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Determinants of economic efficiency: A case study

of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) farms in Samsun
Province, Turkey

Osman Kilic , Vedat Ceyhan & Isil Alkan

To cite this article: Osman Kilic , Vedat Ceyhan & Isil Alkan (2009) Determinants of
economic efficiency: A case study of hazelnut (Corylus�avellana) farms in Samsun Province,
Turkey, New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 37:3, 263-270, DOI:

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New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2009, Vol. 37: 263-270 263
1175-8783 (Online); 0014-0671 (Print)/09/3703-0263 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2009

Determinants of economic efficiency: a case study of hazelnut

(Corylus avellana) farms in Samsun Province, Turkey

OSMAN KILIC Keywords cost efficiency; data envelopment

VEDAT CEYHAN analysis; hazelnut farms; determinants of
Department of Agricultural Economics efficiency
Faculty of Agriculture
Ondokuz Mayis University
Although hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) is pro-
ISIL ALKAN duced in many countries around the world, few
Department of Economics countries have production levels that affect world
Faculty of Economics and Administrative hazelnut markets. Turkey, Italy, the United States,
Sciences and Spain produce the majority of hazelnuts for
Ondokuz Mayis University export. These four primary hazelnut producers
Samsun, Turkey share c. 90% of world hazelnut production.
Turkey accounts for 70% of world hazelnut
production/export and is the authority in hazelnut
Abstract The purposes of this research were to markets (FAO 2007).
measure the cost efficiency of sample hazelnut Hazelnut has always taken first place as an
(Corylus avellana) farms and to explore determinants export crop among agricultural products in Turkey.
of economic efficiency in the eastern Black Sea It provides substantial foreign exchange earnings,
region of Turkey. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and has social and economic importance for
was used to estimate efficiency measures of sample producers in hazelnut cultivation areas. Particularly
farms. Farm managers from 151 randomly selected in provinces on the east Black Sea coast of Turkey,
farms were interviewed for farm-level data between the basic income source for most farmers is hazelnut
production periods in 2005 and 2006. Research production. The increase in production by other
results revealed that inefficient hazelnut farms hazelnut producing countries will continue to reduce
would have needed to lower production costs by Turkey's export advantage. As a consequence,
44% to perform as well as other similar best practice Turkey must decrease the costs of production and
farms. The analysis of the measures of technical raise product quality to the level desired by export
efficiency showed that pure technical inefficiency markets. To reduce the costs of hazelnut production
was the primary cause of technical inefficiency. The and increase yields, input use must become more
results also showed that one of the most important efficient. Therefore, research on the efficiency of
positive factors in economic efficiency was sucker hazelnut farms and its determinants is vital for
control. The age and education level of operators sound policy recommendations and redirection of
and credit use were the other influencing factors in managerial actions.
economic efficiency. Strategies for a better farm- Many earlier studies of technical efficiency in
level education, farm extension programmes focused agriculture have focused on crop and livestock farms
on sucker control, and providing farmers with greater by using the production function, the parametric or
access to credit may help to increase economic non-parametric frontier function, and mathematical
efficiency of hazelnut farms. programming with cross-sectional, panel, or aggre-
gate data (Sidhu 1974; Kalirajan & Flinn 1983;
Banker et al. 1984; Squires & Tabor 1991 ; Pinherio
H08058; Online publication date 31 August 2009 1992; Battese et al. 1996; Laura Gow & Langemeier
Received 19 May 2008; accepted 9 June 2009 1999; Tzouvelekas et al. 2001; Latruffe et al. 2002;
264 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2009, Vol. 37

Helfand 2003). Similarly, efficiency analysis has been by the K x TV input matrix (X) and M x TV output
applied relatively little in Turkey. There have been matrix (Y). Using piece wise technology, an input-
some studies on efficiency in Turkish agriculture oriented measure of technical efficiency (TE) can be
(Gunden et al. 1998; Zaim & Cakmak 1998; Akturk calculated for the i-th farm as the solution to linear
2000; Demirci 2001; Cinemre et al. 2006; Cinemre programming (LP):
& Ceyhan 2006; Ozcelik et al. 2006), but there has
Minimise,^ 8
thus far been no study carried out by applying data
envelopment analysis (DEA) to hazelnut farms. Subject to -_y, + YA>0 (1)
Therefore, the objectives of this paper were to calculate
farm level efficiency measures and to evaluate the 8x,. - Xk > 0
determinants of cost efficiency in hazelnut farms in X>0
the Black Sea Region, Turkey.
where 8 is the technical efficiency score having a
value 0<8<l. If the value equals 1, the farm is on the
frontier; the vector X is an TV x 1 vector of weights
MATERIALS AND METHODS that defines the linear combination of the peers of
the i-th farm.
DEA model for hazelnut farms The input-based minimum cost for the i-th
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to farm can be obtained by solving the following LP
calculate efficiency measures. DEAis one of several problem:
techniques that can be used to calculate the best Minimise^,.,wTj x*
practice production frontier (Coelli et al. 1998;
Kumbhakar & Lovell 2000). Thanassoulis (2001) Subject to -_y, + YÀ>0 (2)
pointed out that further detailed analysis and possibly
inspection of the best and the worst performers are x* -Xk>0
then necessary to understand the production process
and derive useful information that may help both where w, is a vector of input prices for the i-th hazelnut
the worst and the best performers to make further farm; superscript T is the transpose function; x* is
improvements in efficiency. The DEA approach the cost-minimising vector of input quantities for the
provides an analytical tool for determining effective i-th hazelnut farm calculated by the LP, given the
and ineffective performances. input prices wj and output level y:, and A is a TV x 1
Efficiency is defined in this research in a relative constant vector. Equation 1 and Equation 2 represent
sense as the distance between observed input-output the cost minimisation under constant returns-to-
combinations and the best practice frontier. The scale (CRS) technology. CRS means that output
Farrell input-oriented measure of efficiencies was increases in proportion to changes in all inputs. The
used as a measure of efficiency since farms tend economic efficiency (EEt CRS) of the i-th hazelnut
to have a greater control over their inputs than farm is calculated as:
over their outputs. Farrell (1957) proposed that the
efficiency of a firm consists of two components: x,. (3)
(1) technical efficiency, which reflects the ability That is, EEiCRS is the ratio of the minimum cost
of a firm to obtain maximal output from a given to the observed cost, given input prices and CRS
set of inputs; and (2) allocative efficiency, which technology (Coelli et al. 1998).
reflects the ability of a firm to use the inputs in Coelli et al. (1998) pointed out that the CRS model
optimal proportions, given their respective prices is only appropriate when the farm is operating at an
and the production technology. These two measures optimal scale. Factors such as imperfect competition
are then combined to provide a measure of cost and financial constraints may prevent a firm from
efficiency (also called economic efficiency). The operating at optimal scale. Since hazelnut farms in
Farrell measure equals 1 for farms on the efficiency the research area conducted their activities under
frontier, and then decreases with inefficiency. imperfect competition, and because the size of many
We constructed a DEA model assuming that each hazelnut farms made them ineligible for institutional
hazelnut farm produces a quantity of hazelnut (y,) loans, we transformed Equation 1 to the variable
using multiple inputs (x,) and that each farm (i) returns-to-scale (VRS) technology model by adding
is allowed to set its own set of weights for both the convexity constraint NYK = 1, where ATI is an
inputs and output. The data for all farms are denoted TV x 1 vector of ones and X is an TV x 1 vector of
Kilic et al.—Determinants of economic efficiency 265
constant to Equation 1. In this example, the TE Data
scores under VRS was calculated using Equation 1, This study, after identification of survey objectives,
with the convexity constraint added to decompose used a well-designed state-of-the-art instrument
the technical efficiency scores into two components: to capture information that is of great interest and
"pure technical efficiency" (PTE), which reflects relevance to the questions under study. During the
the ability of a firm to obtain maximal outputs at an sampling process, following identification of the
optimal scale; and "scale efficiency" (SE), which study population, the sample frame was defined and
reflects the distance of an observed firm from the sample size was determined by the simple random
most productive scale size. Scale efficient farms sampling method (Yamane 1967). We used a 90%
are of appropriate size and thus do not need to be confidence level and 10% precision level when
reorganised to improve output or earnings. Scale determining optimum sample size. Random numbers
efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the technical generated from a random number table were used to
efficiency score of the farm under CRS technology select farms from the population. Using a structured
to the technical efficiency score of the farm VRS survey of 151 hazelnut farms selected by random
technology. Farms were classified as scale efficient sampling, we collected the input-output data used in
if the SE = 1 or if the TEVRS = TECRS. Farm-level scale this study during the production year of 2005-06.
inefficiency was determined by comparing technical
efficiency score under non-increasing returns to The cost efficiency of hazelnut farms was
scale (MRS) with the technical efficiency score modelled in a six-input, single output framework.
under CRS. If SE < 1 and TENIRS = TECRS, farms were Quantity of hazelnut produced in 2006 was used to
classified as scale inefficient owing to increasing measure output (kg/year). Six inputs were used for
returns to scale (1RS). If SE < 1 and TENIRS > TECRS, cost efficiency analysis: working capital (us$/year;
farms were classified scale inefficient owing to 1 us$ =1.6 Turkish liras), labour (h), harvest costs
decreasing return to scale (DRS). The allocative (us$/year), nitrogen (N) use (kg/year), phosphorus
efficiency was calculated residually by: (P) use (kg/year), and orchard size (ha). Other
data collected were demographic characteristics
AE^EE^ITE, (4) of farmers, farmer characteristics, and hazelnut
production characteristics.
In this study, the two-stage approach was preferred
The sample hazelnut farms produced 2.7 t/year,
in assessing the influence of various factors upon
on average. The minimum hazelnut production was
inefficiency because of several advantages (e.g., prior
0.5 t and the maximum was 12 t. To reach their
assumptions are not required regarding direction
present level of production, hazelnut farms used
of influence, accommodation of more than one
c. US$8500 of working capital, 3.21 h labour, and
variable with continuous or categorical variables).
350 kg fertiliser, mostly in N. In addition, sample
A Tobit regression of inefficiencies on potential
farms paid c. US$1800 for harvesting hazelnuts. In
determinants was used because the inefficiency
efficiency analysis, we assumed that all farms faced
scores are truncated at 0 and 1. The Tobit model is
the same relative price for labour, N and P, land, and
specified as follows:
capital. Costs of labour, N and P, land, and capital
were us$1.54/h, us$0.25/kg, us$0.35/kg, US$1369/
yt = (5) ha, and us$0.10 per us$, respectively.
0 if y* < 0
We included in Table 4 the descriptive statistics
of variables such as hazelnut production, working
y* = ßx, JV(O, a2) capital, hazelnut yield, labour use, N and P use
where yt is the measure of economic efficiency associated with returns to scale.
for farm i, y* is the unobservable variable, xt are The variables included in the tobit analysis can
explanatory variables that influence the economic be divided into three groups: personal characteristics
efficiencies of the farms, and ß and u are parameters of farmers (the age and education level of farm
of the model and the random error term, respectively operators, and family size); farm characteristics
(Greene 2000). (farm size, the number of plots, hazelnut orchards/
For statistical analysis, SPSS statistical package total farmland, credit use), and hazelnut production
was used. Efficiency scores were measured using characteristics (the age of hazelnut orchards, location
DEAP 2.1. The LIMDEP program was used to of orchards, varieties, sucker control, the share of
estimate the effects of explanatory variables on family labour, and marketplace). The variables of
economic efficiency scores. location of orchards, variety of hazelnut, and sucker
266 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2009, Vol. 37

control were represented in the model by a dummy RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

variable, whereas the variable of marketplace
The sample hazelnut farms have similar characteristics
represented by a proxy variables in the model are
to average Turkish hazelnut farms. The mean farm
merchant, factory and cooperatives. size is c. 3.5 ha in the sample hazelnut farms, whereas
In the research area the education level of farm that of the average Turkish hazelnut farms is 3 ha.
operators is generally low and their average age is The number of plots in the sample hazelnut farms
52. On average, they produce hazelnuts in 3.17 ha is somewhat lower than that of the Turkish hazelnut
of land that constitutes 91% of the total farmland farms. The share of hazelnut orchards in the total
with a four-person family. The share of family labour farmland for the sample and average Turkish hazelnut
had a mean of 0.64 with a standard deviation of farms is 49% and 94%, respectively. The number of
0.28. Farmers used US$1093.85 of credit on average tractors is higher in the sample farms. However,
in a year for hazelnut production. Concerning the the family size is lower than the average Turkish
production characteristics, the mean age of the hazelnut farm. For yield, the sample hazelnut farms
hazelnut orchards is 52. Most of the hazelnut are more productive compared with the average
orchards are located in highlands and most farmers Turkish hazelnut farms (Table 2).
preferred to grow mixed varieties in the research Based on the results of efficiency analysis, overall
area. Sixty-three percent of the farmers practice economic efficiency of hazelnut farms ranged from
sucker control. After the harvesting period, many 0.13 to 1. The average was 0.56 with a standard
farmers had a preferred merchant to market their deviation of 0.20 (Table 3). On average, inefficient
hazelnuts (Table 1). farms would have needed to lower fertiliser,

Table 1 Descriptive statistics of input and output measures and factors influencing efficiency for a sample of hazelnut

Variable Mean SD Min. Max.

Efficiency analysis
Hazelnut production (kg/year) 2754.70 1953.46 500.00 12000.00
Working capital (us$/year) 8451.52 11643.34 107.69 90615.38
Labour (h) 3.21 1.24 1.25 6.50
Harvest cost (us$/year) 1756.38 1339.60 261.54 6153.85
Nitrogen (kg) 251.00 201.87 21.00 1300.00
Phosphorus (kg) 99.23 227.81 0.00 1325.00
Hazelnut orchards size (ha) 3.17 2.06 0.72 12.00
Tobit model
Personal characteristics
Age of farm operators (years) 51.78 10.97 27.00 75.00
Education level of farm operators (in years) 6.62 2.78 1.00 15.00
Family size (person) 4.37 1.59 2.00 8.00
Farm characteristics
Farm size (ha) 3.48 2.38 0.72 13.3
No. of plots (unit) 2.49 1.70 1.00 10.00
Hazelnut orchards/total farmland 0.91 0.16 0.09 1.00
Credit use (us$/year) 1093.73 2664.85 0.00 18461.54
Hazelnut production characteristics
Age of hazelnut orchards (years) 51.78 10.97 27.00 75.00
Location of orchards* 1.46 0.50 1.00 2.00
VarietiesT 1.70 0.46 1.00 2.00
Sucker control 1.15 0.35 1.00 2.00
Share of family labour 0.64 0.28 0.00 1.00
Marketing place§ 1.34 0.76 0.00 3.00
'Dummy variables: (1) if the orchard is located on the plain; (0) if the orchard is located in the highlands.
îDummy variables: (1) if farmers grow one variety in orchards; (0) if farmers grow mixed varieties in orchards.
tDummy variables: (1) if the sucker control is done; (0) if the sucker control is not done.
Proxy variable and 1, 2, and 3 reflects merchant, factory, and cooperatives, respectively.
Kilic et al.—Determinants of economic efficiency 267

harvesting and labour costs by 44% to perform that the hazelnut farms could reduce their input use
as well as other similar, best practice farms in the by 16% without output reduction. Fifty-eight percent
sample. of the sample farms had a higher technical efficiency
Efficiency measures for sample hazelnut farms are coefficient than the mean technical efficiency.
presented in Table 3. In the research area, the primary The analysis of the measures of technical
source of economic inefficiency was allocative. efficiency showed that pure technical inefficiency
Almost 93% of the sample hazelnut farms were was the primary cause of technical inefficiency. The
allocatively inefficient. These farms used the wrong mean pure technical efficiency was 0.67. The mean
input mix given input prices, so that their costs scale efficiency was 0.79, with a standard deviation
were 34% higher than the cost-minimising level. of 0.169 (Table 3). Individual analysis of the farms
The estimated technical efficiency measures for the indicated that 10% of the sample hazelnut farms
sample of hazelnut farms varied from 0.52 to 1.0, had constant returns to scale (CRS), whereas the
with a sample average of 0.85. This result indicated percentages of hazelnut farms exhibiting increasing

Table 2 Mean value of some comparative characteristics for the average Turkish
hazelnut farm and sample hazelnut farm. (Average Turkish hazelnut farm was
based on the results of Turkstat (2006), Fiskobirlik (2006), and Anon. (1992).)

Average Turkish Average sample

Characteristics hazelnut farm hazelnut farm
Farm size (ha) 2.95 3.48
Hazelnut orchard size (ha) 1.45 3.17
No. of plots 3.03 2.40
Hazelnut yield (kg/ha) 858 867
% of farms with tractor 0.18 0.31
Family size (person) 5.86 4.37

Table 3 Efficiency measures for sample hazelnut farms.

Efficiency measures Mean SD Min. Efficient farms (no.)

Overall 0.557 0.203 0.125 6
Allocative 0.657 0.191 0.168 5
Technical 0.850 0.150 0.523 47
Pure technical 0.670 0.199 0.245 14
Scale 0.790 0.169 0.266 15

Table 4 Summary of returns to scale results. Different letters reflect the significance at the 5% level for difference
between returns to scale. (1RS, increasing return to scale; CRS, constant returns-to-scale; DRS, decreasing return to

Hazelnut Working Hazelnut Nitrogen Phosphorus

No. of production capital Labour use yield use use
farms (kg/year) (us$/ha) (AWU) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha)
1RS 127 2220.51» 3584.25» 3.12s 849.50s 79.65s 32.73s
CRS: 15 4946.67" 4365.45" 3.10a 1260.60" 76.94s 12.08s
DRS 9 6555.56C 1855.29»" 4.75" 966.80s 78.84" 43.27"
268 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2009, Vol. 37

returns to scale (1RS) and decreasing returns to scale more working capital than inefficient ones (P <
(DRS) were 84% and 6%, respectively (Table 4). 0.05). Therefore, scale-efficient farms obtained more
The 15 scale-efficient hazelnut farms had larger hazelnut yield compared with inefficient farms (P <
hazelnut production compared with the hazelnut 0.05) (Table 4).
farms having 1RS. In addition, scale-efficient farms Table 5 represents results of the tobit model on
used less labour per year, less N and P per ha, and the relationship between economic efficiency and

Table 5 Results of the Tobit analysis: efficiency determinants.

Variable coefficient SE P [1 Z 1 > z]
Personal characteristics
Age of farm operators (years) 0.43 0.17 0.0130
Education level of farm operators (in years) 0.56 0.16 0.0055
Family size (person) 0.14 0.12 0.2523
Farm characteristics
Farm size (ha) 0.26 0.16 0.9843
No. of plots (unit) -0.34 0.15 0.0130
Hazelnut orchards/total farmland 0.51 0.98 0.6065
Credit use (us$/year) 0.49 0.12 0.0100
Hazelnut production characteristics
Age of hazelnut orchards (years) 0.32 0.21 0.8809
Location of orchards 0.32 0.50 0.5198
Varieties 0.61 0.31 0.8448
Sucker control 0.78 0.45 0.0805
Share of family labour 0.82 0.63 0.1935
Marketing place 0.55 0.22 0.8017
Log likelihood 37.08 0.0000

Table 6 Differences between economically efficient and inefficient hazelnut farms. (Figures in parentheses are

Economically efficient Economically i nefficient

Characteristics farms (n = 6) farms (n =145) P [1 Z 1 > z]
Personal characteristics
Age of farm operators (years) 59.67 (12.37) 51.46(10.83) 0.753
Education level of farm operators (in years) 7.50 (2.95) 6.59 (2.77) 0.491
Family size (person) 4.83 (1.72) 4.35 (1.59) 0.470
Farm characteristics
Farm size (ha) 2.75(3.17) 3.51(2.12) 0.972
No. of plots (unit) 1.50 (0.84) 2.71 (1.74) 0.092
Credit use (us$/year) 1666.67 (4082.52) 993.10(2608.52) 0.236
Total asset (1000 us$/year) 79.92 (95.39) 71.42 (71.90) 0.780
Working capital (1000 us$/year) 16.75 (36.22) 8.11(9.62) 0.075
Labour (AWU) 3.79 (1.29) 3.19(1.24) 0.251
Harvest cost (1000 us$/year) 1.75 (13.22) 1.98(1.85) 0.667
Nitrogen (kg) 69.40 (63.99) 79.56 (63.86) 0.722
Phosphorus (kg) - 32.60 (73.07) 0.000
Share of family labour - 0.83 (0.39) -
Hazelnut production characteristics
Hazelnut orchards size (ha) 2.75 (2.82) 3.19(2.02) 0.384
Age of hazelnut orchards (years) 50.83 (9.70) 40.14(10.15) 0.498
Hazelnut production (kg/year) 4725.00 (4472.56) 2667.97 (1757.43) 0.010
Hazelnut yield (kg/ha) 1369.60 (436.72) 877.82 (291.63) 0.000
Kilic et al.—Determinants of economic efficiency 269

its determinants. Most signs related to efficiency level of operators and credit use were other
determinants were as expected. All variables determinants of economic efficiency. Strategies for
evaluated under farm characteristics were positive, a better farm-level education and farm extension
with the exception of number of plots. The credit programmes focused on sucker control may help to
use coefficient was positive, which indicated that the increase efficiency. Farmer training and extension
farms that used more credit were more efficient than activities are relatively low-cost methods of achieving
the lower ones (P < 0.01). The coefficient of plot increases in productive efficiency. However, such
number indicated that hazelnut farms having smaller increases strongly depend on the effectiveness
plots were more efficient than others (P < 0.05). The of the presentations by research and extension
variables of share of family labour, farm size, and organisations. Turkey's Ministry of Agriculture
share of hazelnut orchards in farmland were also a and Rural Affairs (MARA) has tried to prepare
positive sign. However, they were not statistically and implement extension and training programmes
significant (P > 0.10). throughout the country, including the research area.
The variables of the education level and age Branches of some input sales companies have also
of the operator indicated that more educated and contributed by transferring information to hazelnut
older operators were more efficient (P < 0.05). The farmers. However, the efficiency of such efforts is
variable of family size had negative effects ; however, still unsatisfactory owing to bureaucracy, limited
it was statistically insignificant (P > 0.10). investment, insufficient numbers of skilled extension
All the coefficients of the hazelnut production persons, and information gaps on technical and
characteristics group were not statistically significant economic aspects of hazelnut farming. Training
(P > 0.10), with the exception of sucker control. focusing on sucker control and cultural practices
All insignificant variables positively influenced may help increase efficiency in this research area.
the economic efficiency. The estimated coefficient In addition, encouragement of young rural people
for sucker control indicated that increasing sucker to stay in agriculture might have beneficial effects
control led to more economically efficient farms (P on economic efficiency. Providing farmers with
<0.10). greater access to credit would require government
Based on the results of the comparative efficiency support through legal and regulatory frameworks.
analysis, the economically efficient hazelnut farms Although the Turkish government has given an
carried out their activities on a smaller number of interest rate subsidy to all farmers, Kilic et al.
plots with a relatively high level of working capital. (2005) reported that hazelnut farmers did not use
However, their P use was lower than on inefficient this credit because of high transaction costs. Thus, a
farms. In addition, farmers on economically efficient government-supported pilot programme that reduces
farms were better educated and more experienced. the transaction costs of providing credit to farmers
Efficient farms also had higher hazelnut production would have the potential to increase efficiency. Such
and hazelnut yield/ha (Table 6). a credit programme could help farmers expand their
facilities from small-scale to modern facilities and
benefit from economies of scale, which may also
increase economic efficiency.
DEA was used to calculate efficiency measures and to
determine the factors affecting economic efficiency
in Samsun hazelnut farms. The mean technical, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
allocative, and economic efficiencies for hazelnut We thank anonymous referees for their constructive
farms were 0.85,0.66, and 0.56, respectively. Of 151 comments and suggestions. We acknowledge Ondokuz
farms included in the analysis, 47 were technically Mayis University, Turkey for financial assistance.
efficient, 5 were allocatively efficient, and 6 were
economically efficient. Analysis of technical
efficiency showed that most of the hazelnut farms
were both operationally and scale inefficient. Most REFERENCES
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