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According to Brahic and Shanahan (2005) nanotechnology is a field of research

where it focuses on building things or doing things using materials and devices
atomic and molecular in size. Furthermore, this kind of technology is used in the
field of science, engineering, medicine, nutrition, and other aspects of our daily
living. In this reflection I will focus on the different advantages and benefits of

As it is stated, nanotechnology is used in the different fields and aspects of our

life. Thus, we can get some benefits from this brilliant idea of Richard Feyman
who expressed an interest on it long before the term “nanotechnology” was used.
First is the benefit of nanotech on the field of medicine, in the future treating
diseases will be easier because researchers are developing nanoparticles that can
deliver drugs straight to the affected cells. Thus, curing diseases will be faster and
there will be lesser risk because the medicine applied cannot affect other cells.
Next is the impact of it on food, where nanotechnology will improve the shelf-life
and lessen the wastage of food by using nanomaterials on killing bacteria that
attacks the food. In the future, nanotechnology can affect our way of life because
of the changes that it can give to production of energy like fuel, battery, solar
energy, and wind energy. Engineers are developing small fuel cells that can
replace batteries on cellular phones, laptops, and other gadgets to make it more
portable. Lastly, it also has a benefit on our daily life, like when there is a shortage
of water supply, you can use a bottle with a filtering system using nanofibers. In
result, you can use water with some dirt and use the bottle to clean it. There are
also clothes with nanofibers that can repel liquids, so your outfit won’t have dirt
on it. Also, it is easier to clean because dirt can’t grip tight on it.

There is handful of benefits that we can get from this work of great minds.
Moreover, it is not yet done because of the curious minds of the scientist behind
this kind of technology; they would not stop developing this invention that have a
lot of potential. However, we should not ignore the bad effects of this small
technology. Yes! Small, and it is the main reason that is why it can have
detriments on our health and environment. You cannot see it, but you will feel
the effects of Nano.

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