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Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 12

— Ignorance of the Mystery of Christ has kept many in Christianity today under the Law, thinking that they are Spiritual
Israel and for so long trying to build a Kingdom on Earth (Galatians 5 vs 1 - 4).
— Failing to rightly divide God's Mystery Program with the Body of Christ, from God's Prophesied program with the
Nation Israel, the result is severe confusion in their Doctrine and total chaos in the Ministry (1 Timothy 1 vs 5 - 9).
— Again, some Leaders in the Church worsen the situation, because they wrongfully think that their Gospel,
Commission, Stewardship and Instructions for right living are found in the Red letters in the Bible, or in Hebrews all
through to Revelation (2 Timothy 2 vs 14 - 15).
— But these letters are written to New Covenant Israel under the Law. They are not addressed to us, the Body of Christ
in this present Dispensation of Grace (Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 6).
Man of God, examine yourself with the following questions, to see if you are truly faithful to the Mystery of Christ (1
Corinthians 4 vs 1 - 2).

1.) Have You Heard Of THE D I S P E N S A T I O N Of The Grace Of God? — Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 2 —

The Dispensation of Grace, given to the Apostle Paul by Christ, is the means by which God currently offers the Free Gift
of Salvation to all men, without Israel's Kingdom, without Israel's Covenants and without the Law. In this present age,
God's Principle in dealing with all people today is Grace and not Law, Mercy and not Judgement, Peace and not Wrath.
Amen. — Ephesians 2 vs 4 - 5 —

2.) What Is THE M Y S T E R Y Of Christ? — Ephesians 3 vs 3 - 5 —

The Mystery of Christ is Revelations about Christ, that God kept secret since the World began, but which Christ revealed
First to the Apostle Paul for us today. In this present Dispensation of Grace, God's Program for preaching Jesus Christ, is
according to this Mystery Revelations. This Mystery of Christ is found exclusively in Paul's thirteen epistles from Romans
all through to Philemon. — Romans 16 vs 25 - 27 ---

3.) WHICH G O S P E L OF SALVATION Makes Us FellowHeirs Of The Same Body? Ephesians 3 vs 6

We were identified as Members of the Body of Christ when we believed the Gospel of God's Grace that Apostle Paul
preached. Peter taught Christ's Resurrection TO ISRAEL, as the proof that Christ is the Messiah King. And for the
assurance of the Kingdom come. But Paul preached Christ's Resurrection as the means of Free Justification for ALL MEN
today. And for the sanctification of all men in One Body. — Colossians 1 vs 21 - 25 —

4.) What Are The U N S E A R C H A B L E RICHES Of Christ? — Ephesians 3 vs 7 - 8 —

The unsearchable Riches of Christ are Revelations of the Mystery of Christ, given to the Apostle Paul to preach to the
Gentiles. These Unsearchable Riches, which were not part of Peter's Message, are the Mysteries of : I- Christ's
Headship (Ephesians 1 vs 9 - 10), II- Christ's Apostle (Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 4), III- Christ's Church (Ephesians 5 vs 30 -
32), IV- Christ's Messiahship (Romans 11 vs 25 - 27), V- Christ's Cross (1 Corinthians 1 vs 7 - 8) VI- Christ's Riches
(Colossians 1 vs 26 - 27) and finally VII- Christ's Coming (1 Corinthians 15 vs 51 - 52). These Unsearchable Riches
that Christ gave Paul for the Body of Christ to preach, are not the Searchable riches given to Covenant Israel (John 5 vs
39). While still concealed, these Mysteries could not enrich anyone, until Christ revealed them to Paul for our glory.
Amen. — Colossians 1 vs 27 —

5.) What Is THE F E L L O W S H I P Of The Mystery? — Ephesians 3 vs 9 —

The Fellowship of the Mystery is the Church, the New Creature, the secret group of Believers, that congregation called
the Body of Christ, which God said nothing about, until the Resurrected and Glorified Lord Jesus Christ revealed it First to
the Apostle Paul, and also to us through Paul's 13 Epistles. In times past, God's Creature was Israel (Isaiah 43 vs 15 &
1). But now, in the Fellowship of the Mystery, there is no Israel, Law or Covenants, because we are the New Creature. —
Ephesians 3 vs 6 ---

6.) What Is The M A N I F O L D WISDOM Of God? — Ephesians 3 vs 1O —

The Manifold Wisdom of God is the Wisdom of the Three Persons of the Triune God, overlapping around their central
purpose to Bless the Church, the Body of Christ for Dominion in Heavenly places (Ephesians 1 vs 3). God's purpose for
the New Creature is that we should now praise the Glory of His Grace, for the salvation of Men on Earth and for the
instruction of the faithful and fallen Angels in Heavenly places (Ephesians 3 vs 9 - 10). Angels are our invisible
audience, learning God's Manifold Wisdom from us, especially when we give thanks to God for : I- The Goodness of
the FATHER'S PRUDENT PLAN for our salvation, as displayed in HIS WILL (Ephesians 1 vs 4 - 6). II- The Graciousness
of the SON'S PERFECT PERFORMANCE for our salvation as displayed in HIS WORK (Ephesians 1 vs 7 - 12). III- The
Greatness of the SPIRIT'S PRESERVING POWER for our salvation as displayed in HIS WRITINGS (Ephesians 1 vs 13 -
14). Amen.

7.) What Is The ETERNAL P U R P O S E Of God? — Ephesians 3 vs 11 —

God was the Saviour before He became the Creator. The Eternal Purpose of God is His Mystery Will that gave us Grace
in Christ before Creation began. In the eternity past, God elected Christ to be the Place for Man's Dominion over
Creation now and in the eternity future (2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10). When Angels now observe what God accomplished in
the Church, they learn great lessons. None can get away with the Rebellion against God ; the Serpent is bitten by his
own venom. None can boast before God ; "Goliath" is slain by his own sword. None can thwart God's Purpose for His
Creation ; Death is destroyed by his own captive. Although we began poorly in Adam, we still end well in Christ. Amen.
— Ephesians 1 vs 9 - 10 ---
In conclusion, Christ chose a NEW DESIGNER called Paul, to build the House of God. Paul's salvation instantly began a
NEW DISPENSATION called Grace. And Christ gave him the Grace to write a NEW DOCUMENT called the Mystery of
Christ, which completed the Bible. He wrote Divinely inspired writings about a NEW DWELLING of God, a Spiritual
Temple called Body, with Christ as the Head. And also teachings about a NEW DOCTRINE called the Gospel of the Grace
of God. And revelations about a NEW DUTY for us today, that greatest commission to make all spiritually blind eyes to
see this Mystery of Christ. And information about a NEW DESTINATION for us, our eternal inheritance in the Heavenly
places in Christ. Amen. O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! — Ephesians 3 vs 1 - 12
— Amen.

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