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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. differentiate the climate and weather;
b. enumerate the factors that affects the weather and climate; and
c. explain the effects of it.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Factors that Affects Weather and Climate

b. References: Science and Health 6 pg. 222-224

c. Materials: video clip, projector, laptop, speaker, activity sheets,

printed pictures, marker and cartolina

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activity

Okay class, stand up. Hillary, please Okay classmates, are you ready to pray.
lead the prayer. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name. Thy kingdom
come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.

Good morning students! Please take Good morning teacher.
your seats.

Checking of Attendance
Students, who is absent today? No No one is absent today, teacher.
one is absent today that’s good!

B. Review
Before we proceed to our new lesson, Our topic yesterday is about
let us first have a recap. What is our _____________________.
lesson yesterday? What is it about?

C. Motivation
Let us first have a game. This game is

Here are the mechanics: The students will do the game quietly.
 I’ll group you into two groups,
the Team Mario and Team
Princess Peach.
 I’ll give each group an envelope,
inside you can see your task and
 You have five minutes to fix the
 First group to finish will receive
their mushroom chips.

D. Engagement
Today, we will be discussing the The students will get the envelop and
factors affecting our weather and bring out the materials.
climate. But I have a question, what is
the difference between the weather
and climate? Please read tasks
number 2 inside your envelop.

Team Mario: The students will read their tasks for the
Using a Venn diagram show the activity.
differences and similarities of
weather and climate.

Team Princess Peach:

Using a table list down the
differences of weather and climate.

The mechanics are: The students will do the activity.

 You will do the task given to you.
 You have another five minutes to
finish the task.
Later you will explain your work
in front of the class.

E. Exploration
Can I have your representative to The students from Team Mario will
discuss your work in front? For Team explain the differences and similarities of
Mario? weather and climate using the Venn

Okay, very good! How about Team Team Princess Peach will show the list of
Princess Peach? the differences of the weather and


Weather is the condition of the

atmosphere at a particular place over
a short period of time. Climate refers
to the weather pattern, using
statistical data, of a place over long
period of time.

Let’s get back to our topic.

F. Explanation
There are different factors that affect The students will listen attentively to the
the weather and climate of a place. discussion.
What are these factors? Oh! Look,
there is my friend Mario. I think he’s

Hi, Mario, are you lost?

Mario: Yes, I am lost. I’m looking for
my friend Princess Peach.

I think I can help you find your friend

but I have something to do.
Mario: What’s that? Maybe I can help

We are discussing about the factors

affecting the weather and climate but
I don’t know what those are those
factors. Can you help us out?
Mario: Oh! I know about that. I can
help you with that matter.

Really? Thank you Mario!

Mario: You’re welcome. So let’s

Here are some of the factors that

affect the weather and climate of a
Latitude tells how far north or south
of the equator a place located.
Altitude is how high or low a place
in from sea level.
Land Mass tells the size of land

Mario, what’s that? Is that a question?

Mario: Yes, and we need to answer it
to continue our journey.

Okay, let’s see what it is about!

What is the temperature of a place if

it is nears the equator? If it is far? Can The students will answer the questions
someone answer it? asked by the teacher.

Very good!

Let’s continue finding your friend.

Mario: Okay.

Bodies of water or a size of water

neat or around the place.
Wind System shows the pattern of
wind movement over a place
Amount of Rainfall means the
frequency and amount of rainfall of a

Look Mario, another question. Let’s

read it students!

How does the body of water affect the

weather and climate? The students will answer the questions
asked by the teacher.
Thank you for helping.

All of these factors are interrelated in

regulating and maintaining the
climatic and weather condition of a

G. Elaboration
It is the last set of blocks. Let us see
what’s inside.

Here are the questions:

a. What are that factors that affect The students will answer the questions
weather and climate in our country asked by the teacher.
same with other country?
b. What do you call to region of the
earth that has a coldest climate?
Hottest climate? And temperate

Very good everyone! Finally, Mario

meets her friend Princess Peach!
Mario: Thank you Teacher for
helping me find my friend.

You’re welcome Mario.

Say thank you to Mario everyone.
See you next time.

H. Evaluation
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the factors affecting our climate and weather?
Give brief explanation for each factors. (10 points)
2. What is the differences between climate and weather? (5 points)

IV. Assignment
Read more about the other factors affecting weather and climate.

Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
College of Teacher Education

Factors that Affects the

Weather and Climate

Prepared by:
Dareen Cueto

January 31, 2019

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