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Batch Processing

Using Direct Access Files Changing the report systems from sequential to direct get right of entry to
substantially simplifies the gadget. Figure 2-forty six indicates a gadget this is functionally equal to the
only offered in Figure 2-forty four however has been redesigned to apply direct get right of entry to
documents. Notice the usage of disk symbols to symbolize direct get right of entry to garage tool media.
The shift to direct get right of entry to documents reasons noteworthy adjustments to this gadget. The
first is the removal of the kind programs. A drawback of sequential report updating is the want to type
the transaction report earlier than every replace run. Sorting consumes a bargain of pc time and is error-
inclined while very FIGURE 2-forty six BATCH PROCESSING USING DIRECT ACCESS FILES Sales Orders
Sales Orders Accounts Receivable Errors Inventory General Ledger Edit Update Billing and Reporting
Program Unedited Transactions Edited Transactions Management Reports Bills Sales Orders ninety four
PART I Overview of Accounting Information Systems massive documents are involved. Using direct get
right of entry to documents gets rid of the want to type transactions right into a predetermined
sequence. The 2nd extrade is the removal of computerized report backup on this gadget. Direct get right
of entry to replace does now no longer produce a brand new bodily grasp as a spinoff of the process.
Instead, adjustments to area values are made to the authentic bodily report. Providing report backup
calls for separate procedures. DIRECT ACCESS FILE UPDATE AND BACKUP PROCEDURES Each file in an
immediate get right of entry to report is assigned a completely unique disk place or cope with this is
decided with the aid of using its key price. Because simplest a unmarried legitimate place exists for every
file, updating the file should arise in area of a adverse replace method much like that for database
tables. See Figure 2-29 and the related dialogue withinside the bankruptcy for details. Direct get right of
entry to report backup problems also are comparable to trendy database systems. Because the adverse
replace method leaves no backup reproduction of the authentic grasp report, simplest the
contemporary price is available to the user. If the contemporary grasp turns into broken or corrupted in
a few way, no backup model exists from which to reconstruct the report. To hold good enough
accounting records, unique backup procedures want to be applied like the ones illustrated in Figure 2-30

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