MC SSC 102 Exam

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MC SSC 102


Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________

Part I. Fill in the blank.

Direction: Choose your answer from the box. (2 points each)
Cognitive Constructivism National Council for Social Studies Continuous Spontaneous Theory
Constructivist Pedagogy American Social Science Association Identity
Constructivist Constructivism Araling Panlipunan
National Identity Edmund James Asian Identity
Social Constructivism Big Bang Theory of 1961 Integrated Experiences
Integrated Curriculum Radical Constructivism Interdisciplinary Curriculum
Multiple Identities Social Studies David Warren Saxe
History Foundation Theory Cultural Identity Identity Issues

___________________1. It is an integrative learning program intended to develop civic competence among students.
___________________2. It advocated civic competence as the primary goal of social studies.
___________________3. He wrote a paper entitled Framing a Theory for Social Studies Foundations that was published on 1992.
___________________4. According to this theory social studies exist without any antecedents.
___________________5. This is centered on the idea that social studies suddenly appeared in the year 1916.
___________________6. This theory is an extension or deeper interpretation of the big bang theory.
___________________7. This association explicitly chose to apply a collective social science as the basis of social welfare activities.
___________________8. This intends to develop critical, reflective nationalist and humane citizens rooted in his/her identity as
___________________9. It intends to create meaningful learning experiences by allowing learners to establish connections between
and among learning areas.
__________________10. It is a model that uses multiple disciplines or learning areas in examining a given theme, problem or issue.
__________________11. This is being exposed to Grade 1 children as this is relative to their learning opportunities.
__________________12. Grade 3 children are taught related to this identity as they discover and appreciate their origin.
__________________13. Grade 4 to 6 are taught with national history, society, geography, economy and politics.
__________________14. Grade 7 are cultivating this identity as they identify themselves not only as Filipinos but also as Asian.
__________________15. Grade 10 is taught with a culminating phase of elementary and junior high school social studies, ponders
and reflect on this identity.
__________________16. This is typically associated with information processing and relies heavily on the component process of
__________________17. This believes that the acquisition of knowledge is an adaptive process that could attribute from the active
cognition of an individual translating an experientially based mind.
__________________18. It is a transmission of knowable reality of the cognitive constructivist and the construction of a personal
reality of the radical constructivist.
__________________19. Due to the breadth of constructivism’s theoretical underpinnings, pedagogies vary among practitioners.
__________________20. It has become the parlance of the educators, teachers, education policy-makers and curriculum specialists
for the last three decades.

Part II. Enumeration.

Direction: Supply what is asked. (3 points each)

1. Seven themes.
2. Myths on the Origin of Social Studies.
3. Kingsley’s 6 major areas of study.
4. Beanne’s 4 core tenets.
5. Grade 1 to 10 specific identity being taught to the learners.
6. Cognitive constructivist perspective on learning focuses.
7. Constructivist Pedagogy principles.
8. Grade 2 learning content.
9. Grade 4 learning content.
10. Grade 6 learning content.

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be
given him.”
-James 1:5-6-

God Bless
-Ma’am Faith-

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