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Lost and Found (Charlotte Katakuri x Fem!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: One Piece
Relationship: Charlotte Katakuri/Reader, Charlotte Katakuri & Reader, Charlotte
Katakuri/Original Female Character(s), Charlotte Katakuri & Original
Character: Original Female Character(s), Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Pudding,
Charlotte Brulee, Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte "Big Mom" Linlin
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Fluff, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Cute,
There will be donuts, Katakuri needs love, Eventual Smut, Intimacy,
Arranged Marriage, We break down his walls!
Stats: Published: 2022-01-12 Updated: 2022-06-22 Chapters: 15/? Words:

Lost and Found (Charlotte Katakuri x Fem!Reader)

by JessIsABaka


Reader, who has eaten the saga saga no mi (find find fruit), gets roped into an arranged
marriage with the strongest of the Big Mom pirates. Please be prepared for silliness as you
bond with his sisters and gradually break down his walls.


Firstly thankyou for clicking on this, it is my first post (and my first fanfic) so please enjoy.
I'd say Katakuri is my favourite One Piece character and I feel like he truly deserves love
and someone to care for him, I can only imagine how lonely he is having to project this
undefeatable persona all the time. Which is why I wrote this fic. Plus the poor guy was
teased for how he looks, the guy has a lovely face! Don't worry I will punish Flampe, she is
truly a brat and I have a lot of dislike for her! So please enjoy this journey, as we break
down this stoic mans walls! Think of it as my ode to Katakuri.

Katakuri simps unite!

P.S. Please imagine Katakuri as a bit shorter than what he is, I do like tall guys but sheesh
16ft is a little too much!

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Saga saga no mi

Here you found yourself again. Mingled amongst the death cries of another inexperienced crew
nearing the end of their journey. Eating that fruit was the worst thing that you've ever done. The
saga-saga no mi. Yes... You could 'Find' anything, even intangible things, escape routes,
weaknesses. And yes, that has saved you many times. Not eating it, however, would have saved
you the heartache of countless pirates kidnapping you and demanding you to find lost treasure, or
for you to take them to the One Piece (you abhorred that request). You wouldn't have minded, but
the majority of them were incompetent! Take now for instance, as you duck and weave through the
debris of this sinking ship. A huge sea king is mauling the whole crew out, you'd at least think one
of them would have the balls to at least try to attack it! It always ends like this, some crew getting
too big for their boots.

"Aaahhhh!!! (Y/N) Please, you gotta help us! Find us a way out of this!! I'm beggin' ya!" The
captain of the ship yelled agitated, his short round leg crushed by debris from the sail.

"Sorry Cap, I did try to warn you," you said deftly tying up some debris to form a makeshift raft,
and flinging it off the side of the ship. "I only agreed to show you the way in exchange for my own
living quarters, access to warm water and one meal a day." You brought your hand to your brow,
squinted and tactfully surveyed the ship, you eyed a large hole where your cabin used to reside.
Bobbing joyfully in the sea you spied the remains of the kitchen pantry. "Yeah... Looks like you
can't hold up your end of the bargain anymore, so I'm going to cut my losses."

"Please (Y/N), we won't make it out of this alive!!" Tears welled in the captains eyes as he pleaded
with you. You looked into his eyes, this part of the journey never got easier. You knew he was
using you, that's all they've ever done. Only ever concerned with what they were getting, until
something went wrong. "I'm sorry..." you replied, the previous bravado nowhere to be found.
Grabbing some nearby provisions you turned your head and made for the blue water below.

Just as you jumped from the ship you heard a loud creaking, the ship had finally hit its limit. The
large tentacles of the sea king finally succeeded in splitting the ship in two. 'You don't owe them
anything' you thought to yourself as you pulled your knees to your chest and clutched them tightly,
trying your best to drown out the weeping of the crew that you left behind.

At least you knew you would always 'Find' your way home. As you drifted through the open sea
your mind began to wonder. How many times was this now? "Too many", you answered. When
you were younger, you would fight your kidnappers. This would lead, more often than not, to a
severe beating for you. Some, of which, were so severe, that you still carry them with you today,
both in body and in mind. As time passed you stopped resisting, instead opting for negotiation. A
private place, warm water and food, it made the journey more tolerable. In the early days your
parents would send search parties to look for you, this often ended in vain. This ceased when, time
and time again, you would always 'find' your way home. You could only imagine the expense it
cost them. You knew your parents loved you, they've always tried their best. Now they just wait
for you to come home. You don't hold it against them, what else can they do? Its funny really. You
could find anything and anyone, but no one could do the same for you.

The harsh waves of the Grand Line soon subsided into a calm bob, you knew you were nearing
home. As your makeshift raft calmly drifted to the beach of your home town, you felt at ease. How
long till you were picked up again? You hoped it would be at least a few weeks. After a few days
on that raft you were a bit worse for wear, it took all you had to drag yourself from the raft to the
beach. The coarse grains of sand a welcome change to the splinter ridden raft. You let out a sigh,
plunging your face into the sand.

"Ah Y/N, you're back. They didn't make it far this time did they! It's only been a week! Haha!"
You turned your head, there sitting lavishly, fishing pole in hand was Connie a retiree, who now
spends his remaining years catching fish (they never bite). The old man grinned, his eyes creasing.
You'd have chewed him out for not helping you out, but you know his legs aren't what they used to
be. "There's been some funny people hanging about since you left, mighty funny looking." He
called out as you turned to leave. A half hearted reply left your lips, "really?" You weren't in the
mood for gossip, just a long warm shower and a hefty meal. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out." You
raised your hand as you begun to walk away. Legs wobbling you made your way to your house.
The sight of a girl stumbling across the path breathless would have been a rare sight, in another
village. Here, it was a sight people knew well and they knew better than to approach you whilst
you were in this state. 'I'll check in on her tomorrow' they thought to themselves.

The sight of your picket fence gave you a short reprieve from your fatigue, you dashed towards the
front door and flung it open. "I'm home!!!!!" It was a shout that shook the eaves of the house, you
made a beeline for the kitchen. "Mom, Dad I am starving." The strength left your legs again and
you found yourself stumbling through the door frame. You met the cheery faces of your parents
and collapsed onto the nearby chair reaching for whatever fruit adorned the centre table. So gleeful
you were to finally sink your teeth into some fresh produce, that you neglected to notice the
stranger in the corner of the room.

*cough cough* the gangly man made a bid for your attention, he'd have to wait. You. Were.
Enamoured. The smooth, creamy texture of the fruit was heavenly! Involuntarily your eyes to
rolled back and you let out a guttural moan. Were custard apples ever this good?


Ah, I'm dead aren't I?


Yup, and I went straight to the good place.


You were awoken out of your daze with a start. You looked up to find your mom, knuckles white
clutching a frying pan exasperated expression on her face. "Ouch! Mo.."

She cut you off, "you have a visitor", she motioned to the corner of the room with the frying pan.
Your eyes deftly followed her motion and you finally laid eyes on the strange visitor. There stood a
(very) colourful lanky man clad in a bright yellow coat that extended down to his ankles. He held,
in his left hand what you could only describe as a huge candy cane. He seemed oddly familiar.
Noticing your surprise at his appearance he broke into a toothy grin and gave a most audible lap to
his cane. *Lick.* You shuddered at the gesture, only then noticing his extraordinary large tongue.
"Kukukukuku," his laugh grated on your ears and you immediately put up your guard. This man
was dangerous.

"What do you want?" You questioned him, rising out of your chair, standing tall to face the man.
He gave another audible *lick* to his cane, that gesture unnerved you and you found yourself
covering your mouth to prevent the custard apple from coming back up. "Kukuku, forgive my
intrusion. My name is Perospero, eldest child of the Charlotte family and an officer of the Big
Mom pirates." He paused, taking a step towards the table you were leaning on. "I have come here

Again? You thought to yourself, the rest of his introductory speech fell on deaf ears. I've only just
returned! Not even a few days to recover and now another crew have appeared to whisk you away
and the Big Mom pirates at that! What did they need you for? Big Mom could find anything, the
woman was a walking tank, everyone knew that! Would she want you to find the One Piece for
her? No surely not, she had class right? She wouldn't 'cheat' to get her hands on it.

Perospero had halted his speech, it was apparent from the glazed look in your eye that you hadn't
heard a word he had said. Why did Mama choose him for this errand? A whole 5 days he'd been on
this island waiting for you, he is an important man you know. How dare you stand there and ignore
him! He'd love nothing more than to give you a piece of his mind, but he has to be on his best
behaviour. His already wide grin widened still. Yes, Mama said you were... valuable.

Finally rousing from your daze you shouted your terms at the leering gentleman. "Okay! I will
guide you to what you want to find, on three conditions. One! You shall give me a private cabin, so
I do not have to room with the crew. Two! You will give me access to warm water when I wish to
bathe. And three! You provide me with at least one meal per day." During your stupor you had an
epiphany. Big Mom was a Yonko, her crew had to be strong. If she did want you to find the One
Piece, they'd probably succeed. Then you'd have helped the new King of the pirates! You'd be
affiliated with her, then people would think twice about whisking you away. 'You want to kidnap
me and force me to find something for you? I wonder how my dear friend Big Mom would feel
about that?' This was your big break, maybe after this you'd get what you've been yearning for.

Persoperso stood dumbfounded. She really wasn't listening was she? That insolent woman! The
grin disappeared from his face and he began to open his mouth, before he was interrupted by your
father. "(Y/N), please listen. He's come to propose marriage."

"MARRIAGE?! TO HIM?! You gave an audible retch, that custard apple wasn't so heavenly
anymore. *Lick* Perospero's cold eyes looked down on you. "Mama wouldn't be so foolish as to
marry me off." He turned his head to look out of the kitchen window as to mask the hurt look on
his face. "Marriage would distract me from my important duties", he muttered to himself.

You pondered the proposition. You weren't dwelling on the fact that you had never seen your
betrothed. He couldn't be too bad, right? You looked towards Perospero and shook your head. It
was one thing to be used and to use in return, but this was different. This wasn't a negotiation, this
wasn't a partnership, this wasn't equal! Big Mom would be free to use you as she pleased, under the
guise of family. She would own you in a sense, you couldn't let that happen!

"I refuse." Your cold voice rang out in the now silent kitchen.

Perospero stood dumbfounded for the second time today. He could not believe his ears, how in the
world did you think this was a request? "Mr. Perospero, I think you have overstayed your welcome.
I'd see you out, but I am dreadfully tired. I would appreciate it if you would not call again, my
parents tolerate enough hardship as it is." With this final remark you left the kitchen and retired to
your bedroom. Honestly 3 days at sea on a makeshift raft and you come home to this? Can you not
be left to live in peace? Your brooding was interrupted by a knock on your door. "(Y/N)?" Your
mom slowly opened the door to your bedroom.

"You must be thirsty, here." She set a glass of water on your bedside table. You looked up and
began to thank her, but the gratitude caught in your throat. How did she get to look so old? Her
eyes were dark and puffy, no doubt from sleepless nights where she lay away crying, wondering if
her daughter would ever come home. Just then you imagined the stress you put on their hearts, it
was aging them, killing them slowly. For the first time you seriously considered Persoperos offer.
One thing remained, the Big Mom pirates were strong. Yes, she would be free to use you, but you
would be family. Wouldn't that mean she would see that no harm would come to you? Maybe then
your parents would sleep soundly at night. As if reading your thoughts your mom smiled. It was a
knowing smile, it indicated that she knew you better thank you knew yourself. This apathetic
attitude of yours was a rouse, underneath lay a kind hearted girl who's only wish was to spare
others the hurt that she feels. "Which way did he go?" You questioned. Your mom smirked to
herself "He never left." Heaving a heavy sigh you lifted yourself off of the bed and reluctantly
began the decent downstairs.

Sitting pride and place with his back to the doorway was Perospero, contently digging in to one of
your mom's cream puffs. When he heard footsteps he halted what he was doing and turned to face
the opening. Upon seeing you his face contorted into the most condescending grin. 'Kukuku. Come
to her senses has she?' He turned back to the cream puff and licked his fingers *lick*, again you
shuddered. "Can my..." Before you could finish your question he interjected.

"No, your parents stay here."

"Can I..."

"Yes, you may write to them. After you've settled in mama might even permit a visit."

"When do we..."

"Immediately", he replied.


"Either you come now, or the offer is void." He was bluffing, of course, but he couldn't bare to
stay in this town any longer.

"Okay, give me a moment to grab my things." Dejected, you walked upstairs to pack your few

Your parents accompanied you to the docks where you said your tearful farewell. You were
surprised they did not speak up when you agreed to the proposal. You thought that they'd accepted
it because they knew you were doing it for them, this was however, only partly true. Your parents
knew there were things you could not tell them. The traumatic things you've experienced that
return to plague you night after night. The sweaty palms and anxious breathing when you hear
unexplained noises. You thought you hid it well, but they saw straight through you. Everyone
knew the notoriety of the Big Mom pirates, even your parents. They only entertained this idea,
because they thought you could find safety. They thought you would finally be able to find peace.
As you made for Perosperos ship you waved a solemn goodbye to your parents. "I'll write to you
everyday!!" They smiled and nodded "we look forward to it", they called back. They watched you
depart with one wish in their heart, that your husband-to-be had a caring and kind soul to match

Perosperos' ship was lavish, though you weren't too taken with the figurehead on the front. The trip
to Totto land was uneventful, nothing bad happened, no Sea Kings, no Marines, nothing. During
the journey you thought how to win favour with big mom, this whole situation would run smoothly
if she thought fondly of you. That and you needed to make physical contact with her to find her
weaknesses, if she had any. This would be easier if she trusted you. You called out to Perospero,
whom you have learned to tolerate during the voyage. "Perospero?"
"Yes???" He replied. His attitude towards you, too had changed. You were hardworking and
helped out however you could. He realised that the irritable exterior that he witnessed was most
likley a defence and that as you felt at ease on his ship, you became more amicable.

"What desserts does big mom like?"

"Mama??" He pondered. "She likes all desserts, why? What are you planning?" He looked at you
"I was hoping to make her something, I can't meet with her empty handed."

"Kukukuku, what a nice thought. I'm sure she would be happy with anything you make for her."
After ending his remark he gave a habitual lick to his cane and you shuddered. That's something
you could never get used to, but it reminded you of the day you left and instantly you knew what
you'd make for Big Mom.

And so the long voyage came to an end, you found yourself in Totto land. The huge archipelago
that was home to the Big Mom pirates. With the dessert held firmly in your grip, you disembarked
from Perosperos' ship ready to navigate the new life that awaited you.
A man worthy of love
Chapter Summary

MC finally arrives in Tottoland and gets a glimpse of her betrothed, what will she
make of him?

Chapter Notes

Thankyou for getting this far! I apologise if this chapter seems a bit disjointed, I tried
to switch POV to Katakuri part way through so you could see his perspective. I hope it
flows, it does to me, but I'm the one that wrote it. Anyway, please enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter 2: A man worthy of love

Upon your arrival you were brought to the centre of Whole Cake Island, there sat a huge tower that
dwarfed all the surrounding buildings. You gulped at the sheer size and feeling your hands begin to
shake, you tightened the hold on the plate in your grasp. You were lead into a large chamber where
you could hear the chattering of a hoard of people. Upon your entrance into the chamber, this
chatter ceased and all eyes fell on you.

The Big Mom pirates were curious about the new addition to their family, so curious in fact that
when they heard of you arrival they rushed to the Queen's chamber to get a glimpse of you. Where
had their mother found this girl? She wasn't from an influential family, she was a no one. Why
would Mama want her? The Queen's chamber was abuzz with conversation involving the bride-to-
be, this generated quite the noise. In the centre of the chamber, close to Big Mom's throne,
reposing on the wall was the lucky man. Leaving his trident leaning against the wall he walked
towards the centre aisle. Katakuri was never fazed by the hustle and bustle of his family, he had
quite the fondness for it, his caring gaze diligently surveying the Queen's Chambers. To say he was
blindsided when Big Mom announced that he was to marry would be an understatement. Why
him? If she was now matching her sons, wouldn't it make sense to start with Perospero? Couldn't
she have picked a different son, found someone better, someone without... He halted his line of
thinking and clutched his scarf, pulling it higher up his face. Regardless of his thoughts he trusted
his Mother's judgement. Taking one last glance around the chamber he returned to rest on the wall.
You were here. The conversation slowly died down as the crew became aware of your arrival.

You stood motionless, then you felt a prod on you back. "Kukuku, go on now. Mama doesn't bite."
Perospero pushed you with his cane and you began to move forward. The individuals in your
peripherals looked familiar, you assumed this is because you'd seen their wanted posters. This is
the crew then, you thought to yourself. It took all you had to prevent the plate from jittering in your
hands. With heavy feet you carried on.

"Mama mama!" As you neared the throne you heard the cackle of one of the strongest pirates in
the sea. Only in seeing her up close could you appreciate the enormity of her being. She was
gigantic, her foot big enough to crush you. The sheer aura she emit threatened to force you onto
your knees. "Mama mama." She bellowed, causing you to stagger. "(Y/N) (L/N), Owner of the
saga saga no mi, welcome to Tottoland." Big Mom opened her arms in a welcoming gesture.

"It is a pleasure to be here." You barely squeaked out a reply, your voice betraying the confident
image you wished to project. Big Mom opened her mouth to continue her speech, but she paused.
Tightly shutting her eyes she turned her nose to the air. "Aaaahhhh, what a nice smell," Her voice
took on child like undertone, "What is it you've got there?" Her face beamed.

"I made a cream puff for you, Mama." A flash of a frown appeared on Big Mom's face, you held
your breath, was it too soon to call her Mama? This frown soon disappeared and was replaced by a
contented smile, 'I guess she didn't mind' you thought, finally able to breathe again.

"Mama mama, she'll make you a wonderful wife Katakuri." Her eyes drifted to the right side of her
throne and yours followed. Leaning on the wall was a, very, well built man, face partially obscured
by a scarf. Intimidating didn't even begin to describe his appearance. Spikes on his knees? Why
would you even need that? You eyes once again rested on the man's face, he was scowling. You
knew by looking at him that he was not happy to be here, like there was something more important
to him that he should be doing at this moment. "Mama mama." You let your eyes linger for too
long and were snapped back to your situation by the cackle of Big Mom.

"Aahhh, such a good child, please bring it to mama."

Bring it to her? You were a mess just standing in front of her, you couldn't bare to get any closer.

"Aaahhh, creampuff, creampuff." She sang, merrily swaying too and fro. When she saw you
hesitating she called out, "hurry!" Mustering the courage you had left you began the ascent to the
throne. The shake of your legs revealing to the room the anxiety you felt. You hadn't made it past
the third step when you were stopped. A large hand gently gripped your forearm, it was Katakuri.
Jumping at this opportunity of contact, you immediately searched his psyche for a weakness. As
the images flooded your head you could make out a... circle? No? The fuzziness of the image
began to clear, it was a donut. Your mind then became assaulted with the images of various
individuals, some of which you noted were in the room. This must be his family. That's sweet, but
no matter how noble a weakness you found, it was your principle never to judge someone based on
it. For you had found that the most sadistic of people had a weakness for the most trivial things.
Yet again, could you call family trivial? You ceased your thoughts and focused on the final image
that entered your mind. It was a reflection, Katakuri's reflection, the scarf absent from his face.
Your eyes scanned past his protruding teeth and settled on the scars that scaled his cheeks. You
understood why he would feel the need to conceal his face, not everyone in the world is accepting.
It is a shame, you thought to yourself, he has such a handsome face. The image was pulled roughly
from your mind as you felt the warmth from his hand leave your skin. Deftly, Katakuri had
commandeered the creampuff and began to climb the stairs in your place. As you began to follow
him you noticed your foot was improperly placed on the step, you would have fallen if you
proceeded any further. Did he just save you? How did he know you'd have tripped? Did he
anticipate it? Stunned, you could only look on as Katakuri presented the cream puff to his mother.
You looked down at your forearm, how can a man that exhumed such a strength be so gentle?

You were scared, Katakuri didn't need his observational prowess to conclude that. He could hardly
blame you, the situation you found yourself in was daunting. It was apparent, watching your petite
frame stumble down the aisle, that you were no threat to his family. This was to be his wife? Truth
be told, Katakuri had never once considered his taste in women, he never had to. Being the
strongest of the sweet commanders, his only duty was to keep Tottoland, and his family, safe.
When his mother told him of this arrangement, no particular image came to mind, nor did he
particularly care. This marriage was just like any other order and he intended to carry it out
diligently. As you neared the centre of the chamber he continued to study you. You were small, yet
again anyone would look small next to this group of giants. Your hair was neatly tied up keeping it
off your face. He stopped. You had quite the pretty face. Your large doe eyes, slightly wide, darted
around the room, surveying your surroundings. Your lips were pursed, no doubt a by product of
your concentration. Two rosy chubby cheeks adorned the roundness of your face, they looked soft,
like a fluffy donut. Ahhh donuts, Katakuri was reminded that it was past time for his merienda. He
looked away, adjusting his scarf, thankful that this meeting would end soon, you had reached the
apex of your journey. Standing before Mama you appeared to shrink two sizes, he was surprised
that you managed to hold your ground. He did notice, however, the slight jump in your shoulders as
Mama addressed you. His gaze then fell to the plate you were holding, a cream puff? You made it
for her? Was it poisoned? No, he'd have sensed your ill intent. It was a gift? He saw your face turn
to look at him, he looked back as you scanned him up and down. Your rosy cheeks losing colour as
you observed his form. He was not surprised at your reaction, he intended to instil fear in people, it
was this that kept order. Your eyes then locked with his, but Katakuri was lost in thought, his mind
wondering back to his coveted break. What tea should accompany his midday snack?
Unbeknownst to him, he was scowling.

Seeing you ascend the stairs broke Katakuri from his 'love' educed daze. He diligently studied your
legs and foresaw the misplace of your foot which caused you to stumble and drop the cream puff.
Flashing to your side, he gently grasped your forearm to prevent the step you were about to take.
You had worked so hard on that dessert for Mama, he couldn't let that effort go to waste. Swiping
the plate from your grasp he gracefully climbed the stairs, knelt down and presented your gift to
his Mother.

"Mama mama~. Ah! Delicious!" Big Mom spared no time in chowing down on the cream puff, she
neglected to notice who presented it to her. The room however, was a flood with whispers. What
they were saying, you could easily guess. 'Did you see? She was going to drop that, good thing
Katakuri was there.' This mindless chatter, however, was the furthest thing from your mind. You
could not tear your eyes away from this man in front of you, perhaps there was a lot more to him
than his scary persona.

"So (Y/N)." Big Mom's gleeful voice rang out. "You're going to be joining our family," She leant
forward, smiling. "This is my son, Charlotte Katakuri. He is, without a doubt, the strongest and
most reliable of my crew." Her voice shrank into a menacing whisper. "I hope you can comprehend
the honour we have bestowed upon you by choosing you as his wife." A verbal reply escaped you,
all you could muster was a rigorous nod of your head. "Mama mama~!" Big Mom leaned back in
her throne and gave her signature cackle. "Such a good child! The marriage will take place six
months from now. Katakuri is a very busy man you see. For the time being, you will stay here.
Feel free to see TottoLand, bond with your brothers and sisters! They'll be your new family after
all. After your marriage you will live with Katakuri on Komogi Island, but..." Again she leant
down, her face grinning. "After that cream puff, you will always be welcome back here... Mama
mama~! I think that ends things here."

The room came to life once again. Their curiosity satiated, many of the onlookers turned to leave.
Many still wondering as to why a no one like you was chosen to wed their brother. "Katakuri." You
jumped at the outburst from Big Mom "Show (Y/N) to the guest room." Katakuri bowed
respectfully towards his Mother, "Yes Mama." His deep honeyed voice matched him well.

You noted that during the journey to your guest room he slowed his pace immensely to
accommodate you. Whole Cake chateau was vast, constantly busy with the hustle and bustle of
servants. You could not help but stare in awe at the beauty of the place, so much so that numerous
times you spied Katakuri's scowl in your peripherals as you unintentionally stopped to gander. A
few times you tried to start a conversation with him, anything you attempted to say caught in your
dry throat and came out as a squeek. Multiple times you masked this foreign sound with a cough,
you had hoped to portray a better first impression to your betrothed. Katakuri then stopped outside
of a door and motioned for you to go inside. Opening the door you were met with the most
wondrous sight, a four poster bed embellished the right side of the room; the walls were garnished
with pictures of scrumptious desserts; it was a truly alluring room. Watching you take in the sight,
Katakuri stood motionless in the doorway, he made no move to enter. He was quite relieved that
you seemed calmer now, your legs had regained their firmness. He was content that you had
calmed down enough to be left to your own devices.

In your peripherals you noticed movement by the door, Katakuri was turning to leave. You hadn't
thanked him! Unintentionally you shot towards the door and held your arm out to him. "Erm..."
Silence rang out yet again as you tried to formulate what it was that you wanted to say.


You stood, mouth agape staring at the man, hand suspended in midair.

"If you have nothing more to say, I'm late for my merienda."

"What's that??"

(So you could speak! Why then, was the gratitude you felt for him stuck in your throat?)

"It's my afternoon tea break..."

Afternoon tea? This could be an opportunity, flowing refreshments might be able to loosen your
lips. It could be a chance to fix the botched impression that he has of you.

"Then I could join!"

"NO!!" The harsh voice shook the hall. It was an oversight on his part, his ever growing headache
getting the better of him.


Katakuri looked away from you and adjusted his scarf. "What I mean is, I'm very busy, my break
will be rushed. Mama would have prepared the courtyard. If you're hungry, head there, I'm sure
you'd find better company." He turned tentatively to face you, hoping that he might be able to fix
this fearful image you have of him. A slight tension in his shoulders as he spied your reaction. He
was met with a perceptive smile, "It's okay, I understand." How could you not see it before, the
pressure that came with his position? This was, most likely, one of the few times he could relax, of
course he couldn't do that with you there. Katakuri was shocked, he had expected that he'd be met
with a quivering wreck. Thankful that his outburst seemingly didn't affect you, he yet again made a
bid to depart.

"Katakuri?" Your voice barely audible as you cast your eyes downwards to the scarlet carpet.

"Yes?" You brought yourself to look him in the face, he donned a neutral expression, absent were
the frown lines that were a defining feature of his fearsome image. You were aware of his
handsomeness, but only in seeing him in this way could you full appreciate the strikingness of his
face (the half you could see anyway). His eyes, that once bore through you, lost their intimidation
and you were now able to see the tenderness in his gaze.

"Thankyou." The words naturally escaped you. Katakuri turned to the side, narrowed his eyes and
once again scowled, to which you giggled. This was probably his thinking frown, he was most
likely trying to understand why you thanked him. Seemingly stumbling upon a reason for your
thanks, Katakuri began his reply. "It was mamas' order. I.."

"No, for before." You interjected, shaking your head. "I'd have dropped that creampuff, right? You
saved me!" You began rubbing your hands, your nerves kicking in. "I just... Thanks, for not letting
my hard work go to waste." Met with his unbreaking gaze, you grew coy and once again cast your
eyes to the floor. Silence ensued, until you felt an abrupt weight fall on your head. You attempted
to look up, but your head movement was limited, you realised that Katakuri had plonked his hand
on your head. Warmth spread through you, you were captivated at how, yet again, this bulky man
could be so gentle.

"They're not that scary." Your shoulders lost the rigidity that you'd been carrying since you had
disembarked off Perosperos' ship and you smiled. The warmth of Katakuris' hand left your head
and he swiftly made his way down the corridor, your eyes never leaving his back. You were
thankful for his urgency, lest he look back to see the giddy smile plastered on your face. Your hand
slowly massaging your head, in a futile attempt to recreate the warmth that you felt a few moments
ago. Your stupor was only broken by the growling of your stomach, after the stress of todays
events had dissipated, your appetite had returned. "He said the courtyard, right? Hopefully they
have some good food."

Shutting the door to your room, you began your meander to the courtyard, knowing you'd
instinctively find your way. Surprisingly you found that it wasn't necessarily your devil fruit that
lead you to the courtyard. On the contrary, the last leg of your journey was dictated solely by your
nose. As you reached the entrance to the courtyard you heard the chatter of a few voices.
"It's true Flampe! I SAW her, she's here, you can't stop this marriage from happening!"

"Well good luck to her, I'M the closest to being Onii-Samas favourite! I'll the fan club is in uproar!
Onii-Sama is perfect! He's untouchable! He can't get married!"

"You don't want Katakuri Onii-San to find love??"

"Love?! Ha like you'd know Pudding! Onii-Sama doesn't need a weak emotion like LOVE!"

Well, you certainly stumbled upon something, perched just outside of the entrance you stood
conflicted. You had no intention of eavesdropping, honestly, all you wanted was a tiny nibble of
what you've been smelling, was that too much to ask? You had been through hell this morning, all
you wanted was to placate your stomach. For an age you stood there, turning towards the doorway,
then turning away from it. At one point your foot breached the frame, before you second guessed
yourself and pulled back. It was hopeless, when you did, decidedly, pump yourself up to go in your
body stopped half way. Deciding it was best to try again later you spun round and headed back to
your room. Hopefully they do room service.


You didn't get very far. Directly in front of you stood a rather slender woman, very branch-like in
nature. Where had she come from? Your senses weren't that dull, surely? Surveying the corridor
you found it eerily silent, save for the rhythmic thumping of a mirror situated halfway down the
hall, very peculiar. On second looks the woman did carry some weight, these came in the form of
two, ample, mounds, which you had just waltzed head first into. Must be nice, to only carry your
weight there of all places.

"Wiwwiwwi" the witch cackled.

"I'm sorry, did I.."

"You came here for food right, go in, go in. Make yourself at home." The woman ushered you,
with her willowy fingers, into the doorframe and with that, your right to object was revoked. Upon
entering the room you made eye contact with a beautiful girl, a few years younger than you.
Flowing brown locks and bangs that covered her forehead, she was curvy in all the right places.
Her dress accentuated her small waist and the low cut design drew attention to her huge chest. (The
genetics of this family!!)
"Ooooohhhh, hi! (Y/N)-chan!" She opened her arms and energetically pat the seat next to her.
"Flampe, this is (Y/N) we've just been talking about!! Say hi." If looks could kill, this girl would
have knocked you six foot under. A simple "heh" was all you could muster, attempting to back up
you noted that your escape route was blocked by the woman who ushered you in. Plastering a
strained smile on your face, you surrendered, quietly sitting next to the cheery girl.

"Oooohhhh! Katakuri is going to be one lucky man! The guys said you were pretty, honestly I
think it's wasted on my big brother. He's a brute! I doubt he even knows how to treat women. What
do you think Flampe?"

Hey hey, really? The girl wasn't that dumb right? Read the room!

Flampe was seething. In an attempt to forget about your current situation you carefully began
selecting the hors d'oeuvre that would satiate your hunger.

"Really Flampe, Katakuri isn't even yours, frankly I find it rather weird that you have this fixation
on him. He's your brother. After what he did to you when you tried to meddle in his fight with the
straw hats, I'd have thought you would have stopped all of this. Weren't you scared of him?" You
had finally settled on a miniature cucumber sandwich, you'd work your way up to the heavier stuff.
A slight sigh left your lips as you lovingly brought the morsel to your mouth, only to realise it had
no taste. Between that brat, sucking all the fun out of the room and this one's incessant ramblings,
your taste buds ceased to function. You put the sandwich down on your plate, just in time to catch
the girl sitting next to you asking you something.

"Right (Y/N)?"

"I'm sorry, pardon?" Unperturbed by your rudeness, she carried on.

"I mean, him being busy and all, it means you won't have to see him as much. So, it'll be quite an
easy marriage, really it is a shame. Such beauty." This girl was downright sadistic, she was
provoking her sister on purpose, thankfully she paused to take a sip of her tea. Taking this
opportunity you chimed in, how could she speak this way about her brother? If anyone was
punching, it was you.

"I happen to think that Katakuri is quite the handsome man." This won you wide eye looks from
the branch and the brat in the corner, but none was more surprised that the girl sitting opposite you,
spewing the tea in her mouth straight onto your face. Taking a moment to register what had
happened, Flampe had burst into laughter. A hushed "Wiwwiwwi" could be heard from behind

"Pudding, that's no way to treat a guest!" Pudding looked mortified, she quickly looked around for
something to dry you with. "Please let me clean you up." Pudding took a handkerchief and wiped
your face. Unconsciously, images started to flood your mind. A third eye? You were faced with a
clear reflection of Pudding, her bangs parted and on her forehead she sported a third eye. Images of
beratement flooded your conscience, are all the members of this family criticised on their looks?
Immediately you understood, this girl was a product of her environment. This sadistic undertone
you've witnessed, just a part she feels she has to play. Behind all of it, her mask, her persona, she's
insecure. The last image that entered your mind, was of a man, blonde hair, curly eyebrows. The
passion that he held for her in his gaze was endearing, a boyfriend? No? Something else? In any
case, he must be someone important to her. The images ceased when she removed the handkerchief
from your forehead. "There, all dry. But really, Katakuri onii-San, handsome?" She chuckled.

"I thought you'd know all about being judged on appearances." You remarked, an offhanded
comment you never meant to fall from your lips. "Excuse me?!" A twitch of Puddings eye
immediately told you that she took offense. Flampe slowly made for the door, quietly remarking
that she had other plans.

"Who ARE you exactly? Who have you been talking to?" She rose up, hands gently shaking in

"No one, I can sense it. I know what it's like to project an image of yourself, only to be insecure
underneath." You'd been doing it most of your life, the air of confidence you only wished you had.
Dumbfounded, Pudding sat back down. She was confused, how had she been seen through? Her
sadistic side, people had seen that before, but to see through to her insecurities. Her mind wondered

"I've deceived countless people like this!"

"And were you, yourself, one of them, Pudding-chan?"

She shook her head, a blush quietly crept up on her face. A calm washed over her, she felt an ease,
your words were not empty. It felt like you had seen her in her entirety, all the cracks, the
weakness, the insecurities and made no move to judge. Without her opening up to you, you knew
all there was to know. It was a curious feeling, that's all it took to convince her put off killing you,
for now. Settling back into her role, she resumed her refreshment, the smile slowly forming back
on her face. "So, you think my brother is handsome. I won't judge you, love is blind after all." Her
face grew distant, mind yet again searching for the fragment of a memory. A soft hearted man, that
will always remain, just out of reach. Pudding shook her head, "you realise his loyalty to the crew
is paramount? If Mama orders it, he will not hesitate kill you." Her voice grew cold. "We're all her
puppets that she commands at will, you'll be no exception."

"I expected as much, but it's either become Big Moms' pawn, or some no name pirate, who will
probably lead me to my death. If I am going to die, I'd rather it be with a full belly." You said,
appetite returning as you one again eyed the spread. You heard Pudding chuckle as you plopped
the half eaten cucumber sandwich in your mouth. "You're quite different to what I imagined. I
think it could be quite nice, having you for a sister." She reached to the centre table, grabbed a
chiffon cake and placed it on your plate. "You are a weird one. Who could imagine it, love at first
sight! With my brother of all people." It was your turn to be surprised, that chiffon cake got caught
in your throat and you almost, nearly, choked to death.

"But I'm not!"

"Nonsense! I can see it in your eyes, a maiden hopelessly in love! I will do all I can to get him to
see you!" Pudding stopped, she looked in deep thought. The sudden realisation struck her, despite
how long she had known him, she hadn't the slightest inclination of what her brother liked in a

"Strength??" She clicked! "We'll have you beat him in a fight!! He respects strength!" She turned to
look at you and immediately dismissed the idea. Leaving the girl to her brooding, you returned to
eating your fill. This spread was well worth the weight, bringing your teacup to your lips you
savoured the deep rich aroma of the tea leaves.

Aaahh, that's right, slowly does it, this tea had to be savoured after all.

"Brulee??" The sudden outcry caused a jerk in your shoulders, spilling a few drops of tea into your
saucer in the process. "Where did you go? You're watching us aren't you? Come back in here!"
Pudding glanced around the room. Satisfied that another outburst wouldn't break your
concentration on your cup, you once again brought the tea to your lips. Only to notice your hand
lurching in an unfamiliar manner, casting your glance down this twitch seemed to originate from
your elbow. There you locked eyes with Pudding, leaning in smiling, fervently shaking your arm.
You forcefully set the cup down, and gave her your undivided attention, it'll be worth the wait you
told yourself. "I said, Brulee and Katakuri are close! She's bound to have an idea. If she doesn't, we
can just use her devil fruit to spy on him!"

"Wwiiwwiwwi, Spy on who??" The pair of you jumped at the sudden voice. Turning your head
you were met with the familiar face of the tree lady who ushered you into the courtyard. "Brulee!"
She gave a playful tap to her sister, "you should stop jumping out on people like that!"

"But you were..."

"Anyway Brulee, tell us about Katakuri's type!" You found Puddings enthusiasm infectious, as you
sat there eagerly awaiting her reply.

Brulee immediately grew suspicious. "Don't know." the spiny woman crossed her arms and puffed
up her chest.

"Well even if you don't, we can just."

"No!" Brulee cut Pudding off. "Nii-Chan is a very private person, I would never..."

"Oh come on Brulee! I know you do it! I bet you've seen him on his merienda, come on, tell us,
what does he do?" Pudding was perched, ready to pounce on Brulee, but Brulee maintained her
"What if (Y/N) is a spy, what if she just wants to know our secrets?"

"A spy? Are you questioning Mama's judgement?" Pudding jeered, Brulee was playing into her

"No, I... I just." Brulee stammered, the perspiration evident on her brow.

"Good, so you'll help us? Ah isn't that good news (Y/N)! Now your love won't be unrequited!"
Pudding shook your shoulders. Honestly, hand on heart, you wanted to tell her she was mistaken,
but seeing her genuine excitement for you, made you fall short. You smiled at her and gave a nod,
to which Pudding was over the moon! "Just give me a second! I need to fetch some things!" To
which Pudding fled out of the room, only to pop her head back round the door. "Don't go anywhere
okay, (Y/N)-chan!!" The room fell into silence, taking the opportunity, you once again attempted to
sample the glorious tea, which had now grown cold.

"Do you love him?"

Your respite was interrupted, Brulee's doubtful voice rung in your ears. You turned to face her and
smiled, inwardly.

"I hardly know him."

"Then why did you tell...?"

"She misunderstood me." You brought the cold tea to your mouth. "Honestly, I wanted to set her
straight, but she just looks so happy and its not a bad misunderstanding. I mean, I will marry him
after all. If it helps me understand him better.."

"Could you love him?" The question was barely a whisper, so soft were the words formed they
took time to register. You looked quizzingly at the woman, she met you with an expectant gaze.
Truth be told, she had been watching you. Ever since you left the confines of Perospero's ship, her
gaze has been on you. Primarily because of distrust, no one knew your lineage, where you came
from. Brulee inwardly questioned her mother, who was she letting into the family? Her discontent
grew when she saw the creampuff you had made for her mother, had you poisoned it? How could
Mama eat it so comfortably? Her contempt amplified, until she witnessed the exchange with her
brother. You weren't scared of him. He had just snapped at you, rather than hide in fear, you stood
there and looked at him, with a smile, full of understanding. Brulee wanted someone for her
brother, someone he could confide in. Someone to tell him he didn't have to be this unbeatable
force, that he was fine the way he is, weaknesses included. You had heard Flampe, his siblings
regard him as untouchable, an enigma, destined to be placed on a pedestal. Forever out of reach.
Brulee knew too well the stress of his position, only partly quenched by his merienda. Of course he
lies on his back like anyone else! The solitude that came with his position broke Brulee's heart, he
was just a man, as human as the rest of them.

In essence, this question held an immense weight to her, so much so that her mouth barely formed
the words, the sound barely reverberating through her voice box. Her expectant gaze held much
more than a solemn question. Hearing what you had said to Pudding confirmed it, you were by no
means a bad person, you were someone who could see through people, who would be able to help
her brother with his troubles. Brulee looked at you, hopeful, heart pounding in her ears.

"I... I don't know." To that reply, Brulee's shoulders drooped and the hopeful look on her face
subsided. "I'm not well versed in these things, but.."

You turned to look at Brulee, in response to her expectant look, you felt it right to be fully sincere
in your response. "I see that he's held in very high regard, from what he's shown me, he is a very
caring man, he just struggles in being open with his emotions. I can't predict the future, we'd both
likely need time. But, being honest, frankly honest." You looked into her eyes and gave her a smile
"I wouldn't be against it." This satiated Brulee, she found herself nodding along at your response.
You weren't impulsive, she saw that you genuinely considered her question, you calmly pondered
if you had the capacity to love her brother. If your reply wasn't the definition of hopeful, then such
a word needn't exist.

"Nii-Chan, he's been through so much. When we were small, he..."


Pudding halted your conversation dead in its tracks. You smiled at Brulee, you already knew what
she was about to tell you. Unlike Flampe, when Brulee spoke about her brother you felt the deep
affection in her words. Her feelings weren't superficial, she deeply loved her brother and wished to
help and support him. You had never loved before and if you were to develop such feelings
towards your betrothed, it couldn't hurt. In your mind if there were ever a man that truly deserved
feelings of genuine affection, it was Katakuri. You might never develop these feelings, which is
why you couldn't vow to Brulee that you would love her brother. You, could however, make an
inward promise that, as a wife, you would be loyal, you would endeavour to be that person
Katakuri could confide in, that he could open up to. You knew the pain that came with solitude,
keeping all your worries to yourself. The longer you held them, the heavier they grew, rendering
your arms dead in the process. Yes, you knew all too well. Paired with the added pressure to keep
up the appearance of absolute strength and reliability. It was too much for one man alone, way too
much. Don't be mistaken, this wasn't pity that you were feeling towards him, but the deepest
respect and admiration. His willpower must be insurmountable.
"Hello!! (Y/N)-chan!!" Puddings energetic waving interrupted your thoughts. "Look at you, love
struck! You can't keep your mind off him!"

"I think she actually looks rather sad."

"Shush Brulee! You don't understand the melancholy of a woman in love!" Pudding began
carelessly, most likely due to her excitement, making space on the centre table. In the newfound
space she threw the notebook and pens that she had been holding. "Now, we should write down
some ideas!" Loudly patting the table she eagerly surveyed the room. "No?" A long pause.
"Nothing?! Fine! Guess I'll have to do this myself." Pudding slammed herself down and began
vehemently putting pen to paper. When she had finished, what you saw was a rather fetching
sketch of Katakuri. She began to tap the pen she was holding.

"Well," She pondered, "We know he's a man! So he must have primal desires, so all we need to do
is dress you up in something sexy and have you pounce on him!" She looked very pleased with
herself, eyes turning to look at you. "Something that shows off your..." She looked down to your
chest and paused, without taking her eyes off your bust she began crossing out the words 'sexy
dress' from the piece of paper. "It's okay (Y/N)-chan, you can be sexy in other ways. It's not just
about boobs! I'm sure my brother won't mind, he doesn't strike me as the picky type."

Well THANKYOU Pudding, we can't all have lavish double D's can we? Honestly, it's not as
though there's nothing there, there's a handful at least!

Grabbing the pen from Pudding you rewrote what she had just erased. "No, I think that's a good
idea, but the dress must be tactful." You were, in fact, completely against the idea, but you had to
defend your pride.

"Really (Y/N)-chan?" Pudding questioned, grabbing the sheet of paper and setting in down in front
of her. "Even if we were to push what you had together, there would barely be a cleavage." She
began to scribble over your words. "Honestly, you're to be my sister I will NOT let you make a fool
of yourself!" You made a move for the paper, only to have Pudding yank it away.

"I WILL wear that dress!" You said, finally yanking the sheet from Puddings hand. Your victory,
gave you a momentary lapse in judgement and, before you knew it, Pudding had snatched the sheet
from your grasp. She rose from the table and began to walk backwards, waving the sheet in the air.

"I've told you! Katakuri Onii-San won't mind that you're a little flat!" You fled at her. Flat?
FLAT?! Attempting to swipe the paper away from Pudding was futile, she dodged all of your

"You take that back right now! I am not flat! There's a good handful here!" A tandem chase then
ensued, you raced Pudding around the table. This wasn't about the paper anymore, you had to make
her admit you weren't flat!

"(Y/N)-chan, you shouldn't be embarrassed, a lot of people aren't hefty in the chest department! At
least you have a peachy backside!"

Brulee, who had been watching the altercation, slowly tucked her chair in and poured herself a cup
of tea. As she watched your chase, she chuckled. Tucking into what was left of the tea party she
leaned into the chair and let herself be entertained.
The ruckus from the room could be heard along the corridor. There clenching his head in agony,
stood Katakuri. His merienda was utterly overdue, he needed a break from the migraine that
plagued him. He stood there, cursing every moment that his mouth wasn't occupied with that soft
chewy sweetness that he craved. What unstoppable force could stand between him and his
merienda? It was arguably Katakuri's greatest enemy. Himself. Truth be told, at this very moment,
Katakuri could have been having his moment of respite, if he hadn't purposely taken the long way
to get to his destination. Worry had seized him, does she know how to get to the courtyard? If you
did, how were his family treating you? It must be daunting for you and his family are far from
normal. Katakuri had scoured Whole Cake Chateau looking for you, he was in a state of unrest,
unable to fully unwind due to these thoughts running rampant. Listening to his sisters ramblings
threatened to intensify his migraine, until, amidst the ruckus, he heard you.

"I am not flat! You take that back! There's a good handful here!" A smile attempted to form on his
face, but he stopped himself. It was finally time for his merienda.

Chapter End Notes

Things get sticky next chapter!

A sticky situation
Chapter Summary

Pudding the matchmaker has a fool proof plan to get Katakuri's attention.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Chapter 3: A sticky situation

Time flew by, you'd blinked and, before you knew a whole month had passed. You sent your
parents a letter every other day, they were well. You'd like to say that you've missed them, but most
of your free time was taken up with Pudding and her endless schemes in playing matchmaker.
Today was no exception, as you found yourself (and Brulee) being dragged around Whole Cake
Chateau on a mission to find your husband-to-be.

"It's been a whole month! Nothing has happened! You haven't even spoken to him! Honestly
(Y/N)-Chan, are you even trying?" Pudding paused her mission, taking a slight break against the

'We'll maybe if you weren't taking up all my time I'd have had a moment to talk to him!' You
thought, but you knew Pudding meant well. She had actually grown on you quite a bit, and you
started to appreciate her for the kind natured girl she is, when she's not dragging you by the wrist
on a fruitless endeavour. Having rested enough, Pudding seized your arm again and began pulling
you, you responded by grabbing Brulee, who had just made a move to sneak off. If you were
getting dragged along, so was she.

"Pudding, where are we going?" You asked.

"I have had it Y/N-Chan! We've tried everything!"

Correction, you've discussed everything, nothing actually ever gets done. The three of you are
actually indecisive when it comes to taking action.

"All that's left is for you to march up to him and confess!"

Your heels instinctively dug into the carpet and you stopped dead. Truth be told, you liked the
fruitless endeavours, you liked that nothing ever happened, that one day Pudding would be
measuring you for a dress, then the next day it would be a crash course on making confectionery.
It wasn't that you were scared of Katakuri, on the contrary, when you passed him in the hallway
you would always greet him. But this plan of Puddings, that was a no go. You had never confessed
before, let alone to a man that you didn't even love. You knew Katakuri was perceptive, he'd see
right through that farce of a confession, he might raise his guard higher around you. No, you could
not let this happen. Pudding continued to pull you, despite your resistance.

"(Y/N)-Chan, I know this might be a bit..." Pudding began to yank at your arm, after noticing your
hesitation, "Scary, for you" she turned to face you and leant back, hoping to pull you forward.
After a few more futile attempts, Pudding, still holding your wrist, looked you in the eye.
"Sometimes in life, we have to be brave! You admitting your feelings for Onii-San might spark
something in him! You have to give it a try." She resorted back to pulling, but you stood your

"We should write a script, talk about what I should say."

"No! Things like this need to come from the heart!" Pudding halted her relentless tugging and
clasped your wrist with both hands. "(Y/N)-Chan, please! We have to catch him before he leaves!"
She tightened her grip on you and looked towards her sister, who had wriggled out of your grasp
and begun to sneak away, again.

"Brulee! Help me!"

"Don't want to." She muttered the response without looking back.

"If you don't help I'll tell mama how tea was spilled on her Croquembouche at her birthday last

Brulee paled, next thing you knew you felt her slender sweat laced fingers on your free wrist. The
two of them were now yanking at you.

"Brulee, stop it!"

"I can't (Y/N), Mama was really angry that her croquembouche was soggy. She can't find out it was

The extra help Pudding had enlisted succeeded in moving your feet. Slowly, but surely, they were
dragging you towards Katakuri's room.

"I am not doing it!!" You continued to protest.

"(Y/N)-Chan, it'll be worth it!" Pudding said between bated breath, sweat forming on her brow
from the force she was exerting, trying to drag you along. Succumbing to the helplessness, you
eventually turned to your devil fruit, to find a way out of this situation. In your minds eye you
sensed a vague path in front of you. Instinctively you lurched forward, throwing off the two
assailants and catapulting yourself around the corner. The victory was yours, carrying your
momentum round the corner you intended to break into a sprint.


Your momentum came to a crushing halt as you collided head first into something, or someone.
Well it wasn't much of a collision, if anything you found yourself stuck to what it was you'd ran
into. You managed to pull yourself free with some force. Removing the sticky substance from your
eyes you were finally able to see what it was you had collided with. Looking back at you was a
familiar set of red eyes, Katakuri. Licking your lips, to free them from this goo, you tasted
something familiar, mochi? You began to profusely apologise, you'd just ran headfirst into
Katakuri’s snack!

"I am so sorry! Look, I've ruined your food."


You looked up at the sound, did he just snicker? He thinks this is funny? You were mortified, not
only have you ruined his food, but you look a hot mess!

"I'm so sorry Katakuri, I'll get you..."

"It doesn't matter." His eyes narrowed as he gently pulled a clump of mochi out of your hair. The
fondness in his gaze was short lived, however, as he immediately began to scowl, his eyes darting
to the corner that you'd just catapulted out of. You followed his gaze, to catch a glimpse of Pudding
and Brulee as they shot to hide out of sight. Katakuri had briskly removed his hand upon noticing
the company. He gazed back at you, you were busy picking mochi from your cheeks. Katakuri was
enamoured at the elasticity of them, he once again admired how soft they looked, like a donut. You
noticed his gaze and looked up at him, to which he turned his head away.

"If they're bothering you."

"No no no! In fact, I'm grateful for the company." You said, hands now deftly picking away at the
mochi stuck in your hair. "It... would be lonely without them." You cast him a small smile.
Katakuri was happy, although he'd never show it, he was thankful that you'd settled in and that you
were getting along with his sisters, Brulee especially. Truth be told he'd regularly check in on the
courtyard, most of the time the three of you would be there. Pudding excitingly scribbling in a
notebook, whilst you and Brulee look on exasperated. You looked to be having fun and seeing the
contented smile on your face, for some reason, brought comfort to Katakuri.

"If you ever feel the need to join..." you looked to him beaming, eyes full of expectancy. The look
on your face was adorable and Katakuri found himself unable to flatly refuse your offer.

"I'll think about it." A familiar weight dawned on your head, followed by an unfamiliar ruffle.
Katakuri turned on his tail, leaving you, face flushed a few shades shy of a tomato, yet again, hand
on head trying to salvage his warmth.

"You were supposed to CONFESS!" Puddings irritated voice filled the corridor. "Come on! We'll
head him off!" Pudding began pulling on your arm once again. "Eeewww, what is this?" She began
wiping her hand on your clothes. "Mochi?" She stepped back to look at you. "Really?! That was his
solution? He can foresee the future and he does this to soften the blow!"

"I feel bad, I ruined his snack" You stood, Dejected.



Simultaneous laughter rung out.

"No, (Y/N)-chan. Onii-San has the mochi mochi no mi, he did this, probably to cushion your blow.
Honestly, he could have just caught you in his arms!"

The stickiness of your situation didn't matter anymore. Regardless of how he did it, he was looking
out for you. Feeling your face heating, you turned to face the end of the corridor, hoping to catch a
glimpse of the awkward man that saved you.

"Hey, hey!" A swift flick to the forehead brought you back from your daze. "Now's not the time to
get all blushy! I swear, this is borderline perverted! Where is he?" It was your turn to latch onto

"It's okay Pudding, I'm just glad he was looking out for me." Brulee was intently studying the flush
on your face, she was pleased that, despite the circumstances, you had understood that her brother
intended to protect you. As you began to tussle with Pudding, who was adamant she give her
brother a piece of her mind, Brulee smiled to herself. Her opinion, once again, reinforced that you
were this person that her brother needed.

At the end of the corridor, just out of sight, Katakuri listened to the exchange.

"It's disgusting! I mean look how sticky you are! How are we supposed to get this out?!"

"Leave him be Pudding! Its okay. I don't find it disgusting!"

A relieved sigh escaped Katakuri's lips, he was worried you'd find it gross. He didn't intend for it
to happen, it was slight lapse in concentration. Yes, that's what we'll call it. His headache got the
better of him, you snuck up on him, his merienda was due. Countless reasons flooded his mind as
he tried to excuse the situation he had just placed you in. In truth, he foresaw your collision and in
this premonition, he did indeed catch you, grabbing a handful in the process. The thought of
touching your chest flustered Katakuri and by the time he realised, it was too late, you'd turned the
corner. To protect your dignity, yes, that's why he did it, not because he panicked at the thought of
touching your soft, curvy... Katakuri shook his head and, once again, strained his ear.

"It's caked in your hair; how will we get it put?!" Pudding had removed your hair tie and began
running her fingers through your hair. You placated her babying, standing obediently as she yanked
the mochi from your locks. Bringing your index finger to your mouth, you began to chew away at
the mochi on your hand.

"At least it tastes nice." Puddings eyes widened, her face turning a pale shade of green.

"Are you kidding me! You're as perverted as him!" She lurched towards Brulee, now transferring
the sticky substance onto her sisters gown. "That's my brother you're eating you know!"

You looked at her, hand still in your mouth. "I guess that means that he tastes good." You smiled,
the full weight of the words not registering. Only when you met with the gaze of the silent pair did
you realise what you had said. You swiftly pulled your finger from your mouth and swallowed the
mochi you were chewing on. Face flushing, yet again, you attempted to explain yourself to your
companions. "I didn't mean, erm... I meant."

"I WILL NOT HAVE HIM TURN YOU INTO A PERVERT!" Pudding yelled and, once again,
made an attempt at following after her brother.

"Onii-San! You come back here and explain yourself!"

"Pudding!" You grabbed her shoulder, "he's long gone."

He wasn't .

Still straining his ears, now with, a barely visible red tinge Katakuri continued to listen to your
conversation. You said he tasted good? What did that even mean? Fluster gave way to confusion as
Katakuri stood there trying to make sense of your comment. Hearing footsteps, he couldn't move if
he tried, the beratement of thoughts had him stuck to the spot. You thought he tasted... nice?

Pudding had swiftly shook from your grasp and she darted towards the end of the corridor. You
gave chase and finally caught her as she was about to turn the corner, a hair width away from
discovering her brother.

"Pudding stop." You pleaded.

"I can't forgive him for doing this to you! Look at you, you're a mess."

Wow thanks pudding , painfully honest as always.

"Pudding, look at me, I'm okay! Really, you've seen how your brother is built. If I'd have smacked
into him full force, I'd have broken my nose." Pudding stopped upon hearing your calm tone.

"But (Y/N)-chan..."

"Thankyou, for getting angry for my sake, but what's being a bit sticky over a broken nose, huh?"
Pudding turned to you, and uttered a small smile in response.

"Okay, but I'm still having a stern word with him!" She huffed.

"Fine, fine, now let's head to the courtyard, I'm hungry." You grabbed her shoulders and began to
amble towards Brulee. Pudding smirked and wrapped her arm around your waist.

"You're hungry (Y/N)-Chan? I thought you'd eaten your fill, maybe we really should call my
brother back." She swayed her hips to hit yours in a mischievous manner.

"I told you I didn't!"

"Honestly (Y/N)-chan." She tightened her grip on your waist, when you tried to run away. "I didn't
think you were the type, that goes far beyond an indirect kiss. I mean you ingested.." You clasped
your hand over Puddings mouth. "Shut up." Your whole body flushed and your fluster made it easy
for Pudding to peel your hand from her mouth.

"Look at you, you're so cute, like a strawberry!" Pudding chuckled, seeing the agitation on your
face she loosed your waist and quickened her pace.

"I'll head to the kitchen and ask chef to put mochi on the menu." She deftly sped round the corner,
before returning to finish her sentence, poking her head out from around the junction. "Will any
flavour do? Or does it have to taste like my brother?"

Those words rendered you speechless, as you stood wide eyed, mouth agape. You could feel your
hair turning red at this point. You looked to Brulee, she clasped her hands over her mouth,
shoulders rhythmically shrugging. Only the respect she felt for you was holding back the flood of
laughter inside her. Unlike Pudding, who was in straight up hysterics.

"PUDDING! I swear!" You made a run at her, but she was quick, before you reached the
intersection she had sped down the corridor you had been catapulted from. Wiping the tears from
her eyes she wiggled her fingers in a wave and disappeared out of sight. Latching onto Brulee you
made after the tyrant, the anger on your face slowly transforming into a smile. This relationship
you'd forged with the two girls, it was more than friendship, it was familial. As you raced after
Pudding to the courtyard, you pondered, is this what it would feel like if you had sisters? With
gummy clothes you ran on, Brulee in tow, hoping that, if just a little, they both thought of you in
the same way.

Still contemplating, Katakuri reposed on the wall. He was thankful for your words to Pudding, it
prevented an annoying conversation, although he had nothing to explain to her. His only regret in
this was that he didn't apologise to you, instead opting for a small chuckle. The sight of you
clawing at the stickiness of his mochi was highly amusing, the way you apologised in earnest,
believing that you'd ruined his food, was an adorable reaction. Unaware of his growing smirk,
Katakuri continued reminiscing. A set of footsteps tentatively approached him, turning towards the
retainer Katakuri dropped his smile.

"My apologies Katakuri-Sama." The retainer bowed politely. "I'm afraid there's been some
movement on Komugi, we caught trespassers attempting to sneak into your residence." Katakuri
held his forehead, his headache returning, full swing. The brief respite was over, this was all
Katakuri needed, more issues. And why his home of all places?

"Understood, I'll make for Komugi Immediately. Have chef prepare something for the trip."

"Yes, Katakuri-sama."

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 4 is in the works!

Chapter 4 Part 1: You found me
Chapter Summary

Beginning of the you found me arc. You accepted this marriage expecting safety,
perhaps Tottoland is not as secure as is seems..

Chapter Notes

Hi guys, thankyou so much for all the love and support! It does help with my
motivation! Please enjoy the next step in our journey, this chapter was very long so
I've split it into two parts! Please enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When you reached the courtyard, breathing ragged from the sprinting, you were welcomed warmly
by pudding, a nonchalant smile on her face.

"(Y/N)-Chan!! Come, your tea is getting cold!"

In truth, you were far too tired to resume your argument with Pudding, so you reluctantly you sat
down. As you laced your fingers through the teacup handle a thought struck you, something was
missing, someone. Surveying the room you searched for Brulée, she was nowhere to be seen, you
must've lost her in your hurry. This behaviour wasn't new, she would periodically disappear, you
assumed it must be to monitor her Tottoland. You found it rather sweet that she was looking out for
her family, although you often found yourself avoiding mirrors, you never know when she might
be looking in. As you sat, still sticky, but nevertheless enjoying the freshly brewed tea, Pudding
piped up.

"Chef said he didn't."

You shot her the deadliest glare you could muster, and gave an audible slurp of your tea. The
frightful image you wished to portray, significantly weakened by the blush on your cheeks.
Pudding smiled, your expression was just too cute!

"I can't believe you invited him to join us! Can you imagine Onii-San." She began to chuckle,
placing her cup down as not to spill her tea.

"Can you imagine him, holding a dainty little teacup?" She motioned the action with her hands
sticking out her pinkie, in a mocking manner.

"It would probably suit him, he'd look regal" You scoffed.

"You always jump to his defence, you're besotted with him!"

You knit your brow and squinted, she wasn't wrong, you were always quick to defend him. Why?
Because he saved you? Because of his awkward kindness? Perhaps in seeing his weaknesses, you
garnered an understanding. You understood that he cared for his family, infinitely more than he'd
ever let on. And you understood the pressure he felt to be perfect. You couldn’t let such a noble
person be badmouthed. Although, to think about it, seeing him struggle with a dinky teacup would
be cute. You grinned, this earned a knowing glance from Pudding.

"So, what exactly is it that you like about him? What made you fall for him?" Pudding probed,
resting her hands on either side of her face and leaning forwards on the table.

What did you find endearing about Katakuri?

"Well," you began your reply, "He is very caring, strong and he seems very reliable."

"Yes, yes!" She added, she would always get overly exited when the topic broached your 'love' for
her brother. "He's always the first to protect his family! You see a while ago, I was in an arranged

"What?!" You coughed. "You Pudding?! Who to?"

"I don't like go talk about it." She looked away, taking a sip of her tea. You didn't probe, instead
allowing her to carry on.

"You see, on my wedding day, we were raided and an attempt was made on Mama's life. You
must've heard about it." The cadence of her speech quickened and she became very vocal with her

"Anyway, Onii-San he is always the first to act! You see when the Straw Hats broke mother
Carmel's portrait."

"Wait, who's mother Carmel?"

"That doesn't matter! Anyway!" It was evident Pudding didn't appreciate your interruptions, so you
waited for her to finish.

"When that dammed captain of theirs showed the smashed portrait to Mama, she let put a huge
howl. Onii-San made us earplugs from his mochi, he is very sharp." Her energetic smile became
tinged with sadness.

"You see, Katakuri Onii-San, he really is the strongest, out of all of us. He was undefeated, until
that dammed Straw Hat went and knocked him on his back! Mama was furious, he's the first in line
to be captain if anything happens to her, you know? Ever since that incident, he's changed, he
works harder than ever, like he's trying to reclaim the faith he thinks we lost in
him." Pudding sighed, and poked at the scone on her plate, she then turns her eyes to you.

"We don't hold that loss against him, he's still our Onii-San, he's still the person we can all count

You contemplated the new information. He carries the whole weight of this crew, his family, their
hopes, their worries, their expectations. Despite the broadness of his shoulders, you were sure it
was a hefty weight. In his whole life, he's lost once? You wished you had his track record, the
fights with your kidnappers have always been one sided. You understood his anguish, but you were
happy that Pudding still believed in her brothers ability as did his other siblings.

Pudding saw the faraway look on your face, to which she groaned and rolled her eyes. "There’s no
helping you is there?"
She smiled, before leaning towards you, her voice a hushed whisper.
"I know that you love him, but I thought you should know, I've heard that he's hiding something
sinister under that scarf. Apparently Flampé saw, she was terrified, wouldn't look at him for weeks!
She's only recently gone back to that 'cute sister' routine."

"That doesn't bother me. We all have parts of ourselves that we hide, right Pudding?"

There it was again, that feeling, Pudding was taken aback. There was something you knew, you
could know about her third eye, surely. She shook off the feeling off vulnerability as you

"I hope he does come, it would be nice, he doesn't seem to get a lot of time to relax.”

"Well, he won't be joining us for a while."

The two of you jumped at the familiar voice.

"Brulée!" Pudding shot up and whacked her sister, less playfully than previous times.

"Wwiiwiiwii" Brulée chuckled, amused at your reactions. "Nii-Chan has been called to Komugi,
apparently some idiots tried to break into his home."

"So you do keep an eye on him?! And you wouldn't spy on him for poor (Y/N)-Chan!"

"This is different! It's my job to keep an eye on Tottoland." Brulée huffed, crossing her arms.

"They tried to break in? To Katakuri's?" You sat there, astonished. They must be dense, surely they
know of his reputation? You began to ponder as to why they would do such a thing, what on earth
they could want?

"So why has he gone to Komugi if they've already apprehended the potential thief?" You asked.

"To interrogate them, why else?" Brulée shrugged nonchalantly. "Ever since the assassination
attempt on Mama, we've tightened security, they must've done a lot of research to get in."

"The gall of some people." Chimed Pudding,

Interrogate? Your blood ran cold. Was he torturing them for information? Something you'd been on
the receiving end of countless times, you took a deep breath and shook away the image that formed
in your mind. His job was a difficult one, you were certain Katakuri would not take pleasure in such
a task. The other two, however, were unperturbed, it must be a regular occurrence.

"I was hoping to get you another chance to confess!" Moaned pudding, stretching her arms over the
table. You stared at her in disbelief, she wanted another repeat of today?!

"Hhhmm, what to do? What to do?" She sat up stark, clasping her hands together. "I know I'll teach
you to temper chocolate! Katakuri Onii-San has a soft spot for sweet things. Yes, you can make
him out of chocolate!" She looked at you, her smile slowly fading into a look of disgust.

You squinted at her, "what is it?"

"(Y/N)-Chan! You really need to go change clothes and have a shower. You're still covered in my

You shot her a glare before peering at yourself. Katakuri's mochi had now hardened on your
clothing, you should have changed earlier, it really will be a pain to remove.
"Yeah I guess I do, I'll head to my room."

"Lets say 10 sharp for our crash course! Its going to be a long day tomorrow, there's a lot to learn if
you want to finish before he gets back!"

"Yes, yes Pudding-sensei." You playfully teased. "I'll see you both tomorrow."

Leaving the courtyard you spy the strands of your hair, in which, small clumps of mochi are still
entangled. Using your fingers you attempt to comb the mochi out of your hair, to no avail. A smile
forms on your face as you reminisce on todays antics. You didn't know Katakuri could snicker, he
always seemed very serious. You began to imagine how his laugh would sound, would it be
infectious? Your steps grew lighter as he began to fill your thoughts. How would he react to your
chocolate depiction of him? You hadn't even made it yet, but pondering his possible reactions
made your neurons buzz. Would you hear him snicker again? If it was truly awful, would you hear
a belly laugh? Or would his kindness take precedence as he tries to complement your amateur
work? Would he be surprised? The distance from the courtyard to your room appeared to shrink
and you were enraptured by your thoughts.

Shielding your mouth, lest anyone discover the giddy smile on your face you entered upon your
room. A chill instantly struck you as you found yourself Rubbing your hands on your arms for
warmth. Why is it so cold? You looked towards the window, the rhythmic fluttering of your
curtains signalling the culprit. You headed towards the window, Did you open it? No, you'd have
remembered, it must've been one of the servants. You sniffed the air cautiously, was it stuffy in
here? Did it smell? Slightly concerned with the scent of your room, you closed the window. You
would air out the room after your shower. Meandering towards the bathroom you began to disrobe,
tossing your sullied clothes on the floor. At least your underwear was clean,


A sound came from behind, the slightest of noises, barely audible, easily dismissed, but instantly
you froze. It might have been your paranoia, but something was amiss. Someone came through the
window? How? You were on the 6th floor, how could anyone be in here? Breathing growing
ragged your head tentatively turned, but was stopped part way by a pair of grubby hands. They
immediately latched onto your mouth and bound your hands behind your back. Instinctively you
began to retaliate, frantically kicking the intruder in the shin. The hold on you loosened and you
managed to gain some ground, only to be pulled back by the arm by the assailant. You met with a
pair of dastardly eyes, that was when you felt an impact. The man had backhanded you with a force
so substantial that it saw you tumble to the ground, twisting your ankle and squandering your cry
for help in the process, but this wouldn't stop you! Crawling along the floor you made a beeline for
the door, help was right there, someone was on the other side! Your pursuer gained on you, his
filthy clad shoes straddling your body. It was right there! You extended your arm stretching it
manically towards the door, but your effort was in vain. It always was. You never made it to help,
once again feeling the familiar blow to your head, which rendered you unconscious.

Katakuri hurriedly traversed the streets of his territory, he was glad to be back on Komugi, he only
wished it were under better circumstances. He was outraged, how was it that someone entered
Tottoland, even more at how they nearly enter his home? What were they looking for? Katakuri
was not materialistic in any sense, his home was rather modest, there is nothing of significant value
there. Could it have been an attempt on his life? He snickered, they should have known better.
Whilst his undefeated record may have been broken, he was by no means a pushover. Quickening
his step Katakuri made for the prisoner holding cell. He was eager, eager to meet the foolishly
brave person that dared to breach his home.

Upon arrival his retainers guided him to the prisoner, he was an average man, in every sense of the
word. Katakuri was unable to hide the disappointment on his face, this was the person that had the
audacity to trespass on his property? The man was a quivering wreck, dishevelled hair wet from
perspiration. He needed no interrogation, a prod in the right area would spill forth all the
information he held.

"This is the thief?" Katakuri questioned.

"Yes Katakuri-Sama, he was caught red handed, attempting to sneak in your home."

"Open the cell."

"Yes Katakuri-Sama."

Loosening his shoulders Katakuri strode his way into the cell. He towered over the man, carefully
observing his reaction. The prisoner cowered, shrunk two sizes, if he could, he would have folded
in on himself. This was no an assassin, did the man even have any combat ability? Drilling his
trident into the wall Katakuri began to question the prisoner.

"What were you looking for?"

The man yelped seeing the trident inches from his face, he curled up, shivering frantically, the
perspiration from his head now saturating his clothes. The scowl on Katakuri's face deepened, he
removed his trident and used it to lift the man's face.

"Don't make me repeat myself." His deep voice was now tinged with annoyance. The prisoner was
unable to hide himself and he finally made eye contact with his interrogator. Realising his
powerlessness, the prisoner began his jittery response.

"We'd have got it by now!" His nasally voice replied. "My captain will be king of the pirates! Then
he'll make you all pay!"

Katakuri let out a sinister laugh, the nerve of this coward, it was astounding. The air in the room
immediately became tense. There was only one man, in Katakuri's opinion, who deserved to make
claims such as that. The man that he viewed as an equal, the man who maimed his flawless
reputation. All others were simply charlatans, with empty vows. Yes, Katakuri's loss, his only loss,
would be to the future king of the pirates, of that he was certain. Composing himself, Katakuri once
again questioned the prisoner. His foot now applying pressure to the man's ankle.

"I am not a patient man. It’s time you start talking."

Chapter End Notes

Part 2 of chapter 4 will be with you soon!!

Chapter 4 Part 2: You found me
Chapter Summary

Kidnapped? Again? How? You thought Tottoland was safe, what was the point of this
arranged marriage?

Chapter Notes

Hi guys, so I lied, this is going to be three parts! I promise you it is going somewhere
and the arc will be wrapped up next chapter and we get clear progress with our man!
Please look forward to it!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"But captain, the amount of men that we lost."

Voices? Where am I?

"Never mind that! At the next port we'll recruit more! We have our key to the Big leagues now!
Right here!"

Your head pounded, a pain you knew all too well, this paired with the familiar lack of awareness
filled in the gaps. You'd been abducted, again. Tentatively you opened your eyes, bracing yourself,
but no light entered your vision, only darkness. They'd covered your head. As time passed you
regained your senses, the soft creak of wood; the rhythmic rocking, you were on a ship, of course
you were. As your confusion dissipated you became aware of something foreign in your mouth, a
gag? It was uncomfortable, as you adjusted your jaw to ease the discomfort you were assaulted
with pain, your cheek, it was in agony. This pain served as a spark, causing the memories of your
abduction to come flooding back. You remember, someone infiltrated your room, in the altercation
they back handed you, causing you to trip, as if asserting to your recollection your were now
bombarded with pain from your ankle. That was stupid, why on earth did you fight them? Every
part of you ached, and to top it off you were struck with a sudden chill. That's right, that pervert
accosted you in your underwear. In your attempt to warm yourself, you began to fidget.

"Ah, look! She's awake." There was a slight pause, before the voice continued.

"Take off the hood then! Come on." *clap clap*

"Yes captain!"

Your reflexes were sluggish and you were unable to close your eyes in time, subjecting them to the
full force of light, temporarily blinding you. You winced, tightly shutting your eyelids together,
after they adjusted you observed where you were being held. A shabby cabin, the wood on the
walls looked damp, a sure sign that the place was close to falling apart. A long table and a few
chairs sat to your right, a dining room? No, the vibe was off. Utensils lay strewn on the table, a
compass; a spyglass, this must be a meeting room of sorts. Scanning the room you counted six
people, no, seven, there was someone behind you. They had you surrounded, not like you’d fight
your way out anyway. Your eyes finally settled on, who you assumed to be the captain, the halfwit
responsible for your situation. You'd seen his type before, many times. He sat hunched forwards,
toothy grin directed towards you. Tanned skin, Dark greasy hair slicked back into a unkempt
ponytail, a shadow on the lower part of his face from the forego of a shave. His mouth smiled at
you, his eyes did not. They were slightly puffy, with a slight red hue, evidence of many sleepless
nights. Yes, it must've taken a tremendous amount of effort and planning to have breached Big
Mom's territory.

"Hello, I am Captain Rot of the Sunbeam Pirates." The captain tilt back and flexed his arms, a self
appreciating smile forming on his face.

Great, he was a vain one.

He returned to his hunched pose and cleared his throat.

"And we want you to find the One Piece for us."
The dead eye look on your face garnered a chuckle from the captain.
"Haha! Remove her gag. But make sure she doesn't call for help." The captain once again clapped
at the end of his request.

A pair of chapped hands roughly removed the gag, grazing your cheek in the process, to which you
hissed in pain. The guard remained at your back, and you felt the familiar tinge of cold metal on
your throat.

"Sorry we were rough on you dear, but you did give my man here quite the hard time." You felt the
pressure on your neck increase.

"Hehe, she's shaking captain."

"Awh, you don't have to be scared, we'll take good care of you. You just have to be obedient."

He wasn't lying, you were petrified. It took all you had to stop yourself from hyperventilating.
Strong (Y/N), you need to be strong, if they see weakness, they take victory! You broke eye
contact with the captain, trying to retain your composure. There was a knife at your throat, you
were bound and gagged, they could do anything too you, break bones, cut you to pieces. You were
inwardly panicking and this began to show on your face, to which captains grin deepened, scared
lambs are easy to control. Interrupting your panic stricken state, a strand of your hair floated into
view. Right, you didn't even get to shower, you gazed at the mochi that still clung to your locks.
Katakuri's face naturally popped to mind and you felt your anxiety began to wilt. For brief a
moment, he alone occupied your thoughts, like a cool autumn breeze, he eased all tension in your
body. What would Katakuri do? Not that he'd ever be in a situation like this to begin with, but if he
was, he'd be calm and collected. Thinking about him soothed you, and this new relaxed mind-set
brought back your rationality. Think! How do you get out of this? They have the upper hand, you
need to make the playing field level, how? In your panic stricken state you neglected to notice an
important observation, the ship was eerily quiet. You had been on many a pirate ship, the ruckus of
the crew aboard the top deck should be clearly audible. Yet, there was nothing, silence even.

"But captain, the amount of men that we lost."

Yes, it was clear to you now, this man had sacrificed the majority of his crew in his endeavour to
acquire you from Big Mom. The seven in this room were, most likely, the lucky ones who weren't
captured. Now this, this, you should be able to spin in your favour.
Thank you Katakuri.

You uttered a silent thanks, albeit indirectly, he had saved you once again. Looking towards the
captain you put your plan in motion. Knitting your brows together you mustered the deepest scowl
you could manage, hoping that you portrayed just a fraction of the intimidation of Katakuri.

"And I suppose if you gentlemen were sat here, barely clothed, you wouldn't be shaking?"
Adjusting your posture you sat up straight, crossing your legs you leant into the knife.

"Really captain Rot, after foregoing half your crew on this endeavour, I doubt you should be the
one making demands. Obedient! Ha, you and your left overs should be treating me like a Queen!"

This visually fazed the captain, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. You've got him, all you need
to do is push.

"Is this really how you ask for a favour?"

"Don't think we won't use force!" The captain signalled his crew member, who began to slice at
your throat.

He wouldn't kill you, of that you were certain, he'd sacrificed so much to get you. You called his
bluff, the hot blood that trickled down your neck not enough to break your composure.

"No one needn't get hurt captain. I'm sure we can come to a mutual agreement."

"And why would we do that?"

"Because if I'm happy, you get what you want, if I'm not..." you scanned the room, intentionally
locking eyes with all the crew members in your line of sight, before returning your eyes to the

"You find yourself in deep waters, Marines at your flank and Big Mom at your front."

Captain Rot brought is hand to his chin in thought, he was considering your proposal, they all did.
It was true, you could lead them anywhere, that's why they needed you. If you were happy, why
would you steer them wrong? How could you forget your own worth? The safe blissful month
you'd spent with Pudding and Brulée lulled you into a false sense of security. Big Mom lulled you
into a false sense of security! You let down your guard, thinking you were safe. You reminisced on
the time you'd spent with Brulée and Pudding, how would they react when they learned you were
missing? Would they be upset? And Katakuri, these second rate pirates made away with his
fiancée, would he be angry? What was the point to this marriage? You came to Tottoland for
safety, it was evident that you'd be just as 'safe' at home! Yes, when this excursion was over you'd
cut ties with Big Mom and head home.

"What are your terms?" The captain signalled his crewmate and the knife was removed from your
throat. It's about time! You'd done it, another successful negotiation. Although you inwardly
celebrated your victory, you never broke character.

"My own living quarters, access to warm water and one meal per day."

You were met with a quizzing glance, Captain Rot thought for sure you'd demand more. Sure he
wanted the One Piece, but there must be treasures galore on Raftel. Your terms were minimalistic,
it made him suspicious.

"So, how do we get to Raftel?" He asked.

"Heh. Who says the One Piece is on Raftel?" You smirked at the captain. Now you had secured
the upper hand in the situation, you took charge.
"Get me a map!"

"Get her a map!" Captain reiterated, to which the remaining members of the crew scrambled,
hurriedly grabbing a map and setting it out on a nearby table.

"Unbind me and I'll point you to your destination. "

"Untie her!"

Now free from your restraints you breathed a sigh of relief. Rising from your seat you limped over
to the table, leaning on it for support.

"Head here first Captain, recruit more men. Then I'll direct you to your next coordinate."

"You’re not directing us straight there?"

"Only one crew has ever reached Raftel, did you think it would be an easy road?"

Really, it was always the same some second rate crew trying to take a shortcut. What did they
expect? Oh yes, the One Piece? Raftel? Let us all take a leisurely sail, to the end of the new world.
You had always directed your captors towards the One Piece, but never blatantly pointed out 'it's'
location. If you were captured by any crew capable enough to sail to Raftel, you would never guide
them there. You weren't like others, you didn't romanticise the life of a pirate, but you could
respect the legacy left behind by Gol D. Roger. You couldn't squander his vast achievements,
acquiring the liberation that comes with finding the One Piece, there was no shortcut to that. It was
clear, this crew was out of their depth, you'd give them a few days at most.

When you were certain the crew understood your instructions you enquired as to your

"Now that’s been made clear, can you please assign someone escort me to my chambers, I need to

"Of course!"

*clap clap*

"Sowden! Escort this lady to her chambers!"

"Yes captain!"

The man the captain signalled was the same man who broke into your room. A small steely guy,
with an evil glint in his eye. You followed his lead, seeing you struggle to the door Sowden held
his arm out to you.

"I don't need your help."

Sowden smirked at your stoniness and continued to lead you to your accommodation. It was
apparent that the ship was in need of a vast repair, broken slits of wood hung from the rafters, holes
were patched with items of clothing, it was a miracle she sailed at all. Almost like it was thrown up
in a hurry. Taking in your surroundings you slowly limped behind Sowden, making sure to avoid
the odd nail that stuck from the floor. He maintained his quick pace, despite knowledge of your
injury, finally coming to a halt in front of a door, signalling for you to enter.
The room was smaller than what you had grown accustomed to, a single bed spun the whole length
of the wall. What floor space remained was taken up by a shoddy side table and an old chest. To
the left was a door.

"This here's the captains lodgings. That door there leads to the bathroom, you should be able to
bathe in there. Hehe." Sowden shot you a lecherous gaze and eyed you up and down.

"I could help.."

"No, I will not be acquiring your assistance."

You fled into the room, leaving the deviant behind, slamming the door in the process. Cautiously
you pressed your ear to the door in an effort to listen for his departure. When you were certain he
had left you sighed in relief, the weight of your situation ultimately plummeting onto your
shoulders. Your eyes stung with tears, it was frustration more than anything, you were frustrated
that yet again you found yourself at the mercy of another! The cascade was unending, the shower,
you had to get to the shower! Ignoring the pain from your ankle you dashed to the bathroom and
darted into the tub. Without removing your underwear you turned the dial and let the water saturate
you. Then it hit you, with the force of a bullet. The tightness in your chest, it always started like
this. The tightness, then the pain, only subdued by short breaths. Unable to continue standing from
the hyperventilation, you crumbled to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. Your underwear
was soaking, the water continued to drop in temperature, you didn't care. This was a safe place for
you, it was the one place you could fool yourself. These weren't your tears, you weren't crying, it
was water, just water.

Then finally, a reprieve, the weight in your chest lightened and you were able to take a slow deep
breath. You're okay, you're fine, it's just water.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 4 part 3 is in the works! Stay tuned!

Chapter 4 Part 3: You found me
Chapter Summary

With MC's dissapearance Brulee and Pudding are frantic, have you run away?
Couldn't you take it here?

Meanwhile you're still held captive by the Sunbeam crew, will anyone come to your

Chapter Notes

Okay guys, thank you for your patience! I think it's time we get the ball rolling on this
romance, don't you?

See the end of the chapter for more notes


*knock knock*

Pudding tapped her foot fiercely, two emotions were currently battling inside of her, anger and
worry. For an age long half a minute she had been outside your room and you had yet to open up.
She wasn't an impatient person, by any means, but this was borderline rude, how could you ignore
her like this? She was practically your sister! For the second time this morning she tried again, only
louder this time.



You had to have heard that! Her thoughts began to spiral, had you fallen, hurt yourself? Were you

Or, was this all a ruse?

The knocks to your door became more violent, Puddings beautiful pink fist turning a deep shade of


Did you hate her?


Was the kindness you showed her all lies? Every second your door remained closed, Pudding's
anxiety grew, her insecurity becoming blatantly obvious. Conflicted, and getting nowhere, Pudding
ceased her incessant banging and turned her attention to a nearby mirror.
"Brulée! I know you're watching! Come out here and get me in (Y/N)-Chan’s room!"

Deftly, an expressionless Brulée appeared in the reflection of the mirror. She took notice of her
sisters frenzy and groaned, it was too early for these antics.

"What is it? Why are you yelling?"

Pudding was offended her sister questioned her distress, Brulée should have known why she was
frantic, she seemed to know everything else! Vexed Pudding snatched the mirror from the wall and
savagely shook it. This, however, did absolutely nothing to harm Brulée, but it successfully quelled
Pudding's anger.

"Because (Y/N)-Chan is late! We had our chocolate making session today!"

Brulée pondered her sisters words, Late? That can't be right, what time is it now? Perosu-Nii has
just finished the candy he gifts to children, he did that every morning always before 9, that was
when he left for his rounds.

"Eh? But its barely 9, you said 10!"

"I know what I said, but (Y/N)-Chan isn't in the courtyard! She's always in there when I come
down for breakfast."

"Maybe she overslept?" Brulée was getting tired of placating her sister, you dealt with this on a
daily basis, no wonder you weren't opening up.

"No! She's always punctual! What if she's sick or dead?"

"Of course she's not dead!"

Really, why were her sister's thoughts so erratic? You were probably fine, you just needed a break
from her, Brulée understood that.

"But she ate Katakuri Onii-San yesterday, what if she had a bad reaction?!"

"As if Nii-Chan would-"

"You don't know what he gets up to in his spare time Brulée!!" Halting her frenzy Pudding turned
to glare at her sister.

"Well, I guess you do, but that's not the issue at hand! Just get me in there!"

"Okay! Okay!"

If there was one way to shut Pudding up, it would be to show her that you were completely fine
and well. Surveying the Mirror dimension, Brulée found your mirror. The room was dark, she felt
bad to interrupt your sleep, entering through your vanity, she softly called your name.


Silence. Were you a heavy sleeper? Exiting the mirror fully, Brulée made her way to your bed,
only to find it empty. You weren't here? Strange, where would you go? You weren't showering,
she'd have heard the running water, her nonchalant state of mind quickly shifted and she began to
feel the same sense of urgency as her sister. Where were you? Opening the door Brulée relayed her
findings to her Pudding. Shoving her way into the room Pudding began her frantic search for you,
the pit in her stomach grew. You did hate her didn't you?
"You don't think she’s run away, right? Does she hate us? She doesn't, right Brulée?"

Pudding turned, seeking confirmation from her sister, but found nothing, except the rhythmic
thump of the mirror on your vanity. Left alone her insecurities overtook her completely, she
slumped to the floor, clutching her chest. Why would you leave? Why do they all leave?

Brulée was busy, diligently searching her mirrors for just a spec of your presence. The courtyard;
the kitchen; the library; Mama's room? No, Nothing, you'd vanished, not a trace of you was left.

Was Pudding right? Did you hate them? Were those words about her brother all lies? Was that
understanding smile a façade? No! Brulée wouldn't, she couldn't, believe that, Puddings rash mind-
set was affecting her, she needed to trust in you. Something had happened, she needed to find you!



Katakuri's patience had finally snapped, for such a weak man, the prisoner had held up
tremendously well. He had yet to yield any ounce of important information. Despite his appearance
Katakuri wasn't a violent man, he preferred to deal with things quickly on account of his tight
schedule and this interrogation was going nowhere. Thus, the sight of the prisoner, rolling on the
floor, fibula visible, on account of the open fracture he'd just been given, brought him no joy. This
situation, however, was unavoidable, Katakuri needed answers swiftly and he was prepared to dirty
his hands.

"The next bone I break will be your spine. Start talking."

Finding no indication of a bluff the prisoner eagerly opened his mouth.

"Okay okay! Look I don't really know the captain, I just joined I swear! I met him at a port, he was
saying how he knew how to find the One Piece, that Big Mom had something that could find
anything. All we had to do was take it from her. That's all I know I swear!"

Katakuri was puzzled, something that can find anything? Mama had it? And they thought it was in
his house? He snickered, the prisoners Captain was a madman, such a thing didn't-

"Owner of the saga saga no mi, welcome to Totto land."

No, that wasn't exactly correct? Thoughts connecting Katakuri, was able to make sense of the
circumstance. It was never about him, they wanted you. Yes, he finally understood why his home
was their target. They intended to take his future wife!

Katakuri was not one to be ruled by his emotions, on the surface he eluded calmness, but despite
his adeptness at concealing he was unable to mask the small innate changes that come with rage. A
slight flush on his skin, the vigorous twitch of the veins on his forehead, his knuckles, once tanned,
now drained of all colour. Yes, his retainers knew all too well and, wisely, remained at a distance.
Anger was too light a word, to describe the emotion that coursed through Katakuri. His only solace,
was in the fact that you were safe in Whole Cake Chateau. It irked him to keep this man alive, but
he still held information. What was important now was to get back to Whole Cake and strengthen
the defences, lest they discover your true location. Katakuri would take no risks, he would not
lower his guard. For the time being, you were with Pudding and Brulée, although they may not
look it, they are very capable.

"Nii-Chan!!" Poking her head out of a nearby mirror Brulée was yelling and waving her arms

Losing the flush on his skin Katakuri became alarmed, not by his sisters presence, but her state of
unease. Her brow was covered in sweat, her breathing was ragged, she'd been search for
something. No, they couldn't have, from Whole Cake Chateau? Almost in tears Brulée continued
her plea.

"Help us Nii-Chan please, I can't find (Y/N) anywhere! What if she's run away!"

"Ha, ha, hahahahaha! He did it! He really did-"

The last words of the prisoner were silenced with a swift swing of a trident, his dark crimson blood
decorating the dank cell. Adjusting his scarf Katakuri took charge of the situation. They had you,
the question was how far they'd gotten. If Brulée had failed to find you then-

He shook his head, he had faith in the security of Tottoland, there will NOT be a repeat of the
Straw Hat incident, they will not get away.

"Brulée search the mirror dimension, look for anything suspicious. I'll alert the fleet."

"Why? Nii-Chan, what's wrong?"

"Captain Perospero!"

Sitting leisurely Perospero was enjoying a brief moment of calm before disembarking on an errand
for Mama, yet again. She would often get him to do the most routine things, did she forget that he's
the first born?

"What is it?" He began walking down the bow of the ship towards the crew member that called for
his attention.

"There's an unidentified ship captain! They're not answering our calls!"

Perospero grinned, and tilted his cane towards his mouth, interesting, now he would have an
excuse for delaying this mundane task.


"Ah, Let us say a proper greeting then, shall w-"


Of course, calls always come at the most inopportune times.


"Perosu Nii-San?"

"Ah, Katakuri? What can I do for you?" Perospero smiled, it was rare for him to hear from his

"Have you seen any suspicious movement?"

"Yes I have actually. A vessel, not one of ours. Shabby, barely seaworthy, ignoring our calls. I was
about to give the order to pull along side-"


Perospero stood staring at the snail, what was that about? The rudeness of his brother irked him,
but irritation soon gave way to curiosity, what could have bothered his brother so? Never mind,
that would have to wait, it was back to the matter at hand.

"Head towards tha-"

"Perosu Nii-San?"

Looking at the den den mushi Perospero scratched his head, he was sure Katakuri hung up.

"Listen to me, I do not take well to being hung up-"

The sound of a person clearing their throat echoed from behind, Perospero turned on his heel to
address the person who'd interrupted his lecture.

"Katakuri?! What's this? How did you-"

"We need to get on that ship, they have (Y/N)."

"What?!" Perospero was forego with shock, so much so that he forgot his little brothers
impertinence. Did you elope with some scroungy pirates? That was foolish of you, Mama would be
sure to make you pay. Yes, and he would be there to watch, his grin deepened.

"So she ran off did she? Even with that devil fruit she'll never get away-"

"They took her by force."

"Huh? You mean they kidnapped her?"

Well that took the fun out of things, Perospero's amusement waned, that was until he took time to
observe his brother. He was angry? No, he was furious? Because they took you? Perospero held
back a laugh, who knew his little brother could get so attached. So he is a man deep down?

"Kukuku, do not fret we will get your lovely wife-to-be."

Katakuri placed his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"No need, just get me in close."

Perospero's grin deepened further, yes, of course his brother intended to do this alone, he had a
reputation to uphold.

"Yes, I suppose it is a personal matter."

"Captain Rot! There's a ship heading towards us!"

Rot sucked his teeth, his plan had fallen through. For years he scoured the grand line in search of
you, a girl who could find anything. He finally acquired information to your location and when he
gets to the island what does he see? One of the Tottoland grand fleet sat in the harbour! Big Mom
had found you first, his chance at pirate king was slipping away, he couldn't let that happen. He
had been planning the infiltration of Tottoland non stop, recruiting what half-wits he could,
sacrificing them for information. He even disassembled his ship, his pride and joy to sneak in (with
the intent to reassemble her to escape). But his crew were no shipwrights, they butchered her
reassembly, now she's a shell of her former self, patched together with whatever they could find! It
was over, she couldn't outrun Big Mom.


"Captain they're boarding us! what should we do!?"

"Grab the girl, if she's that important to them we can use her as leverage!"

"Yes captain right away!"

Rot sat reposing in his chair, he at least knew how to save his own skin. Big Mom was obsessed
with family, she wouldn't want any harm to come to her precious daughter-in-law. Seeing the swift
return of his crewmate the captain beckoned for him to quicken pace.

"Hurry up, bring her here, we'll tie her up!"

The crewmate made no effort to move, he was static, tightly grasping his chest, this unnerved the

"Come on man! What is wrong with you? Do you want to die?"

Blood spilled forth from the man's mouth and Rot instinctively fled, diving behind his chair,
cowering in fear. A small thud echoed as the man fell to his knees, lifeless. Rot paled, and hoped
and prayed that some of his crew survived.

"Sowden? Anyone?"

"You'll find no help here."

Peaking from behind his chair the captain eyed the assailant who boarded his ship.

"K.. Ka... Katakuri??!!"

His eyes shot from his head and he recoiled into a corner, this was all he needed a sweet
commander and the husband of his captive! How did he get here so quickly? Wasn't he on

"Where is she?"

The captain stiffened, he expected to feel a blow, Katakuri wasn't here to kill him? Did Big Mom
think he was useful? Is this because he managed to infiltrate her territory? Would she want him to
join her crew?

"I...In my cabin."

Taking his chance, Rot crawled across the floor grovelling.

"Ca.. Can.. you maybe go easy on me, I mean, it's not my fault, my crew, they came up with the
idea I swear."

Perhaps Katakuri's mercy had clouded the captains judgement, perhaps his vanity caused him to
speak out of place. Make no mistake, not one member of the crew would leave here alive, but it
was not Katakuri who would be the executioner. His priority was finding you and getting you to
safety, he would task his brother with the clean up. Katakuri intended to spare this man, for now,
but his behaviour was despicable. In an attempt to save his own skin, he discarded his own crew.
And he called himself a captain?

"Yes, let's come to an arrangement, we can-"

Dealing a collective blow to his skull, Katakuri ended the Captains ramblings. He had no time for
dishonourable men, let alone someone who would kidnap an innocent for their own personal gain.
Cleaning his trident, he left the room in search of you.

Regaining your composure you stood in the shower, finally making an effort to remove the mochi
stuck in your hair. It pained you to think of cutting ties with Big Mom, you'd grown to like Whole
Cake Chateau and your new family. You'd miss Pudding's endless schemes, it looks like you'd
never learn how to temper, it's a shame Katakuri won't see his likeness in chocolate. Your thoughts
wondered to him again, you were glad nothing happened between you, you'd hate to cause him any


A hefty jolt of the ship knocked you off balance, slamming you into the wall. Did they hit
something? These charlatans couldn't even pilot their own ship, looks like you won't be making it
to the next port. Halting your brooding you focused solely on cleaning yourself, the water now
running a slight tinge of red, the knock to you head was a nasty one. You hurriedly finished your
shower, if the ship went down you weren't going down with it, you had to prepare!

Clothes, you needed clothes! You couldn't escape in a sodden pair of underwear and you'd never
let yourself stumble around naked. Grabbing a towel from a nearby rail you pat yourself down and
wrapped up your hair. Hopping about the room you began your search, the captain had to have
clothes didn't he? No? He must have clean sheets somewhere? No. Curtains? Nothing?! The
captains room was unusually bare, what did they do, repair the sails with all his stuff?!


What is happening up there?!Marines? A Sea king? Whatever it was you were running out of

*knock knock*

"It's occupied!!"

No way in hell were you letting anyone in to see you in this state, eyes red and puffy from crying,
plus your underwear was now see-through.


"I SAID ITS OCCUPIED! I swear if I have to.."

Your reply was interrupted by the abrupt shattering of the cabin door, they were breaking in! You
stumbled frantically, looking for something, anything to cover you. Finally settling on your hands
to braced yourself, ready to face your assailant. Your panicked breathing instantly calming when
you locked eyes with a familiar weapon. A trident?!


The hands you were using to cover yourself fell limp at your side and you stood, truly dazed and

You found me?

You wanted to run, well hobble, and embrace him, but your bashfulness proved a worthy advisory.
Was it really him? He found you!

*cough cough*

You looked to Katakuri's face, was something different, was his scarf always that high? Why was

You flushed and made a bid to recover yourself, unwrapping the towel from your head and draping
it around your body. Why did you drop your hands?! He had just seen everything! Pudding would
argue there wasn't a lot to see, but you were very defensive over your handful. Well, better Katakuri
than the lecherous members of the sunbeam crew. Shuddering, you realised how lucky you were it
was Katakuri that found you and not some miscreant with impure thoughts.

Assessing that you were now decently covered, Katakuri turned his head towards you and broke
the awkward silence.

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, yeah."

You were unable to cast a glance in his general vicinity, yes he was being a gentleman, but he'd
just seen you practically naked. What face were you supposed to make at him?! Finding your
solace in a hanging nail you turned your face away, unintentionally highlighting your injured

"They hurt you?"

You brought your hand to your face, it was swollen, probably red, if not bruised, at this point.

"Ah, it's okay, I've had worse?"

"This has happened before?!" Katakuri was unable to subdue the anger in his voice.

"Yeah, but I'm fine, it's happened so many times I've lost count."

Embarrassment wearing off, the relief of your rescue had finally dawned on you. Fresh hot tears
formed at your eyes, which, you hoped would go unnoticed by Katakuri. If the nail wasn't the sole
occupier of your vision, you'd have seen, since you'd made yourself decent, his eyes had never
once left your face. Try as you may, you could hide nothing from him.

"Nii-chan... it doesn't hurt at all."

He let someone get hurt again. Inwardly Katakuri blamed himself, if only his retainer had got to
him sooner, if only he'd have pieced it together sooner, he could have stopped this. Why did he
leave for Komugi? It seems his guard wasn't raised high enough. How could he let this happen to

"I'm sorry."

You looked at Katakuri, his sincere gaze and heartfelt apology bore through you, was he blaming

"It's not your fault Katakuri! What's happened is the past now! All that matters is that you found

Slowly you made your way over to him, seeing you limp his expression darkened. Tentatively you
reached out to touch his arm, he was trembling. This is the last thing he needs, more stress!

"Please, don't blame yourself."

Your grip tightened, as you desperately held back tears. If anyone was accountable it was you, you
should have told someone about your prior abductions, then you wouldn't have caused this man so
much trouble.

"You're cold. Is that towel wet?"

"Ah, yeah."

"Do you have anything to change into?"

Your gaze remained fixated on Katakuri's arm, you slowly shook your head. He tensed, you knew
what he was thinking, you were glad he was angry on your part, but you couldn't care less about
dignity at this point. At least your underwear wasn't see-through when the crew interrogated you.

"It'll... be windy on the top deck."

Katakuri pulled his arm away from you and in one swift motion he removed his vest, then
proceeded to present it to you, face and chest slightly turned away.

"It's not ideal, but please use this."

"Ah, thank you."

Turning your back to Katakuri, you removed the towel and threaded your arms through his vest.
The clothing appeared small on Katakuri, but it completely dwarfed you. You could feel his
lingering warmth surrounding you, it was truly pleasant. What Katakuri had classed as less than
ideal was a perfect solution in your mind, though you weren't sure if leather was your style.
Holding the front of the vest together you turned to face Katakuri, only to be met with his muscular
back, you smiled, yes, you were lucky it was him.

"I'm done."

He turned round, scarf slightly higher than before, honestly, he'd be pulling it over his eyes next. In
truth, it upset you, he didn't have to go this far to avoid seeing, you really didn't mind-

Hold up! What on earth are you even thinking?! It's almost as if you want him to look? Saving
yourself from your perverted thoughts, was the calm and collected voice of Katakuri.

"Good. Are you okay to walk?"

Against his sincere gaze you were powerless, if it were anyone else, you'd have been able to act
tough, probably injured your ankle more in the process. It was his perception, you knew he'd see
through any bravado act you'd put on. You felt bad, he'd already given you his vest, you'd already
troubled him enough, but you couldn't find in yourself to be dishonest, so you decided to rely on

"In truth, It's difficult for me-"

"It can't be helped, excuse me."

Not waiting for you to finish Katakuri moved towards you, gently squatting down, he placed his
left hand behind your back and threaded his right behind your knees. Slowly and cautiously he
lifted you into the air and brought you close to his chest, an awkward silence descended upon you.

"Please bare with it."

You took a short breath and replied: "Ah, yes."

In truth, before he broke the silence, you'd forgotten to breathe, no, that wasn't quite right. It wasn't
that you'd forgotten, but you couldn't. From the moment he touched you, you froze. Perhaps taking
this stiffness as a sign of discomfort, Katakuri offered those words to ease you, but, you weren't
uncomfortable with him touching you! It was quite the opposite, really. The feeling of his warmth
surrounding you, you could think of nothing else, so much so that your innate reflexes ceased to
function. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't blink, you couldn't move, you were completely and
utterly bewitched. He was so soft and warm. You could feel him, every inch of him that spanned
your body. His biceps that caressed your back and legs, the slight flex that signalled to their girth;
his bare chest that pushed against your elbow; his toned stomach that lined the side of your body.
You could feel his every breath, the slow constant rise and fall of his ribcage. You were aware of
his strength, but as you were now, you could feel the true extent of it. He had the capability to split
you in half, but here he was, carrying you so carefully. The cold that plagued you had vanished,
your whole body was on fire. You didn't need Katakuri's vest, so long as he held onto you, you
could generate a substantial volume of heat.

Your thoughts began to race, this was the man you'd eventually marry, would he hold you like this
on your wedding day? On your wedding night? No, no, no! You had to calm yourself, when did
you turn into a degenerate? This was pure lust! You were lusting after Katakuri. The man who
graciously saved you, who you'd already caused so much trouble for. Battling with your indecent
thoughts you began to fidget, this caused you to slip down in Katakuri's hold, to which he shot a
worried frown.

Oh god, Please don't look at me like that!

Here he was showing genuine concern, thinking he's causing you distress, or that this situation is
causing repressed experiences to resurface. As you continued your battle Katakuri voiced this

"If you're uncomfortable, I could-"


This outburst shocked even you, did you want him to hold you so badly?

"I mean, I..."

What did you mean?

'No! Please don't put me down Katakuri, I'd like to fantasise more about how you'd-'

Really, when did you get so shallow? All you've done is feel him pressed against you and you're
putty in his hands. No, you couldn't be shallow, it wasn't just his looks, you liked him, his
kindness, his loyalty, his reliability-

Wait, like?! When did your feelings transition to like? Were you interested in Katakuri?! Since

Your spiralling thoughts only served to add fuel to the fire, and now, thanks to your incessant
fidgeting, you were awkwardly placed in Katakuri's hold. You needed to calm down and adjust
yourself. How? You needed leverage and there was only one thing you could leverage yourself off.
Tentatively you asked Katakuri, out of politeness.

"I just, I need leverage, can I... Can I hold onto your neck?"

"Ah, erm, yes."

His reply came swiftly, almost too swiftly. You weren't expecting him to be so complacent,
especially since this would put you closer to his face. You contemplated how to approach the
situation, you could put your arm over his scarf, but this might expose Katakuri's mouth. In respect
of his privacy you made a daring decision, slowly you slid your hand underneath Katakuri's scarf.
You felt him tense slightly as you cautiously trailed your hand along his soft skin, unintentionally
feeling the grooves of his muscles. Amidst the quiet, time seemed to stop. In that moment, the
only sound audible to you was the quickened pacing of your heart. Perhaps you lingered too long,
for you found yourself apologising as you finally wrapped your arms around his neck.


"No, it's okay. Are you stable?"


In an attempt to quell the embarrassment of the situation, you buried your head in Katakuri's scarf,
taking care not to pull it down. It was now Katakuri's turn to stiffen, he then began to mumble,
something you couldn't quite catch.

"Pardon?" You asked.

"I, erm", he cleared his throat, "My scarf probably isn't too fresh."

Knitting your brow, you returned your face to the scarf. It wasn't scentless, granted, but you didn't
think that it smelt bad. This time, on your inhale, you took time to take in his smell. It was delicate,
balanced, calm, the separate tones blended together in complete harmony. Slightly spicy, slightly
sweet a hint of salt. It brought order to the chaos in your heart, his smell, it was peaceful. It
shattered your defences and in a hushed voice, slightly muffled by fabric, you spoke your mind.

"You don't smell bad Katakuri, it's nice, it's.. Comforting. "

Laying your head in his scarf you surrendered yourself to his scent, you were unsure of these
budding feelings. Would you have felt like this towards whoever found you?
Only time can reveal the answer. You did feel, however, that at this moment, you had gotten
considerably closer to Katakuri. You don't trust people easily, but this man, you were certain, you
could leave your life in his hands. Overcoming your bashfulness, you tightened your grip on his
neck, pulling him into a hug. You were determined, you would get closer to him, it didn't have to
be romantic, you just wanted to be there for him, like he was for you.

"Thank you Katakuri."

Surprisingly, he didn't reply, instead briefly tightening his grip on you, as if to return your embrace.
His presence had alleviated every worry in you, bathing in the softness of his scarf, caused you to
realise the extent of your fatigue. Placing your full trust in Katakuri, you closed your eyes and
drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

As he traversed the ship, Katakuri noted your shallow breathing, he softened his step, mindful of
waking you. With no free hands, he was unable to adjust his scarf, making the slight red tinge he
wanted to hide clearly visible. He was frantically trying to forget the image of you that he'd just
seen, but now that he held you in his arms, he could not force it out of his mind. Feeling your
supple skin on his, flustered him to no end, he was right, you were soft. The heat, however,
vanished from his cheeks as he spied your injured face, how many times has this happened to you?
He couldn't erase the past, but he could prevent this from happening again. Tightening his grip on
you he headed for the top deck. It was evident how much you meant to his sisters, you were
practically family, his family, and he would protect you, this weird woman. Really, firstly you say
he tastes nice and now you like his smell? What does that even mean? Katakuri was once again
confused by you, he trained in this scarf, fought in this scarf, took his merienda in this scarf, he was
positive there were donut crumbs embedded into the fabric. Of. This. Scarf. He was horrified when
you stuck your nose into it, even more so when he heard your lengthy inhale. Katakuri was no
stranger to compliments, his siblings always marvelled at his strength, but his smell, no one had
ever complimented his smell before. His eyes fell on you, only now did he realise how close you
were to him, you would always meet him with a smile, with admiration. Katakuri was glad that you
weren't scared of him, but he was anxious at the same time, would you still look at him the same
way if you saw the true him? He remembered his brothers words, yes, he needed to cover his face
if he intended to make friends, he didn't want you to think he was a monster.

Making it to the top deck, Katakuri cautiously made his way to his Perospero's ship. As he boarded
he was welcomed by his older brother, accompanied by a frantic Pudding and Brulée.

"(Y/N)-Chan!!! Is she okay?!"

Pudding dashed towards you, only to he stopped by her brother's menacing scowl, she hadn't
noticed you were sleeping. Katakuri quickly turned his gaze to you, and sighed in relief, good she
didn't wake you. Perospero raised his eyebrows, at his brothers protectiveness, he then began to
speak, in a hushed whisper: "Kuku, now she's safe, we should take her to the infirmary." He then
cast a glance at his brother, spying his reaction to his next words, "hand her over then-"

"No, I'll take her." Katakuri replied hastily, cutting off his brother, eyes still fixated on you.

"You, Katakuri Onii-san? But, aren't you busy?" Pudding said, something in her tone was odd, it
was almost as if she was teasing him. After assessing that you were still, quite soundly, asleep
Katakuri lifted his gaze to meet his siblings, He was met with knowing smirks. Perospero,
Pudding and Brulée, they all stared at him, wearing the same smile, as if they knew something he
didn't. Why were they looking at him like that?

"What?" He asked.

"Kuku, its nothing Katakuri." Perospero gave a lick to his cane, "Be careful getting her there, you
wouldn't want to wake her."

Katakuri departed with haste, someone had to attend to your ankle and any other injuries you might
have. Ignoring the smirks of his family, he began to head below deck, Brulée quickly followed

"Allow me Nii-Chan."

"Ah, thank you Brulée."

Feeling the departure of warmth, you stirred, slowly rubbing your eyes. You were on a bed, absent
the warm embrace of Katakuri, it was cold without him. Using your elbows you attempted to sit up,
but you were stopped, a soft push to your forehead forcing you back down onto the bed.

"It's okay, rest."

You smiled at the familiar voice, you were glad he didn't leave you.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"The infirmary."

You were safe, back in Whole Cake Chateau, the whole ordeal seemed miles away. Relief bore
into you and tears spilled from your eyes, you hastily wiped them away, avoiding eye contact with
Katakuri. You couldn't let him see you like this, you trusted him, yes, but you couldn't show him
this level of vulnerability. Stifling your sobs, you felt a reassuring weight on your head.

"It's okay, you're safe."

You nodded, lowering your face, tears crashing onto the bedsheets. In an effort to calm yourself,
you clutched onto the gloved hand that covered your head. Katakuri's warmth once again quenched
your heart and you were finally able to stop the tears.

Katakuri was reluctant to leave you in this state, but he had plans. Never again would you have to
endure this, of that Katakuri was certain. You needed a personal guard, someone who was by your
side constantly, who could watch for suspicious activity. A position Katakuri would have liked to
fulfil, but on account of his hectic schedule he would have to give the job to another. Would you
feel it intrusive, to have someone at your side constantly? Most likely. There must be a better
alternative, something non invasive, he had to find a solution.

"The doctor will be here soon." Katakuri removed his hand from your head and made a bid to

"Are you not staying?" You asked him.

"Ah," he faltered, that sad expression, it didn't suit you. Solidifying his resolve Katakuri continued
his departure, he had to ensure your safety. You may think he was cold for leaving you like this,
but he had your best interests at heart.

"I have things I need to do." He said blatantly.

"Oh, okay." You replied.

Your eyes followed him to the door, his muscular back on full display. That’s right, you observed
your person, you were still clad in Katakuri's leather vest. You had a sheet now, you had no excuse
to hold onto it. Slightly saddened you called out to Katakuri.
"Would you like your vest back?"

He froze, for a split second, before turning slightly to answer.

"No, hold onto it. I'll come and get it later."

You beamed at his promise, clutching the front of the vest with your hands and vigorously nodding
your head.

Katakuri was pleased that he turned around, there it was, that's the smile he wanted to see. Not that
pained one you showed him on the ship or, worse, the sad look you had when he tried to leave.
Yes, this expression suited you best, but really, getting exited over his vest? You really are a weird

Hearing the door close, you were left alone, the room flooded into silence. Removing Katakuri's
vest you folded it up and lay it next to you, turning on your side you pulled it tightly to your chest
and buried your face in it, allowing his safe sent to lull you back into a peaceful slumber. You
hoped his return would be swift.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed! Chapter 5 is I'm the works :3 I wonder who our guard will be...
Chapter 5: Relationships are built on trust
Chapter Summary

You've been thinking, how can you gain Katakuri's trust? How can you deepen the
relationship you have with him? On a side note you get a new guard! I wonder who it
could be...

Chapter Notes

Thank you for your patience guys! Please enjoy this new chapter!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A stout, purple haired man sits over your bed, arms crossed and pouting, irritation ingrained on his
face, his constant muttering consistently growing louder.

"Really, I can't believe that guy, asking me to do this. What the hell does he think I am, a

The mysterious fellow cast his eyes to you. When Katakuri requested his help, he was speechless, a
guard? For this woman? Challenging his brother was futile, he'd never beat him, but when
Katakuri called you 'family' the man almost lost all sense of his composure. You are NOT family,
blood is what makes family. It annoyed him at how you'd managed to worm your way in, hell,
even Brulée was on his case. What was is about you? Yeah, you looked cute, but that was about it.
This man did not trust you, whatever you'd done to his siblings, he wasn't about to fall victim! You
were shifty, suspicious, yes, since he laid eyes on you in the Queen's Chambers, he knew you were
up to something! They should have left you to those pirates, then he wouldn't have to deal with this
crap! Seriously, how long did you intend to sleep?! Dragging his hands through his hair, the
gentleman (if you can call him that) decided he'd had enough! No more would he watch you
gingerly cuddle his brothers vest, he was a busy man, he had things to do. Leaning closer to your
bed he extended his hand towards you and delivered, quite a hard flick to your exposed forehead.



You roused, taking in a long breath. Rubbing your eyes you made out the silhouette of a tall man
sitting bedside you, you smiled.

"Kataku-" You called.

"Do I look like Katakuri to you?!" The figure yelled back.

You sat up with a start covering your ear, smile absent from your face. Was there a need?!
Leisurely covering your mouth through a yawn, you squinted focusing on the figure to your left.
Yes, he was, indeed, not Katakuri. The man sitting before you was tall, but his height failed in
comparison to your saviour. He leant towards you, purple bangs casting a shadow on his face, his
eyes squinted, clearly portraying an air of vexation. Great he's annoyed! He has every opportunity
to leave, you weren't craving company, not his anyway. With sleepy eyes you spied the man,
fixated by his hair, not for its softness, or sheen, but by what stuck out from his head. What even
were those? Firecrackers? Are they lit?!

"Oi, you finished gawking?"

Unaware of your staring, you quickly apologised and prayed he'd leave before he exploded.

"I'm sorry."

It then struck you, why was this strange man in your room? He's not the doctor, you sensed no
malice from him, it was clear he didn't intend to abduct you.

"Erm, who are you?" You asked.

He laughed, and reposed in his chair, almost pleased you enquired as to his identity. "I'm sweet
general Cracker and you should consider yourself lucky, not many have seen my true identity."
You watched as fidgeted in his pocket, fishing out a crinkled piece of paper and thrusting it into
your face, "Not even the world government."

You scrutinised the sheet. A bounty? His bounty? They published the wrong picture and he's proud
of that?! Needless to say you were at a loss as to why Cracker carried around his own wanted
poster, but you smiled anyway.

"So Cracker-"


You were cut off by a flick to your forehead.

"Tut tut! That's Cracker-Sama to you! Sheesh, no wonder you need a guard, you're clueless."

"A guard?" You questioned, a feeling of dread creeping in. You frantically shook your head. Is that
why he's here? No, he couldn't be... Please no.

"It's not you right?! Cracker?"

He cast you a sharp glare and you finished your question, reluctantly.


Cracker smirked, that's right, if you were to join this family, you had to learn your place. You may
become his brothers wife, but you held none of his authority! With a smug look he deftly replied: "
Why would it be me? As if I don't have more important things to do." Followed by, yet another,
flick to your forehead.


You inhaled, attempting to calm yourself. There was no mistaking it, you'd felt that flick before! In
your dreams somewhere? No, that wasn't quite right, you were on the cusp of remembering, when
your attention was diverted by a rhythmic tapping on your arm. Turning to assess the source of this
tapping, your eyes met with... a biscuit man? Which then nimbly jumped on your shoulder
followed by your head. You couldn't help but chuckle, reaching up to your head you offered your
hand to the biscuit man, which he walked onto.

Slowly bringing your hand down, you observed the small creature. It was a mix of golden and dark
brown biscuits chiselled into the shape of a man. Holding him in your hand, you could feel the
great care that had gone into its craft. The creation donned his own set of biscuit armour, complete
with a sword and shield. You twisted your hand, intent on observing him from every angle. It was
precious, familiar in a sense, noting his long legs, you began to see a likeness, he was not unlike
Katakuri. Really, what was wrong with you? You had him on the brain! Growing embarrassed by
your intense stare the biscuit man blushed and made an effort to cover his face, this garnered an
audible 'Awh' from you.

Your cautious handling of the biscuit soldier, earned a gentle gaze from Cracker. He knew from
your reaction that you understood, you appreciated the attentiveness and thoroughness that went
into the design of this soldier! No! What was he thinking?! Cracker caught the smile that formed
on his face, and returned to his criticising scowl, so that's how you wormed your way in. The others
may be fooled, but not him, you had ulterior motives. You hadn't sworn loyalty to mama, he had no
reason to trust you. But, try as he may, he couldn't help but soften his gaze and being as proud as he
is, Cracker could not hold back the brags about his creation.

"It's a work of art isn't it?! That guy has jam running through him, that's why he can blush like that.
It's really my best work."

"What, really, jam?!", you replied, not lifting your gaze from the soldier, "That's amazing, he is
absolutely adorable."

"Yup! This little guy here is your guard."

"Huh?" You glanced at Cracker, a puzzled look on your face. This little thing you thought? Yes, he
has a sword, but-

"Don't be fooled! I'm the one who made him after all. He may look small now, but!" Standing from
his chair Cracker strode to the centre of the room and began to clap. Immediately several biscuits
manifested in the air and joined, forming a large biscuit soldier, the face of which, you recognised
from Crackers bounty. Pleased with your reaction Cracker continued, "when you're in danger, that
little guy will transform! It should buy you enough time for one of us to come and get you."

Your eyes passed from your soldier to the newfound one, this little guy would turn into that? As if
to affirm your unvoiced question your guard stood to attention and gave you a salute. Your soldier
was vastly different to the large one Cracker had just conjured, he had no beard, no Viking helmet,
just an outline of short unkempt hair. Yes, to you, the likeness of Katakuri continued to grow, but
he was missing something.

"Can you give him a scarf?" You asked Cracker.

"Huh?! Why the hell would I want to do that?!"

"Don't you think he looks like Katakuri?"

Cracker groaned, what the hell was that face?! Why are you looking at a biscuit like that?! He was
exasperated, you wanted to ruin his creation with a scarf? Despite his anger, against that fondness
in your gaze, he was powerless and his stubbornness waned. It was a beautiful expression,
something Cracker couldn't quite place, something foreign to him. The way your eyes narrowed
slightly, the way your lips barely curved, that faint flush of your cheeks. There was a pureness in
that expression, and he gained a sense that although you were here physically, your mind was

Hearing movement, you cast your eyes away from the soldier. Cracker was hastily reaching for the
door handle, you called out to him, before he departed.

"The craftsmanship is amazing, you must've put in a lot of effort." You smiled at Cracker, he was a
little odd, but he'd gone out of his way to make this soldier for you. You turned your body to face
him, cupping your guard in both hands and offered him your heartfelt gratitude.

"Thank you, Cracker-Sama."

He waned before, but right then, under that smile, Cracker completely cracked. Why the hell were
you smiling at him like that?! This wasn't even his idea, the thought of giving out free biscuits,
especially to a stranger made him apoplectic! How dare you suppress his anger with that smile!
What a dumb woman! That kindness will get you killed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He retorted, turning his face to hide his conflicted expression. Before
leaving, slamming the door in his wake, Cracker gave two claps, deconstructing the large biscuit
soldier. The room, once again, crumbled into silence, you were thankful for some peace and quiet.
Feeling tapping on your hand you turned your gaze at the soldier and paused. There, on your
guards neck, obscuring the lower half of his face, was now a fluffy scarf. You smiled, reminded of
Katakuri’s words.

"They're not that scary."

Yeah, just a little quirky and bad at expressing emotions.

"Now, what do we call you?" You smiled at your new companion and instinctively knew what to
name him, "how about Kata-kun?"

In response, your guard grabs your thumb and bows, as would a Knight when swearing fealty. You
poke him, urging him to raise his head. He was only like Katakuri in looks, but nevertheless, you
were grateful for this little soldier, his company made you feel infinitely safer.

Later that day you were discharged, ankle expertly wrapped and under strict instructions to relax.
Immediately following your freedom, you head to the courtyard on your crutches, Kata-kun
perched on your head and Katakuri's vest draped over your shoulders. You were eager to avoid
your room, although you knew there were new precautions, you couldn't stomach going back there.
You needed company. Cracker was the only visitor you'd had, aside from the doctor and although
Kata kun was cute, he wasn't much of a conversationalist. You missed Pudding and Brulée, neither
visited you. Yet again, you were only in there for a day and there was nothing life threatening
about your injuries. Aside from their company, there was a more selfish reason that you sought
them out. You had hoped they'd distract you from your thoughts.

With little else to occupy you in the infirmary you turned to your thoughts, alas they were only
concerned with one thing, Katakuri. All day he had bombarded your brain! You were now aware of
him, overly aware, at what this marriage entailed. You'd be imbedded in each others lives, living
together, heck, you knew Big Mom would expect children. (The scary thing was, you weren't
opposed to it!) Casting your sordid thoughts aside, above all, what you truly wanted was for
Katakuri to be comfortable with you. You wanted a relationship with him, it didn't have to be
romantic, just whatever he was comfortable with! You wanted him to trust you, rely on you,
depend on you. To gain this trust, you needed to be fully honest with him, you had to tell him what
you saw the day he first touched you. To be honest, it petrified you, the thought of his reaction,
would he hate you? You were still unsure of your budding emotions, but you had developed a
fondness for Katakuri and would hate to cause him any anguish. In your mind, it would be better to
destroy your current bond, if there was one, then focus on rebuilding it. If, in the future, you'd
formed something stronger and he discovered you were keeping this from him, he'd never trust you

Reaching your destination, you were unable to put these thoughts to rest. Stumbling through the
door you made an almighty row. Pudding, sat staring absent minded, but stirred when she heard
the ruckus. Immediately lunging to help you, placing her arm around your shoulders.

"(Y/N)-Chan. Don't push yourself."

She guides you to a chair, sitting you down gently. After assessing your posture she grabs a small
stool to prop up your ankle, before setting across from you, casing you small dejected glances.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said clenching her fists, "you know Brulée was distraught, she
thought you'd run away and left us."

You both knew it wasn't just Brulée. Your disappearance had unsettled Pudding, but you smiled,
giving her time to voice her worries, you knew her insecurities ran deep.

"She, she thought you hated us-"

"I would never do that to you Pudding." You interrupted, putting her unease at rest, "you're family
at this point. I could never hate you."

Pudding smiled at you faintly nodding, regaining a fraction of her real self. She then moved her
gaze to your head.

"Awh, it's adorable, what is it?"

Jumping from your head Kata-kun lands onto the table and gives a polite bow.

"It's my personal guard, Cracker." You corrected yourself, casting a suspicious glance to Kata-kun.
Yes, he was on your side, but was he truly loyal to you? Could Cracker listen to your

"Cracker-Sama made it."

Pudding looked puzzled, "Cracker Onii-San?"

"Yes?" You replied.

"No! That can't be right, Cracker hates giving out free biscuits, he would never, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Regaining her animation Pudding shot up and slammed her hands down on the table, "Don't you
see!!! Someone asked him (Y/N)-Chan!!" Someone he respects!" She covered her mouth, blushing.
"You've made progress!" She made a beeline for you, pulling you into the tightest hug imaginable.
"We can't stop now!" Grabbing a plate she began piling it with the confectionery from the table,
before unsuspectingly shoving a cake in your mouth. She sat the plate in front of you and motioned
for you to eat, "You need to regain your strength and heal! I have so many plans for you!"

Having exhausted her energy Pudding plonked herself down, laying her face on the table. "Sorry
we didn't come and visit (Y/N)-chan." She raised her head, "but," she surveyed the room before
hushing her voice. "Katakuri Onii-San, he said that you needed to rest. Honestly I was no match for
that scowl and he was livid about what happened to you. I didn't want to upset him any further."

Pudding caution was warranted. Outside of the courtyard, not intending to eavesdrop, but
seemingly unable to enter the room stood Katakuri. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't anxious, if you
were alone it would be different. It was his sister, he just didn't want to see that smirk, she'd been
making that face at him constantly. It was unsettling, but despite that, he needed to check on you
and make sure Cracker did what was asked. Accepting the inevitable, Katakuri made an attempt to
enter the courtyard, before promptly stopping. Slowly massaging his temples he sighed, this was
all he needed, more trouble.

"Nii-Chan? What are you doing?"

"I.." Katakuri cleared his throat, adjusting his scarf in the process. Brulée would always come at
the most opportune (or inopportune) times. Katakuri looked at Brulée, yes, there it was again, that
same expression as Pudding.

"Go in Nii-Chan! She doesn't bite!" Pushing on her brothers back Brulée ushered him into

You were laughing with Pudding as he entered, injured ankle elevated. Good, you were looking
after yourself.

"You should have seen the way he looked at you! It was so tender and-"

The Fervent conversation halted when you became aware of your guest. Pudding was agitated,
upon seeing the visitor and promptly clammed up, drowning the room in awkward silence.

Katakuri was the first to speak.

"How are you feeling?" His eyes, once preoccupied with your ankle, now rested on your face.

"Better, thank you." You smile in return, unable to hide your joy at his visit. His glance then
moves to your shoulder, where Kata-kun is sat, waving avidly.

"Thank you Katakuri."

"But I didn't-" He denied.

"You spoke to Cracker-Sama right? He only did this because of you, so... thank you." You cast
your gaze down, growing embarrassed, yes, you really were aware of him. You hear a sudden
shuffle, followed by a familiar weight on your head.

"I just want you to feel safe."

The tender moment was interrupted, a loud squirm. Simultaneously you and Katakuri sought out
the origin of the noise. Only to be met with a nonchalant Pudding who was sipping tea, gaze
focused on the window, a small bead of sweat dripping down the side of her face.

Clearing his throat Katakuri adjusted his scarf, it was a lapse on his part, for a moment he'd
forgotten himself. Content with your health, he excused himself.
"Katakuri?" You called, before he exited the room. It had to be now, you couldn't wait.

"Yes?" He turned on his heel and addressed you.

"Can, can I talk to you? It shouldn't take long." The joy of his visit had left you, all that remained
was a feeling of apprehension.

He nodded, before looking at Pudding, who tried to remain composed. This was clearly a private
matter, you'd need privacy. He then motioned for you to follow him. You excused yourself to
Pudding, who, when Katakuri left, turned to you beaming. Bringing her hand to her mouth she
whispered: "Good luck (Y/N)-Chan! Just be honest with your feelings!"

You cast a tense smile, she thought you were about to confess? Well, she wasn't wrong. Kata-Kun
made an effort to follow you, but you forced him to stay, you couldn't have anyone overhearing this
conversation. With a heavy heart you left the courtyard and followed Katakuri to a place you
wouldn't be overheard.

Finally reaching a secluded portion of Whole Cake Chateau, Katakuri stopped. You stumbled
hopelessly, leaning on a nearby wall for support. Every inch of you shook, your clothes were
drenched in sweat, your stomach was somersaulting, you oozed anxiety.

Katakuri was patient. This issue was important to you, that was apparent, although he was at a loss
as to the topic you wished to discuss. What had made you so fearful? Did you want to end the
marriage agreement? Was it something he did?

With a long breath, you finally began, what you knew would be a very difficult and potentially
heart wrenching conversation.

"I... have something to tell you."

Making no motion to interrupt, Katakuri waited. He didn't probe, he simply listened. Clutching at
his vest draped on your shoulders, you cast your eyes downwards.

"I.." how do you even start this? 'I've seen your face?' No, that’s too direct! Calming your ragged
breaths, you strengthen your resolve. It'll be okay, even if he hates you, you can fix this!

"With my devil fruit, I can find intangible things, not just physical objects." You cautiously
glanced at Katakuri, aside from a slight furrow of his brow due to confusion, his state remained
unchanged. Good it's going well, you continued.

"The morning I first came here, when you grabbed my arm, I... I searched your psyche for

In your peripheral you spied a slight twitch.

"They come to me as visions, I saw, your family, donuts and I..." You motioned to your mouth. "I
saw, your reflection, so I, I know what's beneath the scarf."

Katakuri is, by no means, an easy man to stun, but this, this information, it rendered him
speechless. His thoughts were a blur, it took time for him to process what you had just said. Even
his foresight wasn't enough to make sense of it. You've seen his true self? Is that why you were

Uneased by his silence you continued. "And, I think it's horrible..."

Horrible? Yes, of course you'd think that. Katakuri knew if you'd seen his face you'd think him a

Taking another deep breath, you mustered the courage to look at him.

'Be honest with your feelings.'

"It's horrible you feel the need to hide your face! Were you berated like Pudding?!"

Your nerves temporarily faded, what you channelled in this moment was anger. Vexation and
contempt to all those who laughed, mocked and ridiculed him, to those who dared hurt him. It was
a constant flow of emotions and they flowed from your heart, an unstoppable force that could not
be silenced. Yes, you couldn't quell these honest feelings, nor the mass of hot tears that came with

"It's disgusting behaviour! I don't get it, how dare anyone ever make you feel that way! You're fine
the way you are!" Casting aside your tears, you stared into Katakuri's eyes. "And it's such a shame
Katakuri, because you have such a handsome face."

During your outburst you'd unknowingly closed the distance between you. With your anger
satiated, your nerves crept back. In an effort to hide, you laid your head against Katakuri's

"I, I understand if you hate me, if you're angry. I'm sorry."

Yes, you're right by all logic he should hate you, he should feel enraged, he'd killed people for
much less. He felt exposed, vulnerable, he'd usually channel this into anger, but what you had done
took courage, integrity. It was honourable. He couldn't hate you, if anything, he understood your
motive. You were protecting yourself, he couldn't hold that against you. If in your position, he'd do
the same. Katakuri took his arm and placed it behind your head, pulling you closer to him. He told
himself it was to comfort you, but in truth it served another purpose. That expression, when told
him he was handsome, your gaze, there was no hint of deceit. You whole heartedly believed it.
Katakuri has been called many things, handsome was not among them. This hold on you prevented
you from looking at him, from staring at the unusual conflicted expression that adorned his face.
Him, handsome? How could you believe such a lie?

"I don't hate you."

Katakuri's voice broke the silence and with those words came relief. The tension in your body
dissipated. Instinctively you raised your arms and wrapped them around Katakuri's waist,
embracing him. Pressing against his stomach, you allowed the tears to silently trickle down your
face. Thank goodness!

"I, I was so scared you'd hate me."

So that's why you were trembling? You weren't scared of him, but scared of how he'd feel. What a
silly woman.

"Why did you tell me?" He asked, hand dropping from your head. You recoiled back, withdrawing
your hands. Using your sleeve you hastily dried Katakuri's abdomen, before wiping your eyes.
Regaining the distance, you answered his question.

"I... I was thinking, about us, about this marriage." You brushed your cheeks, hoping that would
remove your creeping blush. Despite the situation the tone of his abs had you gushing.
"I want a relationship with you." You blurted. Met with the wide eyed stare of Katakuri you
realised the implication of those words.

"No! I mean, erm.. I.." it was no use, you were a bumbling mess. Tripping left, right and centre
over your words, your brain and tongue would not cooperate. Rather than continue in the state you
were in, you started again.

"I want you to feel comfortable with me."

Under his scarf, which resided suspiciously high on his face, Katakuri concealed small smirk.
You... want him to feel comfortable? Shouldn't you be thinking about yourself?

"So I think we should get to know each other. I'd, like to be a wife who can support you, not a
stranger that lives in your home." Finding your cadence, you were finally able to put your thoughts
together. "I'm, new to this, but I know that relationships are formed on trust. So whatever we define
ourselves as, romantic, platonic, it's foundation must be based on trust. I want you to trust me, like I
do you. That's why I told you." You shot Katakuri, a conflicted smile, "Brulée maintains that
you're a private person, so if you found out that I hid this from you. I doubt you'd ever trust me."

The nervousness that plagued you, had long vanished. It was replaced with an aura of calm. You
were grateful for his understanding, it must be difficult for him. What you did was an invasion of
privacy. Looking Katakuri directly in the eye you brought your hand to your chest and deeply
apologised for your actions.

"I'm so sorry. But, please know Katakuri I would NEVER use any of this against you. I could never
hurt you." The vulnerable atmosphere pricked at your heart, your state of mind had you overly
emotional. Yet again, you felt your vision blur. "I-"

"'You respect me?'" Katakuri finished your sentence and placed his hand on your head. "Thank you
for telling me, I appreciate your honesty." Katakuri was slightly amused, with your apology. It
wasn't that you wouldn't use this information against him, you couldn't.

As you cast your sight to the floor, Katakuri looked at you, at a loss. He thought back on your
words, a relationship? You want him to trust you? Did you have an ulterior motive? No, there was
a distinct innocence in your words. After seriously contemplating your proposal, Katakuri
concluded that he wasn't against the idea. He didn't mind getting to know you, he'd try to make
more of an effort. Perhaps then he'd understand your weird ways and your peculiar tastes.

Despite your efforts, the true weight of your confession never reached Katakuri. He heard every
word, yes, but they failed register.

'Yes, you've seen him, but did you truly see him?'

'A vision of his reflection? It probably passed quickly, you wouldn't have had time to fully digest

These were the thoughts running through the back of his mind. Katakuri was in a deep state of
denial, owed to all those years of incessant bullying. He was convinced it was impossible,
impossible for someone to like him minus the scarf, let alone find him attractive. He appreciated
your honesty and knew you weren't deceiving him, but he was doubtful of your vision. He was
resolute in his belief that if he removed his scarf, at this present moment, you would cower in fear.
So ultimately he remained guarded.

Honestly, the man was an impenetrable fortress! He had built walls, to protect walls, to protect
walls. An armed full frontal attack would be ineffective, any army you sent would meet an
overwhelming defeat. How would you breach such a stronghold? You couldn't. There was only one
ending that ended in your victory, he needed to let you in. This confession was the first step of
many. This confession was you walking to the portcullis, arms raised in surrender insisting that you
mean no harm. Yes, this confession was your admittance, you needed patience to be let in.

As you stood there, under his gaze, you understood. He didn't trust you enough to believe in you, to
believe in your words. How could a man so strong, so courageous not see his own worth? Not see
his own charm?

This realisation didn't faze you, you'd expected as much, Katakuri was not a man to trust easily.
The road ahead would arduous, but you will not be deterred! You couldn't allow Katakuri to live
in solitude, no matter how much he pushed it on himself. You just needed some time together.
Perhaps dinner together would help with conversation, you both liked food. Pulling at the hem of
his vest you started to ask him bashfully.


"Yes?" Your request was cut short by Katakuri's voice, you looked up, but his gaze was not
directed at you. A subordinate had appeared, no doubt to give summons.

"Sorry to intrude Katakuri-Sama, but Big Mom is calling for you." The subordinate stated.
Katakuri nodded in accordance. Looks like this conversation was at its end, bold of you to assume
you could monopolise his time. He gazed at you and you smiled in return.

"Don't mind me!" You said, "I'll find my way back."

With that, Katakuri turned to leave, he really was a man of few words. Before he could turn the
corner you called out to him, only now realising that you're still wearing his vest.

"Do you-"

Turning to face you, he adjusted his scarf, "Ah, keep it safe. I'll be back for it." There was a
tenderness in his voice and an inherent softness in his gaze. It was an expression as close to a smile
as Katakuri was willing to give, and at that moment it was more than enough for you. Clutching
the vest you secretly hoped you could hold on to it indefinitely. It was a selfish thought, but you'd
like a reason for him to come back to you. You didn't want to occupy all of his time, just a portion
of it. Alone in the corridor you quelled the butterflies in your stomach. If that gaze was enough to
make you swoon, you'd dread to think how his smile would affect you.

Returning to the courtyard, you realised your ordeal wasn't over, there was another who needed to
hear the truth. Unfortunately they would be arguably more difficult to deal with than Katakuri.

"(Y/N)-Chan, you're back! How did it go?!" Pudding chimed as you entered the room. Honestly,
her smile couldn't have been wider, but you were unable to meet her excitement in return.

Setting your crutches aside you took the seat next to Pudding, her smile slowly faded as she
realised the seriousness of your mood. "Pudding I have something to tell you." You confessed.
"Huh? What happened?" She questioned, brow tightly knitted, "Why do you look so sad?" Her
confusion changed to anger as she stumbled upon a reason for your unhappiness "What did he do?!
I swear I'll-"

Puddings volatile mood swings were always entertaining. It was a marvel at how she swayed
between both sides of the extremes. You pulled at her hem as she stood up to stop her, letting out a
chuckle at the sight of her rolling up her sleeves ready to chase down her brother.

"It's not about Katakuri." You said shaking your head.

"Then what is it (Y/N)-Chan?" Pudding sat down and turned to you, slightly pouting. You grabbed
Puddings hand, giving it a squeeze, praying she reacts like Katakuri.

"I'm sorry Pudding."

"Huh? Why? What's wrong?"

Your tactic for Pudding was to be blunt, there was no easy way to tell her and no easy way for her
to react. You knew she wouldn't hurt you, despite how angry she may be. You looked at her, taking
a deep breath and revealed what you'd been keeping from her.

"I know about your third eye."

There was a long silence, you saw Puddings brow twitch as she pondered on what she'd been told.
Snatching her hand away Pudding rose from her chair and backed away from you. Confusion
giving way to contempt, her eyes widened and anger flickered over her face. "What?! What do you
mean, you know?" She said, trying to regain her composure. "Who have you been talking to?!"

"No one, I saw it with my devil fruit." You answered.

Rubbing her face, pudding could halt her rage no more. "Ha.. Haha... Hahahahaha." The silent
room boomed with her maniacal laughter. Dastardly shadows formed on her face as she grinned
and leaned towards you, her voice slightly above a whisper, "I should have killed you when I had
the chance." She recoiled, her breathing growing ragged, "I knew it! You've been laughing at me
the entire time, haven't you?!" She grabs a knife from the table and points it at you. "It's
unforgivable... NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SEE MY TRUE SELF AND LIVE!" She yells, before
pausing, her smile contorting sadistically. "But first, I'll take those memories from you." She once
again closes the distance, her hand reaching out to grab your head.

"Do it!" You stand, defiant. "If it'll make you happy, do it! But this isn't the person you are Puddin-

"You know nothing about me!" Pudding takes the knife and stabs it into a cake.

"I know this isn't the true you. This kindness you've showed me wasn't fake." You plead with her.
"You've been made this way Pudding, by your family, by those who bullied you. Shame on those,
who called you anything less than beautiful!"

You were met with a blank stare, it was a look you've seen before. Your words had struck a chord
with Pudding and transported her to another time entirely.

'What a beautiful eye.'

"Wh, what did you say?" Regaining part of her senses Pudding offered a question, but she didn't
expect an answer. If anything, it was more of an affirmation to herself. Did she hear you right?
'I'm sorry, when I saw it up close, I couldn't take my eyes off...'

You couldn't miss the faint quiver of Puddings upper lip, or the shine in her eyes as the lighting
reflected the moisture brimming in them.

'Pudding... Chan?'

"Pudding?" You called.

The anger that was once there had long vanished. Clutching at her arm, Puddings shoulders shook
frantically. "Why?" She asked, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "Why are you so much like
him?!" Collapsing to the floor she clawed at the carpet, "How can you both say that?! How can you
think anything like this is beautiful?!"

You crouched beside her, steadying her trembling shoulders, "Because you're my friend Pudding!
You're my family and I love you!" She lifted her head, and you used your hand you wipe away her
tears. "Love is unconditional Pudding. It wouldn't matter to me if you had 10 or 100 eyes, I'd love
you all the same." You bite your lower lip, avoiding her gaze, holding back your own well of tears.

Without warning Pudding lunges towards you, wrapping her arms tightly around your back. Her
sobs, once small, now begin to crescendo into a sonorous wail. There was an underlying pureness
in her cry. An overwhelming myriad of hurt, pain and grief that she'd been holding onto.
Tightening her embrace, Pudding gripped the collar of Katakuri's vest.

"I love you too... Onee-chan!" She bawled.

Caressing Puddings head, you were unable to stifle your own sobs, "I know," You responded.

Eventually you were both able to calm down. Perceiving her state of disarray, Pudding buried her
head on your shoulder, wiping the evidence of her outburst all over her brothers vest (thanks
Pudding). "Sorry," She sniffled, "Don't worry, one of the maids will clean it."

Clutching the hem you smiled, "yeah." You voice exhumed disappointment, you didn't want it
cleaned. Not because you had a fetish for mucus, but because it wouldn't smell like Katakuri
anymore. That scared you, you felt like it would lose its essence of safety.

"Don't make that face Onee-chan." Pudding said, interrupting your brooding, "it stinks anyway, I
don't know how you're wearing it." She looks away, pinching her nose. You responded with a curt
smile, not buying into Puddings teasing.

"Your conversation with Nii-San, how did it go?" Puddings tone was mellow, much unlike her
usual self, there was an unusual matureness in her voice. You looked at her, met with a steady gaze
that conveyed all you needed to know. She understood that you had confessed something to
Katakuri, as you had to her. She made no move to enquire as to what, she herself knew it was a
sensitive matter.

You sighed before looking away, "I don't think he truly believed me."

Pudding shuffled closer to you, leaning slightly so her arm touched yours. "I think, he's lucky to
have you even remotely interested in him. If he didn't believe you, I think he's a fool."

"He just needs time." You reply.

Hugging her knees, Pudding leans forward. "You're too good for him, you know?"
You smile and shake your head, "No, he's more than I deserve."

With her face buried in her knees, Pudding swayed towards you, calling for your attention, "Hey,


"Thank you for telling me."

You smiled, this conversation could have ended in disaster. You were glad you saved this bond
with Pudding, arguably this confession had only strengthened your friendship (or sister ship).
Overall, you felt your confessions were a resounding success. No one hated you, or resorted to
violence. You paused, there it goes again, your brain, constantly pulled back to one thing. Katakuri.
Really, he's taken residence up there hasn't he? When you see him again, you needed to invite him
somewhere, be it lunch or a walk. He must have a little spare time, might he possibly use it on

"Onee-chan, you're making that face again!" Pudding groaned squeezing your cheeks. She let out
an almighty sigh before jumping to her feet, "it can't be helped! Come on! I've still got ideas!"

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 6 is in the works!

Chapter 6: It's hard letting people in
Chapter Summary

Reader has been having difficulty sleeping, in light of the recent abduction. Is there
any way for her to get a good night's sleep?

Chapter Notes

Hi guys thank you for your patience!! And thank you all so much for your love and
support! It really is appreciated :'( lets get a bit of intimacy going then, shall we??

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It's been three days since your heart to heart with Katakuri, and you have seen or heard no sign of
him. Saying that, you haven't been 'seeing' much of anything lately, what, with you your eyes
always closed through a yawn. You were utterly exhausted, honestly whenever you sat down you
dozed off. Your state of mind was in utter disarray, but it was always like this after an abduction.
You spent a few days in a state of heightened fear and anxiety, it was a time when your night
terrors were at their peak. It wasn't that you couldn't sleep, you just didn't want to. You didn't want
to see that dream anymore, didn't want to wake with a start drenched in sweat. As predicted, the
solace you found in Katakuri's vest all but vanished after it'd been washed, but you wore it anyway.
You had devised a cunning plan, nothing malicious at heart. Underneath his vest you wore very
little, in the hope that if he did come to take it back, he'd feel more inclined to swap it, on accounts
of your attire. You hated to take advantage of his kind nature, but how could you possibly tell him
you need his vest to sleep? No, it wasn't his vest, it was his smell. You might as well come out and
say you needed to sleep with him. Thinking of it, how would it feel to sleep with Katakuri? He'd be
warm for starters and you doubt there'd be any need for a pillow, his chest would be soft enough.
You sighed, really, your body was exhausted, but your brain had no weariness when it came to

It was times like this you missed home, there was always something to distract you there; washing,
cleaning, harvesting. At Whole Cake Chateau, everything was done for you. All that was left was
to live the lavish life, but you were determined to find a distraction! In your mind there was one
place you knew would be ripe with work, the kitchen. Mama has a insatiable appetite, it goes
without saying the same can be said of her children. Naturally your instincts proved to be correct,
so for the past few days, after saying goodnight to Pudding and Brulée, you'd totter off to the
kitchen. It took a insane amount of persuasion to get the staff to accept your help. Really, when you
first asked, their faces were a picture. It was understandable they shot you down, they were fearful
of what might happen to them. It was always the same response: 'No Miss (Y/N) we couldn't
possibly let you, what would Big Mom say.'

Granted you told them you'd explain to Big Mom if the need arose, but they were stubborn. Until
one maid, the head maid you presumed, overheard your conversation and accepted your pleas to
help. You were assigned simple tasks; washing up, peeling, mopping. The staff couldn't hide their
surprise at your competency, no doubt they assumed you were royalty and knew next to nothing
about chores. The tasks were indeed basic, but you weren't bothered my the monotony of them,
you had Kata-kun to help after all. Honestly, you were grateful for his company, although aware of
your exhaustion he never once pulled you to your room. Whether that was due to his programming
didn't matter, you wanted to believe that he understood, and having someone with you who
understood gave you peace.

Most of the maids kept to themselves, but you had become quite familiar with the head maid. Her
name was Angelique and she had worked the kitchens' in Whole Cake since childhood. Angelique
was fair of face, she had, indeed, been aged beautifully by time. The faint smile lines on her face
attributed to her kind nature. She reminded you of your mother, which is probably why you could
talk to her so easily. And lord knows, she could talk, mainly about her husband, whom from her
description you imagined to be a large hairy man, not unlike a bear. He was a lackey in the Big
Mom pirates. Angelique disliked his treacherous line of work, but understood that it was a part of
him and she'd never ask him to leave (not that he could). Yes, she filled you in on how they met
and how she instantly fell in love. She told you of her relentless pursuit of the stoic man and was
convinced if not for her blatant confession to him, in front of the whole crew, he'd never have
noticed her feelings. Yes, they'd been blissfully married for 32 years and she had recounted every
one. Don't misunderstand, it wasn't a bad thing, this talkativeness, it did keep you awake and you
were happy for her, it was a beautiful relationship.

So, yet again, the kitchen is where you found yourself, for the third night in a row. Naturally three
days without sleep, was causing your coherence to reach its limit. Hence why, instead of chopping
or peeling, you were elbow deep in cold water washing potatoes. Angelique dared not give you a
knife in fear of what you might do in your compromised state. But even through your fatigue, you
could feel the piercing stares of the other maids.

"Why do they look at me like that?" You said to Angelique, voicing your confusion.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like they pity me." You pouted.

"Ah." She paused to scan the room, under her gaze the rest of the staff snapped back to their work.
"They're wondering how you'll fair being married to Katakuri-Sama. They're all quite afraid of
him, you know."

"They?" You questioned, "Aren't you?"

Covering her mouth with the back of her hand she chuckled, "It would be unwise not to be."
Adjusting her apron she turns her smile to you. Angelique had a unique smile, there was an
underlying wisdom in the curve of her mouth. It was the type of smile that was weathered by
experience, but polished by time. Grabbing a washed potato and readying it for slicing she
continued, "my husband." She giggled, a slight flush forming on her face, "I've told you he's large,
nothing like Katakuri-Sama, but people judge based on his looks." Her grip on the potato had
grown careless, and with a soft 'plop' it fell to the floor, "Haha, oh dear." This behaviour wasn't
unusual, at the briefest mention of her husband Angelique would fluster. It was sweet how giddy
he made her, even after all their years together. It was amusing, her state at this moment was far
from the calm and collected Angelique that ran the kitchen. "Underneath it all, he's a huge softie,"
She nimbly bent to pick up the potato, before inspecting it, brushing its surface. "I can't speak for
Katakuri-Sama." She paused, before turning to you and casting her wise smile, "but I doubt he's as
ruthless a tyrant as people make him out to be."

You return her smile, it warmed you knowing there are others who understand him. Trying to keep
sleep at bay you rubbed your eyes, before resuming your potato washing, only to be forcefully
stopped by Angelique.

"Really miss (Y/N), you need to rest!"

"No I'm fine." You insisted, confused as to why she stopped you. Following her gaze you see that,
rather than a potato in your grasp, you held poor Kata-kun. You profusely apologised to your
friend, inspecting him mercilessly for sogginess, thank goodness Angelique stopped you.

"That's it!" Angelique grabbed your shoulders and pushed you into the corner of the kitchen,
forcing you to sit on a stool, before examining your face. "You are not fine! I don't know why you
won't sleep and I won't ask, but at least sit. Think of your foot!" She turned on her heel grabbing
your water bowl from the counter top and placing at your feet. You smiled, she really was like your

"And you!" Angelique continued, now directing her lecture to Kata-kun, "Be careful around
water!" Slightly dejected Kata-kun gave a feeble salute.

"Thank you Angelique." You yawned. She didn't reply, just rolled her eyes with a sigh and
continued with her dinner prep.

*knock knock*

With a tentative stance, Katakuri stands outside your room, it's late into the night and he hopes
you're still awake. For the past few days he has planned to see you, but his hectic schedule has
prevented him. He intended to retrieve his vest and enquire about your health. That way all his
tasks would be complete, so he could finally enjoy his merienda in peace.

*knock knock*

With slightly more force, he knocks again, only for your door to drift ajar. From his position
Katakuri could see inside your room, it was dark. So you were asleep. Throwing caution Katakuri
softly closes your door, he'd try again tomorrow. He couldn't possibly enter your room
unannounced to retrieve his vest. It was only a few days ago that you were accosted by an intruder,
he wouldn't dare scare you like that, his vest would have to wait. With heavy feet Katakuri begins
to leave, but pauses for a moment, taking time to vigorously rub his temples. It had been a long
day, was trouble still not done with him?


Collecting himself Katakuri turned to reply to his sister, "Yes?"

"What are you doing here, this late at night?" Brulée questioned, her voice slightly teasing.

Katakuri paid no mind to her tone and gave an apathetic response, he was too tired for pleasantries,
"I came to retrieve my vest."

Brulée could sense the fatigue from her brother, she hated to burden him further, but there was
something wrong with you. If you wouldn't confide in her or Pudding, perhaps Katakuri could

"She's not in."

"Huh?" Katakuri was confused, it was late, if you weren't here, then where were you?
"She's in the kitchen." Brulée answered her brothers unvoiced question, "Please go and see her Nii-
Chan, she's been off these past few days. I don't know what's wrong."

Brulée had closed the distance between her and Katakuri, she looked into his eyes pleading with
him. Although tired himself, Katakuri was worried by Brulée tone. What had happened? Were you

"Ah, I'll see her."

Striding into the kitchen Katakuri begins his search for you, paying no mind to the cowering gazes
of the maids. Noticing his presence Angelique turns and smiles at the doorway. "Katakuri-Sama,"
she bows in greeting.

"Have you seen (Y/N)?" He asks.

Angelique smiled and with her head signalled to the corner, where you are sat drowsily washing
clean potatoes. Katakuri immediately became annoyed, you were barely conscious washing the
same potato over and over. How could they let you sit there in that state?!

"She's exhausted." Katakuri scowled his voice growing louder, his irritation fully transparent.
"Why haven't you sent her to her room? She needs to slee-"

"I don't think she can Katakuri-Sama." Under different circumstances this interjection would have
further agitated Katakuri’s irritation, but the timely delivery from Angelique served to disarm his
budding anger. It was the genuine concern in her voice. Katakuri didn't have to ask, he
immediately understood why you couldn't sleep, it was blatantly obvious. Adjusting his scarf he
made his way to you, under the anxious gaze of the maids, who simultaneously tensed, fearful of
what he might do to you.

"(Y/N)?" He called, squatting down to your level.

"Huh? Angelique? I'm washing them like you told me." You said, eyes glazed over.

Peeling back his glove Katakuri brings his wrist to your forehead, you're skin is clammy and cold
to the touch. A hush washes over the kitchen. In unison the maids halt their tasks and stare,
bewildered at the caring nature in which Katakuri handled you. When faced with Angelique's
scowl however, they promptly returned to work.

Slightly annoyed you grab the hand preventing you from working,

"Look Angeli-", you stop, the gloved hand you hold in your own, it's too big to be Angelique's.
You gently squeeze the hand you held, seeking the affirmation of its owner. Without delay, you
felt a soft squeeze in return. You smile looking up, "Katakuri?"

You are met with a scowl in return, "Why aren't you in bed?" You stiffen at the sternness in his
voice, you've worried him again.


I'm not tired.

A blatant lie, that you hadn't the heart to finish. There was no point in it anyway, met with
Katakuri's all-knowing gaze, your only option was honesty. He already knew the answer didn't he?
Since when did Katakuri play dirty?
"I don't want to sleep." You confessed, breaking eye contact, opting to stare at the murky water at
your feet rather than meet Katakuri's gaze. He continues to rest his hand in yours, exercising his
patience, waiting for your explanation, which came swiftly. "My, night terrors, they're relentless. I
can't sleep." Slipping your hand out from under Katakuri's you attempt to mask your exhaustion
with a smile, "but don't worry, I'll be fine."

Frustrated with your excuse Katakuri sighed and rose from the floor. You didn't dare lift your gaze
from the bucket. Of course he's annoyed, it's pathetic and weak, a grown woman unable to sleep
because of a nightmare. You sit anticipating his departure, but it never comes. Hesitantly you look
up, Katakuri stands in front if you, fingers slowly rubbing his furrowed brow. Feeling your eyes on
him he sighs and adjusts himself to meet your gaze. He appears reluctant to leave, you smile at
him, "Excuse me." He says.

You nod in understanding, it's not his issue to deal with, he has his own worries. You don't blame
him for leaving. Looking away you resume your task, but abruptly stop when your light is blocked
out. Squatting down Katakuri scoops you into his arms. For a brief moment you stiffen, not
expecting his touch, before immediately melting into his warmth. Honestly, you wanted to protest,
if only for appearances, but you were too tired (and too happy). Without hesitation you embrace
him nuzzling your face into his scarf. Yes, this is what you needed, his soft smell. Really, when he
holds you like this, it's like nothing could ever hurt you. "You're so warm and soft Katakuri," your
exhaustion had impaired you, and you found yourself voicing your true thoughts. Much to the
dismay of Katakuri, who was having difficulty controlling his growing blush.

"Haha, just like a baby." With a nonchalant cough Katakuri turns to face Angelique, his poker face
in full effect, really, he always forgets himself when in your presence.

"Ah-," Katakuri stops himself and furrows his brow. There it was again, first his sister's, now the
maids? Angelique was standing prim, beaming with the same knowing smile that unnerved
Katakuri. The only difference being that, this time, it wasn't directed at him, but to you. Unwilling
to stay in the presence of such an expression Katakuri began his departure, "I'll be taking her."

"Ah, thank you." Angelique turned her gaze to Katakuri and nodded, "look after her Katakuri-
Sama, she's a good girl."

You regain your consciousness on a bed, absent Katakuri's warmth. With a start you sit up, eyes
wide and breathing ragged. "Katakuri?" You call.

"It's okay, I'm here."

You feel his hand on your head, he must've just laid you down. "Where am I?" You ask.

"In my room."

You sigh in relief, thankful he didn't bring you to your own room. Wait, if you're in his room, and
on his bed, where will he sleep? "Katakuri, I can't take your bed!" You push against the hand that
still sits atop of your head.

"It's okay, I sleep sitting."

"But that can't be good for you! You really should sleep on a bed!" You continue to protest.

Katakuri shifts his hand to your forehead and softly pushes you with his palm, forcing you back
into the bed. "It's better than not sleeping at all."

You pout, he's got you, "at least let me have the sofa!"

"No." He sighs, maintaining the slight force on your forehead. There was fatigue in his voice, he
must be tired too, it is late. Coming to that realisation, you stop your fighting and give in to his
generosity. Feeling the force against his hand slacken, he ruffles your hair, before removing his

You sink into the bed, cuddling the sheets, but they do not have the scent you long for. How busy
is Katakuri? Hasn't he had time to use his bed? You debate asking him for his vest, but ultimately
decide against it, you've already caused him enough trouble. So you settle in for sleep, eased by his
presence, but still unsettled. "Katakuri?" You call into the darkness.

"Yes?" You hear his soft reply, he's not directly next to you, but still close. You gather that he's sat
back resting against the wall. It can't be comfortable for him surely?

"Please, don't leave me." You grasp the sheets between your fingers, reluctant to show weakness,
but you needed to know he'd stay. "I... I don't want to be alone."

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere." His firm resolute voice quelled your anxiety. They can't hurt
you, you thought to yourself, not while he's here. And with his promise not to leave, you tentatively
drifted off to sleep.

It was always the same, you were falling. A seemingly ceaseless descent, in the midst of a pitch
blackness. It was perpetual, the kind of darkness that can only knows how to swallow and
consume. It wasn't the fall that scared you, it was the anticipation of your landing. It was inevitable
you'd land. It came when you least expected it. When you felt secure in the motion of falling, you'd
fall into a swamp, thick and tar-like. It clung to you. Wading through the viscous liquid was
draining, but you dare not linger in one spot for too long. You weren't alone, something else
resided here, you could hear it, lurking in the darkness. Suppressing your fear you held your
breath, and traversed the swamp as silently as you could. You had never faced what existed here,
you didn't want to. Much like the darkness, the creature lived only to consume. You've never
escaped it, it was faster than you, more adept than you, smarter than you and it always found you.
Hearing the familiar glug from behind, you quickened pace. It didn't matter if you made noise
now, it knew where you were. Tirelessly you waded, the swamp clinging to your arms, but you
were desperate. Desperate to seek a different ending, an ending that didn't end with you suffocating
in the murky swamp below. You could feel it, the thick tar gliding down your throat as you scream
for air. There had to be something, anything you could grasp onto! You latched out in the darkness,
for any semblance of hope as the noise of your pursuer crescendoed. In panic you closed your eyes
praying to wake up, whilst anticipating the blow that would drag you down to the depths... But it
never came. The chill in the air had vanished. Your body, once burdened, now felt light. Opening
your eyes you assess your situation. The darkness remained, but the swamp had vanished. You
were no longer waist deep in tar, no creature hounded your back. Your hands were cupped together
opening them revealed a small orb of light that flitted around you, before imploding into dust. A
calm now flowed in the darkness, you could sense an inherent benevolence in it. There was no
hostility, only peace and it steadied your weary heart. Acknowledging your exhaustion you lay
down and closed your eyes, ever grateful for the soothing slumber that awaited.

His line of work demanded he be a light sleeper, so it goes without saying that your muffled
whimpers woke Katakuri.

"Why haven't you sent her to her room? She needs to sleep."
"I don't think she can Katakuri-Sama."

Concerned, Katakuri lifts himself from the wall and walks over to your side. You were tossing
desperately, clutching at the drenched bedsheets. Your breathing ragged, anguish apparent in every
aspect of your face. Katakuri is at a loss, how should he console you? Should he wake you up? No,
you're already exhausted enough.

Softly he caresses your wet hair solely concerned with easing your discomfort, so much so that you
were able to catch him off guard. In one swift movement you had captured his hand, pulling it
down pinning it between your thighs whilst latching onto his arm. You nuzzled your nose into his
triceps and almost instantly the agony that plagued you, your ragged breathing, all the signs
anguish they stopped. Katakuri was conflicted, he was glad you'd calmed down, but he was now
without an arm and in an awkward position on the bed. He gently shook his arm attempting to free
himself, but you were tenacious. And honestly, you looked so peaceful, he hadn't the heart to pry
you away from him. Sighing, Katakuri maneuverer himself on the bed, his back now pressed
against the headboard. With a quiet yawn he let show the fatigue that had built up over the past few
days. His merienda was overdue, but he found his headache was being kept at bay. He looked to
you, feeling the warmth from your body radiating into him and shook his head. Your vice grip was
really something, he was losing the feeling in his arm. Not many people have managed to break his
concentration and catch him off guard, what was wrong with him? Was he that tired? Leaning his
head back, Katakuri closed his eyes surrendering himself to your mercy.

Wiping your mouth you roused, it was still dark, but you had slept marvellously. The night terrors
had been kept at bay! Yawning you adjusted yourself, intent on finishing the pleasant sleep you
had just awoken from. That's when you notice the soft warmth slotted along your body, trapped
between your thighs and what it was attached to. You hurriedly separated yourself, almost flying
off the bed. That was Katakuri! You'd latched onto him in the night! What on earth were you
doing? And you'd sandwiched him between your thighs?! You degenerate! Your face flushed, you
could still feeling his lingering warmth.

"You're awake?" You stupor was interrupted by Katakuri's drowsy voice, honestly the slight
hoarseness was enough to make you melt.

"I'm so sorry." You shake Katakuri's arm that lies limp on the bed, "I can't believe I-"

"I'm glad you slept well." He cupped your cheek, gently running his thumb below your eye. Only
then did you realise the slight blur to your world. Rubbing your lips you tried to hide the growing
quiver. Holding your breath you tried to steady yourself, you pushed on your shoulders to quell
their shuddering, but it was all to no avail. Biting your lip you began to sob, it was different from
before, you couldn't stop it. Everything you tried was fruitless, you couldn't stop the cascade of
tears, your whimpers or your hyperventilation. The shower, you needed to get to the shower! You
flailed around on the bed intent on making your escape, your breathing growing ever erratic. How
could you let this happen? What on earth is he going to think? The attack was merciless, you
struggled to regain any sense of orientation, where was the bathroom? Clawing at the sheets you
began your breakaway, anywhere was better than the bed. You needed to get away, calm yourself
down. Crawling to the edge of the bed you attempted your escape, but found yourself blocked by
Katakuri, who gently embraced your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, "It's okay, you're safe,
they can't hurt you."

In the safety of Katakuri's embrace and in the face of those words, you crumbled. Much like
Pudding, you gave way to your cries. Raking your fingers through his scarf as you bawled into
Katakuri's chest. In that moment you lost all sense of composure. In that one moment you cast
aside your pride, it didn't matter how he saw you, if he thought you weak, needy, insecure. It didn't
matter if he thought you were broken. You threw away your inhibitions and in that one moment, it
was as if nothing else existed, just you and Katakuri.

Katakuri's embrace was infinitely more effective than any shower. His warmth was reassuring, the
firm but gentle hold he had on you radiated security. Without much effort from you, your breathing
calmed and your endless well of tears dried. A simple embrace from him was enough to quell your
every fear and honestly, when he says things so earnestly, it's difficult not to believe in him.
Nothing can hurt you can it? Not while he's here. Wiping away the remains of your tears, you let
out an audible yawn.

"It's still early, you can rest for a little longer." Katakuri called out. Upon hearing this you braced
yourself, waiting for the moment he would remove his warmth, but Katakuri made no effort to
remove his arm. Lifting your head you finally made eye contact with him (well, you looked where
you thought his eyes would be). In the darkness you could, however, make out the haphazard
positioning of his scarf. Look at what you've done. Honestly, if you'd have pulled it down an inch
more you'd have exposed his mouth, you couldn't leave him like that! Straddling his lap, with
mindful hands you tentatively reached out to him expecting some resistance from Katakuri, but he
didn't move. Taking this as implied consent with great care you reached up and softly adjusted his
scarf. After you'd finished your hands still lingered, your eyes firmly locked onto his face masked
by the darkness. He was close. You could feel him. His warmth; his softness, the sheer size of his
quads you'd captured between your thighs. Realising your predicament heat rushed to your face,
but it paled in comparison to the heat that pooled between your legs. Your breathing became
shallow, a soft flutter invaded your stomach. Yes, he was close, as close as he'd ever been, but you
selfishly sought more. Using your tongue to wet your dry lips you perched both hands on
Katakuri's shoulders and leant forward, before stopping, silently cursing the fluffy barrier that was
Katakuri's scarf.

Your thoughts descended into entropy, what was that? What were you about to do? You needn't
have questioned yourself, you knew all to well what you were about to do. If that scarf wasn't in
the way, you'd have surely kissed him.

Does that mean you like him? In all honesty, your mind was nothing short of a train wreck, now
was not the time to be questioning your feelings for Katakuri. But it was now plainly apparent you
were attracted to him, as evidenced by the growing wetness between your legs. Why on earth were
you getting all hot and bothered? Weren't you crying just a second ago? It had been quite a while.
You'd never been intimate with anyone before, but you had 'needs' just like anyone else. And when
said 'need' arose, you could easily satisfy yourself. But that was besides the point! Taking a deep
breath you pushed aside your blooming arousal, you'd deal with it later.

Beneath your inherent confusion you were still tired, perhaps that's why your thoughts and actions
were in turmoil. Yes, you needed rest, then you'd be able to sort out your feelings. Thinking on it,
was there a need to define the status of your affections for Katakuri? Rather than pester yourself
with an answer, wasn't it better to enjoy the journey? Surely you'd happen upon an answer soon
enough. Content with your conclusion you removed your hands from Katakuri's shoulders, but
didn't separate yourself from him entirely, you'd indulge your selfishness a little more. Urged on by
his arm that still held you, you positioned yourself on his lap, sitting side on with your legs
extended on the bed. It was still a provocative position, but it was infinitely better than straddling
his lap. Twisting yourself you pulled on Katakuri's hand, snaking it around your body and resting it
on your stomach. You felt him recoil, but you secured his arm in place with your own hand, gently
lacing your fingers between his. Truly satisfied with the comfort of the position you leant into
Katakuri's chest and closed your eyes, allowing his heartbeat to lull you to sleep. The soft 'thump'
of his heart was peaceful, it had such a strong and consistent rhythm, it embodied him, truly.
Taking your shallow breathing as a sign of sleep Katakuri took in a long awaited breath. Respiring
was almost foreign to him now, since you first touched his scarf Katakuri had held his breath. He
saw it coming, every second of it, but he was powerless to stop it. Katakuri was a fighter, he'd been
in many altercations, but this was the first time he'd felt such helplessness. Why did he let you touch
his scarf?

Katakuri was hesitant to bring you to his room. When he found you in the kitchen he debated
taking you to Brulée or Pudding, but when you shot him that exhausted smile he was moved with
the urge to comfort you. Yes, in that moment he moved with his heart, not his head. He gave no
thought as to how you would have felt, spending the night alone with him. As he held you, the true
weight of the predicament dawned on him. What had he done? The heat from your body radiated
into him and he felt every inch of you pressed up against him. The flowing contour of your spine;
the softness of your stomach; your nimble fingers laced between his; your pliant cheek that rested
on his chest and most of all the supple curve of your behind that sat directly over his crotch. Not
that any of this was enough for Katakuri to lose his composure mind you, he was far from a prude.
There were discreet services open to him in Tottoland, but that was only under dire circumstances
when he was unable to satiate himself. The act would always take place through a wall, Katakuri
had a reputation to uphold and he didn't feel the need for any intimacy. Sex was nothing more than
a release for Katakuri. He was indifferent towards the act, instead opting for his merienda's to
predominately alleviate his stress, something he had a loving disposition for. That being said,
Katakuri was a man like any other and to say that you had not effected him would be dishonest.
Katakuri found his mind wondering, he imagined how your supple skin would feel under his bare
hand, which was odd considering his impassive nature towards sex. He'd never imagined anything
like this before, it was unexplored territory for him. Why was he having these thoughts? Feeling a
familiar throb Katakuri caught these thoughts and turned them to a more uninteresting topic, in an
effort to halt his arousal. Naturally it worked, Katakuri was a master of concentration and had full
control over all his body. He softly shook his head, what was he thinking? Here you were, fully
trusting him (a little too much for Katakuri's liking) he was not about to take advantage. He needed
to have a stern talk with you when you awake, not everyone would show the same restraint, you
needed to be careful. Feeling his eyes grow heavy, Katakuri side eyed his clock, he still had time.
Leaning back into the headboard he closed his eyes, once again settling into sleep.

It was bright when you awoke the second time, unlike before you didn't dare move. You could feel
Katakuri's slow rhythmic breathing, he was still sleeping and you hadn't the heart to wake him.
You sat unmoving, the blush slowly creeping up your face as you remember your boldness from
last night. Surely enough, when you look down you see your hand, fingers still interlocked with
Katakuri's. Honestly, you were surprised he indulged you, does his kindness know no bounds? You
couldn't resist giving his hand a small squeeze, which resulted in him shuffling. You looked up at
him and found a slightly glazed set of crimson eyes staring back. Your words stuck in your throat,
there was a slight dopiness to Katakuri's expression, almost like his mind was muddled, instantly
you knew he was fully awake. Losing his hand from your grasp you reached out and flattened his
unkempt hair, a smile ever evident on your face. "Good morning Katakuri," you said.

"Huh?" Katakuri furrowed his brow and softly rubbed his temples, before regaining his sense of
orientation, "Ah, yes."

His confusion was enough to make you giggle, he wasn’t a morning person was he? Really, how
could a man so strong and masculine make such a cute face? You stared, awestruck seeing this
new side of him. He was sitting up, eyes closed dragging his fingers through his hair. Honestly, if
you picked up his trident this second and gave it to him, you doubt he'd have any idea what to do
with it. You yawned, spying the time on Katakuri's bedside clock, 8:30, you were late for
breakfast. Honestly, you could sit and look at Katakuri's face all day, but there was only a short
amount time before Pudding would show up at the courtyard and you liked having breakfast in
peace. Swiftly you peeled yourself out of Katakuri's embrace, draping the covers over him whilst
he roused round. If he let you see him like this, he must trust you at least a little right? "I'm heading
to the courtyard." You whispered to him. He nodded in return, eyes still slightly glazed. With a
smile you hobbled to the door, stopping before a chair. Draped over the back of it was another of
Katakuri's vests. Picking it up you brought it to your nose, sure enough Katakuri's soft scent filled
your senses. Removing the vest from your back you swapped it for the one on the chair, before
turning back to Katakuri. "I'll be borrowing this, it's pretty cold in the courtyard."

Katakuri rubbed his eyes and squinted, at a loss as to why you just swapped out a clean vest for one
intended for laundry. He knew you were lying about it being cold, that there was another reason
for you coveting his vest. If his smell brought you that much comfort, who was he to deny you?
"Ah okay," he responded, "I'll come and get it later."

You beamed. Those words had become a special promise to you. You clutched at the vest that you
held in your arms and gave him a resolute nod, "I'll be waiting."
Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading! Chapter 7 is in the works. Please stay tuned!! :)
Chapter 7: Just a little push
Chapter Summary

The night you spent with Katakuri was calming, but upon reflection you start to have
doubts. How does he see you? Does he think you're weak? These insecurities cause
you to avoid him, and try as you may you can't bring yourself to face him. Lucky for
you, you have a few friends who are willing to help lend a hand.

Chapter Notes

Hi guys, thank you so much for the love and support! I appreciate all the Kudos and
the comments! They really help me going. Please enjoy this new chapter! I understand
there might not be a whole lot of reader/Katakuri interaction, but this furthers the plot,
so I thank you for your patience!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A few days have passed since your nocturnal antics with Katakuri and despite your ankle injury
you have deftly managed to avoid him, which you considered quite the feat. You'd lost the sunny
disposition from spending the night with him, and a cloud of anxiety now loomed over you. You
had been so distracted by your boldness (and Katakuri's sleepy face), that you completely forgot
about your panic attack. The second you closed his door thoughts flooded your head, irrational
though they may have been, you couldn't help but indulge them.

He thinks you're useless...

He thinks you're broken...

He's laughing at you...

It was frustrating! Deep down you knew Katakuri didn't think any of these things, but your
insecurities dominated your better judgement. You cursed yourself for being so weak. No one had
ever seen you in such a state, not even your parents. You were the definition of a hypocrite. How
could you expect Katakuri to open up, when one ounce of vulnerability causes you to run? It was
unfair to him, you couldn't allow yourself to treat him this way. All your life you'd been running,
but things were different this time. You'd face your feelings head on, just not yet. You were sure
Katakuri would understand. You hated to hurt him, you'd explain everything, you just needed time.
Time to find the right words, time to organise your thoughts, time to open your portcullis and set
down your defences. You struggled with letting people in. Throughout your life you'd been
deceived, people would say just about anything if it meant they could abuse your power. Perhaps
your trust of Katakuri only extended so far?

It didn't help that you'd developed a reliance on Katakuri. You couldn't sleep without his vest and
best believe you'd tried. Even when desperately clutching his vest, you still woke. He'd fended off
your nightmares, sure, but you still couldn't sleep soundly, not like that night. Nothing compared
to the safety of sleeping in his arms and this scared you. It wasn't that he wasn't dependable, it was
that you hadn't relied on anyone in so long you'd forgotten what it felt like. You'd worried that this
reliance had gone too far, what if you're never able to sleep without him?

So here you sit in the courtyard, half eaten scone, cold tea, on edge and mentally exhausted. Who
knew using your devil fruit constantly would be so draining. Really, stalker didn't even begin to
describe your current self, you knew Katakuri's whereabouts 24/7. He had NO privacy. You knew
his every move, when he ate; when he slept; when he went to the bathroom (he had quite the
regular rhythm); who he spoke to; when he bathed. One thing you knew for certain, he'd never be
able to hide an affair from you. Not that he'd ever do that. You knew you were lucky, Katakuri was
a good man. You shook your head, clearing it of unnecessary thoughts. Sneaky Katakuri, that's
how he almost caught you yesterday. Three times he came to the courtyard, no doubt in search of
you. You avoided his first two visits, but the third time you were distracted. Chef had made the
most succulent devil's food cake. It. Was. Heavenly. The sponge was the perfect moistness it
melted on the tongue and the frosting, goodness the frosting! It was flawless, perfect consistency,
perfect ratio of sweetness and bitterness. It was a truly bountiful cake, so much so, that with every
mouthful your mind drifted further and further from the task at hand. Katakuri was half way up the
corridor before you realised. Honestly, you almost choked to death and if it wasn't for his attendant
calling for his attention he'd have caught you fleeing from the courtyard. You needed to maintain
focus, he wouldn't catch you offhand again!


Oh, movement. The corridor by the kitchen? No, he couldn't be?


He's heading this way!

"Hey Onee-chan?!" Pudding waves a hand in front of your face, letting out a sigh.

"Huh? Pudding?" You questioned, snapping from your daze.

"I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes. What is wrong with you lately?" She huffs.

"Sorry Pudding," you smile rising from your seat and placing a hand on her shoulder. "I just, really
need to use the bathroom." Without giving her time to reply you snag Kata-Kun, grab your crutches
and fly out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" Pudding sighs before questioning her sister, "Do you know anything

"Oh, She's been like this ever since she spent the night with Nii-Chan." Brulée says nonchalantly
sipping her tea.

"Oh, well I guess... wait WHAT?!" Practically leaping over the table Pudding slams into Brulée,
sending her tea flying into the air.


Ignoring her sisters annoyance Pudding cuts her off, eager to learn more about this newfound
information. "She spent the night with him?! As in, you know?" Pudding raised her eyebrows as
she pestered more information out of her sister.

"I don't know what happened," Brulée interjected, pouring herself another cup of tea, turning away
from Pudding to prevent another spillage. "I just saw him carry her to his room."
Right on queue, Katakuri enters the courtyard. Perching at the entrance carefully surveying the
room, before furrowing his brow. Not here? He thought to himself.

"Oi." Pudding yelled, trying to get Katakuri's attention, but he was lost in thought. Grabbing a
scone from the table Pudding threw it at her brother (she'd have marched up to him and pushed on
his chest, but honestly, she hadn't the nerve).

"You shouldn't waste food." Katakuri retorted, skilfully catching the scone and setting it on the

Katakuri's cool demeanour only enhanced Puddings rage and she continued with her outburst, now
holding her brothers full attention. "I knew you were a pervert! I warned her! Now look, she can't
even be in the same room as you!"

So she is avoiding me? He thought to himself. Why? Your mood was fine when you left his room.
Did his scarf slip in the night? Were you uncomfortable being with him? Did he misread you?

"You've corrupted her! Showed her your worldly ways. She's innocent you know! What did you

"..Nothing," he responded, clearing his throat. It wasn't a lie, technically. Whilst you did spent the
night in his arms, Katakuri didn't do anything untoward towards you. Nothing like what Pudding
was accusing him of.

The slight pause in her brothers response was all the ammunition Pudding needed and she used it to
continue her heated pursuit, "You can't fool me, you liar!" Katakuri scowled menacingly at
Puddings words, causing her bravado to waiver and she recoiled behind Brulée before continuing
her argument. "What disgusting things did you do, huh?" She said, peaking out from behind
Brulée, assessing her brothers temper.

"Pudding! How dare you accuse Nii-Chan of anything sordid!" Brulée yelled dropping her tea and
brushing her sisters hands from her shoulders.

"Well he's done something to upset her!" Pudding yelled back, now pointing her finger at Katakuri,
"look how guilty he looks! Onee-chan hasn't had any other relationships! I bet it was her first time
and I doubt that BRUTE can be anything close to gentle! Look at hi-"

"PUDDING!!" Brulée shout ushered the room into silence and Pudding slumped down covering
her face. She'd gone too far, even for her standards.

Brulée shot an apologetic glance to Katakuri, before resuming her tea. "Nii-San" She asked, "what
really happened?"

Katakuri crossed his arms and maintained his stoic stance, he didn't intend to tell his sisters
anything. Pudding could think what she wanted, he wasn't about to betray your trust. It wasn't the
embrace that Katakuri was unwilling to divulge, although that was also private. It was your panic
attack. Naturally he hadn't mentioned anything to you (not that he'd seen you to say anything), but
he was worried. How long have you had them? How frequent were they? Is there anything he can
do to help? He'd thought of little else these past few days. Katakuri had intended to speak with you,
he wasn't much of a talker, but he could listen. Much like how you wanted to support him, he found
himself wanting to support you. That's how relationships work, right?

The room radiated in silence for an age, before it was broken by Puddings soft melancholic voice,
"She'd... been having nightmares hadn't she?" Both sisters looked to their brother, but Katakuri
remained as apathetic as ever, neither confirming or denying Pudding's speculation. Pudding didn't
need her brothers affirmation, she knew all too well the terrors that can reside in the subconscious.
"She.. she couldn't sleep and we were so worried," clutching the hem of her dress Pudding hunched
herself over and softly wiped her eyes, "Brulée and I, we had no idea what to do. Onee-chan
wouldn't tell us and we didn't know how to ask." With a deep breath she lifted her head and looked
at her brother, "she really trusts you Nii-San."

In truth, Puddings outburst was based upon her frustrations at her helpless attempt in consoling
you. You were hurting and she could do nothing, even after all you've done for her. She didn't
mean to lash out at Katakuri, she knew her brother wouldn't hurt you never mind take advantage of
you, but she was frustrated! Didn't you trust her enough to ask for her help? You were sisters, she'd
see you through anything if you'd only ask.

Despite her vexations, Pudding held nothing against you, she understood the difficulty of letting
people in. Deep down she was glad you confided in her brother, that you had someone to share in
your worries, even if it wasn't her. Katakuri is a good man, he has a firm integrity. You really chose
well, he'll look after you. Pudding was struck with a sudden feeling of nostalgia, her mind being
drawn to the distant past. Whilst she was unable to experience her happy ending, she wasn't about
to let you run away from yours! You can't avoid him forever!

Shooting up from her seat Pudding slammed her hands down on the table. "Brulée! Get our
brothers and sisters! Everyone you can, tell them it's a welcome party."

"Ah-" Brulée yelped at the sudden outburst, almost choking on her tea, "What?" She coughed,
"Who for?"

"Onee-chan," Pudding snickered, shooting her sister a wicked grin whilst traversing the room, "If
she's the guest of honour, she can't run away can she?"

"What?! Run away fro-"

"Katakuri Nii-San!" She continued, turning on her heel to face her brother, who was rather
confused, what happened? What did he miss?

"Be here tomorrow at seven!" She instructed poking at his chest, before turning again towards her
sister. Stroking her chin, Pudding continued to formulate her plan, "Brulée!" She yelled, "tell our
guests to be here at six! We'll get Onee-chan nice and cosy in the party, ripe and distracted."
Rubbing her hands together Pudding sneered (really at times like these she looked down right
sadistic). "Okay, that's a plan!" Pudding giggled clapping her hands, her face now the picture of

Brulée sat in utter dismay, mouth practically hanging open. What? Who were you running from?
What was happening? A party?

"Bru-lee!" Pudding slammed down on the table, pulling her sister from her daze.


"Hurry up. Go tell everyone!" Pudding ushered her sister with her hands.

"Tell them what? And who is (Y/N)-Chan running from?"

With a heavy sigh Pudding sat down at the table. Would it hurt for them to keep up? "It's obvious
that Onee-chan is avoiding Katakuri Onii-San, right?" Brulée nods intently at her sister, great she's
keeping up. "And with that pesky devil fruit, I'll bet she's been keeping an eye on you Onii-San,"
Pudding looks up to her brother whilst massaging her scalp, "that's how she knows when you're
coming." She pauses, assessing whether the two of them are on her wavelength, good they're not
lost yet. "But you almost caught her yesterday Nii-San, I'm sure it's because she was distracted.
Who can blame her, that cake was divine~. A-ny-way! We need a distraction, a substantial one."

"Why a party?" Brulée asked.

"What bigger distraction is there? And Onee-chan needs to meet the rest of the family! I thought
we could kill two birds with one stone!"

"We can't be forcing her into something like this! We should wait for her to-"

"You know how stubborn she is Brulée!" Pudding sighed resting her head in her hands, "she's
probably thinking something stupid! We need to resolve this as quickly as possible so we.."
Pudding leant forward resting her forehead on the edge of the table, her profound words
diminished into a hushed mutter, "so we can go back to how it was before."

Brulée smiled bitterly, it was true. Since you'd been abducted, things had changed. You were more
on edge, smiled less, there was a constant tension in your shoulders. You'd lost your easygoingness.
That incident knocked you back didn't it? Despite her reserves Brulée intended to go through with
Puddings plan. You were indeed stubborn, perhaps all you needed was a push. It didn't matter how
forceful it was, her brother would be there to catch you. With a sigh Brulée lifted herself up,
leaving behind the tea she was unable to enjoy. Making for a nearby mirror she turned to face her
siblings, "six, right Pudding?"

"Yes." Pudding answered with a firm nod. And with that Brulée disappeared into her mirror
dimension to recruit guests for your welcome party, leaving Pudding and Katakuri alone.

"Nii-San?" Pudding called her voice slightly shaky.

"Yes?" He replied.

"I'm... sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it! I know you'd never hurt Onee-chan." With a dejected
gaze she side eyed Katakuri. In the heat of the moment those words slipped out. It was unfair to
call Katakuri a brute, Pudding had seen first hand how he cares for you, how he cares for everyone.
"Please look after her Nii-San," Pudding pleaded. "I know she's strong, but she uses that as an
excuse to do everything alone! She... she can depend on us, you know? Even if its just a little."

You never ceased to surprise Katakuri. This relationship you'd forged with both his sisters in this
short amount of time was nothing short of remarkable. No, it wasn't just his sisters, surprisingly
Cracker had also enquired after you, although under the guise of checking on his biscuit creation.
Katakuri was amazed at how everyone cared for you. He never expected this from you, from that
small bumbling woman who barely managed to walk down the aisle of the Queen's chamber.
Before he knew it, you'd slotted yourself right in, which was quite the achievement given the
nature of his family. Honestly, Katakuri didn't think you'd ever be this much trouble. A party? Just
thinking about it made his head pound. Katakuri disliked the bustle of parties, he only attended
when absolutely necessary and even then it was to keep an eye out for problems. Yes, you were
indeed very troublesome, but Katakuri was willing to make an exception. "Seven is it?"

With a huge smile Pudding excitingly nodded at her brother, "uhuh!"

Rubbing his temples Katakuri turned to leave, he'd wasted precious time, now he'd have to increase
his pace in order to make it to your party.
"Nii-San," Pudding called as Katakuri exited the room. With a quiet sigh Katakuri turned his head
to eye his sister. "Thank you." A simple nod was all the reply pudding received, with haste
Katakuri departed, no doubt to hurriedly take care of his tasks.

Thank goodness, he finally left! You could feel deep rings on your ass from the toilet seat. Why
didn't you sit on the lid?! Honestly, you'd begun to lose hope, you thought for certain Katakuri had
made camp in the courtyard. That he was there, waiting for you. Your nerves were so intense
they'd rubbed off on poor Kata-kun, the little guy had been pacing the window sill non stop.
Finally standing from the toilet you groaned, "what am I doing Kata-kun?" Halting his incessant
pacing Kata-kun turned to you and shrugged his shoulders. "I should talk to him, shouldn't I?"
With an exaggerated nod the biscuit man affirmed your question. "I just don't know how, what will
I say to him?" With a huff you sat back on the toilet, lid shut this time and cupped your face in your
hands. Kata-kun jumped down from the sill and positioned himself atop of your head, and with his
shield began to pat you. You chuckled at his attempt at consoling you, "thanks Kata-kun." Why are
you so worried? It's not like you're a stranger to deep talks with Katakuri, what was different this
time? So what if he saw your panic attack! He wouldn't-

He thinks you're weak

Damn these irrational thoughts! You were done running, who cares if you don't know the right
words? Your heart will find them! It did before. Picking up Kata-kun you placed him on your
shoulder as you prepared to leave the bathroom, "tomorrow," you said firmly, before shaking your
head, "no, that's too soon, maybe next week?" Honestly, you really were utterly hopeless.

You hadn't breached the courtyard door when Pudding was calling out for you. "Onee-chan~!"
Waving fervently she ushered you in, "I've just had a great idea!" She said, "you need a welcome

Huh? Where did that come from? You squinted at Pudding. There was something sceptical about
this situation, she was up to something.

"We need to introduce you to the whole family and- Hey don't look like that!" She patted your
forehead, "you've been sad these past few days, it'll be something to look forward to!" With a smile
Pudding took your hand in hers and squeezed it, "he's done something, hasn't he?" Her energetic
voice was now tinted with sincerity, "Katakuri Nii-San I mean."

"Huh," you shook your head, "no-"

"It's okay, I won't pry!" Your protest was cut off by Pudding, who was now pouring you a cup of
tea, "but I did give him a piece of my mind." She winked.

Great, now look at what you've done! Katakuri is getting undue angst from Pudding. You'd need to
apologise to him on her behalf, if you see him.

"Come on Onee-chan please, it'll give you a chance to relax!"

Faced with Puddings pleas you couldn't help but smile. It couldn't hurt could it? Perhaps this party
will have cake, you'd make sure to keep some for Katakuri, on second thoughts no. It'd be mouldy
before you get to give it to him. "Okay." You sighed.

"Haha, perfect! Now we need to go and get ready!"

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

As always the next chapter is in the works and it will be coming in hot as I've basically
written it xD I just need to work out the kinks. Please look forward to the party ;)
Chapter 8: You can depend on me
Chapter Summary

Readers insecurities have lead her to avoid Katakuri, lucky for you you have friends
willing to help. Pudding has planned a grand party to 'distracted you, but will it work?
Will her plan bare fruit and bring you and Katakuri else together?

Chapter Notes

Hi guys, as promised here is the next chapter! It is long at 6000 words, I don't know
where they came from honestly xD I was a little indulgent I must admit, please enjoy
the fluff :3 my god, this man always knows how to say the right thing! :'(

Thank you for all the love and support, your patience, kudos and comments really do
mean the world!!

Please enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Here you find yourself, dressed to the nines, hair and makeup flawlessly executed by Pudding
(even if it was a little heavy for your taste) standing in the midst of your party, well and truly out of
your depth. Really, did she have to pick a contour dress and back out one at that? Honestly, you
had so much skin on show it was borderline criminal. Don't misunderstand, the dress was nothing
short of classy, it's just, you never showed this much skin. Never mind skin! This dress showed
absolutely everything, and you'd deeply underestimated how much cake you've been eating these
past few months, there was nowhere to hide in this dress. Speaking of hiding, Pudding had yet to
show her face, a wise decision you must admit, she knew what was good for her. After several
hours of convincing she finally gets you in this dress, only to backhand you with an insult!

"Onee-chan, you look beautiful, I knew you could pull it off."

"Huh? What do you mean Pudding?"

"Well, only flat women can pull off a backless dress like this."

Honestly, if it weren't for your ankle still being in recovery and the tightness of the dress you'd
have caught her and strung her up. She knew she couldn't hide from you, it was just a matter of

Putting that issue aside, you were surprised by the extensive turnout, the sheer size of the Charlotte
family never failed to disappoint. Scanning the crowd you spied some familiar faces. Cracker had
made an appearance, but was too busy indulging himself in the spread to notice you. The man was
voracious, how on earth did he keep his physique? Perospero was in the corner engaged in heated
conversation with a tall beautiful woman. You couldn't help but stare at her exceptionally long
legs, and you were thankful someone here was wearing less than you. But really, how much
confidence would it take to pull off a leotard like that?

You groaned. Parties weren't your thing, this was becoming ever apparent. You were stood here,
like a wallflower, hoping and praying that someone, anyone would come to keep you company,
even Pudding! You were about ready to drop on your knees and beg for her forgiveness for being
flat. Nope, you couldn't do it, it was time to retire. It's a shame, you didn't even get to try the food!
Not that you could eat more than a few mouthfuls on account of what you were wearing. Just as
you made up your mind to leave, you felt a tap on your shoulder, "(Y/N)-Chan!"

Turning round you shot a relieved smile, "Brulée!" You couldn't be happier, at last your prayers
have been answered! You've been blessed with the company of a friend. "Thank goodness you're
here I was-." You cut yourself off, only now noticing the two (very tall) gentlemen Brulée had in
tow. Both of them wore firm, unreadable expressions, but something about them seemed familiar.

They were both memorable characters, you give them that. Both stood out for completely opposite
reasons. The man to Brulée right had, what can only be described as, balloons on his shoulders.
They were most likely part of his outfit, but boy did he look inflated. His face was screwed into a
tight frown and his short blonde hair contrasted nicely with the varying blues of his outfit, giving
off a rather cool vibe.

In comparison gentleman to Brulée left looked warm, in every sense of the word, his trefoil like
hair a vibrant gradient of orange to red. An orange cape sat atop his shoulders, and of course his
chest was bare (this family does like to show their skin). The warmth you felt from the man was
further reinforced when, upon making eye contact with him, his hard face melted into a smile.
"Haha!" He laughed, "Katakuri is a lucky guy isn't he? He got himself quite the looker, right
Daifuku?" The warm gentleman elbowed the man standing to his side, but Daifuku (you presumed
that was his name) didn't falter, he continued to eye you suspiciously whilst twirling his blonde
moustache. "Come on Daifuku, complement the lady! When women make an effort you're
supposed to-"

"Sorry about them (Y/N)-Chan" Brulée interrupted, ", I thought I'd introduce you, this is Oven and
Daifuku," she signalled to each man in turn, "they are Katakuri's brothers."

"Glad to meet you," You smile offering a heartfelt greeting, "but aren't you all his siblings?"

Oven offers a hearty laugh, slapping his brother on the shoulder to steady himself, "Haha, yes, but
the three of us are triplets!"

How this didn't make you suspicious, or immediately remind you of your need to avoid Katakuri,
God only knows. At that moment you were completely unconcerned with monitoring his
whereabouts. Heck, in that moment you forgot you were avoiding him completely. Pudding's plan
was working perfectly. In truth, the whole day was a part of her plan. This whole orchestra; the
makeup; the dress; the hair; the spread; the guests (even the insult)! Yes, this whole symphony
existed solely to distract you and pudding spared no expense, even recruiting the help of her
siblings. Perospero was strategically stationed close to the door (not that you'd noticed), in case of
an attempted escape, before it came time for Katakuri to enter. Pudding told him not to use force,
merely to call you back and initiate a conversation. And don't, for one minute, think it was
coincidence that Brulée introduced you to Oven and Daifuku when she did. Every moment of this
party had been planned, and Puddings extensive effort had born fruit. She was, indeed, a
marvellous conductor and you unconsciously hung on her every instruction.

"So, Katakuri is a triplet?" You questioned, a large smile forming on your face
This surprised you to no end. Triplets? Really? They must be incredibly close. You once again
perused the pair. Oven was playfully nudging his brother in attempt to rouse a compliment from
him, but Daifuku's watchful gaze remained focused on you. You didn't mind his suspicions, it
proved to you how much he cared for his brother. They really are a handful, aren't they? You'd
wager Katakuri has saved them from trouble countless times, even more so in childhood. You
giggled to yourself, picturing a small stoic Katakuri chasing after his troublesome brothers. Huh?
What was that? A slight pang in your stomach distracted you from your thoughts. Weren't you
forgetting something?

"Huh? Did I say something funny?" Oven asked, ceasing his relentless attack on Daifuku's arm.

"No." You replied stifling your laughter, "I was just imagining the three of you as children, I bet
Katakuri reeled you both in!"

"Him reeling us in?" The two responded simultaneously. Oven broke out into a hysteric a fit of
laughter. Whilst Daifuku snickered, still twirling his moustache.

It's the opposite!" Oven replied wiping tears from his eyes. "When we were kids, he was unruly!
He-" Oven was cut off by a swift elbow from his brother, "Ouch, what was that for?"

"I don't trust her."

"Don't be silly Daifuku!" Oven replied playfully whacking his brother on the back. "Look at her,
there's nothing sinister about her. She just wants to know more about who she's marrying! And you
know Katakuri, he's not a talker!" Turning his attention back to you Oven signalled to his brother, a
cheeky grin plastered on his face, "Sorry about him, he gets nervous around the pretty ones."

"Hah?!" Wide eyed Daifuku turned to his brother and with primal vexation grabbed either side of
Ovens cape, "what the hell are you trying to say?!"

"Come on Daifi, how long's it been since you've talked to a woman that isn't your sister? Never
mind got one into bed-"

With a flushed face (though whether it was due to anger or embarrassment was anyone's guess)
Daifuku clamped his hand around his brothers mouth. "Oh yeah? Speak for yourself. If you're so
'hot' where's your woman?"

Defiant, Oven pulls away from his brother, "I, I have women!" He stammers, "don't forget I have a
fan club! It's not as big as Katakuri's, but the ladies still swoon over me." With a furrowed brow
Oven brought his gloved hand to his face cupping his chin, "Really though, how did Katakuri get
so many women when he's so scary? Ladies really love the strong quiet type don't the-"

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?!" Pulling his brother by the shoulders Daifuku leant into his ear,
"You'll give her the wrong impression!"

You smiled at the pair. Seeing the two interact like this gave you a sense of their closeness, it was
heart warming. You couldn't help but wonder how Katakuri acts around them, if he laughs with
them, if he jokes with them, if he's relaxed around them. There it was again, that feeling, what was
it? You were forgetting something. Something important.

"Huh?" Oven stared at Daifuku, it took him a few seconds to understand what his brother was
referring to. When it clicked he immediately cleared his throat and addressed you, "But Don't
worry! (Y/N) Katakuri isn't a womaniser! In fact I haven't even seen him look at a woman before

Daifuku rolled his eyes, "how is that any better?!" He sighed.

"Some women like inexperienced men, you should know that!" Daifuku raged at Ovens words, but
Oven remained unfazed. He ignored his brothers growing anger and leaned towards you, shooting
you a wide grin and he finally set the conversation back on track, "Now where was I? Ah, yes, that
guy would constantly get in fights, anyone that laughed at his face-"


"Oi, you know I didn't mean it! I know you're not inexperienced, it was just a-" Daifuku looked at
Oven with wide eyes and softly shook his head, this smack wasn't about his brothers insult. Faced
with his brothers gaze, Oven promptly clammed up, he almost said too much. With a strained
smile he laughed before looking at you, his body slightly tense. You gazed back, smile

"Really?" You laughed, "I imagined him as a serious child! He doesn't strike me as the rebellious
type!" You opted to feign ignorance rather than prying into Oven's words. 'What about his face?'
Was probably the response the brothers expected, and you might have asked this, if you didn't
already know. This information was nothing new to you, you'd guessed that Katakuri was bullied,
but it still stung your heart to have it confirmed.

"Ah, yeah, that changed him." There was gloom in Ovens otherwise booming voice. He no longer
looked at you, but shot a dejected gaze towards Brulée. His sight lingered on his sister, before he
turned back to you, his cheeky smile spread over his face, "But his love of donuts hasn't! He'd eat
them constantly as a kid, and he's never grown out of it, even now! If you want his heart, you've
got some stiff competition."

"So he likes them that much, Does he?" You chuckle, feeding off of Ovens newfound energy.

"Of course he does, when he was 3, he ate that many that his cheek-"


Holding his temple Oven looks to his side, "what is it this time?!"

"You're talking too much." Daifuku warned, his deep scowl directed at his brother.

"I'm only trying to make conversation." Oven pouted, still holding his head.

"That's not something you should tell a stranger! Why are you so dense?" Daifuku complained,
once again flicking his brother.

"Dense? Who the hell are you calling dense you... stone face!"

"Ha! Is that the best you can come up with old man?"

"What?! We're the same age you numbskull!"

Despite their constant bickering, you sensed no malice between them. If anything it further
reinforced their closeness. You were reminded of your relationship with Pudding and the way that
you both tease each other. Yes, you can only bicker like that with the people closest to you. "Why
does Katakuri like donuts so much?" You ask, interrupting their playful banter.

The two stop and look at you perplexed, as if the topic had never been broached before. "Well,"
Oven pondered, furrowing his brow, "I don't- Aha!! Why don't you ask the man himself?" He said,
pointing behind you.
You swallowed, hard.

A deep feeling of dread hit you with the gentle force of a hurricane, that's what you'd forgotten.
You didn't dare look behind you, you couldn't, his mere presence had you frozen to the spot. How
did you let yourself be so distracted?! How on earth did you forget?!

"Katakuri! You came." Oven yelled opening his arms to his brother, "we were just keeping your
lovely future wife company!"

"And talking about me. I heard." You couldn't see Katakuri's face, but he sounded less than

"Come on Katakuri, stop with that face!" Oven rushed behind you and grabbed his brother by the
shoulders, "If you keep scowling like that, you'll frighten the little lady!"

The world around you blurred, and you lost all sense of orientation. Blind sided didn't begin to
describe your situation, you had no idea this was coming. Your bewilderment offset your centre of
gravity and you felt yourself staggering, tilting backwards, but before you could fall flat on your
backside you were supported by a pair of slender arms, "awh, I think Onee-chan is tired."

Pudding? Since when was she here?!

"She needs to sit down, please excuse us."

You didn’t have time to contemplate your situation, In the next moment Pudding had ushered you
to a quiet corner of the courtyard where a table and a set of two chairs had been arranged. "It's okay
Onee-chan, Nii-San is here to look after you." Her voice was echoing, you could barely hear it
over the turmoil in your head. You tried to grab Pudding, but she was all too quick, with a wicked
smile she fled the scene, leaving you alone with Katakuri. This was all a rouse wasn't it? Were
they all in on it?!

"How have you been?" Katakuri's deep voice sliced through your thoughts. The echo in your head
had subsided and his voice was clear, a resounding mellow tone that lingered in your ear.

"Fine." The sharp reply was all you could muster, your mind preoccupied with one thought, how to
get out of here. You wanted to run. You doubted Katakuri would restrain you and force you to
stay, that being said you were hesitant to flee. You couldn't hurt him like that, he deserved better.
He was owed an explanation, there was only way out and that was through talking. But try as you
may, you couldn't find the words. The rivers of your mind were frozen stiff, there was an
inexplicable frost that clouded your heart, preventing you from opening up to him.

"Have I, offended you?" He asked.

You shook your head softly, your eyes glued to the floor.

"You've been avoiding me. If it's because of what happened then-" Katakuri stopped himself, you
were trembling. Just as he thought, something had happened, something he did had upset you. "I
should have thought before holding you like that, I'm sorry."

You'd never heard that tone in Katakuri's voice before, it was full of undue sincerity. He didn't
need to apologise, he'd done nothing wrong. Come on (Y/N)! Put him straight! It's not him it's you!
You tried, really you did, but despite several attempts at opening your mouth nothing came out.
Clearing his throat Katakuri stood to leave, "If my presence makes you uncomfortable, I

Instinctively you reached out, catching his hand before he could leave. Your mouth may not be
compliant, but your body was. With all the force you could muster you clamped down on his

Katakuri looked at you and heaved a light sigh, what were you trying to do? Really, you're about
the only person who would grab him like that. What you thought was a strong grip was nothing to
Katakuri, he could've shook free, but something told him that at that moment you needed him.
Without question or complaint he resigned himself back to the chair, making no move to remove
his hand from yours. Your nimble fingers telling him all he needed to know.

Please stay.

In truth Katakuri was worried, he had been blaming himself. He didn't want to believe you were
avoiding him. This observation had troubled him greatly, amplifying his self-doubts.

She's scared of you.

You make her uncomfortable

How could anyone feel safe in the arms of a monster?

But this gesture, this small gesture did more to quell his insecurities, than any words could ever
dream! It was here that he finally started to believe you. In this secluded corner of a bustling room
Katakuri laid down his outermost defence. His mind-set changed and he began to believe that
maybe, just maybe, that without the scarf you wouldn't see him as a monster.

It was you, wasn't it? Something was on your mind, something you had trouble expressing. Softly
rubbing his temple Katakuri sighed and sat back in his chair getting comfortable. This could take
all night, but Katakuri was willing to wait. It didn't matter how long it took, he would wait until
you're ready.

Outwardly Katakuri portrayed an air of irritation, but it was all an act, he was more than happy to
continue holding your hand. Please don't blame him, it was important to maintain his reputation,
and this room had many prying eyes. He hoped you'd understand. It wasn't that he wasn't
affectionate, on the contrary if you were alone he'd have most likely pulled you into his arms. Only
to comfort you, Katakuri told himself, but this was superficial. There was another reason he wanted
to embrace you, a much more important reason, but he wasn't ready to fully acknowledge it, not
yet. With a kind gaze Katakuri looked to you and he was once again reminded how troublesome
you are.

Now what? You grabbed his hand, good, but where do you go from here? Say something, anything!
Whilst you sat, cursing the frozen tendrils rooted in your mind, you felt a soft squeeze of your
hand. It was warm, reassuring. For an age you bathed in it, letting the heat from Katakuri's hand
radiate into your palm. Slowly but surely his warmth began to thaw the frozen rivers of your mind
and, without much probing, the words you were stuck searching for flowed forth like a vast
cascade of water.

"I've told you before Katakuri, you don't make me uncomfortable." Your voice but a whisper
compared to the bustle of the room, but it didn't matter. This was a private conversation between
two hearts and Katakuri could hear you perfectly fine. "If anything, your presence eases me."
Looking down at your connected hands you offered a timid smile, squeezing the large hand that
resided in yours. "I haven't slept like that in a long time, not since my devil fruit. If it's not the
nightmares keeping me awake, it's strange noises."

Katakuri understood, you must've thought every noise was an intruder, he could sympathise. He
too is unable to sleep soundly. At any moment there could be an attack on Tottoland, he needs to be
prepared. It was a sleep cycle he wouldn't wish on anyone, especially you.

"You're right, I was avoiding you. I was scared..." You feel Katakuri tense, "not of you," you
assured him. Keeping a firm grip on his hand you lay it on your knee, softly padding his palm with
your thumbs. "I haven't relied on anyone for so long, I'd forgotten what it felt like and that scared
me." You scoff at yourself, "It's hard isn't it? Letting people in?" Flipping Katakuri's hand over,
you interlace your fingers through his, "And... I've never cried like that, in front of anyone."

Again Katakuri understood, he'd feel the same if someone saw him without his scarf. "How long
have you had them?" He asked.

"Years," you sighed, a self depreciating smile forming on your face. "They used to be more
frequent. I've found showers help. Hot, cold it doesn't matter. The water brings me back to reality.
But, that night with you, it was more grounding than any shower." Releasing your hold on
Katakuri's hand you hug your knees, "I really am weak."

"You're not weak," Katakuri placed his hand on your head, his voice as resolute as always. "What
you've been through would have broken most people." He continues, gently stroking his thumb
across your temple.

So this is why you've avoided him? Such a silly reason. You're scared to rely on him, he
understands. Trust is a difficult thing to earn, and your trust has been shattered so many times.
Pudding was right, you do take on everything by yourself. What can he say to you? How can he
make you understand? At a loss Katakuri surveys the room, hoping to find an answer, his gaze
lingering on his siblings, his vision drawn to his two brothers. They were blissfully unaware of
Katakuri's gaze as they continued to bicker and squabble. And for a brief moment, just a brief
moment, the resting scowl on Katakuri's face was replaced with a small smile, he'd found his

Feeling the warmth of his hand leave your head you looked up at Katakuri, only to find him gazing
at his brothers, his whole aura had changed. In that brief moment, he wasn't a sweet commander, he
wasn't the strongest crew member, he wasn't all the expectations he had pushed on him. He was
just Katakuri, no frills, no titles, just a man.

Noticing your gaze on him he turned to meet it, the tenderness once directed as his brothers now
directed at you and you ceased to function. Every innate reflex stopped when he entered your
vision, he knocked you well and truly breathless. You understood how special this situation was.
Katakuri's nostalgic gaze was purposeful, in the sense that he let you see it. He was a master of
controlling his emotions, this wasn't an accidental slip, this was deliberate. He chose to share this
with you and in doing so, he showed you what he hid from the world. He tires, he worries, he
doubts, he reminisces, he loves. Yes, this man you respected, that you looked up to, that you
channelled in your times of crisis, he was but a man, an ordinary human. If you cut him he'd bleed!
He was just like you.

Katakuri let his gaze linger on you, before he spoke his mind, "dependence is not weakness, nor is
it to be feared." With his head he signalled to the centre of the room. Pudding and Brulée were
cordially chatting over tea, upon noticing your gaze they shot you dopey smiles and waved. Oven
and Daifuku were stood with them, arguing over what looked like cake, but promptly stopped
when they felt Katakuri's menacing aura. Cracker was still busy sampling what was left of the
spread, his cheeks stuffed to the brim with food (not unlike a hamster). Perospero was surrounded
by an entourage of his younger siblings, he looked like the pied piper. You were curious as to why
they were crowding him, until he pulled out candy from his pockets. Yes, this whole scene brought
a joyous smile to your face, it must be nice having such a boisterous family you thought.

"I too depend on others." Katakuri continued, "Despite my strength, there are things even I am
unable to do alone. Would you call me weak?" He turned his gaze to you.

You smiled at understandingly, "no. I wouldn't."

With a small nod Katakuri once again rested his hand on your head, "You can depend on me.
When you need help, don't struggle by yourself. You're family, no one here sees your worries as a

You could've hugged him, you would have, if not for the room full of people. You knew he
wouldn't push you away, but you wouldn't force yourself on him, you couldn't shatter his image in
front of his siblings like that.

Honestly, what were you even scared of? All your irrational thoughts up until now seemed so
foolish. Of course it's fine to depend on him, to rely on him, to trust in him. That's what
relationships are! Needless to say Katakuri's short speech had a profound effect on you. After
hearing it, you immediately dropped all your defences. You vowed in your heart that you would
open up to him, you'd show him everything. Then perhaps, he'd show you vulnerability in return,
like he did today.

You needed something to signify this vow, if a hug was off the table, then maybe a handshake?
No, too formal. What could you do?

You twisted to face Katakuri, promptly grabbing his hand.

Pinkie swear it is.

You felt like a child again, as you wrapped your pinkie around his. Katakuri's face was one of
confusion, don't tell me he hasn't done this before. "It's a pinkie swear." You explained solidifying
your hold on his finger, "you link your fingers like this and make a promise, it's the most sacred
way that I know to make an oath."

Clearing your throat you pushed aside your embarrassment and looked Katakuri straight in the eyes
as you made your vow. "I promise to depend on you Katakuri. I won't try to take on everything
alone. If I ever need help, I'll come to you. So please," you leant forward to kiss your thumb before
mustering the biggest smile you could, "look after me."

Katakuri was unable to meet your gaze, he directed his eyes here, there, everywhere, anywhere, so
long as it was away from you. Flustered didn't begin to describe his current state, his scarf barely
able to cover his budding embarrassment.

"Haha! Why are you so flustered Katakuri?" You teased, "I'm not expecting you to kiss your
thumb!" You giggled at his reaction, he must've felt truly at ease in your presence to act like this.
And with that, the underlying awkwardness of your past encounters faded, there was a sharp
change in your relationship. A deep level of understanding had been forged between the both of
you and try as you may you could not hide your happiness. Despite your incessant wiping, you
could not remove the giddy smile from your face.
On the other side of the courtyard a strategic meeting was taking place. The collective of Pudding,
Brulée, Perospero, Oven and Daifuku were all busily watching your exchange with Katakuri.

"Wow, this actually looks really promising." Oven stood slowly combing his beard with his hand.
He was confused as to what he was witnessing, weren't you scared of Katakuri a minute ago? You
were positively trembling when you first noticed his presence. What changed?

"I'm not convinced." Daifuku said doubtfully, "but that is one pretty smile."

"Finally daifi! You gave your sister-in-law a compliment!" Oven grinned, fisting his brothers arm.

"Kuku, just wait till he takes off that scarf," Perospero interrupted licking his cane, "she won't be
able to look at him like that."

"You're wrong Peros-Nii, (Y/N)-Chan isn't like that." Brulée challenged, the resoluteness in her
voice caused Perospero to waiver and he shot her a suspicious glare.

"The hard part is getting her to fall for him. Katakuri is a difficult one." Oven commented, crossing
his arms, fingers still caressing his beard.

Pudding, who was busy formulating more plans chimed in, "but Onee-chan already loves him, can't
you see that?"

The brothers looked at each other in shock, and once again turned their attention to you and
Katakuri, now fully analysing the scene. Your eyes had never once left his face, despite their
brothers avoidance of your gaze. Your cheeks were bright red, they all knew that wasn't thanks to
Pudding's make up. Was she right? Did you love their brother?

Puddings announcement had all parties involved in the meeting speechless, except for one man.
Not that he was part of the original conversation, mind you. No, this man was shamelessly
eavesdropping on this private affair, making his presence known with an exclamation so substantial
it hushed the room into whispers. "WHAT?!" Cracker shouted, half choking on the devil's food
cake he'd just placed in his mouth. Without delay Pudding slammed her hand over her brothers
mouth, the whole group turning and shooting him a glare. The silence was short-lived however,
with the room soon returning to its loud bustle. It was Cracker after all, he did these things

Assessing the outburst was over Pudding removed her hand from Crackers mouth, "be quiet, or
he'll hear you!"

"Is it true?" Cracker whispered.

"Yes, I think it was love at first sight~" Pudding cooed, her hands cupping her face as she watched
the two of you.

Perospero squinted at his sister, he was doubtful of this 'love', but he would like it if you befriended
his brother.

"And we've tried everything," Pudding continued, "all day we're in the courtyard plotting and
planning. It's so tiring," she groaned. "We've make cakes, cookies, chocolate, designed dresses,
studied pick up lines..

Whilst Pudding listed off her endless schemes (most of which had nothing to do with progressing
your relationship with Katakuri), Perospero continued to watch his brother, he looked happy. It
was a deep regret of Perospero's, those thoughtless words he said to his brother all those years ago,
he longed to be able to take them back. He was sceptical about Brulée bold claim, but it would be
nice if you liked Katakuri for who he is. Perospero loved his brother, as he did all his siblings, and
he wanted nothing more than to see Katakuri happy.

Something he doubted would happen, if he left Pudding in charge. It was painfully evident as to
what the two of you needed, and it wasn't her lavishly complex plans, you just needed time
together. Time being something Katakuri struggled for, the question was how to reduce his
brothers workload. The whole crew had responsibility, but none more so than Katakuri. Perospero
would be unable to do this alone, he'd need help, but first he'd need to lay down the groundwork.

As the others continued their bickering Perospero silently licked his cane and headed for the exit.
"Peros-Nii, where are you going?" Brulée called.

"Kuku, it's late you know and I have things I need to do, but clear your schedule and have the
others do the same. I will require your assistance."

Blissfully unaware of the plotting happening on the other side of the room you and Katakuri
continued your conversation. Perceiving the eyes on him Katakuri quickly overcame his
bashfulness, forcing himself to look at you, it was then that Katakuri truly noticed your appearance.
How had he been blind to it before? The rouge on your cheeks, the faint tint of pink to your lips,
the careful shading of your eyelids that drew attention your vibrant eyes. The dress that clung to the
contours of your body and the colour contrast that brought forth the suppleness in your skin. He
was enamoured. You were in every aspect stunning, yet he felt something was missing. It wasn't
that they didn't suit you, you were beautiful, astoundingly so. But the dress, the makeup, the hair
they were just ornaments and in Katakuri's eyes they weren't needed. In a way it dulled and
distracted away from your natural beauty, an aspect of you Katakuri was immensely attracted to.
Yes, you were indeed beautiful both when natural and dressed up, but if given a choice Katakuri
would always have you as you are. "You look, different tonight."

"Huh? Yeah," you replied with a smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "probably
the make-up and the dress. Pudding did a good job," You laugh. "It's nice, I appreciate it, but I
just," you sigh, "this isn't me."

"I agree."

You freeze for a second, not expecting his blunt honesty, "Haha, thanks Katakuri." You say

Realising the implications of his words Katakuri backtracks. "No, I mean..."

You lean towards him, "hmm? What did you mean? Does it not suit me?" You pout teasingly, but
Katakuri is too flustered for your joke to register.

He clears his throat pulling his scarf beyond his nose, his voice barely audible, "no. I mean yes. I

Honestly, you'd never seen him in such a state, his short sentences are usually so resolute. As much
as you enjoyed seeing Katakuri fumble over his words you hadn't the heart to let him continue. "It's
okay Katakuri, I-

"Natural," again he cleared his throat, "You're naturally beautiful, I don't think you need anything
You sat, dazed. His compliment had thrown you for a loop, you'd never been told that before. You
wanted to smile and thank him, but those heartfelt words had you quite emotional. In your mind,
there was no higher praise than what Katakuri had just given you. He really does speak his mind,
doesn't he? It was one of the things you liked about him. Liked? Yes, it was fruitless to continue to
deny your affections for him. This feeling wasn't respect, it was attraction, you were interested in

Needlessly say Katakuri had been unnerved by your silence, had he upset you? What can he say to
put it right? Please forgive him, Katakuri had been suppressing his emotions for so long he now
struggles to express himself. "If I've upset you-"

You cut Katakuri off by picking up your chair setting it beside him. You couldn't help yourself,
you just wanted to be close to him, "In all honesty, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to
me. Thank you." With your stomach in turmoil, you cautiously shifted over until your shoulder
made contact with Katakuri, as always he was warm.

"You're cold." Katakuri remarked.

"Ah, yes," you agreed, "It's this dress, it shows too much skin."

Without prompting Katakuri removed his vest and draped it over your shoulders, "is that-"

"Much better", you answered, taking advantage of his distraction to further lean on him. Katakuri
made no effort to move, in truth, he too wanted to feel your warmth.

"I wouldn't have thought you'd pick that dress." He said.

"Oh, it wasn't me!" You giggle, "Pudding picked it, it's a back out dress, she-" your joyful mood
instantly soured when you recalled your earlier conversation with Pudding. With a pout you began
to complain to Katakuri, "Pudding said I could pull it off because I'm flat."

"Flat?" He questioned.

"You know," you began to swipe at your chest in a washboard motion, "I don't have much."


Did he just?

You snapped your head to look at Katakuri, only to find him, once again avoiding your gaze.
"What's so funny?" You asked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"So you did laugh at me?" You mustered the deepest scowl you could, but it didn't last for long.
Your face was betraying you, be angry (Y/N) he just laughed at your boobs! You couldn't get
angry, you were too mesmerised. God his laugh suited him so much! In an effort to hide your smile
you turned away from him, puffing out your cheeks.

Once again you feel his hand on your head, he's careful not to mess up your hair. "You're fine as
you are, anything more than a handful is a waste."

"Huh?" You flushed, what did he just say? In your state of embarrassment you almost fell off your
chair, only to be supported by Katakuri's study arms, which made the situation infinitely worse.
How did he know they were a handful? And does that mean he doesn't mind? Slowly your
Embarrassment gave way to happiness, it would make you happy if he liked your handful, they
were his after all. Really what are you even thinking?! You've got it bad haven't you? Steadying
yourself on his chest you once again resumed your place at his side, "Thank you Katakuri." You

As you sat bathing in Katakuri's warmth, you were eternally grateful, you'd be sure to thank
Pudding and Brulée, it was obvious they were key to making this happen. You really are lucky, to
have such a wonderful family. Now the issue was how to further progress your relationship. You
need more time with him, "Katakuri?"


"Can, can I stay with you tonight?" You say, clutching his vest, "I feel more comfortable in your
room." You weren't lying, although your nightmares had stopped, you still felt safer with him. And
this way you could continue to spend time with him, you hope he wouldn't mind your company.

"If you wish," Katakuri turned away from you, adjusting his scarf, "whenever you need it, my door
will always be open to you."

He always knew the right things to say. With a coy smile you leant your head against his shoulder,
briefly before assuming your original position. You really were lucky it was Katakuri.

Chapter End Notes

As always the next chapter is in the works, I'm glad Perospero has a plan I'm in need
of direction!! XD
Chapter 9: A lesson in defence
Chapter Summary

It's a little quiet in the readers world, Brûlée and Pudding are busy and the only really
company she's had is Katakuri. Until a surprising individual gives her a fantastic idea.
What are you sitting around for?! Go and learn to defend yourself!! Where do you
start? If only you had someone to teach you....

Chapter Notes

Hi guys! You've all been asking! Well here it is, the new chapter! As always I am SO
GRATEFUL for all your love and support :'( Your kind words mean a lot to me and
I'm glad you guys are loving this since I wrote it on a whim. But please, go enjoy! This
chapter starts off the defence arc!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Ever since the night of your party, every evening you'd make your way to Katakuri's room. Yes,
for the past two weeks every single night you've slept in his bed. Honestly, your attachment to him
was unrivalled. Your night terrors had ceased, you felt safe again in Whole Cake chateau, but you
couldn't help yourself. You'd become greedy. It had become your routine and you hated to break

Katakuri was too kind, he would never question why you were here or how long you intended this
to go on for. A part of you hoped he looked forward to your visits just as much as you did. Even
when you appeared before him holding your toothbrush and a set of clean clothes for the morning,
he said nothing, merely directing you as to where you could put them. Needless to say, your
toothbrush now sits pride of place on the shelf directly next to his and you have a dedicated slot in
his wardrobe for your attire. Really, you've spent so much time in his room, you've begun to smell
like him.

Much to your disappointment nothing untoward had happened. You'd expected as much, Katakuri
is and will always remain a gentleman. He made no move to sleep with you, with your nightmares
conquered he had no reason to. Don't misunderstand! A chance at sordid encounter wasn't the
reason for your nightly visits (you weren't that type of girl). No, your intentions were purely
innocent, you just wanted some time with him. And you best believe, every single second you
shared with him was precious to you. You loved his curt replies, but you lived for the moments
when he would string sentences together. It was both a pleasure and a privilege to listen to him.
Whether he was summarising the plot of a book, recounting the antics of his brothers, or (your
favourite) recalling his experiments in the kitchen. This man bakes in his spare time, can you
believe it?! When he first told you, your heart was blessed with the image of Katakuri in an apron
(donut print, naturally) busily bumbling around his kitchen. You couldn't wait to witness the sight
first hand, would he hum to himself? Make a mess? You couldn’t wait to help him! His
experiments centred primarily around donuts, different ratios of ingredients, proving times, etc. As
you can imagine Katakuri takes quite the methodical approach to baking, and has documented all
of his attempts, both successes and failures. It was quite obvious to you that he was searching for
something, something along the lines of a perfect donut. You didn't probe, he'd tell you when he
was ready and you'd be sure to search for it with him. You genuinely loved his company and, to be
honest, his was the only company you'd had for the past few days. Pudding has been called back to
her shop and Brulée had important work for big mom, so for most of the day you were alone.
Rather than laze in an empty courtyard, you've take to lazing in the library. Attempting to make a
dent in the vast amount of books it stored, most at Katakuri's recommendation (he really had
wonderful taste in literature).

It was your plan to read today until you happened upon Perospero. Ugh! You still shudder when
you think of him licking that cane. The meeting was exceptionally brief, but he did give you a
wonderful idea. Instead of lounging around, why not exercise and learn self-defence? Something
you'd intended to do for a long time. Kata-kun was reliable, yes, but if you were separated from
him, you doubt you'd be able to fend off an attacker alone.

Which brings us to your current whereabouts. In a small clearing of the strangely named 'seducing
woods' (not that the woods could seduce you! Your heart made it clear where your loyalties lie)
surrounded by greenery, sun gently lapping at your back, you stood, aimlessly (and cluelessly)
flinging around a stick at the behest of your trainer Kata-kun. Although you had no previous
experience with a sword, something told you that this wasn't the right way to go about things.

Whilst you bathed in your ignorance, frantically training away, plans were beginning to fall into
place. Your future brother-in-law was quite the busy man, how he made time in his restless
schedule was beyond anyone, but he was always ready to distract himself from the mundane. What
was he busy doing you ask? Plotting.

The foundations of his plan had been established. For a few weeks Perospero and his team had
been slowly transferring over Katakuri's workload to themselves. Thanks to this, his brother should
find that his next few weeks are rather bare. Naturally if any urgent matters arose, they would do
their best to handle it before turning to Katakuri. In the event of a raid however, they'd have to
interrupt Katakuri's small holiday. Yes, a few weeks was ample time, in Perospero's opinion, for
the two of you to 'bond'. He only wished he could have done more, but Katakuri was an important
figure to the crew and his prolonged absence would be detrimental.

All the groundwork had been laid, the field had been prepared, watered and fertilised, now all that
remained was for Perospero to sow the seeds. It was up to yourself and Katakuri to care for the
flower he sowed and see that it bloomed.

Perospero wasn't privy to your hobbies, nor did he claim know what you and his brother shared in
common. He did however, know of your abductions and considering your mindset he knew you’d
be open to learning self defence. And who better to learn from than the strongest among them?
Yes, his plan was marvellous, ingenious, benevolent, but enough of that! He would relish in both of
your praises later, for now he needed to find his brother.

After traversing the whole of Whole Cake Chateau Perospero finally finds him, situated just
outside of the gates, diligently surveying the passers-by.

"Peros Nii-san." Fixing his posture Katakuri calls out to Perospero, before he can traverse through
the gate.

"Kuku, you’re looking lost Katakuri." With slow deliberate steps Perospero approaches his brother,
licking his cane when he comes to a stop. "What are you loitering around for? If you've got nothing
to do go and enjoy yourself."

Katakuri squinted at his brother, there was something he didn't like in those words, something

"Well, if you're that hard up for work," he continued, twirling his cane as he paced the entrance,
"I've heard that there's a pretty bird flitting around the seducing woods, she might need your

"What are you planning?" Katakuri asked, his arms crossed and a deep scowl on his face.

"Kukuku, Planning?" Perospero laughed, "as if I have time for that my dear brother. Now I suggest
you go, before she ends up hurting herself."


You continue to groan as you to swing your stick haphazardly. There's really no cohesion to your
movements, you're just doing whatever comes to mind. You'd been at this for at least half an hour
now and to tell the truth, you were dreadfully tired. "Is that alright Kata-kun?" You huff, slightly
out of breath. Your back is aching, not to mention your arm, is it because you're not used to the
Kata-kun stands before you, arms crossed happily nodding his head.

"No. It's bad form."

You'd know that honeyed voice anywhere. You turn in the direction of it with a beaming smile,
ready to address the man, who's never far from your thoughts, "Katakuri!!" Your heart rate
quickened, wasn't he a sight to see? You couldn't hide your happiness at his presence. Really, if
you had a tail it would be wagging. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you." He retorted, crossing his arms, his eyes carefully surveying your
body, noting your dirty clothes and dishevelled hair.

You quickly adjusted your appearance, flattening your hair and wiping your brow, before standing
prim. "We're training." you answered.

"We?" Katakuri questioned.

"Yeah, Kata-kun is showing me." You smiled.

Katakuri furrowed his brow as he looked around the clearing, his attention only drawn to the floor
by a constant tapping at his foot. Looking down Katakuri made eye contact with Kata-kun, who
waved eagerly in greeting, "Kata... kun?" He said.

You flushed, realising this is the first time Katakuri had heard your guard’s name. Please don't
think it's weird. Hurriedly you made your way over to the pair. Crouching down you lifted Kata-
kun from the floor, "he looks like you don't you think?" You hold the biscuit guard out to Katakuri,
"look, Cracker even made him a scarf."

Katakuri extended his hand to Kata-kun. Your soldier was apprehensive at first but after a soft
nudge from you he slowly manoeuvred himself onto Katakuri's palm. Katakuri then began to assess
your guard, he didn't quite see the resemblance, but he was flattered that you'd name your protector
after him. Recognising Katakuri as an ally Kata-kun quickly became at ease swiftly climbing up
Katakuri's arm and situating himself on his shoulder. Katakuri looked to the biscuit man and
sighed, "He's teaching you bad habits."

With Kata-kun still on his shoulder, Katakuri moved behind you, using his hands to stroke your
shoulders, "Relax them." He then settled one hand on your right shoulder and the other on the left
side of your stomach. With care he slowly turned your body, "stand side on, this gives your
opponent less of a target."

"Hm." Was all the reply you could muster, your thoughts thoroughly disjointed, your mind solely
occupied with the thought of his hands on your body. His every touch elicited goose bumps, how
you managed to actually relax your shoulders you'd never know. Every small graze had your heart
pounding, and good lord the hold he had on your stomach! You'd always been ticklish, but this was
different it was intoxicating. You were stuck in this stupor, and you'd be dammed if you ever
wanted to leave.

Katakuri had shifted to lean over you, his hand that gripped your shoulder now slowly trailed down
your arm, "Relax your grip."

At his command you relaxed your hold on the stick, honestly you were complete putty in his hands.
He could have asked you for anything and you best believe you'd go to every length to get it.

"Now swing."

He was so warm, so soft.


And the way he crouched over you; it was like he was engulfing you. Ah, you could just drown in

"Are you listening?"

"Huh?" You turn your head, only to hit your nose on Katakuri's well defined abs, "oww."

"You should pay attention." He sighed.

"Sorry," you say, nursing your nose.

"Why are you 'training' in the first place?" Katakuri asks removing himself from your back.

You pout internally at the removal of his warmth, "I want to learn how to defend myself. I know
Kata-kun is strong, but what if he gets defeated before I can run? Or what if I'm separated from
him?" You tighten your lax grip on the stick, "I won't let myself be taken again."

Katakuri nods faintly. In truth these thoughts have also crossed his mind and they always cause
him distress. Katakuri never wanted to put you in this position, he never wanted you to fend off an
attacker yourself, but he doubted Crackers small creation could stand up to the monsters on grand
line. He agreed with you, you should learn basic defence. Katakuri didn't expect you to put it into
practice, it was just a contingency. You also needed to be educated, taught about the crews’
enemies and their abilities, the grand line is a dangerous place after all. It was clear to Katakuri that
this biscuit creation wouldn't be the best teacher for you. "It can't be helped, I'll teach you."

"Huh?" You furrowed your brow, "you Katakuri?" Did you hear him correctly?

"Would you prefer someone else?"

"No!!" You say cutting him off. Someone else?! Come on! Needless to say, you were positively
elated. "Please teach me!" You said springing to him, casting aside your stick, swapping it for a
fistful of Katakuri's vest. "What will I learn first, how to fight with a trident?" You strike a fighting
pose, "how heavy is it anyway? Can I try to carry it?"

You make a move to grab Katakuri's trident, but he swerves it to avoid your grasp. You try again,
only for him to deftly avoid you a second time. When you finally subside your attempts to snatch
his weapon, he taps your head with the hilt, "no, first we discuss tactics."

Holding your head, you look to Katakuri pouting, "Discuss?" You groaned.

"Yes," he replied, eyes slightly narrowed, "you're not physically strong and that's not something we
can build on quickly, for now, you need to fight with your head."

It was clear from his body language that he wouldn't be swayed, "my head?" You echoed.
"Yes. You've proved to be quite intellectual; it would be a logical way for you to fight." Noting
your loss of enthusiasm, Katakuri softly pats your head, "we can also explore your devil fruit,
although you're already adept at using it."

"You... think so?" You question, smile slowly creeping back on your face, "I wish," you say
shaking your head, "it tires me out using it for too long."

"You're better than you give yourself credit for." Moving his hand from your head, Katakuri sets it
firmly on your shoulder, those goose bumps again, "I think you've awakened it."

"Awakened?" You questioned, trying your best not to melt under his touch. What does he mean?

"It's rare, but it's possible to awaken a devil fruit." Using his thumb Katakuri rubbed the crease that
formed between your brow, "for Paramecia types that means affecting things other than the user."

"So, I've awakened my devil fruit?" You ask, enthusiasm peaking once again.

"Yes, and I believe you can do a lot more than find weaknesses."

"What?" You recoil in shock. "I can?" Like what exactly?

"Yes, try it." Katakuri said, holding out his arm.

You stop him, pushing at his extended arm with your hands, "No I couldn't." The first time was
enough, you couldn't do that to him again.

Katakuri ignores your protests and sets your right hand on his forearm, "It's fine... I trust you."

His statement vibrated in your head. He trusts you? Katakuri, trusts you? You staggered for a
moment, crumbling under the weight of his words. It shouldn't have come as a shock, somewhere
inside you already knew. It was why he'd become a heavier sleeper (honestly some days you'd
need to shake him to wake him up). It was why he let you adjust his scarf, why he let you see him
flustered, why he opened his door to you night after night after night. It was all because he trusted
you. That was all the more reason you couldn't use your devil fruit on him.
"(Y/N)?" Katakuri placed his hand over yours in an assuring manner.

"I... I can't Katakuri, what if I.." see something personal, something more than you have already.
You stuttered shoulders trembling with anxiety.

He placed his free hand on your shoulder, "It doesn't matter." I have nothing to hide from you.

Katakuri longed to finish that sentence, he hoped one day he could. As it stood now, Katakuri still
struggled with the concept of showing his face to you, but he had considered it at length. Countless
times he pondered the reveal, yet he could never fully persuade himself. There was a powerful
force that was preventing him, that force being none other than his own insecurities. Yes, Katakuri
extended his hand hoping you'd overstep your bounds, that you'd plunder all the information you so
desired. That you'd once again find his face, only this time he wished for you to take a long hard
look. Reassurance is what he was seeking, it was all he asked for! It was selfish really, he wished
for you to sidestep the boundary he'd placed between the two of you. But deep down he recognised
this wish as fruitless, your integrity would prevent you from invading his privacy. The inevitable
was beginning to surface, he'd need faith, when the right time came, he would have to reveal his
everything to you. Don't misunderstand, this wasn't out of obligation, Katakuri didn't feel forced!
He wanted to show you, he wanted you to see, but for the life of him, he just didn't know where to

You smiled at Katakuri and nodded your head. Don't read too much into it, it's just training! Okay,
now the question is what to find? His favourite donut? No, that seems too complex for a first try,
how would you even know the flavour? It needs to be a simple fact, something you can fully focus
on finding. Hm, hold on. That might just work.

Following a lengthy exhale you closed your eyes, slowly encroaching into Katakuri's psyche.
Meticulously you sifted through the images clouding your mind, past the laughing faces of his
brothers, past the mocking faces of his bullies, until you happened upon a calendar. A small, plain
calendar sitting quietly atop a side table, the specific date you coveted violently circled and
decorated with hearts (clearly not Katakuri's doing). Finding the information you needed you broke
the link between you and Katakuri, "the 25th of November, huh?"

"My birthday?" He scoffed shaking his head slightly, "how silly, but well done." Placing his hand
on your head Katakuri ruffled your hair.

You giggled placing your hand over his, "thank you for believing in me."
Katakuri cleared his throat and adjusted his scarf, with slightly pink ears he turned his face away,
"ah... As well as training your devil fruit, I'll introduce you to Haki."

"Ha-ki?" You replied.

"Yes, it’s a force present all living things, there are three types, but we'll prioritise armament for

Katakuri then proceeded to explain Haki (in great detail), the three different classes of and how
they are utilised. Truth be told, you didn't fully pay attention, it wasn't that you couldn't understand
the concept of Haki or that his lecture was boring, but Katakuri in teacher mode had you swooning.
All he needed was a set of glasses and a pointing stick to complete the look. Scratch the pointing
stick, he had his trident for that, which he made you aware of on several occasions. Any time you
began to zone out (and Katakuri knew full well when that was) he would tap you with the hilt of his

Despite your senseless thirsting you were able to grasp the basics. Armament Haki was an 'armour',
that was simple enough to understand. It didn't seem ground breaking, but when Katakuri
demonstrated it you were in awe. Right before your eyes his (beautifully) tanned skin turned a deep
shade of charcoal and lost all sense of its softness. You, of course, tried to mimic what Katakuri
did, but despite your straining and pleading your skin refused to change colour.

Observation Haki resonated with you, learning to sense auras, emotions and intent, it was like your
devil fruit in a sense. You were disappointed when you learned Katakuri didn't deem it a priority,
but you couldn't argue with his logic. In theory you could use your devil fruit to 'find' those in your
vicinity making basic observation Haki obsolete. You agreed with him, what you truly needed was
a defence, something that could protect you from attacks.

It was conquerors Haki, you struggled to grasp. What is exerting your will over others? You can
only use it is you're born with it? How do you know if you're born with it?! This confused you
greatly, but a simplified explanation from Katakuri cleared your muddled thoughts. He was a
phenomenal teacher.

When Katakuri divulged to you the rarity of conquerors Haki, you of course asked if he could use
it. 'Naturally' was his response. You shuddered at the apathetic tone in his voice, one in seven
million people have this Haki, yet he showed no sense of superiority. This was just another power
to Katakuri, just another weapon in his extensive arsenal. You were smitten with his humility and
were reminded once again just how extraordinary a man he is.
Whilst Katakuri continued his explanation you chimed in with a question, raising your hand in the
process. Katakuri sighed and shook his head, but he ultimately stopped his explanation to listen to
your interjection, "so, is conquerors Haki the reason you can see the future?"

Katakuri paused for a moment, before softly stroking his forehead. "Heh, no," He snickered,
playfully tapping you with his trident.

"You don't have to laugh!" You pout rubbing your head. Was it a silly question? It didn't matter,
you welcomed his laugh, it was always a joy to hear (even if it was at your expense).

Setting his trident aside Katakuri moves closer to you, laying his hand where he struck you, "I
know." But your remark was too adorable, he couldn't help it. Perhaps he should've expanded
more on observation Haki? Nevertheless, Katakuri was impressed by your deductive reasoning.
With the information you've been given, that was the most rational conclusion. Both abilities are
indeed rare, it was logical to infer that future sight was an ability of conquerors Haki. "Don't pout,
it was a logical conclusion, but it's my observation Haki that grants my foresight."

"Observation?" You smiled, "So would I-"

"Naturally, if you master it."

"Master?" You questioned.

Katakuri's mastered observation Haki? How long did that take? And will he never cease to amaze

Your smile was short lived however, as you began to ponder the true weight that came with this
precognition. Has Katakuri already seen this conversation? Seen your marriage? Has he seen
future wars? How about deaths? The more you thought about it the more it became apparent that
the prospect of seeing the future was a curse more so than a gift. Was there a way you could help
him? A way for you ease his trouble?

"Isn't it a burden for you?" You asked Katakuri.

"Being able to see the future, isn't it burdensome?"

There was a sadness in your gaze, your eyebrows had faintly knitted together. It was a look that
didn't suit you, using his finger Katakuri delivered a well-placed flick to the centre of your
forehead, "are you worried for me?"

You crossed your arms and huffed, turning your face away. Did he have to flick you like that?

Katakuri narrowed his eyes at your reaction and took this time to cup your cheek, "Don't be, it's
only a few seconds, nothing extensive like you're thinking." He was touched by your kindness,
truly. Katakuri has never received this level of affection before and he wondered why? Why were
you so considerate of him? What had he done to earn this treatment from you? You really were an
enigma to him.

You sighed in relief, already forgiving his past actions. How could you maintain your annoyance
when he looked at you like that? "Good, you have enough troubles, as is, without having to see
future ones." You smiled reaching out and covering Katakuri's hand with your own.

Your gesture clarified to Katakuri the lack of distance between you and with a start he pulled back,
turning away from you practically burying his face in his scarf. After a few timely coughs, he
regained his composure, "I'll also be educating you on the other crews, especially our enemies."

"Why's that?" You said, skipping to his side.

"It's important you learn to recognise people, especially those who wish us harm." Katakuri replied,
turning his head to you, poker face now in full effect.

You giggled, "Okay, I'll leave myself in your capable hands!" You said, playfully nudging his side
with your elbow. "Please go easy on me... Katakuri sensei~"

Chapter End Notes

As always the next chapter is in the works, in all honesty it's nearly finished. I wrote
chapter 9 and 10 together. I was that into it that I'd reached 7000 words without
realising, so I've split them :3 Don't you worry guys, we are going somewhere!!

Please be patient <3

Chapter 10: Practice makes perfect
Chapter Summary

Readers 'training' continues with Katakuri.

Chapter Notes

Hey guys thank you for your continued patience! The next chapter is here. I had so
much fun writing this, I hope it shows!

I re-watched episode 856 as research for this and I fell in love with Katakuri all over
again. How could I forget how cute he was?!!! I also forgot he had his merienda at the
same time everyday!

Please enjoy guys!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

‘Please go easy on me.'

He didn't. Katakuri's training was horrendous, the man did not let up, he demanded absolute
perfection. It wasn't satisfactory just to recall the names of rival pirates, oh no! You needed to
remember their bounty; give an overview of their abilities; state their crew’s name; their
affiliations; their last know location, their feats; what they enjoyed for breakfast; the list was
endless. For the past week you've done nothing but memorise faces and train your armament Haki,
it was thoroughly exhausting! Each night you were out as soon as your head hit the pillow. Heck,
last night you didn't even change before flopping on the bed, thankfully Katakuri was kind enough
to remove your shoes before you could soil it.

Angelique was wrong, Katakuri was a tyrant, a tyrant you couldn't escape from! You loved his
company? What drivel! You hated his-

The fact your mind couldn't even begin to process this thought proved how much he meant to you.
Despite your fatigue, your frustration, your endless complaining, every single second with him was
still precious to you. You could never hate his company. This past week, you've been inseparable,
and it's been downright heavenly. Katakuri was no tyrant, he was a man with high standards, and
you knew he was hard on you because he cared for you and he believed in you.
This week together has done wonders for the dynamic of your relationship. It's progressed to a
point where you can comfortably tease Katakuri, and honestly his reactions are positively adorable.
In the beginning you were apprehensive, thinking your playfulness might annoy him, but he's
totally unperturbed by your teasing! Secretly you think he enjoys it. Yes, if you had to label your
current relationship, it would be something akin to 'old friends', which is a huge feat given the time
you've known Katakuri. You just hoped it didn't remain a friendship, which is why you've taken to
adding physical touch whenever you can. Nothing overly excessive, you didn't want to come on too
strong, but you wanted Katakuri to recognise that the affection you held for him did not stem from
friendship alone.

Not that you can nonchalantly lean on his shoulder today, or skim your hand across his, you'd been
parted. By a table. The pâtissier's had finally made good on their promise and provided you with
comfortable seating arrangements. You much enjoyed sitting on the green of the clearing, you
could lean on Katakuri for 'support,' but today was different. Today you sit opposite the man. The
distance between you, although small, still smarted your heart. Your only solace was in the fact
that the object of your endless affections lay bare before you.

As always, he was a sight to see. Katakuri sat diligently shuffling through an endless supply of
bounty posters, the golden rays of the sun softly kissed his skin. You were jealous, if only you
could change your form, atomise yourself into sunbeams, you'd be able to close this meddlesome
distance between you. Your eyes waltzed with the shadows and highlights that adorned his body,
each curve, each line, each contour of his skin was faultless. He was perfect to you, in every way,
and you were enraptured by his ethereal aura. The mid-afternoon breeze blew through his hair like
a hesitant wave, a soft tousle of his ends the best it could muster. It was as if even the wind itself
didn't dare intrude on such a peaceful scene.

If only you were an artist, you'd love nothing more than to capture this moment, to encase it in

Honestly, what was wrong with you? How bad did you have it?! You'd never been one to string
together sentimental words, now here you were scribing sonnets. Does this mean you've found your
muse? Should you write a poem? Gift it to him? What would you call it? 'My heart'? No, too plain.
It needed to be something personal, 'my donut?' No, too tacky, it needed class-


"Focus!" You spy Katakuri's scowl from across the table, he grips his trident firmly in hand. He'd
caught you daydreaming again, hadn't he? Don't misunderstand, the tap wasn't hard, it shocked
you more than anything you'd been well and truly zoned out. You'd think about that poem later.
Sensing a potential further drop in concentration, Katakuri tapped on the table, drawing your
attention to the bounty poster he held in his hand. You sigh heavily when you notice, he never
made it easy for you, he always made sure to cover both the name and the bounty.

You squint taking time to analyse the picture you'd been presented with. The bounty depicts a
young man with black hair, his mouth curved slightly forming a cocky grin. As if that wasn't
enough to allude to his identity, he wore on his head a white hat with a spotted pattern along the
bottom. It always looked fluffy to you, although you expect it would pale in comparison to the
fluffiness of Katakuri's scarf. "Law," you state.

Instead of receiving a shower of praise Katakuri offered you a sigh, rolling his eyes in the process.

You cleared your throat, adjusted you slack posture and promptly corrected yourself, "Trafalgar

Katakuri nodded and tilting his head towards the poster he signalled for you to elaborate.

"He's the captain of the heart pirates," you continued, "with a bounty of..." You bit your lip and
tapped at the table, hoping for it to stimulate your brain. "A bounty of... of..."


It was useless! The value of his bounty had completely slipped your mind, no amount of stalling
would ever cause that fact to surface. How much? 50 million? No, it should be higher than that,
240 million? Too high? Too low?

Bounties are something you struggled to remember; you've only been able to consistently
remember the bounty of one man (no clues as to whom that was).

Giving up on your attempt to remember, you shot Katakuri the most charming smile you could, "I
know it's less than yours," you said, batting your eyes hoping it would distract from the hole in
your knowledge. It didn't, Katakuri knew exactly what you were trying to do. Yet again he met
your comment with a sigh, you're not making him proud today, are you?

"Abilities?" He groaned.
"Room!" You chimed, trying your hardest to give the most accurate imitation of Law you could

Dropping the poster Katakuri cradled his head, he oozed disappointment, not a single ounce of him
looked even remotely impressed. You apologised inwardly. You'd been at this all day, of course
your concentration was waning. Rubbing your eyes, you let out a yawn and set yourself back on
track, this time opting for a serious response. "He has the Op-Op fruit. A very powerful devil fruit,
which allows him to freely control the fabric of space, but only in his aura sphere."

"Good," Katakuri lifts his head and slowly nods, his faith in you slightly restored, "now, what are
your tactics for him?"

"Huh?" Tactics? This was new. Tactics for fighting Law? Katakuri did say you needed to fight with
your head, but you thought you'd be discussing your tactics together. Ah, well. Okay then (Y/N)
what would you do?

You sat in silence, rhythmically stroking your chin in thought as Katakuri looked on, his eyes
holding a slight hint of expectation. You were oblivious to his gaze as you surrendered to your

Law's devil fruit is bad news, you'd need to prevent him from using it, but how? Flirt? Use your
womanly charms? No, from what Katakuri relayed to you it seems Law is rational, you doubt he'd
be swayed by your sex. Think (Y/N) think! What do you know about him?

In an attempt to find a flaw, you could exploit you began to list every small thing you'd learned
about your fictitious pursuer. Heart pirates captain, allied with the Straw hats, stormed Wano, a
previous warlord, he's known as... ah yes!!

"The surgeon of death!" You shouted, "he's a doctor, isn't he?" You asked looking over at
Katakuri, but his face was now one of stone, he alluded to nothing. Meeting this gaze, you now
understood why he'd asked you this specific question. This was a test, wasn't it? Katakuri was
assessing how you'd use information he'd given you.

Immediately you turned back to your thoughts, intent on solidifying his faith in you. If law was
indeed a doctor, that was a fact you could use to your advantage. You could act injured, no, he'd
see through that. Come on (Y/N) how would you distract him? Imagine he's here right now, he's
adamant on taking you away, taking you away from Katakuri! What would you do?!
Ahah! That should work!

"I'd hyperventilate," you said. Sitting straight in your chair you began to explain your reasoning to
Katakuri, "I'd feign a panic attack, I doubt he'd leave me in that sorry state, doctors are bound by a
Hippocratic oath and given the nature of the job, they need compassion. I'd try to appeal to that."

Katakuri still donned his stoic face, but unperturbed you continued on. "If I act scared, if I act
feeble, maybe Law wouldn't see me as a threat that might give me an opening to run away. My
main priority would be to do everything to prevent him using his devil fruit, if he did, I'd be
completely powerless."

Katakuri narrowed his eyes, and proceeded to hold up another bounty poster. You nodded, once
again scrutinising the paper presented to you. Yet another cocky man splayed over the page, two
menacing scars maimed the right side of his face. And he sported a large arrogant smile, his red
lips the same shade as his fire like hair. "Eustass 'Captain' Kid, Kid pirates, Jiki-jiki no-"

"Tactics." Katakuri interrupted.

Now Kid would be tricky, Law is a schemer, but he can be reasoned with. Kid is violent, he's blood
thirsty and he'd no doubt go to any lengths to get his hands on you. Hell, he'd probably knock you
out the moment he saw you. What could you do against that? This egotistical mad man would-

Wait, his ego?

"I'd suck up to him (if he didn't knock me out first)." You stated, "I'd tell him how famous he is,
how big and strong he is, how notorious his crew is and how grateful I am, that he's come to take
me away from such a terrible tyrant."

You paused, taking time to criticise your course of action, "I wouldn't resist, I don't know what he'd
do to me if I did. It would be better to bide my time and... wait for help."

It struck you, you couldn't run from these people. They were marginally stronger than you, the
most appropriate course of action would be to rely on those more capable than you. "I'd bide my
time," you smiled coyly, shooting a gaze towards Katakuri, "I'd wait for you." Your face
immediately turned beet red and to cover your embarrassment you began casually listing potential
other saviours you could wait for, "or Perospero, or Cracker, or Oven, or Daifuku, or Smoothie,

You stopped, sensing Katakuri's gaze on you, his eyes had narrowed, and you could sense behind
his scarf was the vague ghost of a smile, "you're learning," he said.

You smiled back, lovingly sighing at the scene before you, offering a silent thanks to the table
between you for allowing you to witness this glorious sight.

Katakuri moved to select another poster, but something had apparently caught his attention. He
turned his gaze to an open portion of the woods, "that time already?" He huffed.

"Katakuri Sama!"

Sure enough, emerging from the small clearing came three small pâtissier’s, dragging a cart in tow,
"sorry to interrupt, but it's 3 o'clock."

You grinned, although he tried to hide it Katakuri would always get excited at this time. You
sensed the joy in his voice, despite his attempt to sound annoyed. Honestly, he looked years
younger, his eyes grew brighter, his scowl had lost all potency, who'd have thought Katakuri could
show such a sense of childlike wonder? Not that anyone else would notice these changes, mind
you. No, anyone else would be oblivious. It took a keen eye to note these changes and you'd been
observing him very closely.

As the pâtissier’s closed the distance, you rose from your chair, heading to your usual rest spot
underneath the shade of a big tree. You knew how important it was for Katakuri to unwind, so you
made no move to intrude on his merienda.

"Miss (Y/N)! Your lunch."

"Ah thank you, Henri." You took a small boxed lunch from the pâtissier and proceeded to wave to
Katakuri, who was busy listening to the vivid description of his treats. You marvelled at the
ingenuity of the pâtissier’s. Katakuri was a lucky man, every day there was a new marvellous array
of fresh donuts. Catching his attention, you called out to him, "I'll be over there," you chimed,
pointing at your spot underneath the tree, "take your time!"

"Ah, okay." Katakuri responded, before once again turning his attention back to the pâtissier’s.
Honestly, you knew he liked donuts (and that was an aspect of him you loved), but the man never
touched another morsel of food. It was beginning to worry you actually, all he did was pump
himself full of sugar every day, it couldn't be healthy. You'd need to do something about that,
perhaps you could make him something? Something healthy and full of nutrients? Katakuri is fit
for sure, but that doesn't mean he's not malnourished.

You'd deal with that another time, for now you'd enjoy your break! Ah, how you loved merienda
time, you'd enjoy a few chapters of a book under the rays of the sun, AND you'd get to ogle
Katakuri's wondrous shrine.

Really, his sense of architecture was astounding, that building truly was a work of art. Of course,
you wondered why a shrine, of all things, was needed for his merienda.

"During meals, one’s defences slacken, Katakuri-Sama does this to ensure that he is never caught
off guard!"

"Ah yes! He's an upstanding person always prepared for any up evil!"

Were the answers you received from the pâtissier's, but you knew the real reason deep down.
Today too, as you sat marvelling at his craftsmanship you admired its melancholic beauty. The
shrine screamed solitude to you, it was more of a cell than anything, something that Katakuri
restricts himself to when he eats. How long had it been since he shared a meal with others?
Perhaps you should ask to join him? No, you couldn't do that, you hadn't the nerve.

With a bitter smile you cast your eyes away and set to devouring your small boxed lunch, before
reading your book.

You'd been there for about half an hour before a you spied a shadow crossing your path, "Noooo!
Katakuri please," you cooed, "Just two more seconds! It's getting really-"

"Oi... I still ain't Katakuri."

You looked up from your book, squinting at the figure that stood over you, "Cracker... Sama?
What are you doing here?" You questioned.

"I'm on a patrol and I saw you here lazing around, don't you have things to do?" He said, clearly
showing no remorse for interrupting your reading.

"I do actually," you retorted, "I'm training, we were just taking-"

"Training?" Cracker questioned, cutting you off. Ha, guess Peros-nii's plan is working he thought
to himself.

"Yes, but we should be-" You stopped, on que Katakuri's shrine dismantled and he emerged,
handing his empty hamper back to the pâtissier and sending them on their way. You waved him
over, "Katakuri, welcome back~" You chimed.

Cracker immediately straightened his posture and addressed his brother with great formality,
"Katakuri Nii-San, good afternoon." You wondered what had happened to the Cracker who so
rudely interrupted your reading only seconds ago, but you thought it was sweet the way he reacted.
You could really sense the respect and love he held for his brother.

"Ah, Cracker. Good afternoon," Katakuri replied, nodding in greeting.

"So, you're helping her train Nii-san?" Cracker asked in an inquisitive tone.

"Ah, yes," Katakuri said before taking a short pause, it was clear he was contemplating something.
After a swift adjustment of his scarf, he addressed his brother, "actually we could use your
assistance. Would you be willing to spar with (Y/N)?"

"Hah?" Crackers face contorted in confusion, “You're kidding right? I ain't fighting her, it's unfair."

"You shouldn't underestimate her," Katakuri replied, "she's been working hard."

You closed your book and rose from your seated position, immediately understanding Katakuri's
intention. This was practice, wasn’t it? With big dopey eyes you too chimed in to ask for Crackers
help, "Please Cracker-Sama."

Katakuri's brow twitched at the unusual honorific and Cracker gulped audibly when he noted his
brother’s annoyance. "H... hey," he said fanning his hands in front of your face, " can drop
the Sama y'know!" He turned to Katakuri with a strained smile, "Honestly, some people these
days, right?" He laughed awkwardly.

So, he was scared? Why force you to call him 'Cracker Sama' in the first place?! Was there not a
chance that the three of you would be in the same company one day?! Think Cracker! Think!

You did feel sorry for Cracker, but you weren't about to let him off the hook. No, this man had
flicked you one too many times and you demanded payback. Plus, you had a feeling, that now,
Cracker wouldn't be able to deny any request Katakuri made of him.

"Hm? But why Cracker-Sama?" You said nonchalantly, "I thought I had to address my superiors
correctly? Isn't that what you beat into me when I was in the infirmary?"

You could have sworn you head Cracker gasp. Katakuri now openly scowled at his brother, and
Cracker broke out into a fervent sweat, "n..nn... no! I didn't mean-"

Cracker hadn't a leg to stand on as he flailed hysterically around the clearing. "Katakuri-nii," he
pleaded, "don't misunderstand, it was just a flick, I didn't hurt her I swear!"

Katakuri towered over Cracker, his arms tightly folded, "help us and I might be willing to overlook
it." Katakuri knew his brother wouldn't hurt you and he'd spent enough time in your company to
recognise when you were teasing. This was intentional, wasn't it? You took this opportunity to
punish Cracker and see that he couldn't refuse the request to help. Really, you always exceeded his
expectations. Naturally Katakuri wasn't about to overlook his brother’s mishap. Yes, it might have
been 'just a flick', but it was one flick too many. Katakuri would be sure to serve up some swift
punishment, he didn't like the thought of anyone bullying you, even if it was in jest.

Needless to say, in light of this newfound information, Cracker stopped his protests and agreed to
spar with you (if only to appease his brother).

After dictating the sparing area Katakuri had retired himself to the side of the clearing. Both you
and Cracker had been issued with training swords and you now stood facing each other.

Your heart pounded in your throat. It was one thing to request a sparring match, but it was another
to actually participate in one. Cracker looked menacing. He held the training sword with such
poise, with such purpose, it was clear he was a seasoned warrior. You were aware of his size, but
you'd never noticed his full height until now. It's Funny how things get put into perspective. You
knew Cracker was well built, much like the rest of the men in his family. Clearly you could see the
striations of his pectorals, the thick veins that lined his biceps, the sheer girth of his forearms that
flexed as he tightly gripped his sword. You weren't in awe, you weren't swooning, in no way were
you ogling Cracker. No. The more you studied your opponent, the more your anxiety grew.
Despite your practice swords being made from wood, you were certain a single well-placed strike
from Cracker would have you cleaved directly in two. Your stomach churned and you felt sick, if
you had to fight him for real, you'd stand no chance, he'd squash you like the bug you are.

"Start," Katakuri's voice rang out from the side of the battlefield. You froze, warm tears stung your
eyes. Your nerves had gotten the better of you.

Cracker noticed this and turned to his brother, "look at her!" He yelled pointing his sword towards
you, "she's shit scared! I ain't fighting her."

Cracker was right, Katakuri could see you faintly shaking. Were you not ready? "(Y/N)?" Katakuri

Your name always fell like honey from his lips, this helped you regain some composure and you
looked over to his position. "You don't have to do this if you're not ready," he continued.

Even now he was being considerate of you, he was truly kind. A mercy you wouldn't be afforded
on the grand line. Would Law be considerate? Or Kid? Or Kaido? Would Black beard No! Get a
hold of yourself (Y/N), Katakuri would not misplace his faith. He sees something in you. For now,
it's fine if you don't believe in yourself, at least believe in him!

You shook your head, "no, I'm fine." Relaxing your shoulders you settled into a side on stance,
"let's start that again, shall we?"

You stared Cracker directly in the face, "I won't let you take me Cracker!" You yelled, tapping
lightly at the floor signalling you were ready.

"Hah? The hell? I ain't taking you anywhere," Cracker said mildly confused whilst shuffling
towards you. When he reached a comfortable distance he swung his sword down softly, too softly
and you easily dodged his half-hearted attack. Well, that wasn't so ba-

Before you could celebrate your successful dodge Cracker brought his sword down again, only
slightly quicker this time. Again, you dodged to the side, but were caught off-guard by a following
side swipe. Luckily Crackers swing still lacked sufficient momentum, you swiftly dropped to your
knees and let the blow pass over your head. This earned you a small 'hm' from Cracker, who now
juggled the training sword as he waited for you to rise from the ground. With a deep breath you
lifted yourself, but before you could rise to full height, Cracker continued his onslaught.

From the Left, from the right, right, left, overhead, a low sweep. Crackers swings still lacked
speed, but they were now relentless, needless to say you were beginning to tire. It didn't help that
when you relaxed into a rhythm Cracker would alter his tempo, which threw you off completely. It
was clear that he was toying with you.

In an attempt to gain distance and plan your counterattack you dodged backwards, but Cracker
pursued, immediatley offering another swing overhead.

This was bad, each new strike hit with a speed quicker than before. Cracker was maintaining his
slow pace; it was you who had grown sluggish. You couldn't continue like this. You needed to
distract him, but how?

Your mind raced as you continued to avoid Crackers relentless pursuit.

Tactics! Think (Y/N), what do you know about Cracker?! He's a lit fuse that's for sure. If you poke
fun at him, he'll get angry and those strikes will just come ever quicker. You need to stop him dead!
You think back to Crackers persona when he addressed Katakuri. He respects his brother; can you
take advantage of that?

You stumbled backwards Crackers last swing grazing your skin, it was now or never.

Think, what's something Katakuri would never do, something so shocking it'll cause Cracker to

Yes, that might just work.

With a newfound plan, you rode Crackers next swing, letting it knock you to the floor. You
crumpled into a heap on the ground, making sure to overact your pain.

Crackers brows knitted, he looked to you, his sword, then back to you. He didn't feel that much of
an impact, did he misjudge his strength. Or were you exaggerating? He smirked, That desperate
for the match to end, huh?

Cracker was almost upset to have knocked you down, he was enjoying your little exchange. You
held up tremendously well, even if he was greatly holding back. How long had you been doing
this? A week? His brother had taught you well. Not that you'd ever be worthy enough to join this
family! Cracker was still adamant on that; he still didn't trust you! Just to clarify he still disliked
you and your weaselling ways. No this was hate! Yes, he hated you. He hated the fact that you
caused him more work and he hated that you of all people got to spend a whole week with his
brother. Who cares if you love him? You're not the only one, get in line!

Yes, Cracker hated you, but he hated himself more. He hated the way his heart dropped when he
knocked you to the ground and the way he cursed himself for potentially hurting you. Cracker
hoped you were acting, he never meant to hurt you. An apology was in order, It's just, he'd never
been good at apologies. What could he do? You seemed fairly attached to your biscuit guard,
perhaps a biscuit trident for him could help make amends? Yes, that would work. Assessing that all
would soon be forgiven Cracker turned his head to Katakuri and pointed to you, awaiting his

Katakuri shook his head, "It's not over until she gives up."

Of course he'd say that. With a sigh, Cracker moved forward hesitantly until he towered over you.
"Oi," he whispered, "just say you give up, I don't wanna hurt ya."

You looked at Cracker, tears shining in your defiant eyes.

Raising his wooden sword Cracker once again urged you to surrender, "go on, it's just three little
words. Say em' or I'll take this sword here and give you a big smack upside your head."

You winced at his ultimatum, rising to your knees you set your hands defensively over your
stomach, "don't do it Cracker," you pleaded, "I'm pregnant."

Crackers arms went slack. He stood motionless, his eyes gradually widening and his mouth
dropping agape.

You've got him, hook, line and sinker.

"Preg...WHAT?! WHO?" He yelled.

With a coy glance you cast your eyes towards Katakuri, before gluing them to the ground, a bright
red blush on your face.

Cracker turned his whole body to face his brother, "hh... hey, Nii-San, is it true?"

Great, it worked! Lifting yourself from the floor you were about to aim your sword at Crackers
back but stopped. This was never about victory, even if you held a real sword to him, he'd easily
disarm you. Katakuri never expected you to win, did he?

Cracker kept his back to you, as he continually called out to Katakuri. "Nii-San! Why are you
looking away?! Does that mean it's true?! How did it even happen?!"

He was completely oblivious to you shuffling around behind him, you didn't expect your actions to
have such a profound effect. You'd have to clear things up with Cracker later. You were sure he'd
understand, but for now you weren't about to let this opportunity pass you by. Using your devil
fruit, you entered Crackers blind spot and from there used it to find the shortest route to help (i.e.,
Katakuri). Using every inch of power your legs had left you shot across the battlefield. The floor
was uneven, and you stumbled falling flat on your face, but still you didn't stop. Your imaginary
pursuer was at your back, you needed to run. With a sense of increased urgency, you pulled
yourself from the floor and once again made a beeline for Katakuri. Making sure your speed didn't
slow even upon reaching him. You braced yourself, expecting to slam into his side at full force, but
no pain came. Katakuri had turned to face you he softly cradled you in his arms to lessen the
impact. Gently gripping your arm he pulled you behind him and turned to face Cracker, who still
stood in the centre of the clearing, now looking more perplexed than ever.

"Huh? The hell's going on?"

"It's (Y/N)'s victory." Katakuri replied.

"How?!" Cracker yelled flinging his arms, "I knocked her down, she surrendered!"

"She never surrendered, and in a moment of lapse judgement you allowed her to reach
reinforcements. I'd be more than happy to finish this fight, but I've already seen how it ends."
Cracker pouted at his brother’s declaration; it wouldn't be over that quickly he thought to himself.
"So... that was a lie?" Cracker asked, shooting you a squint as you poked your head out from
behind Katakuri's back.

With a sense of shame, you casted your eyes to the floor and nodded.

"What the hell Nii-San? What are you teaching her?!? That was a cheap trick, there was no honour
in that!"

Recoiling back behind your saviour, you softly lay your head against Katakuri's back.

"Lift your head," Katakuri called to you, "you did well."

You heard Cracker groan from across the clearing, he huffed loudly and threw his sword to the
floor, "whatever! I'm not sticking around here! I've already given you enough of my time, I'm
supposed to be patrolling!" Cracker stomped his way to the edge of the clearing whilst mumbling
to himself, "reinforcements my ass... stupid... pregnant... pftt... load of crap!" And without looking
back, he disappeared into the seducing woods.

"He was right though," you whispered, tugging on Katakuri's vest, "there was no honour in that."

"Those that attack unarmed innocents have no honour," Katakuri replied. "You've seen who we're
up against, they're strong, merciless and will stop at nothing to get what they want. We have
enemies, I have enemies, and it is possible they will go through you to get to me," he turned to face
you and set his hand on your head. "Sometimes the most logical choice is to turn your back on an
enemy, if only to fight another day. Today you chose to live... and I see honour in that." He softly
tilted your head back until you were facing him, "so, don't hang your head, I'm proud of you."

"I have no doubt you will become stronger," he continued, "but even when your strength grows, do
NOT needlessly put yourself in danger, I will be your shield."

A shield Huh? You didn't like that term; it didn't sit right with you.

Katakuri sensed your unease, "you're worried I'll get hurt?" He said, "Don't be, it would be my
honour to protect you."
Damn this man to hell. How can he casually say things like this? Your heart was flooded by
emotions, you had been well and truly overloaded. Butterflies dispersed throughout your whole
body, spreading with them a deep red blush. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, and you
found yourself growing lightheaded. You needed somewhere to discharge these overflowing
feelings, lest they end up rupturing something inside you.

"Can... can you squat down a little?" You asked nervously peering around the clearing to check you
were alone.


"Can you please squat down?" You repeated.

Although slightly confused, Katakuri complied with your request and squatted down until his face
was directly in front of yours. Taking your chance, you leant into the crook of his neck and brought
both arms around the back of his head gently clutching his hair in your hand, pulling him into a
tight embrace. You felt Katakuri tense slightly, but he immediately reciprocated the hug. Laying
one arm firmly across curve of your back and the other across the length of your shoulders. "I don't
deserve you," you whispered.

You don't deserve him? Katakuri echoed in his thoughts. True, you don't. You deserve more, much
more than he could ever give you. It was Katakuri who didn't deserve you. All the kindness you've
shown him, all the care and consideration, he was unworthy of it. No, perhaps he was worthy. In
truth, your presence at Katakuri's side had done wonders for his self-confidence. He had begun to
challenge his self-depreciating thoughts, something he'd never dreamed of doing. When he catches
a glimpse of his reflection, he doesn't immediately call himself a monster anymore. Yes, Katakuri
had changed, somewhere amidst your laughter, your lingering touches, your small affections, you'd
changed him.

As he stood in your strong embrace Katakuri was filled with a newfound determination, tomorrow
he'd show you.

"Shall we stop for today?" Katakuri questioned, "I feel you've earned a rest."

"Ah, okay." You said reluctantly pulling away from him.

As you made your way through the seducing woods back to Whole Cake chateau, you found that
Katakuri was more talkative than usual, he actually instigated the small talk for once.

"Pregnant?" He remarked, "Where did that come from?"

"It was a purely a whim," you sighed, "I'm sorry, I just had to shock Cracker and I knew how much
he respected you."

"Are you?" Katakuri questioned.

"Am I what?"


You giggle at the sincerity in his voice, "no, I'm not. Actually, it would be a miracle if I was."

"Why?" Katakuri was unable to hold back his curiosity. A miracle? Could you not have children?
That would be a shame, you'd make a wonderful mother.

You tapped his arm with a hearty laugh, "It's nothing like that Katakuri, I'm sure it all works! I
just," your eyes fell shyly to the floor and you voice dropped a few decibels, “I haven't tried it out,
you know?" Despite your rather untoward thoughts regarding Katakuri, when it came to talking
about the subject of 'sex', you were really rather prudish.

Your statement was met with a flurry of coughs from Katakuri, who was caught off-guard by your
declaration. Pudding had already warned him of your innocence, but having it clarified like this
threw him a little.

Katakuri knew what was expected of him from his marriage, his siblings hounded him constantly,
reminding not to waste his genetics, Oven and Daifuku were notorious for it. Katakuri was still
conflicted at the prospect of children. The competency of his parenting wasn't a concern, he'd have
you to steer him in the right direction. It was more so the pressures that would be put on his
children, he didn't want to subject them to the same expectations his family has of him. Katakuri
was also worried that his children would inherit his teeth, he hoped they would take after you in
that regard.
But that was beside the point! Katakuri was getting ahead of himself. You weren't even married
yet. Why was he fantasising about starting a family with you? Would you even want his children?
Would you even want him to...?

Ah yes, not only did the thought of children conflict Katakuri, but so did the act of making them.

Don't misunderstand, it had nothing to do with you. Katakuri thought you were beautiful, and he
was undeniably attracted to you. He had no doubt he'd be able to perform. Katakuri had ample
stamina and he was confident in his skills, it's just, he could sense that this would be different.

Katakuri's previous sexual encounters were out of desperation, something that he'd resort to only
after exhausting all other options. With you, it wouldn't be a 'last resort', it wouldn't be his 'duty' as
a husband, it wouldn't be to 'further his bloodline', it would be because he wanted to.

This was a concept Katakuri struggled with, he'd never felt this way before, he'd never desired
anyone in this way. It scared him. He very much doubted a night with you would class as mere
'sex'. It wouldn't be a desperate lustful encounter that only served to satiate his stubborn libido. No,
it would be a night of passion, a night that would involve a level of intimacy and vulnerability that
Katakuri had never experienced before. In all honesty, he doubted one night would be enough, he
only hoped that you'd feel the same. Really, when did he become so greedy.

Yes, there were feelings here, feelings Katakuri had been able to push aside, but he doubted he
could ignore them for much longer. He cherished your friendship, but recently he'd begun to yearn
for more. Your lingering touches weren't enough, the way you brushed against his arm as you
walked together, it wasn't enough. Katakuri had never longed for intimacy before, and it confused
him. These feelings were a first for him and he needed time to understand them. He hoped you
could forgive his tentativeness; it had been a long time since he'd let someone in, and he intended
to take this journey slowly.

"Now why have you gone all quiet?" You ask with a giggle, a bright blush on your cheeks, "it's
fine I know you'll be..."

You stopped yourself, what are you even saying? He'll be gentle?

In truth, you didn't know about Katakuri's history, you didn't particularly care, people have needs
you know that yourself. Considering how long it's taken for him to open up to you, you doubted
he's ever had any meaningful encounters. Your first time together would be big, for the both of

Of course, you wanted it to happen, you'd found yourself fantasising about it a little too often. But
Katakuri hadn't even revealed his face to you, it was clear he wasn't ready for this level of intimacy
yet. Heck, he might not even feel that way at all! You'd have to up your game, but for now, you'd
alleviate this undue pressure on your relationship.

With a soft shake of your head, you grasped Katakuri's hand, "let’s not put any pressure on us,
okay? If it happens it happens!" You said with a laugh.

Katakuri cleared his throat and softly squeezed your hand, "mm, you're right." Really, now he was
certain he didn't deserve you.

In an attempt to lighten the heavy mood, you changed the subject, "so I've heard about your
Fanclub!" You said nudging Katakuri's arm with your shoulder, "apparently you have a lot of

"Ah, yes." Katakuri's reply was short, he didn't much care for his Fanclub, in fact they caused him
quite the distress. All their chanting and cheering made simple trips out into a huge ordeal; he
couldn't leave his house without an onslaught of praise. It was tiring.

"Oven let slip the number of ladies," you added.

Katakuri burst out in a fit of coughing, he'd almost choked on his spit. what had his brothers been
telling you?! He hoped you hadn't got the wrong impression.

"I don't like sharing," you pouted, "I'm not sharing you with any women am I Katakuri?" You
asked as you leant your body into his arm.

Hm? Katakuri gave you a sidelong glance, you thought he hadn't noticed? He most definitely had.

That slight change in pitch, the difference in your body language and the small upturn of your lips
that threatened to break into a cheeky grin. Katakuri knew what you were doing, it happened
frequently, and he always fell for it. Your teasing. He knew you did it to see him fluster, a side of
himself, he'd have you know, he reserved for you alone.

Katakuri prided himself on his speed, both physically and mentally, but against your wit, against
your jokes his sharpness always seemed to pale. Until now. He'd observed you, learned from you,
and boy is he a quick learner. You'd tried this a few too many times and today would be different.
Today Katakuri had caught you early, today you were completely off guard. Yes, today was the
day you'd taste your own medicine.

"Only a few," Katakuri replied, "but they shouldn't interfere in our marriage."

Your blood froze, what did he just say? Did you hear him right? You stood motionless, blinking
frantically as you mulled over Katakuri's words. He was seeing people? He couldn't be, could he?

Needless to say, his words pierced your heart and you couldn't stop the hurt that poured out. Had
he opened up to these women? Does he love these women?

You turned to address Katakuri, ready to ask him to clarify what he said, until you noticed the
subtle shake of his shoulders. He was laughing? This was funny to him?

"Is thi-"

You were cut off by a soft flick to your forehead, "don't make that face, I'm joking."

He's... joking? Katakuri is joking? You didn't know whether to be amazed, happy, angry or upset.
One thing was for certain, you'd think twice before trying to tease him again.

You attempted to huff off and leave him, but Katakuri caught your arm and used his hand to cradle
your face. "Rest assured there are no other women." Katakuri said, using his thumb to stroke your
cheek, "I have never been interested in pursuing relationships," he paused, turning his face away
and taking solace in his scarf. "Not before now," he whispered.

"Sorry, what was that last part?" You asked.

"Nothing." Katakuri replied.

You chose to feign ignorance, but you'd heard him alright. Your face burned, 'not before now.'
Does that mean what you think it means? It must do, right?

You didn't want to read too much into Katakuri's words, but at the same time you were given hope.
Again, you were overcome with emotion, you just needed to touch him. You slipped beside him
pushing in as close as you could. With quite some force you grabbed his arm and tossed it over
your shoulders, and proceeded to slink your hand around his hips. "It's just until we get out of the
forest." You assured him, "I... don't want you to trip."

"Mm," Katakuri replied. Funny, he thought to himself, having you hold him like this was rather
cumbersome. Adjusting his arm Katakuri pulled you ever closer towards him, yes, this position
would be more suitable he argued. He too, did not want you to ‘trip.’

And so, the pair of you walked huddled together, backs illuminated by the red of the setting sun,
your pace the definition of languid. The days always passed too quickly, but made sure to cherish
every moment. Katakuri wouldn’t remain free forever, you knew that. It scared you actually, you
had no idea how you’d deal with his absence. Starting from tomorrow you’d up your game, you’d
get your fill of Katakuri whilst you could. You only hope that he’d be ready for your forwardness.

Chapter End Notes

As always the next chapter is in the works and boy will it be good :3 please look
forward to it, its been a long time coming. Please bare with our man, it's the first time
he's felt like this and it's really daunting for him.

God I have no idea now I'm going to smut this up, any mention of sex and I get
embarrassed. But boy do I want our man to get some, I think he deserves it!

On a side note I actually wrote that poem (I didn't realise I could be so mushy) :3 Now
I just have to figure a way top gift it to him in the story!
Chapter 11: As you are
Chapter Summary

Katakuri's diet consists solely of donuts and you have had it. The man needs
substance, he can't keep pumping himself full of sugar! In an attempt to fix his diet
you've taken to the kitchen to cook up a storm. Hopefully Katakuri appreciates your

Chapter Notes

Hi guys, THANK YOU for your continued patience and all your love and support!
Your Kudos and comments mean the world to me!!

Please enjoy this new chapter :3 Katakuri is such a sweetheart, someone needs to look
out for him, the man is surely on his way to diabetes!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It's the day after your practice match with Cracker and although you're still feeling the effects of
the 'battle', you haven't time to rest, you have an endeavour! As the famous saying goes, "a way to
a man's heart, is through his stomach," and you intended to reach Katakuri's heart today.

5 o'clock this morning you snuck out of his room and, to your surprise, he was none the wiser.
Honestly, the man now slept like a rock, or he let you think he did. It was worrying the amount of
trust he had in you, you could easily take advantage. No, you couldn't, one wrongly placed step and
you were sure Katakuri would spring awake.

He always looked so peaceful slumped in his corner, but honestly you wished he'd use the bed. In
no way could it be comfortable for him, the man wouldn't even sit on a cushion. Of course, the
ideal solution (to you anyway) would be for you both to use the same bed, but you didn't dare
broach the subject (not yet). You were unsure if Katakuri was ready for that. Hell, you were
unsure if you were ready for that, how would you fair having him pushed up against you? Would
you be able to keep your hands to yourself?

After quietly changing and getting ready you left a note on the bedside table. Honestly, it took
longer for you to decide to put a kiss than it took you to get ready. For an age you stood there
arguing with yourself, is it too much? No, kisses on a note are rudimentary! So, how many? One?
Two? Ten? Really, you debated covering the whole sheet of paper in kisses, but that seemed a little
overboard, even to you.
Although you'd decided to up your forwardness, you didn't want to sell your feelings too hard. Too
much might be counter intuitive and you could end up pushing Katakuri away. You had a feeling
he might get easily overwhelmed.

After finally settling the dispute with the note, you left Katakuri's room and dashed straight to the
kitchen. Angelique was pleasantly surprised by your presence, you'd been absent lately. When you
sped through the door she met you with an amicable smile. "Miss (Y/N), " she said, "what a
pleasant surprise, and look at you! A bundle of energy. Katakuri-Sama has been looking after you,
hasn't he?" She smirked.

You couldn't hide your bashfulness at her words, he really has been looking after you.

"Ara~ ara~, what's with that face?" She questioned, "perhaps he's been doing too good a job?"

You flushed at the underlying meaning of her words, "n..nno!! Nothing like that has happened yet,"
you stammered frantically waving your hands.

"Yet?" Angelique questioned.

You flushed evermore, what were you thinking?! 'Yet'? "I.. I didn't mean-"

Angelique giggled, "so, when will we expecting children?"

You hid your face behind your hands, much to the amusement of the whole kitchen that soon
joined in with Angelique's laughter.

"Sorry, sorry," she laughed and with a deep breath she wiped at her eyes. "So, what brings you here
at this glorious hour?"

"I'd, erm, like to cook something," you confessed.

"Cook? Hm," Angelique stood contemplating a soft knowing smile forming on her face, "for
whom?" She asked inquisitively.

It was clear from her face that Angelique knew exactly 'for whom', honestly hadn't she
embarrassed you enough already? "For... Katakuri," you mumbled.

"Hm? Who again dear? I didn't quite catch that."

"For Katakuri," you sighed.

At your words the kitchen ushered into silence. What? Did you say something weird? Why has
everyone stopped? Cautiously you looked around the room and were met with a plethora of
gushing gazes from the maids. Most of whom were hiding their grins with their hands.

"You've been the talk of the kitchen," Angelique whispered. "It isn't every day that Katakuri-Sama
comes to whisk someone away."

"He... he didn't-"

"You shouldn't be bashful," Angelique said hooking your arm, "you're to be married, I think it's
lovely that you're getting on so well." Ignoring your embarrassment Angelique tugged at your arm,
"Now, let's see if we can make some room for you, shall we?"

So here you are, in a small corner of the kitchen, hair tied back; apron smothered with snippets of
food; sleeves rolled to your elbows and a furious sweat on your brow. You had no idea what food
Katakuri liked (other than donuts), so you'd made a small array of different meals, all healthy of
course! You'd gone easy on the salt, making sure to use other spices to retain flavour (you couldn't
have Katakuri eating bland food now, could you?).

For starters you'd made, a hearty mushroom soup; avocado toast and smoked salmon pate. For
mains; pan seared rainbow trout on a bed of lentils; slow cooked beef in a hearty sauce with pearl
barley and root vegetables and your mom's signature curry! Side dishes included: boiled rice, two
crusty rolls, a crunchy slaw (hold the mayo), two soft boiled eggs (you hoped) and, of course, an
exotic fruit salad to act as a pallet cleanser for his donuts. Phew! In four hours, you'd achieved a
lot! Now all that was left was the finishing touches.
"Miss (Y/N)?"

As you stood there marvelling at the array of dishes, a maid called out to you. Wiping the sweat
from your brow, you turned to meet her with a smile.

"You... Really like Katakuri-Sama, don't you?" She asked.

"Huh?" Her comment caught you off guard and you blushed, "w...what makes you say that?" You

The maid dropped her knife and grabbed your hands, "the way you melted into his arms when he
came to steal you away that night," she swooned. "Ahhh, it was so romantic!"

When she noticed Angelique's glare from across the kitchen she released you from her grasp and
resumed her duties. After clearing her throat she gently nudged you, "I wish I could find someone
who looks at me like that," she whispered.

"Like what?" You asked.

The maid smiled to herself, before answering your question, "like you mean everything to him."

Katakuri, looks at you like that?

"You know, I didn't think Katakuri-Sama could look at anyone like that," she continued carefully
wiping her knife on her apron. "He's very caring isn't he?" She smiled at you. "Scary," she stressed,
"but caring."

You smiled at the maid before resuming your plating, "hm, that's right."

"Achoo!" Waking with a start Katakuri wiped his nose. A sneeze? That was rather unlike him.

With sleepy eyes he surveyed the room, there was no movement on the bed, good it doesn't look as
if you're awake yet.

With clammy palms Katakuri clutched his scarf, he slowly he peeled it from his face and set it on
the floor. Its not like this will come as a shock to you, at least he hoped so.

With a small sigh he lifted himself from the floor and softly made his way over to the bed. Is this
okay? He thought. Would you be scared having him wake you like this? Katakuri shook his head
and swallowed his doubts, you'd be surprised, sure, but he doubted you'd be scared. After clearing
his throat, Katakuri called out to you,"(Y/N)?"


Nothing? You did use a lot of energy in your match against Cracker yesterday. Perhaps a slight
shake would be in order?

With care Katakuri pushed on the duvet, but froze when it flattened beneath him. In desperation he
began to pat the whole of the bed, but nothing? You weren't here? Where had you gone? Had
someone taken you? That's impossible! They'd never have made in the room without his

Thankfully before Katakuri's anxieties could peak, he deftly spied your note on the bedside table.

'Good morning sleepy, if I'm not back by the time you wake, I'm in the kitchen! xxx'

"The kitchen?" He sighed, now why would you be there?

"Henri, if you don't mind, could you bring these with Katakuri's donuts today?"

"Of course, miss (Y/N) it would be our pleasure," Henri said acknowledging your request, before
shooting you a conflicted smile. "I know you mean well," he said, "I myself have witnessed you
make these, but I hope you don't mind if we have them taste tested? Katakuri-Sama has enemies,
it's not that we don't trust-"
"No, no! Please, go ahead! I'd be worried if you didn't!" You interrupted, "I just have one thing left
to do. I'll leave them all here," you say patting the counter. "I need to hurry and finish, I'm sure
Katakuri will be here soon."

"Ah, then I'll leave you to it miss (Y/N)."

You turned away from Henri and continued garnishing your last dish.

"Hm~ hmmm hm hmmm~" Angelique leant over your shoulder whilst humming and gave a deft
nod at your presentation. You shot her a quizzing glance. “What?" She asked, "You don't sing
while you cook?"

"I can't say that I do," you replied.

"That can't do!" Angelique pouted, "we're a happy kitchen and happy kitchens sing!" She said,
bringing her hands to your neck and adjusting your wonky collar, "what songs do you know?"

"Huh? Erm... none really," you say slightly flustered. You've always been shy singing in front of

"We can't have that, we'll just have to teach you one!" Angelique chimed.

The room hushed into a tense silence, the rhythmic sound of chopping ceased and the cast of maids
all hung their heads avoiding Angelique's gaze. You could have sworn the girl to your right began
to utter a prayer, through gritted teeth she pleaded with a higher power, "oh please no, don't let her
start again."

The room continued in silence until Angelique shot you a bright grin and yelled, "Binks' Sake it

There was a chorus of sighs and groans in the room. The maid to your right attempted a timely
escape, but Angelique caught her swiftly by the arm. "Now, where are my ensemble?" She
Honestly, at times she can be down right scary.

After readying himself Katakuri made his way to the kitchen, he was quietly nervous. He had
intended to get his reveal over this morning. After mulling over several tactics he'd settled on the
'forgotten scarf' routine. Katakuri would often wake you in the morning, especially if training the
previous day was particularly strenuous for you. All he needed to do was wake you without his
scarf and act like it had fallen off in the night. The setting was perfect, you'd be drowsy, there
would be minimal light and there would be no interruptions by unwanted company. Not that
Katakuri can be caught off guard, mind you. But, as always, you've thrown Katakuri for a loop,
now he'd have to wait. Honestly, why did you do this today of all days?

As he approached the Kitchen Katakuri paused, what was he hearing? Humming? Ripe with
inquisitiveness Katakuri peered through the doorway. The head maid stood in the centre of the
kitchen, waving her hands like a conductor and you stood directly next to her. What was going on?

"Okay ladies, on the count of three! One... Two..." On the beat of three Angelique motioned with
her hands to start and the whole kitchen became a buzz with song.

"Yo ho ho ho~, yo~ ho ho ho~, yo ho ho ho~, yo~ ho ho ho~"

Singing? Is this what you came here for?

"Gather up all of the crew~"

Katakuri faintly smiled when you sang solo. Your whole demeanour, the way you held your hands
to your chest, the way you stood, it was utterly adorable. It was clear that you were anxious, but
you shouldn't have been. You had a lovely voice.

"It's time to drink our Binks' bre-"

"No!" Angelique yelled, giving you a sharp smack to your head, "Ship! Ship out Binks' brew!
Again ladies."
The choir of maids groaned, except for one. Noticing a presence she turned her head to the
doorway and spied Katakuri. Katakuri met her gaze expecting her to cower, but when their eyes
met she welcomed him with a huge smile, "good morning Katakuri-Sama." Her greeting initiated a
cascade of welcomes and hellos, every member of staff in the kitchen turned to face the doorway
with a smile and greeted Katakuri kindly.

"Katakuri-Sama!! Welcome~"

"Katakuri-Sama! Did you sleep well?"

"Hello Katakuri-Sama!~"

It was a reception almost foreign to Katakuri, and he stood glued to the doorway, not entirely sure
how to respond.

Taking this chance you packed up the last of Katakuri's lunch, and set it aside. You didn't want to
ruin his surprise.

Clearing his throat Katakuri regained his composure, and came unstuck from the doorway, "good
morning," he greeted back.

After stashing Katakuri's lunch you dashed over to him, this action earned you smirks and raised
eyebrows from the maids in the kitchen, not that you cared. You stopped in directly in front of him,
taking a few seconds to assure yourself that it really was Katakuri. Honestly, you were sure the
whole room could feel your fondness for him. With a bright smile you bowed your head, "good
morning Katakuri."

Katakuri tipped his head softly, "good morning," he replied. Katakuri too stood for a few seconds
to assure himself of your presence. You were a mess, don't misunderstand, it suited you. Your
apron splattered with stains; the stray strands of hair that clung to your face; the small specs of
flour that masked the natural rouge of your cheeks. It was a stark contrast to your attire at your
party, but these ornaments did more to enhance your beauty than mere jewels and make up ever
could. You are a hard, diligent worker and that is something Katakuri greatly admires. Lifting his
arm Katakuri gently brushed at the flour on your cheeks and you giggled at the sensation. "What
are you doing here?" He sighed.
"Hm?" You smile, honestly, it took a second for his question to register. You were hopelessly
swooning over him, it had only been four hours, but you'd missed him dreadfully. "Angelique was
teaching me an old pirates song, she said I'd be a disgrace of a wife if I didn't know it."

"It's true," Angelique chimed in, "I bet Katakuri-Sama knows it."

Katakuri nodded his head in affirmation, "Binks' sake."

"See," Angelique said patting your shoulder, "that's a true pirate for you!"

"Really Katakuri?" You ask excitedly, "Why don't you-"

"No, I don't sing."

"Awh," you pouted, he shot you down before you could ask. "It's a shame," you said sadly, "I bet
you have a lovely voice."

"Hmmm," Katakuri mused whilst placing his hand on your head, "if you have enough energy for
this, perhaps I'm going too easy on you."

"No!" You protest, waving your hands frantically.

With a sigh Katakuri ruffled your hair, "come, it's time." He turned on his heel and you followed
his lead.

"Goodbye Miss (Y/N)"

"Don't be strangers!"

"Goodbye Katakuri-Sama."
"Please come again soon!~"

In the same manner in which the maids greeted you, they too bid you farewell. With a bashful
smile you handed your apron to Angelique and she sent you off with a wink.

"So is it training time?" You ask, bounding to Katakuri's side.

"Ah, yes," he replied, "but before that Mama wishes to see you."

You stopped in your tracks, Big Mom? She wants to see you? What ever for? Using your sleeve
you wipe at the cold sweat that formed on your forehead, "have I done something?" You asked
Katakuri, "is she mad?"

Katakuri scoffed and placed a reassuring hand on the centre of your back, "no, she just wants to

"You don't have to laugh Katakuri," you grumble, "she scares me."

Katakuri scoffs again, albeit louder this time, "how is it you're scared of her, but not me?" He said,
gently nudging you forward.

You pout at him and urged by his push began to walk again, "because you're different."

"Hm?" He remarked, "How so?"

"You're kind... and caring "

"Is that right?" He pondered, "It's a shame you're scared of Mama, she likes you."

"Huh? She does?!" You couldn't hold back your surprise. She likes you?
"Yes," he replied, "you made a good impression with that cream puff, she always enquires of you
when I see her."

This fact lightened your mood and in a twist of fate, you found yourself leading the way to the
Queen's Chambers. "What are you waiting for?" You called behind to Katakuri, "let's go see

Nostalgia hit you as you reached the door to the Queen's Chambers. You thought back to your first
visit here, your anxiety as Perospero pushed you through the doors, your staggered steps as you
ambled down the walkway and (of course) your first sight of Katakuri. You remember his
menacing scowl as he leant reposing on the wall. You smiled to yourself, "did you ever think we'd
get this far?" You asked, looking over your shoulder.

Katakuri didn't waste time before uttering a response, "no. It's safe to say you have exceeded my
expectations in every way."

You giggled at his honest response, "you too, Katakuri." With his hand on the small of your back
you pushed through the doors and made your way into the chamber.

"Mama mama~"

You winced at big mom's bellow, okay there are just some things you just can't get used to.

"Ah, Katakuri, I see you've brought her."

"Yes Mama."

Big mom smiles and addresses you, "(Y/N), from what I've been told you've been settling in well."
She leans forward, her smile widening, "that's good."

"Yes, everyone has been... very welcoming." You say, taking a pause to gaze at the man beside
you. Your feeble responses are thing of the past, you have Katakuri to thank for this newfound
"Hhmm? Good," Big Mom muses whilst leaning back in her throne, "I've called you here to ask for
something," she said signalling to her retainer. Deftly he runs out from beside the throne and
presents you with an image.

The picture is of a tiara, a beautiful white gold tiara embellished with deep blue jewels, its shape
not unlike that of Napoleon. You can understand why Big Mom would want it. "Wow its

"Mama mama~ Isn't it just? It would be perfect in my collection. I need you to find it for me."

"But I," you tense a little, of course this would be required, this is the reason Big Mom planned
this arranged marriage, to use you. Could you ask for Katakuri to accompany you? No, you doubt
he'd be allowed to leave Totto land for something as trivial as this. Hopefully you'd return back to
him in one piece. Just knowing he's here with you, gave you strength, "okay, when do I set out?"
You ask.

"Mama mama~, silly girl all I need from you is the location, the crew will deal with the rest."

So you don't have to leave? Your heart lightened at the prospect and you beamed at Big Mom. "Is
this tiara the only one of its kind?" You asked.

"Ah, that's right."

"Can I have a map, please?" Swiftly you are provided with an array of maps, you begin to sort
through them. Under the watchful gaze of Big Mom, this was the first time she'd seen your devil
fruit in action and she was incredibly curious.

You can imagine her disappointment when nothing notable happened. For a few seconds you
mused, then you pointed out a specific region on a map, it was, underwhelming.

"It's here," you said.

"Hah? In the sea?" Big Mom remarked, she looked sceptical.

"Mm," you affirmed, "My guess is that it was part of a ship wreck."

"Interesting, what are the limits of your devil fruit?" Big Mom asked.

"Huh?" You froze, the limits? Why is she asking? "Well, none really." You laughed, "I can find
pretty much anything, wherever it is in the world."

Big Mom grinned wickedly.

"So long as its tangible," you added, "it needs to have form, I can't 'find' information about the void
century or anything like that, believe me, I've tried." A half truth if ever you've heard one. It was at
Katakuri's behest that you didn't divulge the true extent of your devil fruit. You understood why
he'd asked you to refrain from telling her. If Big Mom knew the extent of your power, she'd have
you participate in extraction of information and all manner of interrogations. Honestly, all this man
ever did was think of your safety.

"Hm, so you can 'find' people?" Big Mom mused.

"Yes I can," you replied.


After that Big Mom had you 'find' all manner of things, people, animals, food. By the time you and
Katakuri reach the seducing woods it was nearly 3 o'clock. You'd barely sat down before the
pâtissiers' came to deliver Katakuri's donuts and, as promised, your special hamper.

"Katakuri-Sama! Today we have for you a selection of jewelled donuts, garnished with a spiced
cocoa crème sourced from the Alabasta kingdom..."

As Katakuri sat attentively listening to the Pâtissier, he gazed inquisitively at the small hamper that
sat on the cart. It's presence piqued his interest more so than his donuts. Was it yours? No, you'd
already been given your lunch. A mistake? No, it was too deliberately placed. After the Pâtissier
had finished his explanation Katakuri approached the cart and picked up the hamper, "and what
might this be?" He asked.
"Ah, very observant Katakuri-Sama, but I believe the explanation for this should come from miss
(Y/N)." The Pâtissier replied, signalling to you.

Still holding the hamper Katakuri turned to you, "(Y/N), what is this?"

"It's... an array of dishes. Healthy dishes, I thought you could eat them before your donuts."

You could see that Katakuri was slightly confused, so you took this chance to explain your
reasoning and deliver your lecture.

"In this past week we've trained together, all I've seen you eat are donuts..."

Slowly you made your way over to Katakuri, your fists tightly clenched. Someone needed to talk
sense into him, he can't keep doing this to himself!

"...and it's unhealthy!"

Katakuri was visibly taken aback by your declaration, but none more so than the pâtissier's, who
recoil in complete horror in the way which you addressed him.

"That is pure sugar," you said pointing to the cart, "I understand you like donuts Katakuri, but you
can't live off them!" You sighed clutching your forehead. "I don't understand why you haven't been
told this before now!"

Katakuri stood motionless a small bead of sweat on his brow, what was this he was feeling?
Apprehension? He'd seen you like this before, you showed the same manner of irritation towards
his bullies when you confessed to knowing his weaknesses. But being on the receiving end, it was...
quite frightful.

Clearing his throat Katakuri attempted to defend himself, "Ah, but I-"

"I know what you want to say," you retorted swiftly cutting him off. With your fingers you began
listing the potential excuses he was about to give, "you're strong, you're fit, you need to replenish
your energy? Yes I agree, but you also need a healthy diet! You're malnourished!" At this point
you had fully closed the distance. Katakuri was powerless against you and he found himself
backing up as you poked at his chest.

"What if you get sick, huh? What if there's a raid and you can't concentrate? What if you can't use
your Haki properly?! You could die Katakuri!"

You heard him scoff lightly.

"'Hmph, as if that is enough to affect me,'" You said stoically, trying to mimic him. "Don't you dare
give me that!"

You believed in him, you knew he was strong, but all it took was one mistake!

"Katakuri all it takes is a brief lapse in concentration, one misplaced foot, something little the
enemy can take advantage of and then..." You shook your head, and breathed a shaky sigh. Your
emotions were getting the better of you. "I, I don't want you to get hurt, I... don't want to lose you,"
you mumbled.

The Pâtissier's look on stunned as you concluded your lecture. They were dreadfully frightened for
your safety, no one had ever spoken to Katakuri like that before. He must be furious, they thought.

But the man before you wasn't angry, on the contrary, it was inexplicable the emotion that washed
over Katakuri. He felt valued, he felt... cherished. You'd looked past his wants and addressed his
needs. This was, yet another new side to your kindness that you were showing him. This hard truth
had come from your heart, hadn't it? You'd been worried hadn't you? Katakuri let out a soft sigh,
how many times must he tell you not to worry about him?

"Katakuri," you pleaded, "I'm not telling you not to eat donuts. I'd could never ask that of you..."

Yes, he knows.

"...Just please vary your diet, think of your health..."

Ah, he will from now on, if only to ease your mind.

"...If you don't like what I've made then-"

"You... made this?" Katakuri asked interrupting you.

You nod sheepishly at his question and Katakuri tightens his hold on the hamper. Of course, how
did he not see it before? Is that why you were in the kitchen? Honestly, what is he to do with you?

Katakuri looks away from you and turns his attention to the pâtissier's, under his gaze they

Henri boldly takes a step forward, "K...Katakuri-Sama, please forgive her-"

With a swipe of his hand Katakuri dismissed the pâtissier's. "Leave us," he said calmly, "we will
return the cart later."

Needless to say they we shocked at his demeanour,

He wasn't angry with you? He didn't want to kill you? After you'd spoken to him like that? The
Pâtissier's were flummoxed, but this didn't mean they longed to stay. "As you wish Katakuri-
Sama." They hurriedly replied and after a deep bow they scurried off, leaving you and Katakuri
alone in the midst of an awkward silence.

Were you too harsh? Should you apologise?

With a stained smile you tentatively began to slink away, he'd forgive you after his merienda,
surely. "I'm sorry if I said too much, I'll be over there when you're-"


You look at Katakuri, but he doesn't return your gaze, his eyes remain purely fixed on the hamper
he clutches in his hands.
Did you hear right? 'Stay'? How one word from Katakuri could elicit such anxiety was beyond
you. 'STAY?!' Did he know what he was saying? You began to panic, was... was it happening?
"Pardon?" you squeaked.

There was a tension in Katakuri's shoulders, his hands now desperately clutched at your hamper.
Honestly, if he used any more strength he'd completely crush all your hard work. With a deep
breath he quietly repeated himself, "stay."

"What do you-" before you could clarify the exact meaning behind his words, Katakuri had
answered your question. You were surrounded, pristine white walls occupied your vision from
every angle.

Katakuri stood before you, slowly he raised his arm to his face, but before he could reach his scarf
it froze in the air. Why? Why was he losing his courage now? With a deep scowl Katakuri stood
silently cursing himself. This wasn't catching you off guard, this was Katakuri voluntarily
removing his scarf in front of you, and he just couldn't do it. Katakuri has been in many
altercations, he has faced a myriad of enemies, but he can say with complete certainty that you are
the mightiest of all. No one has ever made him falter like this.

With a smile you made your way over to him, "It's okay Katakuri, don't force yourself," you said,
softly clutching his hand. Intertwining your fingers with his you tugged down at his arm urging
him to sit, and he obliged quite readily.

You pondered sitting beside him, but ultimately decided against it. Instead you opted to sit behind
him, slotting your back directly against his. "I'll sit like this," you said, "that way I can't see

Katakuri was grateful for your tact, and even more so for your patience. He was frustrated with
himself, but somehow having you at his back gave him determination and he slowly removed his

At the sound of shuffling fabric, you smiled. You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous.
Katakuri was directly behind you, his face bare. There was nothing to stop you from turning
around and peaking. He was right there! As close as he'd ever been and you couldn't help but grow
slightly impatient. Who can blame you for wanting to quicken the pace? Your goal was right there!

From behind you came a soft rhythmic munching. Good, he was eating. You leant your weight
onto Katakuri's back, "so, what do you-"
"Delicious," he replied, tossing the containers to the floor.

He'd finished already? That surprised you, you'd thought Katakuri would be the type to savour
things. You giggled slightly at the haste in which he polished your food, "I'm flattered," you said.
"Well if you're finished with my dishes, then you can start on your-"

You were cut off by a soft, "ah donuts," but, you hadn't time to register what Katakuri had said
before you felt him shift his weight onto your back. It wasn't the full extent of his weight, but
through it you could sense the heft of his burden. You pushed against his back, intent on
supporting the load he placed on you. You weren't as strong as him, you doubted you could handle
so much as an ounce of his responsibility, but you endeavoured to help him however you could.
Starting by being the most comfortable back rest in all existence. Through your clothes you could
feel the bliss that radiated through Katakuri, you were glad he invited you to stay.

After the munching ceased you called out to Katakuri, "Do you still get headaches?" You asked.

"Ah, erm... Yes."

"I might have a way to help with that, can I turn around?" You felt Katakuri stiffen behind you, but
after a few seconds of thinking he grunted in response.

With closed eyes you swivel around, positioning your front against Katakuri's back. He remained
as stiff as a board and in a soothing voice you address him, "It's okay, I can't see anything."
Although Katakuri remained slightly tense, you one again felt some of his weight transfer to you.
"I'm going to massage your head, is that okay?"

"Ah," Katakuri cleared his throat, "that's... Fine."

With tender hands you slowly begin to massage his scalp, this earns you a relaxed sigh from
Katakuri, who immediately drops all the stiffness that he'd been holding on to. With you nails you
gently combed through his soft crimson hair, before using your thumbs to gingerly circle his
temples. Diligently you sought to alleviate every spec of stress that caused this man pain. So
focused were you that Katakuri's offhanded question caught you off guard.
"Why... did you do all this?" He asked.

"Hm, why?" You responded, why is he asking such a silly question? "It's because I-"

That's when it hit you. Nothing forceful, something akin to a leaf in the wind. A soft autumn leaf,
it's colour a proud shade of Crimson, softly it bounded along the waves of the wind, gently tracing
your face before disappearing to find its next target. Its soft touch finishing the end of your

Because I love you.

These feelings you harboured, they weren't a simple like, this wasn't a simple interest and further
still, this wasn't a simple love. His stubbornness, his absolute loyalty, his awkwardness, his
stoicism, everything about him enamoured you. Yes, your boundless love for this man was

Funny how these thinks sneak up on you. In all honesty you expected this revelation to be
earthshattering, isn't that what love is? You thought you'd be a blubbering mess in front of him,
barely able to hold yourself together. You never expected love to feel so soft, so... Calm. Katakuri
had truly caught you, you had been enraptured by this man. This man, who's rough, menacing
exterior encapsulated such a pure and caring heart. And as if it was the most natural thing in the
world, you slowly brought your head closer to Katakuri's and lay a soft kiss on the crown of his

Katakuri tensed beneath you, "Wh.. what did-"

"Lets call that a charm," you said with a smile, "hopefully it alleviated your headache."

You're right it did Katakuri thought to himself, but now he had another issue to deal with. Did you
just... Was that what he thought it was? Honestly, even in the heat of battle his heart had never
beaten this quickly.

You ignored Katakuri's stiffness and laid your forehead against the back of his head. "I know how
much this crew means to you Katakuri, but I won't be able to swear fealty to Big Mom, not like
you." Big Mom is a tyrant, you hated the fact that she forced arranged marriages on her children.
This crew was toxic, you could never swear fealty to such a person.
Katakuri lifts himself slightly, but you urge him back down. "It's okay Katakuri," you say lifting
your head and resuming your massage, "I'm not saying that I want to assassinate her, or that I don't
like her, I just don't agree with many of the things she's done." Heaving a slight sigh you rub at
Katakuri's forehead. "What I'm trying to say is I will never be loyal to her, not fully. But to put you
at ease, I'll pledge my loyalty to you."

Loyalty to him? Katakuri thought. Why him?

"Yes," you answer his silent question, "that way, by extension I will be loyal to Mama." You cup
his head with a smile, "I will never betray you Katakuri. Everything you cherish, everything you
hold dear, I'll endeavour to protect it..."

Was this too much?

"...Your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations, from now I'll consider them my own and I will do
anything to help you achieve them..."

It might be, but still you couldn't stop these words that flowed from you.

"...Your worries, your insecurities, every single trouble that plagues you, I will help you shoulder
them all..."

Every fibre of your being sung, every inch of you that spanned Katakuri oozed with love. You
couldn't tell him directly, not yet. The man wasn't ready for a confession, but despite this, you
wanted him to feel how much you cherished him. You wanted him to know he has a home in you.
That here, he has no need for an act. That here you love him unconditionally and accept him
unconditionally, just as he is.

"...You do so much for others Katakuri, you deserve someone who can support you fully and... I
want to be that person." With a blushed face you softly drew his head back into your chest. "I know
it was difficult, what you did today, but thank you for putting your trust in me."

Everything you had said alluded to three words, you could only hope that Katakuri could feel just
the tiniest spec of your overwhelming love for him and how much he was deserving of it.

Katakuri moved beneath you and before you could register what had happened, he had turned to
face you firmly plopping his hand on your head. "No, Thank you."

It took a moment for you to compose yourself, spilling your heart was no easy task. With a smile
you eventually turned your eyes to Katakuri, and as you studied his face you saw an inherent
difference. Blatant were the scars that lined his cheeks, his mouth was on full display, absent was
his usual scarf. You were bewildered, stunned, you said nothing, just continued to look at his face.

The more you stared, the more Katakuri's expression turned to that of shame. Please don't make
that face! It wasn't that you were disgusted, heavens no! He had just taken you entirely by surprise,
you hadn't expected this to happen.

With a slight furrow of his brow Katakuri began to turn away, but you cupped his face. With your
thumbs you slowly traced the scars that lined his cheeks. "That reflection I saw didn't do you
justice," you said, averting your eyes bashfully. Thank goodness your voice still works, for a
moment you thought he'd broken you. Still, what are you doing?! Don't let your embarrassment get
the better of you! This man has just fully opened up to you? Who cares if you're embarrassed? If
you're beat red? If your clammy? You need to tell him! Lay his insecurities to rest once and for all.
With a coy gaze you forced yourself to look at Katakuri, with a bright giddy smile you squeezed
his cheeks, "Katakuri, you really are... Very handsome."

Naturally, under your gaze Katakuri felt open, he didn't entirely know what to do with himself.
"W.. Why are you just staring?" He asked.

"Hm?" In all honesty you hadn't realised, you were staring? "I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't
I?" You said panicked. "I'm sorry, Katakuri, this must've been so hard for you, thank you."

You're thanking him? No, he should be thanking you. Katakuri could sense your emotions, your
earnestness, your humility, your affection. It was you who gave him the confidence to reveal his
face. "Ah," he cleared his throat, "it's fine you can look, I... don't mind."

For an age you stared at his face, you wanted to commit to memory every line, every contour,
every blemish. Ah this man, it was a crime to be this perfect.

You found yourself rising to your knees to admire Katakuri's face from a newfound angle, in an
attempt to support you Katakuri had laced him arm behind your back. In the midst of the reveal
neither of you had noticed the true provocativeness of this position. You sat on your knees that
straddled Katakuri's thighs, and in your endeavour to study his face you'd pressed yourself as close
to him as you could, your soft handful resting against Katakuri's chest. Innately your breathing
intertwined, and although you both remained nonchalant, there was a distinct heat, a distinct
tension that began to build in the shrine.

Your breath quickened. Drawing your lips inwards you began to wet them. Your eyes, once
steadfast in their gaze, began to flutter between Katakuri's eyes and his lips. Were they always that
plump. There was a distinct sheen to Katakuri's lips, most likely from the grease of the donuts.
You'd always sought a bite of them, perhaps now was your chance to have a taste. You had
succumbed to the atmosphere and before you could register your actions, your hands had traversed
to the back of Katakuri's head. Softly you drew him towards you resting your forehead against his.
His breath was ripe on yours. Your chest heaved, as you continued to pine after Katakuri's lips.
With half lidded eyes you gazed at him, Katakuri had a blatant blush on his cheeks and his
breathing was also erratic. Closing your eyes you pushed forward, but before your lips could touch
his, Katakuri rose with a speed unlike ever before. He'd clambered to his feet and donned his scarf
before you could blink.

When you understood what had happened you cradled your head in your hands, please don't say
you've pushed him away! "I'm so sorry Katakuri, I didn-"

"Come," he coughed, "We need to, no... erm, we've wasted... e... enough time." He stuttered. The
man before you was a blubbering wreck, Katakuri stood hunched over, face fully buried in his
scarf, his tanned skin now a slight tinge of red. "C... Come," he repeated holding his hand out to

With a bashful smile you gladly clasped the hand he held out to you, only to be pulled into an
unusually rough embrace. Katakuri continued to babble overhead. With a soft giggle you returned
Katakuri's embrace, this promptly stopped his murmuring.

Poor man, look at what you'd done to him. That was a little too direct wasn't it? He wasn't ready,
you'd just have to wait a little longer.

Not that you'd sit and wait forever mind you! There will come a time when your patience won't
hold out. Don't misunderstand, this doesn't mean you'd leave Katakuri. No, you see a future with
this man, you see children with this man. You know he's slow and methodical, but does he have to
tease you?

Wait? You didn't misread the atmosphere, did you? No, that blush, that lusting expression,
Katakuri definitely felt it too. You are certain that Katakuri at least likes you. He must do!
otherwise he wouldn't have revealed his face to you nor would he be holding you like this. What a
terribly cruel man, why can't he whisk you away already? Why can't he claim you? You're a ripe
fruit, sweet, juicy and ready to be plucked. No (Y/N), be patient for now, he needs time. He'll be
worth the wait.
As you stood firmly in Katakuri's embrace you recharged your patience. For now this was enough,
but it wouldn't satisfy you for much longer. Perhaps if you made it clear to Katakuri that you
wanted his affections, he'd instigate the intimacy? That way he wouldn't be overwhelmed.

"Katakuri," you whispered, "although I'd love nothing more than to do this all day, we need to

Katakuri hurriedly separated himself from you, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I don't know what-"

You shook your head, "Please don't apologise from now on, if you feel the urge to touch me, just
do it." You smiled at him.

"Ah, erm... Yes?"

"No, I mean it Katakuri," you said resolutely. "Not just touch, if you feel the need to... Do more, I
won't push you away."

With a slight sigh Katakuri shook his head, and softly cupped your cheek. With his thumb he
stroked your bottom lip, "ah, I will... Erm, I'll keep that in mind."

With a smile you encased his hand that held your cheek, "Okay then, shall we go!" Making for the
shrine exit you pulled on Katakuri's arm, "I have a feeling I'll do it today! Even if its just a tiny
spot," you said lifting up your arm and waving it in the air. "I'll definitely crack armament Haki

Katakuri softly returned your smile, "ah, I'm sure you will."

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading, as always the next chapter is in the works! We're kinda in the
endgame now guys! But boy is it going to be a bumpy ride, please hold on!
Chapter 12: His Home
Chapter Summary

Katakuri's impromptu holiday has come to an end, how are you faring without each

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the long wait guys! I've moved house and things have been a bit hectic. Plus
I've started a new job and their a bit strict on the 'phone at work' situation, so I don't
have as much time to write as I used to -.- The pace of the chapters will slow a bit, but
please rest assured I have NOT forgotten about this fic and I will finish it :3 we're in
too deep now I think.

So again, I would like to thank you for your patience for me (and Katakuri). This
chapter is mostly from his perspective, don't worry we are getting through to him and
he is coming round :3

Thankyou for everyone who has commented and left Kudos, you guys really keep me
going! I'm just happy that there's so much love for this man and that people are willing
to read this!!

Please enjoy :3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Unfortunately, your peaceful time with Katakuri had come to an end. The day you almost stole his
lips was the last full day you spent in his company. Really, this past week had been hell for you.
Katakuri's recall to work came so abruptly, you had no time to prepare, no time to fully get your fill
of him. Naturally you still spent each night with him and although the conversation now ran light
(the extent being a 'welcome back', and an 'I'm home'), his mere presence was more than enough. It
gave you all the solace you needed. Honestly, if that didn't constitute as true love, you'd doubt
anything ever could.

Katakuri's 'I'm home' response would always be followed by him draping his scarf over a chair and
honestly, it left you breathless every time. You really were one truly lucky woman. Ever since
Katakuri had opened up on his merienda, when you're alone together, he seldom hid his face.
Speaking of merienda's, following the resounding success of your first hamper, you'd taken to
making lunch for Katakuri every day. In some ways it quelled your melancholic heart, being able
to package your love and send it to him daily. You only hoped that he looked forward to your
dishes just as much as he did his donuts.
Katakuri now works late into the night, if anything he seems busier than before. Naturally you do
all you can to assist him, rubbing his head, his shoulders, anything to dissolve just a spec of the
stress he feels. Not that you could today mind you, it's past 2 in the morning and there's still no
sign of Katakuri. He's never been this late before. Honestly, you wanted to wait up. You debated it
in earnest, but you concluded it was better for him to have a balanced meal, he'd be sure to forgive
you for sleeping. So, you reluctantly retired to bed, promising that you'd make sure to scold him
when you got the chance. He shouldn't be burning himself out like this and you'd be dammed if
you let him!

It's now 3 o'clock in and the chateaus corridors are shadows of their bustling selves. A peaceful
serenity had descended upon Whole Cake and it was apparent that all were soundly asleep, except
for one man.

Katakuri traversed the silent corridors admiring the peaceful atmosphere. His footsteps, although
heavy, held a distinct quickened pace. He was almost there, just one more turn. As Katakuri
clutched the handle to his door, he caught himself, his heart pounded, and the cadence of his
breathing was erratic at best. In truth, this was now a common occurrence. It wasn't that Katakuri
was anxious. No, you best believe it wasn't fear that gripped this man's heart, this was excitement.
It was joy, bliss, happiness. It was you. And for a moment, as Katakuri softly held the handle of his
door all the stresses of the day melted away.

Softly and quietly Katakuri opened the door. Entering into the dark room he chuckled to himself,
you were asleep. A wise decision he must admit, you'd successfully avoided a harsh scolding from
him. As Katakuri silently crossed the room he draped his scarf over a nearby chair with a sigh, it
had been a long day. He appreciated the 'break' his siblings had arranged for him, but they had
done a shoddy job in his absence. This past week Katakuri had done nothing but rectify mistakes.
He knew his brother's meant well, but in essence they had done little to reduce his workload (if
anything they'd only doubled it). Katakuri was exhausted. It was around this time the pain from his
migraine would reach its peak, yet his head felt surprisingly light. What was it you made for his
lunch today? Goulash?

Katakuri blissfully thought back to his merienda time, your dishes brought him bundles of
happiness. The first day he spent away from you he was unusually anxious when it came to his
merienda. Katakuri stared at the clock in anticipation, he told himself not to raise his hopes too
high, but he couldn't help but yearn for your cooking. His delight when, come 3 o'clock, he spied
your little hamper sat pride of place next to his donuts was endless. He must've let the joy show for
a brief moment as he found the pâtissier's smiling at him slightly.

No two days of lunches were the same. Katakuri appreciated the variety, but he didn't want to
cause you undue stress. Anything you made was heavenly to him, even if it was the same thing
every day. Yes, you had successfully cured his potent migraines and perhaps this was affecting his
demeanour. The staff, the maids, his Pâtissier's, they had all become softer towards Katakuri,
they'd become... kinder. The Pâtissier's surprisingly struck up a casual conversation with him
today. It was strange, Katakuri had never participated in small talk with his Pâtissier's, he always
felt that they feared him. Not only did the Pâtissier’s offer some sound advice, but they also gave
him a rather fetching idea.

When the Pâtissier handed over your hamper this afternoon, he smiled at Katakuri conflictedly.
"Katakuri-Sama, if I may offer some advice?"

Katakuri was confused as to why the Pâtissier addressed him, but he was curious what advice the
man wanted to offer. Needless to say, Katakuri let the Pâtissier continue, if only to satiate his

The Pâtissier cleared his throat and spoke a hushed whisper, "in married life," he said, "it's best if
you always agree with your wife."

After assessing the calm, but confused way in which Katakuri responded to this 'advice' the three
Pâtissier's gained the confidence to continue.

The second, placed his hands on the first's shoulders and nodded frantically behind him, "uhuh, my
wife is always lecturing me," he said. "It's best to nod along and agree with her."

"Yes, yes," the third pâtissier chimed, "it saves an argument, because in the end..."

"They always win!" The three groaned simultaneously, which made them chuckle.

Katakuri furrowed his brow, nod along and agree? Would you want him to do that? Whilst
Katakuri pondered the Pâtissier's advice the men three bickered amongst themselves.

"They do it because they care."

"Care? No way, I swear my wife does it for fun!"

"Ha! At least you have fun! I've been married for 12 years, there's no fun left!"
Katakuri stood speechless at the three's bickering, and he was overcome with a sense of nostalgia.
He hadn't realised that they were so close.

Noticing his stare, the Pâtissier's turned their attention back to Katakuri. "Not that you'll lose the
fun Katakuri-Sama!" The first said, waving his arms frantically, "You get along very well with
miss (Y/N)!"

"Yes, you're both very compatible! You complement each other very well, a perfect match in every

The three men turned to each other with wide grins and nodded. They'd been observing your
interactions with Katakuri, and they were convinced that there was something between the two of
you. Something that needed to be cared for and nurtured. Katakuri was the pride and joy of the Big
Mom pirates, his Pâtissier's wished for nothing but his happiness.

The first cleared his throat, "perhaps... you should invite her to the Totto land festival?" He
suggested, nodding at his peers.

"The... festival?" Katakuri pondered.

"Yes, you've been besides yourself with work lately Katakuri-Sama."

"Yes Katakuri-Sama, you should see how sad miss (Y/N) looks. It's evident that she misses you."

Is that right? Katakuri thought to himself. Do you... miss him?

Please forgive the Pâtissier's they didn't mean to meddle, but they knew you were a stubborn
woman. You'd never outrightly tell Katakuri you longed to see him, not if you thought it would
distract him from his tasks.

"You should have a healthy work life balance Katakuri-Sama! One evening off wouldn't hurt and
tomorrow is the last day, they'll be having a fireworks display!"
"Ah yes, the fireworks, my wife and I shared our first kiss there," the third Pâtissier reminisced,
"she was so lovely back then."

Katakuri pondered the men's suggestion. The festival? Katakuri had no idea the event was even
happening. Needless to say, he'd never been to said festival before, such things didn't interest him,
not... before now. Katakuri found his thoughts instantly drifting to you. Have you seen fireworks
before? Would you like to see them... with him? If the atmosphere permitted it, would you perhaps
allow him to... No never mind, it would be best if these things went unplanned.

Katakuri had been looking for a way to thank you for everything you'd done for him. It was a
thoughtful suggestion from the Pâtissier's, and it was one that he would take to heart, "thank you,

"I'm Henri!" The first Pâtissier's interrupted giving a polite bow.

The second Pâtissier placed his hand on Henri's shoulder and also followed suit with a bow. "I am

The third Pâtissier's gave a callous smile from behind the other two, "and I am Florian."

"Ah," Katakuri cleared his throat, "Henri, Marcel, Florian. Thank you for your suggestion." The
three Pâtissier's smiled at Katakuri's sincerity, "...And thank you, for all your hard work," Katakuri
continued, "your confectionary, your ingenuity, I... Greatly appreciate it."

"You're very welcome Katakuri-Sama!" Henri chimed.

"Ah, although we see our donuts now pale in comparison to Miss (Y/N)'s cooking!" Marcel

"Ah that's true, we're no match for her!" Florian remarked patting Marcel softly on the back. "My
wife might nag, but her cooking," he balled his fist and tapped on his chest, "it hits differently."

"Ah, I concur," said Marcel, "love really is the best spice."

"Ah, my lovely petunia, I want to see her," Florian wept, rubbing his nose on Marcels shoulder.

"Huh? But didn't you just call her a nag?"

Henri patted the two on the back signalling for them to hush, "Sorry Katakuri-Sama, we're keeping
you, please enjoy your merienda."

Katakuri silently nodded to the three and headed into his mochi shrine.

The lunch you made for him was beyond delicious. Katakuri understood what the Pâtissier's were
saying, there was an inherent difference between your cooking and his donuts. The latter were
always flawless, their taste, appearance, their texture. That goes without saying, they are made by
trained chefs. And although you try your best, plating most definitely isn't your forte. Despite this
Katakuri found himself longing. Longing for your haphazardly arranged dishes, your (sometimes)
overly seasoned dishes, your bizarre flavour combinations that (for some strange reason) always
seemed to work.

Despite the perfection of his donuts Katakuri had never once thought 'they look too good to eat.'
He'd never felt this way about any food, until today. Today, with your goulash, as he opened it, he
faltered. It was difficult to plate such a dish, so to compensate you'd decorated it with a wreath of
coriander in the shape of a heart. This made Katakuri hesitate. The smell that flooded his nostrils
was intoxicating, his stomach gave a loud rumble, there was no mistaking he wanted to eat your
dish, it's just, he thought it such a shame to ruin such a sweet gesture.

This was the root of the inherent difference; this is what he was tasting... love. Honestly, you've
spoiled him. Katakuri hoped you knew what you'd started, this was a lifetime commitment he'd
have you know.

But that was enough reminiscing for one night, it was time for sleep. And although Katakuri was
utterly exhausted, he traversed the room with a smile. He was headed to his corner, when stole a
look at the bed. It looked warm... and inviting. You'd neatly positioned yourself on the left of the
bed, curled up into a tight ball. There was plenty of space left, plenty for Katakuri.

His fatigue had affected his rationale. And without second guessing himself, without any sense of
hesitation, Katakuri pulled back the covers and sat on the bed, positioning his back against the
headboard. He was right, it was warm. When was the last time he slept on a bed? It had been too
Poor Katakuri hadn't time to close his eyes before you started shuffling. With a speed he'd never
witnessed before, you spun round and wrapped an arm around his waist (you'd been sticking to
your training schedule, that's good). With a cute yawn you set your head on Katakuri's stomach,
"mm, welcome back Katakuri," you mumbled sleepily.

You were warm, both your body and your demeanour, and Katakuri relished in it. From his perch
he surveyed the room, it had become cluttered in your presence. You'd strewn 'kick knacks' on the
tables, the windowsills, simple things that you'd brought from your hometown. Figurines, pillows
and the like. Katakuri was a simple man, he liked order, but you undoubtedly brought chaos.
Would you do the same to his house? He thought. Would you decorate it how you saw fit? Would
you flit through like a whirlwind and upset the structure that he'd meticulously put in place?

After very little contemplation Katakuri concluded that he didn't mind in the least. You could do
with his house as you saw fit. As with every aspect of you, he too thought your chaos was
beautiful. Although the clutter made the room feel smaller, it too brought with it a warmth.
Katakuri owned a house, if it wasn't too much trouble, he'd hoped that you'd make it a home. That
you'd impart this warmth in every aspect of his life. What is it they say? Katakuri thought, "Home
is where the heart is?" It seems he was ahead of himself, he already had a home, hadn't he?

Slowly Katakuri peeled away from you, causing you to grumble and firmly grab onto him.
Chuckling quietly Katakuri exercised a little more force in separating himself from you. Why are
you grumbling? he thought, he isn't going anywhere, don't worry. After successfully prying you
away from him, Katakuri slipped down the bed, so his back came to rest on it. With a quiet sigh he
placed your arm around his chest and cupped his arm around your back pulling you towards him.
Laying his hand on your hip he gave you a soft squeeze and answered your greeting, "I'm home."

You awoke with a start; light was streaming through the curtains. It was clear you'd overslept. On
any other day you'd have sprung out of bed and fled to the kitchen, but despite your predicament
you felt absolutely no sense of urgency. And why would you?! When you were tightly bundled in
the arms of the man you cherish most in this world. Who'd have thought he'd have come to bed of
his own volition?

Yes, you were late, you had prep to complete and a training regime to keep up but try as you may
you could not pry yourself away from this man! For an age you lay watching the rhythmic rise and
fall of his chest. This one moment was pure heaven, if only Katakuri knew how much he meant to
you. He must know of your feelings, right? At least partially? It was times like this that you found
yourself unwilling to hold back. You wanted to shower him with affections, lavish his whole body
with kisses and wholeheartedly profess your love to him.
Alas, your stint in heaven was cut short, you must've stared for too long because Katakuri began to
rouse. Just one more minute, you pleaded, let me hold him for just one minute longer!

Using his free hand Katakuri covered his mouth through a long yawn, groggily he blinked his eyes
before tightening the hold he had on your body. With his hand he urged you into the crook of his
neck, as he softly stroked your hair, "Good morning," he whispered.

Cri-mi-n-al! This man was a Criminal. It took everything in your power to retain an ounce of
sanity, was this really happening? He didn't back away? He pulled you closer? Taking your
chance, you fixed yourself to Katakuri and greeted him back, albeit quite meekly, "good morning

His smell encapsulated you, his warmth showered you, every portion of him overwhelmed your
senses. What training did you have to complete again? What food did you have to make? Honestly,
your brain ceased to function, it was overloaded with the thought of one thing. Katakuri.

Naturally, you could have spent all day like this, you wanted to, you longed to. But as you
habituated to the overstimulation of your senses, your rationale came back. Who would make
Katakuri's lunch, if not you? How could you leave this man with an empty stomach and a
migraine?! You were also eager to avoid the incessant teasing of the maids in the kitchen. Lateness
was much unlike you; they'd be sure to read into it. With a deep inhale you lifted yourself up, "I
should get going," you sighed.

"Ah, I know. I've kept you. I'm so-"

You placed your finger over Katakuri's lips and shook your head, "don't apologise, just promise
that you'll sleep in the bed from now on."

Scoffing slightly Katakuri reached out and cupped your cheek, "okay, I promise."

"Good," you replied, "now go back to sleep!" You grabbed the hand that held your cheek and
pushed him back into the bed. "Don't think I don't see those dark circles," you remarked angrily,
softly stroking the lower part of Katakuri's eye. "If you carry on at this rate, I'll be forced to take
drastic measures!"

Katakuri chuckled, you're not fooling anyone. In contrast to your angry tone, your touch was
extremely gentle.
"Hm?" You mused. He's laughing?! Does he not think you're serious? "You may be laughing now,
but you won't be when I tie you to this bed!" You taunted, slapping the bed sheets to the side of

Katakuri sighed and rubbed his head, "but-"

"But mere ropes will not be enough to restrain me," you retorted mimicking him. Katakuri smirked
at your impression, and you smiled back wickedly, "don't for one second think I don't know where
to find sea prism stone. And don't for one second think I don't have friends to help me transport it."

Katakuri slumped into the bed, what was it that he should do at a time like this? Ah yes. Katakuri
directed his gaze towards you and resolutely nodded his head, "yes, you're right, I should get some
more rest." The Pâtissier's were right, he could never win, not against you.

You frowned at Katakuri's response. You didn't expect him to agree so readily. Why wasn't he
being more obstinate? Were you getting through to him finally? Brushing off Katakuri's unusual
response, you smiled. "Thank you. Now lay back!" You said, pushing on his sturdy chest, allowing
you hand to linger on his soft pecs before promptly leaving the sanctuary of the bed. With your
back to Katakuri you found yourself gazing at your handful, honestly, he really put you to shame.

Katakuri watched on as you bounded around the room finding your things, he was absolutely
besides himself when you nonchalantly decided to strip down in front of him. As any gentleman
would, he averted his gaze. As much as he hated to admit it, it took an obscene volume of
willpower not to steal a glance. You seemed to forget that deep down, Katakuri is a man like any
other. Despite the outward appearance he portrays, his instincts are just like any other mans. For
the time being he'd been able to hold back, but now, more than ever, he was tempted by your
forwardness. Katakuri wanted to glance, he longed to revere your beauty. To cup the long line of
your back, to feel its natural curve underneath his palm. To knead the supple skin of your soft,
thick thighs. To worship every aspect of your body. If Katakuri had known that being apart from
you would cause him this much anguish, he'd have swallowed his bashfulness and readily accepted
your kiss.

No, he wouldn't have. In truth Katakuri's bashfulness was only the first hurdle. Katakuri himself
was a strait-laced man, one that stuck to rules. And he was unwilling to succumb to your
temptations, not yet. Not when both of you had yet to explicitly state your feelings. The concept of
feelings was an important topic that needed to be broached, that's how they start, right?
Relationships? An admittance of feelings, then a kiss? Could the kiss precede the confession? Is
there a need for a kiss after the confession? Katakuri quietly cursed himself for lack of
knowledge, he should have read more romance novels. Could he ask for advice? No, he couldn't go
to his siblings for this, especially not his sisters. Despite believing that matters such as these should
be spontaneous, Katakuri couldn't help but want to factor in some structure. he only hoped that the
festival would create the right setting, for him to-

"Oh, before I go, I have something to show you."

Your cheery voice filled the room, pulling Katakuri from his thoughts. For obvious reasons, he
couldn't find it in himself to look at you.

With a wide smile you strode up to the side of the bed. Katakuri faced away from you, a light pink
blush adorned his cheeks, which made you giggle. Honestly, he cuddles you throughout the night,
but a tiny bit of skin made him bashful? It’s not like he hasn't seen it all before. Overlooking his
embarrassment, you let out a sharp breath, held out your arm and began to strain.

Hearing your plethora of grunts and groans Katakuri hesitantly turned his head. What on earth
were you doing? Katakuri had intended to look at you but, as he turned his head he found his vision
was blocked by your hands.

You stood before Katakuri with a triumphant grin, eagerly holding your arms towards him.
Katakuri looked on bewildered as his vision became clearer; your beautiful supple skin had lost all
sense of softness and your arms now took on a deep shade of charcoal.

"I can only cover my forearms for the moment," you said, "but-"

"Well done," Katakuri interrupted.

You coyly shot a look at Katakuri, meeting his clear crimson eyes in the process. They were softly
creased and his lips were slightly upturned into a smile. What's that look? Is he proud? You hoped
that he was. "Mm," you replied bashfully, "It's because of your instructions that I could-"

"It's down to your hard work," he said resolutely, before clearing his throat. Averting his gaze
Katakuri addressed you once again, "this... Erm, is a milestone for your training, I believe it is
deserving of a celebration. Why don't we... Go somewhere?"

Your ears perked up at his suggestion. Go somewhere? What did he mean? Would it be with his
siblings? Or would you and Katakuri be alone. "Where would we go?" You asked, trying to clarify
Katakuri's plans.
"There's... a festival that's currently taking place..." He replied.

A festival? Katakuri wants to go to a festival?

"... I've been told that on their last night they hold a fireworks display..."


"... Which just so happens to be today..."

Wait, is this a DATE?! Is Katakuri asking you on a date?!

"... if you're not too busy then-"

"Yes!" You replied enthusiastically, grasping his hand and bringing it to your chest. "Yes Katakuri,
I would love to go with you."

"Good," Katakuri replied softly squeezing your hand. "Would 6 o'clock work for you, we could
enjoy the festivities before watching the-"

"Fireworks?" You finished excitedly.

Chuckling slightly Katakuri patted your head, "hm, that's right."

"Will... We be going alone together?" You asked Katakuri. You needed to clarify what the nature
of this 'outing' was. You were anxious that in your excitement you'd jumped the gun. What if it
wasn't a date?

"Erm, yes," Katakuri replied after clearing his throat, "would that be a prob-"
"So, it's a date?" You interjected.

You saw Katakuri jerk slightly, he averted his eyes bashfully, but he didn't deny your question,
rather he affirmed it. "Ah, yes, it would very well class as a... Date. I just wanted to thank you for

A date underneath the explosive art created by fireworks, what a beautiful and romantic gesture.
With a shy smile you cupped Katakuri's hand in yours, "I'll be waiting... very eagerly." Honestly,
you could just kiss the man! Who'd have thought, not only did he share the bed with you, but he
also invited you on a date. Perhaps this was it? Perhaps tonight you'd get the breakthrough you've
been longing for! "I'll be in the courtyard," you added.

Katakuri openly frowned at your addition.

"Haha, it's just Pudding and Brulee," you replied. "They won't-"

"They will."

You giggled when you saw Katakuri pouting, "well, it’s none of their business is it?" You said.
"It's a celebration, isn't it? That's all they need to know." You knew Katakuri was a private person,
and you were special to him, that's why he admitted that this outing was a date. As for everyone
else, they didn't have to know. This was a private affair between you and Katakuri, so long as you
both understood the underlying meaning of your evening together, nothing else mattered. "Well,"
you said grasping Katakuri's scarf before heading to the door, "I'll be taking this with me."

"Ah," Katakuri replied, "I'll be sure to retrieve it."

With a bashful smile you nodded your head, hesitantly you reached for the handle. It was always
hard to leave Katakuri, but the prospect of spending the evening with him lightened your heart.
Honestly, you were truly head over heels for this man.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading guys! OMG please be hyped for the festival! Because I can
assure you it is happening!!! :3
Chapter 13: The festival!
Chapter Summary

As promised you and Katakuri attend the Tottoland festival together, but what awaits
you there??

Chapter Notes

Hello guys! Thankyou so much for your continued patience! It's finally finished, the
next chapter is here! Sorry its a big one!! I just couldn't stop writing!

As always your love and support means everything to me :'( and I'm sorry for how
long it took!! Please enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"He's not coming," Pudding yawned with a stretch, languidly planting her forehead against the

"Katakuri is a man of his word," you replied, "he'll come."

You couldn't blame Pudding; her conclusion was only logical you had been sitting here since well
before six. Katakuri was more than a tad late. It was well past your meeting time, the start of the
fireworks display was fast approaching and there was yet to be any sign of him. But despite your
predicament, you weren't worried in the least, you were confident this man would not stand you up.
He probably just had a stubborn piece of work to finish up, he'll be here soon.

Considering that 'this' was indeed a date. Ah yes, tonight is your DATE with Katakuri.

"Hey... Onee-chan, you're making that face again." Pudding teased, tapping you lightly on the

"Hm?" you mused, "sorry Pudding, was I smiling again?" You knew you were. Honestly you could
not stop grinning, did you mention Katakuri had invited you on a date? It was almost surreal, you
had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. You hadn't explicitly divulged the 'date'
fact to the two sisters mind you, but (as inevitable as it was) they'd already put two and two
together. Pudding was astounded when she heard the news, naturally she congratulated you for
having the nerve to ask her brother out (and you didn't dare correct her).

Anyway! Considering that this was indeed a DATE, you had made an effort (not an extensive one,
you might add, but you had scrubbed up). When Pudding offered to do your makeup, you politely
declined, Katakuri preferred your natural look after all.

Really, there you go again! It could be worse though! A smile is, arguably, one of the best
expressions to have glued to your face. Anyway! You're getting side-tracked reader, we must

You declined Pudding's offer to help with your makeup, but you did (after what seemed like
decades worth of pleading) however, agree for her to style your hair and help pick an outfit. She
coarsely grimaced when you mentioned you wanted your attire to match Katakuri's scarf.
Pudding’s reaction did nothing to faze you, you still intended to wear it. A part of you wanted to
surprise Katakuri with your appearance, and what could come as more of a shock than wearing his
scarf? Not that it was much of a scarf on you (considering your size difference). It drowned your
shoulders and covered the better half of your torso. It was more of a poncho than anything, a soft
fluffy poncho that you adored just as much as the man that wore it.

"Eugh," Pudding retched, "look, I get you're exited Onee-chan, but its past seven! The fireworks
start in an hour! You're going to miss them!"

Fireworks? Pftt! Who cares if you miss them? It's not like you needed to see them. You just wanted
to spend some alone time with Katakuri, if anything the fireworks were just an addition, an
ornament to your first date.

"It doesn't matter," you retorted, "The fireworks aren't my main reason for going."

"Hhhmmm??" Pudding cooed, "did you hear that Brulee? She's not going for the fireworks!
Sounds to me like she just wants to be with Nii-san." Pudding smirked wickedly as she tapped the
table to get Brulee's attention.

Brulee sighed, it seems her patience for her sister was wearing thin. "Pudding! Don't tease (Y/N)-
chan!" She warned, setting down her teacup forcefully sending a few drips hurtling onto the fresh
linen tablecloth.

"It's fine Brulee, I don't mind," you said cordially. It had been a while since you'd been the bane of
Pudding's teasing, surprisingly enough it had lost its potency. Before you discovered your feelings,
you'd have violently denied Pudding's allegation, blushing outright in the process. Love really did
bring you a sense of calm, didn't it? "You're right Pudding, I do," you said with a smile, "we
haven't spent a lot of time together lately... I've really missed him."

Pudding sat dumbfounded. She froze in her seat, mouth sitting fully agape. You could see the gears
of her mind struggling to grind against each other, she was frantically trying to process your words.
It made you chuckle, the way she sat there, eyes practically jumping from their sockets, it was a
look quite unbecoming of a lady.

Brulee on the other hand perked up considerably at your statement, the previous irritation etched in
her shoulders all but disappeared. Brulee straightened her posture and softly played with the handle
of her teacup, a radiant smile forming on her face, "(Y/N)-Chan, you... You like Nii-san?" She
asked, gently setting her teacup down and grasping the edge of the table. Her hand shook faintly,
though whether it be from happiness or anxiety was anyone’s guess.

In that moment you were transported back to your first meeting with Brulee, and you remembered
what she asked of you.

"Could you love him?"

You returned Brulee's smile, taking a second to compose yourself before looking in her eyes and
shaking your head, "no..." You murmured. Swallowing your embarassment you sat straight in your
seat, heaving a light breath before finishing your sentence. "... It's a lot more than like, Brulee," you
said averting your eyes and flashing a bashful smile.

It was now Brulee's turn to malfunction, her brow twitched slightly and her arm stuttered in place,
knocking over her neatly placed teacup. The freshly brewed tea seeped slowly into the white linen
sheltering the table, saturating it completely. In a way it mirrored the process occurring in Brulee's
mind, it took a few seconds for your admission to take root. For her to truly understand the extent
of your words and what it meant for her brother. Even as the river of tea sauntered to the edge of
the table and began to drip on Brulee's dress she remained still. Brulee was unable to move, joy had
taken a hold of her. Joy in its purest form, she was just at a loss as to how to express it. Should she
smile? Laugh? Cry? In truth, she wanted to do all three. Thank goodness, her wishes had been

Pudding, who had finally started to work again, looked at the interaction between the two of you
and frowned deeply. "Why are you looking like that's some revelation?!" She said flapping her
arms in Brulee's direction, "I thought we established this months ago!"
Brulee ignored puddings remark as she finally came to her senses. Grabbing a nearby napkin she
silently began cleaning her spilled drink with a large, joyous smile plastered on her face.

"What?!" Pudding yelled, "what am I missi-"


Pudding's outburst was caught short by a large clutter. The three of you simultaneously shot into
silence and eagerly strained your ears to listen to the commotion happening outside.

"Oi, Katakuri come on, she's not going to laugh!"

"Of course she won't! We know it's different, but it really suits you."

"Daifi's right Katakuri, why are you embarrassed? You usually wear a lot less, haha!"

Faint, playful bickering seeped into the courtyard from the nearby corridor. The two voices that
filled the room were instantly recognisable, and it immediatley struck you as to why Katakuri was
so late. His brothers had got to him, hadn't they?

"Ka-ta-ku-ri! Stop being obstinate!" Oven frowned as he roughly pushed Katakuri's back.

"Hm? That's a long word for you Oven, " Katakuri retorted, crossing his arms, remaining grounded
in his stance.

"Enough with the wise cracks, go and pick up the little lady!" Oven urged, pausing his pushing and
pointing to the courtroom doorway.

"No... I, she... No!" Katakuri stuttered. Honestly, his head absolutely pounded! Katakuri knew his
brothers were causing a scene on purpose, no doubt you'd be able to hear this and the rest of your
guests in the courtyard. Couldn't you just meet him outside? It would be easier for him, he didn't
particularly want an audience, not in this attire.
"You shouldn't keep a woman waiting," Daifuku interjected, "and she's been waiting a long time."

Katakuri frowned deeply. How on earth did he end up in this mess? Of all the days for his brothers
to stop by, why did they pick today? And why was it that they were so attentive when it came to
matters involving you? If they showed the same interest and diligence in their work, the crew
would run a lot more smoothly. Yes, Katakuri knew that when his brothers came poking their
noses in his office this afternoon, things would go awry.

It was around 2 o'clock when Oven and Daifuku entered his office.

"Hey Katakuri! How's about lunch together for, old times sake?" Oven asked gleefully striding into
the room pulling Daifuku in tow.

Despite the warm manner in which Oven greeted his brother, there was no reply from Katakuri, the
man didn't even lift his head to acknowledge his brother’s arrival. No, the only sound that filled the
room was a rhythmic scribble of a pen and the soft schliff of paper.

This wasn't unusual per say, but Oven caught himself pausing when he noted Katakuri's quick
pace. His brother was a fast worker, sure, but the speed in which he was completing his paperwork
was remarkably swift... Swifter than usual. "Why are you rushing?" Oven enquired, "you got
somewhere to be?" The question was nothing more than a mere offhanded comment, but it still
served to set Katakuri on edge.

"And where would he be going Oven?" Daifuku asked, "It's clear he's busy fixing your mistakes."

"My mistakes?!" Oven parroted, "your mistakes more like!"

"Hah?!" Daifuku groaned whilst twirling his moustache, "Go on, say that again!"

Katakuri exhaled loudly, the appearance of his brothers had truly irritated him. He needed solace,
he needed peace and quiet, he was struggled to think with all their bickering. It was abundantly
clear that their company would only serve to distract him from his tasks, and he needed to finish
them, he would not be late to pick you up.
"Y... You... Balloon... Blue... Thug-"

"Hah?! What was that Oven-nii? Come on, use your words, I know-"

"Leave," Katakuri called out coldly.

"Hm?" The two brothers ceased their bickering and looked to each other in confusion. Katakuri
was usually cold and stoic, but this was different. There was an underlying strain in his voice. It
was... Strange. What was wrong with him?

"I need to concentrate, both of you leave!" Katakuri snapped.

"Ha, who cares, it's fine, isn't it? You've got the rest of the night to finish it." Oven said with a
smirk, softly patting Katakuri's back. "You should take a brea-

"I don't," Katakuri interrupted, "I need to finish this so-" he stopped himself. What was he about to
say? The stress of the situation was clearly getting to him. How could he be so lax? Clearing his
throat Katakuri corrected himself, "I'd just like to get this finished... Quickly."

Oven and Daifuku had their suspicions about their brother’s unusual behaviour, but this just
solidified them. Something was wrong. Katakuri was hiding something! And this revelation
stunned the two into silence. They were triplets, friends, brothers in arms! They didn't hide things
from each other! What was it that had their brother so secretive? Oven and Daifuku shared a
glance and nodded, it was time to interrogate Katakuri.

"Hey, Daifi, isn't our brother acting strange?" Oven said, cupping his Daifuku by the shoulders.

Daifuku smirked and twirled his moustache returning his brothers embrace, "hhhmmmm, he is
acting awfully strange. Almost like..."

"...he has somewhere pressing to be," Oven finished.

The brothers slowly made their way to Katakuri's desk, towering over him as he sat. Continuing to
work on his paperwork, Katakuri remained nonchalant, but both Oven and Daifuku spied the tiny
bead of sweat that formed on his brow.

"Where are you off to Katakuri?" Oven asked accusingly, "it must be something important if it has
you this on edge."

Katakuri attempted to act normally, but it was fruitless to keep up the act, he couldn't hide anything
from his brothers (they knew him too well). There was no way around it, he'd have to admit it,
surely that would be enough? Surely that would satiate them? They didn't have to know it was a
date. Heaving a light sigh Katakuri cradled his head, "If you must know, yes. I am going out."

"Out?!" Oven exclaimed, "out where? What could be more important to you than... Work..." No, he
wouldn't, Oven thought to himself. Katakuri wouldn't? Right? Not without them? With his lips
slightly pouted he shot a knowing glance to Daifuku.

Daifuku furrowed his brow, "no?... The festival?"

Keeling over the desk Oven began to plead with his brother. "Really Katakuri? How many times
have we asked you to go to the festival with us? Yet year after year you shoot us down!" Grasping
at the edge of the desk Oven tightly gripped Katakuri's shoulder, "look, we know it’s not your
thing, but we'd just like to spend time with you! I can't believe that you think you'd have a better
time on your... Own?" Oven paused mid-plead, his brows twitched and he brought his hand over
his mouth in contemplation. After a few seconds he began to beam through his fingers, it seems the
penny had finally dropped, "it's the little lady, isn't it?"

Katakuri jerked at Oven's conclusion.

"Huh?! You... Have a date?" Daifuku questioned surprisingly. Although his eyes were wide with
shock, a small smile appeared on his lips.

After calmly arranging his paperwork, Katakuri sat straight in his chair softly wiping the bead of
sweat that formed on his brow, "no. It's not a-"

Katakuri was cut off by a rough slap on the back from Oven, "Katakuri! Who'd have thought you
had it in you?! Daifi, can you believe it?!"

"Hm," Daifuku mused with a grin, "I must say, you've exceeded my expectations brother."
Katakuri sighed loudly, why today? Why did they come today?! "As

I've said it's not-"

"Are you going alone?" Oven asked.

"...Perhaps," Katakuri replied.

"Well, I'd call that a date," Daifuku concluded.

The two brothers nodded to each other; huge smiles plastered on their faces. In stark contrast to his
brothers’ joyful expressions, Katakuri frowned harshly. This was the last thing that he wanted!
What were these idiots grinning about? Honestly, Katakuri was at a loss, his mouth had betrayed
him. He should never have admitted anything! How on earth would he get them to leave? What
could he say to rectify what he had done?




There was nothing. Katakuri thought strenuously, he thought valiantly, but absolutely nothing
came to mind. There was NOTHING he could say to talk himself out of this situation. Anything he
tried would be in vain, his brothers had already settled on their conclusion. Not that it was the
wrong one mind you, but still. Please don't misunderstand! It's not that Katakuri wanted to hide the
fact that he asked you on a date, on the contrary if his brothers had vastly different personalities, he
wouldn't have hesitated in telling them. It's just, he just didn't want any unnecessary reactions and
you best believe his brothers were full of them.

Oven and Daifuku stood in the centre of the office giggling to each other and nudging their elbows
together, something akin to two schoolgirls who had just discovered their friends secret crush.
Really, the two of them were grown men, they had no business getting excited over something so
trivial. This is what Katakuri wished to avoid. Why were they making a big deal of it? It was just a
date. Needless to say, Katakuri was utterly irked by the way in which his brothers were acting. But,
behind the cold reception Katakuri gave his brothers, a part of him (a part larger than he was
willing to let on) felt relieved. That same part also felt happy. Happy that they'd accepted you, that
they'd accepted the potential relationship that was to come.

With a soft scoff Katakuri looked up from his desk, only to be met with the squinted eyes of his
brothers. Paired with the breeze from a nearby open window, Katakuri was struck with a sense of
immense nostalgia. It had been decades since his youth, but for a split second he could have sworn
he was back in his childhood. Back when there were no expectations of him, before the attack on
Brulee, before he ever covered his face. Back when he could wear the same smile as his brothers
showed him now. As Katakuri continued to look at his brothers, the frosty aura that cradled him
warmed (as it always did). You should know by now that despite the image that he portrays,
Katakuri is, and will always be, a man of abundant kindness and love.

Katakuri cared for all his siblings, he had a special individual relationship with each one. Yes, even
Flampe. Despite what she did during the raid on Tottoland, Katakuri still loved her. She had her
flaws, but don't they all? Perhaps her personality stems from being doted on too much as a child?
She was so sweet back then, there was a time she'd follow Katakuri around like a shadow. Perhaps
he spoiled her too much?

Flampe had made no secret of her opinion regarding Katakuri's marriage, she was strongly opposed
to it (not that Katakuri was privy to the reason mind you). He would have asked, but since the raid
she hasn't looked at him the same way. When they do find themselves in each other’s company
(which isn't very often) Katakuri would always catch Flampe staring at him. Don't misunderstand,
there's never any contempt in Flampe's eyes, only sorrow. It's clear she wishes to apologise, but like
most of his family she struggles to express herself. She was indeed a difficult one, Katakuri only
hoped she would grow to accept you, that the remainder of his family would accept you and
rejoice, just as his brothers have. Afterall, you were all exceedingly precious to him.

After his contemplation Katakuri once again looked to his brothers, perhaps them finding out
wasn't so bad, He thought. Reposing in his chair Katakuri gazed out of the window and was hit
with a sudden sense of dread. Wasn't he missing something? Ah yes, his WORK!!! Really, any more
stalling would put him drastically behind schedule, there was still a mountain of paperwork he had
yet to make a dent in.

With a newfound sense of urgency Katakuri attempted to return to his work, but found himself
hindered by Oven grabbing his hand. "Hey hey! What are you still doing here Katakuri?!" He said,
"You need to get ready!" Katakuri scowled fiercely at his brother, but this did nothing to deter
Oven from trying to pull him from his chair.

"Oven is right Katakuri," Daifuku remarked, "you were going to go wearing that, weren't you?"

Hm? Was there something wrong in that? Katakuri mused to himself, his face now absent of its
familiar frown (really just the thought of you could change his mood in an instant). Unaware of
said change Katakuri continued pondering his brothers’ statements, allowing Oven to pull him to
his feet. You made it clear that you have a fondness for his vest, so why would it be an issue? Was
there something he was missing? In wearing his normal attire would he offend you? After careful
consideration and a brief pause Katakuri decided to answer his brother, "...Perhaps," he replied.

"No! You can't," Oven stressed, "if it's a date you need to make an effort! That's normal etiquette."

"... Etiquette you say?" Katakuri questioned. Honestly, this was all news to him, there was an
etiquette to dates?

"We won't let you go like this! It's your first date after all!" Oven laughed, delivering another
hearty slap to Katakuri's back, "we want you to make a good impression on the little lady."

"Speaking of good impressions," Daifuku added, "women are... Sentimental about first times."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Oven exclaimed with a red face, "I know Katakuri might not have the most
experience, but we don't have to have that talk with him!"

Pulling his brother by the neck of his cape Daifuku began to correct himself. "Don't be stupid! I'm
not... talking about that!" He replied bashfully, "I'm... I'm talking about, you know... Kissing."

Katakuri's ears perked up at the topic of conversation.

"Ah, I guess they are," Oven replied, "not that you need that talk either Katakuri! Haha!"

"What do you mean by sentimental?" Katakuri asked inquisitively. Does that mean that it had to be
special? The first kiss, if he did it wrong, would it ruin his chance at a relationship?

Oven and Daifuku shared a glance, they hadn't expected that question from their brother. What did
that mean? Was he interested in you?

Clearing his throat Daifuku addressed Katakuri, "well, it does need to be special."
"Yes, the first time only happens once!" Oven continued, "You'll want the little miss to look back
on it with fondness."

"So, don't do it while she's eating!" Daifuku added.

"O... Or when she's not expecting it, the last thing you want is to catch the corner of her mouth."
Oven said pointing to the side of his lips.

"A... And don't use... too much tongue," Daifuku stuttered.

"Tongue?" Katakuri questioned.

Oven and Daifuku snapped their heads to look at one another. Dropping the arm that cradled
Katakuri's shoulders Oven headed over to Daifuku, "perhaps we do need to have that talk with
him," he whispered.

"Y.. You're kidding... Right?" Daifuku stuttered, "I'm not-"

"I can hear you, you know that, right?" Katakuri called out.

The room then ushered into silence, there was a slight awkwardness that descended over the
triplets. It wasn't that Oven and Daifuku weren't happy for their brother, needless to say they were
absolutely ecstatic! It's just, they didn't know what to say, did their Katakuri want tutoring in the
ways of romance? If that was the case, where do they start? Has anything happened between you
and him up to this point? Moreover, how did you feel about their brother? Did you love him as
Pudding claimed? Oven and Daifuku were eager to help, but they knew more than anyone the
mentality of their brother. They knew very little of his love life, if he had one at all. As far as they
knew there had never been anyone that Katakuri has viewed in that way before. They were scared
that if they interfered too much, that if they stuck their noses in too much that it would end up
turning him away from you. Their brother was very private after all, and this would be a first for

Whilst Oven and Daifuku quietly chuntered to one another in the corner of the office, Katakuri
mused to himself in the silence. He never thought mere kisses could be so... Complicated. Was
their etiquette to everything? What about an admission? What if things went wrong tonight, if he
said something or did something wrong would he ruin his chance with you? He'd hate to offend
you, he'd hate to lose you.

With a sigh, Katakuri gazed to the corner where his brothers stood. Perhaps, he didn't need to do
this alone? His brother's seemed experienced enough. They may bicker, they may make mistakes,
but they are reliable. And there was no one else Katakuri would rather have to guard his back in
battle. Letting out a lengthy exhale Katakuri resolved himself, he didn't want his inexperience to
cost him, you deserved nothing short of perfection. Something Katakuri would be unable to give
you without... Help. After clearing his throat Katakuri called out to Oven and Daifuku, "wh... What
about confessions? How... How do they work?"

"Oi, oi!" Oven pleaded, "get that look off your face! This is supposed to be a date, you're supposed
to pick her up with a smile! Now get in there!"

Pudding couldn't hold onto her excitement, her legs jittered underneath the table causing it to
vibrate. "I knew it," she squealed, " it is a date!"

Not that you could hear her over your own heartbeat, mind you. Lord, the things this man did to
you! It had only been a few hours since you'd seen him, a few hours since he'd held you in his
arms, but your heart still swelled with excitement. You'd been waiting for hours, but those last few
seconds were the most trying on your patience. Like a hawk you perched on your seat, your eyes
never moving from doorway.

There was an irritated sigh before a tuft of crimson came hurtling through the door. For a moment
you sat completely stumped, who on earth was this man? It took a few seconds for you to assure
yourself that it was indeed Katakuri who had graced you with his presence in the courtyard. He
looked...marginally different. Absent was his signature vest and replacing it was a (rather tight)
dress shirt, gone were the spikes on his trousers, the only constant that remained on his person was
his fluffy scarf. Katakuri's attire shocked you quite a bit, you hadn't imagined he'd go to any special
lengths for the date. Although to be honest, it pleased you just as much as it shocked you, you
really must mean a lot to him, huh?

As the initial shock wore off you took time to appreciate his appearance. You must admit, this look
was refreshing. Katakuri usually had a lot of skin on display, but this outfit left just enough to the
imagination. The soft fabric of the shirt clung to every curve of his muscles, the way it grew taunt
with his every breath was positively alluring. Honestly you were sure one flex of his bicep would
have the shirt tearing in two. The more you gazed at him the more exited you became. The buttons
lining his midsection struggled to hold the two opposing sides of linen together. His chest, his abs,
his whole torso was practically screaming to be let out. The degenerate in you wanted to flick at
those buttons and expose his bare chest, if only he'd let you. It wasn't that you hadn't had the
pleasure of seeing Katakuri's chest before, on the contrary last night you slept on it, but there was
something erotic about the act of causing it to spill forth from his shirt. You couldn't help the blush
that burst onto your cheeks, never in your wildest dreams did you think that adding more clothes to
Katakuri could make him hotter.

It wasn't just his attire that differed, but his hair also. It had been slicked back, gone was the short
unkempt mass of locks that sat atop his head. It was completely different, but it suited him (let's
face it, in your humble opinion anything would suit him, you wholeheartedly loved the man after
all). You could tell great care had gone into styling Katakuri's unruly hair, yet you wanted nothing
more than to run your hands through it. To trace your fingers along his scalp and destroy the prim
and clean persona his hair gave him.

Hm, Funny, isn't it? Despite the effort Katakuri had made, all your thoughts seem to gravitate to
returning him to normal. Was this how he felt at the party? When he saw you in that dress? When
he said you were naturally beautiful? Hand on heart you fully appreciated the lengths Katakuri had
gone to, yet you couldn't help but yearn for his regular attire. The leather vest that barely covers
anything, his tousled hair that seemed to have a mind of its own. Yes, you liked the way he looked,
you appreciated the effort, but you loved him... just as he was. Not that this revalation stopped you
looking, mind you. Honestly, it's remarkable that you didn't bore a hole in the man with the
intensity of that stare! And as they say, 'when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into
you.' It goes without saying that you weren't the only one enamoured, the only difference was that
Katakuri took to the sanctuary of his scarf to hide his blush. You, on the other hand, did absolutely
nothing to conceal yours, much to the amusement of your audience (the two brothers especially)
who stood elbowing each other fiercely as a way to congratulate themselves for their hard work.

Katakuri had been stunned by your forwardness, it was criminal how much his scarf suited you.
What were you doing wearing his things like that? He thought. Not that you wearing his clothes
was new to Katakuri, you'd worn his vest on multiple occasions, but somehow this time it struck
differently. When you wear it like that, when you proudly display it like that, it's like it marks you
as his. Was that... Something you wanted? To be seen as his?

Not that this alone was enough to render Katakuri completley silent. As a matter of fact, you
wearing his scarf was only a small portion of the reason as to why Katakuri was struggling to
portray an air of composure. In every single sense you were absolutely breath taking. Your whole
appearance catered to amplify your natural beauty. The simple updo, the slight wave to your
ponytail, the small flyaway strands of hair that framed your face and the way they accentuated the
natural rouge of your cheeks. Katakuri could see it all, the blemishes on your skin, the smile lines
that sat aside your lips, the slight puff to your eyes, the faint freckles that lined your forehead and,
you best believe, they were all astoundingly beautiful to him. He was glad they weren't hidden
behind makeup, not that you'd be any less beautiful if they were, but you already knew Katakuri's
stance on the matter. It was safe to say that you positively took his breath away. He could hardly
believe that it had only been a few hours since he'd left you, it felt like a lifetime to him.

The courtyard was unusually silent, and why wouldn't it be? The atmosphere was stifling, your
audience could practically see hearts flying through the air. Not that you or Katakuri ever noticed,
and why would you? You were both entranced. Entranced by the others appearance, entranced by
their mere presence, entranced at the prospect of what was about to come. Not that your audience
would allow this to continue for too long, mind you. If they left you two gawking at each other any
longer you'd most definetly miss the fireworks display. And, after a soft elbow to your arm, you
were finally pulled from your stupor. "Onee-chan," Pudding whispered.

You sighed, turning your dreamy eyes towards Pudding, "hm?"

You were met with her beaming smile. With a giggle she softly wiped at the bottom of her lip,
motioning for you to do the same. What is it? Food? You hoped it wasn't, honestly, you wanted to
be perfect for Katakuri! Hastily you went to wipe your mouth and as your thumb grazed your lip
you felt the familiar cold wetness of spit. Oh god no, this was worse than food! You were

Your embarrassment barely had time for to register before Daifuku interrupted with a flurry of
coughs. "That's enough staring," he groaned, "honestly, I'm not sure I like the mood in here." It's
shameful the way you're lusting after one another.

The last portion of Daifuku's sentence was only privy to Katakuri's ears. Never in his life had he
been more thankful for his foresight, what on earth was his brother thinking? Lusting? Neither of
you were lusting, right? Deciding not to ponder this question, Katakuri cut off his brother mid-
sentence, he wasn't about to let you be embarrassed further. This is exactly the reason why he
wasn't too fond of audiences. "Indeed, we should be going. It is quite late," he stressed shooting a
brief glare to Daifuku. Turning on his tail Katakuri hastily made for the courtyard's doorway and
you naturally followed.

"Really Katakuri," Oven called out, "at least hold her-" Oven was too late, Katakuri was too quick.
The pair of you had made your way far down the corridor before he could mutter the word 'hand'.

As Katakuri steadied his pace you drifted towards him, mindful of the audience to your backs.
Holding his hand was a no go for now, so to compromise you softly leant your body into him.
"You... Look very handsome tonight," you said.

So, you like his attire? Katakuri mused to himself. Does that mean you prefer him like this?...
Perhaps he should change the way he dresses if it pleases you. "You... Think so?" he replied
slightly bashful, "If you'd prefer, then I-"

You shook your head gently, you didn't need foresight to know what he was about to ask. "No
Katakuri, I appreciate the effort. It's a nice change I must admit, but I like you... Just the way you
are," you said with a smile, making sure to nudge him during the latter half of your sentence.
Katakuri averted his eyes bashfully at your statement, but despite his embarassment he made no
motion to move from your side. You giggled at his reaction, "can you squat down a little?" you

Katakuri tensed slightly, overly aware of the four pairs of eyes that bore into your backs. You
looked over your shoulder and sure enough the collective audience was huddled together at the
entrance of the courtyard, smiles plastered on their faces. Honestly, haven't they heard of privacy?!
Eager to escape the prying eyes you pushed Katakuri down the next turning, "they won't be able to
see us from here," you said, "now, can you squat down?"

For a second Katakuri was filled with anticipation, the last time you asked this of him, you
embraced him. With your audience gone Katakuri obligingly leant down towards you, albeit with a
slight frown. Gently you rubbed at the knit between his eyebrows, "you'll stick like that you
know," you said with a giggle. After successfully wiping away Katakuri's frown, you reached up to
his head, taking time to slowly run your fingers though his hair before violently ruffling it up. With
a satisfied smile you widened the distance between you to admire your handiwork." Mm," you
mused, "much better." There he was, there was your Katakuri.

"Hm? Did it not... Suit me?" Katakuri asked.

There was a slight pout in his voice that had you reeling, did you just knock his confidence? Was he
insecure about his looks? Perhaps you should have handled your comment a little differently. "The
hair?" you replied, "it did, but... It's just not you."

Katakuri scoffed, where had he heard this before? "Hm, I agree... This whole look isn't me."

"But that doesn't make you any less handsome now, does it?" You replied once again closing the
distance between. With gentle fingers you stretched your hand towards the collar of Katakuri's
dress shirt, "I meant... What I said before," you continued, "You're perfect, just as you are. So next
time," you stressed, "you don't have to dress up like this, Okay?"

Perfect? Him? Surely you jest? Honestly, Katakuri didn't know how to react. How can you say
such things with conviction, and with those... Eyes?

"First rule, she has to be in the mood!"

"Yes, the look in her eyes should tell you."

"The look?"

"Yes, she should look like this-


"What was that for Daifi?! I was just-

"Being creepy! A grown man shouldn't be making that face!"

Those eyes? Was that the look? Were you giving him the look?! Now? Should he do it now?

"Okay, let’s set this straight, just because she gives you the look doesn't mean you go in for the

"And why is that?"

"Because she might be eating!"

"Or she might not really be in the mood."

"Then why give me the look?"

"Because she's a woman Katakuri! They're confusing creatures!"

Hm? It appears that this would be marginally more difficult than Katakuri thought. Perhaps doing
such a thing here would be unreasonable, rule number three was that it should be somewhere
special. Yet again could this place count as special? You were alone after all.

"... Kuri?"

'Special' is a rather broad term, isn't it? What constitutes a 'special place'? Perhaps he should
have clarified this with his brothers? Why didn't he clarify something so important?!

"Katakuri!" You called lightly tapping on his chest.

Katakuri jerked when you addressed him, instantly losing the absent look on his face. "Hm?"

It was strange, you'd never seen Katakuri with such a faraway look in his eye before. "You...
looked lost for a second, are you okay? Is it work? If you have something important to do we can
always reschedule-"

"No, no. It's nothing like that," he denied. Work? He wished it was. Work was much easier,
Katakuri had confidence when it came to work, he knew the answers, he knew exactly what to do.
When it came to romance however, he was at a loss. Which wasn't new, when it came to you he
was always at a loss, though recently he'd been more lost than usual. There was this gut awful
feeling he'd get whenever you were around, a churning in his stomach that wouldn't cease. It had
only been getting worse, now mere thoughts of you were enough send his stomach into disarray.
What was this feeling? This pit in his stomach that surges through his body? Whilst Katakuri set
aside the debate as to the source of this unease for a later time, he was positively certain of one
thing, he had never been so unsure of himself in his entire life.

There he goes again, what's with that glazed look? Could he possibly be nervous? Is he scared of
making a mistake? What a silly man. Softly you reached for Katakuri's hand and cupped it in
yours, "don't push yourself Katakuri. If something happens it happens! Just know that there's
nothing you can do to upset me. So please, stop stressing."

With those words all the tension in Katakuri's body passed away, as always you knew the perfect
thing to say. Katakuri sighed lightly, before he softly squeezed your hand, "You're right. Come, we
should be going."

"Daifi! Daifi, did you see that?! That little minx went and pushed him round the corner!" Oven
yelled shaking his brothers’ shoulders.

"Hm, perhaps our plan worked a little too well." Daifuku replied, "she couldn't keep her hands off

"Hey! What are you trying to say?" Pudding said, lightly tapping her brother’s shoulder, "it's
Katakuri Nii-san who's the pervert here, Onee-Chan isn't like that!"

"Nuhuh!" Oven retorted, "didn't you see her drooling! She's got it bad."

"Well... So does Katakuri Nii-san!!" Pudding argued, "you saw that feral look in his eyes, lord only
knows what he was thinking."

"They've both got it bad," Brulee interrupted, "rather than arguing, shouldn't we just be happy
they're getting along?"

"I agree," Daifuku said, his voice slightly shaky, "it's... W-Wonderful isn't it?"

"H-hey Daifi, are... Are those tears?"

"Hah?! Of... Of course not! You need to get your eyes tested Oven!"

As expected, festival was abuzz with people. The streets of whole cake were neatly lined with cute
wooden booths, some selling food, others selling souvenirs, but (to your surprise) no two were the
same. The diversity of whole scene set your heart a blaze, although you must admit the sheer
volume of people present was quite daunting. On any other day you'd be a little anxious, but with
Katakuri by your side nothing could ever faze you.

On account of the streets being so congested, you made an effort to stick close to Katakuri, which
earned you a few envious glares. You didn't mind the jealous looks, it was the constant swooning
that had you annoyed. The worst part was that Katakuri was completley oblivious! Here he was
amidst countless women all undressing him with their eyes (of course you were one of them, but
that doesn't matter!) how dare they ogle your man! The only saving grace in this matter was
Katakuri's aura, you were certain that due to his menacing image that the ladies shooting him the
eye would only look, never touch.

There was still a little time before the fireworks, so you'd decided to fill the time with a little
window shopping. Honestly, you should have asked Pudding for some money, the measly few
coins in your purse were barely enough to buy anything here. You were hoping to at least be able
to buy a present for Katakuri, a souvenir of sorts, perhaps someone somewhere was selling a donut
keychain? Not that you could afford it. Damn it! Pudding should have sponsored you, she owes
you that much. Still, you wouldn't allow your frustrations to put a dampener on your mood. Aside
from your lack of funds, the start of this first date was perfect.

Skipping through the street you flitted from stall to stall and, trailing behind of course was
Katakuri. The man wore his signature scowl, but in truth, he was in awe of your 'oohs' and 'aahs'.
Your reactions were truly adorable, you reminded him of a squirrel busy bustling from tree to tree.
Under Katakuri's watchful eye you continued to flit, until you came upon a stall selling jewellery.
Much like the way a squirrel would pause for a nut, you paused for a necklace. It had entranced
you, the way the deep blue stone caught and reflected the lamplight. It was as if the night sky had
been encapsulated in the jewel. You stood in awe of the gem, marvelling at its craftsmanship, the
intricacy of the cuts on the stone and the sliver chain that only served to enhance its beauty. But, of
course, this 'beauty' was matched by its price. And, much like a squirrel who had discovered a 'bad
nut', you swiftly turned your attention elsewhere.

Naturally all this happened under your dates keen eye. Katakuri saw how you looked at the
necklace, you liked it didn't you? Perhaps... He could gift it to you. Yes, gifts are a perfect way to
show one's affections and, according to his brothers, all women like gifts. "Would you-"

Poor Katakuri couldn't finish his question before you cut him off, "no thank you," you said with a
smile, "it's very expensive... And something like that wouldn't suit me."

How could you come to that conclusion when you'd never tried it on? On the contrary, Katakuri
thought it would suit you perfectly. The deep blue shade of the gem would only complement your
complexion. The stone itself was a perfect size, it would look truly at home around your neck. It
was silly to be worried about the price, Katakuri was a sweet commander and he was compensated
quite well for his work. The price of this necklace was mere change to him. "I think-"

"Wow! Katakuri look! Is that... A waffle donut?!" The start of Katakuri's wonderful suggestion fell
on deaf ears. You didn't mean to cut him off, but you were too excited at the identity of the food
stall in your vision. It's PERFECT and AFFORDABLE! Finally, something you can treat Katakuri
to. Yes, this window shopping was a mere guise, you just wanted to find something to buy
Katakuri, as a way to thank him for all that he's done for you. But really, you wished that you could
afford more, this man deserves nothing short of the whole world. "Come on, Let's go see," you
chimed, pulling on Katakuri's sleeve.

Heaving a light sigh Katakuri made a mental note of the location of the jewellery stall, perhaps
this was a blessing, the best gifts are those wrapped in surprise after all.

You bounded to the waffle-nut stall, eyes practically beaming. With a sense of haste, you pulled
out your purse and began to root through it. Katakuri fought to hold back a chuckle, seeing you like
this made him wish he'd known you as a child. Has your smile changed much since your youth?
Has your demeanour? These thoughts ran rampant in Katakuri's head, if only he'd have met you
sooner. Perhaps you'd have been the grounding force he needed to stop him that day. If he had you
back then, maybe he wouldn't have covered his face. If only he'd have met you sooner. Katakuri
shook his head, what use are these thoughts? All that matters is that he has you now, that he can
trust you and rely on you. You think he's perfect as he is and he should take solace in that. Katakuri
continued to watch as you fished in your purse for change attentively counting your coins, making
sure you had the correct amount. If he was a different man, would you still be here like this? Would
you still be preparing his meals? Would you be there to keep him company at night?

Under the warm glow of the lamp light Katakuri was thankful for his young rash self, his choices
on that day lead to this moment. He will never forgive himself for letting Brulee get injured, but
still the events of that day forged him into the man he is now. Katakuri still regretted his actions,
but he must admit the weight of his memories stung a little less this evening.

"Two... Five... Ten Yes! Got it! Okay then, what flavour would you like?" you said, shuffling
around the coins in your hand and looking up at Katakuri.

"Me?" he questioned, somewhat surprised.

"Yes! I'll get one for you, it's my treat! Now what flavour-


It seems the identity of that flavour would have to wait. Yet again Katakuri's reply was cut off as
the both of you were interrupted by a retainer who came running at you out of breath. "I.. A-am
very sorry t-t-to interrupt... B-but there- there's an urgent matter tha-that n-needs your attention."
The poor guy stood as a shadow of himself, he could hardly string a sentence together. Could you
blame him? Did you see who he just interrupted?
You felt cool anger resonating from Katakuri, looking into his face you could see his eyes hidden
by deep shadows. He's annoyed? Of course, you could relate, you'd barely had half an hour
together. Was this it? Would this be the end to your long awaited first date? Lightly you grasped
Katakuri's arm and tentatively peered from behind him to address the retainer, "will... will it take
long?" You couldn't let it end like this!

"N-no!" he replied shakily, "it-it will only t-take a few min-minutes."

A few minutes huh? It must be important if they've come all the way here to get him. Perhaps you
could spare him... But only for a few minutes. "Go," you said to Katakuri.

You could see he was hesitant to leave so you nudged him a little, "I've waited all afternoon, what's
an extra few minutes?" You tried to muster a bright smile, but even you could tell it was tinged
with disappointment.

There was a brief silence. The retainer looked on, thoroughly drenched in fear of what Katakuri
might do to him for interrupting. But the retainer tensed his body in vain, Katakuri's stern aura had
long faded. With a sigh he brought his hand to your head, "I'm sorry."

"No! Don't be, just... Please," you tightly grasped the cuff of Katakuri's shirt, "promise you'll come

"Ah, yes. I promise. “As always Katakuri's resolute voice served to put you completley at ease.
After uttering those two final words Katakuri left, never once looking back. Your gaze continued to
follow him as he disappeared beyond the crowd. He really is an important person, isn't he? With a
strained smile you turned back to face the food stall. This is to be your life, isn't it? Don't
misunderstand, you weren't second guessing your life with this man, if anything this realisation just
served to reinforce how important Katakuri's time is. At a moment’s notice he could taken away
from you, if this is what it means to love such a man then so be it, you were willing to endure.

Now, what flavour should you surprise him with?! Strawberry? Caramel? Double chocolate?
Honestly, you'd have bought them all, but the pittance in your purse constrained you to one. After
much inward debating you eventually settled on a fruit topped white chocolate waffle nut,
something not too sweet or too heavy. You'd just been handed the confectionery by the store owner
when you felt a tap to your shoulder. That was quick! With a beaming smile you turned around,
outstretching your hand and offering the waffle nut.
"What are you doing here?" The voice that addressed you was nasally and bratty, the mere tone of
it made your hair stand on end. This was the last ever person you'd hoped to run into.

"I'm enjoying the festival... Just like everyone else," you retorted, withdrawing the outstretched
waffle-nut and cradling it in your hands. Needless to say the person that stood before you was
(undoubtedly) your biggest fan, Flampe. As usual she had made no secret of her contempt for you,
really, that scowl on her face was enough to rival Katakuri's.

"Yes, I've seen that! And with Nii-sama no less," she groaned, "what have you got over him, huh?
How dare you blackmail him to get him to accompany you!"

Wow really Flampe? You had to admit, she was remarkable. It took skill to offend you in the way
she did with so few words. BLACKMAIL?! The word bounded around in your brain. Could she not,
for one second, comprehend that Katakuri was here because he wanted to be? That he actually
wanted to spend time with you. You are by definition an emotional person, on many occasions
you've let your heart lead you, but you have never once let yourself be ruled by anger and you'd be
dammed if you'd let it happen today! This was a festival, a beautiful setting for your first date with
Katakuri, it was not a place for confrontation. You gritted your teeth, and clasped the fresh waffle
nut between your fingers, its juices travelling down your hand. Calm (Y/N), calm.

"We will never let this marriage happen," Flampe continued signalling behind her with her thumb.
This drew your attention to the mass of people that had gathered behind her.

Oh good, she brought a posse. "Hm? Why is that?" You asked sarcastically. You couldn't help
your tone, despite trying to hold back, softly and slowly your anger began to bubble. How dare she
come in and try to spoil your first date with Katakuri. Does she know how long you've waited?

"Because YOU are evil," she barked, soldering up to you and pressing her finger to your shoulder,
"you're plotting something! I will not let you hurt my brother; I love him too-"

"You love him?" You scoffed. That was it! Never in your life had you heard such a blatant lie. You
couldn't allow such a farce and needless to say this served to set your anger over the edge. "Last
time I checked, love was unconditional."

"What would you know-"

"Me?" You questioned, standing tall. "I happen to know quite a lot, for example," you paused
leaning into her face, "I know all about you."

You saw Flampe tense slightly. Really, she should have taken her leave whilst she could, you
weren't about to let her off lightly.

"I know how you interfered in Katakuri's fight with the Straw hat," you continued, "how you
laughed at him when he removed his scarf, and you have the cheek to talk about love?!" You
hadn't intended to raise your voice, but (as it’s been said) you are an emotional person. "Your
brother loves you," you said returning Flampe's poke to the shoulder, "he would do anything for
you and that's how you repay him! That's disgusting behaviour, you're nothing more than a selfish
brat!" You paused, giving time for Flampe to retort, but your last few words had knocked the reply
straight from her mouth. "So, you and your 'Fanclub'," you bellowed pointing to the posse behind
her, "you can protest all you want. I love Katakuri and I will be marrying that man."

How dare they do this under the guise of caring, they don't know the first thing about Katakuri.

"You all need to take a long hard look at yourselves," you continued, now addressing the Fanclub
as well as Flampe. "You proclaim to be his biggest fans, but you'd deny him happiness? You'd
deny him a chance at love? Deny him a chance to create his own family?! Shame on all of you!
You're all selfish, if you truly cared for him, you'd want to see him happy!" Perhaps you rose your
voice a little too much, as your lecture had begun to draw attention from the passing crowd. Taking
a deep breath you looked to your hand, the once beautiful fruit waffle nut had been reduced to
mush between your fingers. Indeed, anger was the most dangerous of all emotions. You once again
turned your glare to the crowd and they all flinched under your gaze. You took your time eye every
individual before addressing them in a low whisper, "now, I suggest you all leave... Because my
patience is running thin."

There was a quiet murmur from the crowd before they began to depart, slowly but surely the mob
that made up the fan club dwindled. Before long it was only you and Flampe left, her eyes aflame
with resentment, "I-"

"Leave Flampe," you said amidst gritted teeth, but she stood firm. Tears filled her eyes and she
bawled her fists. She was about to open her mouth, but then she froze. Her eyes no longer looked at
you, but past you. Biting her lip her eyes once again flickered to you, before she left. Stiffening
your shoulders you tentatively turned your body, "K.. Katakuri," you murmured. How long had he
been standing there? "you... You're back." In all honesty you didn't know how Katakuri would
react, would he be annoyed at you lecturing his sister? Frankly you were very nervous, but all your
anxiety ceased when you looked at his face. Katakuri's eyes were full of concern and they looked
not at you, but at the remains of the waffle-nut that you grasped in your hand, "Oh... I... I'll get you
Before you could turn back to the stall Katakuri swiftly caught your hand, "are... You okay?"

You were the one giving a lecture and he was worried, "of course," you chimed with a smile, "why
wouldn't I be?"

Katakuri shook his head, "If they're bothering you-"

"Like I'd let them," you replied, "I mean... I didn't exactly let them off easy."

"mm," Katakuri mused, "I heard."

"Huh? What... What exactly did you hear?"


You froze not truly knowing what to do, your mind was in utter disarray. The jig is up, isn't it? It
might not be the most opportune time to let him know, but perhaps he's ready for it. "I-I meant it!
Every word, I really do lov-"

"...Honestly calling a whole hoard of people selfish is quite gutsy," Katakuri continued crossing his
arms, "I don't know whether to be proud... or angry."

So… he didn't hear that part? You sighed inwardly; good this gives you a little more time to plan

"What would you have done if they resorted to violence?"

Uh-oh. You know that tone. He's annoyed! At that moment all the joy seeped out of you, and was
replaced by a pit of anxiety. You did something pretty silly didn't you? "Well, I-I'm sure I could
take them," you murmured, "...I'm pretty strong after all."

Katakuri huffed, "you're forgetting yourself," he said, "haven't we discussed that you would not
needlessly put yourself in danger."
"But I couldn't help it," you argued, "Flampe, she... She accused me of blackmailing you to get you
to come here with me."

"And that was enough to make you lose your cool?" Katakuri retorted shaking his head.

"No, she... She said that she loves you and I couldn't let that fly! Denying someone happiness,
that's not love! It's like she views you as this emotionless husk, someone content with living in
solitude, someone who's only warmth at night comes from the cold praises of his family. That's not
the love you need Katakuri! That's not the love you deserve. I should know, because I-" you
paused, taking time to steady your shaking shoulders. "Because I," love you. It's not that you didn't
want to finish your sentence, you just couldn't. Finishing it would have you reduced to tears and
that's not how you wanted to remember your first date. You were furious with Flampe, look at what
she's done, look at what she's reduced you too.

With a calm gentleness Katakuri softly laid his hand on your shoulder, "yet again you get angry for
my sake, thankyou..."

And, just as quickly as it came, your bad mood dispersed. Under Katakuri's touch all your
overflowing anger and tears melted away. He really is something else, isn't he?

"...but don't think you've escaped my lecture," Katakuri continued giving a slight squeeze to your
shoulder, "when we get home tonight, be prepared for a few stern words."

You should have been anxious, you should have been intimidated, but you couldn't help but giggle
at Katakuri's words, there was something strange about them tonight, something different.

"Hm? Is that amusing to you?" Katakuri asked.

"Hm? No, it's just, you usually say 'when we get back', but this time you... You said 'when we get
home'... Isn't your home on Komugi?"

Turning away bashfully Katakuri scratched the side of his head, "hm, I wonder."

During the course of your little conversation, the bustle of the festival had come to a halt. The
masses of people now stood still, their gazes wondering into the nights sky. And before you could
ask Katakuri to clarify what he meant; he'd moved his hand to the centre of your back. "It's
starting," he said and with a gentle nudge he guided you. Expertly weaving through the crowd, he
led you to a secluded area that overlooked the mass of people and the glorious blank canvas that
was the nights sky.

You must admit, from this position you both had the most wonderous view. With a loud 'kaboom'
the sky came alive. Streaks of fiery reds and yellows exploded into the most luminous blues and
purples you had ever seen. If you had to sum the spectacle up into one word it would have to be
'magical.' You continued to watch in awe as beautiful flowers adorned the sky, briefly imposing
themselves into your sight before flittering away into dust.

The fireworks display had enraptured you, much like it had the remainder of the hoard, who, as it
happens, had split off into pairs. Yes, as far as the eye could see couples were huddled together,
lovingly watching the display. Perhaps swayed by the romantic atmosphere you couldn't help but
press yourself closer to Katakuri.

Noticing the intimate distance between you Katakuri cautiously surveyed your surroundings.
Good, its secluded enough, he thought to himself. With a deep breath he draped his arm around
your shoulder eliminating the meagre space that remained between you.

Honestly, you didn't know if it was the fireworks or your own heartbeat that was pounding in your
ears. From the moment he touched you, as beautiful as they were, you'd lost all interest in the
fireworks. Your mind could only think of Katakuri and how close he was to you. Tentatively you
turned your head to look up at him and were taken aback when you saw yourself reflected in his
crimson eyes. It seemed Katakuri had long lost interest in the display also. Amidst the coos of the
spectators you and Katakuri continued to stare at each other. The blush on both your faces
illuminated by the vibrant colours of the fireworks. With a slow, gentle hand Katakuri softly
cupped your cheek, you could feel his quickened pulse where his wrist touched you. Unlike before
you didn't push, you stood still, waiting for Katakuri to make the first move (if he wanted to). His
eyes were gazing longingly at your lips, and using his thumb he softly brushed at them. Again, you
didn't push forwards, although you did deftly grab his free hand. Carefully you intertwined your
fingers with his, showing him that, whatever it was he wanted to do, you were more than happy for
him to do it. This was all the affirmation Katakuri needed, crouching down he slowly brought his
face closer, pausing for a second to lay his forehead on yours. You couldn't help but giggle

"Huh? " Katakuri remarked, "Wha... What is it?"

You unhooked your hand from Katakuri's, and set it on his scarf, "really Katakuri? How were you
planning to kiss me with this in the way?" You whispered meekly, slowly tugging his scarf down.
"Ah, I apologise," Katakuri replied, the blush on his cheeks growing ever redder. "It was an
oversight on my-"

Katakuri gave a sudden pause and then hastily re-covered his face. In one swift motion he dropped
to the ground and placed his hands on the floor, encasing you both in mochi walls.

You looked on confused, was it something you did? "What's wrong Kata-"


A muffled call came from outside the mochi building, followed by a plethora of muted thuds.
Katakuri made no secret of his disappointment, cradling his head he heaved a heavy sigh, and you
met his solemn look with a bitter smile. It seems the universe might be against you.

"I apologise for this." Katakuri sighed.

"N-no, don't be," you said waving your hands vigorously, "is it work? I thought it would only be a
few minutes."

"Mm, for that one task it was, but it appears the work I left this afternoon has finally caught up to

"To leave work unfinished, that's unlike you. Does it have something to do with your brothers?"

Katakuri softly nodded his head, but this predicament was more Katakuri's fault than anyone else's.
In fact, Katakuri had expected this second Interruption. Unbeknownst to you, Katakuri had yet to
complete the task this retainer (who was currently banging on the mochi wall) interrupted you for
earlier. Why you ask? Because you were in trouble. Katakuri hadn't made it far before you were
surrounded by a mob of people, as soon as he saw this, he made a beeline towards you leaving the
retainer and his task in his wake. Never had he felt his heart sink more. It was a mystery to him,
the origin of his sister’s hostility towards you. He had hoped to reach you before she said
something to upset you, it was the last thing he wanted for you today. Honestly, Katakuri hoped to
make it up to you, he hoped you'd have a little more time before work caught up with him. But
alas, trouble always seems to find him. And you best understand trouble was coming, Katakuri
knew that once he finished the task for this retainer another would find him and so on and so forth.
If anything, it was his own fault, Oven and Daifuku were always too competent at distracting him.

You tried relentlessly, but (much like Katakuri) you were unable to hide your disappointment,
honestly at this point you were holding back tears. Why now?! Why is there always something
getting in the way?! It appeared that your patience well had all but dried up. Yet, despite your
frustrations, despite your anger and your irritation, you couldn't find it in yourself to beg Katakuri
to stay. You knew the crew needed him and he will always go when they need him. He'd never
pick you. Not that this bothered you in any way, you loved Katakuri's diligence and loyalty, it's
what made him so trustworthy. You sighed a sharp breath, "It's... okay, you can-

Before you could finish Katakuri had cupped your face, "you're too kind," he said, his gaze once
again settling on your lips. Perhaps he could continue? Perhaps he could tell you how he feels
now, before he sets to finish his work?

"Rule number 3, it needs to be special!"

"Yes! You can't rush through it! There will be no


"Daifi is right, you need to take your time. It's okay to stumble a little, but you'll want the little lady
to feel cherished."

Would this be cherishing you? Katakuri sorely doubted it. A hastened kiss, a halfhearted
confession, you were worth more than that. With a soft sigh and a shake of his head, Katakuri
finally parted his gaze from your lips, "you deserve more-"

"No Katakuri," you interrupted. Honestly, here he goes again. "I've said it before, but I don't
deserve you-"

With a scoff Katakuri silenced you with his finger, "you misunderstand... I can't-"

Can't? Is he trying to say he can't kiss you? What does he mean he can't?! Before Katakuri could
finish you'd grabbed onto his shirt, "I-Is it because you don't like me?"

That... was, most certainly, the silliest thing Katakuri had ever heard you say. Perhaps it was
because he hadn't been upfront about his feelings? But he hoped you knew that he wouldn't be in
this predicament with someone he didn't like. "This," he said, tenderly swiping at your pouted lip,
"is not something that should be rushed... Just have patience."

Patience?! Just how much patience will it take!?! "It's not... fair," you mumbled, softly using your
fist to tap Katakuri's abdomen.

Katakuri chuckled at your childishness. "You're upset? I thought I could do nothing to upset you?"

At his remark you turned your head away with a huff and Katakuri crumbled as he watched you.
You haven't been the only one holding back he'd have you know, but he was adamant that you
experience perfection. Surely there was something he could do to allude to his feelings? Something
that should appease you for now, until you found yourselves alone again. Taking a deep breath
Katakuri stroked the knit between his forehead, "it can't be helped, close your eyes."

Those few words instantly appeased your sour mood and you obliged immediately, turning your
face slightly upwards and tentatively wetting your lips. It felt like an age before you felt Katakuri's
gloved hand perch on your chin, in a slow methodical manner he closed the difference between
you. In anticipation you puckered your lips, at this point you were practically begging him to steal
them. Then came the wait, you held on with bated breath. Your stomach tossing in turmoil, you
could smell the fresh sent of his clothes. Yet again he rested his forehead on yours, his person
close enough that you could feel his every breath. With your eyes closed, the rest of your senses
came alive. Every tiny touch, the way he cupped your chin, the way his breath melded with yours,
you could feel it all. But what was he waiting for? Why is he always teasing-

Your thoughts were instantly silenced by a soft, feathered kiss to your forehead. A velvety
lingering kiss, that spread warmth throughout your body. It was an innocent kiss that didn't intend
to instigate passion, instead it served to highlight the affection that Katakuri felt towards you. And
boy did you feel the affection. The way he cupped your body, the way his finger stroked the curve
of your neck. Every inch of him that pressed close to you oozed tenderness. It was the makings of a
perfect first kiss, it was just in the wrong place. With one sharp exhale, you collapsed into his
arms. Katakuri had overwhelmed with the sincerity of his feelings. It was safe to say he had
unintentionally knocked you off your feet.

Naturally Katakuri supported your now limp body and made a note of your reaction. You're
unsteady? He thought. That's troublesome. Perhaps when it came to the real thing, he should have
you seated. Softly Katakuri pulled you towards him, cradling your head into his chest he leant his
chin on your crown. "Was that enough?" he asked.

You had intended to protest loudly, but before you could speak Katakuri placed his thumb over
your mouth. He leant towards you and, bringing his face to your ear, he addressed you in a soft
whisper, "you're being too greedy."

It was the first time he'd spoke to you like this and boy did it make you flutter. The tone of his
voice was so commanding, the stern way in which he pronounced each syllable had you gushing. It
was almost as if he was reprimanding you, as if you were a naughty child that needed a telling off.
It was flirtatious in a way. Wait, flirting? Was Katakuri... flirting with you? You wouldn't let this
opportunity go to waste, to reciprocate, you hugged your hands tightly around Katakuri's neck.
Slowly you turned your head, making sure that your shallow breaths blew past his ear, "I just want
my fill of you, is that too much to ask?"

Katakuri shuddered and he quickly clamped both of his hands around you, freezing your head in
position. If he hadn't have done this, he might have lost himself. "You're... making this more
difficult than it needs to be."

As if by que, you had been reminded of his inevitable departure, "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Katakuri whispered. With a soft sigh he tightened his grip on you and softly placed his
head on your shoulder. He scoffed when he felt the fabric of his scarf, it was soft, wasn't it? "I have
a feeling these tasks will be arduous, I... Would like it if you could..." Katakuri hid his face
bashfully and addressed you in a candid whisper, "...warm the bed for me."

Returning Katakuri's strong embrace, you leant into the crook of his neck, "as if you had to ask."

For what felt like an age you both stood there, bathing in the others embrace, before (inevitably)
more thudding came from outside.

"Please Katakuri-Sama."

Noting that your time was up you both reluctantly separated from each other. Turning his back
Katakuri slowly crouched down to remove the mochi, but your call stopped him. "Katakuri?"

"Hm?" He responded.

"Thank you so much for today.... It was perfect."

There was a slight jerk in his shoulders before Katakuri wordlessly bent down and dismantled his
mochi creation. Amidst the sound of the fireworks you, yet again, watched him walk away,
knowing that this time he wouldn't return. Placing the palm of your hand to your forehead you
committed to memory the sensation of Katakuri's lips. Why does he always seem so far away?


Please forgive him for leaving you in such a state, it wasn't his intention. Honestly if Katakuri
lingered any longer, if he had exchanged words with you for just one moment longer, he'd have
never left. Never in his life has he felt this way, he'd always put the crew above all else, put his
family above all else. But these feelings he felt tonight, they were utterly selfish, they were
indulgent, they were... Most unlike him.

Katakuri was frustrated that he was unable to relay his feelings to you. As he walked along with
the retainer he cursed himself for having to leave, his only solace was in the fact that you'd be their
waiting for him after he'd finished. Finding strength in this revalation, Katakuri felt his steps
lighten and he was reminded of your flitting earlier this evening. "Before we begin, there is a small
matter I need to attend to," Katakuri said to the retainer.

"B-b-but K-Katakuri-sama, y-your-"

"It shouldn't take long."

Naturally the retainer obliged, and he followed Katakuri to the jewellery stall that caught your
attention earlier.

"Oh, Katakuri-sama? How-how may I help you?" The clerk asked, addressing Katakuri in a rather
anxious tone.

Katakuri didn't answer, it wasn't that he was being rude, he was too busy searching the stall for that
necklace. But alas, it was nowhere in sight.

Noting the confused expression on Katakuri's face, the clerk gave a small smile, "I-Is this the one
you were looking for?" she asked, holding up a small display box from behind the counter.
"Yes," Katakuri replied curtly, "has it already been sold?"

"N-no!" The clerk stammered, "M-my manager said to tuck it away, he noticed that your w-wife
was looking at it. H-he thought maybe you'd come back for it. Would you l-like to?"


"O-of course Katakuri-sama, please allow me to-

"Katakuri-sama? You came?"

The clerk paused and Katakuri turned to face the owner of the familiar voice. It was Henri who
stood before him, his arm interwoven with another's. A woman, who looked young for her years,
and where Henri shot Katakuri a wide smile, the lady shot Katakuri a fearful glance. "It's lovely to-


Yet again Katakuri was greeted by a familiar voice, turning on his heel he could see Marcel
sauntering up to him. He was holding the hand of a woman, presumably his wife. Likewise, Marcel
shot a kind glance to Katakuri, whereas his wife looked on marginally distressed. "You're alone?"
Marcel asked, his eyes wondering the near vicinity, "where is miss (Y/N)?"

"Ah, we-"

"Petunia! Sweetheart! Please forgive me!"

"This is the second time today Flo-Flo, honestly it's like you don't love me anymore! You never
listen to a word I say!"

"But Petty! My sticky honey pie! You know I- K-Katakuri-sama? Marcel? Henri?"

In contrast to the other Pâtissiers’, it appeared there was trouble in paradise for poor Florian.
Where the other two wives were preoccupied with their fear of Katakuri, Florian's wife stood
seeped in anger, her arms firmly crossed. Lord only knows what Florian had said (or not said). "W-
what a coincidence," Florian continued, "t-to meet you guys here." Noting the immediate company,
the scowl on Florian's wife's face melted and was replaced with a strained smile, it seems she
wanted to keep their issues between them. "Is miss (Y/N) not here?" Florian questioned.

"Hm, work... Has drawn me away," Katakuri replied.

"Work," Marcel groaned, "did you both have a good time at least?"

"I... Think so."

At Katakuri's reply the pâtissier’s beamed at one another, much to the dismay of their wives and
the poor clerk, who's arm was becoming rather heavy from holding the gift box. All three women
were surprised at the familiar way in which their husbands addressed the sweet commander.
Weren't they scared? Just look at him! He's downright... Wait. As the three women stared at
Katakuri they began to question why they were frightful of him in the first place. Even at a passing
glance you could sense a change in him. Some may have attributed it to his attire, but the wives
knew that this change was far from superficial. 'Katakuri-sama, he feels more mellow, doesn't he?'
Was the groups united thought.

And just like that, there was a change in atmosphere, instantly the women's view of Katakuri
changed. Here he stood, towered above them arms crossed and a sight frown on his face, yet they
viewed him not as the intimidating sweet commander, but as a mere man. A man, who much like
their husbands, seemed to soften at the prospect of love.

"I-is that gift for her?" Florian's wife asked meekly, breaking away from her husband and
approaching Katakuri.

"Ah, yes."

"Wow, it's so beautiful," Marcels wife chimed as she took the gift box from the clerk and marvelled
at the necklace.

"And today we are offering a free inscription!" The clerk interrupted, shooting a tender smile at
"An inscription?" he replied, although his response was drowned out by the cooing of the three

"Ooohhh! An inscription, how sweet! Do you have anything special you call her Katakuri-sama?"
Henri's wife asked.

"... No."

"Then we need to think of something," Henri mused.

"What about honeysuckle?" Marcel chimed.

"No, sweet cakes!" Florian yelled.

"I was thinking more along the lines of dumpling pie, " Henri added.

"No!" Florian protested, "sweet cakes is much-


"Honestly, why do I bother taking you out?!" Florian's wife huffed.

"B-but Petty!"

"Please ignore them Katakuri-sama," she continued, disregarding her husband’s pleas. The stern
tone in her voice reminded Katakuri of you. They always win, huh? Katakuri thought to himself.

"Do you have any idea of what to inscribe Katakuri-sama?" Henri's wife asked in a calm voice.

"... No."
"Hm, well... how does she make you feel?"

Katakuri frowned slightly at the question, how do you make him feel? He mused back on your time
together, he was reminded of your haphazardness and your stubbornness. Despite your fragile
nature you're always put in difficult and dangerous situations and this fact scares Katakuri. He lives
in fear that one day you'll do something that will get you hurt and that he won't be around when it
happens. You also frustrate him, during your lessons you hardly listen, and not once have you
recalled a bounty correctly that isn't his own. You cause Katakuri distress and anxiety... Yet there
is one emotion that outweighs all others, an emotion that Katakuri has struggled to feel for a long
time. An emotion that he experiences in abundance, an emotion that more than makes up for all the
headaches you've given him."... Happy," he replied.

There was a soft silence that blew in front of the jewellery stall. Katakuri's answer had the three
wives slightly emotional, innately they left Katakuri to re-join their husbands. Perhaps his words
reminded them to cherish the bond they had, even Petunia found herself interlacing her arm with
Florian's (to which the man beamed as he softly tousled her hair).

Softly squeezing her husband’s hand Henri's wife called out to Katakuri, "I'd say you've found your
inscription, what do you think Katakuri-sama?"

Chapter End Notes

Thankyou so much for reading, as always the next chapter is in the works!! Please
look forward to it, because things will be 'going down' ;)

End Notes

I promise you will see more of Katakuri next chapter, I would have had him pick up MC,
but he hardly leaves Tottoland.

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