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Introduction to Computer It accepts a continuously varying input, which is

then converted into a set of discrete values for

The term "Computer" is derived from the Latin
digital processing.
word "Computare" which means "to compute"
or "to calculate." Digital Computer

Computers are machines that perform tasks or A digital computer is designed to process the
calculations according to a set of instructions or data in numerical form, its circuits perform
programs. mathematical operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
It is an electronic device used to store data and
gives the results accurately within a fraction of The numbers operated on by a digital computer
second. are expressed in the binary system.

Computers are extensively used everywhere. It Digital Computers are generally classified by
mainly consist of four basic unit such as, size and power as follows

 Input Unit  Micro Computer

 Storage Unit CPU  Mini Computer
 Output Unit  Mainframe Computer
 Super Computer
Classification of Computer
Micro Computer
 Analog Computer
 Hybrid Computer Micro Computer is a small, relatively
 Digital Computer inexpensive computer with a microprocessor as
its CPU.
Analog Computer
The invention of the microprocessor (single chip
An analog computer represents the data as
CPU) gave birth to the much cheaper
physical quantities and operates on the data by
manipulating the quantities.
Micro Computers are commonly divided into
It is designed to process data in which the
four types such as
variable quantities vary continuously.
 Desktop
Hybrid Computer
 Laptop
A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog  Notebook
computers.  PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

It combines the best features of both types of Desktop Computer

computers, i.e. It has the speed of an analog
A desktop computer is a personal computer (PC)
computer and the memory and accuracy of
in a form intended for regular use at a single
digital computer.
It accepts analog signals, converts them into
digital and processes them in digital form.

A hybrid computer may use or produce analog

data or digital data.
Early desktop computers are designed to lie flat Mainframe computers can also process data at
on the desk, while modern towers stand very high speeds, i.e., hundreds of million
upright. instructions per second and they are also quite
Most modern desktop computers have separate
screens and keyboards. Normally, they are used in banking, airlines and
railways, etc. for their applications.
Laptop Computer
Super Computer
A laptop is a portable computer that has same
capabilities as a desktop, but is small enough for Super Computers are best in terms of
easy mobility. processing capacity and also the most expensive
Notebook Computer
An extremely fast computer that can perform
A notebook computer has a keyboard with an
hundreds of millions instructions per second.
attached screen.
Characteristics of Computer
A notebook's screen is thinner than the usual
desktop computer monitor because the Computers have some important features
machine is designed to be portable, which is which have made them so popular. A Computer
why the notebook itself is small, compact, and can be categorized according to
 Speed
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)  Accuracy
 Versatility
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a device
 Reliability
similar to a computer that fits in the palm of
 Power of remembering
users hand and allows them to collect
 Diligence
information such as contacts, appointments,
files, programs, and more.  Storage

Mini Computer Speed

Mini computers were designed for control, Computers work at an incredible speed.
instrumentation, human interaction, and It can carry out instructions at a very high
communication switching as it is distinct from speed.
calculation and record keeping.
A powerful computer is capable of performing
A small, multi-user computer that can support about 3-4 million simple instructions per
10 to hundred users simultaneously. second.
Mainframe Computers It can perform arithmetic and logical operations
Mainframe Computers is a powerful multi-user within a fraction of second.
computer that can support thousand users Accuracy
Computer provides a high degree of accuracy.

Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy.

Components of Computer System

The degree of accuracy of a computer depends The computer is an electronic device that
on the instruction and processor type. accepts (reads) data from the user and
processes the data by performing calculations
and operations on it, and generates (writes) the
Computer is versatile in nature. desired output.

It can perform different types of task easily. A computer consists of four major components
such as
At one moment user can use the computer to
prepare a letter document and in the next  Input Devices (Input Unit)
moment they may play music or print a  CPU (Processing Unit)
document.  Memory (Storage Unit)
 Output Devices (Output Unit)
Power of remembering
Input Unit
A computer can store and recall any
information because it has secondary storage. An input device is a hardware or peripheral
device used to send data to a computer.
All information can be retained as long as
desired by the user and that can be recalled An input device allows users to communicate
almost simultaneously and accurately even after and feed instructions and data to computers for
several years. processing, display, storage and/or
The important and most commonly used input
Computers can perform long and complex
devices are
calculations with the same speed and accuracy
from the start till the end.  Keyboard
 Mouse
Being a machine, a computer does not suffer
from the human traits of tiredness and lack of Other input devices are
 Joystick
Storage  Scanner Barcode Reader
Large volume of data and information can be CPU (Processing Unit)
stored in the computer and also retrieved
whenever required. The CPU is the heart of the computer, it is the
part of a computer which interprets and
Computer has two types of storage. They are executes instruction.
Primary storage and Secondary storage.
Functional block of CPU
In Primary Storage, a limited amount of data
can be stored temporarily like RAM, ROM. The two components in CPU are Arithmetic and
logic unit (ALU)
Secondary storage can store a large amount of
data permanently like floppy and compact disk. Control Unit (CU)
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) The important output devices, which are used
in computer systems are
The ALU performs arithmetic and logical
operations.  Monitors
 Printer
Arithmetic operations include addition,
 Graphic Plotter
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Computer - Number System
Logical operations include comparing numbers,
letters and special characters. A computer can understand positional number
system where they are only in the form of
The ALU is a fundamental building block of the
digits, alphabet, symbols, video, audio, etc.,
Central Processing Unit of a computer.
But the computer can understand only 0s and
Control Unit (CU)
1s, so it converts all data into 0s and 1s.
A Control Unit (CU) handles all processor
A value of each digit in a number can be
control signals.
determined using
It directs all input and output flow, fetches code
 The digit
for instructions from micro- programs and
 The position of the digit in the number
directs other units and models by providing
control and timing signals. The base of the number system (where base is
defined as the total number of digits available in
Memory Unit
the number system).
Computer memory is a device that stores
Number system used in the computer is
computer's data and programs.
classified into Binary number system
It stores program, data results or any kind of
Decimal number system Octal number system
Hexadecimal number system
Memory stores binary information, i.e. 0's and
Binary number system
1's in internal storage areas in the computer.
The binary number system is a numbering
Moreover, the term memory is usually used as
system that represents numeric values using
shorthand for physical memory, which refers to
two unique digits (0 and 1).
the actual chips capable of holding data.
It is also called as base (2) number system.
Some computers also use virtual memory,
Each position in a binary number represents a 0
which expands physical memory onto a hard
power of the base (2), that is, 20.
The last position in a binary number represents
Output Unit
x power of the base (2), that is, 2x where x
Output devices are peripheral equipment that represents the last position 1. For e.g.
converts a computer's output to a form that can 1101.101(2)
be seen, heard or used as an input for another
The leftmost bit is called Most Significant Bit
device, process or system.
(MSB) and the rightmost bit is called Least
Significant Bit (LSB).
Decimal Number System ASCII character encoding provides a standard
way to represent characters using numeric
The number system that we use in our day-to-
day life is the decimal number system.
These include upper and lower-case alphabetic
The decimal number system has a base 10 as it
characters, numbers, and punctuation symbols.
uses 10 digits from 0 to 9.
ASCII was actually designed for use with
In decimal number system, to the left of the
teletypes and so the descriptions are somewhat
decimal point represent units, tens, hundreds,
thousands and so on.
ASCII codes are broadly classified into three
Each position represents a specific power of the
base (10).
 Non printable ASCII codes
The above example shows that, decimal
 Printable ASCII codes
number 5319(10), weight of each digit is power
 Extended ASCII codes
of 10.
Non printable ASCII codes
Each digit has position number is from right(0)
to left(3).That is first digit on right 33 non printable special characters. The first 32
characters (decimal value from 0 to 31) which
is zero, the second digit on the right is 1 and so
represent letters, digits, punctuation marks and
on up to 3.
a few miscellaneous symbols.
Binary to Decimal Conversion
Printable ASCII codes
Multiply each bit by 2n, where n is "weight" of
94 standard printable characters (decimal value
range from 33 to 126) which represent letters,
The weight is position of the bit, which starts digits, punctuation marks and a few
from 0 on right, then 1 and goes on. Add the miscellaneous symbols.
The following table originates from the older,
Decimal to Binary Conversions American systems, which worked on 7-bit
character tables.
The easiest way to convert decimal to its binary
equivalent is to use division algorithm. Extended ASCII codes

Divide by two, keep track of remainder at each Extended ASCII uses eight instead of seven bits,
step. which adds 128 additional characters.

Put remainder bit as 0, if that number gets This gives extended ASCII the ability for extra
divided by two. Put remainder bit as 1, if that characters, such as special symbols, foreign
number is not divided by two. language letters and drawing characters.

Introduction to ASCII Code Some important things to note about ASCII

ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for
Information Interchange". The numeric digits, 0-9, are encoded in
sequence starting at 30h (HEX).
The upper case alphabetic characters are Computer Architecture refers to those
sequential beginning at 41h. attributes of a system visible to a programmer.

The lower case alphabetic characters are Architectural attributes that include instruction
sequential beginning at 61h. set, number of bits used to represent various
data types (numbers, characters), I/O
The first 32 characters (codes 0-1Fh) and 7Fh
mechanism and techniques for addressing
are control characters.
Most keyboards generate the control characters
Organizational attributes that include those
by holding down a control key (CTRL) and
hardware details transparent to the
simultaneously pressing an alphabetic character
programmer, such as control signals, interfaces
between the computer and peripherals and the
Unicode memory technology used.

Unicode is a universal character encoding What is CPU?

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
It defines the way individual characters are
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of
represented in text files, web pages and other
the computer, it is a part of computer which
types of documents.
interprets and executes instruction.
ASCII, which was designed to represent only
It is also known as microprocessor or processor.
basic English characters, but Unicode was
designed to support characters from all The task of performing operations like
languages around the world. arithmetic and logical operations is called
The standard ASCII character set supports only
supports 128 characters, while Unicode can The CPU takes data and instructions from the
support roughly 1,000,000 characters. storage unit and makes all sorts of calculations
based on the instructions given and the type of
While ASCII uses only one byte to represent
data provided. It is then sent back to the
each character, Unicode supports up to 4 bytes
storage unit.
for each character.
It processes the instructions that it collects by
The Unicode chart contains U+0000 to U+FFFF
decoding the code in programs. The CPU chip is
Unicode characters.
usually in the shape of a square or rectangle
The table shows the range of U+0000 to U+0BFF and has one notched corner to help place the
Unicode characters, decimal values from 0 to chip into the motherboard properly.
3071 and the name of Unicode characters from
The main functions of CPU are to Fetch,
Basic Latin to Tamil.
Decode, Execute and Write back.
Introduction to Computer Organization
The CPU contains
Computer Organization refer to the operational
 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
units and their interconnection that realize the
 Control Unit (CU)
architectural specifications.
Arithmetic and Logical Unit Micro-programs

The Arithmetic and Logic Unit performs Micro-programs are stored in a special control
arithmetic and logical operations. memory and are based on flowcharts.

Arithmetic operations include addition, They are replaceable and ideal because of their
subtraction, multiplication and division. simplicity.

It directs all input and output flow, fetches code

for instructions from micro programs and
directs other units and models by providing
control and timing signals.

And also Central Processing Unit includes

Arithmetic logic unit and control unit. It has five
major operations such as
Logic Unit
 It accepts data as input.
Logic Unit performs following operations such  It stores data and instruction.
as AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, NAND, etc.  It processes data as per instruction.
 It controls all operations inside a
 It gives result in the form of output.

Processor Speed

A microprocessor (processor or CPU) is where

the instructions of a program are processed.
Control Unit (show image)
A Control Unit (CU) handles all processor The high level language that the programmer
control signals. uses is transformed into a binary code that the
It generates timing signals such that the CPU understands and creates an executable file
coordination among devices take place. that will launch the program when double-
Control unit is designed in two ways such as
A hertz is one cycle per second, 1 MHz is 1
 Hardwired control million cycles per second and 1000 MHz is 1
 Micro-program control GHz( one billion cycles per second). (refer video)
Hardwired control If user have a CPU at 2 GHz(animation: that is
2000 MHz), it can do 2 billion program
The Design is based on a fixed architecture.
instructions per second.
The CU is made up of flip-flops, logic gates,
digital circuits and encoder & decoder.
Steps to find the CPU speed in different Before the boot sector is read, the computer’s
operating system BIOS will call a small program called an MBR
(Master Boot Record), which normally resides in
 To find the CPU speed in Windows XP
the first record of the first disk.
“click the START button, then scroll go
to my computer and right click on that The small program stored in the boot sector is
and select Properties”. then executed and the operating system will
 User can also find the CPU speed by begin to load.
Help and Support Center.
To be a valid boot sector, the two-byte hex
 To find the CPU speed in Vista and
word 0xAA55, called the boot sector signature,
Windows 7 “click the START button and
must exist at the end of the sector.
scroll to Control Panel then select the
System and Security, in that click on the Otherwise, either the BIOS or MBR code will
System”. report an error message and halt any OS
 For checking CPU speed in Macs “ click bootstrapping process.
on the apple menu and select About
this Mac".
 For advanced Windows users of The Memory Unit is the part of the computer
Windows XP “click the START button that holds data and instructions for processing.
and select RUN “.
It stores program results or any kind of
Booting information. Memory stores binary information
i.e. 0's and 1's.
Booting is the initialization of the computerized
system. Memory is measured in bytes.
The booting process can be “hard” when Types of Memory
electrical power to the CPU is switched from off
to on. The computer memory is divided into two
types, they are
Soft booting can be initiated by hardware such
as a button press, or by software command.  Primary or Main memory
 Secondary memory (Secondary Storage
A boot loader is a computer program that loads Device)
an operating system or some other software for
the computer. Primary memory

Boot sector refers to a single sector (normally Primary Memory is used for immediate access
the first in the active partition) that contains the of data by the processor. Most computer
code to boot the operating system. systems around the world use primary memory.

A sector of a hard disk, floppy disk or similar Primary memory can be divided into two types.
data storage device that contains code for  RAM (Random Access Memory)
booting programs (usually, but not necessarily,  ROM (Read Only Memory)
operating systems) stored in other parts of the
RAM (Random Access Memory)

Random Access Memory is the central storage

unit in a computer system.

The information stored in the RAM is typically

loaded from the computer's hard disk, and
includes data related to the operating system
and certain applications.

There are primarily two forms of RAM

 Static RAM (SRAM)

 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Static RAM (SRAM)

In SRAM, a bit of data is stored using the state

of a flip-flop. This is most expensive among
other forms of RAMs, but is generally faster and
requires less power than DRAM and, in modern
computers, is often used as cache memory for
the CPU.

Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Widely used in modern computers as primary

memory, DRAM is slower than SRAM, but is
inexpensive due to its one transistor-one
capacitor paired assembly of memory storage.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

ROM stands for Read Only Memory.

The CPU can only fetch or read instructions

from ROM. ROM comes with instructions
permanently stored inside.

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