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Date: July 27, 2022 Teacher:Josephine G.Castillo

CONTENT STANDARD: The Learner demonstrates an understanding of economics as an

applied science and its utility in addressing the economic problems of the country.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The Learners shall be able to analyze and propose
solutions/s to the economic problems using the principles of applied economics.
LEARNING COMPETENCY/MELC: Differentiate various market structures in terms of:
a. Number of sellers b. Types of Products c. Entry/exit to market d.Pricing power

At the end of the lesson, learner’s should be able to:

a. Differentiate types of market structures

b. Create a Business Proposal in relation to the market structure suitable to the
local community and
c. Recognize the importance of different types of market structure


Topic: Applied Economics Quarter 3-Module 5

Lesson: various market Structures
References: Department of Education-Schools Division of Bataan Alternative
Delivery Car
Instructional Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint presentations,Pictures, chalk,
blackboard,activity sheet. Scoth tape.pentel pen,neon paper


T Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Acivity

A. Daily Routines
Good Morning Class!

-“Good Morning Ma’am”

-Class, can you please all stand and let us pray.

-In the Name of the

father of the son and in
the Holy Spirit Amen….
-Before you take your seats, kindly make sure that you
are one meter distance to your classmates,spray your
hand with alcohol,wearing of facemask is observed
during our class and please tell me if you’re not feeling
well so I can give you an excuse.

-Yes ma’am
-(The students pick up
the pieces of
paper,spray alcohol and
wearing facemask)

-Checking of attendance
Are you sitting in your permanent seats? Who are
absent today?

-“None Ma’am)

Great! It seems that all of you are present today.

-Checking of Assignment
Class, kindly put your assignment in our dissignated
disinfection box.
-(students put inside the

B. Review

Last meeting we discussed about the

Manufacturing Industry right?

-yes! Ma’am.

“can you briefly discuss about Manufacturing Indsutry?

-Ma’am Manufacturing
Industry is a large group
of business that has a
components of raw
materials and using
machines for the
Very Good Class!
C. Motivation

Before we start our topic, i want you to show a pictures

and you will give an interpetations about the pictures

-Class, give me your interpretations about the pictures ?

-it is about the pictures

shown various business.

Explain what is all about in the pirctures and differentiate.

-The pictures tell us that

the different products
offered in the economy
and it pertains that each
products cater the need
of the consumers.
Very good!

Very good class! all you have mention is related to our topic.

D. Presentation

Today, we are going to discuss about various market

structures;after this topic you are expected to Differentiate the
types of market structures, Create a Business Proposal Plan
indicated the SWOT Analysis in relation to the market structure
suitable to local community and recognize the importance of the
different types of market structures.


we will begin with an activity, I want you to group into four

each group will cover the eyes of the leader and you will
choose the flash cards I provided, then you will give a business
or markets that belong to this structures diffrentiate and explain.




-Romil salazar store

Carol Sosing Store
Liza Paguntalan Store
Offered similar Goods
and supplies to small
sari-sari store
-Siertan Aggrigate
Supplies. Offered
poultry products that
supplies to in the
Northern Samar

-Fuel Central,

Norlines café
Assamica cha
Very Good!


1. How do you differentiate the various types of market

-market structures
defferentiated based on
their degree and nature
of competition for
services and goods.

2. What provides the existence of different market

-Ma’am the interactions
and variations

3. How do you recognize the importance of the different

types of market structure?
-Ma’am is important in
that affects market
outcomes through its
impact on the
opportunities and
decision of economic
actors participating the

Very good class


-Class ! Whats Is market structures?

-ma’am structures are

the key points in
evaluating business
environments. It deals
with strategic decision
making and fucoses on
both economics

Yes! That is correct!

significant operational difinition of market structure is a concern

to both economist and marketers since they have different
methodoligical approaches in this, and each strengths and

Class what are the notable characteristics of market structure

-Ma’am, The
relationship between a
seller to another seller
The number of
companies or
corporation, including
the scale and range of
competition in the

The interactions and variations in different aspect provided with

monopolistic,monopoly perfect competition, oligopoly.

What do you understand class about monopoly?

-Monopoly pertains to a
situation wherein there
is only a single company
that produces a certain
product in the entire

Yes! Very good Class,Monopoly is a single company that

represents the whole industry that has no competitor and its is
the sole seller of products in the entire market.
What do you know about monopolistic competition?

-sellers compete among

themselves and can
defferentiate their goods
in terms of quality and
branding to look

Yes Class Very Good! Monopolistic competition key factors can

include style, brand name, location, packaging, advertisement
and pricing strategies. Example ,mcdonald and jollibee, bruger
king etc.

And the next type of market structure is the perfect competition,

Can you explain or do you have an idea about Perfect

-ma’am perfect
ccompetition were many
products are similar and
may substitute each
other since they have
the same features.

Yes class! perfect competition occurs when there is a large

number of small companies competing against each other.They
sell Similar products (homogenous) lack price influence and are
free to enter and exit the market.

And the last type of market structure is oligopoly,

What is oligopoly?

-an oligopoly is a type of

market where firms
dominate the market by
supplying either similar
or differentiated

Yes class!

Very good! Oligopoly is the opposite from perfect competition

This number of market consists of small number of large
companies,it is difficult to enter in this business.. Since they are
few players in the market their competitive strategies are
dependent on each other. For example if one actors decide to
lower the price of the product, the action will trigger to other
actors to lower the price
Example oil, gas tank,

Understand class?!

-yes ma’am
Any questions? Clarrifications?

-none ma’am

H. Application

Direction: I will devide the class, the same as the group from
the previous activity.
I give you 5 minutes to create a business proposal plan in
relation to the types of market structure suitable in the local
community indicated the SWOT analysis and recognize the
importance of the business or products to the consumers in
local communit.
It is up to you to decide wether it is a products or services as
long as it shows the different types of market.

And the rubrics is given below for your scores


5 pts 3 pts 1 pts Total score
Creations of types of Creations of types Creations
market structure of market structire Did not recognize
with zero errors and with 1 errors and the types of market
they had interaction they had no structure and they
between and among interaction had no interaction
the member between and between and among
among the the member
5-Great 3- Good 1-Poor
I. Evaluation
Complete the missing table below and defferentiate each

Products and Services Market types

1.Barbara went to the market yesterday
to look for a cosmetic product and she
brought 5 pcs with different brands
2.In manila a lot of milk companies
manufactures identical products that
are all branded
3.Automobile Industry
4.oil and gas industry
5.airlines company
6.Sari-sari store
7.bubble tea shop
8.Network Providers
9Pizza house
10.Poultry shop

J. Assignment

Interview in northern samar DTI to identify the products or

services of Northern Samar and differentiate what types of
market are dominant in our Province of Northern Samar.

-city roles by elective
officials are
the mayor,vice mayor,
and the member of the
board of councilors

1.To levy and collect

taxes in accordance with
2.To enact ordinance
3.To provide for public
works constructions and
for the maintenance of
local police force.

5.To established fire

zones within the city and
to regulated the type of
building which may be
constructed within each
zone and

6.To provide for the

protection of the
inhabitants from public
calamities and to

7.provide relied in times

of emergency.

-Yes ma’am
It is important to have a
barangay officials so
that they may cater the
people who have less in
-None Ma’am

-None Ma’am

-Yes! Ma’am

-It is very important

because it provides the
link between the people
and government,

-We appreciate because

it address its community
concern,enforce policies
and hold influence over
its communities.





(Answers may vary)

(answers may vary)

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