3.2 Failure Behaviour, Moment Redistribution - pp.45-53 - CIVL3320 - 2017!02!15

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 Failure beehaviour

 Balancced section
n (Fig. 2.33-4)

nsion steel yieldingg (s = y) and conccrete crush

 Ten hing (c = cu) at

faillure at the same tim


Fig. 2.3-4 Balaanced failurre

 Under-reinforceed section (Fig. 2.3-5)

 Steeel strain reaches y before con

ncrete straain reachees εcu .

Fig. 2.3-5 Ducctile failuree

 Thee failure of
o an undeer-reinforrced beam
m is characterised bby large

steeel strains, and hencce by exteensive cracking of the

t concreete and

by substantiaal deflectiion. The ductility of such a beam prrovides

mpending failure; for this reason, and

ampple warniing of im a for

onomy, designers ussually aim
m at under-reinforcem

 Over-rreinforced
d section

 Con
ncrete straain reaches εcu beforre steel strrain reachees εy .

 The faailure of an
n over-reiinforced beam
b is innitiated byy the crushhing of

the con
ncrete, whhile the steeel strain is
i still relaatively low
w. The faailure is

therefoore characcterised by a smalll deflectioon and by

y the abseence of

extensive crackiing in thee tension zone.

z The failure, often expplosive,

occurss with littlee warningg.

 It is not alllowed to design a beam

b withh a very loow steel raatio.

 Failuree of beams with a very low stteel ratio (Fig.

( 2.3-66):
Main crack
c  quickly
q expand  beam
b brokken (brittlee failure)

Fig. 2.3-6 Failure off beam withh a very low

w reinforceement ratioo

 Reinfo
orcement ratio
r shoulld be conttrolled by min .

2.3.5 Moment redistribut

r tion

(1) Concept of moment redistrribution of a continnuous beam made of an

idealised elastic-plaastic material (Fig. 2.3-7).


 Stress-straain relatioonship andd moment curvature characterristics

f M
fy MP

 1/r
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.3-7 Idealisedd elastio-pllastic materrial. (a) Strress-strain relationshiip; (b)

momentt curvaturee characteriistics

 For a secction of thhe beam subjectedd to an inncreasing moment M, the

curvature at thatt section increases
i linearly with
w M unntil the vaalue MP

(plastic moment
m off resistancce) is reaached; thee curvature then inccreases

indefinitely, as show
wn in Fig. 2.3-7(b)..

■ Exaample 2.3--4

Fig. 2..3-8(a) shoows a twoo-span uniiform beam (all crooss-sectionns have thhe same

plasticc moment of resistannce) madee of an ideeal elastic--plastic maaterial, subbjected

to midd-span loaads, P. Thhe value of

o the plasstic momeent of resiistance off cross-

sectionns is MP.






Fig. 2.3-8 (a) Two-span

T b
beam madee of an ideaal elastic-pplastic mateerial; (b) ellastic
moments; (cc) plastic m
moments off the uniforrm beam; (d)
( collapsee mechanissm

 Fig. 2.3-8(b) shows the elastic beading moments.

 Suppose P is just large enough for the moment at C to reach MP, i.e. MC =

MP. A further increase in P, say P, to P′, will not increase the value of

MC . A plastic hinge is said to have developed at C. Hence the beam

behaves as though it is hinged there (the section C deforms as a plastic


o Under the increased load P’, the moment at B is

5 1
MB  Pl   P  l
32 4

This is because the increased loads cause an increase in the overall

moment. Since the moment at C cannot be increased, more moments

will go to the elastic sections (B and D).

o As P is increased, both MB and MD increase and will eventually reach

the value MP, as shown in Fig. 2.3-8(c). The beam behaves as though

it is also hinged at B and D.

 The beam will collapse in the mode shown in Fig. 2.3-8(d), where the

beam is no longer a structure, but a mechanism.

 Let Pu be the value of P at collapse.

Pu l M C
From Fig. 2.3-8(c), M B   , where both MB and MC are now
4 2
Pu l M P
equal to MP; hence M P   . Then,
4 2
M P  Pu l (2.21)

 From Eq. (2.21), the collapse load

Pu  6 (2.22)

 If the beam had remained elastic, the bending moment diagram at

collapse would have been that of Fig. 2.3-8(b) with Pu substituted

for P, and the (hypothetical) elastic moment at C could have been

( M elastic )C  Pu l

1 3
o Comparing M C  Pu l with ( M elastic )C  Pu l shows that the rotation
6 16

of the plastic hinge at C has resulted in a moment redistribution:

 After the formation of the plastic hinge at C, the bending moment

there is smaller (and that B greater) than what it would have been if

the beam had remained elastic.

 The bending moment at C after the moment distribution is Pu l ,
3 1 3
but not Pu l (note that Pu l < Pu l ).
16 6 16

o The moment redistribution ratio at section C is

MC Pl /6
 u  0.889
 M elastic C 3Pu l /16

(2) Moment redistribution ratio βb

moment at a section after redistribution

b  1 (2.23)
moment at the section before redistribution

(3) In general, structural design that takes account of moment redistributions

is called plastic design.

 When available rotation of a hinge does not cause crushing of the

concrete, further hinges may be formed at other cross-sections until a

mechanism is produced.

 The behaviour of plastic hinges is limited by the concrete failure, which

limits the rotation that takes place at a section in bending owing to

concrete failing at a small compressive strain.

 Applying redistribution of moments

o When moment redistribution of the section is not considered or does

not exceed 10%: x ≤ 0.5d ; and

At a section with the largest moment where redistribution of moment

exceeds 10%, the depth of neutral axis should satisfy

x  (  b  0.4)d (fcu ≤ 45 N/mm2) (2.24a)

x  (  b  0.5)d (45 < fcu ≤ 70 N/mm2) (2.24b)

This provision ensures that there is adequate rotation capacity at the

section for redistribution to take place.

o The moment of resistance of any section should be at least 70 percent

of the moment from the elastic analysis; hence the code allows a

reduction of up to 30% of the peak elastic moment to be made for the

concrete with fcu ≤ 45 N/mm2, i.e. the maximum moment

redistribution permitted is 30 percent. Thus,  b  0.7 .

 Allowing up to 30% moment redistribution is to prevent an

excessive demand on the ductility and rotational capacity.

 A maximum 15% of moment redistribution is generally to be taken

as a reasonable limit, though the code permits up to 30%, whereas

the moment redistribution  10% is normally considered in

design practice.

o Hence, from Eq. (2.25a) the neutral axis depth x = (0.3 to 0.5)d.

 For 0-10% moment redistribution: b = 0.9 (x = 0.5d)

 For 20% moment redistribution: b = 0.8 (x = 0.4d)

 For 30% moment redistribution: b = 0.7 (x = 0.3d)

(4) HKConcrete2013

 Moment redistribution = 0 to 10% :

x  0.5d for fcu ≤ 45 N/mm2

x  0.4d (45 < fcu ≤ 70 N/mm2)

When 70 < fcu ≤100N/mm2, no moment redistribution is allowed;
x  0.33d .

■ Example 2.3-5

A single-span fixed-end beam is subjected to an increasing uniformly

distributed load. It is assumed that the ultimate flexural strengths (Mu) at mid-

span and supports are the same and equal to wL2/12, where w is a uniformly

distributed load to cause the first plastic hinge. Determine: (1) The collapse

load the beam may carry with moment redistribution; (2) The moment

redistribution ratio at the support section C.


(1) Elastic support moments =
Elastic mid-span moment =

At collapse load with consideration of moment redistribution,

MA = MC = Mu =
wL2 wa L2
MB = Mu = 
24 8
wa L2
where is the additional moment at B, as for a simply supported beam with

hinges at A and C. Thus,

wL2 wa L2 wL2
 
24 8 12


wa  w / 3  0.33w

The collapse load the beam may carry with moment redistribution is

w' = w + wa = 1.33w

(2) When
W the beam
b o the collaapse load, the momeent redistribution
is suubjected to
raatio at C iss
L2 /12
wL wL2
b    0..75
wL2 /12 1.333wL2

2.4 Doubly Reinforced

R d Rectanguular Sectioon in Bend

2.4.1 Design fo
ormulae [[derived based
b on fcu  45 N/mm2. When fcuu > 45

N/mm2, seee details in HKConncrete2013, clause]

6 ]

 Sections with
w momment redistrribution appplied nott greater thhan 10%

For a sinngly reinnforced seection, when the design ultimate moment


exceeds thhe ultimatte momentt of resistaance,

M  0.156 f cu bd 2

compressiion reinfoorcement is requiredd, as shownn in Fig. 2.4-1.


Fig. 2.4--1 Section with comppression reinforcemen


o From equilibrium
e m,

Fst  Fcc  Fsc

When steel reinfforcementt (both As and A's) att yielding,,


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