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Question: ( 20 Marks )

"Linguistics has been witnessed unprecedented period of development since the WWII which
has established it as a respectable , autonomous discipline "
To what extent do you see this development reflected in Language Teaching?

Discuss it with particular reference to the work of Noam Chomsky and Dell Hymes.

1-Discuss the extent to which "Grammar" can be viewed as order-seeking and / or order-

2-Linguistics provides us with a large part of the theoretical basis of language teaching. Can
we then assume that to be a good teacher one has to have a thorough training in linguistics?

select one question only. Time allowed 3 hours.

1- Assess the different meanings of the concept of "rule" from the perspective of traditional
linguistics and modern linguistics.
2- "Structural approaches to foreign language learning produce structurally competent but
communicatively incompetent learners". Discuss fully.

a)"At an abstract level, beneath the surface variation, languages are remarkably similar in
form and function to certain universal principles" ( Akmajian et al 1984: p 07 )
b) comment on this statement made by J Lyons (1965):
"It is certainly the case that many of the attitudes and ideas of linguistics today seem to result
from a synthesis of certain traditional ideas, with ideas directly opposed to them, their
antithesis expressed by linguists of a previous generation"
The concept of 'native speaker' is central in linguistics, but it often leads to a number of
difficulties when one tries to define it.
Consider some aspects that might be critical to the definition of this concept.
Theoretical Linguistics:

Linguistics were and remain convinced by the Chomsky, who discovered that however
different human langauges seem , all share a common , basic structure , apparently hardwired
into the brain.


In language teaching, there are constant changes and & development of methods and
approaches . Each new method and approach is built on the limitations of the preceding one.

---------------------Theoretical Linguistics: Answers Outline----------------------

The emergence of the schools of linguistics
Copenhagen school
Prague school (circle)
London school
Chicago school
1- Linguistic movements and approaches:
- Behaviorism
- Generativism
- Postivism
- Functionalism
- Structuralism (Bloomfield, De Saussure, and Morris Hall & Harris)
2- TGG theory: Chomsky
- Standard theory: Syntactic Structures 1957
- Extended theory: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax 1965
- Extended Standard theory: Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar 1972
3- Generative phonology
-Distinctive features
-The concept of Redundancy
-Phononlogical rules
4- Semantics
-Semantic theory
-Semantics and Pragmatics
-On correlation between Semantics & Syntax
5- Chomskyian linguistics: Creativity, LAD, Innativism, Universal Grammar.
——————--------————TEFL: Answers Outline--------------------------------
1- Language Teaching Methods and Approaches :
-AL Method
- Post-Metod
-Dogme Method
2-Second language acquisition theories Stephen Krashen
- Natural Order, Monitor Hypothesis, Input Hypothesis, Effective Filter
3- Language Learning strategies
- Cognitive
- Affective and Social ones
4- Syllabus Design and curriculum develpment
-Testing and Evaluation


In any conversational situations, Coda Switching is frequent . Account for the various factors
leading to the speakers' linguistic shift.

---------------------------Theoretical Linguistics-----------------------------------------------
Answer the following questions not exceeding 4 pages -only one exam sheet four-sided

Question 1: ( 15 Marks)

Can we say that POSITIVISM , MENTALISM as well as FUNCTIONALISM in linguistics

relarted to STRUCTURALISM?
In order to succintly explain the existance or the absence of this relationship , Discuss it
within AMERICAN Linguistics (Mainly according to the Bloomfieldians, Distribultionalists ,
and Chomskyans) , and the EUROPEAN lingistics ( Mainly Prague and London trends )
By making reference to the the works of their scholars!

Question2: (5 Marks)

What is the main reason behind the emergence of the interest of some Philosophers as
AUSTIN and SEARLE in language study in 1960's , especially in the aspect related to

What should teachers DO to motivate students to learn effectively?

-----------------------Literature and civilization---------------------------------

--------------------------------1/ Literature------------------------------------------
Write an essay on one of the following topics ( choose only one)
1- The eternal battle between good and evil in Shakespeares' tragedies. Illustrate with precise

2- Account for the emergence of Realism and Naturalism in America. Exemplify with authors
and works
--------------------------------2/ Civilization----------------------------------------
Choose only one of the following topics

1- Analyse the paradoxial co-existence of Conservatism and Liberalism in the 20th century
British society

2- Are the anaphors of the melting pot and cultural pluralism symbols of fusion or confusion
in the American modern society?

-----------------Entrance examination literature and civilisation 2009.-------------------

-----------------------------------Examination in literature:---------------------------------------
African literature:

would you agree with Peter Young who says that African writers had to found their art on
protest and identity. Illustrate with two works in any genre?
American literature:
American literature:

The denunciation of capitalism in American literature.

Discuss with reference to two works of your choice?
English literature:

British literature:

The evils of colonization in Victorian literature.

Discuss with reference to tow works of your choice?
Entrance examination Literature and Civilization part

African civilisation:

Assess the importance of prehistoric times in the building of African civilisation.

American civilisation:

To what extent it be said that the Cold War made the present-day world disorder inevitable?
British civilisation:

The welfare state is very costly but also very rewarding and necessary for Britain's socio-
economic well-being.

--------------------University of Mentouri Contantine 1 --------------------------------

British civilization

Choose one topic:

Post-war Consensus is different from the Thatcherite one. Discuss!

Industry and Empire were closely related phenomena..Analyse in relation to the British
choose one topic:
What is didactics? How is it linked to the teaching -learning and acquisition process?


What approach would you favour if you were to teach or learn an additional language? State
your reasons.

Good Luck for all

‫بالتوفيق للجميع و ال تنسونا من صالح دعائكم‬

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