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Climb and Cruise Procedure:

Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring

Start the the Climb and Cruise Procedure after the Takeoff Procedure.
CAUTION: Maintain at least 15 knots above minimum maneuver speed when climbing through FL200 to prevent the EICAS caution message, “AIRSPEED LOW” from occurring.

During climb and cruise, verify the RNP as needed.

When passing through the Minimum Safe Altitude:
Announce: “MSA”.
Verify minimum safe altitude on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”.
WXR switch...................................................................................................................... Push
Verify WX+T (or WXR) is displayed on the ND.
Note: TERR can be selected anytime the terrain is a factor and/or can improve
situational awareness.
At 10,000' MSL (20,000’ MSL for aerodrome elevation above 5,000’) and climbing above:
Verify ten (twenty) thousand feet on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”.
PASS SIGNS panel ............................................................................................................Set
NO ELECTRONICS selector ................................................................................... AUTO
SEAT BELTS selector ............................................................................................. AUTO
Note: During the flight, above 10,000’ MSL (20,000’ MSL for aerodrome elevation
above 5,000’), the seat belts sign should be ON anytime turbulent air is present or
anticipated. The captain retains the final decision about the switch operation for this
LANDING light switches ................................................................................................... OFF
LOGO light switch ............................................................................................................. OFF
RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ................................................................................. OFF
TAXI light switch ............................................................................................................... OFF
When approaching and climbing above transition altitude:
Note: If climbing to a Flight Level close spaced to the Transition Altitude and the rate
of climb is high, announce it soon enough to complete the altimeter reference change
prior to starting the level off maneuver.
Verify the transition altitude is approaching and call: “SET STANDARD”.

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Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring
BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push
Verify STD shows as reference for the altimeter.

BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push Integrated standby flight display .........................................................................................Set
Verify STD shows as reference for the altimeter. BARO selector ........................................................................................................... Push
Verify STD shows as reference for the standby altimeter.
Announce: “STANDARD SET”.
If the FUEL IN CENTER message shows:
CENTER FUEL PUMP switches.........................................................................................ON
If the FUEL LOW CENTER message shows:
CENTER FUEL PUMP switches....................................................................................... OFF
After reaching cruise level:
Perform the Cruise Briefing, as needed.
Note: If the wind and temperature were manually entered during the CDU Before
Start Procedure and the cruise level flight time is greater than one hour:
Verify or modify the wind at next waypoint and then at waypoints where the wind
direction and/or speed changes by more than 30 degrees or 10 knots.
Verify or modify the temperature at next waypoint and then at waypoints where
the temperature changes by 5 degrees or more and at every new cruise level.

Procedure Notes: The procedure is design with this sequence because in the US (the state of manufacture of the airplane) the local altimeter setting is used until 18,000’ MSL. This
ensures the Takeoff Procedure can be completed, before the start of the Climb and Cruise Procedures. At places with lower Transition Altitudes (especially when below 10,000’
MSL), the sequence of actions should be handled accordingly.

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