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1. Achievements

a. Skills and current technology learned/ enforced

 The trainees learned to drive the wheel loader.

 The trainees learned the steps in planting the explosives inside the blastholes.
 The trainees learned how to drill the blastholes and how to plot them accordingly.
 The trainees learned basic educational skills from the supervisors and workers.
 The trainees learned how to use the GPS and read coordinates.
 The trainees were able to understand and experience the Silo Manufacturing.

b. Equipment, machinery, testing apparatus, etc., handled

 Wheel loader - A loader is a heavy equipment machine used in construction to move or load
materials such as soil, rock, sand, demolition debris, etc. into or onto another type of
 GPS - The Global Positioning System, originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based
radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the
United States Space Force. It is one of the global navigation satellite systems that provides
geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where
there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.
 Compass - an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of
magnetic north and bearings from it.
 Drill Rod - Drill Rod is a round metal bar stock made from tool steel that has been ground
and polished to tight tolerances.
 Pneumatic Crawler Drill - the crawler pneumatic drill is a kind of light walking crawler with
deep hole drilling rig powered by compressed air. It is suitable for the construction of water
exploration, gas exploration and gas drainage holes in underground coal mines.

c. Was the proposed program followed? Completed? Why or why not?

 The proposed program was followed and completed because the everyone involved in the
program worked hard and smart. The supervisors and workers assisted the trainees about
the current state of the quarry operations. The trainees adjusted and gave their best in
helping their works and understanding the skills needed in that kind of environment.

d. Strong points versus weak points


 The trainees were exposed in the work area and they assisted the workers when the blasting
phase came.
 The supervisors and workers were very approachable and friendly.
 The workers were able to teach the trainees about their works and the skills needed in the
quarry operations.
 The quarry site is a very safe place to young trainees who wanted to learn about the work
ethics of a Mining Engineer.
 The location of the quarry site is only accessible to private employees and the trainees.

 The water supply is sufficient, but the water quality is not very clean.
 When it rains, the area is very slippery.
 The weather on the quarry site is very hot.
 Quarrying creates pollution from noise and dust.
 The roads leading to the quarry sites are nearly destroyed by the heavy trucks loading the

e. The best experience on the job

 The most memorable experience experienced by trainees during their OJT training in the
quarry site was the blasting phase because they were exposed on the workplace
environment, they learned how to plant explosives, what materials are needed, the staff
members needed and what they have to do with the explosives. They also learned the
duration of each explosion and the problems could occur in this event.

2. Failures


The GPS  Rain Conduct the survey when The trainees
wouldn’t work  Cloudy Atmosphere the weather is sunny. conducted the
on some survey on a sunny
occasions. day.
The 2nd blasting The loading of ammonia was On the next blasting, follow The workers,
sequence had a not proportionate on the the formula for the supervisors and
poor result. blastholes. materials to be trainees followed the
proportionate. formula in loading
the blastholes with
its materials.
The duration of There were broken  Buy a new The company bought
the quarry equipment and machineries equipment, new equipment and
operation is which would require a very machinery machineries.
very long. long period of repairing or  Repair the
beyond repair. equipment and
Blastholes were Rain  Conduct sounding The trainees
filled with every week. conducted sounding
rainwater.  Wrap the ammonia on the blastholes
in plastic so it won’t and wrapped the
get wet. ammonia in plastic.
A truck was The truck took a route that The backhoe would assist in The backhoe assisted
stuck on a was not meant to be used. getting the truck out of the on carrying the truck
pothole. pothole. in safety.

3. Evidence of background preparation of trainees upon the start of the training (theory and
manual skills)

 The trainees were oriented on how to be able to work with safety.

 The supervisors took the trainees for a tour on the quarry site.
 The supervisors taught the trainees basic educational skills that is required in the quarry site.
4. Personal relations: Integration with the company personnel

 The trainees were able to create a strong bond with the supervisors and workers.
 The trainees and employees would celebrate various events sometimes.
 The trainees and employees were both communicative during and after work hours.
5. Attendance and Punctuality

 The trainees would go to the quarry site at 7:00 – 8:00 at the morning and will be dismissed
at 4:00 on the afternoon.
 The trainees are punctual on some occasions but sometimes they were late because of
unexpected problems along the way.
 They trainees would ride on the trucks that are going to the quarry to load and haul
 The trainees never had a day to be absent on the quarry site.
 The trainees were very attentive on their workplace when they switched places.

6. Interest and Commitment

 Each of the trainees were very dedicated when it comes to work.

 The trainees experienced a lot of hardships but were overcame with precisions and guts.
 The trainees were not afraid of try using various kinds of equipment and machineries.
 Despite the hot weather, the trainees were able to complete a land survey on the mountains
and the working site.
 The trainees assisted the workers in loading in the materials for blasting during a hot

7. School- Company Coordination

The school and company were able to accomplish these roles to promote a good relationship
between them:

 Creating a community of creative learners throughout the school and the workplace
 Possessing expertise, comprehension, and enthusiasm for innovative teaching and learning
as a means of boosting performance, aspiration, and motivation
 To create a culture of creative learning practice throughout the school and field of work,
incorporating each department as necessary
 To create, via communication with the larger school community, an inquiry-based strategy
that addresses a variety of topics pertinent to the school's and its students' broader
developmental needs and is connected to the school improvement plan.
 Employing the Creative School Growth Framework and other tools, to promote the long-
term development of creative teaching and learning at a structural and systemic level
 To serve as a facilitator in the classroom and office, able to turn the institution's vision for
creative learning into reality
 To guarantee that the student trainees take an important, active role in learning that can
accurately reflect their requirements, wants, and enthusiasms
 Must assume overall responsibility for program and project management, delegating widely
within the school community and making sure that everyone is aware of their roles and
 To make certain that program participants who are external partners capable of creating
effective communications within the school and community
 To guarantee that all program activities are carried out with consideration for students’
safety, health, and welfare

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