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WEEK 4.2

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: MARK LENAND M. TRAIGO (T-I) Curuan NHS


Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

SUBJECT & _______________

GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy
TOPIC Reading styles/strategies
Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed
reading, intensive reading etc.) for one’s purpose.
LEARNING Code: Objectives:
• determine the reading styles used in the given situations;
• answer comprehension questions correctly.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Topic Title: Reading styles/strategies

As a student, you can improve your reading skills by knowing the different reading strategies that you
can employ depending on your need. There are five reading strategies that a student can use in his

Reading Strategies
• Skimming is a reading strategy in which you look for a text's main idea without necessarily reading the
entire material.

• On the other hand, Scanning is a reading strategy in which you find a specific piece of information
without reading the entire text. In scanning, you already know what kind of information you are looking
for, which means you are just locating the said information in the material.

• Extensive- reading longer texts, often for pleasure, and for overall understanding.

• Intensive- reading shorter texts for detailed information with emphasis on precise understanding.

• Speed reading-a method of reading rapidly by skimming.

SAQ1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

_______1. Getting the main idea of a paragraph or a story is an example of skimming.

_______2. Intensive reading is also defined as reading longer texts for pleasure.
_______3. Speed reading is reading slowly to understand a text.
_______4. Looking for the setting in a story is an example of scanning.
_______5. Reading a novel is an example of extensive reading.

SAQ2. Read the story below and answer the following questions.

Written by: MARK LENAND M. TRAIGO (T-I) Curuan NHS


The Legend of Banyuwangi

Indonesian Folktale
Raden no longer trusted his wife Surati and decided to penalize by giving her a death sentence near
the riverbank.
“Before I die, let me say a few words,” Surati pleaded. “Please do,” Raden granted Surati’s
request. Surati spoke calmly, "When I die, just throw my body into the river. If the water
becomes dirty and smelly, it means that I am guilty.
Then as Raden stabbed her wife with a kris, Surati threw herself into the river. Amazingly the water
became clear and fragrant.
Raden regretted what he had done. From then on, he changed the name of his kingdom into
Banyuwangi. Banyu means water, and Wangi means fragrance.
(Source: Learning Modules for English – Grade 8,241-242)

1. In the story “The Legend of Banyuwangi," what is the relationship of Surati to Raden?
a. Sister c. Wife
b. Neighbor d. Friend

2. When the water became clear and fragrant, you can guess that Surati was _______________________.
a. Responsible for her action c. Innocent
b. Dying without justice d. Guilty of her deeds

3. “Raden regretted what he had done. From then on, he changed the name of his kingdom into
Banyuwangi. Banyu means water, and Wangi means fragrance." At the end, you can say that Raden
a. was brave to prove his wife’s guilt c. has a lack of trust in his wife
b. thought that he was fooled by his wife d. loved his wife very much

4. Surati’s last request to Raden is_______________

a. Throw her body to the water c. Pray for her soul
b. Kiss her one last time d. Stab her with a Kris

5. What lesson can we get from the story?

a. Trust your loved ones c. Stay true to yourself
b. Be honest d. Offer your life to God

Let’s Practice! (Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Identify the reading style required in the following situations. Write your answer on the space
provided for.

1. Ana wants to know the recipe of leche flan.


2. Marie is reading a novel by her favorite author.


3. Lino wants to know the weather report in the local newspaper.


4. Leah wants to know the characters in the story “Makato and the Cowrie Shell."

5. Agnes wants to know the definition of the word “clandestine” in the dictionary.

Written by: MARK LENAND M. TRAIGO (T-I) Curuan NHS


Key Points

There are five reading strategies that a student can use in his readings.
• Skimming –reading for the main points
• Scanning-reading rapidly through a text to find the specific information required
• Extensive- reading longer texts, often for pleasure, and for overall understanding.
• Intensive- reading shorter texts for detailed information with emphasis on precise understanding.
• Speed reading-a method of reading rapidly by skimming

Let's see how much you have learned today!

Directions Read each statement and answer the question that follows.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)

1. Sarah was tasked to summarize a chapter of an English book. What reading style should she use?
a. Intensive reading c. Scanning
b. Skimming d. Speed Reading

2. John wants to know the meaning of the unfamiliar words he read from a story. So he looked for the
meaning of those unfamiliar words in the dictionary. What reading style did John use?
a. Scanning c. Intensive reading
b. Skimming d. Extensive reading

3. To complete her assignment, Diana looked for the author’s name in the book she used. What reading
style did Diane use?
a. Skimming c. Intensive reading
b. Scanning d. Extensive reading

4. Marissa wants to know specific details of an accident reported in a newspaper article. What reading
style will Maria use?
a. Skimming c. Intensive reading
b. Scanning d. Speed Reading

5. Brian wants to know the main idea of an article he read from the magazine. What reading style will he
use to identify the main idea?
a. Intensive reading c. Scanning
b. Speed reading d. Skimming

For further reading, you may access the following;

Source: "Reading Styles," accessed July 10, 2020,

REFERENCE/S;adapted by Rodgers/Wehner

Source: Learning Modules for English – Grade 8,241-242

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not
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available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this division at
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Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource. This material is not intended for uploading or commercial use
but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of Zamboanga City
Division only. No malicious infringement is meant by the writer.

Written by: MARK LENAND M. TRAIGO (T-I) Curuan NHS

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