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Hate Speech Full Guidelines

Hate Speech includes content with expressions that advocate incitement to harm, discriminate,
denigrate, intimidate, dehumanize, or threatens hatred, violence, or prejudicial action against
individuals or protected groups of people based upon the target’s being identified with a
certain social or demographic group. Protected groups are defined as people with
shared characteristics of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, gender, gender identity, sexual
orientation, religious affiliation, or disability status. 
Hate Speech includes content or comments that mock, express glee or happiness, or glorifies
the death of a protected group and/or individuals who may be members of protected
groups that are not public figures. A public figure is defined as an individual who actively seeks
to be in the public spotlight such as a government official, politician, celebrity, business leader,
actor, or sports personality.

Definition of terms:
Content that denigrates (unfairly criticizes or disparages) individuals or protected groups.  
Content that intimidates (frightens to compel or deter others by threats). 
Content dehumanizes (deprives someone of human qualities, personality, or dignity) 
Content that calls for violence against individuals or members of protected groups. 
Content that is prejudicial shows an attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group,
a race, or their supposed characteristics. 
Content that is discriminatory (calling for the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different
categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex, etc.). 
Hateful imagery or display names. Users may not use hateful images or symbols in their profile
image or profile name. 
Definition of hateful imagery:
Hateful imagery includes logos, symbols, or images used to promote hostility and malice
against others protected groups. Examples of hateful imagery include: 
Symbols historically associated with hate groups such as the Nazi swastika. 
Images depicting people as less than human, like altering images of people to include
animalistic features, or altered to include hateful symbols. 
Images altered to include hateful symbols or references to a mass murder that targeted a
protected group of people like manipulating images of individuals to include yellow Star of
David badges, referencing the Holocaust. 
Content that wishes, hopes, promotes, incites, or calls for death, serious bodily harm, or serious
disease against an entire protected group and/or individuals who may be members
of protected groups. 
Hate Speech Subcategory Definitions
Racism: Defined as a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and
capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Anti-LGBTQIA: Disparaging a person or group of people based on sexual orientation or gender
Anti-immigrants: Disparaging a person or group of people based upon their citizenship or
immigration status.
Sexist: Showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, based on
Anti-Indigenous: Indigenous describes any group of people native to a specific region. In other
words, it refers to people who lived there before colonists or settlers arrived, defined new
borders, and began to occupy the land. Anit-Indigenous content disparages a person or group
of people based on their native status.
Mocking death—hate: Mocks, express glee or happiness, or glorifies the death of a
protected group and/or individuals who may be members of protected groups that are not
public figures. This includes someone who is only in the news because of their death (i.e., a
private person killed by police, or a murder victim, someone who died by a natural disaster, or
by another accident.
Detailed instructions
For content related to Hate Speech to violate this policy, it must contain any of the following:

Racial slurs or derogatory terms (e.g. chink, jap, nigger-all iterations including just using

“n”, towel-head, “banana” referring to Asian people, Paki [people from Pakistan] coon, etc.) 
Religious slurs (e.g. Christ-killer, heeb, mussie, rag-head, towel-head, etc.). 
Gender identity or sexual orientation slurs (fag, tranny, lady boy, dyke, etc.) 
Denies historical events of genocide or ethnic
cleansing (Rwanda, Holocaust, Cambodia, Armenian, Rohingya, Bosnian, etc). 
Dismisses, downplays, or trivializes suffering, abuse, or deaths of protected groups, or
individuals of those groups.  
Calls for intolerance, exclusion, or segregation based on political/philosophical beliefs or
on identifiable characteristics (e.g., travellers [Irish], gipsy/Gypsy/Gypsies). 
Calls for any protected group to leave the country. 
Hoping that an entire protected group and/or individuals who may be members of
that group dies because of a serious disease, e.g., “I hope all [nationality] get cancer and die.” 
Wishing for a protected group, or an individual of that group, to fall victim to a serious accident,
e.g., “I wish that all [protected group] would be blown off the planet.” 
Saying that a group of individuals deserve serious physical injury, e.g., “If those [slur] don’t shut
up, they deserve to be shot.” 
Calling for others to commit violence against an individual or a group based on their perceived
membership in a protected category, e.g., “I’m in the mood to punch a [racial slur], who’s with
Claims presented in a scientific-sounding manner that protected groups and/or individuals are
physically or mentally inferior, deficient, or diseased. 
Statements to incite fear or spread fearful stereotypes about a protected group like asserting
that members of a protected group are more likely to take part in dangerous or illegal activities,
e.g., “all [protected group] are terrorists.” 
Speculating the race or ethnicity of criminals or perpetrators in an article when the article did
not identify the race or ethnicity of the people involved in the crime. 
Calls to incite others to discriminate in the form of denial of support to the economic enterprise
of an individual or group because of their perceived membership in a protected category, e.g.,
“If you go to a [group] store, you are supporting those [slur], let’s stop giving our money to
these [slur].” 
Sexist content that degrades someone e.g., “It doesn't help when the same people who wring
their hands about 'toxic masculinity' seem to plead for a young woman's right to dress like a
whore and drink herself paralytic in public.” 
Calls that encourage others to harass or target specific protected groups and/or individuals with
harassing or bullying behavior. This includes calls that urge offline action such as physical
harassment against individuals or protected groups.
Attacks on a user based on their status as a victim of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual
harassment, or domestic abuse.
Claims of superiority of a group over a protected group or members of that group to justify
violence, discrimination, segregation, or exclusion.
Content with hateful imagery 
Content with hateful supremacist propaganda
Content that denies an individual’s gender identity or sexual orientation
Content dehumanizing individuals or protected groups
Mocks, express glee or happiness, or glorifies the death of a protected group and/or individuals
who may be members of protected groups that are not public figures.
Username that violates any of these guidelines.

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