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Read passage above carefully. Match the vocabularies below with their meaning according
to the context given in the passage.
1. Strengthened : b. make stronger 6. Determined : g. decide
2. Butcher Shop : c. a place where meat is 7. Strain : f. an animal with the
sold same species
3. Pastures : i. land covered with grass 8. Domestically : h. inside a country
4. Perished : d. die 9. Breed : a. genetic variant
5. Collectively : e. as a group 10. Maintain : j. keep something

B. Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1. The first cattle brought to Australia was in 1888. (T/F)
2. The commercialization of cattle was related to the gold rush. (T/F)
3. There are around 28 million cattle in Australia. (T/F)
4. Brazil exports more cattle than Australia. (T/F)
5. Australia’s beef are sometimes infected by diseases. (T/F)
6. Who is Sydney Kidman?
One person who profited from this was the great Sir Sidney Kidman who originally opened a
butcher shop and later became the largest landholder in the world, at that time.
7. Why did lots of cattle die?
Originally many of these cattle perished as they were unable to handle Australian conditions.
8. How are the quality of the beef determined in Australia?
Beef quality is determined by the size of the cuts produced from an animal and the marbling of
the beef.
9. What is the difference between Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus?
Whereas Bos Taurus animals are typically fattened processed and then consumed domestically
or exported to premium markets such as Japan.
10. Name the different breeds of Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus?
Famous Bos Indicus breeds include the Brahman and the Santa Gertrudis

RIZKA AMALIA PUTRI _ 225050107111019

A. Direction: Fill in the blanks with the simple past or the present perfect of the verb in
parentheses ().
A: Do you like to surf the internet?

B: Of course, I do. I’ve had (have) my internet connection since 1999, and I love it. A couple of
months ago, I bought (buy) a new computer with lots of memory and speed. And last month I
changed (change) to a better service provider. Now I can surf much faster.

A: What kind of things do you search for?

B: Lots of things. I have always wanted (always/want) to learn about the stock market, and with
the Web, I can start to learn. Last week, I made (make) my first investment in the stock market.

A: Do you ever buy products online?

B: Sometimes I do. Last month, I found (find) a great Website where I can download music for one
dollar. So far, I have downloaded (download) about a hundred songs, and I have made (make)
several CDs. My old computer didn’t have (not/have) burner, so I’m very happy with my new

A: Have you sold (you/sell) your old computer?

B: No. It was about eight years old. I have just removed (remove) the hard drive and have left
(leave) the computer on top of the garbage dumpster. When I passed (pass) by a few hours
later, it was gone. Someone took (take) it.

B. Direction: Change the verb in the parentheses into the correct form of simple past or
present perfect verb.

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980’s, technology
(change) has changed a great deal. The first computers (be) were simple machines designed for
basic tasks. They (have/not) didn’t have much memory and they (be/not) weren’t very
powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) paid thousands of
dollars for machines which actually (do) did very little. Most computers (be) were separate,
individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

However, times (change) have change . Computers (become) have become powerful
machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) have created a large selection of
useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still
playing video games, but today’s games (become) have become faster, more exciting interactive
adventures. Many computer users (get/also) have also got on the internet and (begin) have begun
communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) have started to
create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past
(evolve) have evolved into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.

RIZKA AMALIA PUTRI _ 225050107111019

Questions and Answers

Simple Past

1. Why Cika didn't come to school yesterday?

Cika didn't come to school yesterday because he was sick

Present Perfect

1. How long has Cika lived in England?

Cika has lived in england sinced 2010 January 25

2. How many times has Cika visited to her grandma's house?

Cika has been visited her grandma's house four times this month

3. What activities has Cika been on the weekend?

Cika has been jogging around her boarding house

4. What has Cika been doing during her break time?

Cika just had lunch

5. Has Cika traveled by plane?

Cika has never traveled by plane

RIZKA AMALIA PUTRI _ 225050107111019

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