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1) From the following information you are required to show the overhead cost per unit under Activity Based Costin

Particulars Product A Product B

Annual Output (Units) 1,000 10,000
No. of Machine hours per unit 2 2
Total Machine hours 2,000 20,000
No. of purchase orders 80 160
No. of Set ups 40 60

The total overhead cost of the activities has been as under:

Volume related cost Rs.1,10,000.
Purchase related cost Rs.1,20,000.
Set up related cost Rs.2,10,000.
Total Rs.4,40,000.

Solution Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

i) Calculation of cost driver rates :

Volume related cost

a) Volume related activity cost =
Total machine hours

Total Purchase related cost

b) Purchase related cost =
No. of purchase orders

Total setup related cost

c) Setup related cost =
No. of Set ups

ii) Calculation of overhead cost per unit:

Particulars Product A Product B
a) Volume related activity cost at Rs 5
(2000 X 5) = 10,000 (20,000 X 5) = 1,00,000
per machine hour
b) Purchase related cost at Rs. 500 per
(80 X 500) = 40,000 (160 X 500) = 80,000
purchase order
c) Setup related cost at Rs. 2,100 per
(40 X 2100) = 84,000 (60 X 2100) = 1,26,000
Total Overheads 1,34,000 3,06,000
(/) Annual output (Units) 1,000 10,000
Overhead rate per unit Rs. 134 Rs. 30.6
2) A company manufacturing two products furnishes the following data for a year:

Product Annual output (units) Total machine hours

A 5000 20,000
B 60,000 120,000

The annual overheads are as under:

Volume related activity costs 5,50,000

Setup related costs 8,20,000
Purchase related costs 6,18,000

You are required to calculate the cost per unit of each product A and B based on
a) Traditional method of charging overheads using machine hour rate method
b) Activity based costing method.

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Overhead cost per unit

Particulars Product A Product B

Total Machine Hours 20,000 1,20,000
Machine Hour Rate 14.2 14.2
Total Overheads (TMH X MHR) 2,84,000 17,04,000
Actual Output (Units) 5000 60,000
Overhead rate per unit (TO/AO) 56.8 28.4

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

i) Calculation of cost driver rates :

Volume related cost

a) Volume related activity cost =
Total machine hours

Total Purchase related cost

b) Purchase related cost =
No. of purchase orders

Total setup related cost

c) Setup related cost =
No. of Set ups
ii) Calculation of overhead cost per unit:
Particulars Product A Product B
a) Volume related activity cost at Rs 78,400 4,70,400
3.92 per machine hour
b) Purchase related cost at Rs. 1136 per
181763.20 436231.68
purchase order
c) Setup related cost at Rs. 12,812.5
256,250 563750
per setup
Total Overheads 516413.20 14,70,381.68
Annual output (Units) 5,000 60,000
Overhead rate per unit 103.28 24.5

3) XYZ Limited manufactures three products A, B and C. the following table includes information relating to the ma

Product Budgeted Output (Units) Material Cost Per unit (Rs)

A 6000 15
B 8500 24
C 4800 18

The draft production overhead budget for next year contains the following departmental budgets:
Machines Oriented Overheads 16500
Setup costs 38920
Material ordering 24630
Material Handling 32480

The budget absorbs these overheads into production using a budgeted machine hour rate method.
However it has been proposed that the overhead budget be recalculate using activity based costing. The following

Product No. of setups No. of material orders

A 1 1
B 4 3
C 2 2

a)           Calculate the production overhead budget per product using traditional costing system.
b)           Recalculate the production overhead budget per product using activity based costing, tracing
c)           Comment briefly on the differences disclosed between overheads traced by the present syste

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 6000 X 0.25
Product B 8500 X 0.25
Product C 4800 X 0.25

Calculation of Overhead cost per unit

Particulars Product A Product B

Total Machine Hours 1,500 2125
Machine Hour Rate 23.32 23.32
Total Overheads (TMH X MHR) 34980 49555
Actual Output (Units) 6000 8,500
Overhead cost per unit (TO/AO) 5.83 5.83

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Calculation of cost driver rates :

Machine oriented O/H

a) Machine oriented overheads =
Total Machine hrs

Total setup cost

b) Setup cost =
No of setups

Material ordering cost

c) Material ordering cost =
No of material orders

Material Handling cost

c) Material Handling cost =
No of material handled

Calculation of overhead cost per unit:

Particulars Product A Product B
Machine oriented overheads at Rs 3.42
(1500 * 3.42) = 5130 (2125 * 3.42) = 7267.5
per machine hour
Setup cost at Rs 5560 per setup (1 * 5560) = 5560 (4 * 5560) = 22240
Material ordering cost at Rs 4105 per
(1 * 4105) = 4105 (3 * 4105) = 12315
Material Handling cost at Rs 2030 per
(3 * 2030) = 6090 (10 * 2030) = 20300
Total Overheads 20885.00 62122.50
Annual output (Units) 6,000 8,500
Overhead rate per unit 3.48 7.3

4) PQ Limited manufactures four products A, B,C and D using the same plant and process. The following informatio
Product Budgeted Output (Units) Material Cost Per unit (Rs)

A 500 3
B 5000 5
C 600 16
D 7000 7

The draft production overhead budget for next year contains the following departmental budgets:
Machines Oriented Overheads 37,425
Setup costs 4355
Material ordering 1920
Material Handling 7580
Administration for spare parts 8600

These overheads costas are absorbed by products on a machine hour rate method
However it has been proposed that the overhead budget be recalculate using activity based costing. The following

Product No. of setups No. of material orders

A 1 1
B 6 4
C 2 1
D 8 4
Total 17 10

a)           Calculate the production overhead budget per product using traditional costing system.
b)           Recalculate the production overhead budget per product using activity based costing, tracing
c)           Comment briefly on the differences disclosed between overheads traced by the present syste

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 500 * 0.5

Product B 5000 * 0.25
Product C 600 * 1
Product D 7000 * 1.5

Calculation of Overhead cost per unit

Particulars Product A Product B

Total Machine Hours 250 1250
Machine Hour Rate 4.75 4.75
Total Overheads (TMH X MHR) 1187.5 5937.5
Actual Output (Units) 500 5,000
Overhead cost per unit (TO/AO) 2.375 1.1875

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Calculation of cost driver rates :

Machine oriented O/H

a) Machine oriented overheads =
Total Machine hrs

Total setup cost

b) Setup cost =
No of setups

Material ordering cost

c) Material ordering cost =
No of material orders

Material Handling cost

d) Material Handling cost =
No of material handled

Administration of spare parts

e) Administration of spare parts =
No of spare parts

Calculation of overhead cost per unit:

Particulars Product A Product B
Machine oriented overheads at Rs 2.97 742.50 3712.5
per machine hour
Setup cost at Rs 256.17 per setup 256.17 1537.02
Material ordering cost at Rs 192 per 192.00 768.00
Material Handling cost at Rs 280.74 per
561.48 2807.4
Administration of spare parts cost at Rs
1433.32 3583.3
716.66 per spare parts
Total Overheads 3185.47 12408.22
Annual output (Units) 500 5,000
Overhead rate per unit 6.37094 2.481644

5) A company currently manufacture and sold four products. The details of the four products and relevant informatio
Product A B
Output in units 120 100
Cost per unit:
Direct materials 40 50
Direct labour 28 21
Machine hours (per unit) 4 3
The four products are similar and are usually produced in production runs of 20 units and sold in batches of 10 u
The production overheads is currently absorbed by using a machine hour rate, and the total of the production over
Machine department costs 10,430
Production costs 5,250
Stores receiving cost 3,600
Inspection and quality control costs 2,100
Material handling and dispatch 4,620

You have ascertained the cost drivers to be used are as listed below for the overheads shown:
Cost Cost Drivers
Production costs No. of production runs
Stores receiving Requisition raised
Inspection of quality control No. of production runs
Material handling and dispatch Orders executed

The number of requisitions raised on the stores was 20 per each product and the number of order executed wa

You are required:

a) To calculate the total costs for each product if all overhead costs are absorbed on a machine hour b
b) To calculate the total costs for each product using activity based costing.

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 120 * 4
Product B 100 * 3
Product C 80 * 2
Product D 120 * 3

Calculation of Total cost under Traditional Costing Method

Particulars Product A Product B

Direct Materials (120 * 40) = 4800 (100 * 50) = 5000
Direct Labour (120 * 28) = 3360 (100 * 21) = 2100
Prime Cost 8160 7100
Add: Production Overheads at Rs 20 (480 * 20) = 9600 (300 * 20) = 6000
per Machine hour
Total Cost 17760 13100

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

i) Calculation of cost driver rates :

Machine Department cost

a) Machine Department Cost =
Total Machine hrs

Production cost
b) Production cost =
No. of production runs

Stores receiving cost

c) Stores receiving cost =
No of requisition raised

d) Inspection and Quality control cost Inspection and Quality control

= No of production runs

Material handling and Dispatch

e) Material Handling and Dispatch =
No of orders executed

Calculation of total cost of production under ABC Method

Particulars Product A Product B
Direct Materials (120 * 40) = 4800 (100 * 50) = 5000
Direct Wages (120 * 28) = 3360 (100 * 21) = 2100
Prime Cost 8160 7100

Add: Production Overheads

Machine department cost at Rs 8.02
3849.60 2406
per Machine hr
Production cost at Rs 250 per
1500.00 1250.00
production run
Stores receiving cost at Rs 45 per
900.00 900.00
requisition raised
Inspection at quality control at Rs 100
per production run 600.00 500

Material handling and dispatch at Rs

1,320 1100
110 per order
Total Cost 16329.60 13256.00

6) A company currently manufacture and sold four products. The details of the four products and relevant informatio
Product A B
Output in units 720 600
Cost per unit:
Direct materials 42 45
Direct labour 10 9
Machine hours (per unit) 4 3
The four products are similar and are usually produced in production runs of 24 units and sold in batches of 12 u
The production overheads is currently absorbed by using a machine hour rate, and the total of the production over
Machine department costs 63,000
Setup cost 20,000
Stores receiving cost 15,000
Inspection and quality control costs 10,000
Material handling and dispatch 2,592

You have ascertained the cost drivers to be used are as listed below for the overheads shown:
Cost Cost Drivers
Setup cost No. of production runs
Stores receiving Requisition raised
Inspection of quality control No. of production runs
Material handling and dispatch Orders executed

The number of requisitions raised on the stores was 50 per each product and the number of order executed was
Machine department cost has to be apportioned between setup cost, stores receiving and inspection activity in 4:3

Calculate CPU according to ABC and Traditional Costing Method

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 720 * 4
Product B 600 * 3
Product C 480 * 2
Product D 504 * 1

Calculation of cost per unit under Traditional Costing Method

Particulars Product A Product B

Direct Materials 30,240 27000
Direct Labour 7200 5400
Prime Cost 37,440 32,400
Add: Production Overheads at Rs 18 51840 32,400
per Machine hour
Total Cost 89,280 64,800
Outputs 720 600
Cost per unit 124 108
Calculation of Cost driver rates

a) Setup cost 63000 * 4/9 28000

b) Stores receiving 63000 * 3/9 21000
c) Inspection cost 63000 * 2/9 14000

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Setup cost
a) Setup cost =
No. of production runs

Stores receiving cost

b) Stores receiving cost =
No of requisition raised

c) Inspection and Quality control cost Inspection and Quality control

= No of production runs

Material handling and Dispatch

d) Material Handling and Dispatch =
No of orders executed

Calculation of total cost of production under ABC Method

Particulars Product A Product B
Direct Materials 30,240 27000
Direct Wages 7200 5400
Prime Cost 37,440 32,400

Add: Production Overheads

Setup cost at Rs 500 per production
15000.00 12500.00
Stores receiving cost at Rs 180 per
9000.00 9000.00
requisition raised
Inspection at quality control at Rs 250
per production run 7500.00 6250

Material handling and dispatch at Rs

810 675
13.5 per order
Total Cost 69750.00 60825.00
Output 720 600
Cost per unit 96.875 101.375

7) Uma Limited makes 3 products using broadly the same production methods and equipment for each
A conventional product costing system is used at present although activity based costing system is being considere

Product Labour hrs per unit Machine hr per unit

P 0.5 1.5
Q 1.5 1
R 1 3
Direct labour cost Rs 6 per hour and production overheads are absorbed on machine hour basis. The rate for the
Further analysis shows that the total of the production overheads can be divided as follow.

Cost relating to setups 35%

Cost relating to machinery 20%
Cost relating to materials handling 15%
Cost relating to inspection 30%
Total production overheads 100%

Following activity volume are associated with the product line for the period as a whole

Total activities for the period:

No of movement of
Product No of set ups
P 75 12
Q 115 21
R 480 87
Total 670 120
Calculate CPU according to ABC and Traditional costing method

Solution: Traditional Method

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product P 750 X 1.50

Product Q 1250 X 1
Product R 7000 X 3
Total Machine hrs

Calculation of Total Overheads

Total Overheads = Total Machine hrs X Machine hr rate
= 23375 X 28
Total Overheads = 6,54,500

Calculation of Overheads

a) Cost relating to setups 654500 X 35%

b) Cost relating to machinery 654500 X 20%
c) Cost relating to materials handling 654500 X 15%
d) Cost relating to inspection 654500 X 30%
Total overheads
Calculation of cost per unit under Traditional Costing Method

Particulars Product P Product Q

Direct Materials 15,000 15000
Direct Labour 2250 11250
Prime Cost 17,250 26,250
Add: Production Overheads at Rs 28 31500 35,000
per Machine hour
Total Cost 48,750 61,250
Outputs 750 1250
Cost per unit 65 49

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Setup cost
a) Setup cost =
No of setups

Cost relating to Machinery

b) Cost relating to Machinery =
No of Machine hrs

Cost related to Handling

c) Cost related to Materials Handling =
No of movement of materials

Inspection cost
d) Cost relating to Inspection =
No of Inspections

Calculation of cost per unit of production under ABC Method

Particulars Product P Product Q
Direct Materials 15,000 15000
Direct Wages 2250 11250
Prime Cost 17,250 26,250

Add: Production Overheads

Cost relating to setup at Rs 341.90 per
25642.50 39318.50
Cost relating toMachinery at Rs 5.60
6300.00 7000.00
per hr

Cost relating to Material Handling at

9817.5 17180.625
Rs 818.125 per movement of material

Cost relating to inspection at Rs 196.35

29,453 35343
per Inspection
Total Cost 88462.50 125092.13
Output 750 1250
Cost per unit 117.95 100.0737

8) The following particulars are extracted from the books of a manufacturing company Limited. Calculate overhead

Product Output (units) Machine hrs per unit

A 1,500 2
B 15,000 2

The overheads for the period is as follows

Machine oriented cost 2,20,000
Purchasing order cost 2,40,000
Set up cost 2,00,000
Total overheads 6,60,000

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 1500 * 2
Product B 15000 * 2

Calculation of Overhead cost per unit

Particulars Product A Product B

Total Machine Hours 3,000 30000
Machine Hour Rate 20 20
Total Overheads (TMH X MHR) 60000 600000
Actual Output (Units) 1500 15,000
Overhead cost per unit (TO/AO) 40 40

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Calculation of cost driver rates :

Machine oriented O/H

a) Machine oriented cost =
Total Machine hrs

Total setup cost

b) Setup cost =
No of setups

Purchase order cost

c) Purchase order cost =
No of purchase orders
Calculation of overhead cost per unit:
Particulars Product A Product B
Machine oriented costat Rs 6.67 per 20,010 200100
Machine hr
Setup cost at Rs 2000 per setup 80000.00 120000.00
Purchase order cost at Rs 1000 per
80000.00 160000.00
purchase order
Total Overheads 180010.00 480100.00
Annual output (Units) 1,500 15,000
Overhead rate per unit 120 32.006

8) A company currently manufacture and sold four products. The details of the four products and relevant informatio
Product A B
Output in units 240 200
Cost per unit:
Direct materials 80 100
Direct labour 56 42
Machine hours (per unit) 4 3

The four products are similar and are usually produced in production runs of 40 units and sold in batches of 10 u
The production overheads is currently absorbed by using a machine hour rate, and the total of the production over
Machine department costs 20,860
Setup cost 10,500
Stores receiving cost 7,200
Inspection and quality control costs 4,200
Material handling and dispatch 9,240

You have ascertained the cost drivers to be used are as listed below for the overheads shown:
Cost Cost Drivers
Setup cost No. of production runs
Stores receiving Requisition raised
Inspection of quality control No. of production runs
Material handling and dispatch Orders executed

The number of requisitions raised on the stores was 40 per each product and the number of order executed was

Calculate CPU according to ABC and Traditional Costing Method

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Machine hour rate =
Total Machine hours

Calculation of Machine hrs

Product A 240 * 4
Product B 200 * 3
Product C 160 * 2
Product D 240 * 3

Calculation of cost per unit under Traditional Costing Method

Particulars Product A Product B

Direct Materials 19,200 20000
Direct Labour 13440 8400
Prime Cost 32,640 28,400
Add: Production Overheads at Rs 20 19200 12,000
per Machine hour
Total Cost 51,840 40,400
Outputs 240 200
Cost per unit 216 202

Calculation of Cost driver rates

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Machine oriented cost

a) Machine oriented cost =
Total Machine hrs

Setup cost
b) Setup cost =
No. of production runs

Stores receiving cost

c) Stores receiving cost =
No of requisition raised

d) Inspection and Quality control cost Inspection and Quality control

= No of production runs

Material handling and Dispatch

e) Material Handling and Dispatch =
No of orders executed

Calculation of total cost of production under ABC Method

Particulars Product A Product B
Direct Materials 19,200 20000
Direct Wages 13440 8400
Prime Cost 32,640 28,400
Add: Production Overheads
Maxhine oriented cost at Rs 8.02 per 7699.2 4812
Machine hr
Setup cost at Rs 500 per production 3000.00 2500.00
Stores receiving cost at Rs 45 per
1800.00 1800.00
requisition raised
Inspection at quality control at Rs 200 1200.00 1000
per production run
Material handling and dispatch at Rs
2,640 2200
110 per order
Total Cost 48979.20 40712.00
Output 240 200
Cost per unit 204.08 203.56

10) A company manufactures three products and the details are as follows.

Product Annual output (units) Labour hrs per unit

X 20000 5
Y 30000 6
Z 50000 8

The breakups of the overheads based on the activities are given below

Setup cost 750000

Quality Inspection cost 450000
Production Order Cost 240000
Machine Expenses 1440000
Material Receipts 240000

NO of Machine setups No of quality inspections No of production orders

3000 10000 250
5000 7000 400
7000 8000 550

Calculate CPU according to ABC and Traditional Costing Method

Calculate total cost of each product under traditional costing system of overhead absorption on Labour hr Basis

Solution: Traditional Method of Charging Overheads

Total Overheads
Labour hour rate =
Total labour hours

Calculation of Labour hrs

Product X 20000 * 5
Product Y 30000 * 6
Product Z 50000 * 8
Total Labour hrs

Calculation of cost per unit under Traditional Costing Method

Particulars Product X Product Y

Direct Materials 8,000,000 7500000
Direct Labour 2000000 3600000
Prime Cost 10,000,000 11,100,000
Add: Production Overheads at Rs 4.588 458800 825,840
per labour hour
Total Cost 10,458,800 11,925,840
Outputs 20000 30000
Cost per unit 522.94 397.528

Calculation of Cost driver rates

Activity based costing method of charging overheads :

Setup cost
a) Setup cost =
No of Machine setups

Quality Inspection cost

b) Quality Inspection cost =
No of quality inspections

Production order cost

c) Production Order Cost =
No of production orders

Machine expenses
d) Machine Expenses =
No of Machine hrs

Material Receipts
e) Material Receipts =
No of Material Receipts

Calculation of cost per unit of production under ABC Method

Particulars Product X Product Y
Direct Materials 8,000,000 7500000
Direct Labour cost 2000000 3600000
Prime Cost 10,000,000 11,100,000

Add: Production Overheads

Setup cost at Rs 50 per Machine setup 150000 250000

Quality Inspection cost at Rs 18 per 180000.00 126000.00

Quality Inspection
Production order cost at Rs 200 per
50000.00 80000.00
production run
Machine expenses cost at Rs 6 per
300000.00 540000
Machine hr
Material Receipts at Rs 20 per Material 60,000 84000
Total Cost 10740000.00 12180000.00
Output 20000 30000
Cost per unit 537 406
er Activity Based Costing system for two products A and B.


110000 Rs 5 per Machine

2000 + 20000

Rs 500 per
purchase order
80 + 160

Rs 2100 per setup
40 + 60
Total no. of purchase orders Total no. of setups

160 20
384 44

5,50,000 + 8,20,000 + 6,18,000 Rs 14.2 per

20,000 + 1,20,000 Machine hour

5,50,000 Rs 3.92 per

20,000 + 1,20,000 Machine hour

6,18,000 Rs 1136.02 per

160 + 384 purchase order

8,20,000 Rs 12,812.50 per

20 + 44
ation relating to the manufacture of each product.

Machine time per unit Labour cost per

Direct Labour per unit (Rs) (hours) unit (Rs)
0.25 0.25 2
0.4 0.25 2
0.4 0.25 4

d costing. The following information has been provided for this purpose:

No. of times materials handled


nal costing system.

ty based costing, tracing costs to products by cost drivers.
ced by the present system and those traced by activity based costing.

16500 + 38920 + 24630 + 32480 Rs. 23.32 per

1500 + 2125 +1200 Machine hr

Product C

16,500 16500
1500 + 2125 + 1200 4825

38,920 38,920
1+4+2 7

24630 24,630
1 + 3 +2 6

32,480 32,480
3 + 10 + 3 16

Product C

(1200 * 3.42) = 4104

(2 * 5560) = 11120

(2 * 4105) = 8210

(3 * 2030) = 6090


he following information relates to a production period

Machine time per unit Labour cost per
Direct Labour per unit (Rs)
(hours) unit (Rs)
0.25 0.5 3
0.5 0.25 3
2 1 12
1.5 1.5 9

d costing. The following information has been provided for this purpose:

No. of times materials handled No of spare parts

2 2
10 5
3 1
12 4
27 12

nal costing system.

ty based costing, tracing costs to products by cost drivers.
ced by the present system and those traced by activity based costing.

37425 + 4355 + 1920 + 7580 + 8600 59880

12600 12600


Product C Product D
600 10500
4.75 4.75
2850 49875
600 7000
4.75 7.125

37,425 37425
250 + 1250 + 600 + 10500 12600

4,355 4,355
1 + 6 +2 + 8 17

1920 1920
1+4+1+4 10

7580 7580
2 + 10 + 3 + 12 27

8600 8600
2+5+1+4 12

Product C Product D

1782 31185

512.34 2049.36

192 768

842.22 3368.88

716.66 2866.64

4045.22 40237.88
600 7000
6.74203333333333 5.74826857142857

and relevant information are given below for a period:

80 120

30 60
14 21
2 3
sold in batches of 10 units.
al of the production overhead for the period has been analysed as follows:

heads shown:

er of order executed was 42, each order being for a batch of a product.

bed on a machine hour basis.

10430 + 5250 + 3600 + 2100 + 4620 26000

480 + 300 + 160 + 360 1300


Product C Product D
(80 * 30) = 2400 (120 * 60) = 7200
(80 * 14) = 1120 (120 * 21) = 2520
3520 9720

(160 * 20) = 3200 (360 * 20) = 7200

6720 16920
10,430 10,430
480 + 300 + 160 + 360 1300

5,250 5,250
6+5+4+6 21

3600 3600
20 + 20 + 20 + 20 80

2100 2100
6+5+4+6 21

4620 4620

12 + 10 + 8 + 12 42

Product C Product D
(80 * 30) = 2400 (120 * 60) = 7200
(80 * 14) = 1120 (120 * 21) = 2520
3520 9720

1283.2 2887.2

1000 1500

900 900

400 600

880 1320

7983.20 16927.20

and relevant information are given below for a period:

480 504

40 48
7 8
2 1
sold in batches of 12 units.
al of the production overhead for the period has been analysed as follows:

of order executed was 192, each order being for a batch of 12 products.
inspection activity in 4:3:2

63000 + 20000 + 15000 + 10000 + 2592 110592

2880 + 1800 + 960 + 504 6144


Product C Product D
19200 24192
3360 4032
22,560 28,224

17280 9072

39,840 37,296
480 504
83 74
20000 + 28000 48,000
30 + 25 + 20 + 21 96

15000 + 21000 36000

50 + 50 + 50 + 50 200

10000 + 14000 24000

30 + 25 + 20 + 21 96

2592 2592

60 + 50 + 40 + 42 192

Product C Product D
19200 24192
3360 4032
22,560 28,224

10000 10500

9000 9000

5,000 5250

540 567

47100.00 53541.00
480 504
98.125 106.232142857143

ent for each

ystem is being considered. Details of three products for a typical period are :

Materials per unit Volume in units

20 750
12 1,250
25 7,000
r basis. The rate for the period is Rs 28 per machine hour.

Number of Inspection



Product R



229075 229075
75 + 115 + 480 670

130900 130900
1125 + 1250 + 21000 23375

98175 98175
12 + 21 + 87 120

196350 196350
150 + 180 + 670 1000

Product R






ted. Calculate overhead CPU

Direct labour per unit (hrs) No of purchase order No of setups

4 80 40
4 160 60

220000 + 240000 + 200000 Rs 20 per

33000 Machine hour


220,000 220000
3000 + 30000 33000

200,000 200,000
40 + 60 100

240,000 240,000
80 + 160 240
and relevant information are given below for a period:
160 240

60 120
28 42
2 3

sold in batches of 10 units.

al of the production overhead for the period has been analysed as follows:

of order executed was 84, each order being for a batch of 10 products.

20860 + 10500 + 7200 + 4200 + 9240 52000

960 + 600 + 320 + 720 2600

Product C Product D
9600 28800
4480 10080
14,080 38,880

6400 14400

20,480 53,280
160 240
128 222

20,860 20,860
960 + 600 + 320 + 720 2600

10,500 10,500
6+5+4+6 21

7200 7200
40 + 40 + 40 + 40 160

4200 4200
6+5+4+6 21

9240 9240

24 + 20 + 16 + 24 84

Product C Product D
9600 28800
4480 10080
14,080 38,880
2566.4 5774.4

2000 3000

1800 1800

800 1200

1,760 2640

23006.40 53294.40
160 240
143.79 222.06

Direct Material Per unit Direct Labour cost P U

400 100
250 120
300 160

Machine hrs worked No of material receipts

50000 3000
90000 4200
100000 4800

tion on Labour hr Basis

750000 + 450000 + 240000 + 1440000 +

240000 31,20,000

100000 + 180000 + 400000 680000


Product Z



750000 750000
3000 + 5000 + 7000 15000

450000 450000
10000 + 7000 + 8000 25000

240000 240000
250 + 400 + 550 1200

1440000 1440000
50000 + 90000 + 100000 240000

240000 240000
3000 + 4200 + 4800 12000

Product Z





Rs. 3.42 per
Machine hr

Rs. 5560 per set up

Rs. 4105 per order

Rs. 2030 per

Material Handled
Rs. 4.75 per
Machine hr
Rs. 2.97 per
Machine hr

Rs. 256.17 per set


Rs. 192 per order

Rs. 280.74 per

Material Handled

Rs. 716.66 per

spare parts
Rs 20 per Machine
Rs 8.02 per
Machine hr

Rs 250 per
production run

Rs 45 per
requisition raised

Rs 100 per
production run

Rs 110 per orders

Rs 18 per Machine
Rs 500 per
production run

Rs 180 per
requisition raised

Rs 250 per
production run

Rs 13.5 per orders

Rs 341.90 per setup

Rs 5.6 per Machine


Rs 818.125 per
movement of

Rs 196.35 per
Rs 6.67 per
Machine hrs

Rs 2000 per Setup

Rs 1000 per
purchase order
Rs 20 per Macchine
Rs 8.02 per
Machine hr

Rs 500 per
production run

Rs 45 per
requisition raised

Rs 200 per
production run

Rs 110 per Orders

Rs 4.588 per
Labour hr
Rs 50 per Machine

Rs 18 per quality

Rs 200 per
production order

Rs 6 per Machine

Rs 20 per Material

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