P14xEN MEe6 - Split

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Operation P14x/EN OP/Ee6

MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145 (OP) 5-23

Note: The residual power setting, PN>, is scaled by the programmed CT

and VT ratios in the relay.
A further point to note is that when a power threshold other than zero is selected, a slight
alteration is made to the angular boundaries of the directional characteristic. Rather than
being ±90° from the RCA, they are made slightly narrower at ±85°.
The directional check criteria is as follows:
Directional forward
-85° < (angle(IN) - angle(VN + 180°) - RCA) < 85°
Directional reverse
-85° > (angle(IN) - angle(VN + 180°) - RCA) > 85°

1.5.5 cos/sin characteristic


In some applications, the residual current on the healthy feeder can lie just inside the
operating boundary following a fault condition. The residual current for the faulted feeder lies
close to the operating boundary.

% .

. 5 
!   %


* .

!   !  


Figure 13 Operating characteristic for Icos

The diagram illustrates the method of discrimination when the real (cos) component is
considered, since faults close to the polarizing voltage will have a higher magnitude than
those close to the operating boundary. In the diagram, it is assumed that the actual
magnitude of current is I in both the faulted and non-faulted feeders.

Active component Icos

The criterion for operation is: I (cos) > Isef

Reactive component Isin

The criterion for operation is: I (sin) > Isef

P14x/EN OP/Ee6 Operation

(OP) 5-24 MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145

Where Isef is the relay stage sensitive earth fault current setting.
If any stage is set non-directional, the element reverts back to normal operation based on
current magnitude I with no directional decision.

In this case, correct discrimination is achieved by means of an cos characteristic as the

faulted feeder will have a large active component of residual current, whilst the healthy
feeder will have a small value.

For insulated earth applications, it is common to use the sin characteristic.

All of the relevant settings can be found under the SENSITIVE E/F column within the
relay menu. Within the Sens. E/F Options cell, there are two possibilities for selecting
wattmetric earth fault protection; either on its own or in conjunction with low
impedance REF protection, which is described in section 1.6.1. The SEF cos and

SEF sin options are not available with low impedance REF protection.

1.6 Restricted earth fault protection (not applicable to P144 relay model)

The REF protection in the P14x relays may be configured to operate as either a high
impedance or low impedance element and the following sections describe the application of
the relay in each mode.
The high impedance REF element of the relay shares the same CT input as the SEF
protection hence, only one of these elements may be selected. However, the low
OP impedance REF element does not use the SEF input and so may be selected at the same

1.6.1 Biased differential protection


In a biased differential relay, the through current is measured and used to increase the
setting of the differential element. For heavy through faults, one CT in the scheme can be
expected to become more saturated than the other and hence differential current can be
produced. However, biasing will increase the relay setting such that the resulting differential
current is insufficient to cause operation of the relay.
Figure 14and Figure 15show the operating characteristic for the P14x relay applied for

biased REF protection.

Operation P14x/EN OP/Ee6

MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145 (OP) 5-25





I  I

Figure 14 REF bias characteristic

The actual operating characteristic of the element is shown in Figure 14.

The formulae used by the relay to calculate the required bias quantity is therefore as follows:

bias = {(Highest of a, b or c) + (neutral x Scaling Factor)}/2

The reason for the scaling factor included on the neutral current is explained by referring to
Figure 15.


Operate when IDIFF > IS1 + K1.IBIAS
Operate when IDIFF > IS1 + K1.IS2
Operate when IDIFF > IS1 + K1.IS2 + K2.(IBIAS-IS2)
P14x/EN OP/Ee6 Operation

(OP) 5-26 MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145

6  & 7 0






%& I ' I !  I ( )*# I  +,-
 &, )

.% ,-
 &, "  -(/ 


&&" I ' * I ! *I ( *#,-
 &, + I  ) 

Figure 15 REF bias principle

Where it is required that the neutral CT also drives the EF1 protection element to provide
standby earth fault protection, it may be a requirement that the neutral CT has a lower ratio
than the line CTs in order to provide better earth fault sensitivity. If this were not accounted
for in the REF protection, the neutral current value used would be incorrect. For this reason,
the relay automatically scales the level of neutral current used in the bias calculation by a
factor equal to the ratio of the neutral to line CT primary ratings. The use of this scaling
factor is shown in Figure 15, where the formulae for bias and differential currents are given.

1.6.2 High Impedance restricted earth protection


The high impedance principle is best explained by considering a differential scheme where
one CT is saturated for an external fault, as shown in Figure 16.
Operation P14x/EN OP/Ee6

MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145 (OP) 5-27

Healthy CT Saturated CT
Zm Zm A–G


R L1 R L3

R L2 R R L4

Voltage across relay circuit

VS = IF (RCT + 2RL )

Stabilising resistor R ST limits spill current to I S (relay setting)

R ST = VS – R R
IF = Maximum secondary through fault current
Where RR = Relay burden
RCT = Current transformer secondary winding resistance
RL = Resistance of a single lead from the relay to the current transformer

Figure 16 High impedance principle

If the relay circuit is considered to be a very high impedance, the secondary current
produced by the healthy CT will flow through the saturated CT. If CT magnetizing
impedance of the saturated CT is considered to be negligible, the maximum voltage across
the relay circuit will be equal to the secondary fault current multiplied by the connected
impedance, (RL3 + RL4 + RCT2).
The relay can be made stable for this maximum applied voltage by increasing the overall
impedance of the relay circuit, such that the resulting current through the relay is less than its
current setting. As the impedance of the relay input alone is relatively low, a series
connected external resistor is required. The value of this resistor, RST, is calculated by the
formula shown in Figure 16. An additional non-linear, metrosil, may be required to limit the

peak secondary circuit voltage during internal fault conditions.

To ensure that the protection will operate quickly during an internal fault, the CT’s used to
operate the protection must have a kneepoint voltage of at least 4Vs.
The necessary relay connections for high impedance REF are shown in Figure 17. X X
P14x/EN OP/Ee6 Operation

(OP) 5-28 MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145




Figure 17 High impedance REF relay/CT connections

1.7 Residual overvoltage (neutral displacement) protection


On a healthy three-phase power system, the addition of each of the three-phase to earth
voltages is nominally zero, as it is the vector addition of three balanced vectors at 120° to
one another. However, when an earth fault occurs on the primary system this balance is
upset and a ‘residual’ voltage is produced. This could be measured, for example, at the
secondary terminals of a voltage transformer having a “broken delta” secondary connection.
Hence, a residual voltage-measuring relay can be used to offer earth fault protection on such
a system. Note that this condition causes a rise in the neutral voltage with respect to earth
that is commonly referred to as “neutral voltage displacement” or NVD.
The detection of a residual overvoltage condition is an alternative means of earth fault
detection, which does not require any measurement of current. This may be particularly
advantageous in high impedance earthed or insulated systems, where the provision of core
balance CT’s on each feeder may be either impractical, or uneconomic.
The P14x relay internally derives this residual voltage from the three-phase voltage input that
must be supplied from either a 5-limb or three single-phase VT’s. The NVD element within
the P14x relays is of two-stage design, each stage having separate voltage and time delay
settings. Stage 1 may be set to operate on either an IDMT or DT characteristic, whilst stage
2 may be set to DT only.
The IDMT characteristic available on the first stage is defined by the following formula:
t = K/( M - 1)
K = Time multiplier setting
t = Operating time in seconds
M = Derived residual voltage/relay setting voltage (VN> Voltage Set)
Operation P14x/EN OP/Ee6

MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145 (OP) 5-29

Two stages are included for the NVD protection to account for applications that require both
alarm and trip stages, for example, an insulated system. It is common in such a case for the
system to have been designed to withstand the associated healthy phase overvoltages for a
number of hours following an earth fault. In such applications, an alarm is generated soon
after the condition is detected, which serves to indicate the presence of an earth fault on the
system. This gives time for system operators to locate and isolate the fault. The second
stage of the protection can issue a trip signal if the fault condition persists.
The functional block diagram of the first stage residual overvoltage is shown below:

% /3
- $ 

  &'(& % /3

-  !



Figure 18 Residual overvoltage logic (single stage)

VTS blocking when asserted, effectively blocks the start outputs.
When enabled, the following signals are set by the residual overvoltage logic according to
the status of the monitored function:
VN>1 Start (DDB 327) - 1st Stage Residual Overvoltage Start
VN>2 Start (DDB 328) - 2nd Stage Residual Overvoltage Start
VN>1 Timer Blk. (DDB 220) - Block Residual Overvoltage Stage 1 Time Delay
VN>2 Timer Blk. (DDB 221) - Block Residual Overvoltage Stage 2 Time Delay
VN>1 Trip (DDB 274) - 1st Stage Residual Overvoltage Trip
VN>2 Trip (DDB 275) - 2nd Stage Residual Overvoltage Trip

1.8 Undervoltage protection


Both the under and overvoltage protection functions can be found in the relay menu "Volt
Protection". The undervoltage protection included within the P14x relays consists of two
independent stages. These are configurable as either phase to phase or phase to neutral
measuring within the "V<Measur't mode" cell.
Stage 1 may be selected as IDMT, DT or Disabled, within the "V<1 Function" cell. Stage 2
is DT only and is enabled/disabled in the "V<2 status" cell.
The IDMT characteristic available on the first stage is defined by the following formula:
t = K/(1 - M)
K = Time multiplier setting
t = Operating time in seconds
M = Measured voltage/relay setting voltage (V< Voltage Set)
Two stages are included to provide both alarm and trip stages, where required.
Alternatively, different time settings may be required depending upon the severity of the
voltage dip, i.e. motor loads will be able to withstand a small voltage depression for a longer
time than if a major voltage excursion were to occur.
Outputs are available for single or three-phase conditions via the "V<Operate Mode" cell.
P14x/EN OP/Ee6 Operation

(OP) 5-30 MiCOM P141, P142, P143, P144 & P145

The logic diagram of the first stage undervoltage function is shown in Figure 19.

F     &'(&  !

F     &'(&

  &'(& # !


  & %  !


% $ 


Figure 19 Undervoltage - single and three phase tripping mode (single stage)
OP When the protected feeder is de-energized, or the circuit breaker is opened, an undervoltage
condition would be detected. Therefore, the "V<Poledead nh" cell is included for each of
the two stages to block the undervoltage protection from operating for this condition. If the
cell is enabled, the relevant stage will become inhibited by the in-built pole dead logic within
the relay. This logic produces an output when it detects either an open circuit breaker via
auxiliary contacts feeding the relay opto inputs or it detects a combination of both
undercurrent and undervoltage on any one phase.

1.9 Overvoltage protection


Both the under and overvoltage protection functions can be found in the relay menu "Volt
Protection". The overvoltage protection included within the P14x relays consists of two
independent stages. These are configurable as either phase to phase or phase to neutral
measuring within the "V>Measur't mode" cell.
Stage 1 may be selected as IDMT, DT or Disabled, within the "V>1 Function" cell. Stage 2
is DT only and is enabled/disabled in the "V>2 status" cell.
The IDMT characteristic available on the first stage is defined by the following formula:
t = K/(M - 1)
K = Time multiplier setting
t = Operating time in seconds
M = Measured voltage / relay setting voltage (V> Voltage Set)
The logic diagram of the first stage overvoltage function is shown in Figure 20.

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