Exercise 1

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1.) Vlad had a summer job packing sweets. Each pack should weigh 200 grams. Vlad had to make 15 packs of sweets. He checked the w eights, in grams.
correct to the nearest gram. Following are his measurements:

212 206 203 206 199

196 197 197 209 206

198 191 196 206 207

What is the most frequent data?

2.) A certain study found that the relationship between the students' exam scores (y) and the number of hours they spent studying (x) is given by the equation y=10x+45. Using this
information, what will be the estimated score of a student who spent 4 hours studying?

𝟏 𝟐
3.) The distance traveled by an object given its initial velocity and acceleration over a period of time is given by the equation 𝒅 = 𝒗𝟎 𝒕 + Find
𝒂𝒕 the distance traveled by an
airplane before it takes off if it starts from rest and accelerates down a runway at 3.50 m/s for 34.5 s.

Fill in the blanks using a variable or variables to rewrite the given statement.

1.) Is there a real number whose square is -1?

4.) Every nonzero real number has a reciprocal.
a. Is there a real number x such that _______________? a. All nonzero real numbers
b. Does there _______________ exist such that 𝒙𝟐 = - 1? ___________________________________________________
b. For all nonzero real numbers r, there is ________________________________ for
2.) Given any real number, there is a real number that is greater. c. For all nonzero real numbers r, there is a real number s such that
a. Given any real number 𝒓, there is _________ 𝒔 such that 𝒔 is ___________.
b. For any __________, __________ such that 𝒔 > 𝒓.
5.) Every positive number has a positive square root.

Fill in the blanks to rewrite the given statement. a. All positive numbers
b. For any positive number e, there is _______________________________ for
3.) For all objects J, if J is a square then J has four sides. e.
c. For all positive numbers e, there is a positive number r such that
a. All squares _________________________________________________________ ______________________________
b. Every square _______________________________________________________
c. If an object is a square, then it ______________________________________
d. If J __________________________, then J _______________________________
e. For all squares J, ___________________________________________________

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