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Objective: So that students can understand the use and working principles of distillation
Working Principle : Separation of liquids based on differences in the boiling point of
Basic Theory
Distillation is used to purify liquids, which are based on differences in the
boiling point of liquids. In this process the liquid turns into steam. This vapor is a pure
substance. Then this steam is cooled on this cooling, the steam condenses into a pure
liquid called destilat.
Destilat can be used to obtain pure solvents from solutions containing solutes
such as the distillation of seawater into pure water.
Tools and Materials:
1. Distillation device
2. Erlenmeyer
3. Boiling stone
4. Sample solution specified
5. Aquadest
How it works
1. Take 50 mL of sample solution
2. Put into the neck gourd two then added 100 mL of water, put beberapa stone
3. Pumpkins are connected by a cooler and connected by a water vapor generator
4. Heat the distillation gourd and observe the temperature at which it is evaporated
in the sample and determine the solution.

1. Fessenden. 1986. Kimia Organik Jilid I. Jakarta : Erlangga
2. Pudjatmaka, handayana.1984. Kimia Untuk Universitas Jilid I. Jakarta : Erlangga
3. Soebagio. 2003. Kimia Analitik II. Jakarta : IMSTEP
4. Team Teaching DDPA. 2005. Penuntun Praktikum DDPA. Gorontalo : UNG




Purpose: So that students can understand solvent extraction by using a split funnel.
Working Principle: The method of separating components from a mixture by using a
solvent in which the solute (solut) or separated material is
distributed between the two layers (organic and water) based on
its relative solubility.
Basic Theory
In a reaction or process of purifying sometimes found the presence of two
compounds that do not mix, so that there are two layers. To separate the mixture is done
using a split funnel.
The mixture is inserted in a split funnel awaited for a while, depending on the
state of the mixture. Sometimes there is a separation of two long layers, up to a few days.
After two layers of separation can be done by opening the faucet slowly to the limit of
separation separated distributed between the two layers (organic and water) based on its
relative solubility.
Tools and Materials
1. Split funnel
2. Analytical Scales
3. Watch Glass
4. Chemical Glass
5. Iodine
6. Aquadest
7. CHCl3
How it works
1. Weigh 5 mg or 0.005 grams of iod carefully in analytical scales
2. Put in the erlenmeyer then add 30 mL of input water in the split funnel
3. Then add 30 mL chcl3 with a split funnel

4. Shake thoroughly the mixture for 5 minutes by once opening the plug. Let stand a
few minutes so that 2 layers are formed.
5. The bottom layer is separated from the top layer. Observe!
6. Calculate the concentration of Iod in water at 1x and 2x the cast.
1. Ahmad, Hiskia. 1992. Kimia Unsur Dan Radiokimia. Jakarta : PT Citra Aditya
2. Khopkar, SM. 2002. Konsep Dasar Kimia Analitik. Jakarta : UI Press
3. Soebagio. 2003. Kimia Analitik II. Jakarta : IMSTEP
4. Vogel. 1990. Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan Semimikro.
Jakarta : PT Kalman Media
5. Team Teaching DDPA. 2005. Penuntun Praktikum DDPA. Gorontalo




Objectives: So that students can understand the use and working principles of extraction
Working Principle: Is a method of separating a mixture of dissolved compounds in two
types of solvents that do not mix with each other, because of
differences in the coefficiency distribution of dissolved compounds
in each of these solvents in the event of separation.
Basic Theory
In the laboratory extraction can be used to take solutes in water by using organic
solvents that do not mix with water. In industry, extraction is used to remove unwelcome
substances associated in the product.
Distribution Law
The partition of solut in two unsaltered solvents is determined by the law of
distribution. If solut A is distributed in a phase and organic, then the resulting equilibrium
can be written as:
Aaq Aor
Where aq and or respectively are liquid phase and organic phase. The ratio of activity A
in both phases is constant and does not depend on the total amount of A. Thus in any
phase is mixed.
K = [ Aorg ] / [ Aaq] .................
Where the equilibrium constant K is the partition coefficient or distribution coefficient. A
statement in parentheses is the activity of A in two solvents that is often replaced with a
concentration for a relatively dilute solution. Price K is often a comparison approach to
solubility A in each solvent.
The state of the solut in the two solvents is likely different so it would be better if
the equilibrium is written down.
K = [ (Ax)org]y [ (Ay)org]x
Partition coefficients can be used to establish the experimental conditions necessary for a
solut to be transferred from one solvent to another.

How it works:
1. Weighed approximately 0.5 grams of soap that has been cut into small pieces,
dissolve in 400 mL of distilled water, add 1-3 drops of phenolpthalein, heat until
almost boiling, then refrigerate, dilute to 500 mL in the takar squash.
2. Take 20 mL of this soap solution with a pipette, put it into a split funnel, add 10
mL n-hexant then shake (the faucet is opened after shuffling to remove the gas). If
an emulsion is formed, add 10 mL of saturated NaCl solution, then shake again
for 10-15 minutes and leave it on for a few minutes. The n-hexan layer is
separated. (Extraction is done 3 times on the n-hexan layer).
3. The n-hexant layer is inserted into the split funnel, add 10 mL of water and 2
drops of the pp indicator are shaken. Let the water layer be left. The addition of
aiar is done until the water is no longer alkaline.
4. Into the n-hexan layer add 20 mL of methanol then shake for 10-15 minutes and
leave for a few minutes. The n-hexan layer is separated into an erlenmeyer of 150
mL, added 2 drops of pp and then titrated with NaOH 0.01 N.
5. Calculate the concentration of fatty acids in soap as stearic acid

500 mL x mL NaOH x 0,01 x 284,47

x 100 % =
Berat sabun (mg)

1. Wahjudi, Drs. 2003. Kimia Organik II. FMIPA UNM ; Malang
2. Team Teaching. 2005. Penuntun Praktikum DDPA. FMIPA UNG : Gorontalo
3. Fessenden & Fessenden. 1992. Kimia Organik Jilid II. Erlangga.


Objective: So that students can understand how to use and the principles of soxhletation
Working Principle: Continuously, where the liquid is heated so that it evaporates, the
liquid vapor will be condensed into the molecules of the liquid by
the reverse coolant by descending into the klonsong to chew
simplisia and then re-enter the round base gourd after the siphon
pipe, this process lasts until the active substance is perfect.
Basic Theory
Extraction is the decomposition of nutritious substances or active substances in
plants, animals, and some types of fish in general contain compounds that are easily
soluble in organic solvents. In general, active substances from plants and animals are
present in cells but plant and animal cells differ as well as the thickness of each different
so certain extraction methods and solvents are needed in extracting it. The process of
extracting active substances in plant cells and organic solvents will penetrate the cell wall
and enter into the cell cavity containing active substances, active substances will dissolve
in the organic solvent so that there is a difference in concentration between the solution
of active substances inside the cell and organic solvents outside the cell, then the solution
will be distributed outside the cell and this process repeats continuously until there is a
balance between the concentration of active substance fluids inside the cell and in the
cell. outside the cell.
Tools and Materials:
1. Candlenut
2. Penangas
3. Soxhlet
4. Scales
1. The scales of 25 grams of hazelnut fruit meat that has been sliced are wrapped in
filter paper.
2. Put in place of the soxhlet extractor

3. Round base squash filled 300 mL n-hexan and boiling stone
4. Water coolers are drained, round pumpkins are heated with water handlers or coat
handlers (round base flask should be weighed first).
5. Extraction is carried out for 3 hours, then the pumpkin is cooled and the solvent is
evaporated by evaporation on the evaporator.
6. Hazelnut oil is obtained as a weighted residue.
1. Anwar, Chairil. Penuntun Praktikum Kimia Organik. Jakarta: Depdibud
2. Fessenden. 1999. Kimia Organik Jilid 2. Jakarta: Erlangga
3. Khopkar, SM. 2002. Konsep Dasar Kimia Analitik. Jakarta:UI Press
4. Lehninger. 1997. Dasar-Dasar Biokimia Jilid I. Jakarta:Erlangga
5. Soebagi, dkk. 2003. Kimia Analitik II. Jakarta:IMSTEP
6. Winarno, FG. 2002.Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Jakarta:PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
7. Team Teaching DDPA. 2005. Penuntun Praktikum DDPA. Gorontalo

V trial

Purpose: So that students can understand how KLT works

Purpose: Identification of sample compounds containing curcumin
n by using KLT
Working Principle: Selective separation of chemical components based on partition and
adsorption principles due to differences in absorption to adsorbens
and solubility of chemical components to liquids
Basic Theory:
In chromatography techniques, a mixture of compounds can be separated into
compounds based on the distribution of substances between two phases, namely the
stationary phase and the stationary phase (mobile), the important principle of
chromatography is that different compounds have different distribution coefficients
between the two phases mentioned earlier. Compounds that interact weakly with the
stationary phase will stay longer in the motion phase and move quickly in the
chromatography system, whereas compounds that interact strongly with the stationary
phase will move slowly. Ideally, each comonen in the compound mixture moves at
different rates in the chromatography system resulting in perfect separation.
Chromatography can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Tools and Materials:
1. Soxhlet
2. Alcohol absolutely
3. Temulawak flour
4. Evaporator
5. Filter Paper
6. Penangas air
7. KLT
8. Micro pipette
9. Diethyl ether
10. Methanol

11. Klorofrom
12. Sieve.
How it works:
- Temulawak Flour Making
1. Rhizomes are washed, peeled, siiris, mashed, then sibbed
2. Weigh 30 grams of temulawak flour ready to use
- Identification on KLT
1. Weigh 30 grams of temulawak flour
2. Disoxhlet with 400 mL of absolute alcohol for 6 hours
3. The extract obtained is then cooled, filtered and evaluated.
4. If the extract still looks diluted then it is re-examined above the water handler.
5. Extracts obtained identified with KLT
6. Deangan uses a micro pipette, the sample is attached to a KLT plate measuring 2
x 7 cm. On the other hand the standard footage is totolkan as well.
7. After the solvent evaporates, it is further developed with eluen that has varied in
Eter : Metanol Kloroform : Metanol Kloroform : Dietil Eter
2 : 0,5 5 : 1 1 : 1
4 : 0,5 15 : 1 1 : 2
8 : 0,5 25 : 1 1 : 3
Observation Results
1. Observe rf prices
2. Observe the colors formed
3. Picture

1. Soebagio. 2003. Kimia Analitik II. Jakarta : IMSTEP
2. Sugiarto, Eko. 1994. Dasar-Dsar Pemisahan Analitik. Yogyakarta : UGM
3. Winarno, FG. 2002. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka
4. Team Teaching DDPA. 2005. Penuntun Praktikum DDPA. Gorontalo

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