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-Flow in Love

Psychology explains that thoughts arise in the brain,

and emotions from the heart.
Irrespective of where they arise from,
thoughts and emotions are inseparable.
Ancient scriptures say that thoughts create us.
So do emotions. We become what our emotions are.
Managing our emotions is crucial to transforming our lives
Psychology explains that thoughts arise in the brain
‫يشرح علم النفس أن األفكار تنشأ في الدماغ‬
And emotions from the heart
‫وعواطف من القلب‬
Irrespective of where they arise from 
‫بغض النظر عن مصدرها‬
Thoughts and emotions are inseparable
‫األفكار والعواطف ال ينفصالن‬
Ancient scriptures say that thoughts create us
‫تقول الكتب المقدسة القديمة أن األفكار تخلقنا‬
So do emotions
‫وكذالك العواطف‬
We become what our emotions are.
‫نصبح ماهي العواطف‬
Managing our emotions is crucial to transforming our lives
‫إدارة عواطفنا امر بالغ األهمية لتغير حياتنا‬

What is Love?
Whenever we look at something, the first thing we do is to calculate
what we can get from it. It can be a person or an object, that doesn’t
matter. Our thoughts start functioning either through fear or through
greed to calculate what there is in the situation for us. Our attention is
centered on that object or person.

What is Love?
‫ما هو الحب؟‬
Whenever we look at something,
، ‫كلما نظرنا إلى شيء ما‬
the first thing we do is to calculate what we can get from it.
.‫أول شيء نفعله هو حساب ما يمكننا الحصول عليه منه‬
It can be a person or an object,
‫ يمكن أن يكون شخصًا أو كائ ًنا‬،
that doesn’t matter.
‫هذا ال يهم‬.

Our thoughts start functioning either through fear or through greed to

calculate what there is in the situation for us.

‫تبدأ أفكارنا في العمل إما من خالل الخوف أو من خالل الجشع لحساب ما هو موجود في‬
.‫الموقف بالنسبة لنا‬
Our attention is centered on that object or person.

It is possible to turn our attenti

life always be a mixe of the good and the Bad ,the divine and the evil.
choosing one over the other does not help. we need to go beyond both.

.‫ اختيار أحدهما على اآلخر ال يساعد‬.‫تكون الحياة دائمًا مزيجً ا من الخير والشر ؛ اإللهي والشر‬
‫نحن بحاجة إلى تجاوز كليهما‬.

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