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POSTAL Book Package Mechanical Engineering Sl. Topic i Page No. 1. Introduction and Basic Concepts 2-6 2. Steady State Heat Conduction.. 7-25 3. Steady State Heat Conduction with Heat Generation «0... 26-35 4, Heat Transfer from External Surfaces (Fins) 36-51 5. Transient Conduction 52-57 6. Forced Convention ssn 58-76 7. Natural Convection ... 77-83 8 Heat Exchangers...... 84-99 9. Radiation Heat Transfer 100-118 2119-123, 10. Condensation and Boiling... Lies (eee) : MADE EASY ooenesaeen Pulblications ‘Note:The book contains cope subject motte fo MADE EASY Pulilaons New Det. NB part of th book nay be reproduced, sated in eval tem of tanta in any Ft ot by any means atv ve Fable tae logaly prosecuted Heat Transfer CHAPTER Practice Questions : Level-I EEN The ratio of radius of the earth's orbit to that of sun is 216 : 1. The solar insolation on the earth is 1.4 kW? Find the surface temperature of the sun if it assumed to be an ideal radiator (black body). Solution: R 2216; where ris radius ofthe sun and Tis the surface temperature of the sun, Therofore, r Given data’ ‘Total radiation from the sun, where Ris the radius of the earth's orbit. Total radiation emitted by the sun, Q, Therefore, ofn? Tt = 1.4 x 4nR? 3 , 4 IAI ergo 18ex10! Be7x10 T= 5826 FEA pipe 2 cm in diameter at 40°C Is placed in () an alr flow at 50°C, with h = 20 Witr?K and In (Hl) water at 30°C with h = 70 W/m?K. Find the heat transfer rate per unit length of the pipe. Solution: Givendata: D=20m, 7,=40°C The definition of the mean heat transfer coefficient gives Q= hAUT,-T.) Here, Ty = 40°C, and since 1 m length of pipe ie being considered Az nDL=xx0.02m? Q= hm x 0.02 x (40-T.) For case (i), 20Wimek, T.,= 50°C Q= 20x x 0.02 x (40-50) =12.57 W ‘The negative sign indicates that the heat transfer is from the air to the cylinder. For case (i) = 70Wimek, T,=30°C Q= 10x x 0.02 x (40-30) = 43.98. W This result is positive which indicates the heat transfer to be occurring from the cylinder to the water. MADE ERsu Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 3 The outer surface temperature of a refrigerator is 16°C where fh = 10 W/m*K and the room temperature . is 20°C. The sides are 3 om thick and k= 0.1 W/mK. Find the net heat flow and inside temperature of the refrigerator. Solution: Given data: 16; T,=20%C, L=0.030m, = 10 Witn?K, k= 0.1 Wim Convective heat flux to the surface lq= 2 = Wo —Ta)] = 10(16 —20) = ~ 40 Wim? Since this must be equal to the heat conducted through the sides, ' Ter L 40 x0.03 Ot 16=4°C [EBM A steam pipe (0.D. = 10 om, T, = 500 K, e = 0.8) passing through a large root at 300 K. The pipe loss heat by natural convection (h = 15 Wim?K) and radiation. Find: (i) the surface emissive power of the pipe, (ii) the total radiation falling upon the pipe, and (iil) the {otal rate of heat loss from the pipe. Solution: i Givendata: Dy=10c0m; Ts=S00K, T,= 300K, = 0.8 (i) Surface missive power of the pipe, E= eaT§ = 0.8 x 5.67 x 10° x (600)* = 2835 Wim? (ii) Total radiation falling upon the pipe surface = Total radiation leaving the surface, G= oT = 5.67 x 10° x (300)* = 459.27 Wim? (ii) Heat loss irom pipe by radiation, Q= eAo(Té - Tf) =0.8x 8x0. 4x 5.67 x 10° x (500* ~ 300") = 775.21 Win Heat loss by natural convection, Q, = hA(AT) = 15 x mx 0.1 x (600-300) = 942.5 Wim ‘Thus, total rate of heat loss, Q= Q,+ Q,= 942.5 + 775.21 = 1717.71 Wim [5 Ac.z thick infinite black plate having a thermal conductivity of 3.96 Wim-K is exposed to two infinite black surfaces at 300 K and 400 K as shown iri the figure. At steady state the surface temperature of the plate facing the cold side is 350 K. The value of Stefan-Boltzmann constant s is 5.67 x 10-* Wim? Kt ‘Assuming 1-D heat conduction, find the magnitude of heat flux through the plate (in W/m). MADE EASY ubileations 4 | Mechanical Engineering chem hs Solution: Given data: 7,=300K; —7,= 400K; 50K Under steady state condition, all rate of heat transfer ie. from surface at 400 K to black plate (via radiation), inside black plate (via conduction) and from black plate to surface at 300 K (via radiation) are equal. So, heat flux through wall = Radiation flux from wall to surface at 300 K 1 a 567x107 (350' - 300° 5.67 x107 (850" ~ 300") _ 594 534 wim? A coolant fluid at 30°C flows over a heated flat plate maintained at a constant temperature of 100°C. The boundary layer temperature distribution at a given location on the plate may be approximated as T = 30 + 70 exp(-y) where y (in m) is the distance normal to the plate and Tis in °C. If thermal conductivity of the fiuid is 1.0WimK, the local convective heat transfer coefficient (in W/m?K) at that location will be Solution: Aty=0; X T=30+ 700" ay, - pe towns {5180+ 706 vy \ y= 1.0. Wink = A{100-30) yao -[o+70-96J),.. = 470) 70.¢9= 70) or f= 1 WimeK Alternative: Given data: T= 30°C, T, = 100°C, k,= 1 Wimk; T= 30 + 70 exp(- y) Differentiating w.rt y, we get ~ix(-70) = 1 Win? aR MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 5 ems Publications: [Eq A solid sphere of diameter 10 cm is heated to 1000°C and suspended in @ room whose walls are at 30°C. Compute the following: () Rate of heat transfer due to radiation only neglecting other losses. (ii) Time taken by the sphere to cool to 500°C assuming emissivity for the sphere = 0.1 and density 8.68 gmicc. Specific heat 0.098 JkgK. Solution: Given data: Emissivity, ¢ = 0.1; Density, p = 0.868 gm/oc = 868 kgimn® Specific heat, c, = 0.098 Jikgk; = 1000 + 273 = 1273K Room temperature, T, = 30 +273 = 30°C Radiation heat transfer, 0 Q= e0A(T#— TyA) = 0.1 x 587 x 10° 4 wx (0.05)? x (12734 - 3034) = 466.2 W (li) Performing energy balance, Rate of change of Internal energy = Heat loss rate due to radiation a =e o 43084) more = o¢ AT*-3034) moi aT t Safa - he 268% 4 x(0.069 «0.00810, 78 oT 567x108 x0.1x4nx(0.05". “1278(74 3034) = 2.5 x 10% x (-5.67 x 10%} 41.84 seconds [E53] The sun may be regarded as a black body with a surface temperature of 5600 K at a mean distance of 45 x 10" m from the earth. The diameter of the sun is 1.4 x 10° m and that of the earth is 12.8 x 10m. Make calculations for (a) the total energy radiated by the sun, (b) the energy received per m? just outside the earth's atmosphere, (c) the total energy the earth would receive if no energy were blocked by the earth’s atmosphere, (d) the energy received by a 1.25 x 1.25 m solar collector whose perpendicular is. inclined at 35° to the sun. The energy loss through the atmosphere is 35% and the diffuse radiation is 15% of direct radiation. Solution: Given data: T= 5600 K (a) For the sun: € = 1(Blackbody) and Surface area = 4nr® = 4n(0.7 x 10° =. Energy radiated by the sun, 80, AT* (b) The sun may be regarded as a point source ata distanice of 15 x 10"° from the earth. The mean area over which the radiation is distributed becomes 4n(15 x 1079 :+ Radiation received at this distance 3.43x 10% inf x 10 1 x (6.67 x 10°) x 4x (0.7 x 10°) x (5600)* = 3.43 x 1075 W 213 x 108 Wim? 6 | Mechanical Engineer 3 Postal Book Package Fae MADE EASu (c) The earth is nearly spherical and as such the energy received by itwill be proportional to the perpendicular projected area, ie, that of a circle. «. Energy received by the earth = 1.213 x 10° xm(6.4 x 10°)? = 1.56 x 107 W (d) Direct energy reaching the earth, = (1-S)xr2re.0° = 788.45 x 10° Win 100, 16 100 Total radiation reaching the plate, 788.45 + 118.2675 = 906.7175 799 v.19 — 118.0675 wins Since the plate surface is not oriented perpendicular to the incoming radiations, the relevant area Is equivalent o the projected perpendicular surface area. Projected plate area = A cos0 = 1.25 x 1.25 x cos 35 = 1.28 mi? 2. Energy receivedtby the plate = 906.7174 x 1.28 = 1160.6 W ‘A reduction in energy received due to inclination explains the variation in solar intensity with season and much reduced solar intensity at the poles of earth. EEEg Assuming the sun as a black body, it emits maximum radiation at 0.6 pm wavelength. Calculate (i) the surface temperature of the sun, (li) its emissive power, (ii) the energy received by the surface of the earth and (iv) the energy received by a 2m x 2m solar collector whose normal is inclined at 60° to the sum. Take ‘the diameter of the sun as 1.4 x 10° m, diameter of the earth as 13 x 10° m and the distance of the earth from the sun as 15 x 101m. Solution: Given data: pag =0.5 pm; @ = 60"; Az2x2=4m? Doe = 0.5 From Wien's displacement aw, Decay T= 2898 x 10°% mK 2. Surface temperature ofthe sun, a 2898: 05x Emissive power of the sun, a black body, is obtained from Stefan - Boltzmann law: E, = 6T* = 8.67 x 10° (5796)* = 63987.7 kW/m? (i) : 2 Radiation reaching the earth would be = Emissive power ofthe sun x (—nadus.ofthe sun ) Distance from the earth 2 = ener SZ) = 1.39 kW/m? (i) 15x 10' Surface area fo the solar collector in the direction normal to solar radiation = Acos0 = 4 cos60” =. Energy received by the solar collector CHAPTER ps Steady State Heat Conduct or Practice Questions : Level- [E33 A material P of thickness 1 mm is sandwiched between two steel slabs, as shown in the figure below. A heat flux 10.kW/m? is supplied to one of the steel slabs as shown. The boundary tomperatures of the slabs are’ = 10KWin!| indicated in the figure. Assume thermal conductivity of this steel is 10 W/mK. Considering one-dimensional aos 7a = 200K steady state heat conduction for the configuration, Find the thermal conductivity (k, in Wim) of material P. Solution: ‘mm 7 Given deta: x= {mm=0.001m beheld qi” = 10 KWim? = 10000 Wim? k, = 10 Wimk 3= 20mm =0.02m T, = 500K eye te T, = 360K : -h -% * ; b, B 1 T Heat flow: Q= x — - ct KAY ATA ATTA stot | P| stool io or 1o000( 248 a +o) = 500-360 open) 10 aor. +a = 40 o 2 = 140-40 = 100 or k= 22 = 0.1 Wimk 400 & | Mechanical Enginesring ones] MADE ENSY [EE] civen: The composite wall having unit length normal to the plane of paper and the equivalent thermal cirouit are shown in figure. fi Insulated bee | Insulated Bip yi m, Hy = Ho= 1.5m .05 m, L, = T, = 200°C, h, = 50 Wim?K, T, = 25°C, h, Find the rate of heat transfer through the wall. Solution: 1 0.05 3, 0.05 1 = . tava = 7 mK/ BOxd 50xg OOS 10 *S0x3* 1x3 eee ” 3.745 KWim, ee gAg To — WW AWA —0 Te, ky ot a TAs Lay] ote Tako = 3 TRIG = 608x109 KY Ot [EE] An iron plate of thickness L and thermal conductivity kis subjected to a constant heat flux qy Wim? at boundary surface at X = 0. From other boundary surface at X = L, the heat is dissipated by convection into the fluid at temperature 7, with heat transfer coefficient h. Drive expressions for temp T, and Tat surfaces X= 0 and X = L respectively. For the following data calculate the surface temp T, & T, if L = 2 om, k = 20 WimK, = 105 Wimr?, T, = 50°C, h = 500 Wim?°C. MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 9 Publlestions Solution: Given data: L=2cm; k=20WimK; —T,=S0°C; f= S00WIm°C; gy = 10° Wim? Heat flux throughout the system T, - Te A ( ) =Hh-T) wl) = 10° Wir ee ee x0 4 ToT = B he pe k= 20Wimk Ao +t xeL|=20m n a 1p= 600 Wine L camer T= p+ he %1—— 10° Ta = Tot P= 804 5 T, = 50 +200 = 250°C 1 10° x0.02 1, = Teo Gh= 250s x 008 T, = 250+ 100 = 350°C. [EIA plane wall of thickness of 0.2 m and k= 1.2 W/m-K has a surface area of 15 m*. The left and right sides of the wall are maintained at 120°C and 50°C respectively. Using the basic differential equation for heat conduction, determine the variation of temperature within the wall and the temperature at 0.13 m from the left. Also find the rate of conduction through the wall under steady-state conditions. Solution: Given: t= 0.2m; ke 12Wmk, Ax 15m? T,= 120°C = 393K: T, = 50°C = 823K () Temperature distribution: aa For steady state condition using the basic differential equation: (x Is the direction across the wall) Since there is no heat generation, @ = 0 a a Ale So, q Integrating twice, wget T= Cr+ Cp a0) Using boundary conditions, @ atx=0) T= T,=393K 393 = 0.20, +393, > G= 393K (i) atx=0.2m: Tx Ty = 823K 10. | Mechanical Engineering let yeo2 | MROE ERSu 323-303 = O= Sp = 880 Hence, using C, and C, in Eq. (), T= ~350r + 393 atX=0.13, 350 x 0.13 +993 = 347.5K Tosa = S475 K (ii) Rate of heat conduction, Q.- wl a = 350 (from Ea. (i)) = Q,=-1.2.x 15 x-350 W = 6300 W FEEIA 1 mm diameter electric wire is covered with 2 mm thick layer of Insulation (k = 0.5 Wimk). Air surrounding the wire is at 25°C and h = 10 Wim?K. The wire temperature is 100°C. Find: 1. Rate of heat dissipation from the wire per unit length with and without insulation 2. Critical radius of insulation 3. Maximum value of heat dissipation rate Solution: =0.5mm; T= 28, Ty= 100°C; Given data, = Dj=tmm; y= ef a 2 fy=05+2=25mm;, — h= 10WimeK; k=05 Wink 1. Heat transfer rate per unit length with insulation, 05 2nx05xi nx 3. Maximum value of heat dissipation rate, 7 100-25 . eae ™ = 42.036 Wim On: aa Sexi 10 MADE EASY Heat Transfer Pubileations Td clasteex DCR Cy ea CYC [EIBIA layer of § om thick insulating brick having conductivity of 1.6 WimK is placed between two 0.5 em thick steel plates, The conductivity of mild steel is 50 W/mK. The faces of brick adjacent to the plates are rough having solid-to-solid contact of 30% of the total area. The average height of the asperities 1s 0.1 om, Ifthe outer plate surface temperatures are 100°C and 500°C respectively, calculate the rate of heat transfer per unit area, The conductivity of air is 0.02 W/mK. Conventional Practice Sets | 14 Solution: The given system can be drawn in form of a circuit. Kp = 0.02WIMK; — Kyige = 1.5 WimK; — Ky=50WimK; T= 100°C; T, = 500°C el ‘Oem 01cm 48en O1en05em bol -2 i = “FR where steel is the thermal resistance of the steel plate = (a), L 05x10 a Fecal = (al.-{ BOxt et u L) _(48x102)_ Rose (ia,.-( : Jose x Now Roy is the resistance of esperities and Aj, the resistance of air enclosed L 10° Foox = \KAXO3) Jag, (15x03) L 0.410% ok) [0.410 | oo7t4 Kw (aral,. (see) ° Fox x Rrox . 9.453% 10-9 WK aon + From =2.22x10% Kw Pron Equivalent resistance of asperties( A.) Total equivalentresistance = 2 Rigg + 2 Rag + Rock POF unit area = (2x 1x 10+) + (2.x 2.183x 10°) + 0.032 = 0.036506 KW Rate of heat transfer per unit area, (onto 10.96 kW/m? 0.0366 12 | Mechanical Engineering oo eeo2 | MARE EASY [EG Heat losses from the windows are to be reduced by covering them from inside with a polystyrene insulation (K,,, = 0.027 W/mk). Consider application of 25 mm thick insulation panels to 6 mm thick windows (k, = 1.4 WimK). The contact resistance between the glass and the insulation may be approximated as (F',, = 0.002 m?K/W), while the convection coefficient at the outside surface of the window is nominally losing heat (h, = 20 W/m?k). With the insulation, the convection coefficient at the Inner surface is h, = 2 W/mK, without the Insulation it is A, = 5 Wim?K. (}) What is the percentage reduction in heat loss associated with the use of insulation? (ii) If the total surface area of the windows is A. = 12 m?, what are the heat losses associated with insulated and uninsulated windows for interior and exterlor temperature of T.,, = 20°C and Tag =~ 12°C? (ii) If the home Is heated by a gas furnace operating at an efficiency of n, = 0.80 and the natural gas Is priced at C, = Rs.1 per MJ, what is the daily saving associated with covering windows for 12 hours? Solution: ‘The equivalent circuit can be drawn as follows Confact Resistance Re 0.002 KW iC a= 0.02 Wink hy =20.Win?k omm 25mm Now if insulation is used heat transfer per unit temperature change per unit area = 0.675 wim?K If there is no insulation 3.933 Wim?K (i) Reduction in heat loss, AQ = 3,933 - 0.675 = 3.258 Wim?K MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 13 Someone Publications % Reduction = 32 «100 = 82.84 % (ii) For insulated, heat loss is & = 0.675 Wim?K I A= 12am? and AT = 20-(-12) = 32°C = Q= 0675 x 12x 32 = 259.2 W without insulation Q Far = 3993 It A= 12m? and AT = 32°C. Q = 3.993 x 12 x 32 = 1510.27 W Gil) For As tam? and AT=3.2K Reduction in heat loss = 3.258 x 12 x 32 = 1.251 x 10° MW 251 x 10° x 12 x 60 x 60 = 54.05 MJ In 12 house =9 Energy lost due to no insulation = Efficiency of gas furnace Heat energy required = Daily savings [EEE] The diagram shows a truncated conical section fabricated from a material of thermal conductivity k ‘The circular cross-section of the conical section has the diameter D = ax, where ais a constant and «xis the axial distance of the section from the apex of the cone. The temperature at the two faces of the conical section (at distance x, and x, from the apex) are respectively T, and T, while the lateral surface of the truncated cone is thermally insulated. (i) Derive an expression for the temperature distribution T(x) in symbolic form assuming one dimensional steady-state condition. Sketch the temperature distribution. (ii) Calculate the heat rate q, through the cone in x-direction. 14 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package EDAl| RAE Ensu Solution: Consider the frustum of constant thermal conductivity kas shown in figure. Consider a section of thickness d at a distance ‘x' from the apex of the cone. Diameter of this cross section, D, = ax Area of cross-section of this element, where, Cis a constant, ‘Assumptions: 1. One dimensional heat conduction. 2. Steady-state: No change in internal energy of frustum. Energy balance for the section Energy in from left face = Energy out from right face => = es a | > Fee =O = 4+ d9,-9,= 04, = 0 d ar | = & 44, Dd =0 | a(, a fat) S $(42) Integrating this, Ad ac, dx - cireecis i dx Ce Upon integration, we get Boundary Conditions: (i) Temperature at x = x, is T, T= G-oe 0 (ii) Ternperature at x = x, is Ty MARE EASY Hest Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 15 Publications Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get = $0, pech AaB « Ta-Tie ti Tee Cy HoH mom = (=) ae Tiche x yn Tm) _ Eng -Tan Hyaxher += (x42) . pe Tinlad) “ x=) (iil) Heat transfer rate through the section will be, oe a, dx dx (_k > a (a) Integrating both sides, we get e : [&-(A)fer cx a); afi k Aft 1) kg > a2 3) a’ th) => Heattransferrate, Q= [GIA turnace is insulated with a firebrick lining of 200 mm thickness. The temperature of hot gases inthe furnace is 1800 K and the temperature of the surroundings of the furnace is 300K. The thermal conductivity of the firebricks is given by k= k,(1 + BT) where k, is equal to 0.85 W/m-K and B is equal to 7 x 10“ per K. The heat transfer coefficient on the hot and cold sides of wall is 40 W/m?K and 10 Wim?K respectively. Determine the temperature at inner and outer surfaces of the wall. Also find out the heat lost per unit area of the wall. Solution: Given data: Thickness, L=200mm; T,=1800K, T,=300K Assumptions: _ 1. Steady state 7 | 2, One dimensional heat transfer n 3. Radiation exchange is negligible Heat transfer coefficient on hot side, h, = 40 Wimn?K Tigo Heat transfer coefficient on cold side, h,= 10 Wim? = 40 Wie ie Average thermal conductivity of wall, 16 | Mechanical Engineering Postat Book Package PLAN MERE oe ote] a oae[se7ai0-( 7 L Keayg = (0.85 + 2,975 x 10-4(T, +7,)) Wim Heat transfer rate per unit area, Keyg = ko (1+ BTarg T-Tl_T-E_E-b oo Ele t a 100 ~ The ° a o2 a 40 [oes+2o76xto*(R+%)] 70 0.2 x 40[1800 - T,] = [0.85 + 2.975 x 10-(T, + T,)I(T,-T,) O.85T, -0.857, + 2.975 x 10-{T,2— 72) 2.975 x 104(7,? ~ 7,2) + 8.85, - 0.857, = 14400 (1) A’so, 40{1800— O[T, - 300] > 7200~4T, = T,-300 = T,= 7500-47, 2) Putting this value in eq. (1): 2.975 10“[T? ~ (7500-47,)*]+8.857, -0.85(7500—47,) = 14400 2.975 10™*[ 7? - 7500? - 167? + 600007, ]+12.257, = 20775 2.975x10™[ 157? + 600007, - 7500? ]+12.257, = 20775 4.4625 x 107? + 17.857, — 16734375 + 12.257, = 20775 4.4625x 107; — 30.11, +37509.375 = 0 On solving, (Discarding other solution 5095.52 which is unrealistic) From (2) T, = 7800 ~ 4 x 1649.579 = 901.684K So, heat transfer rate per unit area, qu 1800-7, seme sre = 6016.84 Wim? Heat lost per unit area, q = 6.016 kWim? [EEG A homogeneous wall of area A and thickness d has left and right hand surface temperature of 0°C and 40°C respectively. Determine the temperature at the center of the wall. (2) How much material must be added and to which side of the wall if the temperature at the centre is to be raised by 5°C? (b) How much material must be removed and from wi centre line of the wall is be lowered by 5°C? Express young answers in terms of 8. Pressure that surface temperature remain same before and aster the alterations. h side of the wall if the temperature at the MABE sass Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 17 Solution: From the expression for steady state temperature distribution, 17 Mid plane t New ‘Atthe mid-plane t= 40+ 0-40, 8 _ age 3 x5 = 20°C (a) Let:xbe the thickness of the material to be added to the lett side of the wall to increase the temperature at the centre of the wall fg = (t+ 5) = (2045) = 25°C = h=00 After removal of material, ae eae 8/2 3/242 “@ Equating the expressions (i) and (i for heat flow through the wal, 80KA _ _ SOKA 6 6 +2x « 908 + 60x = 508 5 z= 092908 8 Pm No 60 3 LY emgerature 5 (b) Let x be the thickness of the material to be removedto t,o", 7 the left side of the wall to lower the temperature at the ‘mid-plane of the wall 5) = (20-5) = 15°C bate Bt er bore Atter addition of material, . (e=te) _ _,,(40-19) __ SOKA OQ Qag = ATT ASTD 8 ca one paki <0) ___ 30kA bead Oe a Equating the expressions (i) and (i) for heat flow through the wall, _50kA _ __30KA 18 | Mechanical Engineering anaes] =e Develop a relation for the time taken to form a layer of ice on the surface of a pond during winter season. Calculate the time taken for a layer of 100 mm thickness to increase by 1 mm on the surface of a pond when the temperature of surrounding is -20°C. Take Mice) = 2.1 WimK, h,{lee) = 335 kd/kg, pice) at 0°C = 1000 kg/m? Solution: ‘Assume that an ice layer of thickness x has been formed on a pond where the temperature of air over the ice Is-T°C and the water below the iae is at 0°C. Further, assume that the thickness of ice layer increases by dx. in time at. If Ais the surface area of he nond, 9 ts mass density and h,, fe tha latent heat oF the fusion of ine, then ° rcs toe layer x Mass of iceformed, mg, = A dp Heat lost by water, Q= Mags yg = AA Dlg 0) This heat get conduced across a layer of ice of thickness dx upwards to the surrounding at—T°C. thus aT Heat conducted = Q= -kA-dt = AO- (Tet (i) From equations ()) and (i), we have kALat = A dr pig dx kT. or dt phy Notably SF represent the growth of thickness of ice as a function of times. Thus Plig = Pa oe iT The time taken by the layer of ice to increase in thickness by x is given by phy fot = SB fxde Phi x? o t= TBE +0 Using boundary condition, when t= 0, x = 0, which gives C= 0. B-fig x? Thi AS sa Er 2 If the thickness of ice layer is to increase from x, tox, we have P t= gf) ‘Substituting the date of problem, we have 1000x335x 1071 «ag Sxzo 10-07] = 1603.2 seconds = 26,72 minutes MADE EASY Heat Transfer Patera Conventional Practice Sets | 19 (BEA steam pipe (inner diameter = 150 mm and outer diameter = 160 mm) having thermal conductivity 58 WimK is covered with two layers of insulation of thicknesses 30 mm and 60 mm respectively and thermal conductivities 0.18 WimK and 0.08 WimK respectively. The temperature of inner surface of the steam pipe is 320°C and that of the outer surface of the insulation layers Is 40°C. ()) Determine the quantity of heat lost per metre length of the steam pipe and layer contact temperature. (ii) If the condition of the steam is dry and saturated, find the quality of the steam coming out of one metre pipe assuming that the quantity of steam flowing is 0.32 kg/min. [Use the data: At 320°C saturation temperature hy = 1463 ku/kg, hjy = 1240 kilkg, h = 2703 kJtig] Solution: ‘Assumptions: 1. Convection heat transfer coefficient is sufficiently large. 2, Steam pipe thermal conductivity very high. Given: * y= 75 mm; oq = 80 mm; fig = 80 mm; fog = 110 mm; fg= 110 mm; Fg 160mm 240°C (i) Resistance circuit, Tr To u(%) = AL =e = Mes 2rkpipel 8 OrkgL Caer ae oui = Ag+ Rg + Re (Considering L= 1m In(@0/ 75), In(140/80)___ In(160/110) © Bx 8x1 2x O18 x1” 2x x0.09x4 = 1.77 x 10% + 0.2816 + 0.6626 = 0.94437 kW. = 296.49 Wim pec ror Now to calculate T,and Ty 320-Tg__30-Te Ry 1.77 x10 Note : Very small temperature gradient due to high conductivity of stee! pipe. 296.49 = 9 Tg =319.94°C Tok Also, q= tole Ra* Pa 20 | Mechanica! Engineering (eeicereeta2027| MADE oo 26.49 = 320=To To = 236.46°C 02817 Ww Heat extracted by steam = 296.49 W 0.32 _ 3 Bp 7 5888x 10° kals 296.49 Hence energy lost by 1 kg of steam = “=, = 55.69 kik Sy fost by TG of Steam =F 335x10° 7 So, the enthalpy of the steam coming out of one metre pipe, h = 2703-55.59 = 2647.41 kJ/kg Now, , 2647.71 = 1463 + x1240 => x= 0.955 So the value of dryness fraction, x = 0.955 [EEE] A steam pipe 75 mm OD and 30 m long conveys 1000 kg of steam/hour at a pressure of 2 MN/m?. The steam enters the pipe with a dryness fraction of 0.98 and is to leave the other end of the pipe with a minimum. dryness fraction of 0.96. This is to be accomplished by sultably insulating the pipe, the thermal conductivity of insulating material being 0.19 W/mK.-Neglecting the temperature drop along the steam pipe, determine the minimum thickness of insulation required to meet the necessary conditions. Take the temperature of outside surface of insulation as 27°C. For steam at 2 MN/m?, t,= 212.4°C and hy, = 1888.6 kJ/kg. Solution: Given that, length of pipe, = 30 m, Diameter, d= 75mm, 6 1 00. 1000 athe = Sen = 0.277 kals Steam flow rate, rh ea " Pressure, p = 2NNim? Dryness fraction of entry and exit are 98 and x, = 0.96 0.19 WimK and f, = 27°C 212.4°C and Ny = 1888.6 kJ/kg So total heat lost by steam from inlet to exit is SQ = Mnx(%-x2)xNg = 0.277 x (0.98 -0.96) x hy, = 10492.222 Js For insulation, Forsteam, Considering insulation: Heat post by steam will be conducted through the insulation, so @ = 10490.270= (etd 2 Inte. ars| J | om rk Indie, 2XBX0.19x90x(2124~27) a oe 0492.22 (pe = 70.611 mm tL 4, Thickness, t = fps ~ 2 = 33.11 mm 2 [ERE] For some high degree of research work in the field of medicine, liquid nitrogen is stored in a spherical thin-walled metallic container at 100 K. The container has a diameter of 0.8 m and is covered with ‘an evacuated reflective insulation composed of silica powder (k = 0.0017 W/m-K). The insulation is 36 mm thick and the outer surface Is exposed to ambient air at 30°C. The convective heat transfer MABE ensu Heat Transfer Pubtleations Conventional Practice Sets | 24 coefficient between ambient alr and insulation is 20 W/m?-K. The latent heat of vaporization and the density of liquid nitrogen are 200 ki/kg and 805 kg/m? respectively. Work out the following: (I) Sketch the system and thermal circuit, and write the assumptions made (li) The rate of heat transfer to the liquid nitrogen (il) The rate of liquid boil-off and the loss per day Solution: Given that:Liquid nitrogen temperature, T, = 100K Insulation thickness, ‘t’ = 35 mm = 0.035 m ‘Thermal conductivity, ky = 0.0017 WimI< ‘Ambient femperatura, t, = 30°C T, = 303K fh, = 20Wim?k Latent heat of vaporization of nitrogen, yg = 200 kulkgy mime (Se em t=we [Nl n= 20 Wh 0 R, = Conduction resistance of insulation Ry = Surface convective resistance ‘Assumptions in above case: 1. Steady state heat conduction in radial direction Noheat generation Insulation have constant thermal conductivity. Surface convective heat transfer coefficient is constant. Radiation heat transfer is not considered. Tho rate of heat transfer to liquid nitrogen: yaAeN (100-303) ae 7 045-04) T =-21.511W Grkyio hax4ng 4% 0.0017x0.4x 0.435 * p0x 4x04 Negative sign indicates that heat flows from quiside to inside ie. y= 421.511 W (lil) Amount of heat transter to nitrogen per day = Qj x 24 x 60 x 60 = 1858.578 kd Let ri be the rate of liquid boil off then MX Gg = ay 21.511 21.511 3600 = IP kgs = 2 kgihr = 0.3872 kg/hr 200x108 “9 200x10° 3 So, Nitrogen boll-offper day = rnx 24 = 9.2928 ka/day Puélications 22 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PIyal| MAGE EASY [EEE] A steel pipe 100 mm OD and 90 mm ID carrying superheated steam at 400°C is to be insulated such that heat lost from each meter length of pipe is restricted to 120 W/m. Temperature of surrounding is 27°C. The inside and outside heat transfer coefficients are 600 Wim? and 20 Wim?K respectively Thermal conductivity of steel is 50 W/mK. Determine the insulation thickness and the temperature at its outer and inner radii. The thermal conductivity of Insulation Is 0.05 W/mK. ; 2 = 120 Wim; (= Solution: ey Given data: _T;= 400°C; 27°C; r 1D, 90 = Dey = 45mm, ky=50Wimk 00 aoe = 50 MM, king = 0.05 WimkK. Inside heat transfer coefficient, hy= 600 Wim?K Outside heat transfer coefficient, h, = 20 Wim? i Th i) Heat transfer rate, g= ————__. uy ah) , gay, 4 TyxDrrL” Oakgl” Oke” hx Org 400-27 5120 se ee ae nO = Fenn nese NE 1 _, in(60/45) In(@/50) 1000 2nxB0xt” 2ex0.05x1” 2Ox2uxn xd 800%2nx x1 6.23 10°94 3.1891 (6) = 9.1083 i 3.163. \, 29577 _ 3 s0907 50) Onsolving, = 129.974mm Thickness of insulatior a fy = 129.974-50=79.974mm (li) Heat transfer rate, T-Tp 'y 1 TyBejx* Baxckg xl 1202 Sag E 1, fe) 00x on 2544 2RX50XA 0.7476 = 400~Ty Temperature at inner radius of insulation, Ty = 400-0.7476 = 399,25°C MADE EAS Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 23 Heat transfer rate, qz= ch inf & fe Bmx King 399.25 -Ty => 120 = int 129.974 50 . 2nx<0.05%t = 399,25 - T, = 364.9021 Temperature at outer radius of insulation, T, = 84.35°C [EG] A small hemispherical oven is built of two insulating material. The inner layer is of fire brick, 126 mm thick and outer layer is of 85% magnesia, 40 mm thick. The inner surface of the oven is at 800°C and the heat transfer coefficient for the outer surface is 10 Wim?-K. The room temperature Is 20°C. Calculate the heat loss through hemisphere with the inside radius is 0.6 m. The thermal conductivities of fire brick and 85% magnesia are 0.31 and 0,05 Wim-K respectively. Also calculate the temperature at contact between insulating materials and at the outer surface. Solution: Given: ‘Two different layers of materials A(fire brick) and (85% magnesia). Convective heat transfer for outer surface, h= 10 Wim?K a= 0.6m oq = 06 + 0.125 = 0.725m yg = 0.725m og = 0.728 + 0.04 = 0.765 mn os Assume temperature of outer surface is Ty. Consider the element of radius rand thickness of. on a : av rages Freee rm 40mm Heat transfer through this element, @-= —KASE fy O05 Wink b= 0.81 Wine ir = Integrating, 2 Total thermal resistance, 24 | Mechanical Engineering Eee eo2 | mADE Ens4 1 het = Bax0St 1] 1 06 0.725} * 2ex0: 0.1475 + 0.22956 + 0.02719 ©. Heat transfer between insides of oven and surroundings, 14 1 tet] wala 725 arse] 10x2nx0.765" 26 W = 1.929 KW ~2 KW +293 = 345.46 K T.-T. _ 1073-298 Qa Late _ 1078-288 _ 1909. Po 0.4048 Ais, temperature al contact of wo ayer = Ig Outside temperature = T, To-To O° Ra s To @ap 2 — 19 ON RA” 10x20 x 0.765 Tonk Also, = enh Iso, an > To = Org + Ty 1 = toro x gh x05 | ts are Astorage tank fabricated from 20 mm thick proxy glass (k: aes) 46 = 788.31K .4WimK) consists of a cylindrical section (length 2m and inner diameter 1m) and two hemispherical end sections. The tank Is exposed to ambient air at 25°C and having convective coefficient 50 W/m?K. The tank is used to stroke heated oil which keeps the inner surface of tank at 125°C. Determine the electric power that needs to be supplied to the heater submerged in the oil so that the prescribed conditions can be maintained. Neglect the radiation effects if any. Solution: For the geometry of storage tank 5m and +t=054+0.02 Under steady state conditions, Qo * Gash = Porat That is, the heat dissipation from the heater comprises two parts: =0.52m @ Quy = Heat flow from the cylindrical section whose length / = 2m Inner radius, F, = 0.5mand Outer radius, 0.52m Ry = Resistance to conduction through cylinder 8 a Zz i 50x 2x0. i aie te - oe Gol a Daxtdnd = Resistance to convection from cylinder 5 1 = 2.22910 = 3.062 10% Eas ae Pulication Then, () Then,: Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 25 Q.- - 125-25 ON Rt Re (2.229 +8.062) x 10° Quon = Heat flow from the two hemispherical ends or a sphere with f= 0.5 mand r,=0.52m Rg = Resistance to conduction through a sphere 18900 W b 052-05 4nkify ex14x05x052 Ry = Resistance to convection, through a sphere eee ee eee PA, hx4ng 50x 4m x0.52" = 4.375 x 10° KW 889 x10 KW tt 425-25 Qg, = pt = = 9742.8 oh Rig + Ay (4.375 + 5.889) x 10° «. Electric power that needs to be supplied to heater = 18900 + 9742.8 = 2862.8 W ~ 28.64 KW Pree oe State Heat Conduction _ with Heat Generation FER Three slabs are joined together as shown In the figure. There is no thermal contact resistance at the interfaces. The center slab experiences a non-uniform internal heat generation with an average value equal to 10000 War, while the left and right slabs have no internal heat generation. All slabs have ‘thickness equal to 1 m and thermal conductivity of each slab is equal to 5 Wnr'K-~*, The two extreme faces are exposed to fluid with heat transfer coefficient 100 Wmr@K-" and bulk temperature 30°C as shown. The heat transfer in the slabs is assumed to be one dimensional and steady, and all properties are constant. If the left extreme face temperature T, is measured to be 100°C, the right extreme face temperature Tyis___°C. Lotexteme face T,= 100°C [—In—rle—tn—ete temo 4100 Wim’ 400 wim", 30° 30°C | Solution: Given data: q,= 1000Wim?; L=1m; = K=5WimIK,_h= 100 Wimi/K Total heat, E, = 10000x (LA) = 10000 x 1 x 1= 10000W hea Under steady state, bees ~T) = Genes = Foon us cee [= 1000 Gone alia Sa eon, = TO0OW ae Georg = HAT, ~ T.) = 100% 1 x (7, ~30) Georg = 100(T2~30) = Georgy At steady state from energy conservation. Eau Ey = Goons + Goong 10000 = 7000 + 100(T, -30) (= 0 = 60% 00 60° MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 27 - Eublcations [5A plane wali 90 mi thick (k = 0.18 Wim°C) Is insulated on one side while the other side Is exposed to ‘environment at 80°C. The rate of heat generation within the wall is 1.3 x 10° W/m®. If the convective heat transfer coefficient between the wall and the environment (h) is 520Wim?*C, determine the maximum temperature in the wall. Derive the expression used, starting from the steady state ‘one-dimensional heat conduction with heat generating equation. Solution: Given: k=0.18WimeC; fh =520 WiC; =1.9x10° Win? sti Consider a section of thickness dr at a distance ‘x’ from the insulated end as shown. 7 For steady state condition, coe ous = 4 > Sean = {A-dx) ale gta, or EY ate = GAdx > ‘de } v = kA oT +gA =0 dx ¢T = = a 220 1 =90mmn—ai This is the required one diniensional steady state equation in this case, Solving this equation, we get £744 ae = 0) = sell) Boundary conditions: (a) Insulated wall atx =0 . No conduction atx =0 at at = KA. =0 =} Gl, -0 del, Applying this in equation (i), we get C,=0 (b) Total heat generated inside walll = Heat transferred from right face by convention Gx AxL = AAT, -T.) where, 7,,=Wall temperature at right face : 3 p= Ger ae Eat +80=1025°C 2. Temperature at right face, ae = 1520 . 1.3x10° (0.09? 7 125 ga 80RTSC a P " MABE EASY Publications 28 | Mechanical Er = 90075 Ka" Maximum temperature is attained on the insulated face of the wall atx = . Maximum temperature in the wall atx = 0, T= 20275°C [EEA copper wire having a diameter of 2 mm is exposed to a convection environment with heat transfer coefficient, h = 5000 W/m?-K and environment temperature. T. = 100°C. What current must be passed through the wire to produce a centre temperature of 150°C? Specific electrical resistance of copper is 1.67 #2 om. Thermal. conductivity of copper is 8386 W/m-K. Solution: Given: Wire diameter, ‘d = 2mm = 0.002 m; Radius, R = 0.001 m, h = 5000 W/m*K, T_ = 100°C Centre temperature, T, = 150°C; Specific resistance, p, = 1.67 or p, = 167 x 10% 2m k = 386 Wim-K ae As, Centretemperatureofwire, fo =7. + # [where, = Heat generation rate per unit volume] _ 0.001 , x (0.0017 180 = 1004-95000 *~ 4x 386 g = 4.968 x 10° Wim? So heat generated in a wire of length L Qs QxnFPxL If the resistance of wire be ‘R’ Then, Q= PR=gxaPL : o = QxnPl [as R=e4| = 4,968 x 10° xm x 0,001?xL = 293606.642 541.854 So current of 541.854 is being passing through the wire. [RW A 66 kV transmission line carrying a current of 900 ampere and having a diameter of 10 mm is laid in a convective environment of 10 W/m?-K and 35°C. The thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of the line material are 380 Wim-K and 1.75 x 10 Q-cm, Calculate the following: (i) The heat generation per unit volume (ii) The surface temperature of the line (ii) The maximum temperature in the line Solution: Given that: Voltage, V = 66 kV = 66000 volt; Current, = 900, Wire diameter, d= 10 mm = 0.01 m; h=10Wim?K, t, = 35°C MADE BASS Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 29 Thermal conductivity, k= 380Wim-K; Resistivity, p = 1.75 x 10% Q-om = 1.75 x 10% 2m So, as mVo® _ _nx66000x(0.00" _ Alp ~ 4x900x1.75x1 Heat generated, Q = VI = 66000 x 900 = 59.4 MWV 4 MW & z 24M __ 9.298 min? Gal Fx oor x329119.23 ()) Heat generation per unit volume, Gy (ii) Under steady state condition: Heat generated inwire = Heat convected to surroundings = hx md x(t,~ £) = 10 x mw x 0.01 x 329119.28 x (1,35) 594x108 = 10x xx0.01 x 829119,23(t, 35) = 609.49°C where, f,= Surface temperature of wire (i) Maximum temperature in the line, 2.208108 4x380 = 609.49 + 0.038 = 609.526°C a1, dope 2 noe = fe + ae | = 609.494 Heat is generated uniformly in uranium (k = 29.5 Wim-K) rods of 5 cm diameter at the rate of 7.5 x 107 W/m. Cooling water at 120°C is circulated in the annulus around the rods with heat transfer coefficient of §5 kWim?-K. Find the maximum temperature of the fuel rods. Solution: Given: k= 29.5 Wim-K; dd, = 0.05 m; = 7.5 x 107 Wim 120°C = 393K; hy = 55000 Wim? K Tash 30 | Mechanical Engineering ‘Postal Book Package Biel | RADE EASY Publications ‘Temperature distribution, Hence the maximum temperature occurs at r= 0. 5 y 2 he on 7, 4 25x10 x (0.025)? +90, ake 4x25 +397.24 a > 7.5x10" x 0.025 = 17.045 Sze 393 + 17.045 Putting in Eq. (i), [E23] The temperature distribution across a wall, having thickness of 1 m, at an instant of time is given as: T(<) = 900 - 300x - 50x? where Tis in degree celsius and x is in metres. The uniform heat generation of 1000 W/m? is present in the wall Gf area 10 m® having density p = 1600 kg/m, thermal conductivity k =40 Wim and specific heat = 4 ku/kgK. Determine (i) the rate of heat transfer entering the wall and leaving the wall. (I) the rate change of internal energy of the wall. (ii) the time rate of temperature change atx =O and atx = 0.5 m. Solution: Given, Temperature distribution, Tx) = 900 -300x-50x”, gq = 1000 Wim’, Area (A) = 10m?, p = 1600 kgm’, k= 40 WimK, c= 4 ki/KgK, Thickness (t) = 1m Assumptions : () One-dimensional conduction in the x direction (i) Amedium with constant properties (ii) Uniform internal het generation As, Tex) = 900 - 300x~ 50x? aT Fe 7300-100 (i) Therate of heat transfer entering the wall Ag = “AZ =-40.x 10 x (-300) = 120 KW he leno Simiary, Q|_, = ~40 x 10 x (400) = 160 kW The heat leaving the wall = 160 kW (li) Rate of change of he internal energy = (rate of heat entering the left face) + (Rate of heat generation) - (rate of heat leaving right face) = 1204 (1x 10 x 1)-160=-30 kW (ii) Also, MADE dette) Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 34 Of, a = Time rate of temperature change cane dk ———— po, 1600x4000 .25x10°% and 6.25x 10°[ 100-92] =-4.6875 x 104 °Cis EGA fiet plate fuel element for a nuclear reactor is 6 mm thick and is clad on each face with aluminium 2mm thick. The rate of heat generation is uniform within the element and has a magnitude of 5.6 x 10° ‘Wim. If the coolant temperature is 140°C, make calculations for the temperature at the free surface of the aluminium, the aluminiurvuranium interface, and at the centre of the fuel element. ‘Thermal conductivity for uranium and aluminium are 24.5 W/mK and 200 W/mK respectively, and the heat transfer coefficient at the aluminium/coolant interface is 2.85 x 10* WimK. Solution: sketch of the arrangement of the fuel element is shown in below figure. Let Q, be the total heat generated within the uranium per unit area of the plate. Q, = 56x 10° x (1 x 0,006) = 33.6 x 105 W oa) ale eee rat ‘pfeoctant 140°C ‘Then heat flow in each normal direction is 16.8 x 105 Wim?, Under steady state conditions, this heat is first conducted through the aluminium cladding and then convected to the coolant. 16.85 x 108 = —(t,—f) = Alt, ~ 140) x where f, isthe aluminium/coolentinteriace temperature, t, is the aluminum/uranium interface temperature and ris the thickness of aluminium cladding. Taking A= 1 m?, we obtain, From => 16.85 x 10° = hA(E, ~ 140) 16.85 x 10° 4140 = 199.12°C 2.85% 10" x1 kA From = 16.85 x 10° = —=(t~6) 32 | Mechanical Engineering eee 2027] MARE EASY Publications. 16.85x 10° x0.2x 10? t, +199.12 =215.97°C 7 200x1 Since that uranium fuel is subject to uniform internal heat generation, the maximum temperature within this material will be desoribed by the equation. suo! = 218.9790. 5.6x10* 3 Sepa 0x19 ? + 215.97 =318.82°C EEEq The temperature distributions within a series of one-dimensional plane walls at an initial time (t= 0), at steady state (t= «e) and at several intermediate times are as shown In figure below (Case-A and Case-B). For each case, write the appropriate form of diffusion equation. Also write the equations for the initial condition and the boundary condition that are applied at x = 0 and x= L. If the volumetric generation occurs, it is uniform throughout the wall. The properties are constant. Solutior Case-A: tem According to 1-D heat diffusion equation, we have TeT. t=0 -T=T, where dg is heat generation per unit volume = thermal diffusivity k= thermal conductivity of wall and at steady state (t= ar. Since, a 0 #T de awk =o ‘Temperature (7) is a function of both distance ‘x' and time ‘t’ ‘Thus, T= T(x, t) Initial condition, T(e, 0) = T, Boundary condition, T(L,)=T, (atx=L) ar| at x = 0, time Alen { | MADE ERSY Heat Transfer Publleations Case-B: aT dq _ 137 ae ik @ at At steady state ( Since, {initial condition) Atr=L, TL b= 7, aT] Atx=0, Ion oO Thé volumetric heat generation rate in a cylindrical nuclear reactor fuel rod of 5 cm diameter is 5 x 107 Wim?. Under steady state operating condition, the temperature distribution in the rod is T= 800-4.167 x 10° r2, Density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of rod material are 1100 kg/mn®, 800 J/kg-K and 30 Wim-K respectively. (i) What are the rates of heat transfer per unit length of the rod at the centre line (axis) and at the rod surface? (ji) If the reactor power level is suddenly increased to 10° W/m, what are the initial time rate of change of temperature at the centre line and at the surface? Solution: Assumptions: (One dimensional heat conduction in radial direction only (Uniform heat generation (ii) Steady state condition ee qe ae | t= 200=4.167 «10%? ar Ln g= 4, =5% 107 Wim? qe ~kenrS- [per unit length] ar and also Sp = 2X AGT x 108 Kin (2) 2. pag =O ANd G, «goog = ~BOX 2X M x 0.025 x (-2) x 4.167 x 105 x 0.025 Wim Gro ooos = (xnr? x1) =0,9818x10° Wim (b) Transient condition will exist when heat generation is increased, M2 (AT). 9, = peo ar) *40 = 9° at [rarl ar 1 [1af, er oti all 36] Te) = 800 ~4.167 x 105? OT og 4.167 x 105xr ar (oraere la ilo) 5, | = = 10° at pap [: 5 (SOx. 334x10°r) +4, 34 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package EIAy MADE ERSY aT 1 5 oF. f-soxtotg] when g, = 108 ar 1 BF FTO agO (00% 10% + 108) = 86.82 Kis [EEA tong hollow cylinder (k = 0.5 Wim?C) of § om inner radius and 15 cm outer radius has a heat generation rate of 1000 Wimr?, The outer surface is maintained at a temperature of 50°C and thermal conductivity of the cylinder material is 0.5 W/m?C. It maximum temperature occurs at radius of 10 cm, determine the temperature at the inner surface, and the value of maximum temperature in the cylinder. Proceed from the basic heat equation. Solution: With uniform heat generation and assuming steady state unidirectional heat flow in the radial cirection, the appropriate differential equation describing the temperature distribution through a cylinder surface is Upon integration at i 7 a Ker Another integration gives the general solution for temperature distribution 4, BP + Choa, + Cy (il) The appropriate the boundary conditions are (i) Atr= 10 om, the temperature is stated to be maximum and accordingly dt a 7 Othat gives => Gof _ 1000, (0.9% . =10 2k 05 2 (ii) t= 50°C at r= 15 em, then from expression (I) and noting that C, = 10, we get 1000 Fxg 0-15) + 10109, 0.18 + Cy 11.25 ~ 18.97 + Cy; = 80.22 The temperature distribution through the cylinder may then be written as 27? + 10log, r+ 80.22 4k Then temperature atthe inner surface where, r=5om, 1000 1000 22 Frog 2.05" * 10log, 0.05 + 60. = “1,25 - 29.95 + 80.22 = 49.02°C Maximum temperature is stated to occur at r= 10. cm and therefore 4000 = -- (0.1 + 10log, 0.14 80.22 = -5- 23.02 + 80.22 =52.2°C ‘ex “9x05 7 MADE ENSH Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 35 Publications (EG A hollow sphere (k = 30 W/m?C) of inner radius 6 cm and outside radius 8 cm has a heat generation rate of 4 x 108 W/m. The inside surface is insulated and heat is removed by convection over the outside surface by a fluid at 100°C with surface conductance 300 W/m?°C. Make calculations for the temperature at the outside and inside surface of the sphere. Solution: Since the inside surface is insulated, the heat generated is convected at the outside surface. That is ag nbd 18) = hyxtrecAt~t) 4x10° xEn(0.088 0.062) = 900 x 4n(0.08)2x(t,—100) o 4967.01 = 24.11 (1, 100); 4957.01+ 100 ge oa ~a08e°c ‘Temperature at any radius ran be worked out from the relation Orage ® +B@- m-Be(2 -3) A, 2 2) _4x108 2 1 08? | - <~* (0.06)? | — - —_ (0.08 - 0.08") (0.06) D08 4x10% 1 6x30 0.06 6x30 = 805.6 + 62.2240 = 927.8°C = 305.64 x We ‘Heat Transfer from CHAPTER Determine the heat transfer rate from a rectangular fin of length 20 cm, width 40 cm and thickness The tip of the fin is not insulated end the fin has a thermal conductivity of 150 WimK. The base temperature Is 100°C and the fluid is at 20°C. The heat transfer coefficient between the fin and the fluid is 80 Wim?k. Solution: Given: —_Lengthofrectangular fin, L = 200m Width of fin, w= 400m Thickness of fin, t= 26m ‘Thermal conductivity, k = 150 WimK Y / eg 2 A Heat transfer coefficient, h = 80 Wim?K Basa temperature, T, = 100°C % Ty Tas = 100~20 = 80°C = Corrected length, Le = L +f 80 x 10% m? 0.84 m ae = 4segut! Heat transfer rate, [Q, = JhpkA 0, tanh, o (v0 0.84 x 150 x 80x10" *)« 80tanh(4.583 x0.21) = 327.90W Heat transfer rate from a rectangular find, Qy = 327.90 W [F283] List the factors which are considered in optimum design of fins. An electronic semi-conductor device generates heat equal to 480 x 10-® W. In order to keep the surface temperature at upper safe limit of 70°C. The generated heat has to be dissipated to surroundings at 30°C To accomplish this task aluminium fins of 0.7 mm square and 12 mm long are attached to the surface. The thermal conductivity of aluminium is 170 W/m-K and heat transfer coefficient is 12 W/m?K. Find No. of fins required. Assume insulated tips of fins. MABE EMSS Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 37 seems Publletions: Solution: Design Factors: The design of fins for heat dissipation considers high heat dissipation rate and low cost. High dissipation rate is rnaintained by: (a) Optimum space between the two fins based upon boundary layer theory. {b) High vaiue of thermal conductivity and low value of convection coefficient ensures good effectiveness. kt nA, e Low cost is maintained by: (a) Manufacturing process and shape of fins. (b) Material used, etc. The given problem dissipate 480 x 10° W heat from square fins A, = 049mm? k= 170 Wink 12 42mm = 12 Wim’ 42mm =e 0 Heat dissipated by fins, o7 mm [Q= 0, PRAA, tanh) / where, ‘n= number of fins 0, = 70-30 = 40°C p = 210.7+07]=2.8mm 048 = ni[2.8x 10 x 12170 x0.49 x 10°) xtanh(rmL) [hp 12x28x 10% 4 = Via, = ¥470% 0.49% 10% * 20.084 048 = ny[2.8 x 12170 x0.49 x 10%) x 40tanh(20.08x12x10~) 0.05075 ae = 90.935 = 31 qpaxio® EEE A rectangular fin of length 30 cm, width 30 cm and thickness 2 mm is attached to a surface at 300°C. The fin is made of aluminium (k= 204 Wim) and is exposed to air at 30°C. The fin end is uninsulated and can lose heat through its end also. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the fin surface and air is 15 Wim?K. : Determine: (i) the temperature of the fin at 30 om from the base. (ii) the rate of heat transfer from the fin and (iil fin efficiency. Solution: Given: Length of fin = 0.3 m; k= 204 Wimk; Width of fin, w= 0.3m P= 210.3 + 0.002] = 0.604 m 18 x 0,002 = 6 x 10 m? 3 38 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PrAl| aS eee ch 6. mk ~ 8.6x204 =8.6x 10° hg @, coshm(t—x)+—-sinhim(?—) cosh(ml)+—"-sinh(m) mk 5 HD 4g) ont Atx= 00m =1 Se ew 0.109 a, =o 0, = 0.149 x (800-30) = 40.23°C = Tyg = 40.23 + 30 = 70.23°C a= ~4( 2) = Fie, me ON" IX Jen ast? «Fe tee 5x10" + 5505, gSHOT 4,053x270x] #85 eS 08 Gots geHOS 1485x10" eas amas sesaxz70x 85x10 +0.985 | 148.510 x0.985 = 281.53W Fin efficiency Oe ee = Maximum heat transfer ff entire fin were at base temperature 281.53 281.63 = Fal = 38.36% (2M 4 very long 25 mm diameter copper (k = 380 Wm/K) rod extends from a surface at 120°C. The temperature of surrounding air is 25°C and the heat transfer coefficient over the rod is 10 Wim?K. Calculate: (i) Heat loss from the rod, (ii) How iong the rod should be in order to be considered infinite? Solution: Given: A very long (infinite long) copper rod as a fin: d= 25mm =0.025m, k= 380 WimK Ty = 120°C * Tae h= 10 Wink (i) The heat loss from infinite long fin, [Ocsniste = APIA (Te —T.)] Ty= 120°C = 390 Wimk MABE EASY Heat Treaster Conventional Practice Sets | 39 Publications Where, Perimeter, P= na'= 3.14 x 0.025 m = 0.0785 m =(2)«cooesr = 4.908 x 10% m? Qurete in = 10x 0.0785 x 380 x 4,908 x 10 x (120-25) = 36.35 W T,, and no heat transfer from its free end. Therefore, (ii) From an infinite log fin 7, = Qrtrto to = Ossie tp fo Thus, — YAPKA, (Tg -T.,) = \[APKA, (T,~ [tanh ‘The equivalent result is obtained if tanhml 2 0.99 . mL = 2.646 WP. 0x 0.0785 a Here, m= |= |= __ = 2.052 KA, ¥380 x 4,908 x10 646 : Soap 7 129m [EG A very tong AIS! 316 stainless steel (k = 14 Wim-K) rod 5 mm in diameter has one end maintained at 100°C. The surface of the rod is exposed to ambient air at 30°C with average convective heat transfer coefficient of 50 Wim?-K. Neglecting radiation heat transfer, estimate how long the rod must be to treat it as “infinitely long’ to yield a reasonable accurate estimation of heat loss. Ifthe rod is made of copper k= 950 Wim-K, will the length be different? How much will it be and why? Compare the heat transfer rates for both the rods. The analysis may be based on fin tip heat loss alone, Solution: For a very long rod temperature distribution given by, a= 067 O= 7-7, L L Thus heat transfer rate, q= fAPax(T-T.)= [Pode aed 0 For L= =, ce To SPF, So, reasonably accurate estimate of heat loss, we need to have rod long enough so that em = 0.01 = 1% q.= 4.0.99 (reasonable estimation) [nP _ [50x2nx2.5x10% _ 1 Er Txnl25x109P = 8845 ‘Then, Pact = 0.01 A L = 0.086 m = 50x2nx2.5x 10S x(100-30) 9.99 = 4.0183 W so 53.45 40 | Mechanical Engineering (Teer 2027] mADE =nsu For copper rod, m \350xnx(25x105? Then, em = 001 In0.01 & t= 10.01 o.43m =o69 48 3 Heat transferrate, dg, = eee PSO™ (400-301x0.89 = 5.0915 W EG The handle of a saucspan, 30 cm long and 2 cm in diameter is partially immersed in boiling water at 100°C. The average unit conductance over the handle surface is 7.35 Wim?K in the kitchen air at 24°C, The cook is likely to grasp the last 10 cm of the handle and hence, the temperature of this portion should not exceed 32°C, What should be the material conductivity of handle? The handle may be treated as a fin of insulated tip. Solution: Given, Length (7) = 30 cm, Diameter, d = 2 cm, T, = 100°C, h=7.35 Wim?K , T= 24°C Let the material conductivity of handle be k. As a handle may be treated as a fin of insulated tip. Te)-T, _ coshm{—a)| 0s To—T_ ___coshml __ cosh{m(0.30-0.20)] ‘osh(O.Srr) cosh(0.1m) _ e™+eO™ 0.105 = ————_ cosh( ~ Pee Solving this equation. m= 11.7110 Also, and k= 10.72 Wik [EE Two rods, one of length L and the other of length 2L:are made of the same material and have the same diameter. The two ends of the longer rod are maintained at 100°C. One end of the shorter rod is maintained at 100°C while the other end is insulated. Both the rods are exposed to the same environment at 40°C. The temp at the insulated end of the shorter rod is measured to be 65°C. The temperature at the mid point of the longer rod would be. Solution: Ts4e ‘Temperature distribution along the rod is given by } Te 100° @=T-T. a, = ea @,sinhm(/—a)+8,8inh easy Subllestions where and mor 6,[sinhmi+sinhmi] ‘sinha For rod of length with insulated fip temperature distribution = cosh[ m(i-x)] _° coshmi L Op, 2sinhmi sinhom 0 1 coshmi 0 _ 100-40 60 cashml= 9° ona = 5 ml= (cosh) = 2.063 Ai) For same material fins By equation () and (i), we get [EG A heat exchanger tube with inner and outer diameters 2.118 cm and 2.54 cm respectively is equipped with 20 equally spaced straight fins of uniform thickness placed longitudinally along the tube. The fins are 2.5 orn long in the radial direction and are 0.16 cm thick. Both the tube and the fins are made of steel with k= 45 Wim°C. The inside and outside heat transfer coefficients are 1130 and 255 W/m?°C, respectively. What is the overall heat transfer coefficient for the exchanger based on the outer exposed surface area? Compare this result with that for the same tube without fins, subjected to the same heat transfer coefficients. Solution: “Tube without fin “Tube with 20 fins Given: hy = 1130 W/m?*C; hy = 255 Wim?*C; D,=2.118. cm D, = 2.540m; f= 1.270m L= 250m; 160m 42 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PUPA) MADE EASY Overall heat transfer coefficient Resistance diagram for given fin is Convective resistance from inner surface of heat exchanger tube aoe eee RA, 1180%nxO.02TIxt Conductive resistance of heat exchanger tube Ing Hn) _ in(1.27 11.059) Re = 0.01935 KW Fes “DaLk Dex TK 45 Heat transfer from insulated tip fin is [a= (WAPKA)a, tanh] =“ =. Forfinresistance, * Wreraytanhiml. En [RP _ [e65x 21+ 0.0076) i m= = a5xixooo1e oF © (Y2B5x ATs 0.0016) x 45x Rana 0.025) = 0.1698 20 fins are arranged in parallel eauivalenttin resistance x 10% ‘Area of unfinned surface = (m D,— ni) L = (7x 0.0254 ~ 20 x 0.0016) x 1 = 0.0477 m? Surface area of fin Ags P-1=2(L48)1 = 2(1 + 0,0016) x 0.025 = 0.05008 m? for 20 fins Ags 20 x 0,05008 = 1.0016 m? total outer surface area = unfined area + finned area Ay= 1.0016 + 0.0477 = 1.049 m? ++ Resistance offered by outer unfinned area 1 1 Fo" iA,” WSxnx0.0054K1 2 Overall head transfer coefficient based on outer area a Fog Fo =ER= A+R uA A+R = 0.0491 k/W Uy= 44.90 Wir?K | reer Publication MADE GEASS Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 43 Outer convective resistance without fin _ 1 1 o> a, ~ Bexnx002d R= 0.0401 Overall heat transfer coefficient without fin 1 UAy =ER= A+R +R 1 Uy xn x0.025x4 Uy = 201.6621 Wim?K :. Overall heat transfer coefficients more in case of without fin. 5 = 0.01335 + (6.4260 x 10“) + 0.0491 [EEA steel pipe of diameter 8.9 cm has eight longitudinal fins of 1.5 mm thickness which extend, 30 mm from the pipe surface. If the thermal conductivity of the fin material Is 45 W/mK, find the percentage increase in the rate of heat transfer for the finned surface compared to the base surface, Assume the film heat transfer coefficient as 75 Wim?K. Solution: Given: 8 longitudinal straight fins Fin thickness = 1.5 mm_ k= 45 Wim-K ) he 75. Wimek Heat transfer without fin =30mm @ = HAT, - T,) = 75 xm x0.089 x 1x (AT) g = 78x x x0.089 x 1 x 1 = 20.97 Wimk a= Heat transfer rate per unit temperature difference per unit fin length. Heat transfer with fin toredsstace * Finedsatoce Guniccassutece = RAAT = h{acd— nt) x 1 = 75 (x x 0.0898 x 0.0015) 20.070 Aestann(enl) nod cutcs = 8X [APRA xAT x) PK tH tanh(mL) : ' P= 2(L-+)=2(1 + 0.0016) = 2,003 m Agg = Lt= 1 x 0.0015 = 0.0015 m? AP 75x2.003 1 m= f—— = J = 47.18 © hag“ Vasxooots 747" A 75 = 0.0353 mk ~ 47.18xa tanh (mL) = 0.889 ned sutoce = 8X FEREDOEXTEROROTS x 1x( 208s +0088) 7+ 0.0353 x0.889 = 8x 3.1844 x 0.8962 = 22.83 W 10.07 + 22.83 = 42.9 ine surace ay 44 | Mechanical Engineering Reacts mace nse % Increase in heattransfer = ( ‘When fin tip insulated. Perimeter, P= AL+b) Lis length of steep pipe and bis fin thickness AS Lo>b,P= 2b c/sarea, A= bL ripy? (ai® (2x75 Ve : _ ue laa) -lix) - limos) 2" m= 47.14x 90x 10% = 1.4142 tanh mi = 0.8884 Heat transfer fin: = mkAd, tanh ml = 47.14 x 45 x 1.5 x 10x L x 0.8864 Q = 2.82718,W Heat transfer from@fins, ° Q= 22.616L6, Heat transfer from unfinned portion of the surface, Q’ = hAQ,. Q’ = 7Bfr x 0.089 x 1-8 x 0.0015 x 1], a’ = 20.070, Total heat transfer fram the cylindrical surface, Q Q+iQ’ = (22.616 + 20.07)8, {Assume L = 14] = 42.6860, Ifthe cylinder were without fins, the heat transfer would have been Q= 75 x3.14 x 0.089 x 8 = 20.97 Oy Increase in heat transfer due to fins (2 686 _ = 2087 1) .100=105:56% ‘A.50 mm x 50 mm iron bar 0.4 m long is connected to the walls of two heated reservoirs, each at +120°C. The ambient air temperature is 35°C and the convective heat transfer coefficients 17.4 Wir? K. Calculate the rate of heat loss from the bar and temperature ‘of the bar midway between the reservoirs. The thermal conductivity of iron is 62 WimK. Solution: Because of of symmetry, we would consider half-length of the bar (shown inthe figure) P= 2(a+b)=2(60 + 50) = 200mm =0.2m A= 50mm x50xmm k= 52Wimk k= 174 Wim K = 12500 m? x 10°8 = 25 x 10-4 m? T.= 356 Het, m= (MY en,)" kA 52x 25x10 5.1741 ml = 5.174 x 0.2 = 1.0348 tanh ml = 0.776 2 = mkAQ, tanh mi = Tip is considered as'insulated as there will not be any heat transfer at mid-point, 5.174 x 52x 0.0025 x (120-85) x 0.776 = 44.386 W MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 45 Rate of heat loss from the bar is y= 88.74 = 0-5 pago7- vee ee ee = T, = 63.8 +35 = 88.8°C Mid-temperature is 88.8°C. ‘The temperature of a gas flowing through a pipe was measured by a mercury-in-glass thermometer, dipped in an oil-filled steel tube welded radially to the pipeline. The thermometer indicates a temperature lower than tha gas temperature. How large is the error in the temperature measurement if the thermometer rads 85°C and the temperature of the pipe wall is 40°C? The steel tube is 125mm long and has a 1.5 rm thick wall. The thermal conductivity of this tube material is 66 Wim-K and the local heat transfer coefficient between the gas and the tube is 23.5 Wim?-K. In what way the thermometric error can be reduced? Solution: Given: h = 23.5 WimeK ; k = 56 WimK; L = 125 mm, 6 = 1.5 mm. Temperature measured wil not be T., but itwill be 7, that is the temperature at the end of the fin. Considering the thermometer pocket as pin fin, assuming there is no heat flow from tip. Using the general solution, [9 = Ce" + Oe] and Boundary concition 6 = 8, atx= 0, a. atx = Lwe have ecoshm{L~ x) cosh mi then, 16.73" 8 , Temperature at fin tip x =L 8, = Sona “0 hh 40~T. ——— aoe __ 5, 95-7, - Oo cos h16. 736x015 * 410728 85x 4.10728-40 Bx OTE 49 _99.48°C Toe a s0728 % Enor = T.,— T, = 99.48 - 85°C = 14.48°C To reduce error, @, should be minimum, so cosh mL, T mL, B +L from equation ('). (increase h (reduce k of tube material (ii) long width in wall, product may be placed obliquely to produce longer insertion, 46 | Mechanical Engineering Pace dmee MADE EASY [EEG The steam at 300°C is passing through a steel tube. A thermometer pocket of steel (k = 45 WimK) of inside diameter 14 mm, and 1 mm thick is used to measure the temperature. Calculate the length of thermometer pocket needed to measure the temperature within 1.8% permissible error. The diameter of steam tube is 96 mm. Take heat transfer coefficient as 3 Wim? and tube wall temperature as 00°C. Solution: Given: The temperature measurement by thermometer in a pocket. 800°C; 45 Wink, ts 1.8%; where, m " £E KA, d, = d,+2t=1442x1=16mm=0.016m . P = nd,=1x 0.016 =0.0502m Flee -a? 93 x.0.0508 m= NG5xA712x10° The permissible error = 1.8% T.-T, = 00187, a x (0.016? - 0.0147) = 4,712 x 105m or T, = (1-0.018)T, = 0.982 T, =0.982 x 300 = 204.6 294.6 300 1 Andhence jm a00" = cosh'mL or coshml. = 97.037 or ml=4.305 o 1 = 4383 )] Based on the above four expressions for T(x), the results are tabulated and graphically shown below. ° 200 220 230 200 10 1940 2008 m9 2074 20 1648 1843 1027 914 30. 140.4 171.0 168.4 181.5 40 120.8 163.2 159.6 175 50 104.3 160.6 185.9 180.0 240 230 220 200 gm 160 (4) 5 = 160 1605(6) ‘(Conwetive tig) 155.9 (0) 140 + 120 (very tang AI 100 1043.) o 10 20 30 40 50, SAT a Ti ransient Conduction CHAPTER [EGR A steel ball of diameter 60 mm is initially in thermal equilibrium at 1030°C in a furnace. It is suddenly removed from the furnace and cooled in ambient air at 30°C, with convective heat transfer coefficient h = 20 Wim?K, The therriié-physical properties of steel-are : density p = 7800 kg/m?, conductivity k= 40 WimK and specific heat c = 600 J/kgK. The time required in seconds to cool the steel ball in air from 1030°C to 430°C is Solution: Diameter of ball, d= 60 mm = 0.06 m; Initial temperature, T,= 1030°C. Ambient temperature, T, = 30°C; Convective heat transfer costficient, h= 20 Wim?K Density, p = 7800 kgim®; Conductivity, k= 40 WimK Specific heat, c= 600 JkgK; ' Final temperature of steel ball, T= 430°C Time, t=? ‘The temperature distribution relation is given by characteristic length of bals| a 0.06 _ 6 030-30 ~ od = ertersxio Taking log, both sides, we get log,0.4 = ~4.273x 10-4 xtx1 o.st62 or ' = Faraot 7214416 s [E53 Stainiess stee! ball bearings having diameter of 1.2 cm are to be quenched in water. The balls leave the oven at 900°C and are exposed to air at 30°C for a while before they are dropped in water. If the temperature of the balls is not to fall below 850°C prior to quenching and the heat transfor cootficlent in the air is 125 Wim?K, determine how long they can stand in the air before being dropped into the water. Following properties of stainless steel may be used: 1085 kg/m’, k= 15.1 WimK, 0.480 kJ/kgK, a = 3.91 x 106 m/s TORE EAs Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 53 Solution: Given data: 7,=900°C; T., = 30°C; Since Metallic steel balls are of small = 125 Wim?K; T= 850°C; Time taken = t=? ize, AL_ AR _125x0.6x10 KR” oxigt 7° = Biot No < 0.1 => Lumped heat analysis is valid [EE] A4 mm thick panel of aluminium alloy (p = 2800 kg/m®, c= 880 J/kgK and k= 177 Wimk) is finished on both sides with an epoxy coating that must be cured at or above 150°C for atleast 5 min. The curing operation is performed in a large oven with air at 175°C and convection coefficient of h = 40 Wim?K. If the panel is placed in the oven at an initial temperature of 30°C, at what total elapsed time, will the cure process be completed? Solution: Given deta: 175°C; -h=40Wimr?K; p = 2800 kg/m, ¢ = 880 UikoK k= 177 WimK ‘Assumptions: 1. Uniformheating 2. Constant properties Characteristic length of plate, L.=1 = 2mm Biot number, Bi= Me esa = 4.5198 x 104 Since, Bi< 0.1, the lumped heat capacitance approximation can be used. As we know, T-T. hA h j_— f= tlle | fe 2b 4mm} rae pal =o ate! 150-175 40 2 30-175 ~ onl -atoa'| t= 216.578 Total time to complete the § min duration cure, + t= (6 x 60 + 21657)s 16.578 = 8.61 min ‘A bearing piece in the form of half of a hollow cylinder of 60 mm ID, 90 mm OD and 100 mm long Is to be cooled to 100°C using a cryogenic gas at 150°C with a convective heat transfer coefficient of 70 WimeK. Determine the time required. Take properties of bearing material as = 444 JIkgK, p = 8900 ka/m? and k= 17.2 WimkK. 54 | Mechanical Engineering hole d2027) MABE BRASH Publications Solution: Given: A piece of bearing as half of hollow cylinder with D,= 60mm or r,=0.03m L= 100mm = 0.1m, 150°C T= 100. 8900 kg/m? k= 17.2Wimk, To find: Time required to reach 100°C. The characteristics length of the eylinder. The volume of bearing piece, v @ xxl? AL (3) 0.08003 =5.872x 109m tile _ 70x5.872x 10% _ Biot number, B, = Se = DXSTE = 0.0239 Which is less than 0.1, hence the lumped heat capacity system analysis may be applied. Using for temperature distribution = te] plc. Substituting the values, 5 oof ee 8900 x 5.872 x10" x 444 or, t= 4246s LeeLee tel tle) BE] A 15 mm diameter mild steel sphere (k = 42 Wim’C) is exposed to cooling air flow at 20°C resulting in ‘the convective coefficient h = 120 W/m?°C. Determine the following: (1) Time required to cool the sphere from 550°C to 90°C. (il) Instantaneous heat transfer rate 2 minutes after the start of cooling. (ii) Total energy transferred from the sphere during the first 2 minutes. For mild steel take: p = 7850 kg/m®, ¢ = 475 J/kg°C and & = 0.045 mh. MADE ERsy Publications Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 55 Solution: Note: As unit of ‘ein in ‘hr’ so time 'f is taken in hours. Given: BR 3 7.5 mm = 0,0075 m; T= 20°C T,= 550°C; f= 120 Wim? (i) Time required to cool the sphere from 550°C to 90°C, t: ‘The characteristics length L, is given by, 4 fee R_ 0.0075 ben ga BT 700005 Biot number, 8, = Mee = 120%0.0025 _ oo7143 k 42 at _ O.045%t _ pono Fourier number, Fy = zz a (o.0025? a (where fis in hour) Since 6, < 0.1, so we can use lump theory to solves this problem. The temperature variation with time is given by eB Substituting the values, we get 90-20 _ coors 72000 550-20 0.132 = 3" or, 51.4t= 2.025 2.025 aS 7h = oF, te Fag = 0.08987h = 141.78 (i) Instantaneous heat transfer rate 2 minutes (0.0333h) after the start of cooling, Q,: lQ, = -hA,(T, - T..Je 9"? (0.007143) (7200 x 0.0333) = 1.7126 120 x 4m x (0.0075)? (550 - 20) e171 =-8.1W ‘The negative sign shows that heat is given off by sphere, (ili) Total energy transferred from the sphere during first 2 minutes (0.0333h) @': Amount of heat transfer during time interval, t (0.9 = fo-at a t ons [nag -T.)-ot= [ WAT, -T.)e8* at 0 0 AV = pVe(T, -T.)e* — 1] = 7850 tn x(0.0075)(475)(550 ~20)[6"17 — 1 2862.3 J de 56 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Book Package PREAI| MADE EASY Publications EEG A cylindrical stainless steel into (k = 45 Wimk), 15 cm in diameter and 40 cm long passes through a treatment furnace, which is 6 min length. The temperature of furnace gas is 100°C. The initial ingot temperature is 100°C, The combined radiant and convective heat transfer coefficient is 100 Wim?K. Calculate the maximum speed with which the ingot should pass through the furnace, ifit must attain a temperature of 850°C. Take a = 0.46 x 10-5 m/s. Solution: Given: A cylindrical stainless ingot with d= iscms0,i5m, b=40om= 04m, f= too Wink, k= 45 Wimk, T.= 100°C, 300°C, T=850°C, Lanace = To find: The maximum speed of ingot through furnace = 0.46 x 10° més -— en ——4 Assumption: 4. Internal temperature gradients are negligible. 2. Uniform heating throughout the length of furnace, 8. Constant properties. D Analysis: The radius of steel ingot. = > oe =0.075m ‘The characteristic length of the cylinder. Vio mpl mx(0.075) x04 Lo = AL” bm + 2nml 2mx (0.075) + 2x 0.075x0.4 = 0.0315m 1 Biot number, B, = eee =0.070 . Which is less than 0.1, hence the lumped heat capacity system analysis can be reasonably used for approximation. Using for temperature distribution en a F PY ole Ke 850-1300 _ gyp|_0.46210* x1004 j00-1300 ~ 45x 0.0315, OF, t = ~(3081.52) x In (0,375) = 3022 s The velocity of ingot through the furnace, = Hance. 8 = 1.085 mms. Timerequired 3022 EEGH A thermal energy storage unit consists of a large rectangular channel which is well insulated on its outer surface and encloses alternating layers of the storage material and the flow passage as given : below in Figure. Each layer of the storage material is an aluminum slab of width 0.05 m which is at an initial temperature of 25 °C. Consider conditions for which the storage unit is charged by passing a hot gas through the passages with the gas temperature and the convection coefficient assumed to have constant values of T, = 600 °C and h = 100 W/m?K throughout the channel. MADE Ensu Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 57 (i) How long will it take to achieve 75% of the maximum possible energy storage? (ii) What is the temperature of aluminum at this time? Solution: (1) One-dimensional conduction @) Constant properties ) Negligible heat exchange with surroundings (4) As the properties of Aluminium are not given, taking k= 231 Wimk and }033 JkgK, p = 2702 kg/m® (6) Characteristic length (L.) = half of thickness 2.05 _ 0.005 2 }00 x 0.025 Therefore, Sr 70.01082 Since Lumped capacity analysis canbe applied 8 gt 8, and maximum possible energy storage Ena = 0, (T.,—T)) Actual energy storage = 0.75 x (AB)nax Let temperature of aluminium at this time is T. mo, (T~25) = 0.75 x m x¢, x (600-25) T= 456.25°C ‘0. 458.25 -600 _ WVIAC, 25-600 ~ toot 0.25 = @ MORD.05/2055 t= 967.344 seconds nea - fiance 4) Chass EG Define and discuss the physical significant of the following : (i) Nusselt Number - Can it be less than 1? (ii) Prandtl Number - What does it signify? (ii) Biot Number - How does it differ from Nusselt number? (iv) Thermal diffusivity. (v) Fin effectiveness. Solution: (|) Prandtl Number (PP): It is the ratio of kinematic viscosity (v) to thermal diffusivity (ct) IC, v ¥v 7 — . kk (koc,) Y Kinematic viscosity indicates the impulse transport through molecular friction whereas thermal diffusivity indicates the heat energy transport by conduction process. © Prandtl number provides a measure of the relative effectiveness of the momentum and energy transport by diffusion. Prandtl number Is a connecting link between the velocity field and temperature field, and its value strongly influences relative growth of velocity and thermal boundary layers. Pr= (ii) Nusselt Number (Nu): Nusselt nuriber can be defined in several ways: () tis the ratio of Heat flow rate by convection process under a unit temperature gradient to the heat flow rate by conduction process under a unit temperature gradient through a stationary thickness of L meters. Thus, eon, A _ he Quon KIL k ld) (i) tis the ratio of heat transfer rate, Qto the rate at which heat would be conducted within the fluid under atomperature gradientof AT/L. Thus, = Deory _ RAT _ le “ (#7) KAT ok a tL) Oe (ii) {tis the ratio of characteristic length L to the thickness Ax of a stationary fluid layer conducting the heat at the same rate under the same temperature difference as in the case of convection process. At th = kee nus, Q= koahat or Ase 1s MADE EASY cnn Publications Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 59 peeeeeee ne ax K/h k ‘The Nusselt number is a convenient measure of the convective heat transfer costficient. For a given value of the Nusseit number, the convective heat transfer coefficients directly proportional to thermal conductivity of the fluid and inversely proportional to the significant length parameter. Al (iil) Biot Number (Bi): The non-dimensional factor a is called the Biot Number. hl ie. Bi= a = Biot Number It gives an indication of the ratio of internal (conduction) resistance to surface (convection) resistance. When the value of Biis small, it indicates that the system has e small internal (conduction) resistance, i, relatively small temperature gradient or the existence of practically uniform temperature within the system. ‘The convective resistance then predominates and the transient phenomenon is controlled by the convective heat exchange. {f B/< 0.1, the lumped heat capacity approach can be used to advantage with simple shape such as plates, cylinder, spheres and cubes. The error associated is around 5%. (iv) Thermal Diffusivity: In case of homogeneous (in which properties e.g., specific heat, density, thermal conductivity etc. are same everywhere in the material) and isotropic (in which properties are independent of surface orientation) material, K, = ky = K, =k. 57 Fe k__ Thermal conductivity Where, = eee po Thermal capacity The quantity is known as thermal diffusivity © The larger value of at, the faster will the heat diffuse through the material and its temperature will change with time. This will result either due to a high value of thetmal conductivity kor a low value of heat capacity p.c. A low value of heat capacity means the less amount of heat entering the element, would be absorbed and used to raise its temperature and more would be available for onward transmission. Metals and gasses have relatively high value of a. and their response to temperature changes is quite rapid. The non-metallic solids and liquids respond slowly to temperature changes because of their relatively small value of thermal diffusivity, Thermal diffusivity is an important characteristic quantity for unsteady conduction situation, Fin Effectiveness (¢y,): Effectiveness of fin is the ratio of the fin heat transfer rate to the heat transfer rate that would exist without afin. (ty -t,) Quins PR oo. Pe in case of infinitely long fin.) 0 Oimoattn PA (to ~ fe) For a staight rectangular fn of thickness of tand width b, F . Hosd, . ee ; 60 | Mechanical Engineering Postal BookPackage E4l| MADE EASY From the relation for fin effectiveness, following results can be inferred: [PK 1. Fin effectiveness 74 should be greater than unity if the rate of heat transfer from the primary surface is to be improved. It has been observed that use of fins on surfaces Is justified only if PK DAs 2. If the ratio of P (perimeter) and A,, (cross-sectional area) is increased the effectiveness of fin is. improved. Due to this reason, thin and closely spaced fins are preferred; the lower limit on the distance between two adjacent fins (pitch) is governed by the thickness of boundary layer that develops on the surface of the fin. >5 3. Use of fins is only justified where h is small. If the value of h is large (as experienced in bolling, condensation and high velocity fluids), the fins may actually produce a reduction is heat transfer. 4, itis also apparent that the use of fins will be more effective with materials of large thermal conductivities [Although copper is superior to aluminium regarding thermal conductivity, yetfins are generally made of aluminium since it (aluminium) is cheaper is cost and lighter is weight] [GI Air at 25°C flows over a thin plate with a velocity of 2.6 m/seo. The plate Is 2 m long and 1 m wide. Estimate the thermal boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge of the plate end total drag force experienced by the plate. At 25°C, the density of air is 1.2 kg/m and kinematic viscosity is 16 x 10° més. Prandtl number for air is 0.69. Solution: Air at 25°C: Temperature = 25°C; Velocity = 2.5 m/s; Length = 2m; Width = 1m Density: p= 1.2kgim’ v= 15x 10° ms; P.=069 VL __25x2 Reynold number = — = ————_ = 333,333.33 vm v 15x10% So flow laminar as Re <5 x 108 Boundary layer thickness: Now Now shear stress Total drag force: 01732 m = (0.69)"8 = 0.88 = 2.01782 _ o.9196m = 1.980m = 0.01725 N MADE EASY Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 64 [EE] A commercial aeroplane is modelled as a flat plate which is 1.5 m wide and 8 m long in size. It is maintained at 20°C. The aeroplane is flying at a speed of 800 km/hr in air at 0° and 60 om of Hig pressure. Calculate the heat loss from wing if the flow is made to flow parallel to the width of wing. The properties of air at avg. temp. 10°C. k = 2.511 x 10-2 Wim-K, v = 14.16 x 10°° ms, Pr= 0.708. Solution: Given date: T,=20°C; Ty20C Speed of aeroplane = 800 km/hr = 222.22 mis fi 20+0 Length, L=8m, Width,x=1.5m Average temperature, T= 2° = 10%c Properties at 10°C. k=2.511 x 102 WimK, v= 14.16 x 10% més, Pr=0.705 Vx _ 222.22x1.5 Reynold: = WEE PER DOXAS joynolds number, Re = = Fae as, Re > 5x 108 flow is turbulent = 23.54 x 108 Sx toi = VE 22222K5 Vv 14.16 x10% x = 31.86mm<< Q=2nA(T,- T,) = 2x 423.55 x Bx 1.5 (20-0) = 203.525 kW Qos SAY Water enters a very long tube having an inner diameter of 0.01 m with velocity and temperature, respectively, at 0.01 m/s and 30°C. If a constant and uniform heat flux is imposed on the tube, estimate its value when the average difference between the inner tube surface temperature and bulk mean temperature of water Is 10°C. ‘Take p = 990 kg/m®; v = 0.65 x 10-° mis, c= 4178 Jikg-K, k= 0.62 Wim-K, Pr= 4.3 Solution: Given: Inner diameter, o, = 0.01 m, Water velocity, V= 0.01 ms, f, = 30°C For water, 990 kg/m®, v = 0.65 x 10- m*/s, c= 4178 Jikg-K, k= 0.62 Wim-K, Pr = 4.3 Itis given that the average temperature difference between the tube surface and bulk mean temperature of water is 10°C. So, by heat balance. Heat flux = A(t, t) Now, we need to check whether flow is laminar or turbulent to calculate Nusselt number. V-d, _ 0.01x0.01 Baber 7 188846 < 2000 v x Re = 62 | Mechani | Engineering Postal Book Package Pua MABE a So, for laminar flow and constant heat flux, Nu = 4.36 ha, = at = 486 4,380.62 A > he py = 270.82 Wink Heat flux = A(t,~ f.) = 270.82 x 10 = 270.3.2 Wim? FEEq Atmospheric air flows inside a heated thin-walled 25 mm diameter tube with a velocity of 0.5 m/s. Heating can be done either by condensing steam on the outer surface of the tube, thus maintaining a uniform surface temperature, or by electric resistance heating, thus maintaining a uniform surface heat flux. Caloulate the heat transfer coefficient for both of these heating conditions. Assume air properties of 350 K given as: v= 20.76 x 10° m/s and k = 0.03 WimK and the flow as hydronamically and thermally developed. Solutior Givendata: d=25mm; V=05 mis Vd _ 05x0,025 Reynolds number, TTD T6x105" Thus, the flow is laminar. In the hydrodynamically and thermally developed flow for (a) Constant wall temperature, the heat transfer coefficient (by condensing steam), pene a) n= 3.66 S=3.66x 2 - 4; 68-5 = 8.66% 9 oe = 4.59 Win? Ki (b) Constant heat flux (by electric resistance heating) 008 Kk 2 364 F= 4864x7524 Win? K [EER Water flows at a velocity of 12 m/s in a straight tube of 60 mm diameter. The tube surface temperature is maintained at 70°C and the flowing water is heated from the inlet temperature of 15°C to an outlet temperature of 45°C. Taking the physical properties of water at the mean bulk temperature of 30°C as. p = 995.7 kg/m, c, = 4.174 kiJkgk, k = 61.718 x 10 Wim, v = 0.805 x 10° ms and Pr = 6.42, calculate, (a) the heat transfer coefficient from the tube surface to the water, (b) the heat transferred and (C) the length of the tube. Solution Givendata: = V=12m/s; d=60mm; Ty: 0° Vd __12%0.06 ¥ 0.805 x10°° Since Re,,> 2300, the flow is turbulent. Using the Dittus-Bolter equation Reynolds numbers, Re, = = 0,894 x 108 023(Reg) (Pr) MABE Ense Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 63 hx0.08 oei7i8 Ri = 26892.32 wim? = 0,028 (884000) (5.42) = 0.028 x 57685.95 x 1.966 = 52608.54 Heat transferred, Q = rep Ta —T) = prd?VeplT, —T)) = 905.7 x Fx (0.06) «12% 4.174 «10° «(45 — 15) = 4250355 W Now, Q= Find (Ty -T) 4290955 = 26832.92 x n x 0.06 x L{(70-30) L=2091m Hot oil is to be cooled in 4 multi-pass shell and tube heat exchanger by water. The oil flows through the shell with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 35 Wm®K and the water flows through the tube with an average velocity of 8 m/s. The tube is made of brass k= 110 Wimk with internal and external diameters of 1.3 cm and 1.5 cm respectively. Determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of this heat exchanger based on the inner surface. Properties of water at 25°C : k = 0.607 W/mK, v = 0.894 x 10°° mis, Pr=6.14 Given Nu = 0.023 Re® Pro, Solution: i y= 35 Wik. ol k= 110. Wink Water out -—— a= 113 om ‘To get convection heat transfer coefficient on water side i.e. ha? Nu = 0.23 RPS PPA a8 wee oova( Ye) xP ht 13 1 re ot => ear“ 00 = o029( 9x75) x (6.14) > hs 11,425.7 Wim? = h, (based on inner radius) Overall heat transfer coefficient based on inner diameter: U,= 40.31 Wim?K 64 | Mechanical Engineering maADE Ensy Practice Ques: ir at 20°C and a pressure of | bar is flowing over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. If the plate is 280 mm wide and at 56°C, estimate the following quantities at x = 280 mm, given that the properties of air at the bulk mean temperature of 38°C are: p = 1.174 kg/m®, k = 0.02782 WimK, ¢, = 1.005 kU/kgK, and v = 16.768 x 10° ms: (i) boundary layer thickness (i) local friction coefficient (il) average triction coetticient iv) siwaring sitess dus to friction (v)_ thickness of thermal boundary layer (vi) local convective heat transfer coefficient (ull) average convective heat transfer coefficient (vill) rate of heat transfer by convection (ix) total drag force on the plate, and (x) local mass flow rate through the boundary Solution: Given: U_=3 mis; x = 280 mm = 0.28 m; p= 1.1974 kg/m k = 0.02732 WimK; cet 005 kJ/kgK; v= 16.768 x 10° m/s 05x 16.768x 10° x1.1974x 10° =07 0.02732 7 ‘We are to confirm first whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. At = 0.28 m, 3x0.28 i = 5x10" 46.768x 10° Since Re, <6 x 10%, the flow is larninar throughout. (i) Boundary layer thickness, 5x 0.28 _ 0.00626 m=6.26 mm v5x10* (ii) Local friction coefficient, 0.664]__ 0.664 Joe = = 0.002969 vRe,| Yexi0* (lil) Average friction coefficient, fg, = 1523] 1.228 o 008008 ex108 (lv) Shearing stress due to friction : 2 ity = Cy Ea = 0.005938 te = 003039 Nim? (¥)__ Thickness of thermal boundary layer fj, __8 ]_ 0.00626 Bn = pera |= ogi ~ Acovesm=7.05nm (vi) Local convective heat heat transfer coefficient, 0.02732 0.28 (6x 108)" (0.7! In, = 0.332 (Ro,)"2 (PH| -0.332% = 6.43 Wim? K MADE Ensy Heat Transfer Conventional Practice Sets | 65 (vii) Average convective heat transfer coefficient - Kk 0.02732 = 0.664 @e,)"2 (Pry3] =. 0.664 7 (Rez)? (Pry!*|= 0.664 xT x(Sxt04y"2 (a7) = 12,86 Wim? K (vill) Rate of heat transfer, [Q=h- A(T, —T.)] = 12.86 x 0.28 x0.28 x (56 - 20) = 36.29 W (ix) Total drag force on the plate, Fip= Ty X A= 0.03039 x 0.28 x 0.28 = 0.00238 N (%) Total mass flow through the boundary, In=2pu, (6-8) apa 1874x3x (0.00626 -0) = 0.01335 kgs [E53] Air at 20°C flows past a 800 mm long plate at a velocity of 45 m/s. If the surface of the plate is maintained at 300°C, determine (a) the heat transferred from the entire plate length to air taking Into consideration both laminar and turbulent portions of the boundary layer, (b) the percentage error ifthe boundary layer is assumed to be turbulent from the leading edge of the plate. Assume unit width of the plate, Take the properties of air at 160°C as: k = 0.03638 WimK, v= 30.08 x 108 mis, Pr = 0.682. Solution: Givendata: = L=0.8m; — u=45mis; 45x08 08x 10° 45x, Re, = §x10° = 8% %e _ 30.0810 x,= 0.8342m Laminar boundary tayer region: 00°C; T_=20°C 1.197% 10° > 5 x 10° 5 Ke, 95 (proses 0.03638 = 0.664 = lh = 0.664- xt ie,)?° (Pr 0.664% a x (6 x 108)" (0.682) 51.11 x 0.88 = 45 Wim?k S Qaen = 45 x (0.3342 x 1) x (800-20) = 4210.92 W ‘Turbulent boundary layer region: 036 [(Re,)°* -(Re,)* ] Pros = 0,036—2.93638 _ (x 10808 oss 0.086 FS 3500 [(1.197%10%) - 6x 108)? ] (0.682 Fi = 2.474 x 10° (72857.68 -36238.98) = 90.6 Wim? Quo, = 90.6 x (0.8 -0.3342) x 280 = 11816.41 W «. Total heat transfer, = Qn + Qi, = 4210 + 11816.41 = 16026.41 W lf the boundary layer is turbulent from the leading edge itself, F = 0.036 rege pss =0.036 2:03638 nal (1.197 10°)?* (0.682)°9 JOS Wim? (Qoradarp, = 105 x 0.8 x 1 x 280 = 29520 W = 23,52 KW Percentage error = 23:52—16.026 Teo 100 46.76% 66 | Mechanical Engineering eee 2021) MADE Ens [EQ] 4 refrigerated truck carrying foodstuff Is speeding on a highway at 90 km/h in a desert area where the. ambient air temperature is 55°C. The body of the truck may be modelled as a rectangular box measuring 11 mlong, 4 m wide and 3 m high. Consider the boundary layer on the four walls to be turbulent and ‘the heat transfer only from the four surfaces. The wall surfaces of the truck are maintained at 10°C. Assume the flow to be parallel to 11 m long side. The thermo-physical properties at the mean-film temperature of 32.5°C are: p = 1.165 kg/m®, C, = 1.005 ku/kgK, K = 2.673 x 107 W/mK, v= 6x iG mis and Pr = 0.701 Workout the following: () Sketch the system and show the boundary layer development along length (ii) Heat loss from the four surfaces (iti) Tonnage of refrigeration needed (iv) Power required to overcome the resistance acting on four surfaces Solution: 0) U, = 90 km/h = 25 mis Tey = 55°C any Tog = 100; an [ UL _ 25x14 Wm Re = — = 17.19 x 108 By F6x10 7 Now as boundary layer is turbulent Nu = 0.036 (Re)? (Pr)233 = 0.036 (17.19 x 105)98(0.701)°33 raat = AL Ke 19640.263 he eee 260 9 67ax 107 = 47.78 WimeK (ii) Heat loss from four surfaces of truck Q = hAAt 7.78 x ((2 x 4x 11) + (2x 3 x 11) x (65 = 10) = 331.175 KW (il) Tonnage of refrigeration required 831.118 ~ 94,604 ton 35 (iv) Skin friction coe! 0.072 i 0.072 = 287 x 10 (7.1910) Dragforee = Gx(Jov? area = o.oaesr (Jt 165x205") xa 4419) 144.09N Power required

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