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In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science
Custom Administration

Submitted by:

John Vennedick A.Pio

Submitted to:

Ms. Rocel P.Laynesa

Title Page………………………………………………………1


Chapter 1………………………………………………………..3
(daily journal)

chapter 2………………………………………………………..4
( Narrative Report)

Chapter 3………………………………………………………..20
( Resume )

First of foremost, I want to thanks God for being with me throughout my internship.

I have to express my gratitude to Mariners polytechnic colleges foundation, Legazpi City, for
giving students like me the chance to broaden their perspectives on what the real world in
Custom Administration industry looks like. I also appreciate their organization of the entire
internship program and their efforts to ensure that it achieves it intended goals.

and I would like to thank Mrs. Marilou Empig for giving us suggestion and explain about what
would be happen to our E-learning on The Job Training. Especially to our Department head of
custom administration Mrs,Rocel P.Laynesa thank you for your effort to search company for our
On The Job Training even though our OJT is E-learning.

I want to express my gratitude to our guest speaker in Bureau Of Custom for sharing they ideas
and knowledge about the real world of Custom Administration.

In closing, I want to give a Special gratitude to my family and friends for supporting me.

Chapter 1
( Daily Journal )

Aug 10, 2022 this is my first day of OJT. I was so nervous couz I don’t have any idea what would
be happen during OJT even though it was Online. After the discussion my nervous is release
because Ive been think its looks like online in my class.

Aug 13, 2022 this is my second time in OJT through online. This day I was so lack of sleep
because that night I cant sleep. So during our OJT I was exhausted and I cant focus to my online

Aug 24,2022 this is my 3rd day of my OJT. This kind of webinar is my favorite its because of the
speaker/instructor our guest speaker that day is very sense of humor he was a happy person
and he also informative.

Aug 26, 2022 this is my 4rt day. This topic is very helpful for me not only for me also to my
fellow classmate this topic is all about how do you become a EMPLOYABILITY & PROFESSIONAL.

Aug sept 1, 2022 this is 5th day. This is also one my favorite speaker because he was not only
gave us information but he gave us a special game and if you won this game he give a prize
through Gcash.

Sept 3, 2022 this day is our time to shine its because we are the MC “ Master Of Ceremony” in
so nervous because our speaker is very questionable and that’s why our leader so nervous
because she been thinking that after the discussion she would give a some questions and I was
laugh about her.

Sept 7, 2022 this day our Master ceremony is only one person talk to our speaker because some
of his group are absent I think they have personal matter or what. And our instructor and our
speaker are compliment him because of his self confidence he finish his OJT with own self
without help of each Group and that’s why we Proud of him.

Sept 21,2022. This is our last webinar through online, we are proud to the group of my
classmates because they have a lot of time for preparing this webinar series, the flow of
their introduction is so smooth and very

( Narrative Report )

Topic: Processing of imported goods via sea and air.

dated on: Aug10, 2022
Opening prayer: Ms. Shekinah Santuele
National Anthem: To be Played
Opening Remarks: Ms. Jonalyn Loteria
Introduction Of Guest Spearker: Mr. Guilmar Barbudo

Guest Speaker: Mr. Richard C.Reyes ( Business development officer E-konek Philippines Inc.)
question and answers: Participants
Giving of token of appreciation: Ms. Erika Arias
Closing Remarks: Ms.Malou Empig
Master of Ceremony: Queenie Marie Nocillado

The guest speaker discuss about export cycle. Its starts with booking of shipper,2 nd bale out of
empty container ( sent to shipper ) , 3rd shipper loading car to the container, gate in laden
container for delivery to port of loading , laden on board: loaded again into another vessel to its
final destinations, discharge container at the destination port.

Dated on: Aug13, 2022
Opening Remarks: Ms. Kayce P. Adrao
Prayer: Roxxane Brito
National Anthem: Ms.Marilou Empig
House Rules: Mr. Lance Atento
Introduction Speaker: Mr. Jade Boncodin

Guest Speaker: Mrs. Lydia Cervantes

Business Communication 101

Guest Speaker discuss about what is the meaning of communication, communication is about
sharing ideas and thoughts through verbal or nonverbal. The next is what is business
communication? Business communication is the process of sharing information between
people within the workplace and outside a company. The speaker tackled also about the seven
principles of communication which is Clarity- clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message
or goal at a time, rather than trying to achieve too much at once. Conciseness- conciseness is
communicating complete information about a topic or idea in a few words. Objectives- is the
main meaning about your talking is all about. Consistency- all business communication must
have consistency of tone, voice and content. Completeness- A complete communication always
gives additional information wherever required. It leaves no questions in the mind of receiver.
Relevance- Relevance Theory argues that the hearer/reader/audience searches for meaning in
any given communication. And for the last is Audience knowledge Your audience is the person
or people you want to communicate with and you are able to better craft your message so that
they will receive it the way you intended.

and for the last the guest speak gave us a simple activity.

Topic: Mastering the process of releasing shipment under PEZA
Date on: Aug 24, 2022
Master Of Ceremony: Nicole Sto Tomas,
: Ibanez,
: Bilan
: Miña
Guest Speaker: Dr. Dennis A. Del Pilar

The Guest speaker tackled first about the Import process of PEZA

Custom Broker
E-Import Permit application

Custom Broker
Checking of import documents

Custom Broker
Checking of Arrival Details to shipping Line/Airlines

Custtom Broker
Lodgment of entry

Custom Broker Preparation of import documents

Custom Broker sending thru email the imported documents to PEZA for E-IP Validation

PEZA-Once validated PEZA will issue order of payment and once PAID, endorsed the Import document to BOC

Custom Broker Sending to Import documents thru uploading to BOC portal

BOC-Assigned Examiner will check the completeness of the Import documents submitted thru BOC Portal

BOC Examiner if tag RED, cargo is subject for physical Examination----------

Once FINAL ASSESSED goods declaration is subject for payment of duties and taxes

ONCE PAID, custom Broker will pay the port Charges (Arrastre,Wharfage and storage charges if any)

Gates pass

Container is subject for Intrusive Examination (X-Ray)if goods declaration is tag as "ORANGEP".

ETRACC Device will put in the door of the container before leaving BOC

Delivery to final Port of Destination Special Economic Zone

Dis-arming of ETRACC Device by the assigned personel from ASCENT

Import Documents are subject for checking and Validation by the PEZA and BOC

Container is subject for checking & Examination by the BOC

DELIVERY to Consignee

and the next discussion is “ What are the documentary requirements for importation of
commodities under PEZA?. Next is Import Permit/Export Declaration Approval Process Manual
Application. Next is the Process flow of application for import process, followed of process flow
of application for export declaration. Next is processing of application to FARM-IN ( FORM
8105) it means Bring- in goods from Custom Territory into the Economic, Farm-Out ( FORM
81006 ) means bring-out goods from the economic to the custom territory. Next is Import
Clearance Overview. Next discussion is Regulated Importation and Exportation means Goods
which are subject to regulation shall be imported or exported only after securing the necessary
goods declaration, clearances, licenses and any other requirements, prior to import, Restricted
importation & exportation means the goods like Dynamite, Gunpowder, ammunition, and other
explosives are prohibited except when authorized by the Law. The next discussion is Person
Authorized to lodge goods declaration- the person who have power to lodge goods is the
person called declarant or any person who makes a goods declaration or in whose name a
goods declaration is made.

Our Guest speaker Gave us quiz and gave us a few minutes to answer it after a few minutes he
forgot to correct our quiz.

Date: Aug 26, 2022
Master of Ceremony: Jp Malijana
: Dexter Banzuela
: Michael Redoblado
: Reymart Benedito
Guest Speaker: Ms,Vivian G. Armario , RPM

The Guest Speaker tackled first about important of EMPLOYABILITY the speaker says
that the ability of a person to gain initial employment, maintain employment, and obtain new
employment if required. And he discuss also being good practice of PROFESSIONALISM is you
TRANSPARENCY, TRAINING, CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. Also the Guest speaker explain what is
the difference between ETHIC & PROFESSIONALISM, Ethics is moral compass.Concept of right
and wrong. The next discussion is our speaker ask about the differences of OWNER of MANG
INASAL, APPLE, GOOGLE and after a few minutes she says that the owner of MANG INASAL,
APPLE, GOOGLE are same undergraduate but they family are came from RICH.

DATE: Sept 1, 2022
Master Of Ceremony: Jc Goyena
Shiela lyn Canonce
Margie isip
Aj De luna
Keane Hilary

Guest Speaker: Prof, Harren James Sacdalan Bautista

Before the speaker tackled about the topic he gave us a simple activity and he says if
you a share/answers he give you a prize through Gcash, the activity/games is BINGO and one of
my fellow classmates got a prize because she won at the games gave by our speaker. The next
is followed by discussion first topic discuss is about the Vision of BOC and now I’ve learn that
the vision of BOC is “ Modernized and credible customs administration which is among the
world’s best that every Filipino can be proud of, next is the mission of BOC and this topic makes
me goosebumps all I know is when you are a Broker/Custom Broker you are corrupt well now I
know that I was wrong about that because I learn that one of that purpose or mission of BOC is
to stop Corruption, increase revenue collection, facilitate trade aligned with international best
practices, strengthen efforts against smuggling and other customs fraud and to enhance
personnel welfare and professionalism. Next is our speaker said “ what is CUSTOMS word is? “
he says that the word’s original sense “ Habitual Practice “. Our speaker discuss about what is
Customs? It means the official department that administer and collects the duties levied by a
government on imported goods. The next discussion followed by the “ Eminent Domain “ it
means the government have a power to take private property and convert it into public use.
Next is “ Power Of Taxation “ enables that state to enforce contribution for its people’s persons
and or property for the support of the government and for all public needs. Next is the
difference between Tax and Customs Duties the different between this two is, Tax is a broader
term because it includes all kinds of imposition including customs duties however the Customs
Duties are taxes on the importation and exportation of commodities. The next topic tackled by
our speaker is Department Of Finance- under Executive Order 127 ( Reorganizing the ministry of
Finance ). When im listening theres a three Groupd which is “ Revenue Operation Group” ,
Domestic Operation Group “ and the International Operation Group” inside this three they also
have a Group in Revenue Operation Group have a 4 which is the BIR, BOC , Revenue Service,
Legal Service. And the Domestic Operation Group theres have also 3 group which is Bureau of
Treasury, Bureau of local Government Finance and Financial and Fiscal Policy and planning
Officer. And the last Group is International Finance Group the a 2 Group which is international
finance policy office and international finance operation office. Now I know that the bureau

shall be headed by a commissioner and shall be assisted by at least four (4) but not more than
six (6) Deputy Commissioner and this commissioner appointed by the President of the
Philippines. The six (6) Deputy Commissioner is. Revenue Collection Monitoring Group (RCMG),
Assessment and operations coordinating Group (AOCG), Post clearance audit group(PCAG) “
Assistant” Enforcement Group(EG), Management information System and technology Group
(MISTG), Intelligence Group (IG), Internal Administration Group (IAG).



Date: Sept 3 , 2022

Master Of Ceremony: Roan Mae Resare
Al nicko bron
John Vennedick A. Pio
Rex Philippe Oro
Kevin Luz
Guest Speaker: Dr. Dennis A. Del Pilar

this day I felt so nervous couz this the first time I’ ve talk in front of professional people
and to my classmates but somehow my nervous could be erase because of being sense of
humor of our speaker and this kind of speaker is my favorite because they don’t gave me only
knowledge about the topic but also I enjoy it. The first topic tackled by our speaker is about the
PREAMBLE- the practice of customs Broker profession is imbued with public service, as it
involves collection of taxes which is the lifeblood of the governmentl; and facilitation of
international trade, which affects the economic development of the country. Next topic
followed by the five (5) Core Values which is Competence, Respect, Integrity, Justice and
Fairness. Next is he talks about inside the article two (2) “ Responsibilities with the General
Public” in this article says that Uphold the philippin constitution, Morally Obligated, Social
Responsibilities and Responsible citizen, actively participate in activities for community progress
betterment and national being. Next article three (3) “ Professional and relationship with fellow
customs Broker” inside this article is actively participate in the activities and programs of the
AIPO (CCBI), not allow himself/herself to be used as a DUMMY, Not attempt to discredit any
member of the customs broker profession for the purpose of gaining access with members
client, and the article four (4) this article “ Dealing with any Government Agency” it says shall
not exert undue influence or attempt to any government official on which he/she has pending
official transaction relative to the practice of his/her profession. And the next article five (5) “
Dealing with clients “ in this article says not take advantage of his/her clients, hold inviolable
the trust and confidence, treat with confidentiality and utmost care and deliver the best
professional service. Article six (6) this article “ Customs Brokers in Government Service” it
means don’t engage in customs brokerage business or any business related thereto unless
allowed by law, Not Divulge information of a confidential character acquired by him/her official
position to unauthorized person relative to customs broker transaction. And for the article
seven (7) “ Customs Brokers in education Institution” inside this article discuss about adhering
with CHED, PRC , AIPO rules and regulations to achieve Professional Competence, and
contribute to the Effectiveness , Enrichment and Dignity of the Teaching Profession. And last
topic that discuss by our speaker is article seven Which is Custom Brokers in Private
Employment it means this article covered by COE and COTS for Customs Broker.
Dated: Sept 7, 2022
Master Of Ceremony: Mr. Allan Barotilla
Mr. Dave Ferrer Tolarba
Mr. John Nobert Bognalos

Guest Speaker: Sir, Harren James Sacdalan Bautista

Our Speaker tackled first about the Scope of Export. He said that all export
shipments loaded at any airport or seaport in all collection district and its sub-ports, including
those coming from free zones, customs bonded, warehouses, and other premises under
jurisdictional and control of the bureau of customs, wether subjet to export duty or not. The is
about exportation means exportation refer to the act, documentation and process of bringing
goods out of the Philippine territory. Next is Export declaration shall refer to a statement made
in the manner prescribed by the bureau and other appropriate agencies, by which the persons
concerned indicate the procedure to be observed for taking out or causing to be taken out any
exported goods and the particulars of which the bureau shall require.and our speaker show to
us the sample document of BOC SINGLE ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. Regular Export ( RE )
shall refer to any person, whether natural or juridical who is accredited as an export with the
Bureau under existing laws, rules and regulations. He also explain the Certificate of Origin ( CO )
shall refer to the declaration of the exporter, certified by the Bureau or any other authorized
government agency, that his or her export complies with the origin requirements specified
under bilateral, regional or multilateral trading arrangements to which the Philippines is a
party.he explain also the Certificate of shipment or Non-Shipment shall refer to a certification
issued by the export Export Division of the port, upon request by the exporter, that a particular
shipment has been shipped out or otheriwise. He tackled also the Non- regular Export ( NRE )
shall refer to any person, whether natural or juridical, who is: Not accredited as a regular
exporter with the bureau under existing laws, rules and regulation and a once a year exporter
who had one exportation within 365 days prior to application for registration as Non-regular
Exporter. He explain also th Proof of Origin means any commercial document other than a CO,
sufficient to ascertain the origin of goods such as under self-certification scheme. Self-
certification shall refer to a system which enables an eligible exporter to make a declaration
that its products for export have satisfied the ROO under a specific trade agreement. Our
speaker said this is the one of important Special Permit to Load ( SPL ) Shall refer to a document
that grants the authority to load goods for export in a situation where no Export Declaration is
required as Provided in this CAO and relevant Custom Memorandum Order. It may also refer to
the Authority to Load ( ATL). And last he tackled is about the Stuffing Shall refer to the loading
of export shipment to the container, which is conducted at the designated examination area of
the Bureau or exporter’s warehouse.


DATE ON: sept 21, 2022
MASTER OF CEREMONY: Mr. Decartes Gueta
Mr. Jasper Manjares
Ms. Kim Shane Rengad
Ms. Shyna Gutay
Ms. Loraine San Juan
Guest Speaker:. Mr. Harren James S, Bautista

This is the last webinar of our OJT. During this webinar were able to learn and gain new knowledge that
we could possible apply in our subject because this topic is our subject also subject in curriculum so that
the guest speaker help us to understand what is all about the Rule Of Origin. The WTO agreement on
Rules Of Origin also known as ROO, an annex to the Marrakesh agreement of 1994 defines ROO as the
determination of the economic nationality as opposed to the geographical nationality of a given good
necessary for the implementation of various trade policy instrument such as imposing import duties,
allocating quotas or the collection of trade statistics. Under the ASEAN trade in goods agreement, ROO
refers to the criteria used to determine where a product was made and its eligibility for preferential
tariff treatment. Applying specially to the ASEAN region, products thats comply to the ROO provisions,
as indicated in the ATIGA are classified as being of ASEAN origin, and in turn , will be able to enjoy the
ATIGA preferential tariff rates. ROO are universally accepted principles of goods origin determination in
the application of trade measure. However, origin determination is not as simple or straightforward as it
sounds. Many principle are required to be understood in order to properly ascertain the origin of a
particular good. The purpose of Rules Of Origin are established to provide criteria that distinguish
between originating and non-originating goods. And theres a two types of Rules Of Origin which is
Preferential ROO and Non-Preferential ROO. Preferential ROO is Preferential tariff treatment is defined
as tariff concessions granted to originating goods are reflected by the tariff rates applicable under the
agreement, Preferential ROO are the rules for the application for tariff treatment under the various FTA
and economic partnerships and also under the generalizes system of preferences ( GPS ) scheme. The
other one is Non-Preferential ROO are applied to determine the country of origin for purposed other
than granting of Preferential tariff treatment. Under article 1 (2) of the WTO agreement on ROO , Non-
Preferential ROO are used in the application of MFN treatment, trade remedy measures, i.e anti-
dumping, countervalling , and safeguard , and origin marking requirements. The next discussion is how
do you define the goods wholly obtained or produced goods under article 27 of the ATIGA states that
the following shall be considered as wholly obtained or produced in the exporting member state:
A. Plant and plants product, including fruit, flowers, vegetables, trees, seaweeds, fungi and live plant,
grown and harvested, picked or gathered in the exporting Member state. And for the last discussion is
calculation of Regional Value Content, theres a two formula of RVC which is direct method calculation
and indirect method calculation. Direct method calculation is rv= ASEAN METHOD COST + DIRECT
FOB PRICE × 100.


Address: Mobo, Masbate City

Contact No.: 09518692294

To be able to apply my knowledge, skills and to learn new
Birth Date : April 12, 2001
Age : 21 years old
Civil Status : Single
Gender : Male
Height : 5’4
Weight : 42 klg
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Rawis, Legazpi City
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration
S.Y:2019 – 2022


Gagalangin, tondo Manila
S.Y 2013 – 2019

* Ms. Jainelyn M. Barcellano
Admin. Assistant, BIR
Bonot Legazpi City
* Ms. Rocel Laynesa
Dept. Head, BS Customs Administration
Rawis Legazpi City

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.



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