Scope and Delimitations

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Scope and Delimitations

Modular Distance learning through online platforms has given rise to depression and

anxiety disorders, making technological issues a source of anxiety and stress for GRADE 10


“It’s Nerve-Wracking, Nail biting, Disquieting, Aggravating to know you might be late to

class or be unable to turn in homework due to circumstances beyond your control.

Unstable Wi-Fi / poor internet connection, lack of sleep, lack of motivation, and lack of

knowledge. This sudden leap in the method of instruction has impeded the student’s learning and

caused stressful loads of work which started to give rise to anxiety and depressive symptomatology of

the mindset.

No one knows how long the pandemic will last, but schools should consider changing the

way they give a grade to students during a difficult time to take into the real health issues students are


Indeed/Yet! Conversely can have higher, even unrealistic expectations of themselves.

In our generation, a lot of people, not only students, experience anxiety. This case is a basic human

emotion that consists of fear and uncertainty and usually, it occurs when an individual believes that

the event is a threat to self or self-esteem. Anxiety can also be a state or trait depending on its

duration. Anxiety blocks the normal thought processes. This problem needs to approach to material

rather than interact with it, lot of students experience problems during their studies, and feel anxious

when taking exams or making significant life decisions.

To our situation now, face-to-face and distance learning and the accompanying environmental

variables that affect distance learners make the impact of anxiety on distance learning more likely. To

my fellow Nicholasians don't let yourself self-experiencing anxiety.

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