PR2 Lesson 1

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Lesson Characteristics, Strengths,

1 Weaknesses, and Kinds of

Quantitative Research
Hello, my dearest researcher! Welcome to the world of Quantitative Research. In
your Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) class, you were able to understand
the meaning, characteristics and importance of research in your daily lives. It was
introduced to you that research methods are divided broadly into qualitative and
quantitative. The difference between these two methods was already clear to you.

The baseline information that you learned previously will be your foundation in
advancing your skills as a researcher.

What is It

Wow! You are knowledgeable of the key terms regarding characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research. Now we are to discover and understand
new concepts and skills.

You have recalled that research approaches can be either quantitative or qualitative
methods. Let us discuss ideas regarding the quantitative method.

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is interpreting events or situations by gathering numerical data

that are analysed using mathematically based methods particularly statistical tools.
(Aliaga and Gunderson, 2005;, 2017)
It is used to quantify the problems by way of generating numerical data or data that can
be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions,
behaviours, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample
population. (Jerusalem, Violeta,, 2017)

What are the Characteristics of Quantitative Research?

1. Quantitative research is a formal, objective, and a systematic process for

obtaining quantifiable information about the world.

2. Quantitative research is presented in numerical forms, and analyzed through the

use of Statistics.

3. Quantitative research is used to describe and to test relationships.

4. Quantitative research is used to examine the cause-and-effect of relationships.

In simple terms, quantitative research is concerned with numbers, statistics, and

the relationships between events/numbers.

According to Polit and Beck (2010), these are the characteristics of quantitative

1. Quantitative research is a scientific process. It follows an orderly and disciplined

procedure to acquire information.

2. Quantitative research tests a hypothesis. The goal of quantitative research is to

prove an assumption. Quantitative research uses deductive reasoning in testing
its hypothesis. Deductive reasoning starts with a general statement that is
assumed to be true. This assumption is used to reach a conclusion in the sample
being studied.

3. Data gathered from quantitative research requires a large number of

respondents. It requires statistical tools to determine the number of samples that
can be able to represent a population so that the results of the study can be
generalizable to the bigger population being studied.

4. Quantitative research is a systematic process. Research follows a pre-specified

step by step action plan. Due to this, quantitative research results can be easily
verified by replicating the procedure on different subjects.

5. Quantitative research uses control mechanisms. The researcher executes

conditions that minimize bias or errors. Accuracy and validity of data are

6. The use of valid and reliable research instruments and statistical tools to analyze
the data prevents interpretation of the data according to the researchers’
perception, belief or point of view.

7. Quantitative research data are objective or observable. Data in quantitative

research are gathered using the senses such as through observation using sight,
hearing, taste, touch or smell.
8. Quantitative research findings are generalizable. The results of quantitative
research are derived by analyzing a large number of respondents, therefore
results are taken to be true to the population being studied.

What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research?


a. Results reflect precise or accurate data. Quantitative research uses reliable

measurement instruments and statistical methods in gathering and analyzing
the data.

b. Provides an objective understanding of the population studied rather than

personal opinion of the researcher. It requires observation of the respondents
using the senses with the aid of a measuring tool.

c. Uses large sample size which is representative of the population. Quantitative

research uses statistical methods to determine the right sample size that will
represent the entire population. This enables quantitative research to be less
prone to sampling bias.

d. The findings of the study can be verified since the methodology of quantitative
research can be replicated.

e. The implementation of control in the study will minimize if not prevent the
effect of other factors in the environment to affect the findings. Just like for
example when conducting an experiment, the researcher makes sure that
nothing from the environment will affect the results by implementing controls.


1. Some information cannot be gathered using a structured questionnaire that is

used in quantitative research design. This is true especially sensitive information
such as experiences or practices that are normally not accepted by society.

2. Some information may be lost in the conversion of subjective data to numerical

data. Data which explains the meaning of experiences can be lost when
converted to numbers. Statistical methods of interpretation also have limits.

3. Quantitative studies are narrow and focused on limited variables that can
describe only a part of human experience. It can only measure limited
characteristics of a person such as physical attributes, behavior, preferences etc.
But it cannot cover all the complexities of the human being.

4. Quantitative studies are inflexible. It needs to follow a predetermined step by

step research procedure. Researchers must follow the planned procedure of
conducting the intervention, data gathering, and data analysis and

5. Experimental studies need to be conducted in a laboratory which is an artificial

What are the Kinds of Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is of two kinds: experimental and non-experimental.

Characteristics of Experimental Research:

1. Quantitative research treats or deals with the subject of the research in a definite
or exact manner.

2. It aims to determine the extent of the effect or influence of the treatment on the
subject then discovers the causes of such effects.

3. There are two groups that are involved in experimental research:

a. the experimental group, where the treatment is applied and
b. the control group, which does not receive any treatment.

4. The subjects involved in this type of research are chosen randomly or selected
by chance, rather than by the decision of the researcher.

Kinds of Experimental Research:

Experimental research is categorized into two. The manner of selecting the participants
indicates the kind of experimental research.

1. True Experimental Research - absolutely uses random selection in

determining who among the participants should compose the experimental
group or the control group.

2. Quasi-Experimental Research – does not randomize subjects but adopts a

comparative technique in choosing the subjects. Usually, participants chosen in
a quasi-experimental research are those forming a class that remains as one
group incapable of disintegration.

Characteristics of Non-Experimental Research

1. It is a way of finding out truths about a subject by describing the collected data
about the respondent and determining the relationships or connections of the
variables with one another.

2. The researcher does not intervene in any way with the respondents.

3. The aim of this kind of research is to discover people’s thoughts, views, feelings
and attitudes about a certain societal issue, object, place, or event.

The most common type of non-experimental research are Descriptive research and
correlational research design.

Characteristics of Descriptive Research Design

1. Descriptive research seeks to describe the current status of an identified variable

or phenomenon.
2. The researcher may begin with a hypothesis, but it is likely to develop
one after collecting data.

3. Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, variance, and

standard deviation) are used to summarize and give order to the
measurements made in descriptive research.

Characteristics of correlational research design

1. Performing correlational research is done to establish what is the

influence or association of one on the other might be and how that
affects the relationship.

2. Correlational research is conducted in order to explain a noticed

occurrence. In correlational research, the survey is conducted on a
minimum of two groups. (Klazema, 2014)

Common types of Descriptive Research Designs:

1. Survey Research is the most used non-experimental research in the
field of Sociology, Psychology, and Humanities. (Schreiber, 2011)
a. Survey research is a method of research that aims at knowing
what a big number of people think and feel about some
sociological issues. (Babbie, 2013, )

2. Comparative research
a. Its goal is to compare attributes of two or more existing groups.

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