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Bio LT Pointers to review

LG 1.1
I. The Human Integumentary System
A. Definition
1. It is the body system that consists of the body’s outer covering.
B. Function (remember POT SeESy)
1. Protection against outside threats (pathogens, dust particles, etc.)
a) Barrier Defense
b) The acidity of the Skin
2. Osmoregulation
3. Thermoregulation
4. Sensation
5. Excretion
6. Synthesizing Vitamin D
C. Parts and Structures
1. Skin
a) Definitions and Facts
(1) Largest external organ of the body
b) Functions
(1) See B 1-6 (POT SeESy)
(2) Outer Covering
c) Layers
(1) Epidermis
(a) Definition
(i) From prefix “epi-” meaning upon or over.
(ii) The outermost layer of the skin
(iii) NO blood vessels in this layer
(b) Functions (remember CHEW)
(i) Responsible for natural skin color
(ii) Formation of hair and nails
(iii) External surface protection
(iv) Waterproofing
(c) Layers [from top to bottom] (remember Corn Lose
Grains Spinning Base (IDK what is this))
(i) Stratum Corneum
(a) Made of layers of dead, keratinized,
and cornified squamous cells.
(b) Has keratin, a protein that makes
the skin waterproof
(c) Continuously sheds off by the
process of exfoliation. It moisturizes
the skin and removes the dead cells
clogging the skin
(ii) Stratum Lucidum
(a) Only found in thick skin
(i) In the palms and sole of the
(b) Provides additional thickness to
these areas which are prone to
shock and pressure
(iii) Stratum Granulosum
(a) Has keratinocytes (-cytes means
cells) which are cells that produce
(iv) Stratum Spinosum
(v) Stratum Basale/ Germinativum
(a) Made of one layer of columnar cells
(b) The mitosis layer where cells divide
which will soon become the upper
layers (through exfoliation)
(c) The site of the formation of hair and
(d) Contains melanocytes, cells
producing melanin. Melanin is
responsible for skin pigmentation.
(i) The higher the melanin
production, the darker the
skin is.
(ii) Melanin blocks the harmful
UV rays by consuming the
free radicals induced by light.
(iii) Eumelanin - is more
photoprotective than
pheomelanin and is more
present on darker skin

(2) Dermis
(a) Definition
(i) Second layer of the skin
(ii) Acts as a skin glue or adhesive between
the other layers of the skin
(b) Function (mnemonic: FERN)
(i) Forms the unchanging fingerprint and
footprint for preventing slippage and
unique identity
(ii) Provides elasticity of the skin
(iii) Receiving sensory stimulation
(iv) Nourishing the epidermis
(c) Structures
(i) Areolar connective tissue
(a) Has elastin fibers that provide
elasticity to the skin
(b) Elasticity - property where an object
resists change in shape despite
force, pressure, or shock.
(ii) Blood vessels
(a) The veins, arteries, and capillaries
of the skin
(b) Provides oxygen and nutrients to
the skin cells
(c) Thermoregulation - the blood
vessels dilate when the body
temperature is high and constrict
when the body temperature is low.
(iii) Sensory receptors
(a) In the form of naked dendrites
encapsulated by a connective
(b) Mechanoreceptors - sense physical
deformation such as touch,
pressure, stretch, and motion
(c) Thermoreceptors - detect
temperature, spiciness, and
(i) Capsaicin and menthol
trigger these receptors
(d) Pain receptors/Nociceptors -
detect harmful conditions by thermal.
mechanical, or chemical stimuli
(iv) Follicles and glands

(3) Hypodermis / Subcutaneous Tissue

(a) The lowermost layer of the skin. Made of fats and
adipose tissues
(b) Found between the dermis and the muscle
(c) Thinnest in the eyelids, Thickest in buttocks
(female) and tummy (male).
(d) Function:
(i) High energy reserve
(ii) Insulation
(iii) Cushion
(iv) Body contour
2. Hair
a) Produced by basale cells of the skin
b) Made up of keratin protein and cuticle
c) Why is there no hair in the palms or the soles?
(1) Evolution, they have no purpose
(2) Difficulty in grabbing things
d) Approximately 100000 hairs all over the body
e) Two parts: the root and the shaft
f) The root is connected to the arrector pili muscle which upon
contraction will raise the hair - goosebumps
g) Function:
(1) Thermoregulation - insulation to the body. When exposed
to cold temperature, it raises to make additional insulation
(2) Protection - in some animals, the hair is modified into
quills and spikes (hedgehogs, porcupines, echidnas)
(3) Sensation - when hair is moved, mechanoreceptors in the
skin sense it. Naked mole rats use their small amount of
hair (a condition called glabrousness) for
3. Nails
a) The thin, hard covering of the fingertips and toes
b) Made of cuticle and keratin
c) Has two parts, the nail bed, and root
d) Function:
(1) Protection - protecting the toes and fingers
(2) Grasping small objects
(3) In some animals such as birds, the nail is modified into
claws which can be used in defense.
4. Glands
a) Found in the dermis
b) They secrete substances that aid some of the functions of the skin
c) Types of skin glands
(1) Sebaceous glands
(a) Sac-like exocrine (secrete hormones through
ducts) glands whose duct opens to the hair and
out on the skin surface
(b) Secrete oil and sebum
(i) Lubricates skin and hair
(ii) Prevents dryness
(iii) Contributes to skin acidity
(c) Meibomian glands are modified sebaceous
glands found in the eyelids which secrete oil and
lubricate the eyelashes
(2) Sweat glands
(a) Coiled, tubule-like exocrine glands whose duct
opens into the skin surface
(b) They secrete sweat
(c) Types:
(i) Eccrine sweat glands
(a) Found almost anywhere in the
(b) Secretion is mainly composed of:
water, NaCl, urea, uric acid, and
(c) Function: Thermoregulation and
(ii) Apocrine sweat glands
(a) Found in some areas such as the
armpits and the anogenital area
(b) Active during puberty, emotional
stress, and sexual stimulation
(c) Secretion is made of: water,
proteins, and amino acids
(d) May cause body odor
(iii) Modified sweat glands
(a) Ceruminous glands
(i) Secrete earwax which traps
pathogens and dust from
entering the ear canal
(b) Ciliary glands
(i) Secrete tear-like substances
which lubricate the eyes
(c) Mammary glands
(i) Secrete milk which provides
nourishment to developing
infants or fetus
D. Effects of Aging in the skin
1. Factors:
a) Lifestyle, Diets, Genes, and Personal habits (smoking, drinking
alcoholic substances
2. The following can speed the effects of aging
a) Exposure to sun, Pollution, Stress, and Obesity
3. Physiological and Structural changes in the skin
a) Skin becomes rougher or drier due to loss of cuticle
b) May develop benign tumors or lesions
c) Becomes slack or soggy due to loss of elastin fibers
d) Becomes more transparent due to thinning of the epidermis
e) Becomes more fragile due to the continuous death of connective
tissue in the dermis
f) Easily bruised due to thinning of the walls of skin blood vessels
g) Loses fat in the hypodermal region in the cheeks, temples, chin,
nose, and eyes
h) Discoloration due to the decline of the melanocytes’ activity
i) Hair becomes gray during the late phase of its life cycle (telogen)

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