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The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

Let's find out where you can apply what you learned from a discussion of these
developmental issues.
4. Here is an interesting article titled “How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest
of Your Life” from the October 4, 2010 Issue of Time Magazine. Read, analyze
then answer the following questions:
• Does the article agree that heredity, environment and individual's choice are
the factors that contribute to what a person may become? Read that paragraph
that tells so.
- Yes, the article agrees that heredity, environment and individuals are the
factors that contribute to a person he or she may become in the future.
These three are involved or belong for human development.

 Read the 4th paragraph again. Focus your attention on the highlighted
word, PERMANENTLY. Relate this to the issue on stability versus change
issue on p. 46. Does the word PERMANENTLY convince you that we are
what our first experiences have made of us (stability)? Explain your answer.

- From the word permanently or permanent is same thing to stability or

stable. Based on my experience I could say that I am stable or in permanent
in a sense of being marriage and be a father.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education


Complete the sentence.
1. With regard to the nurture-nature, continuity-discontinuity and change-
stability controversies, the wiser stand is the intelligence quadrant would balance
all out if respected. Nurture would mean that to produce intelligence, we have to
behave properly with our children as they grow up, and continue to nurture
yourself and others well into your late years.

The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

The quality of fetal growth and development predicts

This idea is framed as the developmental
the risk for a range of noncommunicable, chronic
origins of health and disease (DOHaD)
illnesses. These observations form the basis of the
hypothesis, which suggests that the quality of
“developmental origins of health and disease”
fetal development shapes individual hypothesis, which suggests that the intrauterine
differences in the risk for chronic illness over signals that compromise fetal growth also act to
the lifespan. “program” tissue differentiation in a manner that
predisposes to later illness. Fetal growth also
predicts the risk for later psychopathology.

Fetal Origins of Mental Health: The Developmental Origins

of Health and Disease Hypothesis

Fetal growth and childhood behavioral problems: Research on the fetal origins of individual
results from the ALSPAC cohort. The timing of differences in neurodevelopment has
prenatal exposure to maternal cortisol and
attracted attention to a period of
psychosocial stress is associated with human
infant cognitive development.
development previously undervalued in
importance for later mental health.

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers? These findings parallel
studies showing that antenatal maternal emotional well-being likewise predicts the
risk for later psychopathology.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

1. Read the published book The Nurture Assumption, by Judith Harris
2. State in not more than 2 paragraphs the thesis of Judith Harris book.
- The nurture assumption is that, aside from their genes, what influences the
way children develop is the way their parents bring them up. In other words,
we assume parents are the whole environment, when in reality the
environment includes much more.
3. a. Watch "Lonely Only” in your YouTube. Only Children: Debunking the
Myths About Single Children.
- As I watch the Lonely You. The children debunking the myths about single
children. We believe that there is no great child with any great parents.
Meaning to say if a child came from good parents they will grow in a good
b. In 1896 Granville Stanley Hall described only children as "deficient on the
social side," "petted," "humored," "indulged," and "spoiled.” Today, many
consider this a MYTH-WHAT DO YOU THINK?
- Today, many people consider the myht humored having or showing a
pleasant, amiable mood, a good-humored man, a good-humored remark.
For related articles, refer to TIME Magazine, July 19, 2010 issue. State in not
more than 10 sentences the position expressed in the YouTube and in the
Time Magazine.
- The only child myth started in 1896 when Granville Hall did a study where
he concluded that only children where “oddballs and peculiar”.
Psychologists disseminated and supported his research for years, until the
1970’s when Toni Falbo did a huge study with tens of thousands of only
children in China and the US. Her conclusions were different. Yes, only
children get everything their parents have to give since they are the only
one on the receiving end, but they also scored higher on intelligence and
achievement for the same reason – more concentrated resources and
4. Watch “The battle between nature and nurture”, Irene Gallego Romero,
TEDxNTU. What conclusions can you derive from the battle between nature
and nurture?
- So in conclusion, scientist knows that both nature and nurture affect a
person’s future, they just don't have a solid idea on how much each factor
affects a person’s future. Scientists have come to believe that when it comes
to personality, environment is not a big factor the absolute final conclusion
is that both affect a person in some way.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

1. Relate what you learned here to your personal development.
Reflect on your own personal development. What has helped you become
the person that you are now? Is what you have become a product of the
mere interaction of heredity and environment? Or is what you have become
a product of both heredity and environment interacting and what you have
decided or determined yourself to become? (Self-determination or freedom
is a third factor). Write your reflections.
- For me, I learned a lot about the personal development because it
gives me more ideas and knowledge what, how and why was the
reason behind in human development. I believe that I came from the
product of my heredity and environment. When we say heredity, it is
our physical or mental characteristics genetically from our parents.
And when we say environment it is what or how we interact with
others. We cannot live without the participants of others. I decided to
become or have self-determination and have freedom in life.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

Read each statement below. Do you agree/disagree with each statement?
Put a check mark ✓ to indicate your answer.

Statement Yes No

1. Research is only for those who plan to take

master's degree or doctorate degrees.

2. Research is easy to do. ✓

3. Research is all about giving questionnaires

and tallying the responses.

4. Research with one or two respondents is

not a valid research.

5. Teachers, because they are busy in their

classrooms, are expected to use existing

research rather than conduct their own
research in the classroom.

6. There is no need to go into research

because a lot of researches have already ✓
been conducted.

7. Students are mere users of knowledge

arrived at by research. It is not their task to ✓
conduct research.
8. Students do not possess the qualifications

to conduct research.
9. It is not worth conducting research

considering the time and money it requires.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education


Write T the statement is CORRECT and F if the statement is WRONG.
T 1. Quality research adheres to the scientific method.
T 2. For research on child and adolescent development to serve its
ultimate purpose, researchers must be governed by ethical principles.
T 3. Which research design and data-gathering technique to use has
nothing to do with the nature of the research problem and objective/s of
the research.
T 4. Teachers are both producers of knowledge when they conduct
research and are consumers or end users of knowledge when they utilize
research findings to improve instruction.
T 5. Research has a transformative effect on teachers' self-understanding
and on their classroom practice. It enables teachers to develop a better
understanding of themselves, their classrooms, and their practice through
the act of reflective inquiry.
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

Our SDP work was designed to apply child The research base of developmental psychology
and adolescent development knowledge and has not been sufficiently embraced by teacher
skills to practice through a collaborative education professionals. There is a lack of
effort that reduces the vulnerability of the agreement about the need to revisit the content
of development from the perspective of an
students and the adult stakeholders through
expert. The inclusion of a developmental
guidelines such as no fault problem solving
psychologist in the evaluation of student teachers
and consensus decision making.
might be an interesting addition to the student
teacher team, including the participation of this
person in student teaching seminars.

Child and Adolescent Development Research and

Teacher Education: Evidence-based Pedagogy, Policy,
and Practice

On-going investigations of child and Beginning with a consideration of the state of

adolescent development from selected practice in teacher preparation and the state-
research studies, and how aspects of these of-the science in child and adolescent
studies may be applicable to teacher development research, the roundtable
preparation. The field of child and adolescent members reviewed both the obstacles to and
development lacks mechanisms for opportunities for fully integrating evidence-
disseminating research findings and based knowledge of development into teacher
information to sources readily available to preparation and practices.
teachers, administrators, and other school
How are the findings of this research useful to teachers? The preceding sections of
this summary have set the stage for initiating a process that will examine and
change the way teacher education programs prepare students for service in
The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle (EDUC 210)

NAME: Anya E. Tabal DATE: February 25, 2022


TRACK & STRAND: Bachelor of
Technical - Vocational Teacher Education

It is said that because teachers are overloaded with work, they usually frown
on the conduct of research. Reflect on the consequences of this attitude.
What can be done to prevent this? Write your reflections here.
- Concerning the causes of this lack of interest, as others also said, some
teachers are not interested in conducting research since either they
don't like doing research or they lack the required knowledge and this
impedes doing research. They should be motivated in a way and this
motivation can be created by the authorities through encouragement,
promise for promotion, etc. At first, the encouragement or promotion
is interesting to them, but gradually and when they become aware of
the positive points behind doing research, most of them will tend to
carry out research even if there would be no financial benefit.

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