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Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and

Research, Badnera



SESSION : 2022-23

Topic of Seminar : Cloud Cryptography

Guided by : Dr. A. S. Alvi

Submitted by : Gitesh S. Gayakwad

Roll Number : B-23

Seminar Report

Submitted by

Gitesh S. Gayakwad

Final Year B.E. (Information Technology)

Guided by

Dr. A.S. Alvi

Department of Information Technology,

Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Badnera.

This is to certify that the seminar report entitled

is a bonafide work and it is submitted to the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,


Gitesh S. Gayakwad

Final Year B.E. (Information Technology)

in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Information Technology, during the academic year 2022-2023
under my guidance.

Dr. A. S. Alvi Prof (Dr.) P. V. Ingole

Guide HOD
Information Technology Dept Information Technology Dept
PRMIT & R, Badnera. PRMIT & R, Badnera.

Department of Information Technology,

Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research, Badnera.

It is a matter of great pleasure by getting the opportunity of highlighting a
fraction of knowledge, we acquired by during my technical education through this
seminar.It is a pleasure to present seminar report on “Cloud Cryptography”. We
avail this opportunityto express our deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted
thanks to our guide Dr. A. S. Alvi of Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and
Research, Badnera for substantial guidance and cooperation in the seminar work. She has
provided allthe facilities whenever we needed and mostly for her gracious encouragement,
advice and guidance to make this project a success.
We also express our gratitude to Dr. P.V. Ingole Head of Information
Technology Department and Principal Dr. G. R. Bamnote of Prof. Ram Meghe
Institute of Technology And Research, Badnera for constant inspiration and
valuable advice.
We are equally thankful to all staff members of Prof. Ram Meghe Institute
of Technology And Research Badnera for their valuable suggestions.
Words fall short to express our deep sense of gratitude towards them all,
who have directly or indirectly helped in making this project.
Presented by

Gitesh S. Gayakwad

Cloud Cryptography is encryption that safeguards data stored within the cloud.
Several measures are being placed within cloud cryptography which adds a strong layer
of protection to secure data to avoid being breached, hacked or affected by malware.
Any data hosted by cloud providers are secured with encryption, permitting users to
access shared cloud services securely and conveniently. Cloud Cryptography secures
sensitive data without delaying the delivery of information.

Cryptography within the cloud employs coding techniques to secure

information which will be used or hold on within the cloud. It permits users to handily
and firmly access shared cloud services, as any information that's hosted by cloud
suppliers is protected with coding. Cryptography within the cloud protects sensitive
information while not delaying info exchange.

Cryptography within the cloud permits for securing essential information on

the far side your company IT atmosphere, wherever that information is not any longer
beneath your management. Cryptography knowledgeable Ralph sociologist Poore
explains that “information in motion and knowledge at rest square measure best
protected by cryptanalytic security measures. within the cloud, we have a tendency to
don’t have the posh of getting actual, physical management over the storage of
knowledge, that the solely manner we will make sure that the data is protected is for it
to be hold on cryptographically, with USA maintaining management of the
cryptanalytic key.”

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………..…page|1

2. LITRATURE REVIEW…………………………...…….page|3

3. CLOUD CRYPTOGRAPHY…………………………..….….page|4

2.1) What is Cloud Computing?

2.1.1) Types of Clouds
2.1.2) Cloud computing model
2.2) Data Security in the Cloud


3.1) Cryptography in cloud computing

3.2) Cryptographic algorithms used in cloud cryptography
3.3) What is Cloud Cryptography?
3.4) Types of Cloud Cryptography
3.5) How Does Cloud Cryptography Work?



6 CONCLUSION……………………………………….…page|16

7 FUTURE SCOPE…………………………………….…page|17

8 REFERENCES…………………………………………page|18

Cloud computing may be a framework for giving on-demand network access to
a pooled pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, software, and services) which will be quickly provisioned and free with
limited maintenance activity or service supplier involvement [2].

In cloud computing, resources area unit abstracted and virtualized from the cloud
provider's IT infrastructure and created accessible to the client. Cloud
infrastructure provides varied benefits to cloud consumers and different core
stakeholders. a number of these benefits area unit access to knowledge hold on
the cloud despite the location, pay-on-demand basis, flexibility and elasticity,
and economic edges by saving the corporate from shopping for hardware and
different IT infrastructure [4]. Despite of these edges, cloud computing has its
honest share of issues. the most concern within the cloud computing business is
security [3]. the primary and most obvious concern is privacy considerations [1].
That is if another party is housing all of your knowledge, however does one
recognize that it’s safe and secure? Since the net powers cloud computing,
knowledge migrated to the cloud can be assessed by anyone from anyplace once
security is broken. Hackers can visit any extent so as to compromise knowledge
[3].From selling your counselling to rivals and people on the dark net to
encrypting your storage and knowledge unless you pay them off, or they'll
merely delete something to harm your company and defend their actions
supported ideological views [1]This will have an enormous result on the
company's name, in addition as depleting the interest consumers have within the
company, leading to client loss [11].

Whatever the case, hackers area unit a heavy concern for your knowledge
managed on a cloud. as a result of your knowledge is command on somebody
else's computers, you will be at the mercy of whatever security measures they
support [1]. Organizations do not have abundant management over what happens
to their knowledge as everything on the cloud as well as security is managed by
the cloud supplier.

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[1] Cloud Cryptography provides for secure communication in the presence of

malicious third-parties—known as adversaries.
[2] Cloud Cryptography is the study of information hiding and verification. It
includes the protocols, algorithms and strategies to securely and consistently
prevent or delay unauthorized access to sensitive information and enable
verifiability of every component in a communication.
[3] Cloud cryptography keeps your critical data secure even beyond your
corporate IT environment.
[4] Cryptography brings the same level of security to cloud services by
protecting data stored with encryption.


• Cloud cryptography safeguards sensitive data without slowing down

information sharing.
• It provides the all the secure data stored in cloud.
• confidentiality (or privacy): Only an authorized recipient should be able to
extract the contents of the message from its encrypted form. Resulting from
steps to hide, stop, or delay free access to the encrypted information.
• integrity: The recipient should be able to determine if the message has been
• authentication: The recipient should be able to verify from the message, the
identity of the sender, the origin or the path it traveled (or combinations) so
as to validate claims from emitter or to validated the recipient expectations.
• non-repudiation: The remitter should not be able to deny sending the

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Bleikertz et al. [10] proposed the secret key principles, which are applied to
virtual machines on the basis of unique client-controlled CaaS architecture for
cloud computing. However, these researchers emphasized the use of physical
hardware security modules, and found that architecture segregates the
management and storage of the keys of cloud clients as well as all cryptographic
operations into a secure crypto-domain called DomC, which is tightly coupled
to the workloads of clients.

While, Sanyal and Iyer [11] investigated cloud security based on public key
values. They discussed a secure, and efficient algorithm based on the multi-key
encryption AES technique, a 128/192/256 bit cipher key used to encrypt and
decrypt data. Results confirmed, that AES increases security for the cloud
computing compared with RSA. But, AES can be used in virtual machines and
in public or private clouds.

Mao [12] noted an important problem for secure network virtualization: the
negligent usage of intelligence and distributed power by hypervisors. The
research discussed how hypervisors use information boxes to gain control.
Therefore, he proposed network virtualization using modern technology with
several useful applications, including secure multitenancy for cloud computing.
Cryptography significantly affects the management of the intelligence and
distributed power of hypervisors.

Rauber [9] studied cloud computing security, which the entire system requires
or else it collapses. Rauber in fact, argued that the main components of a cloud
should be secure and discussed whether cloud computing will revolutionize the
computing experience. The researcher also examined the functions of SaaS,
homomorphic encryption, and functional encryption and their strategies for
keeping information secure. These topics were discussed in depth together with
useful results.
While, on Facebook, content may be shared on other social
networks, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, through the Share. However, Zaheng
observed that using mobile cloud computing servers when browsing social
networks remains a significant security issue.

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Cloud computing is the drifting innovation that uses the system to give
administration to the client. Cloud go about as a product virtualized. Huge scale
and little scale business are spending the huge measure of cash to store and keep
up their data. Cloud computing give the support of the specialists by putting
away, calculation and keeping up the data requiring little to no effort. Cloud
computing permits the business client or individual client to utilize the
application through web without introducing in their framework. For instance:
Gmail, face book, YouTube, drop box. The client will pay the sum according to
the data use. The fundamental preferred position of cloud computing is ease,
expanded capacity and adaptability. The significant hazard in cloud computing
is security and protection (for example by putting the significant data on another
person's server in an obscure area).


Depending on the user or business need the different types of cloud is available.
There are four types of clouds available, [5]

• public,
• private,
• hybrid
• community cloud

Cloud Deployment Models

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Private Cloud: A private cloud can be accessed by a single group or a single

organization It is managed by a third party or organization.
The private cloud is highly secure and flexibility so the private cloud is often used by
larger organizations or the government sectors
Public Cloud: A public cloud can be accessed by any user with an internet connection
and want to pay as per their usage The files are hosted by a third party.
Example Amazon, window Azure Service Platform and sales force .
Community Cloud: A community cloud will be accessed by two or more organization
that has similar cloud requirements
Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid is the combination of two or more cloud (public , private , and
community )


• IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
• PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
• SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
or, Storage, Database, Information, Process, Application, Integration,
Security, Management, Testing-as-a-service

Service Cloud Model

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Depending on the want of the buyer on the thanks to use the gap and sources
associated with the cloud, the cloud provider issuer will provide the buyer greater
or much less manipulate over their cloud. For instance: if it'll be for commercial
enterprise use or non-public domestic use, the cloud want is also of assorted
types. There are 3 forms of cloud that provide software program as a Service
(SaaS), Infrastructure as a provider (IaaS), platform as a provider (PaaS).

1. Software as a provider: – SaaS, additionally called cloud software

services. SaaS is controlled with the help of employing a third-party. Saas
is used maximum generally utilized in commercial enterprise because of
the very fact does now now not require to the founded of the software at
once withinside the patron machine, the software is immediately run
through the net browser . Some common examples of Saas are
GoToMeeting, Google Apps.[6]

2. Infrastructure as a provider: IaaS provide many computer resources,

hardware, software and storage device on user demand. IaaS user can
access the service using the internet [6]. Some common examples for IaaS
are Amazon, 3 Tera, GoGrid.

3. Platform as a service: A PaaS system goes grade higher than the code as
a Service setup. A PaaS supplier offers subscriber’s access to the parts that
they need to develop and operate applications over the application [6]. A
number of examples for PaaS isJ2EE, Ruby, and LAMP.

3.2) Data Security in the Cloud:

The numerous edges that go along with cloud computing Have enticed several
organizations and governments agencies to move their sensitive information to
the cloud [4]. This avails associate degree opportunity for attackers to conjointly
exploit the vulnerabilities in cloud computing and breach the protection of the
cloud. Fuelled by totally different agendas, they'll hurt organizations through
information larceny, perform man- in-middle attacks, and compromise the
integrity of knowledge [7] Several cloud giants like Google, Amazon, and
Microsoft have adopted numerous measures to safeguard information hold on
their cloud platforms by their purchasers [4]. however information ought to be
protected against unauthorized access all told 3 information states (data at rest,
data in transition, and information being processed). Some organizations area
unit alerts to these security problems and encipher their sensitive information
before migrating it to the cloud. This provides another level of security from the
client’s facet for their information in transit.

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4.1) Cryptography in Cloud Computing:

Cryptography is a method of concealing information in order to hide it from

unauthorised users [3]. Transmitted data is obscured and rendered in a ciphertext
format that is unreadable and incomprehensible to an unauthorised user. A key
is utilized to transform cipher text to plain text. This key is kept confidential and
only authorised entities have access to it [7]. Encryption is one of the safest ways
to avoid MitM attacks because even if the transmitted data gets intercepted, the
attacker would be unable to decipher it. In cloud cryptography, there are two
major types of encryption algorithms. These are: symmetric and asymmetric
encryption algorithms [8].


There are two major types of encryption algorithms:

A) Symmetric algorithms (blowfish)

1) Data Encryption Standard (DES)
2) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
3) Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES)
4) Blowfish

B) Asymmetric algorithms
1) Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) Algorithm

C) Hashing algorithms (sha, sha-3, sha256)

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4.2) Cryptographic algorithms used in cloud cryptography.

A) Symmetric Encryption Algorithm (Secret Key Cryptography)

Symmetric Encryption Algorithm uses one key for both encryption and
decryption [8]. Symmetric key cryptography also is known as private key
cryptography, secret key cryptography, single-key, shared key cryptography
and eventually private-key encryption. In symmetric cryptography uses a
single secret key at both the side. The same key is used to encrypt the data at
the sender.

Symmetric key cryptography

Examples of this encryption algorithm a briefly discussed below.

1) Data Encryption Standard (DES)

DES is a standard for data encryption that uses a secret key for both encryption and
decryption. It adopts a 64-bit secret key, of which 56 bits are randomly generated and
the other 8 bits are used for error detection. It employs a data encryption algorithm
(DEA), a secret block cipher employing a 56-bit key operating on 64-bit blocks [3]. It
is the archetypal block cipher- an algorithm that takes a fixed-length string of plaintext
bits and transforms it into a ciphertext bit string of the same length. DES design allows
users to implement it in hardware and use it for single-user encryption, such as files
stored on a hard disk in encrypted form [9].

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Data Encryption Standard (DES)

2) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

It is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) specification for

encrypting electronic data. It also helps to encrypt digital information such as
telecommunications, financial, and government data. It is being used by US
government agencies to sensitive unclassified materials [3]. AES consists of
symmetric key algorithm: both encryption and decryption are performed using
the same key. It is an iterated block cipher that works by repeating the defined
steps multiple times. It has 128-bit block size, with key sizes of 128, 192, and
256 bits for AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256, respectively [8]. The design of
AES makes its use efficient in both software and hardware and also works at
multiple network layers.

Advanced Encryption Standard

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3) Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES)

There are several bugs in the DES algorithm and 3DES is intended to fix such
weaknesses without creating atotal new cryptosystem. DES requires a 56-bit key
so the key is not adequate to protect private data for consumers or organizations.
The algorithm of the 3DES uses a 3 key with the EDE function. 3DES increase
the key duration by3 times and the key size is 168 bit and 3 period 56 times the
algorithm. 3DES increases the key duration by 3 times.K1 is used for encrypting
documents, K2is used for decrypting documents and K3 is used for the decoding
of records again.

Triple Data Encryption Algorithm

4) Blowfish Algorithm

Blowfish is a type of symmetric algorithm designed to replace DES or IDEA

algorithms. It uses the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt data [12]. The
algorithm splits the data into a block length of 64 bits and produces a key ranging
from 32 bits to 448 bits. Due to its high speed and overall efficiency, blowfish is
used in password protection tools to e-commerce websites for securing
payments. It is a 16-round Feistel cipher working on 64-bit blocks. However,
unlike DES, its key size ranges from 32 bits to 448 bits [9].

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B) Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm (Public-Key Cryptography)

In Asymmetric key cryptography, two different key (i.e. public key, private key)
is used. The public key is one which is available to the sender to encrypt the
message and the private key is one which is available to the receiver for decrypt
the message. Any sender can use the public key to encrypt the message but only
receiver or authorized can use the public key to decrypt the message. The main
feature of this cryptography is only authorized user can only read the message
and no else. Example for Asymmetric key cryptography is RSA, ECC, ElGamal.
Asymmetric key cryptography [10].

Asymmetric Encryption

• Rivest Shamir Adleman

(RSA) Algorithm RSA is a public-key cryptosystem for Internet encryption and

authentication. RSA uses modular arithmetic and elementary number theories to
perform computations using two large prime numbers [8]. The RSA system is
widely used in a variety of products, platforms and industries. It is one of the de-
facto encryption standards. Companies such as Microsoft, Apple and Novell
build RSA algorithms into their operating systems [4]. RSA is the most popular
asymmetric algorithm. The computational complexity of factoring large integers
that are the product of two large prime numbers underlies the security of the RSA
algorithm [3]. Multiplying two prime numbers is easy, but RSA is based on the
complexity of calculating the original numbers from the product [9].

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C) Hashing algorithms (sha, sha-3, sha256)

Step 1: Generate the RSA modulus The first step starts with the collection and
estimation of two primary numbers, p and q and the element N, as indicated.

Step 2: Derived Number (e) Find a number e to be more than one and less than
(p-1) and (q-1) dependent number. The prime condition is that (p-1) and (q-1)
are not normal except 1

Step 3: Public key

The pair of numbers n and e listed type the public RSA key and are publicly

Step 4: Private Key

Personal key d from p, q and e is determined. It is the statistical association
between the numbers− ed = 1 mod (p-1) (q-1).

Encryption Formula: Find a transmitter transmitting the basic text message to

a individual with a public key (n, e). In the specified case, using the following
syntax to encrypt a plain text file. C = Pe mod n.

Decryption Formula: The method of decryption is rather straightforward and

integrates measurement modeling into a structured strategy. In view of the
private key d of recipient C, the outcome module is measured as − Plaintext =
Cd mod n.

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4.3) What is Cloud Cryptography?

[1] Cloud Cryptography is an encryption that protects data stored within the cloud.
In return, it allows those who have the cryptographic keys to access the server
with ease and safety.

[2] The whole idea behind this measure, is authentication.

[3] A technique to convert a plan text to a form, known as cipher text, that is
meaningless to any unkown third party.

[4] Most secure way of Data Communication, But-

• No meaning of the cipher text without decryption.

• No computation/manipulation an the cipher text
• Encrypt either all or nothing.

4.4) Types of Cloud Cryptography:


Data-in-transit is data that is moving between endpoints. A common form of data-in-

transit cloud encryption is one you can see when using an internet browser: the HTTPS
and HTTP protocols that secure the information channel you use when visitingdifferent
sites across “a secure socket layer,” which is a layer of encryption around thesecure
When data is sent between your endpoint and the endpoint for the website you are
visiting, the SSL within the HTTP or HTTPS encrypts your data and the website’s data
so that if your channel is hacked in the process, the cybercriminal would only see
encrypted data.


Data-at-rest is sensitive data you store in corporate IT structures such as servers, disks,
or cloud storage services. Encrypting data while it is stored allows you to enforce
access control by only giving decryption credentials to those employees with
authorization. Anyone else trying to access your data-at-rest will see encrypted
information rather than plaintext.

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4.5) How Does Cloud Cryptography Work?

Cloud cryptography is based on encryption, in which computers and algorithms are

utilized to scramble text into ciphertext. This ciphertext can then be converted into
plaintext through an encryption key, by decoding it with a series of bits. The
encryption of data can take place in one of the following ways:

a) Pre-encrypted data which is synced with the cloud-

There is software accessible to pre-encrypt it before information gets to the
cloud, making it impossible to read for anyone who tries to hack it.

b) End-to-end encryption-
Senders and receivers send messages, whereby they are the only ones who can
read them.

c) File encryption-
File encryption occurs when at rest, data is encrypted so that if an unauthorized
person tries to intercept a file, they will not be able to access the data it holds.

d) Full disk encryption-

When any files are saved on an external drive, they will be automatically
encrypted. This is the key method to secure hard drives on computers.

Cloud Data Encryption and Decryption Model

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5.1) Advantages of Cloud Cryptography:

1. The data remains private for the users. This reduces cybercrime from hackers.
2. Organization receive notifications immediately if an unauthorized person
tries to make modifications. The users who have cryptographic keys are
granted access.
3. The encryption prevents the data from being vulnerable when the data is
being brought over from one computer to another,
4. Cloud encryption permits organizations to be proactive in their defence
against data breaches and cyberattacks and have become a necessity in
today’s data-drivenworld.
5. Receivers of the data have the ability to identify if the data received is
corrupted, permitting an immediate response and solution to the attack.
6. Encryption is one of the safest methods to store and transfer the data as it
complies with the restrictions imposed by organizations such as FIPS,

5.2) Disadvantages of Cloud Cryptography:

1. Cloud cryptography only grants limited security to the data which is

already intransit.
2. It needs highly advanced systems to maintain encrypted data.
3. The systems must be scalable enough to upgrade which adds to the
4. Overprotective measures can create difficulties for organizations when

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There is various cryptographic algorithms used in cloud computing were discussed

and reviewed some of the cryptography algorithms used by some major players in
cloud computing. A new algorithm to encrypt data in transition from the cloud user to
the cloud provider’s platform was proposed and discussed. Paving forward, I will be
working more on balancing the security of the proposed algorithm with usability and
efficiency and testing its compatibility with the various cloud platforms.

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In future cloud computing can become more secure using cryptographic

algorithms. Cryptography is the art or science of keeping messages secure by
converting the data into non readable forms. But the existing cryptographic
algorithms are single level encryption algorithms. Cyber criminals can easily
cracked single level encryption. Hence we propose a system which uses
multilevel encryption and decryption to provide more security for Cloud Storage.

Cloud storage protection concerns are an ongoing study and experimental area.
Several issues, one of which is user data and software health, have been found.
Protection of various approaches and strategies is possible via cloud providers.
A framework for evaluation is introduced to tackle the problem of choosing a
cloud provider dependent on customer protection criteria. Cloud cryptography
will be a major issue in future because now a days everything like databases
software’s hardware’s runs using cloud since it takes less space time and less
cost to build and easy to manage.

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[1] Cyber Chief Magazine, Cybersecurity 2020 Top Trends Shaping

Management Priorities, Ed 8.
[2] Mell, P., Grance, T. (September 2011). The NIST Definition of Cloud
Computing. Retrieved from 145/final#pubsabstract-
[3] Stallings, William. Cryptography and Network Security (6th Edition).
Pearson, 2014
[4] Velte, T. A, Velte, T. J., Elsenpeter, R. Cloud Computing: A Practical
[5] Rong, C., Nguyen, Son T., and Jaatun, Martin Gilje. (2013). Past
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Electrical Engineering, 47-54.
[6] Yang, H., Tate, M.: A Descriptive Literature Review and Classification
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[7] J.N., Aws and Z.F. Mohamad. Use of Cryptography in Cloud
Computing. Conference Paper published in IEEE November 2013.
[8] Narang, Ashima and Deepali Gupta. Different Encryption Algorithms
in Cloud. April, 2018. ResearchGate.
[9] Prasad,P, A. Parul. Cryptography Based Security for Cloud Computing
[10] P. Kumar and V. K. Sharma, "Data security dependent on
steganography and cryptography strategies: An audit," International
Journal, vol. 4, no. 10, 2014.
[11] Information Security Management System for Microsoft Cloud
Infrastructure. Retrieved from
[12] Google Platform Encryption Whitepaper. Encryption at Rest in Google
Cloud Platform. Retrieved from

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