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Build an ad from your fb business page:

We're now ready to build our

first Facebook campaign. And there are multiple ways to do that,

and we have the whole next course dedicated to doing this from beginning

to end in the Facebook ads manager. But an even easier way to get started

is to build your campaign directly from your Facebook business page. And that's what we'll do in this
video. So first open your Facebook

business page from your computer. And I've opened the business

page Inu and Neko here. Now you click the button

that says Promote. Then choose what you want your ad to help

you do by selecting one of the objectives that Facebook is displaying. And we'll go into the different

ad objectives later in detail. But for now, let's say that I want to get

more people to check out the latest dog supplies on Inu and Neko's website. So I would pick Get More
Website Visitors. Alternatively, I could be interested

in bringing more visitors to their physical store. Then I would pick the Promote Your

Business Locally option, but for now let's go with promoting the website. Next, we have to create the
actual ad and

to do that we have to add an image or a video and text for our ad. Facebook might suggest an image and
text. As you can see here, but

feel free to change them. We'll also have to select a call to

action button and a destination later. But let's start with a copy. Out text should be short, simple,

and focus on a clear call to action. I will go with dog owners, check out

our brand new collars and leashes. Shop today and get 10% off. I will also add a headline that

says "claim your discount today". Now for the ad creative, I will upload a photo that is showing

the dog supplies we refer to in the copy. And to do that I click on the Upload New

button and pick the file from my computer. Alternatively, you can also browse the

images you've already uploaded to your ad account, your business page,

or your Instagram account. Next, let's pick a call

to action button and given we would like people to

eventually buy the products, I will go with Shop Now. The last step of creating our ad is to

add the URL of the website we want people to be directed to after clicking the ad. In our case, it's a good
idea to use

the URL of the respective product page of Inu and Neko's webshop so people can buy

the advertised products right away. So let's add that URL. After designing the ad,

we'll now define our audience. In other words, we will tell

Facebook who we want to reach. And we will go with people

between the ages of 25 and 50, who live in the United States,

and are dog lovers. So let's first choose the age range here. And then add the United States

as our location. If you do have a physical shop, maybe you want to get in touch with people

within, say, ten miles of your location. But if your business is more

online oriented such as Inu and Neko, you may want to reach a wider audience,

such as a whole city or state. In our case, a whole country. It's totally up to you. Finally, use the Detailed
Targeting field

here to target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. And I will specify that we would

like to reach dog lovers here. Now, after making our

audience targeting choices, you can see how big your

potential target audience is here. Finally, click Save Audience to continue. Now, your last and final step is

your budget, and campaign duration. And with Facebook ads,

even a modest budget can go a long way. Now tell Facebook how long you

want your ad to run for and how much you'd like to spend. I will go with $50 per day and

set the campaign duration for seven days. And you will never be charged

more than the budget you choose. And you can even see an estimate of how

many people your ad may reach up here. Then pick how you want to pay. And once you've completed
your ad, it will

go through a review process to make sure it doesn't breach any of

Facebook ad policies. If it is approved,

it should start running right away. And just like that, we've created our first Facebook campaign
straight from the business page.

Choose the ad objective for your business goal:

As you've learned earlier,

Facebook offers you a number of ad objectives

to choose from. An ad objective basically describes the things your

ad might do for you, such as helping get

more website visitors, page likes, or RSVPs for

an event you're hosting. Your ad will then be shown to the people in your

target audience, who are most likely to take the action that you

would like them to take. In this video, we'll walk

through a few examples, to help you better decide which ad objective makes the most sense to achieve

your business goals. Let's say Calla and Ivy is hoping to get more visitors

to the website, where people can learn about

the flower subscriptions. In order to achieve that

goal, they would select, Get More Website Visitors, as their ad objective. In that way the Facebook

algorithm we'll look for people in Calla and Ivy's

target audience, who are most likely to click

through to the website. But if they want to hear from more of their customers directly, they would first
set up their Send Message call-to-action button on their

Facebook business page, and then choose to promote

their Send Message button. Here, the Facebook

algorithm would look for people in their

target audience, who are most likely to

message the business. Let's now say FocusVu

has a newsletter and their goal is to get more

people to sign up for it. Should they choose

the Promote Your Page, Boost a Post, or Get

More Leads objective? Well, the first two might indirectly result in more

newsletter sign-ups. The third is definitely

the best option. FocusVu wants to collect

e-mail addresses or leads, and keep people updated

on the latest features of their video conferencing

software. Here's another one. Lets say Paola Snaps opens a new photography

studio in Berlin, and their goal is

to get more people to check out their

Facebook business page. In this case, Promote Your

Page is the obvious choice. But if they want

to get more people in Berlin to learn about their photography services and maybe even come to

take their portraits, they would choose promote

your business locally, to promote their business to any potential customers nearby. I hope you got a

better understanding of how your business goals, and the ad objectives on

Facebook are connected. We will do a more in depth, look at ad objectives

in the next course, when we'll walk through

Facebook ads manager.

Build an ad from your Instagram business page:

Building your first ad campaign on

Instagram is as easy as setting up your first Facebook ad. And there are multiple ways you can

set up your Instagram campaign. And we have the whole next course

dedicated to doing this from beginning to end in the Facebook ads manager. But, there's an even easier
way to get

started by building the campaign directly from your Instagram app

on your smart phone. And I will show you how

to do this in this video. All you need to get started is

an Instagram business account. So here's a quick reminder of how

to convert your personal profile to a business account. So first, open the Instagram app. Go to your
profile, and tap the icon with the three horizontal

lines in the top right corner. Tap settings at the bottom and

then tap account. And now tap switch to professional account

at the bottom, and then tap business. And if you'd like, you can now follow the

steps to connect your business account to a Facebook page that's

associated with your business. This step is optional, but it allows you to advertise on Facebook

through the Facebook ads manager later. Next, add details like your

business category and contact information, and then tap done. The final step before you can build

your first campaign, is to set up or update your payment method. In your Instagram app, go to settings,

business, promotion payments and then add or change your payment method. Once you set up your
business account and

payment method, there are a few ways you can turn an existing post or

story into an ad on Instagram. First, you need to decide whether you

want to promote a post or a story. And the process of setting up

the campaign is almost the same, just the starting point is different. To promote an Instagram post,

go to your profile and tap the post you'd like to promote. Say I want to promote this post here. Below
the post image, I would now tap

the promote button and follow the prompts. And I'll do that in a moment. To promote an active story on

you go to your profile, tap your profile picture

to access your story. And then at the bottom of the stories,

image or video tap more and then tap promote. I will now set up a campaign for Calla and

Ivy using an existing Instagram post. So say I want to create an ad that

features this beautiful bouquet of flowers. So I click the promote button here. Now we need to decide

we want to direct people to, once they click on our ad. We can either direct them

to Instagram profile, our website or ask them to

message us directly on Instagram. Calla and Ivy want to drive

traffic to the web shop, so we will click on your website. Now we need to enter the URL of the web

shop, and pick a call to action button. I will pick shop now, as we're trying to encourage people

to buy their own bouquet of flowers. Now we tap next to select

our target audience. If you want to reach people

similar to your followers, you can let Instagram do the targeting and

pick automatic. If you want to manually enter your

targeting options, such as your audience, location, demographics,

interests or accounts they follow, pick Create Your Own. And we will go with automatic for now. So we'll
tap next. Here, we can use that two slider

bars to set the daily budget and the duration of our campaign. And notice how the estimated reach

changes as we select different values for budget and duration. I will put in $10 daily for

the next five days. And now that I've made these choices,

you can see how the estimated reach for our ad has changed. Once you're happy with your choices,

tap next. And now that we've set everything up, we asked to review

the details of our promotion. You can also preview what your

promotion look like in feed, stories, and explore placements. So let's make sure the destination,

the audience, the budget and duration are correct, and

then tap create promotion. Before you can run your first promotion, you'll also need to ensure you've

Facebooks nondiscrimination policy. If you haven't done that already,

you might be asked at this point. Our app will now be submitted for review, to make sure that it meets

Instagram's advertising policies. Our promotion will begin running once

it's been reviewed and approved. And after submitting our ad, we can use the promotions button to

view insights on how it's performing. And that's it, we've created our

first Instagram campaign together.

Instagram stories ad:

Stories on Instagram give you an immersive full-screen

vertical format to bring your business to life. And, you can do this through photos, videos, texts and
effects. This fast-growing format was first introduced on Instagram, but now is also available

on Facebook and Messenger. Instagram stories

are a great place for brands to connect with their audience via

organic stories and through ads within stories. In this video, we'll have a closer look at how advertisers
can use stories to connect with their

customers on Instagram. First of all, what's so

special about stories? Why are they growing so quickly? Here are seven reasons why people and
businesses love stories. Number one, stories

offer people fun creative ways to express themselves and connect

with what matters to them. People can put together videos, photos and text

overlays to communicate moments with their friends,

family and followers. Number two, stories are optimized for vertical full-screen

viewing on mobile. They make use of the full

screen without the need to expand the video or

rotate the device. Number three,

stories are playful. They are for fun creative

tools such as boomerang mode, stickers, drawing tools

and other cool effects. Number four, stories are fast. And as they are optimized for

the vertical screen, people can watch

multiple videos and photos quickly using

just one hand. Number five, stories have an intimate and

personal feel that allows people to be more

immersed and in the moment. That's a great environment

for brands to connect authentically with

their target audience. Number six, stories

enable people to engage with content through a range of interactive features, such as polls or questions.
Number seven, stories enable people and businesses

to share content in real-time and organic stories are viewable for 24 hours only. Stories ads allow you to
reach potential customers in the same full-screen
vertical environment, utilizing the playful

and interactive elements that make them so

popular and authentic. The ad format does have some unique

characteristics though. Stories ads appear between

people's stories and you can access people's stories by tapping the circles at

the top of your feed. They do last longer

than 24 hours. They appear in people's

stories for as long as you set the

campaign to run. In stories ads, you can

display videos up to 15 seconds and photos

for five seconds. You can use Call

To Actions (CTAs) that direct people to a

destination of your choice. Stories ads can be

swiped to skip to the next story or

tapped to progress. Users can also press

and hold to pause. There are multiple

ways you can create a stories ad on Instagram. The easiest way is to promote an active story on
Instagram. To do that, you go

to your profile, tap your profile

picture to access your story and at the bottom of the

story's image or video, tap more and then tap promote and follow the

process we've seen earlier. To build a stories

campaign from scratch, you will need to use

Facebook ads manager. The next course is all

about ads management, so we'll come back to that later. In the next video, we

have some tips and creative considerations to

help you enhance the stories ads that you create here on Instagram, Facebook,

and Messenger.
Creative tis for ads in stories:

Stories make full use of the mobile screen and

they offer you and your brand a beautiful distraction-less canvas

to tell your story. In this video, we'll go

over five tips on how to use stories effectively

for your campaign. After that, we'll see

what the experts of Facebook Creative Shop have

learned about stories so far. Tip number one, keep

attention with speed. Things move fast in

stories so try and land your message and showcase

your brand quickly. Experiment with

reducing your story to the most essential elements. Also, craft creatives that

capture attention from the first frame and then use

speed to keep attention. In this example, you can

see how Ritz Crackers uses speed to showcase the recipe possibilities

with its crackers. Tip number two, enhance

your story with sound. Which language would

you like to learn? With Busuu, learn to speak a language in

10 minutes a day, swipe up to start learning now. Use voice-over or music as

creative tools to enhance the message and value proposition for your brand or product. However, also
make sure

you ad works without sound. In this example, language

service Busuu ran a test with and

without voice over, and saw better

results with sound. Tip number three,

begin with your brand. Every second matters, so

integrate branded elements like logos and packaging at the

start of your creative. Try shots off your products

and your brand logo against vivid backgrounds or use high-contrast colors
to stand out. Here, 5 Gum opens its

story ad with its brand and product to capture

attention and increase recall. Tip number four, design with your marketing

objective in mind. When planning your

creatives go back to what you want to achieve

with your campaign. If you're planning a

top-up funnel campaign and want to increase

brand awareness, focus on people in

your creatives. But if you're designing a

bottom-up funnel campaign with conversion goals focus

on the product instead. In this example,

Arlo Skye features a product to help

increase sales. Tip number five, split

your story into scenes. As people consume

story content quickly, be mindful of the

length of each scene. So, for more complex stories, experiment with

multiple short scenes instead of one long shot. This creates a faster pace

and a more dynamic story. In this example,

Argos Home told its holidays story in five scenes

in a 10 second creative. The experts from Facebook's in-house creative strategy team have a few more
tips and

great examples for you. Watch the following clip

to see what they have learned about effective

story ads so far. [MUSIC]


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