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Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Corporate Digital Communications (2305)

July 2021
CIM Membership: 38445021
Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Table of Content
1.1 ORGANIZATION SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Type of the Organization ........................................................................................................... 7
1.1.3 Product and Service Portfolio ................................................................................................... 7
1.1.4 Customer Base ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.5. Key Customer Segments ............................................................................................................ 7
1.1.6. Key Competitors ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.7 Key Stakeholders......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.8 Rationale For Choosing Brand Loyalty ................................................................................... 8
1.2 EVALUATION OF KEELL’S CR, IDENTITY AND IMAGE IMPACTING CL ....................................... 9
1.2.1. Evaluation of CR of Keells for Brand Loyalty (BL)............................................................... 9
1.2.2 Evaluation of Corporate Identity of Keells for (BL) ............................................................ 10
1.2.3 Evaluation of Corporate Image of Keells for (BL) ............................................................... 11
ORGANIZATION’S CR. .............................................................................................................................. 11
MEDIA. ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
IN RELATION TO ITS POSITIONING AND REPUTATION ................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Sustainability Strategy -Triple Bottom Line to enhance BE.............................................. 20
2.2.2 Wholistic view with Balanced Scorecard.............................................................................. 21
2.2.3 Managing Role of Employees and Recommendations........................................................ 22
2.3. MEASURING BRAND EQUITY OF KEELLS ..................................................................................... 23
2.3.1. Brand Finance ........................................................................................................................... 23
2.3.2 Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) .................................................................................................... 24
KEELLS ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Environmental trends driving changed in stakeholder digital behavior. ..................... 28
3.1.2 Digital Strategies to Support the Customer Loyalty of Keells. .......................................... 30
3.2 Evaluation of the Digital Tools and the impact on Keell’s CR .................................................. 31
3.2.1 Current Digital Tools and Impact on CR ............................................................................... 31
3.2.2 Technological Development and the impact on Keell’s CR ............................................... 32

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


MONITORING TOOLS .............................................................................................................................. 33
3.3.1 5D’s Strategy to Protect and Strength CR of Keells ............................................................. 33
3.3.2 Digital Technologies to Measure CR of Keells...................................................................... 34
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix 1 – PESTEL .......................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix 2 – SWOT............................................................................................................................. 38
Appendix 3 - Stakeholders Analysis ................................................................................................ 39
Appendix 4 – Customer Segments .................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 5 – Customer Segments Channel Engagement ............................................................ 41
Appendix 6 – Competitors ................................................................................................................. 41
Appendix 7 - APPENDIX 08: AC2ID TEST MODEL .......................................................................... 42
Appendix 8 – Facets of CR .................................................................................................................. 43
Appendix 9 – Organization Structure and Strategy Formulation Processes ........................... 44
Appendix 10 - Corporate Reputation Model (Van Riel & Balmer, 1997) ................................. 45
Appendix 11 - Keells Web Traffic Audit .......................................................................................... 46
Appendix 12 – Keell’s Facebook Activity and Promotional Effectiveness vs Competitor..... 48
Appendix – 13 Digital Media Types ................................................................................................. 49
Appendix – 14 YouTube Channel of Keells..................................................................................... 50
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................. 51
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 52

List of Tables
Table 1 Product and Services of Keells ........................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 Sales, Footfall and ABV of Keells ....................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3 Keells Customer Types .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4 Rationale for Choosing BL ................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 5 Stakeholder Infleunce on CR ............................................................................................................................ 12
Table 6 Strategy, Structure, Culture, Systems............................................................................................................ 19
Table 7 Triple Bottom Line for Keells ........................................................................................................................... 21
Table 8 Balance Scorecard for enahncing CR & BE ................................................................................................. 21
Table 9 Evaluation of Brand Finance for Keells ........................................................................................................ 24
Table 10 Evaluation of Brand Asset Valuator ............................................................................................................ 25
Table 11 Impact of Environmental Trends on Stakeholder Digital Behavior .............................................. 29
Table 12 Effectiveness of Current Digital Tools and Impact on CR .................................................................. 31
Table 13 5D Evaluation for Keells ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 14 Measurement using Digital Technologies. ............................................................................................... 34

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

List of Figures
Figure 1 Revenue of Keells .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 Loyalty Card Holder Growth of Keells .......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Market Share ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Facets of Keell's CR ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 5 Elements of Keell's Corporate Identity....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 Stakeholder Mapping of Keells ...................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7 JHK Industry Group, Sector, BU Structure................................................................................................. 18
Figure 8 Performance Management Structure of JKH ............................................................................................ 18
Figure 9 Keells Mobile App Review on App Store .................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10 Water Withdraw & Waste Disposal of Keells ........................................................................................ 20
Figure 11 Asset Valuation of Keells................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 12 Supermarket Ranking by Brand Finance ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 13 Macro Marketing Sustainable Model ........................................................................................................ 21
Figure 14 Employer Brand Equity for Keells ............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 15 Work Hard Play Hard Strategy for Keells ............................................................................................... 22
Figure 16 Organization Structure Change for Keells .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 17 Stakeholder Equity Measurement for Keells ......................................................................................... 23
Figure 18 Brand Finance Element of Brand Measurement .................................................................................. 23
Figure 19 Current BAV Position of Keells.................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 20 Internet Penetration in Sri Lanka .............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 21 Sri Lanka Ecommerce Growth by Statista .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 22 Mobile Penetration in Sri Lanka ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 23 Personalization Customer Survey by BCG - Google ............................................................................ 29
Figure 24 Occupation Replacement by IOT - McKinsey,2015 ............................................................................. 29
Figure 25 Earn, Own, Paid Media Strategy for Keells ............................................................................................. 31
Figure 26 Global Smart Shopping Cart Growth ......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 27 5D Strategy for Keells ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 28 Funnel Visualization on Google Analytics .............................................................................................. 34

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


Word Count
1.2 - 710
1.3 - 638

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

To: Senior Management Team, Keells Super

From: Marketing Consultant

Subject: Evaluation of the Keell’s Business background, corporate reputation, identity, image &
stakeholder influence on corporate reputation.

Date: 20th June 2020


The report gives and outline of the Keells and why Customer
Loyalty is a vital for building corporate reputation. The
strategic report drills down into analyzing the importance of
Reputation, Identity and Image and the influence of Keell’s
Key stakeholder on Corporate Reputation to build customer

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


1.1.2 Size of Keells
1.1.1 Type of the Organization
5,700 Employees 2,000 Farmers
is one of the finest supermarket chains in the
country in operation over the last 25 years. 400 Own label Products 123 Outlets
Keells belongs to a giant conglomerate in the country
John Keells Holding (JKH). The organization was 1.4 Mn Loyalty Card Holders 66 Solar
founded in 1991 Keells was ranked the “Most Valuable Powered
Supermarket Brand” by Brand Finance taking over the 17% 4,795 Mn Outlets
Revenue Equity
Market giant Cargills.
12 %
1.1.3 Product and Service Portfolio 32,959 MT Outlet
3,000 Carbon
Keells offers over 400 own labeled products and has Growth
Suppliers Footprint
variety of good from local and international suppliers.
Key Product and service in Table 1 REVENUE GROWTH - KEELLS
100,000,000 65,848,895
Products Services 47,558,179 55,847,218

Personal Care, ✓ Payment of Utility bill 2018

Groceries, Household ✓ Web Purchases with 2019 0
Supplies, Real time stock updates 2020 2018 2019 2020
Confectionaries, Wines ✓ Purchases via Mobile App Figure 1 Revenue of Keells
& Spirits, Frozen foods, ✓ Banks at Certain Outlets KEELLS NEXUS LOYALTY CARD HOLDERS
Poultry, Purchas Online & Collect

✓ 1.3 1.4
1.5 1.2
Pharmaceuticals, Offline
Bakery, Fruit, Juice Bar ✓ Online Queuing 1.0
2018 2019 2020
& Vegetables ✓ Door Delivery
Table 1 Product and Services of Keells 2018 2019 2020
1.1.4 Customer Base Figure 2 Loyalty Card Holder Growth of Keells
Keells business model consists of B2B
Performance Indicators % 2021/20 2020/19 2019/18
and B2C operations. Keells sells its goods
Same Store Sales Growth (8.6) 4.0 2.3
and services to the public while the B2B
Same Store Footfall Growth (31.5) 1.8 4.5
operation are the Farmers, Fishermen,
ABV Growth 33.4 2.2 (2.0)
Local and International FMCG suppliers Table 2 Sales, Footfall and ABV of Keells
and other Household Suppliers. After the relaunch of Keells under the
green marketing concept, Keells witnessed a growth in high end, upper middle and millennial
shoppers. Appendix 4 & 5 for a detailed view of customers. Digital Followers
Budgeted Very price sensitive and seeks for deals Facebook 310,388
Shopper & offers Instagram 12,800
Not Very Price Sensitive seeks for wide LinkedIn 2,353
Variety Shopper
variety Twitter 2681
Not highly price sensitive but seeks for Website Over 200,000 Visits /Month
convivence and better shopping
Shopper Mobile App 50,000+ Installs
Not Price sensitive at all, derives social 1.1.5. Key Customer Segments
Gourmet Shopper status from their purchasing behavior Keells has variety of shoppers
and pays a premium dropping into the store, but its key
Table 3 Keells Customer Types customers are the Nexus Loyalty Card Holders, (Figure 2) whom its
targets to grow by offering special promotions, top notch customer
experience & quality products.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

1.1.6. Key Competitors Market Share

The pioneer in the Modern Trade has been Cargills grabbing 67% of
8 7 18
the market share due to its first mover advantage. Cargills has a
strong distribution network and high market penetration.
However, Keells has been able to capture majority of the loyal 67
customers compared to other players in the market. Keells is also the
1st player to introduce a Shopping App and online retail website in Figure 3 Market Share

the Supermarket Industry. Arpico dominates the market in term Keells Cargills Laughs Arpico
of product variety as it offers a wide variety of products under one roof compared to other plays.
Refer Appendix 6 for more details on Competitors.
1.1.7 Key Stakeholders
Centered around the Mendelow’s theory (1991) all
stakeholder groups have a direct impact over Keells
(Appendix 3). Suppliers, Customers, Executive
Employees, and Shareholders have been concluded with
Medium and High-Power Interest. Refer Figure 6 for the
Mendelow Matrix of Keells Keells Introduced the 1st Self-Checkout in the Supermarket
1.1.8 Rationale For Choosing Brand Loyalty Table 4 Rationale for Choosing BL
Brand loyalty is created when consumer, make purchases from a certain brand due its quality, price,
features, image & attributes while they remain dedicated to make replicate purchase and
recommend the brand to others. All in All, brand loyalty is the degree of closeness by a customer to a
particular brand despite the rivalry in the market.
Why There is a substantial disparity between repeat purchases and brand loyalty, repeat purchase is
customer about purchasing a brand again and again while brand loyalty is the byproduct of the action
Loyalty? (Bloemer, 1995).
Brand loyalty will be of great benefit for organizations as clients will be ready to purchase at
premium prices and be involved in introducing new customers to the brand (Reichheld, 1990).
Brand loyal customers don’t evaluate the brand, they buy confidently based on their past
experiences (Sidek, Yee, & yahyah, 2008).
Keells has the largest loyalty program in the country “Nexus” with the largest loyalty base in the
supermarket industry with 1.4 Mil. The Market Competitors do not offer proper loyalty programs
like Keells, hence Keells has the upper hand to attract a large loyal customer base. Keells offers its
loyalty card members, Excusive Savings Deals for over 30 products a moth on their day-to-day
purchases. Customer can Earn and Redeem Points while they purchase.

However, Keells also witness gaps in accelerating brand loyalty. Recently Keells have upgraded its
Why website and mobile app to serve it customers better during Covid -19 prior to the Keell was able to
customer only cater 100 orders per day via the website and with the upgrade taking place they were able to
Loyalty cater more than 15,000 order per days. Simultaneously Keells was receiving complaints on technical
for errors on their website and mobile app which costed customers to buy from another online store.
With a Digital Future and customers looking for convenience over price, Keells needs to have a
well-structured online consumer journey to enhance repat purchase via the website leading to
customer loyalty where brand loyalty will help keells enhance revenue, build its intangible assets.

Customer Satisfaction, Trustworthiness, Importance of relationship, Brand Image, and other are the
basic factors affecting customer loyalty (Kuusik (2017). Hence, Keells need to focus its efforts
building brand loyalty as above components impacting the bottom line and topline growth

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


CR is a total estimation in which the company is held by its constituents. CR represents the ‘net’ affective or emotional reaction – good-
bad, weak, or strong – of customers, investors, employees, and public to the company’s name. (Fombrum, 1996, p9)
1.2.1. Evaluation of CR of Keells for Brand Loyalty (BL)
Keells being in the market for 2 decades, was not able to penetrate the market and enhance its reputation. In 2017, Keells rebranded its
Brand Identity, Image, Store Design & Communication. Below diagram depicts how Keells was able to build BL by rebranding.

Keells Relaunched the brand with a Green Concept,

depicting it on the logo, store designs & Communications. • State of Art Green Outlets
• Leveraging employee skills Sustainability became integral part of business process • Value For Money Product
• Training and development Improved Culture & business process. • Nexus Loyalty Program offers
• Performance management • Value Added Services - Eg Inhouse Bakery
• Employee survey • Sustainability Projects
• Structured career development • Enhanced Customer Service
• Well Trained Staffs
• Improved Processes
Enhancement of
Satisfaction Employees Customers Satisfaction Depicted a positive image which
employee work life led to
helped keells build 1.4 Mil
employee satisfaction
Loyalty Base (Figure 2) which
leading to employee
s was higher than the loyalty bases
retention by 82% Loyalty
Retention of the competitors Keells also
grew its revenue number with
enhanced CR (Figure 1)
Improvement of majority of the aspect for better work life for Sales
employees depicted greater customer service and improved
productivity to deliver great performance. Customers started looking
at keells as a valuable brand for its enhanced new outlook Corporate Reputation Chain (Davies etal,2004) of Keells
simultaneously driven by a motivated workforce enlightening
customers leading to BL.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

For an organization to build good

reputation it has to build Credibility 10
through product, trustworthiness 8
through customer service & support, FACET OF KEELL'S CR 6
reliability & consistency through 4
quality, responsibility through strong 2
orientation to services & values Resposnibility 0 Reliability

(innovations) With reference to

Appendix 8, figure 4 depicts where
Keells stands in term of its reputation. Impact on Brand
Despite Keells, enhancement in CR after Trustworthiness
Impact on
the relaunch, Keells witnesses long Stakeholders
ques, in-sufficient parking spaces Figure 4 Facets of Keell's CR
during peak hours and weekends
frustrating customer which can cause them to switch to alternative stores impacting brand
loyalty negatively.
1.2.2 Evaluation of Corporate Identity of Keells for (BL)
Corporate Identity is the attributes, symbols, nomenclature, behavior used by the company to
express and identify itself. The role of corporate identity is to answer the question “who are you?”
Dowling (2004).

Symbolism Communications Behavior

• Keells Logo supporting • 'fresh' promise, service • Socially Responsible, backed

Green Concept. excellence, value for Money up by ethical and
• Solar Powered State of art and quality through transparent behavior.
Outlets communication. • Responsive to customer
• Green branding across • Communication on the lines of complaints
digital channels. sustainability & better of • Career Development for
• Consistency in usage of society employees
logo. • Autocratic Leadership style
by the Group
• Go Green Communication Customers take pride in associating
Green Color Depicting trust
have allowed customers to with Socially responsible brand
according to phycology and leaf
repeatedly visit Keels. leading to BL and responsiveness
in the logo depicting
have led to positive word of mouth
Environment shows
• In certain occasions Keells leading to BL. Employees have
uniqueness enhancing brand
has failed to maintain its upskilled themselves to deliver
recall which can lead to BL due
“freshness” in its products better service with pride. However,
to brand emotions. Consistency
which has created a the leadership style of the group
in Brand Color and logo usage
negative sentiment around needs to be more democratic to
also further enhances brand
the brand enhance loyalty.
recall leading to brand loyalty.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

1.2.3 Evaluation of Corporate Image of Keells for (BL)

Elements of
Coporate 6
Identity 4

Behaviour Communication

Current Impact of BL Ideal Impact on BL

Identity & image are causally lined (Davies,
Figure 5 Elements of Keell's
2003). Corporate image are beliefs & Impact on Stakeholder Corporate Identity
impressions of the stakeholder about the
organization Dowling (2004) With Covid – 19, Keells faced a surged in online ordering and had to
adopt to the new normal. Keells has been experiencing a mix of positive and negative impact on its
reputation due to its behavior. Keells Social Media Channels & Mobile App witnessed positive and
negative review about delivery services, convenience of website, Freshness of the products being
delivered which impacted repeat purchases leading to BL.


It is vital for Keells to develop a strategy to attract BL for key stakeholders, achieving stakeholder
objectives and prioritizing stakeholder values. Hence, stakeholder mapping (Johnson & Scholes,
1993) or Mendelow’s matrix demonstrates the stakeholders of Keells.

Board of Directors
Non-Executive Employees
Management Teams
Executive Employees
Farmers & Suppliers
Power Media
General Public
Social Media Pressure Group
Environment Pressure Groups
Low High
Figure 6 Stakeholder Mapping of Keells

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Reference to Appendix 3 Stakeholder analysis, below depicts how immediate stakeholder influence

Stakeholder Stakeholder Efforts Influence on CR Rate

Shareholder investments play a key role in expansion of
the company. Keells have been satisfying shareholders
with financial stability and a higher share value in the

Shareholder returns and market depicting a good CR. Shareholders look to invest
Dividends and Share price and associate only with brand that have good brand equity 3/5
appreciation and reputation.
Investments of shareholders, allows Keells to work on
innovative expansions and leverage better technology to
serve customers better leading to BL

Customers are the key stakeholder for BL for Keells. In

Right price Right Quality at today’s world customers have the power to change the
Value for Money, enhanced perception of a brand within split seconds by leveraging

shopping experience, on technology and social media. Online customer reviews

ensuring product and recommendation make a huge impact on CR as the 5/5
availability, while serving experience is shared across a mass audience However,
its ‘Fresh” promise. adhering to negative sentiments of customers and being
. responsive to complaint makes a huge impact on CR
leading to CL
Provide best structure to
Employees are the Frontline of Keells depicting the
enhance & continue
corporate identity. Keells has a retention rate of 82%, with
learning. Career Growth is
staff training of 23 hours. High retention rate depicts how
a promise at Keells

loyal employees are towards Keells impacting on CR, while

beginning from a customer
service assistant who can
it also allows Keells to upskill the existing employees to 4/5
deliver greater value and enhanced service leading to
become an Outlet manager.
brand loyalty. Employee Behavior toward customers
Online Courses and skill
becomes visible when there is a dream in their career
gap training are core
leading to improved productivity leading to BL
Sustainable Scouring,
Empowering Local Supplier Guaranteeing undisturbed supply of raw material from
and helping farmers suppliers reduces risk, increases BR leading to BL.

produce larger quantity in Ongoing sustainable relationships lead to promotion of

better quality. social responsibility and cater to demands of customer
with new production through product availability leading to brand loyalty of
methods - Building Convenience & Variety Shoppers
sustainable relationships
Sustainability Approach
depicting enhancement of General Public look out for corporates who care about the
General Public/

environment & community. society and environment. Sustainability project by Keells


A pledged to reduce the will be advertised across by the public themselves on

usage of polythene by 50% social media channels, sharing it cross social circles 2/5
by 2025 and converting depicting an enhancement in CR. More positive sentiment
outlets to use solar energy. and advocacy leads to BL of customer among all shopper
Community Empowerment types
Programs to uplift people.
Table 5 Stakeholder Infleunce on CR

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


Employees revealing unity &

pride of working at Keells by
sharing across digital channels.

Customers posting on social media and sharing positive thoughts on services and fresh
goods available at Keells impacting CR positively.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Customers sharing
shopping experience at
Keells impacting CR
Positively leading to BL.

Customers &
General Public
extending support by
talking about the
Customers socially responsible
negative initiatives of Keells
experiences impacting CR
impacting positively.
Negatively on

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Word Count
2.1 – 810
2.2 – 1079
2.2 - 525

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

To: Senior Management Team, Keells Super

From: Marketing Consultant
Subject: Analyze potentials gaps between CR, identity, image and recommend a strategy to develop
brand equity of Keell’s corporate brand.
Date: 20th June 2021


The strategic report reveals strategies that build a corporate

brand which can be implemented by Keels. The report
critically evaluates the current corporate strategy, structure,
systems, and culture and identifies the current gaps and
recommend the way to overcome gaps. The report also
elaborate son the role of employees in building a corporate
brand which can in return build equity bran equity for
Keells. The mechanism to measure the brand equity and the
value of Keells in the marketplace has also been discussed.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


Positioning is where a corporate brand stands in the minds of customers or the vital
attributes that distinguish it from competitors.
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2000)

Evaluation in terms of
Gaps - Identity & Image Recommendation
positioning & reputation

Keells strategies are aligned with 2 GAP 1 Recommendation 1

objectives. Keell’s Freshness Promise
has been misunderstood as Launch an Island-Wide Freshness
1) Short Term environmentally friendly. campaign. Involve immediate
New customer acquisition, increase (Echelon, 2019) whereas it’s stakeholders such as employees and
footfall and revenue invading a core business principal to suppliers to communicate to public
competitor market share. serve its customers. on fresh sourcing of goods.

2) Long Term GAP 2 Visual Merchandising on fresh goods

Outlet Expansion to reach 250 by can also change perceptions
2023, Retention of Employees and Keells promises improving impacting brand image.
reduce usage of single use plastic by customer experience to
50% in the country by 2025. meet international Recommendation 2
standards, however Keells can introduce a frictionless
Strategies to meet above objective customer surveys depict, shopping experience to “Scan and
are aligned on the lines of Green long ques and lack of staffs pay via Mobile App” eliminating
Marketing concept changing to operate weighing queues.
stakeholder perception towards the machines in outlets.
brand after the relaunch. Introduce user-friendly weighing
Above 2 gaps impacted scales operated by customers
Enhancing store experiences in customer perception about themselves.
green, green initiatives topped the Keells impacting CL
mind recall for Keells stakeholders

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Keells, subsidiary of JKH follows the

structure set up by the Group. The
Organization contains an Industry Group,
Sector & BU. While the overall group has tall
and wider structure (Appendix 9)

Figure 7 JHK Industry Group, Sector, BU Structure

Evaluation in terms of
Gaps - Identity & Image Recommendation
positioning & reputation
Keells, subsidiary of the largest conglomerate In situation of a crisis, the Formation of a crisis
has well-structured information flow to BU needs to go through a management committee
protect its reputation combined with vigilant lengthy process to get reporting to BOD and putting
authority delegation to reach epitome of approval from the board strategy and implementation
service processed through hierarchical to rectify the situation. By in place in collaboration with
structure. All initiatives are passed through the time, the crisis the BU will help to ease the
the tall structure to deliver the best outcome management strategy has crisis faster. Helps to turn
to maintain reputation. Helped Keells attract been approved and put negative situations into a
and satisfy shareholders while employees into action, the impact on positive due to responsiveness.
take pride in being part of the reputational CR is much greater due to
outcome. the delayed response.

Figure 8 Performance

Management Structure of JKH

Evaluation in terms of
Gaps - Identity & Image Recommendation
positioning & reputation
“Performance-oriented culture Although Keells has performance A mix of transformational
created on transparent and ethical management system in place, tall and and transactional
behavior.” JKH Annual Report wide structured entity is driven by an leadership style to manage
(2020). Figure 8 depicts autocratic BOD. Head Office employees outlet employees, thereby
performance management system are exposed to a democratic culture but better customer service is
put in place for employees to outlet employees who are the frontline delivered impacting CR
enhance corporate identity. of the brand and main corporate when driven by right
Employees also place their trust identity depicting the image of the leadership style combined
and see a career vision at keells brand are driven by a more with the performance
due to the well-structured process transactional leadership style which management system
and performance driven culture in impacts the room for improvement in
turn enhancing the BR customer service leading to customer

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

With Covid -19, Keells saw a surge in online orders - Keells

website and mobile app was only able to cater to 100 orders prior
to Covid -19, with the increase in online orders, Keells ramped up
its website to serve close to 15,000 orders per day within couple of
days by upgrading its system (Annual Report, JKH 2020)

Evaluation in terms of
Gaps - Identity & Image Recommendation
positioning & reputation

Responsive approach Although some of the Improve the Ecommerce Channels of

towards Keells Website customers were delighted Keells constantly using lean
(Digital Corporate Identity) about the upgrade, some management, also analyze mobile app
saw consumer traction faced technical difficulties and website speed.
towards the website and with the App and gave poor
increase in online sales. rating and negative Usage of Google Analytics and Google
Keells also experienced an comments impacting the Firebase to drill down the online user
increase in social media corporate Image. Refer journey and analyze the drop offs in the
engagement Figure 9 channels and forecast how better the
Ecommerce channels could be improved
to serve better.
Table 6 Strategy, Structure, Culture, Systems

Figure 9 Keells Mobile App Review on App Store


Corporate brands are reputational assets that establish value to stakeholders via the brand promise
it communicates (Berens, 2007). Brand equity refers to the commercial value of a brand which is
determined based on consumer perception (CFI, 2020).

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

2.2.1 Sustainability Strategy -Triple Bottom Line to enhance BE

Investing in corporate social responsibility impacts brand equity, (Hur et al. ,2014)
Apart from the financial activities of an organization, contribution and concern regarding social and
environmental performance means the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) (Elkingston, 1999).

Current Status & Alignment with SDGs

Emphasis on Employee Retention via training shaping up employee skills, career
development & improved productivity. Keells also Implemented safety measures to
ensure health and safety of frontline staff during pandemic. Gender Equality another key
sustainability driver for the brand identity of Keells.

Supports a sustainable supply chain, empowering local farmers and

suppliers by enhancing livelihoods in return aiding country’s economic

Proposed Justification
Great way businesses can help employees to
Performance driven culture among invest in philanthropic activities is by giving
outlet staffs has resulted in volunteer time off. This level of social
overworking. Keells needs to also responsibility can attract and retain talent -
take into consideration the Stephen Beach, CEO of Craft Impact Marketing.
employees mental state and work According to 2019 Staples Workplace Survey,
pressure, thereby introduce a Work Hard Play Hard 78% of employees say employers have
Strategy enjoying a right balance of fun and work. responsibility to support them mentally and
physically well.
Build a philanthropic work culture by involving Employee Retention depicts a good perception
employees to work on team-building volunteering about the brand impacting BE
projects and offer volunteer off time
Current Status & Alignment with SDGs
'Keells' Plastic Promise, to reduce single-use
plastics by 50% by 2024/25 driven by Social
Entreprenuership project called “Plasticcyle”
However, Keells has been contributing to
waste disposal and water cosnumption largely.
( Annual Report, JKH 2020) Figure 10
Keells has also put it efforts on Zero Watsage
Production but hasn’t fully leveraged.

Figure 10 Water Withdraw & Waste Disposal of Keells

Proposed Justification

Implement a “Shaded green strategy” Environmental work and initiatives can help to
to gain competitive edge and build BE. create a competitive edge (Simpson, 2017)
As Keells has been contributing largely Shaded green Strategy, aims on capitalizing in
to the water pollution in the country, long-term sustainability initiatives that.
Recommend Keells to implement a helps develop innovative solutions & build a
Social Entrepreneurship project targeting the Reuse competitive advantage (Davari &
and Recycled water. Strutton, 2014; Ginsberg & Bloom, 2004)
Innovative Solution attracts consumers hence
Fully fledge plan on zero waste production to depict a building brand image leading to BE
better brand image

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Current Status & Alignment with SDGs

Task 1.1.2 depicts the
financial stability of
Keells, and witness’s
growth in its assets by 22% in Figure 11 Asset Valuation of Keells
20/21 (figure 11). Relaunch of
the Keells brand in line with the Green Concept, Keels has been
able to improve its brand valuation and profitability. Green
Marketing has played a key role in profitability and building BE.

Figure 12 depicts the Brand Valuation of Keells by Brand Finance

where the green marketing element drove profitability leading to

becoming “Most Valuable Supermarket in Sri Lanka” Figure 12 Supermarket Ranking by Brand Finance

Recommendation & Justification

Strategic partnership &
Sustainable Marketing enhancing
profitability and building
sustainability impacts on financial
stability of the organization and
enhances brand equity leading to customer loyalty
for Keells.

Sustainability marketing requires long term

direction on relationship building rather than short-
term concentration on transactions in modern
marketing. Sustainability Vision should be an Figure 13 Macro Marketing Sustainable Model
integral part of marketing, from market research to identifying customer needs till building loyalty. Macro
Marketing sustainable model (Figure 13) influences the entire system, (Belz and Peattie, 2009)
Table 7 Triple Bottom Line for Keells
2.2.2 Wholistic view with Balanced Scorecard
With Reference to the CR Model by Van Riel and Blamer (Appendix 10) to emphasize the impacts of
each element on reputation and thereby on brand equity
Factor Objective Measurement Impact on CR & BE
Customer loyalty Nexus Card Holder Growth Enhancing Customer Experience and value has
Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction & Retention Rate direct impact on how the brand is perceived
Customer Value Reviews & Surveys resulting in positive WOM impacting CR and in
return BE
Employees Retention Employee Retention Rate Employee satisfaction and retention impact on
Employee Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction Rate the corporate identity of Keells in return
Employee impacting CR. Employee innovation can be
Employee Innovation No of Innovations per Employee disruptive as ideas can relate to customers
better leading to enhanced CR
Strategic partnerships No of Contracts Signed Efficient processes and leveraging technology
Efficient processes Rate of Productivity enhance productivity and efficiency leading to
Leveraging Technology No of Technology Implemented profitability in return impacting BE.
Partnerships can bring about better process
Revenue Growth Sales Revenue, PBT Financial growth and profitability have direct
Tangible Asset Growth Land, Machinery, Building, Stocks, Cash impact on BE and financial stability allows to
Financials Intangible Asset Growth Intellectual Capital innovate better products leading to customer
Market Share Market Share Rate satisfaction hence improving CR and CL
Table 8 Balance Scorecard for enhancing CR & BE

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

2.2.3 Managing Role of Employees and

Brand knowledge to the consumer, it is
equally relevant to the employee (Keller,
1993, 1998)
Brand Knowledge is a key factor for
employees to deliver the brand promise of
Keells. Irrespective of brand’s positing and
presentation, nothing will reclaim a weak
brand experience. (Berry, 2000), It is vital
to conceptualize EBE Figure 14, to enhance
awareness and maximize positive customer
sentiments and experiences impact on CR, Figure 14 Employer
CL, and BE. Brand Equity for
Building a Work Hard, Play Hard culture
among Employees is a key driver to enhance
employee loyalty which will in turn impacts
CR, CL & BE. Figure 15 depicts the recommended strategy for Keells.
Brand Value
Work Hard Employees Employee Enhanced Enhance Brand Equity
Play Hard Satisfaction Loyalty Customer Value CR of Profitability

Culture Strategy Corporate Identity Reputation Outcomes

Figure 15 Work Hard Play Hard Strategy for Keells
Organizational structure to manage employees to deliver enhance customer value leading to BE
of the corporate brand also plays a vital role. Figure 16 depicts the current and recommended
structure for Keells.
Current Structure of Keells Recommended Structure for Keells


22 Recommend Keells to Move from Hierarchical

Figure 16 Organization Structure Change for Keells
structure to and Empowerment structure
Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


2.3.1. Brand Finance
Brand Finance, the world's leading
independent brand valuation consultancy
bridging the gap between marketing and
“Brand Finance Sri Lanka saw an 18%
cumulative growth in the brand value of the
Supermarket industry in 2021. Keells was most
valuable supermarket brand ranked overall 7th ,
with a brand value of Rs. 23.85 billion. The
competitor brand Cargills saw a 20% brand
value growth to Rs. 20.8 billion ranked 10th. In
contrast, Arpico saw a loss of 18% brand
value.” (Ruchi Gunewardene, Managing Director, Brand
Finance Sri Lanka, 2021 Figure 17 Stakeholder Equity Measurement for Keells

Current Status of Keells - 2021

Figure 18 Brand Finance Element of Brand


Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Tool Measurement Process Relevance to Keells

STEP 1 – Brand Strength Calculation using balanced scorecard evaluating
Marketing Investment, Stakeholder Equity (Figure 17) and Business
Performance. Brand strength is depicted as Brand Strength Index (BSI)

STEP 2 – Determine royalty range for industry, based on

The element (Figure
purchasing decisions and brand importance
18) taken into account
by Brand finance
STEP 3 – Calculation of royalty rate using BSI score.
especially the
stakeholder equity
STEP 4 - Determining brand revenues including a share of attributable
Brand measure, determining
parent company revenues.
Finance values from the parent
company make it more
STEP 5 - Determine forecast revenues using economic growth rates,
relevant for Keells
equity forecasts and historic revenues.
which can give a good
valuation depicting
STEP 6- Royalty rate application to the forecast revenues to
high BE.
arrive at brand revenues.

STEP 7 – Reducing post tax to Brand revenues to arrive at net-present

value equating to brand value.

Table 9 Evaluation of Brand Finance for Keells

2.3.2 Brand Asset Valuator (BAV)

BAV is a vital tool to evaluate current achievements and stature of a brand which gives an
indication of the market position for Keells. BAV captures the key dimensions that enhance brand
advocacy, momentum, and financial success in the marketplace.

Niche/Unrealized Leadership

Brand Strength

New /Unfocused Eroding

Low Brand Stature High

Figure 19 Current BAV Position of Keells

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Brand Impact
Value on CR

Differentiation – Keells differentiated from rest of its competitors in 2017,

rebranding with the green concept and integrating sustainability to its processes to Positive
enhance BV
Relevance – Keells launched the first mobile app and Online shopping site in the
supermarket industry. With Covid -19, Keells saw relevance to the situation where Positive
surge in online orders required to ramp up its website to cater to more orders. By
being relevant to customers need Keells was able to build CL and drive online sales

Esteem –State of art outlets of Keells made customers feel a sense of superiority
shopping at the premises due to the esteem shopping environment. Employees of Positive
Keells were proud to work for the subsidiary of the largest conglomerate in the
country, while shareholders were keen to invest more.
Knowledge – Keells key competitor Cargills, (figure 3 ) own largest Market share Negative
due to its first mover advantage and long-standing experience in the market, hence
Cargills has more knowledge than Keells
Table 10 Evaluation of Brand Asset Valuator

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


Word Count
3.1 – 701
3.2 – 409
3.3 - 486

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

To: Senior Management Team, Keells Super

From: Marketing Consultant
Subject: Environment trends in digital, existing digital tools and platforms and effective use of the
platforms and tools to build s digital strategy along with recommendation for Keels to enhance
corporate reputation and Loyalty

Date: 20th June 2021


The strategic report reveals strategies lead to uphold a

corporate brand which can be followed by CBC. Therefore,
this report critically evaluates the current corporate strategy,
structure, systems, and culture while identifying current gaps
and recommend the way to overcome gaps. The support to
reach CBC’s goals and objectives by a strong corporate brand
also explained with the role of the employees. To measure the
effectiveness of brand equity, techniques to measure brand
equity is also included in the report.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


3.1.1 Environmental trends driving changed in stakeholder digital behavior.
Trend Evaluation of Trend & Adaption by Stakeholders
Growth In Internet Penetration - In 2020 with
pandemic taking over, there was a 13% growth in

Growth Rate (%)

rate (Figure 20). Covid 19 has driven this change, 100%
47% 50%
where consumers had to get online to purchase 50% 30% 32% 34%
goods and carry out their daily transactions.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Growth in E- Commerce Shopping & Mobile
Wallet Usage YOY
According to Asia Securities Survey, 2020 - Figure 20 Internet Penetration in Sri Lanka
• Sri Lanka Online Retail is estimated at USD 85–90 million and is expected to reach USD 450-
500 million over the next 5-6 years.
• Social media has influenced 73% to make an
online purchase.
• 53% stated to opt for online shopping in the
T1 following months after lockdown.

Covid -19 According to Statista, ecommerce revenues are likely

accelerates to grow by 25% by 2024 in Sri Lanka. Figure 21
Behavior and Sri Lanka’s Number 1 Ecommerce Platform, Daraz
rise in Online witnesses a 1.5X YoY growth of active ecommerce
Shopping users while 2019 saw a 2.5X growth.

Internet banking spiked up by internet banking

600% and over 200% growth in fintech app
registrations during the pandemic. (Economy Next, Figure 21 Sri Lanka Ecommerce Growth by Statista
August 2020). Figure 22 show the Mobile POS
payment growth in Sri Lanka MOBILE POS PAYMENT
Penetration in %

Growth in digital behavior triggers shareholder and

8.6 9.9
more venture capital for investment in e- 3.5 5.7
commerce. Google India, managing director stated
Capital limitations for E- commerce Startups in Sri 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Lanka has formed capital-efficient business
models. Figure 22 Mobile Penetration in Sri Lanka
Harvard Business Review Feature in Forbes, 2020, 38% revenue growth have been witnessed
T2 when customers are targeted with transparent ads based on consumer activities. According to
Retail Touch Points in Forbes, 2020, Over 50% of consumers share information willingly on
Need for products they like to obtain personalized discounts.
Figure 23 shows a research by BCG, commissioned by google (2019) on personalization.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Figure 23 Personalization Customer Survey by BCG - Google

Investors and shareholders of the organization to invest in advanced analytics and personalized
technology to enhance BV, while employees are required to upskill.

Advanced technology and usage of

AI, many jobs’ roles will be re-
defined, and some will be

According to McKinsey
Digital,2015 45 % of employee
work could be automated utilizing
technology. Figure 24 research by
McKinsey show the employees 800
capabilities that can be
T3 automated using leading-edge

IOT Impacting
and Employees

Job Activities and

Capabilities of retail
sales staffs that could
Figure 24 Occupation
Replacement by IOT -
be automated with the
McKinsey,2015 use of IOT

Table 11 Impact of Environmental Trends on Stakeholder Digital Behavior

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

3.1.2 Digital Strategies to Support the Customer Loyalty of Keells.

With Reference to Appendix 11 & 12 analyzing the Keells Digital Presence and Promotional Strategy. Race
Model has been used to map out Keell’s Digital strategy to enhance CL


Improve online

conversion rates from

Increase Brand Reach Improve customer 4% - 8% and increase Increase Customer
by 35% engagement by 30% online attributed Lifetime Value by 10%
conversions to offline by

Segmentation and Personalization & Integrated

Targeting Content Strategy Communication

• Google Search &

Display Ads
• Organic Social Media • Personalized Ecommerce Management
Content • AB Testing
• Paid Social Media • Conversion Rate & Ad Optimization • Mobile Marketing
Campaigns • Landing Page and Home Page Optimization • SMS Marketing
• Instagram Influencer • Enhancing CTR • Newsletters
Marketing • Analyzing Customer Journey Funnels on App/Website • Content Marketing

• SEO • Remarketing Campaign for each funnel layer drop offs • Personalized offers
• YouTube Skippable & • Analyzing Top performing products and driving T2
Masthead Ads engaging content

Targeting Seed Audience &

Custom audiences bases T1
categorized based on
shopping behavior. T2

• Bounce Rate • Returning Website

• • Visitors

Impressions, Views & Add to Carts.

Reach • Avg Time Spent • Repurchases form
• Followers Gained • CPC App/Website.
• Website Visits • CPA • Traffic from
• Sources of Traffic • Top Revenue Categories Newsletter and
• Landing page Views • Organic vs Paid Conversions. Mobile campaigns
• Engagement to
Awareness for Keells Consideration & Decision of Keells Products/Services • Nexus Loyalty Sign

Loyalty to Keells
T1 - Growth in E- commerce given rise to better E- Commerce optimization for Keells.
T2 - Personalization integrated in the strategy to keep up with the trend.
Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

3.2 Evaluation of the Digital Tools and the impact on Keell’s CR

3.2.1 Current Digital Tools and Impact on CR
With reference to the Appendix 13 the below table depicts the effectiveness of the tools impacting

Impact on Relevance
Media Channel Effectiveness
CR for Keells
Low Medium High
• Keells Website Cost
& Mobile App
• Social Media 3.5/5 5/5
Media Pages Credibility

• Google Display,
Search Ads Low Medium High
• YouTube Ads
• FB, LinkedIn,
Instagram Paid Cost
Paid ROI
Ads 3/5 3/5
Media • Paid Credibility
Influencers Measurability
• Programmatic

• FB & Google Low Medium High

Reviews Reach
• Brand
Earn ROI
• Digital PR 4/5 3.5/5
media • SEO Credibility

Table 12 Effectiveness of Current Digital Tools and Impact on CR


Figure 25 Earn, Own, Paid Media Strategy for Keells

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

3.2.2 Technological Development and the impact on Keell’s CR

Frictionless Shopping on the Rise
Frictionless shopping is a combination of offline and online, where consumers can buy product in
store and pay online at the convenience of their own mobile phone, giving rise to self-checkouts and
contactless payments eliminating traditional check outs.
“As a consumer, we want the convenience of contactless payments.” — David Wilkinson, president
& GM of NCR Retail
According to NCR survey, top 3 why reasons consumers preferred self-check outs.

Frictionless shopping has given rise to 2

technological innovations.
1) Smart Carts -
Smart carts are AI powered Shopping carts,
equipped with touchscreen and other
technological components which detects items
placed inside the cart. When consumers are done
with shopping, they can scan and pay off their
mobile or swipe the card on the POS embedded
on the cart. Figure 26 shows the growth of smart
2) Scan and Go Figure 26 Global Smart Shopping Cart Growth
Scan Pay and Go is a less of costly invention than smart
carts, where retails can upgrade their mobile apps so
consumers can scan products on their mobile while
shopping and pay via the app.
Impact of Frictionless Shopping on Keells
According to Keells customers survey, long ques have
disappointed customers (JKH Annual Reports ,2021).
Frictionless shopping is the ideal solution for Keells to
eliminate long ques. As Keells already has a mobile app,
upgrading app to scan, pay and go will enhance
customer convenience, bring more footfall and enhance
loyalty due to convenience and state of art technology
involved. Hype can be created among consumers to talk
about the innovation across social media which can
elevate brand mentions, bring about a huge impact on
CR of Keells.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


3.3.1 5D’s Strategy to Protect and Strength CR of Keells

Figure 27 5D Strategy for Keells

5D’s Current Recommended Strategy

Digital Devices Keells website is Mobile Responsive, Enable enhanced Features Integrating Online & Offline
and the website speed is greater than devices. While TV advertisement is played Customers can
competitor on the Mobile (Appendix 6) scan the QR code on the TV screen and be entitled for
Digital Platform Keells is currently active on Facebook, Leverage on paid media platforms like google ads,
LinkedIn, Instagram, and twitter YouTube ads, LinkedIn Ads as Keells has more control over
Digital Media Keells not only focusses on its Leverage on giving prominence to employees on YouTube
customers centric content but has depicting the corporate identity of Keells which can impact
given priority to Employees on on BL. (Appendix 14). Mix of digital media content pieces
Facebook with employee content is vital to keep the channel live
Digital Data Uses only the channel-based targeting Needs to target using Custom and Look alike audiences.
options to reach out to customers. Tie up with third party to attain data bases of various
segments and target segments using personalized digital
media content enhancing brand experience.
Digital Self Service machine are one of latest Needs to give focus to AI related devices. Like smart Carts,
Technology technologies implement by Keells Robotic to enhance customer experience leading to CL
keeping up with the technological

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

3.3.2 Digital Technologies to Measure CR of Keells

Tool About the Tool Focused Areas of Impact on CR for Keells
Website and App • Website Visits GA allows Keells to analyze website/app
Google analytics tool • Bounce Rate performance on various metrices to derive
which tracks the • Customer Journey insight how better the website/app can be
activities on the Funnels on optimized for better customer
website or app Website/App Behavior experience impacting CR.
through a • Online Goal
tracking code Measurements Funnel Visualization
• Traffic Sources (Figure 28) on GA allows Keells to analyze
• Attribution of Digital drops off happening at each website/app
Campaign to site visits step of customer journey where Keells can
• % of New vs Returning retarget the dropped-out customers using
Visitors remarketing audiences to attract them
• Top Performing with Keells enhancing CR
Product Pages
One stop • Social Listening Social listening allows Keells track all brand
Solution for • Content Planning & mention by external stakeholders on social
Social Media Publishing media space. Tracking of Customer
Social Marketing complaint and negative sentiments will
• Audience analysis
Bakers Activities, allow Keells to be responsive thereby
• Analytics &
helping brands Benchmarking impacting CR.
to ensure
measurable Benchmarking Tool on Social Bakers Allows
outcome for the Keels to analyze competitor digital insights
investments and enhance CR and digital activities better
made on than competitor due to the availability of
Facebook, data on social baker.
LinkedIn &
Table 13 Measurement using Digital Technologies.

Figure 28 Funnel Visualization on Google Analytics

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Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 1 – PESTEL
Factor Drivers Implication O/T Rate

• Decrease in Corporate Tax Rate (Standard Income Tax) in Sri Lanka from
28% to 24%
• Value Added Tax (VAT) decreased from 15% to 8% from 1 December
Fiscal Policy O 3/5
• Removal of Nation Building Tax (NBT) from 1 December 2019
(JKH Annual Report 2019/2020)
Compulsory rules and regulations to be obeyed while doing business which
are mainly aimed at safeguarding the rights of consumers.
Regulation &
Political & Legal

Consumers Regulations were passed on to food manufactures and T 3/5

supermarkets to stick to food and safety standards to make sure the quality
products and services
Fixed prices were introduced to 27 essential commodities ad mists the
Price control
Pandemic in 2020/2021. Laws were passed to benefit the public making it
on Essential T 4/5
affordable for everyone
4g Infrastructure implementation was instructed by the government to all
Usage of 4G Mobile service providers. (National Digital Policy, 2019) O 4/5

Travel restrictions-imposed islands wide, restrictions between cities and

COVID-19 - country borders T 5/5

Inflation rate is at about 4.65% in Sri Lanka. Increase in the cost of living and
Inflation s still disposable income has caused a decline in saving and affected the T 4/5
Rate consumers spending ability and the basket value
Competitive Sri Lanka is ranked 84th by the Global Competitive index O 2/5
GDP growth saw a negative figure of – 3.6% in 2020 due to the Covid – 19

Growth drop pandemic and 2.3% growth in 2019 which was also affected by the easter T 3/5
- 2020 attack while, the country saw a 3.3% growth in 2018
The supermarket penetration is at about 16% in Sri Lanka in 2020 which is
the lowest in the South Asian Region with similar social and economic
Penetration in T 3/5
Sri Lanka attributes. The regional rate is at about 31%. Sri Lanka has close to 2,500
supermarket chains (Small, Medium & Large)
With the Easter attack in 2019 and the Pandemic in 2020, Sri Lankan
Depreciation witnessed a huge depreciation in the Lankan currency against the USD. The
of Currency
T 4/5
currency is at about 200LKR against 1 USD
Sri Lanka’s Consumer Spending has risen to LKR 10,589,745.40 million in
2020 from LKR 10,405,872.40 Million in 2019. Rise in urbanization by 36% in
Socio Cultural

2020 compared to 2011. Sri Lanka also witnessing below Lifestyle changes.
1) Modern trade has become more attractive than traditional shops due
Spending &
to its convivence. O 5/5
2) Sri Lankans are adapting western lifestyle because of the access to
global trends via digital media.
3) 42.25% of the consumer spend are for Food and Nonalcoholic

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

4) Covid 1-9 and lockdowns have revolutionized the way people shop,
giving rise to a surge in online shopping & mobile wallets.
The internet penetration of the country grew to 50% in 2021 due to the
pandemic and the lockdown The country recorded an internet penetration of
34% in 2019, 47% in 2019.
O 5/5
& Social
Facebook and Instagram are the fastest growing digital platforms in Sri
Media Usage
Lanka. As at Jan 2021 Close to 41% of the population are on Facebook and
7.6% of the population are on Instagram
Growth in Influencer marketing has been a global trend while Sri Lanka also
has seen the trend in Instagram & YouTube Influencer Growth.
According to a leading business magazine in Sri Lanka LMD, 49 % of O 5/5
consumers make decisions on purchasing a products or service based on
influencer recommendation
Cash has been the King in Sri Lanka over the year. But now Sri Lanka is
witnessing a trend towards credit-based payments and contactless payments.
Credit card Penetration in Sri Lanka stood at 5% and according to sparkwin
Payment survey credit cards are used 84% at supermarkets.
O 5/5
Sri Lanka Has also witnessed a rise E – Wallet/ Fintech payments. A 600%
growth in internet banking numbers and 200% growth in fintech app
registrations during the pandemic. (Economy Next, August 2020)
Statista 2020 says, 69.2% of the country’s digital revenues are from E
commerce while Sri Lanka witnessed a double up in the purchase of FMCG
Ecommerce product in 2020 online due to the covid -19 pandemic. The growth was from O 5/5
20% before covid and to 70% in March 2020 at the beginning of pandemic in

Sri Lanka
Mobile phones usage in the country is at 149% and 117% for active debit
Mobile card. The Mobile POS Payments in Sri Lanka stood at 9.9% in Sri Lanka in O 5/5
Wallets 2021 and 8.6% in 2020 (Statista, 2021)
Data driven and digitally driven organizations in the country are enabling the
Big Data use of Big data to marketing decisions and enhance consumer engagement O 5/5
Rise in the usage of Solar Panels among Commercials and Residentials. Keells
Solar Energy became the 2nd largest Solar Installer in Sri Lanka with the muti site solar
O 3/5
Utilization powered roof tops reducing energy consumption by 12% (Sunday Observer,

Country saw arise is Recycle and Reuse projects. A social entrepreneurship

Recycle & project by Keells “Plasticycle” witnessed the collection of 71,100 KG Plastic
O 3/5
Reuse equivalent to 2,000,000 plastic bottles. And recycling 250 ton of PET bottles
Government of Sri Lanka has banned the use of single use plastic and making
Ban of Plastic it compulsory to mention the form of plastic used for any plastic product T 3/5

Growth in the search for Organic Food saw a trend. Keyword research by
Organic Food google denotes, people’s choice for healthy and organic food has seen a O 2/5
Consumption growth of 111% from 2017 to 2021 (Keyword Reach Planner, Google)

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 2 – SWOT
Strength Weakness
• Sustainable Driven Organization with efforts toward Green • Lesser number of outlets compared to
Marketing Concepts and Sustainable business processes its main competitor Cargills.
• Enhanced State of Art Stores
• Over 400 Own label products providing quality products at • Cargills has a stronger distribution
affordable prices. network than Keells
• Took a Plastic pledge to reduce the single usage of plastic by
50% by 2025 • Lesser Product Rang compared to
• Initiated the first state-of-the-art Enterprise Warehouse Arpico which covers a wide variety of
Management (EWM) system in Southeast Asia. Household and All the essentials under
• 57 outlets Solar Powered out of 123 outlets. one roof making it a convenient place
• Customer loyalty base of 1. 4Million Nexus Card Holders to shops.
• Largest Loyalty program in the country with monthly offers
• Roots from the largest Parent Company, JKH with revenue of • Limited land in Colombo and suburbs
LKR 140 million for Outlet Expansions
• Empowering Local Farmers
• Over 2000 farmers and 3000 suppliers in total
• Raked the Most Valuable Supermarket Brand in Sri Lanka by
Brand Finance in 20202
• Brand of the year at SLIM awards 2019.
• Silver award at Melbourne Design Awards 2019 for 'Keells'
private-label packaging.
• Silver award - trading category at the National Business
Excellence Awards 2019.
• Bronze award - Service Brand of the year & Innovative
brand of the year

Opportunities Threats
• Growth in the Ecommerce Space, Internet Penetration, and • Entry of International Chains like SPAR
social media usage in the country
• Growth in the Mobile penetration the country • Drop in the footfall of the store due to
• With the rising Millennials and Generation Z having access Covid -19 results in customers not
to better lifestyle and growth in western trends leading to being able to experience & love a
better products and services shopping time, leading to a difficulty in
• Growth in E – wallet and Mobile App Usage due to Pandemic building brand loyalty.
• Customers highest spending on E – Commerce being Food
and Non-alcoholic Beverages opening opportunities for • Economic Downturn die to Covid – 19,
Supermarkets and Food chin to leverage on the trend Drop in GDP, depreciating Currency
• Barriers for Entry is HIGH as the prices on land and leading to recession in the country and
property are quite expensive along with achieving affecting consumer basket size and
economies of scale. value.
• Consumers preferring wide variety of products and services.
• Change in Shopping behaviors towards Modern Trade from • High Customer Bargaining power and
Traditional Shops due to convenience the cost of switching is low.
• The Generation X realizing the convenience and the safety
of using E – payments, Ecommerce due to lockdowns during • Excess amount of Flash Sales, Discounts
Pandemic have changed the mindset of people. & Promotion in the industry makes it
difficult to build a loyal base

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 3 - Stakeholders Analysis

Stakeholder Power Level Interest Level

▪ Job Satisfaction & Progressive Career

Executive • Frontline of Customers
H ▪ Job Security H
Employees • Portrays the Brand Image
▪ Health & Safety
▪ Reputation of the Brand
• Oversees Business Strategies, ▪ Working Culture

Management Operations, R&D, and the business ▪ Advancement of Career

Teams process. ▪ Skill development & Training
▪ Team Building Activities
▪ Rewards & Motivation
▪ Profitability & Financial Performance
Board of • Developments & Future Growth ▪ Growing Market Share, Gaining Competitive
Directors • Decision Makers of the company Edge
▪ Equity of the Brand
▪ Exceptional Customer Service
• Key stakeholder contributing to
▪ Quality & Variety of Goods
brand loyalty.
H ▪ Value for Money H
▪ Convenience & Superior Shopping
• Positive Word of Mouth
• Contributes to smooth supply chain. M ▪ Empowerment of farmers & livelihood
• Cost efficient, productive, ▪ 50 -50 Purchasing polices.
Farmers & ▪ Long Term contracts & Short Credit Periods H
Dependability & Quality distribution

Suppliers ▪ Latest Agricultural Technology

of goods
• Impacts & Drives Innovation, L ▪ Capture market share
Competitors Competition helps to drive better ▪ Better products & Service than Keells H
H ▪ Fair & Steady ROI (Dividends)
▪ Growth in Share Prices and Market
• 66% of the shares are accountable to ▪ Business Development & Sustainability
Shareholder the Top 20 Shareholders ▪ Increase in Potential Earnings of the
▪ Business Transparency, Reputation
H ▪ Green and Eco-Friendly projects
▪ Sustainable Development, Economic Growth
• Laws, Legal & Regulations are put & Employment
Government L
down by Government ▪ Opportunities for Local Farmers & Local
▪ Payment of Taxes & Duties
• Capable of portraying positive & L ▪ Abide by the rules & regulations.
negative PR promptly. ▪ Trustworthy & Transparent Information
Media H

• Corporate communications
Opinion on Brand Identity and corporate M ▪ Corporate Responsibility
image is critical which connects to ▪ Community Empowerment M
customer loyalty
Social media Influences and impacts perception of the
▪ Viral content pertaining to the brands
pressure brand. Capable of influencing Gen Z & H M
negativity or positivity
groups Alpha on brand perception
▪ Environmentally Friendly Practices
Activists & Not a powerful stakeholder with low
L ▪ Ethical & Sustainable Business Practices L
Pressure bargaining power
▪ CSR Activities

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 4 – Customer Segments

Budgeted Convenience Variety Gourmet
Shopper shopper Shopper Shopper
Age 50 + 23 – 45 25 - 35 35 - 50
Geography Sub Urban & Rural Sub Urban & Urban Sub Urban & Urban Urban

Economic Middle & High-Income Middle & High-Income Extremely High-

Lower Income Earner
Group Earners Earners Income Earners

Generation Baby Boomers & Gen Y Gen Y, Gen X & Gen Z Gen X & Gen Z Gen Y & X

Uses an average Luxury /Semi Luxury Standard Vehicle Owners Uses a High-End
Smartphone / Feature Phone Smart Phone

Phone Luxury or Semi Luxury

Lifestyle Standard Vehicle Phone Luxury Vehicles
2G – 3G Mobile Owners
Networks 4G Mobile Network 4G & 5G Mobile
4G Mobile Network Network
Social Class Middle & Lower Upper Middle Upper Middle Upper
Average Greater than LKR
Less than LKR 2,000 LKR 2,000 – LKR 5,000 LKR 5,000 – LKR 15,000
Basket Value 15,000
Status of
Moderate High Moderate High
High Quality
Online Shopping

Long Open Hours

Exclusive brands
Wide Variety of Local &
All products under one
International Brands Excellent Store
Purpose/ Seek Deals, Offers & roof
Expectation Promotions
Willing to buy across the
Home Delivery
full price spectrum Friendly staff
Friendly Staffs
Online Shopping
E- Wallet Payments
E- Wallet Payments

Online Shopper Type Age Group Attributes

• Enjoy shopping for latest trends.
The Young Shopper/ • Tech savvy
18 to 24 years
Recreational Shopper • Loyal to brands,
• Less price conscious
• Quality and reliability
• Brand Loyal but deals & flash sales attract
Well Informed Shopper 25 to 30 Years
them, with a majority purchasing personal &
home items.

• Shops within their budgets & according to their

Settled Adult shoppers 31-35 years needs.
• Quality conscious, less experimental.
• Expect fast delivery.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 5 – Customer Segments Channel Engagement

In Store Mobile App Website Instagram Facebook
Budgeted Shopper
Convenience shopper
Variety Shopper
Gourmet Shopper

Not Engaged Moderately Engaged Highly Engaged

Appendix 6 – Competitors

Keells Cargills Food City Arpico Supercenter

No. of stores 123 411 62

Western, Central and Western, Central and

District Coverage Southern provinces
25 Districts
Southern provinces

29 Arpico Supercenters, 12
Small and medium sized Small and medium sized Showrooms, 20 Arpico
Store Type supermarkets supermarkets Daily Outlets and 1 Arpico
Furniture retail stores

Revenue 54,654,000 83,720,000 28,037,263

Over 45,000 different
Products - consumer goods
FMCG and
Types of Goods Sold homeware
FMCG and homeware (FMCG), household goods,
apparel, furniture &
• Extensive parking
• Strong supplier • One stop solution for
• Local & Imported
network all the needs with
Value Proposition • Value for money extensive parking,
• Green Concept Stores
good banking, and other
• Sustainable Organization
• Wide store network. facilities
• Freshness

Customer Loyalty Base 1,400,000 1,177,081 1,010,200

Online Retails Yes Yes Yes, after covid -19

Website Speed Test Score by

Mobile Speed – 60 Mobile Speed – 19 Mobile Speed – 7
• 0 to 49 – Poor
Desktop Speed – 80 Desktop Speed – 71 Desktop Speed – 42
• 50 to 89 - Needs Improvement.
• 90 to 100 - Good

Mobile App Yes Yes No

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


Identity Factor Justification Rating
Product and • Produces over 400 owned labels products with sustainable
Services sourcing.
• Won Silver award at the Melbourne Design 2019 for the 'Keells'
private label packaging 3/5
• Differentiates the shopping experience focusing on the concept
of 'fresh' promise, quality, service excellence within the
marketing mix: product, price, place, people, and the customer
Innovation • Launched the first Self-service machine in Sri Lanka.
Actual • Disruptive innovation with the rebranding of the Green
Identity Concept Supermarket Chain in Sri Lanka 3/5
• First Supermarket to Launch a Shopping Mobile App and Online
Leadership • Autocratic Leadership style from the JKH groups top
management, Head Office staff experience a more democratic
and transactional style while the Outlet employees experience a
Transformational style
Culture • Performance driven and digital driven culture.
• 'More Than Just a Workplace” Culture for Employees
Visual Identity • Green Store Branding, Green Logo Branding and Eco-friendly
branding - Solar Powered Outlets contributing to the 4/5
Employee • Recruit, retain & train strategy used for employees.
• Dedicated performance management structure provided clear
vision to the employees.
• Keells retail academy educating employees and upskilling
outlet employees to grow up the career ladder.
• Health and Safety of the employees are measured.
• Training if Employees are annual KPI’s for Keels
• 95% retention rate in Employees
Suppliers & • Empowering local Farmers by obtaining nearly 80% of its raw
Farmers materials from Local farmers
Communicated 4/5
• Build continuing and sustainable relationships to promote
social responsibility and amalgamation across the supply chain
Customers • Communicated in delivering the Freshest product to customers.
• Quality Products at Affordable pricing
• 1.4 million Nexus Loyalty Customer base are offers saving deals
over 30 products in a month.
• Enhancing Customer shopping experience to keep up with the
urbanization and Millennial
Media • Maintain a Strong PR by contributing to the Plastic reduction
the country and as responsible citizen
Digital • Upgrades it’s website & Mobile UI to enhance better customer
Channels experience.
• Actively engages with its Facebook & Instagram customers on a
daily basis

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Stakeholder After the relaunch of the brand 2017 to a a green concept

Perception brand with sustainable business process, enhancing the
Conceived marking outreach and improving customer shopping
experience to meet international standards, Keells has earned
the trust of its stakeholders,
Brand Positioned among the high end and upper middle as the
Positioning green marketing concept has attracted the elite and educated
social class. Positioned among the millennials with its state of 4/5
art outlets and convivence
Competencies • Roots from the largest conglomerate in the Country with
& Recourses strong financial stability, Skilled Workforce and a
Ideal Performance driven culture with a high brand equity
Identity after the relaunch 5/5
• Total Asset valued at LKR 44,412 Mn
Future • The strategy team at the senior level focuses on analyzing
Readiness future trends, investing in outlet expansions.
• Training and Skill Gap development for Employees 3/5
• Has processes in place to innovate better products and
Bored of • Creating shareholder value
Director • Identifying and implementing Successful projects
• Sustaining the excellent image
• Development if human capital 3/5
• Collaboration of team spirit
• Developing sustainable external relations
• Leveraging on the Board members & stakeholders

Appendix 8 – Facets of CR
Factors Impact of BL
Credibility – Brand equity of 4,7595 Mn and Strong brand equity after the relaunch with a strong
according to brand finance the most “Valuable financial background, Multiple awards won by Keells based
Supermarket in the country” on positive customer sentiments, quality products &
enhanced customer services ultimately driving BL
Trustworthiness – Maintain transparency Highly motivated workforce directly impacting customers’
with its stakeholders and high employee satisfaction and loyalty
engagement activities
Reliability – Belongs to the largest Enhanced shopping experience providing the best
conglomerate in the country with over 20 shopping atmosphere and convivence leading to brand
years with key focus on enhancing shopping Loyalty. Freshness and quality products build brand trust
experience for Sri Lankans introducing Online and reliability leading to BL
Retail and serving its freshness promise
Responsibility - Investing in sustainability, Impacting customer psychology and trigger customer
Carbon Footprint, Waste Management, emotions by depicting responsibility toward the
Community Empowerment and Plastic environment and people builds a brand emotion driving to
Recycling projects BL

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 9 – Organization Structure and Strategy Formulation Processes

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 10 - Corporate Reputation Model (Van Riel & Balmer, 1997)

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix 11 - Keells Web Traffic Audit

Not in the Top 10 for the

Very small “Buy Online Groceries.”
Spend on
Google Search

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Traffic from Countries

Social Media Traffic

Audience Interest of the Website Visitors

Appendix 12 - Keells Social Bakers Report

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Facebook Performance Quadrant Appendix 12 – Keell’s Facebook Activity and Promotional

Effectiveness vs Competitor

Promotion Effectiveness

Promotion Strategy in Greater Context

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix – 13 Digital Media Types

Recommended strategies Type of media Frequency/ Timing
SEO - With reference to Appendix 11. Currently Keells
website has a poor SEO ranking. Optimize the Website until, the 10
keywords are on the top 5 Google
Recommend Carrying out a Keyword analysis and map ranking and review the keywords month
out the keywords based on search volumes and Own media to analyze the drop/increase in the
optimize the website for the top 10 search keywords. ranking.

Use Blogging, Content Strategy, Onsite Optimization,

Offsite Optimization to optimize the website
Google Ads – Paid Search This needs to eb an always on campaign
until the website is organically (SEO) up
As SEO ranking and be improved with time and effort for the keywords. The Paid search ads
according to google algorithms., until the website is up need to be reviewed and optimized for
for the assigned keywords, Keells needs to invest on better performed once in every 2 weeks.
Paid Media
Paid Search to loose out on current opportunities
available Carryout -
• Ad Optimization,
Usage of Expanded Test Ad and responsive search ads • Add Negative Keywords
to execute the campaigns. • Add New Keyword Match Types
Google Analytic
Currently the Website and app has the analytics codes
integrated however the information that is being
monitored and the metrices analyzed by the marketing Monitor and track Google analytics daily.
team are basic figures like Website Visits,
Page Views, Avg Time Spent, Own Using data, derive actionable insights to
Analytics be implemented on both online and
As Keells is a Fully Fledge Ecommerce website, Tool offline campaign.
recommend analyzing the end-to-end ecommerce goals
on Analytic. Usage of the funnel visualization on google
analyze to map out the website journey funnel of Keells
and analyze the drop off and back it up with
remarketing campaign on Google and Facebook
A dedicated budget for Keells to try out
new ad types which can stand out from
Facebook Product Catalogue Ads
competitors and get the first move
Currently Keells has been running campaign optimizing
advantage through ad recall Lift Metrics.
for engagement and awareness, reference to Appendix
12, the Facebook Promotional budgets and
The Product catalogue adds will drive
effectiveness are lower than Growmark and laugh, Paid Media
conversion for Keell, hence Keells needs
hence keells needs to double up its Facebook Spend
to measurer the conversions coming
and execute advanced ad types like product catalogue
from the campaign vs the conversions
ads to create a personalized shopping experience via
coming organically and need to see the
attributed conversion to offline from the
online campaign
Keells also needs to map out a content strategy on
Instagram which will drive customer engagement, Strategy needs to be mapped out and
brand mentions, brand tagging, brand engagement via timely execution of different campaign on
Earn Media
organic content. The reviews and the brand mention of trend
the bad will be the key focus

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021

Appendix – 14 YouTube Channel of Keells

Mainly focuses on recipes

and customer centric
content on YouTube.
Recipes are the key
content shared on the
YouTube Channel.

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


CR – Corporate Reputation
BL – Brand Loyalty
BE – Brand Equity
BR – Brand Reputation
JKH – John Keells Holdings
SEO – Search Engine Optimization
CL – Customer Loyalty
EBE – Employee Brand Equity
WOM – Word of Mouth
BOD – Board of Directors
BSI – Brand Strength Index
BAV – Brand Asset Valuator
BV – Brand Value
GA – Google Analytics
AI – Artificial Intelligence

Corporate Digital Communications (2305) CIM Membership: 38445021 July 2021


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