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20ME303 – Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

Part-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

How fluids are classified?

Define Newtonian and Non – Newtonian fluids.

Define mass density and weight density.

Define the term specific volume and express its units.

Calculate the mass density and specific volume of one litre of a liquid which weighs 7 N.

Define Viscosity and give its unit.

State the Newton's law of viscosity.

Define kinematic viscosity.

What is the importance of kinematic viscosity?

Define dynamic viscosity.

How does the dynamic viscosity of liquids and gases vary with temperature?

Why is it necessary in winter to use lighter oil for automobiles than in summer? To what property does the term lighter refer?

Define surface tension and expression its unit.

Define compressibility of the fluid.

What do you mean by capillarity?

Distinguish between Laminar and Turbulent flow.

Define laminar flow.

Define turbulent flow.

State the continuity equation in one dimensional form?

State the continuity equation for the case of a general 3-D flow.

Write the Bernoulli’s equation in terms of head. Explain each term.

What are the basic assumptions made is deriving Bernoulli’s theorem?

Write the impulse momentum equation.

What do you understand by impulse momentum equation?

State the usefulness of momentum equation as applicable to fluid flow phenomenon.

Write down Hagen Poiseuille’s equation for laminar flow.

Write down the Darcy - Weisbach’s equation for friction loss through a pipe

What is the relationship between Darcy Friction factor, Fanning Friction Factor and Friction coefficient?

List the minor losses in flow through pipe.

Distinguish between the major loss and minor losses with reference to flow through pipes.

Write the expression for calculating the loss due to sudden expansion of the pipe.

What factors account in energy loss in laminar flow.

Differentiate between pipes in series and pipes in parallel.

How does the roughness of channel affect the Chezy's constant?

What is the physical significance of Reynold's number?

Define Moody’s diagram

What are the uses of Moody’s diagram?


What is meant by a smooth pipe?

How does surface roughness affect the pressure drop in a pipe if the flow is turbulent?

Differentiate between Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line.

Define hydraulic gradient line and energy gradient line.

What do you understand by hydraulic diameter?

What is the condition for maximum power transmission through pipes?

Define the terms: drag and lift.

Define boundary layer thickness.

Part – B ( 5 x 13 = 65 Marks)

A 400 mm diameter shaft is rotating at 200 r.p.m. in a bearing of length 120 mm. If the thickness of film is 1.5 mm and the dynamic
viscosity of the oil is 0.7 N.s/m2, determine (i) Torque required to overcome friction in bearing (ii) Power utilized to overcoming
viscous friction. Assume linear velocity profile. (13)

The space between two square flat parallel plates is filled with oil. Each side of the plate is 60cm. The thickness of the oil film is
12.5mm. The upper plate, which moves at 2.5 meter per sec, requires a force of 98.1N to maintain the speed. Determine the Dynamic
viscosity of the oil in poise and Kinematic viscosity of the oil in stokes. The specific gravity of the oil is 0.95.(13)

A rectangular plate of size 25cm* 50cm and weighing at 245.3 N slides down at 30° inclined surface with uniform velocity of 2m/s. If
the uniform 2mm gap between the plates is inclined surface filled with oil. Determine the viscosity of the oil.(13)

A 200 mm diameter shaft slides through a sleeve, 200.5 mm in diameter and 400 mm long, at a velocity of 30 cm/s. The viscosity of
the oil filling the annular space is m = 0.1125 NS/ m2. Find resistance to the motion. (13)

Calculate the dynamic viscosity of oil which is used for lubrication between a square plate of size 0.8 m x 0.8 m and an inclined
plane with angle of inclination 30°.The weight of the square plate is 330 N and it slide down the inclined plane with uniform velocity
of 0.3 m/s. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.(13)

Derive the differential equation for three dimensional continuity flows in cartesian coordinates. (13)

Water flows through a pipe AB 1.2m diameter at 3m/second then passes through a pipe BC 1.5m diameter. At C, the pipe branches.
Branch CD is 0.8m in diameter and carries one - third of the flow in AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5m/sec. Find the
volume. (13)

A 30cm diameter pipe, conveying water, branches into two pipes of diameters 20cm and 15cm respectively. If the average velocity in
the 30cm diameter pipe is 2.5m/sec, find the discharge in this pipe. Also determine the velocity in the 15cm diameter pipe if the
average velocity in the 20cm diameter pipe is 2m/sec.(13)

The water is flowing through a taper pipe of length 100m having diameters 600mm at the upper end and 300mm at the lower end at
the rate of 50 litres /s. The pipe has a slope of 1 in 30. Find the pressure at the lower end if the pressure at the highest level is 19.62
N/cm2. (13)

A pipe 200mm long slopes down at 1 in 100 and tapers from 600mm diameter at the higher end to 300 mm diameter at the lower end,
and carries 100 litres / sec of oil having specific gravity 0.8.If the pressure gauge at the higher end reads 60 kN/m 2, determine the
velocities at the two ends and also the pressure at the lower end. (13)

Derive Hagen – Poiseuille’s equation . (13)

Oil of, mass density 800kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 0.02 poise flows through 50mm diameter pipe of length 500m at the rate of 0.19
liters/ sec. Determine
 Reynolds number of flow
 Center line of velocity
 Pressure gradient
 Loss of pressure in 500m length
 Wall shear stress .(13)

An oil of specific gravity 0.80 and kinematic viscosity 15 x 106m2/s flows in a smooth pipe of 12 cm diameter at a rate of 150 lit/min.
Determine whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. Also, calculate the velocity at the centre line and the velocity at a radius of 4 cm.
What is head loss for a length of 10 m? What will be the entry length? Also determine the wall shear. (13)

Determine an expression for steady laminar flow in circular pipes and prove that the U max/V = 2. Draw the necessary sketches.

Derive an expression for flow of viscous fluid through circular conduits. (13)

A pipe line of 0.6m diameter is 1.5Km long. To increase the discharge, another line of same diameter is introduced in parallel to the
first in second half of the length. Neglecting the minor losses, find the increase in discharge if 4f = 0.04. The head at inlet is 30cm.

Two pipes of 15cm and 30cm diameters are laid in parallel to pass a total discharge of 100 litres per second. Each pipe is 250m long.
Determine discharge through each pipe. Now these pipes are connected in series to connect two tanks 500m apart, to carry same total
discharge. Determine water level difference between the tanks. Neglect the minor losses in both cases, f=0.02 both pipes. (13)

A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes, which again forms one pipe. The length and diameter for the first parallel pipe are 2000m
and 1m respectively, while the length and diameter of second parallel pipe are 2000m and 0.8m respectively. Find the rate of flow in
each parallel pipe, if total flow in the main is 3m3/s. The coefficient of friction for each parallel pipe is same and equal to 0.005.(13)

A pipe line of 0.5m diameter is 1500m long. To increase the discharge, another line of same diameter is introduced in parallel to the
first in second half of the length. Neglecting the minor losses, find the increase in discharge if 4f = 0.04. The head at inlet is 30cm.

Two pipes of 16cm and 32cm diameters are laid in parallel to pass a total discharge of 110 litres per second. Each pipe is 240m long.
Determine discharge through each pipe. Now these pipes are connected in series to connect two tanks 500m apart, to carry same total
discharge. Determine water level difference between the tanks. Neglect the minor losses in both cases, f=0.02 both pipes. (13)

A 45° reducing bend is connected to a pipe line. The inlet and outlet diameters of the bend being 600mm and 300mm respectively.
Find the force exerted by water on the bend, if the intensity of pressure at inlet to bend is 8.829N/cm2 and the rate of flow of water is
600 liters/s.(13)

A 135° reducing bend is connected to a pipe line. The inlet and outlet diameters of the bend being 800 mm and 400 mm respectively.
Find the force exerted by water on the bend, if the intensity of pressure at inlet to bend is 10.869 N/cm2 and the rate of flow of water is
700 liters/s. (13)

A 45° reducing bend is connected to a pipe line. The inlet and outlet diameters of the bend being 500mm and 300mm respectively.
Find the force exerted by water on the bend, if the intensity of pressure at inlet to bend is 8.829N/cm2 and the rate of flow of water is
500 litres/s.(13)

A 135° reducing bend is connected to a pipe line. The inlet and outlet diameters of the bend being 760 mm and 400 mm respectively.
Find the force exerted by water on the bend, if the intensity of pressure at inlet to bend is 10.869 N/cm2 and the rate of flow of water is
690 litres/s.(13)

The diameter of a pipe bend is 0.35 m at inlet and 0.2 m at outlet and the flow is turned through 135° in a vertical plane. The axis at
the inlet makes an angle of 50° to horizontal plane and the center of the outlet section is 1 m above the centre of the inlet section. The
total volume of fluid contained in the bend is 0.12 m3. Due to the losses of energy between inlet and outlet 0.2 m of head is
lost.Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on the bend by the water flowing through it at 230 lit/s, when the inlet
pressure is 150.78 kN/m2. (13)

Part – C ( 1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

Explain the various properties of fluids. (15)

Derive an expression for the displacement thickness, momentum thickness and energy thickness (15)

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