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Câu 1. You shouldn’t criticize him in front of his friends. It was insensitive of


A. shouldn’t criticize     B. him in front of

C. it      D. insensitive

Câu 2. Higher education in the United States specifically refers to post -

secondary institutions, that offer associate degrees, master degrees or Ph.d.
degrees or equivalents.

A. specifically refers      B. institutions      C. that      D. or equivalents

Câu 3. I’m not used to go to school late. I prefer punctuation.

A. I’m not used to     B. go

C. late     D. prefer

Câu 4. Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership, there have

been a great deal of disagreement over what such rights entail.

A. what such rights entail     B. have been

C. Despite      D. a great deal of

Câu 5. Paris is much more exciting as I expected.

A. much      B. exciting      C. as      D. expected

Câu 6. English is speaking in many countries in the world.

A. English      B. speaking      C. many countries     D. the world

Câu 7. Chemical engineering is based in the principles of physics, chemistry,

and mathematics.

A. in      B. principles      C. chemistry      D. mathematics

Câu 8. He is the second person be killed in that way.

A. is      B. the      C. be killed      D. way

Câu 9. . For the first time in the history of the country, the person who
recommended by the president to replace a retired justice on the Supreme
Court is a woman.

A. is      B. a retired justice

C. to replace      D. who recommended

Câu 10.. The most sensitive way to resolve a family problem

is by open discussion.

A. the      B. sensitive      C. by      D. open

Câu 11. . Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and


A. dogs that     B. trained      C. the      D. loyalty

Câu 12. . The shopkeeper warned the boys don't learn their bicycles against his


A. the      B. don’t      C. their     D. against

Câu 13. . The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer


A. times      B. then      C. stop      D. could

Câu 14. The teacher asked him why hadn’t he done his homework, but he said


A. why      B. hadn’t he done

C. but      D. said nothing

Câu 15. . A dangerously situation was created by the bad roads.

A. dangerously      B. was      C. created      D. bad roads

Câu 16. . In most countries music songs are deeply personal and deal

with themes of love, lonely, and separation.

A. most countries      B. deeply     C. deal with      D. lonely

Câu 17. One of the best ways to encourage your children to read are to provide

interesting titles for them to enjoy.

A. the best      B. to read     C. are      D. for

Câu 18. Had I been interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.

A. in      B. try to learn      C. Had      D. about

Câu 19. The two children tried as hardly as they could to bring about a

reconciliation between their parents.
A. children      B. hardly      C. between      D. to bring about

Câu 20. Education, whether it happens at school or anywhere else, is a

important part in our life.

A. Education      B. whether      C. or      D. a important part

Câu 21. I can’t go out tonight because I have too many work to do.

A. can’t      B. because      C. too many      D. to do

Câu 22. Foreign students who are doing a decision about which school to

attend may not know exactly where the choices are located

A. are doing     B. about which

C. to attend     D. the choices

Câu 23. Should you mind telling me the way to the nearest restaurant?

A. Should      B. telling me      C. to      D. nearest

Câu 24. English, together with Literature and Maths, are compulsory subjects in

the national curriculum.

A. English      B. with Literature

C. are      D. national curriculum

Câu 25. Optimists believe that in future we will be living in a

cleaner environment, breathing fresher air and eat healthier food.

A. Optimists believe     B. in future

C. living in a cleaner     D. eat healthier food

Câu 26. The man for who the police are looking robbed the bank yesterday.

A. who      B. are      C. robbed     D. the bank

Câu 27. He passed the exams with high scores, that made his parents happy.

A. passed      B. with      C. that     D. happy

Câu 28. . Because her sickness she didn’t take part in the English

competition held in Sunday.

A. Because     B. she      C. take      D. held

Câu 29. The teacher together with his students have finished their project on

A. The     B. together     C. have     D. their

Câu 30. Mr. Smith, along with her cousins from Canada, are planning to

attend the firework display in Da Nang, Vietnam.

A. with      B. her cousins      C. are      D. to attend

Câu 31. I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work.

A. had      B. repair     C. but now      D. work

Câu 32. The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many

different meanings of words and to give real examples.

A. well known     B. The      C. meanings      D. to give

Câu 33. David, who mother is Vietnamese, speaks both Vietnamese and

English fluently.

A. who      B. is      C. speaks      D. fluently

Câu 34. If I had studied carefully, I wouldn't made so many mistakes.

A. I had      B. carefully      C. made      D. so many

Câu 35. The director, as well as his wife and two children, were injured in the


A. the      B. well      C. were      D. in

Câu 36. My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

A. asked      B. the      C. before      D. had I

Câu 37. The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience.

A. before      B. the      C. worst      D. tried

Câu 38. Many young people lack skills, good education, and financial to settle in

the urban areas where many jobs are found.

A. lack      B. financial     C. urban areas      D. are found

Câu 39. She did not know where most of the people in the

conference was from.

A. did not      B. where      C. the      D. was

Câu 40. It is important that you turned off the heater every
morning before you leave for class.

A. turned off      B. before     C. important     D. leave for

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