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1. Which of the following describes social networking?
A. A way for students to share ideas.
B. Fun and it is what students do all the time
C. Related to web 2.0
D. All of the above
RATIO: All statements talks about social networking.

2. What is the key characteristic of web 2.0?

A.Better design
B. Better sound
C. User generated content
D. Sharing & openness
RATIO: Web 2.0 allows openness and freedom and as well as sharing.

3. When did 2.0 become popular?

A. 2004
B. 2008
C. 1994
D. 1990
RATIO: The 2.0 version become popular on 2004.

4. What's the most significant difference between Web 2.0 and the traditional World Wide Web?
A. More aesthetically pleasing Web sites.
B. Content appealing to a younger generation.
C. Greater collaboration between users, content providers and enterprises.
D. Greater audio capabilities on the Web.
RATIO: Since it allows openness there is a greater collaboration between users, content providers and enterprises.

5. According to experts, what type of businesses must adapt most quickly and readily to Web 2.0 technology?
A. Business-to-business e-commerce
B. Business-to-consumer e-commerce
C. Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce
D. All e-commerce
RATIO: According to experts, all E commerence businesses must adapt most quickly and readily to Web 2.0 technology
6. Which of the following is characteristic of Web 2.0 applications?
A. They get better as more people use it
B. Multiple users schedule their time to use it one by one
C. They provide users with content rather than asking users to create it
D. Web 2.0 application refers to a new version of a web 1.0 application
RATIO: Web 2.0 applications gets enhanced as more people use it
7. A blog can be used to
A. Communicate your news to the world.
B. Just to send send e-mails to your friends
C. To type my homework at home
D. To burn cd’s
RATIO: Blogs are use to communicate your news to the world.
8. Who invented the term web 2.0 ?
A. Bill Gates
B. Darcy DiNucci
C. Google
D. Tim O'Reilly

9. What web 2.0 tool is can be used for feedback?

A. Blogs
B. Surveys
C. Wikis
D. All of the above

10. Web 2.0 can best be described as a(n)

A. Software package developed by Microsoft and available at a discount to teachers.
B. Variation of the internet created by Al Gore in 1996.
C. Approach to the internet in which users share thoughts, strategies, opinions and ideas in a free and open forum such as
blogs, wikis and podcasts.
D. Faster internet for big business.
RATIO: Web 2.0 has the approach to the internet in which users share thoughts, strategies, opinions and
ideas in a free and open forum such as blogs, wikis and podcasts.

SAS 10
1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996: (Select all that apply.) A. Requires the user
to have verification codes.
B. Ensures access to information without fear of audits.
C. Sets the standards on how information is maintained.
D. Sets the penalties for any breach in security of health data.
E. Has no legal authority relative to security issues.
RATIO: Statement (B) does not correspond with the concepts under HIPPA of 1996.
2. While adopting new technology to enhance patient care and safety, nurses can continue to provide:
A. Compassionate care B. Consumer empowerment.
C. Self-management of wellness
D. Education about health care.
RATIO: Nurses should always provide compassionate.
3. The Computer Ethics Institute has developed guidelines for ethics in the development and use of computer
technologies. These guidelines are called:
A. The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.
B. The eHealth Code of Ethics.
C. HIPAA guidelines.
D. The Internet Healthcare Coalition.
RATIO: Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics are the developed guidelines.

4. Refers to a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services produced or provided by an individual or a
A. Patents
B. Trademark
C. Copyright
D. Geographical indication
RATIO: Trademarks are distinctive signs to a goods or services._
5. Refers to an exclusive right granted for an invention – a product or process that provides a new way of doing
something, or that offers a new technical solution to a problem.
A. Patents
B. Trademark
C. Copyright
D. Geographical indication
RATIO: Patents are exclusive right granted for an invention – a product or process that provides a new way of doing
something, or that offers a new technical solution to a problem.

6 If you receive a text or email from someone you don't know, what should you do?
A. Open it immediately and reply
B. Call the police
C. Delete it without opening it
D. Leave it in your inbox until you figure out who it is

7. avoid being cyber-bullied you should always...

A. Give out personal information to anyone who asks.
B. Strike first - post mean things about other people on your Wall on Facebook.
C. Observe proper netiquette rules.
D. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online.
RATIO: Observing proper netiquette rules
8. are you judged in cyberspace?
a. No one can see you, so no one can judge you.
b. You are judged by what you do on the Internet and how it looks - by your spelling, grammar, and netiquette.
c. You are judged by your intent - if you didn't mean to hurt someone's feelings, then it's okay.
d. You are judged by how you look - your profile picture is important.

RATIO: In an cyberspace setting, you are judged by what you do on the Internet and how it looks - by your spelling,
grammar, and netiquette.
9. What is Netiquette?
a. The proper use of manners and etiquette on the Internet.
b. Using a net to catch fish.
c. Being mean to other people on Facebook.
d. Using proper manners at the dinner table
RATIO: Netiquette is the use of proper manners and etiquette on the internet.

10. Typing in all capitals in electronic communications means: A. This message is very important.
B. You are shouting.
C. It's okay to forward this message to others.
D. Nothing special--typing in all caps is normal.
RATIO: Caps Lock means shouting.

SAS 11
1. Is an area of expertise within nursing that focus specifically with human responses to life-threatening problems.
A. Community health application
B. Critical care application
C. Ambulatory health application
D. None of the above
RATIO: Critical care application is an area of expertise within nursing that focus specifically with human responses to
life-threatening problems
2. Which of the following provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring devices to a common
A. Medical Information Bus
A. Medical Instruction Data
B. Medical Intervention Bus
C. None of the above
RATIO: Medical Information Bus provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring devices to a common
3. The critical care information system has a built-in statistical information. What does it prepares?
A. It prepares all the charting and statistical analysis and reporting.
A. It prepares information about the patient
B. It prepares critical care patients
C. It prepares all the necessary documents for the diagnostic tests.
RATIO: The critical care information system prepares all the charting and statistical analysis and reporting.
4. What are the advantages of the critical care information system.
A. Creates trends analysis with graphical representation of results
A. Offline simulation can be performed to test the condition of the patients
B. Provide clinical decision support system
C. All of the above

RATIO: All statements are advantages of the critical care information system
5. What provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring devices to a common interface?
RATIO: MIB provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring devices to a common interface.

6. What is the definition of Critical Care Application?

A. Critical care applications manage clinical data from a variety of healthcare environments, and made available in a timely and
orderly fashion to aid nurses in improving patient care.
B. Critical care applications support nursing management functions such as determining the need for nursing resources,
including scheduling of personnel who have the appropriate level of education, training, or skill to effectively provide care
given specific situations of patient condition.
C. Critical care applications have integration with medical care environment, food and water supply, disease treatment,
disaster management and control, health environment, health risk factors, economical status, etc.
D. Critical care applications are areas where patients require complex assessment, high- intensity medication, continuous
therapy and interventions and unrelenting nursing attention and continuous watchfulness.
RATIO: Critical care applications are areas where patients require complex assessment, high- intensity
medication, continuous therapy and interventions and unrelenting nursing attention and continuous watchfulness

7. Encircle all the places the services of the critical care application are usually performed. Select all that apply.
A. Intensive Care Units
B. Emergency Rooms
C. Occupational Health Centers
D. Cardiac Catheter Labs
RATIO: Occupational Health Center was not included in the list

11. What is stated as one of the advantages of the critical care information system?
A. Early detection and monitoring of disease and sickness
B. Improvement in hospital inventory management
C. Better monitoring and management of costs - prescription, consumables, doctors’ fees, etc.
D. Creates trends analysis with graphical representation of results

12. What does Medical Information Bus (MIB) provide?

A. Provides parameters from arterial and pulmonary arterial invasive blood pressures, temperatures, non-invasive blood
pressures and arterial saturation and heart rate
B. It provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring device to a common interface.
C. Provide clinical decision support system
D. Provide access to vital patient information
RATIO: MIB It provides a generalized method of attaching patient monitoring device to a common interface.
13. Which of the following is an electronic device used at patient’s bedside?
A. Infusion pumps
B. Mechanical ventilators
C. Mixed venous oxygen saturation monitors
D. All of the above
RATIO: All are device used at patient’s bedside

SAS 12
1. Which of these statements are true about the Community Health Information System?
A. Community Health Information System emphasizes the prevention of disease, medical intervention and public awareness.
B. Community Health Information System covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not
admitted overnight to a hospital.
C. Community Health Information System helps in determining diagnoses, preparing and implementing of nursing-care plan, and
evaluating the care provided.
D. Community Health Information System are areas where patients require complex assessment, high- intensity medication,
continuous therapy and interventions and unrelenting nursing attention and continuous watchfulness.
RATIO: Community Health Information System focuses on the prevention of disease, medical intervention and public
2. The community health information system is reinforced by which government institution?
A. Department of the Interior and Local Government
B. Department of Social Welfare and Development
C. Department of Health
D. Department of Science and Technology
RATIO: Community health information system is reinforced by the Department of health.

3. What is not one of the definition of community health application?

A. The nature of community health is comprehensive directed towards the majority of individuals, families and the community
at large.
B. Community health information system is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science and information
science to manage and communicate that information and knowledge in nursing practice.
C. The community health information system fulfills a unique role in the community, promoting and protecting the health of the
community at the same time maintaining sustainability and integrity of health data and information.
D. Community health information system encourages optimal application of computer system, computer programs, and
communication system for the benefit of majority of individuals, families and the community.
RATIO: Statement B talks about nursing informatics.

4. Which of the following is not a primary focus of the Community Health Information System.
A. Preventing, identifying, investigating and eliminating communicable health problems
B. Educating and empowering individuals to adopt health life styles
C. Simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) for nurses and other healthcare provider, patient and consumer D. Real-time and easy
access to patients’ medical records by healthcare providers

5. What do you call the system that is used to enhance the emergency preparedness and response?
A. National Electronic Disease Surveillance System
B. National Emergency and Response System
C. National Emergency Preparedness and Response System
D. National Disease Surveillance System
RATIO: National Electronic Disease Survellance system is a system that is used to enhance the emergency preparedness
and response

6. What data is not being inputted in this system?

A. Environmental Status
B. Health Records
C. Demographic Population
D. Autobiography
RATIO: Autobiography is not inputted in the system.

7. Which of the following is not an advantages of the integration of community health systems?.
A. Disease tracking
B. Intelligently integrates and process physiologic and diagnostic information and store it to a secured clinical repository
C. Data and information sharing
D. Early detection and monitoring of disease and sickness
E. Control of spread of disease
RATIO: Statement B was not stated as an advantage.

8. As stated in the book, what can the schools and universities do in order to support the community health information system?
A. Create health measures
B. Create disease preventive programs
C. Health Promotions
D. Health Campaign Drive
RATIO: The schools and universities can create health measures.

9. As stated in the book, what can the private entities do in order to support the community health information system?
A. Create health measures
B. Create disease preventive programs
C. Health Promotions
D. Health Campaign Drive
RATIO: Private entities can have a health campaign drive

10. As stated in the book, what can companies do in order to support the community health information system?
A. Create health measures
B. Create disease preventive programs
C. Health Promotions
D. Health Campaign Drive
RATIO: Companies can support the community health information system by health promotions.

SAS 13
1. All of these statements define the Ambulatory Care Information System except:
A. Ambulatory care covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not
admitted overnight to a hospital.
B. Ambulatory care is an area of expertise within the health professions that focus specifically with human
responses to life-threatening problems.
C. Their services are performed at outpatient clinics, urgent care centers, community health centers, and group
practices. D. Ambulatory care information system provides automated processing of data and information such as
allergies and medical alerts, patient accounting management, doctor fees, etc.
2. Where does services of the ambulatory care application usually performed? Select all that apply.
A. Intensive Care Units
B. Emergency Rooms
C. Mental Clinics
D. Diagnostic and Imaging Centers
3. Which of these is not a part of the computer-based ambulatory care process?
A. Storage of Date
B. Manipulation of Data
C. Processing of Data
D. Eradication of Data
4. Encircle the statement below that is not an advantage of the ambulatory care information system.
A. Real-time and easy access to patients’ medical records by healthcare providers
B. Improved workflow, which allows more time for comprehensive patient counseling and review
C. Reduced errors with the availability of various automation engines drug interaction engine, medical alert engine,
patient billing engine, etc.
D. Early detection and monitoring of disease and sickness

5. What is the role of the Health Information System in the Ambulatory Care System?
A. Its basic objective is to easily integrate the data to the other data and easily translate these data
into information.
B. Health information system educates and empowers individuals to adopt health life styles
C. It fulfills a unique role in the community, promoting and protecting the health of the community at the same time
maintaining sustainability and integrity of health data and information. D. None of the above.
6. What is not an issue in the ambulatory care information system?
A. Increased Accountability
B. Privacy and Confidentiality of Information
C. Accessibility and Security of Data and Information
D. Necessity of Audit Log
7. Health informatics is a specialty that integrate three sciences in order to manage and communicate data and
knowledge in health practice. What is not part of the three sciences?
A. Information Science
B. Nursing Science
C. Health Science
D. Computer Science

8. With the ambulatory care information system, the patient waiting time is optimized through what
A. Effective queue
B. Effective optimization management
C. Effective leadership management
D. Effective ambulatory management
9. It covers a wide range of health care services that are provided to patients who are not admitted
overnight to a hospital. These services are performed at outpatient clinics, urgent care centers,
emergency rooms, ambulatory or same day surgery centers, diagnostic and imaging centers, primary care
centers, community health centers, occupational health centers, mental health clinics, and group
A. Patient care system
B. Ambulatory care system
C. Clinic care system
D. Ward care system
10. What is not a role of the health information system in the ambulatory care system?
A. The health information system fulfills a unique role in the community, promoting and protecting the
health of the community at the same time maintaining sustainability and integrity of health data and
B. Health information system has another system to understand which facilitates the integration of data,
information and knowledge to support patients, healthcare providers and other providers in their decision
making in all roles and settings.
C. The very basic objective of the automated ambulatory care information system is to easily integrate
the data to the other data and easily translate these data into information.
D. The ambulatory care nurse and other healthcare provider should be capable enough to implement the
process effectively.

SAS 14

1. It is a collective term referring to a system of data records and activities that processes and translate
the data to information in an automated process.
A. Information system
B. Emergency system
C. Surveillance system
D. Health information system

2. What is the very basic objective of emergency and response process?

A. To halt the spread of diseases, infection, widespread sickness and
B. To cover a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not admitted overnight
to a hospital
C. To services are performed at outpatient clinics
D. To monitor patients

3. Refers to activities that build capability and capacity to address potential needs identified by the threat
and vulnerability study.
A. Surveillance
B. Preparedness
C. Mitigation
D. Response

4. Various application of health information systems includes which of the following?

A. Decision support systems for patient care
B. Patient data profiling, knowledge discovery and management, transaction records processing systems,
C. Pharmacy health system,
D. All of the above

5. An outbreak of disease that affects populations worldwide.

A. Epidemic
B. Sporadic
C. Pandemic
D. Endemic
6. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of National Electronic Disease Surveillance (NEDSS).
A. To detect outbreaks rapidly and to monitor the health of the nation
B. Real time interpretation of healthcare status for healthcare
C. Facilitate the electronic transfer of appropriate information from clinical information systems in the
healthcare system to public health departments.
D. Reduce provider burden in the provision of information
7. The nurse is reviewing a healthcare provider's orders in the electronic health record (EHR) and
notices several abbreviations. What is the appropriate nursing action?
A. Fix the abbreviations in the EHR.
B. Administer medications as ordered.
C. Confirm abbreviations with another nurse.
D. Contact healthcare provider to clarify order.
8. Putting preparedness plans into action is in what phase of disaster management?
A. Preparedness
B. Mitigation
C. Response
D. Preparation
9. There are three essential elements of preparedness. Which of the following is not included?
A. Planning
B. Surveillance
C. Training personnel
D. Table top disaster drills
10. Response activities during disaster management may include which of the following?
A. Search and rescue
B. Acute medical care
C. Sheltering victims
D. All of the above

SAS 15

1. Which of the following illustrates the use of technology to improve communication with a client
who is cognitively impaired?
A. Use of an electronic drawing screen a client to create pictures during an assessment
B. Use of charts in documentation
C. Use of digital BP apparatus
D. Use of pulse oximeter

2. Provides guidelines for sharing electronic information through the development and integration of
electronic interfaces.
3. It is a federal law that requires the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health
information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

4 Which of the following illustrates the use of technology to improve communication with a client who is
cognitively impaired?
A. Provide the client with an online video as a teaching aid that allows multiple viewings.
B. Use an electronic drawing screen allowing the client to create pictures during an assessment
C. Offer translation software for the client.
D. Providing the client with pen and paper.

5 A nurse is caring for a client who reports shortness of breath. Which of the following devices should the
nurse use to obtain electronic data regarding the client's clinical manifestations?
A. Pulse oximeter
B. Thermal scanner
C. Digital BP apparatus
D. Portable ultrasound machine

6. Which of the following situations is not considered part of telemedicine?

A. Remote monitoring of vital signs
B. Transmission of still images
C. Word processing
D. Videoconferencing

7. Medical related images and simulations available to educate patients is an example of

A. Videoconferencing
B. Remote monitoring of vital signs
C. Continuing medicaleducation
D. Nursing call centers

8. Health workers in remote areas of the world can communicate with specialists using webcams and:
A. Fiber optics
B. Electrocardiograms
C. Satellites
D. Network security system

9. Which of the following is not an example of telemedicine?

A. Doctors sending out x-rays to be viewed by specialist outside of the hospital
B. People in remote areas using communication system, including webcams, to speak with doctors.
C. The monitoring oh health data, such as cholesterol levels, in a database for access by doctors.
D. A doctor performing surgery in the operating room
10. What is the most significant reason that telehealth is important for consumers (patients) of home care
A. No driving
B. Real time interpretation of healthcare status for healthcare
C. The nurse never has to make a visit
D. None of the above

SAS 16

1. To initiate an intervention the nurse must be competent in three areas, which include:
A. Knowledge, function, and specific skills
B. Experience, advanced education, and skills.
C. Skills, finances, and leadership.
D. Leadership, autonomy, and skills.

2. A nurse is revising a client's care plan. During which step of the nursing process does such a revision
take place?
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Implementation
D. Evaluation

3. The nurse performs an assessment of a newly admitted patient. The nurse understands that
this admission assessment is conducted primarily to: A. Diagnose if the patient is at risk for falls.
B. Ensure that the patient's skin is intact
C. Establish a therapeutic relationship
D. Identify important data

4. The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the following activities?
A. Assessing and diagnosing
B. Evaluating goal achievement.
C. Performing nursing actions and documenting them.
D. Setting goals and selecting interventions

5. A multidisciplinary tool that indicates the usual interventions and expected outcomes in a definitive
length of time for management of a particular patient population in a specific setting
A. Practice Guidelines
B. Clinicalpathway
C. Standard pathway
D. Nursing Process

6. Which of the following is a distinct characteristic of nursing process?

A. Goal directed
B. Dynamic
C. Planned
D. All of the
7. What step in the nursing process wherein you determine the clients progress towards the attainment of
expected outcomes and effectiveness of nursing care?
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Evaluation
D. Implementation

8. What is the first component of nursing diagnosis consist of:

A. Etilogy
B. Problem
C. Signs and symptoms
D. Related factors

9. Which of the following are ways of improving critical thinking?

A. Effective reading
B. Attentive listening
C. Effective communicating
D. All of the above

10. Refers to the process of solving problems of patients and decision-making process with creativity
to enhance the effect. It is an essential process for a safe, efficient and skillful nursing intervention. A.
B. Diagnosing
C. Problem solving
D. Critical thinking

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