Set 5 Values Ed Drills

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Instruction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement on freedom and responsibility?

A. Exercise of true freedom is never without respect for others.
B. Freedom is a gift from God, who is limitless therefore, it is limitless.
C. The greater freedom a person has, the greater is his/her responsibility.
D. The person`s free will is actually deciding to choose the will of God.
2. Human dignity is the overarching value of the Values Education Program of the Department of
Education. Which act is in accordance with human dignity?
A. Giving alms to the poor and the needy.
B. Protecting basic rights of the people especially the underprivileged.
C. Respecting only those we know.
D. Expressing our freedom without limit.
3. Which illustrate the statement: `The end does not justify the means`?
A. A teacher who collects donations from the students in order to support cleanliness and
beautification project of the room.
B. A student studies very hard for the examination in order to pass the course.
C. A teacher and guidance counselor accept bribery to finance a very important project of
the school.
D. A teacher pursues graduate education in order to be promoted.
4. The immutability of values allows the Values Education teacher to do the following EXCEPT one.
Which is the exception?
A. To change teaching strategies to effectively deliver subjective value concepts
B. To teach values based on the universal and absolute principle
C. To teach values to children according to changing concepts of values
D. To direct the students to emulate Filipino values
5. Which is best to do to realize one`s potential and become the best of what he/she is?
A. Enhance one`s strengths and weaknesses
B. Be confident of one`s strengths, accept and improve on one`s weaknesses
C. Accept one`s strengths and weaknesses
D. Discover one`s strength and weaknesses
6. What are the controlling factors in values education that enable a human person to discipline
himself/herself and uphold universal truths?
I. Will
II. Feelings
III. Emotions
IV. Intellect
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. I and IV
D. III and IV
7. Which of the following is a logical consequence of this statement:
`The person is endowed with faculties for optimum development`?
A. The school and the home `make or break` the development of a person
B. There is not much one can do if he/she is not gifted with intelligence.
C. The person`s responsibility to freely seek ways to develop his/her potentials.

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D. Different people have different faculties hence, optimum development cannot be
achieved by everyone.
8. What type of conscience judges `what is good as good and what is evil as evil`?
A. Scrupulous conscience
B. Partially true conscience
C. True conscience
D. Lax conscience
9. The human person in his/her moral dimension must cultivate the value of __________.
A. Self-worth
B. Physical fitness
C. Cleanliness
D. Productivity
10. What is the basic premise in the development of the human being?
A. The human being`s potentials are means to development.
B. There is a Supreme being more powerful than oneself.
C. The human being`s endowed with faculties for optimum development.
D. The development of the human being is limitless.
11. According to the philosophy of St. Augustine, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. God created human beings in a mortal body with an immortal soul.
B. God created human beings to be good but the good in the human being ceases when
he/she turns himself/herself away from God.
C. A human being can attain human perfection if he/she keeps himself/herself away from
D. A human being is substantially a united body and soul.
12. Which of the following concepts BEST explains the descriptive meaning of morality? Morality is
A. Primarily concerned with practices not related to other persons, e.g. which days must be
devoted to certain rituals.
B. Concerned primarily with sexual practices that are believed to be based on human
C. Put forward by a society or some other group accepted by an individual or by the group.
D. Concerned with practices that enable individuals to live as human beings.
13. Which of the following is an indication of the human being`s inclination towards spirituality?
A. Becoming spiritual as one grows older
B. Satisfying one`s material needs ahead of spiritual needs
C. Becoming a religious person
D. Elevating one`s material self to spiritual self
14. Which of the following situations best illustrates this statement: `The greater the knowledge of a
person, the greater is his/her responsibility`?
A. The student has greater responsibility because he/she is the learner
B. The teacher shares responsibility with the school principal when inside the classroom
C. The teacher has greater responsibility than the student in the classroom
D. Both the teacher and the student assume great responsibility in the classroom
15. What does the statement `One cannot give what one does not have` presuppose?
A. The home is the primary source of basic values.
B. Facilitator of values must grow in their own personal total development and struggle to
understand and apply what they teach.
C. The school has the sole responsibility to educate the youth.
D. Values education is a lifelong process.
16. What level of mentality has been reinforced by a series of advertisements of consumer products
that subscribe to subjective human satisfaction and gratification at the expense of moral values?
A. Liberalism
B. Collectivism
C. Hedonistic pursuits
D. Subliminal perception
17. Moral values are absolute when they ________________.
A. Are universal, objective and eternal
B. Are relative and applicable only under certain conditions
C. Conform with the societal expectation

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D. Are subordinated to one`s conscience
18. Which of the following statements is closely related to philosophy: `People are born good`?
A. The human capacity to do good is not that strong to fight evil.
B. There is basic goodness in every human being.
C. A person as he/she grows older would never deviate from doing good.
D. The evil that arises from society makes the individual good.
19. Which one in Freud`s structure of personality would have been acquired by person who
possesses moral principles?
A. Id and Ego
B. Id
C. Superego
D. Ego
20. What does one lack when one finds it difficult to accept one`s personal characteristics?
A. Self-awareness
B. Self-disclosure
C. Self-affirmation
D. Self-discipline
21. Which of the following should be the ultimate basis for the guiding principles of values
A. Scheler`s Values Hierarchy
B. Professional Code of Ethics
C. DepEd Values Education Program
D. Moral Law or Natural Law
22. What could be the best help for school aged children to develop their sense of competence and
A. Don`t reinforce every accomplishment; they may become dependent on reinforcement
B. Give opportunities for work so they accomplish more.
C. Facilitate personal satisfaction and pride in their accomplishment.
D. Strict rules to follow for better accomplishment.
23. In the study of Filipino personality, there are highly valued traits that are found among Filipinos.
The EDSA event that dislodged a dictator affirms the Filipino value of _____________.
I. Shared identity
II. Shared feeling
III. Extreme personalism
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I, II and III
D. II and III
24. Which is exhibited when we behave in ways that go beyond just meeting the challenges of life to
improving our lives and achieving our goals?
A. Self-actualization
B. Competence
C. Contentment
D. Adjustment
25. Since private property has a social dimension, what is demanded by justice?
A. Give away what we have to those who have none.
B. Donate what we have to government for distribution to those who have less.
C. Keep the property as hidden capital.
D. Develop what we have and share the fruits of development with others.
26. Which technique is an opportunity to get in touch with oneself and so heightens one`s
awareness of thinking, feeling, and doing?
A. Introspection
B. Disclosure
C. Affirmation
D. Centering
27. One of your students is confused, suspicious and socially aloof. What does your student need
most to improve his/her attitude?
A. Regular counseling
B. Love and belonging

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C. A physiological care
D. Cognitive and aesthetic training
28. Which is the best suggestion to a teacher who is bored with his/her work?
A. Look for another job.
B. Focus on a future plan or goal.
C. Reflect and analyze the situation.
D. Enhance himself/herself by assessing the situation.
29. To help the student face life`s difficulties and trial, the student must be trained in the virtue of
A. Temperance
B. Fortitude
C. Prudence
D. Justice
30. Which of the following is TRUE of the development of persons?
A. All persons are endowed with the same amount of gifts for development.
B. Development is never ending.
C. Human development as a process has an end.
D. Development of persons to the fullest is attainable on earth.
31. In developing a reflective attitude, which does NOT belong? Being ____________.
A. Focused on both external and internal forces
B. Essence-oriented rather than form-oriented
C. Aware of positive aspects of an event
D. Critical only the negative element of something
32. Which of the following is NOT an effective time management:
A. Avoiding procrastination
B. Acting on impulse and delays
C. Evaluating progress towards goals
D. Setting goals and priorities
33. What is said about the family when it is believed to be the `cradle of all human morality`?
A. It is the basic source of emotional support.
B. It is a place where one learns the meaning of authority.
C. It is a place where there is love and affection.
D. It is the most effective school for educating people`s values.
34. Which best reflects the introspective nature of the family constellation or family gram strategy?
A. One recognizes his/her faults in the family
B. One accepts without reservation the family he/she is born to
C. One meditates on his/her childhood experience and thinks of the happy and sad days.
D. One reflects on the existing relationship among the members of the family
35. Which statement on the possible effect of one`s economic condition to values development is
A. Development of the child in physical and social aspect is not hindered by poverty and
B. Poverty may undermine the child`s self-worth while affluence may lead to the child
C. Poverty deprives the child of proper nutrition`s needed by the brain while affluence
deprive formation of work values.
D. There are virtually no positive values developed by extreme poverty and affluence.
36. What is implied by the humanistic theory which states that the basic motivation of life is striving
for actualization? One works hard to ____________.
A. Develop his/her potentials to the optimum not only for himself/herself but also for
B. Maintain his/her way of life
C. Improve his/her personality
D. Satisfy his/her needs and wants
37. What does the Johari Window NOT do for you in the process of introspection?
A. It allows you to discover what is in store for you in the fourth window called dark area.
B. It helps you examine yourself with respect to others expectations.
C. It validates your knowledge about yourself against other`s perceptions.
D. It projects through a window what you think others should think about you.

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38. What is best for a frustrated teacher to do to evaluate his beliefs and values?
A. Affirmation
B. Introspection
C. Feedback
D. Self-disclosure
39. Which of the following shows being `matiisin` as a weakness of the Filipino?
A. Filipino are hardworking, yet passive.
B. Filipinos are capable of working long hours
C. Filipinos have high tolerance for inefficiency and have accepted it as a normal part of
daily life
D. Filipinos are daring and caring
40. Respect for family members is always identified as a positive Filipino trait. Which behavior is
best exemplified by this characteristic?
A. Asking permission from elders when going out somewhere
B. Kissing the hands of the elders during the Angelus
C. Depending on elders for major decision making
D. Married children staying in the abode of their parents
41. Which of the following has as its major aim: to develop human potential, shape and enrich one`s
culture, and build structure that are appropriate and supportive of human development?
A. Church
B. Government
C. Society
D. School
42. What does extreme personalism mean in the context of negative value?
A. Subjectivity in judgment
B. Tolerance of efficiency
C. Objectivity in assessing problems
D. Smooth personal relationship
43. The goals of Values Education include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. To develop a deep sense of responsibility and accountability
B. To initiate action-oriented community organizations
C. To become aware of national issues and problems that beset the country
D. To encourage OFW to continuously work abroad in order to help the national economy
44. Which of the following is an indication of a moral person? He/She _______________.
A. Sticks to his personal conviction without listening to others
B. Is gifted with emotions to judge which is good and bad
C. Is endowed with the faculty to choose to do good and to love
D. Is skilled to act on his/her own decision
45. Which of the following statements about a moral person is TRUE?
A. He/She knows and acts upon what he `ought to do` and what he `ought to be`
B. He/She is accepted by society because he/she goes with the majority.
C. He/She speaks and acts according to his/her feelings.
D. He/She lives with others peacefully.
46. Which of the following is NOT a condition of economic efficiency?
A. Accelerated productivity through job efficiency.
B. Total dependence on government assistance.
C. Deep sense of work ethics.
D. The use of capita for family enterprise.
47. Which of the following ideally describes the human person as a social being?
A. Isolates oneself to attain inner peace
B. Moves from one place to another until he finds peace and happiness
C. Interacts physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually with others
D. Relates with others in time of need
48. The integration of values education in the Philippines school system implies that morality can be
A. Imposed on the person
B. Validated against other criteria
C. Translated into classroom instruction
D. Used to assess student behavior

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49. What does the statement mean: `Goals for change must be `bite size` in implementation`?
A. Approach must be focused on one goal at a time.
B. Approach to change must be multi-sectoral.
C. Laws of governance must have `teeth` for sanctions.
D. Approach to change must be multi-layered.
50. Which of the following illustrates the connectivity of intrapersonal and interpersonal nature of
the person?
A. Effective relationship skills with others lead one to achieve peace with oneself and with
the world.
B. Personal conflict management is essential for self-change.
C. International understanding demands deep sense of solidarity and subsidiarity among
poor and rich countries.
D. Personal integrity and self-discipline are important virtue in responding to the demands
of social justice.
51. Which is considered as `the cradle of all human morality, the first school of values`?
A. Community
B. Family
C. Church
D. School
52. Which of the following concepts explain the humanistic philosophy of values developments?
A. The person lives to give `eat and be merry…`
B. The person`s contribution to the society is most important in values development
C. The person`s development must be anchored on his/her origin.
D. The person`s dignity is foremost in values development.
53. Which of the following best explains the Filipino proverb: `Kung anong itinanim, siyang aanihin`?
A. Loving others is wealth.
B. There is happiness in helping others.
C. Reward in whatever form awaits those who do good to others.
D. Blessed are those who do good to people they know.
54. Which is the BEST meaning of `The more culture there is in the individual, the more civilized
society will be, and the more civilized society is, the more culture it will foster.`?
A. Every citizen has the responsibility to the society to make his/her life become better.
B. The character of each citizen defines the society or culture that nurtures him/her.
C. Culture can only give as much as what individual citizens give.
D. The culture of the society is shaped by civilized people.
55. Which of the following best explains the relationship of authority and service in the home?
A. Parents, being the co-creator of God, deserve outright service from their children.
B. Obedience is inherent in children, thus they should serve the parents.
C. Parents use the authority given them to rear and serve their children.
D. Authority in the home is inherently coupled with obedience of children.
56. Which of the following describes an adequate parent-child relationship?
A. When there is a strong preference for a child of a given sex.
B. When child is accepted for who he is.
C. When the child is overprotected.
D. When unrealistic demands are imposed on the child.
57. Joel is an attention-seeker and always does what pleases his parents. What level of morality
does Joel display?
A. Universal ethical
B. Conventional
C. Post-conventional
D. Pre-conventional
58. Which best describes authoritarian parents?
A. Allow the children to set their own rules
B. Demand strict obedience of children to rules in the house
C. Authorize the children to be on their own
D. Train the children to be the authority in the gang
59. A dysfunctional family is usually a by-product of what type of society?
I. Authoritative
II. Hedonistic

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III. Extremely permissive
A. II and III
B. I, II and III
C. I and II
D. I and III
60. What are the factors that contribute to the family`s success in values formation for the children?
I. Schooling experience and religious instruction
II. Permissive and modern ways of bringing up children
III. Empathy and well-directed love for the children
IV. Effective child-rearing methods
A. II, III and IV
B. I, III and IV
C. II and IV
D. I, II and IV
61. If values learned at home are contradictory with those values learned in school, what could be
the best strategy to harmonize such conflict?
A. Get the involvement of parent in discussing the vision and values being propagated by
the school.
B. Let the parents decide on what values are to be brought to the home.
C. Call the attention of the parents during PTCA assembly.
D. Develop a follow-through program with the parents on how the values learned in school
can be articulated at home.
62. Significant role models strongly influence the values of our young positively or negatively. Who
among the following have generally the greatest influence on the young?
A. Actor/actress idols
B. Parents
C. Teachers
D. Favorite book characters
63. What value is first developed among children according to Erikson`s theory?
A. Trust
B. Autonomy
C. Courage
D. Self-esteem
64. Which of the following is the most common cause of the lack of smooth personal relationship
and open communication in the home nowadays?
I. Lack of parental guidance
II. Lack of education
III. Noisy city life
IV. Modern technology
A. I, III and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
C. I, II and III
D. III and IV
65. Which of the following practices is exclusive to an authoritarian family?
A. There is freedom in the practice of democratic rules.
B. Parents inculcate the rights and responsibilities of every member.
C. Parents know everything more than any member of the family.
D. There is consultation with the family members before making decisions.
66. Why have `media become a stronger influence on the young`s value than the home, school and
A. Media are multi-sensory and the young are attracted to their stimulating strategies.
B. There seems to be a gap between generations of the adults and the young.
C. Parents` and teachers` strategies of teaching the young have generally become
D. Some parents have become lax in their roles as value models due to other concerns
outside the home.
67. How should we regard an adolescent`s questioning about religious beliefs?
A. It should be put off and ignored
B. It is only a result of a confused behavior.

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C. It is normal since he/she is doing it with reason and faith.
D. It must be something to be encouraged.
68. Values education helps in the students` formation of the will by __________.
A. Strengthening the student`s appetitive will to follow what is good and avoid evil.
B. Giving the student full responsibility in his/her decisions
C. Giving the student absolute freedom to follow his/her will
D. Allows the student to learn from his/her mistakes
69. Unlike animals, the human person is capable of directing himself/herself to his/her goal. This is
called ______________.
A. Self-determination
B. Self-discipline
C. Self-motivation
D. Self-introspection
70. Which of the following is the most desirable thing to do when social structure fails to role model
desirable values among its citizens?
A. You cannot change the world, so give up your desire to help.
B. Demand social and political change through street rallies.
C. Contribute to the common good through one`s constant practice of moral values.
D. Ignore the failure of social systems since it is beyond one`s control.
71. Every human person can`t live without others. This means that the human person is essentially
a/an ____________.
A. Social
B. Dependent
C. Free
D. Incarnate
72. Which of the following statements best explains this quote: `Show me who your friends are and
I will tell you who you are`?
A. People tend to look at friends more than they look at you as a person.
B. Values formation is solely dependent on the choice of friends.
C. Friends reflect the kind of family upbringing one has.
D. One`s character is reflected by the values of one`s peers.
73. When is the school called a molder of character?
A. When the students learn indirectly from teachers in the school.
B. When the students interact directly and indirectly with everyone in the school.
C. When the teachers significantly influence their students while in school.
D. When education becomes a long and tedious process.
74. You have observed that your barangay has recurring problems related to cleanliness, peace and
order. As a concerned citizen, how can you help in resolving the problems?
A. Mobilize the community by launching a one day Clean and Green Drive in coordination
with community leaders.
B. Call the attention of your neighbors and educate them on proper waste disposal.
C. Help organize a forum to discuss the worst effects and explore possible measures to
help solve the problems.
D. Report to proper authorities those who are dumping their garbage in the prohibited
75. Alma decides to get a silicon breast implant to please her younger boyfriend, just as she pleased
him by changing her wardrobe. Which aspect of behavior prompted her decision?
A. Generativity
B. Mental set
C. Denial
D. Valuing physical powers
76. In which of these cases, does peer pressure become most critical?
A. When parents are unaware of his/her child`s peers.
B. When the adolescent blindly gives in to peer pressure.
C. When the peers` values contradict with parental moral instruction.
D. When the parents disapprove of the peers of his/her child.
77. Which of the following is/are characteristics of human acts? It must be performed by:
I. A conscious agent who is aware of what he/she is doing
II. An agent who follows the rules of conduct

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III. An agent who decides willfully to perform to act
IV. An agent who is acts freely that is by her own volition and powers.
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II and IV
78. What is/are the best strategy/ies to instill the value of honesty in the classroom?
I. Giving them a lecture on the negative consequences of cheating
II. Nagging the students to stop cheating during examinations
III. Encouraging them to emulate a model student for being honest
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. I, II and III
D. III only
79. How can true nationalism be reinforced among leaners by the use of the Inculcation approach?
A. Organize debate on mora issues for students.
B. Providing moral dilemma situations on the issue of going abroad such as the OFWs.
C. Promoting the use of locally made products to help the Philippine Economy.
D. Telling the students to speak in Filipino at all times regardless of the situation.
80. What can a teacher do to ensure that the pupil continues to manifest his/her good attitude
toward his/her studies?
A. Reprimand him/her for negative behavior.
B. Recognize or phrase him/her for consistently demonstrating good performance.
C. Employ alternative approach to see which one works.
D. Request the other teacher to observe his/her behavior at all times.
81. Roland has been observed bullying and threatening his classmates. As Roland`s teacher, which
of the following would you do to help him learn to behave and interact properly with other
I. Assign him with responsibility to perform chores in and around the school.
II. Call his attention in front of his classmates to embarrass him.
III. Bring him to the principal`s office every time he commits misdemeanor.
IV. Talk to him personally.
A. I and IV
B. I and II
C. I, II, III and IV
D. II and III
82. What is the most appropriate approach in mobilizing people to help each other build their own
local community?
A. Action Learning
B. Value Integration
C. Moral Development
D. Value Inculcation
83. Which technique/method in values education is most appropriate when you want your student
to take a stand and justify that stand on a moral issue?
A. Moral dilemma
B. Role-playing
C. Values clarification
D. Inculcation
84. Which of the following reflects the andragogical approach in teaching values education?
I. Reciprocity in teaching-learning
II. Experiential method of teaching
III. Making use of learning for tomorrow`s needs
IV. Forming community of learners
A. II and III
B. I and III only
C. I, II, III and IV
D. I, III and IV
85. Which of the following is a major task of the Values Education teacher as a good facilitator of

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A. Monitoring action learning of the students by quickly initiating learning plans.
B. Providing more cognitive inputs through a series of lectures.
C. Clarifying student`s values by processing cognitive and affective learning.
D. Directing values to the students by putting across what he/she believes in.
86. With which does personal growth and maturity begin?
A. Self-awareness
B. Formal schooling
C. Value judgment
D. Past experience
87. Which is/are believed to exert influence in the development of aggressive behavior among
I. Classroom learning
II. Videogames
III. Competition and bullying
IV. Television
A. II, III and IV
B. III and IV
C. I, II, III and IV
D. I and II
88. Which of the following will help strengthen family?
A. Engaging in civic work
B. Lending hand to the poor
C. Working, playing and praying together
D. Communication with family members
89. Which of the following include/s the valuing process as a teaching strategy?
I. Focuses on one`s own life
II. Understand without judging
III. Pursues reflection
IV. Develops thoughtful self-direction
A. II and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, II, III and IV
D. II, III and IV
90. What is meant by this statement?
`The child being responsive to rules chiefly characterizes the pre-conventional stage of moral
development according to Kohlberg`?
A. The child values fixed rules to maintain social order
B. The child conforms to some rules that please or help others
C. The child abides by the rules, in accordance to his own convictions
D. The child observes the rules to avoid punishment
91. Moral dilemma is the most common strategy used in moral development approach. The
following characterizes a moral dilemma, EXCEPT
A. There is an obvious right answer to the problem.
B. It is an issue, problem or conflict situation with two equally important alternatives.
C. Moral reasoning is the basis for one`s choice of alternative courses of action for its
D. It is relatively structured and argumentative.
92. Which of the following BEST characterizes the Value Analysis Approach in teaching Values
A. Desirable values are transmitted in the process of values learning.
B. Social learning extends to actual immersion in the community.
C. Students discover and act on their values.
D. Values develop as a result of rationale and analytical process of investigating social
93. What are the essential elements in the valuing process?
I. Pursues reflection in one`s values to encourage the person to think of other choices.
II. Allows more of group rather than individual reflection and introspection.
III. Understands without judging.
IV. Permissive rather than insistent.

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A. II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. I and II only
D. I, II and IV
94. Which of the following is the BEST action of a teacher to help a student who can hardly pass a
subject due to low reading ability?
A. Ask students to rent books for extra reading at home.
B. Give extra time for a reading remedial activity for the student.
C. Ask the parents to enroll the student in a remedial reading program.
D. Tutor the student for a fee.
95. Which is the initial phase of the Affective-Cognitive Experiences for Self-integration (ACES) as a
learning process?
A. Directive Phase
B. Concrete living
C. Learning Trigger Phase
D. Identification and Filtering
96. What can the teacher do to reinforce the value of punctuality?
A. Teacher handles the problem situation by himself/herself.
B. Try several alternative approaches and see how they work.
C. Identify the causes of the problem and seek guidance from the school principal.
D. Leave it to the school principal and expect him/her to solve the problem.
97. Which of the following strategies will lead to the development of honesty or `Katapatan`?
I. Showing the value of work and wise use of resources
II. Fighting for truth, e.g., against harassment
III. Joining a rally on salary increase
IV. Asking for official receipts in business transactions
A. II, III and IV
B. II and III
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II and IV
98. Pakikipagkapwa-tao is one of the strengths of the Filipino character. How is this manifested?
A. Moral strength or fortitude (lakas ng loob)
B. Solicitous concern for others (malasakit)
C. Sense of gratitude (utang na loob)
D. Sensitivity to people`s feelings (pakiramdam)
99. The construction of houses for the poor and the homeless under the initiative and leadership of
Gawad Kalinga points to the Filipino ____________.
A. Bayanihan spirit
B. Mañana habit
C. Bahala na attitude
D. Ningas cogon syndrome
100. Which of the following gives premium to individualistic desire, pleasure and conscience?
A. Hedonism
B. Utilization
C. Pragmatism
D. Liberation
101. Who should be in the forefront developing a sense of integrity and accountability?
A. Educators
B. Government leaders
C. Small group/NGO administrators
D. Religious leaders
102. Which can best manifest love of country as analogous to love of others?
A. Disseminate nationwide the biographies and teachings of our national heroes.
B. Strengthening the use of the Filipino language.
C. Teach Philippine history informally at the barangay level.
D. Bring people`s needs to the attention of those in power.
103. If our strategy for change is multi-layered, what does this mean?
A. Lets change take place naturally.
B. Include only the youth, the majority of the Filipino community.

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C. Involve Filipinos in all levels.
D. Involve religious sectors in society.
104. Which of the following strategies should be directly observed to foster accountability?
A. School curricula should be oriented to self-reliance.
B. Award government employees who demonstrate desirable behavior.
C. Demand official receipts in business transactions.
D. Encourage growth of self-esteem.
105. Which of the following discounts concept of `self-degradation and lack of self-confidence`?
I. Pabuya
II. Walang Lagay
III. EDSA spirit
IV. Pro-poverty
A. I, II and III
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. I, II, III and IV
106. Which of the following statements is succinctly stated in the Presidential Proclamation No. 62?
A. Conducting an inquiry into the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character.
B. Declaring a Moral Recovery Program and Enjoining the Active Participation of all Sectors
in the Filipino Society.
C. Creating the Moral Recovery Committees Responsible for Conducting Moral Uprightness
at the Local Levels.
D. Building a Nation is Building a National Character
107. In what aspect are `Politics of Service` and the Moral Recovery Program congruent with each
A. Both manifest the processes of democratization and decentralization.
B. Both reinforce the response and contribution of outstanding leaders.
C. Both are designed to draw personal transformation and renewal.
D. Both affirm the commitment of all sectors of Philippine Society.
108. Which of the following is supportive of the development of self-reliance?
A. Role modeling of community leader
B. Preserving the spirit of EDSA
C. Start the day with personal reflection
D. Utilization of indigenous resources in organizational activities
109. Which of the following is clearly implied by Socrates in this statement: `Contentment is natural
wealth; luxury is artificial`?
A. Eat all you can.
B. Live within your means. Eat all you can
C. Use whitening soap for your skin because white is beautiful
D. Imported items are good and durable
110. Which is a manifestation of a lack of discipline?
A. Qualification standardization
B. Observance of time schedule
C. Sustainable projects
D. Palusot syndrome
111. Which of the following strategies will lead to the development of patriotism and national pride?
I. Use literature to install national pride
II. Study Philippine history from the perspective of foreign authors
III. Write and teach our history
IV. Push Filipinization of the entire educational system
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II and IV
112. What does emotional intelligence mean?
A. Balancing cognitive intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence
B. Putting emotion over rational thinking
C. Rationalizing the display of emotions.
D. Knowing and managing personal relationships effectively

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113. Regardless of race, gender, status and age, a person has the capacity to interact with people of
the world. What thrust of global education is implied in this predicament?
A. Peace for all
B. Respect for the dignity of all people
C. Social justice for all
D. Balance and healthy environment
114. Which of the following is a true statement about technology in education?
A. Schools will not be needed in e-learning because students can learn whenever
computers are available.
B. There is no need to learn the use of technology, after all, the fad will fade away.
C. It is impossible to teach values if schools use the e-learning mode.
D. There will be a great demand for advancement in this present century.
115. Which of the following may enhance global ecumenism?
I. Developing a spirit of living together with other people of the world.
II. Refusal to accept the interdependence of nations
III. Understanding of the history, traditions, and spiritual values of other countries.
A. I and III only
B. II and III only
C. I, II and III
D. I and II only
116. What is implied in this statement: `As a result of high technology, knowledge has become a
powerful tool in society`?
A. School must offer IT courses to all students.
B. A person must have skills to maximize acquisition of new knowledge.
C. A person must be educated to become successful in society.
D. Media must help in disseminating information.
117. Which behavior shows that you can think/act locally and globally at the same time?
A. Be proud of the local products and exports the same for world consumption.
B. Maintain global awareness of various issues.
C. Patronize indigenous culture.
D. Travel to many attractive places around the world.
118. What is implied in this statement: `Adapting to change is adapting to modernity`?
A. All changes are new and modern.
B. Change does NOT necessarily mean forgetting tradition.
C. If one has to change, it must be a change for the better.
D. Not all changes are modern.
119. Which are proofs that technology has brought more interaction among peoples of the world?
I. By e-mail we can communicate with other people from every corner of the globe in few
II. By the use of a mobile phone you can talk to people all over the world anytime.
III. By watching TV we are updated on happenings all over the world.
A. I, II and III
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I and II
120. One of the pillars of learning from UNESCO is learning to do. What does this imply for students?
A. Learn every skill they can to be productive and self-reliant.
B. Show good academic performance in school.
C. Learn the trade of their parents for them to take over later.
D. Choose to enroll in vocational school for job skills.
121. Which of the following is best explained in this statement: `Learning is the heartbeat of society
in the 21st century`?
A. With advanced technology, a society that does not encourage its people to use the
computers will consequently die.
B. The growth of a nation depends on how much its people are equipped with learning
how to grow.
C. Leaders of a society should be intelligent enough to make the nation grow.
D. The life of society is the learned and educated people.
122. Which of the following is brought about by discovery of modernization to increase production?

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A. Social change
B. Societal change
C. Cultural change
D. Technology change
123. What is emphasized in this statement: `In the advent of technology, the computer approximates
the human thinking process`?
A. Insight
B. Computer flowchart
C. Fluid intelligence
D. Artificial intelligence
124. According to the advocates of values clarification, a thing is considered a value when it is:
I. Prescribed by an authority
II. Chosen freely from among alternatives
III. Prized and acted upon repeatedly
A. II and III
B. I and III
C. III only
D. I only
125. Teaching values in the classroom means that the teacher works on lesson objectives in the
____________ domain.
I. Affective
II. Cognitive
III. Psychomotor
A. I only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II and III
126. What kind of change strategy must our country implement for moral recovery, according to our
Moral Recovery Program?
I. Multi-layered
II. Multi-sectoral
III. Bite-size goals
IV. Exclusive for government leaders
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, II and III
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II and IV
127. Which of the following are needed most for a socially responsible teaching?
A. Openness to accept change, compassion for students, obedience to authority
B. Strong specialization, length of experience, sense of commitment
C. Values, English language proficiency, computer skills
D. Critical thinking, multidisciplinary knowledge, passion to teach
128. Which are the fundamental responsibilities of man and woman in marriage?
I. Procreation.
II. Education of the children whom they bring forth in this world.
III. Support of children even when they are married.
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. I and II
129. What are required of a socially responsible teacher of the 3rd millennium?
A. Wider specialization, length of experience, sense of commitment
B. Critical thinking multi-disciplinary in approach, positive attitude toward professional
growth and development
C. Good attitude toward change, compassion for students, obedience to authority
D. Communication skills, specialization in the English language, computer skills.
130. What is the school`s ethical responsibility?
A. Transmit culture.
B. Teach values separately from concepts.

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C. Instill the spirit of absolute freedom in actions.
D. Understand the child`s pattern of growth and development.
131. What would be the best thing for a teacher to do when he/she is experiencing burn out?
I. Ask co-teachers to substitute for her teaching once in a while
II. Take a 1-year leave of absence in order that she can reflect on the situation
III. Request the administration to change her assignment to administrative job.
IV. Read books or view films that would inspire her to regain her love for teaching.
A. I, II, III and IV
B. II, III and IV
C. III and IV
D. IV only
132. Which of the following is/are the best affective processing questions after introducing a song
analysis activity?
I. Did you like the song?
II. Which line is the song touched you most and why?
III. What is the message of the song?
IV. What values can you learn from the song?
A. I, III and IV
B. I and IV
C. II only
D. III only
133. What is the underlying assumption of the values inculcation approach?
A. There are objectives values.
B. Values are subjective not objective.
C. Values are dependent on the place and time.
D. Values are changing.
134. Which does NOT belong to the values clarification approach? The teacher _________.
A. Accepts all values shared
B. Helps students to analyze their values
C. Passes judgment on the values shared by the student
D. Recognize that his/her values are not necessarily his/her students` values
135. Which of the following scenarios apparently reflect distorted values caused by the exposure to
all forms of media?
I. Filipino buys an expensive watch yet still come late
II. Birthday means balloons, ice cream and party for many Filipino children.
III. Television becomes the family altar.
A. II and III
B. I and III
C. I, II and III
D. I and II
136. On which must you base your class assessment for affective learning?
A. Topic
B. Learning objective
C. Textbook
D. Class activity
137. Noel believes that he has fully internalize the value of integrity. What behavior must he manifest
to show that what he claims is true?
A. He acts based on his own convictions.
B. He behaves the way majority behave.
C. He votes for a candidate who gives him money.
D. He fools around with girls who idolize him.
138. Mrs. Viloria would like to describe the developmental progress of her students on each socio-
affective traits in various degrees. What evaluation tool should she use?
A. Checklist
B. Open-ended questionnaire
C. Observation
D. Rating scale
139. Which assessment technique can help a Values Education Teacher determine if a favorable
change in her students` thoughts and attitudes has taken place?

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A. Asking student to write a brief autobiography
B. Making students do a sociogram
C. Giving them cognitive question to answer
D. Organizing them for a group project
140. Which of the following strategies may the teacher do during the interview with his/her student?
I. Verify his/her interpretation of the received information.
II. Give his/her own opinion and suggestions.
III. Get detailed information from the interviewee.
IV. Ask personal questions.
A. I, II, III and IV
B. II and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. I and III
141. What is the BEST indicator that a student learned a value?
A. Shares the value with friends
B. Practices the value
C. Understands the value
D. Talks about the value
142. What is another name for `arithmetic average`?
A. Median
B. Standard deviation
C. Mean
D. Mode
143. What type of test is designed to measure students` learning periodically?
A. Intelligence test
B. Diagnostic test
C. Achievement test
D. Personality test
144. Mrs. Garcia needs information regarding her students` application of the values they have
learned. To do this, she plans to observe her students and note how they behave during the
observation period. What is the BEST evaluation tool that a teacher can use to write down the
details of his/her observation on the student`s application of values learned?
A. Rating scale
B. Attitude scale
C. Checklist
D. Anecdotal record
145. What information will Ms. Blanco draw from a test consisting of moral dilemma items about
justice and integrity which she gave to her students?
A. Their position about the issue
B. Their command of essential knowledge about the value
C. Their personal experiences relevant to the value
D. Their internalization of the values
146. Which of the following is the correct order of the valuing process?
A. Acting, choosing, prizing
B. Prizing, choosing, acting
C. Choosing, acting, prizing
D. Choosing, prizing, acting
147. Which of the following is/are good behavioral indicator/s of the value of `honesty`?
I. Volunteering to do a job when I know I can.
II. Keeping the talents to myself for fear of ridicule.
III. Keeping my promises.
A. I, II, and III
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I and II
148. Which among the following reasons BEST explains why Mr. Jose dislikes using checklist to assess
affective outcome?
I. Checklists are difficult to construct.
II. Checklists only indicate the presence or absence of a value.

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III. Checklists provide too many information about a given value.
IV. Checklist cannot assess affective learning outcomes.
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I only
D. I and II
149. Which of the following strategies is/are employed when the teacher engages the students in
informal conversation and interaction so as to gather feedback and comment from them?
I. Clarifying response strategy
II. Self-analysis reaction strategy
III. Attitude scale strategy
IV. Test-taking skills strategy
A. I, III and IV
B. III only
C. II only
D. I and II
150. What is the BEST way to do if you want to determine if your students are applying the things
that they learned in the previous lessons?
A. Interview all the students.
B. Observe each student in the class.
C. Ask students to rate themselves using a scale.
D. Give the students a situation test.



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