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Directions: Identify what is asked

1. It is Service that provide for repair of any product ?

2. The quality imperfections due to inadequacy of the
products and services ?
3. In what chapter does a liability for product and
services ?
4. What Article implementing agency belong ?
5. What does chapter VI all about ?
6. It is the protection of the consumer from misleading advertisements and
fraudulent sales promotion practice ?
7. The consumer being able to demand replacement to the imperfects parts ?
8. In what Article does a liability for service quality imperfections ?
9. The Contractual exoneration of the supplier being forbidden ?
10. Give atleast 1 option of the advertisement ,that the consumer being entitled
to demand.

II. Essay
11-15. In your own Understanding why do we need to know liability for products
and Services and it's important.

Answer keys:
1. Repair Services Obligation (Art 103).
2. Ignorance of Quality imperfections(Art 104)
3. Chapter V
4. Article 96
5. Advertising and Sales promotion.
6. Declaration Policy ( Art 108 )
7. Liability for products and services imperfections ( Art 100 )
8. Article 102
9. Legal Guarantee of Adequacy
10. A proportionate price reduction
Essay: Opinionated
Summary Of The Topic
Products or services that do not provide the expected safety of course are
defective. The product is not considered defective as another product of higher
quality has been put on the market. The supplier is not exempt from any liability
if the supplier is unaware of the imperfections in quality of service or product
quantity. In the case of services, service providers may also be held liable for
defects in the provision of services and for damages suffered by consumers as a
result of inadequate or inadequate information about the services provided.
Simply put, service providers may be liable for service defects or imperfections in
quality of service.
Products responsibility is the legal theory of liability under which the producer or
seller of a defective product is held accountable for harms to consumers brought
on by the use of that product. Any or all parties involved in a product's chain of
distribution, including the manufacturer, distributor, and retailer who sold the
product to the consumer, may be held accountable for a consumer's injuries in a
products liability action. Regardless of their intentions or the degree of
reasonable care they used, producers and sellers are generally accountable for
harm to persons brought on by the products they manufacture or sell.
In general, the seller's main responsibilities are to deliver the products and
transfer ownership of them. With the buyer's consent, the seller may undertake
to carry out additional duties. For instance, a vendor might consent to provide
service for a predetermined amount of time or to package or label the goods in a
specific manner. In terms of products responsibility, regardless of the defendant's
intention, a defendant is liable if the plaintiff can demonstrate that the product is
faulty. No matter how much care the maker or supplier took, if the product has a
flaw that results in harm, they will be held responsible.

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