incessant, without the intervention
While a usufruct may be created over a right, of any act of man. E.g. Easement of
such right must have an existence of its own The works must be executed in the manner 1. Retain the ownership of the portion of the drainage (NCC, Art. 615); and
independent of the property. A servitude least inconvenient to the servient owner, who estate on which easement is imposed;
cannot be the object of a usufruct because it has cannot recover indemnity for the inevitable 2. Make use of the easement unless there is an NOTE: For acquisitive prescription,
no existence independent of the property to damages or inconveniences which may be agreement to the contrary [NCC, Art. the easement of aqueduct and
which it attaches. caused thereby. 628(2)]; and easement of light and view are
3. Change the place or manner of the use of considered continuous.
Q: Is there such thing as judicial easement? But if the work is done badly, the dominant the easement, provided it be equally
owner will be liable for damages that may be convenient. [NCC, Art. 629(2)] b. Discontinuous Used at intervals and
A: NO. When the court says that an easement suffered by the servient owner. depend upon the acts of man. E.g.
exists, it is not creating one. For, even an Obligations or limitations imposed on the Easement of right of way
injunction cannot be used to create one as there Rights of the dominant owner (MARE) servient owner (IC)
is no such thing as a judicial easement. The 3. As to whether their existence is
court merely declares the existence of an 1. Make on the servient estate all works 1. He cannot Impair the use of the easement. indicated
easement created by the parties. (La Vista necessary for the use and preservation of a. Apparent Made known and
Association v. CA, G.R. No. 95252, September 5, the servitude (NCC, Art. 627); XPN: (1) When the easement has become continually kept in view by external
1997) 2. Ask for mandatory injunction to prevent very inconvenient to the said servient signs that reveal the use and
impairment of his right (Resolme v. Lazo, owner; and (2) If it prevents him from enjoyment of the same (NCC, Art. 615);
PARTIES TO AN EASEMENT G.R. No. L-8654, March 30, 1914); making any important works, repairs, or and
3. Renounce the easement if he desires to be improvements thereon.
1. Dominant estate refers to the immovable exempt from contributing necessary NOTE: By way of exception the
for which the easement was established; expenses (NCC, Art. 628); and 2. He must Contribute to the necessary easement of aqueduct is always
and 4. Exercise all rights necessary for the use of expenses in case he uses the easement, apparent, whether or not it can be
2. Servient estate the estate which provides the easement. (NCC, Art. 625) unless otherwise agreed upon. [NCC, Art. seen. (NCC, Art. 646)
the service or benefit. 628(2)]
Obligations of the dominant owner (CANECO) b. Non-apparent They show no external
Dominant Estate v. Servient Estate CLASSIFICATIONS OF EASEMENT indication of their existence. (NCC, Art.
1. He cannot Exercise the easement in any 615)
DOMINANT ESTATE SERVIENT ESTATE other manner than that previously 1. As to recipient of the benefit
Immovable in favor of That property or estate established (NCC, Art. 626); a. Real (or predial) The easement is in 4. As to the right given
which, the easement is which is subject to the 2. He cannot Alter the easement or render it favor of another immovable (NCC, Art. a. Right to partially use the servient
established. dominant estate. more burdensome [NCC, Art. 627(1)]; 613); and estate;
3. He shall Notify the servient owner of works b. Right to get specific materials or
Which the right Upon which an necessary for the use and preservation of NOTE: It requires two distinct objects from the servient estate;
belongs. obligation rests. the servitude [NCC, Art. 627(2)]; immovables belonging to different c. Right to participate in ownership; and
4. He must Choose the most convenient time owners to which it relates. d. Right to impede or prevent the
and manner of making the necessary works neighboring estate from performing a
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATION OF THE OWNERS as to cause the least inconvenience to the specific act of ownership. (Paras, 2008)
OF THE DOMINANT AND SERVIENT b. Personal The easement is in favor of
servient owner; a community, or of one or more 5. As to source
ESTATES 5. If there are several dominant estates he a. Legal Those created by law for public
persons to whom the encumbered
must Contribute to the necessary expenses estate does not belong e.g. easement of use or private interests;
The owner of the dominant estate may make, at in proportion to the benefits derived from b. Voluntary - constituted by will or
right of way for passage of livestock.
his own expense, on the servient state any the works [NCC, Art. 628(1)]; and agreement of the parties or by
(NCC, Art. 614)
works necessary for the use and preservation of 6. He can may make, at his Own expense, on testator; and
the servitude, but without altering it or the servient estate, any works necessary for NOTE: In personal servitude the
rendering it more burdensome. the use of servitude, provided it will not NOTE: Like any other contract, a
person in whose favor the easement is


Civil Law Property
voluntary easement (of right-of-way) considered as such under Art. their existence but because of the making of the discontinuous easements, this period shall
could be extinguished only by mutual 620 which expressly makes it NOTARIAL PROHIBITION which makes it be computed from the day on which they
agreement or by renunciation of the DISTINCT from title. apparent. ceased to be used; and, with respect to
owner of the dominant estate. (La continuous easements from the day on
Vista Association v. CA, G.R. No. 95252, 2. By Prescription of 10 years (2009 BAR) NOTE: In negative easement there is a need of a which an act contrary to the same took
September 5, 1997) formal act. place;
NOTE: Prescription runs irrespective of 3. When either or both of the estates fall into
c. Mixed Created partly by agreement good faith or bad faith of the possessor and Doctrine of Apparent Sign such condition that the easement Cannot be
and partly by law. whether or not he has just title. The only used; but it shall revive if the subsequent
requirement is adverse possession. Only Easements are inseparable from the estate to condition of the estates or either of them
6. As to the duty of the servient owner: continuous and apparent easements can be which they actively or passively pertain. The should again permit its use, unless when
a. Positive Imposes upon the owner of acquired by prescription. (NCC, Art. 620) existence of apparent sign under Art. 624 is the use becomes possible, sufficient time
the servient estate the obligation of equivalent to a title. It is as if there is an implied for prescription has elapsed, in accordance
allowing something to be done or 3. By deed of Recognition contract between the two new owners that the with the provisions of the preceding
doing it himself; and easement should be constituted, since no one number;
4. By Final judgment objected to the continued existence of the 4. By the Expiration of the term or the
e.g. Right of way imposes the duty to windows. fulfillment of the condition, if the easement
allow the use of said way. NO JUDICIAL EASEMENTS. Resultantly, is temporary or conditional;
when the court says that an easement NOTE: It is understood that there is an exterior 5. By the Renunciation of the owner of the
b. Negative Prohibits the owner of the exists, it is not creating one. For, even an sign contrary to the easement of party wall dominant estate; and
servient estate from doing something injunction cannot be used to create one as whenever: 6. By the Redemption agreed upon between
which he could lawfully do if the there is no such thing as a judicial the owners of the dominant and servient
easement did not exist. easement. The court merely declares the 1. There is a window or opening in the estates. (NCC, Art. 631)
e.g. Easement of light and view where existence of an easement created by the dividing wall of buildings;
the owner is prohibited from parties. (La Vista Association, Inc. v. CA, G.R. 2. Entire wall is built within the boundaries of NOTE: The grounds under Article 631 are not
obstructing the passage of light. No. 95252, September 5, 1997) one of the estates; exclusive.
3. The dividing wall bears the burden of the
MODES OF ACQUIRING EASEMENT NOTE: If the owner of the servient estate binding beams, floors and roof frame of one In addition to the foregoing causes enumerated
refuses to execute the deed of recognition, of the buildings, but not those of the others; in Article 631 of the New Civil Code the
1. By Title the following easements may be the court may, in its judgment, declare the or following may be added: (1) annulment or
acquired only by title: existence of the easement. 4. The lands enclosed by fences or live hedges rescission of title constituting easement; (2)
adjoin others which are not enclosed. termination of the right of the grantor; and (3)
a. Continuous non-apparent easements; 5. By Apparent sign established by the owner abandonment of the servient estate; and (4)
b. Discontinuous apparent easements; of the two adjoining estates In all these cases, ownership is deemed to eminent domain. (4 Manresa, 5th ed., 590)
and belong exclusively to the owner of the property
c. Discontinuous non-apparent XPN: unless at the time the ownership of which has in its favor the presumption based on Merger
easements. (NCC, Art. 622) (2005 the two estates is divided: any of these signs.
BAR) It is enough that the merger be with respect to
a. There are contrary stipulations; or Acknowledgement of an easement in one the portion of the tenement that is affected by
NOTE: Title means: b. The sign is removed before the who owns property the servitude, or the part for the benefit of which
It does not necessarily mean execution of the deed. (NCC, Art. 624) it was established.
document. An acknowledgement of the easement is an
It means a juridical act or law Computation of prescriptive period admission that the property belongs to another. Where the merger is temporary or under
sufficient to create the encumbrance. (BOMEDCO v. Heirs of Valdez, G.R. No. 124669, resolutory condition, there is at most a
1. Positive easement The 10-year period is July 31, 2003) suspension, but not an extinguishment of the
E.g. law, donation, testamentary counted from the day when the owner of servitude.
succession, contract. the dominant estate begins to exercise it; MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT
a. Intestate succession does not and OF EASEMENTS Non-user
create an easement, for no act is 2. Negative easement from the day a notarial
involved. Hence, instead of prohibition is made on the servient estate. Easements are extinguished (MEN-CRR) Non-use must be due to voluntary abstention by
creating an easement, it transmits (2001, 2010 BAR) the dominant owner, and not to fortuitous event,
merely an easement already Negative easement cannot be acquired by
existing. prescription since they are non-apparent. 1. By Merger in the same person of the because the basis of this cause of extinguishment
b. Prescription is a mode of However, for purposes of prescription, there are ownership of the dominant and servient is a presumptive renunciation.
acquisition, and is generally and negative easement that can be considered estates;
ordinarily a title, but is not 2. By Non-user for 10 years; with respect to NOTE: Reckoning point:


Civil Law Property
1. Discontinuous counted from the day they Private legal easement is for the interest of Subjacent Support
ceased to be used. private persons or for private use. It shall be
2. Continuous counted from the day an act governed by:
adverse to the exercise takes place.
1. Agreement of the parties provided they are
Non-user presupposes that the easement has neither prohibited by law nor prejudicial to
been used before but it was abandoned for 10 third persons;
years. Thus, it cannot apply to easements which 2. In default, general or local laws and
have not been used. ordinances for the general welfare; or
3. In default, title VII of Articles 613-687 of
Impossibility of use the NCC.
6. Intermediate distances and works for certain
The impossibility of use only suspends the Kinds of legal easements (WIND PLWS)
construction and plantings; EASEMENTS RELATING TO WATERS
servitude until such time when it can be used
again. 1. Easement relating to Waters;
Different easements relating to waters:
Expiration 2. Easement relating to right of Way; (NBREWAC)

e.g. An easement was agreed upon to last till the A. Natural drainage (NCC, Art. 637);
owner of the dominant easement becomes a
lawyer. When the condition is fulfilled, the Scope of easement of natural drainage
easement ceases.
Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters
Renunciation which naturally and without the intervention of
7. Easement against Nuisance; and man descend from higher estates, as well as the
Renunciation must be express, definite, clear, stones or earth which they carry with them.
specific (otherwise it might be confused with (NCC, Art. 637) (2002 BAR)
3. Easement of Party wall;
non- user) This is particularly true for
discontinuous easements. Renunciation of a real NOTE: Art. 637 has already been superseded by
right must be reflected in a public instrument. Art. 50 of P.D. 1067. (Water Code of the

Duties of Servient Estate

The owner cannot construct works that would
This is voluntary redemption, existing because of impede the easement BUT he may regulate or
an express stipulation. The stipulation may control the descent of water.
provide conditions under which the easement 8. Easement relating to lateral and Subjacent
would be extinguished. (Paras, 2008) 4. Easement of Light and view; Duties of Dominant Estate

LEGAL EASEMENT 1. He cannot construct works which will

Lateral Support
increase the burden, but he may construct
Legal easements are those imposed by law works preventing erosion;
having for their object either public use of the 2. They must compensate the owners of the
interest of private persons. They shall be servient estates if the waters are result of an
governed by the special laws and regulations overflow from irrigation dams, or the result
relating thereto, and in the absence thereof, by of artificial descent done by man and
the Civil Code. damages caused by reason thereof,

Public legal easement 5. Drainage of Building; Prescription of easement of natural drainage

Public legal easement is for public or communal The easement of natural drainage prescribes by
use. non-use for 10 years. (Paras, 2008)

Private legal easement Indemnity in easement of natural drainage


Civil Law Property
Art. 637 of the New Civil Code, which provides 1. It must be imposed for reasons of public watering animals, the existence of the latter does Q: The original developer of Happy Glen Loop
for the easement of natural drainage, does not use; not necessarily include the easement of (HGL) loaned from T. P. Marcelo Realty
speak of any indemnity. It follows that no 2. It must be in favor of a town or village; and aqueduct. Corporation. HGL failed to settle its debts so
indemnity is required as long as the conditions 3. Indemnity must be paid. (NCC, Art. 640) he assigned all his rights to Marcelo over
laid down in the article are complied with. Requisites for easement of aqueduct several parcels of land in the subdivision.
(Paras, 2008) NOTE: The right to make the water flow thru or Marcelo represented to lot buyers that a
under intervening or lower estates. 1. Indemnity must be paid to the owners of water facility is available in the subdivision.
B. Drainage of Buildings (NCC, Art. 674); intervening estates and to the owners of Marcelo sold the lot to Liwag who
Requisites for drawing water or for watering lower estates upon which waters may filter subsequently died. The wife of Liwag
C. Easement on Riparian banks for navigation, of animals or descend. demanded the removal of the overhead
floatage, fishing, salvage, and tow path (NCC, water tank over the parcel of land
Art. 638); 1. Owner of the dominant estate has the NOTE: The amount usually depends on contending that its existence is merely
capacity to dispose of the water; duration and inconvenience caused. tolerated. HGL Homeowners Association
2. The water is sufficient for the use intended; refused the demand contending that they
Easement on Riparian Property
3. Proposed right of way is the most 2. If for private interests, the easement cannot have used continuously the facility for more
convenient and the least onerous to third be imposed on existing buildings, than 30 years. Is there an established
The banks of rivers and streams and the shores easement for water facility in the lot?
persons; and courtyards, annexes, out- houses, orchards
of the seas and lakes throughout their entire
4. Pay indemnity to the owner of the servient or gardens but can be on other things, like
length and within a zone of three meters in
estate. (NCC, Art. 643) road, provided no injury is caused to said A: YES. The water facility is an encumbrance on
urban areas, 20 meters in agricultural areas, and
properties. the lot of the Subdivision for the benefit of the
40 meters in forest areas along their margins are
NOTE: The absence of any one of these community. It is continuous and apparent,
subject to the easement of public use in the
requirements will prevent the imposition of the 3. There must be a proof: because it is used incessantly without human
interest of recreation, navigation, floatage,
easement of aqueduct on the intervening estates. intervention, and because it is continually kept
fishing and salvage.
a. That the owner of the dominant estate in view by the overhead water tank, which
Easement Of Right Of Way Does Not can dispose of the water; reveals its use to the public. The easement of
No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone water facility has been voluntarily established
Necessarily Include Easement Of Aqueduct b. That the water is sufficient for the use
bigger than what is necessary for recreation,
which it is intended; either by Marcelo, the Subdivision owner and
navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or to
c. That the proposed course is the most the original developer of the Subdivision. For
build structures of any kind. (Art. 51, PD 1067)
convenient and least onerous to third more than 30 years, the facility was
persons and the servient estate; and continuously used as
D. Easement of a Dam (NCC, Articles 639 and trenches and lay pipelines for conducting water d. That a proper administrative of water. (Liwag vs Happy Glen Loop
647); to his tenement. (San Rafael Ranch Co. vs. Rogers, permission has been obtained. (Paras, Homeowners Association, Inc., G.R. No. 189755,
Co., 154 C 76, P1092) 2008) July 4, 2012)
A person may establish the easement of
abutment or of a dam provided that: F. Easement of Aqueduct (NCC, Articles 642- Right of the owner of the servient estate to EASEMENT OF RIGHT OF WAY
646); and fence (1996, 2005, 2010 BAR)
1. The purpose is to divert or take water from
a river or brook, or to use any other The easement of aqueduct does not prevent the Easement of right of way is the right granted to
The easement of aqueduct, for legal purposes, is
continuous or discontinuous stream; owner of the servient estate from closing or a person or class of persons to pass over the
considered continuous and apparent even
2. It is necessary to build a dam; fencing it, or from building over the aqueduct in
though the flow of water may not be continuous land of another by using a particular pathway
3. The person to construct it is not the owner such manner as not to cause the owner of the
or its use depends upon the needs of the
of the banks or lots which must support it; dominant estate any damage, or render have no adequate outlet to a public highway
dominant estate or upon a schedule of alternate
and necessary repairs and cleanings impossible. subject, however to payment of indemnity to
days or hours. (NCC, Art. 646)
4. Payment of proper indemnity is made. (NCC, Art. 645) the owner of the land burdened by the right.
NOTE: Easement of aqueduct is not acquirable (Pineda, 2009)
He must seek the permission of the owner and in G. Easement for the Construction of a Stop Lock
by prescription after 10 years because although
it is continuous and apparent in character, under or Sluice Gate (NCC, Art. 647) Right of way
from the proper administrative agency.
the Water Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1067), all
waters belong to the State; therefore, they To make these structures in the bed of a stream It may refer either to the easement itself, or
E. Easement for drawing Water or for watering cannot be the subject of acquisitive prescription. from which they needed water for irrigation or simply, to the strip of land over which passage
animals (NCC, Arts. 640-641); (Jurado, 2011) improvement of the dominant estate will be can be done. (Paras, 2008)
drawn, it is required that the dominant owner
This is a combined easement for drawing of It is an easement which gives right to make pays the riparian owners where the structures Q: May the easement of right of way be
water and right of way. water flow thru intervening estates in order that will be constructed for the damages caused to acquired by prescription?
one may make use of said water. However, the latter and to other irrigators who may
Requisites for easement for watering cattle unlike the easement for drawing water or for sustain damages also. A: Easement of right of way cannot be acquired


Civil Law Property
by prescription because it is discontinuous or right of way. Dayum demanded that Demit Claimant must be an owner of enclosed
intermittent. (Ronquillo, et al. v. Roco, G.R. No. L- pay for the area encroached or demolish the immovable or with real right David entitled to an easement of right of way
10619, February 28, 1958) wall fence and portion of the house which through the subdivision of Nestor which he
have been encroaching. Demit contends that Adequate outlet claims to be the most adequate and practical
Q: What kind of servitude in favor of the as owner of Lot A and B, he is equally outlet to the highway?
government is a private owner required to entitled to the road of right of way and The convenience of the dominant estate has
recognize? proposed to buy the portion. Is the never been the gauge for the grant of A: NO, David is not entitled to the right of way
contention of Demit correct? compulsory right of way. To be sure, the true being claimed. The isolation of his subdivision
A: The only servitude which he is required to standard for the grant of the legal right is was due to his own act or omission because he
recognize in favor of the government are: A: NO. As the owner of the servient estate, "adequacy." Hence, when there is already an did not develop an access road to the rice fields
Dayum retained ownership of the road right of existing adequate outlet from the dominant which he was supposed to purchase according
1. The easement of a public highway; way even assuming that said encumbrance was estate to a public highway, as in this case, even to his own representation when he applied for a
2. Private way established by law; or for the benefit of Lots of Demit. The latter could when the said outlet, for one reason or another, license to establish the subdivision. (Floro v.
3. Any government canal or lateral that has not claim to own even a portion of the road be inconvenient, the need to open up another Llenado, G.R. No. 75723, June 2, 1995)
been pre-existing at the time of the right of way because Art. 630 of the Civil Code servitude is entirely unjustified. (Dichoso v.
registration of the land. expressly provides that "[t]he owner of the Marcos, G.R. No. 180282, April 11, 2011; Alicia B. When Adequate Outlet to a Public Highway
servient estate retains ownership of the portion Reyes v. Spouses Francisco S. Valentin and is Available Through Water
NOTE: If the easement is not pre-existing and is on which the easement is established, and may Anatalia Ramos, G.R. No. 194488, February 11,
sought to be imposed only after the land has use the same in such manner as not to affect the 2015, as penned by J. Leonen) If the outlet to a highway is through water, like
been registered under the Land Registration exercise of the easement." (Sps. Mercader v. Sps. a river, lake or sea, and the same is not
Act, proper expropriation proceedings should Bardilas, G.R. No. 163157, June 27, 2016) Q: The coconut farm of Federico is dangerous to cross nor do they pose grave
be had, and just compensation paid to the surrounded by the lands of Romulo. inconvenience, the right of way should not be
registered owner. (Eslaban v. Vda De Onorio, Q: What if the property is not the shortest Federico seeks a right of way through a granted.
G.R. No. 146062, June 28, 2001) way but will cause the least damage to the portion of the land of Romulo to bring his
servient estate? coconut products to the market. He has If the waterway is dangerous and to construct a
Requisites for easement on right of way chosen a point where he will pass through a bridge over it is too expensive, it is as if there is
(POON-D) (1996, 2005, 2010 BAR) A: The way which will cause the least damage housing project of Romulo. The latter wants no available outlet to the highway. In which
should be used even if it will not be the him to pass another way which is 1km case, right of way is grantable.
1. The easement must be established at the shortest. longer. Who should prevail? (2000 BAR)
point least Prejudicial to the servient estate Determination of proper indemnity to the
(NCC, Art. 649); The easement of right of way shall be A: ROMULO will prevail. Under Art. 650, the servient estate
2. Claimant must be an Owner of enclosed established at the point least prejudicial to the easement of right of way shall be established at
3. There must be no adequate Outlet to a servient estate and where the distance from the the point least prejudicial to the servient estate If the passage is:
public highway [NCC, Art. 649, (1)]; dominant estate to a public highway is the and where the distance from the dominant
4. The right of way must be absolutely shortest. In case of conflict, the criterion of least estate to a public highway is the shortest. In 1. Continuous and permanent The
Necessary not mere convenience; prejudice prevails over the criterion of shortest case of conflict, the criterion of least prejudice indemnity consists of the value of the
5. The isolation must not be Due to the distance. prevails over the criterion of shortest distance. land occupied plus the amount of damages
(NCC, Art. 649); and Since the route chosen by Federico will caused to the servient estate; and
6. There must be payment of proper Mere Inconvenience is not a Justification for prejudice the housing project of Romulo, 2. Temporary Indemnity consists in the
Indemnity. a Right of Way Romulo has the right to demand that Federico payment of the damage caused.
pass another way even though it will be longer.
Least prejudicial to the servient estate Thus, it was held that where the petitioner Two instances where indemnity is not
(1996, 2000, 2005, 2010 BAR) could have access to Sucat Road (Paranaque) Q: David owns a subdivision which does not required
through the Lombos Subdivision from which he have access to the highway. When he applied
acquired his lot and not from Gatchalian Realty for a license to establish the subdivision, he 1. When a piece of land acquired by sale,
way means it is the shortest way and the one Inc., he cannot claim any right of way from the represented that he will purchase a rice exchange or partition is surrounded by
which will cause the least damage to the latter. (Ramos vs. Gatchalian Realty, Inc., G.R. field located between his land and the other estates of the vendor, exchanger or
property to the servient estate in favor of the 75905, 154 SCRA 703) highway, and develop it into an access road. co-owner. In such case he shall be obliged
dominant estate. However, when the license was granted, he to grant a right of way without indemnity
Legal Easement, Not Dependent Upon did not buy the rice field, which remained (NCC, Art. 652); or
Q: Lots A and B are owned by Demit while Consent unutilized. Instead, he chose to connect his
Lot C is owned by Dayum. Lot C has an subdivision with the neighboring 2. When a piece of land acquired by donation
existing right of way. After inspection of the The existence of a legal easement does not subdivision of Nestor, which has access to surround the estate of the donor or grantor.
area, it has been found out that a fence and depend upon the consent of the servient owner the highway. When Nestor and David failed In such case, the donee or grantee shall be
portion of the residential house owned by or owners to arrive at an agreement as to obliged to grant a right of way without
compensation, Nestor built a wall across the indemnity. (NCC, Art. 653 (2))


Civil Law Property
NOTE: If it is the land donated that is NOTE: Said extinguishment is NOT automatic. 2. Animal trail 37 meters and 50 whenever:
surrounded by the estate of the donor or There must be a demand for extinguishment centimeters; and
grantor, although the latter is obliged to grant a coupled with tender of indemnity by the 1. There is a window or opening in the
right of way, he can demand the required servient owner. 3. Cattle 10 meters (unless to the old Civil dividing wall of the buildings;
indemnity. (NCC, Art. 652) Code, vested rights has been acquired to a 2. Dividing wall is on one side straight and
Q: Emma bought a parcel of land from greater width). (Paras, 2008; NCC, Art. 657) plumb on all its facement, and on the other,
Granting of Right of Way, Without Indemnity Equitable-PCI Bank, which acquired the it has similar conditions on the upper part
same from Felisa, the original owner. EASEMENTS OF PARTY WALL but the lower part slants or projects
When the vendor sells a parcel of land and this Thereafter, Emma discovered that Felisa outward;
land is surrounded by other estates of said had granted a right of way over the land in Easement of party wall 3. Entire wall is built within the boundaries of
vendor and is without access to a public favor of the land of Georgina, which had no one of the estates;
highway, the vendor is obliged to grant a right outlet to a public highway, but the easement The easement of party wall is also called 4. The dividing walls bears the burden of the
of way without demanding an indemnity. was not annotated when the servient estate servidumbre de medianera. binding beams, floors and roof frame of one
was registered under the Torrens system. of the buildings, but not those of the others;
This rule equally applies to an exchange of Emma then filed a complaint for Party wall defined 5. The dividing wall between courtyards,
property, or partition of property in co- cancellation of the right of way, on the gardens and tenements is constructed in
ownership. The exchanger, or the co-owner ground that it had been extinguished by Is a wall erected on the line between the such a way that the coping sheds the water
shall have the same obligation as the vendor. such failure to annotate. How would you adjoining properties belonging to different upon only one of the estates;
decide the controversy? (2001 BAR) persons, for the use of both estates. (Pineda, 6. The dividing wall, being built by masonry,
Measurement for the easement of right of 2009) had stepping stones, which at certain
way A: The complaint for cancellation of easement intervals project from the surface of one
of right of way must fail. The failure to annotate Governed by: side only, but not on the other; or
The width of the easement shall be that which is the easement upon the title of the servient 7. The lands enclosed by fences or live hedges
sufficient for the needs of the dominant estate. estate is not among the grounds for adjoin others which are not enclosed.
1. The Civil Code;
(NCC, Art. 651) extinguishing an easement under Art. 631 of the 2. Local ordinances and customs; and
NCC. Under Art. 617, easements are inseparable 3. The rules co-ownership. (NCC, 658) In all these cases, the ownership is deemed to
Q: Can a dominant owner demand a from the estate to which they actively or belong exclusively to the owner of the property
driveway for his automobile? passively belong. Once it attaches, it can only be which has in its favor the presumption based on
Q: Is the easement of party wall really an
extinguished under Art. 631, and they exist any of these signs. (NCC, 660)
easement or is it a case of co-ownership?
A: YES, due to necessity of motor vehicles in the even if they are not stated or annotated as an
present age. encumbrance on the Torrens title of the Right to Increase Height of Party Wall
A: While it is called an easement by the law, the
servient estate.
law in some articles refers to it as a case of co-
Liability for repairs and taxes ownership or part-ownership. (NCC, Articles Every part-owner of a party has the right to
Temporary easement of right of way increase the height of the party wall subject to
662, 665, 666) The truth is that, it is a
1. As to repairs, the dominant owner is liable compulsory kind of co-ownership (FORGED the following conditions:
for necessary repairs; If it be indispensable for the construction, INDIVISION) where the shares of each owner
2. As to proportionate share of the taxes, it repair, improvement, alteration or cannot be separated physically (otherwise the 1. The same shall be done at his expense;
shall be reimbursed by said owner to the beautification of a building, to carry materials wall would be destroyed), although said shares 2. He shall pay for any damage which may be
proprietor of the servient estate. This through the estate of another, or to raise may in a sense be materially pointed out. Thus, caused by his work, even though such
applies only to permanent easements. (NCC, thereon scaffolding or other objects necessary each co-owner owns the half nearest to him. damage may be temporary; and
Art. 654) for the work, the owner of such estate shall be (Paras, 2008) 3. If the party wall cannot bear the increased
obliged to permit the act, after receiving height, the owner desiring to raise it shall
Special causes of extinguishment of right of payment of the proper indemnity for the The existence of an easement of party wall is be obliged to reconstruct it at his own
way damage caused him. (NCC, Art. 656) presumed, unless there is a title, or exterior expense, if it be necessary to make it
sign, or proof to the contrary: thicker, he shall give space required from
1. The opening of a public road giving access Easement of right of way for the passage of his own land. (NCC, 664)
to isolated estate; or livestock or sevidumbres pecurias 1. In dividing walls of adjoining buildings up
2. When the dominant estate is joined to to the point of common elevation; Repairs and Maintenance of a Party Wall
another estate (such as when the dominant Governed by the ordinances and regulations 2. In dividing walls of gardens or yards
owner bought an adjacent estate) which is relating thereto and in their absence, by the situated in cities, towns, or in rural GR: The expenses for construction and repairs
abutting a public road, the access being usages and customs of the place. communities; or of party walls shall be shouldered by all the
adequate and convenient. (NCC, Art. 655) 3. In fences, walls and live hedges dividing owners of the party wall.
Maximum width: rural lands. (NCC, Art. 659)
Both cases must substantially meet the needs of XPN: If a part owner renounces his part
the dominant estate. Otherwise, the easement 1. Animal path 75 meters; It is understood that there is an exterior ownership on the party wall. The renunciation
may not be extinguished. sign, contrary to the easement of party wall must be absolute and total because the


Civil Law Property
easement of party wall is indivisible. own wall, still the party wall without the consent of the others; it measured in cases of direct views from the
easement would be positive if the window is on can also obstruct the opening unless an outer line of the wall when the openings do not
NOTE: The owner of the building or structure a balcony or projection extending over into the easement. project, from the outer line of the latter when
supported by a party wall who desires to adjoining land. (Paras, 2008) they do, and in cases of oblique view from the
demolish such building or structure, may The openings allowed by Art. 669 are for the dividing line between the two properties. (NCC,
RENOUNCE his part ownership of the wall. The Negative purpose of admitting light; hence they can be Art. 671)
cost of all repairs and works necessary to wall, that is, thru a wall of the dominant estate. made only in the walls of buildings.
prevent any damage which the demolition may (NCC, Art. 668, par. 2) Therefore, the time for Where buildings are separated by a public
cause to the party wall on this occasion shall be the period of prescription should begin from NOTE: Art. 669 refers to restricted windows. way or alley (NCC, Art. 672)
borne by him. the time of notarial prohibition upon the
Direct and oblique views (NCC, Articles 670- The distance provided in Art. 670 is not
EASEMENT OF LIGHT AND VIEW Art. 538) 671) compulsory where there is a public way or alley
means not merely any writing, but one executed provided that it is not less than three meters
No part-owner may, without the consent of the in due form and/or with solemnity a public Articles 670 and 671 deal with regular, full wide, the minimum width is necessary for the
others, open through the party wall any instrument. (Laureana A. Cid v. Irene P. Javier, et windows. sake of privacy and safety.
window or aperture of any kind. (NCC, Art. 667) al., G.R. No. L-14116, June 30, 1960)
Direct view - It is that which is obtained from a NOTE: The width of the alley is subject to
A window or opening in the dividing wall of XPN: Even if the window is on the wall of the wall parallel to the boundary line, such that special regulations and ordinances.
buildings is an exterior sign which rebuts the dominant estate, still easement of light and from the opening in such wall it is possible to
presumption that the wall is a party wall; one view would be POSITIVE if the window is on the see the adjoining tenement without the A private alley opened to the use of the general
part-owner may not, therefore, make any balcony or extension extending over the land of necessity of putting out or turning one's head public falls within the provision of Art. 672.
window or opening of any kind thru a party the servient estate. side.
wall without the consent of others. Where easement of direct view had been
Thus, the period of prescription for the NOTE: When windows are opened at a distance acquired (NCC, Art. 673)
The easement of LIGHT The acquisition shall be counted from the time less than that prescribed by Art. 670 from the
opening is for the purpose of admitting light of: boundary lines, they constitute unlawful Whenever the easement of direct view has been
and not for viewing. openings, however, it is not necessary always acquired by any such title, there is created a
1. Opening of the window, if through a party that the wall sustaining the opening and the true easement. The owner of the servient estate
(as in the case of small windows, not more than wall; or dividing line be exactly and geometrically cannot build thereon at less than a distance of
30 cm. square, at the height of the ceiling joist, 2. The formal prohibition upon the proprietor parallel. three meters from the boundary line.
the purpose of which is to admit light, and a of the adjoining land, if window is through a
little air, but not VIEW). (Paras. 2008) wall on the dominant estate. Oblique view - It is obtained from a wall at an NOTE: The title used in Art. 673 refers to any
angle with the boundary line; in order to see the modes of acquiring easements:
The easement of VIEW Openings at height of ceiling joints to admit adjoining tenement, it is necessary to turn one's
The opening is for the purpose of light (NCC, Art. 669) head to the left or to the right. 1. Contract;
viewing. (as in the case of full or regular 2. Will;
windows overlooking the adjoining estate) When the distances in Art. 670 are not Restrictions as to easement of views 3. Donation; or
(Incidentally, although the principal purpose observed, the owner of a wall which is not a 4. Prescription.
here is VIEW, the easement of light is necessarily party wall can make an opening for the purpose 1. Direct Views: The distance of two (2)
included, as well as the easement of altius non of admitting light and air, but NOT for view. meters between the wall and the boundary The distance may be increased or decreased by
tollendi [not to build higher for the purpose of must be observed; and stipulation of the parties provided that in case
obstruction. (Paras, 2008) Restrictions for making an opening for light of decrease, the minimum distance of two
and air 2. Oblique Views: (Walls perpendicular or at meters or sixty centimeters prescribed in Art.
When easement of light and view is positive an angle to the boundary line) must not be 670 must be observed, otherwise it is void. The
and when negative 1. The size must not exceed 30-centimeter 60 cm to the nearest edge of the window. said distances involve considerations of public
square; (NCC, Art. 670) policy and the general welfare; hence, they
Positive If the window is thru a party wall. 2. The opening must be at the height of the should not be rendered ineffective by
(NCC, Art. 668, par. 1) Therefore, the period of ceiling joists or immediately under the Any stipulation to the contrary is void. (NCC, stipulation.
prescription commences from the time the ceiling; Art. 673) And the owner who opened them may
window is opened. 3. There must be an iron grating imbedded in be ordered by the court to close them. EASEMENT OF DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS
the wall; and
NOTE: The mere opening of the window does 4. There must be a wire screen. Prescription may still be acquired as a negative The owner of a building shall be obliged to
not create the easement; it is only when after a easement after ten years from the time of construct its roof or covering in such manner
sufficient lapse of time the window still remains If the wall becomes a party wall A part owner notarial prohibition. that the rain water shall fall on his own land or
open, that the easement of light and view is can order the closure of the opening because no on a street or public place, and not on the land
created. (NCC, Art. 668, par. 1) Moreover, even if part owner may make an opening through a The distance referred to in Art. 670 shall be of his neighbor, even though the adjacent land


Civil Law Property
may belong to two or more persons, one of No person shall build any aqueduct, well, sewer, A: Right to cut roots can be exercised without General Rule; Exception
whom is the owner of the roof. Even if it should furnace, forge, chimney, stable, depository of notice to the owner of the trees. BUT as to the
fall on his own land, the owner shall be obliged corrosive substances, machinery, or factory branches, it is necessary to ask that they be cut, The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its
to collect the water in such a way as not to which by reason of its nature or products is and if the owner of the tree does not do so surface and everything under it. As such, he has
cause damage to the adjacent land or tenement. dangerous or noxious, without observing the voluntarily, the court may authorize the the right to construct any works thereon or
(NCC, Art. 674) distances prescribed by the regulations and neighboring owner to cut them. make any plantations and excavations which he
customs of the place, and without making the may deem proper. (Art. 437)
NOTE: Art. 674 does not establish servitude but necessary protective works, subject, in regard Q: Does this right prescribe?
merely regulates the use of one's property. to the manner thereof, to the conditions As limitation, he cannot do so to the detriment
prescribed by such regulations. These A: The right to cut does not prescribe so long as of servitudes. Further, he must observe the
Easement to receive falling rain waters prohibitions cannot be altered or renounced by the owner tolerates the branches and roots requirements of special laws and ordinances.
(NCC, Art. 675) stipulation on the part of the adjoining invading his tenement. BUT the moment the
proprietors. (NCC, Art. 678) owner of the tenement demanded that the Lateral Support
The owner of a tenement or a piece of land, branches be cut off and the owner of the tree
subject to the easement of receiving water NOTE: The owner must take necessary refuses to do so, the prescription starts to run. This is the support on the vertical side of a land,
falling from roofs, may build in such manner as protective works or other neighboring estates. the removal of which may cause the land to
to receive the water upon his own roof or give it Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land crumble or slide.
another outlet in accordance with local Planting of trees
ordinances or customs, and in such a way as not Q: Who owns the fruits which fall from the Subjacent Support
to cause any nuisance or damage whatever to Art. 679 establishes a negative easement. It adjacent land?
the dominant estate. provides the minimum distances of trees and This is the horizontal support underneath a
shrubs from the boundary line. They shall be A: Such fruits belong to the owner of the land or building the removal of which may
Easement giving outlet to rainwater where regulated by the local ordinances and in the adjacent land to compensate him for the cause the sinking or crumbling of the land or
house surrounded by other houses absence thereof, by the customs of the place, inconvenience causes by the branches of trees building.
Requisites: and in default thereof, by Art. 679. extending over his land. Note however that for
the adjacent owner to be entitled to the fruits
1. There must be no adequate outlet to the Distance in Planting of Trees under Article they must not only fall upon his land but the
rainwater because the yard or court of a 679 of the New Civil Code. falling must occur naturally. The support is lateral when both the land being
house is surrounded by other houses; supported and the supporting land are on the
2. The outlet to the water must be at the point 1. The distance authorized by local ordinances NOTE: If the fruits fall on public property, the SAME PLANE; when the supported land is
where egress is easiest, and establishing a or customs of the place, if any; or owner of the tree retains ownership. ABOVE the supporting land, the support is
conduit for drainage; and 2. If there are no ordinance or custom: subjacent. (Paras, 2008)
3. There must be payment of proper EASEMENT AGAINST NUISANCE
indemnity. (NCC, Art. 676) a. At least two (2) meters from the Remedies for violation of Art. 684
dividing line of the estate in case of tall Easement against nuisance is a negative
Ownership of Rainwater trees; and easement because the proprietor or possessor 1. Claim for damages for injuries sustained; or
b. At a distance of at least 50 centimeters is prohibited to do something which he could 2. Injunction.
Pursuant to the provision of the Water Code of in case of shrubs or small trees. lawfully do were it not for the existence of the
the Philippines, the, rain waters falling on easement. However, a nuisance involves any act NOTE: Any stipulation or testamentary
private lands shall belong to the State. Remedy In Case Of Violation or omission which is unlawful. provision allowing excavations that cause
danger to an adjacent land or building shall be
INTERMEDIATE DISTANCES AND WORKS In case of violation of the law, ordinances, or NOTE: The easement against nuisance is not an void. (NCC, Art. 685)
FOR CERTAIN CONSTRUCTIONS AND customs, and the neighboring landowners can easement at all but a restriction upon the
PLANTINGS demand the removal of the trees illegally ownership and not every limitation on the right Notice to owners of adjacent lands
planted. This remedy also applies to trees of ownership is an easement.
No constructions can be built, or plantings made which have grown spontaneously, that is, Any proprietor intending to make any
near fortified places or fortresses without without any thought of planting them in the LATERAL AND SUBJACENT SUPPORT excavation contemplated in Articles 684-686
compliance with the conditions required in tenement of the servient owner. shall notify all owners of adjacent lands.
special laws, ordinances, and regulations Proprietor prohibited from making
relating thereto. (NCC, Art. 677) Intrusions of branches or roots into dangerous excavations The notice is mandatory except where there is
neighboring estate actual knowledge of the proposed excavation.
NOTE: Art. 677 establishes an easement in No proprietor shall make such excavations
favor of the State. The general prohibition is Q: Can the adjoining estate cut the roots and upon his land as to deprive any adjacent land or NOTE: The legal easement of lateral and
dictated by the demands of national security. the branches without the consent of the building of sufficient lateral or subjacent subjacent support are NOT only applicable for
owner of the tree? support. (NCC, Art. 684) buildings already constructed at the time of the
Construction of aqueduct, well, sewer, etc. excavations but also to future buildings that


Civil Law Property
may be constructed on the adjoining lands. Art. 690) the condominium belong to the same person. There is a
No one can have an easement over his own continuing
VOLUNTARY EASEMENT Expenses for work required for use and property. Even of the assumption that an harm being
preservation of the easement. easement was created in favor of FMI that alone suffered by
complained of
An easement is voluntary when it is established will not defeat the right of the mortgagee to the aggrieved
Condition is already done
by the will of the owners. If the owner of the servient estate has bound enforce the security if the debtor defaults. party by the
of the act which caused
himself to pay for the cost of the work needed (Bogo- Medellin v. CA, G.R. No. 124699, July 31, maintenance
the injury to
Persons who may constitute voluntary for the use and preservation of the easement, 2003) of the act or
easement and wants to free himself from such obligations, thing which
he may simply renounce or abandon his NUISANCE constitutes
Voluntary easements may be constituted by the property in favor of the owner of the dominant the nuisance.
owner possessing capacity to encumber state. A nuisance is any act, omission, establishment, Abatement
Abatement is
property. If there are various owners, all must business, condition of property, or anything without
not available
consent; but consent once given is not Q: Mr. Bong owns several properties in Pasig else which: judicial
as a remedy.
revocable. City. He decided to build a condominium Abatement proceedings is
The remedy is
named Flores de Manila in one of his lots. To 1. Injures or endangers the health or safety of allowed to
action for
NOTE: Third persons are not bound by a fund the project, he obtained a loan from the others; suppress the
voluntary easement unless the same is duly National Bank (NB) secured by a real estate 2. Annoys or offends the senses; nuisance.
recorded with the proper authorities. mortgage over the adjoining property which 3. Shocks, defies or disregards decency or
he also owned. morality; NOTE: Nuisance is wrongful in itself due to the
Q: For whose favor are voluntary easements 4. Obstructs or interferes with the free injury caused, regardless of the presence or
established? During construction, he built three pumps passage of any public highway or street, or absence of care, while negligence creates
on the mortgaged property to supply water any body of water; or liability due to want of proper care resulting to
A: to the condominium. After one year, the 5. Hinders or impairs the use of property. (Pineda, 2009)
1. Predial servitudes: project was completed and the (NCC, Art. 694) (2005, 2006 BBAR)
a. For the owner of the dominant estate; condominium was turned over to the Kinds of Nuisance
and buyers. However, Mr. Bong failed to pay his Nuisance vs. Trespass
b. For any other person having any loan obligation to NB. Thus, NB foreclosed 1. As to the number of persons affected:
juridical relation with the dominant the mortgaged property where the pumps NUISANCE TRESPASS (2005 BAR)
estate, if the owner ratifies it. were installed. During the sale on public Use of
auction of the mortgaged property, Mr. which causes injury to a. Public (or common) One that affects a
2. Personal servitudes: Simon won in the bidding. When Mr. Simon another the property, right Direct community or neighborhood or any
a. For anyone capacitated to accept. attempted to take possession of the or interest of another, and infringement of considerable number of persons
property, the condominium owners, who in generally results from the although the extent of the annoyance,
Q: How are voluntary easements created and the meantime constituted themselves into commission of an act or property. danger or damage upon individuals
what are the governing rules for such? Flores de Manila Inc. (FMI), claimed that beyond the limits of the may be unequal (Suarez, 2011); and
they have earlier filed a case for the property affected.
A: declaration of the existence of an easement Injury is direct b. Private one which affects an
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Injury is consequential. individual or few persons only.
1. If created by title (contract, will, etc.), the and immediate.
title governs; and Pasig City and prayed that the easement be
2. If acquired by prescription, it is governed annotated in the title of the property 2. Other classification:
NOTE: An encroachment upon the space of
by the manner or form of possession. foreclosed by NB. FMI further claimed that
when Mr. Bong installed the pumps in his a. Nuisance per se That kind of nuisance
considered a nuisance, and not trespass.
NOTE: In both cases, the Civil Code will only adjoining property, a voluntary easement which is always a nuisance. By its
apply suppletorily. was constituted in favor of FMI. Will the nature, it is always a nuisance all the
Nuisance vs. Negligence
action prosper? (2014 BAR) time under any circumstances
When consent is necessary NEGLIGENCE NUISANCE regardless of location or surroundings
A: NO, the action will not prosper. The essence It is an act, occupation, or structure
The owner of a property in usufruct may create of a mortgage is that it immediately subjects the which unquestionably is a nuisance at
easements thereon without the consent of the property upon which it is imposed, and all times and under any circumstances,
whoever the possessor may be, to the Liability is regardless of
usufructuary provided the rights of the latter based on lack the degree of regardless of its location or
are not impaired. (NCC, Art. 689) fulfillment of the obligation for whose security Basis surroundings
it was constituted. There was no voluntary of proper care care or skill
easement in this case because at the time the or diligence. exercised to
NOTE: Consent of both the naked owner and avoid the b. Nuisance per accidens That kind of
water pumps were constructed, the subject lot nuisance by reason of location,
the beneficial owner is necessary for the injury
where the water pumps were constructed and surrounding or in a manner it is
creation of perpetual voluntary easement. (NCC,


Civil Law Property
conducted or managed It is an act, July 14, 2006) nuisance? Every successive owner or possessor of
occupation, or structure that may property who fails or refuses to abate a
become a nuisance by reason of Q: Boracay West Cove, applied for a zoning A: nuisance in that property started by a former
circumstances, location, or compliance covering the construction of a GR: A swimming pool or water tank is not an owner or possessor is liable therefor in the
surroundings; three-storey hotel over a parcel of land in attractive nuisance, for while it is attractive, it is same manner as the one who created it. (NCC,
Malay. The Zoning Administrator denied the merely an imitation of the work of nature. Art. 696)
c. Temporary That kind which if application on the ground that the proposed Hence, if small children are drowned in an
properly attended does not constitute ld attractive water tank of another, the owner is Extra-judicial abatement (2002 BAR)
a nuisance; not liable even if there be no guards in the
ordering the closure and demolition of premises. (Hidalgo Enterprises v. Balandan, et. Requisites of extra-judicial abatement (BAR
d. Permanent That kind which by al, G.R. No. L-3422 June 13, 1952) VID)
nature of structure creates a Cove countered that the hotel cannot
permanent inconvenience; summarily be abated because it is not a XPN: Swimming pool with dangerous slide 1. The nuisance must be especially Injurious
nuisance per se. Is the hotel classified as a characteristics to the person affected;
e. Continuing That kind which by its nuisance per se? 2. No Breach of peace or unnecessary injury
nature will continue to exist NOTE: The doctrine of attractive nuisance does must be committed;
indefinitely unless abated; A: NO. not generally apply to bodies of water, artificial 3. Demand must first be made upon the
as well as natural in the absence of some owner or possessor of the property to abate
f. Intermittent That kind which recurs conditions. The hotel cannot be considered as a unusual condition or artificial feature other the nuisance;
off and on and may be discontinued nuisance per se since this type of nuisance is than the mere water and its location. 4. Demand is Rejected;
anytime; generally defined as an act, occupation, or 5. Abatement is Approved by the district
structure, which is a nuisance at all times and PUBLIC NUISANCE AND PRIVATE NUISANCE health officer and executed with the
g. Attractive Nuisance One who under any circumstances, regardless of location assistance of the local police; and
maintains on his premises or Remedies against public nuisances 6. Value of the destruction does not exceed
dangerous instrumentalities or particular incident its location and not its P3,000
appliances of a character likely to inherent qualities that rendered it a nuisance. 1. Prosecution under the RPC or any local
attract children in play, and who fails Otherwise stated, had it not been constructed in ordinance; NOTE: Abatement is the exercise of police
to exercise ordinary care to prevent the no build zone, Boracay West Cove could 2. Civil action; or power which includes the right to destroy
children from playing therewith or have secured the necessary permits without 3. Abatement, summarily and without judicial property regarded as a public health or safety,
resorting thereto, is liable to a child of issue. (Aquino v. Mun.of Malay Aklan, G.R. No. proceeding. (NCC, Art. 699) and there is no obligation to give compensation.
tender years who is injured thereby, 211356, September 29, 2014)
even if the child is technically a NOTE: A private person may file for a civil An extra-judicial abatement can only be applied
trespasser in the premises. ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE action against a public nuisance if the latter is for if what is abated is a nuisance per se and not
injurious to him. Thus, insofar as he is nuisance per accidens.
Nuisance per se vs. Nuisance per accidens One who maintains on his premises dangerous concerned, the nuisance becomes a private
instrumentalities or appliances of a character nuisance which affects him in a special way, Liability for damages in case of extrajudicial
PER SE PER ACCIDENS likely to attract children in play, and who fails different from that sustained by the public in abatement of nuisance
As a matter of to exercise ordinary care to prevent children general.
As a matter of fact.
law. from playing therewith or resorting thereto, is The private person or a public official
Depends upon its location liable to a child of tender years who is injured Remedies against private nuisances extrajudicially abating a nuisance is liable for
Need only be damages to the owner othe thing abated, if he
and surroundings, the thereby, even if the child is technically a
proved in any causes unnecessary injury or if an alleged
manner of its conduct or trespasser in the premises. (Jarco Marketing 1. Civil action; or
locality. nuisance is later declared by courts to be not a
other circumstances. Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 129792, December 21, 1999) 2. Abatement, summarily and without judicial
May be May be abated only with proceedings. (NCC, Art. 705) real nuisance. (NCC, Art. 707)
summarily reasonable notice to the Basis for liability
abated under person alleged to be NOTE: Any person injured by a private NOTE: The right to question the existence of a
the law of maintaining or doing such The attractiveness is an invitation to children. nuisance may abate it by removing, or if nuisance does not prescribe; it is
necessity. nuisance. Safeguards to prevent danger must therefore be necessary, by destroying the thing which imprescriptible.
set up. constitutes the nuisance, without committing a
NOTE: The abatement of a nuisance without breach of the peace or doing unnecessary Q: Respondent Ernesto Lardizabal (Ernesto)
judicial proceedings is possible only if it is a Elements of attractive nuisance injury. filed a complaint for demolition, before the
nuisance per se. A gas station is not a nuisance City Engineer's Office of Baguio City (City
per se or one affecting the immediate safety of 1. It must be attractive; and However, it is indispensable that the procedure Engineer's Office), questioning the ongoing
persons or property. Hence, it cannot be closed 2. Dangerous to children of tender years. for extra-judicial abatement of a public construction of a residential structure and
down or transferred summarily to another nuisance by a private person be followed. (NCC, garage extension by petitioners on a parcel
location. (Parayno v. Jovellanos, G.R. No. 148408, Q: Is a swimming pool an attractive Art. 706) of land. Upon investigation, the City


Civil Law Property
Engineer's Office found out that the 1. Occupation; 1. Real Or Actual Tradition This succession where inheritance is
construction had no building permit. 2. Law; contemplates the actual delivery of the transferred upon death of the
Consequently, the City Mayor issued 3. Donation; thing from the hand of the grantor to the decedent.
Demolition Order No. 5. Aggrieved, 4. Tradition; hand of the grantee if the thing is a
petitioners moved for a reconsideration of 5. Intellectual creation; personality. If it is a realty, it is manifested g. Quasi-Tradition It consists in the
DO No. 05, but was denied by the City Mayor. 6. Prescription; or by certain possessory acts executed by the delivery of incorporeal property like
Thus, they were prompted to file a 7. Succession; grantee with the consent of the grantor rights and credits done through the (a)
complaint for injunction and prohibition such as by taking over the property; by placing titles of ownership in the
with the RTC. Should DO No. 5 be enjoined? NOTE: Registration of a property does is not a entering it and occupying it. hands of the grantee or his
mode of acquiring ownership. It merely representative; or (b) by allowing the
A: YES. The following shall be subject for 2. Constructive Tradition The delivery of the grantee to make use of the rights with
summary Eviction: (1) New squatter families a property with notice to the whole world. thing is not actual but representative or the consent of the grantor
whose structures were built after the affectivity (Bautista v Dy Bun Chin, 49 O.G. 179) symbolical in essence. But must be the
of RA 7279; and (2) Squatter families identified intention to deliver the ownership. OCCUPATION
by the LGU in cooperation with the Presidential Classification of modes of acquiring
Commission of the Urban Poor (PCUP), ownership a. Traditio symbolica it consists in the Occupation is the acquisition of ownership by
Philippine National Police (PNP) and accredited delivery of certain symbols or things seizing corporeal thing that have no owner,
Urban Poor Organization (UPO) as professional 1. Original Those which do not arise or representing the thing being delivered made with the intention of acquiring them, and
squatters or members of squatting syndicates depend upon any pre-existing right or title such as keys or titles accomplished according to legal rules. (Paras,
as defined in the Act. In this case, petitioners of another person: 2008) (1997, 2007 BAR)
cannot be considered as new squatters, since, b. Traditio Instrumental It consists in
although their structures were built after March a. Occupation (NCC, Art. 713); the delivery of the instrument of Requisites of occupation
28, 1992, they or their predecessors-in-interest b. Intellectual Creation (NCC, Art. 721); conveyance to the grantee by the
had occupied, and were claimants of the subject and grantor 1. There must be Seizure of a thing;
property long before the said date. Neither have c. Acquisitive Prescription. (NCC, Art. 2. Which must be a Corporeal personal
they been identified by the LGU as professional 1106) c. Traditio Longa Manu It consists in property;
squatters nor members of a squatting syndicate. the pointing of the thing (movable 3. Which must be Susceptible of appropriation
Thus, since petitioners do not fall under the 2. Derivative Are those which arise or property) within sight, by the grantor by nature;
coverage of the said IRR, the issuance of DO No. depend upon a pre-existing or preceding to the grantee but which at the time of 4. The thing must be Without an owner; and
05 had no legal basis at the onset. right or title of another person: the transaction, the thing could not be 5. There must be an Intention to acquire
placed yet in the possession of the ownership.
MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP a. Law; e.g. hidden treasure (NCC, Art. grantee.
438), improvements on the land of Occupation vs. Possession
Mode v. Title another (NCC, Art. 445), alluvium (NCC, d. Traditio Brevi Manu It consists in the
Art. 457), abandoned riverbeds (NCC, BASIS OCCUPATION POSSESSION
MODE TITLE Art. 461), falling fruits into the possession over the thing delivered Merely raises
Directly and Serves merely to give tenement of another (NCC, Art. 681) but now under a title of ownership. the
immediately produces the occasion for its b. Donation (Art. 725) This is exemplified in the case of a presumption
a real right. acquisition or c. Succession mortis causa (NCC, Art. lessee who had purchased the As regards Mode of
of ownership
774); and property leased to him and thereafter acquisition acquiring
existence. when
d. ivery) as a consequence continues to possess it as the owner of ownership ownership.
Cause Means exercised in
Proximate cause Remote cause thereof the concept of
partnership, mutuum, assignment owner.
Essence of the right Means whereby that
barter. Pure tradition does not transfer e. Traditio Constitutum Possessorium It
which is to be created essence is transmitted. Involves only
ownership such as in deposit or As to
or transmitted. corporeal Any kind of
commodatum. (Pineda, 2009) possession of the property he had sold property
personal property.
to another person, and his present involved
Mode it is a way or process of acquiring or property.
TRADITION possession thereof is no longer that of
transferring ownership. The process may either As regards Requires that
an owner but under another capacity The property
be original or derivative. ownership of the object be
It is defined as legal delivery. It has a cause like a lessee, pledgee, depository, etc. may be owned
the thing by without an
which is the title by reason of which the It is the opposite of Tradicion Brevi by somebody.
Title is a jural act or deed which is not another owner.
delivery was made. It always produces an effect Manu.
sufficient by itself to transfer ownership. There must be
the acquisition of ownership by the person to As regards May be had in
an intent to
whom the delivery is made. f. Tradicion By Operation of Law It the intent to the concept of
Modes of acquiring ownership (OLD TIPS) acquire
consists in the delivery of the thing by acquire a mere holder.
(2007 BAR) ownership.
Classes of Tradition operation of law such as the intestate


Civil Law Property
May not take escaped become res nullius again. Longer period of NOTE: Future property means anything which
May exist Shorter period.
As regards place without possession is required. the donor cannot dispose of at the time of the
possession some form of Straying Domesticated Animals donation. (NCC, Art. 751) (2009 BAR)
possession. DONATION
Generally, Domesticated animals, if they got strayed and XPN: In donation propter nuptias, however, the
As to period Short duration.
longer. were caught by another, the owner may still Donation is an act of pure liberality whereby a Family Code allows a donation of future
As to leading claim them from the captor within 20 days person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right property between future spouses.
Cannot lead to May lead to reckoned from the date of occupation by the
to another in favor of another who accepts it. (NCC, Art.
another mode another mode- latter. Failure to do so, they shall belong to the Donation of future inheritance or the
mode of 725)
of acquisition. prescription.
acquisition captor who kept them. inchoate right to inherit
Requisites of donation (ACID)
Things susceptible of occupation Domesticated as distinguish from Domestic Future inheritance or the inchoate right to
Animals 1. Donor must have Capacity to make the inherit cannot be donated because it is future
1. Things that are without an owner Res donation; property.
nullius; abandoned; Domesticated animals are wild animals but 2. He must have donative Intent (animus
after capture had been tamed and become donandi); Q: May a property, the acquisition of which
NOTE: Stolen property cannot be subject of accustomed and friendly to people. On the other 3. There must be Delivery in certain cases; and is subject to suspensive condition, be
occupation. hand, Domestic Animals or tame animals are 4. Donee must Accept or consent to the donated?
those born, bred and raised under the care of donation during the lifetime of the donor
2. Animals that are the object of hunting and men. and of the donee in case of donation inter A: YES, because once the condition is fulfilled, it
fishing (NCC, Art. 713); vivos (NCC, Art. 746); whereas in case of retroacts to the day the contract is constituted.
Q: When can land be the object of donation mortis causa, acceptance is made [NCC, Art. 1187(1)]
3. Hidden treasures Only if the there is no occupation?
known owner thereof. This is possible only a will. (NCC, Art. 728) Donation of ownership and usufruct
if the treasure is found in places or things A: It depends.
without owners (NCC, Art 718); Essential features or elements of a true Ownership and usufruct of a property may be
1. If without an owner, it pertains to the State donation donated to different persons separately.
4. Abandoned movables A thing is (Regalian Doctrine). However, all the donees are required to be
abandoned when: 1. Alienation of property by the donor during living at the time of donation. (NCC, Art. 756)
2. If abandoned and the property is private, it his lifetime, which is accepted;
a. The expectation to recover is gone can be the object of occupation. 2. Irrevocability by the donor of the donation; Limitation on the amount that can be
(spes recuperandi); and 3. Animus Donandi (donative intent); and donated
3. And if the land does not belong to anyone, it 4. Consequent impoverishment of the donor
b. The intent to return or have it is presumed to be public. (diminution of his assets). 1. If the donor has forced heirs, he cannot give
returned is given up (spes rivertandi). or receive by donation more than what he
Ownership of land cannot be acquired by can give or receive by will;
5. Swarm of bees that has escaped from its occupation
owner, under certain conditions (NCC, Art. 2. If the donor has no forced heirs, donation
When the land is without owner, it pertains to EXTENT TO WHICH DONOR MAY may include all present property provided
the State. The State need not acquire abandoned DONATE PROPERTY he reserves in full ownership or in usufruct:
6. Domesticated animals that have escaped lands by occupation because once the requisites
from their owners, under certain conditions of abandonment had been fulfilled; It may comprehend all the present property of a. The amount necessary to support him
(NCC, Art. 716); automatically, the reversion operates. (Pineda, the donor, or part thereof, provided he and those relatives entitled to support
2009) reserves, in full ownership or in usufruct, from him;
7. Transfer of pigeons to another breeding sufficient means for the support of himself, and b.
place without fraud or artifice (NCC, Art. Abandoned land (one with an owner before) of all relatives who, at the time of the debt contracted prior to the donation.
717); and becomes patrimonial land of the State acceptance of the donation, are by law entitled
susceptible of acquisition thru acquisitive to be supported by the donor. (NCC, Art. 750) NOTE: The limitation applies only to simple,
8. Transfer of fish to another breeding place prescription. (Paras, 2008) remunerative, and modal donations but not to
without fraud or artifice. (NCC, Art. 717) Future properties as subject of donation onerous ones, which are governed by the law
Prescription vs. Occupation (2003 BAR) on contracts. (De Leon, 2006)
Acquisition of ownership over a wild animal
by occupation PRESCRIPTION OCCUPATION Future properties cannot be subject of RESERVATIONS AND REVERSIONS
Derivative mode Original mode donations. Donations cannot comprehend
Wild animals are considered res nullius when somebody else was the no previous future properties.
Effect if the donor violates the requirement
not yet captured. After its capture, animals that owner. owner. for reservation under NCC, Art. 750


Civil Law Property
A donation where the donor did not reserve demandable debt. entitled to be supported by him (NCC, Art. NOTE: It partakes of the nature of testamentary
property or assets for himself in full ownership Remuneratory (Second kind) 750); provisions and governed by the rules on
or in usufruct sufficient for his support and all 1. Consideration succession. (NCC, Art. 728)
relatives legally dependent upon him is not for future 2. Donation cannot comprehend Future
void. It is merely reducible to the extent that the services; or property except donations between future Donation mortis causa must comply with the
support to himself and his relatives is impaired 2. Donor imposes 1. Onerous Same husband and wife (FC, Art. 84); and formalities prescribed by law for the validity
or prejudiced. (Pineda, 1999) certain form of that of of wills
conditions, contracts. 3. No person may give by way of donation
Reversion in donation limitations or 2. Gratuitous Same More than he may give by will. Donation mortis causa must comply with the
charges upon form of that of formalities prescribed by law for the validity of
It is a condition established in the deed of the donee, donations. Some inter vivos donations wills, otherwise, the donation is void and would
donation which has for its effect the restoration whose value is produce no effect. That the requirements of
or return of the property donated to the donor inferior to the The following donations have been held to be attestation and acknowledgment are embodied
or his estate or in favor of other persons who donation given. inter vivos: in two separate provisions of the Civil Code
must be living at the time of the donation for Onerous (Articles 805 and 806, respectively) indicate
any cause or circumstances. (NCC, Art. 757) Imposes upon the 1. A donation where the causes of revocation that the law contemplates two distinct acts that
donee a reciprocal have been specified; serve different purposes. An acknowledgment
NOTE: If the reversion is in favor of other obligation; Burdens, is made by one executing a deed, declaring
persons who are not all living at the time of the Same as that of before a competent officer or court that the
charges or services 2. A donation where the donor reserved for
donation, the reversion stipulated shall be void, contracts. deed or act is his own. On the other hand, the
are equal or greater himself a lifetime usufruct of the property,
but the donation shall remain valid. in value to that of the for if he were still the owner, there would attestation of a will refers to the act of the
donation. be no need of said reservation; instrumental witnesses themselves who certify
KINDS OF DONATION to the execution of the instrument before them
Kinds of donation according to perfection or 3. A donation where the donor warrants the and to the manner of its execution. (Echavez v.
1. According to motive or cause: extinguishment title to the thing which he is donating DCDC, G.R. No. 192916, October 11, 2010)
a. Simple; there would be no need of warranty if he is
1. Pure donation It is one which is not not transferring the title; Some mortis causa Donations
b. Remuneratory (1st kind);
subject to any condition;
c. Remuneratory (2nd kind): Conditional 4. Where the donor immediately transferred The following have been held to be mortis
or Modal donations; or the ownership, possession and causa:
2. Conditional It is one wherein the donor
d. Onerous donations. administration of the property to the donee,
imposes on the donee a condition
dependent on the happening of a future but stipulated that the right of the donee to 1. Where the donor has reserved (expressly or
2. As to perfection or extinguishment: harvest and alienate the fruits would begin impliedly) the option to revoke the
event or past event unknown to the parties;
a. Pure; donation at any time before death, even
b. With a condition; or had been transferred in the meantime was without the consent of the donee;
c. With a term. only the administration of the property, the 2. Where the donation will be void if the
3. With a Term It is one wherein the donor
imposes on the donee a condition donation is mortis causa); transferee dies ahead of the transferor.
3. According to effectivity: 3.
dependent upon the happening of a future
a. Inter vivos (NCC, Art. 729); 5. Where the donor stated that while he is his will;
and certain event.
b. Mortis causa (NCC, Art. 728); or alive, he would not dispose of the property 4. If the donor retains full or naked ownership
c. Propter nuptials. and control over the property while he is
Effect of illegal or impossible conditions because I am
reserving it to him (the donee) upon my still alive;
Kinds of donation according to motive or death inter vivos 5. If what was in the meantime transferred to
Like in testamentary dispositions (Art. 873),
cause because in effect, he had already renounced the done was merely the administration of
only the illegal or impossible conditions are
disregarded. The donation itself remains valid. the right to dispose of his property); and the property; and
PURPOSE FORM 6. death.
Simple (2007 BAR) 6. A donation where the donees should not as
Same to that of forms DONATION INTER VIVOS
Pure liberality yet get the possession until our demise Donation inter vivos vs. Donation mortis
in donations. administration remaining with the donor causa
Remuneratory (First kind) (2007 BAR) It is a donation which takes effect during the
spouses, or either one surviving.
To reward past lifetime of the donor.
merits, services BASIS
rendered by the Same to that of forms Limitations imposed by law in making
Takes effect
donee to the donor in donations. donations inter vivos Takes effect
These are donations which are to take effect As to when it during the
provided the same do takes effect lifetime of
1. Donor must Reserve sufficient means for upon the death of the donor. death.
not constitute a the donor,
his support and for his relatives who are


Civil Law Property
independentl the doubt should be resolved in favour of HOW MADE AND ACCEPTED Donation is perfected from the moment the
y of his death. donation inter vivos, rather than mortis causa to donor knows of the acceptance by the donee.
In avoid uncertainty as to the ownership of the Persons who must accept the donation (NCC, Art. 734)
contemplatio property subject of the deed of donation.
The donee must accept the donation personally, The donation is perfected, not from the time of
As to cause death ONEROUS DONATIONS (2007 BAR) or through an authorized person with a special acceptance but from the time of knowledge by
Cause is the donor that the donee has accepted (the
or without power for the purpose, or with a general and
consideratio intention to Onerous donation is a donation given for which sufficient power, otherwise, the donation shall knowledge may of course be actual or
n dispose of the donor received a valuable consideration be void. (NCC, Art. 745) (2010 BAR) constructive). If there is no acceptance, the
the thing in which is the equivalent of the property so donation will be null and void.
case of donated. (Pineda, 2009) Reason for the need for an acceptance
Valid if donor Samples of Onerous Donations Because the donee may not want to accept the REAL/PERSONAL
On Void if donor
survives the
predecease survives.
done. Where the condition is to take care of the may not agree with the burden imposed. Formalities required for donation
Always (Carlos v. Ramil,
revocable at G.R. No. 6736, September 5, 1911); or where the Rule prior to knowledge of acceptance 1. As regards movable property: (1998,
any time and donee 2000, 2007 BAR)
On except for
for any expenses. Thus, even if real property is a. With simultaneous delivery of
revocability grounds
reason before involved, it is not essential to have a public property donated:
provided for
by law. instrument. (Manalo v. De Mesa, G.R. No. L-9449, Prior to learning of the acceptance, there is as i. For P5,000 or less May be
death. February 12, 1915) yet no perfected donation (no donation at all), oral/written
Must comply Must comply hence, the donor may give the property to ii. For more than P5,000 Written
On with the with the Kinds of onerous donations somebody else, for he has not really parted with in public or private document
formalities formalities of formalities of the disposition of the property.
donations. a will. 1. Totally onerous When the burden is equal b. Without simultaneous delivery:
Acceptance to or greater than the value of the property When the donation and the acceptance are i. The donation and acceptance
On when
during donated; and in the same instrument must be written in a public or
death. 2. Partially onerous When the burden is less private instrument (Statute of
is made
lifetime. than the value of the donation (Pineda, If the donation and the acceptance are in the Frauds), regardless of value.
Property 1999). same instrument, containing the signatures of Otherwise, donation is
On when Property
retained by both donor and donee, it is understood that unenforceable.
property is completely
the donor Laws that apply to onerous donations there is already knowledge of the acceptance,
conveyed to conveyed to
while he is hence, the donation is already perfected. 2. As regards immovable property: (1993,
the done the done.
still alive. 1. Totally onerous Rules on contracts. 2000, 2010 BAR)
On tax 2. Partially onerous Donations made to incapacitated persons a. Must be in a public instrument
Estate tax
payable a. Portion exceeding the value of the specifying
burden simple donations; and Donations made to incapacitated persons shall i. The property donated; and
Test in Determining Whether the Donation b. Portion equivalent to the burden law be void, though simulated under the guise of ii. The burdens assumed by the
is Mortis Causa or Inter Vivos on contracts. (Pineda, 1999) another contract or through a person who is done.
interposed. (NCC, Art. 743)
What is controlling is the nature of the act and Rules of contract govern the onerous portion of b. Acceptance may be made:
its effectivity. If the act is one of disposition, and donation; rules of donation only apply to the Persons who must accept the donation made i. In the same instrument; or
excess, if any. Since the donation imposed on in favor of a minor ii. In another public instrument,
is a donation inter vivos. If it is one of the donee the burden of redeeming the notified to the donor in authentic
deposition, but its effectivity is dependent upon property for value, the donation was onerous. If the donation is pure and simple and does not form, and noted in both deeds.
the death of the donor, it is a mortis causa As an endowment for a valuable consideration, require written acceptance, the minors can Otherwise, donation is void.
donation. it partakes of the nature of an ordinary accept the donation by themselves.
contract; hence, the rules of contract will Q: The Roman Catholic Church accepted a
NOTE: The title given to a deed of donation is govern and Art. 765 of the New Civil Code finds If the donation needs written acceptance, it may donation of a real property located in Lipa
NOT a determinative factor which makes the no application with respect to the onerous be accepted by their guardian or legal City. A deed of donation was executed,
donation inter vivos or mortis causa what is portion of the donation. Insofar as the value of representatives. (NCC, 741) signed by the donor, Don Mariano, and the
controlling is the provision stated in the deed the land exceeds the redemption price paid for donee, the Church, as represented by Fr.
and must be read in its entirety. by the donee, a donation exists, and the legal PERFECTION OF DONATION Damian. Before the deed could be notarized,
provisions on donation apply. (Calanasan v. Sps. Don Mariano died. Is the donation valid?
If there is doubt on the nature of the donation, Dolorito, G.R. No. 171937, November 15, 2013) (2014 BAR)


Civil Law Property
A: The donation is VOID. The donation of an entrusted to them, for the simple reason that because it is a juridical or artificial person and
immovable property must be in a public they are not the owners thereof. despite its non-registration. But the conjugal
instrument in order for it to be valid. In this partnership itself, not being natural or juridical, NOTE: The presumption that the
case, the donor died even before the cannot be a donee. Instead, the donation should donations was made in fraud of
notarization of the deed of donation. Hence, it guardian be given by the stranger to the husband and creditors arises when the donor has
does not satisfy the requirement of being in a wife, the share of the husband being credited to not left sufficient assets to pay his
public instrument for the donation to be valid. It is believed that such a donation, if made in his capital, and that of the wife being debts, at the time of donation.
considered part of her paraphernal property.
QUALIFICATIONS OF DONOR/DONEE other hand, if made by the guardian in the name c. The donee shall not be liable beyond
of, and with the consent of the ward, it would be EFFECT OF DONATION/LIMITATIONS the value of donation received.
DONOR valid provided judicial permission is obtained.
This is particularly true if the donation benefits, IN GENERAL DOUBLE DONATIONS
in some way, the ward.
Any person who has capacity to contract and
capacity to dispose of his property may make a Rights and actions the donee acquires There is double donation when the same thing
NOTE: When the donation is clearly in the has been donated to two or more persons.
donation. (NCC, Art. 735) His capacity shall be
interest of the beneficiaries, it would be
determined as of the time of the making of The donee is subrogated to the rights and
contrary to the spirit and intent of the law to The rule on double sale under Art. 1544 of NCC
donation. (NCC, Art. 737) actions which in case of eviction would pertain
say it cannot be done. shall be applicable.
to the donor.
make donations
refers to natural and artificial persons with DONEE Liability of donors for eviction of hidden Rule: First in time, stronger in right
legal personalities. With respect to artificial defects
persons, they must be authorized by their All those who are not specially disqualified by 1. If movable, one who first takes possession
Articles to donate. law. 1. If the donation is simple or remunerative, in good faith.
donor is not liable for eviction or hidden 2. If immovable, one who first recorded in the
NOTE: Q: May an unborn child be a donee or a defects because the donation is gratuitous, registry of property in good faith.
to mean perfection of the donation, otherwise if donor? unless the donor acted in bad faith; and
2. If the donation is onerous, the donor is If no inscription, one who first took possession in
some cases be inconsistent with Art. 734 which A: An unborn child may be a donee but not a liable on his warranty against eviction and good faith.
donor. hidden defects but only to the extent of the
moment the donor knows of the acceptance by burden. In absence thereof, one who can present oldest
As a donee, donations made to conceived and title.
may be stated unborn children may be accepted by those Rules regarding the liability of the donee to
perfected, both the donor and the donee must persons who would legally represent them if pay the debts of donor EXCESSIVE/INOFFICIOUS
they were already born. (NCC, Art. 742)
1. Where donor imposes obligation upon the Rule in case of an excessive or inofficious
Status of a donation made by an NOTE: If the conceived child did not become a donee, (NCC, Art. 758) the donee is liable: donation
incapacitated person person, the donation is null and void. An
unborn child cannot be a donor because it is a. To pay only debts previously 1. A donor may not donate more than what he
Following the laws in contracts (which are of essential for a person to be able to make a contracted; and can give by will. If he donates more than
suppletory application to simple donations) donation, he must have full civil capacity. b. For debts subsequently contracted what he cannot give by will, the donation
said donations should be merely considered only when there is an agreement to will become excessive and to insist on it, the
voidable. The same answer should be given in that effect. legitime of the compulsory heirs will be
case there was vitiated consent (as in the case accept a donation impaired. Legitime is reserved for the
of fraud or intimidation). NOTE: But he is not liable for debts in compulsory heirs and the same cannot be
does not refer to those excess of the value of donation impaired or disposed of by the testator; and
Q: May an emancipated minor by himself incapacitated to contract like minors or those of received, unless the contrary is
make donation mortis causa? unsound mind, but to people such as those intended. 2. The donee cannot receive by way of
mentioned in Art. 739 and husbands and wives donation more than what he may receive by
A: YES, because at the age of 17, a person of with respect to immoderate donations from 2. Where there is no stipulation regarding the will. If the donee can receive by donation
sound mind can already make a valid will. each other (donations of spouses inter se). payment of debts (NCC, Art. 759): (devise or legacy) more than what the
testator is allowed by law to give, the
Donation by a guardian or trustee Natural and juridical persons may be donees a. Donee is generally not liable to pay donation is inofficious and it may be
suppressed totally or reduced as to its
Guardians and trustees may of course donate Since the law does not distinguish, both natural b. Donee is responsible only if donation excess.
their own properties, unless they are otherwise and juridical persons may become donees. An has been made in fraud of creditors;
disqualified by the law, but not the property unregistered partnership may become a donee


Civil Law Property
IN FRAUD OF CREDITORS 8. To an Attesting witness to the execution of to give support to the donor. imposed in the donation. A judicial action is
donation, if there is any, or to the spouse, essential if the donee refuses to return the
Remedy in case of donations executed in parents or children or anyone claiming NOTE: The list of grounds for property, or pay its value to the donor, or to
fraud of creditors under them (NCC, Art. 1027); revocation by reason of ingratitude
9. To the Priest who heard the confession of under Art. 765 is exclusive. must be filed within the prescriptive period
The creditors may rescind the donation to the fixed by law, otherwise, it will be barred. (De
extent of their credits. The action is known as the minister of the gospel who extended Grounds for reduction of donation Luna vs. Abrigo, GR No. L-57455, January
accion pauliana. (NCC, Art. 1381) spiritual aid to him during the same period 18,1990)
(NCC, Art. 1027); or The same grounds for revocation under Art.
NOTE: If the donor did not reserve enough 10. To a Physician, surgeon, nurse, health 760. The donation shall be reduced insofar as it The breach of the condition in the donation
assets to pay his creditors whom he owed officer or druggist who took care of the exceeds the portion that may be freely disposed causes the automatic revocation. All the donor
before the donation, the donation is presumed donor during his/her last illness. (NCC, Art. of by will, taking into account the whole estate has to do is to formally inform the donee of the
to be in fraud of creditors. 1027) of the donor at the time of the birth, revocation. Judicial intervention only becomes
appearance, or adoption of a child. (NCC, Art. necessary if the donee questions the propriety of
REVOCATION OR REDUCTION 761) the revocation. Even then, judicial intervention
(1991, 2003, 2006 BAR) is required to merely confirm and not order the
Revocation of perfected donations revocation. Hence, there can be no 10-year
Donations prohibited by law (1990, 2000 prescriptive period to file an action to speak of.
Once a donation is perfected, it cannot be When the donee does not contest the revocation,
revoked without the consent of the donee no court action is necessary. (Province of
Prohibition on donation inter vivos Camarines Sur vs Bodega Glassware, G.R. No.
except on grounds provided by law. (NCC,
Grounds for revocation of donation
Articles 760, 764 and 765) 194199, March 22,2017)
1. By persons guilty of Adultery or
concubinage at the time of donation (NCC, 1. Under Art. 760
Revocation or reduction is NOT automatic. Q: Can the creditors of the deceased file an
Art. 739); action for reduction of inofficious donation?
The emergence of the circumstances
The action for declaration of nullity may be (legitimate, legitimated, or
enumerated in Art. 760 do not automatically A: NO. Only compulsory heirs or their heirs and
brought by the spouse of the donor or illegitimate) after the donation, even
revoke or reduce the donation. The revocation successors in interest may sue for reduction of
donee; and the guilt of the donor and donee though born after his death;
or reduction is authorized only if the amount or inofficious donations. The remedy of the
may be proved by preponderance of b. Appearance
value of the property donated exceeds the creditor is to sue, during the lifetime of the
evidence. (NCC, Art. 739) missing and thought to be dead by the
disposable free portion. donor, for the annulment of inofficious
donor; or
donation made in fraud of creditors (NCC, Art.
2. Those made between persons found guilty c. Subsequent adoption by the donor of a
Q: For purposes of prescription of action, 1387); or they can go against the estate of the
of the same Criminal offense, in minor child.
what is the rule in case of concurrence of deceased and not against the donees.
consideration thereof (NCC, Art. 739);
two or more grounds for revocation or
2. Under Art. 764 When the donee fails to
NOTE: comply with any of the conditions which
the donor imposed upon the donee. OF DONATION
A: In the event that two or more causes are
concubinage and adultery.
present, the earliest among them shall be the Obligations of the donee upon the revocation
3. Under Art. 765 By reason of ingratitude
starting point in the reckoning of the period of or reduction of donation
3. Those made to a public Officer or his wife,
prescription of the action. (Pineda, 2009)
descendants and ascendants, by reason of a. If the donee should commit some
his office; offense against the person, the honor 1. Return the thing or the object of the
Execution of a donation subject to a donation;
or the property of the donor, or of his
condition 2. If the property had already been alienated
Relative Incapacity to Succeed: wife or children under his parental
authority; and could not be recovered anymore, its
A donor may execute a donation subject to a value shall be paid to the donor. The value
4. By individuals, associations or corporations
condition, the non-fulfilment of which shall be the price of the property estimated
not permitted by Law to make donations b. If the donee imputes to the donor any
authorizes the donor to go to court to seek its at the time of the perfection of the donation;
(NCC, Art. 1027); criminal offense, or any act involving
revocation (not reduction). and
5. By a Ward to the guardian before the moral turpitude, even though he
approval of accounts (NCC, Art. 1027); should prove it, unless the crime or act 3. If the property had been mortgaged, the
Revocation of donation in a conditional donor may pay the mortgage obligations,
6. By Spouses to each other during the has been committed against the donee
donation subject to reimbursement by the donee.
marriage or to persons of whom the other himself, his wife or children under his
spouse is a presumptive heir (FC, Art. 87); authority; or (NCC, Art. 762)
A donor cannot revoke a conditional donation
7. To Relatives of such priest, etc. within the
unilaterally, that is, without going to court, even Obligation of the donee to return the fruits
fourth degree, or to the church to which c. If he unduly refuses him support when
if the donee had breached any of the obligations
such priest belongs (NCC, Art. 1027); the donee is legally or morally bound


Civil Law Property
1. If due to non-compliance with any condition year prescriptive period? exclusive.
imposed on the donation Fruits acquired
after non-compliance shall be returned; and A: The right of action to revoke or reduce is NOTE: The rationale behind the article is that a
transmitted to his heirs. (Pineda, 1999) person who has been favored with kindness
2. If due to causes stated under Art. 760, and generosity has the moral obligation to be
ingratitude, or inofficious donations fruits Q: Jose, single, donated a house and lot to his and remain grateful to the benefactor. It is a
acquired from the time the complaint is only niece, Maria, who was of legal age and matter of tradition that generosity must not be
filed shall be returned. (NCC, Art. 768) who accepted the donation. The donation reciprocated with ungratefulness.
and Maria's acceptance thereof were
PRESCRIPTION evidenced by a Deed of Donation. Maria then Q: Suppose the husband of the donee had
lived in the house and lot donated to her, maligned the donor, is there a ground for
Period of prescription of action for religiously paying real estate taxes thereon. revocation by reason of ingratitude?
revocation or reduction of donation Twelve years later, when Jose had already
passed away, a woman claiming to be an A: None. The act must be imputable to the
BASIS PRESCRIP RECKONING illegitimate daughter of Jose filed a donee himself and not to another. (Pineda,
TIVE PERIOD complaint against Maria. Claiming rights as 1999)
PERIOD an heir, the woman prayed that Maria be
Birth of Four years From the birth of the ordered to reconvey the house and lot to Mortgages and alienations effected before
child first child. Jose's estate. In her complaint she alleged the notation of the action for revocation
that the notary public who notarized the
Legitimati Four years From birth of the
on legitimated child, Deed of Donation had an expired notarial If there are mortgages and alienations effected
not from the date of commission when the Deed of Donation was before the notation of the complaint for
executed by Jose. Can Maria be made to revocation in the Registry of Property, such
marriage of the
reconvey the property? What can she put up alienations and mortgages shall remain valid
as a defense? (2015 BAR) and must be respected. (NCC, Art. 766)
Recognitio Four years From the date the
n of an recognition of the
A: NO. Maria cannot be compelled to reconvey NOTE: Alienations and mortgages after the
illegitimat child by any means
the property. The Deed of Donation was void registration of the pendency of the complaint
e child enumerated in Art.
because it was not considered a public shall be void.
712 of the Family
document. However, a void donation can trigger
acquisitive prescription. (Solis v. CA, G.R. Nos. Remedy of the donor
Adoption Four years From the date of
46753-54, August 25, 1989; Doliendo v. Biarnesa,
filing of the
G.R. No. 2765, December 27, 1906) The void If the property is already transferred in the
original petition
donation has a quality of titulo colorado enough name of the buyer or mortgagee, the remedy of
for adoption,
for acquisitive prescription especially since 12 the donor is to recover the value of the property
provided a decree
years had lapsed from the deed of donation. determined as of the time of the donation. (NCC,
of adoption is
issued thereafter. Art. 767)
Maria can set up the defense that the action has
Appearan Four years From the date an
prescribed. An action for revocation of the Waiver of actions to revoke donations
ce of a information was
donation on the ground that it impaired the
child received as to the
legitime of a compulsory heir may only be filed The donor CANNOT make a renunciation of
believed to existence or survival
within ten (10) years from the time the cause of actions to revoke in advance. Such waiver is
be dead of the child believed
action accrues which is at the time of the death void. However, the donor may renounce an
to be dead
of Jose. The facts are not clear as to when Jose action to revoke if the act of ingratitude had
Non- Four years From the non-
died, but on the assumption that he died ten already been done.
complianc compliance with the
years prior to the filing of the action, the same
e with any condition.
has clearly prescribed.
Act of One year From the time the
ingratitud donor had learned of
e Q: Are there any other grounds for
ingratitude, it was revocation of donation by reason of
possible for him to ingratitude other than those enumerated
file an action. under Art. 765 of NCC?

Q: What if the donor dies within the four- A: NONE. The grounds under Art. 765 are


Civil Law Prescription
ordinary and extraordinary prescription, but the THE ACTION ACTION REDUCTION FRUITS
Definition last two requisites vary for each kind. 1. Failure of the donor to reserve sufficient means for support (Art. 750)

It is the means of acquiring ownership and 2. Extinctive prescription or limitation of Any time by the Not transmissible. Donation reduced to Donee is entitled to the
other real rights or losing rights or action to actions It involves loss of property rights donor or by relatives NOTE: the duty to give extent necessary to fruits as owner of the
enforce such rights through lapse of time in the or actions through the possession by entitled to support and right to receive provide support. (NCC, property donated.
manner and under the conditions laid down by another of a thing for the period provided by support are personal. Art. 750) (NCC, Art. 441)
law. law or failure to bring the necessary action lifetime. (NCC, Art. (FC, Art. 195)
the period 750)
NOTE: The applicability of prescription is a fixed by law. Rights and actions are lost by
question of fact. It is evidentiary and has to be the lapse of time. (NCC, Articles 1106 and 2. Inofficiousness for being in excess of what the donor can give by will (NCC, Art. 750, 771)
established by clear and convincing evidence. 1139)
Within five years Transmissible to Donation effective Donee appropriates
Two concepts of prescription NOTE: It is also referred to as prescription of as fruits. (NCC, Art. 441)
actions, statute of limitations, and statute of death. (NCC, Articles donation shall be lifetime subject to
1. Acquisitive prescription/ Adverse Possession repose. 771 and 1149) reduced as regards the reduction only upon his
- It is the acquisition of ownership and death with regard to the
other real rights through possession of a (NCC, Art. 771) excess. (NCC, Art. 771)
thing in the manner and under the
conditions provided for by law. 3. Birth, appearance or adoption of a child (NCC, Art. 760)

a. Ordinary acquisitive prescription- [Same as in no.1 [Same as in no. 1 [Same as in no. 1 Donee appropriates
requires possession of things in good Revocation] Revocation] Reduction] fruits not affected by
faith and with just title for the time Within four years To children & Donation reduced to reduction. (NCC, Art.
fixed by law which is 10 years; and from birth of first descendants of donor extent necessary to 441) When donation is
child, legitimation upon his death. [NCC, provide support. (NCC, revoked for any of the
b. Extraordinary acquisitive prescription- (recognition), Art. 763(2)] Art. 750) cause mentioned in Art.
the acquisition of ownership and other adoption, judicial 760, the donee shall
real rights without the need of title or declaration of not return the fruits
of good faith or any other condition filiation or receipt of except from the filing of
and would prescribe in 30 years. (De info of existence of the complaint. (NCC,
Leon, 2011) the child believed to Art. 768)
be dead. (NCC, Art.
Requisites of prescription as a mode of 763)
acquiring ownership
4. Fraud against creditors (NCC, Art. 759)
1. Capacity to acquire by prescription;
2. A thing capable of acquisition by Within four years Property returned for Fruits shall be returned
prescription; from perfection of successors-in-interest. the benefit of creditors in case donee acted in
3. Possession of the thing under certain donation or from (NCC, Art. 1178) subject to the rights of bad faith; if impossible
conditions; and knowledge by the innocent third persons. to return, indemnify
4. Lapse of time provided by law. creditor of the (NCC, Art. 1387)
donation. (NCC, Art. damages. (NCC, Art.
Mere possession with a juridical title, such as by 1389) 1388)
a usufructuary, a trustee, a lessee, an agent, or a
pledge, not being in the concept of an owner
cannot ripen into ownership by acquisitive
prescription unless the juridical relation is just Acquisitive prescription vs. Extinctive prescription
expressly repudiated as such repudiation has
(Esguerra v Manantan, G.R. No. 158328, February Applicable to ownership and other Applicable to all kinds of rights, whether real or
23, 2007) Applicability
real rights. personal.
Expressly vests the property and Produces extinction of rights or bars a right of
Legal effect
raises a new title in the occupant. action. Results in the loss of a real or personal


Civil Law Prescription
The relationship between the right or bars the cause of action to enforce said and cannot be raised for the first time on trial or
occupant and the land in terms of right. One does not look to the act of the appeal.
possession is capable of producing possessor but to the neglect of the owner.
legal consequences. It is the
possessor who is the actor. Who may acquire by prescription (PSM) 4. Registered land.
As to Possession of a claimant who is not Inaction by the owner or neglect of one with a
requisite the owner. right to bring his action. 1. Persons who are capable of acquiring Rights not extinguished by prescription
Can be proven under the general property by other legal modes;
Should be affirmatively pleaded and proved to
As a defense issue withoutits being 2. State; and 1. Demand right of way;
bar the action or claim of the adverse party.
affirmatively pleaded. 3. Minors through guardians of personally. 2. Abate public /private nuisance;
3. To declare a contract void;
Prescription vs. Laches Persons against whom prescription may run 4. Recover property subject to expressed
PRESCRIPTION LACHES 1. Minors and other incapacitated persons 5. Probate of a will; and
Concept who have parents, guardians or other legal 6. Quiet title.
One acquires ownership and other real rights The failure or neglect, for an unreasonable and 2. Absentees who have administrators, either ACQUISITIVE PRESCRIPTION
through the lapse of time in the manner and under unexplained length of time, to do that which by appointed by them before their
the action laid down by law. exercising due diligence could or should have disappearance, or appointed by the courts;
been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to 3. Persons living abroad, who have managers
assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting or administrators;
4. Juridical persons, except the State and its Basis of acquisitive prescription
a presumption that the party entitled to assert it
either has abandoned it or declined to assert it. It subdivisions (NCC, Art. 1108); and
5. Prescription, acquisitive and extinctive, It is based on the assertion of a usurper of an
applies even to imprescriptible actions e.g. an adverse right for such a long period of time,
action to annul a void contract may be barred by runs in favor of, or against a married
woman. (NCC, Art. 1110) This presupposes uncontested by the true owner of the right, as
a situation where the parties involved are a to give rise to the presumption that the latter
married woman and another person not her has given up such right in favour of the former.
As to creation (Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV, p.
Prescription is purely statutory in origin and is A creation of equity which, as such, is applied not
founded on ground of public policy. Time limit is really to penalize neglect or sleeping upon one's Prescription may be in favor of or against the
married woman. Persons who are disqualified Q: What are the basic requirements of
imposed for a party to enforce his claim so that right, but rather to avoid recognizing a right prescription as a mode of acquiring
title to property and other rights will be stabilized. when to do so would result in a clearly from administering their property have a right
to claim damages from their legal ownership?
It protects the person who is diligent and vigilant inequitable situation. (Chavez v. Bonto-Perez, G.R.
in asserting his right, and conversely punishes the No. 109808, March 1, 1995) representatives whose negligence has been the
cause of prescription. A:
person who sleeps on his right. (Fernandez v.
Cuerva, G.R. No. L- 21114 November 28, 1967) 1. Actual possession of a property, which is
Things subject to prescription
susceptible of prescription;
As a defense 2. Possession must be in the concept of an
All things within the commerce of men;
owner and not that of a mere holder (NCC,
GR: Evidentiary in nature and requires full blown Evidentiary in nature and cannot be established Art. 1118);
trial. by mere allegations in the pleadings. The party a. Private property; and
b. Patrimonial property of the State 3. Possession must be public or open (NCC,
alleging laches must adduce in court evidence Art. 1118);
XPNs: proving such allegation. (Apo v. Sps. Roberto, G.R. 4. Possession must be peaceful (NCC, Art.
1) face or No. 198356, April 20, 2015) NOTE: Patrimonial property of the State is the
property it owns but which is not devoted to 1118);
the evidence he presented shows clearly that 5. Possession must be continuous and not
indeed the action has prescribed at the time public use, public service, or the development
of national wealth. It is wealth owned by the interrupted (NCC, Art. 1118);
it was filed; or 6. Possession must be adverse, that is,
2) If, before trial, a party has no means of state in its private, as distinguished from its
public, capacity. (Paras, 2008) exclusive and not merely tolerated; and
knowing that 7. Possession must satisfy the full period
lapsed, prescription as a defense may be required by law. (Pineda, Succession and
pleaded later as soon as the true nature of Things not subject to prescription
Prescription, p. 606, 2009)
the claim is discovered. (De Leon, 2011)
1. Public domain;
2. Intransmissible rights; ORDINARY PRESCRIPTION
The burden of proof rests on the part claiming it.
Failure to plead constitutes as a waiver of defense 3. Movables possessed through a crime; and


Civil Law Prescription
It requires possession of things in good faith It does not require good faith or just title but time, has continued to be in possession it for tax purposes and paid the taxes
and with just title for the time fixed by law. possession for a period longer than ordinary during the intervening time, unless there is thereon, and resided there until his death.
acquisitive prescription. (Pineda Succession and proof to the contrary; and After 45 years from the time of donation,
Good faith Prescription, p. 607, 2009)
3. The first day shall be excluded and the last complaint for recovery of ownership, and
Q: When is a possessor in good faith? Requisites of extraordinary prescription day included. (NCC, Art 1138) possession against Silverio. Who is the
(CLAS-G) rightful owner of the land?
A: If he is not aware of the existence of any flaw Q: Emilio died, leaving 8 children. In 1960,
or defect in his title or mode of acquisition 1. Capacity of the possessor to acquire by His eldest child, Flores, took possession of A: Silverio became the rightful owner of the
which invalidates it (NCC, Art. 526 in relation to prescription; and cultivated the land, caused the land by extraordinary acquisitive prescription.
Art. 1128) and has reasonable belief that the 2. Susceptibility of object to prescription; cancellation of the tax declaration in In extraordinary prescription ownership and
person from whom he received the thing was 3. Adverse possession of the character other real rights over immovable property are
the owner thereof, and could transmit his prescribed by law; caused the issuance of another in his own acquired through uninterrupted adverse
ownership. (NCC, Art. 1127) 4. Lapse of time required by law; and possession thereof for 30 years without need of
5. Good faith of possessor or proof of just title. title or of good faith. When Soledad filed the
Q: When must good faith exist? his sisters together with his surviving sisters case, Silverio was in possession of the land for
PERIOD filed a complaint in 1999 against the heirs of 45 years counted from the time of the donation.
A: It must exist not only from the beginning but Flores for partition of the lot and This is more than the required 30 years of
throughout the entire period of possession Q: What are the periods as regards declaration of nullity of the documents. Did uninterrupted adverse possession without just
fixed by law. (Pineda Succession and prescription as a mode of acquisition of the heirs of Flores acquire ownership over title and good faith. Such possession was public,
Prescription, p. 643, 2009 ed) ownership? the lot by extraordinary acquisitive adverse and in the concept of an owner. He
prescription? declared the land for taxation purposes and
Just title A: religiously paid the realty taxes thereon.
1. Movables A: YES. While the action to demand partition of Together with his actual possession of the land,
It means that the possessor obtained the a. and these tax declarations constitute strong
possession of the property through one of the b. faith. owner may acquire ownership thereof by evidence of ownership of the land occupied by
modes recognized by law for acquiring 2. Immovables prescription, where there exists a clear him. (Calicdan v. Cendeña, G.R. No. 155080,
ownership, but the transferor or grantor was a. and February. 5, 2004)
not the owner of the property or he has no b. faith. owners are apprised of the claim of adverse and
power to transmit the right. (NCC, Art. 1129) exclusive ownership. In this case, the Q: Anthony bought a piece of untitled
Q: How does ownership of personal respondents never possessed the lot, much less agricultural land from Bert. Bert, in turn,
NOTE: Just title is never presumed, it must be property prescribe? asserted their claim thereto until 1999 when
proved. (NCC, Art. 1131) The title for they filed the complaint for partition. In signature in a deed of sale over the
prescription must be true and valid. (NCC, Art. A: Through uninterrupted possession for 8 contrast, Flores took possession of the lot after property. Carlo had been in possession of
1130) years, without need of any other condition. the property for eight years, declared it for
(NCC, Art. 1132) tax purposes, and religiously paid all taxes
True title introducing improvements, and enjoying the due on the property. Anthony is not aware of
Q: How about ownership and other real produce thereof. The statutory period of
One which actually exists and is not just a rights over immovables? prescription commenced in 1960 when Flores, actual physical possession of the property
pretended one. who had neither title nor good faith, secured a from the time he bought it from Bert, who
A: They prescribe through uninterrupted tax declaration in his name and may, therefore, had never been in possession. Anthony has
Note: An absolutely simulated or fictitious title adverse possession for 30 years, without need be said to have adversely claimed ownership of since then been in possession of the
is void and cannot be a basis for ordinary of title or of good faith. (NCC, Art. 1137) the lot. On said date, respondents were also property for one year.
prescription. (Pineda Succession and deemed to have become aware of the adverse
Prescription, p. 646, 2009) Q: What are the rules for the computation of Can Anthony acquire ownership of the
time necessary for prescription? ownership through acquisitive prescription property by acquisitive prescription? How
Valid title after the lapse of 30 years. (Heirs of Restar v. many more years does he have to possess it
A: Heirs of Cichon, G.R. No. 161720, November. 22, to acquire ownership?
A title which is sufficient to transmit ownership 2005)
of the property or right being conveyed had the 1. The present possessor may complete the A: YES. Anthony can acquire ownership of the
transferor or grantor been the real owner period necessary for prescription by Q: Sixto, owner of a parcel of land, died. He property by ordinary acquisitive prescription
thereof. tacking his possession to that of his grantor was survived by his wife and three children. which requires just title and good faith (NCC,
or predecessor in interest; The subject land was donated by his wife to Art. 1117). There was just title because a deed
EXTRAORDINARY PRESCRIPTION Silverio, who immediately entered into of sale was issued in his favor even though it
2. It is presumed that the present possessor possession of the land, built a fence around was forged, which fact he was not aware of. He
who was also the possessor at a previous it, constructed a residential house, declared needs to possess the land in good faith and in
Prescription where the possessor is in bad faith.


Civil Law Prescription
the concept of owner for a total of ten years in negligent in the assertion of his right. of a Writ of Possession Prescription and laches cannot apply to
order to acquire ownership. Since Anthony (Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV, p. filed by the applicant for registered land covered by the Torrens system"
possessed the land for only one year, he has not 2) registered land. because "under the Property Registration
Decree, no title to registered land in derogation
Requisites: NOTE: Similarly, an action to to that of the registered owner shall be
who in the deed of sale is supposed to be his recover possession of a acquired by prescription or adverse
grantor or predecessor in interest [NCC, Art. 1. Capacity to acquire by prescription; registered land never p (Jakosalem vs. Barangan, G.R. No.
1138(1)], the period is still short of ten years. 2. A thing capable of acquisition by prescribes. 175025, February 15, 2012)
If Carlo is able to legally recover his 3. Possession of the thing under certain Prescription or Limitation of Actions
property, can he require Anthony to account conditions; and Action
for all the fruits he has harvested from the 4. Lapse of time provided by law. legal to ACTIONS PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
property while in possession? demand a Eight years (good faith) or
PERIODS right of Imprescriptible Four years (bad faith) from
A: Since Anthony is a possessor in good faith, way to Recover the time the possession is
Anthony cannot be made to account for the Q: What are the periods as regards abate a Movables lost. (NCC, Art. 1140, Pineda
fruits he gathered before he was served with prescription of actions to recover movables nuisance Succession and Prescription,
summons. A possessor in good faith is entitled and immovables? p. 666, 2009)
to the fruits received before the possession was 30 years (Recover
legally interrupted by the service of summons. A: Action to ownership). (NCC, Art.
(NCC, Art. 544) After Anthony was served with 1. Movables quiet title if 1141)
summons, he became a possessor in bad faith Imprescriptible
a. and plaintiff in Recover 10 years (Recover real right
and a builder, planter, sower in bad faith. He b. (NCC, Art. 1140 possession Immovables of possession). (NCC, Art.
can also be made to account for the fruits but he in relation to Art. 1132) 555(4); and Pineda
may deduct expenses for the production 2. Immovables Succession and Prescription,
gathering and preservation of the fruits. (NCC, a. faith Applies to both action and p. 667, 2009)
Art. 443) b. faith defense. Mortgage 10 years from default of
Void Action mortgagor. (NCC, Art. 1142)
Q: If there are standing crops on the contracts NOTE: However, an action to
property when Carlo recovers possession, annul avoidable contract 10 years
can Carlo appropriate them? (2008 BAR) prescribes after four years.
NOTE: If contract is oral or
A: The value of the standing crops must be NO PRESCRIPTION
quasi, prescriptive period is
prorated depending upon the period of APPLICABLE Action to
six years (NCC, Art. 1145)
possession and the period of growing and demand
recognized expressly or Based on
producing the fruits. Anthony is entitled to a When it is possessed through a partition
impliedly. (NCC, Art. 494) obligation 10 years from the time the
part of the net harvest and a part of the crime such as robbery, theft,
created by right of action accrues
expenses of cultivation in proportion to his or estafa.
period of possession. However, Carlo may allow Right of reversion or 10 years from the day
Anthony to gather these growing fruits as an NOTE: The person who cannot Based on
reconveyance to the State of judgment became final and
indemnity for the expenses of cultivation. If invoke the right of prescription judgment
the public properties executory (NCC, Art. 1144)
Anthony refuses to accept this concession, he is the offender or person who
registered and which are not Based upon
shall lose the right to indemnity under Art. 443. By Offender committed the crime or offense,
capable of private an injury to
(NCC, Art. 545, par. 3) not a subsequent transferee Four years
appropriation or private the rights of
who did not participate in the
acquisition does not prescribe. plaintiff
crime or offense, unless the
latter knew the criminal nature Four years (NCC, Art. 1146)
of public NOTE: In contrast, where
of the acquisition of the
CHARACTERISTICS dominion private property is taken by the Forcible
property by the transferor.
Government for public use entry and One year
(NCC, Art. 1133; Pineda, 2009)
Basis of extinctive prescription without first acquiring title detainer
thereto either through Defamation One year (NCC, Art. 1147)
expropriation or negotiated All other
It based on the probability, born of experience, 1. An action to recover a
that the alleged right which accrued in the past Registered actions not Five years (NCC, Art .1149)
registered land by the
Lands (P.D. recover the land or the value specified
never existed or has already been extinguished; owner; and
1529) thereof does not prescribe.
or if it exists, the inconvenience caused by the 2. Right to petition for the
lapse of time should be borne by the party issuance for the issuance


Civil Law
INTERRUPTION Decision became final and executory on
November 1, 1998. Judge Gaviola, upon
Q: What are the grounds for interruption of motion, then issued an order for the issuance
prescriptive period? of a writ of demolition on October 22, 2001.

A: However, the writ of demolition was never

1. When they are filed before the court; served on respondents due to their dilatory
2. When there is a written extrajudicial tactics and the gross ignorance of the law and
demand by the creditors; or undue delay caused by Judges Estrera and
3. When there is any written acknowledgment Villarin. The case only began to gain traction
of the debt by the debtor. (NCC, Art. 1155) on July 12, 2010, when petitioners filed their
motion for the revival of judgment. But by
Prescription where possession in Good Faith this time, almost 12 years had passed since
is converted into possession in Bad Faith. the Court of Appeals September 15, 1998
Decision became final and executory. This
If the possession in good faith is later converted led Branch 29, Regional Trial Court, Toledo
in to bad faith the prescriptive period shall be City, where the case was transferred from
computed in the following manner: Branch 9, Regional Trial Court, Cebu City, to
deny the motion in its Order dated May 15,
Movables The period of ordinary period is 2012 for being the wrong remedy.
four (4) years, while that of extraordinary
prescription is eight (8) years. Since the period Whether or not the prescription had already
of extraordinary prescription is two (2) times set in requiring the Piedads to file an action
longer than the ordinary prescription, the for revival of judgment?
number of years in ordinary period will be
multiplied by 2 to get the period for A: YES. Prescription had already set in.
extraordinary prescription. However, a mere motion will suffice for reasons
of equity. In one jurisprudence, the Supreme
Eg. If after two (2) years of possession in good Court provides that if manifest wrong or
faith of a movable property, the possession was injustice would result with the strict adherence
converted in bad faith. The 2 years would be to the statute of limitations or doctrine of laches,
equivalent to 4 years possession in bad faith. it would be better for courts to rule under the
principle of equity. This Court, in a long line of
Immovable The period for ordinary cases, has allowed for the execution of a final
prescription in good faith is 10 years and 30 and executory judgment even if prescription has
years for extraordinary or in bad faith. Since the already set in, if the delay was caused by the
extraordinary prescription is three (3) times judgment obligor for his or her benefit or
longer than the ordinary prescription it shall be advantage. (Simeon Trinidad Piedad (Deceased)
multiplied by 3. Survived and Assumed By His Heirs, Namely:
Eliseo Piedad (Deceased)*, Joel Piedad, Publio
E.g. If after six (6) years of possession in good Piedad, Jr., Gloria Piedad, Lot Piedad, Abel Piedad,
faith of a real property, the possession was Ali Piedad, and Lee Piedad v. Candelaria Linehan
converted in bad faith, the six (6) years of Bobilles and Mariano Bobilles, G.R. No. 208614,
possession in good faith would be equivalent to November 27, 2017, as penned by J. Leonen)
18 years possession in bad faith.

Q: Sometime in 1974, Simeon Piedad filed a

case for annulment of an absolute deed of
sale against Candelaria and Mariano Bobilles.
The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 435-
T. The trial court ruled in Piedad's favor and
declared the deed of sale as null and void for
being a forgery. On appeal, the Court of
Appeals dismissed the appeal and affirmed
the trial court ruling. The Court of Appeals


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