Adjectives and Adverbs Demo

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Lesson: Adverbs with Adjectives


 Sts will understand difference and function of adverbs/adjectives.

 Sts will gain practice using adverbs/adjectives in context
 Sts will be able to describe appearance and personality of another student


 Elicit the difference between adverbs and adjectives

 Ask for some examples
 Explain that there are four main types of adjective and are used to modify nouns or
- Descriptive (describes a noun or pronoun) “It’s a lovely day!”
- Demonstrative (used to point to a noun) “That is my chair.”
- Possessive (used to express possession of a noun) “That is my money.”
- Quantifying (refer to the quantity or number of the noun) “I have three apples.”

 Explain that adverbs are used to define verbs, adjectives and other adverbs and that adverbs
can be placed after a verb (Karen walks quickly) and after another adverb (Marie sings very
well) and before another adjective (your office is incredibly spacious).

 There are four main types of adverb:

- Manner (describes the manner or behaviour of the action verb) “We walked slowly
along the beach.” In this sentence the adverb is created by adding -ly to the adjective.
- Place (explain the position of the action) “We walk around the garden to see flowers.”
Adverbs of place are positioned after the verb.
- Time or frequency – (refers to time or frequency of the action) “I hardly ever watch TV.”
- Degree – (expresses level or degree of the action verb, adjective or other adverb) “I was
deeply disappointed by your behaviour.” “You speak very loudly.”

 Show pictures of activities

 Ask students how the artist/athletes are performing using adverbs of manner and degree
= Degree (really, almost, quite extremely) Manner (fast, slowly, carefully, didn’t, easily,
happily, quietly, seriously). Explain that adverbs can be positioned around the sentence (I
walk to work daily, Daily I walk to work, I daily walk to work, I have daily walked to work).
 Ask the students to describe the appearance of the artists/athletes
 Introduce the types of adjectives and adverbs they are beginning to use


 Do Picture Race
- Students find as many adverbs/adjectives as they can to describe pics. Ask them to make
sentences. Get them to say which type of adjective/adverb they are using (manner,
degree etc)

 Dancing competition (or watch dancing video). Panel of four students (adjust if class size
smaller) with pairs dancing. Instruct the panel that they are going to judge the dancing
competition and try to incorporate as many examples of adjectives and adverbs from the
studied types as possible. Reverse roles and rerun. If sts not up for this run dancing video

 If watching video same instructions for entire group.

 Decide on winners and discuss which adjectives/adverbs were most useful.

 Using any adjectives/adverbs from the exercises and dancing activity, instruct students to
describe the appearance and personality of the person to their left. Also get them to
describe their performance in the class.

 Feedback/Plenary – ask sts what they learned in the lesson. Recap types of
adverbs/adjectives and ask for examples. Take any questions.

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