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Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of degree of



Submitted By,
Reg. No: DT20GMBAD05

Under the guidance of

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies




2020 – 2022

I, ASWANTH VALSAN A, hereby declare that this work entitled “A REPORT ON ORGANIZATIONAL
work done by me under the guidance and supervision of Dr. NISA JAMES, Assistant professor, Department
of Management Studies, Dr. Janaki Ammal Campus, Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala. Further, I declare
that this report or any part thereof has not been submitted to any University for the award of any Degree or


Date: 05/05/2022 DT20GMBAD05




This is to certify that the project report entitled ‘A REPORT ON ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY AT
bonafide record of the work done by Mr. ASWANTH VALSAN A, under our guidance in partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration of Kannur University
and this work has not been submitted by him for the award of any other degree, diploma or title of
recognition earlier.


Associate Professor and HOD Assistant Professor

Department of Management Studies Department of Management Studies

Kannur University Kannur University


First of all I thank the lord almighty for his immense grace and blessings showered on meet every stages of
this work. I am greatly indebted to our Head of the Department Dr. U FAISAL, Department of Management
Studies, Palayad, Thalassery for providing the opportunity to take up this Organization Study as part of my

I express my sincere thanks to Dr. NISA JAMES (Internship guide), Department of management studies,
Kannur University, Palayad, for their valuable suggestions during this Internship period.

I am extremely thankful to “STENCIL TECH ENGINEERING PVT LTD” to complete the project within
their premises.
I am highly thankful to Mr. ABHI MANGADAN the HR Manager of STENCIL TECH ENGINEERING
PVT LTD, for providing the opportunities to do the project.










3.1 Production Capacity 14

3.2 Melting point of different Materials 29

3.3 Shrinkage Value of Plastic 29


3.4 Tolerance Calculation Procedure 30

3.5 Non Conformance Report Model 51



Plant Layout 15

3.2 Organization Structure 18

3.3 Finance Department Structure 20

3.4 Marketing Department Structure 21

3.5 Marketing Department Process 22

3.6 Recruitment Process 23

3.7 HR Department Structure 24

Production Department
3.8 25

3.9 Production Process 26

3.10 Trial Run Process 27

Process Data Sheet in Plast
3.11 31
Masters Unit

Structure of Engineering
3.12 32

Job Process in Engineering

3.13 33

Tool Room Workspace

3.14 34

VMC Department Workspace

3.15 37

3.16 Process of CAM Department 38

3.17 Process of Design Department 40

Machines used in EDM

3.18 41

3.19 5S Internal Check Sheet 43

Quality Control Normal

3.20 44

Quality Control Normal

3.21 44

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of

3.22 45

Characteristics of Maturity
3.23 47

3.24 Purchase Department Process 50


The organizational study was conducted at Stencil Tech Engineering Private Limited, Bommasandra,
Bangalore. Had got opportunity to meet the employees of various departments for the considerable time
duration which helped me to gain insight about the type of work they do and study the role and functions of
each department in the organization. The report is an endeavor to cover the overall organizational structure,
department, procedures and functions of the organization and also cover the industry profile and company
profile with their objectives that the company have. The method for analyze the company SWOT analysis is
used. This learning experience is described in detail in the various sections of this report. The report gives
some basic details about the company. The history and present status of the company is explained. The
organization structure and the details of its management along with its location are also discussed. The report
discusses about the working of the company and the important departments of the company. Overall
observations and recommendations are discussed at the end of the report





An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controls its own performance,
and which has a boundary separating it from its environment. Organization is the association formed by a group
of people who see that there are benefits available from working together towards some common goal.
Organization studies are the study of individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting as well as the
nature of organizations themselves. Whenever people interact in organizations, many actors come in to play.
Organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors. Organizational study is essential to any
MBA graduate as it helps them to connect theory with practice .Organization study refers to the study of
organization as a whole and getting adequate knowledge with various departments within the organization.

Organization is a harmonious adjustment of specialized parts for the accomplishment of some common purpose
or purposes. Organization study deals with critical evaluation & analysis of all the aspects of a particular firm
Organizational study is "the examination of how individuals construct organizational structures, processes, and
practices and how these, in turn, shape social relations and create institutions that ultimately influences people.”

An Organization study involves the study of the structure and the functioning of its various departments.

The study was carried out at Stencil Tech Engineering Private Limited, one of the leading manufacturers of
injection mouldings in Bangalore. The company is located at Bommasandra in Bangalore and it was established
in the year 2015, the main aim of this organizational study is to gain the first hand practical knowledge from the
company and to become familiar with the various departments of the company.


Organization study provides an opportunity to the management trainees to have practical knowledge about the
organizational activities in company by conducting study. This organization study at Stencil Tech Engineering
Private Limited exposes to the practical side of the business enterprise. This study helps to understand the
history, structure, activity and the products of the Stencil Tech Engineering and its contribution to the Indian
Injection moulding industry. This study exposes to various departments namely production department, sales
department, finance department, personal department and quality department. The study will give a wide range
of knowledge about the organizational structure, functions of various department and officials.


• To get an idea about the overall working of Stencil Tech Engineering

• To get an idea about the production process of Stencil Tech Engineering

• To get a practical experience and compare it with theoretical knowledge acquired.

• To identify the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis) of the company.

• To identify the problems faced by the company.

• To study the structure and functioning of the various departments at Stencil Tech Engineering


This study was a descriptive study conducted mainly to familiarize with the activities, procedure etc. followed
by the firm. Methodology is a way and design of conducting the study. An important aspect of methodology is
data collection. The study involved the collection of data through primary and secondary data within the period
of one month.

1.4.1 Primary Data

It refers to the data first collected from primary source.

They are collected by

• Interviewing managers, supervisors, and workers.

• Direct observation of manufacturing process and other functioning of the organization.

• Discussion and interactions with supervisors and departmental heads.

1.4.2 Secondary Data

It refers to the data that are not originally collected but rather obtained from published or unpublished sources. It

• Company Records

• Company website

• Company Brochures

• Internet

• Journals


This report is mainly divided into five chapters and each of them deals with the following

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction chapter gives an idea about the organization where the study has conducted, the scope of the study,
objective of the study and limitation of the study.

Chapter 2: Profile of the Industry

The chapter gives overall view about the injection moulding industries and its growth from time to time.

Chapter 3: Profile of the Organization

The third chapter deals with the company profile includes the profile of Stencil Tech Engineering and the
department profile of the company and this chapter also studies the different departments such as production,
sales , human resource, finance etc.

Chapter 4: SWOT Analysis and Conclusion

In this chapter SWOT analysis is performed in order to identify the strengths, weakness opportunities, and
threats of Stencil Tech Engineering, Bangalore.This chapter shows the findings and conclusion about the
organizational study conducted at Stencil Tech Engineering.


The study is subject to following limitations;

• Time span available for conducting the study was very short, which did not permit a detailed study
about the organization.

• Lack of prior experience is one of the limitations.

• There have been difficulties in obtaining data from executives and managers due to their busy work






The use of polymer products is increasing day by day. It should be because the polymer products used are low
cost & the product is affordable to any citizen. Automobile industries and the electronic industries are
depending on plastic injection moulding industry now a day.

The technologies are upgraded and the injection moulding industries also grown up. Now the finishing quality
of the polymer products increased due to the innovation happened in this industry.

Today the industry has ability to quickly produce thousands of complex parts makes it an excellent process for
mass production of plastic components. Basically, this process involves injecting plastic into a mould at high
speed and pressure, which holds it tight under pressure and forms the final part.

By injecting thermoplastic into an injection mold at high speed and pressure, manufacturers can create multiple
complex parts at once. When the process parameters are properly controlled, there is no need to complete and
process the manufactured part.

Although it is one of the oldest manufacturing processes around, its speed and cost-effectiveness continue to
make it a popular choice among manufacturers around the world. Today's injection molding machines are fast,
accurate and consistently produce high quality components.


The history of plastic injection molding began with the acquisition of a patent for a celluloid formulation
process intended to replace the ivory used in Billiard balls. In 1872, John W. Hyatt and his brother Isaiah
patented the first injection molding machine, which used a simple plunger mechanism to push celluloid into a
mold through a heated cylinder.

Developments in combat technology, including aircraft, naval ships, tanks, and other types of weapons, used
large quantities of raw materials during World War II. The post-war industrial boom experienced by many
developed Western countries coincided with the rising demand for affordable materials that could be used to
mass-produce parts. The war disrupted global shipping lanes and the need to extract large amounts of natural
resources to build tanks, ships and other wartime products, which led to a shortage of rubber and metal around
the world.

Thermoplastics has introduced affordable options that can fill the market gaps created by the scarcity of this
material. Injection molding enables manufacturers to manufacture large quantities of parts quickly and
efficiently. As markets and distribution networks around the world turned to plastic, injection molding emerged
as the mainstay and fixture of modern manufacturing companies.

In 1946, James Watson Hendry's extrusion screw injection machine revolutionized the modern plastic injection
molding field. The rotating screw of the machine gave the operator better control over the manufacturing
process and made significant improvements in the quality of the injection-molded parts. Hendry also began the
process of gas-assisted injection molding, which made it possible to make long and complex hollow parts.

In the last half of the twentieth century, plastic materials became more advanced and competitive, offering
comparable strength to some metals, but significantly reduced in weight. Plastic production overtook steel
production in terms of market share by the 1970s, and the introduction of lightweight aluminum molds in the
1990s as a quick and cost-effective replacement for steel tooling in some cases.


Indians have been using plastics since the beginning of the twentieth century (say 1920s). They initially used
bake lite in telephone houses, electrical fuses and switches. Later, with the invention of modern plastics and
processing technologies, people started several molding units in the 1960s and 70s and increased their use in
between 1970-1980.

Biodegradable plastics have been developing recently and after that we can see another increase in the use of
plastics globally. Manufactures a wide variety of plastic raw materials to withstand the material. The needs of
different sectors of the economy. These polymeric materials. It is broadly classified into commodity,
engineering and specialty plastics. Commodity plastics are mainly plastics and interior products turn to the
petrochemical industry. Commodity plastics are Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), Polystyrene. And during engineering specialty plastics are plastics that exhibit excellent mechanical and
thermal properties in a wide range of conditions above the most commonly used commodity plastics and used
for special purpose

The plastics industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. It expanded to% 8% CAGR over the last
five years to reach .5 8.5 MnTPA (million tons per annum) in FY13 from ~ 6 MnTPA on FY08. Polyethylene
(PE) is the most widely used plastic raw material in the Indian industry. Its demand for this specialty has grown
by 8% over the last 5 years, reaching FY13 at 3.6 MnTPA. Polypropylene (PP) is the second largest consumer
increasing from 1.8 MnTPA inches. 2% growth rate in FY13 from FY08 to 2.1 MnTPA.

To manufacture the finished products, different types of polymers are processed techniques for extrusion,
injection moulding, blow molding and roto moulding. Extrusion process is the most commonly used process in
India at 60% total consumption of plastic processing industries below. Injection moulding other popular
processes account for 25% of consumption. Is blow moulding 5% is used, while roto moulding processes 1%
and the rest of the plastic other processes


Great possibilities are considered in the manufacture of machinery in Karnataka. Plastic mould and polymer
industry has long been a leading industry in Karnataka. This is because, according to study, the highest
consumption of polymer and plastic products is in the western region of India. Karnataka is being in the south
west region of India, so it is easy to build a good supply chain system in between.

The innovation has led to a lot of growth in the polymer and mould industries in Karnataka. Now the application
of polymer products has increased in Aerospace, Automobile, Electrical, Electronics and even everyday use

Karnataka is one of the leading global players in aerospace research and development. Extensive experience and
inherent skills in aerospace makes Karnataka the manufacturer of a quarter of India's aircraft spacecraft.
Injection moulding industry supports the aerospace manufacture in Karnataka.

In terms of production, the total industrial volume in India is Rs3,600 crore in terms of value, Bangalore alone
produces 60% of India's machinery. It is estimated at Rs2,160 crore. India's first integrated machine tool
Industry Park (IMTIP) is being set up in Karnataka near Bangalore. The Government of India has sanctioned
100 percent FDI in the machine tools industry. And injection mould industry is a small part of this machine tool






Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, one of the leading manufacturers of plastic injection mould products in
Karnataka, a private limited company incorporated on 9th November 2020. The key personality who set up the
company was Mr. Tony Augustin. The first plant was located at Bommasandra industrial area. The company has
been manufacturing quality plastic injection mould products and polymer products as per customer requirements
with high quality materials.

It started manufacturing at a small factory in the year 2015, in the company name “Stencil Engineering”; the
factory was located at the same location, as present. The company got expertise in the plastic mould
manufacturing industry during these periods.

The company has shown consignment growth during the five years of manufacturing and registered as a private
limited company in the year of 2020 and started the different units as Feraux Engineering, Stencil Associates
Pvt. Ltd and also started a production unit named as Plast Masters Moulding Pvt. Ltd. So the company has
capability to make moulds as per customer requirements and produce polymer products using their own
customized moulds. As per this system, customer can meet their requirements under an umbrella.

3.1.1 Company Details

Name of the company : Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Address : Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

No 232, Bommasandra, Jigani Link Road

Industrial Area, Jigani Hobli, Anekal

Taluk, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560105

Contact : 9916066680

Email :

Website :

3.1.2 Growth of the Company

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd; has been started manufacturing of plastic moulds in the year 2015 with a
small factory. The members of the stencil group has over 40 years of experience in the same industry. They
imported required equipment’s and machineries from overseas. And also started the manufacturing of hot runner
moulds which reduces the wastage during the production.

In the year of 2019 they started 2nd unit in the unit name “Stencil Associates”. During a short period of time they
explore a huge customer base with the help of market research.

In the year of 2020 they started another 3 units in the name “Feraux Engineering Unit 1”, “Feraux Engineering
Unit 2” and “Plast Masters Moulding”. Plast Masters was the only unit of the company for the production of
polymer products other all units are focused on mould making. In these 5 year period company expand their
business in 5 units

3.1.3 Units of the Company

Stencil Tech Pvt. Ltd, is one of the leading plastic injection moulding company in south India, under the
leadership of Mr. Tony Augustin as Managing Director.

The company have 5 units in Bommasandra industrial area of Karnataka state.

• The main unit in the name “Stencil Engineering” was established in the year 2015 at Bommasandra
industrial area (Bangalore)

• The second unit in the name “Stencil Associate” was established in the year 2019 at KSSIDC industrial
estate Jigani (Bangalore)

• The third unit in the name “Feraux Engineering unit 1” was established in the year 2020 at
Bommasandra industrial area (Bangalore)

• The fourth unit in the name “Feraux Engineering Unit 2” was established in the year 2020 at
Bommasandra industrial area (Bangalore)

• The fifth unit in the name “Plast Masters Moulding” was established in the year 2020 at Bommasandra
industrial area (Bangalore), and it is the only unit for polymer production with their own moulds

3.1.4 Management

The management of the Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, is vested in a body consisting of a managing
director, five directors. This body is responsible for the efficient management and the present directory of the
company affairs towards the accomplishment of its objectives Members

Managing Director : Mr. Tony Augustin

Directors : Mr. Abhilash

Mr. Vinu Paul

Mr. Prince Noble

Mr. Vineesh Raghavan Kodambattil

Ms. Jincy Thomas Head of the Departments

Marketing Manager : Mr. Tony Augustin

Personnel Manager : Mr. Abhilash

Finance Manager : Mr. Vinu Paul

Production Manager : Mr. Sooraj Kashiapan

R & D Manager : Mr. Kamal

HOD of Design Dept. : Mr. Prince Noble

Purchase Manager : Mr. Vijay Kumar

Plant Operations Managers : Mr. Aneesh & Mr. Azar

3.1.5 Vision of Stencil Tech Engineering

We strive to deliver a clinical performance beyond the customer expectations. Our team work towards this
vision by strictly adhering to a fool proof process management system and by embracing latest technology.

With a trained dedicated team we pledge to venture into the production of quality mould bases and spare
components for the global market. At FerAux Engineering, we take pride in building a long term relation
through process innovation with a timely focus on the current dynamic phase where the industry is developing
with continuous innovation. Our team vows to progress along by adapting to new business trends and strategies.

3.1.6 Objectives of Stencil Tech Engineering

• Quality in products

• Cost reduction

• Customized solutions

• Latest technologies

• To produce the hot runner moulds which reduces the wastages

• Quality inspection during the each stage of production

• To collect feedbacks from customers to know the satisfaction level

3.1.7 Highlights of Stencil Tech Engineering

• Human Resources: 158

• Minimum amount of wastages

• Machine cleaning according to cleaning schedule board

• Working according to work schedule board

• Follows Five S Practice

• Production Capacity:

Table 3.1 Production Capacity

Average Production
Si. No Product Name Capacity/ Year
1 Injection Moulds (Hot Runners) 300
2 Injection Moulds (Cold Runners) 350
3 Feeder Caps 1848360
4 MCB ISO Case Cover 1823040
5 MCB KNOB 172800
6 ARC Grill Quencher 2592000
7 Coil Bobbin 2073600
8 Din Clip 1944000
9 Trip Bar 2073600
10 Joining Bush 2073600
11 Feeder Cap Family 172800
12 Hub Bell 2570400
13 Pin Holder 2592000

• Prepares load chart for each machines

3.1.8 Plant Location

The plant of Stencil Tech Engineering is located in Bommasandra industrial area. Bommasandra industrial area
is one of the urban industrial area in Bangalore city. This plant is situated at a distance of 6km from
Bommasandra towards Jigani link road.

3.1.9 Plant Layout

The layout of Stencil is well organized in a good manner. The plant has two floors. Operations related
departments are arranged on the ground floor and rest of the departments are on the first floor as well. The
security office is next to the company front gate. The reception is in the first starting corner of the factory
building. The washroom is situated on the back right side of the factory building

Figure 3.1: Plant Layout


Stencil Tech Engineering is one of the leading manufacturers of plastic injection moulds in Karnataka. The
company has been started the manufacturing of the injection moulds since 2015. And they started production of
polymer products at another unit in Karnataka itself. The company manufactures temperature controller, which
controls the temperature of hot runner moulds since 2020

3.2.1 Types of Injection Moulds

The company manufactures mainly two types of injection moulds they are

• Hot Runner System Moulds

• Cold Runner System Moulds Hot Runner System Moulds

It is the mould in which an assembly of heated component used in plastic injection mould in to the cavities of
the mould. The advantages of these moulds are as follows;

• Short cycle time

• Reduces wastage of materials

• Good finishing on outputs

• Easy to start

• Balanced melt flow Cold Runner System Moulds

It is the mould in which molten thermoplastic is first inject in to the mould form a nozzle via a sprue and it leads
to mould cavity, cold runner system subsequently cools the sprue and inject out the parts. The advantages of
these moulds are as follows;

• Cost effective

• Lower maintenance cost

• More flexible than hot runners

• Allows for fast design changes

3.2.2 Temperature Controller

The company manufactures temperature controllers for the temperature control of the hot runner moulds which
the manufactures. It helps to produce most consistent and finished parts using the moulds

3.2.3 Types of Polymer products Produced in Stencil Tech Engineering

• Feeder Caps

• MCB ISO Case Cover


• ARC Grill Quencher

• Coil Bobbin

• Din Clip

• Trip Bar

• Joining Bush
• Feeder Cap Family

• Hub Bell

• Pin Holder


Organization structure is a systematic hierarchy of people which shows the functional role in each level of
management to achieve the company objectives and goals. Well-structured organization will be able to grow to
higher position in future

The structure of the organization is an established model of the relationship between the various parts of the
enterprise. Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, has a functional organization structure. This structure involves the
involvement of a specialist in various positions throughout the organization, with only limited command
authority for an individual to hold a functional position. This functional authority exists for the operational
guidance in various departments.

Figure 3.2 Organization Structure


Stencil Tech Engineering has different departments governing different activities of the organization. Each
department has its own department heads. He has ultimate control of the department. The company has 5 main
departments, important departments of Stencil Tech Engineering are as follows;

• Finance Department

• Sales / Marketing Department

• Human Resource / Personnel Department

• Production Department

• Engineering Department

3.4.1 Finance Department

The Department of Finance is the unit of business responsible for obtaining and managing any funds for the
organization. In addition to running an efficient business without minimal interruptions, the department controls
revenue and expenditure. In addition to the traditional roles of managing salaries, income and expenses, the
finance department is also responsible for financial analysis to improve key business strategies.

The importance of finance should not be overemphasized. Without proper financial governance means that a
business cannot grow to its full potential expansion. Money is the universal lubricant that keeps enterprises in
motion. Develops products, employee’s men and machines, and promotes management make progress and
create values.

The chief financial officer who is the financial manager, He is primarily responsible for conducting financial
and economic activities. In this full control of the enterprise economy rests with this department. All activities
accounts are maintained by the accounts department. This department is headed by head of accounts
department. Currently the accounting system of Stencil Tech Engineering is computerized. Sources of Finance in Stencil Tech Engineering

• Advance paid for booking by customers

• Capital

• Bank Loans Accounting Procedures in Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, follows fully computerized accounting system. All day to day transaction are
directly entered in to the accounting software.

The company has been follows the computerized accounting system from the beginning of the company. The
company uses Talley ERP software for the accounting process

The entire transaction of the company is done through the bank account. The accountant’s checks the invoice
received from the suppliers and it will updates on the company’s accounting system. GST filing are done by the
same department

Yearly auditing has taken place in the company, which is done by outside auditors. The company will gave the
consolidate statement for the year to them and using that statement they will be audit. Department Structure of Finance Department

Finance Department of Stencil Tech Engineering is controlled by the finance manager, and the accounts
department are managed by the head of accounts department. The accounts assistants are making the entries of
the day to day transaction under control of the head of the department




Head of


Figure 3.3 Finance Department Structure

3.4.2 Sales / Marketing Department

A market is a group of consumers who are interested in a particular product they can spend money or transfer
other resources to meet their needs. Marketing affects almost every aspect of our daily lives.

Marketing is a social process that individuals and groups achieve demand and desire by creating, offering and
freely delivering products and services valuable with others. Marketing is often referred to as the art of selling
products. But the most important part of marketing is not sales, the goal of marketing is to know and
understands the customer well and adapts the product or service to him and sells itself.

It is clear that marketing is a process of creating, distributing, promoting and pricing goods and services and
Ideas for facilitating in the exchange satisfaction in a dynamic environment. It is the process of delivering the
right product of the right quality in the right place at the right time in the right amount

Stencil Tech Engineering has a marketing team which is controlled by the marketing manager. This team has
the duty to collect customer database from the available resources. The company mainly grab the customer
database from the online resources, and then approach to them for meet the deal. Department Structure of Sales / Marketing Department

Marketing department of Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd is controlled by the marketing manager of the
company and the department consist of the 4 member team for functioning the marketing operations


Managing Director/
Marketing Manager

Marketing Team

Figure 3.4 Marketing Department Structure

21 Process of Sales / Marketing Department
Marketing process of Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, is as follows;

Approach to
Analyse •Send Soft
Competitors Copies of
Product detail

Figure 3.5 Marketing Department Process

3.4.3 Human Resource / Personnel Department

Human resources are the term used to describe the individuals involved in the workforce of an organization.
One of the functions of the HR Department is to recruit and guide staffs. It strategically manages the culture and
work environment of a company. This department makes employees the most valuable asset of the company.
Therefore, it sets and oversees the various activities for the development of human capital and capabilities of a

The human resource department of the company deals with employee motivation and well-being, compensation,
benefits, recruitment, organizational development, security, employee relationships, and training. In simple
terms, the human resource management of an organization is a strategy to maximize returns from the firm's
investment in human capital and reduces financial risk. HR Policy of Stencil Tech Engineering

• Each employee should understand his / her role

• Each employee should follow organizational ethics

• Workplace and public harassment is strictly prohibited

• Every employee should attend the orientation section conducted by the company before joining the job

• Candidate who has received an offer letter from the company should join before the end of the notice

• A policy of appointing people with due respect to factors such as sex, material and status.

• Policy on training and development.

• Policy on industrial relations, grievance procedures, etc. Personnel Department Practice in Stencil Tech Engineering

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding
employees. HR is responsible for facilitating the overall goals of the organization through effective management
of human capital. Recruitment is the first step in building the human capital of an organization. The goals are to
find and recruit the best candidates at the highest level, on time and on budget.

Stencil Tech Engineering has a system for recruiting people. The manager of each department will notify the
manager of the personal department about the requirement of the staff in their department. The HR Manager
will review the requirement and begin the process.

Hiring Manager Send Offer Letter

Notification • If Selected
In Personal Interview
• Google Form

Appointment Letter
• At the time of
HR Manger Review Telephonic Interview

Post Ads in Social

Recieve Application

Figure 3.6 Recruitment Process

23 Wages and Salary Administration Policy of Stencil

• Wages and salaries are paid primarily in accordance with the Payment of Wages Act.

• Compensation leave is granted to employees who work overtime duty during heavy workloads.

• Salary is being paid on the 5th day of the month for Staff Department Structure of Human Resource Department

Personnel department has a structure from the top level of the company and this department has the power to
manage every human resource in the company. The structure is given below;


Managing Director

HR Manager

Security Staffs Assistants

Figure 3.7 HR Department Structure

3.4.4 Production Department

The production department is responsible for converting raw materials and other inputs into finished goods or
services. Between production processes, the department works to improve the efficiency of the production or
assembly line, thereby achieving the production targets set by the company management and delivering the
finished products to customers with the best value and quality. The main focus of the production department is

efficiency. To this end, the throughput is maximized as the function of the barrier within the facility is closely
monitored and supported.

Stencil Tech Engineering has one production unit named Plast Masters Moulding. In this unit they manufactures
polymer products using the injection moulds that produced in the engineering departments of the company the
average production Capacity of this unit is about 4984050 units per year. In this unit company focuses on the
quality of the products, so the company uses good quality raw materials for the production Department Structure of Production Department

An effective organizational structure is important for the production department to save costs and increase labor
efficiency. Here is a detailed Production Department Organizational structure that clearly shows the entire
structure of the production process. This department is headed by the production manager. The production
process is organized by the production in charge. Production in charge will provide direction to the supervisors,
and they will coordinate the employees. Structure of the production department is as follows;




Production in

Supervisor 1 Quality
Center Supervisor 2

Workers Workers Workers

Figure 3.8 Production Department Structure Production Process

At the Plast Masters unit, company mainly manufactures the polymer products. The polymer manufacturing
process is very interesting because it involves the bonding or joining of small molecules called monomers. The
most commonly used polymer type is thermoplastic, a synthetic polymer that can be melted and reused. In the
thermoplastic manufacturing process, much consideration is given to what properties are desired from the
resulting products. The properties includes flammability, flexibility, melting points, impact resistance and
chemical resistance. After polymerization, the next critical stage in the polymer manufacturing is forming and
molding. There are different types of molding techniques used by polymer manufacturing companies, depending
on the nature of the items being produced. They include rotational molding, injection molding, blow molding,
and compression molding.

At Plast Masters unit injection moulding is mainly using. Injection molding is commonly used in the
manufacture of car parts, bumpers, medical devices, surgical instruments, plastic bottle caps, and electrical

Part Inspection
Purchase Order •Short fill
•Silver Streeks
•Burn Mark

Work Order
Process Setting &
Mould Setting

Mold & Material from


Material Pre Heating Mould Loading

Figure 3.9 Production Process

26 Trial Run Process

Recive Trial
Request from Feedbacks &
Trial (T0) Samples to
Engineering Customers

Mould & Mould Setting &

Materials Process Setting

Pre Heating
•If required Mould Loading

Figure 3.10 Trial Run Process Raw Materials used in Production Department

• Nylon 6

• Nylon 66

• Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

• Polycarbonates (PC)

• Polypropylene (PP)

• GPPS (General Purpose Polystyrene) Machines used in Production Department

• Milacron (80 Ton)

• Milacron (110 Ton)

• Milacron (150 Ton)

• Bole Machine (250 Ton) Step Involved in Moulding Process

• Clamping.

• Injection.

• Cooling.

• Ejection.


Before injecting the mould with the material, both parts of the mould must be sealed. They are closed with a
clamping unit. Both parts can be attached to the injection molding machine and slide in half. The clamping unit
pushes the halves together so that the material is injected and the two parts are held tight when the material is


The plastic pellets are fed into the injection moulding machine using a hopper. These pellets move into the
mould through the injection unit. The heat and pressure around the barrel allow the pellets to melt. 95% -99% of
the time of this injection or when it is full of mould. It is difficult to accurately calculate the injection time
because the flow of plastic is always changing and dynamic. Injection time can be calculated by other factors
such as injection pressure, power, and shot volume. Injection pressure can range from 35-140 MPa. The
hydraulic system of the machine determines and controls the injection rate and the reach pressure.


The cooling process involves the plastic inside the mold, which begins to cool after contact with the interior
mold. As the plastic cools, it takes on the desired shape as it hardens. The part may shrink slightly when cooled.
Mold can be opened only after the cooling period. The cooling time is calculated from the wall thickness of the
part and the thermodynamic properties of the plastic.


The final step is the ejection from the machine. This is done using an ejection system. When the mold is opened,
the part will be pushed out because the part will shrink and stick to the mold so force must be used. After
expulsion the mold can be closed again and another shot can be injected to restart the process.

28 Melting Flow Index

Melt Flow Index (MFI) is a measure of the ease of melting of a thermoplastic polymer. It is defined as the
weight of a polymer per gram flowing through a dye of a given diameter and length within 10 minutes using a
pressure at which a certain weight is applied at a given temperature. Unit - g / 10 min

The melting point of different materials will be different. Similarly, shrinking value of different polymer
materials will be different. It is shown in the table below Melting point of different Materials

Table 3.2 Melting point of different Materials Shrinkage Value of Plastic Materials

Table 3.3 Shrinkage Value of Plastic Materials


HDP 1.50 4.00
LDP 2.00 4.00
PP 0.40\0.30 0.40\0.30 Quality Procedures in Production Department

A quality procedure is a standard operating procedure (SOP) used as a reference for routine operations. The
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help

employees perform normal tasks. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality production and uniformity of
performance while minimizing miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.

Some quality procedures in Plast Masters Units are;

• Part Name

• Customer Name

• Batch Reference (Batch Ref#)

• Batch Size

• Date

• Report# (Date)

• Page (_ of _ )

• Document Number (Doc#)

Table 3.4 Tolerance Calculation Procedure

Specification Min Max Instrument
0.7 mm − 0.1 ₊0.1 VC
12.2 mm − 0.05 ₊0.05 VC
25.5 mm − 0.02 ₊0.02 VC
Flashes Not Allowed Visual
Short Fills Not Allowed Visual
Colour Uniform Visual

Process Data Sheet Procedure

A process datasheet is a summary performance of a device or system and other technical features associated
with an item of process data required to begin a detailed design. The equipment required to initiate disciplinary
specific engineering in mechanical, structural, piping, control systems, and electrical components is described in
the basic process Datasheet, which includes the overall size, number, approximate geometry, identification of
connection materials, and construction materials range of operating conditions.
Figure 3.11 Process Data Sheet in Plast Masters Unit

3.4.5 Engineering Department

The engineering department is responsible for the design, drawing, and coding specification of the required
material and quantity and quality of components purchased from vendors.

Stencil Tech engineering also focuses quality control reports to the engineering department so that quality issues
can be resolved without compromising product performance. Mainly in this department they are manufacturing
injection mould bases. Mold base is a comprehensive name used for the parts that make up the cavity for plastic
injection mold, and also has the role of installing mold directly into the plastic injection molding machine. Structure of Engineering Department

The company has 4 units for manufacturing the mould base. They are Stencil Engineering, Stencil Associates,
Feraux Unit 1 and Feraux Unit 2. All units are under control of the management & each plant are managed by
the plant managers. Under this department the company has sub departments based on the manufacturing of
mould bases. It includes VMC department, Design department, Research & Development Department, Tool
Room department, Quality Control Department, Computer Aided Manufacturing department, Purchase
department. Each department has head of the department for coordinate the employees. The 80 percent of the
employees of the company are working in this department. Most of the sub-divisions of this department work 6
days a week, 24 hours a day. 90 percent of the workload is for this department. Most of the sub departments of
this department are working for 24 hours for 6 days in a week.




Stencil Stencil
Engineering Associates Feraux Unit 1 Feraux Unit 2

Plant Manager Plant Manager

Plant Manager Plant Manager

Tool Room Quality Center VMC Tool Room


Quality Center Tool Room Design VMC

Department Department

Design Purchase Purchase

Department Department Quality Center Department

Purchase VMC CAM

Department Department R&D
Department Department


Figure 3.12 Structure of Engineering Department

32 Complete Job process in Engineering Units

Request from
Customer To
Time line Manufacturing
Marketing/ Sales

Quotation Tool Room Assembly + QA

3D Design, BOM &

Negotiation Trial (T0)
2D Design

Revised Quotation DFM Approval First Inspection Report Packing & Dispatching

Design For Feedback from

Purchase Order Customer
T1, T2, T3 (If Required)

Figure 3.13 Job Process in Engineering Units Tool Room Department

In a factory, the tool room refers to the place where artifacts are made and repaired, especially tools used in the
rest of the factory, jigs for equipment, and other parts to assist workers in construction as an extension.

The tool room should not be like the afterthought of plastic injection molding. The working environment often
refers to the final plastic parts. There is a big difference between welding a chamber and operating it compared
to restoring it to its original dimensional correct specifications using quality technologies and equipment.

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd has tool room in 3 units. Tool rooms are available at Stencil Engineering,
Stencil Associates & Feraux Unit 2.

33 Conventional machines used in Tool Room Department

• YN-800:

Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine

• Dormac

Milling Machine

• Huron

Heavy duty milling machine

• Johnford T

Drilling Machine

• M1 TR

Drilling and Milling Machine

• Hermann Kolb

• Okumoto

Radial drilling machine, Boring, Drilling and Tapping

Oil Used in these machines: Y68 motul

Coolant used in these machines: 3610 TP

Figure 3.14 Tool Room Workspace Environments

34 Material Handling Equipment’s used in Tool Room

• Lifting Crain

• Stackers

• Push-back racks

• Shelving Parts in a Mould

2 Plate Mould:

• Locating Ring

• Insulation Sheet

• Top Plate

• Manifold Plate

• Cavity Plate

• Core Plate

• Spacers (LH, RH)

• Ejector Plate

• Ejector Back Plate

• Bottom Plate

Stack Mould:

• Locating Ring

• Insulation Ring (Only for Hot Runners)

• Top Plate

• Manifold Plate

• Cavity Plate

• Stripper Plate (Stripper Ejection)

• Core Holder

• Bottom Plate Vertical Machining Center

Vertical machining relies on rotary cutters to remove metal from a work piece. Vertical machining takes place at
a vertical machining center (VMC), which is used on a spindle with vertical orientation. Using a vertically
oriented spindle, the tools hang straight down from the tool holder, often cutting the top of a work piece.

All VMC machines used at all units of Stencil Tech Engineering are computer numeric machines Machines used in VMC Department

• Hurco - VM20i

• Hurco - VM10i

• BFW – Chandra DNC

• BFW – Agni +

• Takumi – V10

• LMW machine

• Chevalier QP2855

• Miltronics VM22

Air compressors are used for smooth running of these machines

Figure 3.15 VMC Department Workspace Environments Job procedure in VMC Department

The job will receive to VMC department after roughing and grinding of the material. The quality inspection will
take place in between each stage. After that VMC loading will start. Then the CMM inspection will take place
after that dispatched to the unit from where the material received. The department is working for 24 hours with
8hours shift. Most of the machines used in this department are imported. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software and computer-controlled

machinery to automate a manufacturing process. Software that tells a machine how to create
toolpaths and build a product. Machines that can turn raw materials into a finished product.
Makes post processing toolpaths a language that machines can understand.

The main job for CAM department is planning and Programming in

• Toolings

• Extrusions

Four employees are working in this department

• One Senior Programmer

• Three Junior Programmers Software used in CAM Department

External Software

• NX software - 1926 version

Internal Software

• Solid Edge CAM pro Process of CAM Department

The department is working at Feraux unit 1. CAM department currently doing internal and external jobs. The
department provides the service to outside companies. The main process of CAM department is as follows

Cross Checking
3D model From (Comparing 3D Documentation
Customer with 2D) (Job Recieve)

Data Sharing Programming
(Job Compleation)

Feedbacks &

Figure 3.16 Process of CAM Department

38 Design Department

Injection molding is a high-precision manufacturing process in which the molten plastic is injected into a
carefully designed mold, where the plastic is cooled and hardened to a specific location or product. The molding
of mold and its various components (called tooling) represents a very technical and often complex process that
requires high precision and scientific knowledge to manufacture high quality parts with the required dimensions.
These are mainly designed by the design department.

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd, follows the Computer Aided Designing (CAD). The company have design
department at Stencil Engineering unit and Feraux Engineering unit 1. Software’s used in Design Department

For 2D Designs

• Auto CAD

For 3D Designs


• Solid Works Process of Design Department

The correct grade of steel should be selected so that the components working together do not deteriorate
prematurely. Steel hardness must be determined to maintain the correct balance between wear and hardness.
Waterlines should be well installed to maximize cooling and reduce warping. Tooling engineers need to
calculate gate / runner sizing specifications for proper filling and short cycle time, and determine the best shut-
off methods for tooling durability throughout the program's life.

Preliminary 2D and 3D design models were developed to determine mold sides and steel size. Once these are
checked and approved, the detailed design will be finalized. The tool builder is provided with the tool design
specifications for mold production. Final adjustments and refinements are made in-house, with special attention
to construction and critical dimensions. Completes detailed tool drawings and reviews and inspects construction
standards. Monitors the progress of the tool builder and conducts on-site meetings. The finished mold is
thoroughly checked against a checklist.

Electrode Extraction &
3D Model From
Wirecut Drawing Encraving

Bill Of Materials 2D Detailing Trial (T0)

Cross Checking (with

Colour Coding Modifications
BOM and 3D Model)

Pre Milling Inspection

Pre Milling Sketch

Figure 3.17 Process of Design Department Electrode Discharge Machine Department (EDM)

EDM is similar to processes such as laser cutting. It does not require mechanical force to remove excess
material. This is why many consider it a non-traditional manufacturing process. This process facilitates shaping
and tooling for a variety of industries. Finishing jobs are mainly done by this department.

EDM department is located at Stencil engineering unit and Stencil Associate unit. Machines used in EDM Department

• Oscar Max S325 CNC

• Spark Onix ZNC 50 A

• Mirrordick A40

• ARD Shape Well AF 300 (wire cutting machine)

Figure 3.18 Machines used in EDM Department Quality Center

Quality control involves inspecting the units and determining whether they are within the specifications of the
final product. The purpose of the inspection is to determine any requirements for corrective action in the
construction process. Good quality control enables companies to meet customer needs for the best products.

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd practices the quality control system in all units. The company has Five S
practice in the factory Five S Practice

5S is a system for organizing spaces so that work can be performed efficiently, effectively and safely. This
system focuses on keeping everything indoors and keeping the workplace clean, which makes it easier for
people to do their jobs without wasting time or getting injured.

The term 5S comes from five Japanese words:

• Seiri

• Seiton
• Seiso

• Seiketsu

• Shitsuke

In English, these words are often translated to:

• Sort

• Set in Order

• Shine

• Standardize

• Sustain


Focuses on deleting unwanted items from workplace sort equipment, furniture and tools and materials used for
product and job activities in following 3 categories

• Necessary

• Unnecessary

• May not necessary

Set in Order:

Based on the "set" finds efficient and effective storage of required items. Apply “Can See, Can Take out and
Can Return" philosophy

It saves time and the energy to search something


Clean one's workplace daily so that there is no dust on the floors, machinery or equipment. It will create
ownership and build pride in the workers


Maintain an atmosphere in which S1 to S3 are implemented uniformly throughout the organization Provide
opportunities for employees to actively participate in the development of these standards.


Maintain S1-S4 through discipline, commitment, and empowerment. It focuses on defining a new mindset and
standard in the workplace

Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd has a four member team for Five S practice. The team is controlled by the
head of quality center

Figure 3.19 5S Internal Check Sheet Quality Control Process

Quality inspection is done at every process stage of the company; it is the production system that makes it
attractive to customers. All manufactured products will be improvised and customized until customer

Normal quality process of Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd is as follows;

Raw Pre Surface

Material Milling Grinding

QC Assembly QC QC VMC/

Forwards to

Figure 3.20 Quality Control Normal Processes

Pre Rough
Raw Material QC QC VMC / QC

Turning /
QC Cylinder QC Hardening

Forwards to
EDM QC Assembly QC Production

Figure 3.21 Quality Control Normal Processes ISO Certification of Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd

Stencil Tech Engineering is ISO 9001-2015 certified company. It sets the standards for Quality Management
Systems (QMS). Any company, regardless of its size (large or small) or area of operation, can register under it.
It covers the requirements of a quality management system that includes documented information, planning, and
determination of process interventions, any responsibilities in terms of management, Resource management,

such as the human resource and the work environment of an organization and analyzes, measure, and improves
QMS through a variety of activities, including internal audits, correction, and prevention plans.

Figure 3.22 ISO 9001:2015 Certificate of Stencil Machineries used in Quality Center of Stencil

Rapid – I

Precision measuring system, perform accurate measurements using the Rapid-I system quickly and easily with
an intuitive graphical interface. The software comes standard with a bundle of geometric measuring instruments,
including distances, coordinates, concentrations, and line-by-line angles. These tools are widely used to measure
bore diameter, component dimensions, chamber diameter / angles, tool run-outs, concentration / offsets, etc. on
any type of component. This system is working at stencil engineering unit.

CMM – Co-Ordinate Measuring Machine

A coordinate measuring machine is a device that measures physical geometry objects by touching different
points on the surface of an object with a probe. CMM machine is working at Feraux Unit 1.

Types of Probe

 Star-Type Probe
 Desk-Type Probe
 Cylindrical-Type Probe

Software Used : Arco CAD

Probing Tool : Renishaw Probe

Head Mounting : Manual Indexing Head

Levels of Capability Maturity Model

 Level-One
 Level-Two
 Level-Three
 Level-Four
 Level-Five

Level 1 (Initial)

Unpredictably poorly controlled and reactive processes

Level 2 (Managed)

The process features for the project are often reative

Level 3 (Defined)

Process Charecterized for the organization and is proactive

Level 4 (Quantitativly Managed)

Process measured and controlled

Level 5 (Optimizing)

Focus on process improvement

Figure 3.23 Characteristics of Maturity Level Technical instruments used in Quality Center

• Vernier Caliper (digital viewer)

• Digital Height Gauge

• Surface Table

• Bore Gauge

• Slip Gauge

• Pin Gauge

• Radius Gauge

• Feeler Gauge

• Weigh Machine

• Depth Micrometer Quality Control Procedure in Engineering Departments

• Quality Assurance procedures

• Hourly Inspection

• Visual (Real View) Inspection

• Stage Inspection

• Work Order System:

Stencil Tech Engineering hides the customer details from employees. They follow work order
numbering system to each job.

For example: S22423

• S in this order number denotes Stencil

• 22 denotes year of the job

• 423 denotes the number sequence

• Qualification reports

• Incoming/ In process inspection sheets

• Heat treatment instruction sheet

• Process plan Sheet

• Mould trial checklist

• Mould dispatch checklist Research and Development Department

Research and development of technologies aimed at increasing the competitiveness of production concerns.
Broadly speaking, construction-related R & D involves improvements to existing methods, processes, or
completely new processes, machines, or systems.

R & D department is working at Feraux Unit 2. The daily works of this department are introducing products and
forwards to production department. Bill of Materials is prepared and forward to management. Standard elements
which are used for manufacturing are decide by this department. Sequence of manufacturing operations are
decided by R & D department and it will be keeps in confidential. Software used in R & D Department

• Creo Parametric Challengers faced by R & D Department

The main challenge facing this department is the variability in the various schemes. For example; sometimes the
blends in the product may not be acceptable to the customer, and sometimes the output may not be crystal clear,
which may not be acceptable to the customer. Purchase & Store Room Department

Purchasing is the process of acquiring goods and services to make supply chain management more efficient. The
goods, materials and equipment purchased in this process play an important role in improving the quality of the
products / services manufactured by the firm. Ultimately, the buying process affects the quality of the product
and helps to optimize the cost of the value chain.

Stencil Tech engineering has Purchase department in 3 units. At Stencil Engineering unit, Stencil Associate unit
& Feraux unit 2. All purchase departments are controlled by main unit purchase manager

49 Process of Purchase Department

Purchase Checking of
Find the Decide where to
Request from Price, Quality
Suppliers Order
Project Team etc.

Cross checking
Recive the Release the Purchase Order
with Purchase
Materials Purchase Order will be Given

Hand over to
Tool Room

Figure 3.24 Purchase Department Process

Software’s used in Purchase Department

• Microsoft Word

• Microsoft Excel Purchase Rejection Procedures in Stencil

Sometimes the purchase order will reject when miss matches happened during the cross checking of material
with purchase order. Reasons of rejections are

• Damages in delivered material

• Deliver item is completely wrong

• Missing of items

• Quality variations. Etc.

Then the purchase department will prepare a Non Conformance Report to the suppliers
Table 3.5 Non Conformance Report Model
Non Conformance Report
W.O NO./ Reject/ Autorized
SI. No. Date Project No. Description Root Cause Rework Cost Sign Signature Store Room

Purchased materials are stored at Store Room and it is managed by the store keeper under control of purchase
manager. Raw materials are stored in this department

Raw materials available at Store Room:

• Hot Die Steel (HDS)

• C45 Carbon Steel

• EN31 Alloy Steel

• EN353 Alloy Steel Bright Bar

• Orvar Supreme

• Beryllium Copper (Hot Tip Main Board)

Equipment’s Available at Store Room

• VMC Cutter

• R.08 Insert Cutter

• R.05 Insert Cutter (etc.)

• Normal Drill Bits

• Connectors (used to assigning female and male moulds)

• Tap Sets






A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats involved in an organization. It includes specifying and identifying the purpose of the business venture or
project. The pros and cons of achieving it are both internal and external factors


• Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd is one of the fastest growing plastic injection mould manufacturer in
Bangalore, Karnataka.

• The management system of Stencil Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd is certified with ISO 9001:2015.

• Stencil Tech Engineering follows the Five S practice.

• The workspace environment of the company is quite good.

• One of the high precision tool room based in Bangalore

• The company has customized solution for customers.

• The height of the chimney was increased to reduce the rate of pollution problems and uses good quality

• High quality products are manufacturing with the customers instructions

• Computerized machineries are used for Quality Inspections

• Stage wise quality inspections are done for ensure the quality


• Stencil can’t produce the mould which requires 4 axis, 5 axis, 7 axis CNC machineries for production

• Competitors can offer similar type of products quickly

• Workers have no uniforms at work place

• Depends on the private transportation services

• Marketing actives are not sufficient to meet up the sales

• Production capacity is lower than that of competitors

• Lack of field technology and the field of digital transformation


• Scope in aerospace industries

• Scope in foreign market operations

• Scope of Unprecedented and significant change in the industry.

• Take advantage of most successful product, because of job production system

• Implementations of emerging technologies like AI and office automation systems


• Increasing cost of working in developed markets due to environmental restrictions.

• Changes in regulations can impact to the company operations

• Abilities of competitors to make similar products

• Increasing on the price of input causes the price of the product

• Destructive price competition in market


 Stencil Tech Engineering is a quality oriented company and has ISO 9001:2015 certification
 The company follows Five S practice for visual control and lean production.
 The company implement job schedule board in each department for enhances employee visibility
and increases the productivity of employees
 The company has a computerized quality control system, it ensure the customer satisfaction on their
 The company follows job production method so that they can reduce the wastage of materials and
can meet the exact requirements of customers


Attempts have been made to study this organization in a variety of ways departments within the organization
and to secure practical knowledge of HR operations, economic activity, production process, marketing process,
quality control techniques involved in Stencils Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd. This study also focused on proper
SWOT analysis. From this study, it is came to knew that the injection molding industry has a wide scope in
other industries, including electronics industry, automobile industry and FMCG industry.

With the increase of polymer output and the expansion of application fields, higher and higher requirements are
put forward for plastic injection moulds, which promote the continuous development of plastic injection mould
industries. At present, plastic molds are developing in the direction of high efficiency, high precision and long
life, which has promoted the rapid development of plastic mold materials

But Injection molding has some complex process problems. The major process parameters which are analyzed
are clamping tonnage, cooling time, pressure drop and heat transfer rate. Different factors cause various defects
in the products like flash, shrinkage, weld line, warpage burn marks, short shot, and sink mark during the
manufacturing process. So this process is huge time consuming. But output will be most satisfied by customers

Books and Journals

Rosato, D. V., & Rosato, M. G. (2012). Injection molding handbook. Springer Science & Business

Agrawal, A. R., Pandelidis, I. O., & Pecht, M. (1987). Injection‐molding process control—A review.
Polymer Engineering & Science, 27(18), 1345-1357.

Piotter, V., Bauer, W., Benzler, T., & Emde, A. (2001). Injection molding of components for
microsystems. Microsystem Technologies, 7(3), 99-102

Vijayakumar, S. R., & Gajendran, S. (2014). Improvement of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in
injection moulding process industry. IOSR J Mech Civil Eng, 2(10), 47-60.


Wikipedia contributors. (2022, April 8). Injection molding machine. In Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:51, June 8, 2022, from

Stencil Tech Engineering(nd) Retrieved


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