GE 10 Output 2

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Bethany Alexandrine A.

Sajulga September 21, 2022


(1) Whether you have been a Sillimanian for many years or for several months only, give your
observations/ or experiences on the whether the Vision, Mission and Goals have been achieved
or adhered by your university.

I was officially a “sillimanian” in 2018 when I enrolled in the College of Engineering. Looking
back, I was overwhelmed by the school’s culture and tradition and especially the students in it. I
could see how every personality, stereotype, could be ethnicity or race somehow had a place it
belonged in an environment where everybody was different from each other. One of the things I
was lucky enough to experience right before the pandemic and hiatus of face-to-face classes is
how Silliman has upheld the tradition of intramurals. I observed how it unified students and
established a fighting spirit to carry on battles against different departments for the title of
victory. Although only for a short period of time, the bond that was built made memories
enough to last for a lifetime of reminisce.

(2) What particular aspect in the Mission Statement strikes you the most? Expound.

What strikes me the most in the Mission Statement is how the school provides opportunities for
growth and excellence in every dimension of the University life in order to strengthen character,
competence and faith. I believe this is undeniably true because only here in my college life in
Silliman that I gained a lot of experience that helped me figure out my character as a person.
One of which was when I joined Beta Epsilon – a brotherhood and sisterhood of engineering
students in the University of Silliman. This helped me know my way around college life and gave
me a circle I could claim my “own”.

(3) In your honest view, what particular component in how Silliman University pursues its Mission
needs to be strengthened? Why?

In my opinion, what needs to be strengthened is infusing into the academic learning the
Christian faith anchored on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now adays, students don’t take the
religion subject seriously instead they grow to dislike it tend to bore of it.

(4) How would as a current SU student and a as a future Sillimanian professional imbibe the Vision
and Mission of Silliman University?

Gratitude. I will not forget to look back where I came from and where I started from scratch. I
have to take into account how the school and its people helped me be who I am today.

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