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21 JULY 2022 | CRC AUDITORIUM SGH | 10:30
Thank you, Mr Maclean (the MC for the event).

Yang Berbahagia Profesor Datuk Dr Khairuddin

Abdul Hamid
Vice Chancellor, Universiti Teknologi Sarawak (UTS)

Yang Berbahagia Professor Dr (TO BE CONFIRMED)

1. Wan Hashim Wan Ibrahim, Deputy Vice-
Chancellor (Research and Innovation), UNIMAS
2. Ahmad Hata Rasit, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic and International), UNIMAS

Distinguished guests
Mr Yamasaki, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
Mr Hideyuki Iwata, TTC Japan
Mr Masatoshi Mano, TTC Japan
Ladies and gentlemen
Salam Sejahtera and A Very Good Morning to
everyone present.
I would like to welcome each and every one of you to
Sarawak General Hospital and to this momentous
event we have today here at the CRC Auditorium. This
project began in 2021, amidst our battle with the
Covid-19 pandemic. The emergency and trauma
department is the first location to receive patients, and
with Covid-19 still a threat, we needed to quickly filter
those with the virus from the rest of the incoming
patients. When the research team approached the
previous Hospital Director, the issue was a constant
source of worry. For many patients, a considerable part
of the first 24 hours of their illness will be spent at the
ETD. An intervention was needed to help ETD ease the
overcrowding issue and enable ETD to better monitor
its services for those in need.

The digital healthcare landscape in the Asia Pacific is

evolving at a breakneck pace. An increase in consumer
demands and technological advancements are the key
drivers for a shift toward digital-first, seamless and
connected healthcare provision. Healthcare
digitalisation is an agenda that we look forward to in
Sarawak. The Sarawak government aims to achieve its
Sarawak Digital Economy Agenda, which envisions
accelerating Sarawak’s economic growth and increase
youth involvement in its activities. Digital Health is
categorised as one of 10 Economic Sectors. Improving
the quality of life is one of many targets for Digital
Healthcare for Sarawak. By digitalising our work
processes here at SGH, we will be better able to
participate in Sarawak’s mission.

This collaborative project, Behavioural Analytics and

Real-time Patient Tracking using Internet of Things
(IoT) and RFID, with UNIMAS, UTS and TTC Japan,
is a foundational work that we at HUS need to take
advantage of current trends in Digital Healthcare.
Healthcare can learn a lot from the digital strategies
of the retail industry. We want to be at the forefront
of shaping the future of healthcare delivery in
Sarawak. We must capitalise on technology to provide
connected healthcare experiences for urban and rural
folks. By integrating technology into our services at
the hospital, we believe patients and staff members
will gain more significant opportunities to leverage
health data to make more informed decisions. As
mentioned in Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing ascribed
to Laozi, Every journey begins with a single step. SGH
has a long way to go to achieve these goals, but this
project is a good starting point.

We hope the collaboration with these universities and

the agencies supporting and funding the effort will not
end with the project.

On behalf of SGH, we thank you, Asia-Pacific

Telecommunity, for providing the opportunity and
funds for the project to take flight. Thank you to
UNIMAS, UTS and TTC Japan for your dedication,
support, effort and commitment to see through the
implementation of the project here at the hospital.
With this, I thank you.

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