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POSTAL Book Package : =< - | Mechanical Engineering | Conventional Practice Sets |. Topic 1. Fluid Propertios no so 2. Fluid Pressure and its Measurement 3. Hydrostatic Forces 4, Buoyancy and Flotation 5. Liquids in Rigid Motion... 6 7. 8 9 Fluid Kinematics... Fluid Dynamics. Flow Measurement 1. Flow Through Pipes .... 10, Boundary Layer Theory, 11. Laminar Flow ... 12, Turbulent Flow 18, Drag and Lift 14, Dimensional Analysis 149-165 166-174 175-184 182-192 15, Impulse of Jets ...... 193-200 16, Hydraulic Turbine. 201-221 17. Centrifufal Pump 222-284 1 235-241 18. Reciprocating Pump... =| | MADE ERS Publications te: Tis book cantsine copii abject matter MADE EASY Publeatons ew Dalh No part of ts book ty be iepeeduced sored in 9 rtirvl asta ot tansmited In ay frm or yan meas. atv ae bet bs logaly prosecute | 3 EEG] The velocity distribution for flow over a flat plate is given by U=7y- y* In which us the velocity in metre per second at a distance y metre above the plate. Determine the shear stress at y = 0.15 m. Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.5 poise. Solution: 7 ory) Given, a y Viscosity, ht = 8.poise = SE nein? 10 poise = 1 Ne/m?) aw 3 * ga wu _3 Aty =0.15, y Bia eee ‘di| oy { = £3 x0.45 Nin? = 0.9825 Nin? [E53] The space between two square flat parallel plates is filled with oll. Each side of the plate is 60 cm. The thickness of the oil film is 12.5 mm. The upper plate, which moves at 2.5 metre per sec requires'a forces of 9.18 N to maintain the speed. Determine: (i) the dynamic viscosity of the oil in poise, and. (ii) the kinematic viscosity of the oil in stoke if the specitic gravity of the oll is 0.95, Solution: Given: Each side of a square plate = 60 cm=0.60m Area, A =06x0.6=0.36 m? Thickness of oil fim, 425mm = 125 x 10m Velocity of upper plate, 2.5 misec + Change of velocity between plates, 2.5 m/sec Force required on upper plate, “Shear stress, = 27.25 Nim? \ MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluld Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 3 Publications () Let p = Dynamic viscosity of oll 125x107 _ 0.19625 Nein? —_(: 1 Nsim® = 10 poise) = 0.18625 x 10 = 1.9625 Poise (i). Specific gravity of ol, $= 095 Let v = kinematic viscosity of oil Mass density of oil, p = Sx 1000 = 0.95 x 1000 = 950 kg/ms Using the relation, v . We get, 0.19625 Nein? _ + 4g4x 10-4 mP/se0 950 kgin® = 1.434 x 10 omels 434 stokes Calculate the dynamic viscosity of an dil, which is used for lubrication between a square plate of size 0.8 m x 0.8 m and an inclined plane with angle of inclination 30° as shown in figure. The weight of the square plate Is 300 N and it slides down the inclined plane with a uniform velocity of 0.3 m/s. The thickness of oil film is 1.5 mm. Soiution: wee Given: Area of plate, A = 08x08 =0.64 mi? . Angle of plane, e= Weight of plate, W = 300N 7 Velocity of plate, 0.3ms Thickness of oil film, . t= dy=15mm=15x 10°3 m Let the viscosity of fluid between plate and inolined plane is. Component of weight W, along the plane = W/cos 60° = 300 cos 60 ‘Thus the shear force, F, on the botiom surface of the plate = 150 N 450N F]_ 150 a and shear stress, [= Areal * oa cm Now, Po oy| Assuming linear velocity profile, cu = change of velocity = u-0=0.3 m/sec dy = (=15x10%m 150 03 ea ~ F5x108 150x1.8x10° _ 4 47 Nagin? =11.7 Poise 4 | Pechanical Engineering ‘Postal Book Package PLPAl| MADE ERSY [EEN The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for lubrication between a shaft and sleeve Is 6 poise. The shaft is of diameter 0.4 m and rotates at 190 rpm. Calculate the power lost in teh bearing for a sleeve length of 90 mm. The thickness of the off film is 1.5 mm. Solution: Given: Shalt J ——s0 mm —ai sieove Viscosity, = 6 Poise 6 Ns 2 = 0m 6Ns/mé Diameter of shaft, D=04m Speed of shaft, N= 190rpm Sleeve length, L = = 90 x 10% m Thickness of al film, t= 15mm=15x 108m Tangential velocity of shaft, a Rx0.4x190 = ROSS 3.908 mis Using the relation and assuming linear velocity profile, p= 4 , oh where, du = Change of velocity = 3.98 m/s dy = Change of distanc 18x 108m 3.98 = 10x. = 1592 Nim? 7 15x10 This is shear stress on shaft, Shear force on the shaft, [F = Shear stress xArea] = 1592x nD x L = 1592 x x04 x 90 x 109 = 180.05 N D Torque on the shait, IT = Force x5) = 1005x94 = 36.018im Bal Power lost. 60. 2nx190x36:0 6 MADE BASS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 5 Publications ‘Avartical gap 23.5 mm wide of infinite extent contains oil of specific gravity 0.9 and viscosity 2.5 N-s/m?. ‘Ametal plate 1.5 m x 1.5 mx 1.5 mm weighing 50 N is to be lifted through the gap at a constant speed of 0.1 m/sec. Estimate the force required to lift the plate. Solution: Gievn: Width of gap = 23.5mm Viscosity, p = 2.5 sim? Specific gravity oil = 0.9 Bs Weight density of oil = 0.9 x 1000 = 900 kati? 900 x 9.81 Nim? (21 kgf = 9.81 N) ‘Assuming that the plate lies in the middle of the gap Volume ofplate = 1.5mx 1.5mx 1.5mm 1.5 1.5 x 0.0015 m? 0.003375 m? Thickness of plate = 1.5mm Velocity of plate = 0.1 msec Weight of plate = 50N ‘When the plate is in the middle of the gap, the distance of plate from \Vertical surface of the gap (“* of gat Thickness of =) Now, shear force on left side of the metallic plate [F, = Shear stress x Area] cn ot = uf 2] x(1.5«15) = 2. 5 =51. (22) x¢ 1.5) asx(sep}sers 51.136 N Similarly, the shear force on the right side of the metallic plate, [Fo = Shear stress xArea| : 2sx( os } (15.18) =51.136N 0.071 +. Total shear force, F = Fy + Fy= 51.136 + 51.136 = 102.273N In this case the weight of plate (which is acting downward) and upward thrust is also to be taken into account, 2 ‘The upward thrust = Weight of fluid displaced = pyg = (unit weight of fluid) x Volume of fluid displaced = 9.81 x 900 x 0.003375 = 29.80N The net force acting in the downward direction due to the weight of the plate and upward thrust = Weight of plate ~ Upward thrust = 50 ~ 29.80 = 20.20 N «. Total force requited to lft the plate up = Total shear force + 20.20 = 102.273 + 20.20 = 122.473 N 6 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage Pia) MADE EASY Publications [GI Find the surface tension in @ soap bubble of 40 mm diameter when the inside pressure is 2.5 N/m? above atmospheric pressure. Solution Given: Diameter of bubble, d = 40mm = 40x 10%m Pressure in excess of outside, p = 2.5N/m? 8] For a soap bubble, P= "a * 25 = Toxo? eee =0.0125 Nm [EQ] The pressure outside the droplet of water of diameter 0.04 mm is 10.32 N/cm? (atmospheric pressure). Calculate the pressure within the droplet if surface tension Is given as 0.0725 Nim of water, Solutions Given, diameter of droplet, d= 0.04mm =0.04 x 103m Pressure outside the droplet = 10.82 Niom? = 10.32 x 104 Nim? Surface tension, o 0725 Nim ‘The pressure inside the droplet in excess of outside pressure Is given by 3 d 4200725 «960 i? 0.04 x10 = ZEON 0.706 Niom? 10° cm’ Pressure inside the droplet = Ap + pressure outside the droplet 725 + 10.32= 11,045 Nem? [E23 Calculate the capillary effect in mm in a glass tube 3 mm in diameter when immersed in (a) water (b) mercury. Both the liquids are at 20°C and the values of the surface tensions for water and mercury at 20°C in contact with air are respectively 0.0736 Nim and 0.51 N/m, Contact angle for water = 0° and for mercury = 130°. Solution: The capillary rise (or depression) is given as par (@) Forwater 0736 Nim 1810. Nim? 3mm 3 2 5 mm= 1.510% m 2x0.0736x1 By substitution, we get h 9810x1.5x10° = 1.00x 102m= 10mm ADE ERSw Fluid Machanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 7 (b) Formercury@=130°, cos @ = -0.6428 o = 0.51N/m pg = (13.6 x 9810) Nim? 5x10% m 3 Sat a1 mm 2x0.51x(-0.6425) 13.6x9810x1.5x 10° 8.276 x 10m = -3.276mm ‘The negative (-) sign in the case of mercury indicates that there is capillary depression. By substitution, we get h EG Determine capillarity rise between two thin vertical plates spaced ‘t distance apart. Calculate the distance between the plates when the capillarity rise is not to exceed 60 mm. Assume surface tension of water at 20°C as 0.075 Nim. Solution: For two vertical plates, 'f distance apart Let width of plate be 'b’ and contact angle be ‘é' Force due to surface tension = Force due to gravity 2ocos 0b = pg(bx th Height of capillary rise, For « = 0.075 Nim and h = 60 mm Assuming 6 =0° ie., cos @ = 1 20.075 x 1000 0.08 = “9.81x1000xt t= 0.255mm [EER] The density of sea water at free surface where pressure Is 98 kPa is 1030 kg/m?. Taking bulk modulus of sea water to be 2.34 x 10° N/m? (assume constant), determine the density and pressure at a depth of 2500 m. Neglect the effect of temperature Solution: A Calculation of density: y= 1050 kg" P= 98 KPa K = 234x 10° Nim? oP (zs p0=?,Py Since aP = ydh dh__o dh = Ke moe, Hg bem = = 2xH 1 - ool 8. | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage PIPal| MADE ERS Pe 1041.24 kg/m? ‘81x 2500 1030 2.34x10% Calculation of pressure: oP K (2) ° . rach freer = KI Pa Pa = K{nee P. P, & +k 2) 6 jn( 1041.24 Py = 98+2.34x10' af faa } 25495.20 kPa = 25.5 MPa [EEEY Consider a fluid of viscosity 1 between two circular parallel plates of radii ‘R’ separated by a distance ‘h’. Upper plate is rotated at an angular velocity @ whereas bottom plate is held stationery. The velocity profile between two plate is linear. Estimate the torque experienced by the bottom plate. Solution: Consider an annual ring with width drat radius’ Gy a MADE ERSY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 9 Pubieations Shear stress on the ring, <=i(2 i) yt Ai) Force onthe ring, = txarea of contact "tem 2 5 Torque onthe rng, a = Fr=(288) 2 arr = (2 ar A i *. Total torque on the disc, i (Be) re (= Re “Un Na moR* r 2h A thin 40 cm x 40 om flat plate is pulled at 2 m/sec horizontally through a 3.6 mm thick oil layer sandwitched between two plates, one stationary and other moving at a constant speed of 0.3 m/sec ‘as shown in figure. Determine the force that is required to be applied on the plate to maintain this motion. Take (}1,; = 0.027 Pa-s), Fed hy=tmm o1 oe ,=261mm ol Wy 708 misoc=—+_{ "ing Pie) 1mm = —+Vv=2 mice — F y= 2.6mm Vp=03misec—~ A Let at a distance x from plate AB, where the velocity of oil will be zero. From the property of similarly of triangle 10 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage BXYal MADE EASY 2e = 26x03-0.8 28x = 26x03 x = 28x08 -0.34mm 23 Now, fore, F required to maintain this motion Fa @Ar nA) 2+03 0.027 aes liao? 26x10 = 1246N x0.4x0.4 [ERE] Two coaxial cylinders 250 mm high have a liquid in between them, the outer cylinder has internal diameter 100 mm and the internal cylinder has external diameter 97.5 mm. Find the viscosity of liquid which produces a torque of 1 Nm upon the inner cylinder when outer one rotates at 90 rpm. Solution: For given assembly Internal diameter, d, = 97.5mm 7 External diameter, d, = 100mm | Speed of externalcylinder, N= 90rpm | Height of cylinder, H = 250mm | Tangential velocity of external cylinder, 5 RN g Hy 2x0.1x90 = = 047 ms | Lv] Shear sttess at internal oylinder, |F= #5] Foroe on intemal cylinder, 376 wx nx 0.0975 x 0.25 = 28.79 1 [ d, ‘Torque on internal cylinder, \TsFo] Lal 28.79 x0.0975 2 n= O712Pas A three-cylinder car has pistons of 75 mm and cylinders of 75.1 mm. Find the percentage change in force required to drive the piston, when the lubricant warms from 25°C to 100°C. The dynamic viscosity of the lubricant at 25°C is 2 Ns/m? and at 100°C, itis 0.4 Ns/m®. Solution: Given, Piston diameter, d, = 76mm Cylinder diameter, a, = 75.1 mm MADE BASS Fluid Mechanics and Fle Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 11 Pubications 0. a Clearance a 0.05 mm Also, Hag = 2Ns/m?, tygq = 0.4 NSim? ‘As per Newtonian’s law of viscosity, le = pH 5) Force required to drive the piston a Ee = yp (Thocther factors remains constant) Fox, Hos 2.0 59 Foo — Hroar 0.4 '% change in force, AF = (2B) too = [EEEI A oylinder 0.25 m in radius and 2 min length rotates coaxially inside a fixed cylinder of the same length ‘and 0.30 m radius. Olive oil of viscosity 4.8 x 10-Ns/m fills the annular space between the cylinders. ‘A torque 4.9 N-m is applied to the inner cylinder, After constant velocity is attained, calculate the velocity gradient at the cylinder walls, the resulting rpm, and the power dissipated by fluid resistance ignoring end effect. Assume non-linear velocity profile between the cylinders. Solution: T (Resisting) 7 xed oyinder Radius 0.3 m Velocity distrbution Otve ol ‘The surface area of the outer cylinder is larger than that of the inner one, since the former has a larger radius. ‘Accordingly the shear force and the velocity gradient at the outer cylinder will be less than the respectively quantities on the inner one. The velocity profile through the fluid wll be non-linear as indicated in the figure, since the gap between the inner and outer cylinders is comparatively larger. The torque of 4.9 Nmis transmitted from inner cylinder to ‘the outer one through fluid friction (viscous effect). Let rbe the radial distance of any fluid layer in the annular space. Then 49 = x(2nrf)xr=e(Qnr\(2)r [-1=2mgiven] au cnr? = pS An? dy 12 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage BLPAI| MADE EASY Publications du 49 49 100 _ 7.96 Oy * Gra an xagxio® ane ‘The velocity gradients at the inner and outer cylinders are au 7.96 1 = 127.4 (3) (0.257 7 au 7.96 “1 >| = = 88.4 ona (5 J, = Tosor "80° du Substituting (-c) for dyin the equation for Gy since velocity decreases as rincreases Le. y = R-r=dy=-dr y 05, de v = fou=-7.96 z ° in 18 Zz o«(2) =5.3ims eso Velocity of nner oylinder, v Rotational speedof inner cylinder, y r Pot =21.24 radisee 600 _ 60x 21.24 800 _ 8021.24 599.6 ppm on OR us [The power cissipated in fluid fiction = => 2x 202.8x4.9 60 = 104.06 Nm/s~ 104.0W RPM, N= CHAPTER [EGA closed tank contains 0.6 m thick layer of mercury (specific gravity = 13.6) at the bottom. A 2.0m thick layer of water lies above the mercury layer. A 3.0 m thick layer of oil (specific gravity = 0.6) lies above the water layer. The space above the oil layer contains alr under pressure. The gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank is 196.2 kN/m®. The density of water is 1000 kg/m? and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s’. Find the pressure of air in the air tank base. Solution: am 2m 05m! P,, is in gauge pressure. P.,, + (0.6 x 10°) (9.81) (3) + (10%) (9.81) (2) + (13.6 x 10°) (9.81) (0.5) = 196.2 x 10° Py, = 92.214 kNim? Note: It is a closed chamber, hence concept of absolute pressure cannot be applied. Calculations have to be done in the form of gauge pressure. FE] What are the gauge pressure and absolute pressure at a point 3 m below the free surface of a liquid having a density of 1.53 x 10° kg/m’, if the atmospheric pressure is equivalent to 750 mm of mercury? ‘The specific gravity of mercury is 13.6 and density of water is 1000 kg/m®. Solution: Given: Depth of liquid, Z=3m Density of fquid, py = 1.53 x 10° kgm? Atmospheric pressurehead, —_Z, = 750 mmof Hg = 0.75 of Hg :. Atmospheric pressure, Pan = Po I Zp where Pg = Density of Hg = Specific gravity of mercury x Density of water = 13.6 x 1000 kg/m? and Z, = Pressure head in torms of mercury. Pay = (13.6 x 1000) x 9.81 x 0.75 Nim? (2 =0.75) = 100062 Nim? Pressure at a point, which is at a depth of 3 m from the free surface of the liquid is given by, P= pyx.gxZ, = (1.53 x 1000) x 9.81 x 3 = 45028 Nim? 14 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package BEEN +. Gauge pressure, p = 45028 Nim? Now, [Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure] = 45028 + 100062 = 145090 Nim? A three-fluid system (immiscible) is connected to a vacuum pump. The specific gravity values of the fluids (S,, S,) are given in the figure. 7 Vacuum Fume m I Pam Pan 4,1 15m osm 4" Unit weight of water, = 9.81 Kim? ‘Amospheric Pressure, Puy = 95.43 KPA Estimate the gauge pressure value (in kN/m?, up to two decimal places) of p,. Solution: Taking p, a8 gauge pressure. py = py + (0.88 x 10°)(9.81)(0.5)+ (0.95 x 10°)(9.81)(1) (109198105) = p, + (0.88 x 109)(9.81}(0.5) + (0.95 x 10°)(8.81)(1) P, .73 KNIm? [EGBA 9 m deep tank contains 6 m of water and 3 m of oil of relative density 0.88. Determine the pressure at the bottom of the tank, What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank if the entire tank is filled with water? What is the water thrust in this case? Draw the pressure distribution diagram in both the cases. Solution: Case 1: Gauge pressure at top = 0 [Pressure at interface = s7%y-2 = 0.88x9.81x3 = 25.90 N/m? [Pressure at botiom = sy¥y21 + YwZ2 84,76 KN = 088x981 x34+9.81x6 = 84.76 KNim? | MADE Ease Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 15. Case 2: | 88.29 KN Pressure at top = 0 Pressure at bottom = y,H=9 x 9.81 = 68.29 kNim? 7 Water thrust = (uF) x] 1 = 3% 88.299 =397-205 kN per meter width of wal U-tube differential gauge is attached to two section A and Bin a horizontal pipe in which oil of specific gravity 0.8 Is flowing, The deflection in mercury in the gauge is 600 mm, level of manoment fluid near being lower one, Calculate the differential pressure in kPa, Draw a neat sketch of the arrangement. Solution: For arrangement Mereury Oil density, (0.8 x 1000 = 800 kg/m® Mercury density, }3600 kgim? Lot pressure at ‘A’ be P,, pressure at Bbe Ps Equating pressure at bottom of gauge P+ palHy— Hy) Pat Po Ha Hy) Pa-Pa = Omn- PIO(Ha- Ha) 600, 4 = 4 1 ¢ 000, (19600-8600) «9.815555 * Gogg = 75:94 KPa Alternate Solution: i 136 From figure differential head, = [Gg 71]X0-6=9.6 mofoll (Dy ~ Pa) = Poi Gx h = 800 x 9.81 x 9.6 75340.8 Pa or 75.34 kPa Differential pressure 16 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PLPAl| Se EGA cylindrical container whose weight is 65 N is inserted and pressed into water as shown in figure below: iF 7 F f Air Bl Y v0 Bson Y ts 34 Determine the differential height ‘h’ of the manometer and the force ‘F' Needed to hold the container at position shown in figure. Solution: Given: off IREEERREEE PA) BF, =0 (PoA)-F-W PoA-W = Oy Pa (With moderate change in elevation in gas, pressure does not change) 02%, ®) ye = 0.2yy(]a?-w Feo (3) 5 0.2%9810%7 x (0.25)* ~65 = 9631-65 =31.31N Also, 2.1 %h MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 17 Publlestions The figure shows a U-tube manometer having a § mm x 5mm ‘square cross-section filled with mercury (specific gravity = 13.6) up to a height of 20 cm in each limb (open to the atmosphere). If 5 cm® of water is added to the right limb, then estimate the height of mercury in the left limb. Solution: | | z é 3 —— 200m Volume of water added = § cm? Cross-section of U tube = 5 mm x 5 mm = 0.25 om? _ Volume of water added _ _5 om? ‘Area of Utube = 0.25 om’ Now due to conservation of volume, rise in left limb will be equal to fall in right limb. Height of water column in U tube Lett Lint RightLinb Let ui Right Lin 20 en bb} 50 on 4, imal place of mercury in the left limb will be) x = 2 + 0.735 = 1.47 om [E53] Two pipelines, one carrying oll (mass density 800 kg/m?) and the other water, are connected to a manometer as shown in figure. By what amount the pressure in the water pipe should be increased so that the mercury levels in both the limbs of the manometer become equal? (Mass density of mercury = 13650 kg/m? and g = 9.81m/s?). Solution: Given: pj, = 13550 kgim®; py = 900 kg/m? Initially, the pressure difference between water and oil can be given as, bet. mt 200m bt. mt 200m 18 | Mechanical Engineering MADE EASY ys (1000 x 9.81 x 1.8) + (18560 x 9.81 x 20 x 10-2) ~ (900 x 9.81 x 3) = Py => Py 14715 + 26585.1 — 26487 = py = Po~ Py = 1483.1 => Po Py = 14.8KPa Ai) . ‘Tomake the same level of mercury in both the limbs, the level of mercury should be decreased by 10 cm in right limb and increased by 10 cm In left limb. So the final level will be Pg + (1000 x 9.81 x 1.6) ~(900 x 9.81 x 2.9) = Py => 19 ~ Py = 9.9 KPA il) Subtracting Eq, (i) from Ea, () we get Pug ~ Py = 4848.9 = 24.7 kPa (increase) Ol om—+ 16 nl — [EER The figure shows two tanks A and B, each having 40 mm diameter, are interconnected by a U-tube manometer having uniform diameter of 20 mm, When the pressure p, and p, are equal, the meniscus of mercury will be same in either of the limbs of the U-tube as indicated by dotted line. When the pressure p, is higher than p,, water surface will go down by an amount AZ and the oil surface in tank Awill go up by the same amount, i.e. AZ. Determine: 150m Mercury alan 9=20mm (i) the height Z,, when p, = p, If the oil is having a specific gravity of 0.8 (li) the difference in pressure (p, ~ p,) in pascal, when the difference in the meniscus of mercury is found to be 15 om. Solutior 0 [p Given; = wo Change in level of mercury = 7.5 cm on both side By conserving the volume, rise in oil tank/fall in water tank'.0. AZ can be found. AZ x Area of tank = 7.5 x Area of mercury tube MADE ERS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 19 nx4ee 4 AZ = 1.8750m or, AZx. = 18x 5x207 [Pe +p. g[(48- 1.875)+7.5} —PmOt5~ pong(60- 7.5 + 1.875) = Py [54.375 x 10 x 9.81 x 800 + 19600 x 9.81 x 15 x 10-2 -53,625 x 10-2 x 9.81 x 10°] 19019.13 Pa or Pe Py Po- Py An inclined tube reservoir manometer is constructed as shown. Derive a general expression for the liquid deflection, L, in the inclined tube, due to the applied pressure difference, Ap. iH eZ Ay piu r idiot coupe aul», Solution: ‘As per the above figure. Volume of water displaced inreservoir = $xD* xh, A) Volume of water displaced in limb = Ext xL i) Equating () and (i), Din, = ti) Again AD = hy +h, Using (i) and h, = Lsin8 , p= (gfersre Ap = (é + sro} ‘A pressure gauge consists of two cylindrical bulbs B and C each of 10 square cm cross-sectional area, which are connected by a U-tube with vertical limbs each of 0.25 sq. cm cross-sectional area. Ared liquid of specific gravity 0.9 is filled into Cand clear water is filed into B, the surface of separation being in the limb attached to C, When both ends are open to atmosphere. Find the displacement of the surface of separation when the pressure on the surface in Cis greater increased by an amount equal to 1 om head of water. Solution: Given: Areaofeach bulb BandC, A = 10cm? Area of each vertical imb, a = 0.250m? 900 kgf? Specific gravity of red liquid, = 09 Its density of red liquic 20 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage FeGPal| mABE Eas Let XX = Initial separation level he = Height of red liquid above XX hg = Height of water above XX Prossure above X-Xin the left limb = 1000x981 x hy Pressure above X-Xin the rightlimb= 900 x 9.81 x hg Equating the two pressures, we get 1000 x 9.81x hg = 900x 9.81 xh a iy = 09g () Final y| ‘Soparstion Level ‘When the pressure head over the surface in Cis increased by 1 om of water, let the separation level falls by an amount equal to Z. Than Y-Y becomes the final separation level. Now fallin surface level of Cmuitiplied by cross-sectional area of bulb Cmust be equal to the fallin separation ‘evel multiplied by cross-section area of limb. Fall ration level s Fallin surface level of C = “=~ SSparéton level xa A _2xa_2x025 2 “OA 10” 40 Aso fall in surface level of C = Rise in surface level of B _ “2 ‘The pressure of 1 om (or 0.01 m) of water = pgh = 1000 x 9.81 x 0.01 = 98.1 Nim? Consider final separation level ¥-Y Pressure above Y-Yin the left limb = 1000: aa(z+ hy +4) Pressure above ¥-Yin the right lim = s009.81(2+ Re ~Z) +00, 1 Equating the two pressure, we get Zz z 8 Z +h, 5 - ' ‘o00x9.0,(2+ wi) = 90039.0(Z-+he J) +004 MADE BAss Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 21 Dividing by 9.81, we get Zz z 1000{z+19+ 2) A s00(z4n9-Z) +10 Dividing by 1000, we get Zz z ZihgtZ = oa(z+1.-Z)+001 But from eg. (i) fi = 09g 740.9 += 382 .0.9+0.9h, +0.01 MZ 39 or De 7 WpXO9Z +001 41_39x09 oo 8228) ao 41-351 z (22) 00 40x0.01 = 0.0678 m = 6.78 om A triangular gate with a base width of 2 m parallel to free surface and a height of 1.5 mies in a vertical plane. The top vertex of the gate Is 1.5 m below the surface of a tank which contains oil of specific gravity 0.8. Considering the density of water and acceleration due to gravity to be 1000 kg/m? and 9.81 m/s*, respectively, find the hydrostatic force exerted by the soil on the gate. Solution; Given: b | Km R= 15+ o(2)=25m Total hydrostatic force, [F= (Pressure at OG. of gaie)x (Area of gate] [F = pghal = (aooy(a.8y\2 8(Fx2x1s) 29430 N = 29.43 KN BEE A vertical isosceles triangular gate with its vertex up has a base width of 2m and a height of 1.5 m. If the vertex of gate is 1 m below the free water surface, find the total pressure force and the position of centre of pressure. Solution: Vertical Isoscolos ‘langle Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 23 { MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fl Referring to the above figure, Total pressure force, F = (Pressure at C.G. of gate) x(Area of gate) »gAh = yA) where A = Area of isosceles triangle Fi = Depth of C.G. of the gate from free surface = Fe 9810x(Jx2%15)x(1+215) = 20400 Tegsi?0_ Tag Counter of pressure, p= Vt 5] yy | [0 =90'] Since the plane is vertical, : yex2oxit 5)? = 0.1875m* 0.1875 Ye 20% E xD) = 2.0625m FES] A circular lamina of 1000 mm in diameter is immersed in water so that the distance of its perimeter measured vertically below the water surface varies between 500 mm & 1200 as shown in figure. Find the total force due to the water acting on one side of the lamina and the vertical distance of the centre of pressure below the surface. 4000 mm Solution: (1200 - 500) ea" =07 food m (from top) Ae=05+05xsin@ f= 05+: 0.85m_ Total force, IF = pail = 1000 x 9.81 x 0.85 x = 6549,0426N 24 | Mechanical Engineering MADE EASY Location of force: ‘ (ef (0.7) 0.85 = 0.88603 m = 886.03 mm [EZ A vertical rectangular gate is 3.0 m high and 2.0 m wide. It is hinged at the top. If the water is standing upto a depth of 1.5 m above the top edge of gate on one side, determine the force required at the lower edge of the gate so that gate remained closed. Solution: Given Size of the gate = (3.0m x 2.0m) [Total force on gate = Volume of pressure diagram] Pp ih 5 y+ 4.5% ]X3x2 Pp [Point of application of force = C.G. of the pressure diagram 18 4, = 176.58 KN g = Mf ax2b)_3[15ry +2x4.5yy Bl a+b} 3| 157, +457, where a= 1.57, D=4.5y, = 1.75m Now taking moment about hinge Pe =Fx3 > 176.58 1.75 =Fx3 > F = 103.005 kN ‘A rectangular gate 2m wide and 6 m high is hinged at base and makes an angle 60° with the base of channel which Is horizontal. To keep the gate in stable position a force of 29.43 KN is applied at right angle to the plate atthe end, Find the depth of water at which gate begins to fall neglecting the weight of gate and friction at the hinges. Solution: Given: For rectangular plate of (2x 6) m® Area = 12m? Height of centroid of plate (rom the bottom) =8 sin 60° = 2.6m Pe} : Average pressure on plate, P= poH-26) 3 2x6" sin? 60° Centre of pressure, (H-2.6)+ Beex(H-28) ARDE EASY Publlestions Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery gg before it. = (H-28)+ G7 Taking moment about hinge 1000 x 29.43 x 6 = => 26x (H-2.6)-2.25 = 13 Height of water surface, H For depth of water greater than, Hs Alternate Sclution: Assume gate crest is below WT OA = Fe Let height of water surface from A Pressure at A Py = Pressure at O Be ‘Total force on gate due to water P Resultant of Pwill out at distance / from O. In equilibrium EM, = > Fx Ay = = 29.43 x6 = 3.965m 2.25 2.6) 3,965 m, gate will begin to fall. 6m 29.43 KN x Sue sale + 6 sin 60°) 89x +33) $x +P) XOAK2 Povaten+ 30) x6%2 65,2 + 3V3) (2) OA Po+Pa) 8 (a +3¥8)+ 25,02 Syl + VSP) + 5,2 (E8) 0 Pxt 69, g(2x + 8V8) x (bet v3) (3x+3V3) (2x+3V8) Conventional Practice Sets | 25 26 | Mechanica! Engineering Postal Book Package EOE MADE ERSU = 29.43x6 = 65,o(3x+3V3) = 6x9.813x+3v3) x = -1.23m = Gate crest is 1.23 on above WT. * Depth of gate below WT H = 6sin 60° + (1.28) (EGG Estimate the force 'F required at equilibrium on the semi-cylindrical gate shown below. ytndrical Gato Solution: For the gate to be in equilibrium and not have any rotation, summation of moment of alll the forces about the hinge must be zero. Depth of water, H=2m Consider unit width, of cylinder, [Fy = pgh A,| 2 = too0x98tx{5) (29 = 19.62kNim width Vertical component, pg (volume)| = 1000%90(8 x1} = 15.41 kN/m width location of center of pressure of F, Rp = location of center of pressure of Fs Moment about hinge, Fax Rp A) = (F,xz)+(Fxt) 15.41 x 0.424 +F x1 1962x(4-1) eS F =0KN MADE EASY Fluld Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 27 Pubilestions ‘Acylinder of radius 0.3 m is located in water as shown. The oylinder and the well are smooth. For @ 1.5m length of cylinder, find () its weight, (ii) the resultant force exerted by the wall on the cylinder, (ii) the resultant moment around the centre of the cylinder due to water forces on the cylinder. Solution: (i). Since the cylinder and wall are smooth, the weight of the cylinder is equal to the vertical component of the hydrostatic pressure acting on the cylinder. But we know that vertical component of hydrostatic force is equal to the weight of the fluid contained in the curved surface upto free surface, [Fz = weight of water in porlion ABC acting vertically upwards through the C.G of area ABC] => [Fi = 981 x volume of semicircle ABC] = 981 x 2% os) 15 = 2.08kN Cenire of gravity of semicircle ABC 4 4x03 = TARE = 0.1273m [Fi =Weight of water in tha portion ACDE acting vertically upwards at the centroid of the area ACOE) 9.81 x volume of quarter circle COD + 9.81 x volume of square AODE > Fy " 98tx-txnx (03) x154981x03x03%1 5 = 1.0401 + 1.9244 = 2.3645 KN Ifxis the distance of centre of gravity of ACDE trom AC, then 4x03 03 ag + 18244 x 2.36¢5x => x= 014m Weight of eyinder= Fy + Fy = 2.08 + 2.9645 4.0401 x A485 KN (il) The horizontal component of the hydrostatic force exerted on the cylinder will consist of: (@) Fi, acting horizontally from left to right on the vertical projection of the curved surface AB (©) Fiyacting horizontally from left to right on the vertical projection of the curved surface BC (©) Fiz2cting horizontally from right to left on the vertical projection of the curved surface CD 28 | Mechanical Engineering ese 2027] MADE ERs Now Fy, and Fiyare equal and opposite. Thus the total horizontal force will be Fy acting at the centre of pressure of the vertical projection of curved surface AB. Fig = 981% 03x 15x 98 0.6622 kN [using Fy = waz] Centre of pressure, oso x(03j' xz => a = 0.15 + 0.05 = 0. 2 ‘Bx03x03 * on ‘Thus Fi, acts at a depth of 0.20 m from free surface or at a height of 0.1 m above the centre of oylinder (0). ‘The resultant force exerted by the wall on the cylinder, a= a) (62h) = yf0.6622) + (4.4445)° = 4.4095 kN | (iil) The resultant moment about the centre of cylinder due to hydrostatic forces will be given by M = Fig x 0.1 + Fy x 0.1273 Aig x 0.14 (0.6622 x 0.1) + (2.08 x 0.1273) ~ (2.9645 x 0.14 0.000026 kN-m [EES A 45° sector gate is located on the crest of spillway. The water is upto the mid-point of the gate when closed. The width of the gate is 10 m. The radius of the sector gate is 2m. Determine the hydrostatic force on the gate. Mass density 1000 kg/m®, g = 9.79 ms-2, Solution: Given: Radius of the sector gate 2m Width of the gate 40m Height of water, h above the bottom tip of the gate > ssing = A R = Rind = 2 sin 22.5 = 0.765 m Hydrostaticforce, [P= B+ P| 0 [Fis = YwAR| Hore A is area of vertical projection of the gate and Z is the C.G. of the vertical projection from top. Pa = tw (nxt) = (9.79 x 1000\(0.765 x 10) x2 = 28646.76 N= 28.65 kN | artical component of the water pressure] MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 29 [Weight of imaginary volume of water ABC] Area ABC = Area of sector AOC— Area of triangle AOB x2? 360 0.765 tan225 x22.5~3x0,765% = 0.079 m? (0.0794 x 10 x 9.79 x 1000) = 77341N = 7.734KN Fiom (i) Hydrostatic Force, P= foe.657+7.734" = 29.675KN [E25] Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force due to water acting on a roller gate of cylindrical | form of 4.0 m diameter, when the gate is placed on the dam in such a way thet water is just going to spill, Take the length of the gate as 8 m. Solution: | Given: Dia. of gate =\4m +. Radius, R=2m I Length of gate, 1=8m Horizontal force, F, acting on the gate is Water Surface A | 40m = Force on vertical area AOB | Where, A = Area of AOB = 4.0 x 8.0 = 32.0 m? 4 =20m Ti = Depth of C.G. of AOB = 5 F, = 9.1x32x 2x 1000 = 627840N Vertical foree, Fis given by & leight of weight enclosed or supported (actually or imaginary) by the curved surface ACB| lpg x Volume of portion ACB = pg x Area of ACB x/ 1 1000x9.81%5 (RY x8.0 sao F(a" 8.0 = 493104 N 30 | Mechanical Engineering Eee 2021] MADE Ens Itwill be acting inthe upward direction. Resultant force, IF =F +FP { = (627840? + 493104? = 798332.4N [Direction of resultant force is given by tan 6 E __ 493104 = 927840 0 = = 0.7854 [EEG] Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant water pressure acting on a curved face of a dam which is shaped according to the relation y = x4/9 as shown in figure. The height of water retained by the dam is 10 m. Consider width of the dam as unity. DAM Solution: Given: Equation of curve ABis = Height of water, Width, The horizontal component, F, is given by [F,=Pressure due to water on curved areal = [Pressure on Area BC) = |pgah| }000 x 9.81 x 10x 5 = 490500N Vertical component, Weight of water supported by the curve AB] = [Weight of water in the portion AB = pg [Area of ABC] x Width of dam : pal fy say x1 o {area of strip =xdy 2. Area ABC = fea} = 1000x981 [aya f:x=3\7} :9620[10°] = 29430 [Eel = 19620 x 31.623 = 620438.88N cemcox Zr = MABE SASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 31 Seeen Publications Resultant water pressure force on dam Fe JR+R (4905007 + (620438.887 = 790907.48: 90.9 KN Direction of the resultant is given by tno = 4 _ 620438.88 * 90500 72°48" = 1.265 8 Avertical sluice gate is used to cover an opening in a dam. The opening is 2 m wide and 1.2 m high. On the upstream of the gate, the liquid of sp. gr. 1.45, lies upto a height of 1.5 m above the top of the gate, whereas on the downstream side the water is available upto a height touching the top of the gate. Find the resultant force acting on the gate and position of centre of pressure. Find also the force acting horizontally at the top of the gate which Is capable of opening it. Assume that the gate is hinged at the bottom. Solution: : Given: Wiath of gate, b= 2m Depth of gate, d= 12m Area, A= bxd=2x12=24m? Sp. gr. ofliquid = 1.45 ©. Density of liquid, Py = 1.45% 1000 = 1450 kg/m? Let F, = Force exerted by the fluid of 1.45 on gate Fy = Force exerted by water on the gate The force F, is given by Fi=pigxAxhy| where py = 145% 1000 = 1450 kg/m? Ti, = Dopthof C.G. of gate from free surface of quid Es Fy, = 1450x981 x2.4x2.1=71691 N ‘Similarly, [Fo = pag-Ah| where P2 = 1,000kg/m? : Th = Depthof C.G. of gate from free surface of water = 1x1.2-06m 2 32 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage Pal MADE farvierbad * Fi, = 1000x981 x2.4x 06 = 14126 N (i) Resultant force on the gate = F, — F = 71691 - 14126 = 57565 N (li) Position of centre of pressure of resultant force. The force F, will be acting at a depth of h, from free surface of liquid, given by the relation. hi Ah, he = BR _ 2x42 oop at “ zeae . 0.288 5 : = Bpepy tet = 0.0571 +24 = 2.1671 . Distance of F,fromhinge == (1.5 + 1.2)-hy = 2.7-2.1571 = 0.5429m The force F, will be acting at a depth of h, from free surface of water and is given by where Ig = 0.288 mt, Fy = 0.6 m, A= 2.4 m2, At aah +06=0.2+06=08m Distance of F, fromhinge = 1.2-0.8 = 0.4m The resuttant force 67565 N will be acting ata distance given by 71691x0.5429-14126x0.4 _ 38921-5650.4 87565 57565 = 0.578mabove the hinge (iil) Force at the top of gate which Is capable of opening the gate, Let Fis the force required on the top of the gate to open it as shown in Fig. Taking the moments of FF, and F, about the hinge, we get FxA2+F, x04 = F,x0.5429 F,x0,5429-14126x0.4 _ 38921~5650.4 12 2 m above hinge or 5 F = 27725.5N [ESE A gate of size 2m x 1 m can slide without friction. It is held in place by a thin cable which pulls it to the left due to buoyancy on a balloon of diameter D and of negligible weight. The gate just opens when the level of water is as shown in the figure below. Obtain D. Where should the cable be attached, so that the gate slides smoothly [i.e. without rotation] inside the channel? Gate2m* 4m MAGE Ens Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 33 Solutio f= 9+Se4m, An2xta2m Hydrostatic force on gate, [F = pghAl F = 1000x9.81x (4) x(2) =78480N Hydrostatic force will act at a depth of Ng. from top, = g (122/12) ~ (2xx4 Let Te the tension in the cable for just opening of gate, T = F=78480N 4.0833 m Also from F.B.D. of balloon, Buoyant force (Fg) = T ; fen(2J ane 3 2 Pw XO 4D = gig X10°x98t ‘ D = 2.481m 78480 For smooth sliding, net rotation should be zero. t Line of tension = line of action of hydrostatic force = 4.0833 m from surface of water .0833 m-3 m = 1.0833 m «.Cable should be below from top of gate 8 [EEE] 4 cylindrical gate shown in figure is 5 m in diameter and 20 m long. Find the total pressure on gate in magnitude and direction, 5m Solution: > 7A Given: Diameter of cylinder = § m, Length of cylinder = 20m Let us assume fluid here is water, Horizontal pressure force: at IF. = pghMy where, F, = force in horizontal direction , A, = projected area in horizontal direction Fi = depth of C.G. of horizontal projected area p= density of water = 1000 kg/m? 5 10° «9.81% «(5 20) 2452500N 2452.5 kN u 34 | Mechanical Engineering Esra y 2021] MEDE ERSY Vertical pressure force: PV] volume of fluid above curved surface cA ¥ Va B Heeeeellals pA Fe .. Netupward force, Fe -F, iy, P:9-Vo~p-aVy ae 9 (Va Ys) = Volume within cylinder (refer diagram) % (Va V3) e 9.81% J xn (6)? x20=1926.180 kN = 1926.189kN Resultantforce, = Ir? +r = 2052.8 + 1926.189" 3118.487 kN Fy _ 1926.189 7 = 2 RE = 0.78539 Direction of resutant force: tand = =e = @ = 38.1457" Location: (i) Horizontal force: gy = 9:9983 m trom tp. (gq = Moment of inertia to projected area) (il) Vertical force : It will act at distance of 2 from AB in upward direction, 4x(6/2) =1.061m 1926.19 318.487 38.148" 24525 MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 35 Figure shows the cross-section of a tank full of water under 0.2 Kater? pressure. The length of the tank Is 2m. An empty cylinder lies along the length of the tank on one of its corner as shown. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the force acting on the curved surface ABC of the cylinder. Solution: Radius, Reim Length of tank 12m Pressure, p = O2kgi/om? = 0.2 x 9.81 Nlom? = 1,962 Nom? = 1.962 x 10 Nim? . _ Pp _1.962x10* Pressure head, te Fe reoea arn 2m ofweter Free surface of water will be at a height of 2 m from the top of the tank. Figure shows the equivalent free surface of water. (i) Horizontal Component of Force IF. = pgAR| Where A = Area projected on vertical plane = 15x 20=3.0m? j= 24482275m 2 & F, = 1000 9.81 x80 x 2.75 = 80932.5N (ii) Vertical Component of Force Fr jeight of water enclosed or supported actually or imaginary by curved surface ABC] Weight of water in the portion CODE ABC Weight of water in CODFBC-— Weight of water in AEFB Weight of water in [COB + ODFBO} But weight of water in CODFBC va] 8+ 80x00]x2=1oooxae Ext rr0x25}x2 64459.5N | | | 36 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PIPE MADE Base pg [Area of AEFB] x 2.0 1000 x 9.81 [Area of (AEFG + AGBH— AHB)] x 2.0 AH _05 ° In AHO, sine = Fo=7grOS 8-30 BH = BO-HO= 1.0- AO cos@ = 1.0- 1 x cos30° = 0.1384m Area, ABH = Area ABO- Area AHO af x 20, AHO, BEE _ O50 868 «p45 n? 9810 x [AE xAG + AG x AH — 0.0453] x 2.0 9810 x [2.0 x 0.134 + 0.134 x 0.5 -0.0453] x 2.0 9810 x [0.268 + 0.087 - 0.0453] x 2.0 = 5683.9. N 6459.5 -5683.9 = 58775.6N Weight of water in AEFB +. Weight of water in AEFB mn u Cra. [BHA 15 om length of steel rod with relative density of 7.4 is submerged in a two layer fluid. The bottom layer is mercury and the top layer is water, Find the height of top surface of the rod above the liquid interface. Solution: Given: For equilibrium, weight a= T by 1 Morcury (Sy. = 13.6) Divide by p,, i Steel (Syy*7-4) Paty, = yay, 7A(15xA) = (Axx) + 18.64 x (15-2) x = 738m [E53] A metallic cube 30 cm side and weighing 450 N is lowered into a tank containing a two fluid layer of water and mercury. Top edge of the cube is at water surface. Determine the position of block at water- mercury interface when it has reached equilibrium. Solution: Let the top edge of the cube be at a distance x from the water meroury interface. ‘As per Archimedes principle, when a body is immersed in a fluid either wholly or partially itis lifted up by a force which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. Thus, the force of buoyancy is given by [Fg=Weight of water and mercury displaced by cube| = [Volume of cube in water xpyq + Volume of cube in mercury xprgQ| 30 | 30 30. 30 (30 lie Bxs}s000%9 a1 a(S x 19600%9 et 03x 0.3 x 9810 xx +0.3 x 0.3 x 13600 x 9.61(0.3-2) = Fi, = 882.9x + 12007.44(0.3-x) (i) As per the principle of floatation the weight of a body floating in a fluid is equal to the buoyant force at equilibrium e 450N il) 38 | Mechanical Engineering Postal: BookPackage FLPAI| MADE EASY Publications From (i) and (li), we have 450 = 882,9x + 12007.44 (0.3-x) = — 12007.44x-882.9x = 9602.232-450 = 11124.54x = 3162.282 312.232 = ¥ = Faypagg 7 0.283 = 28.3. 0m PEER the weights of a cubs (sicie = 1.21) and a spivere (dianneier = 4.25%) ate 20 kN and S bt Both cube and sphere are connected together by a short rope in a water reservoir. Computer the tension in the rope and percentage of sphere that will be above water surface, Solution: Let subscript ‘s’ denotes sphere and subscript ‘c’ denotes cube and Tbe tension in the rope. y = Depth of immersion of sphere TX Given: Diameter of sphere (d,) = 1.25m Side of cube (a,) = 1.2m For cube, T= We-Feo Tr = 20-(a,)°9.81 Foc = 20-(1.2)°9.81 | 2 Tension in the rope, T = 3.048 For sphere T+ We = Figs > 8.048 x 10° +5 x 10? = 1000%Vipmarsog X 9.81 > Vipers = 90-8204 m® = Immersed volume sphere in water. Volume of sphere in air [ze 25y ~0.8204 = 0.2028 m? 0.2028. 109 = 19.78% (1.25) Percentage of sphere above water surface = 6 {EZ Assuming weight of balloon to be negligible, find out the percentage change in tension In the thread when the pressure is changed from 100 kPa to 1.6 MPa. The initial diameter of balloon Is 80 om and relationship of diameter of balloon [D] with pressure is p = C/D®. Air pressure 200m, 1 Battoon 50am Thread 50m ——I MADE BASH Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Er rubleatons Solution: B-h : 27x10. = Percentagechangeintersion Tension (7) = Buoyancy force (F,) 0 Buoyancy force, fe ae = Fy= > fa BD B 1 Now, pe QR = = 4007? — 46009? Taos *100= -98.44% Percentage change in tension + Tension will decrease by 98.44% [53] An empty tank with all sides closed is 12.5 m long, 0.7 m broad and 0.6 m high. The surface of sheet metal weighs 363 Nim? and the tank is allowed to float in fresh water with 0.6 m side vertical. Determine the state of equilibrium. Solutior [Weight of tank = Surface area of tank x weight of sheet per unit areal = (06 x 12.5 +07 x 125 + 0.6 x 0.7) x 2x 363 = 1210242 N I 08m onstim Buyancy force = at = Py IX Viepiaceg = 12102.42 j2102.42 9610 Volume of water displaced (V) = 1.28337 m? 40 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package EDPAI| MADE EASY Volume displaced __ 1.2337 m = 0.141 Depth of immersion of tank Bottom area O7xi25 m Distance between centre of gravity (G) and centre of buoyancy (B) BG = 09-2 2295 m 1578 078x125 = MG = 12—_-02095=12 0.2295 1.2837 0.441 10m 7 = BT 02205 = 006m Since the metacentric height is positive and thus, the tank will loat in stafsle equllibrium. FEI A wooden cylinder of specific gravity 0.6 and circular in cross-section Is required to float in oil (sp. gr. = 0.90). Find the L/D ratio for the cylinder to float with its longitudinal axis vertical in oll, where Lis the height of cylinder and Dis its diameter. Dia. of cylinder = D Height ofcylinder = L Sp. gr. of cylinder, S, = 06 Sp. gr. of oll S, = 09 Let the depth of cylinder immersed in oll = h For the principle of buoyancy [Weight of cylinder=Weight of oil displaced| > FO? xL.x0.6x1000%9.81 = FO? xhx0.9%1000x9.81 = Lx06 = hx09 7 pa 28xL 2 comets) ‘The distance of centre of gravity G from A, AG = Li2 ‘The distance of centre of buoyancy Bfrom A, 1f2 L po» Balls) 27 als The metacentric height GM is given by | am= 5 -BG" where made EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 41 and y= Volume of cylinder in oil = Zoxh . Fie gai RE ¥ | epp,| 16h 46,2) 3 4 3 3k OM = BG For stable equilibrium, GM should be +ve_ o GM > 0 7 _ + = A cone of specific gravity $ Is floating in water with its apex downwards. It has a diameter D and p?. gia]? vertical height H. Show that for stable equilibrium of the cone H <= — Solution: Given: ba Dia. ofcone = D Heightofcone = H oor one Sp. gt ofcone = $ [RT WATERLINE Let G = Centre of Gravity of cone B = Centreof buoyancy 20 = Apex angle and A = Apex of the cone h = Depth of immersion d = Dia. of cone at water surface Then ag = 3H 42 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PXPAl| ae Ee From the Principle of Buoyancy Also |Weight of cone=Weight of water displaced] 10008x gx 4a! xH = 1000 9x tar? xh = SRH= Ph But tan@ = R = Htan®, r= htand _ Sx(Htane?xH (taney pn = Seth xtantoxt SH ~ tan? @ Pe = 1 = SH — h = (SHB = S8H wai) Distance, BG = AG-AB (1) = SSH) thes = S-si) sil) Aico = Moment of inertia ofthe plan of body at water surface = Zot = eat y= Volume of cone inwater aw htxdtxn= tens = phe? xh= EHS) © Lot af 4, ze Peys® 16HS Now, meta-centric height (GM) is given as r 3a = £-sa-—" aw teHs'® GM should be +ve for stable equilibrium i.e., GM > 0 — Sy 9 q-s"1 till) Also we know R= Htan @ and - Led MADE ERsY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 43 Publications ‘Substituting the value of d in equation (ii), we get aos"? SHy_ 5!) 16HS® > 4 “8 > ay > HI-s) = = = [EB] A body has the cylindrical upper portion of 3 m diameter and 1.8 m deep. The lower portion is a curved one, which displaces a volume of 0.6 m? of water. The centre of buoyancy of the curved portion is at a distance of 1.95 m below the top of the cylinder. The centre of gravity of the whole body is 1.20 m below the top of the cylinder, The total displacement of water is 3.9 tonnes. Find the meta-centric height of the body. Solution: Given: Diameter ofbody = 3.0m Depth ofbody = 1.8m Volume displaced by curved portion= 0.6 m? of water Let B, is the centre of buoyancy of the curved surface and Gis the centre of gravity of the whole body. Then CB, = 1.95m CG = 1.20m ame ‘Total weight of water displaced by body = 3.9 tonnes % 3.9 x 1000 = 3900 kgf 3900 x 9.81 N = 38259N Find meta-centric height of the body. v Let the height of the body above the water surface is xm. Total weight of water displaced by body Weight density of water x [Volume of water displaced] 1000 x 9.81 x [Volume of the body in water] 1810 [Volume of cylindrical partin water + Volume of curved portion} “a Es , = sara| FXO" % Depth of eyintical part in water ELEVATION + Volume displaced by curved dportion, 9810] *(3)° x(1.8-x)+0.6 [Ftor xt.2-»)+06] aries MADE Ase Rae 38259 £0) x(1.8-2)+06 = 2258 = a0) x08-3}+ 9810 > Pe x(18-2) 3.9 06=33 3.8x4 > tao = SOX -0.4008 = x = 180.4668 = 1.83m Let B, is the centre of buoyancy of cylindrical part and Bis the centre of buoyancy of the whole body. Then depth of cylindrical part in water = 1.8 ~ 1.93 = 0.47 m ca, = +257 1.35+0.295=1.565 m The distance of the centre of buoyancy of the whole body from the top of the cylindrical partis given as CB = (Volume of curved portion x CB, + Volume of cylindrical part in water x CB,) + (Total volume of water displaced) 0.6X1.95+3.3%x1.565 _ 1.17+5.1645 7 1565 _ LITESION 2 1.624m (06+3.3) 39 Then BG = CB-CG = 1,624—1.20 = 0.424m Meta-centric height, GM, is given by BG| —| Where M.0. of the plan of the body at water surface about Spat 64 64 y= volume of the body in water = 3.9m? no BEGG 0423 = 1:019- 0.428 = 0.596 m ot mt oS eM [E553 A solid cylinder of 10 cm diameter and 40 cm long, consists of two parts made of different materials. The first part at the base is 1,0 cm long and of specific gravity = 6.0. The other part of the cylinder is made of the material having specific gravity 0.6. State, if It can float vertically in water? Solution: y Given: 100m Length, 40m Length of 1st part, 1.00m Specific gravity, 60 Density of tst part, 6 x 1000 = 6000 kalin? Length of 2nd part, 40-1.0 = 39.0 cm Specific gravity, 06 Density of 2nd part, = 0.6 x 1000 = 600 kglim? The cylinder will float vertically in water ifits meta-centric height GM is posttve. To find meta-centric height, find the location of centre of gravity (@) and aot centre of buoyancy (8) of the combined solid cylinder. The distance of the ont TA centre of gravity of the solid cylinder from Ais given as AG = [Weight of ist part x Distance of C.G. of 1st part from A] | | | | | | | MADE EAS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 45 eee Publications + (Weight of 2nd part of cylinder). x Distance of C.G. of 2nd part from A)] + [Weight of tst part + Weight of 2nd part] (§o"x10x60x05}+(§0%xa90x06%(10+%)} = = Go x1.0x60+ 507 99x08) 1.0x6.0x0.5+39.0%0.6x(205) T0x6.0+390%x06 Cancel $0" inthe Numerator and Denominator 3.044797 _ 4827 “"60+234 29.4 To find the centre of buoyancy of the combined two pars or of the cylinder, determine the depth of immersion of the cylinder. Let the depth of immersion of the cylinder is h. Then From the Principle of Buoyancy [Weight of the cylinder = Weight of water displaced] Ex(o B2 600x088 Fo. xeqgreoonx9.81 6.42 = Fo. xB x 1000x981 [his inom} 1000x9.81 400 39x06 +10%80 = o h = 234+60=29.4 The distance of the centre of the buoyancy B, ofthe cylinder from Ais h_ 294 Aba 3D BG = AG- AB = 1642~14.70=1.72.0m Meta-centrc height GM is given by or Cancelling Flo. 4) x. ‘throughout, we get 47 I = 5-8 eM = 7-Be Where, I= MO. of plan of the body about ¥-Yaxis x ‘ == (10) Bao" = BaqtON om v= Volume of cylinder in water = jo xh= Foy «29.4 m? x % : fe tn bx enone ¥" RgPxaga 18204” Texan GM = 0.212-1.72=-1.508 em ‘As GM is ve, it means thatthe Meta-cenitic Ms below the centre of gravity (G). Thus the cylinder is in unstable equilibrium and so it cannot float vertically in water. 46 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage EEAl| MABE aa FEEG) A solid cone floats in water with its apex downwards. Determine the least apex angle of cone for stable equilibrium. The specific gravity of the material of the cone is given 0.8. Solutior Given: Specific gravity of cone = 08 Density of cone, p = 0.8 x 1000 = 800 kgim? + Let, D = Diameter ofthe cone | d = Diameter of cone at water level Heightofcone Pavel Cone asec tne Depth of cone in water k—¢a—1 Centre of gravity ofthe cone iE Centre of buoyancy of the cone For the cone, the distance of centre of gravity from the apex Ais F 3 3 AC = 7 heightof cone = 7H Also AB = $ doptn of cone in water = Volume of water displaced fa xh 3 Volume of cone = pear xh Weight of cone = 800% 9x2 xR xH EF_R Now from AEF, imo = Bad 2 A= Htano Similarly, hntan 6 Weightof cone = 00x gehxex( Hand x H SioxgxastPrarhe Weight of water displaced = 1000xgx xn? xH 2 = 1000x 9x }en(ntane)?xna 100g ta For equilibrium Weight of cone = Weight of water displaced 800xgxnxHtan?6 _ 1000x9.8txxxH? xtar?e 3.0 3.0 or 800x H3 = 1000x 4° 1000 43 H ( ) = “e00 *" 800 For stable equilibrium, Meta-centric height GM should be positive. But GM is given by Hf MADE EAS’ Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 47 Where, = BS A SP _3F eG ae eet anacA 3(haney [or=htan 6] h = Shan? and BG = : = 3 htante— 3 (4. ” GM = Fhtan? e—7(H—A) For stable equilibrium GM should be positive or 3 ptan?e_3 S —S(H-4) gitar? e-S(H-A) > 0 htan?0—(H-H) > 0 tan? @ > (H-h) htan?6+h > hftan® +1) > t+tan?@ > ugg 4 sec?8 > 4 2 slr six tz 38g But, ae u a v 1 cos*® > F577 = 0.9285 0.9635 @ > 15°30" 28 > 3? Apex angle (20) should be at least 31°. buys v FEM] The time period of rolling of a ship of weight 29430 kN in sea water Is 10 seconds. The centre of buoyancy of the ship is 1.5 m below the centre of gravity. Find the radius of gyration of the ship if the moment of inertia of the ship at the water line about longitudinal axis of ship is 10000 m'. Take specific weight of sea water as = 10100 Nim?, 48 | Mechanical Engineering FES 202] neDE ee Solution: Given: ‘Time period, Distance between centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity, Moment of inertia, Weight, Let the radius of gyration = K T = 10sec BG = 15m T= 10000m* W = 29430 kN = 29430 x 1000N First calculate the meta-centric height GM, which is given as Where We know that, or T IM — BG BG} v 1 = Moment of inertia of plan of body at water surface. v= Volume of water displaced Weightof ship 29430 1000 __—_Weightof ship __ SoROx TO = 2912.6 rr? Specligweightof soavaler™ 10104 10000 5 =1.5=3.433-1.5 = 1.933 OM = poi26-'° " raenfgta| on —K. QnK 1.933x9.81 1.933x9.81 toxyi x8 50am 10 yet Atank 6 m long, 2.5 wide and 2m deep is completely filled with oil. Ifit is accelerated in the direction of its length at the rate of 1.5 m/s®, how many litres of oil is spilled. Solution: Cxginal free surface $$ 6 m + ‘As shown in figure the slope of oil surface developed. ano = |= 1 g] 981 Drop insurface = 6 tan = 0.9174 m Volumeof cil piled = 2.5 x taiangular cross-section ABC 2. SxA(oxo 9174) =6.88 m* 6880 litres [B53] A closed rectangular tank 1.2 m high, 2.4 m long and 1.5 m wide is two-thirds full of gasoline (sp. gr. 0.8). Calculate the acceleration which may be imparted to the tank so that the bottom front end of the tank Is just exposed. Also calculated the total forces on each end of the tank and show that the difference between these forces equals the unbalanced force necessary to accelerate the liquid mass in the tank, Solution: 2 The depth of gasoline in the tank = 1.2x3=0.8 m Inthis case since the tank is closed the liquid cannot spill out from the tank under any acceleration imparted {oit. As such for any acceleration imparted to the tank the volume of the liquid in the tank would be same as itwas befor the acceleration was imparted to the tank. When the bottomm front end of the tank is to be just exposed then the free surface of gasoline in the tank will be along CE as shown in the figue. 50 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage ELE | RADE =asa Let the distance AE be x then by appapplying the above noted condition we have 1 [Blev2ayes 2x1 5] = (24x 15x08) 0.8m Original free surface ye i, Thus, tan@ = G4 aay 078 Bt 3 sors g7e or @ = 7.3575 m/s? ‘As shown in the figure, ifthe free surface CE when extended meets AB produced at F, then the pressure at F is same as that on the free surface of gasoline, which in this case is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Thus at A the pressure head is equal to an imaginary column of gasoline of height equal to AF. AF Sinoe, Ge = ane=078 * AF = 0.75% (AE) = 0.75 x08=0.6m ‘Thus the total force acting on the end AB of the tank is, P= eoroxo8x(22212) 2x1.5) = 16951.68 N In this case since there is no gasoline against the end CD of the tank, the total force acting on this end Is P,=0 S (P,-P,) = 16951.68N “The force needed to accelerate the liquid mass in the tank Is F = Mass of gasoline x linear acceleration - (2eroucexzartsx08) 3575 =16951.68 N Hence proveie that the difference between the forces on the two ends of the tanks equal to the force necessary to accelerate the liquid-mass in the tank. MADE EAS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 51 [EEA closed cylindrical vessel 20 cm diameter, 120 cm deep Is filled with water upto a height of 80 cm from the bottom of vessel. It is then rotated about the vertical axis passing through the centre of cylinder. Find the height of paraboloid in the tank when = 400 rpm. Solution: Assuming free case, rise is calculated and if it is > 40 cm, it will not be a free case z rise = 15] WO 2 29 = 44,69 cin > 40 om 2x x 400 60 Initial volume of air = nABx 0.4 Itis nota free case, o rad/sec=41.88 rad/sec ee Me Final volume of air = =[ xr] wPx04 = dmx Pa FXO4x2 _ 0.8FP > a a 1.8 o? x(0.8F7/h) C oe 29 2g 2 2 2. © x0.8R® _ (41.88)? x0.8x(10P _ = fe oat 18818 > f= 84560m EEE] An open cylindrical tank, 0.50 m in diameter and 1.0 m in height, is completely filled with water and rotated about is axis at 240 rpm. Find the radius up to which bottom will be exposed and the volume of water spilled out of the tank. Solution: Given, N= 240 rpm, D = 0.50 m,h = 1.0m BN] _ 2x 240 — 60 |" 60 = 26.18rad/sec ‘Angular rotation, lo Depth of cavity formed when cylinder is rotated about its axis. |, - He? (0.25)° x (25.13) 2g 2x9.81 Let rbe the radius upto which bottom will be exposed. wo? -—05m—4 22 Oy 25.13)? +1? = ong oes 2x9.81 52 | Mechanical Engineering RE mabe EAsy o=2519rads 5 2 = 12X81 _p og44 (25.13) > r= 0.177m ] Initial volun, V, = 1 x0.25? x 1 = 0.1964? & Final volume, V, = (Vi)—[Veasty ~ Vinacinay | | Veasty = ; (0.25) x 2.01 0.1973m® ¢ meee en 2 ana = feagay = ZX (OATTY 1.01 0.0497 mh 5 os V, = [0.1984] [0.1973 -0.0497] = 0.049m* Spilled volume, ¥, ‘ote = V,~ Vj= 0.1984 - 0.049 = 0.1473 ms ‘An open cylindrical vessel of 20 cm diameter and 80 om height contains water upto @ height of 60 om. Find the maximum rotational speed of the cylindrical vessel about its vertical axis so that no water spills. The vertex flow developed in the circular vessel is forced type vortex. Solution: Let a be the rotational speed of cylindrical vessel about its vertical axis. Initial volun, = 5x02? x06 =0.01885 m® final volume = v, = volume of cylinder - empty volume x 2 afnx (0.2? v= 5x02 x04] 02% ay _ , o a Ew) For no spill, 2 Exo2xo8~1[ 02h 4 2| 4 2 or, x(oz 0.01266 4 = @ = 28.01 rad/sec 60m _ 60%28.01 on on = 267.476rpm [EAI An open tank of oil 5 m long contains 2 m of oil (sp. gf. 0.8). If the tank accelerates up a 30° inclined plane cat 3.6 m/s?, what is the angle the oll surface makes with the horizontal? Also find the pressure intensities at the bottom of the vessel at the front and the rear ends. MADE BRSY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 53 em Publlations Solution: ‘As shown in figure the acceleration is along the direction inolined at 30° with the horizontal ‘As such it can be resolved along the horizontal and the vertical directions as 4, = (3.6008 30°) = 3.12 m/s? a, = (3.6 sin 30°) = 1.8 mis? 5m 30" Total acceleration in vertical direciton = (a+ g) Hence the water surface slope is given by y +9) 3.12 (1.8+9.81) 5° 2" with the horizontal = 0.2687 * o The depth at the rear (deep) end is b= 24 (Grantor) = 267m Pressure intenity at the bottom of the tank at the rear end is bed Pag = Pah (+ + %) = (9810 x 0.8) x 2.67 «(433) 981, = 24800 Nim? Similarly the depth of oil at the front (shallow) end is he 2-(Zranisr)=1 33m .. Pressure intensity at the bottom of the tank at the front end is ay Pa = Pale 14 = (9810x0.8)x 1.39 1+ 2% 9.8" = 12353 Nim? 54 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage BPI MADE ERSS Publications A rectangular tank is moving horizontally in the direction of its length with @ constant acceleration of 2.4 mis®. The length, width and depth of the tank are 6 m, 2.5 m and 2 m respectively. If the depth of water in the tank is 1 m and tank Is open at the top then caloulate: (I) the angle of the water surface to the horizontal, the maximum and minimum pressure intensities at the bottom, (ili) the total force due to water acting on each end of the tank Solution: Free surface after ‘acoeieration pana 6 m1 Spiling of water Is just on the verge of taking place Given: Constant acceleration, a= 24m/s* Length = 6 m; Width = 2.5 mand depth = 2m Depth of water in tank, heim (I) The angle of the water surface to the horizontal Let @ = the angle of water surface to the horizontal ano = 24 «9.2446 981 (The-ve sign shows that the free surface of water is sloping downwards as shown in figure) tan 0 = 0.2446 (slope downward) 0 = tan-*0,2446 = 13.7446" or 13° 44.6" (i) The maximum and minimum pressure intensities at the bottom of the tank Depth of water at the frontend, hy Depth of water at the rear end, hy = 148tan@=143 x 0.2446 = 1.7338 m ‘The pressure intensity will be maximum at the bottom, where depth of water is maximum. -Stand= 3x 0.2446 = 1.2662 m Now the maximum pressure intensity at the bottom will be at point A and itis given by pxgx ly = 1000 x 9.81 x 1.7338 Nim? = 1708.5 Nim? Prowse ee Pulications MADE BASS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 55 The minimum pressure intensity at the bottom will be at point B and it is given by pxgxh, 1000 x 9.81 x 0.2662 = 2611.4 Nim? Prin (iil) The total force due to water acting on each end of the tank Let F, = total force acting on the front side (ie., on face BD) F, = total force acting on the rear side (ie., on face AC) Then IF. =pgAfi], where A, = BD x width of tank = h, x 2.5 = 0.2662 x 25 8D 2662 BD _ fy _ 0.2662 _ 0.1931 and h-7 Bn 0-1981m = 1000 x 9.81 x (0.2662 x 2.5) x 0.1331 = 868.95 N and [Fa = pgAdh,| where A, = AC x width of tank = h, x 2.5 = 1.7338 x 2.5 fy = B= R-EEE 08609 = 1000 x 9.81 x (1.7338 x 2.5) x 0.8669 = 36861.8 N Resuitantforce = F,—Fy = 36861.8 N—868.95 = 35992.88N Ina free cylindrical vortex of water, the tangential velocity at radius of 0.1 m from the axis of rotation is found to be 10 m/sec and the intensity of pressure is 196.2 kN/m?. Find the pressure intensity at a radius of 0.2 m from the axis. Solution: 1 Given : Free cylindrical vortex = Veer; atr=0.1m, V= 10 mis = Fundamental equation, -dr —pgdz| or, Integrating both sides, pft_4 % P,-P, = -2|5-4|-pale- a aR, ‘3 a|-0otee-2) Here, P, = 196.2 x 10° N/m?, r, = 0.1m = 0.2m, P,is to be found = y= 10? kgim? and B-2,=0 tw ow | 56 | Mechanical Engineering Tonite 202] MABE EASY wey 1 4 = P1962 x 108 = | Ps, = 233700Nim? = P, = 233.7 Nim? ‘Anopen oylinder is rotated at 160 r,p.m. about its axis, calculate the pressure head (i) at the bottom of the cylinder at edge and (i) at the centre of cylinder at the bottom. If the cylinder is of 40 om diameter and 80 cm height with water level upto 40 cm. Solution: Given: N= 1601pm 7 | 2nN|_ 2nx160 | a = 16.7552 5 Po is oF] _ (16.7552) x0.2 °° "29 2x981 0.5723 m= 57.23cm wn fall = rise) Hydrostatic pressur (i) At edge, Pp= p-g-h A. . oasis °g (li) At centre bottom, P, = pg (h-2) = pg (0.68615 - 0.5723) 2 « o.11385m °g Pressure due torotation, We know, a= In case of forced vortex flow, = Integrating both sides, mai Lasso rr Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 57 ()) Atedge bottom, r= 02 pr = 2: (16.7550P x02? = PY _ (16.7552)? x 0.22 _ pg7 2xaai 08m 0 (i) At centre bottom, Pee 2 a e here r=00 > Roo pg = Pressure head at the bottom of cylinder at the edge, | Pegg = H+ AL 0.68615 + 0.5723 = 1.25845 PF Pg and pressure head at the centre of cylinder at the bottom, BE | Poorye = 2+ 2 = 0.11885 +0 0.11385 m conte 9 0G. [ERE] A 225 mm diameter open circular cylinder is 1500 mm long and contains oll of specific gravity 0.8 up to a height of 1050 mm. Determine the speed at which the cylinder may be rotated about its vertical axis so that the axial depth becomes zero. Find the difference in total pressure force due to rotation (i) at the bottom of the cylinder (li) on the sides of the cylinder. Solution: (Ast part): | Given: Diameter of cylinder, D = 225 mm = 22.5 om | Radius, A= 225 = 11.250m Length of cylinder, L = 1500 mm = 150m Initial height of oil = 1050 mm = 105 em ‘When axial depth is zeio, the depth of paraboloid = 150. om ed | re Using the relation, “29 | i 2p _ 0? x (11.25x10¥ ae 2x9.81 oF = 2325.33 rad/sec. 60x 48.22 Speed Nis given by Sate 7 460-4831 (2nd part): () The difference in total pressure force at the bottom of cylinder is obtained by finding total hydrostatic force at the bottom before rotation and after rotation. [Before roration force = (pgh)A| p = (0.8 x 1000) = 800 kg/m? 58 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage ELPHI| MADE ERsy x A= Atea of bottom = £0 = 0.2057 = 0.03976 m? 4 i= 105cm=1,05m force = 800x 9, B1xF x (0.225 1.05 = $27.64N ‘After rotation, the depth of water at the bottom is constant and hence pressure force due to the height of water, will not be constant. Consider and circular ring of radius 'r and width ‘a? as shown in fig. Let the height of water from the bottom of the tank upto free surface of water at radius r, oP 2g Hydrostatic force on ring at the bottom, OF = pg x (Area of ring) x 2 oe? 180m Zz = 800x 9.81% 2nrar- = 00 981 UB 22P 5c —— = 5843785,671 Pdr aa Now, total pressure force at bottom oss Jor= [ 9843765.57178dr ° = 234.015N Difference in pressure forces at the bottom = 327.64-234.015 = 93.625 N (i) Force on the side of the cylinder Before rotation, F GAR] Surface area of the sides ofthe cylinder upto height of oi ‘RD x Height of oil 0.225 x 1.05 = 0.742 m? C.G of the wetted area of the sides 4.05 525m = ix height of water = 2 «force on sides before rotation 1000 x 0.8 x 9.81-x 0.742 x 0.525 9057.188N After rotation, the oil is upto the top of the cylinder and hence force on the sides 1 = 800 x 9.81 x wetted area of the sides x > x (Height of ol) 800 x9B1xRDX1.SxA x15 800x981 RD 1.54 x15 = 6240.852N + Difference in pressure on the sides ‘= 6240,852~3057.188 = 3183.64 N Grn [EG In a two-dimensional steady flow field, in a certain region of the xy plane, the velocity component in the x-direction is given by v, = x? and the density varies as p = velocity component in the y-direction, vy, Solution: Given, ° Continuity equation in steady flow, a(ou) ae a afte axlx* | %) =0 Zee ° oO wy, ay On integrating both sides, yy =ay [23] The velocity components in x and y directions are given as u=x + yand v=x~ y respectively. Find whether these velocity components satisfy possible two dimensional incompressible flow or not? Solution: For 2-D steady incompressible flow, the continuity equation should be satisfied ie. Here u v au E Bray Teco Thus the velocity components satisty the possible two dimensional incompressible flow. Obtain a valid expression for the 60 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage ELE4| MADE EASY Publications [EER The velocity field for a flow is given by: varies es p = pz exp(-2). In order that the mass Is conserved. Estimate the value of A. = (5x +6y +72)i + (6x+ Sy +9z)] + (8x4 2y +Az)k and (6x+0y+7z)i +(6x+5y +92) +(Gx+2y+22)k P= poe ‘The continuity equation Is given by p Y a 5p:p 2M PP 5y = Seip az c. -2p+5p + 5p tap =0 FEMA 30 cm diameter pipe, conveying water, branches Into two pipes of diameters 20 om and 15 cm respectively. If the average velocity in the 30 cm diameter pipe is 2.5 m/s, find the discharge in this pipe. Also determine the velocity in 15 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20 cm diameter pipe is 2m/s Solution: Given x = Ep? =%x0.3* = 0.07068 m* got 2.5 m/s 20cm=0.20m 2 A Fx(02) = Fx 04= 0.0314 m? v, =2m/s D, = 15cm=0.15m ‘ 0.15)" = © x0.225 = 0.01767 m* & Ay = Ex(0.t5)' = Fx m _— MADE ERS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 61 Find (I) Discharge in pipe 1 or Q, (ii Velocity in pipe if dia. 15 om or Vs Let Q,, Q, and Q, are discharges in pipe 1, 2 and 3 respectively Then according to continuity equation [a= +0,| harge Q, in pipe 1 is given by [GA] = 0.07068 x 2.5 m%Js = 0.1767 mis | @ The (i) Value of V, [Qe = AV] = 0.0314 x 2.0 = 0.0628 mils Substituting the values of Q, and Q, 0.1767 = 0,0628 +0, Q, = 0.1767 —0,0628 = 0.1139 m%Js But [Qs = AgVa] = 0.01767 x Vy | or 0.1139 = 0.01767 x V, 0.1139 : =644 a: Va 0.01767 a ‘The x and y components in a three dimensional flow are given by uate Piva ere Find the simplest z-component of velocity that satisfies the continuity equation. Solution: | ‘The continuity equation for incompressible fluid is given by “Bia, ae, ax" ay" az Now, = 242 Sto, | ox | HRB nae y Substituting the value of a and x in the continuity equation, we have aw. S20 at 2ye Se aw = ane az = (2x4 2y) Integrating both sides, we get faw = J-(2e+2yjaz = w = ~(2xz + 2yz) + constant of integration where constant of integration cannot be a function of z but it can be a function of x and yor constant ie., fe, yo) . The component of velocity W = ~(2xz + 2yz) + fix, y, ©) 62 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage PGA | MADE EASY Pudlcstions EEG in a three dimensional flow, the components of velocity are aay, ve dyz and w= —(yz+ 2+) Test whether the continuity equation for incompressible fluid flow is satisfied. Determine the acceleration vector at point (11,1) Solution: The continuity equation for a 3-D steady incompressible flow is given by Here, au av, aw : . get gy tae tee Ue) du av, aw > Be toy Taz 7 0 Heneeproved) Qu, du, ou : yew For steady flow, la, =U +V5) +57 > a, = (xyx y) + (4y2 xx) + Hyz+ 2) x0] = a, =x + Arye Ai) Also, = a, = (yx 0) + (Ay x 4) ~ (yz + 2) (12 2?) = ay = 16 yA 12y°29 — 12928 > a, = Ay 12 (i) and > a, = (yx 0) +42 xz) + (z+ Z) (y+ 424) + Aydt + Pz + Ayz! + yeh + AZ > z+ ye + az" «ity We know that acceleration vector @ is given by a=aita/) ral A = (P+ Ary)F + (aytaeay] + (z+ yet + 4zVk Acceleration vector dat point (1, 1, 1) will be BH 12d to AF FA Toe 18 12x 2x AY] + (1x1 ex tax 19K = 57 -8] +6h (Ans.) — mAde EASS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | G3 In a two-dimensional fluid flow the velocity components are x + yand v = 2x ~ 3y. Find whether the flow is possible, Also obtain the potential function for this case and state whether the flow is irrotational. Solution: Given: u=3x+y, v= 2x-3y Checking the possibilty of low by applying continuity equation, wav _ a a au Lo 2 (ar oy Ze rayl sy) = 3+(0-3)=0 «: flow is possible Angular velocity, 1 a a AZer-n-Zex+) 1 i = tp-q=4 2e-I=5 #0= flow is rotational. = 0,2 2 Potential function 6 does not exists for rotational flows, [EEE The velocity field in a fluid medium is given by V= 3xy"i + 2xyj + (2zy + 3t)k determine, the rotational velocity vector at (1, 2, 1) and t= 3. Solution: Given: Rot = Buy + 2xyf x (2zy +30) 1al velocity vector is where and [At (A, 2, 1) and at t= 3)] 64 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage EUEAI ate aS [5 Find circulation T’ around a circle of radius 2 units for the velocity field u = 2x + 3y and v=—-2y. Solution: [Circulation = Vorticity x Areal av_ au = (# 32) area (0-3) xx (2? = 12 units [EEET A two dimensional flow can be described by 2 Verify that this is the flow of an incompressible fluid & that the ellipse 7 isa streamline. Solution: Given: u a Continuity equation for steady & incompressible flow, Checking for the given flow, ae ala) > - :. As uand v satisfy continuity equation for incompressible fluid, flow is of incompressible fluid ino squat xa Streamline equation, raS or, . udy = v- de dy = Eade ad ‘i x integrating both sides, = Gate or, =-c ot, =-20 = kK oye «. Blipse 45 +45 =1 is a streainlne ata point with a [EEG] If the velocity components of two-dimensional flow are ¥ 3 age 22 =xye-2y-2 a= +2 y and u,=xy?-2y- 3 | mace ERsu Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 65 Obtain: (i) Stream function -y (i) Discharge passing between two points (2, 3) and (3, 4). Solution: Given: u= 4+ 2x- 3 Checking if flow is possible by applying continuity equation, au, , 24, ae ) af *) uy My ALY yoy Py |4 2 | eye—ay- et ate ¥y ely y = (0+2-2xy) + (2xy-2-0)=0 = Flow is there we know, or, now, Integrating both sides, Yay sire .) 4x3 3 also, y= wh By 4 , ; x : Integrating both sides, Dna +fy)re i) from equation (i) and (ii), stream function, y ay +e 2 oxaxs or, Yes) = Boon ag aa” AMAR =~ 200893 + 6 xe 4 ot or, Von = Taya CORA » 88167 + © Discharge between (3, 4) and (2, 3) per unit width, (3.4)-¥e,3)| = 22 units The expression for stream function is described by y = x°-3xy”, Indicate whether the flow is rotational or irrotational. Determine the value or velocity potential 6, ifit exists. Solution: Given : Checking of rotationability, 66 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PLEA mabe eee a G70 ON) = GeO) + (0-63) = =» Hence stream function satisfied the laplace equation, so flaw is irrotational. = Velocity potential @ exists. Using Cauchy ~ Reiman equation, Integrating both sides, o= cs y+fyee oF, = Br? y+ te of ci} also, ay a = y integrating bot sides, o- Bs2ys tare A ax?y 4 f(x) +e (ii) from equation (i) and (ii), o= Y-ay40 where cis a constant of integration. [EEE] The velocity vector in an incompressive flow is given by V = (6xt + yz?)i4(3t+ xy?) /+ (xy - 2xyz ~ 6tz)k (i) Verify whether the continuity equation is satisfied. (li) Determine the acceleration in x direction at point A(1, 1, 1) and t= 1.0. | Solution: | (i) For the given fiow field xy - 6 au av g a ‘ax’ ay Oz <. Substituting values of in equation (i) MADE BASH Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 67 pooeeenn PubICOIONS 6t + 2xy — dry - 6 o=0 Hence continuity equation is satisfied. (ii) The acceleration component in x-direction is given as ae ay az at au oy au at (Gxt yZ?) ot + (3t+20y7) 2° + (xy -2xyz-6tz)2y2 + 6x Value of a, at point A (1, 1, 1) and t= 1.0 is given as 4, = (6+ 16 + (B+ 1)1 + (1-2 -6)2 + 6 = 38 units [ERE] In a steady two-dimensional incompressible flow, the velocity component in the x-direction is u = 3x?+ 2 Soluti Use continuity equation to find the velocity component vin the y-direction. For evaluating the arbitrary functions which might appear In the analysis, you may assume that v = 0 at y = 0. Also find the direction of streamline with respect to x-axis at point P (1, 2). ion: For a steady two-dimensional incompressible flow, the equation of continuity is For the given flow field; av By substituting in the equation of continuity, we get; 3), = bx By integrating : v= -6xj + constant of integration (C) ‘The constant of integration could be a numerical constant or a function of x, that is f(x). Since veOaty Hence the y-component of velocity is, v Astreamline has the slope, tene = (an O)y,2) = ES e (12) _ ° tan ( = = 59.74" The streamline through point P(1, 2) makes an angle of -59.74° with x-axis. Find the convective acceleration at the middle of a pipe which converges uniformly from 0.4 m diameter to 0.2m diameter over 2 m length. The rate of flow is 20 l/s. If the rate of flow changes uniformly from 20 ifs to 40 i/s in 30 seconds, find the total acceleration at the middle of the pipe at 15th second. 68 | Mechanical Engineering oom te 2021] MABE EASY Publications Solution: Given: Diameter etsection 1, D, = 0.4m; D,=0.2m,L=2m Q = 20i/s = 0.02 mis as one litre = 0,001 m Find (i) Convective acceleration at middle ie., at A when Q = 2011s, (i) Total acceleration at Awhen @ changes from 20 ifs to 40 1/s in 30 seconds, Case-1: In this case, the rate of flow is constant and equal to 0.02 m/s. The velocity of flow is in x-direction only. Hence this is one-dimensional flow and velocity components in yand z directions are zero or v= 0, 2= 0. wali) boat tm 4 +} 2m ——1 The diameter (D,) at a distance x from inlet or at section X-X is given by 0.4-0.2 0.4— °. 2 xx=(04-0-te)m ‘The area of cross-section (A) at section X-X is given by A = F0t = 500 =0.1x)" Velocity (u) at the section X-X in terms of Qe, in terms of rate of flow) u poe Q eae -—_0_, A Fo n(0.4~0.1x) 273 (0.4-0.1x ms =1.273Q(0.4-0.1x) a Totind Swe must ferentiate equation (i) wrt. au ox 2 [12730(0.4-0-%)"] i ' | | | | | MADE EASS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery — Conventional Practice Sets | 69 Pablleations = 1.273 Q (-2) (0.4-0.1 xy" x (0.1) [Here Qis constant} = 0.2546 Q(0.4-0.1274 Ail) ‘Substituting the value of u and x ineq. ()) we get Convective acceleration = [1.273 Q (0.4-0.1 x)%] x [0.2546 Q (0.40.1 x1] 1.278 x 0.2546 x Q? x (0.4-0.1 a) = 1.273 x 0.2546 x (0.02)? x (0.4-0.1 x78 [-Q=0.02 ms] :. Convective acceleration at the middle (where x = 1m) = 1.273 x 0.2548 x (0.02)? x (0.4-0.1 x 1) m/s? = 1.273 x 0.2546 x (0.02)? x (0.33 mis? = 0.0048 m/s Case-2; When Q changes from 0.02 m'/s to 0.04 m*Js in 30 seconds, find the total acceleration at x = 1 and t= 15 seconds. ‘Total acceleration = Convective acceleration + Local acceleration att = 15 seconds ae et ‘The rate of flow at t= 15 seconds Is given by o 928 x15 where Q, = 0.04 mis and Q, = 0.02 mils = 0,024 (004-00), 150.03 nls cy The velocity (u) and gradient (%) in terms of Q are given by ea, (i) and (il) respectively [Convective acceleration = ux 2 = [1.273 (0.4-0.1 x)%] x [0.2546 Q (0.4-0.1 x)1] = 1,273 x 0.2546 O? x (0.4-0.1 x 1) 03 m/s and x= 1m) 1.273 x 0.2546 x (0.03)? x (0.4-0.1 x 1) = 1.273 x 0.2546 x (0.03)? x (0.8) mis? (wy = 0.0108 mis? au_a Local acceleration = 57= =| Convective acceleration (when Q [127sa(0.4-0. | [-utrom eq. (i) is, = 278x(0.4-0.12)* x22 [-- Local acceleration is at a point where 2 is constant but Q is changing] 1.273. (0.4-0.13)%] Local acceleration (atx = 1m) 1erex(o4-o.1xi)? x22 1.273x(0.3)° x a 0g [20 Oe-Qy_ 30 “at t 70 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package: Pea) MABE SASS = 0.00943 m/s*= 0.0943 (v) Hence adding eq, (iv) and (v), we get total acceleration .7————————— n (Total acceleration = Convective acceleration + Local acceleration] = 0,0108 + 0,0943 = 0.02023 m/s® EEE] It the velocity components for possible flow are given as determine whether or not fluid motion is possible. Obtain stream function, y. Show whether the flow is u = ~4ax (x? — 3y?) v= day (Be! a rotational or irrotational. If irrotational, find the velocity potential, 6 Solution: Given: ax (x2 8y2); v= day (3x? - y?) Checking whether flow is possible by applying continuity equation, «flow is possible. vyetunction: Integrating both sides, oF, or, Integrating both sides, from equation (i) and (i), ran jax ay | au V8 tar? - Aer -~ ey? ay Aa BP) saver yy (Teen? + 12ay2) + (12ax?- 12ay4) =0 [4 3 = ax (22-37) w= ary- Bee otee vw ae fx) + mene ee wie = day (&*-y") oe ~Aay?.x+fy)+ = ae deny + (y) +0 (i) y = 4ax’ y-dary +c we dary Qt-~)+0 Checking rotationability of flow, using laplace equation, eye aay Eten? -y -¥)+ + pene ¥)+0) vay = = Eféalary-2]]+ 24a" -2)] MADE BASS Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 71 4a(Gxy -0)+ 4a(0-6xy) daxy (6-6) =0 +. Flow is irrotational ‘$-furiction: x3P +fyro Gat y+ f(y tc Integrating both sides, also, a-y 3o dy = fave? A) 2 Integrating both sides, a aly MP s)40 ay*-bar?y? + fle) +0 ax + ay’ Barty? +0 a(xt+yt-6x2 ya from equation (ii) and ('v), (il) = (y) Define circulation in a fluid flow. What does it signify? Find circulation about a closed square x = +2 and y = 2in two-dimensional flow field having the velocity components u=x2+yand v=-2xy Solution: Circulation is defined as the line integral of velocity vector taken along a closed loop. This parameter represents the total strangth of rotation in a particular area, * 2) a 2-2) Circulation is also given by, T=QxA (2,2) Where Q = vorticity and A = Area x. Given: u=x%+y, v=-2xy closed square => (2, 2), (2,~2),(-2, 2), (-2,-2) 22 Sign convention: Anticlockwise is positive, Circulation, [r= $-a7] 2 2 2 -2 ov, T= filed [ive +f Ua d+ fy 2 Oy 2 2 2 or, Ps [+ Ny oder [22+ fp P+ Nyaa de HPV aia or, P= (02 -2)-drs fo -ay-dy + (02 + des J Pay-ay 72 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package EIEa MADE EASY coos le -al ocorie(Ze29) seh | (8-4-8-4)-(0+0+(4- a The velocity components of the two-dimensional plane motion of a fluid are ue ng ve 2 Eee. oe ato: (a) Show that the fluid is incompressible. {b) Show that the points (2, 2) and (1, 2~V3) are located on the same streamline. (c) Determine the discharge across a line joining points (1, 1) and (2, 2) given that the thickness of the fluid stream normal to the x — y plane is ‘t’. Solution: (a) Fortwo dimensional flow of incompressible fluid, the continuity ‘equation may be expressed as °° GyP Dalla? + yPP—(y? ~ 2P)Ala? + YP) x 2x. sf H2xl? + "Na? +y? +BY? -20") = (+h ~2x(3y? - 2?) av ay®)? (2x) 2xy x Ql? +") x2y ay wary n2alx? + ya? ty? Ay?) _ 2x = yy Oo (ayy aaa? 344) _22(092-24) (©) The velocity components may be expressed in terms of stream function y as indicated below. 2xy A) and i) Integrating equation (), we get wea ait i) MADE EASY Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 73 Pablicstions Differentiating equation (ii) with respect to y, we get oe 3 Spa : ay HP oy or eae a) Equaling the values of (@y/ay) given by equations (i) and (iv), we get f(y) = 0 > f(y) = constant or a function of x alone For convenience, fy) = Ois assumed a Yeh At point (2, 2) the value of yis obtained as. 2 1 Von = OFF 4 At point (1,2, —/3) the value of wis obtained as y (2-8) 4 be) = Ge ae-ay 4 Since the value of y is same at the points (2, 2) and (1, 2, - V8), both the points are located on the same streamline. (©) For streamline passing through point (1, 1), the value of yis obtained as 1 Yon = 2 Similarly for streamline passing through point (2, 2), the value of is obtained as 1 Ye = | ++ Discharge across line joining points (1, 1) and (2, 2) is 14 t Q = (yy-ye)xt = (-3)« or ESE} ro= og 7, where Ais a positive constant, determine ¥ and plot the typical equipotential lines and streamlines. Identify the flow pattern, Solution: A Given: a Above velocity potential function shows radial flow like source or sink flow. For such flows, the radial and tangential components in terms of 6 are given by = Banduy = 1% 2 2f AL Y= 3p Anle = g = Br| an” 74 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package OEE MADE EASY | Publications a0 aon A = -Aas = we -fo = Lot y=0*, when 8 =0", Then 0 =0+6, Hence the equation of stream function becomes ye sat Flow Not ‘The flow net shown above represents typical sink flow. ll) [From (i)] 7 Gl a Dyn: PEG a ag A pipe carrying water tapers from cross-section 0.3 m? at A to 0.14 m? at B. The average velocity at A is 1.8 m/sec and pressure is 441 kN/m? (gauge). If the frictional effects are negligible, determine the pressure at B which is 5.5 m above the level of A. Solution: Let the area of cross section at A and Bbe A, and A, respectively. Also lot the velocity at A and Btbe V, and Vq respectively. For the flow to occur, the continuity equation must be satisfied ie. ava =AaVe *K2 | = 03x18 = 0.14% Vg em = Vz = 386misec Assuming Aas datum and applying Bernoulli equation between A and B, we have A Pa , Va Pe, MB [ea Anz, = ey MBs Zh tw 29" tw 29 “9 | Since frictional losses are zero, therefore oe oO 2 2 s At 187 6g 2 Ps BOF 5540 9.81" 2x9. ont 2x9.81 Po, Ai, (.8F _ 6.86 _ > 981 ~ 9812x981 2x9.81 = Py = 38.86 x 9.81 = 381.21 kNim? EES) A steel pipe of 15 cm diameter carries water at a rate of 30 liters per second from point Ato Balong the pipe, the point B being 20 m higher then point A and 600 m apart along the pipe. Ifthe pressure at Bis to be 2.8 kg/om?, what pressure must be maintained at A, if friction factor for the pipe is 0.024? What will be the capacity of the pipe after 15 years of service, when the friction factor is tripled? Assume that the same pressures ere to be maintained at A and B, (kg = unit of force in metric system). Solution: The brief schematic given below shows the arrangement clearly. Given data: Q = 30 litres per second = 30 x 10° = 0.03 m/s d = 150m=0.15m 2.8x9.81 Pg = 28kgfor? = AEE = 278 x ue L = 600m; Assuming point Aas datum, we have Z, = 76 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package EIO4I MAGE ERSS Publications, Applying Bernoulli's equation between A and &, we get, 3 ee ee y_ 29 PV 75x10° V2 fLQ? = Past 49 = SOXE 420 w 2g 9810 29° ia. Pa 0.024 x600(0.03)* = FAs we4204¢ 7 12.1%(0.15) = Ps = 62.10 x 9810=6.1 x 10°Nimn? When friction factor is tripled f = 3x0.024=0.072 Pa = Pp Again applying Bernoull’s equation between Aand B, we get lon, VE vB [Pa , VA fe frag *2* 3g tZet hy 1V,=Vel 5 a . 2 6.096x10° 4, VA _2.75X10% 45, VE 9.811000" ” 2g * 9.81x1000 29 0.072%8 x 6000" = 28,033 + 20+ 62.141 = 28.0984 20+ Q = 0.0173 M's [EEA syphon pumps water from a large reservoir to a lower tank initially empty. The tank also has a rounded orifice 6 m below the reservoir surface. Both syphon and orifice has diameter of § cm. Ignoring frictional losses, determine to what height the water will rise in the tank at equilibrium. Solution: Let the height to which the water will rise in the tank at equilibrium be hm. [V=soh om Datum Between points (1) and (2) BR B Fuze 2 Bane Hn 2g 2g mADE Base Fluid Mechanics and Fluld Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 77 V, isneglected as compare to V, i va “ n+0+ 22, 6 a i = % Bie 2 Bye 1 2g “yt 2g V, is neglected as compared to V, a & nae = Equilibrium height will be obtained when discharge through syphon = Discharge through orifice For equilibrium Foy S ie xVq [d= dia. of a syphon = dia. of orifice] * yey = 2g(6-h) = 2gh = h= 3m Apipeline carrying oil of specific gravity 0.87, changes in diameter from 200 mm diameter ata position Ato 500 mm diameter at a position B which is 4 metres at a higher level. If the pressure at A and B are 9.81 Nicm? and 5.886 N/cm? respectively and the discharge Is 200 litres/s determine the loss of head and direction of flow. Solution: Given: Discharge, Q = 200 its = 0.2 m/s Specific gravity of oil = 0.87 a 0.87 x 1000 = 870 kam? Rs sttost wee ae S | 4m A ELT oe or oe 9 Given: At section A, Dy = 200mm = 0.2m ip Payot 2 Area, Ay gla) = Gx 0.2% = 0.0814 mi Py = 9.81 Nlom®= 9.81 x 104 Nim? If datum line is passing through A, then Z,=0 78 | Mechanical Engineering At section B, Area, Postal BookPackage PUPdh Q_ 02 Aq 00314 Dg = 500mm =0.50m = 6.369 m/s As = 503 =Fosy = 0.1963 m? Py = 5.886 Nlom?= 6.886 x 104 Nim? Zq = 4.0m Q 02 2-02 _19 Ye * rea d1968 = 8 "5 z {Total energy atr=ey= he Bs 2, ® 2g 9.81x10* , (6.369) | 870x981 2x9.81 = 11.49 + 2,067 = 13.557 m [Total energy at B =Eg = 2, _ 5.886x 10" (1 018) 5 40 ~ "870x981 2x9.81 = 6,896 + 0.052 + 4.0 = 10.948 m (Direction of flow, As E, is more than E, and hence flow is taking place from A to B. (i) Loss of head = h, = E,-E, = 13,5587 — 10.948 = 609 m EES] venturimeter is fitted in 40 cms diameter horizontal pipeline, which has a throat diameter of 15 cms. ‘The pressure intensity at the inlet Is 1.4 kg/om? and at throat it is 40 cms of meroury of vacuum pressure. Determine the flow of water. Assume 5% of differential head loss between inlet and throat. Find also the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter. Solution: Given: Atinlet (section 1) Pressure, Diameter, Atthroat (section 2) Pressure, Diameter, Head loss. Pilg = 1.4kglom? 400m Pilg = 40omot mercury vacuum 400) ; = (222) 1.033 = 0.54 kglom? 7 ( 760 }s _ D, = 150m h, = 5% of diferential head = 0.05h ‘Applying equation of continuity A= Aco] MADE EASY Publications = E su MADE ewer Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery x x Ex a0? xV, = 2x15? xV, = . ax > Coefficient of discharge, Applying Bemnoull’s equation Pe ed saxiot | (0.14v,) = OS4xtot 7000 2x981 = = 1000 2x9.81 V, = 19.70m/s ‘Theoretical discharge, [Qn = Ave Actual discharge, = Fxt6? x10 19,70 = 0.948 mss [act = Ca Orn = 0.9747 x 0.348 = 339 ‘Is, [EGA sub-marine moves horizontally in sea and has its axis 15 m below the surface of water. A pitot-ube properly placed just in front of the of the sub-marine and along its axis is connected to the two limbs of a U-tube containing mercury. The difference of mercury level is found to be 170 mm. Find the speed of the sub-marine knowing that the of mercury is 13.6 and that of sea water is 1.026 wart. fresh water. Solution: Given: Difference of mercury level, of mercury, . of sea-water, x = 170mm=0.17m a V2x9.81x 2.0834 = 6.393 mis 6.393 x60x60 =23. O00 Krt=23.01 kent 4 80 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PAN MADE ERSu Publicadons EEA The diameter of a pipe gradually reduces from 1 m to 0.7 m as shown In figure. The pressure intensity at the centre-line of 1 m section is 7.848 kN/m? and rate of flow of water through the pipe is 600 litres/s. Find the intensity of pressure at the centre-line of 0.7 m section. Also determine the force exerted by flowing water on transition of the pipe. Solution: Given: Dia. of pipe at section 1-1,D,= 1m Area, A= Foy = 0.7854 m? ® Ll [Ps ie {s : @ ® Dia. of pipe at section 2, D, = 07m Area, Flo 7)? = 0.3848 m? Pressure at section 1, Pp, = 7.848 kNim? = 7848 Nim? s = £00 9.6 mi Discharge, Q = 600IItes!s = FE =0.6 m/s Applying continuity equation, Applying Bernoulli's equation at section (1) and (2), PW me al Ba oa Zal [- pipe is horizontal, 748, (0.764) pp | (1.58) ot = Be 7000x981 2x9.81 pg 2x9.81 0.764)? (1.56) a . oo Boot = 0.8 + 0.02975 ~0.124 = 0.70575 m of water Py = 0.70575 x 9.81 x 1000 = 6923.41 Nim®or 6.923 kNim® Lot F,= the force exerted by pipe transition on the flowing water inthe direction of flow. Then net force in the direction of flow = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of flow => 7848 x 0.7854 6923.41 x 0.3848 + F, = 1000 x 0.6 [1.56 -0.764] or 6163.8- 2664.13 + F, = 4776 nr MADE EnSe Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Conventional Practice Sets | 81 o F, = 477.6 -6163.8 + 2664.13 = -3022.07 N :. The force exerted by water on pipe transition -F, = (3022.07) = 3022.07 N [EE Water flows through reducing elbow as shown In the above figure at the rate of 1 m®/sec. The gauge pressure at 1 Is 0.1 mPa and at 2is 0.09 mPa. What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the elbow. Neglect the body forces and energy loss due to flow in the elbow. Neglect also the effect atmospheric force acting on the elbow. Mark the direction of the resultant force. ‘coa = OA mi roa = 0.07 mr? Solution: Let us consider F, and F, as force on fluid by pipe, A204 me ti, = p-Q also, tig = the = p+ Q= 1000x 1 = 1000kg/s P, = 0.1mPa=0.1 x 103 Nim? P, = 0.09 mPa x 0.09 x 10-°N/m® Applying Newton's second law in x-direction, PA; + FP, A, cos 45° = siigV, cos 5° — rn, 0,01 108 x .49F, 0.09 x 108x007 x = 1000[ 42857 “4 F, = 101.5153N $2 | Mechanical Engineering (eee ee 2021] MADE EASw We know, the net foce in the direction of flow = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of flow. Applying Newton's second law in y-direction, PA, +F, —P,A, cosde® = ~1iV, sind - 0] 0.09 x10 x 0.07 _ 1000. 2 F, = ~10101.5153N N, ‘orce on eibow will be of same magnitude but opposite in diteciion, j ee Fas P+ Resultant force, 1015163 or, B= so101.5153, or, (101.5183)? + (10101.5183? 10102.0254 N = = 10.1020KN tare 10107.5153 _ . and 8 = tan eye = 004242 [EEE] A bend in pipeline conveying water gradually reduces from 0.6 m to 0.3 m diameter and deflects the flow through angle of 60°. At the larger end, the gauge pressure is 171.675 kN/m? [1.75 kg(f/om?]. Determine the magnitude and diréction of the force exerted on the bend, (a) when there is no flow, (b) when the flow is 876 litres/s. Solution: (@) When there is no flow the pressure at both the sections of the bend is same, ie., Py = Pp= 171.675 kNim? (Slunits) Let Abe the force exerted on the bend and FR, and FR, be its components as shown in the figure. 03m > 171675 x 50.6? ~171 675x5 (0.3)? cos60°—F, => RL =42.48KN IF, =0 = |Ry-171 675xF7 (0 3)? sin60' seve

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