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Always Hit Pangya [Tournament/Vs/Family] for all PangYa Version 1) Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 00 89 88 ??

00 00 00 8B 15 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Also scan read-only memory box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Click at the address value to change the red array such as: 00You m00ust +10 in the calculation of the array Original : 00 89 88 D4 00 00 00 8B 15 Calculation : ?? ?? ?? 10 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Hacked : 00 89 88 E4 00 00 00 8B 15 4) You guys need to change the value as fast as you could to avoid from being detected by the Game Guard. The address is static. Evil Hack [Vs] 1) Do Club Hack till Step 3. 2) See the address in Search Result such as 00A3DF00 3) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. 4) At address put the Club Hack address such as 00A3DF00, Description : Evil Hack[Tour/Vs/Family], Type: Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes: 1 and Click at the "OK" button. 5) Change the value to FF The address is static. Power Shot Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Do Club Hack till Step 3. 2) See the address in Search Result such as 00A3DF00 3) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. Example:You must +4 in the calculation of the address 00A3DF00 ........+04 00A3DF04 4) At address put your calculated address such as 00A3DF04, Description : Power Shot Hack [Tour/Vs/Family], Type: Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes: 5 and Click at the "OK" button. 5) You need to use any of Power Shot Potion or from Power Meter and freeze it. This address is static. Tomahawk Double Explosion Animation Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 42 2E 73 at Value, Hex box

must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Change the value 42 2E 73 to 44 2E 73 This address is static. Cobra Explosion Animation Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 43 6F 62 72 61 5F 42 52 2E 73 65 71 00 00 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Change the value 43 6F 62 72 61 5F 42 52 2E 73 65 71 00 00 to 54 6F 6D 61 68 61 77 6B 5F 44 2E 73 65 71 This address is static. Santa In Ice Course [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 70 65 6E 67 75 69 6E 30 32 2E 70 65 74 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Change the value 70 65 6E 67 75 69 6E 30 32 2E 70 65 74 to 53 61 6E 74 61 2E 70 65 74 00 00 00 00 This address is static.

SeiGaku[R] Guide to make a Script :

1) Click at Memory View button, Press CTRL+A and fill in the blank of Auto assemble. 2) This is one of The ASM easiest format: [ENABLE] Put the address of the hack you found here: db Put the hacked array here [DISABLE] Put the address of the hack you found here: db Put the original array here 3) This is an example to be and the array is taken from Always Hit Pangya: [ENABLE] 004501E4: db 00 89 88 E4 00 00 00 8B 15 [DISABLE] 004501E4:

db 00 89 88 D4 00 00 00 8B 15 4) Click at Alt keyboard button > Click at F keyboard button > Click at i Keyboard button > Close the Auto assemble window and look at cheat table list. 5) You can change the description name of Auto assemble cheat to the hack its created for. 0m Wind [Tournament/Vs/Family] Method Update for the latest of All PangYa Version 1) When playing > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put given array at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Ignore every not red array and Change the red array value only to given to be replace. 4) Dont freeze the address and repeat step 3 for every match hole. Array to find(1) : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 80 3F 00 00 10 41 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? To be replace(1) : FF 00 FF FF FF 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 80 3F 00 00 10 41 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Array to find(2) : 80 3F 00 00 10 41 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? To be replace(2) : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 This address is static. 0m Wind [Tournament/Vs/Family] Old Method 1) Before match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 10 41 01 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Change the value 10 41 01 to 10 41 00 This address is static. Pang/Bonus Pang Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) When you in Ice Cannon map > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 08 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) When you in Blue Water map put 01 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating When you in Ice Cannon put 08 and when you in Blue Water put 01, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to the given value below and freeze it. 03 : Earn Wind Hill every end hole Pang/Bonus Pang[Clear Bonus] 07 : Earn Silvia Cannon every end hole Pang/Bonus Pang[Clear Bonus] 0D : Earn Deep Inferno every end hole Pang/Bonus Pang[Clear Bonus] This address is static.

Map Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) Do Pang/Bonus Pang Hack till step 3. 2) See the address in Search Result such as 0126E4A4 3) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. Example:You must +4 in the calculation of the address 0126E4A4 ........+04 0126E4A8 4) At address put your calculated address such as 0126E4A8, Description : Map Hack[Tournament/Family], Type: Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes: 2 and Click at the "OK" button. 5) The value was base on patch version and season client so you need to enter in each map and copy the value into notepad or else. 6) Change the value to the value base on your copied value for each map and the effect will happen on next hole. This address is static. Rank Hack [Tournament/Family] Old Method for Albatross 18, PangYa SEA and else. 1) After Select Server > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put your pang amount at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to decrease your pang amount and put your pang amount left at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you still got many address try keep repeating decrease your pang amount and put your pang amount left, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and see the address such as 0108D457 4) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. Example:You must -1 in the calculation of the address 0108D457 ........-01 0108D456 5) At address put your calculated address such as 0108D456, Description : Rank Hack[Tour/Family], Type : Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes : 1 and click at Ok button. 6) Put at address value to 32 and freeze it. This address is static. Rank Hack [Tournament/Family] Method Update for Other PangYa Version such as PangYa Korea, Pangya Euro and else. 1) Do the above Rank Hack till step 3. 2) See the address in Search Result such as 00F83078 3) Click at the Add Address Manually button.

Example:You must -4 in the calculation of the address 00F83078 ........-04 00F83074 4) At address put your calculated address such as 00F83074, Description : Rank Hack[Tour/Family], Type : Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes : 1 and click at OK button. 5) Put at address value to 32 and freeze it. This address is static. Spin Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] Old Method 1) When match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Right click at the address, go to change record and Click at Type. 4) Change the address Length to 11 and it will be such as 80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 40 and Click at Ok button. 5) Click at the address value to change the last red array such as: Example:80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 40 80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? E3 C0 : 7 Spin Up FE 42 : Soaring E8 C1 : Max Up Spin EC 40 : 7 Spin Down B4 C2 : Mad Front Spin F8 41 : Max Down Spin This address will be generated randomly after finish a match. Spin Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] Update for Curve Spin 1) When match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Click at the address value to change the red array only such as: For Power Spin Example:80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ??

Max Up Spin 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 C1 Max Down Spin 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 41 For Curve Spin Example:80 07 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 07 44 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 Max Right Spin 80 07 44 00 00 F0 C1 00 00 00 00 Max Left Spin 80 07 44 00 00 F0 41 00 00 00 00 This address will be generated randomly after finish a match. Club Stat Hack [Tournament/Family] include able to full spin, club yard longer, easy to hit pangya, and else 1) After Select Server > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 10 00 00 00 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 00 ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 3) Change the address value to 10 00 00 00 00 9A 00 9A 00 9A 00 9A 00 9A 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 1st red array for Power 2nd red array for Control 3rd red array for Accuracy 4th red array for Spin 5th red array for Curve This address will be generated randomly before select server and you have to redo if the address change. Skip Shot [Tournament/Family] 1) Before you make a shot > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 0 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) During your shot put 1 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating before you shot put 0 and during shot put 1, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to 0 and freeze it.

This address is static. Pangya Shot Animation [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) When Match start > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put D2 42 00 00 D2 42 at value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to use the first address and see the address such as 06BBF441 3) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. Example:You must +5 in the calculation of the address 06BBF441 ......+05 06BBF446 4) At address put your calculated address such as 06BBF446, Type : Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes : 1 and click at Ok button. 5) Change the value to 04 and freeze it. This address will be generated randomly after finish a match. Unlimited Item 1) When you in a shop or when you at insert item before start match > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put your item amount at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) If you got many address try to decrease your item amount and put your item amount left at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you still got many address try keep repeating decrease your item amount and put your item amount left, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change value to 99 and freeze it. This address will be generated randomly. Infinite Slot [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before match start, maximum your slot with item first. 2) When match start > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put your slot amount at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 3) If you got many address try to decrease your slot amount by use 1 item and put your slot amount left at value and click at Next Scan. 4) If you still got many address try keep repeating decrease slot and put your slot amount left, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 5) Change value to 99 and freeze it. This address will be generated randomly after finish a match. Special Shot [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Make a Tomahawk shot and during the shot > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 16 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button.

2) Make a Cobra shot and during the shot, put 32 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating during tomahawk shot put 16 and during cobra shot put 32, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to given value below and freeze it. 16 : Tomahawk 32 : Cobra 64 : Spike This address is static. Spam Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) When playing, before you mute > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 0 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) Spam till you mute and during you mute put 1 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating before you mute put 0 and during you mute put 1, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to 0 and freeze it. This address is static. Bad Word Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) Do spam hack till step 3. 2) See the address in Search Result such as 0108D457 3) Click at the "Add Address Manually" button. Example:You must +1 in the calculation of the address 0108D457 ........+01 0108D458 4) At address put your calculated address such as 0108D458, Description : Bad Word Hack [Tour/Family], Type: Array Of Byte, Nr. of Bytes: 1 and Click at the "OK" button. 5) Change value to 0 and freeze it. This address is static. Ball Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) When you use Bomb ball > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 01 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) Change your ball to Normal ball and put 0 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating When you use Bomb Ball put 1 and When you use normal ball put 0, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to given value below:-

01 : Bomb ball 02 : Blue Star ball 03 : Love ball 04 : Creature ball 05 : Water ball 0A : Snow Flake ball 1E : Blossom ball This address is static. Item Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) When you have strength Booster in your first item slot > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 04 at value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan Button. 2) Change your first slot item to Power Calipers and put 09 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating "When you have Strength Booster put 04 and When you have Power Calipers put 09,then click at next scan" till you found 1 working address and add into cheat table list by double click in search result. 4) Change the value to given value below:01 : Curve Control 02 : Lucky Pangya 03 : Nerve stabilizer 04 : Strength Booster 05 : Miracle Omen 06 : Silent Wind 07 : Generic Lucky Pangya 08 : Generic Nerve Stabilizer 09 : Power Calipers 0A : Duostar Lucky Pangya 0B : Duostar Nerve Stabilizer 0C : Strength Stabilizer 0E : Rose MulliganII 0F : Pro Stabilizer This address is static. Club Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) When you use 1w > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 0 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) Change your club to 2w and put 1 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating When you use 1w put 0 and When you use 2w put 1,then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to given value below:0 : 1w

1 : 2w 2 : 3w 3 : 2i 4 : 3i 5 : 4i 6 : 5i 7 : 6i 8 : 7i 9 : 8i 10 : 9i 11 : PW 12 : SW 14 : pt10/pt30 13 : pt20/pt40 This address is static. Water Animation Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before you make a shot > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 0 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) When your shot fall into water put 1 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating before you shot put 0 and when your shot fall into water put 1, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to 1 and freeze it. This address is static. Anti-0.B Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) Before you make a shot > Choose Value Type : 4 bytes, put 0 at Value, Scan Type : Exact Value and click at First Scan button. 2) During your shot O.B put 1 at value and clicks at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating before you shot put 0 and during O.B shot put 1 till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to 0 and freeze it. This address is static. Map Part Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) First, choose any map with front > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 00 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) When you choose any map with random put 02 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating When you choose map with front put 00 and when you choose map with random put 02, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the value to the given value below and freeze it. 00 : front 02 : random

01 : back This address is static. Host Map Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) First, you must be the host in a tournament room. 2) Choose Ice Cannon map > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 08 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 3) When you choose Blue Water map put 01 at value and click at Next Scan button. 4) If you got many address try keep repeating When you choose Ice Cannon put 08 and when you choose Blue Water put 01, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 5) Change the value to the given value below and freeze it. 03 : Wind Hill 07 : Silvia Cannon 0D : Deep Inferno This address is static. Caddie Stat Hack [Tournament/Family] 1) First, choose Papel as your caddie > Choose Value Type : Array Of Bytes, put 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 at Value, Hex box must be tick, Scan Type : Search For This Array and click at First Scan button. 2) Change your caddie to Pipin and put 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 at value and click at Next Scan button. 3) If you got many address try keep repeating When you choose Papel put 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 and when you choose Pipin put 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, then click at Next Scan till you found 1 working address and add into Cheat Table list by double click in Search Result. 4) Change the address value you got such as 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 to ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ??

1st red array for Power 2nd red array for Control 3rd red array for Accuracy 4th red array for Spin 5th red array for Curve This address will be generated randomly before select server and you have to redo if the address change. Name Hack [Tournament/Vs/Family] 1) When playing > Choose Value Type : Text, put your player name at Value, Scan Type : Search For Text and click at First Scan button. 2) Add all address you found into Cheat Table list by click at red arrow button.

3) Right click once at the first address and press Shift+Down keyboard button till last address mean highlighting. 4) Left click at any of highlighted address, go to change record and click at value to put your new player name. 5) Click at Ok button and Freeze It. This address will generate randomly.

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