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2022-2023 academic year

International Higher School of Medicine

Humanities Department

Kyrgyz Language
Type of discipline: Elective
Year/Semester: 4 year, 7 semester
Unit: 1
Distribution by types of trainings and hours of study:
Practical classes- 18 hours
Extracurricular activities-18 hours
Form of final assessment: Module
Unit duration: 8 practical classes, 9th class module
Practical class duration: 90 minutes
Office address: Virtual clinic,leo Tolstoy str. 17Ay3, 3rd floor, classroom № 318
Office hours: M/S 08:00 AM- 17:30 PM
Duty hours: by appointment
Instructor: Mamytov Arkarbek
Phone: +996708541269
E-mail: arkar2013@mail.ru
Unit description:
In the process of this unit material mastering, students form the following knowledge and skills
in speech activity: students learn to get acquainted in the Kyrgyz language; the student must
know the singular and plural number of Noun; meaning, forms of change and demonstrative
pronouns use; possessive pronouns matching with nouns in gender and number (my brother, my
brothers); Memorize numbers and ordinal numbers; Learn Kyrgyz pronunciations of colors,
tastes, sizes, situations. The student should know the speech topics vocabulary: “My family”,
“Bishkek city”, “My friend”, “Ala-Too Square” and some speech etiquette forms of. The student
should be able to request information about the subject, find out the affiliation, respond
adequately to the interlocutor’s replicas, independently make up oral and written utterances.
Unit objectives:
By the end of the Unit, you will able to:
 Kyrgyz alphabet
 Kyrgyz acquaintance
 Kyrgyz numbers and colors
 Tell us about yourself
 Singular and plural nouns

Unit requirements:
Regular attendance: Attendance is mandatory. The class functions as a workshop, no a lecture
course. If you must miss class unexpectedly due to an illness or other emergency, please email
me as soon as possible to let me know. In case of late, the student must quietly enter the audience
and get involved in the work, and during the break, explain to the teacher the reason for the
Active participation: You are expected to participate actively in every class. In this Unit, active
participation includes:
 being prepared for each class;
 completing all in-class activities, assignments and extracurricular activities;
 contributing to both small group and whole-class discussions by commenting
and/ or asking questions.
Assessment system of learning outcomes
Total unit calculation
Attendance score :20 Total for 1 unit- 20 points
1 absence - 2 points
being late - 1points
Current score :40 Class activity (Sum of all your
current activity marks, divided into
the total number of activity classes)
Control score :40 Your Individual Score for passing
the Unit
Total: 100 (maximum Attending Score +Current Score +
score) Control Score=Total for your Unit

Your final grade will be determined:

90-100- excellent
0-59- unsatisfactory

If student receives 0-59 (unsatisfactory), the course must be repeated.

If student missed 30% of the unit, he isn’t allowed for Module.

If you do not agree with your grade for an assignment or for the unit, you must submit a written
appeal for the name of the Head of Humanities Department explaining reasons of your
disagreement. Oral appeals are not considered.
1. 1 Acquaintance. Vowels and consonants.
2. 2 Greeting. Parting.
3. 3 Singular noun.
4. 4 Plural noun.
5. 5 Numerals.
6. 6 The adjective. Positive and negative adjective.
7. 7 Pronoun.
8. 8 Possessive pronouns.
9. 9 Module


№ Thematic plan of Number
extracurricular classes of hours
Assignments for practical lessons Acquaintance. Greetings. 6
№1-2 Saying goodbye. Singular
Noun. Test №1. Text №1 “My
Assignments for practical lessons Plural Noun. Numerical and 4
№3-4 ordinal nouns. Test №2. Text
Aassignments for practical lessons Adjective. The positive and 4
№5-6 negative forms of the adjective.
Test №3. Text №3
Assignments for practical lessons Personal Pronoun. Possessive 4
№7-8 Pronoun. Test №4. Text №4
Total: 18

1.Кыргыз тилин үйрөнөбүз. //Төлөбек уулу Бактыбек. Б.:2009.
2.Кыргыз тили.//Т.Акматов, С.Давлетов, Ш.Жапаров.Б.:2007.
3.Kyrgyz language. //Сыдыкбаева М., Абдыбекова Н., Джалилова Б. Б.:2020.

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