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Design of Reinforced Concrete

Course Notes for CIVL 3320


J S Kuang

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Copyright@2017S by J S Kuang
Chapter One

Desiggn of Reinforc
R ed Con

1.1 Introductiion

1.1.1 Concrete and reinfoorced conccrete

 Concrete is a mixtu
ure of sannd, gravell, crushed rock, or other aggrregates

held togetther in a roock-like mass

m with a paste off cement and
a water.

o As witth most roock-like substances

s s, concretee has a high compressive

strengtth and a very low teensile strenngth.

 Reiinforced Concrete
C i a comb
is o concrete and steel.
bination of Conccrete is

reinnforced byy steel reinnforcemen

nt, which provides
p t concreete extra sttrength,

in particularr the tenssile streng

gth lackinng in the concrete. Withouut steel

reinnforcemennt, many concretee buildinggs and structures

s would not
n be


Fiig. 1.1-1 Concrete reiinforced by

y steel

1.1.2 Reinforceed concrete structurees

 Reinforceed concrete is used in

i buildinggs of all so
orts, bridgges, water thanks,

dams, offfshore oil exploratio

e on and production sttructures, etc.

(a) Deetails of rein

nforcing baars and form

(b) Tall buildinngs – Centraal Plaza andd Burj Khalifa

(c) Concrete
C brridges

F 1.1-2 Reinforced
Fig. R d concrete buildings and
a bridges
 The two main
m methhods of reiinforcing concrete:

o Use off conventional steel reinforcem

ment: Reinforced cooncrete (R

o Use off prestressing tendon

ns (steel) – Prestresssed concrrete (PC)

 Reinforceed concrette structu

ures consiist of a series
s of “members” that

interact to supportt the loadds placed on the structure.

s The strructural

members can be formed

f innto many varied shhapes andd sizes, annd can

encompasss many tyypes of sttructures aand components, inncluding frames,


shear walls, beamss, column

ns, beam-ccolumn jo
oints, slab
bs, etc.

Fig. 1.1-3
1 Reinfforced conccrete framee and wall

Fig. 1.1-4 Reinforced conncrete floorr slab systeem

 Reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineering

construction and widely used in every country.

 Concrete structures vs steel structures

Table 1.1-1 Comparison of the structural properties of structural concrete,

structural steel, timber and masonry

Structural RC and PC Steel Timber Masonry

properties structures
Strength Excellent Excellent Fair Good except in
Durability Excellent Poor against Poor* Excellent
Appearance Fair Fair Excellent Excellent
Safety Excellent Poor fire Good Excellent
Speed of Slow for in-situ Very fast Very fast Very fast but
erection labour intensive
On-site Excellent for in situ Poor Fair Very good
versatility RC, poor otherwise
* Unless protected

1.1.3 Design Standards (Design codes 設計規範)

Building codes: the state/municipal bylaws for the design and construction

of building structures.

 British standard (British code)

o BS 8110: Structural Use of Concrete is a British Standard for the

design and construction of reinforced and prestressed concrete

structures. This code is based on limit state design principles.

Although used for most civil engineering and building structures,

bridges and water-retaining structures are covered by separate

standards (BS 5400 and BS 8007).

o The 1st version was published in 1985 (BS 8110:1985). The 2nd

version of Part 1 (BS 8110-1:1997) was published in 1997.

o On 31 Mar 2010, BSI (British Standard Institution) withdrew the UK

Standards which conflict with the Eurocodes as required under the

agreement between National Standards Bodies and CEN (European

Committee for Standardization)

o BS 8110 was superseded by Eurocode 2 (BS EN 1992), though parts

of the code have been retained in the National Annex of the Eurocode.

 Eurocode 2 (European code)

o Eurocode 2 (EC2) is the abbreviation for EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design

of Concrete Structures. EC 2 covers the design of buildings and civil

engineering works constructed in plain, reinforced, prestressed and

precast concrete.

o There are three parts to BS EN 1992: (1) BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Part

1-1 General rules and rules for buildings; BS EN 1992-1-2:2004, Part

1-2 General rules – Structural fire design. (2) BS EN 1992-2:2005,

Part 2: Concrete bridges – Design and detailing rules. (3) BS EN

1992-3:2006, Part 3: Liquid retaining and containment structures.

By Eurocode 2, most people mean BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Part 1-1:

General rules and rules for buildings.

o The publication dates

BS EN 1992-1-1: 23 Dec 2004; UK National Annex: 8 Dec 2005

o In December 2011, the HKSAR Government Development Bureau

decided to migrate from British standards to Eurocodes for the design

of public works civil engineering structures – Mandatory adoption of

Eurocodes in Hong Kong commences in 2015.

 Hong Kong regulations (by the Buildings Department 屋宇署)

o Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013, which is

based largely on BS 8110:1985, was published in Feb 2013.

o Building (Construction) Regulations 1990.

 American code

ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and


 Chinese code

混凝土結構設計規範 GB 50010-2010 (2011-07-01 實施)

The course notes provide a straightforward introduction to the principles and

methods of design for reinforced concrete structures. The course materials

are written to conform to the Hong Kong Code of Practice for

Structural Use of Concrete 2013, while BS 8110 and EC2 are also referred

when they are appropriate.

1.1.4 Composite Action

 Concrete — tensile strength  1/10 compressive strength

 takkes compression maainly (stronng in com mpression))
 Concrrete 
doees not resiist any tennsile forcee (assumpttion)

 takes tensiion mainly

y in flexurral membeers (beram
ms, slabs, etc.)
 Steel 
 takes both tension and
a comprression (coolumns, ettc.)

g. 1.1-5 Concrete beam
m and coluumn reinfo
orced by steeel bars

 Why can they work

k together well?

Compositte action

o Bond on
o the inteerface betw
ween the two
t materrials

o Similaar coefficieents of theermal expaansion

Steel:   10  110 per C ;

Conccrete:   (7 ~ 12)  10 6 per C o

 When
W tem
mperature charges, there iss no signnificant relative

m between the
t steel annd the conncrete.

forced concrete  plaain concreete and RC

1.1.5 Mechaniccs of reinfo C beams

 A plain co
oncrete beeam

When thee applied load

l P is relatively
r small, thee stress diistributionn of the

cross-secttion is lineear as show

wn in Fig,, 1.1-6.

Fig. 1.1-6 Strresses andd neutral axxis of plaiin concretee beams

o Crackss occur at a low leveel of loadiing as its low

l tensilee strength

(≈ 100% of com
mpressive strength)

Fig. 1.1-7
1 Failurre of a plaiin concretee beam

 A reinforrced concrrete beam

Fig. 1.1-8 Reiinforced cooncrete beaam under vertical

v load

After craccks occurr, steel reiinforcemeent will caarry all thhe tensile forces

(assume that concreete does not resist any tensile force at all).

o Concreete carriess compression

o Steel carries
c tennsion

1.1.6 General load path in buildings

Slabs → beams → columns / structural walls → foundations

Fig. 1.1-7 Reinforced concrete building elements (members)

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