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Block 9 “I’m going to a soccer match”

GRAMMAR: “Present continuous questions”

Exercise 2 a. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. Robert and Steve are playing basketball.

Question: Are they playing basketball?

Answer : yes they are

2. It’s raining now.

Question: is it raining now?

Answer : yes it is

3. Susan is doing her homework.

Question: is susan doing her homework?

Answer : yes she is

Exercise 2 b. Complete these phone conversations using the present continuous.

A: Hi, Mary. What are you doing (do)?

B: Hey, Erick. I`m working (work) at

the office, I don’t feel well

A: Really? What’s wrong?

B: Yeah! I have a headache! I want to

go home, but my boss isn’t at the
office. I`m calling him( call).

A: I hope you feel better soon!

A: Marci, how are you and Justin
enjoying (enjoy) your shopping trip?
B: We`re having (have) a lot of fun.

A:is your brother spending (spend) a

lot of money?

B: No, he isn’t. He`s buying (buy) only

one or three things. That’s all.

Exercise 2 c. Complete the phrases with the correct form, use the verbs on parentheses.
Are they playing tennis? (They/play) 3. Is it drinking water? ( it/drink)
Yes, they are (they) No, its not (it)
They`re playing tennis with their friends. It is drinking milk. (it/ drink)
(They / are)

1. Is she watching T.V? ( she/watch)

2. Are they going home? ( they/go)
Yes, she is (she)
No, they aren’t (they)
She is whatching a film. (she/ watch)
Theyre going to school. (they/ go)

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