Dela Cuadra, Keneth A. - BSEDFIL-1A - HUM10 - Readings 1 Answer Sheets

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Name: Keneth A.

Dela Cuadra Date: September 09, 2022

Course & section: BSED-FIL 1A Sem: First
Instructor: Mr. Patrick Lawague

General Instruction:

1. You can use Microsoft Word or Yellow Pad/Bond Paper to write your answer. Strictly do
not use WPS when submitting your activity.
2. Turn-In or submit your output on time properly through „Classwork‟.
3. Please indicate your full name, course & year as well as the date.
4. Follow the instructions provided.

I. Reflective Questions:

RUBRIC: Kindly refer to the rubrics below as your reference for scoring.

10 points - Substantial, illustrative content demonstrating strong development of ideas,

follows IBC format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) 3 paragraphs, 4-5 sentences each. The
student creates a personal definition of art in a sentence or less and explains the content.
8 points - Sufficiently developed content with adequate elaboration or explanation
3 points - Limited content with inadequate elaboration or explanation.

1. Instruction: Choose ONE of the quotations provided on page 2 and interpret the meaning
of each quote from your own perspective.

Each of us has encountered a unique image that spoke to our soul as we stood in
front of it. It has been said that the artwork we decide to place on our walls serves as a
physical expression of who we are and what we stand for. What resonates with one
person may have the opposite effect on another, as art has a profoundly personal impact.
It is the tool in order for us to communicate the beauty that art comes from within.
Thomas Merton said, "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same.”
Art enables us to find ourselves because it is a creative form of human expression
that enhances the human experience. Art is a way of life where it tells a story. By finding
ourselves, it makes us a colorful person, where we can express our feelings, experiences,
sentiments, ideas, and even our imagination. Through finding ourselves through art, we
are also losing ourselves in the arts. Each of us responds to art in a different manner.
Much of the appreciation we derive from art comes from our own personal experiences.
Music, paintings, designs, literature, dancing, and movies are all examples of art that
mesmerizes us, engulfs us, dissociates us from reality, and enables us to lose ourselves in
them. In addition, art embodies our personal identity, preferences, backgrounds, and
orientation where we are able to understand ourselves in order to see reality.
In conclusion, great art facilitates self-discovery. Great art challenges your
perception of the beauty and invites you to use your own imagination to fill in the blanks
in the story. Great art ought to pose a query whose resolution reveals something about the
viewer. Therefore, art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

2. What is the difference between Art as Representation: Mimesis and Art as a Form?
The idea of what constitutes art has changed over time and between civilizations.
As many different definitions of art exist as there are people in the world, and each one is
influenced by the person's unique point of view as well as by their own traits and
personalities. We can freely determine what art is from a variety of life views. But as our
global community has grown, three general characteristics have emerged for the concept of
art: representation, expression, and form.
To distinguish between the two types of art, Art is a Form and Art as
Representation: Mimesis. Art as Representation: Mimesis of which Plato established the
notion of art, which he defined as copying or imitating. He claims that it is the portrayal and
duplication of something worthwhile or significant. Art as Representation: Mimesis, possess
that artists have the ability to copy or duplicate the processes, procedures, techniques, and
contents of other artists. Immanuel Kant, on the other hand, had an influence on Art as a
Form. Kant was convinced that the formality of an artwork should be considered while
assessing it rather than its concept. The introduction of these principles of art and design to
evaluate and define art had an impact during the 20th century.
These two factors are essential in deciding how we should describe art today.
Since there is no proper description for the arts, I can genuinely understand the concept. What
matters most is that we, as modern humans, are able to comprehend the arts that are a part of
our culture and tradition. We embrace and value its distinctive outward appearance. We as a
people are aware of its social, historical, and philosophical significance. Last but not least, art
helps us strengthen our critical thinking abilities.

II. Scavenger Hunt: A scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizers prepare a list
defining specific items, which the participants seek to gather or complete all items on the
list. For this activity, you are tasked to look for the meaning or definition of listed words
below from the internet or in your course learning module:

1. Painting
- It is a form of visual arts aims to evoke an emotion from the viewers. It
is practiced by applying colors or other media to a surface with a brush
or other object.
2. Sculpture
- A form of visual art provides arts characterized as the art or
representing an imaged or observed objects in hard material such as
glass, metals, or wood in three dimensions.
3. Architecture
- This is a form or art provide us the physical structure we lived. It is a
profound expression or human culture in a particular period, and it will
endure and outlive us in forms of monuments that future generations
will study and strive to understand.
4. Photography
- A form of art that process and creates portraits by recording radiation
on a radiation-sensitive medium, such as electronic image sensors or
photographic films.

5. Literature
- It is the art or combining spoken or written words and their meanings
into forms which have artistic and emotional appeal.
6. Music
- It is the art that helps to express our mood and feel the way through our
emotions and ideas.
7. Theatre
- This art uses performers to represent the experience of a real or
imagined event before a live audience in a specific place and time.
8. Dance
- This form of art is expressed through body movement which entails
social interactions, or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.
9. Film
- It is a form of arts that allows us to explore the complexities of the
human situation. This is used to work out our emotions, to make history
comes alive, science is explained, and literary works are brought into
10. Drawing
- It is the art which enhances the way we see the world around and
conditions us to capture its details in a two-dimensional medium. This
has been a critical element of art throughout the history and in the
contemporary art world.

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