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Raymund Joshua T. Preña

John Paul B. Realco

 Quality Aggregates (like sand, gravel, earth fill, boulders and etc.)
 Guaranteed exceptional service and efficient delivery
 Reclamation, Preservation and Protection of the environment
 Following the rules and regulations adhere by the DENR
 Environmental issues (like noise, vibration, dust, land degradation and etc.)
 Risks to accidents inside the quarry or outside the quarry
 Unresolved waste disposal during long period of quarrying
 Conflict with other land users near the quarry

 Technology development inside the quarry
 Providing high quality construction materials at most affordable price
 Skills development of employees in the quarry
 Health and Safety programs
 Competition to neighboring companies
 Lack of employees and decreasing in salary mandated by the government
 The aggregates fluctuations of prices
 Damages vehicles, damages during transportation and damages handling the quarries
personal equipments.

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