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Lesson 3- Partial Point of view and Holistic Perspective

What do you notice from the picture?

What does this picture imply about our effort to understand the realities
of life or answer on our problems?

Partial Point of View

- looking at the situation only in one part and not seeing the whole
- defined as a way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or a
- a perspective that is based on one of the component parts of a whole.
- focuses on specific aspects of the situation
Holistic Perspective
- seeing the situation as a whole by connecting its parts and looking through the bird's eye view
- looking at the thing or person from various perspectives
- learning and seeing how a thing is related to everything else
- Requires to have an open mindset
how a thing is related to everything else based on one part
seeing as a whole how one sees the reality
various perspectives looking only in one part

A holistic perspective can enable a person to step back and consider the general aspects of a certain problem. Adopting a
holistic approach in thinking encourages us not only to be more critical but also to be more considerate in dealing with others.
Doing philosophy entails a holistic rather than a partial perspective. With a holistic perspective, we are able to see the
connectedness of parts to see a meaningful whole.

Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the careful, reflective, rational, and a systematic approach to questions of very general interest.
Critical Thinking means understanding of philosophy and refraining from merely giving claims, but through careful
thought, one reasons through argumentations.
Critical Thinking is a lifelong process of self-assessment that further consists of:

Defining, analyzing, and devising solutions

- Arriving at reasonable and informed solutions
- Applying understanding and knowledge to new and different problems
- Willingness to change one point of view
- Continually examining and re-examining ideas
- Willingness to say “I don’t know”

The attributes of a critical thinker include:

- Looks for evidence to support assumptions and beliefs
- Adjusts opinions
- Looks for proof
- Examines problem
- Rejects irrelevant and incorrect information

Mr. Edward B. Noda Jr.

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